Which tinted shampoo is the best? Ash tinted shampoos: selection and rules of use, manufacturer’s recommendations, customer reviews Silver ash tinted shampoo

For a true woman, absolute immutability of the image is unacceptable. Most often, a change in image begins with experiments with hair color: balayage hair coloring, highlights, graphic strands.

All these methods of creating a new modern look using chemicals over time make the curls lifeless and dull.

You can shade your own hair color without using dyes that have an aggressive effect on the structure of the curls using tinting shampoos.

Most representatives of the fair sex speak only positively about these cosmetics.

This is due to the fact that tonics, in addition to their main function, also add shine to the strands, refresh them and perfectly reflect the individuality of each woman, without causing any harm to the hair. At the same time, hairdressers allow the use of tonics an order of magnitude more often than conventional chemical dyes.

Read more about what a toning hair shampoo is

Tint shampoo is a washing product that is enriched with special active substances of increased durability that promote coloration of curls.

In addition to the soap base, tonics contain:

  • perfumed fragrances;
  • vitamins;
  • healing extracts;
  • microelements;
  • proteins;
  • various oils.

Due to the minimal content of chemicals and the absence of ammonia, the tonic does not depress the general condition of the hair and does not penetrate the epidermal cells. This cosmetic product gently envelops the structure of each hair with a soft film, restores the silkiness of curls and refreshes their natural shine.

One of the main advantages of tinting shampoos is the absence of contraindications to their use:

  • most ladies use them weekly;
  • the product is safe for women expecting a child.

How to dye your hair with a product and wash it off?

Toning shampoos come in two types: light-impact (the color washes off after 14 days) and deep-impact, with a wash-off period of 60 days.

Both types can be used to dye your hair at home, strictly following all stages of the dyeing technique.

The first stage is preliminary preparation

  • Wash your hair and lightly dry your hair;
  • We carry out a test for an allergic reaction - apply a little shampoo to the skin behind the ear or on the inside of the elbow and wait about half an hour;
  • during this time, if necessary, pour the tonic into a plastic or ceramic container, choose a convenient hair brush;
  • we protect clothes from accidental contact with drops of the product by using a polypropylene drape, and put rubber or plastic gloves on our hands;
  • in order to prevent staining of the skin of the face and neck, on the forehead, temples, ears and along the lower hairline on the back of the head, apply any fatty cream or wipe these areas with a damp cotton pad, generously moistened with liquid soap;
  • If the test does not reveal a negative reaction of the body to the components of the mixture - there is no burning sensation, no rashes or redness of the skin, then you can start staining.

The second stage is using the product

To give the strands a barely noticeable shade, just wait from 5 to 15 minutes. The brightness of the tone increases in direct proportion to the waiting time. The maximum time during which it is permissible to keep the product on the hair, according to the instructions for some shampoos, is 45 minutes.

The third stage - rinsing

  • Rinse the strands thoroughly with warm water - it should become completely transparent;
  • apply a moisturizing balm.

Most experts recommend reapplying toners to maintain the effect immediately after the first rinse. The duration of exposure should be quick, no more than five minutes.

When using tinted shampoos at home, you should not neglect precautions, namely:

  • do not allow contact with mucous membranes, oral cavity or eyes;
  • It is prohibited to use shampoos to change the color of eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • It is prohibited to use cosmetic products after their expiration date.

Selection of tint products for light brown, dark, highlighted and yellow hair

In order to create a harmonious appearance, it is important to carefully select a cosmetic product, taking into account the color of your eyes, hair, and skin tone. You shouldn’t strive for drastic changes; it’s better to stick to natural tones.

The desire to experiment is commendable, but dyeing in unusual colors should first be tested on individual strands in order to correctly evaluate the effect obtained.

It is also worth remembering that the original hair pigment determines the effect of tinted shampoos. If the color of the curls:

  • light brown - they can be painted in almost any color, but the optimal choice would be pearl or golden tones; ashy would also look good;
  • red - for those with hair of all shades of copper, cognac, red, chestnut, beige and golden tonics will help mute the natural color;
  • bleached - it is better not to experiment with using black tint products (after a few weeks an unsightly tint will appear), it is worth choosing the “Natural Blonde” lightening shampoo with purple pigment and cornflower flower extract, or tonics with golden tones;
  • dark - a change in hair color will occur after using red - chestnut, cherry - shampoos, and soft highlights will appear after applying copper, caramel or gold tonic.

Changing hair color using the above cosmetics is also possible if the strands have:

  • highlighted - dark colors will paint over bleached curls - cherry, chestnut, cognac;
  • yellowness - purple-colored shampoos can compensate for this kind of unfortunate consequences of coloring; as a result of their use, the strands will acquire a clear tone (the main thing is not to overexpose the tonic, otherwise the shade will become ashy);
  • gray hair - most tint products can eliminate only about 30% of gray hair. This is due to the special structure of such curls. In the first stages of melanin loss, it is worth purchasing special tonics for gray hair with warm shades.

