Complex DIY cat crafts made from paper. How to make a cat out of paper: we look at a selection of different ideas. Making a Cat Mask

Would you like to know how to make a paper cat? Follow the step-by-step manual exactly and everything will definitely work out. This craft includes origami elements, but it is not at all complicated. I made a black cat for Halloween, and I’ll use this example as a basis, but your cat can be a completely different color.

What materials will be needed?

  • Black cardboard, preferably thick;
  • Yellow colored paper for eyes;
  • Scissors, glue stick, black felt-tip pen, pencil.

DIY paper cat step by step

Cut the black cardboard into two even pieces. One half will be the head, and the other half will be the torso.

Let's make the torso first. Fold half of the cardboard in half. Draw a semicircle on one side.

Cut a semicircle on two pieces of folded cardboard at once. This is already part of the cat. It has a torso and 4 legs. Try not to make them too thin, that is, do not make the semicircle very large. My paws are 3 cm wide and my body height is 4.5 cm.

Make slits on the top near the fold of the paper. These are the places where the body is attached to the head and tail. Also fold the legs at the bottom. But this step is not just for the paper cat's finality, or beauty. In the original, the cat is glued to green paper on these folds. It seems that the cat is standing on a green lawn.

Now let's move on to creating the head of the black cat. To do this, take the second half of the cardboard and cut a strip on its narrow side, slightly less than 4 cm.

This stripe will be a chic tail. The ends of the strip need to be narrowed a little. But later I cut off one narrow tip, making it straight, since the tail did not fit well in the slit of the body. I suspect that my cardboard is not hard enough. Perhaps you can do it.

Let's continue with our heads. Fold the remaining cardboard, the one from which we cut the strip for the tail, in half. Round off the ends of the forked part of the paper.

Open the paper and make side cuts on only one part of it, up to the fold area.

Then return the paper to its folded position to create protruding ears.

Cut out long, narrow eyes from yellow paper and draw vertical pupils with a felt-tip pen. Cut out a mustache from black cardboard - 6 stripes, approximately 5 mm wide and 9 cm long. You also need a nose.

Straighten the cat's face, round off sharp corners. Glue on the eyes, mustache, and nose on top.

Place the head into the slots on the back, placing its back half and tail into the slot. Kotofey is ready. You can glue it to green paper for stability or leave it like that. Now you know how to make a paper cat for Halloween and more. The cat turns out to be quite large, of course, if you need smaller sizes, you need to take half as much paper.

Black cat with a witch, see how to make one.

The dark trinity together. Bat in stages.

Creating with paper is a very interesting activity. Especially when it comes to animal figurines. By making a paper cat, you will acquire a talisman for keeping your home hearth and coziness. For those who have never encountered paper crafts, we offer several master classes on the topic of how to make a cat out of paper, which will show you that independent work can be very interesting and productive.


Cat face (origami)

The origami technique, which came to us from Japan, allows you to create anything from just one sheet of paper without any auxiliary materials. You just need to learn how to fold it correctly.

For example, in 3-5 minutes you can make a cute cat face.

To make the cat's head, prepare the following materials:

  • paper (double-sided colored);
  • PVA glue;
  • markers and paints (to color white paper, if you choose).

To create a cat's face, do the following:

Advice! You don't have to use only black. The eyes can be drawn blue or green, the mouth pink or red. All parts of the face cut out and glued from colored paper will look just as beautiful.

Cat in a sitting position

The cat figurine looks very beautiful when it is depicted sitting and graceful.

To make such a figurine, place paper (1 A4 sheet), glue and scissors on your workspace.

How to do?

  1. Fold a colored sheet of paper in half to form an oblong rectangle. Press the fold line with your hands so that it is clearly visible.
  2. Take scissors and cut off a 10-centimeter strip from one side, making the rectangle a little shorter.
  3. We unfold the sheet and cut it into 2 parts, so that later we get 2 cats.
  4. Take one of the cut pieces and fold it in half again to get a rectangle. Press firmly on the fold line again and run your fingers along it several times.
  5. We unfold the workpiece with the side that is open, and then we wrap half of the paper up.
  6. Turn the paper over and do the same steps on the other side. It should look like an accordion.

