Signs on which days you should not wash yourself. You need to wash your hair according to folk traditions. General “Friday” signs

For our ancestors, hair was a source of accumulated energy, and it is not surprising at all, because thoughts accumulate and materialize in the head area, sending certain signals into space.

That is why such a huge number of folk signs and superstitions have survived to this day. Today I want to understand with you the everyday procedure - hair washing.

We live in a crazy pace of life and many of us don’t think “I’ll wash my hair today, because I can’t do it tomorrow!” Agree that few people are puzzled by this question, because as long as we have time for ourselves, we immediately begin bathing procedures.

And all because no one knows about folk signs, maybe you have developed your own prejudices, but I will “introduce” you to the habits of our ancestors.

You can't wash your hair on Monday

As people say, starting business on Monday is a bad thing! And washing your hair is no exception. According to popular wisdom, washing your hair on the first day of the work week will bring bad luck to all other working days. I decided to test this “prohibition”, or rather warning, for myself.

I’ll tell you, dear readers, that this didn’t affect my luck in any way, but an employee, having not yet read my blog, admitted that it’s better for her not to wash her hair on Mondays - the whole week then goes awry, and at work there are only “misses”.

Happy Tuesday

Things are better with this day of the week - European nations have always started great things on Tuesday. As you may have guessed, this day is favorable for “spa treatments.”

I wonder if Tuesday is yours magical powers will help you create a stunning hairstyle?

clear environment

Wednesday is the equator of the work week. It seems that the energy has already been spent, but there is still a charge of energy to complete everyday work. Our ancestors were confident that on this day a person has a clear head and thoughts, which means he is ready to reboot and accumulate new strength.

This day is one of the most favorable for washing your hair.

Concerning Thursday, then there are no special “concerns”. But still, it is better to wash your hair before sunrise - this way you will be enriched with energy and accumulate positive thoughts. This day fits the saying: “He who gets up early, God gives him!”

Special Friday

This day of the week, like Monday, is difficult and it is better not to start new things.

Again, everything is interconnected with Christianity, because it was on Friday that Jesus Christ was crucified and subjected to terrible torture. Therefore, in the first half of the day you cannot have fun, do household chores and make a mess.

According to the ancestors, after washing your hair on such a day, expect a lot of hair loss. It sounds terrifying, but I didn’t tempt fate and refrain from such procedures on Friday.

Of course, there are exceptions when you can’t do without washing your hair on Friday.

"Bath" Saturday

The first day off after hard everyday life - great time to not only clean the house, but also put your body in order. Saturday is an excellent day according to all religious canons for bathing procedures; of course, on this day you can not only wash your hair, but you should!

After all, already in Sunday there will be no such opportunity. Even in the distant past, people put aside their affairs and devoted the day to rest, prayer and family leisure. You shouldn’t worry about your appearance and body on this day; resurrection, according to religion, is given to us for spiritual enrichment.

And finally, I will share with you one more sign, it is no longer tied to the days of the week.

If you are prone to superstitions, it is better not to wash your hair before the exam, they say water washes away all knowledge! This is how you studied the tickets all evening, and then decided to take a bath or shower and “washed away” the necessary information. Also, before important negotiations or interviews, you should not wash your hair, in this case you can “lose” your luck.

Of course, it’s inconvenient to go to a meeting with people with a dirty head, but it’s better not to risk it. However, the right to choose always remains yours.

To believe or not to believe, that is the question...

Signs of Friday They warn that people born on this day choose creative professions for themselves; they achieve success through hard work. And for whom is it easy? The fact is that those born on Friday bring elements of creativity to any profession. They will never be a “gray mouse” in their workplace. Accountants, economists, lawyers, engineers, programmers, etc. will always introduce creative notes and innovations into their activities if they were born on Friday. It is on Friday that brilliant writers, brilliant actors, brilliant dancers, brilliant musicians are born... And all because Friday is ruled by art and love. On Friday you meet true love.

Signs of Friday.

