How to wash a backpack. Simple rules on how to wash a backpack in an automatic washing machine. Preparing the backpack for washing

Our author Natasha loves backpacks. She uses small ones instead of a woman’s handbag, carries a laptop in a large one, and even goes shopping with some of them. Naturally, with such intensive wear, fabric items get dirty quite quickly. We asked Natasha to tell us how to wash her favorite backpacks, as well as school bags and briefcases. And, I must say, she took up writing the article with enthusiasm.

Is it possible to wash the backpack?

Backpacks are available for school, travel, and youth. The method of caring for it depends on what material a particular model is made of. Most manufacturers on their product labels recommend cleaning them from dirt and dust as often as possible using brushes and damp cloths. This will help prevent the need for a major wash.

Most things made of nylon or canvas can be put into an automatic washing machine without any problems, but many synthetic materials can only be washed by hand.

Fabrics such as Cordura, Avisent and Oxford react poorly to manipulation with water. If you cannot determine the exact material of a particular model, it is better to wash it by hand.

Before you start cleaning, you need to carefully prepare. If you have a tourist backpack in your hands, remove the entire harness, armor, waterproof cover, and belt from it. When parts are very dirty, you can soak them in warm soapy water in a basin or bathtub for a couple of hours.

If the fabric gives off an unpleasant odor, soak it in a weak solution of acetic acid and baking soda for several hours. Try removing stubborn stains using a stain remover.

School bag

There are several main types of fabrics from which backpacks are made. However, any material has its own recommendations that should be followed.

Before washing your backpack, place it in a special bag. If you don't have one at home, use a regular pillowcase. This is necessary so that during rotation, small fittings do not get stuck in the holes of the drum and cannot damage its inner surface.

To prevent imbalance and misalignment in the car, you should avoid situations where the backpack is crushed and folded. If you notice this, it is better to stop the technique and straighten the material. When you wash an item for the first time, it is not recommended to do it together with other clothes to avoid staining.


This model is machine washable if there is no leather trim, as well as various studs and rivets sewn on for decoration. This fabric is very dense and washes well in cold water at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees using the “Delicate Wash” program.

However, the material also has a huge drawback: it strongly absorbs odors. Therefore, it is advisable to wash the back and straps separately in water with the addition of dishwashing detergent or regular shampoo. Use a soft brush when doing this.


The most durable material, it can withstand high temperatures and heavy loads. Therefore, it can be washed in a drum using a spin cycle at low speeds, and dried on the street or balcony.


This material should be machine washed with caution due to possible shedding. Therefore, it is better to put the item in a clean pillowcase, and only then load it into the drum. You can also spin it at low speeds, but you should not put it in the dryer: the item may shrink.

Cotton fabric

Due to the possibility of shrinkage, it is better to wash this material in cold water (up to 30 degrees). You can squeeze it in the machine and dry it on the balcony. It would also be useful to add an additional rinse mode.

A leather backpack

Items made of natural or artificial leather must not be exposed to moisture for a long time. Therefore, machine washing is contraindicated for them - only dry or wet cleaning can be done.

If you need to wash the lining, do it with a sponge and soapy water. Make sure that the liquid does not get on the skin itself and does not wet the seams too much. You can also use alcohol. Dampen a soft sponge in it and thoroughly rub the lining with it.

To clean the leather surface itself, take a solution of ammonia, soap and water. Using a clean cloth, scrub the material, paying particular attention to stubborn dirt.

Backpack with orthopedic back

This type of backpack is not recommended to be washed in an automatic machine due to the presence of a compacted bottom, wire frame and bulky dimensions. In addition, these models use capricious fabrics that can be damaged by mechanical stress.

To clean by hand, remove all detachable parts from the backpack and wash them separately. Then dilute a solution of warm water and laundry soap shavings in a deep basin. If you are afraid that the shape of the material will be damaged, place a piece of rolled foam rubber inside it.

