Drawing class for the junior theater group. "Theatrical activities in the second junior group." Expected outcome of the project

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 2" general developmental groups for children preschool age

Prepared by: Teacher - speech therapist Semeno Liliya Viktorovna, Yugorsk 2018

Stages of work on the project:

  • Search: determining the topic of the project.
  • Analytical: relevance of the project, goal setting, definition of tasks, preparation for implementation.
  • Practical: the main stage of project implementation (work with preschoolers, work with parents, equipping a subject-development environment).
  • Final stage

Search stage

Project topic: “Theater starts small”

Project participants: preschool children (3-4 years), parents of pupils, teachers.

Project duration: short-term (weekly)

Analytical stage

Relevance of the project:

Early preschool age is the most favorable period for the comprehensive development of a child. At 3-4 years old, children actively develop all mental processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination and speech. During this same period, the formation of basic personality qualities occurs. Therefore, none of the children's ages requires such a variety of means and methods of development and education as the younger preschool age.

One of the most effective means The development and education of a child in early preschool age is theater and theatrical activities. Theater is one of the most democratic and accessible forms of art, which makes it possible to solve many pressing problems of pedagogy and psychology related to artistic and moral education, development of communicative qualities of the individual, development of imagination, fantasy, initiative.

By participating in theatrical activities, children get acquainted with the world around them through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions force children to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. Improvement of speech is also closely related to mental development. In the process of theatrical play, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonation structure are improved. The role played, the lines spoken, confront the child with the need to express himself clearly, distinctly, and intelligibly. His dialogic speech and its grammatical structure improve.

Theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep experiences of the child, and introduces him to spiritual values. They develop the child’s emotional sphere, make him sympathize with the characters, and also allow him to develop the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that every literary work or fairy tale for preschool children always has a moral orientation. Favorite heroes become role models and identification. It is the child’s ability to identify with his favorite image that has a positive impact on the formation of personality traits.

In addition, theatrical activities allow the child to solve many problematic situations indirectly on behalf of a character. This helps overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness. Thus, theater helps the child develop comprehensively.

Goal: to develop the communicative abilities of children of primary preschool age, to introduce Russian folk tales through various types of theater and theatrical activities.


  • To develop children's theatrical and creative abilities, knowledge and skills of theatrical culture.
  • Replenish and activate children's vocabulary.
  • Learn to convey images in movements fairy-tale heroes (mouse, frog, bear, wolf, fox, etc.) and their actions.
  • Develop emotional responsiveness, expressiveness of speech, and artistic abilities through theatrical activities.
  • Develop communication skills - the ability to communicate with other people, based on the rules of speech communication.
  • To instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice, puppeteering).
  • Interest and involve parents in making different types theater
  • Create conditions for the development of children's creative activity.
  • To introduce children to theatrical culture and enrich their theatrical experience.

Resource support:

  • tabletop theaters: "Turnip" , "Chicken Ryaba" , "Teremok"
  • finger theater: "Turnip" , "Teremok" , "Kolobok"
  • flat theater: "Turnip" , "Kolobok"
  • plot pictures, illustrations for fairy tales.
  • educational games: lotto "Fairy tales" , "My favorite fairy tales" , coloring pages based on fairy tales "Teremok" , "Kolobok" , "Turnip" , "Chicken Ryaba" , mosaic "Turnip" .

Expected outcome of the project:

  • children will get an idea about the theater and its varieties;
  • children must develop the ability to use tabletop, finger and puppet theaters;
  • to develop the ability to convey the character of a character through intonation expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, and gestures;
  • children, with the help of a teacher, will learn to dramatize familiar fairy tales;
  • will learn to work in a team, communicate with each other through theatrical images;
  • the group’s theater corner will be replenished with various types of theater;
  • Parents' interest in the life of their children in kindergarten will increase;

The main stage of the project implementation.

NOD OO "Social and communicative development" topic "Excursion to the world of theater"

Software tasks:

Educational area "Social and communicative development"

To form children’s understanding of theater as a form of art and its purpose.

Introduce children to professions (artist, director, costume designer, set designer, musician) and theater premises (auditorium, stage).

Expand children's knowledge about the acting profession.

Develop interest in theatrical and play activities.

To instill in children a love of theater.

Develop the ability to correctly and clearly answer the teacher’s questions.

Enrich your vocabulary on a lexical topic "Theater" .

Activate children's speech activity in the selection of verbs and adjectives.

Educational area "Cognitive Development"

Strengthen knowledge about color and geometric shapes.

Educational area "Speech development"

Form an emotional attitude towards literary works.

Introduce verbal art through poetic rhymes and riddles.

Educational area “Artistic and aesthetic development. Music"

Develop listening skills musical works (fragment) and correlate with literary images. Develop emotional responsiveness to music of a different nature.

