Useful tips for housewives: how to remove traces of tape. Adhesive tape for wrinkles while sleeping How to easily remove the sticky layer from clothes

Drawing perfect arrows

To learn how to draw beautiful, neat, straight arrows with a sharp “tail”, it requires months of training, as well as a large supply of perseverance and patience. If you don’t have the time or desire for this, and you need calligraphic arrows right now, paper tape will help.

You should start using it only after the makeup as a whole is ready. Cut a small strip of tape, glue it first to the outside of your palm (this is necessary to remove some of the glue from the strip, otherwise it will injure the delicate skin of your face), and then to the outer corner of your eye. The strip should be placed diagonally and adjacent to the lower lash line on the outer side of the eye. Choose the angle of inclination yourself depending on what kind of arrow you want: elongated, oblong or short, pointing upward.

When the tape is in place, you can proceed to creating the arrows. Draw a neat line along the contour of the eyelashes on the upper eyelid and draw a “tail” - the line may end up on the tape, which will save you from unevenness. Remove the strip of tape and look at the result - the arrow will be smooth and sharp.

Doing smoky makeup

Using tape in the same way as with the arrows, you can get perfectly symmetrical smoky eyes with a “cat’s eye” effect - the border of the shadows will be neat, clear and slightly raised. Thanks to the tape, dark shadows will not smear at the temples and will not look like dirty spots if you do not blend them thoroughly enough.

Correcting the shape of the eyebrows

In eyebrow makeup, tape can also be useful. It will be useful for those who tint their eyebrows, but in the process cannot give them sufficiently clear outlines. Take a piece of tape, stick it again on the outside of your palm, and then on the skin above the eyebrow, along its “tail”. Now it will be very easy to make the shape of your eyebrows clearer - adjust it in the usual way, and then tear off the strip.

Removing excess shadows

Those who are used to using eye shadow for eye makeup should probably always have tape in their cosmetic bag. For what? Firstly, it can be used to remove excess bright shadows if you applied them to the eyelid too much. large quantities. You only need to stick a strip of tape on your eyelid once - and most of the colored powder will remain on it, and you can continue creating your makeup. Secondly, adhesive tape saves you in cases where the shadows have crumbled under the eyes. An attempt to erase them with your finger may end in failure - the shadows will smudge, leaving marks on the skin. dark spots. If you carefully place a strip of tape over the area where the shadows have fallen off, and then remove it, you can avoid these problems.

Cleaning brushes of shadow residues

When you urgently need to clean your brush, but don’t have time to wash and dry it, take a strip of tape and run the brush along its adhesive side as many times as necessary to remove any remaining shadow.

Cleaning cosmetics from impurities

In cases with products that have a powdery texture, bacteria and dirt can accumulate due to long-term use. To get rid of them, take a strip of tape and apply it to the surface of powder, blush, eye shadow and other products to remove the top layer. After this procedure, all your beauty products will be fresh and clean. If you know of other ways to use tape in makeup, please tell us about them.

Almost everyone uses tape these days. But when you try to remove the tape, traces inevitably remain that spoil appearance furniture or other items.

Almost everyone uses adhesive tape these days, but when you try to remove the tape, traces inevitably remain.

You can get rid of the problem if you know the most effective methods for removing tape marks from different surfaces.

Methods for removing tape marks

Methods for removing marks depend on the surface material

The intensity of the tracks depends on two factors. The first is the structure of the surface on which the tape was placed. The looser it is, the more difficult it is to remove the tape. The adhesion strength is also affected by the time during which the adhesive material was attached. The longer this period, the more the composition is absorbed. Let's consider practical advice, how to remove tape marks on different surfaces.

How to remove from plastic

Gasoline, oil and an eraser are the best helpers

You can get rid of sticky residues on a plastic surface using purified gasoline, white spirit, vegetable oil or an eraser. You will also need a cotton swab or rag.

