How to make your eyes look bigger with makeup. How to make your eyes look bigger with makeup. The classic smoky eyes technique will help make the look fatal.

An article on the topic: "make-up to enlarge the eyes and expressiveness of the look. make-up instructions" from professionals.

And again, hello everyone!
I have one friend whom men (and not only) constantly say compliments. They even write poetry. And all about the eyes. Yes, her eyes are gorgeous. Large, expressive, radiant. As they say, you can drown. In fact, her secret is simple. This is not at all Eastern heredity and not even plastic surgery, but skillful makeup! And everyone can make “deep eyes” with a makeup brush and a jar of shadows. Read on if you want to know how makeup creates expressive eyes!

How to make expressive eyes makeup: instructions at home

To begin with, let's answer the question, which eyes can be considered expressive?

The answer is on the surface - those that express the deep inner world of their owner! Such eyes tighten, rivet, bewitch. A man is ready for a lot for the sake of SUCH female eyes!

Step one: Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the face.

The ideal oval of the face, the correct features and sizes? Congratulations, you are the owner of a classic appearance, the beauty of which only needs to be emphasized with cosmetics. Well, if the appearance does not correspond to the canons of beauty, it does not matter. Any problem is easy to solve.

Eyes close to each other? It will be useful for you to read the post about makeup for close-set eyes, which I will publish soon.

Eyes that are too round? Align the oval with the arrows, lengthen it.

Narrow eyes? Apply mascara only to the upper lashes, leaving the lower ones intact: this technique will visually expand the eye section.

Bulging eyes: we apply dark shadows on the moving eyelid, and light shadows under the eyebrow and on the lower eyelid. Eyelashes paint over both lower and upper.

"Heavy" eyes, as if the eyelids floating on the eyes can be visually “lightened” if you apply shadows of warm shades only on the corners of the eyes (internal and external), and leave the eyelid clean.

Step two: Apply the base.

Just as a house cannot stand without a foundation, so makeup will “float” without a foundation. High-quality foundation and / or powder should be applied to the face, and concealer or corrective pencil should be applied to the area around the eyes.

Opt for a concealer a tone lighter than your facial foundation for a more open and fresh look.

Step 3: Choose shadows.

When choosing a shade, remember the results of the first step of this instruction. So what shape are your eyes? If you have “perfect” tonsils, you can choose any, even a bright shade of shadows. Bright shadows look very expressive, but visually reduce the eyes, and must be applied very carefully. The main thing is not to overdo it and not become like a clown!

If you have small eyes - choose light shades of shadows, using dark ones only in the crease of the outer eyelid.

When doing daytime makeup, do not use mother-of-pearl shadows: they look out of place in daylight. And vice versa, they will shine in the evening, under artificial lighting.

I will dwell on the next point: many find themselves confused in front of a cosmetic store window, not knowing what to choose from the modern variety of shadows. Shadows liquid, dry, baked, in the form of a pencil ...

Each of these types is good in its own way. Liquid shadows and in the form of a pencil are usually available in a portable form, convenient to carry in your purse (retractable pencil, sticker, marker). They can be easily used in the ladies' room of a restaurant, office to touch up makeup.

But to create complex image they are unlikely to fit, as they are not amenable to shading.

baked shadows- a heat-treated mixture of coloring pigment and pearlescent particles. Such shadows are easy to apply and hold well on the eyelids, do not crumble and do not roll. More suitable for evening make-up, as they give a shimmer effect.

My choice is a palette of high-quality shadows in the usual format, from a well-known trusted manufacturer, bought necessarily in a certified store.

Step four: Apply shadows.

Now is the hardest part. It's time to get acquainted (if you are not already familiar) with the smoky eyes makeup technique, or eyes in smoke.

We apply shadows, as if enveloping the eyes with a haze: on the inner corner of the eye - the lightest shade, on the crease of the upper eyelid - the deepest, darkest. On the moving eyelid - medium tone.

Now blend until you get a hazy effect. Output dark shade outward and upward.

Step Five: Draw the "arrows".

"Arrows" will enhance the effect and add mystery to the look, as well as help to adjust the shape of the eye to the ideal.

Narrow eyes fail only along the upper eyelid, without going beyond the edges.

For round eyes, on the contrary, “arrows” are needed, tending to the temple, extending beyond the eye by 0.5 cm.

Bulging eyes are drawn along the contour both from above and below to visually reduce their size.

Take advantage of these expressive eye makeup tutorials and get ready to receive compliments!

Video: how to do smokey ice makeup

And now watch the video how to make "smoky ice":

Be always beautiful!! makeup

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Women use their eyes as a weapon to hunt down men who are powerless against female beauty.

What could be better than big expressive eyes with a captivating look? But not all nature has endowed with perfect beauty. Therefore, women adopt makeup to enlarge their eyes in order to get as close to the ideal as possible.

Eye enlargement methods

If your eyes are too small by nature, then you can enlarge them in only two ways:

  • Only plastic surgeons know how to make eyes bigger without makeup. Is it worth going under the knife for an unknown result? This method is often used by great actors, famous singers to create a stage image. But for ordinary women, this is too radical a way to attract male eyes.
  • To visually enlarge the eyes, women master special makeup techniques. With the help of the play of colors and their shades, you can achieve many effects that hide the natural imperfections of the face. With their help, the eyes become wider and more expressive. But if you focus on the eyes, then slow down the intensity of the lipstick color so as not to turn into a painted doll instead of a beautiful girl.
  • Perhaps to enlarge the eyes without makeup, without resorting to help plastic surgery, you can do it in another way - by shaping the eyebrows. But this method is often used in conjunction with makeup.

To make the eyes bigger, you need to shape the arches of the eyebrows by plucking the hairs from below, not from above. Here the rule applies: the greater the distance between the eye and the eyebrow, the better.

