How to make beautiful wings on your eyes with eyeliner. Before drawing the arrows it is necessary. Learning to make everyday and holiday arrows at home: tips for a beginner

And now in more detail about each point. Let's start with the fact that arrows can be drawn with such devices as:

  • Liquid eyeliner;
  • Eyeliner-felt pen;
  • Using a regular or waterproof pencil;
  • Dry eyeliner;
  • Shadows.

The easiest way is to start and try to draw arrows with a pencil, although every girl and woman has her own preferences and convenience. So it's a matter of taste and habit! Try and practice!

What are the popular types of arrows now?

Arrows come in the following types:

Classic arrows (classic regular, everyday arrow).

Egyptian arrows (look very good for an evening out).

Wing arrows (suitable for sophisticated and creative people).

Thick and thin hands (suitable for study or office, various events and parties).

Cat's eye (this type of arrows is suitable for young girls).

Double arrows (suitable for evening makeup).

Creative arrows (suitable for parties).

Smokyeye style arrows (suitable for an evening, romantic dinner).

The interesting thing is that beautifully and correctly drawn arrows always look spectacular and perfect in photographs!

Stages and subtleties of drawing various types of arrows

Drawing a “classic arrow”

First you need to prepare your face for applying the arrow. This can be done using foundation, then we create expressive eyebrows. This can be done using a pencil or shadows. Apply light, pastel shadows to the upper eyelid. After that, take dark shadows and paint over the edge of the eye in the corners. Take a pencil or eyeliner and draw a thin or thick line from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. We raise the tail of the arrow to the eyebrow line.

But it is important to remember that in order for the arrow to turn out neat, we draw it directly along the eyelash contour, near the hair growth, with a thin line from the inner eye, gradually increasing towards the center!

We start drawing an arrow from the inner corner of the eye. Draw a thin, neat line along the eyelash contour, as close to the eyelashes as possible. And we do this several times until there is a clear, beautiful line. We do the same with the thick line, only we make the line itself thicker.

Drawing "Egyptian arrows"

To do this, you just need to extend the usual arrows on the lower eyelid and lower them down.

Drawing “cat eye arrows”

First, draw a straight line along the very edge of eyelash growth from the inner corner to the outer corner of the eye, the end of the arrow is bent upward. Together with a pencil and eyeliner, different colored shadows look very good, then the eyes will be very expressive and bold.

Rules for applying eyeliner with liquid eyeliner

There are three types of basic techniques for applying liquid eyeliner:

  • Drawing a line based on pre-marked points;
  • Drawing lines using the hatching method;
  • Drawing lines according to the intended pencil drawing;

You also need to consider and remember the following rules that will help you use liquid eyeliner correctly:

  • The most important and important thing is to install a mirror directly in front of you. This is necessary in order to get a smooth, beautiful and symmetrical line;
  • Then you need to degrease the eyelid with tonic and after that apply a little powder on it;
  • To apply a smooth, beautiful line, you need to take a comfortable position and rest your elbow on the table so that there is solid support;
  • The eyes should be a little open and looking down;
  • You can't pull your eyelid, since you will get an arrow that is not the shape you would like;
  • Choose the thickness of the arrow to your taste;
  • Draw an arrow from the middle of the eye to the outer corner, and then from the inner corner of the eye to the middle;
  • Once you have drawn the arrow, do not close or open your eyes too much so that there are no unnecessary prints left.

Rules for drawing arrows with a pencil

Below are some rules that will help you draw pencil arrows correctly:

  • The mirror must stand right in front of you;
  • First you need to apply the necessary shadows, then you need to draw an arrow over the shadows with a pencil;
  • If you don't apply shadow, then the eyelid needs to be treated and degreased with lotion;
  • What if you suddenly made an extra line, using cotton swabs, remove excesses and defects;
  • To lay a beautiful and even line, take a good, comfortable position, rest your hand on the table;
  • You can put inconspicuous points for yourself where you are going to draw the line;
  • It is best to draw an arrow in two stages: first from the inner corner of the eye, and then from the middle to the outer corner of the eye.

How to choose the shape of the arrow to suit your eyes

To correctly select and select the desired arrow configuration for yourself, you need to consider 4 points:

  • Eye shape;
  • Eye section;
  • Eye landing;
  • Eye color.

If you have small eyes, then light arrows from the middle of the eyes and draw the arrow line beyond the outer corner of the eye are best for you. This will visually widen your eyes.