First, let's look at how to remove traces with gasoline or white spirit. Your actions should look like this:

  1. You should first check the reaction of the solvent on the working surface. Apply the composition to a small area, wait 5 minutes. If no changes occur, you can start working.
  2. Soak a swab in solvent, then treat the stain. Continue until traces are completely removed.
  3. Finally, wipe the area with a dry cloth.

Vegetable oil is used in a similar way. Only here there is no need to carry out testing - this substance is not capable of harming plastic. After removing the stains, greasy marks will remain on the surface. A soap solution will help remove them. Soak a rag in it and wipe the problem areas.

In the fight against tape remnants, an eraser is also useful; you just need to rub it over the surface. This method is more labor-intensive and time-consuming. But it allows you to do without chemical compositions, which can damage the plastic.

We remove from furniture

For gentle removal, use oil

It is difficult to come up with a replacement for tape when moving and in houses where small children live. It is used to fix drawer flaps and cabinet doors during transportation, and also to glue various pictures to furniture. Plants and herbs will help remove traces. essential oils. Their variety does not matter. Sunflower, corn, flaxseed or olive oil are suitable. Simply dampen a sponge or rag and treat the required areas. Finally, remove marks with a brush or eraser.

You can also choose any essential oils. But they contain active chemical elements. Therefore, it is recommended to wear protective gloves before starting to clean the surface. Test the product first on an inconspicuous area.

Important! Furniture with a polished finish and furniture made from expensive wood species are especially vulnerable to the effects of chemical elements.

What do you need to clean glass?

Alcohol solutions - the best means for glass

The following will help remove sticky marks from glass:

  • window cleaner;
  • alcohol;
  • acetone or nail polish remover.

The solvent is applied to a cotton pad, after which the surface is wiped. Wear gloves when working - this will help preserve your manicure and also protect your hands from the aggressive effects of the compounds. Alcohol has a negative effect on the skin, which becomes dry after contact with it.

There is another method for removing sticky residue. It involves using a blade to scrape across a glass surface. But this method is not suitable for everyone. The sound that is produced cannot be called pleasant. In addition, scratches may remain on the glass. This method should be used in the absence of solvents.

How to easily remove sticky layers from clothes

Tape can be removed from fabric by washing or using gasoline.

You need to start cleaning your clothes as early as possible so that the glue does not have the opportunity to absorb into the fabric and harden. There are two ways to correct the situation:

  1. The first method involves the following steps. Soak a cotton swab in acetone or alcohol and rub the dirty area. It should be remembered that only fabrics without patterns that do not fade can be cleaned with solvents.
  2. If clothing does not meet these characteristics, a solution will help washing powder. Soak the fabric in it for 30–60 minutes, then rinse. If powder is not available, replace it with soap or soda.

Important! When working with fabric, you should not use kerosene and gasoline, as they leave greasy stains that are very difficult to get rid of.

What can remove marks on linoleum?

This material is widely used today for flooring. Despite its advantages, linoleum instantly absorbs any liquids and compounds that have a soft consistency. And when tape gets on the coating, characteristic marks remain. Essential or vegetable oil will help cope with the situation. Wet the sponge and remove sticky stains. Do not try to wash off the remaining tape with water. It won't give desired result, and the surface of the linoleum may be damaged.

How to carefully wash it off your car

Oil and gasoline compounds will quickly remove traces

Solvents should not be used to remove sticky marks from the surface of the car, as they will damage the paintwork. Here you will need more gentle means:

  • dishwashing composition;
  • kerosene;
  • petrol;
  • vegetable oil.

You also need to prepare a napkin or sponge. Each of the listed means has its own application characteristics. If you use gasoline and the temperature outside drops below zero, be sure to warm up the inside of the car before starting work. Kerosene not only removes tape residues, but also gives the surface glossy shine. This product is best used outdoors, outside the garage.

Important! Kerosene has the property of emitting toxic fumes, so working with it in the fresh air will prevent Negative consequences for good health.