Review of the best brands

The modern market for tinted cosmetics is developing at a tremendous pace. Today, manufacturers of tinting products offer their customers, along with the usual range of colors, very specific options, for example, flamingo, blue velvet, lagoon, amethyst.

Still, it’s worth paying more attention not to the originality of the shade, but to the fame of the manufacturer’s brand - this guarantees excellent results and long-lasting coloring.

The list of the most famous brands includes 7 companies. The tinted shampoos they produce are a little more expensive than their analogues, but they do not damage the hair.

  • Irida-M Classi.

Tonics from this company are distinguished by uniform rinsing in an average of 15 washing procedures. They even out hair shade well, remove yellowness, cover gray hair, and at the same time care for strands. The color palette is recommended for use on light hair and is considered a real treasure for coloring natural blonde. Brunettes are better off using “Black Coffee” and “Mahogany,” while creative girls are offered shades of blue and pink.

In addition to the classic version, the company offers consumers the Deluxe series, which contains orange oil.

  • Estel Solo Ton.

The line includes 18 different extremely long-lasting shades that do not leave yellow tint on the hair and protect the strands from fading in the bright sun. Application is possible on both wet and dry curls, and the tonic does not flow. The products contain keratin and natural extracts. It is washed off after 20 procedures.

The company produces a separate range of products called Professional. These tinted shampoos cover gray hair perfectly.

  • L'OREAL Gloss Color.

High-quality products for gentle coloring. The ingredients of toning shampoos include oils, natural vitamins and microelements. Tonics from this company improve the condition of hair, cover gray hair, and enrich the natural colors of curls. Gloss Color consists of a spectrum of reddish, golden and copper shades, and is designed specifically for girls with dark hair.

  • Schwarzkopf.

Toning shampoos include 18 shades. They have good durability (they wash off within a month), they color well, eliminate yellowness, and take care of curls, moisturizing them.

  • Schwarzkopf bonacure is a line of products with blue pigments. Successfully covers gray hair.
  • Wella is represented on the toning market in two series.
  • Color Recharge includes a tinted shampoo for those with blonde hair and five balms that perfectly maintain the color of dyed strands.
  • Wella Lifetex - innovative products for preserving the existing shade and reducing the required number of dyes. These shampoos are designed for hair not only light, but also red, nutty tones, as well as for covering a large amount of gray hair.

All Wella tonics help care for curls, moisturizing and nourishing them.

  • Rocolor.

A budget brand of tonics that color hair in rich shades. The “Color Shine” product line, presented in 10 variants, envelops each curl of hair with a thin protective film, visually creating a lamination effect. The colors lose their brightness after 5 washing procedures.

Among the disadvantages are persistent staining of bath surfaces when the product is washed off from the hair and drying out of the strands with frequent use.

  • Kapous.

Tinted cosmetics from this brand are light-impact products and are recommended for use by owners of fine hair. The range of colors includes 6 options (from copper and sand to purple). Tonics containing oils and a complex of vitamins provide excellent care for curls, eliminate yellowness, and cover gray hair. Regular use gives the strands deep color and vibrant shine.

How does the product spoil and harm the hair when using tinting shampoos?

Some products presented on store shelves do not have a quality certificate, and, as a result, can worsen the condition of the hair with prolonged use. This is due to the presence of aggressive components in their composition.

Trusted brands, using a certain percentage of chemical ingredients to create toning shampoos in order to prolong the products, compensate for their presence by adding vitamin complexes and various plant extracts to the recipes.

If it is necessary to frequently use tint tonics, you should additionally moisturize the strands with conditioners and healing balms after each coloring, so as not to spoil the hair structure.

Due to the huge selection of color palettes, accessibility and effectiveness, Tonic tinted balm is very popular among women. Using the balm allows you to safely experiment with your appearance, completely change your hair color or update your look using beautiful and varied shades.

Tonic tinted balm has many shades and colors.

This cosmetic product has serious advantages over hair dyes and coloring shampoos.

What are tinted balms used for?

In order to create a new image, many different means are used in modern cosmetology. Tint balm is considered the safest for hair coloring., because it does not contain ammonia. The coloring pigment covers the surface of the hair, preventing it from damage.

This gentle coloring helps to “protect” the hair from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and prevent color fading. Professionals recommend using a tint balm even if your hair has become lifeless. The natural components of the balm have a beneficial effect on the hair and restore its shine and softness.


The composition of the Tonic tinted balm from Rocolor does not raise any concerns. Conventionally, all the components in it can be divided into natural, which have a positive effect on the hair, and chemical. The number of chemical components is reduced to a minimum.

