Received with the condition of writing a review (free or at a discount). Oxygen stain removers (bleaches) in the fight against pollution Oxygen fabric bleach

Chlorine bleaches have been known for a long time. Their harmfulness is also no secret. What is oxygen bleach? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Isn't it a dangerous chemical?

Everyone knows what's white bed sheets and over time, clothes acquire a grayish or yellowish tint. Even with proper care. To keep whites white, it is recommended to use laundry bleach. It is important to choose it correctly. So that things last as long as possible, and there is no harm to health.

Traditional chlorine bleaches have a number of disadvantages. They are aggressive to tissues, irritate the skin and respiratory tract and poison the environment. This is probably why oxygen bleaches are becoming increasingly popular.

What does oxygen bleach consist of and how does it work?

Oxygen bleach is the general term for sodium percarbonate, a compound natural crystals soda and hydrogen peroxide. Sodium percarbonate (aka sodium carbonate peroxysolvate, aka sodium peroxocarbonate, aka, simply, persalt) removes plant stains well - from coffee, tea, wine, food, grass, etc. The compound decomposes in water into soda ash (sodium carbonate, formula Na2CO3), water and oxygen.

Oxygen whitens, cleans, disinfects and eliminates unpleasant odors, and soda increases the pH of the water and reduces the activity of calcium and magnesium ions, i.e. softens water - and in soft water, most laundry and cleaning products become much more effective than in hard water.

Sodium percarbonate is used in the compositions of most environmentally friendly bleaches, as well as in some toothpastes, deodorants, shampoos as a cleansing and disinfectant component and, in general, serves as a universal oxidizing agent in the chemical industry.

Why are oxygen bleaches better than traditional chlorine bleaches?

  • Environmental friendliness: Sodium percarbonate, which is the main component of oxygen bleaches, decomposes into water, soda and oxygen, which does not cause environmental pollution.
  • Safety: for the human body in general and for the skin in particular. Here, however, you need to check that the composition does not contain other, not so harmless components - flavors, fragrances.
  • Rinsability: such a powder or liquid will easily dissolve and rinse out during washing.
  • Increased washing efficiency: if you are a fan of very soft laundry detergents, for example, soap nuts, then oxygen bleach will increase the effectiveness of the same nuts, which is often not superfluous, without adding “chemicality” to the wash.

Typically, oxygen bleach comes in powder (sometimes liquid) form and is used in laundry along with your main detergent - if it is regular detergent. washing powder, then they are poured together into the corresponding compartment washing machine.

What is the first association you have when you hear the word “bleach”? Most people imagine bleach being dangerous to health. Fortunately, not only the strong oxidizing agent chlorine, but also another well-known oxidizer- oxygen. And the easiest way to apply it to fabric is to use hydrogen peroxide(if you need a liquid product) or sodium percarbonate(then the product will be powdery). These compounds easily disintegrate, releasing oxygen, which, in turn, oxidizes contaminants without harming the thing or its to the owner and the environment.

Most washing powders and other cleaning products that contain oxygen bleach contain sodium percarbonate. It is also peroxysolvate or peroxyhydrate of sodium carbonate, disodiumperoxocarbonate and other similar variations.

This substance is white granules obtained by crystallization of soda and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 2:3. When it gets into warm water, it decomposes into soda, oxygen and water, and a little heat is released. An ideal inexpensive and completely environmentally friendly whitening product! The only safer option is to bleach your laundry in the sun.

Unlike harsh chlorine bleachsofter oxygen bleach

    has no smell,


    rinses out well

    does not destroy the structure of the fabric,

    Suitable for colored fabrics.

The decomposition of sodium percarbonate begins at 50๐ With, therefore, erasing with more low temperatures, you may not achieve the desired whitening effect. On the other hand, for enzymes to work, the temperature should not exceed 40S. What to do if you need to get rid of stains of various natures? The secret to successful washing is not only in a good washing powder, but also in choosing the right washing program. In this case, you will need to pre-wash without high temperatures oh, and then - the main wash in hotter water. To decide which washing mode to choose, you need to carefully study the instructions on the packaging of the washing powder, look at the information on the clothing label and know the capabilities of your washing machine (a description of the programs is in its operating manual).

A “side” effect of oxygen bleach is its destructive effect on microorganisms. Therefore, in addition to removing stains, you also getdisinfection of things. Carbonate ions, which are formed when soda is dissolved, bind calcium and magnesium ions. Thus theysoften water and contribute to the prevention of scale formation.

Sodium percarbonate solution, which is alkaline, may cause irritation sensitive skin, if washed by hand. Therefore, on the packaging of washing powders from those manufacturers who care about their consumers, there is a reminder about the need to thoroughly rinse your hands after hand washing.

Due to its good solubility, sodium percarbonate can deteriorate when stored in a humid environment. In addition, despite its apparent safety, precautions must still be taken when using sodium percarbonate and products that contain it in significant quantities (for example, Persol). If exposed to high temperatures or direct sunlight, it can be a potential fire hazard, and if in contact with organic solvents, it can even cause an explosion. When interacting with acids, it will give a violent reaction.

But if handled correctly it effective remedy will carefully whiten your items and give them freshness.

In one of our previous reviews, we already wrote about environmentally friendly powders for washing white clothes. And in this review we will focus specifically on oxygen bleaches, the active component in which, however, is the same - sodium percarbonate, a compound of hydrogen peroxide and sodium carbonate.

Sodium percarbonate is used in the compositions of most environmentally friendly bleaches, as well as in some toothpastes, deodorants, shampoos as a cleansing and disinfectant component and, in general, serves as a universal oxidizing agent in the chemical industry.

In the above-mentioned article, we made a mistake by writing that sodium percarbonate is a persalt. This is not so: the physical formula of persalt (sodium carbonate peroxysolivate) does not coincide with the formula of sodium percarbonate, although it is very close to it. We therefore apologize to MiCo for comparing their sodium percarbonate to persalt and thank you for their assistance in clarifying this issue.

Sodium percarbonate (aka sodium carbonate peroxysolvate, aka sodium peroxocarbonate, aka, simply, persalt) removes plant stains well - from coffee, tea, wine, food, grass, etc. The compound decomposes in water into soda ash (sodium carbonate, formula Na2CO3), water and oxygen. Oxygen bleaches, cleans, disinfects and eliminates unpleasant odors, and soda increases the pH of water and reduces the activity of calcium and magnesium ions, i.e. softens water - and in soft water, most laundry and cleaning products become much more effective than in hard water.

Why are oxygen bleaches better than traditional ones?

  1. Eco-friendly: Sodium percarbonate, which is the main component of oxygen bleaches, decomposes into water, soda and oxygen, which does not cause environmental pollution.
  2. Safety: for the human body in general and for the skin in particular. Here, however, it is necessary to check that the composition does not contain other, not so harmless components.
  3. Rinseability: such a powder or liquid will easily dissolve and rinse out during washing.
  4. Increasing the efficiency of washing: if you are a fan of very mild laundry detergents, for example, soap nuts, then oxygen bleach will increase the efficiency of the same nuts, which is often a good idea, without adding “chemicality” to the wash.

As a rule, oxygen bleach is supplied in the form of a powder (sometimes a liquid) and is used when washing together with the main detergent - if it is a regular washing powder, then they are poured together into the appropriate compartment of the washing machine.

Also, most environmentally friendly oxygen bleaches are suitable for use in homes with an independent sewer system, and some examples can also be used as detergent for dishes or even furniture.


ECOVER Ecological oxygen bleach for washing powder(about 205 rubles for 400 g). Production: Belgium.

ECOVER produces bleach consisting of 5-15% sodium percarbonate. Also contains >30% sodium sulfate,<5% полипептид, глицерин и отбеливатель на растительной основе. Средство не содержит хлора и оптических отбеливателей.

*** Optical brighteners are chemical components that, instead of cleaning white fabric from dirt, “stick” to it during washing, visually giving it a white color. In ultraviolet light, such fabric will glow bright white, which can often be seen in nightclubs or cinema corridors that have specific lighting. In fact, not every white fabric will glow this way, but only those treated with optical brighteners during production and/or washing, which often negatively affect both the skin, irritating it with its abrasive structure, and the fabric, without cleaning it and promoting the formation of pellets.


ECOVER bleaching powder does not contain such bleaches; moreover, it is biodegradable and does not harm the environment and water sources, which is confirmed by the relevant certificates. Cardboard packaging is 100% recyclable.

Nature Clean Liquid Oxygen Stain Remover(about 390 rubles for 1l) and oxygen stain remover powder(490 rubles for 700 g). Made in Canada

The Canadian manufacturer of household chemicals Nature Clean has two similar products: a liquid oxygen stain remover consisting of water and hydrogen peroxide and a powder oxygen stain remover made from sodium percarbonate and sodium carbonate. Both products do not contain chlorine, optical brighteners, petrochemicals or fragrances, and both have the Canadian EcoLogo certificate. The products are also biodegradable, which is confirmed by appropriate tests.

KLAR Oxygen bleach hypoallergenic(about 290 rub./400 g). Buy Here. Manufacture: Germany

The product contains oxygen-based bleach (most often this is sodium percarbonate), soda, sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate, sodium sulfate, sugar surfactants, and bleach activator. Sugar surfactants (surfactants) are surfactants made from sugar cane, i.e. having a plant rather than petroleum base, which is good.

The product does not contain fragrances, dyes, chlorine, enzymes ( compounds that promote effective washing of stains of protein origin - for example, blood; their use causes debate among manufacturers of household chemicals - approx. edit.), salts of heavy metals, optical brighteners.

One 400 g package, which, by the way, is biodegradable, is enough for 14 washes. The bleach is Ecogarantie certified and has also been approved by the respected German consumer magazine Oko-Test and is suitable for vegans.

ALMAWIN Bio oxygen bleach(about 265 rubles for 400 grams). Manufacture: Germany

ALMAWIN supplies this bleach in two packaging formats - powder in a 400 g box. and in a tube there are 500 grams, but the composition is the same: oxygen bleach, soda, sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate, sodium sulfate, sugar surfactants, bleaching activator. Does not contain phosphates or optical brighteners.

Like our previous option from KLAR, the product is Ecogarantie certified and (in the case of the box) biodegradable packaging, which contains enough powder for 16 washes. The product begins to work at temperatures from 30° C, and it can be used not only for washing, but also for washing dishes.

Despite the environmental friendliness of the composition, the packaging contains the inscription “Irritating to eyes and skin, avoid contact.”

Soap nuts Eco-friendly oxygen bleach for manual and automatic washing of clothes “eCO2 Oxygen + Soda” (149-200 rubles per 500 g). Production: Russia

In this case, “Soap Nuts” is the name of the manufacturer’s brand, and the product is the expected powder based on the same sodium percarbonate. The product begins to act effectively at temperatures above 50C, and the greatest effect is achieved at a temperature of 80-90C.

This bleach can also be used in the dishwasher by adding it to the main detergent compartment.

Sodasan Oxygen Bleach(330 rubles for 500 ml). Buy Here. Manufacture: Germany

The active ingredient in the product is again sodium percarbonate. Bleach does not contain enzymes or chlorine-releasing chemicals. This product managed to stand out from our range of more or less similar products due to the fact that, according to the manufacturer, it is CO2-neutral, because... Sodasan uses only Greenpeace energy for its production. The product is ECOCERT certified and also complies with Ecogarantie and The Vegan Society standards.


To conclude the review, let's say that everything Oxygen bleaches are approximately the same in their effect, since the active substance is one. Please note that pure sodium percarbonate bleach begins to act actively at water temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius. If additional components are present in the product, the bleach may be active at lower temperatures. This is usually indicated on the packaging (eg ALMAWIN).

Whichever of these options you choose, eco-friendly oxygen bleach will enhance the effectiveness of your main laundry detergent in whitening, removing stains, fighting gray, etc., and is much less damaging to the environment than traditional powders and bleaches .

Note from the editor:

* In this and all subsequent reviews, we publish “Buy here” links only to members of the section WHERE TO BUY BIO.This is LookBio's new policy. Any other active links to online stores are not provided on our website, with the exception of information partnerships and in cases where the editors consider an active link justified and necessary. LookBio is not a platform for posting free links to online stores, therefore such links are removed from comments. Please respect our right to monetize the traffic generated by our daily journalism.

If earlier, when asked which laundry bleach is the best, any housewife would answer: “Whiteness” - but now everything is not so simple. The variety of household chemicals causes confusion for many. To find out how modern bleaches work, we decided to take a closer look at each of the existing types.

When choosing laundry detergents, check their composition and read the manufacturer’s recommendations for use.

Chemical bleaches

Chemical bleaching is an oxidative reaction that occurs when the active components of bleaches come into contact with substances on the fabric: stains, dirt, traces of sweat, and often dyes.

Many people still believe that chlorine is the best bleach for white laundry. Products containing chlorine are produced mainly in the form of liquid solutions, in which the main active ingredient is sodium hypochlorite. In addition to it, the composition includes surfactants (surfactants) sodium hydroxide and (or) sodium carbonate. In fact, this is traditional “Whiteness.” Other chlorine-containing bleaches are not much different from it, except that they add other surfactants or bluing components, which also give an optical whitening effect.

The first household chlorine-based fabric bleaches were introduced by Clorox (USA) in 1922

To the number advantages bleaches containing chlorine include the fact that they:

  • work effectively even in cold water;
  • effectively eliminate yellowness and grayness of fabric;
  • remove stains;
  • most affordable;
  • simple and easy to use;
  • have disinfecting properties (oxidize molecules in the cells of bacteria, fungi and viruses, which leads to their death).

Scroll shortcomings chlorine products are also very wide. Firstly, they are aggressive towards fabrics and are suitable only for natural materials (cotton and linen), preferably pure white. With constant use, chlorine weakens and thins the fibers of fabrics, which leads to yellowing and loosening of the material; accordingly, things quickly wear out, lose strength, and tear easily.

Chlorine bleaches are not suitable for silk, wool, or synthetic fabrics. They are also not used when washing colored linen and dark clothes.

Secondly, the acrid smell of chlorine is not just unpleasant, it accompanies the release of toxic fumes, which in high concentrations are hazardous to health (can lead to poisoning). Residues of bleach are difficult to rinse out of clothes and often cause allergic reactions, so it is not recommended to use a product with chlorine as a bleach for children's underwear, as well as for washing underwear.

Do not mix chlorine-containing products with any store-bought or homemade products that contain ammonia or vinegar. When the components react, they release toxic chlorine gas.

Using chlorine-containing bleaches when washing in automatic machines is permissible only for certain models of equipment; in most cases it is strictly prohibited

Thirdly, you should not pour chlorine products into an automatic washing machine, as sodium hypochlorite can damage metal, rubber and plastic parts, which will lead to equipment failure.

Fourthly, chlorine bleaches are not intended for long-term storage; within 9 months from the date of manufacture, their activity decreases by 50-75%.

Rules for using chlorine bleach

Chlorine-containing products used as laundry bleach are diluted in water (in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer, on average ½ cup per 5 liters). The water temperature should be hot, but not higher than what is indicated on the labels of items as the maximum permissible for washing. In principle, chlorine works even in cold water, so many people prefer to make a cool solution and soak the laundry in it for 20-30 minutes before the main wash.

Before washing items made from thin or delicate fabrics, it is recommended to apply a chlorine-containing product in a small amount to an inconspicuous area and see how the fibers react.

When using chlorine to disinfect surfaces, it is important to ensure ventilation in the room. It is advisable to wear rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

Restrictions associated with bleaching are indicated on clothing labels with a triangle.

Oxygen products

Oxygen bleaches are safer and more environmentally friendly than chlorine bleaches, but their use also gives good results. The only byproduct of the oxidation reaction, soda ash, is non-toxic and highly soluble in water.

The bleaching effect is provided by a chemical reaction with water, as a result of which active oxygen is released. It oxidizes and discolors unstable organic compounds (dirt, stains). The main active ingredients in oxygen bleaches are hydrogen peroxide (30% aqueous solution), sodium percarbonate, potassium peroxosulfate, carbamide hydroperoxide (hydroperite), etc. Peroxide bleaches are available in various forms: liquid, powder and solid.

Liquid oxygen fabric bleaches are essentially a solution of hydrogen peroxide with the addition of surfactants, stabilizers, pH regulators, flavors, thickeners (for gels), and optical brighteners. Powdered ones are crystallized soda and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 2:3. When in contact with water, the crystals decompose into soda, water and oxygen, releasing a small amount of heat.

Oxygen-containing bleaches are used when washing in an automatic machine; they are compatible with any other washing and detergents

Among the undisputed benefits oxygen products include:

  • effective bleaching and removal of stains from almost any type of fabric, including colored ones, without destroying the fiber structure or corroding paints;
  • high-quality removal of stains of organic origin (released air bubbles destroy foreign particles and knock them out of the threads);
  • compatibility with other modern products when washing in automatic machines;
  • disinfecting properties that allow you to get rid of microorganisms and unpleasant odors;
  • no odor, effective removal from fabric and safety, which allows them to be used for children's underwear.

The main disadvantage of liquid oxygen laundry bleaches is the instability of the components, which become 75% less active within 3-6 months from the date of manufacture. In this regard, products in powder form are much preferable, since they do not lose effectiveness much longer (some have a shelf life of up to 5 years).

Use of oxygen bleaches

Peroxide bleaches work best at high water temperatures (80-90 ℃), while the active components do not eat away paint and patterns from cotton and linen fabrics. You can even use the product while boiling.

To soak, you need to dilute bleach in hot water (2 tablespoons of powder per 5 liters), immerse the laundry in the solution and leave for at least 1 hour. In case of severe contamination, the soaking time is increased or a more concentrated solution is made.

Since oxygen bleaches are most effective in very hot water, it is wiser to use them on washed laundry, after removing stains of fatty and protein origin (otherwise they will simply brew on the fabric).

Optical brighteners

For many, it is still a mystery what optical laundry brightener is.

Optical brighteners contain substances that can absorb ultraviolet radiation from the sun and convert it into blue or violet light.

The method of bleaching fibers using fluorescent substances was discovered by Paul Kreis in 1929. Modern optical brighteners are colorless or slightly colored organic compounds that are capable of intensely emitting their own light. Thus, they compensate for the lack of blue rays reflected by the material, and make it visually dazzling white.

You need to understand that optical brighteners do not remove stains from clothes and do not remove stains (this is their main difference from chemical ones). Luminescent dye particles simply settle on the fabric and provide the illusion of bright white color. Their effect is especially noticeable in sunlight under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

When choosing bleaches from the optical category, pay attention to what types of fabrics they are intended for (there are special products for cotton, blended, wool and silk materials) or buy universal ones.

Folk remedies

Baking soda often used as a water softener, which helps whiten fabrics and remove stains faster. You can simply dilute it in warm water (1 tsp per 1 liter) and soak the laundry in the resulting solution for 1-2 hours or add 1-2 tbsp. l. into the washing machine along with the powder.

To whiten individual areas on clothing (for example, the armpits on a white shirt, collar or cuffs), it is recommended to prepare a stronger product: 50 ml of dishwashing liquid, 50 ml of ammonia, 3 tbsp. l. Mix soda and add 250 ml of warm water. The resulting fabric bleach should be poured into a spray bottle, shaken well and sprayed onto the contaminated areas of the fabric. All you have to do is leave it on for a few minutes, after which you need to wash the items by hand.

Lemon juice and citric acid are quite caustic components and are not suitable for all types of fabrics, so they are diluted with plenty of water. Here is one recipe for bleach that can be added to the machine when washing: 10 ml of lemon juice and 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide are diluted in 500 ml of water. This solution is considered universal, suitable not only for washing, but also for cleaning the house.

Table vinegar also works well in combination with lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. To prepare bleach you need to take: 100 ml of vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 200 ml peroxide and 100 ml water. It is more convenient to pour the prepared solution into a spray bottle, spray it on the fabric and leave for 10 minutes. Then the items should be washed as usual.

Bleach for laundry made from delicate fabrics (for example, wool or silk) can be made as follows: add 50 g of washing powder (washing gel or dishwashing gel) to 5 liters of water, 3 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tsp. ammonia and peroxide. Things are soaked in the resulting mixture for 2-3 hours.

Some people use ammonia, boric acid, potassium permanganate and even kefir as laundry bleaches.

A few simple rules when choosing bleaches

And finally, we suggest you familiarize yourself with simple rules that will allow you to choose the right bleach.

  1. When buying ready-made (especially liquid oxygen) bleach, look at the date of manufacture and check its expiration date.
  2. Before using the product, be sure to read the instructions with the manufacturer's recommendations.
  3. Consider the composition and type of fabrics you plan to bleach. Maintain a suitable temperature when soaking and washing.
  4. Don't skimp on the quality and safety of fabric bleaches.

Bleaching things with pleasure! Share your secrets in the comments. Rating: 4.63 (15 votes)

Do you know that:

Threads made of gold and silver, which were used to embroider clothes in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the required fineness. This is where the expression “to drag out the rigmarole” came from - “to do long, monotonous work” or “to delay the completion of a task.”

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt onto the paper, heat the iron to maximum and run the iron over the salt bed several times, applying light pressure.

The habit of using an automatic washing machine “sparingly” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

The dishwasher cleans more than just plates and cups. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

Before removing various stains from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Alice 04/05/2018 13:26

The best fabric bleach is suitable for the type of fabric and degree of soiling. After all, the material changes color not only as a result of long-term use, but also due to improper storage, poor-quality washing, prolonged drying in the sun, dirt deeply ingrained into the fibers of the fabric, hard water, and untimely stains.

Range of fabric brighteners

Advances in the field of household chemicals make it possible not only to bleach things, but also to do it as safely, quickly and easily as possible.

Today, manufacturers offer the following types of clarifiers:

  • oxygen;
  • optic;
  • chlorine-containing.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is necessary to have different preparations on the farm. But which one and when to use? You should find out more about this.

It is produced mainly in liquid form. The main substance is sodium hypochlorite. Additional substances: fabric coloring components, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, surfactants (surfactants).


  • high-quality bleaching even at low water temperatures;
  • ease of use;
  • low cost;
  • convenient consistency;
  • Possibility of use for disinfection.


  • frequent use damages the fabric;
  • processing only cotton materials;
  • prohibited use in washing machines;
  • short shelf life;
  • strong unpleasant and pungent odor.


Chlorine-containing preparations are not recommended for regular use, as they aggressively attack fabric fibers, thinning them and destroying the product, which loses its appearance and begins to tear. Delicate items should not be lightened using this product. For wool, silk and most synthetic fabrics, you should choose a different type of treatment. It should also be taken into account that the strong smell of bleach can cause allergies in particularly sensitive people.

The product is available in the form of gel and powder. The main active ingredient is sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate or carbonate. A chemical element, dissolving in water, breaks down into soda and hydrogen peroxide, which releases active oxygen. Thus, the surface of the fabric is oxidized, which removes stains, yellowness and unpleasant odors. Oxygen chemistry can be used to wash both white and colored items.

Oxygen bleach has its benefits

The fact that the product is oxygen-containing is indicated by the markings on the packaging: Oxi, O2, Active, Oxigen, etc.

Benefits of oxygen preparations:

  • high-quality bleaching of any type of fabric, including synthetics, wool, silk;
  • activation at water temperature from 40ºС;
  • preservation of the fabric fiber structure;
  • removing old stains;
  • easy removal of contaminants of various origins (blood, wine, fat, grass, sweat);
  • improving the cleaning properties of washing powders;
  • good rinsing of things;
  • use in an automatic washing machine;
  • environmental cleanliness and safety if the instructions are followed;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • Possibility of washing children's clothes.


  • high price;
  • high consumption;
  • loss of quality after long-term storage;
  • short shelf life (6 months).

Oxygen bleaches are quite effective; after using them, things are truly snow-white

Powder stain removers have a longer shelf life. However, they have one “but”! Their action is possible only when using high-temperature water - at least 80-90ºС. But this chemistry can be stored for up to five years.


Oxygen preparations are less strong, but have a milder effect. Suitable for delicate fabrics with medium soiling. They also clean colored items well, refreshing their original color and restoring brightness.

Operating principle: reflection of light rays. During the washing process, the components of the product are not completely rinsed out of the fabric. Remaining in the fibers, they reflect the rays of the sun, creating a visible impeccable whiteness. Optical chemistry is also called fluorescent chemistry. And also a deception, because the resulting purity is visible, not real.

The prototype of a modern optical household product is ordinary blue. At one time it was used in all laundries. Some dry cleaners still do not forget about its existence. Thanks to this substance, snow-whiteness is achieved not through purification and cleanliness, but with the help of reflective elements and dyes.

In its pure form, optical brightener is practically not sold. Most often it is included in other detergents. Most powders intended for washing white laundry contain light-reflecting elements in different proportions, depending on the brand of detergent.

Optical substances are also found in oxygen bleaches. For example, in Vanisn Gold, Vanish Crystal White, K2r, Heitmann whitening product, etc. Attention! Washing children's underwear and clothes with optical brightener is prohibited!

The main disadvantage of the product is the possibility of developing an allergic reaction. The fact is that the substances are not completely washed out in order to create the illusion of whiteness by reflection, and when the skin comes into contact with the fabric, a person may have a negative reaction to this contact. Therefore, if itching, rashes, or more serious symptoms such as dizziness and nausea occur, you should not only stop using the product, but also consult a doctor after drinking an antihistamine.

It should be noted that optical household chemicals are not the best bleach for white laundry. However, if the question “” arises, especially if you need to wear it for an important event, then this tool will be a good and quick help in solving the problem.

Bleaching a shirt for an event can be quite effective.


When purchasing an optical brightener, you should pay attention to the production date. The more “fresh” the drug is on the store shelf, the better the result it will give. The fact is that over time, the quality characteristics of the product decrease, even if it has not been opened and has not been in contact with oxygen. Also, do not forget about extreme care and study of the instructions. It is better not to use optical brightener to lighten silk and woolen products!

When choosing household chemicals, the consumer should pay attention not only to the quality characteristics, but also to its form - liquid or powder. Liquid detergents and cleaning products do not last long. Over time, their properties weaken. That is, they should be purchased in small portions, which will be enough for several uses. After long-term storage, liquid detergents do not wash, lighten, or remove stains well, which means they do not cope with the tasks assigned to them. Only a recently released product can effectively wash, clean, remove, and lighten.

Powder formulations are more economical, both in use and price. And their range is much wider than that of alternative liquid options. In addition, powdered formulations most often contain oxygen rather than chlorine, which in itself is also an advantage. Longer storage is another plus, as is the fact that they can be combined with washing powders. The main thing is not to forget about maintaining a suitable temperature regime.

Most washing powders begin to work at a water temperature of 40ºC, and oxygen bleach needs 90ºC. To achieve maximum results, items must first be soaked or washed, and then bleached. This sequence will allow you to remove dirt of different types and origins separately and alternately, achieving a high-quality result. Detergent can easily deal with protein stains, and bleach can easily deal with oil and vegetable stains.

Oxygen bleach works great at high temperatures

Instructions for use

Most often, the lightening of fabric products consists of the following actions:

  • studying the instructions;
  • removal of metal elements (they rust or deteriorate during processing and leave dark spots);
  • dissolving the product in water;
  • use of plastic and aluminum cans;
  • pre-soaking;
  • hand or machine wash with bleach added;
  • rinse thoroughly.


  • pour the substance onto the fabric;
  • Use metal containers for the soaking and washing procedure.


  • rough fabrics are soaked in a small amount of solution;
  • thin fabrics are pre-soaked in a large amount of liquid.

For best results, pre-soak the product.

In all other respects, you must follow the instructions on each individual preparation. The manufacturer knows best about the properties of the reagent, as well as its effectiveness in certain conditions, according to its composition.

Anyone can buy household chemicals, but make them yourself? Same. But not everyone wants to spend time on something that is ready, packaged, laid out on a store shelf and waiting for its buyer. But since not all factory-produced household chemicals can boast of complete safety, which cannot be said about homemade detergents and cleaning products, some housewives decide to do great things. After all, homemade bleaches are completely safe for fabrics and humans. And also: effective, affordable, prepared from improvised materials.

Make your own bleach

So, we present the most effective recipes:

  • 1 part ammonia, 3 – salt, 5 – hydrogen peroxide + washing powder + water = soaking, washing, rinsing;
  • ½ cup salt + 1 tbsp. potato starch + 1 tsp. citric acid + ¼ piece of laundry soap 72% + 2 liters of warm water = soaking for 12 hours;
  • a couple of dissolved potassium permanganate crystals + 2 liters of hot water = soaking for 12 hours;
  • 3-5 tablets of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) + ½ glass of water = applied to blood, sweat, urine stains or soaked in a small amount of water for 3-6 hours.

Don't want to bleach things with special reagents? Then it is necessary to take care of them according to all the rules immediately after purchasing the products. The first thing to do is study the label. Next, follow these recommendations:

  • light-colored items are washed separately from the rest;
  • cotton and linen cannot be washed with wool and synthetics;
  • water temperature when washing - 60ºС;
  • periodic use of powder bleach;
  • the use of table salt when washing linen and cotton products.

When using bleaches, remember that they thin the fabric and damage it. Subsequently, it takes on an unpresentable appearance, coughs and breaks easily.

Wash white items separately from colored items, otherwise they may get damaged.

If, when washing light-colored clothes, colored clothes got into the drum of the machine, the dye from which migrated in spots onto a white item, you can try to get rid of them with the help of whiteness, special bleaching agents or powders with a similar effect.

Don’t think that stains can be removed only with whitening and powder. and not damage them? Boiling, soda, peroxide and ammonia. How to use these methods and means? Let's look at it in detail and step by step.

Things must not only be bleached, but also not spoiled

Fast, cheap and traditional way from grandmothers. Most relevant for linen and cotton products. Also suitable for children's underwear, as it is absolutely safe for health. In addition to bleaching, boiling allows disinfection.

The procedure is carried out in stainless steel or enamel containers. The bottom must be covered with a clean old rag.

Linen with pre-soaped stains is placed in a boiling solution. If desired, soap shavings or washing powder are added to the solution. Adding vegetable oil, salt and soda helps enhance the effect. You can choose one of the components or several at once - depending on availability and desire.

The procedure lasts about two hours. During boiling, the laundry should be constantly turned over and stirred. After completion, items must be rinsed thoroughly. It is better to entrust this to an automatic washing machine, choosing the fastest washing program with an additional rinse.

If you are allergic to household chemicals, you can try bleaching things with regular soda ash. The drug is used in several ways. The first is described above - during boiling. The simplest is to add it to the machine compartment along with detergent. In this case, washing should be done at high temperatures. Baking soda will not only deal with stains and yellowness, but will also soften the water.

For faded laundry, use the following recipe. Given: ½ cup of soda + 2 tablespoons of ammonia + 5 liters of water = thorough mixing, soaking the laundry for 2-3 hours, rinsing and washing in an automatic machine as usual.

Baking soda gives good results

Large or deeply ingrained stains can be removed with slaked soda and vinegar. When doing this, be sure to use gloves!

Even faded linen easily regains its previous appearance when treated with peroxide and ammonia. They can be used either separately or together. To do this, a solution is made with the selected component or both at once, which are taken in equal proportions, for example, a couple of tablespoons.

The components are mixed with a liter of water in which things are soaked. After three hours, rinse is performed. The procedure must be as thorough as possible. The same method is suitable for yellowed items.

Important! When soaking things, you need to remember and make sure that the items are under water. Fully. To do this, you can put a press on them or prepare more solution that will cover all the things that require bleaching.

Peroxide and ammonia will help restore the whiteness of things

Why is this so important? Because the exposed areas will eventually turn out to be the same yellow or gray as before, that is, they will differ significantly from the lightened material. As a result, the thing will look worse than before, since yellow stains will not add to its presentability.

For baby items, home remedies or aspirin are the best options. They are the safest and no less effective than household chemicals. To restore the whiteness of diapers, boiling them in 5 liters of boiling water with the addition of crushed laundry soap (1/3 of a bar) and baking soda (2 tablespoons) helps.

Manufacturers of industrial chemicals offer products specially designed for bleaching. They do not contain chlorine or optical brighteners, so they do not cause allergies such as itching and skin rashes. These bleaches are suitable for frequent use.

Boil baby clothes in a solution of laundry soap

It should be noted that for washing children's clothes it is recommended to choose liquid preparations rather than powder ones. They are suitable for all types of fabric. In this case we are talking about oxygen stain removers. While removing stains, they simultaneously bleach the fabric. This is how mothers cope with two tasks at the same time.

In addition, such reagents, even with frequent washing, do not destroy the structure of the fabric, do not eat into the fibers, rinse well, and do not cause allergic reactions. The only drawback is the higher cost. However, you cannot save on children. But if the financial issue is particularly acute, then you can always find an alternative, for example, homemade compositions prepared with your own hands.


  • bleach is used only after the child reaches 6 months;
  • children's clothes can be washed with powder containing oxygen-containing bleach;
  • The base for children's lightening products should include hydrogen peroxide;
  • There should be no chlorine in children's household chemicals!

In order to use bleach as little as possible to lighten things and thereby extend their service life, you must adhere to a number of rules for caring for light-colored items:

  • timely washing when soiled without long-term storage in a laundry basket;
  • storing clean things in dry and well-ventilated rooms, closets, chests of drawers;
  • using high-quality laundry detergents designed specifically for white clothes;
  • immediate bleaching if grayish or yellowish shades or spots appear;
  • using powders with water softeners, if the latter is particularly hard, or adding soda ash when washing (1.5 tbsp in a machine or 3 tbsp in a 10-liter basin of water);
  • washing in a machine (easy, delicate) is preferable to washing by hand (difficult, labor-intensive, ineffective);
  • use of pre-soaking for several hours;
  • selection of programs with water temperatures up to 30ºС and below, high temperatures contribute to the graying of the fabric;
  • “no” to mixing white and colored items when washing!;
  • adding ammonia to washing powder during washing not only whitens laundry better, but also disinfects it;
  • whiteness is used only for cotton fabrics;
  • A solution with boric acid (2 tablespoons per 2 liters of water), in which the items are soaked overnight, helps restore socks to cleanliness;
  • greasy stains on white things are removed by soaking in a solution with mustard powder (2 tbsp + 1 liter of hot water);
  • wool and silk items are pre-placed in a bleaching solution (50 g of powder + 1 tbsp ammonia + 6 tbsp salt + 1 tbsp hydrogen peroxide + 10 l water) = 10 hours of soaking, rinsing, delicate washing mode in an automatic machine.

Linen requires attention, no matter what color it is. Only proper care, storage and washing will extend the life of things, while saving the family budget.