How to get your pension savings in hand. Is it possible to withdraw a funded pension early? What documents will be required to return?

Oleg Eduardovich(10/28/2014 at 10:30:54)

Good afternoon. I will try to give a detailed answer. Individuals who have entered into an agreement on compulsory pension insurance (insured persons) may, no more than once a year, submit an application for transfer from a non-state pension fund (NPF) to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) (paragraph 5, paragraph 6, article 13 of the Law dated 05/07/1998 N 75-FZ). To make the transition you must do the following. Step 1. Fill out an application for transfer from the NPF to the Pension Fund. In the application for transfer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, indicate (clause 1 of Article 36.8 of the Law of 05/07/1998 N 75-FZ): - one of the investment portfolios: 1) investment portfolio of the management company; 2) expanded investment portfolio of the state management company; 3) investment portfolio of government securities of the state management company; - option for financing the funded part of the labor pension (6 percent or 2 percent of the individual part of the insurance premium tariff). Note. The list of management companies that have entered into trust management agreements with the Pension Fund for pension savings is posted on the official website of the Pension Fund and is available in the regional offices of the Pension Fund. The insured person's application for transfer from a non-state pension fund to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is drawn up in one copy. A personal signature and date are affixed in the presence of an employee of the territorial body of the Pension Fund or an authorized person of the body (organization) with which the Pension Fund has entered into an agreement on mutual certification of signatures (clause 1, 12 of the Instructions, Appendix No. 4 to the Administrative Regulations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 13, 2011 N 1536n). Step 2. Submit an application for transfer from the NPF to the Pension Fund. Send the completed application no later than December 31 of the current year to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia (district office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) or through the multifunctional center in one of the following ways (clause 3 of Article 36.8 of the Law of 05/07/1998 N 75-FZ): - in person. You must have a passport and insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance with you; - in another way - by mail, by courier. In this case, identification and verification of the authenticity of the signature of the insured person is carried out, in particular, by a notary or body (organization) with which the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has concluded an agreement on mutual certification of signatures. In addition, the application can be submitted in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature. You can also submit an application for transfer to the Pension Fund of the NPF, where you entered into an agreement on compulsory pension insurance, if this NPF has an agreement with the Pension Fund on mutual certification of signatures. Note. A list of points for accepting applications from insured persons, as well as organizations that have entered into agreements on mutual certification of signatures, is available in the regional offices of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Step 3. Wait for the Pension Fund to review the insured person’s application and make a decision. Before March 1 of the year following the year of filing the application, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation considers the application of the insured person and makes one of the following decisions (clause 1, 3, article 36.10 of the Law of 05/07/1998 N 75-FZ): - decision to satisfy applications for transfer to the Pension Fund; - decision to refuse the application for transfer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. An application submitted later than December 31 of the current year will be left without consideration by the Pension Fund (Clause 4, Article 36.8 of the Law of 05/07/1998 N 75-FZ). Note. If more than one application is submitted before December 31 of the current year, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation makes a decision on the application with a later date of receipt by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (clause 2 of Article 36.10 of the Law of May 7, 1998 N 75-FZ). Actions of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation after the application for transfer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is satisfied, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation performs the following: - makes changes to the unified register of insured persons before March 1 of the year following the year in which the insured person submitted the application (Clause 1, Article 36.10 of the Law of 05/07/1998 N 75-FZ) ; - notifies the insured person and the NPF about changes to the unified register of insured persons no later than March 31 of the year following the year the insured person submitted the application (clause 5 of Article 36.10 of the Law of 05/07/1998 N 75-FZ). After making changes to the unified register of insured persons, the contract on compulsory pension insurance with the NPF is terminated, and in this regard, the NPF is obliged to transfer the pension savings of the insured person to the Pension Fund no later than March 31 of the year following the year the insured person submitted the application (paragraph 3, paragraph. 2, paragraph 4 of Article 36.5, paragraph 4 of Article 36.6, paragraphs 2, 4 of Article 36.12 of the Law of 05/07/1998 N 75-FZ). Consequences of refusal to satisfy an application for transfer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation In case of refusal, changes are not made to the unified register of insured persons and the contract on compulsory pension insurance concluded by the insured person with the NPF is not terminated. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation notifies the insured person and the NPF about the refusal to make changes to the unified register of insured persons, indicating the reasons for the refusal no later than March 31 of the year following the year the insured person filed the application (Clause 5 of Article 36.10 of the Law of 05/07/1998 N 75-FZ) . Note. The decision of the Pension Fund to refuse to satisfy an application for transfer to the Pension Fund must be motivated, indicating the reasons for the refusal and the procedure for appealing.

