The funniest New Year traditions from different countries. New Year traditions from different countries New Year traditions from different countries

Holiday story for kids New Year. How the New Year is celebrated in different countries Oh.

A story for children about the New Year traditions of different countries.

New Year one of the oldest and happy Holidays worldwide. At the same time, it is surprising that there is no other holiday that would be celebrated all over the world on such different dates and whose traditions would be so different. In Russia, as in most European countries, as well as in the USA and Australia, the New Year begins on January 1st. Back in 1700, the Russian Tsar Peter I issued a decree according to which the onset of the New Year should be celebrated. People decorated their houses with pine, spruce and juniper branches, arranged fiery fun and festive shooting. Over time, they began to decorate the Christmas trees brought into the house. So the green Christmas tree turned into one of the symbols of this holiday, becoming its main decoration, along with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. By the way, Santa Clauses look different in all countries. Our Russian Santa Claus wears a toe-length fur coat, felt boots, a high fur hat, and holds a staff and a bag of gifts in his hands.

In America, New Year's grandfather - Santa Claus - wears a short red jacket and a funny cap on his head. He travels through the air on a reindeer team and enters the homes of babies through a chimney.

In Belgium and Poland, New Year's grandfather St. Nicholas is considered the very first Santa Claus, because, as the ancient legend says, he left golden apples in a slipper in front of the fireplace to his family. St. Nicholas wears a white robe and rides a horse, accompanied by a Moorish servant, Black Peter, who helps carry a heavy bag of gifts for obedient children. Naughty people do not receive gifts - for them, Black Peter wears rods.

In France, a grandfather with a staff and a wide-brimmed hat, whose name is Pere Noel ("Christmas Grandfather"), puts gifts right up the chimney.

The Swedish grandfather - Jologomten - stacks gifts by the stove, and the German Santa Claus leaves his gifts on the windowsill.

Mexican kids find gifts in the shoe, and English kids in the sock. With the first blow New Year's clock the English and Scots open the back door of the house to let out the Old Year, and with the last stroke of the clock they open the front door to let in the New Year.

In Italy, on New Year's Eve, grandpa Babo Nattale and the good fairy Befana visit the children. They give obedient children gifts that they leave on the balcony, while lazy and capricious children get only coal. Also the Italians new year's eve throw old things out of the windows - cracked ones fly onto the pavement flower pots, peeled chairs, holey boots ... The more things you throw away, the inhabitants of sunny Italy believe, the more wealth the new year will bring.

The funniest name, perhaps, is that of the Finnish Santa Claus - Joulupukki (in Finnish, "joulu" is Christmas, and "pukki" is a goat).

This name was not given to him by chance: many years ago he wore a goat skin and delivered gifts to children riding on a small goat.

The Uzbek snow grandfather Korbobo does not lag behind Joulupukki, who, dressed in striped bathrobe, delivers gifts to kids riding on a donkey.

The snow maiden Korgyz accompanies him. In Mongolia, grandfather Uvlin Uvgun wears cattle clothes, because the Mongolian New Year coincides with the festival of cattle breeding.

Australian Santa Claus named Sylvester cuts through the country kangaroos in the same swimming trunks and on a scooter - on a holiday it is unusually hot there. The local Snow Maiden in a bathing suit helps Sylvester deliver gifts.

In Greece and Cyprus, the New Year's grandfather's name is Saint Basil, in Spain - Papa Noel, in Cambodia - Ded Zhar, in Colombia - Pascual, in the Netherlands - Sunderklaas, in Romania - Mosh Jerile, in the Czech Republic - Grandfather Mikulas.

But, for example, in Norway, gifts to children are distributed by little brownies - nisse. They wear knitted caps and are very fond of sweets. Therefore, in order to appease them and get more gifts, on New Year's Eve, children lay out various delicacies around the house in secluded corners.

In India, on New Year's Eve, parents put small gifts on a tray, and on the morning of the new year, children should eyes closed wait until they are brought to the tray.

In Japan, on New Year's Eve, bunches of straw are hung in front of the entrance to the house, which, according to residents, attracts happiness and scares away evil spirits. At the time of the new year, the Japanese begin to laugh, believing that laughter will bring them good luck in the coming year. The Japanese Santa Claus is called Oji-san.

In Belgium and the Netherlands, there is a belief that a person's behavior on the first day of the new year determines what awaits him in the coming year. Therefore, on this day, people try to do nothing. They prepare a lot of delicious food in advance and put on something new.

In Hungary, on the morning of the first day of the new year, they do not wash their hands with soap, but with coins, so that money is not transferred in their hands all year.

In Yugoslavia, for the New Year, various objects are laid out on the table: a pine twig (for happiness), a ring (for a wedding), a doll (for the birth of a child), money (for wealth) and cover them with a fur hat. Then everyone sitting at the table must pull out an object three times, and if he gets the same one three times, this means that in the New Year the event that this object symbolizes awaits him.

In Iran, even a few weeks before the New Year, grains of wheat or barley are planted in a small dish - sprouted grains symbolize the beginning of spring and the new year of life.

The clever Chinese celebrate the onset of the New Year twice: on January 1, and again somewhere between January 23 and February 19 - the date changes all the time, since on this day the New Year begins, calculated according to the Chinese lunar calendar.

Celebrating the New Year during the new moon is an amazingly beautiful sight! Street processions with firecrackers and firecrackers scare away evil spirits from the houses, and so that they definitely do not get inside, the residents seal the windows and doors with paper. Chinese New Year's grandfather Sho Hin takes part in all this fun.

Preparing for new year in Eastern countries, as elsewhere, it begins long before the holiday. In about two weeks, festive bazaars open in all crowded squares, where you can buy various toys, stars, lanterns of various sizes and shapes - in the form of fish, dragons, horses, birds. Candles are lit inside these bizarre figurines. A lot of toys are sold these days, fashioned from dough: warriors with swords riding horses, boats with rowers in colorful clothes, amazingly beautiful lotuses, figures of animals and birds. And also clay figurines of animals and people.

In Vietnam, the New Year usually starts in February. Local residents believe that God lives in every house, and in the new year this God goes to heaven to tell the Supreme Lord in detail how each of the family members spent the outgoing year.

On a certain day, before the image of the Spirit of the Hearth, people light candles and incense sticks, and also put sweet dishes. Sweets are offered for a reason - so that the Spirit's lips stick together and he does not say too much there, in heaven. And since the Vietnamese believe that God swims on his back

carp, then on a holiday they buy a live carp and then release it into a river or pond. In addition, in Vietnam for the New Year, you should definitely buy a hat, which are also sold in New Year's markets in a variety of styles and colors.

To hats in the East special treatment. The hat is there a symbol of power and an indispensable attribute of the wardrobe of a big boss. In Korea, for the New Year, at numerous Christmas tree markets, they sell not Christmas trees, like ours, but peach branches and trees, symbolizing the onset of spring.

The colorful rituals that accompany the celebration of the New Year in the East have a very definite meaning. In addition to the incessant crackling of firecrackers that drive out evil spirits so that they do not overshadow the holiday, there are many more traditions. The celebration of the New Year, as a rule, lasts for several days. On the second day, you must definitely visit your parents and close relatives if they live separately, and on the third day, do not forget to go to the teacher and congratulate him. On the first days of the new year you can not wear clothes white color(in the East it is the color of mourning), you can’t talk about death, make faces, imitating monkeys, and take out the trash.

And in some countries, the New Year is generally celebrated not in the winter months. So, in Indonesia, this event falls on October. On the first day of the new year, all the people there ask each other for forgiveness for the trouble they caused in the past year. In Burma, the New Year celebration falls on the hottest days of April. Starting from April 1, for a whole week people sincerely pour water on each other and have fun at the Tinjan New Year's Water Festival. Iranians celebrate the New Year on March 21st.