Improve children's ability to coordinate their character's actions with music. Develop the ability to convey an image in motion using facial expressions, gestures, and plasticity.

Educational area "Physical development"

Provide optimal motor activity in the process of educational activities.

Educational area "Formation of the foundations of security"

Introduce the rules of behavior in the theater.

Preliminary work:

Conversations: What is theater? When and why was theater invented? How the theater is structured, what rooms it has. Who works in the theater?

Vocabulary work: Finger, tabletop, shadow, puppet, poster, transformation, puppeteer, make-up artist, costume designer, director, musician, set designer, curtain, dramatic, ballet, opera, scenery, makeup, role, actor, mask, audience, visual hall, box office, stage, orchestra.

Equipment: laptop, tape recorder, masks, theater chest, models, sign "Box office" , poster, tickets, easel.

Fairy tale dramatization "Teremok"

Educational objectives:

Evoke an emotional response in children when independently performing the roles of familiar characters.

Continue exploring the world around you (forest animals).

Continue to teach how to listen carefully to a familiar fairy tale, and take part in the dramatization of the characters as much as possible.

Developmental tasks

Continue to develop memory, thinking, imagination, artistic abilities.

Educational tasks

Continue to cultivate a love for Russian folk tales and friendly relations.

Methodological technique: Examination of illustrations, conversation, dramatization of a fairy tale, music. accompaniment, p/n "Catch-up with Mishka"

Analysis of the lesson.

Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale "Teremok" , looking at illustrations, p/i "Catch-up with Mishka" , onomatopoeia games.

Individually differentiated approach:

Encourage children with a higher level of development to participate in the dramatization of a fairy tale.

Children with more low level development to involve in viewing illustrations.

Entertainment "Let's remember the fairy tale Kolobok"

Goal: to cultivate interest in Russian folk tales, to recall with children the content of a familiar fairy tale "Kolobok"


  • Create an atmosphere of joyful mood, teach children to act according to the teacher’s instructions
  • Promote emotional emancipation in children
  • Learn to answer questions about the content of a familiar fairy tale
  • Remember the order of appearance of heroes in a fairy tale
  • Promote verbal communication
  • Activate words in children’s speech: fragrant, resourceful, angry, scary
  • Cultivate in children goodwill and a desire to help
  • Cultivate a sense of empathy
  • Develop empathy and the ability to help each other

Preliminary work:

  • Reading a fairy tale
  • Looking at illustrations
  • Watching cartoons based on a fairy tale
  • Learning nursery rhymes
  • Vocabulary work


Basket with Kolobok; life-size puppets of a grandfather and a woman; rubber toys– fox, bear, wolf, hare. artificial birch trees; Russian hut; audio recording with Kolobok's voice; musical accompaniment.

OO “Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing."

Theme: Kolobok

Goal: to develop children’s ability to color a finished image with colored pencils.



  • teach children to draw round objects with colored pencils and carefully paint over them.
  • To develop in children the ability to listen to adults.



  • cultivate perseverance
  • encourage an emotional response to the fairy tale, to be involved in its telling.

Fairy tale dramatization game "Turnip"

Goal: Development of the child’s emotional sphere, formation of trusting relationships, activation of attention.


Educational: Learn to coordinate your actions when conducting a dramatization game, continue to introduce children to Russian folk art and fairy tales.

Developmental: Expand and enrich children’s vocabulary with words and actions (went, pulled, came running, called), continue to develop the pronunciation of vowel sounds through onomatopoeia ("Meow meow" , "Bow-wow" , "pee-pee-pee" ) , develop articulation, motor activity under poetic accompaniment,

Educational: To foster interest and respect for pieces of theatrical and play equipment, to develop a desire to transform into the depicted images, using various means of expression, to encourage children to express pleasure and joy from emotional cooperation and empathy.

Material and equipment:

Decorations for the game, attributes characteristic of each character in the fairy tale "Turnip" .

Preliminary work: reading and telling a fairy tale "Turnip" , showing a fairy tale using various types of theater, getting to know all the characters in the fairy tale through sketches, looking at illustrations for the fairy tale.

Characters: presenter, turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, mug, mouse.

OO “Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling-applique"

Subject: "Turnip in the garden"

Objectives: to arouse children’s interest in creating images based on a familiar fairy tale. Develop the ability to sculpt a turnip from salt dough, and apply it to a sheet of cardboard, create the basic shape by rolling out the ball in a circular motion with the palms, slightly flattening and pulling the tail; model leaves and attach to the main form. Show the possibility of creating a composition on a sheet of cardboard. Develop ways of visual and tactile examination of familiar objects. Develop a sense of form.

Materials, tools, equipment.

Salted dough for sculpting turnips, multi-colored cardboard, planks, paper napkins.

