And the values ​​that you have. “You and I have the same values,” or rather, you and I have the same values! Where do life values ​​come from?

Russian and Ukrainian far-right groups have the same values ​​and political ethos

The Ukrainian and Russian far right are ready to put bullet holes in each other over issues such as the legacy of World War II and who is the real hero. But ask them about abortion, feminism, migration, anti-Semitism, LGBT rights, human rights in general, or, for that matter, government transparency and accountability, and suddenly these blood enemies seem like good friends.

Reports of Ukrainian neo-Nazis recruiting Britons to take part in the war against Russia seem somewhat exaggerated, because two people is by no means a massive invasion of the far right on the eastern borders of Europe. But we must remember that hatred is intensifying. And to think of it as a local phenomenon is to miss the big picture.

Let's think about the war that Russia is waging. After years of bloodshed, much of the Western media is tired of Ukraine. But if we take a closer look at the conflict between Kiev and Moscow, we will notice one interesting feature. It consists in the fact that far-right forces are fighting on both sides, and the values ​​of these forces are largely the same.

The Ukrainian and Russian far right are ready to put bullet holes in each other over issues such as the legacy of World War II and who is the real hero. But ask them about abortion, about feminism, about migration, about anti-Semitism, about LGBT rights, about human rights in general, or, for that matter, about transparency and accountability in government, and suddenly these blood enemies seem like good friends with there was a slight quarrel over history and national identity, although if this conflict were to end, they would happily join forces and begin to crush all those who stood in their way.

News on the topic

As the editors of the anarchist publication Nihilist ( note, “the difference between the Kremlin and Ukrainian fascists is tactical, not strategic... Russian and Ukrainian far-right groups have the same values ​​and the same political ideal: clan-oligarchic capitalism.”

But there is a more important lesson here. The rise of far-right ideology is confidently crossing boundaries - as confidently as the practical considerations of far-right organizations and their high-ranking supporters. This is the real danger, especially as the memory of World War II begins to fade (it no longer has the same emotional impact on younger generations). What is most needed is a comprehensive approach to the hatred of the far right in Europe, and in the United States too. Ukraine's problems with the far right are British, Austrian and ultimately Russian problems. (No matter how much Putin coddles the far right abroad, no matter how much he helps them, the truth is that for Russian extremists he will never be an extremist enough leader.)

As we search for solutions, we should reflect on the difficult situation in which the United States finds itself today. It is ruled by an openly racist president who is ready to reward any far-right group as long as it sings his praises. There is a lot of talk now that Donald Trump's supporters are ready to support their president at any cost. Reporters from elite publications regularly parachute into those cities and areas where Trump's "base" is strong, and write stunning and slightly apocalyptic materials about how the millions of Americans living there are deeply indifferent to the confidence of their elected president that in a conflict where there is a bloodthirsty far-right violence, there are “two sides.”

While we continue to fight fake news, it is becoming increasingly clear that facts alone will not convince these racists and their ringleaders. The point is that support for Trump comes from places that are fundamentally different from the places in which we accumulate and analyze facts. As Professor George Lakoff argues, conservatives' hierarchical moral worldview greatly influences this support. And this support translates into support for the vicious racism of the current administration.

News on the topic

The successes of the far right in some countries embolden the far right in other countries. This trend is likely to continue. And that is why we must pay attention to those two Britons who went to fight in Ukraine along with neo-Nazis.

One can argue about the reasons for the difficulties we are faced with today. Of course, numerous economic and social factors play a significant role here. But much more important is the very simple realization that what unites and binds the far right can be used for good. Universal feelings, the idea of ​​belonging to a common cause - these are the tools that we can use if we want to overcome the growing tide of hatred.

It is important to track down this hatred, analyze it, and understand the damage it can and does cause to society. But in the future this will not be enough. Active resistance will be required, and to provide resistance it is extremely important to teach people to firmly unite and rally with each other, to create horizontal ties that will bind them not only with intellectual and ideological, but also emotional ties.