The funded part of the pension will not be indexed again in 2018. The government has once again imposed a moratorium on the growth of insurance premiums to non-state pension funds.

However, residents of Russia can still take advantage of a one-time payment that allows them to withdraw the deferred funds.

In the Russian Federation, the rights of pensioners were legalized in 2002, when a system of compulsory pension insurance was formed. Employers were required to contribute insurance contributions towards the future pension of their employees. Payments are made monthly.

In 2015, residents were given the opportunity to choose by law. Now Russians can decide whether to transfer money only for insurance payments or distribute it between the insurance and savings parts. From that moment on, the savings were converted into an independent pension.

The difference between insurance and savings contributions is legally defined. The state makes transfers to current pensioners using the insurance portion sent to the Pension Fund.

Similar actions cannot be performed with the accumulative part. It is inviolable and intended only for the citizen himself.

The funds are transferred to the use of the selected fund, which invests them in certain investments, increasing their amount.

How are contributions made?

Residents of the Russian Federation are required to independently decide how the funded part of their pension will be formed.

The funds are transferred to the management of the company (state or non-state). A citizen enters into an agreement under which the right to manage contributions is transferred to one or another organization.

After this, the funded part will be transferred not to the Pension Fund, but to the selected company. There are also certain nuances:

  • Residents of the country born before 1966 cannot choose between the insurance and savings part. Their contributions are kept in the Pension Fund;
  • There is a program under which the state co-finances savings. The amount may be increased due to additional contributions (in addition to those made by the employer);
  • maternity capital can be used to increase accruals.

Who is entitled to a lump sum payment?

Officials have foreseen that in some cases residents will want to use the deferred funds at a time.

The procedure allows you to transfer the entire amount accumulated in the account at the time of application. However, not all residents are eligible to use this service. It is provided for the following persons:

  1. A one-time payment is due when the accumulative part does not exceed 5% in relation to the amount of the insurance part. The interest is calculated on the date of assignment of the savings contribution.
  2. A one-time payment is provided for citizens who have received a disability or survivor pension. Their insurance period may be less than required (they have not reached retirement age).

The amount of the due payment is calculated depending on the funds accumulated in the account. The application for approval/refusal is analyzed within 30 days. If the decision is positive, the money will be transferred within a couple of months.

How to receive the funded part of your pension in 2018: step-by-step instructions

If a person plans to use contributions, he thinks about how to receive the funded part of the pension in a lump sum. To use the funds, you must apply to one of the government agencies.

The registration process is quite simple. You must provide a package of documents (there are not many), fill out an application form and submit it to one of the government agencies. Today they are accepted by the following departments:

  • branches of the Pension Fund;
  • the application is sent by mail;
  • electronic version is accepted at ;
  • if the savings are in a non-state pension fund, the applicant should apply there.

You can submit the application yourself, or you can entrust it to someone else. In this case, an official power of attorney is issued.

At the MFC you only need to give the documents to the employee, after which you have to wait for a decision. To use the State Services portal, you must be officially registered on it and receive confirmation by mail. Information about the provision of a one-time payment is filled out directly on the website.

A person can re-apply for a transfer of funds only 5 years after receiving the previous payment.

Required documents

When applying for a one-time payment, regardless of the choice of department, the following documents are provided:

  • passport (photocopies of pages with personal data and registration are made);
  • documents confirming work experience (for those who have been assigned a disability or survivors pension) or the right to an old-age pension (for those with a funded portion of less than 5%);
  • When submitting an application through an intermediary, the applicant himself provides a power of attorney and his own documents.

If you submit your application by mail, copies of documents must be certified by a notary.

It is also necessary to fill out a standard form. It indicates the applicant’s personal data, SNILS number, address of actual place of residence and registration, telephone number.

On the day of the applicant’s application, Pension Fund employees check whether the documents are drawn up correctly and, if they do not comply, return them to the owner, indicating the inaccuracies.

