Dragon age 2 fenris romance rivalry. Dragon Age: Fenris - character description, features and interesting facts. Who is he

Class: warrior

Place of residence: mansion in the Upper Town Combat value: average Friendship bonus: +10% to magic resistance Bonus of rivalry: +10% to the chance of critical damage.

Role in the party: Fenris is a two-handed warrior, a good replacement for Carver. He is effective against crowds of weak enemies, and thanks to his unique abilities that reduce the damage done to him, he can pass for a tank.

Personal quests: You can go through the entire game without meeting Fenris: he will join the party only after completing the secondary quest strongait and switch, activated by a letter in the first act. During the task, you will first need to become bait for mercenaries sent on the trail of a runaway slave, and then help the elf storm the mansion of Danarius, his former owner. After clearing the building, Fenris will remain living in it.

The personal quest in the second act is also not immediately available: first the elf must talk about his past. During further travels around Kirkwall, the party may come across new group slave traders hunting for Fenris. After interrogating one of the leaders, the elf learns that they were sent by Danarius’s student, Adrianna; the prisoner even knows where to look for her. You need to visit the slave traders' lair as early as possible, otherwise Fenris will be offended by Hawk and then leave the party altogether. From Adrianna, Fenris learns that he has a sister who is a free citizen of Tevinter.

In the third act, Fenris' sister arrives in Kirkwall to see her brother. Their meeting in the “Hangman” will turn out to be a trap: Danarius himself will appear to greet the runaway slave. You can give him Fenris, but this decision will be condemned by all his companions. Except for Anders: even though he opposes slavery, life will be much easier for him without a fanatic - a man-hater and a potential rival in love affairs.

If Fenris is not handed over, you will have to fight the master and his minions, and then witness a sweet family scene: the elf, enraged by his sister’s betrayal, will want to finish her off on the spot. It is advisable to keep him from this step; Varrick, who himself was recently in a similar situation, can help Hawk in this matter. If the sister survives, she will tell you that Fenris was not such a weak-willed victim of the experiment - he himself agreed to have lyrium tattoos implanted in exchange for freedom for his mother and sister. Having lost both his enemy and his purpose in life, Fenris again becomes a lone mage hunter.

Development of relationships: The main thing to remember when communicating with Fenris is that he pathologically hates sorcerers of all varieties. Already during the first quest, Hawk the magician can get as many as 70 points of rivalry with the elf if he expresses everything he thinks about Fenris’s attitude towards magic and those who practice it.

It is also not difficult to make friends with Fenris, even for a magician: it is enough to repeat that all magicians are required to be members of the Circle, and any relaxation will end badly both for the wizard himself and for those around him. Fenris also encourages any decisions that directly or indirectly harm mages and their sympathizers. He will even approve of the blackmail of the templar Trask when it turns out that he has a daughter - a sorceress, who, through the efforts of her father, escaped the Circle. Stop any activity of apostate sorcerers, take the side of the templars, condemn slave traders and slave owners, do not take Fenris into the party along with Merrill and Anders, and soon the elf will gain faith in Hawk.

Fenris is one of the most interesting characters with whom you can have an affair, especially if it is an affair of rivals. To start a love relationship, you need to achieve 50% friendship/rivalry and flirt with him at least once. In addition, Fenris will not fall in love with a heroine who has already slept with Isabela Merrill or Anders, even if that romance has long since come to an end. You can also start a relationship with him when playing as a man: it is assumed that Fenris prefers traditional relationships, but Hawke’s “gay” tendencies pass due to the amnesia of a runaway slave.

After the first night of love, Fenris will not remain in Hawke's estate, but will leave the party until the end of the act - don't worry, this is how it should be. If you choose the phrase So you are ending it, the novel will end in nothing; otherwise the elf will return and confess his feelings.

The elf slave is the only one of his party members who understands the culture of the Qunari. Take him with you to negotiations with the Arishok - the tattooed warrior will open up several interesting options for the development of the dialogue.