Apply the product of your choice to a rag and treat the adhesive areas of the car. After using vegetable oil, wash the surface with soapy water. This will erase and remove streaks and grease stains.

Wipe off from skin

When working with tape, traces of it may remain on your hands. The following ways will help you get rid of them:

  • wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in vinegar, which has the ability to dissolve glue. But after this procedure, a not very pleasant acidic smell will remain on your hands. Soap will help neutralize it;
  • treat your hands with a 95% solution of medical alcohol, which is sold at any pharmacy. If necessary, it can be replaced with a strong tincture;
  • no less effective means is hydrogen peroxide.

Ways to remove double-sided tape

Double-sided tape is more difficult to remove, but possible

The peculiarity of this tape is that both its surfaces are covered with a sticky composition. It has high fixing properties. This is where double-sided tape is ahead of regular adhesive tape. But it will be more difficult to remove traces of it.

If you have this problem, try the following methods:

  1. Wipe the area that needs cleaning with a melamine sponge. The material from which it is made resembles an eraser. Thanks to this, the sponge successfully copes with various contaminants. The sponge must be wetted with water before use. It will become like foam and acquire the same abrasive properties that it has. sandpaper. But the sponge will remain smooth and soft, which will avoid damage to the surface.
  2. Dampen a cloth with white spirit and rub the area to be cleaned. You can use gasoline, kerosene, alcohol and vinegar. But use these products only if you are sure that the surface will not be damaged.
  3. You can also remove the remaining adhesive layer by high temperature. Take a hair dryer and direct hot air to the problem area. The glue will soften and become suitable for mechanical removal. To do this, use a stationery eraser.

Removing the remaining tape is quite easy. This can be done using improvised means that can be found in every home. But during the work, you need to take into account the characteristics of the material from which the surface to be cleaned is made, and its reaction to the composition used.

Makeup artists are creative people and know how to find creative solutions in various situations. I collected all the non-standard methods that I knew about.

For oily and combination skin. Preventing oily shine

Although this product is sold in pharmacies, it is essentially an ordinary powder.
Many makeup artists have Galmanin powder in their arsenal - a mixture of talc, starch, zinc oxide and salicylic acid. All ingredients are drying agents. Galmanine helps with oily skin.
You need to rub this powder into a clean face, without cream, before applying makeup; if there is excess, it is better to wipe it off with a cotton pad... That is, you need to make sure that Galmanin gets deeply into the pores. This is good and very inexpensive remedy for those with problem skin.
Cost 5 UAH or 20 rubles in pharmacies

Aerosol deodorant

Choose a deodorant that does not leave marks, does not stick, and does not cover the surface of the skin with film or powder. And use it on a sweaty face.
Cover your eyelids and lips with cotton pads to avoid contact when spraying. This is, of course, an emergency method, but effective, for an important event, when you need to look 100% and be confident in your makeup.

Antishine powder and bases
There was a good post about this method recently.

Many prof. brands have Antishine powders (brands Smashbox, Mac, Kryoline). They are transparent and there are crumbly and compact ones. The powder simply needs to be applied in a thin layer to match the tone, and if desired, secure the finished makeup with another layer. But I don’t recommend getting carried away with this method, because... there are solid silicones and they simply block the secretion of fat on the face, this method is for important cases.
Well, about bases I'm generally silent. Many manufacturers have many matting bases.

Fixing makeup

Thermal water or fixatives

Thermal water, or fixative water, which should be finely sprayed so that a mist settles on the face and does not drop drops.
When drying, the water seals the makeup and mixes the layers, as a result it does not float under the fat. But at the same time, the fat still comes out, which means that the pores are not clogged and there is no need to be afraid that “the skin is not breathing.” Thanks to this, during the day, oily shine appears not only much later, but also in a special way: fat appears through the foundation without damaging it. And as a result, you will have to touch up your makeup less often,
The fat is removed with a napkin (or an ordinary dry one, one ball is separated from the napkin and applied to the face) or a mattifying napkin is used, and only then a light layer of powder is applied.