How to transfer the funded part of your pension to Sberbank

Sberbank includes an accredited organization that deals with pension savings for residents. The Sberbank non-state pension fund has been operating for more than twenty years. Today it is one of the largest in the country, which is why many people prefer to transfer their savings to it.

This is not difficult to do. A citizen only needs to personally contact one of the nearest branches of a financial company. You should take your passport and SNILS with you. A bank employee will help you write an application. An agreement is concluded on the spot to transfer savings to Sberbank Non-State Pension Fund.

Is it possible to receive for a deceased

The law allows relatives of a deceased person to benefit from his pension accruals. One person or several at once enters into an inheritance. If there is an agreement indicating the possible distribution of savings in the event of a person's death, the amount is divided in accordance with it. If it is not there, the funds are transferred in equal shares to all heirs. The following have the priority right to receive savings:

  • close relatives (father, mother, husband, wife or children);
  • if there are no close relatives, the funds are distributed among other relatives (brothers, sisters, grandparents).

The amount of savings can be used if a person dies before receiving a pension. Perpetual payment cannot be transferred to heirs.

How to calculate the payout amount

If you want to know the monthly amount you will receive when you retire, you need to know the exact amount of your savings. It is divided by 246 (this number of months is the average life expectancy after retirement).

Example: during your working life, savings (including investment profit, if you are served by a non-state pension fund) amounted to 1 million rubles. Divide by 246. It turns out that the monthly funded component of your pension will be a little more than 4 thousand rubles.

If you plan to receive an urgent payment, you can decide for yourself how much you need monthly. You cannot use an urgent service if you plan to use it for less than 10 years.

The amount of an urgent payment is calculated as follows: the total amount of savings is divided by the number of months indicated by the applicant. For example, at the time of receiving a pension, the savings in the account amounted to 1 million rubles.

At the same time, the applicant plans to receive the funded portion for 150 months. Accordingly, the monthly increase in the insurance pension will be more than 6.5 thousand rubles.

However, after the specified period (even if the person is alive and continues to receive a pension), the funded part ceases to be paid.

Formula for calculating the funded part of a pension in 2018

How and where to find out the size of the payment according to SNILS

Today you can find out about the status of your retirement accounts online. Similar services are provided on the Pension Fund website, on the State Services portal. You only need to know your SNILS number.

If you are registered with State Services, go to your personal account and select “Pension savings”. Next, information is requested about the status of the pension account. You will receive the report by email and can print the document if you wish.

You can also obtain the information of interest on the Pension Fund website in your personal account. In the “Formation of pension rights” section, select a service that allows you to find out information about your account status.

Keep in mind that such information cannot be obtained by persons who transferred savings to NPFs. To obtain account information, they should contact the institution that invests their funds.

In recent years, Russian residents have gained control over their own pension accounts. Residents can influence the formation of savings by directing them to non-state pension funds with more favorable conditions. You can also receive a lump sum payment if necessary.

1. My mother died in 2014, can I withdraw my pension savings now?

1.2. No. If the question is about an insurance pension not received for the current month, then the deadline for filing an application for payment of a pension to the relatives with whom she lived has been missed (6 months from the date of death). Accumulated pensions for previous months are not paid to relatives in principle.
If it’s about a funded pension, then the application deadline has also been missed (6 months from the date of death).
Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", Federal Law "On Savings Pensions".

2. I wanted to know who can withdraw pension savings.

2.1. Pension savings can be withdrawn by a pensioner by receiving a pension.

3. Can I withdraw part of my pension savings?
I am 41 years old.

3.1. Hello, before reaching retirement age it is not possible, after reaching retirement age it is possible, but even then with restrictions:
One-time payment - all pension savings are paid at once in one amount. Those who have a funded pension amounting to 5% or less of the entire old-age insurance pension can receive it. Citizens who are paid an insurance pension for disability or the loss of a breadwinner, a state pension pension (it is received by those who have not acquired the right to an old-age insurance pension due to the lack of the required insurance period or the number of pension points) can also receive a one-time payment. ;

In the form of an urgent pension payment, savings are paid for a period the duration of which is determined by the citizen himself (but not less than 10 years).