  1. In the first half of the day on Friday you cannot have fun and rejoice, otherwise in the second half of the day there will be a reason for tears and great sadness.
  2. Friday is considered an unfavorable day for all endeavors (like Monday). In the old days they said that on Friday things slow down. Therefore, important decisions are not made on this day.
  3. The signs of Friday confirm that dreams come true on this day. Unmarried girls can see their groom in a dream. A good dream must be told in the first half of the day, then it will definitely come true. I never recommend sharing a bad dream.
  4. You should not start studying on Friday.
  5. In the old days, peasants did not lay a hen on eggs on Friday because the chicks would not hatch viable.
  6. Girls who dream of getting married should fast on Friday.
  7. For married women, washing their hair on Friday was considered a sin.
  8. You can’t knit or sew on Friday, otherwise your hands will hurt.
  9. It is not recommended to trim your nails on Friday; there will be hangnails.
  10. It is not recommended to move to another place of residence or office on Friday. Any move or travel on Friday will be unsuccessful.
  11. Can't change bed sheets on Friday, otherwise you'll have nightmares.
  12. You can’t plant potatoes on Friday, there will be poor seedlings, and therefore the harvest will be bad.
  13. The signs of Friday warn farmers that on this day it is forbidden to stick sharp metal stakes, rods, rakes, pitchforks, etc. into the ground, otherwise you may get a bad crop harvest and you won’t even have to guess the reason.
  14. If it started raining on Friday, it will be sunny on Sunday.
  15. Special Friday signs refer to Good Friday. On this day, Christian believers keep a strict fast. You can eat some bread with clean water after the shroud is taken out during the service.
  16. If there is a suspicion that there are dangerous things spoken in the house, then on Good Friday they bring home a candle from the church with which they stood during the service. At home, they light a candle and walk around the entire house clockwise, presenting the candle to suspicious things. The candle will crackle and smoke near a dangerous (damaged) item. This item must be burned outside the house. You cannot take it with your bare hands.
  17. Bread baked on Good Friday will have healing properties and will not mold. Sailors even took this bread on voyages; it served as a talisman against shipwreck.
  18. In the old days, they tried to save some of the baked goods baked on Good Friday until Good Friday next year. This was a talisman against fire and disease.
  19. Woe betide the one who pierces the ground with an iron object on Good Friday.
  20. On Good Friday, a ring is blessed, which will become a talisman if worn constantly.
  21. Parsley sown on Good Friday gives a very good harvest. Other crops cannot be sown on Good Friday; there will be no harvest.
  22. Fortunately plates or dishes break on Good Friday.
  23. You can't do laundry on Good Friday. It is believed that clothes washed on Good Friday will never be clean. Wool items washed on Good Friday shrink and lose their attractive appearance.
  24. If there are many stars in the sky on the night from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday, then this year there will be a good harvest of grain crops and the grain will be full.
  25. If it is cloudy on Good Friday, there will be a lot of weeds in the grain crops, which will significantly worsen their yield.
  26. If the weather is clear and sunny on Good Friday, the wheat harvest will be good.
  27. Our ancestors believed that if you wean a child on Good Friday, he will grow up healthy, strong and happy.
  28. Signs of Friday warn that Friday, which falls on the 13th, has special negative energy. It confirms a large number of historical events. There is a legend according to which Friday the 13th was cursed by the master of the powerful Templar Order of the 14th century, who was dying in agony at the stake, because on this day the arrests of members of this Order were carried out, and they were all subsequently burned at the stake.
  29. On Friday the 13th, the number of road accidents increases several times.
  30. On Friday the 13th, you need to take care of the contents of your wallet, and even more so you cannot lend money, you cannot buy expensive things, otherwise you will face poverty.
  31. Don't look back when you walk home from work on Friday the 13th.
  32. On Friday the 13th you cannot stand under the stairs.
  33. You cannot wear brown or red-colored clothes on Friday the 13th.
  34. When going to bed on Friday 13th, you should not look in the mirror.
  35. You cannot dye your hair red or eggplant on Friday the 13th.
  36. You cannot cut your hair on Friday the 13th; you will lose not only your beauty, but also your health.
  37. Everyone knows that you cannot create a team of 13 people, you cannot seat 13 people at one table, you cannot have 13 people present at any meeting. On Friday the 13th, this is absolutely NOT possible to do.
  38. Everyone is free to choose to believe or not in omens. Let me give you an example from history. Those who did not believe in omens built a ship in the 18th century called “Friday the 13th” and launched it on the 13th Friday. The ship disappeared without a trace and to this day humanity does not know its fate.
  39. My advice is to live in harmony with the world around you, honor its signs and traditions. To this end, this note lists the signs of Friday.

Although Friday is the happiest day for everyone who has worked a legal five-day work week, in fact, it is the most dangerous day. It is easy to verify this by finding out signs of Friday, and what they promise us. And they promise the following:

On Friday there is a taboo for all endeavors, incl. marriage, moving, any, etc.