Removing mistakes in makeup

Mascara imprinted
You don’t need to wipe off the mascara right away, you need to let it dry completely on the skin and then wipe it off with a cotton swab.
The mascara is very easy to remove with a cotton swab. you just need to pry it off and there will be a black lump on the stick, but the shadows and tone are in place.

Falling shadows
if the shadows are constantly falling out, try pouring a little loose powder under the lower eyelid (in the absence of such, I usually put more pressed powder with a brush), after finishing work on the eye makeup, brush it off fan brush in one or two movements, if not with a fan, then with a regular powder brush.
Or take a cotton swab and apply a little concealer that you used under your eyes. And use this stick to remove the crumbled shadow. This method removes shadows and immediately corrects the place where we washed. Then it’s better to powder it lightly.

Too much blush
Place a little powder on the brush and brush it over the areas where you have overdone it.


Remove peeling from the face or from healing pimples and wounds

If there is peeling on your face, then a roll of wide tape will help: just stick it on, as if you were doing waxing, and tear it off.
You need to wash your face first. The tape will not tear off living cells - all that comes off is the top dried layer of skin. The fluff remains in place. Scotch tape is good for flaky skin, burned in a solarium, and crusts from pimples.
Try this method in the evening at home, in a calm environment. Take transparent wide regular tape. And stick it on your forehead several times, for example. At first, nothing will stick to the tape because... oily skin. But you continue to unwind the next 10-15 cm of tape, and stick it again and again, watching how all the husk remains on the tape, and how your skin cleanses.
Tested on myself, peeling is removed quickly and painlessly! And we get smooth skin for further application of makeup.,

That's it.
I'm Julia.

Advice from Rysichka
Use tape to remove any loose glitter

Advice from NadiN87
"To give volume to your eyelashes and make them fluffy, you need to powder them before applying mascara. Many people probably know this, it works perfectly for me"

Advice from Christina_Guettler and Sparkofmadness
remove large flakes with eyebrow tweezers

Advice from Belen
“I once had such a situation: all the shadows were running off on me (at that time I didn’t yet know about the existence of bases for makeup) and I needed to prevent my makeup from fading in the evening, I read in some magazine that it could be applied over eye makeup Spray a little hairspray, and believe it or not, the makeup stayed on like nails, not a speck of mascara fell off, and the shadows didn’t even think of slipping! There is no irritation or discomfort to the skin."

What secrets do you know? Let's put everything together and help each other

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Adhesive tape is used in a huge number of areas: construction, repair, creativity, industry, everyday life. Scotch tape with two adhesive sides is in great demand. With its help, you can solve a lot of important problems with a minimum of effort. Eat different types such adhesive tape, each of which has its own characteristic properties and advantages. Find out all the features of working with this material.

What is double-sided tape

This is a special tape, both sides of which are sticky. Designed for secure fastening of any two objects. Whatever the backing of the adhesive tape, it always uses an adhesive composition based on rubber or acrylic. On one side there is a protective film of wax paper, which peels off with a slight movement, revealing a sticky surface. There are many areas of use for such material. It is reliable and economical.


In most cases, double tape is used in repair and installation work. With its help, not too heavy objects are attached to suspended ceilings, tiles, linoleum. List of areas of application:

  • fastening linoleum to the floor;
  • installation of finishing panels made of lightweight materials;
  • design work;
  • seamless fastening of packaging;
  • gluing metal furniture;
  • installation of road signs;
  • fastening the stiffeners of metal doors;
  • fixing handles on transparent sliding doors;
  • connecting small shelves;
  • gluing mortgages;
  • installation of suspended ceilings;
  • fastening holders, hooks;
  • assembly of window structures;
  • gluing moldings;
  • clothing industry;
  • installation of wiring boxes;
  • printing industry;
  • manufacturing three-dimensional letters, advertising lighting structures;
  • needlework;
  • printing;
  • creation;
  • car body repair;
  • chores.

