How to make a Christmas tree toy New Year's Hare from salt dough. DIY salt dough panel "Hare with cabbage" for primary schoolchildren. Master class with step-by-step photos Crafts from salt dough bunny

Salt dough panel for children. Master class with step by step photos

Testoplasty. Craft made from salt dough.

Panel "Bee and Bunny". Fairy tale characters from the fairy tale "Magic Nectar".

Vorobyova Ekaterina, 6 years old, student of MBDOU " Kindergarten general developmental type No. 125", Voronezh
Supervisor: Orekhova Vera Aleksandrovna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 125", Voronezh
Description: This master class is intended for children 5-8 years old, teachers additional education, educators, loving and caring parents.
Purpose: The resulting painting can be used as interior decoration, and can also serve as a gift for any holiday.
Making salt dough panels
1. Introduce the technique of testoplasty, the basic techniques for working with salt dough;
2. Arouse interest in modeling from salt dough;
3. Develop fine motor skills hands, coordination of hand movements;
4. Develop aesthetic taste and compositional skills;
5. Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, abstract thinking;
6. Develop perseverance, patience, accuracy in work;
7. To develop the ability to bring the work started to its logical conclusion;
8. Cultivate a desire to do something nice for family and friends.

Materials required for work:
Salt "Extra";
PVA glue;
Brush, stack.

Before starting work, I suggest you conduct finger gymnastics.
"Hardworking Bee"
The bee works all day
(Draw a circle in front of you with your hands)
And she is not lazy to work.
(Wiggle index fingers as a sign of denial)
Flies from flower to flower,
(Rhythmic hand waves)
Glues pollen to the abdomen.
(Circular movements of the palm on the stomach)
The proboscis sucks nectar,
(Stretch your arm forward, then down, bend over)
He will collect a lot in a day.
(“Open” all your fingers in front of you)
It will carry the nectar to the hive
(Pretend flying)
And it will come back like a bullet.
(Sharply throws out his hand with his index finger extended forward)
Honey compacts in the honeycombs,
(stomping feet)
Winter will come soon.
There will be something for the bees to eat.
(Imitation of moving a spoon)
We should try them in the summer.
(Imitation of putting honey into honeycombs)

Step-by-step process for completing the work:
Salt dough recipe:
2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 0.5 cup water, a little PVA glue.
Mix flour and salt, gradually add water and knead the dough. If the dough crumbles, add a little water. If it sticks to your hands, then add flour.

Used for gluing salt dough parts WATER .
We take our frame and put it in a bag.

Let's start sculpting the bunny. Roll out the ball, flatten it into a circle, and place it on the base.

From small piece dough to form the body of a bunny.
We apply it to the base, connecting it to the head.

I remind you to use WATER to glue the parts.
Making ears. Downside make “pits” with brushes.

We make paws and a tail.

We make a “butterfly” for the bunny.

Eyes, nose, draw a mouth in a stack.

Let's start sculpting the bee.
Make a small “sausage” from a piece of dough and flatten it, forming a body. We make the head in the same way and place the parts on the base.

Making wings.

We make droplets from the dough and connect them. It turns out to be a flower.

We place it on the basis.

We make the bee's paws, eyes, and mouth.

Let's start making a jar of honey.

Our panel is ready. We wait until everything is dry, remove the parts, put them on a sheet of paper and start painting.

Coloring the bee.

Coloring the bunny.

Color the jar of honey.

Cover with varnish.
We are preparing the frame. To do this, take a thick sheet white, gouache and create a background (optional). We insert it into the frame. The base is ready.

Elmira Dolova

Arouse children's interest in a funny bunny (sits, listens long ears) ; consolidate the ability to divide a lump of clay in half, roll dough into a ball, remaining dough divide in half again, roll the head, the remaining dough Divide in half again, roll out two sticks and attach like ears, instead of eyes - peas.

Material. Dough, boards, small toys for examination, a large hare for creating a play situation, a place for playing with the nursery sculpting.

Methodical techniques: examining a toy - a large hare, and then give small plastic toys in your hands for examination, stroke the head, body, ears, show how to sculpt them; looking at the nursery modeling in a game with bunnies and the teacher’s story about each ( For example: “Sasha sculpted funny bunny, he jumps, his head is firmly pressed to his body, and his ears are fragile; “Sasha, press me stronger bunny ears so that they do not break off").

Publications on the topic:

Project participants: children (5-6 years old) teachers. Project type: creative Implementation period: 2 weeks Relevance of the topic: Modeling is of great importance.

When vegetables appeared in our group in the fall, we decided that we still needed hedgehogs and mushrooms. and now our hedgehogs are almost ready. Dough kids.

Our new product "Horseshoe". The product is not complicated enough, but interesting and useful. Before work, we had a conversation about what this item was.

Goal: To evoke an emotional response to non-traditional artistic creativity. Objectives: To clarify children’s knowledge about the concept of “space”, “cosmic”.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution“Kindergarten No. 35 in Blagoveshchensk” Summary of direct educational.

Modeling from salt dough “Mouse on cheese” (school preparatory group) Video Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 35 of Blagoveshchensk" Summary of direct educational.

Goal: 1. To form bright positive emotions in children in the process of their creativity. 2. Develop fine motor skills, accuracy, and creativity.

