KTD notes in elementary school. Outline of educational activities - class hour. Stage III. Carrying out technical technical work

TARGET: - create conditions for teenagers to master the methods of organizing a collective creative activity in a children's camp.


  • give the concept of an algorithm for organizing a CTD; plan, script, scenario plan;
  • determine the content of the case;
  • develop group work skills;
  • develop self-presentation and public speaking skills.

FORM: business game

Collective creative activities are not Classroom hour, not an educational event, this is a joint search best solutions socially significant tasks. In our case, this is the organization of leisure activities.

The methodology for conducting collective creative activities presupposes such an organization of joint activities of adolescents and adults in which all members of the team participate in diagnosing the interests and needs of the given group, formulating the problem, planning, conducting and collective analysis. CTD is a form of work that is aimed at developing creative abilities, developing intellectual abilities, realizing communication needs, teaching the rules and forms of teamwork.

There are three main types of CTD: performance, small creative work, large creative work. Leisure activities combine performance and great creative work.

Algorithm for organizing KTD (Scheme 1).

A properly planned business is fifty percent of its successful implementation. A plan is the stages of a business. An expanded plan involves a more detailed presentation of the stages. The script includes all the nuances: the names of the musical accompaniments, the words of the presenters and all role participants, those present and guests, the lyrics of songs and poems. Writing a complete script is a painstaking job that requires time and creative effort. Good script begins with the title, words of greeting. Each group is given a task. Includes all moments of movement in space, sound and light design, change of scenery, roles, etc. to the words of farewell and the final chords. A more simplified version - scenario plan performance (celebration, concert, disco theater).

The scenario plan consists of three parts: the beginning, the main part, and the final part. The words of the presenter (or several) must be included in the scenario plan, the remaining stages - briefly or in expanded form; when using musical numbers, you can only indicate the names. The concert scenario plan may consist of more parts, it depends on the plans of the organizers. The main thing is to maintain attention during the performance (use a change of actions, scenery, “conflict”).

STEPS of the lesson:

Stage 1 – 10 minutes.

Reproduce knowledge that gives an idea of ​​the forms of organizing leisure activities. Reproduction of knowledge will allow us to determine its meaningful perception, which involves answering the questions:

  1. Why are leisure activities needed at a children's camp?
  2. What do you know about collective creative activities?
  3. How does KTD differ from other events?

Stage 2 – 10 minutes.

Database assimilation at the level of object recognition activity. Together with the instructor, the group analyzes the CTD. Participants in the children's group identify stages, establish connections between them, and determine ways to achieve the goal (Diagram 1).

Using such concepts as plan, script, scenario plan, identify significant differences in their preparation and writing.

Stage 3 – 30 minutes.

Work in groups. Each group is given the task: in 30 minutes, develop and write a scenario plan for the holiday. Justify each point of the scenario plan, think over the words of the presenter (or several), indicate the musical accompaniment of the holiday, the props used. Use app 1.

Laws of group work:

  • There are no observers here.
  • None of the participants has the right to let their comrades down.
  • If an erroneous opinion is expressed, listen calmly, and then express yours.
  • Speak concisely, specifically, in a business-like manner... with a fair amount of humor.

The motto of the work: “It’s not a shame not to know, it’s a shame not to know!”

Stage 4 - 25 minutes.

Self-presentation of the groups participating in the business game (5 minutes each), in which you need to talk about the technology for carrying out the selected collective creative activity, provide a ready-made scenario plan for the holiday. Answers to questions from “experts” from other groups.

Evaluation of the work of creative groups.

Stages and goal setting.

  1. Preliminary work
    • For what, with whom?
    • For what purpose?
    • Who can help?
    • How to connect children, parents, teachers?
    • Who should be the organizer?
  2. Collective planning
    • What kind of work will we do?
    • For the joy and benefit of whom?
    • Where is the best place to spend it?
    • Who is better to hang out with?
  3. Case preparation
    • How to develop the positive qualities of children?
    • How to overcome the negative qualities of guys?
    • How to include all the children in an active creative search?
    • How to teach children to overcome difficulties and not give in to temptation?
  4. Carrying out the case
    • How to inspire and help children focus on the main thing in KTD?
    • How to inspire by personal example?
    • How to achieve the joyful prospect of near success?
    • How to teach children to get out of difficult situations?
  5. Summarizing
    • How to convince children of the need to further improve their lives and those around them?
    • How to analyze and evaluate your work?
    • How can we make collective analysis a tradition?
  6. Immediate consequences
    • How to implement conclusions and suggestions?
    • How to use the experience gained in the life of the team?
    • How to teach how to make your own decisions?

Group assignment.

In 30 minutes, draw up a KTD plan and a scenario plan for the holiday “...” (each group has its own version). Distribute responsibilities for conducting technical design work among members of the creative group, select a presenter (or two), and prepare for the self-presentation of your project.