Puppet show.

Goal: Raising a creatively active personality; Development of skills and abilities, creativity, disclosure of new abilities and talents of children through the means of theatrical art; Organizing their leisure time by involving them in theatrical activities.

Objectives: Mastering theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities in the field of theatrical art; Development of creative and acting abilities of children through improving speech culture and mastering techniques of plastic expressiveness, taking into account the individual capabilities of each child; Creating the necessary creative atmosphere in the team: mutual understanding, trust, respect for each other.

Finger Theater.

Finger theater is a set of character figures that are put on a separate finger. It could just be individual dolls, animals, some objects for staging a fairy tale, or well-known characters of our favorite Russians folk tales.

Finger theater is a unique opportunity to place a fairy tale on the palm of a child’s hand, in which he can play the role of any hero.

Theater is also an excellent speech and sensory-motor simulator. Dolls develop the mobility of the fingers of both hands, help master the speech of characters, help develop vocabulary and activate speech functions.

Making a tabletop theater together with parents.

Final stage (result, product of activity)

  • Parents developed an interest in theater and joint theatrical activities.
  • Replenishment of the theater corner.
  • IN independent activity children improvise with characters from finger and table theater.
  • Children have formed an idea of various types theater

Puppet show

Entertainment "Let's remember the fairy tale Kolobok"

Fairy tale dramatization "Turnip"

Salt dough modeling "Turnip"

Coloring "Kolobok"

Fairy tale dramatization "Teremok"

Finger Theater

Mini-museum of tabletop theater.

Cognitive and emotional development. Clarify children's knowledge about the emotions of joy, anger, fear.

Learn to recognize them and convey them using gestures and facial expressions. Provide insight into how and when these emotions manifest themselves. Develop imagination.

Speech development. To teach to understand the lexical meaning of the word “rainbow”, to speak poetic texts conveying emotional mood, expressiveness of movements, etc.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Convey the character of the depicted character (bear, fox) using gestures.

Creative development. In theatrical activities, be able to act out the plot in accordance with the content of the fairy tale, convey the character of the hero, depending on the situation and one’s own vision. The drawing conveys an emotional mood through facial expression.

Social and moral development. Give the idea that external features and words do not always correspond to the intentions of a certain person and be careful when dealing with strangers.

Physical development. Encourage children to actively express their thoughts in various exercises and sketches. Develop fine motor skills while drawing with your fingers.

Material: screen, according to the height of children; dolls on spoons; toy bear; contour images of animal faces (Wolf, Fox, Squirrel, Bunny, Cockerel), gouache paints, wet napkins.

Progress of classes in the 2nd junior group of kindergarten

Educator. - Children, look out the window, what is that looking at us? (Sun)

- Children, what about the sun? (warm, affectionate, tender, yellow, dazzling, bright, shiny, pleasant, hot...)

-Are we happy about the sun?

- And when else do we rejoice, to whom or what are we happy?

(gifts, flowers, good friends, warm wind, mom, dad, etc. various pleasant surprises, miracles)

- Now I will read you a poem about various miracles, which is called “Joy” (according to K. Chukovsky)

(when reading a poem, the teacher puts illustrations on the flannelgraph)

Glad, glad, glad

White birches.

And on them with joy

Braids grow.

Glad, glad, glad

Dark aspens.

And on them with joy

Oranges are growing.

it's not rain coming from a cloud

And not hail

So it fell from the cloud


So come with me quickly

To green meadows,

There's a rainbow across the river

Connected the banks.

We'll climb the rainbow

And let's play in the clouds.

Let's go down the rainbow

We're on skis and sleds!

- Why are the kids happy? (they are having fun because miracles are happening around them and they are riding on the rainbow)

—What do you think, is the word “rainbow” funny or sad?

- Children, the rainbow in the sky is colorful, beautiful, when we see it, we rejoice, we have fun. Apparently that’s why it’s called RAINBOW, because it makes everyone happy and happy.

- Oh, who is this sitting here and growling? (bear)

Exercise to develop emotions

The Bear got so angry (angry look)

Started to roar loudly: (furrowed eyebrows)

— My bed is broken (lower lip protrudes)

And my book was torn (shakes his head)

What should I do? (shakes her hands)

- Don’t cry, don’t be angry, bear, (“we stroke” the bear)

Let's glue your book together (facial muscles are relaxed)

We'll repair your bed. (kind look, gentle smile)

Don't jump on the bed,

Calmly leaf through the book.

- Now guess, Little Bear, who is coming to us?

Psychological study on expressiveness of movements

The fox walked along the path,

And she carried mushrooms in a basket:

5 honey mushrooms, 5 chanterelles,

For foxes, for sisters. Huh!

(slow gait, body tilted to the right - towards the “heavy” basket, right hand“squeezes” the basket. On last words“put” the basket on the floor, wipe their forehead reverse side palms).