Tell me your dream on Friday, and it will certainly come true. From Thursday to Friday, as you know, dreams come true. So, if you had a good, kind dream, be sure to share your impressions with someone so that you can realize all its charm in reality.

You can't plant potatoes on Friday - they won't sprout. And in general, on Friday it is forbidden to stick sharp objects into the ground (forks, rakes...) if you do not want to be left without a harvest.

Children born on Friday will have a hard time achieving a happy destiny. Although, this Friday has not been confirmed by anything. Many have difficulty achieving a decent life were born in happier days.

You can't cut your nails on Friday if you don't want hangnails.

You can’t change your bed on Friday, otherwise you’ll have a nightmare.

According to popular belief: if it started raining on Friday, then it will be sunny on Sunday; Chickens are not allowed to lay eggs on Fridays.

According to the Bible, on Friday Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise; Cain killed his brother Abel on Friday. That’s why so much negative stuff stuck to Friday.

Friday is patronized by Venus - the God of love, however, judging by the signs, this is not felt, because Getting married, and just starting a relationship on Friday is also not advisable.

Good Friday

Among the Orthodox, in addition to the usual Friday, there is also a Passion Friday, which also carries a lot of signs and superstitions:

If you bake bread on Good Friday, it will have healing properties

Sailors took this bread with them as a talisman against sudden storms

You can't do laundry on this day. This also applies to other work around the house and in the garden.

Good Friday is a time of fasting. On this day, you need to think about “is life satisfactory, is everything being done correctly?”

Black Friday – Friday the 13th

Another most terrible day combined with an unlucky number. Why exactly is the number 13 so unlucky?

Those who have read the Bible know that exactly 13 people gathered at the Last Supper, among whom was Judas. Jesus himself was crucified on Good Friday. In addition, they used to really believe that it was on Fridays that witches organized their gatherings of 12 people + the 13th Satan himself.

Friday the 13th is an unloved day in many countries. For example, in the USA, many built houses do not have a 13th floor, airports do not have flights on this day, and there is no 13th exit. In Britain, Friday the 13th is a conditional day off for surgeons, because... No operations are performed on this day.

These are the signs of Fridays. But many are already really looking forward to it, because the long-awaited weekend is ahead! And signs... that’s why they are signs, so that you can decide for yourself to believe it or not.

Olga Vinogradskaya for site

No matter how far progress has come, we often still turn to ancient signs. Let's look at the signs about washing your hair.

Our ancestors were very attentive to their hair. People believed that it was through them that an invisible connection with higher powers was realized. It was believed that by taking possession of another person’s hair, you could completely subjugate him to your will. To fall in love with yourself or, on the contrary, to destroy you.

We have compiled for you a list of the most popular beliefs among people related to washing your hair. Perhaps they will help someone make their hair healthier and more voluminous. After all, as you know, there is some truth in every fairy tale.

Washing your hair by day of the week: when is it better?

How much truth there is in this, and how much superstition today everyone determines for himself. But folk memory has preserved and brought to this day a lot of various signs and beliefs associated with hair, some of which we unconsciously try to observe even now.

  • Monday. It is strictly forbidden to wash your hair, since any task (not just this procedure) will not bring anything good and will attract various failures for the whole week. By the way, many of our contemporaries confirm this postulate in their own personal experience and really try not to wash your hair on the first day of work. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Monday is generally considered a difficult day for a person, when after the weekend you have to get back into the working rhythm.
  • Tuesday . A good “working” day, in which work is already easier than on Monday, and washing your hair is not prohibited. Moreover, since ancient times there has been an opinion that it is on this day that it is good to start various activities - why should hair care be an exception?
  • Wednesday . The best day for bath procedures, as well as for human life in general. According to psychologists, this is the peak of performance, when we can handle anything. On Wednesdays it is very good to “overload”, gain energy and strength to finish the work week, which is best done with a “clear” (in other words, clean) head.
  • Thursday . On this day it is very useful to get rid of dirt - both spiritual and physical. Just remember Maundy Thursday during Easter week! There is only one “but”: you should wash very early, before sunrise, then you will not only take water procedures, but you can also improve your health.

  • Friday . It is believed that a head washed on Friday will lose hair. A day unfavorable for self-care, since it is considered difficult and sad - after all, it was on Friday that the Savior suffered martyrdom on the cross. And in general, the end of the working week is usually accompanied by a loss of energy, the remains of which should not be spent on washing your hair.
  • Saturday . An excellent day for washing: along with the dirt, the hardships of the work week, problems and difficulties that followed you towards the weekend and interfered with proper rest will be washed away. It’s also a good idea to tidy up your house to surround yourself with cleanliness and freshness.