Summary of collective creative work
Topic: “Thank you, soldiers!”
The purpose of KTD: Development of regulatory universal educational activities through the involvement of children in the process of collective planning, collective preparation, conduct, and analysis of collective creative work.
Tasks for achieving meta-subject results: development of regulatory universal educational actions: actions of goal setting, planning, control, correction, evaluation, reflection.
Dates: 04/16/2012 – 05/18/2012

Progress of the event
KTD stages
Substages of KTD

Stage 1 - preliminary training of teachers-organizers of the case

Org. moment

2. Definition of tasks
M. Gorky noted: “The better we know the past, the more deeply and joyfully we will understand the great significance of the present we are creating.”
High feelings of love for the Motherland, admiration for the memory of those who gave their lives for it, do not arise on their own in the hearts of our children, they must be awakened. Stories of loved ones - participants in the Great Patriotic War - in an accessible form are one of the most effective means, serving this purpose. Those who believe that memories of a difficult past can overshadow a happy childhood, those who are ready to protect the child from any life conflicts that could cause him distress, are wrong. A wonderful teacher who dedicated his life to children, Hero of Socialist Labor, war veteran V.A. Sukhomlinsky in his book “I Give My Heart to Children” wrote: “Let Small child will think about the fate of his native land. Let the events of the past appear before him as the origins of the present. It is impossible to ennoble a child’s heart if it has not felt and experienced the greatest grief of our Motherland - the grief of the loss of 22 million lives, the grief of terrible torment, fires and destruction - all that our people can neither forget nor forgive the fascists. The joy of life should not be serene.” True joy can only be experienced when children understand the value of the happiness they have won.
1. Thinking through the tasks, content, structure of the case.
2. Acquaintance with the literature, with recommendations for conducting the upcoming case.
3. Thinking through the methodology for organizing collective planning.
4. Definition, thinking through the pedagogical position, role in the matter.
5. Preliminary work in the teaching team, determining the composition of educators, senior friends-participants of the KTD.
6. Creating a situation in the team that encourages awareness of the importance of the upcoming period or task.

Understand the tasks of the upcoming activity, the importance of the period in the life of the team, the direction of its concern.

Stage 2 – collective planning
1. Opening remarks
Guys, who knows when the Great Patriotic War ended? When do we celebrate this day? That's right, the holiday of May 9 is included in the red days of the calendar. How do you and your family celebrate this holiday? Are there any WWII veterans among your grandparents? How will you congratulate them? Would you like to congratulate other WWII veterans? Listen to their stories, understand and comprehend everything that they experienced during the battle?
What can we do in class to celebrate this holiday? So, we decided to hold an event dedicated to the celebration of Victory in the Second World War! Do you want it to be interesting? So, we need to prepare for it, how? We need to think together, decide how to prepare and how to celebrate this holiday.

1. The introductory conversation should be educational in nature.
2. We captivate children through conversation and the joyful prospect of the upcoming holiday.
3. We interest children in the business, puzzle them as to why this holiday is needed, this business.
4. The idea of ​​the event comes from the children, it is not imposed.
1. Form regulatory control systems: goal setting, planning, forecasting and control.
2. Motivate students for collective productive work.
3. Get students interested in the chosen topic.
4. Divide the team into microgroups to involve all students.

2. Breakdown into micro-groups.
So, now we will collectively think about this holiday. Having thought it through in microgroups, we can express more ideas, proposals. Let's break into small groups. The breakdown will be very interesting. We will check how you know the dates of the Great Patriotic War. I am giving out cards with known dates to all of you. Now gather in groups. You know the dates. We ended up with six micro groups.
It turned out to be 3 micro groups.
The method of dividing into MIGs corresponds to the theme of the holiday.

3. Puzzle children with specific questions that the MILs will seek answers to.
Now, in your groups, discuss and try to find answers to the following questions: what, i.e. What form will the case take, where and when will we conduct it? What can be included in this matter, what competitions can be held, what tasks can be completed, what surprises can be seen? What new things would you like to know about the Second World War? Who will we invite to our cause? With whom will we prepare and carry out this task? How will we show our guests that we honor this holiday? How can we share our impressions with each other? How do we set up the class? What should we prepare in advance? What would you undertake to prepare yourself? So, I give you 10 minutes to make noise, to discuss.
The questions are written on the board.

4. Discussion in MIGs, searching for answers to questions.

Questions correspond to the theme of the holiday and must be specific. A counselor or teacher helps each group find answers to the questions posed.

5. Expressing ideas in micro groups.
Representatives from each microgroup will now express their ideas and proposals.

2. Invite veterans.
4. Conduct the quiz “What an attentive listener you are.”
5. Dramatization of excerpts from books about the Second World War (to specify which ones). These will be MIG surprises.
6. Take a “journey into the history of ’45.”

10. Invite parents.

13. Decorate the room with sayings, proverbs about war, and illustrations.
14. Prepare and perform the dance.
The teacher clarifies, concretizes ideas, and encourages good things. Ideas can be written on the board.

5. Activate the mental activity of students.
6. Develop attention, analytical activity, listening skills and other higher mental functions.
7. Develop students’ imagination, ability to express and argue their own point of view.
8. Develop a sense of responsibility.