Now dip the item into the liquid and immediately begin rubbing with a soft sponge or lint-free cloth. Make sure that the backpack is in the water for no more than 15-20 minutes, otherwise it will damage the fabric. Drain the water and rinse the material 2-3 times.

The most problematic are bulky backpacks with a thick orthopedic back and bags made of natural or artificial leather. But in general, these accessories are quite unpretentious. In addition, according to Natasha, they help maintain the health of the spine, since the back does not skew to one side, as when carrying a regular bag or bag of groceries.

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As practice shows, there are practically no problems with washing ordinary everyday items, but when the need arises to care for non-standard items, difficulties arise. In previous articles we have already talked about this, and now we will continue the tourist topic with a review of backpack care.

In this article we will look at how to wash a tourist, student, or school backpack in a washing machine or by hand, and we will tell you what difficulties you may encounter in the process of carrying out such work.

Backpacks come in a variety of shapes and sizes

Automatic wash

Backpacks have long been part of our lives as a more convenient analogue of bags and briefcases. They are worn by tourists, schoolchildren, workers, athletes and many other people. However, gradually the backpack loses its appearance, gets dirty, gets scuffed, and to get it into shape, sooner or later you have to think about washing it.

At the same time, you don’t want to spoil such a useful and convenient thing, and there is always such a possibility during mechanical processing with water and detergent compositions. In addition, some backpacks are made of fabrics that cannot be washed at all. Therefore, you need to choose the right approach and then clean or wash your backpack using the appropriate method.

School, student and some types of travel backpacks, made from ordinary fabric without reinforcing impregnations that add functionality to the material, can be washed in a washing machine. There are no particular difficulties in this procedure, the main thing is to set the correct program on the washing machine and choose the appropriate detergent composition.

The materials from which backpacks are made can be very different.

The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  • Take all things out of your backpack and shake out all the dirt. In order not to once again create a load on the parts of the backpack, it is better to fasten all the zippers, fasteners, buttons, untie the knots, and pull out the removable parts.
  • Using a suitable non-chlorine stain remover, you should pre-treat the most dirty areas or typical greasy stains.
  • To get rid of unpleasant odors, soak the backpack for a couple of hours in a weak solution of vinegar with the addition of baking soda.
  • It is advisable to wash the backpack in a special mesh bag; if there is no bag, you can wrap it in an old pillowcase or curtain. Using a bag will reduce mechanical stress on the material and keep straps, fasteners, and laces intact.
  • A school or travel backpack should be washed at a minimum temperature, usually 30-40°C. This is done to reduce wear on the fabric and preserve the color of the product, especially if it is very bright. Even if the temperature on the label is high, this does not mean that the backpack must be boiled.
  • On the control panel of the washing machine, set the delicate or manual washing mode, rinse, but cancel spin and dry.
  • If you plan to use regular washing powder, then you need to take a little of it, and also install an additional rinse. But it's even better to wash your backpack with a liquid, gel-type detergent. It perfectly removes dirt at low temperatures and comes off easily during rinsing.

After washing, take your backpack out of the washing machine, shake it slightly, turn the pockets inside out, straighten it and leave it to dry in a ventilated area or in the fresh air. There is no need to squeeze the fabric; you should not twist or stretch it. It is also not recommended to speed up drying with heating devices, so as not to harm things.

Drying a backpack is quite convenient

Before use, be sure to completely dry the fabric of the backpack so that mold does not appear on it during wear, and as a result, an unpleasant odor.

As you can see, washing a school backpack or student backpack in a washing machine is quite simple, but dirt is not always immediately removed in this way. In this case, it will be necessary to repeat the process, but before doing so, select a suitable stain remover and soak the product in it for several hours. It is not recommended to remove erased stains with a solvent, since it contributes to rapid wear of the fabric, and as a result, rapid wear of the item.


Some types of backpacks, mainly tourist ones, cannot be washed at all, since in this case the special fabric will deteriorate. Such things can only be cleaned, and only by hand. The fabric from which such products are made is high-tech, multi-layered and very functional; the slightest violation of its composition and integrity completely deprives it of its unique qualities. For items made from such fabric, automatic washing is prohibited for a number of reasons, including:

Some backpacks cannot be shoved into the washing machine even if you really want to.