— Children, in what fairy tales does the Fox appear? (“Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Goat-Dereza”, “Straw Bull”, “Cat and Cockerel”, etc.)

Educator. – Children, do you like to play theater?

- Let's watch a fairy tale with the participation of Chanterelle.

Theatrical performance with children(puppeteers are children)

Presenter (teacher): The audience gathers, the fairy tale begins. Listen and watch the fairy tale “About the Cockerel, the Hen and the Sly Fox”

Presenter: Once upon a time there lived a Cockerel and a Chicken. They got tired of sitting at home, and they went to travel around the world.

Here they are walking through a green grove, around the breeze the bushes are shaking, and on the bushes there are fresh green leaves, and between them there are berries

So the Chicken says:

Child-Chicken: - Cockerel, break my twig,

Where the leaves are thickest, where there are more berries!

Presenter: Only the Cockerel wanted to break it, and from under the bush the Bunny from his house:

Child-Bunny: - Who walks through my grove here, who breaks my bushes?

Presenter: The Cockerel got scared:

Child-Chicken: -Cockerel, break me a twig, where the leaves are thicker, where there are more nuts!

Presenter: Only the Cockerel wanted to break it, and from under the bush the Squirrel from his house:

Squirrel Child: - Who walks through my grove here, who breaks my bushes?

Presenter: The Cockerel got scared:

Child-Chicken: - Cockerel, break me a twig, where the leaves are thicker, where there are more apples!

Presenter: The Cockerel took courage, began to break, and here is the Fox from her house:

Child-Fox: - Come, dear ones, to visit me. Here, relax in my hut - I have gifts for you!

Presenter: The Cockerel and the Hen were very happy:

Chicken and Cockerel (together): - Oh, what good and cute animals here are!

Host: And the cunning fox thinks to herself: “This will be a good lunch for me!”

And she quickly ran to the neighbor Wolf to invite him to dinner.

And the Cockerel and the Hen ate well and rested and were so happy that the Cockerel even began to sing.

It was here that the Bunny ran past the house. And the Bunny was actually very good, and said:

Child-Bunny: - Run faster from this house, the Fox wants to eat you all!

Host: But the Cockerel and the Chicken don’t believe him.

Chicken and Cockerel (together): - There are such good animals here!

Host: Then Squirrel saw them through the window:

Squirrel Child: - Run faster from this house, the Fox wants to eat you all!

Presenter: Here the Cockerel looked into the yard, and in the yard there were chicken feathers.

Child-Cockerel: - Oh, oh, we really need to run quickly!

Presenter: And the Fox already goes into the house, and the Wolf, scary and predatory, follows her and rejoices that they will have dinner.

As soon as they stood on the threshold, the Hen and the cockerel jumped into the window. And hurry home! But they barely made it!

And the Wolf and the Fox ran and ran, and didn’t find a trace under the bushes. And we were left without lunch!


Educator. — Did you like the fairy tale?

—Who did the Cockerel and the Hen meet first? (Bunny)

- Who's the last one? (to the fox)

- Name all the characters who participated in the play.

- Which of them do you think was good?

- Who was cunning and predatory/evil?

- What were the Cockerel and the Hen like? (timid)

- Show me how afraid the Cockerel and the Hen were?

Visual activities for children

Educator. - Let us draw different faces: good, evil and scared, whoever wants what. (children stand at the tables)

Finger gymnastics.

— Let’s do exercises for the fingers: (imitation of movements according to the text)

The cockerel and the hen walked

They carried a handful of grains,

The beak collected grains,

Then they pecked a little.

The rest were taken to the mill,

Then the pies were baked.

All the children were treated to

The birds pecked the crumbs.

Finger painting: (children are given the outlines of animal faces, and they must depict their characters - cheerful, angry, scared)

Bottom line. Reflection.

— What was the name of the performance we saw?

— Is it possible to go into strangers’ houses?

- Thank you, children, you worked hard today.

Subject:"Journey to the magical world of theater"

Educational areas: cognition, communication, socialization.

Type: integrated.

Target: introducing children to the theater; develop memory and thinking, intelligence; develop the ability to listen to an adult’s speech and answer the question posed.


1. "Cognition"

Ø Give initial information about the theater.

Ø Develop curiosity.

Ø To foster cognitive interest in children.

2. "Communication"

Ø Activation of children's speech through the development of dialogic speech (conversation).

Ø Introduce children to theatrical terminology.

Ø Develop attention, memory, thinking.

3. "Socialization"

Ø Creating an atmosphere of goodwill and positive emotional comfort for children.

Ø Develop children's creative abilities while playing

4. Corrective work

Ø Work on the formation of correct, clear speech, on sound pronunciation.