6. Expressing the teacher’s ideas.
Can we prepare homemade gifts for all invited veterans? Is it possible to tell us about how we protect and honor the memory of the Great Battle? Dramatization of the poem "".

7. Discussion of ideas.
Guys, you said a lot interesting ideas and suggestions, Well done! And which of all these proposals and ideas is real? What can we handle? What will we take into our business, what will we combine?
The teacher expresses unifying ideas and helps children leave them with real and interesting ideas.

8. Election of the business council.
Guys, in order to make it easier for me to organize preparations, I need to choose a business council that will be my assistant. They will check, monitor the implementation of orders and tasks, and help plan the course of the holiday. I think the business council should include representatives from each MIG. So, I give I minute for noise to select each MIG member of the council of affairs. You know what members of the council should be like, what is required of them. Time has passed - make an offer. Congratulations! You are the organizers of this matter, my assistants. I think that you will cope with this task.
The children themselves must choose the council of action.

9. Distribution of tasks.
Ideas were suggested. The council of affairs was chosen. Who will bring the ideas to life? Who prepares the tasks - surprises, of course, themselves! Let's think about what preparations, what tasks and assignments MIGs would undertake. Time for noise. So what will each microgroup do? They will find riddles and proverbs about war. Each microgroup will dramatize an excerpt from stories about the war and draw pictures of “My Favorite Soldier.” What will I, I, 2nd, 3rd groups do?
The children choose the assignments themselves and are not imposed.

10. Parting words
Well, let's get to it, guys!
The advice of the case remains today. And tomorrow - all MIGs to also begin preparations.

Stage 3 - collective preparation.


Distribution of duties and responsibilities

You and I have decided how we will spend our book holiday, now it’s time for us to prepare for it together. Let's divide into MIGs, just like our last meeting. Each microgroup will have a very important task today: we need to implement everything that we have planned.
Guys, the activities of the business council include the following:
1. Business council meetings to resolve organizational issues.
2. Understanding the proposals, choosing the optimal ones (a combined option is possible).
3. Development of a project for the implementation, and then discussion in the team and final adjustment.
4. Specification of the training plan.
5. Determination of specific tasks, assignments for groups, places for guests and participants.
6. Determining the role of members of the business council in the preparation and conduct of the CTD.
7. Organizing the implementation of the training plan, creating conditions for collective creative training.
8. Creating conditions for everyone to be included in training.
9. Adjustment of relationships.
Ideas that we will implement:
1.Hold the event on the eve of the holiday, before the day off.
2. Invite veterans.
Ideas: 1. Hold an event on the eve of the holiday, before the day off.
2. Invite veterans.
3. Organize an exhibition “Letter to a Soldier.”
4. Prepare and perform the dance.
5. Dramatization of excerpts from books about the Second World War.
6. Decorate the room with sayings, proverbs about war, and illustrations.
7. Find out and talk about the greatest exploits of ordinary soldiers.
8. Organize an exhibition of drawings “My Favorite Soldier”, “My Favorite Country”.
9. Prepare gifts for veterans.
10. Invite parents.
11. Find and learn a poem about the war.
12. Learn and perform songs about war.
There are 3 micro groups in total.
Microgroup 1: Organize the exhibition “Letter to a Soldier.”
Microgroup 2: Dramatization of excerpts from books about the Second World War.
Microgroup 3: Find out and talk about the greatest exploits of ordinary soldiers, statistical data.
Individually: Find and learn a poem about the war.
Prepare and perform a dance.
Prepare gifts for veterans.
Learn and perform songs about war.
Business tip:
hold an event on the eve of a holiday, before a day off;
invite veterans;
decorate the room with sayings, proverbs about war, illustrations;
organize an exhibition of drawings “My Favorite Soldier”, “My Favorite Country”;
invite parents.
(Work on completing specific tasks, assignments in MIGs, in-depth study and understanding of the content of the upcoming task, creative preparation of the plan).
Practical tasks, collective work:
1) Making invitations for veterans and invitations for parents;
2) Making memorable souvenirs is a collective creative work of children.
3) Development of a scenario with a military-patriotic theme. Learning and performing with children:
4) Decoration of the assembly hall for an event dedicated to the Great Victory
5) Phonograms are selected
6) Red and yellow ribbons are prepared - two of the same color for each child;
7) Suits are selected:
Gathering and rehearsals were carried out quite often: once every two days, since the event required a lot of time and effort. The Business Council was present at every meeting, made adjustments, helped select and organize the work.

Form regulatory control systems: correction, assessment, volitional self-regulation.
Create a sense of responsibility and collectivism.

Stage 4 – collective implementation.


