A long-term plan for entertainment and leisure activities in the senior group. Summary of entertainment in the senior group “Journey to the land of fairy tales Mini entertainment senior group

Games and entertainment for older preschool children

Description: The game is intended for children of older preschool age, maybe useful material for preschool teachers and parents.

Target: formation in preschool children of interest and need to play with peers
Tasks: 1. to arouse interest in group games in preschool children 2. to form in children a positive attitude and desire to play cooperative games 3. cultivate a friendly attitude when playing with peers 4. develop children’s cognitive and speech activity through play


In modern pedagogical theory, play is considered as the leading activity of a preschool child. The leading position of the game is determined not by the amount of time that the child devotes to it, but by the fact that it satisfies his basic needs. In the depths of the game, other types of activities arise and develop. The game is most conducive to mental development.
Dear teachers, I present to your attention my original games for children. I hope the material will be useful and in demand in your work.

Game No. 1 – “Lost” for children 3-5 years old

Attribute for the game:- a blanket or blanket

Characters:- presenter (teacher) - wolf (child) - hares (children)

Rules of the game:

- children (hares) stand in a scattered place in the play center of the group - a child (wolf) sits in a shelter - the words for the game are pronounced in chorus, rhythmically, with the addition of movements according to the meaning of the text (when learning the game, the teacher will need to show you)

Words for the game:

Early in the morning early in the morning

The bunnies came out into the clearing (easy running in all directions)

Take a walk and frolic and have fun! Little bunnies

Bouncing like balls (jumping on 2 legs)

Jump and jump. Jump and jump.

We sat down together under a bush (sit down)

Wanted to sleep unbearably
Night falls in the forest (place your palms near your cheeks and close your eyes) The wolf goes hunting

You don't want to sleep hungry (the wolf comes out of hiding and goes around the sleeping hares)

He grabbed the hare by the ears (selects 1 child and places his hand on his head) And he swallowed the poor guy. The leader covers the caught hare with a blanket. The wolf runs into the lair.
Leading: Look kids, who's missing? Which hare brother is missing? Children open their eyes, stand up, look at each other and call the name of the missing hare.

Recommendations: if the children say the child’s name correctly, the leader removes the blanket; if the children say the name incorrectly, the leader does not open the blanket, but helps the children guess (for example: who had red sandals on his feet today, or blue shorts, etc.)

For 3 year olds, all children stay in the game. For 5-year-olds, a new rule comes into play: A child who is a hare and eaten by a wolf is eliminated from the game. He sits on a chair and watches the game from the side.

At the end of the game, the presenter praises the hares who remained safe and sound.

Game No. 2 – “Captain” for children 5-7 years old

(An analogue of the Russian folk game: “Ring”) This game can be played with children of senior preschool age, both in a group and on the street. Attributes for the game:

1. captain's star or button with a star 2.
Rules of the game: a rug (shore) for playing in a group or a drawn circle on the ground for playing outside
- Children sit on chairs or a bench - The leader stands opposite the children - There is a rug (shore) or a drawn circle in the center - Children connect 2 palms (forming a boat), the thumbs do not touch each other - The movement of the hands (boats) sways slightly forward - back Words for the game

(pronounced in chorus, rhythmically) A boat floats along the river and grasshoppers sit on it. The boat rocked... Oh! Wet everyone with water. Captain in front

(pause) Come ashore quickly!(words are spoken quickly)

Leading: The leader, together with the players, pronounces the words, walks around the children, runs his palms over the children’s palms (boats), and quietly transfers the captain’s star to one of the players. After the words “Come to the shore quickly,” the child who has the star in his hands runs out to the center and takes a place on the shore (stands on a rug or circle) Children clap their hands (greet the captain)

Hurray for captain! The game continues!
Recommendations: The child captain becomes the leader.

The game continues as long as the children remain interested (3 times or more)

Game No. 3 – “Sun” for children 5-7 years old
Attribute for the game: The game is played outside while walking.
Rules of the game: The sun drawn with yellow chalk on the asphalt.

- Children sit on chairs or a bench - The leader stands opposite the children - There is a rug (shore) or a drawn circle in the center - Children connect 2 palms (forming a boat), the thumbs do not touch each other - The movement of the hands (boats) sways slightly forward - back 5-6 children stand in the center (solar circle), holding hands. 2-3 children stand in the sun’s rays (located one behind the other along a line)

(pronounced in chorus, rhythmically)

The sun is shining brightly. Summer will be hot.

How hot are the rays of the summer sun?

The sun is radiant, yellow-golden.

(The children in the center move in a circle to the right, and the ray children stand still)

One, two, don’t yawn, play with us!

(Children in the center raise their hands up without releasing them,
and the ray children jump to the next ray)

We played, just a little

Start the game over again (all the playing children stomp their feet on the spot)
Recommendations: The child captain becomes the leader.

I wish the same for you!
Scenario for physical education entertainment in the senior group of kindergarten Entertainment on the topic: Fairy tales in kindergarten. Senior group Entertainment scenario in kindergarten in the preparatory group on the topic: Space

This work creates a joyful mood and gives great positivity to children and teachers! Great games support children's development! I especially liked the game “Sunshine”. Children themselves are like “suns”. Well chosen illustrations. I think and am confident that the work will be in demand by many teachers. I vote!

Hello, Tatyana Nikolaevna! I read your publication with great pleasure. You are very clever, you came up with such wonderful games! Associative connections with the “boat”, appropriately selected poems, everything is just super! I wish you all the best, new creative ideas! Accept my "vote". Best regards, Elena Butorina.

Tatyana Nikolaevna thank you for the wonderful selection of outdoor games, I will definitely use it, I vote with pleasure!

Great games contribute to the development of children! I wish you all the best and new creative ideas! Accept my "vote"

Hello, Tatyana Nikolaevna! It was with great pleasure that I read your selection of games. You not only give a description of the game, but also recommendations for how to play it. Very good illustrations and photographs. I really liked the game “Sunshine”, I will definitely play it with the children. I vote with pleasure.

Good evening, Tatyana Nikolaevna! I'm glad to have your invitation. An excellent selection of games where everything is shown and explained. Such works are very well received and, of course, are used in work. Thank you very much.Voice

Thanks for the wonderful selection of games. It will come in handy in a teacher’s piggy bank. My vote to you + 8. All the best.

Card index of games - fun for the middle (senior) group in preschool educational institutions

27. "Birthday"

Target: Entertain children, help create a good, joyful mood in them, have fun. Cultivate friendly relationships.

The teacher tells the children that the bear has ( soft toy) Today is his birthday: “Get up in a circle quickly, let’s sing him a song. And we’ll put him in the middle on a chair. Let him listen!”

Children stand up, hold hands and walk in a circle.

It's Mishuti's, Mishuka's, birthday.

We prepared a treat for Mishutka:

Marmalade and chocolate, waffles, cake and lemonade,

And nuts and sweets.

Be healthy for many years!

With the end of the melody, everyone stops, separates their hands, stretching them out in front of them, palms up, bows to the bear, and says in a chant: “Be healthy for many years!”

The teacher turns to the children: “Now let’s dance with our little Mishenka!” - and begins to sing.

Mishutka and I, Mishutka and I

Let's dance the polka

And the guys for Mishutka and me

They will clap and sing along.


The teacher takes the bear with both hands and, raising and lowering it, walks, dancing, in the middle of the circle.

Children standing in a circle clap their hands (they can sing along).

Chorus: Very fun today

Celebrate birthday

Very fun today

Mishutka and I should dance!

Having lifted Mishutka up, the teacher spins in place. The children continue to sing and clap their hands.

Then children are invited one by one (optional): they take the bear and dance a polka with it.

28. “How beautiful it is here”

Target: Entertain the children, create a good, joyful mood in them.

Music: melody of the Russian folk song “Oh you, canopy.”

Children (6-8 people) stand in a circle in the center of the hall, the teacher and the other children sing a hint song to them.

1. We need to reach the sun

It's not easy, yes, it's not easy.