  1. Household chemicals contained in laundry detergents have a negative effect; they help remove special impregnation from fabric fibers.
  2. Detergent compositions used in washing are often simply not washed out of the material, even with prolonged and repeated rinsing. Subsequently, the remnants of these products will cause the item to change color, and upon contact with human skin and sweat, allergic reactions may occur.
  3. Mechanical stress during washing not only contributes to the stretching of seams and joints, but also negatively affects the water-repellent properties of the fabric. After washing in the washing machine, the fabric begins to leak water in both directions, and even through the seams. By the way, over time, the seams will separate even more, forming noticeable gaps.
  4. Modern travel backpacks have complex designs that require a large number of accessories: a rigid frame, orthopedic inserts for the back, a reinforced bottom. With such elements, it will be difficult to wash the backpack in the washing machine so as not to damage its insides; even putting it into the drum will be problematic.

In this regard, it is much easier and more effective to simply clean the backpack material with ordinary laundry soap. If you do this regularly, no washing will be required.

You can clean the product in the following way:

  • We remove all additional elements of the backpack; it is easier and more convenient to clean them separately from the overall structure.
  • Fill a bath or basin with warm water and stir laundry soap in it; sometimes you can use a gentle, modern liquid laundry composition.
  • We throw the backpack into the water and begin its systematic cleaning, using available means: rags, brushes, sponges.

Washing and cleaning a large backpack in the bathroom

  • It is advisable to carry out all the work in 10-15 minutes, without soaking the material in water for a long time.
  • After cleaning, drain the water, rinse the backpack under cool running tap water, and then fill the basin several times and rinse again. This long, multi-level rinsing will help completely remove traces of soap from the fabric.
  • You cannot wring out the backpack, twist it or stretch it.
  • After cleaning, the backpack should be placed in a ventilated place to dry, preferably out of direct sunlight.

It is worth noting that there is no need to wash the backpack again; it is enough to wet it, since each wash is a colossal stress for the fabric. On the other hand, the infrequency of such work will contribute to the appearance of large, difficult-to-remove contaminants. Therefore, it is best to find a middle ground.

As you can see, washing a school or even a travel backpack is not difficult. In this process, the main thing is to be careful and pedantic, then you will be able to clean the item efficiently and not harm it.

09/14/2017 0 3,267 views

All schoolchildren's things get dirty very quickly. To keep them clean, find out how to wash your school backpack in the washing machine at home and do it the right way.

Can I wash my backpack in the washing machine?

Before you wash your backpack at home, find out what kind of washing is acceptable. To do this, study the label and pay special attention to the recommendations regarding care.

If there is a note that machine wash is prohibited, then use a different cleaning method. If this option is acceptable, proceed with the procedure.

As a rule, all models that have a simple design and are made of dense and practical materials such as polyester, canvas, and cotton can be machine washed. These are Vance backpacks and others.

How to properly carry out the procedure in the washing machine?

To wash a school backpack in a washing machine, you need to follow important rules and follow the instructions:

  1. First, carefully study the instructions on the label regarding product care. If they are not there, find out what material the backpack is made of and take its characteristics into account when choosing a washing method.
  2. Check the briefcase and remove any items remaining inside. You also need to fasten the zippers and clasps. If there are any removable parts, it is advisable to remove them. Some models, such as the Beckman, have solid elements in the backrest, such as aluminum tires or frames, and must be removed first.
  3. If there are heavy dirt and obvious stains on the surface of the backpack, then it is advisable to remove them before a full wash. Half an hour before the procedure, treat problem areas with a specialized stain remover or laundry soap, vigorously scrub them with a brush, and then rinse. You can also clean the product from the inside, because stains from drinks, ink, and food may remain on this side. But do not use aggressive compounds that can damage the material or change color.
  4. If it is heavily soiled after prolonged and active use, you can soak the briefcase in warm water with the addition of soap (it can be pre-rubbed into shavings) and baking soda. The average soaking time is from 1 to 1.5 hours.
  5. To avoid damage to the backpack during washing, it is better to place it in a special bag of suitable size. If it is small, the product may become deformed. If there is no bag, you can replace it with a regular pillowcase.
  6. Place the briefcase in the bag in the drum of the washing machine, turn on the appliance and select a gentle wash program, for example for delicate fabrics, wool or silk. The number of revolutions should be minimal (no more than 400), as should the temperature, the optimal value of which is 30 or a maximum of 40 degrees Celsius. Start the wash. You can additionally turn on the rinse function, but spinning is not recommended.
  7. When the cycle is complete, remove the item from the drum and remove it from the bag. Flatten it well, turn out the lining and pockets and put it to dry in a ventilated area. Do not leave the backpack in direct sunlight or near heaters to avoid fading and deformation.

To wash your backpack correctly, follow the recommendations:

  • If the label has not been preserved, then you can find information about the material and care on the brand’s official website. Well-known manufacturers, such as Herschel, describe in detail all catalog items.
  • For washing, you can use both powders and liquid or gel products. The former usually cost less, but small solid particles can get stuck in the fibers of the material, making it difficult to wash out and making rinsing more difficult. Gels have a more gentle effect and are easy to rinse.
  • If you need to use a stain remover, test it on a small area of ​​the product on the reverse side.
  • After finishing washing, do not keep the backpack in the drum, but remove it immediately, as dampness can cause mold to form.
  • Even if the label indicates that the briefcase can withstand high temperatures, it is advisable to stick to moderate values ​​so that the material does not deform and the color is preserved.
  • Before the procedure, evaluate the quality of the coloring: run a wet finger over the surface of the backpack. If there is any dye left on it, use the most gentle product and cool water, and do not wash the backpack with other things.
  • If an Adidas hiking or sports backpack or a model of another brand has an unpleasant odor, then pour talc or flour inside, leave it for an hour, and then shake it out. For prevention, you can put a thick fabric bag filled with soda or the same talcum powder in the product.

What items cannot be machine washed?

Not all backpacks can be washed in a washing machine. This washing method is not suitable in the following cases:

  1. If the product has a solid frame made of wood, chipboard or plywood. After washing, the backrest may lose its shape due to exposure to water. If plastic, stainless steel or other water-resistant materials are used as the base, then washing is allowed, but hard parts may need to be removed.
  2. It is also undesirable to wash an orthopedic backpack, since it probably has a non-removable frame and significant dimensions. The product may simply not fit into the drum of the washing machine and either damage it or become deformed.
  3. You should not allow it to get wet if your hiking or tourist backpack has water-repellent impregnation or other special protective coating. After washing with powder, the composition may be completely washed off, and then the product will lose its original characteristics.
  4. A leather briefcase cannot be washed: its surface should be wiped with a damp cloth. You can use a soap solution to remove dirt. Eco-leather will not withstand machine washing either.
  5. If the manufacturer does not recommend machine washing, then you should not risk violating such instructions.

We wash by hand

A backpack that is not machine washable can be washed more gently by hand. It is carried out like this:

  • Prepare a container that is sufficient in volume and matches the dimensions of the backpack. Fill it with water at a temperature of 30-40 degrees.
  • Dissolve a detergent in water: powder, gel or soap.
  • It is better to remove stubborn stains before washing using. Apply it to problem areas, scrub them with a brush, then rinse with water.
  • Immerse the product in the container until it is completely submerged in water. If heavily soiled, soak the briefcase for about an hour.
  • Start cleaning: thoroughly scrub the surface of the backpack with a brush with fairly hard bristles.
  • If you are happy with the result, proceed to rinsing in clean, cool or slightly warm water.
  • Shake off the briefcase, but do not try to wring it out by twisting it, as this may cause deformation.
  • Dry the backpack in a vertical or horizontal position on the balcony or in a room with open windows.

Video: how to wash a school backpack?