Main advantages

Double-sided adhesive tape has many advantages, so it is actively used in many areas. Benefits include:

  • Ease of use;
  • reliability;
  • strength;
  • economical consumption;
  • low cost;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays, moisture, temperature, solvents;
  • durability;
  • tightness.


Eat different types tape The appropriate one should be selected taking into account the tasks at hand. Types of double-sided tape on sale:

  1. On a foam basis. Has a thickness of 0.5 mm or more. It is actively used in the field of construction and repair. Perfect for fastening objects with complex shapes, uneven surfaces, and products with holes. Roughness and other defects reduce the area of ​​the bonded surface. Therefore, to attach them, you need double-sided Velcro with a reliable base, for example, foam.
  2. Polypropylene. On a film basis, resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. Transparent, thin and elastic, easy to use, high quality, provides rigid adhesion to hard surfaces. Well suited for working with glass and polymers.
  3. Paper-silk. With an easy to tear base. With weak adhesive, suitable for gluing paper, photographs.
  4. Special. For difficult work, for example at high temperatures. Suitable for fastening large items. This type will be expensive.
  5. Baseless. Material with an adhesive transfer layer. Completely transparent. Transfers from bonding surfaces under high temperature. Resistant to sunlight, solvents, chemicals. Used for lamination, fastening foam and plastic.
  6. On a fabric basis. This double-sided adhesive tape is very durable and reliable. The base can be cotton or synthetic. It is recommended to use it for working with flooring materials and finishing. The material is soft and flexible. Suitable for fastening uneven rough surfaces.
  7. For vertical fastening. Used for gluing mirrors and hanging moldings.
  8. For horizontal fastening. Used for laying linoleum and other flooring materials.

How to glue double-sided tape

First you need to select a ribbon suitable type based on what you need to secure. Features of the tape workflow:

  1. If the materials being bonded are of different quality, then you need to carefully remove the film from one sticky surface and stick it to the object that is more porous. Then the second protective layer is removed. Place a second item on top that needs to be glued, press tightly and hold for some time.
  2. On simple products, tape can be attached in any order.
  3. The adhesion area of ​​materials should be maximum.
  4. Cut the pieces in advance.
  5. Before gluing, the surface must be cleaned of dust and degreased.
  6. Do not touch the sticky layer with your hands.
  7. Press the surfaces to be attached to each other for a long time and harder.
  8. If items different sizes, then first the tape must be applied to the one that is larger.
  9. The favorable temperature for gluing is from 20 to 40 degrees.

How to peel off double-sided tape

This task is sometimes very difficult and confuses many. Remove double-sided sticky tape so that not a trace remains of it is very problematic. The removal method depends on the material of the surface to be cleaned. The following compositions and tools can be used for the procedure:

  • petrol;
  • rubber nozzle for drill;
  • alcohol;
  • vegetable oil;
  • acetone;
  • kerosene;
  • White Spirit;
  • solvent.

First, you need to carefully pry up the double-sided adhesive tape and tear off a part, and only then use additional means. Removal Tips:

  1. To remove tape from paper (such as wallpaper), use a hairdryer to blast it with hot air. After a few minutes, pry it with something sharp and carefully remove it. If necessary, you can warm it up several times, removing small pieces at a time.
  2. You can try to remove the adhesive tape with masking tape. You need to take a large section. Press it firmly against the tape, leaving one edge free. Slowly pull the tape towards you. The adhesive strip will follow it.
  3. Remove the tape from the fabric with alcohol. The remaining particles are carefully wiped off with a sponge.
  4. For plastic surfaces, use oil. Pour a little onto the sticky area and wait a bit. Rub with a soft sponge.
  5. Oil is not suitable for removing tape from fabric, paper and cardboard. There will be traces left that cannot be removed.
  6. If the surface is not painted, use acetone or nail polish remover to clean. These products will dissolve the sticky layer and the double-sided tape will be easily removed. Acetone evaporates quickly and leaves no residue, so it is suitable even for some types of paper.
  7. It is best to clean painted surfaces with a rubber attachment on a drill.
  8. It is advisable to remove the adhesive double-sided tape from varnished products vegetable oil. The exposure time can be up to 12 hours.
  9. If the surface cannot be wet, try removing the double-sided tape with a simple eraser.

Various objects are often glued to walls and doors with tape. The easiest way to remove double-sided adhesive tape from such surfaces is as follows:

  1. Turn on the hair dryer close to the object being removed.
  2. Holding it a few centimeters away, direct a stream of hot air onto the double-sided tape. Pay special attention to the edges and corners.
  3. Warm up the tape for several minutes at a time.
  4. Turn off the hair dryer.
  5. Pry up the edge of the self-adhesive with your fingernail or knife and remove it by gently pulling it towards you.
  6. Wipe off any remaining sticky material with a damp sponge soaked in soapy water.

Remember a few more useful tips regarding the removal of tape. These recommendations will help you understand how to act in unusual situations:

  1. 90% alcohol is very effective, but for painted surfaces it is better to use 70% alcohol.
  2. Do not scrub tinted windows with acetone or nail polish remover.
  3. Clean smooth surfaces with cotton pads soaked in alcohol, and uneven and rough surfaces with a cloth or towel.
  4. To remove sticky layers from appliances, ceramics, glass and tiles, use acetone, window cleaner or vinegar. Alcohol will also work.

From plastic

It is better to remove surfaces made of such material with medical alcohol. It is not as aggressive as acetone or caustic solvents, so it will not damage either the plastic itself or the paint. Pour a little alcohol onto the double-sided adhesive tape and leave it for a while to absorb. Using a smooth motion, tear off the material. If there is any excess adhesive left on the surface, wipe it off with a soft cloth generously moistened with rubbing alcohol. Gasoline and white spirit can be used with caution.

From glass

In this situation, techniques involving exposure to hot air cannot be used. This may cause the glass to crack. It is also prohibited to use abrasive materials that are guaranteed to leave scratches. To remove double-sided tape from glass or mirror, you will need the following supplies:

  • medical alcohol;
  • window cleaner (you can make it yourself by mixing 275 ml of water, 60 ml of vinegar and a little liquid soap);
  • edible or mineral oil;
  • glass polish;
  • butter knife or wooden spatula;
  • sponge.

It is important to work carefully and slowly so as not to damage the surface. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pry up the corner of the tape with a butter knife or wooden spatula. Try to tear off as large a piece as possible.
  2. Spray window cleaner onto the surface to be treated.
  3. Use a sponge to rub the area in a circular motion.
  4. Soak the remaining double-sided tape with oil. Rub with a sponge until everything is removed.
  5. Moisten a piece with alcohol soft fabric. Wipe the surface.
  6. Treat clean glass with polish.

From furniture

Many items are secured with double-sided adhesive tape during transportation. Doors, drawers and other elements of cabinet furniture are especially often glued. The tape can also get on the soft part. In such a situation, use the removal methods used for fabric. Recommendations for cleaning other furniture surfaces:

  1. Clean painted and polished elements with oil.
  2. Clean, untreated wood without varnish or paint is best cleaned with gasoline or white spirit. Oil will not work because it will saturate the material and leave greasy marks.
  3. If you don’t know exactly what the surface is made of, it’s better to use medical alcohol. It is the safest and suitable for almost everything.


From the many types, it is important to choose the adhesive tape that will best meet your requirements. Then the work performed using it will be durable and reliable. To decide which tape to buy, use the following recommendations:

  1. Double-sided tape with acrylic adhesive immediately provides excellent adhesion. It is recommended to be used for fixing mirrors, hooks, hangers, and information signs in public places.
  2. For smooth, flat surfaces, double-sided tape with a film base is suitable.
  3. When choosing adhesive tape, check the maximum weight and load it can withstand.
  4. For angular, rough, uneven surfaces, a tape with a rubberized base is more suitable.

What can be made from double-sided tape

Creative people can use tape as a tool for their crafts and toys. From tape you can make:

  • picture;
  • sculpture;
  • interior decorations;
  • artificial flowers;
  • desktop organizer;
  • gift wrapping;
  • candlestick;
  • covers for notebooks or textbooks;
  • envelopes;
  • board for notes;
  • bookmarks;
  • boxes for storing small items.

Are you irritated by nasty crumbs under the keys that you can’t get out? Scotch tape will help you. Fold the adhesive tape, sticky side out, and run it along the thin gaps between the keys and the keyboard body. The debris will stick, the keyboard will become clean.

2. Clean your clothes

Sticky rollers for cleaning clothes run out at the most inopportune moment. But there is wide tape that is no worse.

3. Collect broken glass

If you accidentally (or intentionally) break a plate or glass, small crumbs will remain on the floor or table. Collect them with tape so they won't harm your heels.

4. Draw arrows

How many tricks have been invented to, from using a spoon to special stencils. Keep it simple. Place the tape on the eyelid and calmly fill the space from the edge of the eyelid to the tape with eyeliner. Then remove the tape. You will get arrows with perfectly smooth edges.

5. Design your nails

Anna Norman /

An adhesive tape stencil can be used not only on eyelids, but also on nails to create patterns of varying complexity.

6. Collect mercury

When the mercury scatters across the floor in hundreds of tiny droplet balls. And all of them must be carefully collected for disposal so as not to breathe toxic fumes. Scotch tape does this job well.

7. Wrap the laces

If the laces are frayed at the ends or the fasteners have fallen off, wrap them with tape. This will make the laces look neater and make them easier to lace.

8. Cover calluses

A temporary measure that will save your legs new shoes, if you don’t have a band-aid at hand, you have tape. Just use it to protect areas that your shoes rub.

9. Remove traces of glue

You removed the sticker from the item, but the glue remains. Take the tape, press its sticky surface onto the glue and tear it off sharply. The glue will stick to the tape.

10. Protect your plastic card

If you have a card with magnetic tape, and you use it often, then there is a risk of damaging this very tape. Carefully seal it with tape so that there are no bubbles or wrinkles. The tape will be protected, and devices will read it.

11. Make an elf ear

Halloween is not coming soon, but you just have time to practice to get a real elf costume. Take thin, clear tape, place the end on the back of your ear, and gently roll the tape over to sharpen the tip of your ear. Then you can mask the tape foundation and powder so that no one would doubt who the real Galadriel is.

12. Make a hiding place

Use tape to tape valuables to the inside of your bed or countertop. But in a place where it will not be noticeable and where the hiding place is difficult to get.

13. Use tape instead of a bandage

In case of injury, tape will serve as a temporary replacement for a bandage, especially if you need to apply a splint and tape an arm or leg to a stick.

14. Organize your wires

Fold the wires that stretch from your table to one into one bundle and wrap them with tape. Now, instead of a dozen tangled cords, you will have one.

15. Protect your bag or pocket

If you need to put something with sharp corners (for example, a screwdriver) in your bag or pocket, but you don’t have a case or bag at hand, loosely wrap the dangerous object with tape. This will prevent the lining of your bag or jacket from tearing.

16. Remove the stuck ring

When you can’t remove a ring from a swollen finger and soap doesn’t help, try tape. Take a thin and long (about 30 cm) strip of tape, fold it in half lengthwise, sticky side inward, so that you get a long and smooth strip. Pass one end of this strip under the ring so that it protrudes 2-3 cm. Wrap the long part of the tape tightly around your finger, grabbing the knuckle. Then carefully pull the short end of the tape behind the ring. The ring will gradually move along the tape, and your finger will be freed from the wrapped tape. Usually there is thread instead of tape, but a smooth tape made of tape is no worse.