How to lighten dark hair. Lightening black dyed hair - is it possible? Baking soda with shampoo to lighten hair

The decision to become a blonde is often spontaneous. A woman simply goes to the store and buys the white paint she likes. At home, she mixes something in a tube with something in a bottle, applies it to her hair and waits. It is not surprising that the result differs from expectations.

Creating blonde always occurs in two stages.

  1. Lightening (bleaching). This is a process by which natural or artificial hair pigment is destroyed.
  2. Toning. Giving hair the desired shade.

Lightening is done with a special powder or cream and an oxidizing agent of a certain percentage. For example, to make dark hair lighter by 4-5 tones, you need an oxide of at least 6%. If the hair is light, a 1.5–3 percent oxidizing agent is usually used. But everything is very individual. Sometimes, to achieve the desired result, 6–9 percent oxide is used to lighten blondes.

The result of lightening is always a warm shade. You'll find out why this happens a little later. For now, remember: you cannot put an equal sign between the concepts of “lightening” and “blond dyeing”. After all, you can lighten your hair to create nuclear orange or acid green hair.

Lightening is just the first step towards blonde. It specifies the substrate on which the color must lie.

The coloring result depends on many factors: the condition of the hair, the original tone and shade and, of course, the coloring composition and method of application.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

Mistake 2. Not taking into account the background lightening and tone level

In everyday life, people are divided into blondes, brown-haired, red-haired and brunettes. For professional hairdressers and colorists, everything is more complicated.

Human hair consists of a nourishing rod (medula), which gives strength and elasticity to the cortex and protective cuticle (many dense scales on the surface).

The cortex contains melanin, which is responsible for hair color. Melanin consists of two pigments, eumelanin and pheomelanin. The first one has dark shade(from brown to blue-black) and the shape of elongated granules. The second is round molecules of yellow and red colors.

Natural hair color depends on the ratio of melanin pigments. The more eumelanin, the darker the hair, and vice versa: pheomelanin predominates in blondes.

The level of tone (or, as they also say, the level of tone depth) depends on the amount of eumelanin.

Tone level (UT or UGT) is a gradation of natural hair color by lightness.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

There are 10 UT, where one is black, and everything above seven is considered blonde.

When lightening, the level of tone depth increases and the lightening background appears. This is the color that is obtained after partial destruction of natural or artificial, if the hair has been dyed, pigment.

Imagine a flask with red and yellow balls inside. The initial tone level is 6. We lighten it to 9. Only yellow balls. The next step is tinting, and you need to figure out how much blue and red to add so that the colors mix and the flask looks beige from a distance.

Before going blonde, you need to determine the tone level, the predominant pigment and desired result. It depends on what to lighten with (powder or cream), what percentage of oxidizing agent to use, where to start applying the composition and other nuances. Hairdressers create special formulas to calculate how many grams to squeeze out of which tube to tint specific hair.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

Mistake 3: Not following instructions

It is important to take into account not only the tone level and background lightening, but also to understand what type of composition it is and how to use it correctly. Lightening and dyeing hair are chemical reactions, the course of which depends on the dye used.

All dyes can be divided into direct and indirect.

Straight hair does not mix with the oxidizing agent and does not penetrate the hair. Their molecules settle on the cuticle. Direct dyes are produced mainly in the form of tinted shampoos, balms and mousses. Colored crayons are also classified as direct dyes. They are easy to use at home (no need to mix anything) to maintain or refresh color.

Indirect dyes open the cuticle, penetrate the hair and destroy the natural pigment to make room for the artificial one. Such dyes are always mixed with an oxidizing agent - hydrogen peroxide with various additives. They are usually produced in the form of creams. Working with them is more difficult (exact proportions are needed).

Indirect dyes also include dyes that do not contain ammonia, but contain its derivatives. They do not have such a pungent odor, but the principle of action is the same as that of ammonia dyes.