Poem about the Motherland

Veterans Representation

A tale of war

War song

Statistical data

Dramatizing a Real Case

Song about a soldier

Address to veterans, words of gratitude
TEACHER: There are events, dates, names of people who entered the history of the city, region, country, and even the history of the entire Earth. Books are written about them, legends are told, poetry and music are composed. The main thing is that they are remembered. And this memory is passed down from generation to generation and does not allow distant days and events to fade. One of these events was the Great Patriotic War of our people against Nazi Germany. Every Russian should preserve her memory.
If they say the word “Motherland”, an old oak tree, currants in the garden, a thick poplar tree at the gate immediately spring to mind. A modest birch tree by the river
And a daisy hillock And others will probably remember their native Moscow courtyard. The first boats are in the puddles, The clatter of feet with a skipping rope, And the loud, joyful whistle of the large neighboring factory. Or the steppe red with poppies, golden virgin lands. The homeland is different, but everyone has the same one!
Presentation of invited veterans:
Dear WWII veterans! We are glad to see you with us today. We want to share this holiday with you, to thank you for saving our Motherland!..
Host: On that distant summer day, June 22, 1941, people were doing their usual things. Schoolchildren were preparing for graduation party. Girls built huts and played “mothers and daughters”, restless boys rode on wooden horses, imagining themselves as Red Army soldiers. And no one suspected that pleasant chores, lively games, and many lives would be destroyed by one terrible word, war.
Student 1:
June Sunset was approaching evening.
And the sea overflowed during the white night,
And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,
Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.
Student 2:
June. We didn't know then
Walking from school evenings,
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,
And it will end only in 45th May.
Student 3:
It seemed cold to the flowers
And they faded slightly from the dew.
The dawn that walked through the grass and bushes.
We searched through German binoculars.
Student 4:
Everything breathed such silence,
It seemed that the whole earth was still sleeping
Who knew that between peace and war,
Only about 5 minutes left.
Levitan's voice “Declaration of War.”
Teacher: At dawn on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. For 4 long years until May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of their homeland from fascism. They did this for the sake of future generations, for our sake. Let's tell our children and grandchildren about this just war so they will remember. Song “Soldiers went to war” by Eduard Khil.
Students (one by one)
Summer night, at dawn,
Hitler gave the troops an order
And he sent German soldiers
Against all Soviet people-
This means against us.
He wanted free people
Turn the hungry into slaves
To be deprived of everything forever.
And the stubborn and rebels,
Those who did not fall to their knees,
Exterminate every single one!
The phonogram of the song “Holy War” plays
" No!" - we told the fascists, -
Our people will not tolerate
So that Russian bread is fragrant
Called by the word "brot".
And from sea to sea
All Soviet peoples
The Russian regiments stood up.
Against a common enemy
We stood up, united with the Russians,
Everyone who loves freedom
Belarusians, Latvians,
And Russia is expensive!
People of free Ukraine,
Both Armenians and Georgians,
Moldovans, Chuvash-
1. On the first day of the war they were 17-20 years old. Of every 100 children of this age who went to the front, 97 did not return. 97 out of 100! Here it is, war! 2. War means 1,725 ​​destroyed and burned cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and hamlets in our country. War means 32 thousand blown up plants and factories, 65 thousand kilometers of railway tracks. Almost 25 million people were left homeless. The country lost 30% of its national wealth.3. War is 900 days and nights of besieged Leningrad. This is 125 grams of bread per day. These are tons of bombs and shells falling on civilians. 4. War means 20 hours at the machine a day. This is a crop grown on soil salty from sweat. These are bloody calluses on the palms of girls and boys like you. 5. People died, did not spare their lives, went to their death to drive the Nazis out of our land. Here, for example, are 28 Panfilovites. They did not allow any of the 50-odd enemy tanks to reach Moscow. “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind us.” While defending the capital, almost all the soldiers died, but they knocked out 50 fascist tanks.
6. Everyone, adults and children, stood up to defend the Motherland. In the terrible, harsh days of the war, children stood next to adults. They fought in partisan detachments, worked in military factories, collected warm clothes for front-line soldiers, and gave concerts to the wounded in hospitals.
7. Echelons went to the front, partisan detachments were created, women and children went on labor shifts.
8.The woman, the mother, bore the greatest burden of the war on her shoulders.
The soldier's mother appears on the stage wearing a black shawl. She sorts through the triangular letters of her dead sons from the front (the sons are behind her):
Mother: If you want to know about the war
And about the victorious spring of May,
Ask me, soldier's mother
Read my son's letters.
Years froze on the pages.
They will always be seventeen.

1 soldier: Mom! I'm healthy and alive
And in the morning the last battle
Dear, you are always with me in my heart.
We will drive out the fascists,
Take care, sister, mother,
I will return victorious!
I'll finally hug you
Goodbye. Your fighter!

Mother: Died near Smolensk

2 soldier: Dear, my family!
Night. The candle flame is flickering.
This is not the first time I remember
How do you sleep on a warm stove.
In our little old hut,
That is lost in the deep forests.
I remember a field, a river.
I remember you again and again.
Your always loving son Stas.

Mother: Tortured in the dungeons of the Gestapo.

3 soldier: My dear brothers and sisters!
Tomorrow I go into battle again.
For the Fatherland, for Russia,
That I got into a lot of trouble.
I will gather my courage and strength.
I will begin to smash our enemies,
So that nothing threatens you,
So that you can study and live.

