Congratulations on Medical Worker's Day in verse and prose—funny, beautiful, short. When is Pediatrician Day celebrated? Congratulations on the holiday Congratulations on the day of the pediatrician

Congratulations on Doctor's Day

Doctor's profession is:
Help, treat, save.
There is no end to this matter,
The doctor is our angel, friend and mother.
The doctor knows how to fix everything:
Runny nose, soul and abscess.
On this day, congratulate doctors
This is our first impulse!

Congratulations to the doctors

You became a doctor by listening to the call of your heart,
You are ready to help the sick in the middle of the day and night.
All your relatives raise their prayers to heaven for you,
All patients will forever be grateful.
Today everyone has gathered to congratulate you,
On this day you will have to leave all your work,
And listen to grateful words,
Which you deserve in full.

Congratulations to the pediatrician

There is such a glorious profession -
To save our lives from misfortunes,
Challenging diseases to a fair fight,
Helping women give birth.
So let the shifts be calm,
Patients thank you
To be sure to wait at home,
So that your career keeps pace.
So that love can accompany you boldly,
Protecting you from various troubles,
So that all things are done skillfully,
And success accompanied my dreams.

Congratulations to the anesthesiologist

Happy Doctor's Day, buddy!
Our doctors are often scolded
Medicine, they say, is no longer the same
But I know for sure
You are the doctor who is a dream to see!

Because it's more important to you
All kinds of money, honors and benefits,
The patient can be cured faster
Yes in reality, not on paper.

Therefore, I am glad to congratulate
Happy Doctor's Day to you, my friend,
Move forward, not backwards
And you will find everything you are looking for!

Congratulations to the pediatrician

You are our angels and gods,
We trust in your skill,
You heal hearts and arms, legs,
Snatching us from the clutches of death!

Low bow to you for your efforts,
Good luck to all doctors!
And let universal recognition
The reward itself will be assigned to you!

Congratulations to a doctor colleague

To the ophthalmologist
Vision is so important in life -
And don't be discouraged
To look into the distance bravely
Or kill with a look,

An ophthalmologist can easily help
See the colors of the world,
We wish you happiness too,
Don't be sad and don't grow old.

SMS congratulations from doctors

When a shard is stuck in your soul,
When there is no strength from failures,
Only a psychologist can help here,
A great doctor like you!

Today you celebrate your holiday,
Medic's Day, Doctors' Day.
I wish you everything to be wonderful,
Let there be only happiness and love!

Congratulations to a medical student

Who helps us not to feel pain,
Who shows us such love,
Labor is full of courage, skills, needles -
Of course, an anesthesiologist will help.

He will administer anesthesia when the time has come,
We got inspired today,
We will only sincerely congratulate you,
Good luck, good luck, and good health!

Congratulations to the pediatrician

I wish the chief doctor
It solves many problems
This is definitely the main doctor!
You can't get enough work every day,
You won't know when you'll return home.

And today to the chief doctor
I want to wish you well from the bottom of my heart,
May good luck come to you,
Never let you down.

Congratulations to the pediatrician

The surgeon will easily help
If you have appendicitis,
Or what else hurts?
Our surgeon will easily help -
It will destroy all the diseases,

We only wish you good luck
Become, my friend, richer,
Help patients
No troubles.

Congratulations to the pediatrician

A clear halo shines above you
A clear halo shines above you,
This sign of holiness has been given to you!
May the sky always be blue
And every day would be a joy!

You will raise your glasses in the staff room,
So that our people are healthy,
To make everyone sick feel better,
You have a life of happiness without adversity!

Congratulations to the doctors

Little boy in new jeans
Once upon a time I became friends with a doctor,
A little boy came to the reception:
One knee is turning blue.
The little boy trusted the doctor
The boy and the doctor stayed in the office,
The doctor looked down on his knee:
There is no way to save the leg,
It looks like there's gangrene, I'll have to cut it off...
The little boy left on a prosthetic leg.
A month passes, he goes to the doctor again:
The second knee turns a little blue.
The doctor was attentive and spoke soberly:
This means that this one will have to be cut off too.
The boy relied on the doctor’s experience,
And these were new jeans that were fading.

Happy Doctor's Day greetings to colleagues

On Medical Worker's Day, I wish you,
So that your health does not let you down,
So that you can walk through life with success,
May you be lucky in various matters!