Let's return to Lakoff. What matters now is not what far-right hate groups think. What matters is how their members feel and what they believe. If we forget this, the threat from the far right will only grow and metastasize. Humanity has found itself at such a crossroads more than once. The question is whether we can come up with and try something different this time.

Natalia Antonova is a Ukrainian journalist and playwright living in New York.

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Sample summary

Some values ​​change and are lost. But over the course of thousands of years, eternal values ​​that are significant to everyone remain, one of which is friendship.

People often call one of their close friends comrades, but few can formulate what friendship is, who a true friend. All definitions are similar in one thing: friendship is a relationship based on mutual openness, complete trust and constant readiness to help each other.

The main thing is that friends have the same life values, similar spiritual guidelines. And then on true friendship nothing will affect. Infrequent communication and separation will not destroy the relationship. Consistency is a feature of true friendship.

Detailed text

(1) There are values ​​that change, are lost, disappear, becoming the dust of time. (2) But no matter how society changes, eternal values ​​remain for thousands of years, which are of great importance for people of all generations and cultures. (3) One of these eternal values, of course, is friendship.

(4) People very often use this word in their language, they call certain people their friends, but few people can formulate what friendship is, who a real friend is, what he should be. (5) All definitions of friendship are similar in one thing: friendship is a relationship based on mutual openness of people, complete trust and constant readiness to help each other at any time.

(6) The main thing is that friends have the same life values, similar spiritual guidelines, then they can be friends, even if their attitude towards certain phenomena of life is different. (7) And then true friendship is not affected by time and distance. (8) People can talk to each other only occasionally, be separated for many years, but still remain very close friends. (9) Such constancy is a hallmark of true friendship.

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1. write a summary

The term “value” is widely used in sociological and philosophical literature. The whole variety of objects and phenomena of the world around a person is assessed by him from the point of view of usefulness and necessity for ensuring life. Value, as a rule, is endowed with both persons and objects, ideal states of things, actions, situations, moral norms, and principles. Values ​​also include worldviews, ideas, ideals, concepts of equality, brotherhood, freedom, democracy, etc.

The range of values ​​may include individual human qualities: kindness, responsiveness, caring, tenderness.

A system of values, formed in a person during the entire period of upbringing and socialization, helps to easily and simply classify the variety of phenomena and objects of reality from the point of view of their usefulness and necessity.

It allows you to organize and systematize a wide variety of information that a person receives from the world around him to satisfy his own needs, desires, and intentions.

Therefore, it can be argued that a person’s value orientations (the system of his values) are not something arbitrary. They are primarily based on the formed needs of the individual, his desires and aspirations.

Motivation for activity also follows from the individual’s value system, which is a conscious justification for the need to perform certain actions. The value orientations of an individual play a leading role in the process of making the vast majority of decisions. For example, the decision to enter into marriage or to dissolve it primarily follows from the individual’s value system, which itself is based on a system of needs.

When deciding to divorce, a person primarily motivates it by the fact that, from his point of view, important needs are not being satisfied.

The value system is one of essential components internal structure of personality. With its help, a person easily distinguishes the important from the unimportant, the essential from the unimportant, the useful from the useless from the point of view of his individual needs, drives, and interests.

This gives a person’s behavior a certain stability, stable direction, and organization. Moreover, if we know the value system of a particular person well, then, in principle, we can predict his behavior in certain life circumstances.

The value system of an individual determines the direction of behavior and activity. Knowing the value system of a given individual, that is, what is dear, significant, and necessary to him in life, we can foresee how a person will react to actions in interpersonal relationships in family life. Spouses know each other's value systems well and can anticipate their partner's behavior.

When young people get married, they, in principle, have the same universal human values. Their group values ​​will be approximately the same if they belong to the same social group. However, this does not mean that their ideas and views coincide, since the individual characteristics, life experience, and personal fate of each inevitably give variations that are very far from each other. Therefore, disagreements, discrepancies, and disputes between spouses, especially young ones, are simply natural and natural. Some period of time must pass, and a considerable one, for mutual harmonization of views to occur. We call this process mutual adaptation in the field of individual value systems.

Clothing, housing, home comfort, career, success, favorite job, health, family, children in our subjective perception act as certain values.

Literally everything that is related to the satisfaction of a wide variety of needs can act as values: material, psychological, physiological, aesthetic, moral.

The value system of the individual is a complex ideal formation of our consciousness and self-awareness. Sociologists and psychologists still have much to study in this area. Let us note that in sociology it is customary to talk not about a person’s value system, but about a system of value orientations, but we believe that this is one and the same thing.

The value system allows the individual to decide what is meaningful and important to him in marriage and family life. Such values ​​can be: children, their health and well-being; love, affection, tenderness, caring on the part of the partner; the family’s material well-being and satisfactory living conditions; satisfaction with sexual life in marriage; health, both your own and that of the other partner; good relationships with parents and relatives of both sides; the opportunity to devote yourself entirely to your favorite creativity, your favorite profession, professional success and career.

Personal values ​​are organized into a certain hierarchical structure according to the degree of their importance, relevance, and necessity in a given period of a person’s life. This hierarchical structure is not rigid. On the contrary, it is quite flexible and dynamic. Yes, for young man Having just graduated from school, my ultimate dream is to enter my favorite university and acquire my desired profession. During this period, the need to obtain an education and choose a profession is the most important value, occupying first place in the value system. When the dream comes true, this value fades into third or fourth place. For example, after some time a young man falls in love with a beautiful fellow student. Now his highest value is her attention, her reciprocal feeling. The young people got married, and the housing problem faced them with all the urgency. At this time, an apartment is a leading value for newlyweds.

As we have seen, the same value can occupy different ordinal places in importance in different periods human life. Naturally, significant differences in individual value systems lead to numerous conflicts of varying destructive power for the marriage union.

So, the differences between spouses in views and ideas are very diverse. For greater accuracy of scientific understanding, we call them discrepancies in individual value systems. They give birth special group conflicts between spouses. Unfortunately, such conflict situations have not been studied before, and we do not have specific sociological information on this issue. Now we can only say that an analysis of the motives for divorce, a passion for which we ourselves have experienced, does not provide anything for understanding the conflicts of spouses based on the incompatibility of their values.

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What is important to you and what is it? Each person who is asked such a question will answer it individually. One will say that the most important thing in life is career and wealth, another will answer that this is power and status in society, the third will give the example of family, relationships and health. The list could go on for quite a long time, but we just need to understand that what is important to a person controls his actions. Based on what his priorities are, he will make friends, get an education, choose a place of work, in other words, build his life.

And the topic of this article is life priorities, or, more precisely, life values. Next we will talk about what they are, what kinds of values ​​there are, and how their system is formed.

What are life values?

So, a person’s life values ​​can be called the scale of assessments and measures with the help of which he verifies and evaluates his life. During various periods of human existence, this scale was transformed and modified, but certain measures and assessments were always present in it and continue to be present now.

A person’s life values ​​are absolute values ​​- they occupy the first place in his worldview and have a direct impact on which areas of life will be a priority for him, and what he will perceive as secondary.

What are the life values?

First of all, it should be pointed out that a person’s system of life values ​​can consist of several elements:

  • Human values
  • Cultural values
  • Individual values

And if the first two elements are determined mainly by people’s general ideas about what is good and what is bad, what is important and what is secondary, as well as the characteristics of the culture in which a person was born and raised, then the third element can include purely subjective worldview peculiarities. Although in this case it is possible to identify something common that unites the life values ​​of all people in general.

Thus, the general system of human life values ​​includes:

  • Health is one of the main values ​​in life, shared by many people and valued quite highly. But health can include not only spiritual well-being, but also social well-being, expressed in the absence of social crises in life. Special attention deserve indicators of physical and social well-being, which are reflected in external attractiveness and in attributes of social status, such as social status, possession of certain things, compliance with standards and brands;
  • Success in life is another value that has been held in high regard for a long time. Receiving is the key to a stable future, a successful career, availability and public recognition - all this is important for many people. But at the same time, the number of adherents of the so-called downshifting is also quite large - a phenomenon in which people who have already managed to achieve success and social status come to the understanding that they no longer have the strength to endure social pressure, retire from business and go into a simple life. in order to maintain peace of mind and integrity. Today, the skill of adapting to different conditions and circumstances of life and the ability to earn money without being hired are especially valuable;
  • Family remains one of the main life values ​​for people all over the world, despite the fact that today there is a tendency to refuse marriage, especially early marriage, refusal to have children, as well as the promotion of same-sex relationships. In addition, even the fact that in our time money can be used to obtain an endless number of sexual relationships and the appearance of love cannot be compared with the fact that a real family and the need for procreation are still significant for people;
  • Children - and here we can again say that, despite the propaganda of abandoning children (childfree), for the vast majority of people children continue to remain the meaning of existence, and the birth and upbringing of offspring turns into. And great importance here is given to the opportunity for a person to leave behind offspring as a trace, as well as the transfer of his life experience and the consolidation of his individual “I” in something that will continue to exist longer than himself.

Guided by all this, we can conclude that the system of people’s life values, which they are guided by throughout their lives, in most cases is represented by their desire for self-realization, and its transmission over time.

But, in addition to the listed life values, we can name a number of others, which are also very common:

  • Closeness with loved ones
  • Friends
  • Freedom of judgment and action
  • Independence
  • Work that matches your life purpose
  • Respect and recognition from others
  • and opening new places
  • Creative implementation

Differences in life values ​​and priorities are explained by the fact that people differ in. This suggests that your system of life values ​​is completely individual, but what matters most to you, and what you value as the most important thing in life, for someone else may mean absolutely nothing or nothing at all. absent from his value system. Although, of course, things that are significant for everyone, like moral values, have a place to be, regardless of where a person was born and at what time.

Now let's talk about how the formation of a system of life values ​​occurs.

Features of the formation of a system of life values

The system of life values ​​of each person begins to form from the first years of his life, but it is finally formed only upon reaching a responsible age, i.e. by about 18-20 years, although even after that it may change in some ways. The process of its formation itself takes place according to a certain algorithm.

Schematically, this algorithm can be expressed as follows:

  • Aspiration > Ideal
  • Aspiration > Goal > Ideal
  • Aspiration > Values ​​> Purpose > Ideal
  • Aspiration > Means > Values ​​> Goal > Ideal

However, subsequently, between all these points, another one appears - ethics, as a result of which the whole scheme takes on the following form:

  • Aspiration > Ethics> Tools > Ethics> Values ​​> Ethics> Goal > Ethics> Ideal

From this it turns out that first of all, the ideal and the very desire for this ideal arise. An ideal, which can also be called an image, if there is no desire for it, is no longer such.

At the first stage, which is most often instinctive, the ideal is neutral from an ethical point of view, i.e. it cannot be assessed in any way, and it can be formed in the form of a sensory-emotional substance, the content of which is quite difficult to determine. The meaning that is attached to the ideal is formed only at the stage of transformation into a goal. And only after this, reaching the third stage, the formation of values ​​occurs, serving as resources, conditions and rules for, which leads to the ideal. And the entire algorithm ultimately ends with the so-called inventory of the necessary and available means to achieve the goal.

Each element of the presented algorithm is extremely important, but you need to pay attention to the fact that the ideal, goal and means are formed and selected under the influence of not only needs, but also ethical norms, which seem to “filter” all stages of the algorithm. At the same time, ethical standards may exist in the human mind, as well as in the mass consciousness, representing the results of the action of previous algorithms, and therefore be perceived as “existing objectively.” In addition, they can also be formed as new ones, being conditioned by a newly emerged ideal and the corresponding algorithm.

The life of any person, as we have already mentioned, from childhood begins to obey this algorithm, and it does not matter what it concerns: the choice of a future profession, a loved one, political or religious views and actions performed. And here “ideals” play a special role, regardless of whether they exist in a person’s consciousness or in his subconscious.

To summarize, we can say that the system of human life values ​​is a fairly stable structure, despite the fact that it is subject to changes, both small and global. And a person’s awareness of his system of life values ​​is the first step towards understanding his own.