Children's makeup for a photo shoot for 10 years. Beautiful makeup for children: step-by-step instructions, interesting ideas and recommendations. Light makeup for green eyes

When do girls start transitional age, they are trying to get as close to adulthood as possible. And first of all, they do this with the help of cosmetics. Mom's dressing tables or older sister are rapidly becoming devastated, teachers are kicked out of classes for wearing war paint, and make-up like Harley Quinn makes many talk about the debauchery of modern youth.

What should makeup be like for teenagers so that the rights of growing girls are not infringed and at the same time they look in accordance with their age?


Lightness, naturalness, freshness, emphasizing youth and camouflage problem skin- these are the tasks that teenage makeup should solve.

The mother of the growing lady should first get to know all its features, and at the age of 10-11, tell her about them herself. At the same time, expensive, high-quality cosmetics, the shades of which are best chosen by adults, would be an excellent gift. This way you will be sure that nothing unnecessary will appear on your daughter’s skin, and your products will remain safe and sound.

What do you need?

  1. Without proper care No skin will look natural. Therefore, it is so important to provide her with daily cleansing and moisturizing.
  2. Choice - , mineral cosmetics High Quality.
  3. If you have rashes, choose medicinal decorative products with vitamins and extracts of tea tree, aloe, chamomile, and string. For single pimples, you can use concealer spot on.
  4. For eye makeup for teenagers, shadows in natural shades are recommended: beige, peach, cream, sand, mint, nude, soft pink.
  5. It is better to avoid pencils and eyeliners as part of everyday makeup: arrows make the look heavier.
  6. Instead of colored mascara before school, it is better to apply it to your eyelashes clear gel with vitamins, which makes them longer, fuller, thicker, and gives tenderness to the look.
  7. Lipstick will be replaced by lip gloss to emphasize the freshness of youth. Even more suitable for of this age option - balm.

What's prohibited?

  1. Cosmetics from mom or older sister.
  2. All cheap products are of dubious quality.
  3. A thick layer of dense, heavy foundation.
  4. Bright shades of eye shadow and lipstick.
  5. False, eyelash extensions.
  6. Red lipstick.

To avoid worsening the condition of problematic skin, teenagers should wash off their makeup every day before going to bed and never go to bed with makeup on their face (read our article on how to do this correctly and what is best for these purposes).

We collect our cosmetics bag. From the age of 14, teenagers can use shimmering shadows for formal makeup, which will look attractive and gentle on a young face. One of the best options is Twinkle (matte), Satin (satin), Frost (with glitter) or Opal (holographic) from Era Minerals (USA). Estimated cost - $15.

Make-up for different ages

Depending on the age of the teenager, stylists give advice on how to make their makeup unobtrusive and natural.

The main lines in the makeup of girls 12-13 years old are a minimum of cosmetics and maximum naturalness of shades.

  1. Rashes are masked with concealer, which is applied pointwise - exclusively to problem areas.
  2. Instead of foundation - delicate mineral powder.
  3. Shadow palette: nude, mint, beige, peach shades.
  4. Colored mascara is still prohibited, otherwise in a couple of years they will become thinner, begin to break and fall out. It’s better to use a medicinal vitamin for now.
  5. Lipstick can be peach-colored or even replaced with a small amount of transparent gloss.

At this stage, the mother conducts master classes with the teenager, teaching her how to use various devices. This First stage forming a girl’s personal cosmetic bag.

At the time of first love, at 14-15 years old, teenagers want to stand out from the crowd with bright colors. And here you need to take control of the intensity of shadows, arrows and lipstick.

And the peak of the hormonal surge due to puberty forces girls to apply a thick layer of foundation to their skin, which further worsens its condition. Don't let this happen.

  1. Foundation is still prohibited. Rashes need to be treated, not masked if there are too many of them.
  2. The palette of shadows becomes more diverse: it includes light blue, cream, green, light brown shades.
  3. For evening makeup It is allowed to paint eyelashes with colored mascara in 1 layer.
  4. Lipstick - peach, pink. Gloss with a moisturizing effect will make the image of a young lady very attractive.

Active replenishment of the cosmetic bag continues.

At the age of 16, teenagers no longer look so desperate and calm down a little. By this age, girls should know the basics of makeup.