Methodical techniques: conversation, looking at illustrations, techniques for activating children’s independent thinking, solving problem situations, surprise moments, using TSO, word games, didactic games.

Vocabulary work: theater, artists, auditorium, screen.

Preliminary work: talking with children about the theater, about theatrical professions, looking at illustrations, asking riddles, getting to know a fairy tale, dramatization.

Materials and equipment: autumn leaf, magic wand, envelope with riddles, box with masks, table screen, grandfather doll, box with theatrical spoons, screen, dolls for showing fairy tales, masks-hats, mirrors, house, dolls with a living hand, flower medallions; video projector, “magic music”.


Guys, we have a lot of guests today. Let's say hello to them.

Guys, what are your mood today? (good, joyful, cheerful). Let's hold hands and convey our good mood to each other.

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tighter,

And let's smile at each other.

-Today I invite you to take a trip to the unusual, fairyland, to a country where miracles and transformations happen, where dolls come to life and animals begin to speak. There is a knock on the door, an adult postman comes in, brings a telegram, a letter and a parcel, who came to us (children's answers), what did you bring us. Thank you. Now we will read here that it is written that you and I need to solve a riddle. And we will find out where we will travel.

Artists work there

And the audience clap for them

The play is being staged

Where does it happen

Right. This is a theater. (show a theater slide)

– Do you know who lives in this country?

Children: - Dolls, fairy-tale characters, artists.

- Yes, guys. You said it right. Do you know what artists do? (Children's answers slide show)

- Guys, the postman brought us a letter and a parcel, who sent it to us? Let’s look at the letter, what a big, beautiful envelope, and what color the box is, there’s a postal seal, a stamp is stuck on it, and it says kindergarten “Sun”, there’s something in there, it’s a storyteller sent us riddles and answers.

He rolled out of the house

On an unfamiliar road...

Did you recognize him, my friend?

This is the most naughty one,

Talkative, simple-minded

And ruddy... (Kolobok).

Heals all the animals in a row,

He treats adults and children.

He rushes to you when it hurts,

Good doctor...(Aibolit).

We had a golden egg,

And the basket was left empty..." -

The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying,

But they are consoled by...(chicken Ryaba).

Near the forest, on the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
Answer: Three Bears

She is the most important mystery of all,
Even though she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents.
Answer: Mouse

Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in a basket,
Who sat on the tree stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the fairy tale, right?
Who was it? ...
Answer: Bear

Well done boys.

– Would you like to become an artist?

Children: - Yes

– I have a magic wand and now with its help I will turn you all into artists. Close all your eyes, I say the magic words:

-One, two, three - turn around

And turn into an artist!

Open your eyes. Now you are all artists. I invite you to enter amazing world theater!

On the way there is a table, there is a table screen on it, and next to it there is a box and some pennies.

- Guys, I suggest you all sit down. (The children take their seats, and the teacher sits next to the screen, puts on his grandfather’s mitten and speaks from behind the screen).

- Hello guys!

I'm a funny old man

And my name is Silent

Guys, help me.

And tell me your poems

And you will see

What have you known for a long time?

- Shall we help grandpa, guys? Do you know the poems? (Yes). How should poetry be told? (expressively, to make it clear).

Children recite poems by A. Barto. Grandfather thanks the children and allows them to open the box.

- What does grandfather keep in the box?

- Theater spoons.

-Can you revive them?

Let's play with spoons.

- Well done! Let's put the theater spoons in the box and move on. There is an obstacle in our way. What blocked our way? (Screen).

Let's look behind the screen. Guys, there are dolls here. What are their names?

– What needs to be done to make the doll come to life?

Children: - We need to teach her to speak.

Let's show our guests the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Children take dolls and show the fairy tale “Kolobok”

And then the fairy tale ends, and well done to those who listened.

Let's continue our journey

- Guys, we have come to the kingdom of mirrors. And here is the Mirror Queen herself.

- You are a mirror of light, tell me

Tell us the whole truth.

I will give you tasks

Hurry up to do it.

- You will be surprised how Dunno

(children show surprise with movements and facial expressions)

- Be sad like Pierrot,

(children show sadness and give up)

– Smile like Malvina

(children show smiles)

- And frown like a child.

Children say goodbye to the queen of mirrors.

- Guys, there are new dolls on our way. What kind of dolls are these? Slide show.

– (Children: Dolls with a “living hand”)

- Why are they called that?

(Children's answers).

- Yes, guys. These dolls have no hands. They are tied to the neck, and rubber bands are put on the hands (the teacher, while explaining, puts the doll on the child). And our hands make the doll come alive. Let's bring these dolls to life. Remember the poem about “Tanya”.

– What great fellows you are. You brought these dolls to life too. We continue our journey. (There is a house).

- What kind of house is this?

