Norms of height and weight according to the WHO. What is normal weight gain for newborn babies? What should a child be able to do?

From the first seconds of his birth he plays a vital role. This is what new parents point out when telling friends and acquaintances about their baby. This is what the doctor first writes down in the newborn's medical record. Over time, the value of these indicators does not decrease. It’s not for nothing that relatives who haven’t seen their child for a long time exclaim: “You’ve grown so much! You’ve already outgrown your mother!” And why lie, even adults can drop the phrase among themselves: “You’ve lost a lot of weight!”...

Our kilograms and centimeters can tell a lot about us, including about various health problems. Therefore, to understand whether your child is physically healthy, or whether there are problems that need attention, it is often enough just to measure his height and weight.

Why do some grow faster than others?

Often, a child's height and weight are determined by genetic factors. If both parents are quite tall, then their baby will most likely be tall. The same goes for weight, but nutrition also plays a huge role here. A child whose parents are overweight may have a high predisposition to be overweight. Moreover, if he eats properly, then his weight can remain within normal limits. And, conversely, children who are not genetically predisposed to weight gain, even eating abundantly, may well remain thin.

Great value for proper development children benefit from favorable living conditions (cleanliness and care), proper daily routine, daily walks, physical activity, etc.

How to measure a child's height?

Height and weight indicators can quite accurately determine how harmonious the child’s development is overall. Height and weight should be measured at home, without waiting for a planned visit to the pediatrician - after all, the numbers can vary greatly even after a few days.

In order to find out the baby's body length, you should place him on a hard surface so that his head is held straight and his eyes look up. Then you need to stretch your legs as much as possible without squeezing your knees or pressing your feet. When the correct position for the baby is found, another person measures his height using a meter. You can purchase a special stadiometer for babies.

The height of a child at 2 years old, when he can already stand firmly on his legs, is measured against the wall. The baby should press the back of his head, buttocks and heels tightly against it. If the bottom edge of the eyes is level with the ears, then the position is correct. Ask your child to exhale and relax a little. Next, a pencil note is made above his head, and the distance from the floor to it is measured.

How to determine body weight?

Finding out a child's weight at home is even easier than measuring his height. To do this, you can use ordinary floor scales. Nowadays there are many scales designed for weight control. You can save previous data in them and later monitor the dynamics of your baby’s development.

If you still have infant, then take him in your arms and stand on the scales with him. Then subtract yours from the total weight and get the baby’s body weight. Older children can already climb on the scales themselves. This will be an exciting game for them.

The data obtained is compared with a table developed by WHO. It indicates the optimal growth of the child by month, as well as the weight corresponding to his age.

Children under 1 year

As a rule, the height of healthy newborns varies from 46 to 56 cm. Boys usually longer than girls. Although the latter can greatly outstrip the former in growth if they have tall parents. The weight of both at birth is most often 2.6-4 kg. Moreover, the child’s body weight at the moment when the mother is discharged from the maternity hospital may be less than that with which he was born.

The correct height to weight ratio for an infant is shown in the following table.

Options infant
Weight (g)Height (cm)Weight (g)Height (cm)
0 3600 50 3400 49,5
1 4450 54,5 4150 53,5
2 5250 58 4900 56,8
3 6050 61 5500 59,3
4 6700 63 6150 61,5
5 7300 65 6650 63,4
6 7900 67 7200 65,3
7 8400 68,7 7700 66,9
8 8850 70,3 8100 68,4
9 9250 71,7 8500 70
10 9650 73 8850 71,3
11 10000 74,3 9200 72,6
12 10300 75,5 9500 73,8

Normal development is considered if in the first three months of life a child gains 3-4 cm. At the age of three months, the growth rate decreases to 2.5 cm, and after six months - to another 2 cm. Children from 9 months to a year grow noticeably slower, therefore There is no need to worry if your baby gains only 1 cm per month.

As for weight, the increase in the first half of the year should be at least 600-800 g, and in the second - 300-550 g.

Children of the second year of life

Children's growth rates become more stable after a year; between months this is no longer observed. a big difference, like before. However, it remains important to measure a child's growth month by month. The table gives average indicators of what a healthy child should be like at the age of 1-2 years.

Parameters of a child 1-2 years old
Weight (g)Height (cm)Weight (g)Height (cm)
13 10600 76,8 9,80 75
14 10850 78 10,05 76,1
15 11100 79 10,30 77,2
16 11300 80 10,57 78,3
17 11500 81 10780 79,3
18 11700 82 11000 80,3
19 11900 83 11200 81,3
20 12070 83,9 11380 82,2
21 12230 84,7 11570 83,1
22 12370 85,6 11730 84
23 12530 86,4 11880 84,9
24 12670 87,3 12050 85,8

As can be seen from the table, the height and weight of a child at 2 years old should be 87.3 cm and 12.67 kg for boys and 85.8 cm and 12.05 kg for girls. Significant deviations to the right or left side can be a signal of poor condition of the baby.