Most of all, Jews celebrate the New Year - as many as four times. At the beginning of autumn, during the harvest season, there comes a feast of sacrifice to God of the harvested fruits. Turning to the Almighty, people ask to save the harvest. From this holiday, the ancient Jews counted the days of the new year.

Later, in mid-September, Jews celebrate Adam's birthday and Rosh Hashanah. It is considered the beginning of the New Year for the reckoning. It is believed that on this day the Lord determines how a person lived. Therefore, on this holiday, people rejoice in the past year and pray for peace, harmony and happiness in the next year. The prayer says: “May this year be kind and sweet!” In the festive meal, there is certainly honey, in which you need to dip pieces of apple and bread.

At the beginning of spring, Jews celebrate the New Year of Trees - in Israel, almonds bloom at this time. People welcome the blossoming buds and the first green leaves, thereby honoring the beginning of a new life in the promised land. It is customary to plant trees on this day.

In fact, it doesn’t matter when and how people celebrate the New Year or what the snow grandfather’s name is, the main thing is that on New Year’s Eve all kind and obedient children always receive wonderful gifts from Santa Claus!

You can always write a letter to Santa Claus at the following addresses:

Official mailing address: 162340, Russia, Vologda region, the city of Veliky Ustyug, the house of Father Frost.

Moscow residence of Father Frost: 109472, Russia, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, Grandfather Frost.

And remember, baby, that Santa Claus answers every letter sent to him, and his friends help him in this - the Snow Maiden, the Bunny and other fairy-tale characters!

Happy New Year!

New Year is the main holiday in many states. Each country has its own special traditions and customs by which it should be met.

Chinese New Year Celebration is strikingly different from how the Slavic people are used to meeting him. The first thing that is shocking is the fact that the holiday comes on a different date every year depending on the lunar calendar. In addition, people associate their New Year with " Spring Festival”And from ancient times it was celebrated in an extremely strange way: locked themselves in houses and feared a terrible monster.

People didn't leave their houses they prayed, ate and drank, as on the last day of their lives. In the morning, those who survived until morning ran out into the streets. They wanted to know the extent of the damage done Nianom(the name of that terrible monster) and check all your loved ones.

This went on until it became clear that the monster is very afraid of red, bright flashes and loud noise. People began to dress themselves in bright clothes, light fires, sing and dance loudly, knock, blow up firecrackers and fireworks.

Nian - a terrible monster for the Chinese, emerging from the water on New Year's Eve

New Year is an occasion for every Chinese stock up big amount pyrotechnics. We can say with confidence that it was the Chinese who laid the foundation for such a stormy tradition of celebrating the holiday, which migrated to other nations.

Except Nian it was customary to scare away all possible evil spirits flying around the city that day and looking for shelter. If a person did not make noise and did not drive them away, ghosts settled in his house and harassed the unfortunate until the next Chun Ze.

At the same time, modern Chinese people considers New Year a family holiday. This day is accepted lay a rich table. If a person, for any serious reason, could not attend the feast, a place is still left for him that no one can take.

After dinner is over, every adult should give his child money. This gift does not have any strict limits on the amount, but must be presented in a red envelope(the color of wealth, happiness and prosperity). It was believed that the donated money could change a person's life for the better.

A red envelope in China is the best gift

INTERESTING: Now the Chinese can give each other paper bills, but in ancient times it was customary to give a necklace made exactly from a hundred coins. Each person did it on their own. This gift was considered the most best congratulations and a wish to live a hundred years.

There is another interesting New Year's habit in modern China and it is called "First Exit". She assumes that after the celebration, a person will leave the house and take exactly six steps in the direction that the horoscope considers favorable and happy this year. After that, you need to go back. This is necessary for luck and joy in the future.

Festive parade on the streets of China

Lighting holiday lanterns

New Year's decor

holiday fireworks

Festive table

How to meet and celebrate the new year in Italy: traditions

Like any country Italy carefully prepares for the meeting of the "winter" holidays: decorates streets and squares, hangs red ribbon bows, puts in order flower beds. new year people perceived with a good mood and sense of humor, for example, in Venice it is customary to wear hats and a beard of Santa Claus on each symbol of the city - the Venetian lion.

INTERESTING: As in China, Italy believes red color symbol of new year and a talisman that protects a person from evil and brings him good luck. That is why every self-respecting Italian on this day should put on something red: dress, shirt, pants, vest, tie, bow tie, socks.

Italy at New Year's Eve

The most unusual italian traditionget rid of old and unnecessary things. This is done in the most unexpected way - by throwing it out the window. That is why tourists are advised not to walk along the beautiful night streets of Italy, or to wear a helmet on their heads.

No one is immune from the fact that instead of an old worn T-shirt, a person will not throw a frying pan out of the window. You can also freely walk on the roadway, because traffic on New Year's Eve in Italy is limited.

INTERESTING: In addition to the fact that the Italians throw out the trash, it is not uncommon for money to fall from the windows. This happens because, according to the good old tradition it is customary to put a small amount of coins on the windowsill luck next year.

Throwing old things out the window is an Italian tradition.

It's no secret to anyone that Italians love and respect food y. They love to eat delicious food every day, and especially on New Year's Eve. Festive dinner in Italy called "Saint Sylvester's Dinner".

Need to start it not earlier than nine o'clock in the evening and lasts mostly until midnight. What's interesting is that the table must have at least seven different dishes. There must be lentils, nuts, pork, red caviar and grapes in any form!

INTERESTING: It is customary to eat pork legs at the New Year's table in honor of the outgoing old year. Pork is a very important product for Italians. In addition to legs, they are happy to cook pork head, sausage and stew.

Italian New Year's table

Unlike pork, don't eat chicken, because they consider the bird not quick and stupid. But if you eat at least a spoonful of caviar, you will bring yourself wealth and good luck. The feast should end with delicious pies and wine.

INTERESTING: Drinking on New Year's Eve in Italy champagne and beer are not accepted. Moreover, it is considered bad manners and bad omen for next year.

Funniest Italian New Year Tradition eat 12 grapes under the chiming clock. It is believed that if a person manages to eat one berry with each blow, then he will be very agile and happy next year.

In addition, not everyone knows that this tradition has a continuation! Exactly at 12 o'clock at night, after the last stroke of the clock the light goes out for a few seconds. This is necessary in order to people at the table kissed each other!

Twelve grapes - New Year's tradition

After 12 midnight people start taking to the streets and continue your fun. In Rome, for example, the most popular place to celebrate the New Year is main square. Here accepted launch fireworks. The superstition of the Italians makes them pay attention to every little thing on the night of the celebration: who they met, how the night went. Eg:

  • Meet the old man - good luck
  • Meet the priest - to disappointment
  • Meet a small child - for fun
  • To meet a humpbacked man is a sign of money and prosperity.

In addition, if an Italian goes to visit on New Year's Eve, he should definitely take a bottle with you pure water . It should be presented to the owners, wishing to find new energy next year. After the festivities in Italy, it is customary to sleep until dinner and then sit down at the festive table again.

The usual Santa Claus or Santa Claus in Italy is called Bobbo Natale. It arose in this country quite recently, in the 19th century, its image was adopted in American culture. Together with Bobbo, a good fairy named Befana comes to the children's houses.

What's interesting is that the fairy does not look attractive and her appearance is comparable to Baba Yaga. Bobbo Natale leaves gifts under the tree, and Befana puts surprises in stockings over the fireplace. If the child behaved badly, then in socks he finds coals instead of sweets.