When working with indirect dyes, it is very important to choose the right percentage of oxidizing agent. It depends on how much you can increase the level of tone depth and how long you can keep the composition on your hair.

Many people mistakenly think that the longer they keep the dye on their hair, the better the effect will be. In fact, manufacturers conduct more than one clinical study to calculate how much time a particular composition needs to lighten, develop and fix the artificial pigment. If the package says “Keep for 30 minutes,” keep for half an hour. By overexposing the dye, you only dry out your hair.

Mistake 4. Not taking care of your hair

To become a luxurious blonde, it is not enough to lighten your hair. Blonde requires constant careful care. Otherwise, the hair that has gone through the lightening reaction will hang like a lifeless tow.

Hair has no strength and energy because it is a keratinized appendage of the skin. Some conditioning cosmetics regenerate disulfide bonds and proteins, but most conditioners simply seal the cuticle scales tightly so they reflect light. As a result, the hair looks good and is pleasant to touch.

There's a lot on the Internet folk recipes hair lightening. It is necessary to understand that lemon juice, chamomile decoction or kefir will never turn you into a platinum blonde. The maximum will make brown hair half a tone lighter.

But natural ingredients can be used to improve the condition of colored hair. Here are some good masks.

  1. Honey. Mix honey, aloe juice and Castor oil. Leave on hair for 30 minutes. Rinse it off big amount warm water.
  2. Banana. Mix in a blender until completely smooth one medium banana, one egg, one teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon and two tablespoons of full-fat yogurt without additives. Leave for about an hour, then rinse and wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. Egg. Pour two tablespoons of gelatin with warm water and leave for 10–15 minutes for the gelatin to swell. Then melt it in a water bath, add the yolk of one egg and a tablespoon of your hair balm. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. Keep for 40–60 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your hair with warm water.

Be careful with folk remedies. They can ruin even the most beautiful cold blonde. “Food” on your hair will never give the same effect as professional cosmetics. Something that is unlikely to make things worse is vinegar (an acidic environment will smooth out the scales), Coconut oil(but it is difficult to wash off).

Vika Glu, hairdresser

In addition, it is necessary to constantly maintain color tinted shampoos and other products that also often contain care components.

Many girls, naturally dark-haired, dream of light curls. However, not everyone decides to undergo the lightening procedure, as it can cause great harm to the hair. In this case, natural dyes can be used as an alternative. Today we will find out how to lighten dark hair at home without using paint.

Rules for the procedure

Lightening at home with natural dyes should be carried out taking into account these recommendations.

  1. If you have dark hair, then you will need to lighten it more than once, since after one session you will not get the desired result.
  2. If your hair is not very soft, then most likely it will also require several treatments to achieve the desired effect.
  3. Damaged hair should not be bleached. First, they should be cured and only after that the procedure can be carried out.
  4. The dye should be applied to washed, dry hair.
  5. The dyeing composition is distributed over all curls, but there is no need to treat the roots.
  6. After applying the product, the curls should be insulated.
  7. After the time has passed, the strands should be rinsed with lukewarm water without using shampoo. However, it is recommended to use hair conditioner after completing the procedure.
  8. After washing, you should not wrap your hair in a towel or use a hairdryer. They should dry naturally.
  9. Do not lighten immediately after chemistry has been done. At least 7 days must pass between these procedures.
  10. After bleaching, avoid going to the pool for 7 days, otherwise the chlorine water will turn your curls green.
  11. Before the procedure, you should perform an allergy test. To do this, the finished composition is applied to the wrist for 15 minutes. If your skin suddenly turns red or there is tingling or other unpleasant sensations, then this remedy is not suitable for you.

Ways to lighten dark hair

Lightening with hydrogen peroxide


  1. 3% hydrogen peroxide - 50 ml.
  2. Water - 50 ml.
  3. Spray can - 1 pc.