  1. Included in cosmetic bag Foundation light texture.
  2. For evening makeup, eyeliner would be appropriate, but not black: it’s quite possible to limit yourself to gray or brown.
  3. Colored (preferably brown) mascara is applied to the eyelashes in 1 layer.
  4. You can start working with your eyebrows - highlight them with color, look for a suitable shape for them.

It is very difficult to decide what the first make-up should be for a teenager - both stylists and parents argue about this. Some argue that it is better to introduce girls no earlier than 16 years of age. Others have been tinting their little princesses since they were 10 years old. Many makeup artists include black eyeliner in the list of taboos for this age group, but if you look at teenagers at a disco, long arrows and smokey eyes are on every second one.

These moments depend on the mother’s upbringing and ability to use cosmetics, which she must pass on to her daughter.

Into the cosmetic bag. Mineral powder from Zeitun (Jordan) has a light texture and does not interfere with skin breathing. This company also sells foundations and BB creams that can be used by teenagers.


What style makeup options for teenage girls do makeup artists offer? There aren't many of them. There is no need to forbid them to wear makeup to school. During adolescence, this will result in rebellion and you will receive that same war paint in response. To avoid this, teach your daughter three different directions in make-up that will correspond to the environment that will surround her: school, everyday and evening.

General points

  1. Wash with antibacterial foam.
  2. Cleanse your face with a tonic for teenagers (with anti-inflammatory effect).
  3. Apply.
  4. Apply makeup only after 15 minutes.
  5. Start with concealer, which is applied pointwise to problem areas.
  6. Upon completion, it is better to consult with an adult how it turned out.

To school

  1. Concealing imperfections with concealer.
  2. Applying mineral powder, which needs to be thoroughly rubbed on the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. A sponge or wide brush is used for this purpose.
  3. Comb your eyebrows, lightly draw them in with a brown pencil (if necessary). If the hairs are unruly, gel/wax/lipstick will help fix the shape.
  4. It is better not to use shadows for school for teenagers under 16 years of age. In grades 10-11, it is allowed to do nude makeup with peach or light brown shades, which are applied only to the moving part of the upper eyelid.
  5. The same goes for eyeliner - it is only appropriate in older adolescence. Using a sharp brown pencil, draw a thin arrow on both eyelids (more details).
  6. The upper eyelashes are painted in a single layer with medicinal or colored mascara in 1 layer. Do not touch the lower ones.
  7. Peach blush is applied to the cheekbones with light movements.
  8. Transparent glitter completes the school makeup look.


  1. Concealer can cover not only rashes, but also circles under the eyes.
  2. Mineral powder can be applied in a thicker layer, and it must contain a UPF filter, since makeup for every day is usually done by teenagers for outings.
  3. Put in order .
  4. Shadows of the most natural shades (beige, light brown, peach, light pink) are applied to the entire eyelid area up to the eyebrows. On the moving part - darker ones (brown, sand, gold). The outer corners of the eyes are decorated with the darkest shadows (coffee, copper, chocolate).
  5. For the older age group, ultra-thin, short brown arrows are allowed.
  6. Medicinal or colored soft mascara is applied to the upper eyelashes in 1 layer. The lower ones are not painted over.
  7. Faint blush is shaded with a wide brush along the cheekbones.
  8. Light lip makeup is completed with a moisturizing balm (preferably) or gloss in a neutral shade.

To the disco

  1. All rashes and circles under the eyes are carefully masked with concealer.
  2. If the skin is very problematic, to even out its relief, it is allowed to use a foundation (mineral) or.
  3. Mineral powder is applied with a sponge.
  4. A brown pencil draws a clear outline of the eyebrows, which is best filled in with appropriate shadows. Fix their shape with gel.
  5. Paint over the entire eyelid area up to the eyebrows with light brown shadows. The moving eyelid is dark brown. Draw a line along the fold with a brown pencil. Highlight the outer corner with dark chocolate. Use a brush to shade all this splendor.
  6. Sand shadows can be used to slightly highlight the lower eyelids.
  7. Using a dark brown pencil, neat arrows of medium thickness are drawn along the outer and lower eyelids.
  8. Eyelashes are painted with brown mascara in 1 layer.
  9. Cream lipstick will fit perfectly into this make-up. Fix it on top with transparent glitter.
  10. Sand blush with shimmer will complete the evening look.
  11. Since you are going to shine at the disco after all, a little glitter won’t hurt. In small quantities they can be sprinkled on the tips of the eyebrows or temples. In moderate quantities, you can use a luminizer or bronzer.