Bobbo Natale

Celebration in Venice

Fairy Beffan

Celebration in Italy

How to meet and celebrate the new year in England: traditions

In England celebrate Christmas and New Year. As in Italy, Christmas is treated with trepidation here, spending it with loved ones and family members, and New Year's Eve with friends. Instead of Santa Claus, it is customary to call the main wizard here Santa Claus. Across the country, two weeks before the holidays, special performances for children and adults start.

Holiday parades fill the streets of the country in which loved ones take part fairy tale characters: Humpty Dumpty, Pancha, March Hare, Lord Mess. Anyone can buy on the shelves of street vendors colorful masks, crackers, whistles, sparklers and toys. On New Year's Eve it is customary to make noise, have fun, sing and dance.

INTERESTING: Congratulating each other with holiday cards is a tradition that originated in England. It was here that the first card with wishes and drawings was sent in 1843 in London.

The English New Year's tradition suggests that children, going to bed, will set out a large plate. This plate Santa Claus must put gifts. They believe that their home Santa comes on a donkey and therefore he should be appeased as well. To do this, leave some hay or oats in stockings over the fireplace.

The fact that in England the new year has come, It is customary to announce by ringing a bell. There is a tradition that if a couple in love kisses to the sound of the New Year's bell, they will spend the whole New Year together.

The main dish on the English New Year's table is fried turkey. It is customary to cook it with potatoes and chestnuts. In addition, meat pie, pudding and Brussels sprouts are served on the table as a side dish.

holiday fireworks

Festive table

Festive decor

How is the new year celebrated in Japan?

New Year's Eve the streets of the country are full of holiday fairs with gifts, clothes and goodies. Every Japanese should buy hamaimi- these are peculiar arrows that serve as a traditional amulet against evil spirits. It is also necessary to have takarabune- special boats filled with food (rice, lentils, beans). They bring their owners prosperity and good luck in the coming year.

INTERESTING: In Japan, it is also customary to decorate a festive tree - a pine tree. But, this tree is not natural, but made from bamboo, straw and fern.

Holiday Home Decor: Motebana

ancient japanese tradition- decorate the house with a motebana. These are bamboo branches, painted bright colors. You need to hang a moteban in a conspicuous place to appease the Gods. In addition, it is obligatory at 12 o'clock at night ring a Buddhist bell exactly 108 times. This will attract the God of Happiness.

New Year in Japan is accepted celebrate at home with a family dinner. Making noise and having fun is not accepted, on the contrary, you need to sit quietly and remember the events of the past year. After the feast, everyone begins to read the presented cards and review the gifts.

Japanese goodies for the New Year

Outfit for New Year's Eve

New Year's parade in Japan

How do they meet and celebrate the new year in America?

Christmas in America is more important than the New Year. On Christmas all family members gather at a rich table, to have dinner. Comes to the children at night Santa Claus and leaves gifts under the tree and in stockings on the fireplace. The kids, in turn, leave a glass of milk and cookies for Santa so that he can have a bite to eat after a long journey.

Nevertheless, New Year's Eve is also celebrated in the United States on a grand scale.. It is customary to meet him with friends and relatives. Some love celebrate the New Year in public places. In any case, the streets of the country are "noisy", people are having fun, shouting and setting off fireworks.

One of the brightest New Year's Eve traditions in New York is lowering the ball. This has been done since 1097. On the night of December 31, at exactly 23:59, a huge ball falls from a 23-meter height of the attraction, the last ten seconds people count together and loudly on their own. Exactly at 00:00 the ball reaches its lowest point.

INTERESTING: One of the most popular traditions for Americans is kiss the person you're standing next to, exactly on the last chiming clock. Also, if two people happen to be under mistletoe bush, hung as a decorative ornament, they should kiss.

Decoration of the house, yard

Celebrating in the streets of New York

holiday fireworks

Santa Claus

Christmas ball in NYC

Lowering the Christmas ball

How to meet and celebrate the new year in Germany: traditions

The Germans are used to celebrating the New Year only in the circle of close people. Meet the holiday being alone is a bad omen. If you do not have company, just go outside and start congratulating all the passers-by.

In addition, your housing must be prepared for the New Year. Be sure every German decorates the door with a Christmas wreath in early December and thus start the countdown to the holidays.

In the German traditions of preparing for the New Year, it is of great importance festive table and a beautiful elegant Christmas tree. The tree must be large and lush, richly decorated with garlands, toys, tinsel. The main New Year's dish - stollen. This is a baked goose, it is customary to drink it with mulled wine.

Festive stollen

At the beginning of December, every child in Germany receives advent calendar- This is a special calendar for December, counting down the days until the holidays. Instead of Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas comes to the house, leaving gifts all over the house: under the tree, in stockings, under pillows.

advent calendar

New Year's parade in Germany

Saint Nicholas

Celebration in Germany

How is the New Year celebrated in Spain?

Celebrate the New Year in Spain noisy and loud and definitely - not at home. That is why most Spaniards have fun in clubs, restaurants, cafes. The streets are decorated with festive processions and magnificent carnival festivities, large figures with the symbols of Christmas and New Year appear, scattering sweets, coins, tinsel.

Celebrate the New Year in Spain until morning. Every self-respecting Spaniard on New Year's Eve be sure to treat loved ones and strangers with sweets and goodies: nuts, honey, wine. New Year's Eve is a must have red in your wardrobe which will bring good luck and wealth in the coming year. Decorate your home with flowers poinsettia.

INTERESTING: There is no Santa Claus in Spain, but there is Papa Noel. He is dressed in a bright embroidered suit. He walks around the city and throws gifts on the balconies. It is interesting that in his hands he is far from a staff, but a bottle of wine. Paella, turkey, jamon, melon, wine must decorate the New Year's table.

Celebration in Spain Fun for the New Year in Spain

New Year's table in Spain

How is the new year celebrated in India?

Indian New Year- this is big family celebration that collects all at a rich table. The place of the Christmas tree here is elegant and decorated with tinsel and toys. mango tree. Interestingly, instead of Santa Claus, people expect the arrival Christmas women with gifts. It is customary to decorate a home with banana leaves and bright lamps.

The attitude towards alcohol in India is strict, but it is on New Year's holidays drinking strong drinks and being tipsy is officially allowed absolutely everyone: men, women, policemen. It is not customary for women to celebrate the New Year alone, they should be next to their husbands or parents (unmarried).

New Year's Eve Celebration in India

How to meet and celebrate the new year in Finland: traditions

In Finland the celebration traditionally falls on the night of December 31 to January 1. The traditions and customs of this celebration are very similar to the Slavic ones. Finnish holiday is very similar to a fairy tale: lights, decorations on houses, elegant Christmas trees, elves and, of course, Santa Claus.

Fun, songs, masquerades and festive processions in Finland lasts until January 1. The scope of the holiday is simply impressive. One of the unusual traditions of celebrating the New Year among the Finns is it is the burning of butterflies smeared with tar. Watching such a butterfly burn, people see off all the failures and problems that happened to them last year.

Another ancient tradition honor dead ancestors. This must be done a few days before the New Year. You just need to come to the cemetery and light memorial candles. Such lights can be found in the New Year's time throughout the country. Besides, with illumination, the Finns try to decorate everything they can: house, facade, roof, doors, windows, yard, trees.

Instead of traditional grandfather Frost, here Joulupukki distributes gifts to children. Two days before the New Year, numerous attractions for locals and tourists: skiing, skating, sledding, snowboarding. The main festive event at this time for the Finns is “ Snow and Ice Festival". Craftsmen carve beautiful realistic figures from pieces of ice fairy tale characters and people.


New Year's town in Finland

How to meet and celebrate the new year in Africa: traditions

In Africa, the New Year is perceived by people as the beginning of a new stage of life. On this continent, the celebration was first celebrated in Egypt where the world's first calendar was created. Surprisingly, the arrival of the New Year in those days at the end of September.