Among the natural ones I would like to highlight:

  • Beeswax– designed to form an invisible film on the hair. Split ends are smoothed out and hair becomes smooth. Thanks to this, the coloring becomes more uniform.
  • Flax seed essential oil– helps in nutrition and hydration, helps to visually increase volume and make hair soft.
  • Cetearyl alcohol(Ceteatyl alcohol) is a plant component that provides hair softness and moisturizes it.
  • Lemon acid– helps to add brightness to color. It is especially relevant for light colors.
  • Vitamins of group F– help maintain moisture in the hair.

The amount of chemicals in the composition is kept to a minimum. If we look at each component in detail, we can highlight a few.


  • Emulsifiers - are used mainly for mixing all the components of the balm.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate is a synthetic chemical component. It is used in almost all cosmetology. Sulfates perfectly cleanse, remove dirt from the hair and prevent the appearance of oiliness.
  • Propylene glycol – promotes softness. Hair becomes manageable and combs better.
  • Preservatives – prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and retain all the beneficial properties of the components.
  • Fragrance - Used for a pleasant smell.

The undoubted advantages of Tonic tinted balm from Rocolor are:

  • low cost;
  • ease of use, easy to apply paint;
  • washes off quickly if dyeing is unsuccessful;
  • a wide range of shades for owners of any hair type and tone;
  • no ammonia;
  • hair does not require professional care;
  • the color pigment does not have a negative effect on the hair.

Thus, the tint product from Rocolor helps not only to acquire a new look, but also treats the hair.

Possible disadvantages of using a tint balm

Although Tonic balm has many advantages, it is still impossible to ignore those disadvantages that may influence the choice of this product for coloring.


  • with very frequent use of the balm, the hair becomes dry;
  • does not cover gray hair;
  • paint is difficult to wash off from clothes and furniture;
  • For the best effect, you need to constantly tint your hair;
  • in the case of tinting hair that has previously been permed or dyed, the result may not coincide with expectations;
  • Allergic reactions may occur. Therefore, before use, it is recommended to apply a small amount of balm to your hand and hold for several minutes. If rashes have formed on the skin, it is not advisable to use the balm.

To get a good result, it is important to choose the right tone and amount of balm to apply. A detailed description of the steps is included in the instructions for the product.

Tonic palette from Rocolor

The palette of Tonic tinted balm is very diverse in shades, so every woman can choose the right tone and update her look. You can use not only full coloring, but also coloring or ombre.

Tinted balm Tonic: color palette.

Balm shades are divided into groups. Each group has a number and is used for a specific hair color type. Groups start with the number 9 and end with 4.

Hair shade Palette
1. Toning and blonde hair (number 9)
  • Platinum blonde – 9.1;
  • Smoky topaz – 9.10;
  • Mother of pearl – 9.02;
  • Amethyst – 9.01;
  • Pink pearl – 9.05;
  • Fawn – 9.03;
  • Ash blonde – 9.21;
  • Cold vanilla - 9.12;
  • Creme brulee – 9.23;
2. Light brown (number 8)
  • Smoky pink – 8.53;
  • Pearl-ash – 8.10;
3. Blonde (number 7)
  • Graphite – 7.1;
  • Milk chocolate – 7.3;
  • Golden nut – 7.35;.
4. Chestnut, light brown and dark brown (number 6 and 5)
  • Light brown - 6.0;
  • Cinnamon – 6.5;
  • Mahogany – 6.54;
  • Indian summer – 6.65;
  • Cappuccino - 6.03;
  • Dark chocolate – 3.01;
  • Expresso 1.03
  • Light brown – 5.0;

· Mocha – 5.43;

· Red amber – 5.35;

· Cuban rumba – 5.4;

· Mahogany – 5.54;

5. Dark chestnut (number 4)
  • Chocolate – 4.0;
  • Iris - 4.25;
  • Bordeaux – 4.6

Tonic is a tinted balm, the palette of which now includes a range of colors with biolamination.

The shades with biolamination are different, the opinions of both girls who love natural colors and those who like experiments are taken into account. For the latter, a new shade has been added to the palette - “Red Color” - 6.45. In the table, shades with biolamination are indicated in bold.

Balm with a biolamination effect promotes the formation of a protective film. It covers the hair and evens out all the scales. Hair gains shine and becomes smooth. Outwardly, they appear more voluminous and are easier to comb. Thanks to the protective film, the color does not wash off longer.

Choosing the right shade

Manufacturers of Tonic tint balm from the proposed palette recommend choosing a shade that will be closest to the “native” color. If paint was used, the color should differ by no more than 3 tones. For fair-haired people, it is advisable to use natural tones. They will give your curls a beautiful and well-groomed look.

In the color palette these are the numbers:

For dark-haired people, chocolate and coffee shades, black and purple colors will be relevant. They will add a beautiful shine to your hair and highlight the color. For fair-haired people, light colors are suitable. In the color palette this is, for example, pearl-ash.