The first gift for Fenris is a book that appears at night in one of the bags in the elfinage, the second is the Sword of Mercy, lying in a chest in the port building. Fenris will only accept the sword if there is a high level of friendship/rivalry, otherwise he will take the gift as an insult.

Personal quests: Like Fenris, Isabela is fairly easy to miss - she is not a required companion and only appears after recruiting Anders in Act 1. You can meet her in the "Hangman" at night. Having effectively dealt with the creditors who came after her, the pirate will talk to Hawk and agree to keep him company, but only if he helps her get rid of another obsessive colleague.

This seemingly simple quest lays the foundation for the entire storyline associated with the Qunari’s stay in the city. Isabela gained the trust of Hawk for a reason: with his help, she was going to intercept the sacred tome of Kun, because of which the Arishok comrades have been stuck in Kirkwall for years. After the first failure, Isabela will seem to forget about this artifact - all searches and adventures will take place behind the scenes, and the player will learn about them only through individual lines in the dialogues.

Before the final quest - volume of the second act, Isabela will appear at Hawke's estate along with Evelyn and will insist that the hero first help in her case, and deal with the Qunari only later. It’s better to give in to her - the horned warriors won’t go anywhere, and Isabela, if you don’t help her, will leave forever. When Hawk helps her get the desired relic, the pirate will also run away, but will soon return if she is loyal or the romance with her is not over. The hero will have a choice: hand her over to Arishok or fight for the life of an honest scoundrel.

Relationship Development: Isabela's personality is very similar to Varrick. The only exception is that she does not like Meredith and welcomes all decisions directed against the dictatorship of the templars and the rigid order in general. If you flirt with Isabela at least once, after the initial quests of the second act, the pirate will drop into Hawk's house with unambiguous intentions. A full-fledged romance will begin with her only if, after a hot night, Hawk talks to her about feelings, having tried all the phrases in the dialogue. This episode will not interfere with Hawke’s romance with another passion if the stormy night does not continue. Additionally, Isabela can romance Fenris if he is not in a loving relationship with Hawke.

Present: In the second act you can find a model of a ship in a bottle, and in the third - a Rivan talisman.