The sun is shining, laughing

High, yes, high.

On the first two lines, children raise both hands up and stand on their toes.

On the next two lines, lower your arms to chest level, gradually spreading them to the sides, and lower them to your full feet.

Chorus: And all around, all around it’s beautiful

And light, light, light.

And there are many, many flowers,

Many different flowers have bloomed!

Slowly turn the whole body (without lowering your arms) first to the right, then to the left, making as large an amplitude as possible.

2. There is a white chamomile here,

Golden dandelion,

There's pink porridge here

Blue bell!

Standing still, with both arms extended in front of you, palms up, alternately swing your arms up and down.

To the music of the chorus (instead of words you can sing “La-la-la”), with their hands on their hips, children do half squats.

Entertainment “Let's be friends” for older children

Leading: Good afternoon We are pleased to welcome you today to our hall. Thanks to everyone who came to our holiday and wants to make friends with us. Today our parents will play with us.

We will learn to be friends, and let everyone be in a good mood.

And now... he will tell us a poem so that everyone knows in which group our children live.

Child: Senior group…

What does it mean?

So no one cries anymore

No one will spill soup on their shirt,

Everyone has learned to put on a coat,

Even shoes with tight laces

We don't trust either dad or mom.

Leading: Our group is called “Pochemuchki” and 16 boys and 8 girls, teachers and junior teacher(names). Let's sing a song about how glad we are for our guests."

Song “Guests have come to us” music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by M. Evensen

Child: Lots of fun all around

The music sounds

To all the kids she

He orders me to dance.

Child: We divide everything in half,

We give candies to friends,

We love music and laughter

And we dance the best.

Dance “Jumpers” - disc “Top-top, heel”

Leading: Adults and children know

It's easier to live in the world with a friend,

Both in work and in play

It's more fun with him everywhere.

Let's play now

I ask all the mothers in the circle to stand up.

R.n. game "Chizhik"

And now it's still a game,

She's interesting

Everyone get up in pairs,

Start doing massage.

(Children give massage to parents, then parents to children.)

words: The rain runs on the roof, bom-bom-bom,

Along the cheerful, ringing roof, bom-bom-bom,

At home, sit at home, bom-bom-bom,

Don't go anywhere, bom-bom-bom,

Read, play, bom-bom-bom,

And if I leave, then go for a walk, bom-bom-bom.

Leading: Sit down, relax, look at each other. At home, our parents read fairy tales to their children, but how well do you know the fairy tales of H.H. Andersen? I will list the words, and you can guess which fairy tale they refer to:

— sun, snow, lamp, glass, mirror, rose, friendship (“ The Snow Queen»);

- grass, carousel, nettle, ring, toad, patience (“Wild Swans”);

— hollow, wind, princess, pipe, dog (“Flint”);

- hole, field mouse, swallow, elf (“Thumbelina”);

- mattress, chair, carriage, rainfall, river, princess (“The Princess and the Pea”).

And now I will show you the objects, and you try to find out what fairy tales they are from:

- umbrella (“Ole – Lukoje”;

- pea (“Princess and the Pea”);

— sleigh (“Snow Queen”);

- shell walnut("The Steadfast Tin Soldier");

- dog (“Ognivo”).

Well done, you know fairy tales well. Before us are photographs of the children of the group, now we will do a short interview.

Game - diagnostics: (photos of the group’s children on the stand)

- Look at these faces, who do you want to make friends with?

—Who, when coming to our kindergarten, is happy to help everyone?

-Can you show who doesn’t like to help?

- Who is on duty carefully and will not forget anyone?

- Which of those in front of us often quarrels with friends?

- And which of those in front of us rarely quarrels with friends?

- If you can’t do something, which of them will help you?

—Who do you like to laugh with and have fun with sometimes?

“Which of those you see wouldn’t even hurt a cat?”

-Who do you like to play with? Who do you miss at home?

You see how different our children are, but friendship should unite us all.

You guys, get up, choose your mate,

Take your mother's hand and start dancing with her.

dance “We Divide Everything in Half”

Leading: And now, don’t yawn,

We'll choose a couple

Let's clap more cheerfully

And let's circle around quickly.

Communicative game “You Walk” by S. Korotaeva

Let our legs rest

And the fingers will start the game.

finger games:

1. In our group, girls and boys are friends,

You and I will make friends little fingers,

One two three four five,

One two three four five,

2.Visiting the big toe

We ran straight to the house

Index and middle

Nameless and last

Little finger himself

Knocked on the threshold

All fingers are friends

We can't live without each other.

Leading: Come on, friendly guys,

Guess the riddle:

The forest has dropped its outfit to the ground,

It’s raining, it’s come... (autumn).

Let's look out the window

And let's be a little sad.

Child: Autumn, like an artist,

I painted the forest,

Field, grove, rain -

Everything became magical.

Leading: Let's take yellow paint,

Let's decorate our house too.

Melodiclomation “Fly, leaf” by S. Korotaeva.

Child: Autumn is like a red cat

He runs with a light step,

And on the wet paths

The leaves rustle quietly.

Autumn beauty has come to us.

song “Autumn has come to us” (chosen by the music director)

Now let's go to the garden,

We'll reap the harvest there,

To cook a pot of cabbage soup

For our dear guests.

Game “Get ready, people” words and music by S. Nasaulenko (magazine “Bell” No. 23, 2003)

The harvest was gathered together,

Now we need to dance,

Beautiful dance "Invitation"

Let's dance to surprise everyone.

Dance “Invitation” with parents (Communicative dances by A.I. Burenina)

(There is some sneezing.)


Scenario of sports entertainment “Holiday of Forgotten Games” in the senior group

Target: popularization of folk games among preschoolers.


  • Developing interest in older preschool children in the culture of other peoples.
  • Introducing children to Russian folklore.
  • Development in children of coordination of movements, speed of reaction, dexterity, ingenuity, and the ability to act in a team.
  • Parenting in children
  • Preliminary work:

    • Introducing children to outdoor folk games;
    • Learning counting rhymes and drawing lots;
    • Making attributes for folk games.


    Buffoon, children, teacher.

    Hall decoration: the hall is decorated with flowers, on the central wall there are silhouettes of children playing “Blind Man’s Bluff”, with balls and jump ropes.

    In the corridor in front of the hall, a buffoon greets guests, blows a pipe, and beats a drum.


    Hello, kids, girls and boys.

    Thank you for not passing by and visiting us for the holiday.

    Come in, don’t be shy, make yourself comfortable!

    How nice and smart you all are

    Katyushka - Katyushka the golden-haired girl,

    And Andryushka is a great guy, and Kiryushka is a daredevil.

    We are glad to see everyone today, and it’s time to open the holiday!


    Wait, buffoons, we were invited to a holiday

    And they didn’t explain at all what kind of holiday would be here,

    The guests are waiting for an explanation.

    Buffoon: Our holiday is not just folk games and entertainment.

    Educator: Is there really such a holiday?

    Buffoon: as it happens. Gather together, people who are going to play the game.

    Russian folk game "Golden Gate". At the beginning of the game, two players are chosen. They will be the "sun" and "moon". These players face each other, hold hands and raise them to form a “gate.” The rest of the players pass through the gate in a line.

    The leading “sun” and “moon” say a tongue twister:

    The Golden Gate does not always allow entry:

    The first time is forgiven, the second time is forbidden,

    And we won’t miss you the third time!

    The "gate" closes at last word and they catch the one who was passing through them at that moment. The caught player stands behind the “moon” or “sun”, the game continues until all players are divided into two teams. Then the teams arrange tug-of-war competitions among themselves (rope or holding hands).

    Buffoon: oh, they played well! Our guests are a little bored, let's play a game with them Russian folk game "Rucheyok"»:

    to the music of “Quadrille”, children stand in pairs, raise their arms up and form a gate. The leading child goes through the gate and chooses a mate. The remaining child without a partner becomes the driver.

    Buffoon: and in the old days the Russian people were cheerful and amusing. What kind of games have you played? For accuracy, strength, speed. Agility. I invite you, dear guests, to play the Russian folk game “Gorodki”.