Lightness, maximum naturalness, translucency - these are the features makeup for teenagers 12-16 years old should have. Mothers should take an active part in its creation, and not turn a blind eye to unsuccessful attempts. Help the girl with the choice of cosmetics and image, instill in her a sense of taste - this will be an excellent springboard for her in adult life. And the more likely she will be to look her age at any event.

Girls want to be beautiful at any age. In adolescence, liking yourself and others becomes even more important. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to properly use cosmetics and get acquainted with the tricks of applying school makeup for teenagers.

For middle school girls - 6, 7, 8, you can only wear light, natural and elegant makeup for school. You can read in more detail about this type of make-up below, and you will also find tips: step-by-step instruction for performing daytime and formal makeup.

The first rule that a little woman needs to remember is that beautiful school makeup will not work without well-groomed skin. In adolescence, the skin is prone to the appearance of rashes and acne, so a toner and lotion for problem skin should appear on the girl’s shelf. And in winter there should be a cream that will save your face from chapping.

Daily facial care is very important to look beautiful even without makeup. Girls aged 12 should not use foundations and powder - these are too “heavy” cosmetics for young skin and school makeup in general.

Special attention e It’s worth taking the time to get acquainted with makeup brushes, how to care for them, and how to make eyelashes beautiful without resorting to using mascara. This is done using a curling machine.

Main principle school makeup for teenagers 13, 14 years old - a minimum of decorative products.

Girls at this age can get acquainted with the eyebrow correction procedure. But this is not at all necessary. Better eyebrows do not paint, you can add a little brightness with shadows.

School makeup for girls 12 or 13 years old is best done using hypoallergenic cosmetics in delicate pastel colors.

By the way, if the student is very young, but wants to show off in an interesting way, then you can put on special makeup for children.

But, already at the age of 14, makeup for school can be done with more “adult” cosmetics. It is better to use products based on mineral components - they are more gentle on young skin.

In school makeup for teenagers, makeup artists advise eliminating eye pencils, because using them requires skill, and winged eyeliner can make the look overloaded.

Eye makeup for school is done with shadows of natural colors (beige, peach). It is better to replace mascara with a gel base that strengthens eyelashes. Instead of lipstick, use lip gloss - transparent or soft colors.

Everyday makeup

For girls at that age, it’s better to keep it simple invisible makeup to school, and it’s better not to overuse makeup at all. Maximum - colorless or with a slight pinkish hygienic lipstick.

How to beautifully do makeup for school for girls in grades 6, 7, 8? Just follow these steps:

  1. Moisturizing and cleansing facial skin treatments are carried out.
  2. Tidy up your eyebrows: comb, if desired, fix their shape with gel.
  3. Shadows close to natural shades are applied to the moving eyelid and carefully shaded.
  4. Eyelashes are curled with a curling machine or a transparent strengthening gel is applied. Girls 13-14 years old can rarely wear makeup for school using mascara. But you need to use it in small quantities. The effect of eyelash extensions is extremely undesirable.
  5. Lips should be painted with hygienic lipstick or transparent gloss.

At step by step execution When using makeup for school, girls 12, 13 or 14 years old can create a look that is gentle and appropriate for the setting.

Video: everyday makeup for girls 13 and 14 years old.

Festive make-up

If an important event is expected ahead, then a girl of 12, 13, 14 years old can afford delicate formal makeup for school. The main thing is to maintain harmony and not overdo it.

This is how you can do light makeup for school:

  1. The skin is cleansed and moisturized. You can use concealer to disguise “problem” areas.
  2. Apply blush in a soft pink shade to create a subtle glow on your cheeks.
  3. Apply peach or pink shades to the upper eyelid. Draw a line with a brown pencil and shade it well so that the eye makeup does not seem overloaded.
  4. Elegant makeup for school for teenagers 13-14 years old can be done by applying mascara. But you must follow the rule - the shade of the mascara should be as close as possible to the natural color of the eyelashes.
  5. Eyebrows can be filled in with a brown pencil or eyeshadow.
  6. Paint your lips with gloss in soft colors. If you are doing makeup for school for a 12-year-old girl, then it is better to use colorless or hygienic lipstick or gloss.

Video: beautiful festive makeup for girls in grades 7 and 8.

Makeup for high school students

Girls at this age can afford more experiments and interesting solutions. The main thing is that the resulting image meets the standards of the educational institution and does not cause protest from parents.

The main principle remains healthy, well-groomed skin. Therefore, it is worth purchasing products that are suitable for the skin type of young creatures.

Concerning decorative cosmetics, you can conduct small experiments. At the age of 15-17 years, girls consider themselves adults, they want to stand out from the crowd. And even despite the assumption of experiments, makeup for school should be light and not provocative.

You can use light foundation, eye and eyebrow pencil Brown, ink. However, when making up for school for teenagers, you should avoid bright lipstick, “smoky ice” - on the face of a young girl such a color will look unnatural and inappropriate.

It is best, in addition to the natural range of shadows and pencils, to choose gloss - transparent or light tones.

At this age (as at any other), we must not forget that you should always wash off everything at night. cosmetical tools. This will allow young skin to remain healthy and beautiful.

In spring, for teenage make-up, you can use more bright colors than in the cold season. In winter, you need to take care of protecting your skin from hypothermia and chapping using a nourishing cream.

Everyday makeup

Everyday makeup for school for girls in high school (i.e. 9th, 10th, 11th grade) should be neutral. It should emphasize the advantages and in no case overload the face.

Step-by-step instructions for doing makeup for school for girls 15, 16, 17 years old:

  1. Concealer is applied to previously cleansed and moisturized skin to hide “problem” areas.
  2. Apply a light foundation and carefully blend in the area of ​​the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. But if you plan to wear very light makeup for school, then a 9th grade student can refuse foundation.
  3. Eyebrows are combed and drawn with a special pencil. It is very important that the shade of this product matches the color, otherwise there will be a color imbalance.
  4. Beige or peach shadows are applied to the upper eyelid.
  5. The lower eyelid is emphasized with light brown shadows.
  6. Using a brown pencil, draw a thin line along the eyelash line on the upper eyelid and slightly emphasize the lower eyelid.
  7. The upper eyelashes are painted with mascara in one layer.
  8. Cheekbones are emphasized with peach-colored blush.
  9. Transparent gloss is applied to the lips.

Everyday school makeup for 16-17 year old students should be kept as neutral as possible. Bright details will look out of place in an educational setting. But for various special occasions you can please yourself and add bright notes.

Festive make-up for high school girls

This type of makeup is easy to do. Just follow the instructions:

  1. You should apply concealer to make your skin look perfect. If desired, you can use foundation for school holiday makeup, especially if it is done by a 16-17 year old student.
  2. For eye makeup, use shades of shadows, as in everyday makeup, but they can be applied more intensely. They can also highlight the lower eyelid.
  3. If you wish, you can draw an arrow for school makeup. It will highlight the look and make it more pronounced.
  4. Eyelashes are painted with light brown or gray mascara.
  5. You can apply a soft lipstick or gloss on your lips.

Beautiful make-up to school for students aged 15-17 will help support festive mood and atmosphere.

Video: perfect makeup for a holiday to a school for girls 15-16 years old.

Makeup for school can be done for different situations, for example, on September 1, New Year, ending school year, March 8, for some joyful events, for a disco, for a photo shoot for the school album.

But we must not forget that school makeup should be light and natural. Its main task is to highlight all the charm of a young face. And if you follow all the tips and recommendations, you can easily create beautiful makeup for school.

By the way, we can’t forget about hairstyles! How to make beautiful and appropriate hairstyles for school!

In contact with

Schoolgirls want to look more mature, so they start using cosmetics early and often overdo it with the amount of it. It is important to master the art of makeup in your youth, to learn how to properly disguise imperfections and emphasize your natural beauty without overloading the skin.

Teenage cosmetics for girls

The main mistake parents make is prohibiting the use of decorative products. From the age of 12, a girl’s body experiences hormonal surges, which change not only her character and perception of her own appearance, but also the condition of the epidermis. Skin reacts to periods menstrual cycle, prone to redness and pigmentation. Light makeup for every day for teenagers - in most cases a necessity, not a whim. It will help hide existing defects and feel comfortable among peers.