4. I would like to know if I can withdraw my pension savings if I am 28 years old.

4.1. Hello!
You cannot simply withdraw funds, as from a card or bank account. To receive them, the occurrence of an event or fact is necessary, which is a condition.
Article 32. Retention of the right to early assignment of an insurance pension to certain categories of citizens

1. An old-age insurance pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 to the following citizens:
1) women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years, who have reached the age of 50 years, if they have an insurance period of at least 15 years; one of the parents of disabled people since childhood, who raised them until they reached the age of 8 years: men who have reached the age of 55 years, women who have reached the age of 50 years, if they have an insurance period of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively; guardians of disabled people from childhood or persons who were guardians of disabled people from childhood, who raised them until they reached the age of 8 years, an old-age insurance pension is assigned with a decrease in the age provided for in Article 8 of this Federal Law as of December 31, 2018, by one year for every one year and six months of guardianship, but not more than five years in total, if they have an insurance period of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively, men and women;

1.1) women who gave birth to four children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years, who have reached the age of 56 years, if they have an insurance period of at least 15 years;
(clause 1.1 introduced by Federal Law dated October 3, 2018 N 350-FZ)
1.2) women who gave birth to three children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years, who have reached the age of 57 years, if they have an insurance period of at least 15 years;
(clause 1.2 introduced by Federal Law dated October 3, 2018 N 350-FZ)
2) women who have given birth to two or more children, who have reached the age of 50, if they have an insurance record of at least 20 years and have worked for at least 12 calendar years in the Far North or at least 17 calendar years in equivalent areas;
3) disabled people due to military trauma: men who have reached the age of 55 years, women who have reached the age of 50 years, if they have an insurance period of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively;
4) visually impaired people with disability group I: men who have reached the age of 50 years, women who have reached the age of 40 years, if they have an insurance period of at least 15 and 10 years, respectively;
5) citizens with pituitary dwarfism (midgets) and disproportionate dwarfs: men who have reached the age of 45 years, women who have reached the age of 40 years, if they have an insurance period of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively;
ConsultantPlus: note.
Persons specified in clause 6, part 1 of this article, who will turn 55 (men) and 50 (women) years old in the period from 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2020, a pension may be assigned 6 months before reaching the age established by Appendix 6 (Federal Law dated October 3, 2018 N 350-FZ).
6) men upon reaching the age of 60 years and women upon reaching the age of 55 years (taking into account the provisions provided for in Appendices 5 and 6 to this Federal Law), if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent areas and have insurance experience of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively. For citizens who worked both in the Far North and in equivalent areas, an insurance pension is established for 15 calendar years of work in the Far North. Moreover, each calendar year of work in areas equated to the regions of the Far North is counted as nine months of work in the regions of the Far North. Citizens who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 7 years 6 months are assigned an insurance pension with a reduction in the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law by four months for each full calendar year of work in these regions. When working in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, as well as in these areas and regions of the Far North, each calendar year of work in areas equated to the regions of the Far North is counted as nine months of work in the regions of the Far North;
(as amended by Federal Law dated October 3, 2018 N 350-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
7) men who have reached the age of 50 years, women who have reached the age of 45 years, permanently residing in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, who have worked, respectively, for at least 25 and 20 years as reindeer herders, fishermen, and commercial hunters.
2. When assigning an old-age insurance pension in accordance with paragraphs 2, 6 and 7 of part 1 of this article, the list of regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, used when assigning state old-age pensions in connection with work in the Far North as of 31 December 2001.
3. When determining the right to an old-age insurance pension in accordance with paragraphs 1 - 2 of part 1 of this article, children in respect of whom the insured person was deprived of parental rights or in respect of whom the adoption was canceled are not taken into account.
(Part 3 introduced by Federal Law dated October 3, 2018 N 350-FZ)

5. Is it possible to withdraw money from your pension savings?

5.1. Categories of preferential pensioners have access to early receipt of pension savings. Their list is contained in Federal Law No. 400

6. How can I withdraw my pension savings? I am 29 years old.

6.1. Hello. Alas, no way.

7. Can I withdraw money from my pension savings? I am 29 years old.

7.1. What is the pension savings part?

8. My experience is 27.7 years. can I withdraw savings from a pension fund without waiting for retirement? I am 49 years old. Thank you.

8.1. If you mean the funded part of the pension, then no, for this you need to have the right to receive an insurance pension, at a minimum.

Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 424-FZ (as amended on October 3, 2018) “On funded pensions”
Article 6. Conditions for assigning a funded pension

1. The following insured persons have the right to a funded pension: men who have reached the age of 60 years, and women who have reached the age of 55 years, subject to the conditions for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension, established by the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” (availability of the required insurance period and the established value of the individual pension coefficient).
2. Insured persons specified in Part 1 of Article 30, Article 31, Part 1 of Article 32, Part 2 of Article 33 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” are assigned a funded pension upon reaching the age or onset of the period determined in accordance with the Federal Law “On insurance pensions" as of December 31, 2018, and subject to the conditions that give the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension(availability of the required insurance period and (or) experience in the relevant types of work and the established value of the individual pension coefficient).
3. A funded pension is assigned to insured persons if there are pension savings accounted for in a special part of the individual personal account of the insured person or in the pension account of the insured person’s funded pension, if the amount of the funded pension is more than 5 percent in relation to the amount of the old-age insurance pension (in including taking into account the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and increases in the fixed payment to the insurance pension), calculated in accordance with the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”, and the amount of the funded pension calculated on the day the funded pension was assigned. If the amount of the funded pension is 5 percent or less in relation to the amount of the old-age insurance pension (including taking into account the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and increases in the fixed payment to the insurance pension), calculated in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" ", and the amount of the funded pension calculated on the day the funded pension was assigned, insured persons have the right to receive the specified funds in in the form of a lump sum payment.
4. The funded pension is established and paid in accordance with this Federal Law, regardless of the receipt of another pension and monthly lifelong allowance provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Changes in the conditions for assigning a funded pension, the norms for establishing a funded pension and the procedure for paying a funded pension are carried out by amending this Federal Law.

9. Can I withdraw money from my pension savings at one time? I retired from old age, I want to withdraw all accumulated money, how to do this?

9.1. Can I withdraw money at one time from my pension savings? I retired from old age, I want to withdraw all accumulated money, how to do this?
What pension savings are we talking about?

10. I am a citizen of Kazakhstan and work in Russia. How can I withdraw pension savings that are being deducted from me?

10.1. No way. Russian legislation does not provide for the deduction of any amounts from citizens in favor of the Pension Fund, except in the case of a voluntary conclusion of an agreement with the Pension Fund.

10.2. No way, you can only get them when you retire
Did the answer help you?

11. Can the bailiff seize the father’s pension savings (the father died) if he had debt on credits and there was an enforcement proceeding at work to remove 50% of the salary. I have already received a decision on payment since I am the legal successor, but I’m still afraid, You never know, I didn’t enter into the inheritance.

11.1. It depends on where they are stored... if it’s on a card, then they can... if it’s a bank account... you need to look at the contract... a deceased person cannot dispose of it and his property also needs to be enforced... contact a lawyer, he will tell you.

12. I’m 33 years old, a single mother raising a child alone, it’s very hard, a lot of debt, I’m barely making ends meet ((Tell me, due to a difficult situation in my life, can I withdraw all my savings from the pension fund? Is this possible?

12.1. Hello. You will not be able to withdraw money in full, because... they have a specific purpose only. If you have debts, then try to somehow come to an agreement with the creditors.

13. I am 61 years old. In my personal account on the official website of the Pension Fund, I received a response to a request for pension savings. A pension application is under consideration. A question for you: I have the right to withdraw all or part of my money.

13.1. Depending on the amount of savings in relation to the assigned old-age insurance pension.
A funded pension is assigned to insured persons if there are pension savings accounted for in a special part of the individual personal account of the insured person or in the pension account of the insured person's funded pension, if the amount of the funded pension is more than 5 percent in relation to the amount of the old-age insurance pension (including taking into account the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and increases in the fixed payment to the insurance pension), calculated in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", and the amount of the funded pension calculated for day of assignment of a funded pension. If the amount of the funded pension is 5 percent or less in relation to the amount of the old-age insurance pension (including taking into account the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and increases in the fixed payment to the insurance pension), calculated in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", and the amount of the funded pension calculated for the day the funded pension is assigned, the insured persons have the right to receive the specified funds in in the form of a lump sum payment.