Crafts made from dough are very useful for a child’s development, and they are also very interesting. You can help your mother knead the dough and then make, for example, a bunny from salt dough. And when the craft is ready, you can begin the most interesting part - painting the figurine. After all, it is then that you can come up with his image, character and mood.

An adult must be present during this process in order to correct some of the child’s actions, but in no case impose his point of view, but only offer options and approve the child’s ideas.

It will also be extremely interesting if you time the craft to coincide with the bright holiday of Easter and make it from dough Easter bunny, and then add it to your Easter composition.

Look step-by-step master class on how to make the Easter Bunny craft and sculpt your future “pet” for pleasure using our description and step-by-step photos.

Necessary materials:

  • modeling mass – salt dough,
  • frame – eggshell,
  • paints and clear varnish (you can use hairspray).

To make the dough, the master will need flour (without additives, regular) - 2 parts by volume,

  • salt – 1 part by volume,
  • water - as needed.

Mix flour with salt and add water little by little, kneading with a mixer. The dough should be quite stiff, like clay.

The mass is then kneaded in flour, similar to pie dough.

Since the layer of dough should not be too thick, otherwise cracks and deformation may form when drying, you need to use a frame. An eggshell is perfect for a rabbit in this sense: it will make the figurine lighter, since there will be emptiness inside.

But you can only use an empty shell, without contents, so that there is no disgusting smell later - then the rabbit can be used for more than one year. The contents of the egg should be blown out of the shell by making small holes at both ends of the egg with a sharp knife. The insides of the egg themselves will be used to prepare an omelet or other dish.

Now the “sole” of the figurine is made from the dough, on which the rabbit will be attached. The remaining dough should be wrapped in plastic bag, since it ventilates very quickly in the air and becomes crusty.

An empty eggshell is attached to the “sole”.

A thinly rolled pancake of dough is wrapped around the shell and leveled with your fingers so that it tightly and evenly clasps the shell - this will be the body of the rabbit.

The figurine can be placed in the oven or microwave for “frying”. When using a microwave oven, you first need to set the “defrost” mode for 2 minutes. After checking the workpiece and airing it, you can leave it for another 3-4 minutes. By the way, at this time you can make any corrections to the workpiece using a sharp knife or scissors (for example, trim the ears), and you can also cover up the cracks that appear with moistened dough.

How the rabbit will be painted is up to the master to decide. You can paint the rabbit with an ornament that is used to color eggs. You can make a rabbit “polka dot” or “striped”, “checkered” or “floral”.

The most important thing is to give the rabbit a cheerful “long-toothed” smile and huge, kind eyes. After all, he is a fabulous creature!

Previously, making a rabbit was welcomed at Easter in Western countries... It is believed that this animal is a symbol of fertility and prosperity. There was even a legend that it was the hare who began laying colorful eggs in the garden. And some “experts” claim that the hare not only lays eggs, but also brings them as a gift to children. Now this tradition has reached us, so this is another “useful” circumstance for which it is worth learning how to make an Easter bunny from dough.

Master class with step-by-step photos “Hare with cabbage” using sculpting technique salt dough.

Nazarova Tatyana Nikolaevna. Continuing education teacher at the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Preschool Children's and Youth School, Millerovo

The master class is intended for additional education teachers, technology teachers, parents, as well as anyone who wants to master the technique of modeling from salt dough.
Purpose: souvenir.
Target: make a souvenir using salt dough modeling technique
Educational: master the technique of working with salt dough;
Educational: encourage the desire to make gifts, souvenirs with my own hands, instill a love for modeling.
Educational: develop accuracy, artistic thinking, imagination;

Necessary materials:
Premium flour, “Extra” salt, paper napkin, rolling pin, ball pen without paste, brush, glass of water, simple pencil, round cookie cutter, diameter 9 cm, stack, cocktail tube.

Salt dough recipe:
In a small bowl, combine 1 cup flour and 0.5 cup salt. Stir, make a well. Pour in 1 glass cold water. Knead into a tight dough. Add flour or water if necessary.


Dust the table with flour. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 5-7 mm. Use a cookie cutter to cut out a patterned circle. Transfer it to paper napkin.

Make impressions along the contour of the circle using a cocktail tube - a pattern.

Take a lump of dough the size of a small plum and form into a flat cake. Moisten the round base with water and glue the cake. Water firmly glues the salt dough elements together. Using a stack, press the cake down the center. These will be the bunny's pants.

Push the belt a little higher and glue the suspenders.

We form a head from a smaller lump and glue it with water.

Glue two very small cakes in the center of the head and push holes with a pencil. This is a mustache. Glue on the eyes and nose. Use the back of the brush to press the mouth under the mustache.

Roll two thick flagella. Glue on the ears. Using the back of the brush, press down the dimples on the ears. Glue one handle from the same flagellum, and we will glue the second one a little later.

To make cabbage, roll the dough small ball. Make several small thin cakes and glue them to the ball one by one overlapping. Glue the cabbage first, and then the second handle. It turns out that the bunny is holding cabbage in his hand.

All that remains is to glue the little paws on the bunny. Ready. We leave the craft to air dry for about 5-6 days. We paint the souvenir with paints, and when the paint dries, we cover it with glossy varnish.
So we made a souvenir with our own hands. You can safely give it to your friends.
I wish you creative success!
And more souvenir options