In the small tribes of Africa, the New Year, of course, was not counted and was not celebrated. Changes occurred when Africa became a European colony: European traditions migrated along with the Europeans. Now, the New Year is traditionally celebrated here on January 1 and, despite other beliefs, the New Year has little in common with Catholic traditions.

It is worth noting that most of the population of Africa - poor. That's why celebrating the New Year on a grand scale is not customary here. However, this holiday brings families closer, forcing men to return from their earnings to their wives and children. The house is decorated with palm leaves and other plants. For dinner, the hostesses try cook meat dishes, and it is customary to drink home-made beer from hops.

Other New Year's Eve customs in Africa:

  • Kenya and Tanzania celebrate the New Year in the usual way for everyone: a magnificent table, congratulations and gifts. On the first day of the New Year, it is customary to go to church (in many countries Orthodox people and Catholics).
  • in South Africa On New Year's Eve, it is customary to do charity work and make offerings to the poor. This is done by wealthy locals and the government.
  • In West Africa there are a lot of unusual traditions for celebrating the New Year. For example, racing competitions, ritual dances around the fire and self-inflicted wounds with knives.

African New Year Celebration

How is the new year celebrated in Brazil?

New Year in Brazil- This is a cheerful magnificent holiday. If Brazilians celebrate Christmas modestly with their families, then in the New Year they strive leave home and spend time with friends. The streets of all cities literally “whiten” and not from snow, but from the fact that everyone is trying throw paper out the window. This tradition symbolizes the end of the working year.

It's hot in Brazil on New Year's Eve. Flying streets, houses and apartment windows hung with festive lights and garlands. Decorations are not removed until the February carnival. People do not sit in stuffy houses, but celebrate the holiday on the street, in the square and even on the beach. Dress On this day, only white clothes are accepted.

Many intertwined in Brazil customs with different cultures : European, African, Indian. Interestingly, the traditional name of the holiday "New Year" is not used here, but sounds like "fraternity" or "fraternization". This happened because the locals believe that the holiday brings people together so much that everyone can call each other “brother”.

INTERESTING: Exactly at midnight, the black sky of Brazil is filled with bright colors of fireworks, as a sign of the New Year. In these first seconds of the coming year, every Brazilian must jump exactly seven times to be happy and healthy.

Celebration in Brazil

How is the new year celebrated in France?

France after the meeting of Christmas on December 25 are preparing for the celebration New Year. They do it on December 31 in restaurants or cafes, they can just go to visit. The French love celebrate the holiday with delicious food: turkey, chicken, pig. In addition, passers-by can sprinkle each other with sweets.

INTERESTING: An elegant Christmas tree in France is of great importance, it must be beautiful and lush. Colorful Christmas trees are not only in houses, but also decorate the yard. Performances and concerts are held in the cathedrals.

French Santa Claus is called Per Noel. According to custom, he arrives on a donkey and climbs into the house through the chimney. To appease the wizard children put gifts in shoes for him and invariably believe that he will leave them great gifts for good behavior.

The original French New Year's tradition set fire to the log made on Christmas Day. It's done in the street, watching the flames, it follows make a wish. The remaining coals must be collected by each member of the family and keep it for good luck until next year.

INTERESTING: Another original tradition is associated with wine. Those who are engaged in winemaking, or simply appreciate this drink, should wish Happy New Year to the best barrel (bottle) of their wine.

Celebration in France

New Year's Eve Celebration in France

How do they meet and celebrate the new year in the Czech Republic?

Celebration in the Czech Republic begins with "Saint Nicholas Day" December 6. Still, the main holiday is Catholic Christmas . The main dish on the festive table - carp. Fish scales are usually stored under plates. A coin is also placed there, which should bring happiness to the guest.

INTERESTING: The scale of the New Year's carp in the Czech Republic is considered a money amulet and therefore it is often carried in a wallet.

One of the names of Christmas Eve is "Generous Evening". On the table that day should be present at least twelve lenten dishes, moreover, must try each. According to tradition, it is necessary to put an extra plate on the festive table, as they say, for the occasional guest.

INTERESTING: In addition to the fact that carp is the main New Year's dish, on the streets of the Czech Republic you can meet sellers offering small carp fish. Such a fish must be bought and immediately released into the water to attract good luck.

Often New Year's Eve in the Czech Republic is called "Sylvester". On this holiday, the table should also have lots of tasty treats. Main dish - small grain porridge, which will allow "money in pockets". On New Year's Eve, fireworks are also set off, cards and gifts are given to each other.

Celebration in the Czech Republic

Which countries are the first to celebrate the New Year in the world?

The onset of the New Year earlier or later in the countries depends on the time range. If you look at the unfolded map of the world, then visually the New Year "moves" from right to left. That is, New Zealand and Australia are the first to meet him, the last are Hawaiian Islands and Samoa.

Video: “How New Year is celebrated in 10 different countries of the world”

New Year is the most magical holiday. A decorated Christmas tree, the clinking of champagne glasses, shiny toys, a clock strike - this is what the average resident of the Russian Federation associates with the New Year.

However, not all countries celebrate this date as we do. Many peoples have very unusual, and sometimes even strange traditions that are customary to observe on New Year's Eve. And the celebration of the New Year itself does not always fall from December 31st to January 1st, and, moreover, in some countries the date of New Year's celebration is "floating" and is often appointed by the government. There are many more interesting traditions and customs, which we will tell you about today.

in Italy


Hot and temperamental Italians celebrate this holiday in the same emotional way, which is quite consistent with their character. On New Year's Eve, it is customary to throw old and unnecessary things out of the windows: absolutely everything is used - from crockery with cracks to a broken refrigerator. Walking the streets in the evening, you need to be extremely careful, otherwise you risk getting a powerful blow with an iron or a chair. After all the rubbish is mercilessly thrown away, the Italians take care of their wardrobe - on New Year's Eve, the wardrobe should be filled with new clothes, and the holiday should also be celebrated in new clothes. It is believed that such a custom helps a person to cleanse himself of everything old and prepare for the new.

As in many other countries, the New Year in Italy is a time of gifts. Children are preparing their shoes for surprises from the Befana fairy, while adults are waiting for Babbo Natale (Italian Santa Claus). Even if you have nothing to give - do not worry. Just bring your friend "new water" from the spring and an olive twig. This gift is sure to bring happiness.

In Austria


In Austria, the New Year begins with Strauss's operetta " Bat» at the Vienna Opera is the most important symbol of the holiday. The feast is merry and loud: people release fireworks into the air and open a masquerade to exorcise evil spirits; hostesses prepare a festive table: suckling pig, hot punch, green ice cream, chocolate or marzipan pigs.

Also, the Austrians do not miss the chance to find out what awaits them next year - fortune-telling on lead helps them in this. IN cold water molten metal is poured out, and then they look at what kind of figure it turned out.

In Finland

As you know, Finland is the birthplace of Santa Claus, but here his name is Joulupukki. He has talking deer and a mountain of goodies. He delivers them to obedient children, managing to travel the whole world in one night.

For the Finns, the New Year is a kind of repetition of Christmas: they gather again with the whole family at the festive table, arrange funny performances and tell fortunes on wax.

In Ireland


During the celebration of the New Year, the Irish are distinguished by their hospitality - looking into any house, you can count on refreshments and an honored guest place at the table. And it will not be difficult to enter the Irishman's house on New Year's Eve, as they open all the doors and windows so that the unclean forces leave. Here you will be treated to traditional pastries - seed cake (cookies with cumin), as well as a variety of meat, fish and vegetable dishes. A special place is occupied by pudding. It is worth noting that Irish housewives cook it three times a year: at Christmas, New Year and Epiphany.

