Throws a fever in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Feeling hot during pregnancy - should the expectant mother worry? Menopause and pregnancy: similar symptoms

During pregnancy, a woman’s body adapts to work in a new mode. Another circle of blood circulation is added, life begins to develop inside, a small heart begins to beat. Along with unique feelings about future motherhood, the girl begins to feel various symptoms characteristic of a special situation. Some patients at doctor's appointments note that they suddenly feel feverish during pregnancy. At the same time, this state can also quickly be replaced by cold and. Such fluctuations are justified by hormonal changes in the body, as well as high sensitivity to the environment, air temperature, and weather conditions. In most cases, hot flashes are not accompanied by other symptoms, so there is no need to worry. This condition is quite natural during pregnancy. Some women are seriously concerned about their well-being and are forced to look for other causes of illness. In particularly difficult situations, you cannot do without the help of a specialist, so you should promptly contact the antenatal clinic for examination.

Causes of hot flashes

If you have a fever during pregnancy, this phenomenon is associated with the woman’s hormonal background. This condition is not a pathology or a disease. During attacks, some girls' body temperature rises, while others remain within normal limits. The cause of the feeling of heat is a too rapid drop in the level of the female hormone - estrogen. This process forces the body to sharply increase the level of adrenaline in the blood. The result of such changes is the activation of blood circulation, which, in turn, increases body temperature and the woman feels hot. After conception, such a reaction of the body is quite normal.

In most cases, fever occurs during pregnancy early stages. In the first weeks after conception, there is a peak in hormonal changes, so most often women experience this condition before 22 weeks. A similar process is recorded before childbirth. At this time, the body is preparing for the birth of the baby and strong hot flashes may occur. In all patients, the intensity of the attacks varies, but their duration is approximately five minutes. Associated symptoms also differ, they depend on hormonal levels.


Many women report feeling hot at night during pregnancy. Most often, such attacks are described as a strong rush to the head. This is due to poor sleeping conditions. Lack of comfort leads to increased sweating and hot flashes.

Fever during late pregnancy

If you feel feverish in the early stages, girls rarely notice the accompanying signs. When the tides are on later, then the following symptoms are most often present:

Hot flashes can come in two forms. In the first case, there is an increase in body temperature to 37.8 degrees Celsius. In the second option. At the same time, every girl needs to learn to distinguish an attack during pregnancy from an infectious disease. With normal hot flashes during gestation, no serious symptoms are diagnosed. If you feel feverish and experience pain in the head, prolonged fever, fever, weakness, dizziness, these are clear signs of malaise. In this case, you need to contact a specialist.

Fever during early pregnancy

Jumps in body temperature and circulatory strength can change from the first days after conception. It is especially noticeable if a woman keeps a schedule menstrual cycle and temperature. Increased sweating and a burning sensation in various parts of the body are individual signs of pregnancy. They do not occur in every woman. The intensity of hot flashes depends on hormonal levels. However, some patients may feel fever from the first days of pregnancy until delivery. Others do not suffer from this symptom for a single day. According to medical data, hot flashes most often occur in the first trimester. This condition goes away on its own without any special treatment. Seizures are diagnosed in 20% of pregnant women. Along with hormonal changes in the body, attacks occur due to the following aspects:

The end of the 12th week is considered the most active phase of sweating. Therefore, you should pay attention to accompanying signs and general condition. If necessary, you should immediately contact a leading specialist and describe how you feel.

Hot flashes are an unpleasant sensation that about 10% of expectant mothers complain about. During attacks, increased heart rate, excessive sweating, tremors of the limbs, and a feeling of warmth in the face, neck, and chest are noted. Body temperature remains normal or may rise to subfebrile levels. Is this normal or pathological, and is it possible to prevent such a phenomenon?

Feeling hot during pregnancy - normal or pathological?

Fever during pregnancy and elevated temperature are caused by hormonal fluctuations. Estrogen levels decrease, which leads to the body producing adrenaline. As a result, blood flow accelerates, which provokes an increase in blood pressure, hot flashes and even a slight increase in temperature (up to 37–37.8 degrees).

Distinguish a hot flash from viral infection quite simple. During it, heat spreads throughout the body rapidly, a feeling of lack of air occurs, and more sweat is produced than usual. This sensation lasts about 5 minutes and is natural for pregnant women. The frequency of its occurrence is difficult to predict.