Children of the third year of life

Height and weight indicators do not change significantly between 2 and 3 years. Over the course of a whole year, children can grow by only 6-7 cm and gain a little more than 1 kg in weight.

Parameters of a child under 3 years old
Weight (g)Height (cm)Weight (g)Height (cm)
25 12830 88,1 12220 86,7
26 12950 88,9 12380 87,5
27 13080 89,7 12520 88,4
28 13220 90,3 12680 89,2
29 13350 91,1 12820 90
30 13480 91,8 12980 90,7
31 13620 92,6 13110 91,4
32 13770 93,2 13260 92,1
33 13900 93,8 13400 92,9
34 14030 94,4 13570 93,6
35 14180 95 13710 94,2
36 14300 95,7 13850 94,8

Often, parents and grandparents, without noticing obvious changes in the baby’s height and weight, begin to literally feed him, which, of course, is fundamentally wrong. This tactic, observed in many families today, leads to more and more children early age suffer from excess weight.

How to properly evaluate the results?

When it comes to the physiological development of children, the boundaries of the norm are very blurred.

The height and weight of a child at 2 years old can be very different from that of his peers. For approximately 10% of children, these indicators differ from those shown in the table.

When assessing your baby's weight, keep in mind that a deviation of 7% is quite normal! There is no need to sound the alarm and stuff your child with calories. But deviations of 7-12% may already indicate a child’s tendency to be overweight or underweight. Indicators of 12-14% are still considered a slight deviation, while a difference of 20% between real and tabulated weight indicators is already dangerous.

In growth indicators, a deviation of 3% is considered normal. If a child is behind or exceeds the average for his age by 10%, it is worth consulting a pediatrician.

Nutrition is the main reason

Doctors say that the very first reason for underweight or, conversely, excess weight, as well as non-compliance with age norms in growth indicators, is improper and unbalanced nutrition. If it comes to an infant, then deviations in physical development (primarily weight) may be the result of artificial feeding. A mother who is not dependent on her own milk makes the formula more concentrated or feeds the baby more often than necessary. As such children grow up, they lag behind their peers in motor skills - later they begin to sit, crawl and walk. They are also more likely to get colds and allergies.

In some families, unfortunately, children still suffer from malnutrition to this day. As a rule, these are dysfunctional families in which parents, for one reason or another, cannot provide the child with food adequate for his age. Children do not receive enough vitamins and calcium, which affects their growth and general well-being.

If not food, then what?

In most cases, thanks to proper nutrition, you can easily control the height and weight of a child at 2 years old. However, developmental delays at this age can be caused by other factors:

Often, problems in the height or weight of a young child can be echoes of the lifestyle that a pregnant or lactating woman led. It will not be surprising if a baby whose mother was addicted to smoking or alcohol during these important periods of life will lag behind his peers in height and weight.

It also happens that the parameters of a child’s development are influenced by genetics. Therefore, a knowledgeable pediatrician will certainly ask you about the height and weight of close relatives. Of course, if the cause of stunting is genetic, nothing can be done. But the weight with proper nutrition can be controlled.

Let's go to the doctor

At the first suspicion of underweight or excess weight or height, parents should consult a doctor. In matters of children's health, self-medication is not the most reliable assistant. A specialist will help determine the causes of deviations and, if possible, eliminate them.

If the problem is nutrition, then everything is simple: the doctor prescribes a diet, establishes a diet, prescribes vitamins, if necessary. Things are much more complicated with chronic diseases or hormonal imbalances. In such cases, the pediatrician asks for tests and, having accurately established the cause, prescribes medication.

Grow big and strong!

As you know, it is better to prevent any problem than to deal with it later. The same can be said about problems in the physical development of children. At the same time, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of parental participation in the life of a child. After all, by and large, it depends on moms and dads how healthy and strong their child will grow up.

Parents must learn to determine the correct weight and height of children by age and constantly monitor these indicators. Make weekly measurements a ritual. Get the child interested in this too, explain how good it is to be big and strong. Be sure to do gymnastics with your baby, go outside with him more often so that he can move around; create conditions in the house for training on rainy and cold days. For example, you can hang a crossbar in a doorway so that a child can hang on it, and install a ladder along the wall.


So, regular monitoring of indicators such as height and weight should begin from the very birth of the child. Normal parameters for babies are 46-56 cm and 2.6-4 kg.

At the same time, a loss of 5-8% of total weight after birth is quite normal for a child.
In the period up to one year, children significantly and quickly gain height and weight. For those who have crossed the threshold of 1 year, these indicators can be equal to an average of 75 cm and 10 kg. In subsequent months, development occurs more slowly - the height and weight of a child at 2 years old is approximately 86 cm and 12 kg. Boys are generally larger than girls.

Detected deviations from the indicators in the table, if they are less than 3% for height or 6-7% for weight, are considered acceptable. The reason for the more varied results should be sought primarily in nutrition. In addition, poor living conditions and lack of physical activity, various diseases, hormonal imbalances, heredity and bad habits mother. In any case, if there are deviations from the norm, you should contact your pediatrician.

At the same time, we must not forget that all children are individual. Therefore, love them and accept them for who they are!

As each child develops, it grows and gains weight. Parents who are concerned about their baby growing “correctly” always pay attention to “normal” indicators of body weight and height, focusing on the average data given in the tables of the World Health Organization. When answering the question of how much a child of a certain age should weigh, it should be taken into account that each person’s body has individual characteristics. That is, in order to understand that everything is fine with the child and he is growing normally, you need not only to compare his parameters with the standard, but also to take into account their relationships.

The ratio of height parameters and body weight of a child

The concept of “body mass index” is well known to many parents - especially mothers who watch their figure. To assess the harmonious development of a child and identify possible deviations in height and weight, you will also need to calculate BMI.

It is important to remember that normal values ​​for a baby differ from similar values ​​calculated for the adult population. The normal BMI of an adult is no more than 25; for children, a similar index can vary between 13-21. BMI is calculated to help diagnose the following conditions:

  1. obesity requiring treatment;
  2. overweight;
  3. slightly increased weight, within the permissible range of normal fluctuations;
  4. normal weight (see also:);
  5. underweight;
  6. exhaustion requiring treatment.

Features of the baby's first year of life

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In the first twelve months of a child’s life, indicators of his growth and development are directly related to feeding characteristics. In accordance with WHO guidelines, a child who is on breastfeeding and had a birth weight of 3.3 kg (boy) or 3.2 kg (girl). According to growth standards, the “starting indicators” are taken to be 49.9 cm and 49.1 cm, respectively.

If the baby was born with less body weight and height (this often occurs in children born ahead of schedule, as well as those who were born from short parents), then there is no need to worry that after a month or two he “lags behind” the table indicators.

Up to one year of age, the determining factor is not the correspondence of height and weight to the table, but their change over time. If a child is systematically gaining kilograms and growing, then everything is fine with him, and there is no reason to panic.

Girls' height and weight

Age, monthsWeight in gramsHeight, cm
Very lowNormVery tallVery lowNormVery tall
0 2000 3200 4800 43,6 49,1 54,7
1 2700 4200 6200 47,8 53,7 59,5
2 3400 5100 7500 51,0 57,1 63,2
3 4000 5800 8500 53,5 59,8 66,1
4 4400 6400 9300 55,6 62,1 68,6
5 4800 6900 10000 57,4 64,0 70,7
6 5100 7300 10600 58,9 65,7 72,5
7 5300 7600 11100 60,3 67,3 74,2
8 5600 7900 11600 61,7 68,7 75,8
9 5800 8200 12000 62,9 70,1 77,4
10 5900 8500 12400 64,1 71,5 78,9
11 6100 8700 12800 65,2 72,8 80,3
12 6300 8900 13100 66,3 74,0 81,7

Height and weight of boys

The characteristics of the weight and height of male children before they reach one year of age are determined according to the same principles as for girls. Monthly weight gain is of decisive importance for monitoring the condition and development of a child - that is, you need to compare the baby first of all with himself, what he was like a month ago.

Age, monthsWeight in gramsHeight, cm
Very lowNormVery tallVery lowNormVery tall
0 2100 3300 5000 44,2 49,9 55,6
1 2900 4500 6600 48,9 54,7 60,6
2 3800 5600 8000 52,4 58,4 64,4
3 4400 6400 9000 55,3 61,4 67,6
4 4900 7000 9700 57,6 63,9 70,1
5 5300 7500 10400 59,6 65,9 72,2
6 5700 7900 10900 61,2 67,6 74,0
7 5900 8300 11400 62,7 69,2 75,7
8 6200 8600 11900 64,0 70,6 77,2
9 6400 8900 12300 65,2 72,0 78,7
10 6600 9200 12700 66,4 73,3 80,1
11 6800 9400 13000 67,6 74,5 81,5
12 6900 9600 13300 68,6 75,7 82,9

Indicators of a child under 10 years of age

The period from birth to the age of 10 is characterized by rapid growth of the child. However, if before the age of one year the baby grew noticeably and became “heavier” almost every day, at an older age he will grow a little slower.

This is due to changes in metabolism and the growing activity of the baby: a baby spends much less energy and calories on outdoor games than a toddler who has already learned to walk and run, and is now actively exploring the world around him.

Baby's height and weight at 1 year

If we look at the average values, we can note that during the first year of life the baby gains about 6-7 kilograms. Moreover, most of the “gain” occurs in the first six months of life, when the child gains about 700-800 grams in one month. At proper care By 6-7 months, healthy low-weight babies can “catch up” in weight to their peers born with average body weight.

The weight of a one-year-old child is considered normal if its value is in the range between 8 and 12 kg. The increase in height will be about 25 cm. The height of a child at 1 year is approximately 75 cm ± 6 cm.

Height and weight from 2 to 3 years

Between two and three years old, the baby is still growing. However, in his daily routine there is less and less quiet rest and meals, and the amount of time devoted to outdoor games is steadily growing. Normally, during the third year of his life, a child will gain about two to three kilograms (that is, he will weigh 11-15 kg) and grow by 9-10 cm.

Height and weight from 4 to 5 years

The average weight of a harmoniously developed 4-year-old child, according to WHO, is about 16 kg, while a deviation of 2-3 kg up or down is considered normal. The height of a child of this age is 102-103 cm. By his fifth birthday, a preschooler will gain about 2 kg and grow by 7 cm.

Height and weight from 6 to 7 years

If you put a healthy six-year-old baby on the scale, and the screen displays a value in the range of 18-23.5 kg, then he fully complies with the standards developed by WHO. By his seventh birthday, an older preschooler (or a junior schoolchild) will become 2-3 kg heavier. According to growth standards, he will grow by about 5 cm.

Summary table with parameters from 1 to 10 years

For those parents who are worried about the development of their baby, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the summary table of the height and weight of children, compiled according to WHO data. Here are the average height and weight values ​​for children of both sexes aged 1-10 years. The baby’s parameters do not have to correspond exactly to the values ​​​​given in the table - a deviation of 2-3 kg and a few centimeters in any direction is considered a variation of the norm.

It should also be taken into account that girls grow rapidly after 10 and up to 12 years of age, while in boys a jump is observed at an older age - after 13 and up to 16 years. Girls gain height on average up to 19 years, and boys - up to 22 years.

Age, yearsBoysGirls
Weight, kgHeight, cmWeight, kgHeight, cm
1 9,6 75,7 8,9 74,0
2 12,2 87,8 11,5 86,4
3 14,3 96,1 13,9 95,1
4 16,3 103,3 16,1 102,7
5 18,3 110,0 18,2 109,4
6 20,5 116,0 20,2 115,1
7 22,9 121,7 22,4 120,8
8 25,4 127,3 25,0 126,6
9 28,1 132,6 28,2 132,5
10 31,2 137,8 31,9 138,6

Indicators for children from 11 to 18 years old

Indicators that are considered normal at the age of 11-18 years are distinguished by their wide range. This is the period of the onset of puberty, when global changes occur in the teenager’s body. Parents must prepare their growing son or daughter not only physically, but also emotionally.

It should also be borne in mind that following a diet for weight loss at this time is not recommended - a lack of necessary elements before the 18th birthday can lead to serious problems in the future.

The height and body weight standards for children are presented below.

Age, yearsMaleFemale
Weight, kgHeight, cmWeight, kgHeight, cm
11 31,0-39,9 138,5-148,3 30,7-39 140,2-148,8
12 34,4-45,1 143,6-154,5 36-45,4 145,9-154,2
13 38,0-50,6 149,8-160,6 43-52,5 151,8-159,8
14 42,8-56,6 156,2-167,7 48,2-58 155,4-163,6
15 48,3-62,8 162,5-173,5 50,6-60,5 157,2-166
16 54,0-69,6 166,8-177,8 51,8-61,3 158,0-166,8
17 59,8-74 171,6-181,6 49,2-68 158,6-169,2

Factors that influence growth rate and weight gain in children

Growth rate and weight gain depend on a number of factors. First of all, this is, of course, heredity. If the baby's parents are different short stature and asthenic physique, then with a high degree of probability the child’s body weight and height will be similar.

Also, factors affecting weight and height in children include the following:

  1. sleep and rest schedule (it is required that the total daily sleep duration corresponds to age);
  2. active or passive lifestyle active kids weight and height differ in their proportionality;
  3. diet - for harmonious development it must include all the necessary vitamins, micro and macroelements, and be varied;
  4. diseases of infectious origin that the child suffered;
  5. the presence of genetic pathologies;
  6. features of the course of pregnancy in the mother;
  7. features of the delivery process.

Deviations from the norm

Significant underweight or, on the contrary, overweight, as well as too slow/very intensive growth is a consequence of the influence of various factors. To identify the causes of serious deviations, you will need to seek advice from specialists - a geneticist, endocrinologist, neurologist or gastroenterologist.

It's no secret that each baby has its own height and body weight indicators. They depend on many factors: individual and hereditary. The World Health Organization has developed certain standards to which it “fits” newborns. And there is a special table for this. The child's height and weight standards presented below will help parents determine whether their baby is developing correctly or not.

Optimal performance

The table and weight of a child up to one year are the same. That is, it is designed for virtually all newborn babies. The indicators in it are average; they belong only to the healthy category of children. It is clear that if the baby was born premature or became very ill, then at first he will lag behind his peers. It will take time for him to catch up with them. Therefore, for now, parents should not pay attention to the indicators.

In addition, the table for the normal height and weight of a child under one year old is not designed for all babies. When compiling it, WHO focused more on the characteristic features of the inhabitants of the American continents. Accordingly, a lot depends on the nationality: for Chinese babies these sizes can be gigantic, for black children they can be too small. In addition, the height and weight of the parents and the individual characteristics of the baby’s body should be taken into account. Despite this, adults are obliged to keep indicators under control in order to detect problems in the child’s development in time.

WHO standards

Firstly, the child’s parents should always be on guard. They are the ones responsible for the baby’s health. Secondly, determining in the first year of life is the responsibility of the pediatrician. Every month at the appointment, the doctor records the indicators and gives advice to the young mother and father. The norm (WHO table) is the simplest and most popular way to determine whether everything is fine with your little one, whether he needs to adjust his diet and daily routine. If your child has gained little in one month, don’t worry - in the next 30 days he will “catch up.” But when the lag is observed for two months, it is worth contacting an experienced specialist.

The standards of the World Health Organization have been developed for children in the first year of life. In addition to body weight and length, they include the volume of the baby's head and the circumference of his chest. At such a tender age, these indicators are important, since they can be used to determine the development of bone and muscle mass in children. At this age, the baby’s musculoskeletal system is just developing, therefore, if you notice strong discrepancies with the numbers in the table, you need to immediately sound the alarm.

Fat index

It can be used to evaluate physical state child. The fatness index characterizes the level and volume of the subcutaneous fat layer. This indicator is relevant when the baby is six months old. It is at this age that doctors determine whether the young body receives enough nutrients or not. The index is calculated using the following formula: multiply the circumference of the shoulder (just below the BCG vaccination) by 3, add to this value the circumference of the widest part of the lower leg and the volume of the thigh (in the upper third), and subtract the baby’s height in centimeters from the resulting amount. Normally, the result is a figure from 20 to 25. If the result is lower, this indicates that the child is underfed, if higher, this indicates an excess of nutrition.

Remember that not only the norm of the child’s weight and height is important: the table also takes into account the baby. Of course, skull circumference can be individual. However, a rapid increase in volume or, conversely, its barely noticeable growth indicates serious problems associated with various pathologies.

Example of norm calculation

It was taking into account the average weight of newborns that experts compiled a table of the normal height and weight of a child up to one year old. WHO has determined the starting weight point from which to start when determining the normal body weight of a baby. According to doctors, the standard is 3 kilograms 100 grams. If a toddler should normally gain 600 grams in the first month of life, then the coefficient is calculated as follows: 3100: 600 = 5.67. This is exactly the constant you should use for individual calculations.

Let's say a baby was born weighing 3 kilograms. To determine how much he should gain in the initial 30 days of life, he needs to divide his body weight by a constant: 3000: 5.67 = 530. That is, this is exactly how many grams the baby should gain in the first month of life. Remember that this formula cannot be used on babies born prematurely or those who are overweight. The figures that the table shows us regarding the normal height and weight of a child are, in any case, approximate. Only an experienced physician can calculate individual indicators specifically for your case.

Baby height and weight chart

It shows how much a toddler should gain in the first year of life. At the same time, the weight and height for boys and girls are the same, but the volumes of the chest and head differ. The reason is that for body weight, gender does not matter in the first year of life, instead it affects the circumference of body parts due to physiological characteristics body.

Table of normal height and weight of a child up to one year old

in months

Body weight gain (g)Height gain (cm)Head circumference (boys)Head circumference (girls)Volume chest(boys)Chest volume (girls)
1 600 3 37,3 36,6 36,3 36
2 800 3 39,2 38,4 39 38,1
3 800 2,5 40,9 40 41,3 40
4 750 2,5 41,9 41 42,8 41,8
5 700 2 43,2 42 44,3 43
6 650 2 44,2 43 45,4 44,3
7 600 2 44,8 44 46,4 45
8 550 2 45,4 44,3 47,2 46
9 500 1,5 46,3 45,3 47,9 46,7
10 500 1,5 46,3 46,6 48,3 47,3
11 400 1,5 46,9 46,6 48,7 47,7
12 350 1,5 47,2 47 49 47,7

It turns out that in the first year of life your baby should gain 7 kilograms 200 grams and grow 25 centimeters. As for the head and chest circumferences, the table shows the original numbers.


As you can see, the most active increase in height and weight in a baby is observed in the first three months of life. Then it gradually decreases to optimal levels. The growth of a toddler depends on many factors, the main one of which is heredity. In addition, it is influenced by the baby’s gender, nationality, as well as the quality and quantity of the mother’s nutrition. The body length of newly born babies normally ranges from 45 to 55 centimeters. The baby grows most intensively in the first three months - almost 3 centimeters every month. Then the increase slows down: from 3 to 6 months - 2.5 cm, from 6 to 9 - 2 centimeters. On average, a child “stretches” by 25 centimeters per year: his height is 75 cm.

Then the norm of the child’s weight and height changes slightly. The table at 2 years will look completely different. So, at one and a half years the baby’s height is 82 cm, at 2 years - 88 cm, at 2.5 - 93 cm, at 3 - 97 cm, at 3.5 years - 101 cm and more. The permissible difference is 6 centimeters in both directions.


Body weight = birth weight (g) + 800N, where N is the number of months.

Initial weight = birth weight + 800 x 6 (first six months gain) + 400(N-6), where N is the number of months (from 6 to 12).

A simplified formula can be reduced to the following scheme: at six months the average weight of a baby is 8200 g, for all subsequent months 400 g are added, and for each “extra” 800 g are subtracted. Weight is a dynamic indicator. Children born with high weight look larger than their peers throughout the first year of life. The one who was premature catches up with other children by the age of 2 years. As for further development, the table of the normal height and weight of a child under 3 years old looks like this: at one and a half years the baby weighs about 11 kg, at 2 years - 12.2 kg, at 2.5 - 13.3 kg, at 3 - 14 .3 kg, at 3.5 - about 15 kilograms. The permissible difference is 2.5 kg.

If something went wrong...

Parents are required to know the normal weight and height of their children. The table, in which girls and boys are divided only into the circumference category, shows that they initially gain the same body weight - regardless of gender. And if the increase is active up to six months, then it decreases further. This is explained simply: after 6 months, babies begin to sit, crawl and walk. Accordingly, more calories and energy are consumed, while fewer kilograms are deposited. A very small increase indicates insufficient nutrition. This problem usually occurs in infants: the mother may have reduced secretion breast milk. This can be solved in two ways: by stimulating the production of additional fluid or by supplementing the baby with formula.

It should be noted that being overweight also causes a lot of trouble. The table for the normal height and weight of a child shows that at one year old babies should weigh approximately 10 kilograms. If they have gained an extra 2 or 3 kg, it is difficult for them to move, crawl, walk, or run. Such babies are more prone to allergic reactions, their colds last longer and are more severe. Overweight most often observed when the baby is bottle-fed.

What should you pay attention to?

In most cases, girls develop faster than boys. Therefore, the table of norms for a child’s height and weight may be partially modified: the baby may gain a little more than the fixed standard value. There's no need to worry. A doctor's advice is only necessary when the deviation is very significant. After the baby is born, you need to determine the foundation on which you will make your calculations. In this case, it will not be the baby’s weight at birth, but the baby’s body weight at the time of discharge - after staying in the maternity hospital, he loses a little weight, which is the physiological norm.

The older a child gets, the more his indicators level out, approaching generally accepted, standard ones. Of course, you may be very upset at a matinee in kindergarten the fact that his son’s peer is head and shoulders taller than him. Dont be upset. If your toddler is healthy, active, follows a daily routine and eats well, you should have no reason to worry.

The growth standards for newborn girls, according to WHO, are 47.3–51 cm, and the average value is 49.1 cm. For boys it is considered normal height from 48 to 51.8 cm. The average height of boys is 49.9 cm.

It is important to take into account that all the given standards are averaged. Can't get an adequate rating physical development child, simply by comparing height and weight with WHO indicators. Since each child has individual developmental characteristics, some deviation in the weight or height of a newborn from WHO standards is not always a sign of any violations.

According to Russian pediatricians, the normal growth rate for a full-term baby is considered to be in the range from 46 to 56 cm, and normal weight is from 2.6 to 4 kg. As you can see, these numbers are slightly different from WHO data. Therefore, an experienced pediatrician should analyze the baby’s height and weight: only he will be able to take into account all possible factors of the child’s development, adequately assess his condition and draw correct conclusions about the absence or presence of any disorders.

Norms of height and weight gain for newborns

When measuring your height, you should stand with your back to a flat wall. There should be no socks, much less any shoes. Heels and toes should be together, there should be no distance between the legs. The heels, the maximum convex point of the buttocks, and the upper part should touch the wall. The shoulders should be straightened, the chest should not be pushed in, the neck should be positioned strictly vertically, without bending or slouching. You should also not lower your head, you need to raise your head and look straight ahead.

Knowing your height is necessary not only for selection suitable clothing or shoes, but also, if desired, track the development of growth. To do this, it should be measured regularly and as accurately as possible.

You will need

  • Measuring tape, book



To accurately detect your height, make sure you are standing as straight as possible and there are no baseboards in the way of the floor.

Helpful advice

It is convenient to use a tape measure, since it is much longer than a measuring tape.

Children grow up quickly, literally by the hour. Mothers will understand this very soon when bathing: the bathtub begins to seem smaller and smaller to them, and by the end of the first year the grown-up child can hardly fit in it. The baby's height is determined first in the maternity hospital, and then in the children's clinic using a special stadiometer, in a supine position. At home, height is also easy to measure.


Move the table with one side close to the wall. Place the baby on a table covered with a diaper. Position the child's head so that it fits snugly against the wall. The legs should be straightened and lightly pressed against the table so that they lie flat and the child cannot bend them. The feet should be at right angles. A ruler or bar is placed on the crown of the head, a book can be placed on the feet, and then the distance between them is measured with a centimeter tape.

After being discharged from the maternity hospital, visit monthly, where the doctor will determine the dynamics of your child’s physical development and calculate whether it is appropriate for his age. For this there are various methods calculation - one of them:
- Age;
- Optimal increase in height (in centimeters;
- Optimal weight gain (in grams); (3 - 3.5cm) - 600g
2 (3 - 3.5cm) - 800g
3 month (3 - 3.5cm) - 800g
(2.5cm) - 750g
5 month (2.5cm) - 700g
6 month (2.5cm) - 650g
7 month (1.5 - 2cm) - 600g
8 month (1.5 - 2cm) - 550g
9 month (1.5 - 2cm) - 500g
(1cm) - 450g
11 month (1cm) - 400g
12 month (1cm) - 350g
The baby's weight should correspond to his height.

Be sure to record at least once in the form, starting with height at birth and then its monthly indicators. The average height is usually 50.5 cm. In the first three months, the child grows by 3 cm per month, in the next three months by 2.5 cm, in the third quarter of the year by 1.5 cm, in the fourth - 1 cm per month. At one year, the baby's height should average 75 cm.

Helpful advice

If you wish, you can calculate the approximate future height of the child. The calculation is based on the height of the parents. Add the height of the father and mother, and divide the result by two. For girls, subtract 5 cm from the resulting figure, for boys add 5 cm. For example: (160 + 190): 2 = 175. Calculation of height for a boy 175+ 5 cm = 180 cm. For a girl 175 - 5 cm, it will be 170 cm .

Related article


  • baby height

The most active growth occurs in the first year of a child’s life; in a year the baby grows by 20-25 centimeters. Further, the young body grows less actively, but despite this, it is necessary to constantly measure the child’s growth. This will help prevent serious diseases and the development of various pathologies.


A horizontal stadiometer is used to measure height. This is a board about 40 cm wide, on which there is an 80 cm scale. Such a simple device can be made independently and, without waiting for a medical examination, you can measure the baby’s height at home. Just place your baby on the stadiometer, fix his head, straighten his legs and mark his height. The error in this measurement is small, approximately 0.5 cm. Also, the baby’s height can be measured using a simple centimeter tape. Fix the tape, place the child's head against the wall, ask someone to support the baby's head, straighten it, put a ruler or book to the feet and make a note. Such measurements should be made only when the baby is calm and fed.

For older people, use a vertical stadiometer. Currently, there are many models of such height meters: there are wooden and plastic, simple and electronic. But usually they are used only in medical institutions. It doesn't make sense to buy one for your home. To measure a child, you can make a paper stadiometer. Glue a long strip of paper together and mark a scale on it. This simple invention can be found in a store. Glue the finished ruler to the wall of the room. Place the child's back to the stadiometer, ask him to press his heels against the wall and straighten his back. Attach the book to the child perpendicular to the height meter and make a note.

This calculator estimates the weight and height of a child according to his age, accurate to the day. Unlike, this calculator gives a comprehensive assessment of weight in strict accordance with the height and age of the child.

Value ranges, methods and recommendations are based on teaching materials, developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), which has conducted extensive research on the development of healthy children of different nationalities and geographical areas.

Please remember that our calculator generates results solely based on the data you provided. If you made measurements with a large error, the result will be inaccurate. This is especially true for measuring height (or body length).

If our calculator shows you the presence of any problem, then do not rush to panic: measure your height again, and have two measurements taken different people in turn and independently of each other.

Height or body length

In children under two years of age, it is customary to measure body length in a lying position, and from two years of age, height is measured, respectively, in a standing position. The difference between height and body length can be up to 1 cm, which may affect the results of the assessment. Therefore, if for a child under 2 years old you indicate height instead of body length (or vice versa), then the value will automatically be converted to that required for correct calculation.

What is the height (body length)

Growth is the most important indicator that should be monitored monthly (see). Receiving ratings of “short” and “very short” may be a consequence of prematurity, illness, or developmental delay.

Tall height is rarely a problem, but a rating of "extremely tall" may indicate the presence of an endocrine disorder: such a suspicion should arise if very tall child both parents are of normal average height.

Very short Severe growth retardation. It can also lead to excess weight. The participation of a specialist is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the lag. short Growth retardation. It can also lead to excess weight. Specialist consultation is required. Below the average A short child, height within normal limits. Average This is the height of most healthy children. Above average Tall kid, growth within normal limits. High Such large growth is not common, but it does not indicate the presence of any problems, so it is considered normal. Usually this growth is hereditary. Very tall Excessive growth in a child it is usually hereditary and is not a problem in itself. However, in some cases, such growth may be a sign of an endocrine disease. Therefore, rule out the possibility of an endocrine disorder by consulting a specialist. Height does not correspond to age You probably made a mistake when indicating the child's height or age.
If the baby’s growth is really the same as you indicated, then there is a significant deviation from the norm, which deserves special attention an experienced specialist.

How does weight correspond to height?

The ratio of height and weight gives the most meaningful idea of ​​the harmonious development of a child; it is expressed as a number and is called the Body Mass Index, or BMI for short. This value is used to objectively determine weight-related problems, if any. And if there are none, then they make sure that the BMI is normal.

Please note that normal body mass index values ​​for children are radically different from those for adults and very much depend on the age of the child (see). Naturally, our calculator estimates BMI in strict accordance with the child’s age.

Severe underweight (severe wasting) Severe body weight deficiency. Severe exhaustion. Nutritional correction and treatment as prescribed by a doctor are necessary. Body mass deficiency (underweight) Body weight deficiency. Insufficient weight for specified height. It is recommended to adjust your diet as prescribed by your doctor. Reduced weight Weight is within normal limits. The child is less well-fed than most of his peers. Norm Ideal ratio weight and height. Increased weight (risk of being overweight) The child's weight is normal, but there is a risk of gaining excess weight.
In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to the weight of the child’s parents, because Having obese parents significantly increases the risk of a child gaining excess weight.
In particular, if one of the parents is obese, then with a 40% chance the child will gain excess weight. If both parents are obese, the likelihood of the child becoming overweight increases to 70%.
Overweight It is recommended to adjust your diet as prescribed by your doctor. Obesity Nutritional correction and treatment as prescribed by a doctor are necessary. Obesity: Nutritional correction is necessary as prescribed by a doctor. Not assessable You may have made a mistake when specifying the child's height, weight or age.
If all the data is correct, then there is a significant deviation from the norm, which requires special attention from an experienced doctor.

What is the weight

A simple weight estimate (based on age) usually gives only a superficial idea of ​​a child's developmental pattern. However, receiving ratings of “Low weight” or “Extremely low weight” is a good reason to consult a specialist (see). Full list Possible weight estimates are given below:

Severely underweight, extremely low weight The child is probably exhausted. It is necessary to consult a specialist. Underweight, low weight The child is probably exhausted. It is necessary to consult a specialist. Less than average Weight is below average, but within the normal range for the specified age. Average Most healthy children have this weight. Above average In this case, compliance with the norm should be assessed by body mass index (BMI). Very big In this case, weight is assessed using body mass index (BMI). Weight is not appropriate for age You probably made a mistake when indicating the child's weight or age.
If all the data is correct, then the baby may have problems with development, weight or height. See height and BMI estimates for details. And be sure to consult an experienced specialist.