    Russian folk game "Gorodki"(simplified version). The players are divided into two teams. A line is drawn that they must not cross. In the center of the hall there are “towns”. Players using the bat must hit the target and smash them.

    Educator: when I was still a little girl, we loved to play funny blind man's buff.

    Russian folk game "Ordinary blind man's buff".

    One of the players, the blind man's buff, is blindfolded, taken to the middle of the room and forced to turn around several times, then asked:

    Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

    In a kneading bowl.

    What's in the kneader?

    Catch the mice, not us.

    After these words, the participants in the game run away, and the blind man’s buff catches them. Whoever he catches becomes a blind man's buff.

    Buffoon: and now: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, let’s go play “Vodyanoy”.

    Udmurt folk game “Water”.

    They outline a circle - this is a pond, or a lake, a river. A water leader is selected. The players run around the lake and repeat the words: “There is no water, but there are a lot of people.” The merman runs around the circle (lake) and catches the players who come close to the shore (circle lines). Those caught remain in a circle. The game continues until the majority of players are caught.

    The merman must not go beyond the circle line.

    Educator: peoples live in Russia different nationalities. We are familiar with games different nations. We can teach you too.

    Buffoon: that's great! We want you to teach us.

    Educator: this game of the Tatar people.

    Called “We sell pots.” The players are divided into two groups. Potty children, kneeling or squatting, form a circle. Behind each pot stands the player who owns the pot, with his hands behind his back. The driver stands behind the circle.

    The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation:

    - Hey, buddy, sell the pot!

    - Buy it.

    - How many rubles should I give you?

    - Give me three.

    Driver three times (or as much as the owner agrees to sell him for.

    But no more than three rubles) touches the hand of the owner of the pot, and they begin to run in a circle towards each other (they run around the circle three times). Whoever runs faster to an empty space in the circle takes that place, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

    Educator: did you know that the Bashkirs have always been a warlike people. Many tales and legends are associated with these people. But Bashkiria is also rich in its games. We present one of Bashkir games “Sticky Stumps”. Three to four players squat as far away from each other as possible.

    They represent sticky stumps. The rest of the players run around the court, trying not to come close to the stumps. The stumps should try to touch the children running past. The greasy ones become stumps.

    Educator: These are the games of different nations. They all look a little alike, but how could it be otherwise, because children play in them. And children all over the world are the same: mischievous, inquisitive, active.

    Buffoon: What games did our guests play as children? Let's ask them.

    The child interviews his parents (interviews).

    Buffoon: Let's play one of these games.

    Guests are invited, they explain the game, and all the children play it.

    “Paints”, “Bouncers”, “Burners”, “Fishing Rod”, “Ali Baba”, etc.

    Educator: Dear guests! Thank you for participating in our celebration. Always be pure in heart and do not forget that you yourself were once children.

    Let the girls and boys

    All the naughty kids

    Today they will say loudly, loudly,

    Long live the game! (pronounced in unison).

    The children leave the hall to the music.

    Leisure activities in kindergarten

    It is impossible to imagine being in kindergarten without happy holidays, touching matinees, friendly tea parties and fun starts.

    Events organized by the teacher as part of leisure activities give preschoolers vivid impressions that will last a lifetime.

    And at the same time, in a fun way, the children gain new knowledge and reveal their creative abilities, becoming more proactive and independent.

    The importance of organizing leisure activities in kindergarten

    Leisure activity is a complex social area in which a person restores psychological condition through rest, fulfills the need for physical activity, communicates and self-develops.

    An adult independently plans what to do with his free time; the child needs to be helped in this, to guide his activities.

    Since leisure is a synthesis of entertaining activities and cognition, it is organized by teachers within the framework of a social order - the comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

    Leisure is a synthesis of different activities, for example, physical, musical, entertainment and educational

    The purpose and principles of organizing leisure time in preschool educational institutions

    Leisure activities in preschool educational institutions are aimed at the formation of a healthy, active, harmoniously developed creative personality.

    The purpose of organizing leisure and entertainment for preschoolers is to instill in children moral and aesthetic values, a love of traditions and a desire for cultural recreation.

    This is a special area of ​​the educational process in kindergarten, in which the needs and interests of children are taken into account.

    Using various shapes and methods of organization and taking into account the individual characteristics of students, teachers imbue cultural and leisure activities with moral content while observing the principles:

    • positive tension: creating a friendly atmosphere, positive emotions, receiving joy from communication and collective activities;
    • independence: creating conditions for self-development and unleashing the creative potential of each student;
    • complexity: taking into account all components healthy image life;
    • integrity: developing children's self-awareness.

    Having fun, children get involved in folk traditions and history of the country


    Activities within the framework of cultural and leisure activities can be divided into thematic blocks:

    • Sports:
      • competitions,
      • fun starts,
      • tournaments. Sports leisure not only promotes physical health, but also creates a friendly atmosphere
    • Musical:
      • acquaintance with musical works and composers
      • mastering playing instruments,
      • choral learning of songs. During musical leisure, children get acquainted with great composers and their works, learn emotional perception of melody and rhythm
    • Literary:
      • listening to stories and poems, works of oral folk art,
      • looking at illustrations in books,
      • conducting conversations based on listened texts,
      • training in expressive reading of poetry. During leisure time, children get acquainted with writers and their works, learn to express their impressions, and expand their vocabulary
    • Theatrical:
      • conducting dramatization games using puppet theater,
      • staging skits,
      • learning dialogues,
      • training in the basics of acting (facial expressions, gestures, expressiveness of speech). Participation in productions allows students to reveal their talents
    • Art:
      • development of artistic perception,
      • viewing reproductions and slides,
      • conducting conversations,
      • productive visual activities (sculpting, drawing, appliqué). Art activities in your free time can be timed to coincide with an important event or holiday, for example, Cosmonautics Day
    • Intellectual: conducting quizzes, games of wits and didactic games(brain ring, KVN, “I want to know everything”, “Field of Miracles”).

      Participation in intellectual games develops intelligence and the spirit of healthy competition

    • Ecological:
      • formation of environmental consciousness in children,
      • nurturing love for nature and native land,
      • conducting excursions to a park, agricultural town, farm,
      • participation in environmental actions.

    Activities can integrate various areas of children's activity, for example, physical and speech

    Work within the framework of cultural and leisure activities is carried out daily. The teacher organizes it independently, with the involvement of a music director or physical education teacher, and establishes interaction with parents. Free time should not be filled exclusively with rehearsals for children's matinees; there are various types of leisure activities for preschoolers.

    • Rest. After strong mental stress, the child needs to restore balance of strength and rest. The ability of self-regulation (determining the need to relax, change the type of activity) is formed by older people preschool age. Prevention of fatigue in pupils of the junior and middle groups is organized by the teacher. Rest can be carried out in a passive form: children look at pictures in books, have calm conversations, play quiet games, listen to the teacher read a book. If a child is unable to relax using traditional methods, it is possible to provide psychological support (for example, play with the child in the “Magic Room” or in the “Water and Sand Center”). Active recreation involves physical activity: participation in outdoor games, doing gymnastics, riding a bicycle, scooter, sled, etc. While walking, children can relax independently, using the resources of the subject-spatial environment in a group.
      Active recreation involves relieving stress through physical activity.
    • Entertainment. This type of cultural and leisure activity compensates for routine and unemotional moments in everyday life. Entertainment evokes a feeling of joy in children and genuine interest. At the same time, there is an incentive to obtain new information, and if the child is a participant in an entertaining activity, the practical skills acquired during classes are improved and consolidated. In kindergarten, preschoolers can only be spectators (watching a play, a science show, a musician's performance). Parents of pupils are invited to participate in the entertainment (conducting creative master classes, musical and literary leisure, educational and sports quests for family teams). Entertainment varies by theme:
      • theatrical (performances),
      • educational (quizzes, KVN),
      • sports,
      • musical,
      • literary entertainment,
      • fun (Maslenitsa and Christmas festivities, evenings of riddles and surprises). Joint entertainment with parents strengthens relationships within the family
    • Holidays. Carrying out events dedicated to public holidays and important events in the life of the kindergarten: the Autumn holiday, matinees in honor of Mother’s Day, New Year, International women's day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, holiday concerts for Cosmonautics Day, Victory Day, graduation. In this cultural and leisure activity, preschoolers are active participants, demonstrate their talents, and also help as much as possible in preparing and decorating the premises.