If you have round eyes, then arrows along the entire eyelid, from the inner corner of the eye, to the outer corner of the eye, slightly extending beyond the edge of the eye, will suit you best. Don't forget to paint the roots of your eyelashes. This way you will visually stretch your eyes.

If you have wide-set eyes, then arrows are best suited for you with a thick line along the entire upper eyelid, extending the line of the arrow to the bridge of the nose, but not reaching the outer corner of the eye.

If you have narrow eyes, then arrows are best suited for you throughout the eye, of the same thickness, thickening a little in the middle of the eye, but not extending the line beyond the corners of the eye. The line drawn along both edges can be shaded with shadows and a brush.

If your eyes are downcast, then arrows along the upper eyelid are best suited for you, while thickening the end of the arrow and lifting it up.

Eye color also plays an important role in determining which eyeliner suits you best. There are four rules you can consider:

  • Firstly, any color of eyeliner suits black eyes;
  • Secondly, blue and gray eyes Copper and purple eyeliners are suitable;
  • Thirdly, blue, green and plum colored eyeliner suits brown eyes;
  • Fourthly, green eyes suitable eyeliner colors such as gold, burgundy, turquoise, plum and purple.

It is better to choose a brush good quality so that it has a very thin tip and a beveled edge. With such a brush, it will be easier and easier to draw an arrow. There is also this advice: try to draw the desired arrow on a piece of paper. This way you will practice and get better.

You will find a wide variety of arrows, how to make them and what colors are best combined with them, on the Internet. You can also look through the photos and see how you can draw arrows step by step and choose for yourself what you like.

Don’t be upset if, as they say: “Your first pancake will be lumpy!” The more you practice and try to draw arrows, the more and better you will get at it! You will improve your skills and gain more experience.

So, DON'T DESPERATE! Train! Learn! Experiment! Try yourself in new images, surprise your friends and loved ones! And most importantly, DON'T GIVE UP!

Everyday women's makeup will become even more attractive with elegant winged wings. Many of our customers are interested in how to draw correctly beautiful arrows on the eyes with eyeliner and pencil. In our review, we will talk in detail about the step-by-step execution of arrows in different ways.

Proper eye makeup contributes to the formation of a bright, attractive image with subtle notes of individuality. Follow our recommendations and your image will become more expressive and sexy.

How to choose the shape of the arrows for your eyes?

Various shapes women's eyes require individual selection of the shape of the arrows. Carefully examine your eyes and find out what type they belong to:

    wide-set – it is better to prefer a wide version of the line that starts from the inner corner of the eye;

    close-set - start drawing from the middle of the eyelid, expanding towards the outer corner. The length of the “tail” can be arbitrary. A good option there will be a connection between the tail of the arrow and the eyeliner of the lower eyelid;

    large – achieve visual reduction of the eyes by emphasizing the upper and lower eyelids;

    round - start drawing a line from the middle of the eyelid. Extend the ponytail towards your temple. Cross out the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid;

    tapered - make a thin line, thickening towards the center and at the outer corner, slightly raising the tail. Do not draw eyeliner on the lower eyelid, this will make your eyes even narrower;

    eyes with drooping corners - be sure to raise the “tail” of the line. A wider design will look more beautiful;

    eyes with raised corners - with this eye shape you should follow the line of eyelash growth, leaving the direction of the tail towards the temple. When drawing the bottom line, draw it directly under the eyelashes.

How to learn to draw arrows: step-by-step instructions

Further in our review we will focus on the story of how to correctly draw arrows on the eyes step by step with shadows, liquid eyeliners and pencils. Try to draw arrows on your eyes step by step, following the algorithm below.

How to draw correct arrows with a pencil?

    select a hard pencil to create thin lines and a soft one to create wide ones;

    feel free to start from the outer corner of the eye and narrow it towards the inner corner.

    Draw the space between eyelashes with a steady pencil.

    gradually draw out the “tail of the arrow” with a sharpened pencil;

    If necessary, sharpen the tip with a thin brush, simply draw a pencil line with the brush.

    Correct drawing flaws with a flat synthetic brush with a corrector.

Lines on the eyes with liquid eyeliner step by step

    choose a brush that is comfortable for you to draw eyeliner with (thin, angled, feather)

    Apply eyelid base and shadow, depending on the desired makeup;

    before starting to draw, remove excess eyeliner from the brush;

    draw the eyelash contour with an even thin line;

    outline the tail of the arrow in the outer corner depending on the shape of the eyes (parallel to the lower line of the beginning of the eyebrow);

    repeat the same on the second eye, tracking symmetry at each stage;

    draw the top line from its tip (tail) to the middle of the eyelid;

    fill the line with eyeliner;

    make longer arrows, creating the effect of “ cat eye»;

    eyeliner along the eyelash edge visually emphasizes the thickness of the eyelashes;

    choose the thickness of the arrows in accordance with the shape of your eyes.