How to shape eyebrows - video:

It is necessary to take into account the shape of the face:

  1. Round face - eyebrows with a smooth break.
  2. Elongated - horizontal.
  3. Oval - arcuate;
  4. Square - with a sharp break.
  5. The heart is arched.
  6. Triangular - with an average break.

Pay attention to the thickness of the eyebrows: "strings" often make the eyes even smaller, but thick arches do not cope with the task.

A special brush for combing, as well as eyebrow pencils, will help to emphasize the shape of the arc. You need to take care of your eyebrows regularly, removing growing hairs in a timely manner.

Top myths about visual enlargement of the eyes

All girls like to do eye make-up, but not everyone knows the principle of its application. As a result, makeup does not paint the face, but spoils it.

Below is a list of the most common mistakes made by women with little makeup experience. Remember them and try not to repeat such mistakes.

To enlarge the eyes, you need to trace the contour of the inner eyelid with a pencil.

If you circle the inner eyelid with a pencil, then the eyes will become even smaller and narrower. For small eyes, such makeup is a disaster.

But there is one exception: this method is ideal for enlarging brown eyes.

The fact is that the brown color successfully contrasts with the black eyeliner on the white background of the eyeball. However, for fair-skinned female representatives, this trick is very dangerous.

Eyes can be enlarged with false eyelashes

False eyelashes cannot enlarge the eyes. They increase eyelashes. But in order to use false eyelashes, you need not only the appropriate makeup, but also a reason.

Their everyday use is tasteless and ugly, unnatural, if we are not talking about natural counterparts. They are several times more expensive, and hardly anyone can distinguish them from natural eyelashes.

Only rich makeup can enlarge the eyes

  • With heavy makeup, it is clearly easier to solve the task, especially if you use the technology of applying classic smoky makeup.
  • But you can not use this technique every day. Daily makeup should be light and casual. You can make big eyes even without a ton of paints and mascara.

The thinner the eyebrows, the bigger the eyes

  • Eyebrows are like a frame for a picture. If the picture is framed ugly, then it itself does not make an impression. To make the eyes appear larger, you need to choose the right shape of the eyebrows.
  • Thickness does not play a big role in this. However, critically thick or critically narrow eyebrows can spoil even the most beautiful picture.

Since light shadows enlarge the eyes, they need to be applied to the entire upper eyelid.

Indeed, makeup artists use pearlescent light shadows to enlarge their eyes. But this does not mean that they need to be applied to the entire surface under the eyebrow and on the eyelid: this will create the effect of tired and painful eyes.

To achieve the effect, it will be enough to apply light shadows to the inner corner, as well as to the center of the movable eye. Often lighten the surface under the eyebrow.

To enlarge your eyes with makeup, you need to acquire certain cosmetics. In the arsenal should be:

  1. Ink eyeliner or contour pencil.
  2. Shadows.
  3. Mascara.

You will also need a set of brushes for applying shadows and blending them. A brush for combing and styling eyebrows will not be superfluous. So, how to increase eye makeup using this makeup kit?

Emphasizing the contour of the eyes

A soft contour pencil will help you enlarge your eyes.

If the contour line seems too sharp to you, then blend it to a subtle haze: this technique very effectively enlarges the eyes.

  • Opening your eyes, pay attention to the line drawn along the moving eyelid. It should not be too dark and thick, wide, so as not to narrow the eyes. You can also reduce the eyes with the help of a bold contour under the lower eyelashes. The expressiveness of the look is needed, but it needs to be achieved with rather thin and discreet lines.

When you outline the contour of the moving eyelid, keep in mind that the line from the middle of this eyelid to the end of the outer edge should be as thin as possible. This is especially true if eye enlargement is unthinkable for you without the formation of arrows. But the pencil should not be too dark or too light. Choose an average color saturation.

  • Makeup can increase the size of the eyeballs. To do this, use a white pencil to line the inner contour of the lower eyelid. But special effect can be obtained using flesh, gray or silver colored pencils.

How to use shadows?

Magnifying eyes make-up is unthinkable without shadows. But it is important to follow the technique of applying them step by step. Otherwise, you can achieve optical reduction, and not widening of the eye.

Remember two principles:

  • Dark shadows visually reduce.
  • Light shadows visually increase, but make the eyes discreet and inexpressive.

It is impossible to perform makeup completely light, so as not to make the look nondescript. But using dark shadows is also dangerous: there is a risk of narrowing your eyes even more.

There is only one way out: finding a compromise between light and dark shadows. Usually the outer corners of the eyes are dark, and the inner corners are light.

Eye makeup for enlargement is performed step by step:

1. First, shadows are applied, which are the basis.

In the shadow palette, the lightest shadow is the base shadow. It should be in harmony with the natural color of the skin. If the skin has a cold tone, then the base should have a pastel cold tone, for warm skin choose warm colors. For a visual lift of the upper eyelid, the base is applied to the entire moving eyelid and the skin under the eyebrows.

2. Then apply shadows that emphasize the contour.

To increase the size of the eyes with makeup allows a contour shadow that opens the eyes. It is applied to the crease, and then shaded. As a shadow-contour, shades with medium intensity are chosen. For a visual increase, it is not even necessary to apply a base, it is enough to darken the folds.

3. The process ends with the application of shadows-accents.

by the most bright color has a shadow accent, which is needed to model a moving eyelid. The color should match the color of the iris, but you can choose a color that contrasts with it. It is important to take into account the color of the outfit: the shadows should be in harmony with it. Shade accent shadows from the outer corner to the end of the eyebrow arch. This will help visually lift the eye outline.

Makeup to increase eyes - video:

Last touch with ink

How to make eyes bigger with makeup at the final stage?