  • Sunday . A special day intended for relaxation, family circle, communication and spiritual development. On Sundays, not only working, but also swimming is a sin.

Our superstitious contemporaries not only continue to follow the advice of their ancestors regarding hair care, but also add their own observations to them.

Thus, it is believed that you should not wash your hair before any important events - in life or in business, so as not to scare away your luck. And schoolchildren and students, as a matter of principle, do not swim before exams and tests, so as not to “wash away” their knowledge.

Video: Hair washing rules

The ancient Slavs believed that hair absorbs all the positive and negative energy coming from a person’s thoughts and actions. By washing your hair, some of this energy could be “removed.” But what kind of energy would go away, good or bad, largely depended on what day of the week the cleansing procedures were carried out. Since Monday was not considered the most prosperous day, it was not recommended to go to the bathhouse, because this could wash off all the positive energy.

What happens if you disobey

According to popular beliefs, if a person disobeyed the ban and washed his hair on Monday, he would deprive himself of all good luck.

  1. If a man washes his hair, he will face failures at work, failed deals and loss of finances.
  2. A girl who washes her hair on Monday may quarrel with her parents or friends.
  3. A married woman who does not listen to signs can expect scandals in the family, children's whims and other domestic problems.
  4. If a person decides to wash not only his hair, but his entire body, then in addition to failure, he may “lose” a lot of hair. This “punishment” especially applies to men.

On which days can you wash and on which days can you not?

There was one more day, besides Monday, which was not suitable for going to the bathhouse. It was Friday. It received the status of an “unfavorable” day with the advent of Christianity. Believers believed that it was on Friday that Jesus was crucified, so any joy on this day was mistaken for a sinful action. Washing your hair was also considered a pleasant activity, so it was also prohibited.

On any other day, especially Sunday, one could wash without any restrictions. Any cleansing rituals were associated not only with physical, but also with spiritual rebirth, and prepared people for the new week.

It's up to you to believe in the sign or not. But if you agree with popular superstitions, try to avoid washing your hair on Monday and Friday by any means, otherwise you will definitely attract negative events to yourself.

For our ancestors, hair was a source of accumulated energy, and it is not surprising at all, because thoughts accumulate and materialize in the head area, sending certain signals into space.

That is why such a huge number of folk signs and superstitions have survived to this day. Today I want to understand with you the everyday procedure - hair washing.

We live in a crazy pace of life and many of us don’t think “I’ll wash my hair today, because I can’t do it tomorrow!” Agree that few people are puzzled by this question, because as long as we have time for ourselves, we immediately begin bathing procedures.

And all because no one knows about folk signs, maybe you have developed your own prejudices, but I will “introduce” you to the habits of our ancestors.

You can't wash your hair on Monday

As people say, starting business on Monday is a bad thing! And washing your hair is no exception. According to popular wisdom, washing your hair on the first day of the work week will bring bad luck to all other working days. I decided to test this “prohibition”, or rather warning, for myself.

I’ll tell you, dear readers, that this didn’t affect my luck in any way, but an employee, having not yet read my blog, admitted that it’s better for her not to wash her hair on Mondays - the whole week then goes awry, and at work there are only “misses”.

Happy Tuesday

Things are better with this day of the week - European nations have always started great things on Tuesday. As you may have guessed, this day is favorable for “spa treatments.”

I wonder if Tuesday, with its magical powers, will help you create a stunning hairstyle?

clear environment

Wednesday is the equator of the work week. It seems that the energy has already been spent, but there is still a charge of energy to complete everyday work. Our ancestors were confident that on this day a person has a clear head and thoughts, which means he is ready to reboot and accumulate new strength.

This day is one of the most favorable for washing your hair.

Concerning Thursday, then there are no special “concerns”. But still, it is better to wash your hair before sunrise - this way you will be enriched with energy and accumulate positive thoughts. This day fits the saying: “He who gets up early, God gives him!”

Special Friday

This day of the week, like Monday, is difficult and it is better not to start new things.

Again, everything is interconnected with Christianity, because it was on Friday that Jesus Christ was crucified and subjected to terrible torture. Therefore, in the first half of the day you cannot have fun, do household chores and make a mess.