Mother: Died in an unequal battle.
Disciple: Our grandfathers and fathers went to the holy war, boys and girls of the forties went, our peers went.
Student: Before the war, these were ordinary boys and girls. We studied, helped our elders, played, ran, jumped, breaking our noses and knees. But the hour came, and they showed how huge a child’s heart can become when sacred love for the homeland and hatred for its enemies flare up in it. Little heroes of the big war. They fought with their elders - fathers, brothers.
Teacher. About 40 million Soviet people died. Can you imagine what this means? This means 30 killed per 2 meters of land, 28 thousand killed daily. This means that every fourth resident of the country died. I ask everyone to stand up. Let us bow our heads before the greatness of the feat of the Soviet soldier. Let's honor the memory of all those killed with a minute of silence. Song about a soldier (Performed by a student)

Student: We have not seen the war, but we know about it and must remember at what price happiness was won.
For what we have now,
For every happy hour we have,
Because the sun shines on us
Thanks to the valiant soldiers,
To our grandfathers and fathers.
Dance "Cranes".
Host: And yet, a turning point came in the war, and the liberation of the occupied territories began. Having cleared the territory of our country from fascists, our soldiers liberated the peoples of Europe from the fascist yoke.
And finally, on May 9, 1945, the long-awaited Victory came! (Levitan) Students recite poems and release balloons

1. The Sun of the beloved Motherland 4. The heroes defended the world,
Illuminates everything around, We vowed to remember them.
And the white-winged one takes off. Flying in the blue distance,
Dove of peace from our hands. Go down to the obelisks!
2. You fly, fly around the world, 5. So that the explosions do not close
Our dove, from edge to edge! The sky is a black veil,
A word of peace and greetings to our white-winged dove,
Tell it to all peoples! Fly around the entire globe!
3.Tell, dove, to people
About our native Russian land
And how we love our Motherland,
Growing up year after year!

Message to veterans:
Thank you, our dear defenders! On behalf of everyone present, I want to thank you for your patience, endurance, and courage! For saving our Motherland, defending it and ensuring the future for all of us!
(children present flowers and gifts)
Activities of the business council:
1. Participation in the case on equal terms with everyone.
2. Each member of the council fulfills his role.
3. Adjustment of relations in general activities.
4. Control, organization of cleaning the premises, putting the place in order.
5. Preparation for case analysis.

Activities of the organization:
1. Participation in activities together with juniors on equal terms;
- participation in the work of the jury;
- participation in group performances;
- specific business management, business management;
- conducting one of the parts of the case (for example, introductory remarks, conclusion).
2. Acting as a rescue team if something goes wrong.
3. Hint, help, support for the guys.
4. Adjustment of mood, relationships, positions.
5. The main thing: creating a spirit of vigor in a major, calmness, endurance.
6. The mood and attitude to analyze the advice of the case; (choice) of form, determination of leading questions).
7. Personal observation and preparation for case analysis.

Form regulatory control systems: self-control, self-correction.

Stage 5 - collective summing up, collective analysis.


Discussion of opinions
(Everyone sits in a circle)
Guys, we are all great! Our event, which we all planned together, was successfully implemented! Congratulations! This is another step towards our dreams and desires! This event meant something to each of us. For some it is more, for others it is less. I would like to note and thank the Business Council, which played a very important role in our business.
Let's discuss. Let's start with the fact that all of you observed what was happening during the event, recording the pros and cons. So let's share our impressions.
I have a St. George ribbon in my hand. Now we will pass it around in a circle and the one in whose hands the ribbon is will speak, answer questions, and everyone else will listen carefully and not interrupt each other. Let's show once again how attentive we are, how we know how to listen and respect the speaker.
Identifying Discussion Issues:
- what was good, what made you happy, why?
- what was bad, upsetting, why?
- what to consider in the future, how to act differently?
- what did you learn? have they become better?
- Has the matter become a collective one?
- Has it become creative?
- Was our work useful to people?
- How did the business council work?
- were they friendly, organized, friendly, independent?
- who showed himself with the best side, in what? Who will we thank?
Discussion of opinions, making common decisions.
Activities of the organizer:
1. Instructing the case council on organizing the analysis.
2. Conducting analysis or assisting the presenter.
3. Creating an atmosphere of trust, frankness, and a mood for conversation.
4. Creating conditions for everyone to be included in the analysis.
5. Directing the discussion toward understanding the outcome of the case from the point of view of accepted goals, ideals, and laws of collective life.
6. Posing questions, assistance in formulating tasks, proposals, supporting opinions.
7. An attitude towards positive analysis.
8. Participation in discussion on equal terms.
1. Form regulatory control systems: assessment, self-regulation.
2. Activate mental activity.
3. Develop the ability to express and defend your own point of view.

Stage 6 – aftereffect.

Guys, it was wonderful holiday, which you came up with yourself and implemented it yourself! This is another victory in the life of each of you!
Do you still want to participate in such events? Let us think about what other CTD can be carried out.
(discussion by children):
1) Excursions to Eternal Flame- lay flowers.
2) Family competition of drawings on asphalt: “There is sun in every drawing.”
3) Continue work in the same direction (moral and patriotic education). Propose a new KTD: “Native land - Surgut land.”
4) Print in the media (in a district or local newspaper) about this KTD.
5) Continue communication with veterans and help them.
Where can you use your experience? This means that we will continue to achieve the same victories and will not stop there! Thanks guys!
Organization of execution decisions taken required. Controlled by the Case Council and the organizer.
Encourage students to continue working together as a team

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    : "The Road to Good Health"


    Outline of a collective creative activity (CTD)

    1. Type of this CTD: educational and sports game-travel.

    2. A form of collective creative activity is a holiday.

    3. Topic: Human health.

    4. Tasks:

    • Create a positive emotional mood in children.

    • Promote health.

    • Foster a sense of mutual assistance.

    • Develop the ability to work in a team.

    1. Equipment: posters on health topics, pictures depicting edible and inedible berries, bandages and flat boards for splinting, a table of poisonous mushrooms, a table of poisonous plants, a glass of kefir, costumes for the main characters.

    2. KTD progress:
    Working on the travel game brought all the guys together. Preparations for the event began about a week in advance. An interesting and relevant topic for the game was chosen, materials were selected from various sources. Those who wished were invited to try on the role of fairy-tale characters. During the preparation process, there was intense communication between children and each other, and the children received new knowledge about healthy lifestyles.

    The troop was asked to help prepare a camp event on the theme of “health.” Since several people from my squad were members of the propaganda team to promote a healthy lifestyle under the leadership of the head of the camp Andreeva L.I., the guys actively began to help me in selecting materials, costumes, and planning routes.

    Characters were selected from counselors and schoolchildren, and suitable costumes were found together.

    This game took place on the school grounds, the teams looked for stations in accordance with the route list. Detailed scenario (Annex 1) .

    The travel game caused children different ages a storm of emotions. I myself had to try on the role of Chamomile. It was interesting to watch how the children looked at fairy-tale characters, answered questions, and completed tasks. In my opinion, the strongest positive emotions were expressed by the 2nd squad, these were first graders, so fairy-tale heroes made a huge impression on them. The high school students involved in the game showed interest and initiative, and after the end of the event they expressed a desire to take part in the next children's holiday.

    This game brought not only a large number of positive emotions for children, but also knowledge that will be useful to them in life.

    As a continuation of the topic raised at the camp event, it is planned to hold conversations about the dangers of smoking, alcoholism, and drugs.

    “The Road to Good Health,” according to the participants themselves, lays the foundation correct attitude to your health, stimulates the desire to exercise, eat right, and not give in bad habits, learn more about harmful and beneficial plants, be able to provide first aid in emergency situations.


    Squad 5 are the fastest.

    The 2nd squad are the most friendly (and became the winners).

    Squad 1 – the most active.

    Squad 3 is the most fun.

    Each unit was given certificates.

    Annex 1

    "The Road to Good Health"

    Characters: Presenters: Moidodyr, Beneficial Bacteria, Vitamins A, B, C - senior guys, counselors. Squad members: Strong Boy, Wolf, Grandma, Little Red Riding Hood, Grass Witch, Berry Witch, Chamomile, Dirty, Harmful Bacteria,
    Strawberry, Boletus, Toadstool, Sportsman.

    (Moidodyr, Beneficial Bacteria, vitamins A, B and C come out. The journey game begins.)

    Everyone has read Chukovsky
    And they recognized me a long time ago.
    I am the Great Laver,
    Umyvalnikov chief
    Famous Moidodyr
    And the commander of the washcloths.

    My good ones are with me,
    Reliable helpers:
    old friend verified –
    Beneficial Bacteria.
    She is both simple and easy
    Converts milk
    In yogurt and kefir.

    (The bacterium hands Moidodyr a glass of kefir.)

    Beneficial Bacteria: Get well soon, Moidodyr! (Moidodyr drinks kefir)

    Moidodyr: Meet: vitamins. A - this one, C and B.

    Presenters(together): Today we will show you the way to good medicine.

    Vitamin A: May you be beautiful!

    Vitamin B: So as not to be whiny!

    Vitamin C: So that in your hands any business can be argued and burned!

    Beneficial Bacteria: So that the songs can be sung louder. Make life more interesting!

    Together: You need to become strong and healthy.

    Moidodyr(addressing the children): These truths are not new. Does everyone know the path to the mysterious country where your health lives?

    All children: Yes!

    Beneficial Bacteria:
    But the road is not easy.
    From behind every bush
    An enemy may appear.
    You will have to fight him.

    (The units go on a journey to visit Good Health.)


    (Moidodyr is standing on the threshold. Posters on the topic of health are hung around him.)

    I live in your camp
    It's already been a year.
    I'll tell you frankly:
    Nice people you are!
    Never with you guys
    Don't eat unwashed berries
    They brush their teeth, wash their ears...

    (Dirty takes one of the listeners by the sleeve and whispers mysteriously.)

    You better listen to me.
    I live and I don’t know troubles:
    Soap does not get into the eyes
    The brush does not scratch the gums,
    A wet sponge does not rub.
    Cucumbers, carrots, I don’t wash them...
    If you want, friend, come with me!