Blondes are better off using cool tones, for example:

With the help of these colors it is easy to get rid of unpleasant yellowness and give naturalness to your hair. When using the balm on gray hair, it is possible to achieve a beautiful and rich tone.

If it is difficult to decide on the choice of shade, you can focus on the color scheme of the balm packaging. She is different. And this is not just an accident, the color of the packaging shows which hair will suit a particular shade.


  • Blue color of the packaging - shades are used for completely gray hair or to get rid of yellowness.
  • Green color - shades are intended for brunettes, brown-haired and fair-haired women.
  • Silver color – cool shades. Suitable for blondes only.

To achieve a beautiful shade, it is also important to stop dyeing with henna several months before using the balm. After chemistry or lightening, at least 2 weeks should pass. Compliance with these rules is necessary for uniform coloring and to avoid unexpected results.

If you have doubts about obtaining the desired effect from using the balm, you can try incomplete coloring. That is, dye the strands that are least noticeable. If you like the result, continue application.

Coloring rules

For uniform and beautiful coloring, you must remember the following recommendations for applying Tonic tinted balm.

Rules for application:

  1. Before applying the dye, you must wash your hair. and dry it with a towel so that the hair remains damp.
  2. To avoid getting dirty with liquid paint, open parts of the face and neck should be smeared with rich cream, and the shoulders should be covered with a special “cape”; at home, this may be unnecessary clothing. It is better to wear disposable gloves on your hands. The bathroom also needs to be protected. To do this, fill the bottom with water and pour 25 ml of bleach. If paint gets on the bathtub or tiles, it is necessary to wash it with any chlorine-containing cleaner for toilets and bathtubs.
  3. Paint is applied from the back of the head to the temples, then the front of the head and bangs are painted over. To dye, you must use either a comb with fine teeth or a special brush. This will distribute the dye evenly and prevent liquid from dripping onto your face. The outcome of the coloring will depend on the correct application of the Tonic tinting balm. It is also important to choose the right amount of dye. To do this, before using the balm, you must read the instructions;
  4. Time required for dyeing, depends on the color saturation in the end. If you want to get a light toning effect, 5 minutes will be enough. For dark-haired girls or to obtain a rich color, 10-15 minutes;
  5. To get the final shade lighter than indicated on the package, before starting the dyeing procedure, it must be diluted with water or conditioner. This advice is only suitable when re-dying with the same balm. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting the wrong color.
  6. You need to wash off the paint without shampoo until the water is completely discolored. Afterwards, you can apply a conditioner or rinse your hair with water using chamomile infusion or lemon juice. This rinsing will help consolidate the result and will contribute to the instant development of the shade.

Tonic is an affordable and effective tint balm, its palette of colors and the final result of coloring will certainly appeal to lovers of experiments. The main thing is to choose your shade and follow the application instructions.

In order not to get the effect of unpleasant yellowness when dyeing, or to get rid of it, you need to use Tonic balm with cool shades.


  • 10 or 9.10.

Amethyst is mainly used to cover gray hair, but it can also remove red hair, which is hated by blondes. Initially, you need to wash your hair and apply a hair mask. Next is rinsing with balm.

To do this, you need to dilute it with water in the proportion of 1 drop of balm per small ladle of water and rinse your hair with this solution. After rinsing, you can apply hair conditioner.

The principle of applying Tonic 8.10 and 9.10 is similar. The main thing is not to add a cosmetic coloring agent to the detergent (shampoo) and keep it without rinsing for no more than 7 minutes, otherwise the curls will acquire a purple tint.

How to wash off balm if dyeing is unsuccessful

If the desired result from coloring was not achieved and you absolutely do not like the resulting color, you can resort to a special product from Rocolor - Retonika. The only thing is that it will be possible to return your hair to its previous appearance only immediately after receiving an unwanted color.

If several days have passed since the application of the balm, Retonika will not cope with the task.

There are several ways to return to your hair color at home:

  1. Rinse your hair with shampoo, it is better to use shampoo for oily hair or shampoo for dandruff. Afterwards, you need to apply a hair mask.
  2. Apply a kefir mask or curdled milk. To do this, kefir, at least 3.5% fat content, must be applied to the hair, cover the head with cellophane, and cover it with a towel on top. After 1.5-2 hours, rinse with shampoo.
  3. You can use vegetable, burdock, linseed oil. It must be applied to the hair, then also covered with cellophane and a towel. Rinse with shampoo for oily hair after 1-2 hours.
  4. Make a honey-lemon mask. You need to mix 2 tbsp. l honey with lemon juice, half will be enough, and put in a water bath. As soon as the honey becomes liquid, smear it on your hair, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with shampoo;
  5. A mask of colorless henna will help. To prepare it, you need to mix henna, kefir with a high percentage of fat content and 2 egg yolks. Make a mask and wait 1 hour. Then rinse with shampoo.

Tonic is a universal tint balm, the color palette of which is very diverse., can be replaced with another shade if the coloring is unsuccessful. This option is optimal for bold experimenters.

How long does the color last?

On average, the color from Tonic tinting balm lasts on the hair for 1-2 months. The intensity and duration of the color depends largely on how you wash your hair. The more often a woman washes her hair, the faster the color fades. If you wash your hair daily, the color will last for 1-2 weeks.

The intensity and richness of the color will largely be determined by how you care for your hair in the future.

Frequency of use

Frequent use of Tonic balm does not harm the hair, which is its main and main advantage. Using regular hair dye means that re-application of the coloring composition will be possible after a few months. In the case of balm - 2-4 weeks.

Since the composition does not contain NH3 (ammonia), Tonic promotes the appearance of healthy shine in curls.

Proper care for colored hair

There are few recommendations for caring for strands after dyeing with a tint balm, since the cosmetic product itself nourishes the hair and does not destroy its structure. Proper care is needed to preserve color for a longer time.

Therefore, immediately after dyeing, in order to consolidate the result, it is recommended to apply a conditioner. When washing your hair, it is better not to use the usual shampoos with a high alkali content or intended for oily hair. They will help the color wash out quickly.

It is advisable to avoid using masks containing oils. They also eat away at the color pigment.

Professionals in the field of coloring recommend using tinted cosmetics to change the look. The use of the balm has a beneficial effect on the hair structure, and the effect of its correct use is equivalent to salon procedures. Special masks are also useful.

To get beautiful hair after Tonic tinting balm, it is important not only to decide on the color and apply the product correctly, but also to provide proper care, since with constant coloring with colors from the palette, even a harmless tinting balm, the hair can still be weakened by these care manipulations.

Video on how to properly use Tonic tinted balm

Painting with Tonic tinted balm:

Removing yellow hair with Tonic:

Tinted shampoo is considered an extremely popular product among many girls. With its help, you can give your curls a beautiful color without harming them. Modern compositions are perfect for brunettes and blondes. The main advantage of the product is the fact that it does not disturb the structure of the hair, since it covers its surface with a thin film. In addition, the product contains no ammonia or harmful substances, which is also considered an important advantage.

What is a tinted hair shampoo?

Such shampoos were invented to make the natural shade of hair more fresh and beautiful. When selecting this composition, you should not expect that it will be able to radically change the shade of your curls.

Such cosmetics have a restorative effect, give the strands a radiant shine and give them amazing strength. The effectiveness of this product is associated with the presence of vitamins, microelements and proteins.

If you are in doubt when choosing the tone of the product, it is better to pre-paint only the back of the head. When the hair is dry, you can compare the final result and choose the appropriate shade.

How to choose the color of shampoo with a tint effect

To create a holistic and harmonious image, you need to choose the right color of the product. This must be done taking into account the main hair color.

For dark hair

To achieve shine, brunettes should choose tinted shampoos designed for dark hair. If you want to get reddish notes, you should use copper or titian. To obtain a brighter and deeper red tone, it is recommended to apply the composition for a longer time.

If you are going to give your hair a black color, you need to think carefully. This shade is not suitable for everyone. In addition, black shampoos are difficult to wash out of your hair. Therefore, returning to the usual shade will be quite difficult.

For fair ones

Lightening shampoo is perfect for fair-haired beauties. Thanks to this, the curls will acquire a beautiful shade of the sun. If you want to emphasize the natural shine of your curls, you should choose a shampoo with golden tones. The duration of the procedure is literally a few minutes - it is strictly not recommended to overexpose the composition.

To achieve a pure tone on light curls, you need to use purple. It will compensate for yellowness. However, you can’t keep it on your strands for too long - your hair may turn ashy.

For dyeing gray hair

For those with gray hair, the product will not help much - the shade will become more pronounced. In general, such a product will be able to cover no more than 30% of gray strands. However, dark-haired beauties with gray curls will be able to get original reddish curls.

How to use and apply toner

Tinted shampoos are not too difficult to use. In this case, consistency in their use should be observed. The accuracy of the required result depends on the precise execution of the instructions.

First you need to test your skin's sensitivity to the components of the shampoo. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the skin of the palm and wash off after a quarter of an hour. If redness does not appear, this means that the product is suitable.

Before starting, you need to wear protective gloves. Using scissors, it is recommended to cut off the corner of the bag and insert the contents into the dyeing container. Curls should be slightly wet and wiped with a towel. This should leave them slightly damp.

Apply tint shampoo to strands and leave for a certain time. To achieve a light tone, 5-15 minutes will be enough. If you want to get a brighter and richer tone, you should wait 30-40 minutes. To estimate the required time, you must first do a test by coloring one strand.

After the end of the period, the curls should be rinsed well with warm water. It is very important to remember these precautions:

  1. The product should not get into the eyes or mucous membranes.
  2. Tinted shampoo should not be used to color eyelashes or eyebrows.
  3. To protect your hands, you should wear gloves.

Which tinted shampoo is better to choose: review of brands

There are many effective products that can make the natural color of your hair brighter and more saturated.

Irida-M Classic (Irida)

This is a very popular product among those girls who prefer to conduct safe experiments with their own curls. Moreover, it is not too expensive. The shampoo does not contain ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, and therefore it is absolutely harmless to hair.

The color obtained after dyeing will withstand 15 washing procedures. The shampoo perfectly coats the hair, helps remove yellowness or smooth out the results of unsuccessful dyeing.

The undoubted advantage of this product is the fact that it is washed off gradually, without forming sudden transitions. Also, the composition does not fade and looks good even after a long time.

Rocolor “Color Shine” with lamination effect

This is a strong enough shampoo for those who want to radically change their hair color. Blondes are not recommended to leave the product on their hair for longer than 2-3 minutes. However, cosmetics are very easy to wash off, so even a bad result won’t ruin your mood.

For dark-haired beauties, the product will help get rid of the reddish tint. It is very important to strictly follow the instructions to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Estel Solo tone (Estelle)

This product perfectly eliminates yellowness and is perfect for brunettes. By using this shampoo, it will be possible to achieve a more even shade of hair, giving it a healthier and more attractive appearance. The composition is perfect for regular use. It is especially useful to supplement it with the application of balm for colored strands.

Problems can only appear if the girl does not follow the instructions and keeps the shampoo on her strands for too long.

Hair coloring tonic

This is a fairly strong remedy that has a reasonable price. It allows you to radically change the shade of your hair. In addition, this shampoo is perfect for non-trivial experiments, since it is washed off quite quickly.

It is very important to carefully prepare for using this product, since it can stain not only your hair, but also your hands, skin, and objects. It is worth considering that this composition cannot be constantly used, since it dries out the hair greatly.

Kapous Professional Life Color (Kapous)

This is an excellent choice for all owners of thin and dry hair.

This brand offers 6 beautiful shades, so every girl can choose the best option.

This shampoo perfectly renews the tone of colored hair and makes the natural color brighter. Through systematic use, it is possible to give the curls a deeper shade.

L'OREAL Gloss Color (Loreal)

This shampoo copes well with yellowness, gives hair a healthy shine and makes it more attractive. It can be used as a tinting shampoo for damaged and weakened curls. It is also great for covering gray hair.

How to remove tint from hair

To make the tone more invisible, it is enough to wash your hair 3-6 times - the exact amount depends on the chosen tone and the characteristics of the coloring. If the chosen shade absolutely does not suit you, you need to use shampoos designed for deep cleansing. Emulsions are also excellent for removing paint from strands.

Video about tinted shampoos for blondes against yellowness

After dyeing your curls in a light tone, they may become slightly yellowish. To neutralize yellowness, you can use Estelle hair shampoo and conditioner, which have a rich purple color. But it is worth considering that such products dry out the hair greatly and do not always give the desired effect. More detailed information is presented in the video:

Good tone is the key to success!

Being the same all the time is boring. Therefore, women are happy to give free rein to experiments. Hair is often the first in line, but ammonia dyes spoil their structure, poisoning the body with harmful substances. In addition, any persistent dye lasts quite a long time and limits the scope of experiments. An alternative to ammonia is tinted shampoos and balms or hair tonics.

Photo: www.curlhairstyles.com

The toner gives natural or “artificial” base shades of hair new color nuances, completely dyes them from scratch to a different color, or neutralizes unwanted pigments (for example, yellowish blonde). The exact effect depends on method of application.

If the product is applied to the curls for a long time, the color turns out rich and bright. When tonic is added “drop by drop” to a balm or mask and washed off after a few minutes, it only gives the hair a light tint. Some people dilute a small amount of tonic in water, rinsing their hair with the resulting solution after washing. In general, the use of tonic is a purely individual thing, and, perhaps, it is the correctly selected method of application that determines how successful the result will be.

There are several dozen tinted shampoos and balms on the Russian market, but most often buyers choose only a few brands. Some tonics belong to the segment of professional products, while others belong to the inexpensive mass market. If you are still in doubt which company to choose, read our rating of the best hair tonics.

1st place in the ranking is occupied by
hair tonics
L'Oréal Professionnel -
for professional quality

Photo: s4.thcdn.com

Weight: 250 ml.

Price: from 350 rubles

Active components: coloring pigment, caring formula, free amino acids, proteins.

Action: gives color and shine, cares, neutralizes unwanted pigments.

“Purple” tinted shampoos from L'Oréal Professionnel remove unwanted yellow pigment from gray and blond hair. The products are presented in two versions: conventionally “male” (Grey) and “female” (Silver). According to reviews of those who have tried tonics from L “Oréal, when used correctly, both “Silver” and “Grey” give an almost completely even tone, without turning highlighted strands gray or purple. For chestnut, dark and light brown hair, the French manufacturer has a “Gloss Color” line. The golden-copper and red toners in this series help to visibly revive the tone and add shine to both colored and natural hair.


  • even color,
  • caring formula,
  • easily washed off the skin.

Minuses: difficult to find in stores, expensive, contains SLS, and is not easy to wash off household surfaces if you do not do this immediately after rinsing your hair.

Positive and negative reviews about L'Oréal tonics:

+ « L'Oréal Silver - “Must Have!” every blonde. The hair color turns out even, and only a “pea” of this shampoo is enough for one use. The toner foams very well.”

− “I’m disappointed, I’m giving it to my dad (he liked how the gray hair shines). I ordered a large package online « Gray» . The tone is really even, but grey-green.”

2nd place - tint shampoo"Bonacure Color Save Silver"
from Schwarzkopf Professional -
for even tone and color protection

Photo: i107.photobucket.com

Weight: 250 ml.

Price: from 350 rubles

Active components: coloring pigment (ACID Violet 43), keratin.

Action: protects the base color, rinses the hair, adds tint.

Tinted shampoo “Bonacure Color Save” marked “Silver” is intended for both blond and gray hair. According to the manufacturer’s intention, it should correct unwanted yellow-red pigments on bleached “blond” and gray hair. However, inventive ladies use it to tint completely natural copper and light brown shades into an ashy color.


  • even tone
  • certified foreign manufacturer,
  • does not stain skin or household surfaces.

Minuses: It’s expensive, it dries out the ends, it contains SLS and PEG-7. Many people advise buying Bonacure tonic labeled “sulfate free”.

+ “Excellently removes yellowness from copper shades in one application. There is no uneven color like Tonic. Does not dye skin or highlighted strands purple. Even the price can be forgiven for this.”

− “The shampoo is so-so. On my “Scandinavian-blonde” head the color comes out dull and gray. And my hair began to feel like straw to the touch.”

In 3rd place in the list of the best - Tonic RoCOLOR
You can if you are careful enough!

Weight: 150 ml.

Price: from 60 rubles

Active components: coloring pigments, water, lanolin, alcohol.

Action: tones, neutralizes unwanted pigments.

It was the name of the product RoKOLOR that became a household name, giving the popular name “Tonic” to other tinted shampoos. On the Russian market, Tonic is still the most popular hair tinting product. It is easy to use, lasts a long time and is sold in almost every grocery store. Purple and blue shades Tonics can permanently stain your hair purple, so it is recommended to only rinse your hair lightly with them, adding the product to water or balm. Some light colors (such as Milk Chocolate) and almost all dark and red colors can be applied directly to the hair.


  • Inexpensive price,
  • Rich palette of shades.
  • The presence in the line of a special washing agent “Retonika” to neutralize the undesirable result.

Minuses: uneven tone, if used incorrectly - “poisonous” colors, stains the skin and household surfaces, is difficult to wash off, contains harmful components (alcohol, SLS).

Positive and negative reviews about Tonic hair tonic:

+ “All my life I’ve been adding ash-pearl tonic to my hair balm once a week. The remedy is, of course, powerful. Therefore, I keep it only on the root part of my head, and only lightly run it along the ends and immediately rinse it off. There are no “purple spots” with this application.”

− “Never! Never! Under no circumstances attempt to replicate the instructions for use on the packaging. I walked around with a purple head for two weeks, keeping the fawn color on my hair for several minutes, as the manufacturer advised. It colors not only hair, but also clothes, baths, towels, and sinks!”

In 4th place - “Irida” hair tonics from “Neva”
for the love of the public

Photo: ladymadonna.ru

Weight: 75 ml. (3 sachets of 25 ml.).

Price: from 60 rubles

Active components: coloring pigments, water, glycerin, keratin.

Action: tones, cares.

No less popular than Tonic Rocolor, Irida tonics are packaged in sachets, which makes many people find them more convenient to use. For dark hair, the manufacturer offers shades of “Mahogany”, “Burgundy”, “Black coffee”; for light hair - traditional purple tones that give an ashy tint (“Pearl”, “silver”, etc.).


  • Variety of color palette.
  • Convenient packaging (you can take 1-2 sachets on a trip, the sachets easily fit in a cosmetic bag).

Minuses: difficult to find in stores, easier to order from the manufacturer, it contains harmful components (silicone, SLS, alcohol).

Positive and negative reviews about Irida hair tonics:

+ “Excellent product! It colors and cares at the same time. But, of course, you need to use it carefully, like all tinted shampoos.”