Fenris. The brief history of this “gloomy elf” is known to everyone who has ever played DA2, and even more so to its fans (although fans are still more common), but it wouldn’t hurt to recall the main points. Fenris is a slave. And far from being an ex: Isabella also correctly noted that he “wears chains under his clothes.” The elf remains with a certain emotional connection with his former master Danarius until the “moment of truth” - the murder of Danarius (if Hawk decides to hand him over to the master, then forever). But even after breaking this connection, Fenris will not be able to let himself go without outside help. Rather, he will look for a person who can become a new master for him - unconsciously or still understanding something, it doesn’t really matter. Fenris simply does not know any other life except as a slave. And the actual escape doesn't change it psychological mood on this. The elf himself understands - this is also evident from the dialogues - that something needs to be changed... but he is scared. He is afraid of changes - not so much in his lifestyle, but in his own soul. But these changes are necessary, without them it will be very difficult - if not impossible - for Fenris to develop as a person. And here a lot depends on Hawk. It is a man (especially a magician) who can most strongly influence our elf. Why only a man? Because a woman - Hawk, a woman - a leader, can only be a “mom” for Fenris, caring and caring. Can you imagine a different balance of power in this pair? Personally, I don't. If with the revolutionary Anders some kind of equality in relations between Hawke and a woman is still possible (although, IMHO, the geth with both turns out to be turned upside down - the male role is played by Hawke, the female role is played by her LI), then Fenris in in any case, he will sit “under the wing of the Protector.” Yes, "Mommy". But will she be able to help our elf free himself from the past, not only physically, but also mentally? Hardly. A loving “mistress” instead of a cruel master? Essentially the same slavery, only instead of iron chains there is a silk leash. In addition, women are generally more inclined to change and tolerate change more easily than men. It’s more likely that Hawk will adapt to Fenris, saving him from having to do something himself, than vice versa. This is also true when having a romance based on rivalry, especially with a sorceress - if in friendship our elf is more inclined to look for common ground and compromises (well... as far as his character allows this at all), then rivalry forces him to completely withdraw into himself simply for the purpose of self-defense. In the end, it’s difficult to call Fenris a masochist... although when observing the development of the same rivalry romance, such a thought periodically arises. It is painfully obvious that he is setting himself up by opening up about his past with a woman with whom he is, to put it mildly, not on good terms. better relations. But these glimpses of masochism, in principle, have an explanation - the same fear of change. Fenris subconsciously wants to receive confirmation of his old complexes, to once again pour salt on his emotional wounds - just so that everything will be as before... But at the same time, he is mortally hungry for love and friendship, for some warm feelings addressed to him. This is precisely the root of it painful attachment to Hawk/u – opponent. After all, even with the most rabid rivalry, they help him, talk to him, introduce him to the rest of the squad members (the same Isabella). If you look at it, Fenris doesn’t need much to become attached to Hawk/u - but to, firstly, grow something more out of this attachment, and, secondly, force the elf himself to recognize this “more” , you need to expend a lot of energy. And here we come to the question: what kind of person should Hawke be in order not to spare this same effort, time and nerves for Fenris’ new life (for his escape after the first night, you must agree, makes... a rather repulsive impression). A romance with Hawke, a woman, is not suitable - for the reasons mentioned above. Romance with Hawk of any gender in rivalry - too. What remains is a romance based on friendship with Hawk, a man. But not with everyone either. In general, for a special contrast between Fenris at the first meeting and Fenris before the final battle, I can recommend Hawk the Mage - but with a certain character, the class does not really matter. Character... hmm, if you manage to improve your friendship with the “dreary Tevinter” Hawk - a boor, and also a magician, it will be interesting to find out the details. Personally, in any class I can only become a diplomat who periodically bursts out humorous phrases. So here’s the paradox: romancing Fenris with a woman means actually replacing his mother, but such rather feminine traits as patience and understanding (and both require two cars, no less) are very useful in the case of a man. Waiting for three years, nowhere, in any way, and without cheating with anyone is also typical female behavior. Men are much less likely to do this. (Although the romantic scene with Fenris was clearly not tailored for Hawke - a woman...) Of course, if Hawke didn’t care about the development of the elf as a person, and he needed a slave rather than an equal lover... yes, and this happens... then everything could be much simpler. But, I think, the majority of Fenris’ fans still start a beautiful, complex, mind-blowing and sometimes heartbreaking romance with him based on friendship and indestructible mutual love. Or am I not right?

And again the hunters were on his trail.

In truth, he had known about this for several days now. He saw it in the innkeeper's eyes, in the way the plump man looked away, not wanting to meet his gaze. He saw it in the pitiful look of the whore who stood on the corner and tried to hide behind a fake smile. The patrons of that wretched tavern where he came to eat began to fall silent when he appeared, and it was not the silence that occurs when the townspeople see a strange elf, covered with strange patterns and armed with a huge sword - it was the silence when people they see that the problem has just walked through the door and try to pretend they don't notice it. Fenris could already see the difference very well.

He got lazy. Even though he knew, there was a part of him that refused to acknowledge the fact. He hoped, against his better judgment, that he was wrong, that the signs he was seeing were just a figment of his paranoid fugitive mind. The time spent in the last three cities increased from one to another, he made little attempt to hide his characteristic markings. He convinced himself that this was a challenge. Let them come. Let them try to grab him and send him back if they dare. But deep down he wondered if he was too tired of this bullying.

The time has come. He had already taken his meager belongings from the hotel room and jumped out the window. It led into a dark alley behind the building and had convenient ledges, making an unnoticed descent quite an easy task. That is why Fenris, after a long and careful inspection, chose this room, not paying attention to the slightly worried look of the innkeeper. He almost wondered how long it would take for curiosity or a delay in payment to force the innkeeper to come into the room and find that Fenris was no longer there. A week, perhaps less, if the innkeeper was the one who gave up his location.

The alley was empty except for a couple of rats and an elven hobo sleeping next to a pile of garbage. Fenris stopped and looked at the man with disgust. He thought he would blend in better with the crowd when he was outside the Empire. In lands where elves are free, surely one more elf would not arouse suspicion? How stupid he was. How could he have known that so many of his people would squander their freedom to live like frightened cattle? If he had to choose between dressing and acting as inconspicuously and humbly as the local people expected of an elf, joining one of the ever-wandering clans that swarm like maggots in the scraps that human kingdoms throw at them, or fighting... then his choice was obvious.

The tramp woke up when Fenris pulled his sword from behind his back. The elf squealed in horror, but Fenris didn't even pay attention. They were walking towards him, hidden in the thick shadows of the alley - at least two on either side... and one more on top? He listened and heard a faint tapping sound on the clay tiles of the roof. Yes, this is without a doubt a crossbowman. They think they have him cornered.

Fenris rushed to the end of the alley that led from the main street into a labyrinth of winding courtyards, buried in sewage, and entangled like nets with clotheslines - but it was darker here, it would be easier for him to run without attracting the attention of the city guards. Why hunters always resorted to the help of guards was definitely beyond his understanding. In the last city, he made a mistake and came across the guards, but to his luck they interfered with his escape just as they interfered with his pursuers. It wasn't worth the risk anyway.

The tramp screamed in fear and rose unsteadily to his feet, but Fenris had already passed him. Two tall figures were approaching, barely visible, but now moving much faster, realizing that the prey had become aware that it was being hunted. Out of the corner of his eye, Fenris noticed something burgundy. Therefore, Tevinter soldiers. Okay, everything just got a lot easier. It’s not that it would be more difficult for him to kill ordinary mercenaries, no, it would not be nearly as pleasant as killing dogs like these.

A wide swing of his sword threw the first hunter, who, however, managed to parry him to the side. The second rushed forward, deciding to take advantage of his opponent's opening - only to be met with Fenris's fist. The marks on his skin flared brightly, the lyrium in them permeated his flesh with magic, and his fist penetrated straight through the helmet and into the hunter's head. He swayed, stunned by horror.

This means they didn’t bother to warn them. Fools.

The marks flared again as Fenris restored some of the materiality of his fist. The hunter jerked back, blood gushing from his mouth and ears. By this time, the first hunter had already recovered and began to swing his sword. Expertly, Fenris placed the second hunter between himself and the sword. The blade cut hard into the man's shoulder, and with one blow, Fenris threw them both into the brick wall. His fist was covered in dark red blood.

He would have stayed to finish them off, but the other hunters seemed to have begun to understand what was happening. A crossbow bolt flew close to Fenris's head, barely grazing his ear, and he could hear the thud of the boots of the approaching soldiers. He ran into an alley, jumped over a hunter who was trying to get out from under the body of his dead comrade, and disappeared into the maze. Dark doorways rushed past him. He cut ropes and overturned barrels to create obstacles for his pursuers. They were not going to give up, he heard the soldiers swearing in Tevinter, and the crossbowman trying to take a comfortable position on the roof.

He jumped into the first pair of open shutters that caught his eye. He landed on the kitchen floor, filled with the smell of fresh bread, and the human woman screamed as he rose to his feet. Without a doubt, the sight of an elf dressed in tight-fitting armor and armed with a sword almost the same size as himself was not something she wanted. He saw a very pretty woman pressed against the wall, dressed in a nightgown that revealed much more of her cleavage than she herself suspected.

Fenris. "Venhedis! Fasta vass!"

Fenris. "Venhedis! Fasta vass!"

He grinned at her and she screamed again. He grabbed a freshly baked loaf from the table and ran to the front door of the shack. At this time, a soldier was already climbing into the window, causing the woman to scream again and fall unconscious. The others were probably already almost to the entrance, which meant he had to get out of there as quickly as possible.