    (Pulls one of the boys behind him. Moidodyr grabs the child by the hand and holds him.)

    Don't go with her, don't try!
    Germs will bite you,
    They'll tear you apart!
    The dirty guys won't see happiness!

    (Moidodyr snatches the boy from the hands of Dirty. Harmful Bacteria jump out and, not finding other prey, attack Dirty).

    Well, let's help her, friends?
    After all, you can’t leave someone in trouble!

    (Dirty cries and stretches out his hands to the guys.)

    We feel sorry for you, Dirty.
    We give soap and a washcloth.

    (Dirty takes the gifts, turns his back to the guys, facing the Harmful Bacteria, who, seeing the soap, run away in horror. Dirty quickly takes off the scary, dirty mask from his face and pulls off the wig from his head. Turns to face the guys.)

    Dirty(looks in the mirror):
    I forgot myself a long time ago.
    And now I washed my face,
    Yes, I began to remember.
    (Looks at his outfit.)
    Should I wash the dress?

    Wash it quickly
    Maybe you'll have time by evening
    You are at our club for a holiday.
    Goodbye! Let's move on!


    (The Berry Witch sits on the bench and holds a basket. She hands it to the guys.)

    Berry Witch:
    I'm so glad to see you!
    Sweeter than chocolate
    And tastier than pineapple
    These berries are for you!

    (Strawberry Girl jumps out and takes the basket from her.)

    Have you gone crazy?
    You've got elderberry here!
    And belladonna too!
    You carry death in your palms!
    Put your basket away!
    (He returns it to the witch.)
    Look at the picture.
    These berries, friends,
    You can't collect in the forest!
    Each one contains dangerous poison.
    If you eat them once,
    You can get seriously poisoned
    And you will have to undergo treatment.

    (The picture shows belladonna, elderberry, and lily of the valley berries. Strawberry asks the children what other inedible berries they know. You can show the children pictures of inedible berries.)


    (Little Red Riding Hood meets the guys. Behind her, Grandma bandages the Wolf’s leg.)

    Little Red Riding Hood:
    Everything is as it was in the old book.
    I met Little Wolf.
    He found out about Grandma,
    He decided to outsmart us...
    And I had to treat him. (The wolf howls.)
    Even though he is evil, I feel sorry for the poor guy!
    He ran through the ravines,
    There I got caught on a root,
    Slipped, fell,
    And now he is disabled!

    My leg hurts!
    I repent bitterly! (Cries.)
    I promise: never
    I won't do any harm.
    I won’t eat grandmothers
    And I will tell everyone and everywhere:
    If you are about to go,
    Be careful on the way!

    (Grandmother takes cotton wool and a liquid colored to match the color of iodine. She wants to smear the scratch on the Wolf’s “paw.” He pulls back the “paw.”)

    Remove iodine quickly!
    This way the sore will heal!

    What a shame!
    Coward - Little Wolf!
    All the girls and boys
    They know from early childhood:
    There's no room for germs there
    Where, like a guard at the gate
    They are met by the formidable iodine.
    It stings a little - no problem!
    It will live forever! (Smears Wolf.)

    Little Red Riding Hood: So, is everything okay? Let's go to? (The wolf gets up and, screaming, grabs his other leg.) Maybe this is a fracture?

    They will tell us this at the hospital.
    We'll tie the tires for now,
    To strengthen the bones
    And you can’t move it on the road.

    (Grandmother invites the children to learn how to apply splints for a dislocated or broken leg. She takes two flat boards and ties them to the shin above the knee and below the ankle joints on the outside and inside of the leg.)

    Well, now, friends, go,
    Just look at your feet!


    (Two boys are sitting on the grass with their backs to each other. One is sneezing, the other is coughing. The Strong Boy is standing nearby.)

    Strong Boy:
    I told them in the winter:
    Temper yourself with me!
    In the morning, running and shower are invigorating,
    Like for adults, real!
    At night - open the windows,
    Breathe fresh air
    And then the microbe is hungry
    It will never defeat you...
    They didn’t listen, they got sick...

    Boys (together):
    We realized too late, brothers,
    How useful it is to harden yourself.
    Let's stop coughing and sneezing,
    Let's take a shower!

    Strong Boy:
    You cannot become strong instantly.
    Temper yourself gradually!

    (The strong guy starts singing the song “Temper yourself if you want to be healthy...” The guys pick up the song and move on with it.)


    Sport is good for health.
    Stadium, swimming pools, court,
    Hall, skating rink: you are welcome everywhere.
    Reward for effort
    There will be cups and records,
    Your muscles will become hard.
    Just remember: athletes
    Every day is yours without fail
    They start with physical exercises.
    Don't play hide-and-seek with sleepyheads,
    Quickly throw off the blanket
    We got up - sleep was gone!

    (Does a comic set of exercises with the children.)


    (Mushroom Boletus sits on a bench and uses a twig to drive away the Toadstools darting around. They are trying to steal a table with poisonous mushrooms drawn on it.)