− “The new packaging is very inconvenient! One sachet is not enough, two are too many. And there are three of them in the package. What to do?".

In 5th place is Rocolor tonic “Radiance of Color” -
for the lamination effect

Photo: www.you-bag.net

Weight: 75 ml. (3 sachets).

Price: 40-60 rubles

Active components: coloring pigments, caring formula.

Action: colors, cares.

Tonic “Color Shine with Lamination Effect” from Rocolor is made on the basis of a unique “harmless” formula. Despite its cheapness, the product does not penetrate the hair, but only creates a colored protective laminating film on its surface.


  • Harmless coloring.
  • Convenient packaging (sachet).

Minuses: stains the skin and is difficult to wash off from household surfaces.

Positive and negative feedback:

+ “I really like the price-quality ratio. It’s a cheap product, but it works like 3 in 1 - shampoo, tonic, and mask.”

− “I saved 20 rubles on paint and spent 5,000 on a new bathroom. Decide for yourself."

In 6th place - “Indola Color Silver” tonic -
for soft hair coloring

Photo: img0.liveinternet.ru

Weight: from 300 ml.

Price: 250 rubles

Active components: coloring pigments, hydrolyzed keratin.

Action: colors, cares.

Tonic from the German manufacturer “Indola Color Silver” is another branded product that saves bleached blondes from yellowness. Thanks to the keratin formula, it provides hair with additional protection and nutrition. Like all Indola Professional products, it has a fairly soft coloring.


  • Large volume and economical consumption.
  • Effect of care.
  • Soft tone.

Minuses: can dry out hair, color natural and bleached strands in different tones.

Positive and negative feedback:

+ “Cheaper, softer and more economical than other professional toners.”

− “The result lived up to the name. The young man began calling him “my old lady”: her hair turned out to be a completely gray-silver shade.”

In 7th place - Estel hair tonics -
for accurate results and richness of shades

Photo: irecommend.ru.q5.r-99.com

Weight: 150 ml.

Price: from 70 rubles

Active components: coloring pigments, keratin complex.

Action: gives tone, cares.

Estel tonics can be applied to the head for the entire coloring time specified by the manufacturer on the packaging. They dye hair quite softly and evenly, but they are very uneconomical in consumption and dye the skin quite easily.


Caring effect.

Richness of shades.

Soft coloring.

Minuses: It’s hard to wash off your parting and hands, many shades don’t last long

Positive and negative feedback:

+ “I like his “individuality.” The result is always different on different hair (I tried red tones with my sister) and very pleasant! Well, the smell and consistency are pleasing - it’s really possible to keep it on your head for all 20 minutes, unlike other “long” tonics.”

- “In general, it’s no worse than Tonic or Irida, but I only had enough bottles for two times.”

In 8th place in the ranking of the best -
tint hair balms “Color Lux”
from the Belarusian manufacturer Belita-Vitex -
for the beautiful packaging and natural tone

Photo: beloryska.ru

Weight: 100 ml.

Price: from 60 rubles

Active components: coloring pigments, olive and shea butters.

Action: tones, claims to “improve hair structure.”

“Color Lux” coloring balms are packaged in an unusually stylish way. When purchasing, you really expect to see a “luxury” tonic, but inside there is an ordinary “Soviet” tube, more reminiscent of ammonia paint. The products are applied to the hair for 40-50 minutes. Contrary to unpleasant associations, the result is smooth and soft. Therefore, we are pleased to give Belita-Vitex eighth place in the list of the best tonics.


Caring effect.

Richness of shades.

Soft natural coloring.

Minuses: fast consumption.

Positive and negative feedback:

+ “I’m lying to everyone that I do my makeup at a salon). Very natural chocolate tones! But I think that after applying “Colorlux" additionally requires a mask or balm."

− “I got away three times. Dried my hair. It smelled like paint for a few days after tinting.”

Hair tonic - which brand is better?

The most difficult thing in choosing a hair tonic is find your manufacturer. In Russia, tinted shampoos do not have to be certified. And, unfortunately, some companies take advantage of this by adding heavy metal salts to their composition. Such components remain in the hair structure for life. Therefore, when choosing a tonic from a little-known Russian brand, you should carefully study the packaging. As practice shows, the most popular domestic tonics in Russia remain Russian products from RoColor and Estel.

Photo: quizilla.teennick.com

Foreign tonics, just like Russian ones, are “stuffed” with all sorts of synthetic components. However, in Europe, hair coloring products are subject to mandatory certification, so they rarely contain truly harmful substances. When choosing a company, you should not rely on the name. The tonic that you consider “ours” may in fact be produced in Poland or Germany, and a product with an alluring “imported” name may turn out to be a domestic “remake”. The general advice that cosmetologists give to those who are unsure about choosing a tonic brand is: number of components in the composition (the fewer, the better).