Teenage cosmetics are significantly different from decorative products for adult women. It has the following features:

  • non-comedogenic;
  • safe composition;
  • minimum amount of pigments;
  • light texture;
  • translucent coating.

Makeup for girls should be natural, in nude style. You will need a number of high-quality cosmetic products developed taking into account the nuances of young skin:

  • , especially green;
  • primer or (instead of foundations and powders);
  • concealer;
  • shadows for eyebrows and eyelids;
  • gel or mascara;
  • soft ;
  • hygienic lipstick and translucent gloss.

How to do light makeup for teenagers?

While the girl is still learning how to put on makeup, she will need the help of her mother or a professional cosmetologist. It is advisable to have the first make-up and selection of eyebrow shape done by a specialist. The master will clearly show how to create light makeup for teenagers and give advice good cosmetics and will teach some important subtleties of using and storing decorative products. In the future, the girl herself will develop the necessary skills and will be able to distinguish the correct makeup from the vulgar “war paint”.

How to do school makeup for teenagers for every day:

  1. Cover redness and pimples with a green concealer.

  2. Hide dark circles under the eyes and pigmentation from post-acne with a small amount of light concealer. Blend well.

  3. If necessary, lightly highlight the eyebrow line with shadows. Cosmetics should be 1-1.5 shades lighter than hair.

  4. Treat the upper eyelid with matte beige shadows.

  5. Use a soft brush to remove any loose makeup.

  6. Use a brown pencil to highlight the lash line (without arrows).

  7. Use mascara.

  8. Apply lipstick or neutral gloss to your lips.

Makeup for brown eyes for teenagers

Cosmetologists advise young women with dark or coffee-colored irises to highlight the growth line of the upper eyelashes. In this case, beautiful and light makeup for teenagers involves the use of a black or brown soft pencil and mascara of a similar shade. Shadows must be selected matte, without shimmer, to match the skin tone - warm, “autumn” colors:

  • beige;
  • golden brown;
  • bodily;
  • light brown.

Teenage makeup for every day does not require the use of bright lipsticks and lip pencils. The most neutral and unnoticeable products look harmonious:

  • transparent shine;
  • chapstick
  • lip balm.

Light makeup for green eyes

The beauty of an emerald iris of any shade can be easily emphasized with a black or brown pencil. To perform a simple and gentle makeup For green eyes, you will additionally need light shadows; you can use slightly pearlescent products in the following colors:

  • lactic;
  • bodily;
  • light beige;
  • golden brown.

Makeup artists recommend completing makeup for teenage girls with green eyes with translucent hygienic lipstick with a pinkish tint. Glosses and balms of this color look beautiful. At the same time, these cosmetics gently care for the skin of the lips, prevent chapping and flaking of the epidermis, and help heal small cracks.

Light makeup for blue eyes

For girls with the iris color in question, restrained “cold” colors are suitable. Neat everyday makeup for blue eyes– this is the line of the upper eyelid slightly outlined with a black pencil and the eyelashes emphasized with mascara. If desired, you can enhance the shade of the iris with light shadows with pearl. The following colors are suitable:

  • white;
  • light beige;
  • lactic;
  • pale blue;
  • light pink.

In this case, it is better not to make the lip tone too saturated. Makeup artists advise applying to them:

  • transparent shine;
  • balm with mother of pearl;
  • hygienic lipstick.

Light makeup for gray eyes

There are several shades of the presented iris color. If it is dark and rich, everyday makeup for gray eyes limited to tinting eyelashes with black mascara and imperceptibly emphasizing the eyebrow line. For girls with light irises, the shape of the eyelids and eyelash growth area can be more emphasized. A black or dark gray soft pencil is suitable for this. If desired, you can apply a thin layer of translucent silver eyeshadow to your eyelids.

In this situation, lip makeup for girls involves adding a warm tone:

  • soft pink glitter;
  • light peach balm;
  • hygienic lipstick, pale coral color.