  • This will require a thick black or dark brown mascara that does not have lumps and has a uniform consistency.
  • Do not experiment with colored mascara: it will visually narrow your eyes.

Before coloring eyelashes, it is desirable to curl them, but this can also be done during painting with a mascara brush. To do this, brush from the root of the eyelashes to the ends, bending and at the same time pressing them to the upper eyelid. This will help achieve the effect of wide-open eyes. The lower lashes also need to be well painted over.

This completes the eye makeup. It is unlikely that anyone could make it perfect the first time. Therefore, before a grand event, you need to leave time in order to practice.

How to visually enlarge the eyes - video from a professional makeup artist:

For the first time, it is better to visit a beauty salon, it is there that they will show you by example how you can transform your appearance with the help of cosmetics.

Related video:

Probably every girl dreams of big and expressive eyes. And if nature has not endowed you with such features, it does not matter. With tips and tricks from makeup artists around the world, you can easily make your eyes more visible and attractive.

Bright Side shares with you 10 secrets that will help visually enlarge your eyes and make them more expressive.

1. To create the effect of big eyes, use double shadows

Famous Hollywood makeup artist Jake Bailey advises to use two different shades of eyeshadow from the same range- this will help to instantly create the effect of big eyes.

2. In the process of makeup, we correctly place color accents

Renowned makeup artist Sarah Lucero (whose clients include Katherine Heigl and Olivia Wilde) gives advice on how to give the eyes a doe-eye effect: “The most important thing is more color above the line growth of the middle of the eyelashes, focus on the middle upper eyelid, because this is the widest part of your eyes. So you focus on exactly this point, from which you can draw smoother and lighter lines along the upper eyelids.

3. We are not afraid to use a bright pencil or eyeliner

“Experiment with blue or purple eyeliner,” says makeup artist Laura Geller. Eyes magnify everything that seems bright. It is these shades of pencil, when used correctly, that give the eyes incredible depth.

4. For an open look, follow the “fold rule”

Makeup artist Joanna Schlip, who works with Madonna and Angelina Jolie, talks about the "fold rule" we all have on our upper lids: "Apply liner only up to the crease line on the upper eyelid. This will emphasize your natural eye contour. Click here for more step by step instructions.

5. Ombre can be used for more than just hair.

Maybelline makeup artist Charlotte Wheeler advises taking to arm the ombre technique. The trick is to apply lighter shadows to match the eyes and a darker shade of the same shadows in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe creases on the eyelids. This technique visually enlarges the eyes.

6. You can give your makeup more naturalness with the help of beige tones.

To make your eyes look bigger without having to use a ton of eyeshadow, simply swipe pearl eyeliner along the inner corner of your eye. Eyeliners in beige and brown tones look more natural. than pure white and glittery.

7. Highlight the shadows around the eyes to make them brighter

To make your eyes more expressive, try applying light brown shadows on the upper and lower eyelids, and highlight the outer corner of the eye with lighter and pearlescent shadows. Do not forget to highlight the area under the eyebrows with white shadows - this way you can make the eyes even brighter.

8. The classic smoky eyes technique will help make the look fatal.

The creation of any makeup begins with summing up the ciliary contour. Then, so that the eyes do not look too black, apply skin-colored shadows to the entire moving eyelid. Next, we use a pencil: first we draw it along the lash line along the upper eyelid, then along the lower one. Blend these lines to give the makeup a smoky effect, and highlight the corner of the eye with white.

9. Line the eyes using only shadows

Make your eyes look fresh and open with the help of brown and pearlescent shadows. First, highlight the inner corners of the eyes with a white pencil, then apply the main shadows on the entire moving eyelid. Bring a brown or gray tint along the lash line along the upper eyelid and a pearlescent shade of a different shade along the lower one.

10. We select only light shimmering shadows along the contour of the eyes

Light shimmery shadows or eyeliner are great for revealing sunken areas of the eyelids. To make your eyes look more open you need to apply them along the contour of the eyes- so they "highlight" your makeup.

Preview photo

If you are the owner of small eyes, the right beautiful make-up will help to visually enlarge them. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a nude palette (which has all the necessary light and dark matte shadows), a black pencil, good black ink, natural bristle brushes.

Eye makeup "to increase" (step by step photo)

Remember the main rule that helps to make the eyes bigger: in no case do a black stroke over the mucous membrane, as in the photo below. This will make your eyes look smaller.

This type of make-up can be afforded by girls with big eyes and provided that you do “smoky ice”, which implies this particular technique.

And remember, no matter what kind of make-up you will do (evening or light daytime, nude or with bright dark arrows), start with the base increase, which underlies everything.

1 step. Beautifully tint the eyebrows with matte brown shadows that are 1-2 tones lighter than yours.

2. Mark with light shadows under the eyebrow and in the inner corner of the eye.

3. Deepen the crease of the upper eyelid with dark brown shadows.

4. Beige make up the entire moving eyelid.

5. Dark beige color for the lower eyelid.

6. Shade everything thoroughly.

7. Paint eyelashes.

8. To enhance the effect, you can paint over the mucous membrane with a pale pink (or white) pencil.

Proper makeup that enlarges the eyes.

Secrets from a makeup artist for the impending century

All makeup artists believe that the smoky eyes technique magnifies the eyes and is ideal for the overhanging eyelid. For brown and blue-eyed, it also looks very original, so we can say that there are absolutely no restrictions, except that it is only suitable for the evening. I propose to remember the main tricks:

1. With a soft dark pencil, paint over the entire moving eyelid and carefully blend the edges. Make a black outline for the eye.

2. Dark shadows paint over the lower and mobile eyelids. It is good to shade the borders. For a soft transition from black to beige, you can add some brown shadows to the border and work well with a brush.