Before the procedure, clothes should be covered with a towel, or better yet, wear something unnecessary. You should wear rubber gloves on your hands. Note that you can change the amount of peroxide and water depending on the length of your hair, but the proportions must be strictly 1:1. Place these products in a can and shake it. Spray the resulting product on your curls, wrap them and leave for 30-60 minutes. Determine the time yourself and it depends on what result you want to achieve. Note that this method Can lighten dark hair several shades. If after the procedure the color turned out is not what you expected, then you can repeat the session after 2 days.

You should know that lightening with hydrogen peroxide can greatly harm your hair. After this procedure, hair loss often begins, clipping appears and the structure of the curl is destroyed. That is why, if you are thinking about how to lighten dark hair without harm, it is better to turn to other recipes.

Lightening dark hair: you can do it yourself at home using kefir and lemon

Lightening with lemon


  1. Lemon - 1 pc.
  2. Water - as needed.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. Treat the strands with this product and leave for 60 minutes. This method of lightening is most suitable for owners brown hair, since in this case the result will be immediately noticeable. If you have very dark curls, then you will need more than one procedure for the strands to acquire the desired shade.

Lightening with cinnamon

You will need:

  1. Cinnamon - 3 tablespoons.
  2. Honey - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Hair conditioner - 120 ml.

Combine all products and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting product to your curls and leave for 40-50 minutes. This procedure can be repeated if the hair color is not what you wanted. Note that lightening with cinnamon not only changes the color of the curls to light, but also restores the structure of the hair, strengthens it and eliminates clipping.

Lightening with rhubarb


  1. Rhubarb decoction - 500 ml.
  2. Vinegar - 500 ml.
  3. Chamomile decoction - 500 ml.
  4. Alcohol - 50 ml.
  5. Honey - 50 ml.
  6. Lemon - 4 pcs.

Heat the rhubarb decoction and add vinegar and chamomile decoction to it. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and combine with the prepared products. Next, add honey and alcohol to the mixture and stir it. Treat your curls with the resulting product and leave for 30 minutes.

Lightening dark hair : cinnamon and honey are also some of the most popular home remedies

Clarification with kefir


  1. Kefir - 50 ml.
  2. Cognac - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
  4. Hair balm - 1 teaspoon.
  5. Chicken yolk - 1 pc.

Combine all products and stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Place the resulting product on your curls and leave overnight. If you carry out the procedure in the morning, then this mask should be kept on your hair for 8 hours. Please note that after the procedure, your hair should be washed with shampoo. Using this composition you can lighten light brown hair. Dark strands will change color slightly, so this method is not suitable for brunettes.

You will find more recipes for this procedure in the article.

Lightening with onions

You will need:

  1. Onion, grated into a coarse grater - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Vinegar - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
  4. Honey - 2 tablespoons.
  5. Rosewood oil - 5 drops.

We looked at several options for how to lighten dark hair. Many recipes will help you not only change the color of your curls, but will also have a positive effect on them. appearance and health. If you follow the instructions, you can achieve the desired shade without much difficulty.

The dream of a radical change in image associated with bleaching curls is typical for many dark-haired beauties. Partly in order to attract men's attention (according to a common stereotype, they like blondes the most) and satisfy the eternal female desire for constant renewal. Here you can find out what dye and how to lighten dark hair.

Since bleaching is a manipulation that damages the hair structure, the choice of dye for lightening it should be treated with extreme caution.

What colors are suitable for lightening hair?

  1. The best compositions for lightening dark strands are paints whose chemical formula contains collagens and essential oils that soften the effect of other aggressive components.
  2. The most destructive dyes for hair are those containing ammonia: they not only damage the cuticle along the entire length of the hair shaft, but also completely destroy the natural melanin pigment contained inside. The duration of the achieved effect is from four to six weeks. Ammonia-free formulations have a milder effect, but their effect is short-lived: after 2-3 weeks, the hair will have to be lightened again.
  3. The best products for lightening dark hair at home are dyes with a creamy consistency. They are perfectly applied to the strands, ensuring high-quality and uniform coloring. Thanks to restorative and nutritious substances, as well as cosmetic oils, which is part of the cream dyes, provides gentle coloring that causes minimal damage to the health of the hair.