As in many other countries, in Ireland it is also customary to guess. The girls put mistletoe, clover, ivy, and lavender under their pillows and go to bed to dream of seeing their betrothed.

In Brazil

Although the New Year is celebrated in Brazil on December 31st, this summer holiday because the sun, the sea and the beach always reign here. Unlike many other nations, Brazilians celebrate this day outside the home - they go to bars and restaurants to watch the New Year's fireworks and have a good rest.


Since Brazilian culture has African origins, it is customary to pay tribute to the goddess of the sea, Imange, on New Year's Eve. To do this, they make a wish and send candles and white flowers to the sea on wooden boards. It is believed that the further the candle floats without going out, the more likely it is that the wish will come true.

There is another custom that will help to fulfill the desire. To do this, you need to eat twelve grapes. Brazilians also call everyone around brothers and sisters, forgiving insults and promising to be more tolerant of each other. Interestingly, there is no Santa Claus here at all.

In Japan

In Japan, the New Year is exclusively a family holiday. It is believed that on this day seven gods descend to earth, including those who are the patrons of rice and fishing - the staple food in Japan.


The fact that a new year has come to earth is announced by 108 blows that come from the temple. The Japanese believe that there are six basic human vices - greed, greed, envy, frivolity, anger and stupidity, each of which has 18 subspecies. One strike of the bell is designed to expel one misfortune from a person. When the last blow strikes, people go out into the street to congratulate each other on ... birthdays. It is interesting that many years ago in Japan they did not celebrate this date and everyone at the same time added “one” to their age on New Year's Eve.

In the evening, the whole family gathers at the festive table. There is no place for fun, noise and din - everyone should seriously think about coming year full of new events.

And for little Japanese O-shogatsu(New Year) is one of the most long-awaited holidays, because Segatsu-san (Santa Claus) will bring interesting gifts that the kids have been waiting for a whole year.

In Guatemala

In Guatemala, the New Year is celebrated very noisily: cheerful festivities on the streets, grilled vegetables and meat, street performers - all these are integral attributes of the holiday. As in Italy, it is customary to get rid of old things. However, here they are not just thrown out the windows, but burned in bonfires in the main square of the city. While unnecessary irons and pots are burning, people walk around the fire, beat drums and set off fireworks. And here you can’t do without alcoholic drinks: local rum, beer and the famous Rompopo cocktail.


As in Russia, in the USA the celebration of the New Year begins on the evening of December 31st. Americans celebrate this holiday noisily, cheerfully, with foaming champagne and the clink of glasses. On this day, two of the most important events of the year take place in the United States: the Pantomime Parade and the Tournament of Roses.


The pantomime parade was first held in Philadelphia by Irish settlers who staged the celebration as a ten-hour performance. It is accompanied by songs and dances. People under the leadership of the King of Pantomime march through the streets of the city. The Tournament of Roses is also a very bright, beautiful and memorable event. For the first time this holiday was held in the state of California. The end of the tournament is indicated by Soccer game"Pink Ball", which is broadcast on all television channels in the country.

Americans also have their own New Year's symbols. The most famous are the old man and the baby. The first symbolizes the outgoing year, and the second - a new one. Also, Americans write themselves "New Year's tasks" - what they should do in the new year, for example, quit smoking, lose weight or spend less money on entertainment.

In Germany

New Year in Germany is called Sylvester and celebrate it, as a rule, outside the home. With the first strikes of the chimes, announcing the onset of the new year, the Germans take to the streets with champagne, fireworks and congratulate each other on the holiday. Also in Germany there is an interesting custom: a few seconds before the clock strikes, people climb onto chairs to “jump” into the new year.

It is also a very long-awaited event for the little ones. Children believe in Santa Nikolaus, who will bring them gifts on a donkey and leave them on the windowsill.

In Denmark

New Year traditions in Denmark are very interesting and unusual. Food plays a very important role. On the evening of December 31, the housewives prepare a large bowl of porridge, on the bottom of which they put almonds or nuts. If he comes across an unmarried girl, then in the near future she will have a wedding, for the rest it means a happy and favorable year. Other popular dishes are potatoes and fish.


This holiday is especially long-awaited for children. They are looking forward to Yulenissa - the younger Santa Claus. By the way, it is worth noting that there are two of them in Denmark - the second is called Ulemanden. But it is Yulenesse who makes toys for children in her forest house for a whole year, and on New Year's Eve brings them home. And Yulemanden is an old, old grandfather, he is helped by elves.

Parents also do nice things for their children. The children receive as a gift a Christmas tree made of wood or in the form of a soft plush toy, from under which the troll's paws look out - it is believed that this is the soul of the tree.

In China


The Chinese celebrate the beginning of the new year between January 17 and February 19, during the new moon. In China, as in Japan, the New Year is a traditional family holiday. But the preparation starts early.

People cover doors and windows with paper to keep people out of their homes. evil spirit that envelops the new year. Petards and fireworks on New Year's Eve have the same meaning. The hostesses prepare a gala dinner and set the table in the living room. Before proceeding to a meal in a narrow family circle, food is first "offered" to deceased relatives.

Also on this day, all grievances are forgiven. After dinner, no one goes to bed, so as not to miss their "new" happiness.

In Estonia


Although the New Year is not a traditional Estonian holiday, this day is officially recognized as a day off. Due to the fact that many Russians live in Estonia, the New Year is celebrated here four times: according to Russian time, according to Estonian, according to the old style and according to Eastern calendar. As in most Eastern European countries, in Estonia the New Year is celebrated very cheerfully and noisily: champagne flows like water, a richly laid table allows you to enjoy the taste of traditional New Year's dishes, alcoholic drinks amaze with their variety.

Estonians decorate the streets of cities in a European way with garland lights, shiny hanging toys; in the houses flickering candles and burning fluffy christmas trees. For youth there is big choice entertainment: many nightclubs and hotels offer New Year's programs.

In Switzerland

It is customary for the Swiss to celebrate the New Year twice: from December 31st to January 1st and according to the old Julian calendar. As in many others European countries, here this holiday is celebrated noisily and cheerfully. People bawl, blow up firecrackers and firecrackers, trying in this way to drive away evil forces. On the night of January 13-14, you can see very unusually dressed people - on their heads they wear either Dollhouse or a small botanical garden. These are residents who are highly respected by the townspeople. They are the main "fighters" with evil spirits.

In Switzerland, there is a very interesting belief for the New Year: if a drop of cream falls on the floor, then the year for the owners of the house will be successful and happy.

In Australia


The Australian New Year is not at all like the European one, as there is no traditional Christmas tree, toys, gifts from Santa and snow-white snow. But Australia has its own special holiday. Instead of traditional spruce, Australians dress up pine or cedar.

Also, the world's largest New Year's fireworks are launched here, and after that they hold a parade of boats. For lovers of marine technology, this is a real event, as here you can see boats, ships and boats of all shapes and sizes. Well, if you are not a big fan of such technical innovations, then take a walk along the beach - here you will meet a snow maiden in a bikini, who will give you a nice souvenir as a keepsake.

In the Dominican Republic


Rest in the Dominican Republic is the dream of the most fastidious tourist. And probably every person on the planet dreams of celebrating the New Year among exotic trees, flowers, hot beaches and passionate Latin American rhythms. The symbol of the New Year in the Dominican Republic is, like ours, spruce. However, not everyone can afford a living tree, so people buy artificial coniferous beauties and decorate them with corals, interesting shells and luxurious fresh flowers.