      For festive events in kindergarten, pupils prepare creative performances, and also participate in the creation of decorations and props

    The teacher should remember that leisure is a compensatory type of children's activity; entertainment and cultural recreation are opposed to routine activities.

    Therefore, free time activities have a strong emotional focus; children should be in a good mood. Discussion of Russian heroes and plots folk tales

    stimulates children's interest in creative activities

    Motivating start to a lesson on cultural and leisure activities

    • Classes within the framework of cultural and leisure activities contain a mandatory structural component - a motivating beginning. To attract children's interest in the upcoming event and activate their curiosity, various motivation techniques are used:
      • studying visual material:
      • viewing thematic posters,
      • pictures,
      • reproductions,
      • illustrations in books,
      • layouts,
    • mini-exhibitions in the corner of knowledge;
    • conducting cognitive and heuristic conversations;
    • creating surprise moments;
      • conducting didactic and outdoor games, inclusion in a game situation:
      • visiting a group by a fairy-tale character,
      • an imaginary journey to a fantasy land,
    • transfer to a fairy tale (for the performance of a dramatization game); reading poems, stories, short folklore forms
    • (ditties, jokes, riddles, proverbs and sayings);

    use of ICT: viewing presentations with photos and videos, music.

    Since the leading activity of preschoolers is play, children are happy to engage in play situations and participate in a variety of activities.

    Table: examples of motivating beginnings of classes for different topics

    Event Planning

    Conducting classes within the framework of cultural and leisure activities is allocated free time in the educational process in the morning and evening.

    Leisure activities should be systematic and thoughtful, carried out according to calendar and thematic planning.

    In classes, the principle of frequent change of types of children's activities is observed (observation, conversation, physical education, creative, speech, motor activity).

    A special place in planning leisure and entertainment in kindergarten is occupied by folk and church holidays, street celebrations and rituals associated with folk calendar: harvest festival, yuletide evenings, Christmas festivities, Maslenitsa fun, farewell to winter, Palm Sunday and Easter, Honey and Apple Spas. Getting to know traditions and ancient customs introduces children to the culture of their native country and fosters a reverent attitude towards preserving history.


    Introduction to folk traditions - important component educational process in preschool educational institutions

    Long-term planning involves holding events together with the music director, teacher physical culture, teachers of additional education (leaders of theater and visual arts, dance studio, sports sections). During school year consultations are held for parents, at which the tasks of organizing leisure and entertainment in kindergarten are indicated, a plan for future cultural events is outlined, the initiative of parents in preparing and participating in events is encouraged, a list of recommendations is given for organizing home leisure (reading, drawing, experimenting, educational walks) . Thus, parents are given the opportunity to collaborate with the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution and become equal participants in the educational process.

    Fun activities that involve children with moms and dads have a therapeutic effect on family relationships

    Table: card index of topics of cultural events

    Table: example of a summary of cultural and leisure activities in the preparatory group

    Temporary lesson plan for cultural and leisure activities

    The duration of leisure and entertainment depends on the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers.

    Leisure duration:

    • in junior and middle groups- 25–30 minutes;
    • in senior and preparatory groups - 45–50 minutes.

    Duration of holidays:

    • in the first younger group- 20–30 minutes;
    • in the second younger group - 30–35 minutes;
    • in the middle group - 45–50 minutes;
    • in the older group - 60 minutes;
    • in the preparatory group - up to 1 hour 30 minutes.

    Duration festive event depends on the age and individual characteristics of the pupils

    Duration of street fun and folk festivals:

    • in junior and middle groups - no more than 1 hour;
    • in senior and preparatory groups - up to 1 hour 30 minutes.

    Let's consider the approximate duration of the structural components of specific cultural and leisure activities.

    Folklore and physical education leisure time “Time for business, time for fun” in the senior group

  • Organizational moment - 2 minutes.
  • Surprise moment - 5 minutes.
  • Outdoor game “Horse” - 7 minutes.
  • Game exercises “Guess it” - 10 minutes.
  • Outdoor game “Cat and Birds” - 6 minutes.
  • Round dance “Sun” - 4 minutes.
  • Sports game “Catch the ball” - 8 minutes.
  • Summing up your leisure time - 3 minutes.
  • Musical celebration for Defender of the Fatherland Day in the preparatory group

  • Greeting guests of the holiday - 2 minutes.
  • Performance of the song “Defenders of the Fatherland” - 3 minutes.
  • Performance of the song “We will serve in the army” - 3 minutes.
  • Intellectual warm-up for the boys' team and the dads' team - 8 minutes.
  • Dance “Sailors and Sailors” - 4 minutes.
  • Competition for adults and children “Strong Men” - 6 minutes.
  • Reading poems - 5 minutes.
  • Performance of the song “Our Dads” - 3 minutes.
  • Game for children and guests “Sandwiches” - 7 minutes.
  • Poetic congratulations to the boys from the girls of the group - 5 minutes.
  • Game "Obstacle" - 7 minutes.
  • Music game“Girls hee hee, boys ha ha” - 7 minutes.
  • Dance "Stars" -3 minutes.
  • Congratulatory words from the host of the holiday, presentation of cards and gifts - 7 minutes.
  • Leisure activities with the participation of parents “Maslenitsa” in the middle group

  • Organizational moment - 3 minutes.
  • Excursion into the past (use of ICT: educational slide show) - 10 minutes.
  • “Know-It-All” competition - 5 minutes.
  • Competition "Guess it" - 5 minutes.
  • Competition "Folk Games" - 5 minutes.
  • Steeplechase competition - 4 minutes.
  • Competition "Fist Fights" - 4 minutes.
  • Music competition - 8 minutes.
  • Summing up the results of the competition, invitation to tea with pancakes - 4 minutes.
  • Examples of organizing leisure and entertainment in kindergarten

    Video: music day in kindergarten

    Video: sports festival in kindergarten

    Video: musical and theatrical leisure “Ecological fairy tale”

    Video: fun on a walk dedicated to the celebration of Maslenitsa

    Video: Quiz “Fun Math”

    Video: creative leisure “These days the glory will not be silent”

    Video: literary festival “Days Fly”

    Preparing and conducting collective leisure activities in kindergarten creates a sense of group cohesion.

    By decorating the decorations for the holiday, distributing roles in a dramatization game, mastering the skill of choral singing, participating in team competitions and quizzes, preschoolers interact positively with each other.

    In joint activities, group traditions are born and the emotional atmosphere improves. Participation in collective events fosters an active and morally oriented personality in every child.

    Entertainment with children of the senior and preparatory groups “Balloon Festival”

    Shishkina Larisa Yakovlevna, Terekhova Lyubov Ivanovna

    Educator, educator, GBOU secondary school in the village of Khvorostyanka, Kindergarten “Kolosok”, Samara region, village of Khvorostyanka

    Shishkina L.Ya., Terekhova L.I. Entertainment with children of the senior and preparatory groups "Holiday balloons"// Owl. 2016. No. 3(5). URL: http://kssovushka.ru/zhurnal/5/ (access date: 04/05/2019).

    Target: Creation festive mood in children; development motor activity; nurturing a sense of mutual assistance and friendship.


    Hello children! Guys, guess the riddle:

    I'm big but empty.

    I fly into the sky above the earth.

    And not proud, but inflated,

    Entangled in a thick thread.

    I’m with the children, I’ve always been friendly,

    And my name is.

    All: ball.

    Host: That's right, it's a ball. I invite you to a balloon festival. Today they will serve us not only as decoration for our holiday. Balloons will help us carry out funny Games and competitions. Do you want to play and have fun?