After all, hard work is your reward,
In your honor only, my congratulations!
You are our pride and our joy,
We trust you with our health!

Congratulations to the pediatrician

Endocrinologist saves lives
The endocrinologist saves lives,
He always helps sick people
And in the endocrine difficult system -
It is both in its atmosphere and theme.

We wish the endocrinologist happiness,
We sincerely congratulate you on this day.
May good luck come to you again
May love and hope find you!

Congratulations on the doctor's 50th birthday

Doctors have golden souls,

Most kind words they are worthy.

Who saves us from all the sickness

On a frosty or very hot day?

Who knows how to help us with words?

Can you quickly recover from ailments?

We wish doctors: troubles away!

Let only joy be your friend!

Congratulations to the children's doctor

Cardiologist, you are so -

Smart, although young,

Can overcome anything

It is a sincere matter to help.

The sea of ​​those who speak

What thanks you

Your work is very noble,

Always be a free soul!

Congratulations on Doctor's Day

No one escaped from your hands

alive, so there’s no one to complain to,

They answered him.

So let's drink to good doctors!

Congratulations to doctors in prose

There is such a glorious profession -

To save our lives from misfortunes,

Challenging diseases to a fair fight,

Helping women give birth.

So let the shifts be calm,

Patients thank you

To be sure to wait at home,

So that your career keeps pace.

So that love can accompany you boldly,

Protecting you from various troubles,

So that all things are done skillfully,

And success accompanied my dreams.

Congratulations to the children's doctor

Who knows about medicines?

Just by looking at the recipe,

He will understand your diagnosis right away!

Of course it's a pharmacist!

We sincerely wish you

Of course, only good!

Congratulations today!

Let there be no evil in life.

Congratulations to the children's doctor

Congratulations on your anniversary

Medicine luminary!

He has been a doctor for a quarter of a century,

Sparing no effort and knowledge

For human health!

May you have the chance to work

For many, many more years

Do not treat yourself

And not to know everyday troubles!

Congratulations to a medical student

They will heal our soul and body.

Specialty: Surgeon | To the therapist | Cardiologist | To the dentist

Congratulations on International Doctors Day in verse and prose. doctors of all specialties.

Now I congratulate the doctor with a capital D,

I wish you excellent health and happiness!

Let work give you satisfaction,

Let success and achievements await you there!

Happy Doctor's Day greetings to husband

I congratulate you on Doctor's Day,

I wish you health from the heart,

Be happy, my dear doctor,

Responsive and patient,

Everyone needs such a doctor, I know!

And I adore you!

Happy Doctor's Day greetings to the therapist

You are a wonderful therapist

Responsible, smart, attentive!

You are a storehouse of talent and wisdom,

It’s as if you don’t know the difficulties.

The profession has become destiny -

Patients flow like a river,

A cough here, a fever there...

Refer for procedures

Give them all treatment -

And recovery awaits them all!

We wish you success in your work,

And at home - fun and laughter,

May everything be brilliant for you

Both in the future and in the present!

Happy Doctor's Day greetings to a pediatrician

We glorify the pediatrician

We congratulate you on Doctor's Day,

We wish you success,

Happiness, joy and laughter,

So that all dreams come true,

And wishes came true

So that the salary keeps growing,

Let life be easy!

Congratulations in verse for a neurologist

You are an excellent neurologist,

Smart and cute

You help people

Your patients all love you.

We congratulate you on this holiday,

We sincerely wish you happiness,

Kindness, good luck, happiness,

And have a brilliant career!

Poems of congratulations to the surgeon on Doctor's Day

One of the most difficult professions is a surgeon,

And you didn’t suddenly decide to become a surgeon,

*Won't Platonovskaya Hospital be closed?

*Why is the hospital in the village of Verkhnespasskoye being closed?

*Will they really open a TB dispensary in Malshchyna?

*Why is it so expensive to get a medical examination?

*They gave me a quota for computed tomography, but in Tambov they said that all the benefits had ended. What should I do?

*Why do pediatricians simultaneously see patients and work in “emergency care”?

Congratulations to the veterinarian

A urologist will help everyone
Everyone knows, a urologist will help,
He can save you from illness,
He can solve all problems
And find a special approach to you.