The new school year has arrived. And all parents of schoolchildren age have a question: how to care for their students’ uniforms so that they last until the end of the year (if you’re lucky, even two years) and look decent.

School uniforms are classic business attire. Usually, for boys, a three-piece suit, changeable trousers and several shirts in calm tones (white, light blue, blue, light green) are purchased, depending on the color of the suit. For girls, the selection of things depends on the requirements of the school; it can be a sundress and jacket, a skirt and jacket, trousers, a uniform dress and a set of various blouses.

In any case, try not to limit yourself to one set of clothes.. Firstly, you will have the opportunity, if necessary, to calmly wash and dry one set of uniforms while your daughter or son wears another; secondly, the clothes will not wear out too quickly, fray and tear; thirdly, your child, especially It will be more pleasant for your daughter to diversify her clothes (within the limits permitted by the school).

The child should become your first assistant in maintaining your shape in good condition. It’s good if you managed to teach your child, from the first years of school, to take care of things and uniforms first and foremost. Arriving home, the child should take off his uniform and change into home clothes. Create all the conditions for this. Provide separate hangers for the uniform. One hanger is for trousers or skirts, and the other is for shirts and jackets. If the size of the apartment allows, you can purchase floor suit hangers. The shape on such a hanger will not wrinkle; you can always hang it up and take it off quickly, easily and conveniently. The size of the hanger should be selected according to the size of the jacket, so that a hanger that is too large does not spoil the shape of the hanger on the product and does not create bulging lanterns on the sleeves.

Typically, school uniform manufacturers use mixed fabrics for sewing. The most popular option is wool with polyacrylic. More expensive uniform options are made from natural fabrics such as wool, viscose, cotton, and linen.

Of course, ideally, school uniforms, especially jackets, should be dry cleaned. But... Since uniforms often have to be cleaned or washed, especially for primary school students, not all parents are able to go to dry cleaning.

How to wash a school uniform effectively and safely for the product?

It is advisable to wash the uniform by hand. If the tag sewn into the product says machine washable, you can apply the progress, but you just need to select a delicate cycle. Water temperatures above forty degrees are prohibited for washing uniforms. It is better to turn off the spin mode completely. But an additional rinse will come in handy. Choose a neutral, hypoallergenic powder for children's clothing. Remember that the child spends most of his time in uniform, and the fabric in contact with the skin should not cause discomfort. To soften the fabric and remove static electricity when rinsing, add a softener that does not have a strong odor.

Before washing, clothes should be carefully inspected. Remove all things “necessary” for the student from their pockets. If there are stains, they should be removed before the main wash. Then fasten all the buttons, zippers, fasteners and turn the product inside out.

Features of drying and ironing school uniforms

After washing, turn the items right side out, shake and dry by hanging the uniform on hangers at room temperature. Dry your trousers folded in the direction of the arrows. No matter how much you hurry, do not use radiators, air heaters or other heating devices for drying.

Products made from mixed fabrics should be ironed with an iron with a sole temperature of no more than one hundred and fifty degrees. To prevent the fabric on the uniform from shining after ironing, use gauze or a thin cotton napkin. Do not iron the stitched parts (pockets, collar, lapels). For these elements of the costume, the steaming function, which is found in every modern iron, is more suitable.

Cleaning a jacket at home: important nuances

Particular attention should be paid to jackets. While it’s not difficult to wash a skirt and trousers, things are different with a jacket. The difficulty is that the jacket has hard glued parts. In warm water, when wet for a long time, the glue becomes soft and is washed out of the fabric. The lining also requires the right approach; quite often after washing, the lining begins to sag and peek out from under the jacket hem.

The jacket should be washed with slightly warm water up to thirty degrees, very quickly. Hang your jacket on hangers over the bathtub, turn on the shower and quickly rinse the item. Apply liquid laundry detergent to a soft-bristled brush and go over all parts of the jacket. Pay special attention to the most problematic areas (collar, cuffs, pockets).