    Someone once invented balls,

    As entertainment for kids.

    Someone once cheated for the first time,

    Someone once breathed soul into them.

    No, there won't be a carnival without balloons

    And the festive hall will not be decorated.

    Balloons have been attracting us all for a long time,

    Each of them has flight and space.

    These balls call us all back to childhood,

    Let's get acquainted with the balloon.

    A balloon is a toy loved by people of all ages. It is used for event decoration and has the wonderful ability to: create great mood and a pleasant atmosphere in any room.. Guys, do you know poems about balloons?

    1 child:

    Ball, ball

    My airy one

    Fidgety, naughty

    The ball is round,

    The ball is smooth,

    The ball is light,

    The ball is soft!

    2nd child:

    Ball to the right,

    Left ball

    My glowing lantern

    Let me hug you

    And I’ll press it to my cheek!

    3rd child:

    I press the ball

    It flies out of your hands

    Up but I caught it

    I tied a thread to my finger.

    Now let's sing a song about a ball (the song is being performed)

    Leading: Well done boys! Now let's play. But first you need to split into two teams. The game is called "Kangaroo"

    Do you know who this is? (Children's answers)

    Leading: That's right, a kangaroo carries its baby in a pouch. Now imagine that you are a “kangaroo” only instead of a cub, you will hold a ball between your knees and jump to the chip, and run back, with the ball in your hands, and pass it to the next one.

    Leading: Well done guys, the next game is “Collect the balls”

    I have two boxes, one with red balls and the other with green balls.

    At my signal, you begin to collect them.

    The first team is red, the second is green.

    Leading: Now we’ll see which team has the ball fly the farthest? "Whose ball is next"

    Leading: Great job! Next game “Carry it without dropping it”

    On my command, you hit the ball with your hand to a landmark, then return to your team, passing the ball to the next one.

    COMPETITION “Guess the riddle”

    1.Small balls

    Hanging on the tree:

    Red, green -

    They look tempting.

    Love these balls

    Adults and children,

    Bulk balls –

    The best in the world! (apples)

    2.On a green fragile leg,

    The ball grew near the path. (dandelion)

    3. It's big, like a soccer ball,

    If it’s ripe, everyone is happy.

    It tastes so good!

    What kind of ball is this? (watermelon)

    4.Good-natured, thick-skinned,

    On balloon similar

    Almost always lives in water

    Thick-skinned... (hippopotamus)

    5.Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

    Any color, for different tastes.

    If you let me off the leash,

    It will fly away beyond the clouds. (balloon)

    Young! Next game "Ball Over Your Head"

    Now, you should stand up straight and raise your arms above your head. Each team has its own ball, on my command you begin to pass the ball to the one standing behind you, the last player takes the ball and stands in front of the first, this continues until all players have taken part.

    Fine! Now let’s imagine that we are “Kittens”, as you know, kittens love to play with balls of thread, but instead of thread we will have a ball. At the signal, you kneel down and with your head begin to push the ball to the chip, running back and passing the ball to the next one.

    Game "Give a ball to a friend." Children play freely, but only hear the command “Give a ball”, the children exchange balls.

    COMPETITION "Artists"

    On a sheet of whatman paper, draw as many balloons as possible in one minute. Now let's play with the balls.

    We will pass the balls around, and when they meet, those guys who have the ball will dance for us.

    Children stand in a circle, pass the balls towards each other, when the balls meet, the two children who have the balls dance in the center of the circle, the rest of the children clap for them.

    Well, now let's all dance with the balloons together. (free dance)
    Leading: Well done boys! What a fun holiday it turned out to be. You see how much joy, laughter, noise and fun an ordinary balloon can bring.

    Teacher's Bulletin | “Prospective plan for entertainment in the senior group”

    Name of material: Long-term plan
    Subject:“Prospective plan for entertainment in the senior group”
    Publication date: 13.09.

    Chapter: preschool education

    Long-term entertainment plan for the senior group

    Teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten "Rucheyok". St. Storozhevoy.



    1 Week

    2 week

    3 week

    4 week




    "Visiting a fairy tale"


    Drawing competition for

    asphalt "Paints"

    Sports entertainment:

    "Fun Starts"


    "Trip to

    the land of fairy tales." Evening

    Dramatization of a fairy tale

    Tops and roots"

    View a fairy tale

    "The engine from


    Sports entertainment:

    “Autumn has come to visit us”



    evening: Competition

    "About the Motherland in Poems."

    Game "road"


    Sports leisure

    « Travel to the island

    Musical entertainment:

    "Mothers Day"



    "The Adventure of a Fly"

    or the tricks of the Spider

    on road"

    Fairy tale quiz

    K.I. Chukovsky

    Entertainment « Winter

    Competition "Christmas tree toy"

    (for children and parents)


    "Evening, riddles and

    answers" on the topic


    entertainment: "Rozhdest"

    Viennese fun"

    "Visiting Snezhnaya


    (math entertainment)

    Dramatization of a fairy tale

    "Winter hut of animals"


    Entertainment "If

    you are kind"

    View the presentation

    "Heroes of our country"

    Entertainment to

    Fairytale relay races with

    fairy-tale heroes.



    Conversation about good and evil

    heroes and their actions.


    illustrations by

    fairy tales with

    the image of good

    and evil heroes.)

    Fairy tale holiday


    Sports entertainment:

    "Enchanted Country (leisure


    Entertainment "Day"

    Showing a cartoon about

    Finger Theater "Tri"


    Sports entertainment: "In

    visiting spring"

    Victory Day!

    (Exhibition of drawings,

    poetry competition)

    Entertainment "Fair"

    folk crafts."

    "An Evening of Tall Tales"

    Musical entertainment

    "Childhood Day"

    To the education section

    Under the shadow of the popularity of “overseas” Halloween, we have completely forgotten about our Slavic roots and about such dear and beloved Russian evil spirits living in the forest. This development combines the traditions of Russian literature, fairy-tale characters, environmental competitions, charades, and humorous skits. An evening of relaxation and fun.

    1. Introduce children to the folklore character: goblin.

    2.Enrich and broaden the horizons of children.

    3. To instill in children an interest in national holidays.

    1. Fostering collectivism and kindness.

    Equipment: arcs 8 pcs.; medicine balls 5-6 pcs.; skittles 8 pcs.; baskets for decoration; trees, stumps, clouds, flowers, mushrooms; Leshy's house; bridge; a pot of porridge; musical accompaniment.

    Preliminary work: preparation of equipment, scenery, stage costumes, selection of riddles, decoration of the hall.

    Characters: Presenter, Ivanushka, Leshy, Mashenka.

    The hall is decorated like an autumn forest. A stream, a bridge, a props of mushrooms.

    Presenter: Children, today we have a game evening, it’s called “Leshego’s Day.” Why do you think it is called that?................

    Do you want me to tell you?..........

    In ancient times, when your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers were small, there were no big cities yet. In the villages they believed that there was devilry, and it needs to be expelled in September, then it will sink underground and won’t harm anyone until spring. Well, before it fails, this evil spirit will definitely, somewhere, and seem kind to people, try to do a final mischief. On Leshy's Day, people tried not to go into the forest.

    Presenter: Let's play the game "GOBELL"

    The goblin is covered with moss and grass. Unwashed, bearded.

    All covered in thorns. With a head unkempt and shaggy.

    He is good at scaring people so that they stop going into the forest.

    Once you get lost, you will end up with evil spirits.

    A child is squatting in the center of the circle. He is Leshy. The children walk around him in a round dance, quietly pronounce the words, and stop at the end of the words. The child gets up, closes his eyes, the teacher takes him to another child and he determines by touch who he has approached and calls his name. If you guess correctly, then the child who guessed sits down. (The game is repeated 3 times)

    Ivanushka enters.

    Ivanushka: Autumn walks along the path, her feet are wet in a puddle,

    It’s raining, and there’s no light; summer is lost somewhere.

    Autumn is coming, autumn is wandering, the wind has thrown the leaves from the maple tree.

    Underfoot there is a new rug, yellow-pink, maple. (V. Avdienko)

    Presenter: Ivanushka, are you wandering through the forest alone? Don’t you know that you can’t go to the forest on Leshy’s Day? Will you perish and never return home?

    Ivanushka: Have you seen my sister Mashenka? She went into the forest to pick mushrooms and never returned.

    Presenter: Or maybe Leshy lured her into the thicket of the forest?

    Ivanushka: Help me find Mashenka and return home..

    Presenter: Shall we help, guys?......................

    Presenter: Let’s go, guys, along this path, maybe we’ll find Mashenka, although you can’t go into the forest on this day, but you need to help Mashenka out.

    Children with Ivanushka and the Leader WALK ALONG THE PATH WITH OBSTACLES and come across a “bump”.

    Presenter: Oh, what is this? Is someone moving under the hummock? Who is this?

    Ivanushka: Yes, this is Leshy! Grandfather Leshy, Grandfather Leshy (wakes him up)

    Goblin: (stretches) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(yawns) who is it here that is disturbing me from sleeping, roaming around in the forest, I was just about to go to bed, and here you have guests! Why did you come?!

    Ivanushka: Grandfather Leshy, we came to the forest for Mashenka, my sister. She went to pick mushrooms and disappeared, so I decided to look for her, and the guys are helping me. Haven't you seen her?

    Leshy: Why didn’t you see it? Saw. I came to buy mushrooms, but didn’t ask permission. So I got her lost, confused, and forgot where. Maybe I’ll remember if you guess my riddles and play with me, maybe I’ll remember, otherwise I, Leshy, who sleeps all winter, need to finally have some fun. Well, do you agree?

    Children: ........................................

    Goblin: You see a stream flowing, and the bridge across it is enchanted; in order to pass through the bridge, you have to guess the riddles. Here's the first riddle:

    He was hidden deep, one, two, three, and came out,

    And he stands in plain sight, white, I will find you! (boletus)

    He stood in the forest, no one took him,

    In a beautiful, fashionable hat, good for nothing. (fly agaric)

    There are no more friendly mushrooms than these -

    Adults and children know -

    They grow on stumps in the forest, like freckles on the nose! (Honey mushrooms)

    Leshy: What a fine fellow you are, friendly as mushrooms, you cross the bridge, but you still won’t get further until you answer my questions..

    IS IT POSSIBLE TO BREAK BRANCHES IN THE FOREST?.......children's answers........

    IS IT POSSIBLE TO LITTER IN THE FOREST?.........children's answers............

    YOU CAN'T PICK BERRIES IN THE FOREST?.........children's answers......

    YOU CAN'T MAKE A FIRE IN THE FOREST.?......children's answers.....


    Leshy: Well, well done, guys, you made Grandfather Leshy happy, come to the clearing, play with me the game "STICKY STUMPS"

    Three or four players squat as far apart as possible. They represent sticky stumps. The rest of the players run around the court, trying not to come close to the stumps. The stumps should try to touch the children running past. The salted ones become stumps. (The game is played 3 times)

    Ivanushka: Grandfather Leshy, give us Mashenka, it’s already getting dark, it’s time for us to go home.

    Goblin: Look, what a nimble fellow, maybe I don’t want to let you go, you’ll continue to amuse me all winter. Well, okay, now I’ll come up with a task for you that you yourself won’t want to leave me... Now - now (walks, scratches the back of his head, thinks)...

    Presenter: Guys, while Leshy is thinking, you and I will try to appease Leshy, FEED him with porridge, stand up around Leshy as quickly as possible.

    I love porridge, I cook it with honey and butter

    (Draw a circle in the air with your right hand)

    The porridge is sweet wheat and tastes great.

    (Draw a circle in the air with your left hand)

    I'll cook porridge,

    (Converge to the center of the circle)

    I'll cool the porridge,

    (Spread to the sides)

    I’ll invite you to taste it.

    (Spread their arms to the sides)

    Host: Help yourself to Leshy and let Mashenka go, and it’s time for us to go home.

    Leshy: Mmmm, what a delicious porridge, and I have prepared a task for you. The very last, difficult one. Complete it, go through the forest and come out to my home, take your Mashenka, so be it, but no, don’t demand it - I’ll keep it. Tell me what does it mean

    word ZAVALINKA

    Children's answers.............(a low earthen embankment along the outer walls of the hut)

    word Svetelka

    Children's answers......................... (small room, usually in the upper part of the house)

    word Firmament

    Children's answers........(the same as the sky)

    word ROUND DANCE

    Children's answers........(Russian folk game - movement of people in a circle with songs and dances)

    Leshy: That's right! Start a round dance, otherwise I won’t let Mashenka out!

    Round dance "At Kalinushka"

    Sl. and music Yu. Mikhailenko

    1. Autumn golden leaves decorated

    And she colored the viburnum berries red.

    We dance around Kalinushka,

    Let's start a tender autumn song.

    1. The autumn sun warms me weakly

    Migratory birds fly away to the south

    1. We weave wreaths from golden leaves

    And we brightly decorate the viburnums with berries.

    Leshy: This is my home. Come out, Mashenka. I let you go. And you all go and don’t come into the forest on my day, on Leshy’s Day, otherwise I won’t let anyone out of the forest.

    Presenter: Guys, do you remember the way back? ...................Let's all tell you together how to go. THROUGH THE FOREST, THEN A CLEARING, A BRIDGE OVER A STREET - HERE WE ARE AT HOME. Well, let’s all go one after another. (They walk back along the entire route and sit on chairs)

    Ivanushka: Thank you guys for your help.

    Mashenka: Thank you. Goodbye, it's time for us to go home. (leave)

    Presenter: Our evening of games “Leshy Day” has come to an end and it’s time for all of us to go home too. (The children get up and calmly leave the hall).


    M. Yu. Kartushina "Russian folk holidays in kindergarten",

    N. N. Lukonina "Mainees in kindergarten",

    L.G. Gorkova, N.F. Gubanova "Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten."

    Entertainment summary

    Autumn fun

    (senior group)

    With. Mirny, Taishetsky district, Irkutsk region

    teacher ( I sq. category): A.V. Chuvashova

    Target : creating a cheerful and cheerful mood, satisfying children’s natural need for movement.


    Foster the need for play activities;

    Improve children's motor skills and abilities;

    Strengthen knowledge about the world around you;

    Develop creative initiative;

    Form communicative behavior at the event.

    Progress of the event:



    Autumn leaves are circling in the wind,

    Autumn leaves are in a hurry for the holiday.

    We collected the leaves into a huge bouquet,

    Autumn beauty sends her greetings to us!

    We'll have a party today

    We will invite guests to our place,

    We play autumn games with

    Let's sing autumn songs!

    Good afternoon, dear guests! We're glad to see you! Thanks to everyone who took the time to come and support our guys!

    We are happy to present autumn fun so that everyone in the world will not be sad!


    Presenter: “Guys, today the postman brought a parcel to the kindergarten! I thought it was for me, I opened it, and there was a note inside. It turns out this is for you! Listen and guess who it is from!

    "Hello guys! Brothers have been writing to you for months! Our mother's name is Autumn! We love her very much. She helped us collect a parcel of autumn gifts for you today. Do you remember what our names are? Please tell us our names! We give you a hint: we are months brothers, there are only three of us, our mother’s name is Autumn. What is the name of each of us?

    If you can name our names, then you can play the fun games that we have prepared and written for you. And then all participants will receive autumn gifts from this parcel! Do you guys agree?

    Children : September, October, November are the brothers autumn months. We agree to play fun games!

      Paired pictures:

    Host: “To play games, we need to create pairs! I invite everyone to go to the board and choose a card for themselves. On the back of the card there are pictures: a mushroom, a carrot, a pear, an apple and a leaf. Who has a fungus on their card? Sit down together, you will play games and compete with each other. Who has the leaf?" And so on.

    (this is how pairs for games-competitions are formed by random choice)

      Musical exercise “Little feet ran along the path”

    Presenter: “To show speed and dexterity in games, we need to stretch our legs and arms! Get in order for some fun exercises!”

      Game program:

      The hummocks are the leaves!

    We will need two large ones autumn leaves for each team. We draw the sheets on cardboard and cut them out. The essence of the relay: the player takes two sheets of paper, stands on one of them, and places the other in front of him. Then he jumps to the second sheet, and places the first one in front of him. Thus, you need to cover the distance from start to finish. The player from the pair who completes it faster wins.

    (then the next pair is called to participate. For example, a pair of leaves! Etc.)


    This competition can be done either with your eyes open or blindfolded. The player's goal is to collect as many cones as possible into the basket.



    (to the melody of “Autumn Tale” by A. Oleynikova)

      Autumn pictures!

    We need to prepare several pictures of apples cut into pieces. The kids' task is to collect a picture with an apple. Whoever collects it faster wins.

    (for another pair you can have a different picture)


    Leading: “Guys, let's remember how animals prepare for winter in the fall! (children's answers) How is the bunny prepared? He changes his fur coat from gray to white! I suggest you help the bunny! We need to help change his fur coat to a white one. We will have cotton pads as a white coat!”

    You will need two pieces of paper with a picture of a gray hare attached to the board on one side of the group and two chairs with cotton pads laid out on the other side of the group. You need to take one disk, run to your hare, smeared with glue, and apply the disk. Go back, take another disk and run to the hare again. So whoever covers the hare's fur coat with cotton pads the fastest will win! (discs in a certain quantity!)

    MUSICAL GAME “Drip-drip”


    We determine the boundaries of the “puddles” (most often these are hoops), prepare several pairs of rubber boots. The child must, on command, put on his boots and run through the “puddles” and come back. The game is funny if you take the boots several sizes larger than the child’s feet.

    Presenter: “In order to play the next game well, we need to prepare our lungs, which will have to arrange the fall of leaves! Let's all come up together now and imagine that we are a warm autumn breeze! Let’s blow on the leaves hanging on the carousel!”

      Leaf fall!

    You will need leaves from trees or cut out of paper. The leaves are placed on the table, the kids stand near the table. On command, each participant begins to blow on his sheet. Whoever blows it to the floor faster wins.

    Game with the audience: “Falling Leaves”

    Host: “Let’s hand out some leaves to our guests, let everyone put them on their palms and try to blow them away! Let them have a leaf fall too!” (you can use a piece of heavy cardboard)



    Group games with children:

      What color is the vegetable!

    Cards with cut out silhouettes of vegetables are distributed. A colored card is attached to the board using a magnet. The child must guess what vegetable he has in his hands, go up and attach it to the card of the corresponding color. For example, a cucumber is green. And so on.


    Children stand in front of the leader. The presenter takes turns naming vegetables, berries, and fruits. If the vegetable grows on the ground, the children should sit down, and if it is a berry or fruit that grows on a tree, the children stand up and raise their arms above their heads.



    Presenter: “You played so well! And a little tired! Let's relax and read poems about autumn!” (Annex 1)

      Result of the event.

    Presenter: “Although they say that autumn is a sad time, in our kindergarten the autumn fun went off with a bang!” Based on the applause of our spectators, dear guests, parents, we will receive a rating! If there are loud, ringing claps, then everything was fine! So, dear viewers, dear guests, parents:

    Did the guys play well?

    Are you proud of your children?

    Were you interested in joining us?

    Do children deserve autumn gifts from the brothers of the month? Of course yes! Guys, come and take a prize from the package!

    (children are given a gift - an apple or a pack of juice)

    Thank you!

    And thank you very much for your attention!

    This concludes our autumn fun!


    May your good mood never leave you!

    Annex 1

    Poems about autumn

    Summer has passed.

    Autumn has arrived.

    In the fields and groves

    Empty and dull.

    The birds have flown away.

    The days have become shorter.

    The sun is not visible.

    Dark, dark nights.

    If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,

    If the birds have flown to a distant land,

    If the sky is gloomy,

    If it rains -

    So this time of year is called Autumn!

    I'm walking on the leaves

    And they crunch in response.

    I’ll pick up beautiful leaves -

    There will be a bouquet for mom.

    I took him home

    Mom found a vase

    And she said: “Look, Autumn has come to our home!”

    Autumn walks along the path,

    Got my feet wet in puddles.

    It's raining and there's no light.

    Summer is lost somewhere.

    Autumn is walking, autumn is wandering.

    The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree.

    There's a new rug under your feet,

    Yellow-pink - maple.

    Autumn really is so beautiful!

    And the chrysanthemums began to grow...

    Shining like the heavenly sun

    Gilded bushes..

    The birds sing and rejoice,

    Catching the last warm ray.

    And now he lies at your feet

    A piece of rainbow from the clouds.

    The sun shines less often

    Warm rays.

    A flock of birds flies to the south,

    Parting with us.

    Frequent rain outside the window,

    The sky is crying like a cloud,

    The leaves are yellow all around.

    It's autumn, then.

    It's raining down the street,

    Wet road

    Lots of drops on the glass

    And there's a little heat.

    Like autumn mushrooms

    We carry umbrellas

    Because it's outside

    Autumn has come.

    Autumn is coming in our park,

    Autumn gives gifts to everyone:

    Red beads - rowan,

    Pink apron - aspen,

    Yellow umbrella for poplars,

    Autumn gives us fruits

    List of used literature:

      Zatsepina M. B., Antonova T. V. National holidays in kindergarten. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2014.

      Lipatnikova T.N. The holiday begins / Artist E.A. Afonicheva. Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy Holding, 2003

      Ryabtseva I.Yu. Zhdanova L.F. Come to our holiday: a collection of scripts for children / Artist E.A. Afonicheva. Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy Holding, 2000

    Municipal preschool educational institution Krasnogorsk kindergarten "Solnyshko"

    Entertainment scenario for senior and preparatory groups

    "Air is invisible"

    Prepared by: Yalelutdinova N.Kh.

    Krasnogorsky village


    Entertainment scenario “Air is invisible”


    Clarify and generalize knowledge about air and its properties


    Give an idea that air takes up space and has properties, that wind is the movement of air

    Promote the formation of cognitive interest in children

    Develop curiosity, observation, mental activity

    Cultivate interest and desire to expand your horizons

    Progress of the event

    Ved . Hello guys! Let's first take a deep, deep breath and then exhale. What do you think we inhaled? (children's answers). But what is air? (at this moment Dunno appears).

    Dunno : Hello guys! What are you going to do here?

    Ved. : The guys and I want to talk about air.

    Dunno: About the air? And who saw it, this air? Maybe he doesn’t exist at all? Personally, I have never seen air!

    Ved. : Guys, do you see the air around you?

    Children: No, we don’t see it.

    Dunno: Exactly! What could we be talking about? About what doesn't exist! Ha ha!

    Ved. : Dunno, what are you talking about! Everyone knows about this. Guys, tell Dunno what the air is like?

    Children: The air is transparent, colorless, invisible.

    Dunno: Exactly! Invisible! That means he doesn’t exist at all!

    Ved. : Wait, wait, Dunno! I haven’t seen the air either, but I know that it is always around us!

    Dunno: oh, you know everything, but I don’t believe you. Now prove that there is air in this room.

    Ved . Look Dunno how we will catch air (experiment with a package). Let's take the bag, open it and try to catch the air. What do we guys have in our bag (air)

    Dunno: There is nothing in your package, and you don’t know anything about air.

    Ved. How come we don't know? Now you guys from preparatory groups they will tell poems about the air.

    1 child: He is transparent and invisible,

    Light and colorless gas

    With a weightless scarf

    It envelops us.

    2nd child: It's in the forest, thick, fragrant

    Like a healing infusion

    Smells of resinous freshness,

    Smells of oak and pine.