The New Year is celebrated here noisily and cheerfully with dancing until the morning. You should definitely buy new clothes - this promises good luck and prosperity in the new year. And if you want to travel a lot, then take your favorite suitcase, pack it as for a vacation and run around your house with it several times. Do not forget about home decor - Dominicans decorate their homes balloons and colorful ribbons.

In Scotland

The traditions of celebrating the New Year in Scotland are very interesting and have ancient roots. One of the oldest customs is associated with a barrel of tar. It must be set on fire and rolled down the street. In this way the Scots burn the old year and light the way for the new.

Scottish New Year is called Hogmany and it is celebrated for four whole days. These days the doors of houses are open to everyone. The most welcome guest is a black-haired man, preferably a chimney sweep. According to ancient belief, if he enters the house with a piece of coal and throws it into a blazing fire in the fireplace, then this will bring happiness and good luck to the family. Four major Scottish festivals start on New Year's Eve - a torch parade, a street performance and party, and a musical event.

In France


New Year traditions in France are very interesting and unusual. So winemakers have a custom to be the first to congratulate ... their wine barrel on the New Year. The owner pours a glass of wine, clinks glasses with a barrel, and then hugs her. The hostesses, meanwhile, bake a traditional pie and put one bean in it. The one who gets it at the festive table is declared the "bean king", and that evening everyone will fulfill his wishes.

The French also have their own Santa Claus, his name is Pierre Noel. By the way, he has an assistant named Pierre Fuetard. He strictly monitors Noel and makes sure that he gives only obedient, hardworking and kind kids, and bad children receive a rod instead of a gift.

in Peru

Peruvians, like almost all Latin Americans, are very emotional, so they celebrate the New Year just as violently. In particular, there is a custom to throw away bad emotions and thoughts, just as Italians get rid of unnecessary and old things. And they do it with fights! Yes exactly. Everyone joins the general process, including women and teenagers. In this way, they do not allow fate to punish themselves for some misdeeds in the outgoing year - it is unlikely that she will want to cause damage to the already battered Peruvians.


And for those who are planning or really want to make a long-awaited trip, there is another tradition - you need to take your favorite suitcase and run around your quarter with it, moreover, you need to have time to do this before the new year.

And those who want to attract good luck in the coming year must eat 13 grapes before the clock strikes twelve. Special attention is given to the last, thirteenth grape, since it is she who brings success. And immediately after the onset of the new year, Peruvians take to the streets and burn an effigy stuffed with firecrackers. In this way, fireworks are launched at the same time.

In Cuba


Cuba also has a New Year's tradition associated with grapes. But, unlike Peruvians, Cubans eat 12 grapes - you can make one wish every month. Some traditions are very similar to Russian ones, for example, the New Year tree. However, the Cubans have their own symbol of the New Year - this is an araucaria (coniferous tree) or an ordinary palm tree. And instead of champagne they have Cuban rum. For the New Year, a traditional cocktail is made here, consisting of rum, orange juice, liqueur and ice.

As for Santa Claus, it is worth noting that the Cubans have three of them: Gaspar, Valtasar and Melchior. They are the masters of magic and fulfill all the wishes of the children, which they inform the kings in their letters.

Once in Cuba on New Year's Eve and going out into the street, few people remain dry. And it's understandable, because Cubans have a custom to pour water out of windows and doors - in this way they see off the old year, and with it all the bad things. And the traditional Cuban "wet wish" promises success and happiness in the new year.

In Greece


As in most other countries, in Greece the New Year is celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. In addition, on this day, the Greeks celebrate the name day of Vasily. People with this name are congratulated and given gifts, and temples and churches named after St. Basil offer special celebration programs, which often include various foods and drinks. On New Year's Eve it is customary to play cards, as this is a happy day for the players.

One of the main symbols of the Greek New Year is basil - it is added to various dishes, people decorate their homes with it. There is another interesting belief: any container filled with fresh water is cleansed on this day.

New Year's dishes also play a big role. The hostesses prepare a special cake called Vassilopita, in which they put one small coin. Whoever gets it will be especially lucky in the coming year.

