Remove traces of sweat and deodorant. How to remove white stains from deodorant on clothes. How to get rid of deodorant marks

Most people use sweat products on a daily basis, and the question of how to remove white stains from deodorant in the armpits on clothes never loses its importance. Regardless of whether roll-on deodorants or spray deodorants, almost all of them leave ugly stains on the fabric, dark clothes are especially affected, on which these marks are very visible. It happens that traditional washing does not bring results and it takes some effort to get rid of traces of deodorant.

How to remove deodorant marks from black clothes

To eliminate white spots from deodorant on black, it is recommended to use some folk tricks, because most of the tools at hand can be found in every kitchen.

  1. Ordinary vinegar will help solve the problem. This method is suitable for both dark fabrics stained with antiperspirant and colored fabrics. To remove the deodorant, you must first wet the contaminated areas with a 9% vinegar solution. It is recommended to do this for several hours (for example, overnight). After the time has passed, the item is washed in an automatic machine or manually.
  2. With black clothes, residual traces of deodorant can be easily removed with salt. It is rubbed into the soiled place for 12-14 hours, and then the thing is processed in washing machine or in manual mode. The method is suitable for removing even old traces of any deodorant, including roll-on deodorant.
  3. Deodorant stains on black clothes can be removed with lemon juice. It is used in its pure form, without diluting with water. Squeezed juice is rubbed on the places that need to be cleaned, and things are allowed to soak for 0.5 hours. Then the product is soaked in a soapy solution for 30 minutes and then washed in a typewriter or by hand.
  4. To delete on dark clothes traces of deodorant, ordinary undiluted vodka is suitable. This method is recommended for quick cleaning. Alcohol is rubbed into the soiled areas for a few minutes - most often this is enough to remove dirt in the armpits.
  5. Remove white stains from clothing with rubbing alcohol. It can be diluted in a ratio of 1: 1, soak the contaminated places for 30-40 minutes, and then wash the thing in the usual way. It is not recommended to keep alcohol on the fabric for more than 1 hour, as light marks may appear and the thing will become unusable. Removes deodorant marks well on a black t-shirt detergent for dishes. It is applied with a sponge to contaminated areas, after moistening them. The thing needs to be lightly washed, and then rinsed in clean water and dry.
  6. At home, from improvised materials, you can prepare a special composition. In 4 tbsp. l. peroxide add 2 tbsp. l. soda and 1 tsp. liquid dishwashing detergent. The solution is applied to the soiled places for several hours - until the stains disappear. Clothes after cleaning are washed or rinsed in running water.
  7. To quickly remove traces of deodorant, baking soda in its pure form will help. It is applied to a damp cloth for several minutes and then washed in soapy water.
  8. You can use ammonia - wipe the soiled areas with a sponge or cotton pad. It is advisable to carry out the procedure with good ventilation of the room, because the product has a persistent smell. After cleaning, the item should be washed with a conditioner and dried in the air. It is recommended to carry out the procedure with rubber gloves.

When cleaning dark clothes, do not use chlorine-containing preparations - they can lead to fading of the fabric. Before cleaning delicate matter, you need to test the product on an inconspicuous area.

How to remove stains from deodorant and sweat from light clothes

Many housewives are interested in how to remove deodorant stains from light-colored clothes. On white fabrics, such contamination is not as visible as on dark ones. To remove yellow stains on white clothes, you can use alcohol-based products or plain vodka. Technical or medical alcohol must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Soak the contaminated places with the solution and leave for 1 hour. After getting rid of dirt, the thing is washed or rinsed in clean water.

Acetylsalicylic acid is capable of removing yellow contaminants. To remove stains from deodorant, you need 2 tablets. They need to be crushed and dissolved in 0.5 cups of warm water. Apply the powder to the stained area using a sponge or cotton pad. Aspirin removes dirt in 30-40 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide will help to wash stains from sweat and deodorant from a shirt. A 3% solution is applied to the fabric at the site of contamination and left for 0.5 hours. To make the process more efficient, it is recommended to place a light-colored item in bright sunlight or under an artificial light source. After the time has passed, the thing is rinsed in clean water.