Fenris stopped dead in his tracks. He knew the man who was now standing in the doorway: a burgundy cloak, raven hair barely covering his soulless eyes. And the scar on his neck, the author of which was Fenris himself. Damned healing potions and their dirty magic. Why can't anyone stay dead?

“Avanna, Fenris. Nice to see you again." The hunter's voice was an icy purr as he raised his crossbow and aimed the bolt at Fenris's chest. So, one from the roof. Smart.

"Considering what happened last time, it's strange that you decided to try your luck again."

"It's not just a matter of money now, slave."

Oh, how Fenris loved it when they said things like that. “Aren't you afraid that you will lose your life?”

"Don't think. You have become careless. It's time to give up." Another hunter came through the window, and he could clearly hear the screams of others on the street. He believed that he had only two choices: give up and hope for the opportunity to escape again or try his luck now.

It couldn't be called a choice. He gripped the hilt of his sword even tighter and smiled at the hunter, slowly and deadly. “Vishante kaffar,” he hissed and rushed to the attack.

The second part of "Age of the Dragon" introduced many new interesting characters to fans. Among the main companions and contenders for Hawk's heart was Fenris, an elf slave who once belonged to the Tevinter master and magician Danarius. The hero suffered from memory loss and physical changes caused by lyrium artificially introduced into his body. Fenris's specialty is Dragon Age- Two-handed weapon.


Fenris was enslaved by the magician Danarius for a long time, where he was subjected to experiments. Danarius tested lyrium on him, which was injected into the elf’s body in the form of various tattoos (the character’s appearance can be seen in the photo below, as well as official screenshots and numerous pieces of art for Dragon Age). Fenris acquired mystical deadly powers and, at the same time, lost his memory and forgot absolutely everything about his past life. In addition, it is better not to touch traces of the lyrium implanted into him - any touch brings severe pain to the hero.

One day, Fenris decided to put an end to his slave existence and escape. In response to this, an enraged Danarius begins to harass and persecute the missing "property" in order to return the precious lyrium.

Arrival in Kirkwall

Finally, lonely wanderings lead our hero to Kirkwall, a large city in the east of Thedas and the central location of the events of the second part of Dragon Age. Fenris joins Hawke's company, but still hopes to take revenge on those who ruined his life. Danarius continues the pursuit and sends his best student, Adriana, after the elf. After a fierce battle, Adriana is defeated, and Fenris tries to extract information from her about the whereabouts of the magician. He never gets an answer to this question, but he learns another thing - Fenris has a sister.

It later turns out that the sister was a fake trap organized by none other than Danarius. Together with Hawke, Fenris finally deals with his former master, repaying him for many years of slavery and torture. At one point, the elf even tries to kill his sister, but can be stopped by the friendly Champion of Kirkwall. If his sister dies at the hands of Fenris, he will leave the Hawk squad to cope with despair. If she survives, he will stay. In any case, Fenris learns from his sister that his name is actually Leto, and that he came to Danarius of his own free will, trying to save his family from a terrible fate.

Game finale

At the end of Dragon Age, Fenris can either stay with Hawke or leave his squad, choosing the enemy's side. It depends on whose side the player ultimately takes: the side of the magicians or the templars. You can influence the situation in any case, the main thing is to have time to earn the required level of approval from Fenris by the end. In Dragon Age 2, many conflicts can be resolved this way.

The further fate of Fenris

In the third part of the Age of Dragons, the battle elf no longer appears, but his name is sometimes mentioned by other characters. For example, if you start a conversation with Varric about Hawke, you will notice an additional dialogue option regarding the companions of the Kirkwall Champion. Varric will tell you that Fenris continues to hunt for Tevinter slave traders, and that in this moment the elf should be somewhere in the south (regardless of whether the player had an affair with Fenris in Dragon Age 2). Unfortunately, more detailed information the player will not receive information about the former companion. A conversation with Hawk will also not reveal anything new.


Almost all fans of Fenris from Dragon Age 2 consider him one of the most controversial characters in the series. Slave existence affected both his fate and character. The hero treats his freedom with trepidation and is ready to destroy anyone who in any way encroaches on it. At the same time, the acquisition of physical freedom could not give Fenris spiritual freedom. He constantly torments himself, cannot deal with moral dilemmas and experiences intense loneliness that destroys him from the inside. It does not help to think that a runaway slave will always be in danger and eternally persecuted. Even after taking revenge, the elf is unlikely to receive the long-awaited peace.

When it comes to communicating with other members of the Kirkwall Champion's squad, things work out differently. Sometimes Fenris asks their opinion, but always keeps his distance. He is respectful of Aveline, quite supportive of Varrick, tense with Merrill, and can't stand Anders. The relationship between Fenris and Hawke in Dragon Age 2 can be either romantic or just friendly. Under certain circumstances, an elf may become angry with the Champion of Kirkwall and even take the enemy's side during the final battle.

Fenris is a very gloomy and gloomy character, which is why many of his comrades constantly make fun of him. Sometimes he himself makes jokes, but this is done with such a serious expression on his face that very often some companions involuntarily fall into a stupor.

Fenris has a very difficult relationship with magicians. Hatred arose during his existence as a slave, when the hero witnessed terrible magical experiments. The circle and vigilant templars are seen by him as the main needs in the current situation.

Despite maintaining the slave lifestyle of all magicians, the elf does not like slavery itself. If the player tries to defend the rights of a free person, this will have a positive impact on Fenris.

Fenris can accept certain gifts from the protagonist. During the passage of the second chapter, we recommend that you look into the Elfinage - there is a valuable book in one of the bags. The second gift is hidden in the third chapter, in the quest called “Best Served Cold” - it’s a sword.

How to join the party

Fenris first meets Hawk(s) during the quest "Free Cheese" (you can get the quest through the journal in the main character's house). Together with the elf, the player goes to the slave trader Danarius, where a serious battle awaits them. At the end of the fight, the enemy will disappear, and Fenris will be able to join the Champion of Kirkwall. He will spend his free time from hiking in the former estate of Danarius (the location on the map is the Upper Town).

As we said earlier, Fenris could be one of Hawke's love interests.

  • You can flirt with the elf already in the first chapter, after the attack on Danarius’s house. For romantic dialogue, you must choose lines with a heart. It’s worth saying right away that if Hawk’s specialty is magic, then the relationship with the elf will be somewhat tense. The romance with Fenris in Dragon Age 2 is based on rivalry, that is, his enmity with Anders will have a direct impact on his relationship with Hawke, and vice versa.
  • During the passage of the second chapter, you can complete the task "A Question of Faith" by chatting with Fenris about his escape. The next development of his personal quest is the attack of Andriana’s Tevinter robbers, who will overtake the player’s company between locations. After a showdown with Danarius’ student, the elf will go home to the Upper City. If Hawk follows him and uses the romantic options in the dialogue, he will spend the night with Fenris. Unfortunately, in the morning the elf will run away, explaining his decision by not wanting to hurt Hawk.

  • The third chapter will introduce us to Fenris's sister, who will turn out to be his trap. Regardless of whether she dies at the end of the quest or not, Fenris will again be overwhelmed by suffering. In order to continue the romance, Hawk must talk to the elf and convince him of his own support. A little later, Aveline and Varric will try to persuade Fenris to change his home, since Danarius’s estate was and remains not the best best place. Hawk may offer to stay with him/her. During the last visit to the elf in the third chapter, the player must bring up the topic of Danarius again. As a result, he can forgive Fenris for his behavior, and everything will end with a kiss.
  • Before the final battle, the player will have the opportunity to communicate with all his partners in turn. If you talk to Fenris, he will confess his love to Hawk and give him/her a kiss.