    3 child : In summer it can be warm,

    It blows cold in winter

    When the frost lay on the glass

    Lush white fringe

    4th child: We don't notice him

    We don't talk about him

    We just breathe it in

    After all, we need him.

    Dunno . Very interesting.

    Ved. Air helps a lot for people. Guess the riddles, and you Dunno, too, guess with us.


    1 We need him to breathe

    To inflate the balloon.

    With us every hour,

    But he is invisible to us!

    Dunno answers incorrectly

    What is this? Air!

    2 Small, remote

    Screams loudly... (whistle)

    3 A white goose swims - wooden belly

    The wing is linen.(sailboat)

    4 He has a rubber trunk

    With a canvas stomach.

    How his engine hums,

    He swallows both dust and litter.(vacuum cleaner)

    5 All my life I've been flapping my wings,

    But he can’t fly away.(windmill)

    6 There are no clouds on the horizon,

    But an umbrella opened in the sky.

    In a few minutes

    Dropped (parachute)

    7 If you throw it into the river, it won’t drown,

    You hit the wall - it doesn’t moan,

    You will throw yourself on the ground -

    It will begin to fly upward.(ball)

    8 Soars to the heights without acceleration

    Reminds me of a dragonfly

    Takes flight

    Our military... (helicopter)

    9 Guess who's blowing the wind

    And does he cast magic over his head?

    Rinse the thick foam from your hair,

    All people dry them...(Hairdryer)

    Dunno: Your air is very interesting, let me touch it, maybe it will also be useful to me in my work.

    Dunno: I like the air so much, can I play with it?

    Ved : Guys, guess the riddle:

    Let's play with the air then.

    I held your tail in my hands.

    You flew, I ran.


    Contest: balloon dance

    Competition: (puzzles). In front of you are puzzles that depict objects that are used in everyday life; they produce air. You have to put these puzzles together and say what the item is. Dunno, help the guys.

    Ved: Guess another riddle

    I'll shake the birch tree

    I'll push you

    I'll fly, I'll whistle,

    I'll even steal my hat.

    But I can't be seen.

    Who am I? Can you guess?(Wind.)

    It is impossible to see the invisible air, but you can find out about it when it moves. When the invisible air begins to move, the result is wind.

    Ved . Now we will use the air to create windy weather; the teams will take their places. You will need to blow very hard to move the ball, blow it to the line, and run back to the team.

    Ved. Well, Dunno, we convinced you that there is air!

    Dunno: Yes, I realized that air surrounds us everywhere, and we breathe it. And now I will tell all my friends about the air. Can I come visit you again and you can tell me something else interesting? (children's answers). And I have prepared some delicious surprise candy for you! Goodbye, guys!

    Ved . Guys, our fun has come to an end.

    Scenario of entertainment in kindergarten “Friendship Festival”

    Goal: To clarify children’s ideas about what it means to “be able to be friends.”

    develop communication skills with each other

    Develop positive social behavior skills

    Develop the ability to manage your emotional state.

    Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and adults. Create a joyful mood, a feeling of celebration in children.

    Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations, conversations, reading fiction.

    Material: 4 balloon for the relay race, cardboard flower petals, children's songs about friendship.


    Q: Today the holiday brought us together:
    Not a fair, not a carnival!
    Here the holiday of friendship has come
    And he invited everyone into the circle of guys.

    Guys! Today we have fun party, dedicated to Friendship Day. We will sing, play, dance.

    Let's all say together:

    Hello, golden sun! (Hands up)

    Hello, blue sky! (Hands up)

    Hello my friends! (They greet each other)

    I'm very glad to see you - ME! (Spread their arms to the sides, smile at each other)

    Host: Guys, today we celebrate Friendship Day. Let's say the motto of our holiday: “One for all and all for one.”

    Listen to the riddles:

    *Living in the world is very difficult

    Without a girlfriend or... (friend)

    *Half and half – sorrows, troubles,

    Happiness, joy and victory. (Friendship)

    Q: How do you understand the word “friendship”?

    Children: This is when a faithful friend is nearby, when you help a friend in Hard time, you keep shared secrets.

    Q: How good and kind word- friendship! There is probably no person who does not value friendship.

    What kind of friendship can there be?

    Children: Strong, faithful, real, etc.

    Q: -Who can be friends with whom?

    Children: Boy with girl, boy with boy, girl with girl.

    Musical game "Made Friends"

    Host: Children and adults, people on opposite ends of the earth, can be friends. Peoples of different countries can be friends.

    Q: And, of course, we all know that the most important friend of every person is his mother.

    And people can be friends with animals, flowers, trees, the sky and the sun... even little ducklings can be friends

    " Dance of little ducks"

    Q: -What kind of friendship can’t there be?

    Children: Angry, dishonest...

    Ruffnut enters to the music.

    Ruffnut: - Hello everyone! Yeah! This is where I need it! (rubs hands).

    Q:Where does this “here” go?

    Ruffnut: -Where, where... Yes, here, where there are a lot of children. I will make my assistants out of them.

    Q: Who are you?

    Bully: - I am Bully. I heard you are having some kind of holiday here?

    Q: -Not just any kind, but the Festival of Friendship, the celebration of true friends. And we came to have fun.
    Ruffnut: -Are these these little kids - the little ones - friends? Do they know how to be friends? Oh, they made me laugh! (laughs).

    Q: - Wait, wait, Bully, to find out whether our guys really know how to be friends, we need to test them in games, in dancing, in songs.

    Ruffnut: - Check, right? Please.

    Now we will check how friendly you are. You need to answer my questions loudly.
    You are ready? (Yes)
    Shall we celebrate the holiday? (Yes)
    Will we be silent and bored? (No)
    Shall we dance together? (Yes)
    Will we play together? (Yes)
    Can I put you to bed? (No)

    Q: You guys are great! You really showed that you are friendly.
    And also Ruffnut, look at how the guys dance together.

    Dance “Everyone in this hall is friends”

    Ruffnut: You dance well, now let's see how you can play.

    1 Game "Friend to Friend".

    In this game you need to do everything very quickly, listen carefully to the tasks.

    As soon as I say the phrase “friend to friend,” you must find a partner and shake his hand, and then greet with those parts of the body that I will name. Every time I say “each other,” you will have to find yourself a new partner.

    Ear to ear;

    nose to nose;

    forehead to forehead;

    knee to knee;

    elbow to elbow;

    back to back;

    shoulder to shoulder

    Ruffnut: -You really showed that you are friendly, cheerful and know how to support your friends. I also really wanted to find friends.

    Q: - We offer you our friendship.

    I also know proverbs about friendship. Listen here:
    Don’t have a hundred rubles……………..(scratching his head).
    Oh, guys, I forgot, help me, please. Let's play. I will say the beginning of the proverb, and you will say the end.
    Don’t have a hundred rubles………………but have a hundred friends.
    If you don’t have a friend, look for……………………..but if you find one, take care.
    Die yourself………………………and help your comrade.
    An old friend is better than two new ones.
    A tree is held together by its roots……….and a person is held together by its friends.
    It’s bad without a friend who is lost………….but it’s also bad with a friend who is not faithful

    (Ruffnut says goodbye to the guys.)

    B: Oh guys. I completely forgot the envelope in my basket for you. What lies there? Multi-colored petals, so that they form a flower you need to name the rules of friendship. Guys, do you know what rules you need to follow to be friendly? (children name the rules, the teacher places a flower on the flannelgraph)

      Don't quarrel

      Give in

      Don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you've offended a friend

      To be polite

      Don't get angry

      Don't be greedy

      Help a friend

      To be honest

    So let's be friends, don't quarrel, always help each other and then we will have many friends.

    Q: It’s a sunny day when friends are nearby,
    Life is beautiful with dancing and singing.
    Always with close friends

    (Dance “Barbariki”)

    Q: I’m so glad that the guys are in kindergarten friendly,

    After all, when guys are friends, it’s happiness for the country.

    And so that we can end the holiday joyfully,
    I want to treat the guys with sweets!
    But the basket is not empty, there is something in it.
    And in the basket, kids, there were sweets hidden.