Laundry soap quickly removes stains from deodorant. It is recommended to grind it on a grater and prepare a rich soapy solution. This method is good for clothes made of natural wool. The thing is immersed in the resulting liquid for 1.5-2 hours, and then washed in the traditional mode.

Removing deodorant stains from colored fabrics

Fresh deodorant stains on clothes are much easier to remove than old ones. Therefore, it is better to wash the deodorant on colored clothes immediately after the onset of contamination. If cleaning with improvised means did not give positive results, it is better to use household chemicals that you can buy at the store.

Knitwear can be cleaned with a simple home remedy. For its preparation you will need: water, salt and ammonia. In 1 glass of warm water, dilute 1 tsp. coarse salt and ammonia. Treat the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing with the resulting solution and leave the item for 2-3 hours. After washing the product in the usual way.

Ammonia can be used to remove even stubborn dirt. It must be half diluted with water and applied to the fabric at the site of contamination. It is not recommended to keep ammonia on the fabric for a long time, 5-7 minutes is enough. After the procedure, be sure to wash the item with conditioner to eliminate the pungent odor.

Reading time: 1 minute

Deodorant-antiperspirant is a tool that almost everyone has today. It not only helps to get rid of bad smell sweating, but also reduce it " turns". However, most deodorants have one significant disadvantage - they leave dirt on clothes. Even after wearing a clean thing once. We will tell you how to remove deodorant stains under the arms of a different nature, with different type tissues, and how to effectively prevent their occurrence.

In the fight against deodorant stains, these practical tips will definitely help you:

  • The fresher the contamination from the antiperspirant, the easier it is to eliminate without a trace.
  • Do not wash the item hot water (above 30 degrees)! This will help the deodorant and sweat particles to penetrate deeply into the fibers of the fabric.
  • How to remove deodorant stains correctly? For thin, delicate materials, use a sponge, for durable materials, use a brush. At the same time, do not compress, do not crumple, but do not stretch the fabric. It is more correct to move the tool from the borders to the center of the spot.

  • It is necessary to clean the stain with a brush, a sponge from the inside of the product.
  • If you do not know how a specific tissue will react to a particular agent, test the substance on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bit.
  • When you rub the detergent into the stain, it is better to put a cotton napkin or towel under the fabric.
  • After you have applied a stain remover, homemade or professional, the thing should be washed twice - by hand and in the washing machine.
  • Do not dry the washed product on a battery or in direct sunlight, so as not to spoil its color.

Fighting stains

Each stain has its own effective method of elimination. Plus, universal tips to help remove any deodorant stains.

White spots

Why does deodorant stain clothes? It usually contains talc, which absorbs secretions, and aluminum salts - this component blocks the work of the sweat gland. It is they who stain our clothes if we rush to put them on before the product dries completely. How to remove white spots from deodorant, read on.

fresh pollution

If you have time to immediately remove the pollution, then take any powder, soap, liquid detergent or shampoo ( For delicate fabric ) and apply specifically to the underarm area.

Then leave the product to soak for several hours, then wash it.

lingering pollution

And here are popular safe for fabric and effective ways to deal with old pollution. How to remove white spots from deodorant, read the table.

Dishwashing liquid Apply the product to a damp sponge, thoroughly moisten the dirt with it. Then leave for half an hour or an hour, then wash the product.
Vinegar The product is not suitable for white fabrics - they may turn yellow!

For all other clothing, incl. from natural matter, the following instruction: apply 9% vinegar on the stain, then leave time to act. It depends on the intensity of pollution - from 10 minutes to 12 hours. Then just wash the thing. If the contamination is very problematic, the procedure can be repeated several times.

Vodka Moisten the stain with a cotton pad soaked in the drink. Most contaminants evaporate after 2-5 minutes! If the stain is problematic, then you can leave the vodka for half an hour or an hour, then wash the thing.

Advice! Vodka can be replaced with denatured, medical alcohol, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

yellow spots

The nature of yellow spots is somewhat different: it is the result of a chemical reaction between sweat and deodorant components. Usually this stain indicates complex contamination that has deeply ingrained into the fibers of the fabric. However, improvised means that are in every home will help to remove it. How to remove stains from sweat and deodorant, the table will tell.

ammonia ( a solution of water and ammonia) The substance has a pungent odor, can irritate the skin - therefore it is better to work with it with gloves:

1. Take a 25% ammonia solution.

2. In a glass of warm water, add 1 teaspoon " ammonia and the same amount of salt. Mix the ingredients.

3. Rub the solution into the soil.

4. Waiting - 15 minutes. After that, wash the item.

Hydrogen peroxide With the participation of this safe means there are several recommendations:

Mix 4 tbsp. spoons of peroxide, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing detergent and 2 tbsp. spoons of baking soda. Rub the resulting mixture of paste consistency into the dirt. After one and a half to two hours, wash the thing.

· Carefully pour, spray on the stain with a 3% peroxide solution. After 2-3 hours after that, it remains only to wash the thing.

In a liter of water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of funds. Soak the item in the solution for half an hour. After that, it remains only to wash it in cool water.

Lemon Effective only for fresh contamination:

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon onto the stain. Wait a few minutes, then wash the product.

The second way is to treat the stain with juice, then sprinkle it with salt on top. Then rub the dirt with a brush until it is lightened. Then it remains to brush off the salt and send the thing for washing.

Soda In a quarter cup of soda, add 4 tbsp. tablespoons of water, mix the mass. Such a peculiar pasta» Treat clothing: Rub it in and leave to dry completely. Then shake off excess powder and wash clothes.
Aspirin tablets ( acetylsalicylic acid) Crush 2 tablets into half a glass of water. The resulting solution is applied to the stain, rubbed with a brush, after which you need to leave it for 2-3 hours. Then - washing things.

Advice! Be sure to rinse the item thoroughly after applying peroxide! If, not washed off, it remains on the fabric, the fibers of the latter will turn yellow over time.

Universal ways

How do you get deodorant out of clothes? Here are universal recommendations for products suitable for any stains, most types of fabric:

  • Washing powder. Prepare " gruel", diluting 2 parts of the powder with one part of water. Rub this mixture onto the stains. As soon as it dries, rinse the item and wash it in the machine.
  • Laundry soap. Can be replaced with children's, glycerin, " Antipyatin". Rub a piece of the bar on a grater, dissolve the chips in hot water until foam forms. Rub the stains themselves with additional soap, then dip the thing in the solution for an hour and a half. Finish the job with a wash.
  • Salt and soap. Soak the sponge in the soap solution for 10 minutes. After that, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Dip a soapy sponge into this liquid and rub it on the stain. Wash the product after 15 minutes.

Glycerin soap "AntiPyatin"
Salt Gasoline
White Spirit

  • Gasoline and ammonia. Soak a cotton pad in gasoline, wipe the stain from the edges to the center. Then treat it with ammonia, rinse the product thoroughly and then wash it.
  • White Spirit. The substance is applied to the product, which after a while needs to be rinsed and washed.
  • Hyposulfite. Dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the product in a glass of water. Treat the stain with the solution, then wash the whole thing.

Advice! Baking soda can be replaced with toothpaste. But such a tool is only suitable for white things.

professional tools

If you do not trust folk methods, then we will advise you on several popular oxygen stain removers, which can effectively remove traces of deodorant.

Stain remover for stains from deodorant and rust by Dr. Beckmann. Product for both white and colored fabrics. It is applied for an hour, after which the thing is simply rinsed.
Amway Pre Wash deodorant stain spray A phosphate-free product is sprayed onto the item. After that, the product only needs to be washed.
Dry and liquid Vanish for colored and white clothes The " savior» from deodorant stains is quite aggressive, which is why you need to work with it in protective gloves.
Frau Schmidt Liquid Soap Stain Remover This soap root extract-based hand sanitizer can be used on a wide variety of fabrics: whites, colours, childrenswear.

Advice! Be sure to read the product manufacturer's instructions before use.

Now tips on specific colors and types of material. Each of them is better suited for its own, special cleaning.

white material

Here we will analyze the main types of fabric.

Natural fabric

How to wash the deodorant in this case? Here the following will be effective:

  • Hydrogen peroxide diluted 1:1 with water. The procedure can be repeated several times until the spots disappear. After a good wash thing.
  • Ultraviolet is beautiful redeemer» linen and cotton products from deodorant stains. It is enough to wash the thing and dry it in the sun.
  • Vinegar - treat the stain with acetic acid, then wash the product.

synthetic fabric

Aspirin will help you. Dilute a few tablets in water, saturate the stain with the solution, leave for 3 hours. After that, it remains to wash the thing.

Woolen, silk fabric

Two sure means here, the price of which is symbolic:

  • Soda. Dilute 4 tbsp. tablespoons of powder in ½ cup of water, soak the contamination with the product, leave for an hour. After that, be sure to wash.
  • Salt. Dissolve one glass of salt in 5 liters of water, soak the thing in the solution. Then just wash it.

black material

Now about stains on dark clothes. How to remove deodorant from black clothes worries many. Getting it out is quite real and simple:

  • Any material can be washed with laundry soap.
  • For all fabrics, including natural ones, vodka will be effective and safe. The drink dissolves most of the contaminants almost instantly. Only in especially advanced cases it is necessary to wait about an hour. After that - washing.
  • Lemon juice will also effectively remove a deodorant stain from a black. But after exposure, things will also need to be washed.
  • For black wool and silk products, the most the best remedy It's dishwashing liquid.

colored material

Colored items can be cleaned in the following effective ways:

  • Soak overnight in a bowl of water, where before that a couple of tablespoons of vinegar were stirred. You can also rub the acetic acid itself into the fabric, leave for an hour. In both cases, the thing must then be stretched away from the substance.
  • « capricious» The fabric is rubbed with laundry soap, left for 2-3 hours, and then washed.
  • Not bad help colored things and well-known shop stain removers.

In order not to spoil

Not all tools and methods are equally good for different tissues. Don't forget this note:

  • Acetic acid and acetone are detrimental to wool, viscose, silk and other " capricious» fabrics.
  • Ammonia will discolor the black tint.
  • Gasoline is not suitable for cleaning synthetics - nylon, polyester, nylon, etc.
  • Chlorine bleach can damage colored and white items: in the first case, the dye will discolor, in the second, deodorant stains will stand out as dark areas on clothes.
  • Nitric, hydrochloric acid are not suitable for cotton fabrics.
  • Alkali will quickly ruin silk and wool.

To avoid stains

To avoid wasting time, effort, and possibly money dealing with deodorant stains, the easiest way to prevent them is to:

  • Before using a deodorant-antiperspirant, always clean the skin of the armpits with a napkin - from microparticles of sweat, grease, cosmetics, yesterday's use of the product.
  • Apply deodorant only on dry skin.
  • Do not over-apply.
  • You can use deodorant not in the morning before going out, but at night - so it is better absorbed into the skin.
  • Even if you're not washing a garment because you're wearing deodorant, dampen areas that come into contact with your armpits with cold water before washing.

  • Put on clothes only after the deodorant is completely dry! If you use a spray, then after 1-2 minutes, ball, solid - about 5 minutes.
  • If you are in a hurry and do not have time to wait for the product to dry, apply it after you put on the item. The advice is good only for loose-fitting clothes, but in no case for tight ones. You can blot your armpits with a towel or put on tight clothes for a while. old clothes, which is not a pity to stain.

Advice! If you suffer from excessive sweating, then special disposable cotton underarm pads (pictured) will help you. Self-adhesive ( attached to clothing), they will absorb both sweat and deodorant.

Here we have analyzed in detail how to remove stains from deodorant and sweat. For every occasion, for every fabric and material, there is something special effective method, as well as a number of universal ones. It is also good if our advice will help you prevent the occurrence of this kind of pollution.

Deodorant has long been a familiar body care product. Manufacturers claim that the products do not leave marks on clothes. But, nevertheless, deodorant stains often appear that are not removed after a normal wash with powder. How to remove deodorant stains at home? Let's figure it out.

  • Start saving things immediately after detecting contamination, preventing its aging.
  • When choosing a cleaning agent, be sure to consider the color and type of material from which the product is made.
  • After any processing of a thing, be sure to wash it in the usual way using a powder or soapy solution.
  • If the cleaning agent used has left bad smell, during washing, add a special conditioner, and during drying, air out the product well on the balcony.

Removing marks from light-colored clothes

To remove deodorant stains from white or colored clothes, you can use lemon juice, vinegar, table salt, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol-containing products (vodka, denatured alcohol or ammonia), etc. You can use household stain removers or oxygen bleaches, strictly following the instructions and observing the ratio of water and powder.

To remove traces of deodorant from colored fabrics, use vinegar. Moisten the contaminated area with the product and leave overnight. In the morning, launder the garment as usual to remove residual vinegar and its unpleasant odor. This method is only suitable for colored fabrics, as vinegar can leave yellow marks on whites.

Helps fight old stains salt is a very effective and affordable method. Sprinkle the traces of deodorant with salt and leave for at least 12 hours, then wash the product.

Get rid of a fresh stain will help ammonia or lemon juice. Using a cotton pad, apply the cleanser to the stained area and leave for a few minutes. After the allotted time, wash the product with your hands in water at room temperature.

Detergent will also help eliminate the defect. dish detergent. Apply the gel to the place of contamination with a sponge and leave for half an hour. Rinse the item under running water to remove soap residue.

Removing white spots from black clothes

White marks on black clothes bring a lot of frustration, and it will take maximum effort to remove them. First of all, to avoid repeating the scenario in the future, stop using your deodorant and purchase another product of a higher quality.

To salvage an already damaged product, use vodka- pour a small amount of it on the defective area and leave for at least 1 hour. Wash the product to remove product residue and the smell of alcohol.

How to Remove Deodorant Stains from Linen and Cotton Fabrics home stain remover. To prepare it, add 1 tsp to 1 glass of warm water. salt and ammonia. Treat the place of contamination with the resulting product and leave for 15-20 minutes, then wash the product.

To remove sweat and deodorant from silk clothes, soak them in soapy water for 15-20 minutes. Separately, dilute 1 tsp in 1 glass of water. salt. Moisten the stain with the resulting liquid and wash it by hand after 20 minutes.

Getting rid of traces of deodorant is quite difficult, so it is better to prevent them from appearing. To do this, use high quality cosmetic product, apply it only on clean, dry skin and put on clothes after it is completely dry.

Qualitatively remove sweat stains, get rid of yellow or white marks under the arms will help folk recipes. Despite the fact that these are penny preparations, they are quite effective, and the components of the stain remover can always be found in the kitchen or in a pharmacy. It depends on how old the sweat mark is, how many times the removal will need to be repeated and what method to use.

Many deodorants can leave stains on clothes that do not disappear after normal washing, requiring separate cleaning procedures.

How to remove white marks?

Antiperspirants and deodorants contain talc and salts, the purpose of which is to reduce perspiration. Mixing with body fluid, these substances settle on clothes, are absorbed into its fibers and appear as marks on dark or colored clothes. They cannot be hidden or washed with ordinary laundry detergent. Therefore, experienced housewives, in order to remove stains from deodorant and sweat or remove yellow spots on the collar, use recipes known to our grandmothers. Removing stains using ancient methods requires following a number of rules:

  • wash clothes only cold water;
  • do not use chlorine-containing preparations;
  • before washing, dirt must be cleaned with a dry brush;
  • during washing Special attention give the edges of the stain;
  • Before washing, test the selected method on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing.

Remove traces immediately

While the stains from the deodorant have not yet had time to eat into the fabric of the clothes, they can be treated with the use of washing powders or liquid laundry shampoo. Wash this item immediately after every wear. When removing stains on clothes with a powder, dilute it with water to such an extent that it looks like wet sand, then treat the armpit area with a diluted mixture and leave it to sour for a couple of hours.

How to remove old pollution?

To remove an old deodorant stain, you will need to use powerful tools or a combination of techniques.

To wipe off old stains from sweat and antiperspirant on a shirt, you need products that penetrate the fibers of the fabric and remove salts from hygiene products or remove yellowness from sweat. At one time, it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect, so do not despair and consider the folk method not working. It just needs to be repeated a few times. It is worth remembering that white spots on black clothes are much more difficult to remove than similar marks on colored items, so this should be taken into account when soaking.

If there are difficulties with the selection of home methods for removing stubborn stains or the selected products still do not help, Amway representatives offer Pre Wash for gentle and safe cleaning of even white things from difficult dirt.

How to remove white marks with vodka?

This technology is brilliant for removing stains from black clothes. White traces of deodorant should be soaked in vodka and left for half an hour, and then wash clothes in cold water. Instead of vodka, you can take medical alcohol, moonshine or any other strong drink that does not contain dyes. Reception with alcohol-containing solvents is suitable for fresh stains, and for old ones it will be ineffective.

Dish detergent for white marks

The main condition for this recipe is that dishwashing detergent must contain glycerin. Without it, the method will not work. You can also take liquid soap or pure glycerin, but in the latter case, the dosage will need to be reduced. Treat the stain with dishwashing liquid and leave for an hour, after - according to the standard scheme - rinse and wash. The technology is ideal for removing white marks from colored clothes.

Vinegar for white marks

Reception using acetic acid is suitable only for natural fabrics. Deodorant stains should be moistened with vinegar and left for half an hour or longer. It depends on the age of the white blot - the older it is, the longer it takes to soak. The best solution for the procedure is a regular acid solution, which is sold in any store.

Salt with sour cream is rubbed into stains from deodorant and sweat in the evening, so that in the morning without special efforts remove this contamination.

Salt from white marks under the armpits

Dilute table salt with water to a state of thick sour cream. Rub the mixture onto deodorant stains. So the thing should lie overnight, and in the morning the solution should be washed off. The product is not suitable for delicate or woolen items, as grains of "solvent" can damage the fabric. To achieve a greater effect, clothes can be rinsed in water with a diluted nutritional supplement.

Yellow stains on clothes and their causes

Yellow sweat marks are characteristic of clothing white color. They appear for two reasons. First - human sweat has a certain set of trace elements that are absorbed into the tissue and paint over the fibers in yellow. Chemical composition laundry detergent is such that the enzymes contained in it do not help get rid of sweat stains, but, on the contrary, drive the yellowness even more into the fibers and cover it with a white coating, which makes it even more difficult to return the white color to the armpits and collars. In addition, yellow sweat marks on white clothes have a persistent unpleasant odor. The second reason is the same salts and talc in hygienic sweat preparations, they are especially characteristic of roll-on or solid antiperspirants.

How to remove stains from deodorant and sweat?

Most of the products and substances that every housewife has at home are used to remove deodorant stains from clothes.

Most whitening chemicals contains chlorine, which does not cope with yellow marks, and besides, it can affect the fabric after washing. To remove sweat and deodorant stains from white clothes, the following substances will help:

  • aspirin tablets:
  • lemon juice;
  • baking soda;
  • ammonia alcohol;
  • peroxide solution;
  • laundry soap in solid or liquid form.

Soda to remove dirt

Dilute baking soda with water to a thick paste, rub gently into stains, and leave to sour for several hours. After the dried paste, wipe off with a soft brush, and rinse the thing. It will help remove yellow marks, remove unpleasant odors, and soften the fabric hardened after sweat. It is a delicate absorbent that is suitable for use on delicate white or colored fabrics.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is combined with baking soda to make a deodorant and sweat stain remover.

A peroxide solution is a universal recipe for removing sweat stains from white clothes. After using it, the main thing is to thoroughly rinse the armpits, otherwise if even a drop of the solution remains on them under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, it can turn yellow even more. There are several options for using a peroxide solution to remove stains from whites.

  • Soak the armpits with a hydrogen solution and wash thoroughly in cold water after three hours.
  • In a bowl, dilute the mixture in the proportion of a tablespoon of hydrogen per liter of water. Soak clothes in it for several hours, depending on the complexity of the contamination. Rinse.
  • Dilute the solution with baking soda in a ratio of 5:2 and rub into sweat stains. Wait until they start to light up.

The question of how to get rid of marks left under the armpits by deodorant does not lose its relevance. And this is not surprising. After all, they ruin things they love. Is there a way to remove these stains? How can you get them out at home?

The spots may be white or yellow. The first appear when the thing comes into contact with the skin. The second - "due to" the interaction of sweat and the substances that make up the deodorant used. How to get rid of both those and others?

First view

Removing white spots is quite easy. There are several ways:

  1. The easiest way is to wash in cold water immediately after use. Can be taken regular powder or laundry soap. If the product is made of silk, you can use shampoo.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide will help to remove white marks on white clothes. Pour the stained place with a solution, set aside for a couple of hours. Rinse.
  3. For wool and knitwear, vinegar is suitable. Pour on the stain under the armpits and leave until it is completely removed. You can make a weak vinegar solution. Soak in it, for example, a T-shirt and then wash it by hand or in a typewriter.
  4. White marks on black or colored clothing will be more difficult to remove. If the fabric is thin, baby or glycerin soap will do. It will help not only to remove the marks, but also to remove the smell of sweat. It is necessary to lather the dirty area, rub it well and rinse in in large numbers water. For products made of dense fabric, you need to take the most common laundry soap.

To remove white marks from antiperspirant under the arms, and with them the smell of sweat, you can also use improvised means. They are sure to be found in every housewife's house:

  • Salt. Wet the clothes, sprinkle the place of contamination with salt. After 10 hours, wash off the salt and wash the item as usual.
  • Alcohol or vodka. Apply one of the suggested products to the deodorant mark. Wait 2-3 hours. Wash things well.
  • Lemon juice. Lemon juice is a fairly effective substance that helps to remove both fresh and old white marks. Apply it to the affected area and let it dry completely. Wash.
  • Ammonium chloride. It is used in the form of an aqueous solution. Proportions: 1 part alcohol and 4 parts water. Apply until the dirt is completely gone. With this mixture, you can also remove impurities from sweat.
  • This mixture is considered the most effective. You need to take about 10 g of dishwashing detergent, 15 g of hydrogen peroxide and 15 g of soda. Mix all ingredients well. What happened, apply to the product and set aside for 3 hours. After a while under the armpits, the traces of deodorant and the smell of sweat will disappear.

Second view

It is almost impossible to remove yellow marks with ordinary laundry soap or powder. Do not try to remove them with substances that contain chlorine. The spots will only get brighter. How to be in that case?

  1. Take half a glass of water (125 g) and 60 g of soda. Apply the mixture to the contaminated area and let it sit for about an hour. Wash in the usual way.
  2. Few people know that ordinary aspirin will help to remove yellow marks under the armpits. Grind a few tablets into a powder and mix it with water so that a slurry is obtained. Apply it to the dirt and rub it well with a brush. Let it lie down for 4 hours. Rinse in cool water.
  3. You can make a strong salt solution and soak the soiled thing there. Leave until the traces disappear.
  4. If the product is made from natural fabrics (linen and cotton), it can be bleached using direct sunlight.
  5. Particularly strong pollution can be removed with gasoline and ammonia. Gasoline should be applied to the dirty area and left to act. Then wipe with a cotton swab previously moistened with a slightly warmed ammonia solution. Finally, rinse thoroughly with plenty of warm water.

Household chemicals

If folk methods did not help, you should turn to household chemicals, for example, stain removers.

Here are some of them:

  • Frau Schmidt. Effectively removes dirt from black and white fabrics, while taking care of the skin of the hands.
  • Vanish. Suitable for colored fabrics. Leaves a pleasant fragrance on clothes. Separately, you can buy a stain remover for black and white things.
  • Ecover. This Belgian stain remover works well on almost all types of dirt, including deodorant and sweat.
  • Amway Pre Wash. Does not contain harmful components and, as a result, does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Sarma Active. It is considered the most accessible means.

Before you buy one or another stain remover, you should study the reviews about it, the composition and instructions for use. It is important to know for what type of washing it can be used (hand or machine), with what fabrics and types of soiling. It is desirable that the substance be hypoallergenic.

It is quite possible to remove deodorant stains under the arms. For this you can use available funds, such as salt, lemon juice, soda, etc. If they didn't bring desired result, you will have to use one of the stain removers. After the procedure, clothes should be rinsed well under running water.