Soapy water should also be washed off with a shower. Leave the jacket hanging on the hanger until the water drains. Now hang the jacket on the balcony, but do not leave it in direct sunlight. Make sure the fabric does not dry out. A slightly damp jacket can be steamed. If you have a vertical steam iron, this will be the best solution. If you don’t have such an iron, a regular iron will do. The jacket should be ironed through cotton fabric.

It is not recommended to wash your jacket frequently. In many cases, you can limit yourself to wet cleaning.

Hang the jacket on hangers and inspect it carefully. If there are stains on the product, remove them. If you have students in your home, you should purchase the most popular stain removers. Clean greasy areas with a brush moistened with water and adding a small amount of ammonia. You can also clean the fabric with a soft brush or lint-free cloth soaked in a solution of water and vinegar. This cleaning method is especially suitable for wool and corduroy jackets. Woolen fabrics with the addition of synthetics have one not very pleasant feature - they roll under the influence of friction. The pellets appear especially quickly in places where the belts of a bag or backpack rub, or under the arms on the sides of the jacket. Such pellets can be removed with a special machine or a safety razor.

Removing common school stains

No matter how neat your child is, stains on the uniform are inevitable. How can you remove stains without resorting to dry cleaning services?

The most popular spot among students is, of course, from a ballpoint pen. On fabrics with a high wool fiber content, this stain can be removed with alcohol. If you want to play it safe, use purified gasoline; it’s easy to find on sale; it’s used for refilling lighters.

Apply gasoline to a cotton pad and wipe the dirty area. First test the effect of gasoline on the fabric in a small, inconspicuous area. Then wash the product completely.

Grease stains can be sprinkled with talcum powder and ironed through blotting paper. Place paper on the other side of the stain. If you are unable to remove the fat the first time, repeat the procedure several times.

Try treating the grease stain with a mixture of ammonia and salt. Add half a teaspoon of salt to three tablespoons of ammonia. Dissolve the salt and apply the solution to the stain. Leave the solution to “work” and then wash the clothes.

Sweat stains, can be eliminated using a concentrated salt solution. Dissolve two full tablespoons of salt in one liter of water. This solution will not discolor the fabric, but, on the contrary, will make the colors brighter.

A mixture of vodka and ammonia in equal proportions will also rid woolen items of yellow sweat stains.

Juice and fruit stains Table salt will also help remove it. The salt should be soaked and applied wet to the stain for half an hour, and then the clothes should be washed as usual.

Clean the mold regularly from dirt and dust. Teach your children to sit down correctly by pulling up their trouser legs slightly. The sleeves should also be pulled up a little. Then the fabric will not stretch on the knees and elbows. Iron the uniform thoroughly once a week.

With proper care, the uniform will delight you with a neat appearance all year long.

With the beginning of autumn, a school backpack becomes an essential attribute for almost every student. School supplies, some food products, clothes, etc. can easily be placed in it. However, no matter how durable and wear-resistant the briefcase is, over time it loses its attractive appearance. Every mother should know the basic rules on how to wash a school backpack and maintain its newness.

The most common stains on school backpacks

Washing is a great way to restore the original appearance of your school backpack.

Most schoolchildren have a particularly active lifestyle. In addition to classroom activities, students play during breaks, visit the school canteen and cafeteria, do physical education, go on excursions, walk, etc. With all these activities, the backpack is exposed to external influences and becomes dirty.

The following may appear on the portfolio:

  • traces of ink from ballpoint pens and other writing instruments;
  • grease stains from any food products;
  • pollution in the form of dust;
  • street dirt;
  • shoe prints;
  • grass stains, etc.

Some materials, when contaminated, are designed to be hand washed exclusively. Other fabrics can be washed in any washing device using powder.

Preparing the backpack for washing

Paying close attention to school supplies and putting them in order immediately after stains appear will prevent stains from becoming embedded in the fabric.

Initially, you will need to carefully check all the contents of the portfolio. Indeed, in the process of cleaning this textile product, many school materials can deteriorate and can never be restored.

Minor particles of debris, crumbs and small shavings are removed using a vacuum cleaner. When washing by hand, it is recommended to leave the pockets and additional compartments in the backpack open. In this case they will be able to extend in the best possible way.

  1. After eliminating dust from the surface, the backpack is re-treated with a slightly damp sponge. This helps clean dirt from the outside.
  2. The removable elements of the school bag are detached and cleaned separately. This way they can be washed better on all sides and will not affect the operation of the washing machine drum.
  3. Carefully inspect all zippers on the school backpack. If threads or other elements of fabric are noticed next to them, they should be cut off first. Failure to follow this step may result in threads getting caught in the fastener, causing the fabric to tear or become distorted.

Some items in a backpack also often become very dirty. To avoid putting them back into a clean backpack, it is recommended to clean them while the briefcase is in the wash.

Hand wash the backpack

Tags are usually sewn to the side seam inside the briefcase

This type of washing is not as relevant as it was several years ago, because the majority of people have a washing machine at home.

An icon with a schematic depiction of a bowl of water and a hand on the tag means that only hand washing of the product is allowed.

Basic steps for washing a school backpack by hand:

Using water that is too hot can damage the material and cause it to fade.

There are cases when the manufacturer did not provide for the presence of a label in the backpack or it was cut off by the owner of the item. In this situation, it is recommended to first test the detergent used on a small area of ​​​​fabric and see how the material behaves in combination with it. With this approach, you can easily avoid damage to the backpack.

How to properly wash a backpack in a washing machine

On the one hand, using a washing machine to clean things does not require much ingenuity and seems like an elementary action. At the same time, failure to follow certain rules for preparing a briefcase for washing can forever turn it into an unusable school attribute:

Observe the well-known nuances depending on the material from which the school bag is made:

  • Synthetics are artificial high-molecular compounds that can be easily washed in cold water. Polyester easily absorbs natural human odors, so the straps and backrest should be cleaned separately and more diligently.
  • Jeans is a material that can easily fade. The best solution is to wash it in a pillowcase. You should wring out a denim product at low speed.
  • Cotton is a natural, eco-friendly fabric with a plain weave. Such material should be washed in cold water and pressed at minimum speed.

During the washing process, a school bag may wrinkle and change its shape several times. Stop the rotation of the drum in this case and straighten the item evenly. This will avoid unexpected deformations and damage to the backpack.

The nuances of washing backpacks with a hard back

The frame allows you to distribute all the weight across your back in the most comfortable way and always maintain your posture in the correct position

Frame backpacks differ from their counterparts by a system of metal or plastic plates that are placed under a soft lining in the back of the backpack.

Before washing, you should check whether the frame can be removed from the back of the backpack. If the answer to this question is positive, you can wash the product in a washing machine. Otherwise, you will have to wash it exclusively by hand.

Further steps are determined by the rules described above for a specific type of washing.

A briefcase with a hard back should not be twisted during the spinning and washing process. It is necessary to try to have minimal impact on the solid frame. In this case, it will retain all its orthopedic properties.

To prevent the backpack from losing its shape, it can be filled with foam rubber or fabric

It is not recommended to use artificial methods for drying a briefcase (dryers, radiators, etc.). Due to elevated temperatures, the materials of the product may noticeably deform and become unusable. The best way to dry this item at home is to dry it naturally: hang the backpack on clothespins or a hanger by the lower part. The pockets are left open, this will allow moisture to escape better.

Drying your backpack in the open air, as well as under the sun's rays, will allow you to put your briefcase in order in a short time and can rid it of any unpleasant odors.

If you need to dry your backpack quickly, fill it with crumpled newspapers, not forgetting about the pockets. You can start using the product the very next day.

Video: how to wash a school backpack

By understanding all the pitfalls of proper backpack care, you can make this thing last for many years. However, the tips described above will not apply to leather, canvas, or vinyl backpacks, as they use completely different cleaning principles. Handling water-repellent materials will also require special skill. Soapy water can damage the expensive coating and dissolve the seal. In this case, the best option would be to use special detergents.