Standing in our way

Let's get closer to him

Let's see who lives in it.

(they look into the house, see masks and theater caps)

– Masks-caps live.

They are waiting for us all to visit.

We'll put them on now.

And we'll tell you everything about them.

Children wear hats and imitate the movements of animals to the music.

I invite you to dance.

Dance improvisation.

Now I’ll touch you with a magic wand and we’ll turn into guys.

- Guys, you saw a dramatization of a fairy tale. Here we see actors in costumes and the action takes place on stage.

Everyone was an artist today. Everything was shown very well. Everyone tried their best, well done! Let's clap from the bottom of our hearts! (the song “Kuklandia” is played)

– And in memory of our wonderful journey into the world of theater, I want to give you these flower medallions. And I hope that someday you will truly be good artists.



Subject: "Journey to the magical world of theater"

Educational areas:cognition, communication, socialization.

Type: integrated.

Target: introducing children to the theater; develop memory and thinking, intelligence; develop the ability to listen to an adult’s speech and answer the question posed.


1. "Cognition"

  • Give initial information about the theater.
  • Develop curiosity.
  • Cultivate cognitive interest in children.

2. "Communication"

  • Activation of children's speech through the development of dialogic speech (conversation).
  • Introduce children to theatrical terminology.
  • Develop attention, memory, thinking.

3. "Socialization"

  • Creating an atmosphere of goodwill and positive emotional comfort in children.
  • Develop children's creative abilities while playing

4. Corrective work

  • Work on the formation of correct, clear speech, on sound pronunciation.

Methodical techniques:conversation, looking at illustrations, techniques for activating children’s independent thinking, solving problem situations, surprise moments, using TSO, word games, didactic games.

Vocabulary work:theater, artists, auditorium, screen.

Preliminary work:talking with children about the theater, about theatrical professions, looking at illustrations, asking riddles, getting to know a fairy tale, dramatization.

Materials and equipment:autumn leaf, magic wand, envelope with riddles, box with masks, table screen, grandfather doll, box with theatrical spoons, screen, dolls for showing fairy tales, masks-hats, mirrors, house, dolls with a living hand, flower medallions; video projector, “magic music”.



Guys, we have a lot of guests today. Let's say hello to them.

Guys, what are your mood today? (good, joyful, cheerful). Let's hold hands and convey our good mood to each other.

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tighter,

And let's smile at each other.

-Today I invite you to take a trip to an unusual, fairy-tale country, to a country where miracles and transformations happen, where dolls come to life and animals begin to speak. There is a knock on the door, an adult postman comes in, brings a telegram, a letter and a parcel, who came to us (children's answers), what did you bring us. Thank you. Now we will read here that it is written that you and I need to solve a riddle. And we will find out where we will travel.

Artists work there

And the audience clap for them

The play is being staged

Where does it happen


Right. This is a theater. (show a theater slide)

– Do you know who lives in this country?

Children: - Dolls, fairy-tale characters, artists.

- Yes, guys. You said it right. Do you know what artists do? (Children's answers slide show)

- Guys, the postman brought us a letter and a parcel, who sent it to us? Let’s look at the letter, what a big, beautiful envelope, and what color the box is, there’s a postal seal, a stamp is stuck on it, and it says kindergarten “Sun”, there’s something in there, it’s a storyteller sent us riddles and answers.

He rolled out of the house

On an unfamiliar road...

Did you recognize him, my friend?

This is the most naughty one,

Talkative, simple-minded

And ruddy... (Kolobok).

Heals all the animals in a row,

He treats adults and children.

He rushes to you when it hurts,

Good doctor...(Aibolit).

We had a golden egg,

And the basket was left empty..." -

The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying,

But they are consoled by...(chicken Ryaba).

Near the forest, on the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
Answer: Three Bears

She is the most important mystery of all,
Even though she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents.
Answer: Mouse

Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in a basket,
Who sat on the tree stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the fairy tale, right?
Who was it? ...
Answer: Bear

Well done boys.

– Would you like to become an artist?

Children: - Yes

– I have a magic wand and now with its help I will turn you all into artists. Close all your eyes, I say the magic words:

-One, two, three - turn around

And turn into an artist!

Open your eyes. Now you are all artists. I invite you to enter the wonderful world of theater!

On the way there is a table, there is a table screen on it, and next to it there is a box and some pennies.

- Guys, I suggest you all sit down. (The children take their seats, and the teacher sits next to the screen, puts on his grandfather’s mitten and speaks from behind the screen).

- Hello guys!

I'm a funny old man

And my name is Silent

Guys, help me.

And tell me your poems

And you will see

What have you known for a long time?

- Shall we help grandpa, guys? Do you know the poems? (Yes). How should poetry be told? (expressively, to make it clear).

Children recite poems by A. Barto. Grandfather thanks the children and allows them to open the box.