We congratulate you, doctor,
Peace, laughter, good luck,
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
Make your wife proud of you!

Congratulations to the children's doctor

You became a doctor by listening to the call of your heart,
You are ready to help the sick in the middle of the day and night.
All your relatives raise their prayers to heaven for you,
All patients will forever be grateful.
Today everyone has gathered to congratulate you,
On this day you will have to leave all your work,
And listen to grateful words,
Which you deserve in full.

Happy anniversary to a woman doctor

Congratulations to the dentist

No one escaped from your hands
alive, so there’s no one to complain to,
- they answered him.
- So let's drink to good doctors!

Congratulations on Doctor's Day

You are a traumatologist
You're a really cool traumatologist.
As a person, you are ideal,
We wish you a wonderful life,
So that you never lose heart,

We wish you joy, good luck,
And less grief and worries,
After all, he only means something in life,
Who is always lucky in everything!

Congratulations to a medical colleague on his anniversary

Ultrasound specialist
Are you an ultrasound specialist?
Not anyhow, but super-pro!
In life you are a great optimist,
Ultrasound is your calling and profile.

On this holiday I wish you,
Good patients, grateful,
And so that for many, many years
Health and radiant smiles!

Congratulations to the children's doctor

Chief physician, throughout the hospital
He will put things in order,
From doctor to nurse
Discipline will bring it.

I wish the chief doctor
May you always be lucky
To live prosperously,
So that happiness does not go away.

Congratulations to the children's doctor

We wish the pediatrician health
A child is a shrine for parents,
And if one day he gets sick,
A parent takes a daughter or son -
And now I hurried to the hospital.

We wish you health, pediatrician,
And help young patients,
And treat children only with love,
Love and respect your family.

Happy Doctor's Day greetings to colleagues

Who can't be imagined without white coat?
Who deserves more wages?
Who is ready to work from night to morning?
Of course, our beloved doctors!

Today is your holiday, doctors of the country!
We really need your experience and knowledge,
We are glad to congratulate you and wish you,
May everything you dream about come true!

Congratulations to the children's doctor

Aibolit doctors
Aibolit doctors,
Our respect to you!
Let it be right away in the morning
Cheerful mood!

To make life glorious
Your noble one!
So that the diseases all succumb
Under good hands!

Congratulations to the children's doctor

On Doctor's Day, let's congratulate you brightly,
There are many successes in life!
To all doctors and nurses,
United by the word doctor!

The windows in the rooms are open,
And today there are no patients in them,
Your holiday makes them healthier,
And the flower vases are cramped!

Congratulations to the chief doctor

You are a therapist
You are a therapist, an excellent specialist,
We would like to wish you good luck,
So that everything in your life is great,
And never be discouraged at all.

You are a therapist, you help people
All illnesses are easy to overcome,
May everything you dream about come true,
We wish you not to get sick either!

SMS congratulations to doctors

We wish the neurologist happiness
The nervous system is not easy to understand
What to treat with what, is there any point in changing,
But, if the diagnostic path is long,
You still need a neurologist.

He will help you, he will find out everything,
Will definitely dot the i’s.
We wish the neurologist happiness,
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday!

Congratulations on the doctor's 50th birthday

Doctor's profession is:
Help, treat, save.
There is no end to this matter,
The doctor is our angel, friend and mother.
The doctor knows how to fix everything:
Runny nose, soul and abscess.
On this day, congratulate doctors
This is our first impulse!

Children's rescuers,
Good doctors,
Our pediatricians
Our lights.

Congratulations on the holiday,
Low bow to you,
To every child
Looking for an approach.

Great happiness to you,
Joy, warmth,
May she be healthy
In the world of children!

Happy Pediatrician's Day, good doctor.
You are a healer of children's souls and bodies,
I wish you strength and patience
You are in a string of difficult cases.

Thank you, bow to you
For your knowledge, kindness,
I praise the golden hands,
Big heart warmth.

I wish you strength and health,
Patience, joy and faith
Give children healing
And take care of your nerves.

Happy Pediatrician's Day. I wish that all children are healthy, that work brings pleasure from communicating with young patients and leaves a huge charge positive energy. I wish you success, wonderful mood, cheerfulness, joy of heart and good luck on any path.