About lightening

In the process of lightening hair, the chemical composition used lifts the scales of the hair cuticle and penetrates into the core of the hair, which contains pigment and the main structures responsible for the elasticity, texture and shape of curls.

As a result of the oxidation reaction, oxygen molecules are released and the pigment molecules responsible for the color of the curls are dissolved. The degree of hair lightening depends on the duration of the oxidative process.

The lightening process always ends with hair damage:

  1. With minimal damage, manifested only in the opening of the cuticle, they become hard and dry.
  2. Moderate damage leads to increased porosity of the strands. Bleached hair becomes dull, brittle and unmanageable. Split ends make them difficult to comb and grow to the desired length.
  3. Severe damage results in brittleness and hair loss, as well as scalp burns.

To ensure that the damage caused to your hair is minimal, it is better to entrust the lightening of strands to a specialist.
Those who decide to bleach at home should choose an ammonia-free composition or paint with a low percentage of hydrogen peroxide.

Stopping hair loss and making it look healthy is actually quite a difficult task and requires a lot of patience. Recipes for masks against hair loss with yeast

To prevent lightening your hair from resulting in an unattractive yellow tint, you must follow these rules:

  • Do not lighten damaged, brittle, or too dry hair. They need mandatory comprehensive treatment, which consists of doing homework nourishing masks, the use of medicated shampoos, sprays and balms, as well as oral intake of multivitamin preparations;
  • Brunettes whose hair color contains warm tones should choose lighteners that give their curls shades of platinum or cool blonde. They are the ones who can drown out the unwanted yellowness of bleached strands. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to.
  • the correct sequence of application of the bleaching composition can also prevent the formation of yellowness. The paint is first applied to the back of the head, then to the crown of the head. After this, the strands on the bangs and temples are lightened. The ends of the hair are dyed last.

High-quality hair dyes and a professional approach to the dyeing process will help you avoid the appearance of yellowness.

Gelatin enjoys well-deserved popularity in home cosmetology. One of the positive effects of this product is the improvement of brittle and split ends. From our article you will learn how to make.

How to paint 2 - 3 tones

This can be done using natural paint homemade. In a glass bowl, mix one cup of conditioner, six dessert spoons of ground cinnamon and a third of a cup of liquid natural honey.

Having thoroughly mixed the composition, begin to apply it to freshly washed and slightly dried curls.

Having divided the hair into separate strands, apply the dye to the entire length of the hair, trying to avoid getting it on the skin of the face. You should also not rub the composition into the skin on your head.

The dyed strands are hidden under an oilcloth cap and insulated with a towel. After half an hour, the towel is removed and you walk around with paint on your head for three to four hours. After this, wash off the composition with plenty of warm water.

This procedure lightens the hair by two shades. If lightening by three tones is needed, not six, but eight dessert spoons of cinnamon are added to the paint.

Read what is included in hair dye and what is the difference between household and professional ones.

Paint forms

  1. Cream paints. The thickeners included in their formula give compositions of this type a thick consistency that does not spread and is evenly distributed on the hair (for example). Uniform application guarantees uniform lightening of the strands. Cream-based paints are the most popular type of brightening agents.
  2. Paste or powder based paints. The content of catalysts and inert substances significantly accelerates and intensifies the process of bleaching strands, so dyes of this type are used when it is necessary to lighten very dark hair. This is the one most often used.
  3. Oil based paints. Having the mildest effect due to the sulfonated oils they contain, paints of this type are mixed with catalysts and a fixative. Interaction of all components chemical composition leads to neutralization of unwanted hair shades.

The Italian brand Constant Delight produces oil paints with a large color palette

Good paints with and without ammonia

The range of brightening compounds offered by modern paint manufacturers is unusually wide. In order not to harm your hair, you should give preference to high-quality products from well-known brands.
– sounds quite strange, but it received such a name for a reason. The colorless paint does not contain ammonia, so it can be used even by pregnant women or girls with sensitive skin heads.