  • first, select a beveled brush made of dense natural bristle;
  • moisten it a little with makeup fixative;

    pick up some dark shadows and start drawing an arrow;

    make a line with light strokes from the center of the eyelid to the inner corner of the eye;

    draw a line to the outer corner in the same way;

    make an arrow that matches the natural curve of the eyelashes at the outer corner;

    connect the drawn lines and paint over the connection;

    do not lower the “tail” below the level of the lower eyelid.

Makeup with arrows according to the shape of the eyes

It is important to learn how to draw arrows evenly for beginners without proper experience. Let's look at the features of doing makeup with drawing right arrows before our eyes.

Wide arrows to enlarge the eyes

Let's give step by step execution arrows that allow you to visually enlarge your eyes:

    for variety we will use gel eyeliner;

    first draw the interciliary space with a pencil;

    start drawing from the place where the first eyelashes grow;

    draw a line to the outer corner;

    draw a “tail” in continuation of the line of the lower eyelid to the temple;

    connect the completed lines. In this case, the arrow should have a thinner beginning and gradually expand towards the outer corner.

Eyeliners for deep-set eyes

Let's figure out how to draw straight lines to harmonize deep-set eyes. Note that the types of corrective arrows also depend on the shape of your eyes. To execute arrows when daytime makeup It's better to use a pencil.

    draw a line with a pencil along the upper eyelid along the eyelash growth line, ending it at the outer corner of the eye;

    work the space between eyelashes with a long-lasting pencil;

    Outline a thinly sloping tail of the arrow, without going beyond the crease of the eyelid;

    Using a thin brush, blend the line near the outer corner towards the tail of the arrow.

Girls who know how to properly apply eye makeup and emphasize the advantages of a cat-like look with eye-catching winged eyeliner are always confident and attractive. Is it possible to easily draw arrows and make perfect lines on one's own? To do this, you need to be patient, practice a little and take note of useful information. Learn how to line your eyes correctly and straight arrows, as well as get acquainted with the technique of applying cosmetics to create a spectacular new look, you can further.

Options for arrows and their choice for different types of eyes

How do you like these arrows?

Consider what popular types of arrows are in fashion now in order to draw and design them correctly. beautiful make-up.

Options may vary...

Classic arrows

The traditional version of classic arrows can be an excellent addition to any eye makeup, and also serve as the only accent of appearance. Thin arrows are drawn as follows: first the outline of the ponytail, then the line along the growth of the eyelashes, then it all needs to be connected. Be sure to make a gradual thickening from the inner corner to the outer.

Double arrows look very impressive. This fashionable makeup opens up the eyes, visually thickens the eyelashes, and is an active tool for seducing the opposite sex. To begin, use a black liner to draw tails from the corners of the eyes to the tips of the eyebrows. Next, draw a line towards the inner corner of the eye. Then we make another short ponytail, from the outer corner of the eye down.

Thick arrows

They give you the opportunity to draw cute arrows with an effective shape and brightly outline the eye contour. Here you need to adhere to the basic rule: the thicker you make the arrow, the thicker and longer the eyelashes will be needed. In some cases, false eyelash bundles are relevant.

Raised winged wings for a cat eye effect

cat look will is definitely guaranteed if you draw this option. The eyes will appear larger, the look will be more slanted. Raising the arrow should be done from the outer corner of the eye towards the temple. The line should be wide and the rise should be quite sharp.

Arabic arrow

This option is very popular on Instagram, especially in combination with bright shadows. The contour under the eyelashes, on the lower and upper eyelids is well painted, without gaps. From above, the arrow thickens with a retreat from the corner of the eye, and from below, a thickening is made at the end and connected.

Master class on drawing arrows with shadows

First, you need to choose the right drawing tools and decide which brush is most convenient for you to paint with. You will need an angled brush or a thin brush for eyebrows. Next follow the instructions:

  • Place the required amount of shadow on the brush.
  • Mark the tail of the arrow, mentally or using improvised means, continuing the line of the lower eyelid.
  • Apply the continuation of the arrow as close to the lash line as possible, painting over the empty areas.
  • If the shape is incorrect, you can correct the arrow using a cotton swab, dry or wet.