On the Day of the Pediatrician - Doctor, what from God
We strive to congratulate you and wish you a lot
Happiness, health, smiles, good luck,
Everything that means a lot to you will come true -
May your dreams come true soon,
May there be goodness and wealth in life,
There is harmony in life - and in all areas,
May joy quickly rush to the shore,
He’ll drop by for a visit and give you a good mood
The best there is
Solve any problems with them -
And just live with pleasure!

I wish you to treat all children,
May their eyes always shine with happiness!
How wonderful it is to give health,
You are a magical doctor, as if from a fairy tale!

May a miracle always be with you in life,
And everything you want comes true simply!
May the star of good luck shine on you!
I wish you all the best and career growth!

If the children are sick,
The miracle doctor hurries to them,
He will listen and check everything
And it will heal in an instant.

Pediatricians today
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
There is no nobler job
All the kids are delighted!

Happy Pediatrician's Day!
May the holiday fulfill your cherished dream.
Prosperity fills the path of the house,
Any success conquers heights.

I wish you good health, of course,
Let your children never get sick.
Let everything be filled with love,
Let joy, peace and warmth surround you.

Happy Pediatrician's Day! We love and appreciate you!
Our weak, timid children
We bring you to an alarming difficult hour
To you, angels in snow-white robes.

We wish you well with all our hearts
And joy, and a series of successes!
Let every day greet you in the morning
Playful and happy children's laughter!

Vasya is sick for some reason,
And our Tanya has a cough,
The children's doctor looked at them,
And he said that everything was not scary.

Weigh, cure children
Treat them with understanding
This is the everyday life of those doctors
To whom "Pediatrician" is the name.

We want to wish you
Strength, of course, and patience,
And we say “Thank you”
For your work, without a doubt.

Your enormous work is so important!
May your knowledge be easy
The health of all children will be restored!

I wish you the right decisions
And grateful patients
And also new achievements
And hundreds of joyful moments!

Treating children is your calling,
You are the best doctor in this world!
I wish you only prosperity,
And also good luck!

May the children be healthy
You are ready to give them good things:
You will prescribe drops, ointment, tablets,
To heal sick children!

Dear Doctor Aibolit,
He will hurry to help the children.
And tirelessly
Will cure any ailment.
The pediatrician is a powerful doctor,
He will disperse the clouds with his hand,
The baby will calm down in an instant,
And a smile will wash away your fears.
Congratulations to you now
After all, Doctor's Day is for you!
Rejoice and celebrate
Have fun.
I wish you happiness, good health,
With human love.

Happy holiday, wonderful pediatrician,
The children's wizard is adorable.
Happy Doctor's Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you success in your work.
Let the children not shed tears,
And you are rewarded with joy,
Love you health and happiness,
And let the bad weather pass away.

I would like to wish the pediatrician
On Doctor's Day, make children happy,
You have been treating little ones for so many years,
And they put their soul into them.
Maybe everyone can't do it,
Help a little child
But I wish you to cope,
Happy Doctor's Day once again.

Happy Doctor's Day to you pediatrician,
Please accept congratulations from the children,
You play the deciding factor
During an important, beneficial treatment.
I wish you health and success,
Happy and wonderful bright days,
On Medic's Day there is applause,
From all parents and young children.

The pediatrician helps our children,
Saves them from illnesses and relapses,
God gave him talent and strength,
To save children from trouble.
I wish good luck for the pediatrician,
I wish you love and a lot of happiness,
Let life, the villain, not give you change,
In general, problems should not be noticed.

Children are the flowers of life, and you are their gardener,
You will provide them with care and attention.
A huge heart and a pure soul,
One of the first functions of a smart doctor.
Happy Doctor's Day, our doctor, a wonderful pediatrician,
In the entire medical world, you are the main emperor.
I wish you strength, patience, kindness,
And more bright, sweet smiles from children.

Cough and runny nose are not a problem, hurry to the pediatrician,
Feel free to contact your doctor and report your cold.
That's why a pediatrician is needed, to help children,
And from the tenacious clutches of disease, snatch their health.
I wish you health, happiness, joy, love,
And enormous, pure, pure and mutual kindness.
On Medical Day, you need to rest at least a little,
Maybe even from clients, just to breathe air.