Lightening compositions of the Russian brand Estelle are very popular among both young beauties and women mature age. The reason is that clarifiers of this brand have a number of advantages. They:

  • effectively lighten even very dark strands;
  • easy to apply;
  • contain a minimum amount of aggressive components;
  • do not irritate the scalp;
  • are equipped with a balm that restores the hair structure.

The average cost of a clarifier is 113 rubles.

In case of severe damage during painting, use for restoration.

Julia: I lighten my fairly dark hair only with Estelle dye. Despite the low cost, it gives me the opportunity to feel like a charming blonde. Bleaching, of course, affects the structure of the hair: it becomes dry and hard, but using special shampoos and conditioners from the same brand helps me restore their lost health.

What effect can you achieve on your head with Garnier?

The advantages of Garnier paint brightening compositions include:

  • high speed of hair lightening;
  • absence of an unpleasant yellow tint;
  • big ;
  • gentle effect;
  • duration of the result obtained;
  • preservation of hair structure;
  • pleasant aroma.

Faith: I was pleased with the Garnier brand dye: my curls acquired exactly the color that I had long dreamed of. The only drawback I think is the small amount of dye contained in the kit. For my thick hair it took three packages at once: it hits the pocket.

Lightening cream from L'Oreal

L'Oreal Preference brand bleaching paste is rightfully considered one of the most the best means for lightening hair. Its advantages:

  • ammonia-free composition;
  • complete absence of odor;
  • the presence of components that help strengthen hair;
  • no burning sensation when applied;
  • safety for the hair structure.

The price is about 275 rubles.

Svetlana: Lightening paste from L'Oreal is a truly magical product. With it, I was finally able to grow my hair (before it broke off almost at the very roots). It perfectly colors roots and curls along the entire length and has no smell at all.


Video for you: turning a brunette into a blonde at home

How to bleach dark hair at home without yellowing

Hydrogen peroxide is often used to lighten dark hair on your own.

  1. Hard and very dark strands are treated with an 8-12% solution.
  2. For hair of medium thickness, a solution of 6-8% concentration is suitable.
  3. For fine hair, exposure to a 4-6% solution is enough.


Making dark strands light is not that difficult. The main thing is that the process of bleaching them does not harm their beauty and health. If chemical dyes are used, it is necessary to choose formulations containing a minimum of aggressive substances. Reviews about tinted hair dyes are presented.

How to give your hair a lighter shade at home is a question that interests many girls. The desire to become the owner of the most popular hair color is not always without negative consequences.

Many of us have paid attention to such results of lightening with peroxide as burnt, so-called “perhydrol” hair, more reminiscent of cotton wool than a beautiful gift of nature.

Meanwhile, there are excellent natural remedies that allow you to safely and accurately lighten your hair a couple of tones at home. What exactly are we talking about? Of course, about those that are well known to everyone:

  • kefir;
  • cinnamon;
  • lemon;
  • honey;
  • chamomile decoction.

You should not set yourself up for any specific and pronounced effect. The natural color and composition of hair varies greatly among people, and this factor determines the results of the influence of recipes accumulated among the people.

Girls with blond and light blond hair color can expect the greatest effectiveness from use.

Their hair will lighten slightly and take on a golden hue.

Turning to the recipe for girls with a different color will not cause harm; on the contrary, it will improve the health of the roots and the entire structure of the hair, but you should not expect any special aesthetic effect.

With the same product as lemon juice, you need to exercise maximum caution.

Besides last option is the leader in negative consequences.

Method No. 1

The method of lightening hair using lemon was well known to our great-grandmothers. A holey hat is placed on the head, hair is inserted into the holes, and lemon juice is applied to it.

In this form, you need to go for a walk in direct sunlight. A quick, free and old-fashioned method of highlighting is available to every girl who loves experiments.

The effect obtained from this method of lightening at home is definitely impressive: quick lightening by several tones is combined with a beautiful shade of the entire hairstyle.

However, not everything is so simple: most strands can be seriously damaged. The fact is that under increased exposure to lemon and direct sunlight, hair becomes brittle and dry.

For self-care connoisseurs, you must not forget: your hair must be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Method number 2

This at-home lightening option is optimal for hair with high oil content. For drier hair, lemon juice poses a risk of drying out.

Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into ½ liter of water. After regular shampooing, the hair is rinsed with the prepared solution. Lightening citric acid occurs due to the lightening of the pigment contained in the hair.

To enhance the effect obtained by this lightening method at home, you need to go out into the sun for 10-15 minutes.

Very soon you will notice that initially light hair has become brighter and lightened by 1-2 tones. If painting has been done previously, this method will eliminate the yellowness.

In this case, the hair gains shine and loses its ability to electrify.

Method number 3

The effect of using honey for lightening at home is similar to the results of using hydrogen peroxide. But in this case you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to put in more effort than in previous cases.

As for the results, the hair becomes shiny, very soft and lightens two to three shades. An additional advantage of the method is its rare benefits for hair health.

The method is famous for its gentle effects. For owners of blond or light brown hair, this is an excellent opportunity to achieve a couple of tones of lightening with accompanying brightness and no risk of harm to the hair.

At the same time, the hair is nourished with vitamins and nutrients, gains volume and shine, and is transformed.

Before resorting to this method of lightening at home, you need to wash your hair properly. For this, a good simple shampoo is enough - this one probably does not contain silicones, etc.

After squeezing the shampoo into your palm, add a third or a quarter of a teaspoon of soda to it.

You can wash your hair and rinse as usual. Then you need to dry your washed hair with a towel, eliminating excess moisture. You should not resort to balm or any other hair care products.

Now you can apply honey to your hair. The honey required for the procedure must be natural and relatively liquid. If the honey is too thick, you can warm it up a little, or add a little warm water.

In no case should it be used for heating - it deprives the honey useful properties. When applying the product to your hair, you need to do it along the entire length of each strand - starting from the roots to the ends.

For convenience, you can use a comb. And then you can massage your scalp.

To prevent honey from dripping, you can cover your head with plastic wrap and wrap it in a towel. This is only necessary for protection, and not for insulation purposes.

The mask should remain on the hair for about ten hours. The most convenient thing is to do it before bed. It is only necessary to take proper care of convenience - to prevent honey from leaking and stickiness on the bed.

After the ten hours required for this method of lightening at home, the hair is rinsed with warm water, washed with shampoo and rinsed with either chamomile decoction or water with the juice of half a lemon.

This technique allows you to lighten by three tones. But it is still recommended to focus on the type and color of the hair being processed - this is what determines the final results.

If the effect leaves much to be desired, then you can resort to repeating the procedure. There is no need to worry about possible harm - the method will give your hair more shine, health and attractiveness.

Method number 4

And the most popular or gentle method is the use of chamomile. It will help lighten your hair to a delicate golden hue. The care provided should also be emphasized.

To lighten your hair with chamomile decoction, you need to take two tablespoons of dried flowers of the plant. They need to be filled with 200 ml of boiling water. Everything is tightly covered with a lid. The cooled infusion is filtered and pre-washed hair is rinsed with it.

To enhance the effect obtained, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the broth.

Method number 5

This method differs from the previous one in that it uses a mask made from a concentrated infusion of chamomile.

So, to lighten your hair with this magnificent natural ingredient, add 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers to boiling water. The proportions must be 1 to 3.

It is best to pour the product in for several hours. After the broth is filtered, the hair is soaked in it. The head is wrapped in film and left in this state for an hour.

Method number 6

This technology allows you to lighten your hair with a mask of chamomile and glycerin. Recommended for dry hair types.

Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of dried plant flowers. Duration of infusion: two hours. The infusion is cooled and filtered, 60 g of glycerin is added to it.

The mask is applied along the entire length. The head is wrapped in film for forty minutes.

Method number 7

To lighten your hair using this method, you need to prepare a mask from the following ingredients:

  • lemon;
  • chamomile;
  • saffron;
  • essential oil.

The cooking technology is as follows: 2 tbsp. l. dried chamomile are mixed with a pinch of saffron, brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour to infuse.

The water mixture is filtered, the juice of one lemon is squeezed into it and 3-4 drops are added. essential oil lavender.

To lighten your hair, you need to apply the prepared mask for a third of an hour, after which, rinse with warm water. Hair must be clean.

Method number 8

The mask used in this case is prepared from turmeric and lemon.

Take three tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers. They are mixed with the crushed peel of one lemon, one teaspoon of turmeric. Everything is poured with a liter of boiling water.

The solution, which can be used to lighten hair, must be left for two hours. After this, it must be strained. Storage time in the refrigerator: several days. They need to cover clean hair once a day for a week or a little less.

Having a broad outlook is always beneficial

You may have accidentally dyed your hair too... dark color, or maybe yours natural color hair is about a shade darker than you would like. In any case, there are both natural and chemicals allowing you to lighten your hair.


Part 1

Visit to a beauty salon

    Discuss possible harm to hair. Most people with dark hair can have it bleached or dyed a lighter shade at a hair salon or beauty salon. However, before bleaching your hair, discuss the possible harm with a specialist.

    Don't lighten your hair roots. The damage caused by bleach or dye increases if the scalp and hair follicles (roots) are exposed to them. Before re-coloring your hair, wait until it grows out a little at the roots. This will reduce the damage caused by painting.

    Give your hair extra care after coloring. If you dyed your hair at a hairdresser (cosmetic salon), it will require additional care after the procedure. Discuss hair care products and methods after dyeing with your hair stylist.

    Use salted water. Simple table salt can change the color of your hair. Many people find that their hair becomes lighter after bathing in salt water. Add one part salt to five parts water. Rub the mixture into your hair and wait 15 minutes, then rinse and wash your hair as usual.

    Grind up vitamin C tablets and add the resulting powder to your shampoo. Vitamin C can lighten hair and also make it healthier. Take 8 or 9 vitamin C tablets, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, and crush them. To do this, for example, you can place the tablets in a plastic bag and grind them into powder with a rolling pin. Add the resulting powder to your shampoo. After this, use shampoo as usual for a few weeks and then check to see if your hair becomes lighter.

    Add chopped rhubarb to the water. Rhubarb is a plant that has the property of lightening dark hair. Take 2 cups of water and add 1/4 cup chopped rhubarb to it. Bring the mixture to a boil, then wait until it cools. Then strain the water and apply it to your hair. Wait 10 minutes, then rinse your hair with clean water.

    Use honey. If you don't want to use paints and other chemicals, try honey: many people find it natural remedy, capable of lightening hair. Honey intensely moisturizes hair and at the same time contains a very small amount of hydrogen peroxide, which lightens dark hair.

    Use lemon or lime juice. Citrus juice such as lemon or lime can lighten dark hair. Try to see if you can achieve the desired result in this natural way.

    Treat your hair with chamomile tea. This tea can also lighten your hair slightly. Brew chamomile tea, cool it and apply it to your hair, trying to soak it as completely as possible. After this, put on a tight-fitting shower cap and wait 30 minutes, then rinse your hair with clean water.

    Try lightening your hair with cinnamon. Cinnamon is also an excellent natural lightener. First, wet your hair and condition it with conditioner. After this, prepare a paste of cinnamon and water. Rub it into your hair, being careful not to miss a single strand. Put on a shower cap and leave the paste in your hair overnight.

    Use hydrogen peroxide. This substance is a strong hair lightening chemical, so use it very carefully. Pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle and spray the liquid evenly over your hair. If necessary, use bobby pins to gain access to hidden areas. Wait 30 minutes, then wash your hair in cool water.