How to draw arrows on different types of eyes with your own hands

First you need to determine what kind of eyes you have and choose a form of makeup for them. This will allow you to correctly choose the most profitable option from all existing ones.


The round shape needs to be lengthened a little by outlining the inner corner with eyeliner. It is advisable to make bold, rather than thin, lines with a pencil, otherwise you will be guaranteed the effect of bulging eyes. Try to draw and shade the arrows correctly to fill the space between the eyelashes and narrow the roundness. It is not recommended to draw lower arrows.


In this case, you can draw different types of arrows, since such eyes are the standard of beauty. An interesting idea is to make long shaded arrows with an expanding effect. You can try the 60s style with dramatic winged wings. Start drawing the line from the inner corner, gradually increasing it closer to the end. Note that the tail should continue along the lash line at the end.


Better to draw for narrow eyes visually enlarging arrows that do not go beyond the border of the eye. The lower eyelid is left unpainted, or the line is emphasized only at the end. It is unacceptable to use a bright pencil for the bottom line. An eastern cut with small eyes can be corrected by making thin arrows, thickened only in the middle. The edges of the lines should be shaded.

Wide-set eyes

Some secrets will help you reduce this shape: draw the eyelid along its entire length, extending the line towards the bridge of the nose. It is advisable to perform it along the eyelash growth line. The lower eyelid also needs to be drawn along its entire length.

Arrows on close-set eyes

Here, the makeup process is the opposite of a close-up approach. It is better to make the beginning of the arrow with a slight indentation from the inner corner of the eyelid. On the outer corner you need to make beautiful rounded ends.

Who suits different arrow shapes?

Who came up with the idea of ​​drawing underlining lines on the eyes, and why are they needed? This fashion came from ancient Egypt. Egyptian beauties, and Cleopatra herself, were fans of such tricks, applying makeup to make their eyes appear larger. Since then, this trick has not lost its relevance, continuing to be very popular among women, regardless of age. The age of 40 is also not a hindrance to looking well-groomed and stylish. In this case, black ones will do. classic options on sight, or in retro style.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners: how to beautifully make up your eyes with eyeliner, felt-tip pen, pencil

The drawing scheme with a felt-tip pen and liquid eyeliner is simple step by step, consider further the simple rules of drawing:

  1. Apply a special eyeshadow base to your eyes.
  2. Using a pencil with a hard lead, draw the outline of the arrow from the inner corner to the middle. Next, we will continue the line and finish with a neat tip.
  3. Using eyeliner, paint over the outline of the arrow, leaving no gaps.

How to do eye makeup with a pencil step by step? You can correctly apply makeup on the right and left eyes with a pencil as follows:

  1. Apply a special eyeshadow base to your eyelids, then blend with a brush.
  2. Take a soft or medium soft pencil. We place one point near the inner corner, the second just above the growth of the eyelashes, in the middle, and the third parallel to the outer corner, at a level above the middle.
  3. Connect all three points into one, try to make the transition as smooth as possible. The arrow should go clearly along the eyelash growth line.

Learning to make everyday and holiday arrows at home: tips for a beginner

It is better to do daily makeup for study, school, and work in a discreet and neat manner. Here it is important to correctly draw thin and even outlines of the eyes with a pencil or eyeliner.

On the contrary, unusual multi-colored options for making beautiful makeup will be useful on the occasion of a celebration or holiday or will add fresh notes to your look. There are colored options for arrows different types, some of them are as follows:

"Important. The color of the eyeliner must be lighter than the tone of the mascara, otherwise the makeup will turn out tasteless and not expressive, and the eyes will appear smaller.”

If you want makeup like Hollywood stars, you can decorate your eyelids with glitter and rhinestones, and stick special stickers in the form of arrows with patterns on your eyes. British singer Adele is famous for her spectacular, bright eyes; if you learn to paint like her, you will always shine with your beauty.

Eye tattoo: pros and cons of the procedure

There is not always enough time to draw perfect arrows. To avoid having to draw every morning, you can do Permanent makeup an eyeliner that allows you to highlight the advantages of the eyes for a long time and paints the space between the eyelashes.

How long does a tattoo last? After the first application of the permanent, a correction will be required, about 1.5 months after the procedure. How long a tattoo on your eyes will last depends on your skin type and special care, on average the time will be one and a half years.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo? While painting the eyeliner, the technician applies a special anesthetic to the eyelids to reduce pain.

The tattoo takes a long time to heal, crusts, swollen eyelids, redness and bruising may appear, but they disappear within two weeks. It needs to be carefully looked after. Post-procedure care involves the use of antiseptics, panthenol, and micellar water to remove makeup.

Keep in mind that the consequences of an unsuccessful tattoo can be disastrous if you choose an inexperienced artist or use low-quality, cheap paint during the procedures.

What is biotattoo? In this case, the arrows are applied using henna. This is done painlessly, without tattoo machines, and will last about 2 weeks.

Lifehacks for drawing: interesting ideas and tricks

You can make smooth, wide lines using a spoon. The result will be quite active and catchy makeup. Step by step we draw the arrows as follows:

  • Take a clean, dry spoon. Hold the spoon by the edge and place it diagonally towards half of the eye, towards the lower eyelid.
  • Press the spoon firmly against your eyelid. Try to place the tips of the arrows in the upper corner.
  • To complete the arrow shape, take a spoon and apply it to the upper eyelid close to the growth of the eyelashes. Try to draw the shape evenly. If your hand slips, use micellar water.

Drawing shadows with a spoon

You can also quickly draw arrows using a stencil. To do this, you need to purchase a special device in the form of a stencil, which will become an assistant in express makeup.

You can easily draw eyeliner and quickly draw wings using ordinary tape, a piece of which is glued parallel to the line of the eyebrow so that the eyes do not look sadly drooping. Draw the required line along the upper contour with eyeliner or pencil. The result is neat and even makeup, which is very easy to do.

Arrows on the eyes occupy a special place in makeup. They help transform the look, make it unique, and also highlight the beauty of the face. A few life hacks and liquid eyeliner will tell you how to draw the perfect arrows for yourself, without the help of strangers.

Features of liquid eyeliner. Drawing arrows

Liquid eyeliner is very difficult to apply. It is produced in the form of a felt-tip pen or in the form of a tube with a brush. Liquid liners can only be applied to the skin; a dry pencil is used to draw the mucous membrane. It takes a lot of practice to get the lines perfect.

When using liquid eyeliner, it is important that the arrows are uniform in color, otherwise they will look blurry. By changing the angle of the brush, you can change the thickness of the line. Liquid eyeliner dries quite quickly, so you need to draw quickly.

When buying a liquid liner, you need to pay attention to the expiration date, since dry eyeliner will not create perfect eyeliner, and it can also scratch the eyelid.

How to make arrows perfectly straight: life hacks and tips

How to draw arrows with liquid eyeliner will help you learn a few simple rules and recommendations:

  • At first, when drawing arrows, place your elbows on the table. The fulcrum will help stabilize the hand so that it does not shake. This way the line of arrows will be perfectly straight.
  • To ensure long-lasting arrows, you need to use a makeup base. If there is no special base, you can apply neutral eye shadow or powder.
  • It is better to use waterproof liquid eyeliner. This will help avoid drips in case of rain or extreme heat. This eyeliner needs to be washed off special means for removing makeup.
  • Using auxiliary objects, you can also draw arrows. For example, it could be a teaspoon, a band-aid, tape, or a business card.
  • If you have no experience in drawing arrows, you can use stencils. They are sold in various specialized cosmetics stores. It is necessary to attach the template to the eye and draw a clear line.
  • Before applying liquid liner, it is recommended to draw a line with eyeliner. This will help correct any unevenness. Or you can mark dots on the eyelid and then connect them with liquid eyeliner.
  • Prepare the cotton swabs. They will help remove all the unevenness while the liquid eyeliner is still wet. You can also use a cotton swab to correct the line, making it thinner.

These life hacks will help greatly simplify the process of drawing arrows with liquid eyeliner.

Classic arrows

To prevent makeup from becoming overloaded, you can use classic arrows. This technique is suitable for almost any type of eye. It is better to start drawing in the area of ​​the pupil, heading towards the outer corner of the eye. Next, along the eyelash growth line, you need to apply a thin horizontal line, which starts from the inner corner.

It is necessary to mentally imagine a line that stretches from the corner of the eye to the temple. Carefully draw the tail, then you need to connect it to the finished line. You can use a cotton swab to make the end of the arrow thinner.

Double arrows

The following algorithm will tell you how to easily draw a double arrow with liquid eyeliner:

It is recommended to choose the option with double arrows for an evening look. For such arrows you can choose different colors. To make your eyes look wider, you can line the lower eyelid with a white pencil. Makeup artists do not advise applying double arrows to girls with slanted eyes.

Wide arrows

To make your look more expressive, you can choose wide arrows. It is recommended to first draw the line with a pencil. Near the outer corner of the eye you need to draw a tick and connect it to the crease of the eyelid.

Next, a wide line is applied with liquid eyeliner, which becomes narrower towards the inner corner of the eye. You need to connect both elements and draw a clear line on top. The final step is to fill the empty space with color.

Raised winged wings with cat eye effect

Arrows in makeup were first used in Ancient Egypt so that the shape of the eyes resembles a cat's gaze. The Egyptians worshiped these animals and considered them sacred. Arrows with this effect do not lose their popularity today. The tail must be drawn sharp and wide.

The line should be drawn from the outer corner of the eye to the temple. The essence of the cat-eye technique is to lengthen and narrow the shape of the eye. When using black eyeliner, you may end up with aggressive makeup; in this case, you can use liquid liners of other colors depending on the shade of your eyes and skin.

Arabic arrow

Contrary to the name, this technique is also perfect for girls with European appearance. There are several types of Arabic wings, but the main rule in any of the options is to thoroughly paint the eyelash contour, as well as the mucous part. First you need to darken the lower eyelid.

Next, you need to paint over the contours of the upper and lower eyelids, connecting the lines on the outer corner of the eye. The line is completed with a liquid liner. Makeup artists do not recommend using this technique if your eyes are very small and slanted. Arabic arrows will help make your look more mesmerizing.

Arrows in English

Englishwomen's makeup always looks a little sloppy. It seems like it was done very quickly. Clear lines are rarely used. Usually the drawn arrows on top are shaded with a pencil.

How to make arrows perfectly straight using a spoon

Just like you can draw an arrow with liquid eyeliner on yourself, you can also apply makeup to someone else using a teaspoon. It is necessary to apply the dry spoon at an angle on the outside of the eye so that the rounded side is near the corner. As a result, the line will be clear and expressive.

Life hack on how to draw arrows with liquid eyeliner using a spoon.

Instead of a spoon you can use business card, but then you get a more even arrow. The disadvantage of this method is that you have to have a spoon with you when drawing arrows, and this is not always convenient.

Arrows using tape

Smooth and neat arrows can be achieved using regular tape. It needs to be glued at an angle to the outer corner of the eye. After this, it is better to wait a minute for the liquid eyeliner to dry. The tape must be peeled off slowly to avoid damage. sensitive skin around eyes.

How to make arrows for eyes of different shapes

Arrows must be selected depending on the shape of the eyes. The correct lines will help give symmetry and harmony. The drawing technique should depend on the type of girl’s eyes.

You can determine the form in this table:

Basic eye shapes Description
1 Almond shaped eyesThe eyes are oblong in shape. The outer corner is higher than the inner corner.
2 Eyes with drooping cornersThese are eyes whose outer corners turn down.
3 Small eyesEyes that are small in size compared to other facial features.
4 Round eyesThese are eyes that have a wide eyelid. As a rule, they are very voluminous and convex.
5 drooping eyelidThis is a type of eye in which the fold of the upper eyelid completely or partially overlaps the movable eyelid.
6 Asian eyesThese are eyes that have an elongated shape with a narrow slit.

Almond shaped eyes

Almost any type of eyeliner and makeup technique is suitable for eyes of this shape. A natural line with a thickening from the middle of the upper eyelid will look most expressive. The tail should be thoroughly drawn, connecting to the lower lash line.

The almond shape is close to ideal, so you can experiment with drawing arrows. The main thing is not to make the eyes too elongated, but to maintain their natural shape.

Eyes with drooping corners

With this type of eye, the look seems tired and sad. It is the arrow that can fix this. The line begins in the area of ​​the pupil, the tail extends to the end of the strip of mucous membrane. With this technique, the corners are raised, making the look brighter. The inner corners remain untouched.

Small eyes

The arrows will help to visually expand small eyes. When drawing, you need to step back from the inner corner. The main thing is that it is not recommended to completely outline the contour, so small size the eye will become even more noticeable. You can shade the arrow line on top of the liquid eyeliner with a pencil. It is better to choose not black for drawing, but metallic shades (gold, silver, bronze).

Round eyes

The arrow will help visually give round eyes almond shape. The line should be thin, and the end of the arrow should be drawn with a horizontal stripe. Thus, the arrow lengthens the eyes on the sides, making them less round. The main thing is not to thicken the arrow in the pupil area. You can also darken the mucous membrane of the eye with a pencil to visually reduce the roundness.

drooping eyelid

How to draw arrows with liquid eyeliner on yourself with a drooping eyelid, and in general, doing bright eye makeup is quite problematic. It is generally believed that this is a sign of age. But drooping eyelid is an anatomical feature that can also occur in young girls. Such an eyelid can hide the arrow, moreover, because of this, the eyeliner wears off faster.

The lines should be light, and the tail should be drawn upward, directing it to the extreme point of the eyebrows.

It is better to choose a waterproof liquid eyeliner, so that the drooping eyelid will not be able to erase the arrow during the day. If your eyes are large, you need to apply eye shadow in addition to the eyeliner. This way the look will be more harmonious.

Asian eyes

Basically, eyes of this type are narrow in shape. It is best to choose thick lines. To make wide arrows perfectly clear the first time, you can first draw lines with a pencil. Life hack from makeup artists: if you draw the outline of the inner eyelid with a white pencil, your eyes will appear wider.

Slanted eyes should not be completely outlined with black eyeliner, because this will make the shape of the eyes more noticeable. You can draw both perfectly thin and wide arrows on your own using the above tips and recommendations. Experience will help you improve the skill of drawing light lines using liquid eyeliner. Arrows will make your look brighter and more expressive.

Article format: Anna Vinnitskaya

Video about drawing arrows correctly

Several life hacks on how to draw arrows beautifully:

Eyeliner arrows can be created using different beauty products; choose your option depending on the result you want to achieve.


It comes in liquid, gel and cream, and is available in different formats (liner or felt-tip pen, in a jar), with tips and brushes of different thicknesses. All eyeliners are suitable for creating classic eyeliners with perfectly straight edges, but each has its own characteristics.

It is more convenient for beginners to use eyeliner with a thicker brush and a felt-tip eyeliner.

If you've already got your hands full, you can easily use a special thin brush for eyeliner, and for girls with drooping eyelids, be sure to choose long-lasting eyeliners that literally freeze on the eyelid. By the way, if the eyeliner has dried out, do not rush to throw it away - perhaps you will get it.

More information on the topic:


The easiest option for those who do not know how to draw arrows at all and are just about to take their first steps in this direction. It is most convenient to draw clear arrows with a hard pencil, but make sure that it is well sharpened and does not scratch the eyelid: the lead should glide easily over the skin.

Advice! Before sharpening your pencil, place it in the freezer for 30 seconds.

Soft ones are unlikely to help draw clear arrows, but they are suitable for drawing the mucous contour of the eyelids and interlash space, they can also be used for “smoky” arrows and as a base when creating makeup. Products with a gel or cream texture are suitable for working with mucous membranes and for drawing arrows - but not graphic, but with soft, smooth contours.

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Use regular shadows to draw smoky arrows. In this case, you will want to use an eyeliner brush with a thin cut, which allows you to create smooth lines.

Jil Stuart © fotoimedia/imaxtree

How to draw arrows with a pencil?

Step-by-step photo instructions that will help you create perfect arrows, even if you are doing it for the first time.

Prepare the eyelid

This stage is very important, since a good base is half the success. Do not use eye cream or other products that may leave a sticky or wet residue on the skin. Cleanse your eyelid with micellar water and apply a trusted eyelid primer. Or powder your eyelid properly.

If you have oily skin, keep mattifying wipes on hand and blot the skin of your eyelids throughout the day so that the arrows do not blur.

Apply interlash liner

To make eyelashes visually look thicker and make-up with arrows to be more harmonious and seamless, be sure to paint the space between the eyelashes on the upper eyelid with a long-lasting pencil. Run the pencil along the roots of the eyelashes on the upper eyelid from the inner corner to the outer (and don’t forget to sharpen the pencil first!). To prevent eyeliner from imprinting on your lower eyelid, try not to blink for the first 10-15 seconds after applying the pencil.

Draw the tail of the arrow

Looking in the mirror straight ahead, draw a delicate “tail” of the arrow. Repeat this step immediately on the second eye to achieve symmetry. If you want the arrow to be pointed, apply the pencil to the corner of the eye and make a fairly sharp, jerky movement towards the temple, as if leaving a small stroke.

Emphasize the contour of the eyelashes

Carefully draw a line along the eyelash contour with a pencil and connect it to the “tail”. To make the line as smooth as possible, while drawing, slightly pull the skin of the eyelid in the outer corner of the eye towards the temple with your finger. But proceed carefully and under no circumstances stretch the skin too much, and also do not try to repeat this technique at the first stage when drawing the “tail” of the arrow, otherwise it will turn out uneven.

Make the arrow thicker

Moving from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, gradually thicken the arrow, immediately duplicating any action on the other side. Apply mascara to your eyelashes.

For this photo tutorial, we used a pencil with a hard lead. How to create perfect wings using gel eyeliner, watch our video.

How to draw arrows with eyeliner?

If pencil arrows are already a past stage for you, move on to creating graphic arrows using liquid or gel eyeliner. We present two photo instructions: the first will help you create a classic thin arrow, the second will help you create a basic cat eye.

Thin arrow

From the outer corner of the eye, draw a thin line parallel to the lash line.

Connect the resulting “tail” and the eyelash contour together.

Color the space between the eyelashes on the upper eyelid with a black waterproof pencil.

Using a small pencil brush, apply a highlight of light shadows in the inner corner of the eye, and use it under the eyebrow. This way the eye will not look flat against the background of a bright arrow.

Apply mascara to your eyelashes. The image is ready!

Even more valuable information that will help you draw graphic arrows with eyeliner is in our video tutorials.

Wide arrow

Prep your eyelid by applying an eyeshadow base or powder. Place gel eyeliner on a thin brush and make a stroke from the corner of the eye to the crease of the upper eyelid. The line should run parallel to the base of the eyebrow.

Visually divide the line along the contour of the upper eyelashes into four equal parts. Stepping back 1/4 from the outer corner, draw a line towards the tip of the ponytail.

From the inner corner of the eye, draw a smooth line to the middle of the line that you drew in the previous step.

Paint over the resulting “empty” stripes.

Paint the space between the eyelashes on the upper eyelid and apply thick mascara to your eyelashes.

Double arrows

Double arrows look unusual and impressive. In addition, they visually increase the size of the eyes and make the eyelashes thicker. To draw them correctly, you need to start makeup with the tails of the arrows and then draw lines along the eyelash edge.

If you want to experiment with makeup, draw double arrows not along the lash lines, but in the folds of the upper eyelids and slightly away from the lower ones.

In our video tutorials you will find more more ideas to create an unusual eye makeup with arrows.

And such arrows are ideal for the summer season.

In summer, you can experiment with colors and arrow shapes.

Arab arrows

This version of arrows looks perfect in photographs, which is why they have become so popular in in social networks. To make the arrows perfect, it is important to carefully paint the space between the eyelashes of the upper and lower eyelids, and only then start drawing the lines. It is also important to connect them at the outer corners of the eyes, making a sharp tip.

Raised eyeliner with cat eye effect

Want to create cat eye makeup? Then you need to learn how to draw raised arrows. This is not difficult to do: from the outer corners of the eyes, draw lines towards the tips of the eyebrows, then paint in the spaces between the eyelashes and connect everything with a smooth line.

When drawing the tips of the arrows, do not stretch the skin or close your eyes

Find another version of “cat” eye makeup in the style of singer Lana Del Rey in our video below.

How to draw arrows with shadows?

Use an angled brush for eyeliner. A similar brush for eyebrow makeup is also suitable.

Wet the brush a little with water (but only lightly, it shouldn't end up wet!).

Scoop up some dry eyeshadow with the brush to “cover” both sides of the brush. Shake off any excess by running the brush over your hand. Otherwise, the shadows will immediately fall off under the eyes.

Starting from the inner corner of the eye, draw a line to the outer corner and extend it slightly beyond the edge. Try to keep the brush as close to the lash line as possible.

10 secrets of perfect arrows

It is unlikely that you will be able to draw even, beautiful arrows the first time, but if you know a few beauty tricks, you can achieve the desired result quite quickly. Follow our advice.

Or: just paint over the areas where excess eyeliner or pencil has fallen. If you don’t have any of these products on hand, you can erase the failed lines using a transparent balm or lip gloss.

Another useful and popular life hack for beginners: before drawing a line with eyeliner, place several dots in a row along the eyelash contour. Connect them to get a more or less straight line.

Before applying eyeliner, use shadows to mark a “draft” line and only after that draw the main line.

Glue a strip of tape near the outer corner of the eye to create a neat and even “tail” of the arrow. For the same purpose, you can use other available means: a business card or a discount card.

The easiest way to make straight arrows is to first draw them as they appear, and then simply remove the excess with a cotton swab or a synthetic brush with an angled angle dipped in makeup remover.

Start drawing from the “inconvenient side” - from the left eye if you are right-handed, and from the right eye if, on the contrary, you are left-handed.

Draw the “tails” of the arrows only with with open eyes– this will make it easier to control their direction, length and symmetry.

Eyeliners of different shapes

Here we talked about the most popular types of eyeliner. Still don't know which one to choose? Take a short test to help you decide.