If you find it difficult to formulate a question, call the toll-free multi-line phone 8 800 505-91-11 , a lawyer will help you

A funded pension is money that a citizen pays to relevant organizations on a voluntary basis. They are accumulated in a separate account of a non-state pension fund (in short, NPF) or a state management company (MC). When the time comes, citizens think about how to withdraw the funded part of their pension in a lump sum. Sometimes this works without problems. In other cases, you have to be content with other options for receiving funds.

A little history

In 2002, the first compulsory pension insurance system (in short, OPS) was adopted. It forms the pensions of future retirees. By law, the employer is required to make contributions for the employee every month. This procedure is carried out as long as the employee is registered at work. Of course, we are talking only about those cases when a citizen’s labor activity is carried out in an official manner. This means that the employee must receive the so-called white salary, and not money “in an envelope”.

At the same time, the labor pension was divided into insurance and funded parts, and citizens had the opportunity to choose:

  • Leave the deductions entirely in the insurance part.
  • Allocate the funded part in order to later receive the right to a lump sum payment of the funded part of the pension.

This right applied only to persons born in 1967 and later.

Formation of a funded pension

The funds contributed by the employer began to be distributed in the personal account of the future pensioner, depending on the choice he made. Citizens also had the right to contribute appropriate funds to a funded pension on a voluntary basis, in accordance with one of the following programs:

  • Co-financing (at present this is no longer possible).
  • Maternity capital (still active today).

These funds, transferred to a non-state pension fund or management company, are invested in various projects. This allows you to significantly increase the income that can be received in the future. Thus, a funded pension may consist of the following parts:

  1. Contributions made by the employer.
  2. Voluntary contributions from citizens.
  3. Income received from investing funds available in the account.

Payment of fees

Currently, employers make contributions to the Pension Fund in the amount of 22% of the employee’s salary. This is stated in Art. 426 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. These funds are distributed as follows:

  • 6% goes to the joint part;
  • 16% - for individual.

Funds from the solidarity portion are used to pay pensions for today's pensioners, and can also be spent on the necessary needs of the state.

The individual part is recorded on the employee’s personal account. It is from this money that his future pension will consist. It can be distributed as follows:

  1. For persons born in 1966 and earlier, all funds are allocated to an insurance pension.
  2. For persons born in 1967 and later, cash amounts are 10% of the insurance payment, and 6% of the funded pension, if the future pensioner expresses the corresponding desire.

This is indicated by the law on In addition, the funded pension is paid one-time to citizens who contributed money voluntarily (previously as part of the co-financing program and then maternity capital).

When can I withdraw my savings?

Despite the fact that funded pension funds are stored not in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, but in a non-state pension fund or a management company, it will not be possible to withdraw them before retirement age. This type of pension is assigned together with the main insurance pension payment.

Receiving a funded pension early

As mentioned above, the method of withdrawing the funded part of the pension in a lump sum or otherwise is relevant only when the right to an insurance pension arises. However, citizens can go on a well-deserved rest earlier than the period prescribed by law on a general basis. There are a number of categories of insured persons who have the right to retire early.

The law does not provide for any other grounds for receiving the funded part of the pension. The reason for this is that the employer makes contributions to the compulsory pension insurance system. And in accordance with it, payments are assigned only when an insured event occurs. This is stated in Article 6 of the Law “On Funded Pensions” No. 424-FZ.

Having decided that the time has come, those who are entitled to a lump sum payment of the funded part of their pension apply for this purpose to one of the following organizations:

  • Pension Fund (if the money was entrusted to the management company).
  • NPF (if savings were kept in a non-state pension fund).

Receiving a funded pension for old age or disability

There are cases when an old-age pension is granted early due to a deterioration in a person’s health or for various social reasons. Then you can simultaneously apply for the funded part of the pension.

In principle, this can be done later. And this option will be more profitable, since the size of the payment will only increase. That is, the later a citizen writes an application for a one-time payment of the funded part of the pension (or in another manner), the larger the amount he will receive as a result. This provision applies both to pensioners who go on vacation in the generally established manner, and to those who do so ahead of schedule. You can receive funds as follows:

  1. One time.
  2. Urgently.
  3. Indefinitely (or for life).

Unlimited payment of savings

An indefinite funded pension is paid every month during the life of the pensioner. However, it is prescribed only if the amount available in the corresponding account is more than 5% compared to the main insurance payment.