    Hey guys, come over
    Take a good look!
    Dress with white dots
    Puts on a fly agaric
    And the toadstool is a fringe.
    What if someone likes it?
    This is a false opinion.
    You can get poisoned by them.

    (The toadstools grabbed the table. Borovik addresses the audience.)

    How can I drive away the Toadstool,
    These nimble hooligans?
    Help me, friends!

    Organizing teacher: Listen, I know the remedy! (Addresses the guys.) Tell me, friends, the names of edible mushrooms.

    (As the guys name edible mushrooms, the Toadstools run away.)

    You know a lot of mushrooms!
    Defeated all enemies!
    Now please tell me
    How should they be collected?

    (The guys answer that the mushrooms need to be carefully cut with a knife so as not to damage the mycelium, then new ones will grow in place of the cut ones.)

    Goodbye, good morning,
    I'm waiting for you in the forest under the Christmas tree. (Takes off his hat and waves to the guys.)


    (Chamomile sits with a bouquet of medicinal plants.)

    Many useful herbs grow
    On the soil of the native country.
    Can cope with illness
    Mint, tansy, St. John's wort.

    Herbal Witch:
    I want you, my friend,
    Add another flower to the bouquet.

    I figured out your deception!
    Look, this is dope -
    Poisonous grass.
    Your head will hurt
    From your gift.
    Take him back!

    (The Herbal Witch runs away. Chamomile shows a table with poisonous plants.)

    Oh, that Grass Witch! So he strives to do something nasty. Either he will slip a poisonous root, or inedible grass. Guys, look at the table. Do not pick or eat these plants.

    (The Grass Witch appears again.)

    Herbal Witch:
    I've come to my senses, guys.
    Better together in let's go to the forest,
    Let's collect sage and mint,
    We'll pick tender lilies of the valley.
    At home we’ll put them in a vase...

    Chamomile: Brothers, I immediately understood her cunning plan. (Holds out a bunch of dope. Shields the guys from the witch.) No, we won't go with you! (The Herbal Witch shakes her fist at Chamomile and runs away.)

    We know these plants
    We take care and protect
    From such dashing ones as this one,
    Bouquet Gatherers:
    In the Red Book they
    They've been listed for a long time.
    We don't tear them for fun,
    We'll take them to the pharmacy.
    From the gifts of the forest kingdom
    People make medicine.

    Guys, who knows what the Red Book of Nature is?

    (Answer: rare species of plants and animals are included in this book. Representatives of nature included in it must be protected especially carefully.)

    (After all the groups of children have gone to the stations, they gather in the assembly hall. On the stage there are posters made by the detachments, the presenters are also here. Everyone’s costumes are the same, only Gryaznula is shining with cleanliness. No one recognizes her, the presenters ask each other, pointing at her: “Who is this?”, they shrug.)

    Moidodyr(Dirty): I don’t understand who you are!

    I'm a former Muddy.
    It became clear to me now
    It's wonderful to be clean!

    Beneficial Bacteria(Moidodyr):
    Look, she washed herself off
    And how she has changed!

    Well, the former Dirty
    We'll call him Clean. (Addresses her.)
    And on this occasion
    We entrust you
    Name the best today.
    And here are the prizes. Give it to them!

    (Clean names the winning squad and presents them with prizes.)
    The winners of this game were the 2nd squad. As a reward for their efforts, the children received one of three pies baked by the school chefs.

    Grade: _________________
    Signature: ____________ camp director

    Outline of a collective creative activity

    "Golden Sorceress Autumn"

    Goals: To foster love and respect for nature,

    develop students' creative abilities.

    Identifying leaders

    achieving intra-group cohesion

    Preparatory work:
    - excursions to the autumn park, forest;
    - learning poems, songs, skits;
    - decoration of the assembly hall (autumn leaves, balloons);
    - preparing items for competitions (cubes, acorns, vegetables, fruits, tablets with proverbs, caps with autumn leaves);

    Objectives for students:

    Invent and make your own holiday attributes;

    Learn poems;

    Perform at a school-wide festival-concert with your own act.

    Equipment: sheets of paint paper

    CTD time: .2 weeks

    KTD progress.

    1 day . Take an excursion to the autumn park.

    Day 2. Explain to the children the goals and objectives of KTD. Tell the children that the school will be holding an autumn festival. We need to prepare a performance for this holiday. Choose a creative group. You need to tell poems about the autumn months, select proverbs and sayings about autumn signs and come up with an emblem for the month of October, learn a song about autumn. Children are invited to choose poems and proverbs at home, and also draw a sketch of the emblem.

    Day 3 . Discussion of the brought poems and proverbs, selection of the best. Distribution of roles. Choosing the logo of the month. Children draw an emblem.

    Day 4 Rehearsal under the guidance of a teacher.

    5 day . Holding a holiday. The guys recite poems, participate in a proverb competition, present the emblem of the month of October, and sing a song

    Collective summing up.

    At this stage, the analysis of the CTD is carried out, and the creative group itself analyzes the event. They talk about what worked, what didn’t work, what they need to work on more in the next CTD and what they should pay attention to.