- What does grandfather keep in the box?

- Theater spoons.

-Can you revive them?

Let's play with spoons.

- Well done! Let's put the theater spoons in the box and move on. There is an obstacle in our way. What blocked our way? (Screen).

Let's look behind the screen. Guys, there are dolls here. What are their names?

– What needs to be done to make the doll come to life?

Children: - We need to teach her to speak.

Let's show our guests the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Children take dolls and show the fairy tale “Kolobok”

And then the fairy tale ends, and well done to those who listened.

Let's continue our journey

- Guys, we have come to the kingdom of mirrors. And here is the Mirror Queen herself.

- You are a mirror of light, tell me

Tell us the whole truth.

What do the guys need to do?

I will give you tasks

Hurry up to do it.

- You will be surprised how Dunno

(children show surprise with movements and facial expressions)

- Be sad like Pierrot,

(children show sadness and give up)

– Smile like Malvina

(children show smiles)

- And frown like a child.

– You showed everything correctly. Continue on your way.

Children say goodbye to the queen of mirrors.

- Guys, there are new dolls on our way. What kind of dolls are these? Slide show.

– (Children: Dolls with a “living hand”)

- Why are they called that?

(Children's answers).

- Yes, guys. These dolls have no hands. They are tied to the neck, and rubber bands are put on the hands (the teacher, while explaining, puts the doll on the child). And our hands make the doll come alive. Let's bring these dolls to life. Remember the poem about “Tanya”.

– What great fellows you are. You brought these dolls to life too. We continue our journey. (There is a house).

- What kind of house is this?

Standing in our way

Let's get closer to him

Let's see who lives in it.

(they look into the house, see masks and theater caps)

– Masks-caps live.

They are waiting for us all to visit.

We'll put them on now.

And we'll tell you everything about them.

Children wear hats and imitate the movements of animals to the music.

I invite you to dance.

Dance improvisation.

Now I’ll touch you with a magic wand and we’ll turn into guys.

- Guys, you saw a dramatization of a fairy tale. Here we see actors in costumes and the action takes place on stage.

Everyone was an artist today. Everything was shown very well. Everyone tried their best, well done! Let's clap from the bottom of our hearts! (the song “Kuklandia” is played)

– And in memory of our wonderful journey into the world of theater, I want to give you these flower medallions. And I hope that someday you will truly be good artists.

Technological map of organized educational activities for children 3-4 years old

Educational area: creation
Chapter: Theater activities
Subject:"Our mood"
Target: Teach children to recognize emotions (joy, sadness, fear, anger) by facial expressions and intonation; be able to express images of heroes in facial expressions, gestures, emotions through theatrical activities using favorite characters from fairy tales.
- Develop the ability to identify and convey the emotional state of fairy-tale characters using gestures, movement, and voice.
- Develop a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements, visual and auditory attention, memory, observation, resourcefulness, imagination, imaginative thinking.
- To cultivate a love for fairy tales, for living and inanimate nature, a caring attitude towards things, a respectful attitude towards each other.
Bilingual component: fox, wolf, hare, bear, forest
Vocabulary work: emotion, gestures, facial expressions.
Material for the lesson: drawings of a fox, a hare, a bear and a wolf, a chest with mirrors, a hat, a magic wand, animal masks.
Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk tales, looking at illustrations for them. Unlearning finger games, songs, games - dramatization.