The funded pension depends on the amount of funds in the pensioner’s account, as well as on the period established by the state. If in 2017 it was assigned a duration of 20 years or 240 months, then in 2018 it increased by six months and became equal to 20.5 years or 246 months. To determine the exact amount of payments, you should divide the available amount by the number of months.

One-time payment

The law on the payment of funded contributions No. 360-FZ (namely, Article 4) talks about the possibility of withdrawing the funded part of the pension at a time, that is, in the form of one payment. This is possible, as mentioned earlier, upon reaching the retirement age (both generally established and early). Another condition is the small size of the lump sum payment of the funded part of the pension. That is, the payment is made one-time only if it is less than 5% of the basic insurance pension.

You also need to understand that if a citizen does not have the required number of pension points, as well as the number of years of work experience, by retirement age, he will be able to use the savings in the following cases:

  • If an insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner or disability is assigned.
  • A state pension (including social) has been assigned.

After receiving the money, if desired, it is possible to continue to form a funded pension if the citizen decides to continue working while already in retirement. But the next time you can apply to withdraw money no earlier than after 5 years. In addition, if savings have already been withdrawn previously, then a lump sum payment to pensioners from the funded part of the pension is no longer allowed this time.

Urgent payment

A fixed-term pension, like a permanent pension, is a payment transferred to the pensioner every month, but during the period chosen by him. But this option is only possible if the citizen made voluntary contributions to his account, namely the funds were transferred:

  • maternity capital;
  • co-financing contributions;
  • additional money contributed by the employer on a voluntary basis (that is, in addition to mandatory payments).

A fixed-term pension is established for a different period, which is determined by the insured person himself. However, it cannot be less than 10 years or 120 months.

The amount of payment also depends on the relevant period. To find out the exact amount, you need to divide your existing savings by the number of months during which you expect to receive this pension.

Payment upon death of the insured person

The funded part of the pension, paid in a lump sum, has an advantage over insurance and state payments in that it can be inherited. For this purpose, a citizen can submit an application to the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund on how to manage the money after his death.

The application should indicate the heirs, as well as their shares. In this case, family ties will not matter. The insured person can designate those whom he or she wishes. If he does not make such an order, then after his death the money is inherited only by relatives according to the law (that is, in order). In this case, the funds are first distributed among the children, spouse or parents. If the deceased does not have any, then the inheritance goes to sisters and brothers, grandparents, and grandchildren.

But the money will be transferred only in the following cases:

  1. If the deceased did not apply for payment during his lifetime.
  2. If urgent payment is established.
  3. After the amount of the lump sum funded part of the pension has been determined, but not paid.

In addition, you need to keep in mind that only the children of the deceased mother and her husband (the father of the children) can inherit maternity capital. If there are none, then the money goes to the Russian budget reserve. If there are no heirs for other parts of the funded pension, then the funds go to the budget of the organization where they were kept (PFR or NPF).

A funded pension has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is the possibility of inheriting this part. But when making an appropriate decision, it is recommended to take into account some negative factors. These include, for example, the impossibility of early withdrawal of a pension, as well as the failure to carry out indexation in relation to it, which is carried out annually in the insurance payment.

In this regard, lawyers suggest carefully weighing the pros and cons, and also considering a number of alternative ways to save money. These include, for example, the following:

  • Open a special pension deposit in a bank on demand. It can be replenished at any time, as well as withdrawn.
  • Take advantage of the endowment life insurance program, the term of which ranges from 5 to 40 years.
  • Conclude an agreement with a non-state pension fund for voluntary pension provision.

In this case, you need to pay attention to the following point. If in the first two cases it is allowed to invest money in any currency, then in the case of a non-state pension fund, contributions can only be made in rubles.

Unlike the funded pension discussed in the article, these methods allow you to use funds ahead of schedule.

Savings yesterday and today

Everyone who is entitled to a one-time funded part of their pension could enter into an agreement with the chosen organization earlier. But there is currently a moratorium on this action. This decision is explained by the fact that during a certain period it is planned to check the activities of non-state pension funds, namely their break-evenness. But, according to experts, in fact the reason is that many citizens hastened to exercise their right, which is why the Pension Fund has a budget deficit.

Therefore, insured persons who already have a savings account can currently take advantage of ways to withdraw the funded part of the pension in a lump sum or receive it on an urgent or indefinite basis. The exception is those citizens who decide to make savings voluntarily.