Additional consultation with a doctor will be required in situations where a viral infection is suspected. The symptoms may be similar, but there are also significant differences:

  • with a viral infection, the temperature rises to 38 degrees and above;
  • the fever lasts a long time and is accompanied by aching joints, fever, runny nose, and weakness;
  • night sleep becomes intermittent, anxious or, conversely, deep, uninterrupted.

Why do pregnant women get feverish?

Five-minute hot flashes are normal, both in the early and late stages of pregnancy. In the first weeks after conception, the expectant mother’s body reacts to them especially acutely. Sometimes a woman may not even know about pregnancy, mistake the feeling of heat for a certain pathological symptom, or ignore it completely. Similar sensations can also bother you after childbirth, when the body is preparing for breastfeeding. The arrival time of the tides does not depend on the time of year or day. They are affected only by changes in the pregnant woman’s body.

If hot flashes bothered a woman before pregnancy and continue after conception, it is worth getting examined if possible. Perhaps the reason lies not only in pregnancy, but also in pathologies internal organs. Usually an attack after eating indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver disease, diabetes mellitus. Often, ureaplasmosis and other hidden infections manifest themselves in this way.

In the early stages

Implantation of the embryo (attachment ovum to the wall of the uterus) leads to changes in hormonal levels in a woman’s body. Progesterone plays a major role in the successful course of pregnancy, thanks to its normal content it is possible to carry and give birth to a healthy baby. When this hormone increases in the early stages, the amount of estrogen decreases in parallel. Against this background, the level of adrenaline increases and blood circulation accelerates.

In addition to the occurrence of a feeling of heat during the first trimester of pregnancy, there are:

  • growth of the uterus and changes in the mammary glands;
  • increased heat transfer;
  • activation of the functions of the sweat glands;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • stress, worries about work, loved ones;
  • taking certain medications.

Elevated temperature (up to 37.5 degrees) can occur for a short time or last until the third month, and then goes away without consequences. This rather unpleasant phenomenon can occur anywhere: during a work meeting, in line at a store, in public transport. It is important to consult a doctor and develop self-help tactics during an attack.

On late juices

In the second half of pregnancy, hot flashes may be accompanied by redness of the face, increased heart rate, and cold, profuse sweat. Attacks in the third trimester are quite short, lasting from 1 to 3 minutes. They cannot be predicted or prevented. In this case, there is no need to take special medications. You should carry a bottle of cool water with you (with or without lemon). The drink will help you refresh yourself in time and come to your senses if you suddenly feel feverish. It is better to wait out the attack in the shade, sitting or standing, taking a comfortable position.

Hot flashes in the later stages (in the second and third trimesters) are associated with the “game” of hormones. After childbirth, they may bother you for another 2–3 months, which is not a pathology.

Why does it make you feel hot at night, but there is no temperature?

A sudden sudden heat wave at night is not a pleasant phenomenon, and expectant mothers often complain to obstetricians about it. First of all, the cause may be a too warm blanket or sleepwear, or a large dinner the night before. Perhaps it’s just very dry and hot in the room due to hot radiators.

These factors should be excluded: ventilate the room, drink cool water or a soothing infusion (if prescribed by a doctor) and try to think about good things, gradually relax. Night hot flashes without a rise in temperature are also caused by the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

How to alleviate the condition?

Although in many cases hot flashes are not harmful to your health, they are unpleasant to experience. Relieve the condition expectant mother will help:

  • staying in an air-conditioned room if it’s hot outside (you should close the room and cool the air using the air conditioner, then turn off the device and go in);
  • cool shower;
  • ventilation of the room (stay in a draft should be avoided);
  • applying cold compresses;
  • wearing light clothing in the heat, and in winter - multi-layered outfits made of natural fabrics, which can gradually be removed if you feel hot;
  • the habit of avoiding open sun in the summer;
  • weight and blood pressure control;
  • preventing overeating, excluding salty and smoked foods from the diet;
  • drinking cool water without gas, monitoring the drinking regime.

The physiological feeling of heat can usually be overcome without the use of medications. Medicines (Paracetamol) should be taken only when the body temperature is above 38 degrees. If you feel worse, you should definitely visit a doctor. You may have to take a course of vitamins, sedatives, and undergo additional examination.

Moderate physical activity is a good way to prevent hot flashes. Gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming, special fitness and yoga will help strengthen blood vessels, improve metabolic processes and prepare the body for childbirth.

Are you carrying your pregnancy to term in the summer? This has its advantages: you don’t have to think about warm clothes, you can walk in the fresh air longer. There is only one serious “but” - the heat...

Cooling off wisely

Hot weather is hard for everyone, but especially for expectant mothers. They are “warmed” by the child, and the load on the cardiovascular system is increased. It is not difficult to avoid negative consequences, you just need to follow some rules. The first is to take a refreshing shower more often (as often as you want). Cool water tones the skin and improves vascular tone. Do not wipe yourself dry - just lightly blot excess moisture with a soft towel. Apply moisturizer to your body: frequently water procedures lead to dry skin, which pregnant women are prone to.

For the face in summer, use a non-greasy cream - unlike oily cream, it does not clog pores. If during the day you feel that the skin on your face is dry and burning, use a spray with thermal water. It refreshes and moisturizes.

Several times a day, apply wet wraps with a wet sheet or apply cold compresses to the forehead and wrists. These manipulations should be carried out when they are pleasant to you.

In the heat, the feet often experience discomfort and burning. They can be lubricated with moisturizer throughout the day. If it contains menthol, you will solve two problems at once: cool your feet and prevent the occurrence of cracks and corns.


Don't get carried away with cold foot baths. Lack of movement combined with cold water lead to spasm of the blood vessels of the legs. A reflex spasm of the pharyngeal vessels occurs, which can provoke a sore throat. The best thing is to walk knee-deep in cool water.
- If you are forced to be in a room where a powerful fan or air conditioner is running, try to sit so that the air flow is not directed towards you.

Planning the day

Are you used to waking up late, lounging in bed for a long time, having a leisurely breakfast and leaving the house in the afternoon? Now you have to reconsider your routine.

The optimal time for walks is morning (before 11.00) and evening hours(after 17.00). You should take a walk in a park or square, away from busy highways. If possible, move outside the city: the heat is much easier to bear in nature. The village house is well ventilated; during the day you can move from one room to another, choosing the one that is less heated by the sun.

To sleep or not to sleep during the day? It all depends on your biorhythms and needs. If after a nap you feel exhausted and then can’t fall asleep for a long time in the evening, then this is not your option. When daytime sleep gives you a surge of strength and energy, you need it.

An important issue - planning a visit public places and travel by transport. It is not advisable to do this during rush hour. In a stuffy room or a crowded metro (bus, minibus, etc.), the expectant mother will suffer from hypoxia (oxygen starvation).
Symptoms: dizziness, lack of air. Not only the mother, but also the baby lacks oxygen. The likelihood of developing hypoxia increases if the expectant mother has anemia, toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy, or a tendency to low blood pressure.

You can eliminate discomfort using oxygen therapy from a portable oxygen bottle (it can be purchased at any pharmacy). It will not take up much space in your purse and will be very useful when traveling on public transport or visiting crowded places.

And don’t try to do everything in one day; learn to distribute the load evenly throughout the week. Otherwise, feeling unwell cannot be avoided.

Oksana T. (28 years old), being seven months pregnant, went to the doctor with a complaint. The girl spent the whole day on her feet. In the morning I went to visit my mother, then walked with a friend around the city for two hours, and the same amount of time in the shopping center, choosing clothes. After returning home, I felt weak, headache, mild dizziness and nausea. What is this?

The listed symptoms are classified as nonspecific, that is, they can be a manifestation of several problems: heat overheating or sunstroke, colds, food poisoning, hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels). In Oksana’s case, we were talking about hypotension (low blood pressure), the cause was overheating. The upper pressure at the time of treatment was below 100 mmHg. Oksana drank hot sweet tea and lay down for 20 minutes, putting her feet on a raised platform - her condition returned to normal.

Dress according to the weather

The best clothes for summer are those made from natural fabrics: cotton, linen, silk. It allows the skin to breathe and excess moisture quickly evaporates. The most comfortable thing is in loose-fitting clothes: air remains between the fabric and the body, it protects the skin from overheating. The color of clothing is important: light colors reflect more sunlight, which means that the fabric heats up less. Don't forget about your headdress. A brimmed hat made from natural straw or a cap with a long visor will work best.

Should you wear compression stockings in hot weather? If you want to reduce the risk of developing varicose veins in the legs, special compression socks or tights are irreplaceable. On a hot day, they may not be very pleasant, but when there are problems and you are planning a long walk, use the thinnest models.

When choosing underwear, the main thing is comfort and practicality. Instead of thong panties, which cause chafing on the skin in hot weather, prefer classic cotton models for pregnant women. Special attention- intimate hygiene. When it's hot, we sweat more often; this is fertile ground for bacteria. It is not possible to take a shower - make sure you always have disposable wipes on hand for intimate hygiene or sprays.

What to eat and drink?

In hot weather you need to eat in small portions, but often. Pay special attention to food safety. In summer, food spoils quickly, so do not buy pies with meat and offal, shortbread baskets with cream and street fast food. If you really want to eat outside, buy ice cream (give preference to fruit ice).

Summer is a time of abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. They are an excellent source of natural vitamins and microelements for mother and baby. You can eat them in any quantity (if you don’t have allergies or swelling); you should limit bananas and grapes because of their calorie content. If you do not have chronic tonsillitis and do not suffer from frequent sore throats, try frozen fruits and berries: all the vitamins are preserved in them, and they quench your thirst and refresh you better than fresh ones.

How much fluid can you drink in hot weather? Generally accepted daily norm for a pregnant woman - 1.5-2 liters per day. Considering that in such weather (especially in the second half of pregnancy) the risk of edema increases, the doctor may recommend reducing the volume of fluid to 500-1000 ml. Now not all experts share this opinion - they believe that edema does not form from drinking a large volume of liquid. The reason is a decrease in the protein content in the blood: the permeability of the vascular wall increases, the kidneys work poorly, and fluid is excessively retained in the body.

Limiting fluid intake can lead to dehydration (blood thickening), which negatively affects placental and renal blood flow. Characteristic signs of dehydration are excruciating thirst and dry mouth, a decrease in the amount of urine excreted (it becomes concentrated, bright yellow or even brownish).

What drinks should you choose? Regular or slightly acidified boiled or drinking water, cold natural water quenches thirst well green tea, fruit drink, dried fruit compote or herbal teas. You should avoid juices from packages: they contain a lot of sugar and are high in calories. Do not get carried away with carbonated water - the carbon dioxide it contains irritates the stomach and can lead to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice, which increases in late pregnancy. Carbon dioxide has bad influence to leaching calcium from bones.

Are we friends with the sun?

Can pregnant women sunbathe? It is even necessary in small doses. Ultraviolet light is necessary for the formation of vitamin D in the skin, which improves the absorption of calcium. The disadvantage of this chemical element leads to a decrease in bone mineral density and increases the risk of developing osteoporosis. Tooth enamel becomes thinner, increasing the likelihood of tooth decay.

Exposure to the sun has Negative consequences. Ultraviolet rays cause excess hair growth in unexpected places, such as on the face (hypertrichosis). They dry the skin and promote it premature aging- connective tissue fibers are damaged and the skin loses its elasticity. Protecting itself from excess ultraviolet radiation, the skin begins to actively synthesize melanin, the pigment that causes tanning. But an undesirable consequence of sunbathing is hyperpigmentation.

It is better to be in the sun before 11 or after 16 hours, when its activity decreases. The best option is to sunbathe under an umbrella or in the shade of trees. The tan will not appear immediately, but it is safe for the skin.

Magazine “I Want a Child”, Yulia Zakharova, family doctor of the Central City Clinical Hospital, Ph.D., Veliky Novgorod

Even very young girls have heard that women during menopause often experience hot flashes due to hormonal changes in the body. Some of the young girls know about the tides from personal experience, if for some reason, for example, in the complex of planning and preparation for future pregnancy, they were undergoing hormonal therapy. But when a fever occurs during pregnancy, expectant mothers begin to doubt the “normality” of this condition. What if hot flashes during pregnancy are dangerous or should not occur?.. Many women are looking for answers to these questions, although the main one lies on the surface.

Hot flashes during pregnancy: causes

Already from what has been said above, you can guess that hot flashes are caused by hormonal changes in a woman’s body. As during menopause, during pregnancy the functions of the ovaries are switched off, only in this case this phenomenon is temporary, unlike menopause. However, the signs can be similar, and one of them is hot flashes when you get hot during pregnancy.

In the body of the expectant mother, there is an increased production of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. During different periods of pregnancy, one or the other of them is more active. Such fluctuations, among other things, can cause a feeling of heat, which spreads mainly to the upper part of the body - chest, neck, head, face.

Under the influence of hormones, a huge number of different changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, which together and individually can cause hot flashes during pregnancy. This is an increase in the size of the uterus, increased blood circulation, acceleration of metabolic processes, stimulation of the sweat glands, activation of heat transfer from the body, and others. Speaking of heat transfer...

This is another reason why a pregnant woman may suddenly have a fever. The body temperature of many expectant mothers increases physiologically, that is, during pregnancy it is normal and does not pose any danger. At the same time, the woman does not observe the development of other painful signs, such as vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose or body aches.

Temperature during pregnancy is considered normal if it does not exceed subfebrile levels (36.9-37.5 o C) and is not combined with signs of any diseases. Please note that due to dehydration, body temperature also rises - this should not be allowed. And since a pregnant woman sweats a lot and goes to the toilet more often, fluid losses should be replaced to a greater extent than before.

Against the background of physiological hyperemia, pregnant women often feel feverish. But if the temperature rises to 38 o C or higher, or if other signs are observed in combination with the temperature, then you need to consult a doctor to find the cause of such disorders. Should be called ambulance, if you feel feverish during pregnancy and your blood pressure rises at the same time. Such situations occur more often in later stages.

Gives you a fever during early pregnancy

A slight increase in body temperature can be observed from the first days of pregnancy. Often, in combination with other symptoms, low-grade fever in the early stages tells the woman that conception has probably occurred in this cycle.

A newly pregnant woman sometimes feels hot or cold. All this is a consequence of the beginning of hormonal changes in the body. Soon the sweat glands will begin to work more actively, and these two processes - hot flashes and heavy sweating - will accompany each other. However, this does not happen in one hundred percent of cases, but quite often. Approximately every fifth pregnant woman complains of feeling hot and sweating heavily during pregnancy. And according to some data, hot flashes during pregnancy occur in four out of five women.

Increased body temperature, when you feel feverish during pregnancy, most often occurs in the first trimester, in the early stages of bearing a baby. As the period increases, it usually normalizes, returning to its previous levels. Therefore, hot flashes in later stages should not normally be accompanied by high temperature.

Gives you a fever in late pregnancy

However, hot flashes most often occur in the second and especially the third trimester of pregnancy - weeks after the 30th. This condition is described by many expectant mothers: it suddenly becomes very hot, stuffy, there is not enough air, the heartbeat quickens, breathing becomes difficult, the face turns red, sweating increases, there may be pain and dizziness, nausea, and a feeling of anxiety. This can last from a few seconds to several minutes, and only in extremely rare cases does the tide last long.

Gynecologists and therapists reassure: after childbirth this will most likely go away. But it often happens that hot flashes are repeated during the period breastfeeding baby - at this time the activity of hormonal processes is also very high.

Feeling hot during pregnancy at night

Hot flashes can occur not only at any stage of pregnancy, but also at any time of the day. Very often, women wake up in the middle of the night due to a sudden feeling of warmth in the upper part or throughout the body. They open the windows and wash themselves with cold water to alleviate their condition. All this helps a lot, but act carefully so as not to catch a cold: a breath of cold air or a slight whiff of cold wind on a steaming, sweating body will be enough to make you get sick, and this is extremely undesirable for you now.

To feel better if you get hot during pregnancy, doctors advise wearing clothes only from natural fabrics, dressing in “layers”, that is, several thin blouses instead of one warm one, so that if necessary, you can always take off excess or put on what is missing.

The bedroom should be well ventilated before going to bed, or even sleep with the window open, the main thing is that there is no draft. It is convenient to carry a fan with you. In the summer, try to spend less time in the sun, and be sure to wear a hat. And don’t forget to drink enough water: a fever can also occur due to dehydration.

A cold compress on the forehead and neck area or wiping the face with ice cubes (especially for this purpose, you can freeze tonic herbal decoctions in a mold) will help reduce the feeling of heat during a hot flash. It also helps if you simply put your wrists under cool water.

Unless there are any contraindications, do not stop physical activity once you become pregnant. You can sign up for fitness or gymnastics for pregnant women: this will strengthen your muscles, cardiovascular system and will be an excellent preparation for childbirth.

If you feel feverish during pregnancy, be sure to tell your doctor. But in general, doctors reassure: hot flashes during pregnancy are normal and harmless, except for discomfort for the woman. But other than reducing it a little and surviving it, there is no way to “cure” it.

Therefore, under no circumstances should you take any medications, even natural ones. plant based, without first consulting a doctor. Many of them, among other things, cause tachycardia and increased blood pressure, which can worsen the woman’s well-being and the child’s condition.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

Your pregnancy is already at the final stage - the last weeks of agonizing anticipation of meeting your child remain. Already feeling tired big belly It makes it difficult to walk, it’s uncomfortable to sleep, and more and more often the question arises: “When is the birth?” You are overcome with anxiety and attacks of fear, what if I miss the onset of labor and do not have time to get to the maternity hospital? Every pregnant woman begins to carefully listen to the signals of her body, analyze her feelings and wait for the first signs that it is time to go into labor... let's talk about the so-called harbingers of childbirth - preparing the body for the birth of a baby.

What are harbingers?
The precursors of childbirth mean such special changes in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth, which she feels herself or they are observed in her externally. This is preparing the body for the upcoming birth and completing the difficult journey of nine months of pregnancy. They are necessary so that the body goes into labor with minimal trauma for the mother and baby, preparing the mother mentally and physically for the difficult test in her life. The body makes sure that labor begins on time, that the allotted time passes, and that it does not drag on too long. But not in a hurry either. This will allow the birth canal to be fully configured for the head and stretch enough so that there are no ruptures. And the cervix opens smoothly and completely.

Then, thanks to the preparation, the body will provide the baby with a physiological smooth movement, without injuring him, through the birth canal, and then a soft birth. In order for all this to be as described, the body begins to actively prepare some time before childbirth - it begins to make the tissues pliable and elastic, but quite strong.

Mechanisms of occurrence.
A woman’s body is prepared for the upcoming birth by female sex hormones, and this is quite logical. Before childbirth, a woman’s hormonal background is restructured - the amount of estrogen increases sharply, but the amount of progesterone decreases to a minimum. As progesterone levels decrease, the tone of the uterus changes, contractile activity begins to increase, and training contractions appear. The composition of the mucus in the cervix, which previously protected it from infections, begins to change.

Progesterone was also responsible for the growth and development of the fetus, maintaining adequate delivery of nutrients and oxygen to it through the placenta.
Towards the end of pregnancy, progesterone is no longer needed and its concentration gradually decreases - due to this, labor then begins to occur. At the same time, estrogens gradually increase - they make the skin and muscles more elastic and pliable. However, they also loosen the ligaments and joints - hence the gait in pregnant women. Estrogens also affect the uterus; their quantity will determine the smoothness of its opening and elasticity, and in the second stage of labor. When the cervix is ​​dilated, it will depend on them how much the vagina and vulvar ring will be stretched; they influence the duration of pushing.

And active labor itself is triggered by changes in the level of maternal hormones - contractions occur as a result of a peak in the release of estrogen, they form a nerve impulse that causes the walls of the uterus to contract.

But how can you recognize them?
Precursors do not mean that labor will begin right now - they can appear in different time, these are just subtle hints to be ready - everything will happen soon! There is no need to be afraid of this - the harbingers of labor are a physiological phenomenon, they do not require any medical intervention, immediate hospitalization or ambulance. But it’s worth checking the bags at the maternity hospital. These are planned activities to prepare for childbirth and meeting the baby, but if you do not feel any warning signs. This does not mean that everything is bad for you or that something is going wrong. Everyone’s body is different and the warning signs don’t always go away clearly. The appearance of the first harbingers suggests that labor can begin within 2 weeks to 12-14 hours.

Please pay attention!
There are some phenomena that are not harbingers of labor; they are abnormal and if they occur, you should immediately contact a doctor or maternity hospital for help. These include:

Bloody discharge from the genital tract, especially scarlet in color.
- severe abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea and vomiting,
- increased blood pressure 130\80 and above.
- temperature rise above 38 degrees
-headaches, palpitations, visual disturbances, vomiting.
- severe swelling or its sudden appearance
- leakage of amniotic fluid.

If you experience any of the above or other uncharacteristic symptoms, do not risk your life and your baby - go to the hospital immediately!

Where does it start and how?
One of the first signs of imminent labor is weight loss, which is very pleasing to pregnant women who had previously been consistently gaining several hundred grams every month. This usually occurs as a result of increased urination and the removal of excess fluid from the body. The more weight a woman gained and the more pronounced her swelling was, the more weight she begins to lose before giving birth. Fluid retention and increased hydrophilicity of tissues, or in ordinary language, edema, are noted by all pregnant women, only in terms of severity they differ.

It is the hormone progesterone that retains fluid in the body, and by childbirth its level decreases - hence the loss of body weight, due to the fact that excess fluid is lost. Estrogens also have some water-reducing effect, which helps eliminate swelling in the hands, feet and legs. You will notice that it has become easier to put on rings or watches and shoes. Weight loss will average from 500 g to 3 kg.

A few days before giving birth, the body will begin a “general cleansing”, which will result in loose stools. Pregnant women are usually prone to constipation, so this phenomenon is noticed and perceived with relief. The stool is also regulated by estrogen; due to their increase, intestinal motility is activated and bowel movement occurs. A similar phenomenon is observed during menstruation in non-pregnant women. Usually there are stools 2-3 times a day. milder than usual, but if it is diarrhea, nausea or vomiting appears. Abdominal pain is not a warning sign and you should urgently go to the hospital - it looks like an intestinal infection.
Typically, before giving birth, a “drop of the abdomen” occurs, as many pregnant women note.

The beginning of the harbingers of labor is considered to be the softening and smoothing of the cervix, which begins to allow 1-2 fingers of the doctor to pass during examination, that is, it becomes 1-2 cm. Due to this, the baby’s head is inserted into the pelvis, it lowers a little and it becomes a little easier to breathe and eat . The uterus itself, due to the softening of the ligaments, also moves somewhat towards the pelvic area, the baby groups all parts of the body, occupying the most convenient position for childbirth.
However, prolapse of the abdomen brings with it another problem - pressure on the bladder increases, because of this, pregnant women become frequent visitors to the toilet, and sometimes the false urge to go to the toilet may also intensify. Therefore, pregnant women have to visit the toilet more often than usual.

What then?
During pregnancy, the inside of the cervix is ​​closed with a dense lump of mucus, which protects against infection entering the fetus. It is secreted by the cervical canal and the cervix itself; it contains many macrophages and leukocytes that kill microbes. The mucus is thick and looks like a plug sealing the entrance to the uterus. at the end of pregnancy, a few days before birth, the cervix softens and the plug gradually comes off. This may be the immediate release of a lump of mucus or gradual separation, in the form of increased discharge from the genital tract. The mucus is yellowish-white, without any admixture of blood; if the doctor looked at the woman in the chair, then there may be a very small admixture of blood. The removal of the plug is painless. Before childbirth, slight stretching in the lower abdomen and discomfort may occur. If the plug comes out, it is not recommended to swim, it is better to take a shower, you should not go to the pool, or have sex, there is a risk of getting an infection, because the membranes are no longer fenced off from the vagina. The plug comes off a few days or hours before birth.

Shortly before giving birth in the last weeks, pregnant women feel discomfort in the sacrum, lower abdomen or lower back. This is a change in the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus and increased blood flow to the pelvis. The intensity of these sensations is not very pronounced; they are similar to fullness, distension, stretching, and most often occur in the morning or evening. May be accompanied by false contractions.

False or training contractions are painless tension of the uterine wall that do not have clear regularity, due to which the muscles of the uterus prepare for work. They do not open the cervix, do not cause discomfort, last a few seconds and then the tummy becomes soft again. Labor contractions are regular, increasing in intensity and duration - they have pain of varying degrees of severity. You will recognize them immediately.

In the last weeks before giving birth, a woman gets her “second wind” and begins to intensively “build a nest.” She is intensively preparing the whole house for her imminent return to it with the baby - there is an urgent desire to move the furniture and repaint the walls, wash the floor, windows and all the dishes, buy half children's store etc. It is necessary to monitor the diligence of the expectant mother so that she does not become overtired and injured. In addition, due to hormones, she becomes emotionally labile - she either laughs in euphoria, or cries and seeks peace. Pay attention to this condition, it is normal.

Sometimes there are shifts and physical condition– Fatigue has accumulated from a large tummy, insomnia torments me, it’s uncomfortable to walk, sit and lie down. There are attacks of heat, sweating, a feeling of hot flashes in the head, and slight dizziness. Because of the cramped space, the baby no longer moves as actively. Most often these are slight movements and protrusions of the limbs.

The navel may protrude strongly due to the fact that it softens connective tissue in the abdominal area, pressure increases on abdominal cavity. The center of gravity will also change. Therefore, especially when the stomach drops, the gait becomes like that of a duck - waddling.

Listen to your body, it will tell you when it’s time to meet your baby! Happy birth!