Evening makeup for teenagers

Every girl dreams of feeling like a princess, especially on the eve of the next school prom or graduation. Everyday discreet makeup for teenagers in such cases will be too ordinary and faded. Experienced cosmetologists advise adhering to the following rules when performing evening makeup:

  1. Do not use sculpting. The girl needs to even out her skin tone and hide imperfections.
  2. Highlight the eyes. You can use bright eyeshadow colors, extend fluffy eyelashes, or decorate your eyelids with sparkles (for example, for a masquerade party).
  3. Lightly highlight the lips. Beautiful makeup for teenagers should be more natural than an adult's. You should choose delicate shades of lipsticks (pink, peach), abandoning trendy ones. dark tones(red, marsala and similar).

Makeup for a disco for teenagers

Club makeup is catchy and bright, it is noticeable in minimal lighting. It is important that teenage makeup for a disco meets these requirements and at the same time is not vulgar. Stylists recommend highlighting the eyes, as when doing evening make-up, but using darker and more saturated colors. Club makeup for girls can be done in the following ways:

  • smoky eyes;
  • white shadows and black pencil, lush eyelashes;
  • eyeliner that glows in ultraviolet light;
  • copious amounts of glitter on the upper eyelid.

As she grows up, the girl increasingly shows a desire to put on makeup. This is due to the features psychological development, because there comes a period when it is very important for a girl to look no worse than her friends, and also to have the first impulses of being liked by the boys. If you treat such desires negatively, nothing good will come of it. The well-known spirit of contradiction, which is especially rampant in teenagers, will come into play.

No matter how strongly the parents prohibit it, the daughter will still put on makeup, but not at home, but at school during recess or even on the street. And whether her makeup will be appropriate for her age and situation is a rather controversial question.

The first steps in mastering the art of being a woman

At the age of approximately 9–10 years, most girls actively develop a desire to apply makeup. This is a signal for the mother that it is time to tell her daughter about the features of caring for young skin and the specifics of using decorative cosmetics for girls.

Makeup for school and for a holiday are two completely different things.

The first thing you need to understand is that makeup can be casual and festive.

  • Everyday can be applied every day. It should not be bright and provocative, but only slightly emphasizing natural beauty girls. The goal is not to get a painted doll, which sometimes even has a vulgar appearance, but to present its advantages as advantageously as possible. No need to emphasize everything!
  • Festive makeup is used for special occasions. At the age of 10, such an occasion could be an autumn ball or New Year. This make-up option already allows for bright colors, rich shades, and contrast of application. A similar option is also used for girls at various theatrical and sports performances, where they should look more impressive for filming with a photo and video camera.

Teaching a sense of proportion

Of course, you can wear makeup at the age of 10, but this does not mean that several layers of makeup on a child’s face are very healthy. In adolescence, there is still no sense of proportion; young princesses aged 10–13 years are prone to excesses and the need to use one or another cosmetic product can only be adequately assessed together with an adult.

Don’t forbid your daughter to wear decorative cosmetics, become her true friend and teach her how to use it correctly.

A small cheat sheet reminding you of which decorative cosmetics are acceptable and which are absolutely forbidden for teenagers.

  • Lip gloss – transparent or light shade: pink, peach;
  • Mascara – black or brown, always applied in a thin layer;
  • Blush - pink or peach, only with significant pallor of the skin. Apply without contrasting borders;
  • Powder – use limited. Allowed for masking acne in children aged 12–14 years. It is important to be careful and not overdo it when applying. Be sure to wash it off daily, otherwise the pores will become clogged and the skin condition will worsen.

Absolutely prohibited for everyday makeup:

  • Red lipstick, or any other bright, saturated;
  • Bold eyeliner;
  • Foundation;
  • Eye shadows of brightly expressed color.

Learn to appreciate natural beauty in your youth, leave the “heavy artillery” for later, and now enjoy your youth.

Create a festive look

For a holiday, be it an autumn ball or New Year, you can afford a much larger arsenal of cosmetics. Festive makeup allows for bold, bright, and sometimes even extravagant colors. If you need makeup for the New Year, you can use shimmering powder with shining particles; it will make your look irresistible.

It is better to place the emphasis in makeup on the eyes; lipstick, although allowed, is much less appropriate for young girls.

For lips the best option- transparent shine. Bright red or pink lipstick can be worn to a gala ball, but visually it makes you look older and can add 10 extra years.

We recommend painting your eyes using the popular smoky eyes technique, which creates an expressive cat look. This is just the perfect highlight of the beauty and irresistibility of a girl’s eyes. Going to the ball, the cat-eyed girl will become the queen of the evening.

And to make large, expressive and attractive eyes like a cat’s for the New Year without mistakes, you need to use simple instructions:

  1. Select the shadow gradient as desired color scheme. To create a cat-like look for blondes, gray and blue shadows are especially suitable. Brunettes can turn to bronze shades.
  2. Draw a line along the growth of the upper eyelashes using an eyeliner pencil.
  3. Apply and then blend eyeshadow different colors using a brush. No clearly defined boundaries.

The magic of a cat’s look is given by pearl or silver shadows applied to the protruding part of the upper eyelid and the corner of the eye.

  1. Line the lower eyelid with a pencil.
  2. Apply mascara to your eyelashes.

For the New Year, a girl can afford any, even the most daring, experiments with her appearance. For example, use false eyelashes, bright colored mascara, and apply eye shadow in completely contrasting colors. The main thing is not to forget that cosmetics decorate, but the main attraction still radiates from the radiance of the eyes.

All girls want to be like their mother: to wear beautiful dresses, shoes, have your own handbag and, of course, your own cosmetic bag. Don't deprive your little miss of such pleasure! But at the same time, every mother should know the basic rules of first makeup: it should be appropriate and safe. Helps us understand these issues professional children's makeup artist-stylist Olesya Tulnikova, Tyumen.

Children's cosmetic bag

Is it possible to use cosmetics from my cosmetic bag for my 7-10 year old daughter? If you use hypoallergenic light cosmetics, then the answer is yes. We are talking about natural and harmless mineral-based products. Such cosmetic products can be found under the following brands:

– Jane Iredale;

– Bare Minerals;

– Everyday Minerals;

– Lumiere Mineral.

You can put these products in a children's cosmetic bag:

– mineral blush;

– light pink or lilac shimmering shadows;

– several lip balms with different flavors;

pink glitter lips;

Choose only high-quality cosmetics for your child. The “Who cares, she’s a child” approach is fundamentally wrong: low-priced products are usually of poor quality and can harm children’s delicate skin.

The main principle of children's makeup

It's very important to feel fine line between children's, teenage and adult makeup. The main principle of children's makeup is naturalness. Even with makeup, the child should look as natural as possible, look like himself and correspond to his age. Don't get carried away with daily makeup for a 7-12 year old girl. It’s better to wait until your daughter is at least 13 years old.

Little girls are cute and charming even without makeup. They are like that by nature! Tons of cosmetics will only ruin a delicate image. However, there are cases when you can’t do without makeup.

Makeup and hairstyle – Olesya Tulnikova; costumes and photos – Anastasia Bembak

Star of photo shoots

The most common occasion when children require makeup is for photo shoots. Scratches and spots on the face, dark circles under the eyes - all these temporary flaws can reduce the level of natural attractiveness of the young princess. Therefore, it is better to “erase” them with cosmetics. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to emphasize the brightness of the eyes and the freshness of the sponges so that the photographs are a five-star success.

If you do not understand such nuances, it is better to entrust it to specialists. A professional makeup artist knows how to properly highlight a child’s strengths and hide flaws that will be visible in photographs.

Parties and themed events

Makeup for children's parties does not require such care and special knowledge as for photo shoots. Any mother who has at least once held blush, mascara and lip gloss in her hands is able to put makeup on her child.

The process of creating an image is already fun for girls. You can invite a professional makeup artist or face painting specialist to thematic events. Make a doll out of your daughter, a funny tiger cub, or please her with animal figures on her face? It all depends on the imagination – yours, your daughter’s and the artist’s.

Makeup and hairstyle – Olesya Tulnikova; costumes and photos – Anastasia Bembak

Mom can do anything!

Easy children's makeup Every mother can do it and is suitable for any special occasion.

Makeup for my daughter from makeup artist-stylist Olesya Tulnikova:

– Apply mineral foundation (powder) all over your face with a soft, fluffy brush. If your child has a problem with dark circles under the eyes, take a thinner brush and work it locally, because this product also works as a corrector.

– Using your fingertip, carefully apply liquid shadow or tint in pearl, pink or gold color to the middle of the eyelid. Using light patting movements, blend throughout the entire eyelid.

– Using a soft powder brush, apply pink or peach blush to the apples of your cheeks.