Judging by the information presented in the article, in order for pensioners to receive a lump sum payment from the funded part of the pension, many nuances must be taken into account. It is not always possible to comply with all of them. This leads to the fact that in some cases one has to be content with only a small increase in the basic pension.

– these are funds of officially employed citizens, paid monthly by the employer to the pension insurance system, and income from their investment. They can be invested and make a profit. Legislation changes frequently, so you should learn about the details in order to understand exactly how to withdraw your funded pension.

How to withdraw your funded pension: where to go

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to pick it up, and which authority should they contact? Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 1047 of 2009 implies payments in four ways:

  • In the Pension Fund.
  • At the post office.
  • At the MFC.
  • On the electronic resource of the Pension Fund of Russia.

Each method involves submitting an application and documents established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Payment procedure and terms

After submitting papers to any of the listed authorities, 10 days are allocated from the moment of receipt for their verification. In Art. 10 of Federal Law No. 424 states that the suspension of consideration of an application until the documentation verification procedure is completed may be 90 days.

After all checks, the organization decides to assign payment of the funded part of the pension to pensioners or to refuse it, indicating the reasons.

The law does not establish any time limits for insured citizens to apply for this pension to one of the organizations. Also, savings funds must be paid in full. There are no restrictions on this provided by law.

Required documents

To process the payment of savings funds, you must provide a list of papers:

  1. Passport.
  2. When submitting papers by a proxy, a passport and a notarized document giving him authority.
  3. Documentary evidence of work experience for or applying for state security payments, as well as the loss of a breadwinner.
  4. Papers for receiving an old-age insurance pension, which will help determine its size - for people with savings of 5% or less.

Papers must be submitted in original or photocopies certified by a notary. There is no need to resubmit papers if they are already in the Pension Fund.

How to fill out an application

There are three types of applications: for a one-time payment, urgent, and unlimited. There is an established application form approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated July 3, 2012 No. 11n, it requires you to indicate:

  • Fund name.
  • Your data (full name, gender, passport details, SNILS, date, year and place of birth, current residence address).
  • Pensioner account.
  • Type of pension.
  • Employment data.
  • Contact number.
  • Number with signature.

If the papers are submitted by an authorized representative, then his personal information is required.

The completed application pages should look like this:

How to withdraw the funded part of your pension in a lump sum

To know how to withdraw the funded part of your pension in a lump sum, you need to figure out what categories of people this is available to:

  • Disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 or persons who have lost their breadwinner.
  • Citizens who have been assigned a state pension and do not have a minimum length of service.
  • Persons with savings of less than 5% of the insurance pension provision.
  • Citizens who were born before 1966, transferring savings from 2002 to 2004.

In each case, in addition, if the citizen has died, an early lump sum provision of funds can be made when the person has already been granted a state and insurance pension.

Citizens are also often interested in how to return the funded part of a pension to a working pensioner. He can apply for it once in 5 years. Provided that you continue to work and make regular contributions to the fund.

A working pensioner has the right to receive only a lump sum payment. Men over 65 and women over 60.

Nuances of pension legislation

After the pension reform, since 2015, Russians have had the opportunity to choose. You can transfer funds either for insurance premiums or distribute them between the insurance part, as well as the savings part. There is an important nuance here: residents of Russia who were born before 1966 are deprived of the opportunity to choose; their funds are only in the Pension Fund.

Savings contributions are distinguished by the fact that they are inviolable and intended only for the citizen. He himself has the right to select a fund that will invest his funds in investments and their amount will increase. But insurance premiums are sent only to the Pension Fund.

The problem is that the funded pension was “frozen” in 2014 and the moratorium will last at least until 2020. There is no need to panic about this. Today, only an insurance pension is accrued, but a funded pension is not yet available. This is due to the budget deficit. They promise that all accumulated savings will be converted into points and indexed. The President of the Russian Federation signed a law that came into force at the beginning of 2018, which increases the period for payment of funded pensions from 240 months to 246.

Some interesting facts about pensions and retirement age:

  1. In Russia, pensions were first introduced by Peter the Great in 1720.
  2. In Japan, men and women retire at age 70.
  3. The average pension in the UAE is $3,000.

In many countries around the world, pensioners receive different payments, but information about their size is often hidden.