December 27, 2011, 03:18

NEW YEAR IN RUSSIA There are quite a few traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia. But what's interesting is that most of them are borrowed from Western culture. This is explained, apparently, by two reasons: firstly, the arrival of Christianity in Slavic Rus' completely, or almost completely destroyed the pagan traditions of meeting the new year and seeing off the old one. Secondly, new Western customs were imported into Russia by the nobility and nobility, which were subsequently adopted by the common people and became popular. Moreover, each era brought something new. From the times of Slavic paganism, we got mummers, buffoons and jesters. The era of Peter the Great and subsequent reforming rulers brought Christmas tree with toys, fireworks, Santa Claus and a New Year's table (pickles such as Olivier salads and vinaigrette were not known before, they managed with cereals and pies). And the country of the Soviets gave us Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, the obligatory Champagne with tangerines on the table and the chiming clock. NEW YEAR IN CHINA
Chinese New Year is celebrated between January 17 and February 19, during the new moon. Street processions are the most exciting part of the holiday. Thousands of lanterns are lit during the processions to light the way for the New Year. The Chinese believe that the new year is surrounded by evil spirits. Therefore, they scare them away with firecrackers and firecrackers. Sometimes the Chinese seal windows and doors with paper to keep out evil spirits. New Year in China is a strictly family holiday, and every Chinese wants to spend it with their relatives. On the evening of the last day of the year, each family in full force gathers in the living room for a gala dinner. During this dinner, which was held under the sign of the unity of the clan, and above all the unity of its living and deceased members, its participants eat dishes that are first offered to the spirits of their ancestors. At the same time, family members get the opportunity to forgive each other old grievances. After the end of the meal, no one went to bed, so as not to miss their future happiness. Night vigils for the New Year were called "to protect the year." NEW YEAR IN JAPAN
In Japan, New Year is celebrated on January 1st. Mandatory is the custom of seeing off the Old Year, which includes organizing receptions and visiting restaurants. At the beginning of the new year, the Japanese begin to laugh. They believe that laughter will bring them good luck in the coming year. On the first New Year's Eve, it is customary to visit the temple. In temples, 108 bells are beaten. With each blow, according to the Japanese, all the bad things go away, which should not be repeated in the New Year. To keep out evil spirits, the Japanese hang bundles of straw in front of their houses, which they believe brings good luck. In houses, rice cakes are placed in a conspicuous place, on top of which tangerines are placed, symbolizing happiness, health and longevity. In Japan, the European Christmas tree is furnished with exotic plants that grow on the islands. NEW YEAR IN INDIA
The traditional New Year, which is celebrated on January 1, is far from being the starting point of the new calendar year for all countries. Hindus, for example, celebrate this holiday more than four times a year - they have such a national feature... India is one of the countries where many cultures and subcultures intersect. Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists live there, but, nevertheless, the bulk of the population professes the ancient religion of Hinduism. And the New Year for them, respectively, comes according to the prescription of the Hindu calendar. This does not mean that the Hindus skimp on the Islamic and Christian New Year - they are happy to take part in the celebration of these celebrations, as well as the Nativity of Christ. The traditional Indian year, called Gudi Padva, this time starts on March 26, but the date changes every year, depending on the lunar calendar. The celebration of the new year lasts more than one day and is accompanied by various carnival processions, fairs and other paraphernalia. But, since the political, economic and social spheres of the country are guided by the Christian chronology, the first of January is also not ignored. Hindus from Tamil Nadu celebrate the beginning of the new year on April 14, which coincides with the official arrival of spring. In Andhra Pradesh, the new calendar year comes only on March 26th. Residents of Kashmir begin the countdown of the new year in general from March 10, and continue to celebrate until the end of the celebrations in all states, and in West Bengal the new year comes on April 13. Do not forget about the celebration of the New Year according to the Eastern calendar, as well as the Muslim New Year. Thus, with full confidence we can say that India is the most New Year's country in the world. NEW YEAR IN TURKEY Muslims are not forbidden to celebrate the New Year, but it is not recommended to decorate the Christmas tree and invite Santa Claus. This is stated in the New Year's statement of the head of Turkish Muslims. The tradition of celebrating the New Year is recognized all over the world and is part of world culture, but Christmas is religious holiday and has nothing to do with the New Year. Muslims should not confuse the two holidays, and the use of Christmas symbols on New Year's Day is indicative of "religious and cultural degradation." The tradition of celebrating the New Year with a Christmas tree is common in Turkey. However, in a number of Muslim countries, the celebration of the New Year is not welcomed. In particular, in Saudi Arabia, this is punishable by arrest. New Year in Australia starts on the first of January. But just at this time there is such a heat that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden deliver gifts in bathing suits. Italians on New Year's Eve, old things are thrown out of the windows - flower pots, old chairs, boots fly from the windows onto the pavement ... The more things you throw away, they believe, the more wealth the New Year will bring.
Inhabitants british isles with both hands they hold on to the old custom of "Letting in the New Year". In Herdfordshire, the New Year's custom is that when the clock starts to strike 12, the back door of the house is opened to let out the Old Year, and on the last stroke of the clock, the front door is opened to let in the New Year. IN Scotland before midnight, a bright fire is lit in the fireplace on the farms, and the whole family sits around it, waiting for the clock to strike. When the hands of the clock approach 12, the owner of the house gets up and silently opens the door. He keeps it open until the clock strikes the final blow. Thus he releases the old year and brings in the new. IN Spain The expressive features of an erotic cult are carried by one of the New Year's customs, which is now observed in many villages of the country, although now in a comic form: "estrechos" (in Asturias - "devotos") - the conclusion of fictitious marriages. On New Year's Eve, the girls and boys of the whole village draw lots - pieces of paper with the names of fellow villagers of both sexes. Guys thus get "brides", girls - "grooms". In some places, for example in the district of Ourense, this procedure is done in front of the fires at the church porch. The resulting marriage couples are considered to be in love until the very end of Christmas time, and they behave accordingly. In Barcelona, ​​in Madrid Until recently, on New Year's Eve, they sold tickets with the names of guests of both sexes and then combined them in pairs at random: they got "grooms" and "brides" for the whole evening. The next morning, the "groom" was supposed to come to his "bride" with a visit and a gift - flowers, sweets. Sometimes young people arranged the matter in such a way as to get their beloved girl as a "bride", and the matter ended in a real marriage. It is very likely that here are traces of an ancient, quite serious marriage custom when marriages were contracted under the strict control of the community. In Belgium and the Netherlands"Magic of the first day" is ubiquitous, the meaning of which lies in the fact that a person's behavior on the first day of the New Year is judged on what lies ahead for him in the coming year. Therefore, they tried not to borrow anything on this day, to put on something new, etc. In order for there to be prosperity in the house all year, it was also necessary to have an abundance of food on New Year's Eve. New Year's Day is also a holiday for children. On this day, children congratulate their parents on the New Year and read pre-prepared congratulatory letters to them, written on a special paper decorated with bright colors and ribbons. Among the Flemings and Walloons, on New Year's Eve, the "Good Angel" or "Christ Child" goes home, putting sweets under the pillow for sleeping children. Since ancient times it has existed in Netherlands and Belgium another custom widely spread in other countries is the election of the king of the holiday. To do this, the housewives bake a pie into which the bean is baked. The one who gets a piece of the bean pie becomes the king for the whole holiday. The king himself chooses his queen and retinue: the court jester, the nobleman, "Black Peter", etc. In Brabant and West Flanders there is another way of choosing a king. 16 special so-called royal postcards (Koningsbriefs) are made, which depict the king, his courtiers and servants: adviser, kravchiy, confessor, ambassador, singer, actor, cook, etc. In the village, such postcards are often drawn by hand. Then those present at random take one postcard, and in this way the roles of the festive evening are distributed. The King and Queen, crowned with golden paper crowns, preside over the evening. All their gestures and actions should be repeated by those present. Their power continues all day on January 6, which takes place in fun entertainment and jokes.
Finnish according to ancient ideas, the central winter month was fox. January and February were called big and small or the first and second months of tammikuu (tammikuu). The celebration of the New Year on January 1 was adopted by the Finns in the 16th century. Prior to this, as already mentioned, the year began after Michaelmas Day, gradually moved towards the end of October, and at one time was apparently celebrated on November 1st. From the time the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1, on the eve of it and on the first day, the features characteristic of such a date passed. On the eve began to guess. In particular, casting of tin into water, which came from the west, spread. They cast one figurine for each member of the family and the last one for the spirit of the earth to find out if he would patronize the house. In the water from under the casting, the girls moistened their handkerchiefs and put them under their heads, hoping to see their betrothed in a dream. In addition, they looked in the mirror, which supposedly will help to see the face of the groom, to predict in the coming year: the upcoming marriage, the time of death, etc. In Bulgaria traditionally celebrate the New Year at home. Before the start of the holiday, the youngest in the house stands near the Christmas tree and sings carols to the guests. In gratitude, kind uncles and aunts give him gifts. The most interesting begins with the 12th strike of the clock. At this time, the lights go out for a moment in the houses for New Year's kisses. Only after that the hostess begins to cut the cake with surprises baked in it. If you got a coin - wait for wealth, a branch of a rose - love. The same surprise cake tradition is common in Romania and Australia. In Austria the modern custom of gifts and congratulations on New Year's Eve was widespread in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It is now customary to give figurines or send postcards with the traditional symbols of happiness; these are the chimney sweep, four-leaf clover, pig. Dinner on December 31 should be plentiful in order to live well in the New Year. An obligatory meat dish was a jellied pig or pork. It was believed that in order to be happy, one must eat a piece of a head or a pig's snout; it was called "participating in swine happiness" (Saugluck teilhaftig werden). In Switzerland(and in the aforementioned Austria) people dress up to celebrate Saint Sylvester's day. This holiday is based on the legend that Pope Sylvester (314) caught a terrible sea monster. It was believed that in the year 1000 this monster would break free and destroy the world. To everyone's delight, this did not happen. Since then, in Austria and Switzerland, this story is remembered on New Year's Eve. People dress up in masquerade costumes and call themselves Sylvesterklaus. New Year - uj ev (uj ev) - in Hungary does not have the same significance as Christmas, although some Christmas rites and beliefs were observed at this time. For example, beliefs related to the magic of the first day were very common, among them superstitions associated with the first visitor played a significant role. According to popular belief, the woman who entered the house first on this day brings misfortune. Therefore, often a boy is sent to the house of relatives under some pretext, after visiting which the house is no longer afraid of the visit of a woman. Many magical actions were taken in order to be healthy and wealthy in the New Year. So, in other places, when washing oneself in the morning, instead of soap, they rub their hands with coins so that they do not transfer in their hands all year.
In Yugoslavia for the New Year, they guessed a lot: the weather in a particular month was determined by salted 12 slices of onion (Croats, Slovenes). In some areas of Slovenia, ten different items were laid out on the table: among them were a pine branch (happiness), a ring (wedding), a doll (family growth), money (wealth), etc., which were covered with a fur hat. Each fortuneteller had to pull out an object three times, and if he came across the same one all the time, then this meant that an event related to the symbolism of this object would occur during the year in his life. Muslims use moon calendar, so the date of the New Year for Muslims is shifted forward by 11 days every year. In Iran(Muslim country, which used to be called Persia) New Year is celebrated on March 21st. A few weeks before the New Year, people plant grains of wheat or barley in a small dish. By the New Year, the grains sprout, which symbolizes the beginning of spring and the new year of life. Hindus New Year's Eve is celebrated differently depending on where you live. The inhabitants of northern India adorn themselves with flowers of pink, red, purple, or white hues. In south India, mothers place sweets, flowers, small gifts on a special tray. On the morning of the new year, children should wait with their eyes closed until they are led to the tray. In central India, orange flags are hung on buildings. In western India, the New Year is celebrated at the end of October. Small fires are lit on the roofs of houses. In the New Year, Hindus think of the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi. New Year in Burma begins on the first of April, on the hottest days. For a whole week, people heartily pour water on each other. There is a New Year's festival of water - tinjan. In October the New Year comes to Indonesia. All the people dress up and ask each other's forgiveness for the trouble they caused in the past year. Jewish New Year is called Rosh Hashanah. This is a holy time when people think about the sins they have committed and promise to atone for them next year. good deeds. Children are given new clothes. People bake bread and eat fruit. in Vietnam New Year is called "tet". He is met between January 21 and February 19. The exact date of the holiday varies from year to year. The Vietnamese believe that a god lives in every house, and on New Year's Eve this god goes to heaven to tell how each member of the family spent the past year. The Vietnamese once believed that God floated on the back of a carp fish. Nowadays, on New Year's Eve, the Vietnamese sometimes buy live carp, and then release it into a river or pond. They also believe that the first person to enter their home in the New Year will bring good or bad luck in the coming year. In Japan, New Year is celebrated on January 1st. To keep out evil spirits, the Japanese hang bundles of straw in front of their houses, which they believe brings good luck. At the beginning of the new year, the Japanese begin to laugh. They believe that laughter will bring them good luck in the coming year. Chinese New Year is celebrated between January 17 and February 19, during the new moon. Street processions are the most exciting part of the holiday. Thousands of lanterns are lit during the processions to light the way to the New Year. The Chinese believe that the new year is surrounded by evil spirits. Therefore, they scare them away with firecrackers and firecrackers. Sometimes the Chinese seal windows and doors with paper to keep out evil spirits. Greek New Year- This is the day of St. Basil. Saint Basil was known for his kindness, and Greek children leave their shoes by the fireplace in the hope that Saint Basil will fill the shoes with gifts.

New Year- a magical holiday celebrated all over the world. We all know and honor the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country, but other countries of the world have their own traditions, many of which are very unusual and interesting, and we will tell you about them.


Very beautiful rituals of New Year's Eve in India. North Indians adorn themselves with white, pink, red and purple flowers. In central India, buildings are decorated with colorful, mostly orange flags. In western India, small lights are lit on rooftops. Hindus have their own way of giving gifts. For example, gifts for children are placed on a special tray. In the morning, the children close their eyes and lead to this tray.


In Ireland, on the eve of the New Year, the doors of houses open wide, anyone who wishes can enter any house and become a welcome guest there. He will be seated in a place of honor, treated to a glass of good wine, not forgetting to say: "For peace in this house and throughout the world!" At half past eleven, the Irish go to the central square, sing, dance, have fun.


In Italy, on New Year's Eve, no one is surprised if someone gets rid of unnecessary things. Old flower pots, unnecessary furniture, clothes and trinkets fly right out the window. Italians believe that the more things left on the street, the more luck and money a generous New Year will bring.


In Cuba, before the New Year, everyone fills their glasses with water, and when the clock strikes twelve, they pour it out through the open windows into the street. This means that the old new year has ended happily and the Cubans wish each other that the new year will be as clear and pure as water. And, of course, happy! The clock on New Year's Eve in Cuba strikes only 11 times. Since the 12th strike falls on New Year's Eve, the clock is given a rest and calmly celebrate the holiday with everyone.


The "face of the holiday" in Finland is the old man Frost, or, as the Finns themselves call him, Joulupukki. According to Finnish tradition, this winter old man brings rods to naughty children, and gifts to obedient ones. In addition, the housewives cook a festive plum jelly. Unmarried girls throw a slipper over their shoulder on New Year's Eve. If he falls with his toe to the door - be a wedding.


In the Netherlands and Belgium, the first day of the new year is taken very seriously. People try to behave correctly, not to borrow money and wear only new things. It is believed that a person himself determines his future for the whole next year. If the first day of the New Year is fun, then this will be the whole year.
Another tradition that the inhabitants of these countries adhere to is the election of the king of the holiday. Women prepare a cake in which a bean or a pea is placed. It is the person who gets a piece of baking with a bean who becomes the king for the whole New Year's Eve, then chooses the queen and retinue.


Since the New Year in Burma is at its hottest time, its arrival is celebrated with a water festival. The spectacle, it must be said, is amusing: when people meet, they pour water on each other from different dishes. But dousing with water does not offend anyone, because this ritual is a kind of wish for happiness in the New Year.


In Denmark, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to protect the forest from poachers. On the eve of the holiday, foresters process forest spruces with a special composition, which has absolutely no smell in the cold. and at room temperature emits a suffocating odor.


In Austria, it is considered an unwritten commandment to hear the solemn sound of the "Peace Bell" installed in St. Stephen's Cathedral on New Year's Eve in Vienna. Thousands of people gather on Cathedral Square on December 31st. In the old days, in this country, it was considered a good omen to meet a chimney sweep, touch him and get dirty. It was believed that it brings great happiness and good luck.


Quite exotic new year celebrations take place in Australia. Due to the lack of snow, Christmas trees, deer and other usual attributes of the holiday, Santa Claus appears in a swimming suit, on a special brightly decorated surfboard on the beaches of Sydney. Moreover, observing the traditions of the Old World, his clothes always contain a white beard and a red cap with a pompom at the end.


In Bulgaria, on New Year's Eve, they buy dogwood sticks - an indispensable attribute of the New Year's holiday. On the first of January, children, approaching relatives and friends, lightly hitting with chopsticks, congratulate them on the holiday. With the last stroke of the clock of the outgoing year, the lights go out in all houses for 3 minutes: these are the minutes of New Year's kisses that replace toasts. Bulgarians rejoice if someone sneezes at the table. They say it brings good luck.


In Japan, New Year is celebrated on January 1st. The Japanese are afraid that along with happiness and wealth, evil spirits will enter the house. To protect themselves from trouble, people hang bundles of straw in front of the entrance to the house. As soon as the New Year comes, the Japanese laugh happily.


On New Year's Eve in Brazil, thousands of candles are lit on the sand on an ocean beach. Women in long dresses come into the water and throw flower petals into the waves of the ocean surf.


On New Year's Eve in Vietnam, it is customary to release live carp into rivers and ponds. According to legend, a god swims on the back of a carp, who goes to heaven on New Year's Eve to tell there how people live on Earth.


In Greece, there is a custom according to which, exactly at midnight, the head of the family goes out into the courtyard and smashes a pomegranate fruit against the wall. If its grains scatter around the yard, the family will live happily in the new year. Going to visit, the Greeks bring a mossy stone with them as a gift, and leave it in the hosts' room. They say: "Let the money of the owners be as heavy as this stone."


In Portugal, on the eve of Christmas, it is customary to give a "Christmas cake" with almonds and candied fruit. By the way, surprises are also baked into such a muffin - a figurine or a medal. The one who finds the whole year will be lucky, peace and tranquility will reign in the house!


In Spain, before the New Year, boys and girls draw lots - the names of people of both sexes are written on scraps of paper. Girls learn the names of their "grooms", and young people - "brides". Sometimes the procedure of lots is done near churches, and the resulting couples behave like lovers until the end of the Christmas season.


In Sweden, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to break dishes at the neighbors' doors.