  7. Unfold the paper and straighten all the folds until the sheet is folded in half. Turn the closed side towards you.
  8. We bend the left corner.
  9. We unfold the paper with the edges up so that a triangle is formed on the left, which remains thanks to the fold lines. We find a sharp peak in it and bend the left part towards it.
  10. We open the blank and see that the formed triangle is the head of the future craft.
  11. Taking into account the fold lines, fold the paper until a box is formed. In this case, the edges should point to the bottom.
  12. We squeeze the workpiece so that all the bends are marked.
  13. The triangle needs to be pushed into the middle of the figure.

  14. Place the workpiece on its side so that the open side is facing you. We bend one of the halves to the top without touching the upper part.
  15. Turn the workpiece over to the other side and do the same steps. The result is a torso.
  16. We turn the workpiece to face us. Use your fingers to form the head, paying attention to the folds. We press the triangular part well and press the fold to the extreme horizontal.
  17. We form the ears like this: we find the verticals near the edge of the horizontal line, and fold the small triangles upward.
  18. We find the line between the ears and push it. Align the ear area.

  19. We bend the body of the figure in half so that the part with the tail is on the right. Unbend your torso and turn it around. We find 4 folds on it.
  20. We place the figurine on its side and fold it horizontally, unfolding it.
  21. We also unfold the upper body a little and fold the paws.
  22. Bend the lower part of the body slightly back, following the horizontal line.

  23. We bend the resulting accordion upward so that it closes and the bottom of the body bends back.
  24. We twist the ponytail a little and then release it.
  25. Pull the legs a little to make the figure stable.
  26. We coat the neck with glue so that it remains thin and does not crumble.

The paper cat is ready! Now the muzzle can be painted and placed on a shelf or any other surface to make the interior beautiful.

Master class: paper cat

If you like this cat, then you will need a square sheet of paper to work with.

Let's take on the craft:

  1. Fold the prepared sheet of paper to the left.

  2. Divide one of the diagonals into 2 parts, and then divide this part into three more. Bend the corner so that it is located near the middle.

  3. Fold the top right corner and then straighten it.

  4. Fold the square along diagonal lines.

  5. Fold one side parallel to the edges, as in the photo. Run your hand well along the folds and return the paper to its original position.

  6. Bend the corner using the photo as a guide. Iron the fold well.

  7. Unfold the sheet, place it face down and iron the folds made earlier.

  8. Unfold the paper and fold the right side over and then straighten it out.

  9. Repeat the folds on the other side.

  10. Turn the right side towards you and turn the edges to the center on both sides.

  11. Do not unfold the fold that was made last. Turn the paper over to the other side facing you.

  12. Fold the sheet diagonally, as well as the edge in the other part of the sheet.

  13. Make all the lapels the same and even.

  14. Turn the workpiece over, bend the paper, following the fold lines.

  15. On one side and the other, fold the corners from below into the middle, and the corners from above - in the opposite direction.

  16. Run your hand along the folds. Bend the corner at the top to the bottom. This will be a cat's head.

  17. Turn the workpiece over and bend the corner at the top so that its top drops to the bottom.

  18. Fold the corners on both sides into the middle to create cat ears.

  19. On the muzzle, turn the corner at the bottom inward, and then outward, but before doing this, back off about 1 cm. Then the muzzle can be raised a little.

  20. To make the figure stable and voluminous, do the following: connect the lower corner of the tail with the edge of the paw (on the opposite side), and the prominent corner on the tail with the other edge of the paw.

    Volumetric figure

    Video instructions

    Before you get started, don't forget to watch the recommended video lessons.

    Cat Dzi-Dzi made of paper:


Origami is the art of “paper folding” that came to us from Japan and has captured the hearts of both adults and children. This is the most accessible form of pastime, which requires only a sheet of paper. You can start teaching your child the simple skill of making origami from paper cats using a very simple scheme. Enthusiasts have developed many ways to fold paper toys from colored paper. If you wish, make a whole collection with your child and display it on a shelf in the children's room.