According to the ancestors, after washing your hair on such a day, expect a lot of hair loss. It sounds terrifying, but I didn’t tempt fate and refrain from such procedures on Friday.

Of course, there are exceptions when you can’t do without washing your hair on Friday.

"Bath" Saturday

The first day off after a hard day is a great time to not only clean the house, but also get your body in order. Saturday is an excellent day according to all religious canons for bathing procedures; of course, on this day you can not only wash your hair, but you should!

After all, already in Sunday there will be no such opportunity. Even in the distant past, people put aside their affairs and devoted the day to rest, prayer and family leisure. You shouldn’t worry about your appearance and body on this day; resurrection, according to religion, is given to us for spiritual enrichment.

And finally, I will share with you one more sign, it is no longer tied to the days of the week.

If you are prone to superstitions, it is better not to wash your hair before the exam, they say water washes away all knowledge! This is how you studied the tickets all evening, and then decided to take a bath or shower and “washed away” the necessary information. Also, before important negotiations or interviews, you should not wash your hair, in this case you can “lose” your luck.

Of course, it’s inconvenient to go to a meeting with people with a dirty head, but it’s better not to risk it. However, the right to choose always remains yours.

To believe or not to believe, that is the question...

Answer to this question Many people want to get it. So let's take a closer look and answer. First, let's remember history and look into the past to our ancestors, who knew and understood a lot. And believe me, for a reason.

Our ancestors said: You cannot wash your hair on Monday.

Monday, the beginning of a new week. And no one took a bath that day. This was observed as law. Millions of years ago, tribes knew this custom and respected their elders. Those who broke traditions and washed on Monday were severely punished. They threw stones and beat us with large sticks. Everything ended in death.


You can't wash your hair on Monday:

  • It was considered a bad sign to touch, much less wash, on Monday.
  • Washing my hair has not been practiced since the beginning of the week, because great failure followed me in work, hunting and other similar matters.
  • All the hair will come out. And from thick hair only fluff will remain.

Magic will tell you why you can't wash your hair on Monday

  1. For white magic. Monday is the beginning of everyone started this only for males, because it is a male day of the week. The sorcerers did not take up work and did not cut their hair for their rituals. But what does it have to do with not washing your hair on Monday? Yes, because you had to come to magicians and sorcerers with a clean and not dirty head. This concerned appearance and clothes. In ancient times, men did not wash on Mondays, but did so the day before.
  2. For black magic. Moreover, a clean look and appearance was required. Hair was required to be clean and saturated with energy, which was used for dirty deeds.

Why can't women wash their hair on Mondays?

A terrible fact suggests that if married woman If he does this seven Mondays in a row, he will remain a widow. Don't even try to check for fun. All the men in your family through the girls will die out. But this will take years. And any parents would not want such a fate for their children. Problems will come up like snowy mountains of snow, but many won’t even think about removing them. You will have to suffer for the rest of your life. And if you are lucky enough to meet a knowledgeable person, then maybe your eyes will be opened.

What to do if you disobeyed that you can’t wash your hair on Monday

  1. The very first thing is not to panic, but to use your brain. Find Grandma Witch Doctor. She will help remove and correct such an unforgivable mistake. But we warn you that you will have to walk for a long time and a lot. You will also have to visit the cemetery more than once.
  2. It also happens that, as luck would have it, there is no opportunity to find a Sage, a sorceress or the necessary magician. Then, get ready and go to church. Light a candle for your health and pray. If you don’t know how, then just stand there and think about your guilt. As soon as you receive a sign from Above: tears may flow involuntarily or a lump will form in your throat. Then go home with God. But all the way home you need to walk in silence and not look back. If you violate it, you will have to start treatment all over again. The jokes are over for you. This is a kind of karma sent by God. Apparently this was the punishment. But there are also advanced cases.
  3. If the husband died. Light forty candles for the repose of his soul. Next, order a prayer service on this occasion. Believe me, everything that happens to us is for a reason. Everyone in this world or the next will get what they deserve. I would also like to say and warn that you should never laugh at such things and say out loud your good opinion. The consequences can be severe and the retribution brutal.

If there are children

Children are more susceptible to negative influences than adults. They have a pure and open soul, which means they have a weak astronomical aura. The child should not wash his hair on Monday. Pervasive problems at certain points prove some inexplicable things. He was smart and suddenly changed in the other direction. Really familiar? Or he studied well, and then moved out or slipped into bad grades at school. And the reason is simple and this is only about washing your hair, where the brains are located first of all.