3. Add some light shadows to the inner corner (if you have close-set eyes).

4. Make up your eyelashes well.


Wrong Smokey

Natural everyday at home

Daytime make-up involves the use of matte shades of beige shades. To do this, you should buy a nude palette, which has all the necessary colors.

To begin with, you can apply the base under the shadows on the entire moving eyelid (it makes the shadows more resistant, and the matte colors are more saturated).

Using a dark pencil, go along the lash line on the moving eyelid.

You can make an arrow and shade it a lot.

With eyeliner, a brighter version is obtained, which is also well suited for the day. Don't forget to make up your eyelashes well.

Video tutorials "make-up for the eyes" - to enlarge the eyes


Basic shading

Daily with arrows

Evening make-up "Loop"

Face correction. brutal contouring

Classic smoky eyes

Makeup should highlight beautiful features faces, highlighting them and making them expressive. For those whom nature has endowed with big eyes, do not worry - they just need to tint their eyelashes a little, and the image is ready. How in this case to be the owners of small eyes? You can draw arrows to enlarge the eyes and attract male attention. It is very simple to do this, you just need to stock up on the necessary cosmetics and take a moment of theory.

Why draw arrows

Eyes are a mirror of the soul, in addition, they are also a female weapon that slays men on the spot. Also in Ancient Egypt knew how much makeup changes a person’s appearance, just remember the wide arrows of Cleopatra. If earlier people also put a mystical meaning into makeup, then today make-up has become a way of expressing their inner world, the very soul, the mirror of which is considered to be the eyes. That is why expressive and bright make-up was not neglected by Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor and other famous beauties.

Visual enlargement of the eyes not only gives femininity. The chosen type of makeup can tell a lot about its wearer: some try to achieve the image of a vamp, others look gentle and young. Any image is available if you pick up the right means and application method.

How to visually enlarge the eyes

Arrows for small eyes are applied depending on the chosen image and the external data of the girl. One rule remains the same for all options: the cosmetics used must be of high quality and resistant.


Cosmetics for drawing arrows that enlarge the eyes are selected individually. The cosmetics market offers the following options for products:

  1. Liquid eyeliner. It is sold in a jar with a brush that applies lines. They are clear, glossy, very graphic and expressive. In addition, such cosmetics have a high level of durability, do not flow or smear. It can be used both as a final touch of evening makeup, and as an independent accent on the eyes for daytime. The only drawback of liquid eyeliner is that it is hardly suitable for beginners. In order for the arrows to enlarge the eyes to be even and symmetrical, you will have to train for a long time.
  2. Pencil. A simpler drawing tool. Far from everything is going smoothly with his durability - during the day you will have to repeatedly correct a smeared or faded arrow. This is especially true for girls with oily skin. An overhanging eyelid can also become an obstacle to maintaining the stability of the lines. If you first cover the eyelid with beige shadows, mark the arrows and “hammer” them with shadows of a dark tone from above, then such a make-up will last long enough. The advantage of the pencil is its softness, ease of shading. Drawn strokes will be neat, delicate and perfect for everyday use. day makeup.
  3. Marker. An eyeliner option that has already managed to fall in love with many girls. Thanks to the tube, which looks like a regular marker with a hard core, you can draw neat thin arrows without any problems. They will not yield to those drawn with liquid eyeliner either in durability or in color saturation. However, the marker dries quickly enough, after about 1.5-2 months of use, you will have to buy a new one.
  4. Gel eyeliner. A beauty innovation that is suitable even for beginners. A small jar of eyeliner, to which you will have to buy a brush, is useful for those who care about the durability of cosmetics. This product is very difficult to wash off with water. Unfortunately, this handy beauty product won't last long either - with frequent use, the gel eyeliner dries out quickly.
  5. Shadows. Ordinary eye shadow, if applied with a thin brush, completely replaces any pencil and eyeliner. The resulting arrow will not be too bright and clear, the blurring of the contours will visually enlarge the eyes, which was required from makeup. If you want more color saturation, you can try to slightly moisten the shadows and apply them as an eyeliner.

Important! There is another interesting beauty product - dry eyeliner. It is similar to regular shadows and can be used as such if desired. If you moisten the dry substance, it will turn into a full-fledged, fairly bright eyeliner.


To draw magnifying arrows, you will need:

  • Mirror without magnification effect;
  • Pencil sharpener, which must be sharp;
  • Cotton swabs and sponges to quickly remove makeup errors;
  • Foundation and eyeshadow palette, which has nude, neutral colors;
  • A thin long brush that allows you to draw both thin and wide arrows;
  • A curved brush, the tail of which does not differ from the tip of a thin long brush, due to the shape of the handle it is more convenient to draw with such a tool;
  • Angled brush, which is indispensable in makeup. The thin edge allows you to bring the tip of the arrow perfectly even and sharp.

Which of these tools are useful depends on the features of the makeup and the habits of the girl herself. For those who want to try different options and work out the process of applying cosmetics, it is advisable to acquire all of the above.

Application steps

The arrows are the central part of the eye make-up. Their application is preceded by preliminary stages of makeup.

Applying cosmetics to visually enlarge the eyes step by step:

  1. Foundation is applied to the upper eyelid. You can spread it with your fingers or a brush, as it will be convenient. The main thing is to carefully shade the remedy from the moving eyelid to the eyebrows. If the base seems too sticky, you can apply a thin layer of beige shadows or powder on top of it.
  2. The outer corner of the eye is slightly darkened. To do this, at the edge of the eye, some dark shadows are applied to the eyelid, which are slightly brought up, beyond the orbital line, and sideways, to the temple. A light stroke of eyeshadow of the same color should be applied to the outer edge of the lower eyelid, blending them so that they cover about a third of the space under the lower eyelashes.
  3. Where the border of dark shadows passes (towards the inner corner of the eye), apply a little lighter shadows. Gently blend, slightly going beyond the orbital line and smoothing the transition between tones. Shadows should be matte.
  4. In the middle of the moving eyelid, apply some shadows with a shimmer, blend. This step will help refresh your eyes and visually expand the upper eyelid. To make the shadows play brighter, they can be driven into the skin with your fingers, without using a brush. If desired, you can add a radiant accent to the inner corner of the eye.
  5. Next, you need to take a beige or light brown pencil and draw it along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. This is one of the main techniques to help make the eyes visually larger. It is not recommended to use a pure white pencil for this purpose - it often looks unnatural.
  6. Twist eyelashes with a curler, add false tufts or properly paint over the hairs with mascara. Bright curled eyelashes visually open the eyes, making them larger.

Important! Having typed the shadows on the brush, you need to draw it along the back of the hand. This will help remove excess makeup, which, when applied to the eyelid, would inevitably begin to crumble.

How to draw arrows

When the preliminary stage is over, it's time to move on to drawing arrows. It is more convenient to do this when the eyelashes are not yet made up, so do not rush to take up mascara. First you need a pencil, eyeliner or shadows.


Stages of drawing pencil arrows:

  • Take a comfortable position in front of the mirror. The elbow of the hand that holds the hand must necessarily lie on a solid support;
  • Draw a thin line along the lash line with a sharpened pencil. It is necessary to start from the middle, moving first to the outer corner of the eye, then to the inner;
  • On the outer corner, mark the tail of the arrow, drawing the line beyond the lash line and “raising” it up, towards the tail of the eyebrow;
  • Having removed possible irregularities with a cotton swab, it is necessary to carefully draw the space between the eyelashes and once again go over the arrow with a pencil, making it clearer and wider.


How to draw arrows to enlarge the eyes with eyeliner:

  • To begin with, mark the place where the tail of the future arrow will go. Half-close your eyes and put a point in this place;
  • Draw a line from the point to the outer corner. Then draw an arrow on 2/3 of the upper eyelid, along the lash line. You can bring the arrow to the inner edge of the eye, gradually making it thinner;
  • Take the eyeliner brush so that its tip is located towards the temple. Attach it to the edge of the line so that the imprint left fills in the gap between the tail and the main line along the edge of the eyelid.


Increasing arrows with shadows step by step:

  • Apply makeup base
  • Pick up dark shadows on a beveled brush and draw a line with it from the inner corner of the eye to the middle of the eyelid. Along the way, it is worth carefully hammering the inter-eyelash space with shadows;
  • Continue to draw a line from the middle to the outer corner, slightly expanding it.

Note! If the arrows with shadows turned out to be not too even and neat, you can shade them. This will hide imperfections and allow the eyes to visually enlarge.

Arrows for different eye shapes

Different arrow options are appropriate in different cases. Each of them is able to make the eyes visually larger, the look more attractive.

Large wide Egyptian arrows are suitable for evening make-up, focusing all attention on the look.

Arrows reminiscent of bird wings with a tail bent upwards reflect the creative nature of their owner. They look original and at the same time are not considered too bold option.

Another a win-win for evening make-up - a thick arrow on the upper eyelid. For everyday make-up, you can make the lines thin, this will also visually enlarge the eyes, but will require more skill.

Pencil arrows with shading will suit the owners of round eyes. In this case, the line should slightly extend beyond the outer edge of the eyelid, as if lengthening them.

Which arrows are suitable for small or narrow eyes how to visually correct too round or close-set eyes, you can find out by looking at the photos below.

Varieties for different forms eye:

  • Round eyes. The arrow should start from the middle of the century and go slightly beyond the edge;
  • Small eyes. In no case should you outline the lower eyelid along with the upper one, otherwise the eyes will visually become even smaller. It is better to refuse coal-black eyeliner in favor of a metallic or gray shade;
  • Narrow eyes. The arrow for such an eye section should occupy 2/3 of the upper eyelid. You can make wide graphic lines or shaded pencil lines. At the same time, the fold of the eyelid can hang over it without closing;
  • Wide or close set eyes. In the first case, the line of the arrow must be continued to the bridge of the nose, without lengthening the outer tip. In the second - on the contrary, slightly stretch the tip of the arrow in length, start the inner edge, slightly retreating from the beginning of the lash line.

Photo examples of makeup to enlarge the eyes

Thick arrows are easy to draw, but they look 100%.

Thin lines visibly open the eyes, leaving general form natural.

Graceful and original options look beautiful and make you admire the sparkle of the eyes of their owner.

For girls with an Asian type of appearance, wide arrows are indispensable.

Extension arrows

Arrows to lengthen the eyes should be wider than usual.

The eyes are visually enlarged if the line is drawn only on the upper eyelid.

Knowing how to enlarge your eyes with the help of arrows, you can radically change your usual image. A beautiful and attractive look is available to any girl, you just have to pick up the right way applying cosmetics.


Every girl wants to have a beautiful, expressive, open look. Owners of narrow or small eyes can visually enlarge them with makeup. Various techniques are used to achieve the desired effect. Subject to all the rules and recommendations, the eye contour will increase, and the look will become more spectacular.

Basic Eye Makeup Techniques

You can enlarge your eyes and make them visually larger if you know some makeup secrets. Professionals advise to adhere to certain rules.

Making a more open look will help. Eyebrows are recommended to do medium thickness. You can correct the contour by pulling out the extra lower hairs. Another effective technique is to apply light shadows under the eyebrows. As a result, the eyes will appear larger.

Owners of small eyes should get rid of dark circles. Bags under the eyes do not paint anyone and make the look tired. Applying to the problem area will help to cope with the problem. cosmetic you should choose a yellow or pink-apricot shade. The concealer is applied to the skin under the eyes with a thin layer and shaded.

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Shadow color plays an important role in visual enlargement of the eyes. Light shades are applied to the area under the eyebrows, on the movable eyelid and on the inner corner of the eye. Dark shades of shadows stain the outer corner of the eye. The borders of the color transition should be well shaded.

The image on the eyelids will help to make the eyes bigger correct form . Arrows are recommended to be applied with a thin line from the middle of the eyelid, slightly expanding to the outer corner of the eye. The tail of the arrow should be short and bent slightly upwards.

Illumination of the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid also visually increase the size of the eyes. The line should be drawn with a light-colored pencil - pink or beige. white pencil it is better not to use it, because it will look unnatural on the mucous membrane.

You can open your eyes with applying mascara to eyelashes. With a special brush, you should direct the eyelashes up to give them length and volume.

You can enlarge your eyes using various makeup techniques. Consider further in the article the most popular and effective.


The horizontal makeup technique is only suitable for girls with small, deep-set or round eyes. As a result, they will become wider and visually increase. For narrow eyes, this technique is unacceptable. Operating principle makeup techniques - applying and blending shadows horizontally.

The inner corner of the eye is lightened with a light shade of shadows or concealer. The eyelid is mentally divided into three horizontal sections. The lower zone, located on the movable eyelid, is painted in the middle color of the shadow. Apply to the crease of the eyelid dark color, and on the area under the eyebrows - the lightest shade. The borders of the color transition are carefully shaded with a brush. You can add makeup with thin, short arrows.


Vertical makeup technique is perfect for visual correction of narrow or deep-set eyes. As a result, the incision of the eyes will become much wider and more round. Unlike the previous makeup technique, here the shadows are applied and blended vertically.

Initially, the inner corner of the eye needs to be clarified with a highlighter or shadows of a white shade. The eyelid is mentally divided into 5 vertical sections. Starting from the inner corner of the eye, the shadows are applied from the lightest to the darkest shades. Makeup should be completed by shading the entire applied palette of colors.


This makeup technique has a similar application principle as the vertical one. Suitable for deep-set eyes. Shadows are superimposed and shaded with a slight slope, diagonally.

The eyelid is divided into 5 diagonal zones in a similar way. Start drawing with shadows from the inner corner of the eye, smoothly moving to the outer. Shades of shadows are arranged from the lightest to the darkest, respectively. For a larger increase in the eyes, the lower mucosa is stained with a light pencil, and the inner corner of the eyelid is lightened with a primer.

The result is an excellent visual enlargement of the eyes. Applying shadows at an angle also helps to lift the outer corner of the eye.


This makeup technique is unique in that the eyes can be made in any shape. You can both reduce and increase them. The work is done not with shadows, but with a pencil.

On the eyelids, you should first apply a foundation or concealer to make the make-up last. The entire moving eyelid is painted with shades of white. Carefully blend the color. Using a pencil, draw the future shape for makeup. Pencil lines are shaded with mother-of-pearl powder. For proper shading, you will need a special flat brush with a hard bristle.


Makeup made using the Banana technique is perfect for girls with small eyes. unusual shape make-up will visually increase the contours of the eyes and make them more round.

On central part moving eyelid with a brush, the lightest shade of shadows in the form of a circle is applied. area to the left and right side from the center, the resulting circle, is painted with shadows a tone darker. The darkest shadows are applied to the inner and outer corner of the eye, as well as to the crease of the eyelid. The borders of the transition of colors are carefully shaded. The corners of the upper and lower eyelids are processed with a brush to give a round shape.

All actions should be done in stages. Makeup will look spectacular due to good shading and unusual technique applying shadows.

Classic eye enlargement with makeup: step by step

It is possible to enlarge the eyes without the use of complex makeup techniques. Even a beginner will be able to cope with the task, if all the instructions are followed exactly. Below are step by step photos classic makeup that will help make the look more open.

Step 1: Apply foundation to the eyelid. Before applying shadows, prepare the skin to ensure the durability of makeup for the whole day. With a special brush or fingers, the primer is applied to the movable eyelid, the inner and outer corner of the eye. The tool should be shaded closer to the eyebrows. At the end, you can go over the treated areas of the skin with a fluffy brush with powder or body shadows to reduce the stickiness of the foundation.

Step 2: Apply dark shadows to the outer corner of the eye. With a round barrel brush, apply dark matte shadows to the outer corner of the eye. We touch a little with a brush the fold of the upper eyelid. We make a shading of color towards the temples in the form of a beautiful haze. Matte shadows of a dark shade are also applied to the lower eyelid and paint over it by ⅓. You should start similarly from the outer corner of the eye.

Step 3: apply a different shade of eye shadow and blend the borders. With a fluffy, natural bristle brush, apply a different shade of eyeshadow to blend the color originally applied. Choose matte shadows that will be darker than the skin color, but lighter than the previous shade. We shade the borders of dark shadows on the moving eyelid, the orbital line and take it to the side of the temples. We apply these shadows also on the entire lower eyelid. It will turn out to enlarge the eyes if you do a wide shading.

Step 4: coloring the moving eyelid. Visually enlarge the eyes will help applying shining shadows to the moving eyelid. For achievement maximum effect it is recommended to use different shades. Apply the lightest to the inner corner of the eye. Color the center of the eyelid with dark shadows with a shimmer. The darkest radiant shade of the shadow is superimposed and shaded in the outer corner of the eye.

Step 5: staining of the lower mucosa of the eye. For painting the mucous, a pink or beige pencil is suitable. Carefully draw a pencil along the entire lower line of the eye. This also allows you to visually enlarge the eyes.

Step 6: Apply mascara to lashes. With a special brush with mascara, we draw along the entire length of the eyelashes, starting from the roots. We make twisting movements with a brush to lift and lengthen the eyelashes as much as possible. The eyes will appear larger and more expressive. Before applying mascara, you can use a curler. The tool will stretch and curl the eyelashes.

Step 7: Compare the result before and after applying makeup. After completing all the steps, the eyes visually increased. Makeup is applied gradually, layer by layer. Such a make-up can be done not only by a professional, but also by a beginner.

Basic Mistakes

Each representative of the fair sex can visually enlarge the eyes with the help of makeup. Beginners, due to inexperience, can often make mistakes at first. As a result, small eyes become even smaller and there is no positive effect. The main thing is to be patient and practice often.

Common makeup mistakes:

  • Staining of the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a dark pencil;
  • The use of shadows of exclusively dark colors;
  • Emphasizing the contour of the lower eyelid with black eyeliner;
  • Application of iridescent, silvery-pink shadows on the entire surface of the eyelid. For achievement desired effect they should be used only on the central part of the moving eyelid and on the area under the eyebrows;
  • Lack of shading of the borders of applying shadows;
  • Abundant use of shimmer in makeup;
  • Applying too much mascara to the eyelashes (for example, in 4-5 layers);
  • Creation on the face of very thin or, conversely, wide eyebrows;
  • Using too bright shadows or colored mascara in makeup;
  • Creation on the eyelid is very thick or with long end arrows;
  • Refusal to use highlighter or eye shadow in light shades for better facial contouring.

You can visually enlarge your eyes if you avoid common makeup mistakes. Thin arrows, curled eyelashes and the use of a light pencil will make the look open and expressive.

Modern social media full of posts about makeup, new cosmetics and skin care. If desired, each girl will be able to master absolutely any make-up technique, the main thing is to know the step-by-step algorithm of actions. A few tricks, for example, will help you learn how to visually enlarge your eyes with makeup. This method is ideal for evening events or a photo shoot, as well as for those who want to slightly correct their appearance with the help of cosmetics.

Basic rules for eye makeup

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. It is the look that conveys emotions, fills silence with meaning and is able to kill on the spot. In Asian countries, girls go to great lengths to enlarge a small slit in the eyes. In the course are special glue for the eyelids, false eyelashes and even plastic surgery. Girls with a European type of appearance were more fortunate. And for greater expressiveness, it is enough to correctly apply makeup that enlarges the eyes.

Before proceeding to the analysis of visual magnification techniques, you should know the basic rules of eye makeup. Used to enlarge the eyes different ways. But first of all, you need to prepare the face for the make-up. If you plan a dense make-up with an emphasis on the eyes or lips, you can’t do without an even tone of the face. Skin texture and color should be perfect. Otherwise, the makeup as a whole will look sloppy.

Don't forget about the undereye space. Concealer alone can't cover the bruises or redness under the eyes. The concealer works well for this. And also apply a base under the shadows on the eyelids. So the shadows will better convey the pigment, it will be easier to shade, and the makeup will hold on better.

In accent evening make-up the sculpture of the face as a whole is important. If you do not draw shadows in the right places, the face will look even, like a pancake. Walk with dark powder under the cheekbones, on the temples and on the wings of the nose.

Zoom in shadows

After the face is prepared, you can go directly to how to enlarge the eyes. At home, the easiest way to use the shadow technique. Absolutely any shades of shadows are suitable for this. It is only important to follow the basic rules of application. The algorithm for applying shadows in basic beige-brown shades is the simplest. These shades are suitable for absolutely any type of appearance. Just choose the right undertone of the shadows (warm or cold).

After applying the base and concealer to the entire area of ​​​​the moving eyelid (avoiding the area under the eyebrow) the lightest beige or peach shade of shadows is applied. Use a highlighter to highlight the area under the eyebrow, the inner corner of the eye and the middle of the moving eyelid. In the fold of the moving eyelid, shadows are applied with driving movements that are a tone darker than the base shade. The transition boundary is well stewed. With the same shade, but using a thinner brush, walk along the border of the eye under the eyelashes. This will give additional volume and expressiveness to the look.

Tip: Use the fluffiest, softest brush available to blend your eyeshadow. The softer and smoother the shading is, the neater and more natural the make-up looks.

The darkest shade of shadows is applied to the outer corner of the eye. The geometry of the application is similar to a tick< >. That is, it is necessary to apply a tone not only on the eyelid, but also under the eyelash zone of the outer corner of the eye. Shade everything thoroughly.

Tip: when applying shadows, the movement of the hand should be smooth. Pick up some product on the brush. The shadows should be stretched, as it were, by shading to the temples, creating the correct almond-shaped shape.

Shadow technique helps to highlight the eyes, create the correct geometry and volume. Shadows can be used as a base stage when creating an expressive look.

Pencil technique

In pencil technique, you can work in two ways, depending on the type of pencil. If you use kajal (it's a pencil with a greasy base that is easy to blend), then such a pencil is suitable for darkening the outer corner of the eye or will be the perfect base for smoky eyes.

Tip: do not use a kayal to draw an arrow. The oily base of the pencil will not allow you to create clear lines, and the makeup will look dirty.

If a regular pencil is selected, use it to draw the ciliary edge. Necessary put the pencil rod literally between the eyelashes or as close as possible to the ciliary edge. Apply the pencil in small areas, as if with strokes. This technique will create the feeling of thicker eyelashes. If the pencil is persistent and hard, then it is suitable for creating an arrow with shading. This type of arrow is perfect for daytime makeup. The bottom line is that the arrow is applied in the same way as with eyeliner. But the outer tip of the arrow is a little underdrawn. And it is drawn out with a brush using the shading technique.

Tip: it is a mistake to think that the full drawing of the ciliary edge along the entire contour can visually enlarge the eyes. In 99% of the cases, this will greatly reduce them. Especially if the pencil is black. Do not bring the outline along the lower edge of the eyelashes to the inner corner. It is better to stop in the middle of the pupil, and shade the rest with a brush so that the border does not abruptly break off.

IN modern make-up one pencil alone is rarely used. It is quite difficult for them to create a basic shadow on the eyelid. And if there are no transitions and volume in the makeup, the eye looks flat and small.

Tip: in all cases, except for the arrow, the pencil must be shaded. Facial makeup does not like clear lines. It looks vulgar and unprofessional.

Using eyeliner

Eyeliner in the form of an arrow can deservedly be considered the queen of the evening look. There is no such shape of the eyes that the arrow would not fit. The arrow can be small and barely noticeable or regal, half a movable eyelid, classic black, colored, and even with glitter (these are small sequins). In a word, the choice is simply huge. Drawing an arrow is not the easiest thing to do. And certainly you should not start it two hours before a responsible event. It is necessary to fill your hand long before this. Because curves and different arrows- it's a fiasco.

draw perfect arrows ordinary paper tape or a band-aid will help. Glue a small piece of tape under the lower lashes. It is necessary to glue so that the adhesive tape sets the direction of the future arrow.

If the form is chosen correctly, and the technique is performed perfectly - arrows can take your makeup to the next level. Here are a few points on choosing the type of arrow for different types eye:

  • for close-set eyes, an arrow is drawn from the middle of the upper edge of the eyelashes and pulled as far as possible towards the temples;
  • almond shape will fit any arrow. Observe only the direction of the arrowhead. The tip should be parallel with the inner corner of the upper eyelid;
  • for wide-set eyes, the arrow can be slightly turned over the edge of the inner corner of the mucosa.

With the shape of the arrow, everything is clear, but we should not forget about the eyeliners themselves. Here are the most popular types of eyeliner:

Useful life hacks

It would seem that that's all the ways to do makeup to make your eyes look bigger. However, everyone's favorite life hacks that can enhance the effect remain. Here are the most effective ones.

Large beautiful eyes with long eyelashes always attract attention. But what if you do not belong to the caste of the elect?

Little makeup tricks will help you visually enlarge your eyes and "open" your eyes.

In corrective makeup, a white pencil is very important; they draw a line along the lower lash line inside the eyelid. The upper eyelid will be emphasized by a black pencil and black mascara. This duo most effectively enlarges the eyes.

In this makeup tutorial, we used a palette of brown, but you can choose any range of colors. Just remember that too many colors will narrow your eyes, so it's best to take several shades of the same color, such as navy blue or gray.

You can also use pastel shades. Remember to use the correct dark accent on the outer corner of the eye, otherwise the eyes will look pale and sick.

What will be needed in order to enlarge your eyes with beautiful makeup?

  • Shadows of your chosen color - dark, medium and light shade (pearl and matte)
  • White eyeliner
  • White matte eyeshadow (either white or ivory)
  • White pearlescent eyeshadow (or cream or beige)
  • Black eye liner
  • Eyelash curler and black mascara
  • Extra bundles of artificial eyelashes

1. We correct the area around the eyes to hide dark circles under the eyes and other imperfections. Eye makeup starts with a base that allows the eyeshadow to stay on the eyelids longer. After using concealer and base, cover the area around the eyes with loose, translucent powder.

2. On the brow space and upper eyelid, apply light matte ivory shadows.

3. Accentuate the crease of the eyelid with brown shadows of a medium shade. The borders are carefully shaded with a brush.

4. The lower eyelid, starting from the outer corner, we cover up to half the length with brown shades of medium shade with mother of pearl. Blending the borders.

5. We cover the upper eyelid to the crease with light pearl shadows.

6. On the upper lash line, with a thin makeup brush, draw an arrow with dark brown shadows. Blend the borders so that the outer corner is bigger and thicker, then go to the inner corner.

7. We tint the eyelashes with black mascara. Then you can bring the upper eyelid in the outer corner with a black liner. Mixed with brown shadows, it will visually enlarge the eyes.

8. With a white pencil, draw a line inside the lower eyelid and highlight the inner corner of the eye with mother-of-pearl shadows in light beige.

9. We twist the eyelashes with tongs. Then, in the outer corners of the eyes we glue several bunches of artificial eyelashes.

Now you know how to make your eyes look bigger with makeup!

Before and after:

The main rules of makeup that enlarges the eyes.

With the help of makeup tricks, you can correct any flaws. Here are the most important rules of eye makeup.

1. Avoid dark eyeliner on the lower and upper eyelids. Black and taupe will over-emphasize the outline and make your eyes look even smaller as a result.

2. The opinion that smoky eyes increase the size of the eyes is just a myth. "Smoky eyes can only give an elongated shape to the eye, but not increase it," - says Vera Vesnina, the leading make-up artist of the Shiseido brand. The maximum that you are allowed is a silver haze.

3. Light shadows are successfully used in makeup for small eyes. Choose beige, light yellow and pinkish shades. Makeup for narrow eyes provides for a light eyeliner on the inner eyelid. This eyeliner is multifunctional - it visually opens the eye, erases traces of fatigue, refreshes and removes redness.

4. In makeup for narrow eyes are acceptable beautiful arrows. "You will achieve your goal if you draw an arrow along the upper eyelid, and leave the lower one clean," Vera advises . Make an arrow along the upper lash line with a pencil and blend it a little with a brush. Do not make the arrows too long and do not raise the ponytails high to the temples (unless, of course, you have round eyes).

5. Makeup for small eyes obliges you to comply correct technique applying shadows. Apply the darkest shade from the palette to the outer corner of the eye, the lightest - to the inner corner and under the eyebrow.

6. Your eyes will appear more open if you curl your upper eyelashes. Just remember to curl them before applying mascara. Mascara makes eyelashes less elastic, and any mechanical impact you risk seriously damaging them.