European teachers have long confirmed the benefits of such a simple hobby as origami. Various techniques for creating paper crafts are known to residents of different continents. Since paper was invented, simple figurines of the most popular animals, such as a cat or kitten, have been cut out and made from it. This type of needlework develops imaginative and spatial thinking, fine motor skills of the fingers, and stimulates the development of the creative potential of preschool children.

In some countries, appliqué and origami crafts have become part of the developmental program of kindergartens. Teachers are not only required to follow the program exactly, but also vary patterns and techniques for working with paper:

  • flat crafts;
  • color applications;
  • voluminous toys;
  • figures from modules.

The easiest way for beginners is to make origami from paper using a ready-made pattern. At home, any mother, grandmother or nanny can, during leisure hours, suggest that the child “help” her make a paper family of cats. This makes it easier to involve children in joint creative activities. After teaching older children, they are assigned to work with their younger brothers or sisters so that their parents are not distracted from important matters.

If children are interested, then you can make crafts in different colors from sheets of paper of the same size, for example, a red and black kitten, and from a larger format paper fold a white mother cat according to the same simple pattern.

Once upon a time, origami was given a special spiritual meaning: in Asia they believed that through figures it was easier to convey one’s desires and requests to the gods. Many images carried a secret sacred meaning or subtext. For example, cranes - the desire to get well, a dog - to find true friends. Today in the European space everything is simplified; rather, a child will present origami to his parents with a direct hint that he should be given a live kitten or puppy.

It is more difficult to build something from modules than from an ordinary sheet of paper, especially when the task involves expanding or narrowing a three-dimensional figure. For such work you need a lot of paper, from which many identical parts are made, connected into a toy.

It’s worth mastering the triangular double module itself and how to connect many identical parts: it’s easy to make anything you want step by step. Although this is a more advanced level, it will be interesting to watch the master class on video.

What paper and tools are needed for origami?

For those who are interested in how to make an origami cat out of paper, it is important to stock up on suitable material. Once upon a time in Japan and China all paper was made from rice; in North Africa it was made from papyrus. In Southeast Asia, even today it is produced from elephant dung after repeated purification, but it is used for souvenirs.

Masters of origami and modular crafts use special grades of paper for their products - “washi” or “kami”.

A beginner can use thin colored cardboard, thick paper for making gift boxes, or office paper.

To give the figures a “living” appearance, you can use ready-made “running eyes”. It is proposed to cut out the cat features on the paper figurine from colored paper or finish drawing it:

  • marker;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • pencils;
  • paints.

You can't do without scissors and glue. Some simple paper cat origami patterns available for beginners are made from two parts:

  1. Head (attached to the base).
  2. Torso.

Choose paper for origami that is quite thick so that the figures hold their shape for a long time.

Look how cute the cat is - a step-by-step diagram accessible to a child. Let him draw the eyes and nose himself if he wants.

Schemes for origami “cat”

Which model to choose for implementation depends on the parents. There are very simple instructions on how to easily make a paper kitten. But some people like patterns with big ears, others like “fold-eared” origami kittens. The shape of the body also varies: there are refined animal figures and stockier ones.

In order for the paper “sculpture” to sit on its own, you need to give it stability according to the tripod principle - bend the tail and front legs.

A ginger cat made of colored paper that walks on its own and does not need an owner. The shape of her body has a static position. Therefore, you can turn the craft into a convenient and practical stand for small items.

Necessary materials:

  • colored semi-cardboard;
  • White paper;
  • black felt-tip pen;
  • office glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.

Stages of making a cat:

1. The cat's torso will consist of a cubic shape. Therefore, to create it you will need to cut out a 17 x 5 cm rectangle from orange double-sided thick paper.

2. Mark along the top and bottom edges 4 cm four times. Connecting the markings. On the far left side we draw a semicircle to create the cat’s paws.

3. We bend the blank of the cat's body along vertical lines and cut it out along the intended contour to create paws. Let's reveal.

4. Apply glue to the side of the workpiece 1 cm thick. Glue the figure and get a cubic shape of the cat’s body.

5. From the same shade of paper, cut out a tail along the contour. Glue it to one of the sides of the body. You should also take white paper and cut out a semi-oval. Glue it on the opposite side of the body and get the front part where the head will be attached.

