How to make a lazy husband work. How to make a man work: causes of laziness and ways to overcome it. Why does a man not want to work?

You're lucky if thoughts of home and family make you smile. Much more often the opposite happens: household members persistently recreate the picture of the apocalypse and universal chaos every day, food must be prepared for a whole regiment and at the same time continue to be a beautiful woman. Of course, each of us knows that it is possible to do all this with a good husband. But there is a type of man who demands attention to himself, and, at the same time, sits at home and does not bring any money to the family. Accordingly, sooner or later a woman faces the question of how to get her husband to work.

Types of non-working husbands

Oddly enough, there are different types of non-working husbands. Yes, yes, no need to be surprised! And the forecast for the future depends on which of them your chosen one belongs to. Therefore, carefully read the description of our “gentlemen”!

  • "Sissy"

    This man is accustomed to comfort and pleasure, without which he cannot imagine his life. It seems to him that the world revolves around him, or rather, around the satisfaction of his needs. Most likely, he had a wonderful childhood, when his mother fulfilled all his wishes upon request. Now this role, apparently, should be played by the wife. “Mama’s boy” sincerely does not understand why everyone wants something from him. Can't you just leave the man alone?

    Naturally, such an attitude towards life cannot but affect the desire to work. If your wife earns some money, it’s wonderful, because you can sit on her neck! If not, then it’s okay - it won’t interfere with lying on the couch, and you can grab a couple of hundred from your parents. Such a man can only be forced to move by a situation of discomfort, but he will still try to get out of it with a minimum of losses and effort.

  • Melancholic

    This person is constantly depressed. Any little thing can upset him, let alone failures on the career front. A rude boss or an arrogant client may well become a reason for subsequent absenteeism from work. And an unsuccessful interview can suspend employment for many months. What do you think is the value of such an employee? That is why it is easier for such a person to lie on the couch and do nothing, because then failures will not befall him. Only the one who does nothing is not mistaken; only the melancholic person misinterprets this saying and actually decides to plunge into apathy and idleness.

  • Misanthrope

    Has a negative attitude towards everything connected with people. Most likely, they bothered him a lot throughout his life and especially in childhood. It is from such eternally offended children that real misanthropes grow up in the future. Communication with other people causes them aggression and a storm of indignation: they seem to the misanthrope stupid, evil, wrong, boring - in general, bad. Any interaction with them is pointless and is just a waste of time.

    Well, since most professions are related to communication with people (even workers at a factory communicate with each other), it’s not so easy for a misanthrope to find something he likes! Even the process of looking for a job forces this man to communicate, and this alone can plunge the misanthrope into the abyss of irritation and anger. The only way out of this situation is to really find a business that involves minimal interpersonal contact.

  • Rocking

    Such husbands are very slow and unhurried. They approach any task thoroughly and wisely. This is due to the peculiarities of their character and thinking: they take a very long time to “get into” something new. It takes them a long time to master a new activity or switch from one activity to another. The same thing happens with the job search: first they need to think, then scratch their left heel, and only then open the newspaper with job advertisements. They will just as leisurely select suitable positions and then go for interviews. Accordingly, the search process should end in success, but how long will it take?

  • Narcissus

    Oooh, this man is hopelessly and head over heels in love - with himself! All the rest are alien to him, and not important in the grand scheme of things. He thinks only of himself and, naturally, he deserves the most beautiful and wonderful work in the world. So what if he doesn’t have enough experience and knowledge? This is not scary, because such a wonderful person will simply be a decoration for any position. So he spends days and weeks on the couch waiting for the silver lining.

    Naturally, the ideal job does not fall from heaven, and even if it happens by chance, the “narcissist” somehow manages to lose sight of it. There may be several reasons for this behavior, ranging from deep internal self-doubt to the reluctance to “dirty” one’s wonderful hands with “slave” labor.

    Why don't husbands work?

    Naturally, our list of types of non-working husbands is by no means the ultimate truth. Thousands of completely different men every day drive their wives into a frenzy by lying on the couch and doing nothing for completely different reasons. Therefore, we decided to find out what makes them be so passive in matters of career and income.

    One of the main reasons is simply plain laziness. A man doesn’t want to do nothing; it’s much more comfortable and enjoyable for him to watch TV series. Who would argue! We owe to civilization the appearance of this kind of remarkable individuals, thanks to which women are forced to become breadwinners, mechanics, and builders themselves. Only one question is unclear: why do we need men then? Especially lazy and passive ones, because initially the male must hunt, move and obtain resources.

    Oddly enough, sometimes a man’s persistent reluctance to look for work is an expression of disapproval towards a woman. Of course, the method chosen is very perverted, but there’s nothing you can do about it: your husband doesn’t like something about you so much that he practically sabotages your family life. Fortunately, this happens quite rarely, and you can quite easily guess what doesn’t suit your partner.

    However, a man’s reluctance to work is not always the result of some clearly expressed negative reason. Often the husband cannot go to work due to the collapse of his own business or dismissal from another job. Above we looked at the “long swinging” type of man - very often such a story happens to them. Perhaps your husband needs your care and support, as well as time to regain strength and overcome the fear of possible failures. As a rule, this manifests itself in a man’s constant doubts about himself, as well as pessimistic thoughts and forecasts.

    Often, a husband’s lack of work is due to psychological reasons, namely the desire to return to his previous position, where everything was known and understandable, and it does not matter whether he himself left or was fired. A person is designed in such a way that he fears uncertainty, so there is a possibility that during an interview the husband will subconsciously behave in such a way that he will not be hired.

    And it also happens that the husband does not want to work because he feels weak and unfulfilled compared to his wife. It so happened that your successes on the career front made a strong impression on your man, and now he considers it pointless to pretend to be something. The thought sits in his head: “We have everything, there are enough things, food and clothing, and if something is needed, the wife will earn money for it.” He seems to be passing the baton of leadership and resource extraction to you for the family. But no one says that you are happy with it or that you wanted it.

    What should a wife do?

    The first thing you need to do is to find and understand the reason for your husband’s unemployment. Without understanding why he is idle, you will not be able to understand how to make your husband work. It is possible that the root of your troubles lies in his fear of new failures and the desire to leave everything as before. Then this will need to be clarified and logically proven (men are rational beings) why your partner should bring money to the family. Tell him about the desired changes in your life that will come when he goes to work. Together with him, analyze what prevents him from doing this and how to overcome it. Make a list of your spouse's strengths with him, and then his self-confidence will increase.

    Sometimes playing “weak woman” can be effective. What is the best tonic? Responsibility for another. Show your husband how much you need him. Let him know that there are some things you cannot do without his help and support. Complain about your boss and overtime. Ask your man to help you in some difficult matter. Perhaps this is what will give your husband the feeling of strength and courage necessary to look for a new job.

    You can also help him with some steps in the right direction. For example, buy a newspaper with job advertisements or find several suitable vacancies on the Internet. Yes, of course, I want him to do this himself, but sometimes it’s so difficult to start something alone and so easy together! You can also help him write a good, competent resume and post it on the Internet - perhaps the first responses will make him shake up. An effective way to find a job is also to notify your friends about it. It just so happens that in our country many people work “through acquaintances,” and we must try to take advantage of this resource.

    If time passes and your husband still doesn’t want to work, you can behave in a more rigid manner. Just no need for scandals and screams - just keep all the money you earn for yourself, and don’t give your husband a penny. If he asks for fifty rubles for cigarettes, tell him how expensive everything is these days. Ideally, after some time it should dawn on him that sitting without money is not an option, and that he should begin to be responsible for your family.

    Of course, the very first thing should be an honest and open conversation about your life together. You can express to him your dissatisfaction with the current situation - just not in terms of “you are bad”, but “I get upset when you...” and “I would like...”. This does not sound offensive and, at the same time, clarifies the situation and your feelings well.

    If all these methods do not help, and the wait is prolonged, most likely, your husband is simply comfortable living the way he lives. And in this case, it is time for you to think about whether you want things to remain as they are. It is quite possible that a husband who works and feeds the family is a social stereotype that does not work for you. Maybe you want to redistribute family roles: your partner will take care of the home, and you will take care of your career and finances? Let your husband cook, wash, clean and sit with the children, and you will come tired after work, take a bath and watch TV. For some families, this option is very suitable.

    However, let's face it - this happens quite rarely. And if your man is not driven to unemployment by some temporary reasons, then he is unlikely to change and start working hard like Papa Carlo. It is possible that he has never been particularly hard-working, and you have always turned a blind eye to this, secretly hoping that he will change. So – people don’t change! They choose a way that is convenient for them and live their lives. How long can you hope for change - six months, a year, five years? Therefore, if you are not ready to put up with the situation, put the question bluntly: either me or idleness. Just don’t manipulate it - it really should be a balanced decision of an adult. If your husband chooses a sofa, then start a new happy life with peace of mind. What can you do, you can’t do everything for him!

    For many families, the period when the husband is unemployed becomes a crisis. A man suffers from his own inferiority, a woman from uncertainty and sudden financial restrictions. In this situation, you cannot focus on your own suffering - it is important to remember that he is also a human being. However, you shouldn’t delay with sympathy and support - there is a chance that this will turn into your usual way of life. Therefore, you face the most difficult task: finding the delicate balance between care and stimulation. But you will definitely succeed - it’s worth remembering at least the well-known saying: “A man is the head, and a woman is the neck.” Wherever he wants, he will turn there.”

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Every man must raise a son and build a house in his life. But besides this, he still has a direct responsibility to provide his family with everything they need. And when the husband has difficult times at work or has to look for another place of employment, the whole family, willy-nilly, finds itself in a difficult financial situation. It’s also good if there is help from parents and the woman in the family contributes a significant part of the family budget. But in the case when she is on maternity leave or is also temporarily unemployed, then both adults and children have to experience serious hardships and lack of income.

In such cases, you have to urgently look for a job, even though there are no suitable options at the moment. But just how can I explain this to my husband, who for some reason does not want to fulfill his direct duties right now and run headlong after the “prey” and look for at least some source of finance?

Why does the job search take so long?

It’s not easy for wives in such situations, because all the “disadvantages” of not working are experienced by children to the fullest. After all, they need to be well fed, clothed, shoed and paid for for various clubs, sections and additional classes. In addition, it is much more difficult for young children to explain why their mother suddenly won’t buy their favorite ice cream or candy today and why they have had to eat only potatoes and pasta for a month. After all, logically, everything is simple, if you don’t have enough money, then you just need to go and find a job. But in practice, everything turns out to be not so easy.

The search is being delayed for many reasons. And here it’s different for everyone in their families, some of the husbands really go out of their way to find at least some kind of income option, while others just pretend that they are looking for work, but in fact they are perfectly happy with this situation business

The main reasons for temporary difficulties in finding work for men:

  1. A man wants to immediately find a decent option with good pay and a convenient schedule, and not to survive on difficult and worthless part-time jobs.
  2. My husband is completely satisfied with the situation when he seems to be looking for a job, but in fact spends most of his time at home. Because the wife herself has learned to “get out” of a difficult situation, she asks for help from her parents or friends and will never leave the family to go hungry.
  3. The man has a bad experience with official employment. Perhaps he already had a good job with decent pay, but for some reason he had to quit or because of some unpleasant situation he was forced to quit. And now he is afraid of repeating previous mistakes and is looking for alternative forms of income.

Way out

In fact, temporary financial difficulties arise periodically in every family. Most often they are associated with moving to another city or quitting an old job and looking for a new one. But only some of the representatives of the stronger half of humanity know how to quickly find a way out of the current situation, while others simply prefer to take a “time out” and relax. And in this case, all responsibilities for providing the family with food and everything necessary fall entirely on the women’s shoulders. What should a wife do in such a situation, and how can she convince her husband that he needs to pull himself together as soon as possible and find a source of income for the family?

Of course, you need to look for an approach to your husband based on the situation. We do not consider cases where the husband is sick or temporarily unable to work. We only accept the fact that the husband is healthy, full of strength, but for some reason stubbornly refuses to go to work.

  1. The first thing you need to do, if you see that your husband is being a philanderer and is in no hurry to look for a job, stop dragging everything on yourself. Do not look for additional help from parents and relatives in the form of food and finances. Present the situation in fact and say that today the family will be left without dinner because there is simply no money for food. Believe me, after 2-3 days of eating only pasta, the husband will at least begin to think about looking for additional temporary income.
  2. If there is a situation in your family where there is enough money thanks to a good salary or the wife’s earnings, and the husband sees that everything is fine and there is no rush to go to work, then offer him a fair option. Since he is sitting at home and has a lot of spare time freed up, let him completely take care of everyday life and raising children. He will do the cleaning, prepare dinner and learn homework with his daughter or son. It is unlikely that a self-respecting man will agree to remain in the role of a housewife for a long time and will quickly rush to find a more worthy occupation.
  3. Male psychology is very subtle, so you should convince your husband that he is the only breadwinner in the family and all hope is on him, but this should not be done intrusively. You should not openly criticize and scold a man for not being able to provide for his family. On the contrary, he should feel your support and respect. Be sure to take part in resolving the issue. Help him find a suitable option, write a resume, etc.
  4. Avoid the phrases “you must” and “you must.” They will only aggravate the situation and strain your relationship to the limit. It’s better to have a heart-to-heart talk with your husband and find out what he would like to do and what he is ready to do for this.

Helping a man find a job quickly is only possible if he himself understands the seriousness of the problem and takes at least some action to correct the financial situation. Here the wife can very easily influence the husband’s behavior. And if the understanding that the family needs to be fed and adequately provided with everything necessary does not come to a man, then it is worth thinking about whether you need a head of the family who is not at all concerned about the needs and happy future of his relatives.

Just 100 years ago, the main function of a woman was to procreate and keep the home. But the man was responsible for providing for the family, for everything related to income. However, times are changing, and now ladies are often more successful than their other halves. Against this background, the question of how to get your husband to work sounds even more relevant. What techniques can come to a woman’s aid without ruining the relationship?

Why my husband doesn’t work: objective reasons

How to force your husband to work and earn money if he does not want to do this? First, let's try to find out the reason why a man refuses to take on financial obligations. They can be both objective and subjective. What reasons can be called a truly serious obstacle to ambition?

As you can see, there are no objective reasons for staying at home for a long time. In what cases should a woman sound the alarm? If a man cannot find a job for a long time and does not even try to earn money through various hacks, this is a sure sign of an imminent crisis.

If your significant other constantly goes to interviews and studies vacancies, you should not panic. Sometimes, to find your dream profession you have to wait a little. For some people, their job search drags on for a couple of months, and during such periods a woman will have to provide a man not only material, but also moral assistance.

It is important to see that a person is in search and wants to benefit the family. If there is no such feeling, then we are most likely talking about the subjective reasons for male laziness.

Why my husband doesn’t work: subjective reasons

Representatives of the fairer sex encounter this problem much more often. Still, if a man is really looking, sooner or later he will find a suitable vacancy. The same person who simply does not want to work will come up with a whole series of subjective reasons for his laziness. Here are just the main ones:

It’s worth saying right away that a hack is capable of coming up with a thousand excuses for his laziness. He may claim that he is offended by his boss's attitude, that he is not valued in any job, and that his talents are not fully developed. However, all these are just excuses, not reasons for hackwork.

A decent man who has been unemployed for a long time will go to work in a low-paid job just to bring home at least some money. At the same time, he will continue to look for more suitable vacancies.

It is laziness that for the most part makes men slack. Still, it’s much easier to lie on the couch and watch TV than to improve in a certain area.

Of course, dealing with such a character trait is not at all easy, but psychologists still give some advice on this matter. How can you overcome male laziness and send your lover to work?

The psychological moment is very important. A man must feel inferior because he does not have a job. However, you cannot go too far, otherwise you can destroy the relationship. A representative of the stronger sex should feel guilty for staying at home for a long time, but his self-esteem should not be completely destroyed.

You can also involve relatives and friends in the matter, who in a humorous format should hint to the man about the need to look for work.

Psychologists advise regularly communicating with a man, finding out what he wants from life. If your partner has a goal, a dream, then everything is not so bad. Sooner or later, such a person will find an area in which he can realize himself. But if a person is not interested in anything and does not know what he wants to do, he will always have problems with work.

How to get your husband to work and earn money: finding the right approach

If a man’s laziness knows no bounds, and a woman is tired of enduring this trash, she needs to take active action. However, you need to put pressure on your significant other wisely, taking into account the characteristics of your partner’s character. Here are just a few methods of influence:

You can force a man to work in a radical way: quit yourself. If a woman loses her job, the family will still need money to pay expenses. In such a situation, the man will be forced to go to work. However, this drastic technique is not for everyone.

It is much more rational to constantly put pressure on your partner’s ambitions, to emphasize that he needs to move forward, achieve something, and take action. A man must understand that while he stands still, there will be no talk of any achievements or public respect.

Once a partner gets a job, it is important to support him in the first days of service. It is worth sympathizing with a tired man, emphasizing that he is changing his life for the better. Feeling the support of your other half, it will be easier for your partner to work.

How to help your husband find a job

Psychologists emphasize that it is possible to persuade a man to go to work, but he will do it without desire, as if under pressure. That is why at the job search stage you cannot do everything for your partner. If a woman finds a job, calls herself and goes with her husband for an interview, it won’t do any good. A man himself must want to not just work, but work for a promotion.

What kind of help to your partner in finding a job will be correct in terms of long-term results?

Men need praise, and they always feel the sincerity of a woman's attitude. If a lady sends her lover all the vacancies in a row, without thinking about his wishes, this will not lead to anything good. Moreover, going to unnecessary interviews will only delay your job search.

It is also recommended to support your partner in everything. If he doesn’t get a call from the interview, he should not give up and start looking for a new job. During this period, not only the girl’s activity is important, but also her sincere support. If a lady worries about a man’s work as if it were her own, he will definitely find his dream job.

Feminine energy to inspire a man

Undoubtedly, a long absence from work is a great stress for a man. Representatives of the fairer sex are taught from childhood that they should be stronger and more successful than their women. However, in modern families, sometimes the situation is different.

It is important here that the woman charges the man with her psychological energy. She must show with all her appearance that there is a job if you look for it. A lady should be ambitious, active, and genuinely enjoy her work. A man will see that a woman comes home from work satisfied and will definitely want to immerse herself in the world of work.

If all the woman’s efforts are in vain, and the man is still sitting without work, you should think about his diligence. It is quite possible that the partner simply does not want to work, and this cannot be done without a serious conversation. A representative of the stronger sex must understand that a family is a machine powered by the energy of both partners, and if this balance is upset, the ship of love can easily fail.

Marina, Rostov-on-Don

Sometimes in your personal life certain difficulties, which need to be solved competently and comprehensively. What to do if your loved one absolutely does not want to go to? What to do in this situation? Of course, we should not forget that a man is an individual with his own requirements, principles and views, so you should not put pressure and try to humiliate. If you truly value your loved one, you will never reproach them.

We will talk about those couples who live together, but have not yet officially formalized their relationship. In a couple, both people always compete. Sometimes this happens on a subconscious level, because the desire to prove one’s superiority will constantly haunt both men and women. Therefore, if your loved one does not want to bring money into the house, he will try to show his leadership in the relationship. This is where problems arise, because only a few women want to listen to reproaches and discontent. Let's first look at the reasons for the behavior of such men.

Why doesn't a man want to work?

1. He accepted his defeat and gave in to his girlfriend, so he doesn’t want to go to work. It often happens that both members of a couple work, but after a while they understand: they need to live together, start a family and make plans for the future. If a woman, after a certain period of time, has proven herself to be a higher-paid specialist than her beloved, then the man’s self-esteem can go to zero. Most likely, in this case, he will quit his old job and sit at home all day.

Over time he understands, which cannot in any way overtake you in the ability to make money and simply gives up. There may be a lot of excuses for looking for a new job: low salary, uninteresting type of activity, lack of team cohesion, etc. He will try with all his might to stop competing with you, even on a subconscious level.

2. Believes that existing vacancies are not what he deserves, so he does not want to get a job. In this case, the problem is in upbringing, because many years ago his mother constantly insisted that he was the best and should get everything from life. Often such men, even in childhood, made incredible plans, impossible tasks and dreamed of transcendental happiness.

Time has passed and your beloved young man faced various life difficulties and obstacles, but cannot understand that this is inevitable. This is where various depressions, worries and fears begin. Of course, most vacancies seem ridiculous to him, because few people will be attracted by a clear work schedule and a small salary, but sometimes even the most romantic representative of the stronger sex needs to come down from heaven.

3. He simply doesn’t want to spend his precious time “wiping his pants in the office” for a meager salary, so he doesn’t want to. In fact, sometimes it’s just a matter of laziness of the person with whom you started a relationship. Sometimes women try to find an excuse for their beloved boyfriend or husband when it turns out that he is simply too lazy to go and earn money. In this case, it is difficult to change anything significantly, because you need to start with discipline and a clear regime.

4. He can't recover from his previous job. It often happens that a person is fired with general disgrace. Often this situation leads to the appearance of serious complexes among representatives of the stronger sex. In this case, it is worth waiting a couple of months until your loved one recovers from the terrible situation and finds new strength for work. If the symptoms of anxiety do not go away after time, you should contact a professional psychologist.

How to solve the problem of a loved one’s lack of desire to work?

- Take some time away from work or If this is not possible, say that you are collecting money for something. This way, you will limit the guy financially and let him know that it’s simply hard for you to carry two adults on you. In the end, any working woman has the right to an expensive purchase, if it is her own earned money. Sooner or later, a financially strapped man will understand that he needs to do something and not sit at home waiting for a miracle.

- Help your loved one find a job. You need to show maximum patience and understanding in order to achieve success in this matter. Often a man deliberately ignores interesting profitable vacancies, delaying the time to go to work. To notice this pattern of behavior in time, be sure to take part in the search for a suitable vacancy. Visit a newsstand and buy a magazine with advertisements, arm yourself with the phone numbers of friends who could theoretically help and register on sites with a list of vacancies in your city. If you fail to find a job within a few days, apply for the newsletter to immediately receive information about interesting vacancies.

- In the event that a man claims that with his education there is no possibility of finding a decent job, invite him to attend courses. Women often forget that there are specialists who can help in acquiring new knowledge. Today there are a lot of different electives, courses and trainings. Find out in advance exactly what knowledge your loved one lacks to go to work, and feel free to start looking for suitable courses.

- Reconsider your attitude towards him. It often happens that a woman, with her reproaches and demands, simply destroys all male pride and honor. If you want your loved one to work and feel like a breadwinner, you will have to put up with a small salary, late arrival home and a not very proud sign on his office door. Women who have learned to give a man inspiration and help with their support often inspire serious actions. Learn to respect his choice of profession, modest salary and inability to react with aggression to the boss’s reproaches. If you allow him to prove his superiority and success, he will do it. All you need is time, your love and understanding.

- And finally, if he is a simple slacker who does not respect his beloved and himself, then just gather your strength and break up with this person. A man who forces his woman to bring money into the house, while he watches TV and surfs the Internet all day, is not worthy of either respect or love. Reconsider your views and try to understand that a real man will not allow himself to behave like this.