Progress of the lesson

Activity stage: Motivational - incentive
Circle of joy (Children go from the reception area to the group, stand in a circle on the carpet and repeat the words.)
- We gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend!
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other!
- Well done! We smiled and gave each other a good mood!
- Attention, guys, let's smile at our guests and say hello:
- And now, with the help of a magic wand and ribbons, you and I can go to the “Magic Forest of Moods.” Shall we begin our journey? (Yes)
Okay guys, then the girls sit on the pink ribbon on the carpet, and the boys on the blue one. (Children sit on the carpet.)
Stage of activity: Organizational - search
- Guys, let's count with eyes closed, after which we will find ourselves in a magical forest of moods. (the teacher puts up trees)
(Children count to three in Kazakh.)
- So we found ourselves in the forest of moods. Why do you think we went into the mood forest today during class? -Who can we meet in the forest? Approximate answer: we will guess the mood of the forest inhabitants. In the forest we can meet a bear, a fox, a wolf, a hare.
- That’s right, today you guys and I will learn how to determine the mood of fairy-tale inhabitants, and also try to portray them.
– In addition to the magic wand, I took a chest with me. And this chest is not simple, but magical, because fairy tales like to hide in it. Do you like fairy tales? - What fairy tales did we go through? (Yes, bun, three bears, teremok)
- But in order to open the chest, you need to say the magic words:
Playing with movements: (Children repeat the words while performing the movements.)
There's a lock on the door
Who could open it?
Turned, twisted
They knocked and opened!!!
(I take a mirror out of the chest)
- And in the chest there is... a mirror! (surprised)
But it is not simple, but magical. If you rub it, magic will appear.
(I rub the mirror with my hand and take out many small mirrors from the chest)
- Oh, how many mirrors appeared! Who wants to play with them, raise your hand. (I call children 4 - 5 people). Sit on the bench.
(I hand out mirrors to the children)
- Just, guys, remember - mirrors are magic and you can’t drop them or knock them on the bench!
- And mirrors can laugh, and be upset, and get angry, and be happy.
Game: "Emotions"(with mirrors)
- Look in the mirror and smile like the bright sun, and now frown, and when do we frown, guys?
- Now get angry when we get angry? Now rejoice as you rejoice at a gift!
- And the mirror can guess not only our mood, but also the mood of the heroes of different fairy tales.
Give us the mirrors, put them in the magic chest, and sit down in our seats
Game "Guess the mood"
- Guys, now Asel Konakbaevna, we will hang out heroes from different fairy tales, and you must determine who it is, what mood he is in and what fairy tale he is from. - Look, what kind of fairy tale is this?
(I place a drawing of a bear on a magnetic board to determine the character’s mood by his facial expressions.
- Who are these guys? What fairy tale did he come to us from? What is his mood and why?
Bear in Kazakh language ayu.
(I place a drawing of “Foxes” on the board) - with gestures they depict the hero of fairy tales
- Who are these guys? Fox in Kazakh language tulki. What fairy tales have a fox in them? - What kind of fox? Let's try to depict it using gestures. (Individual choice of 2 - 3 children.)
- And here, guys, is a bunny. Hare in the Kazakh language is Koyan. What is the bunny's mood? - Why do you think the bunny is so cheerful? Let's all get up and play with the bunny.
The hares got up early in the morning,
They played merrily in the forest.
Jump-jump-jump along the paths!
Who is not used to charging? (Jumping in place)
Here is a fox walking through the forest.
Who's jumping there, I wonder? (Walking in place)
To answer the question,
The little fox pulls his nose. (Stretching - arms forward)
But the bunnies jump quickly.
How could it be otherwise? (Jumping in place)
Exercise helps!
And the bunnies run away. (Running in place)
Here's a hungry fox (Walking in place)
Looks sadly at the heavens. (Stretching - arms up)
Sighs heavily. (Deep inhale and exhale)
He sits down and rests. (Children sit down)
- - Oh guys, look what else I found in the chest. (I take out masks from the chest)
- Let's play the game “Imagine that you...”
- I will put on animal masks, and you must portray him, correctly showing his mood. (frightened bunny, hungry wolf, happy fox, angry bear.
- And now, after such a long journey, let’s use a magic wand to return you to the group. Let's do the math.
Activity stage: Reflexive - corrective
Summarizing with a hat.
- Guys, with the help of a magic hat, we will find out whether you liked the lesson? What new have you learned?
And now it's time to say goodbye to the guests! Sau bolynyzdar!!!

Theatrical activities in the second younger group"Gnomes"

Teachers: Safonova T.A.

Keldiyarova D.K.

Theatrical activities in kindergarten

This is a good opportunity to reveal a child’s creative potential and nurture a creative personality. Children learn to notice the world around them interesting ideas, embody them, create your own artistic image of the character,

They develop creative imagination, associative thinking, speech, and the ability to see unusual moments in the ordinary.

Theatrical activities help the child overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness.

Thus, theater helps the child develop comprehensively.

The importance of theatrical activities

She helps:

form correct model behavior in the modern world;

improve the child’s general culture and introduce him to spiritual values;

introduce him to children's literature, music, fine arts, rules of etiquette, rituals, traditions, instill a sustainable interest;

gives elementary representations about types of theater.

improve the skill of embodying certain experiences in the game, encourage the creation of new images, encourage thinking.

contribute to the development of play behavior, aesthetic sense, the ability to be creative in any task, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, the development of stage creativity, musical and artistic abilities of children;

develops public speaking and creative collaboration skills.

Objectives of theatrical activities in the second junior group

1. Develop a child’s attention, listen to an adult’s speech and understand the content and act in accordance with it;

2. Cultivate endurance, develop memory;

3. Development of intonational expressive speech (emotionality);

4. Development of mental and speech activity;

5. Develop the ability, with the help of an adult, to stage and dramatize short passages from folk tales.

Organization of a corner of theatrical activities

In the corner are located:

various types of theaters: tabletop, flannelgraph theater (magnetic board), cone, finger, Bi-Ba-Bo

props for acting out skits and performances: a set of dolls, a screen for a puppet theater, masks;

attributes for various playing positions: scenery, scenarios, books.