6. Draw the outline of the head and a long strip on an orange sheet of paper. Cut out the details. We bend the strip several times and glue it together to obtain a three-dimensional rectangle.

7. Let's embellish the cat's face with details. Cut out a couple of drops and circles from white paper. Glue it. We also cut out the middle of the ears, nose and mouth from pink paper. We attach it to the right places.

Let's add small details to the cat's face using a black felt-tip pen or marker. We draw pupils in the middle of each circle, a long mustache, eyebrows, and the outline of the ears and mouth.

8. Glue a volumetric rectangle to the back of the head.

9. Next, apply glue to the side of the rectangle and glue the part to the wall of the body, where there is a white section of the chest.

10. With this, our cute paper cat is ready in the form of a voluminous craft with a cubic body and a voluminous head. You can complement the craft with lines and small decorative elements that will create the desired effect.

If a kitten does not have toys, he will scratch furniture, chew the owner's things, and so on. This cannot become a habit. You can go to the store, but it’s cheaper and more practical to make toys for kittens with your own hands. We will make toys from the simplest, inexpensive materials. It doesn’t matter to a kitten whether the toy is homemade or bought in a store. So we will use this.

What toys does a cat need?

Let's start by answering the question - what objects do little kittens like to play with? Kittens love everything small, rustling, bright, and furry.

Let it be a ball of thread, a ribbon, a string, a piece of paper on a string, a paper bag (do not confuse it with a cellophane bag, a cat can suffocate in cellophane). Kittens, like most babies, only accept toys and objects for play while they are new. One or two days later they get tired of playing with one toy.

Do not buy expensive toys for your kitten. You can buy an inexpensive toy or make one for kittens with your own hands from available materials.

A homemade toy, if made with skill, will keep your pet as occupied as a store-bought one.

What items will be useful for your pet to play with:

  1. Ping pong balls. It is better to choose balls made of durable plastic so that the cat does not bite through the ball.
  2. Carton boxes. Any will do: flat and rectangular, large and small. It is enough to make a few holes in the lid with scissors, and the kitten is busy.
  3. A small ball of crumpled paper or aluminum food foil.
  4. Wine bottle corks. They are made of natural material, large and light. Kittens love to chew them and roll them on the floor.
  5. Pencils. Throw a pencil to the kitten and let him run after it.
  6. Empty thread spools. They roll well on the floor.
  7. Any pompom (fur, woolen thread). The pompom is sewn to a string and tied to a chair.

We have already told you how to do it. Our task today is to make more simple ones. It takes very little time and effort to make a set of different toys for your pet. For the set we will need:

  1. Food foil (not to be confused with another).
  2. Feathers or Christmas tree decorations.
  3. A box from under a centimeter.
  4. 2 any covers.
  5. Small .

We put round vitamins (fish oil) inside the box, in case the kitten opens it. We need a rattling or rustling toy - this will make it more interesting for the cat to play. You can cover the edge of the box with a piece of tape, but it is not necessary.

What do we do with these items? We pull the thread out of the ball (tail). Cut a piece of foil and wrap it around the ball. Wrap it tightly so that the kitten cannot unwind it right away. is also wrapped in foil, leaving its own “tail” of thread. Sew or tie a thread. Inside the wrapper you get a soft little mouse. If you don’t have a knitted item at hand, wind 2 balls of yarn, a large one and a smaller one - this will be the body of the “mouse”.

A toy made of two lids: make a hole in one lid with scissors, thread it, and tie a knot inside. We put vitamins inside (you can use pieces of food). Cover the cut with a piece of tape on top. Here is a simple set for the game. We hope that our ideas will be useful to you.

Such toys do not require human participation. The kitten can play this game on its own. For example, from a flat cardboard box. A pizza box, a parcel box, old boots, etc. will do. The kitten should try to reach with its paw the object that is inside the box.

To work you will need:

  1. Cardboard box.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Scotch.
  4. Pieces of cardboard.

Small ping pong balls or any other balls.

Using scissors, we make holes in the box: 2 pieces on the sides and 6-8 pieces on top. We tape a cardboard jumper inside with tape to prevent the box from flattening.

Close the box and seal all the corners with tape: