High temperature in a child - the main recommendations for parents. High fever in a child - what to do? High temperature in a child what to give

Anna Sheveleva, a pediatrician, mother of two children and author of many articles, told the site what to do when a child has a temperature, and also what not to do if a child has a high temperature. After all, every parent should know, and most importantly, when.

There can be many reasons for an increase in body temperature in a child - from a reaction to teething and a common cold to more serious diseases. Reacting in this way to any infection or inflammation, our body creates unfavorable conditions for "uninvited guests" - microbes and activates its own defenses.

With an increase in body temperature in a child, the immune response is activated: phagocytosis increases, the synthesis of interferons increases, the work of the lymphocyte link of the immune system, and the production of antibodies is stimulated. Therefore, it is not necessary to bring down the low temperature in children.

When to bring down the temperature of a child

  • If the temperature is 38.5⁰С in a child and above - we shoot down, regardless of age.
  • At temperatures above 38⁰С in a child - we knock down the baby of the first 3 months of life;

How to bring down the temperature in a child

What to do if the child has a fever? The "drugs of choice" - the safest and most effective in children - are paracetamol and ibuprofen. The dosage of drugs in childhood depends on body weight and age of the child:

  1. Paracetamol, Paracetamol suppositories
  2. Ibuprofen syrup (100mg/5ml)
  3. Ibuprofen, suppositories, syrup (120 mg / 5 ml)
  • Up to 6 months (4-8 kg) 2.5 - 5 ml 80 mg 2.5 ml 60 mg
  • 6 months - 1 year (8-10 kg) 5 - 7.5 ml 2.5 - 5 ml
  • 1-3 years (10-14 kg) 7.5 - 10 ml 5-7 ml
  • 3-5 years (14-20 kg) 10-15 ml 150 mg 7.5 - 10 ml

Paracetamol. Single dose - 15 mg/kg. Multiplicity of application - in syrup no more than 4 times a day, in candles - up to 2 times a day. The minimum interval between doses is 6 hours.

Ibuprofen. Single dose - 10 mg/kg. Multiplicity of application - in syrup up to 3 times a day, in candles - for children up to 9 months - 3 times a day; older than 9 months - up to 4 times a day.

After you give an antipyretic drug to a child, the temperature drops within 1-2 hours. If the temperature has not decreased or not decreased enough, give another drug (you can alternate paracetamol and ibuprofen, but you must adhere to the minimum interval between taking the same drug).

3 "not" or what not to do with a child's temperature

Exist " folk ways» lowering the temperature, which are contraindicated in children, because, due to the characteristics of the child's body, they can lead to bad consequences:

You can not do alcohol and bite rubdowns. The skin of a small child easily absorbs substances applied to it. Therefore, such rubdowns can cause intoxication in a child.

You can't give aspirin. Acetylsalicylic acid is contraindicated in children under 15 (!) years of age, due to a possible severe complication - Reye's syndrome (liver and brain damage).

Do not dip into cold water. Significant cooling of the child's skin can lead to the opposite effect - spasm of skin vessels and a decrease in heat transfer.

Drink and drink again!

It is very important to solder a child at a high temperature, because when children have a body temperature above 37 ° C, fluid loss from the body increases.

For desoldering at a high temperature in a child of the first years of life, it is best to use drinking water.

Good day, young mothers and fathers!

All parents always want to see their beloved child cheerful and healthy. But sometimes there are hard days when he suddenly becomes sad, lethargic, pale, capricious, refuses to eat ....

At the very first signs of a slight malaise in a baby, we always touch the child’s forehead and try to measure his temperature. And of course this is correct! What to do when a child has a temperature of 38?

Some mothers, when they see the number 38 on the thermometer, begin to cry, while others fall into a state of "stupor".

Not all parents know how to do the right thing when the baby has a high temperature. Let's deal with this problem together.

What factors cause hyperthermia?

  • causative agents of viral infections
  • pathogens of bacterial infections
  • overheat
  • heatstroke
  • eruption of the first teeth in children under 1 year old
  • intestinal infections (dysentery, salmonellosis)
  • neuroinfections (meningitis, encephalitis)
  • insect bites
  • response to vaccinations (vaccinations against whooping cough or measles, influenza)
  • childhood infections (measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever)
  • consequences of nervous excitement
  • intracranial injury
  • tumor processes
  • urinary tract infections
  • endocrine diseases
  • taking certain medications

As we can see, there are a huge number of reasons that can cause a fever in a child. The correct diagnosis can only be made by a pediatrician after a thorough examination of the patient and additional examinations.

What is sick child?

Very rarely, an increase in temperature in babies up to 38 degrees occurs without symptoms. In acute respiratory diseases, there is a sharp increase in the child's body temperature to high numbers.

Influenza and SARS, as a rule, are accompanied by a runny nose and cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, and lacrimation. When examining a baby, you can see nasal congestion or snot discharge, redness of the back of the throat. In these cases, hyperthermia lasts for several days (on average 3-4 days).

If the baby's first milk teeth are cut, then he is very restless, crying, his gums are swollen, his throat is not red. Some babies may have diarrhea during teething (2-3 times).


During the summer holidays, a lot of young mothers take their children at the age of one year to the sea. On planes flying to Turkey and Egypt, you can often see babies in strollers.

Modern mothers do not want to lag behind life in maternity leave and try to travel with their babies around the world. But very often such a vacation can turn into a tragedy. In young children, thermoregulation systems are not yet perfect, they easily overheat. Increased solar insolation can simply burn the delicate skin of a child. With heat and sunstroke, a child may experience nausea, vomiting, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness, depression of cardiac and respiratory activity.

A newborn can overheat in a stuffy room, in summer, dressed in a large number of diaper.

Tactics of parents with a high temperature in a child

  1. Urgently call a doctor
  2. According to most pediatricians, reduce body temperature to 38.5 degrees medications not recommended, because the child's body turns on its defense mechanisms, produces antibodies and thus fights the infection itself
  3. Parents should ventilate the room more often, exclude sound and light stimuli
  4. Limit the number of adults and young children around a sick child
  5. Give the baby plenty of fluids (boiled water, compote of raspberries, raisins, chamomile tea)
  6. If your baby is on breastfeeding it is necessary to offer him a breast or give a few drops of expressed milk, which contains useful immunoglobulins and antibodies
  7. Do not apply ice to the child's head or do enemas with cold water
  8. It is necessary to feed the child easily digestible food ( vegetable puree)
  9. If the baby is very lethargic and pale, then you can give him an antipyretic drug in the form of a candle or in syrup
  10. Rubbing the skin with warm water (you can’t use diluted vinegar or vodka, as you can dry the baby’s delicate skin and cause toxic poisoning).

What to do if the child has a temperature for several days?

When a child's temperature rises to 38 degrees, many parents begin to panic, especially if it lasts for 2-3 days.

In this situation, it is necessary to understand that the resources of the baby are not unlimited, and more effective measures must be taken. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or antiviral medications for your baby.

Why is high temperature dangerous?

Hyperthermia in infants can provoke convulsions. You should always remember that if the baby, in addition to the temperature, has vomiting and diarrhea, this can lead to rapid dehydration of the child's body and the consequences can be unpredictable.

If a baby at the age of 1 month has an increase in temperature to 38 degrees, which lasts for several days, and there are no clinical symptoms of diseases, then he is shown hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital, where a thorough examination and treatment will be carried out.

Young parents always have many questions about the proper upbringing and health of the baby. You can find a lot of useful information in specialized literature and video courses. Webinar “Hardening. Treatment of acute conditions (runny nose, cough, etc.) with non-drug methods ”can help you with this.


What to do when a child has a high temperature?

Good afternoon, dear readers!

You must have dealt with fever in your children. What to do when a child has a high temperature? What thermometer readings should be considered normal for babies?

Parents do not always have answers to all these and similar questions. But with a fever in babies, you need to act quickly and without delay, otherwise it will be too late. What can we as parents do for our children?

What thermometer readings should be considered normal?

Readers will probably answer this question in unison: 36.6 degrees. But this is the case if the temperature is measured in the child's armpit. This is the traditional accepted way of measuring. You can use an electronic thermometer by taking measurements rectally or orally.

In this case, the result will be a degree higher. Did not know? An electronic thermometer is convenient to use for babies: the result will be ready in a minute. However, the downside is the fact that the measurements will not always be accurate.

If measurements are taken in newborns, then the indicators can range from 37 to 37.4 degrees. How to understand that a child is sick? Should I give him an antipyretic?

You and I, dear readers, are well aware of how uncomfortable it can be for both an adult and a baby at a high temperature:

  • chills appear;
  • activity decreases;
  • cold hands and feet;
  • breathing is difficult;
  • the skin takes on a bluish tint.

These are signs that should make you, dear parents, seriously worry about the health of your child and be sure to consult a doctor. In infants, all processes in the body proceed much faster, and delay can lead to serious consequences.

Why does fever occur?

An infectious disease is usually accompanied by additional symptoms: runny nose, pain in the abdomen, heart, cough, etc. Often a sore throat gives high thermometer readings, while the baby’s throat will be bright red, and swallowing is difficult.

How to bring down the temperature with medication

First, all parents should remember that antipyretic drugs do not cure, but only allow them to calmly wait for the doctor to arrive and alleviate the child's condition.

When can you take medication? Doctors advise giving infants antipyretic drugs when the temperature reaches 38.5-39. After 38 degrees, the body begins to produce interferon, which has a detrimental effect on viruses.

And a temperature above 39 degrees can threaten with hyperthermia, in which convulsions, vasospasms, etc. occur.

What drugs can we, as parents, use to alleviate the condition of the crumbs? It can be paracetamol in the form of rectal suppositories, syrup or suspension. Well brings down the temperature "Nurofen", which includes ibuprofen.

The pharmacy can advise you on a wide variety of antipyretic drugs. Be sure to pay attention to the age of the child from which they can be used.

If the temperature does not drop, call ambulance. Doctors know what injection can be given to children in order to cause a significant decrease in thermometer readings.

Folk remedies to help

If there were no antipyretic drugs at hand, and it is temporarily not possible to buy them, use folk remedies. What, you ask?

Remember how your grandmother treated you as a child:

  • rubbing with warm water;
  • applying a towel soaked in cold water to the armpits or inguinal cavities;
  • drinking plenty of warm compote of raisins or dried fruits (for babies from a year old);
  • ventilation and humidification.

Quite often, parents resort to what is absolutely impossible to do:

  • do not rub the child with alcohol: you can only increase intoxication;
  • do not wet the entire body of the baby with cold water, which will lead to vasospasm;
  • do not wrap children up and do not give them hot drinks.

When all measures have been taken to reduce the temperature, it's time to wait for the arrival of the doctor. I hope you didn't forget to call him?

If you want to learn more about how to relieve a high temperature in a baby, I advise you to watch the video "Children's Health System from A to Z". This is really useful information for new parents!


The child is often sick, what should I do? Temperature in a child - doctor's advice.

Many mothers have a prejudice imposed by pediatricians that high fever is bad, it's scary, it threatens with convulsions, and it needs to be knocked down as soon as possible with Panadol or other antipyretics. Yes, the temperature in a child is serious, and indeed, some children develop convulsions, but the percentage of such children is small, and they develop convulsions for a reason related to the state of their brain and central nervous system. As a rule, such children have a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system, and against the background of high temperature, it makes itself felt in the form of convulsions. Diseases of the nervous system need to be treated and this is a separate issue. Here I just want to emphasize that most children do not develop seizures when they have a high temperature!

A temperature reaction is not a disease as such, it is a reflection of disease processes in the body, a response to an inflammatory process, it is a sign that the child's body has encountered microbes, viruses and toxins, and is working in a more intensive mode to expel these microbes, viruses and toxins from the body. This is an attempt by the body to cope with a threatening situation and win. An increase in body temperature to 40 degrees threatens the growth and survival of some bacteria and viruses, at this moment the bactericidal activity of leukocytes increases, the formation of interferon increases.

If we intervene and begin to suppress, try to reduce the high temperature, it turns out that we do not allow the child's body to fight and develop immunity.

Often ill children treated with medicines are constantly brought to me, these children do not have the ability to fight microorganisms on their own, their immunity does not work, they all get sick as one without a high temperature, usually their temperature reaction does not rise above 37 degrees. That is, they get sick sluggishly and for a long time and cannot do without antibiotics. Such children respond very well to homeopathic treatment, in fact, homeopathic treatment helps to restore immunity and recover without antibiotics.

Children with good immunity quickly develop a high temperature, lie in a fever, glow like a candle, but with the right measures without giving antipyretics, they quickly recover without severe consequences and residual effects.

In homeopathy there is a division into health groups according to Vithoulkas. Children who get sick with a high temperature, violently, but quickly and recover easily, without consequences for the body, belong to the first group of health.

Children who are ill sluggishly, for a long time, with residual symptoms, in which the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees, belong to the second health group. And children who do not have a high temperature at all when they are sick, or it rises only to 37 degrees, these are children who have chronic illnesses and several diagnoses, their health level goes down to the third step.

And the goal of the homeopathic doctor is to raise a frequently ill child from the 2-3 health group to the first, and when the child has a high temperature, and colds are more pronounced, for the homeopath this is a reason for joy, which means that the immune system began to work and strengthened, and the child becomes healthier! For immunity, children are prescribed homeopathic preparations, vitamins and the correct mode. I always give advice to parents on improving the health of children based on an integrated approach.

But then the child fell ill, the temperature rose. What should be done when the child has a temperature? Here are my recommendations:

  1. Leave the child at home, organize bed rest for him. True, not all children obediently lie during the temperature, some restless children continue to play. In this case, you should not force them to lie in bed, but the environment for them should be safe: it should be calm and warm.
  2. Make sure your child is drinking plenty of fluids and make sure he drinks well. It can be water, herbal teas that have a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, for example, tea with raspberries and honey, linden tea, ginger tea, a drink with lemon, fruit drink, compote. Drinking plenty of water makes the kidneys work more actively and remove toxins and waste products from the body.
  3. Give your child natural vitamin C (from 1 to 3-4 grams per day). These are shock doses that enhance immunity. Vitamin C is water-soluble, so excess is easily excreted from the body, so you should not be afraid of an overdose. A sign that the child has taken an extra dose of vitamin C will be loose stools (diarrhea), in which case the daily dose of vitamin C can be slightly reduced. But usually children's body perfectly assimilates natural vitamins and does not give any reactions, except for one ... recovers faster!
  4. To teach a child to gargle, a simple mechanical flushing of microbes from the mucous membrane and plaque from the tonsils is also important for recovery.
  5. Feed the child on demand, do not overfeed him, do not force him to eat if he does not want to. You can offer your child fruit or some freshly squeezed juice.
  6. In some cases, it is useful to make compresses on the head or externally cool the body by wiping it with a damp sponge or napkin.

From homeopathy, you can give such drugs as: Aconite, Belladonna, Bryony, Ferrum phosphoricum, Rus toxicodendron, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Arnica.

Aconite - When body temperature rises suddenly and remains high, dry burning heat from head and face travels down body. There is worry and anxiety, panic and fear. When the child lies, his face is red, when he rises, his face turns pale. Strong thirst. The fever came on after walking in a dry cold wind, after being chilled, or after a sudden fright.

Belladonna - when there is intense heat with great thirst and desire for cold water, which seems too cold. Constant dry heat, in which only the head perspires. But there may be cold extremities. Cracking headache with violent pulsation of the carotid arteries, pupils dilated, very pale face, delirium and anxiety. The child cannot stand being opened, is sensitive to light, noise and bed shaking. The tongue is red, dry, red at the edges, furred in the center. The cause of fever is a cold, draft, cooling of the head after washing or cutting hair.

Bryonia - dry, burning internal heat, with dry mouth and great thirst. Sudden sharp headaches and pain in chest which increase with inhalation and movement. Bitterness in the mouth, tongue coated with a thick yellow coating. The child seeks peace and wants not to be touched. Fever comes on from getting wet, from cold drinks, from drinking in heat. Children do not want to be picked up and carried around.

Ferrum Phosphoricum - given in the initial period of fever and inflammation, the patient catches cold easily, feels sore with a feeling of bruising in the chest, shoulders and muscles, great exhaustion, can hardly move, throbbing headache, combined with sensitivity of the scalp, sweating stops. Fever without a specific localization or individualizing symptoms. Tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis media. The child is thirsty, wants cold drinks.

Arnica - heat in the upper half of the body, cold in the lower. Dry heat in the body, with apathy, great debility. When the heat becomes unbearable, the child tries to open up, opening up - it freezes. No matter what the child lies on, everything seems solid to him. The whole body hurts, as if beaten.

Eupatorium perfoliatum - severe dull pain in the body, aching, as if the bones were broken. Thirst or nausea, then violent terrific chill. Vomiting of bitterness during chills or during fever is possible. Burning heat. Sweat relieves all symptoms except headache.

Gelsemium - The chill is accompanied by dull pains, aching and lethargy, appears with or alternates with heat, the chill extends up and down the back. Cold hands and feet. The fever is accompanied by drowsiness. Thirst is absent. Cold sweat.

Chamomilla - heat with little thirst. Prolonged fever, the patient starts in his sleep. Heat and chill at the same time, one cheek red, the other pale. Strong excitement, anxiety, irritability, the child asks to be held. Fever can be caused by anger. Or related to teething.

Of the complex preparations in our pharmacy there is Grippax. This complex contains several components for the treatment of fever in low dosages. These are Aconite, Bryonia, Arnica, Belladonna, Phosphorus, Ferrum phosphoricum.

And then there is the homeopathic triad Aconite / Chamomilla / Belladonna 30s, also a remedy for the treatment of conditions accompanied by fever.

If your child is sick, he has a fever, use my recommendations, and after the child recovers, take on strengthening the immune system. If your child is often sick, do not rush to feed him with antibiotics or other strong medicines, try homeopathy!

Come to me for an appointment, together with you we will help your baby become stronger and healthier, and exclusively with the help of natural remedies!

You can book an appointment with me here...


What to do with a high temperature in a child | Themselves Doctors

Is there any benefit to high temperatures? Undoubtedly! Fever is a response to infection, a protective mechanism that helps the body fight viruses, with an increase in body temperature, protective factors are produced in the body.

How and when to bring down the temperature of a child

  • knock down, if above 39 degrees, your task is to reduce the temperature to 38.9 C in the ass (38.5 C in the armpit).
  • to reduce the temperature, use paracetamol (acetaminophen), ibuprofen. Never use aspirin, especially if your child has chickenpox.
  • undress the child (do not wrap!). Don't forget the cool, fresh air in the room.
  • cool baths can also be used to lower the temperature (water temperature corresponds to normal body temperature).
  • do not use alcohol wipes, especially on young children. Remember, alcohol is poison for a child.

Why don't paracetamol and ibuprofen always work?

The fact is that all drugs in pediatric practice are calculated on the weight of a particular child. The drugs must be taken, correctly calculating the dose for the weight of a particular child, using special measuring syringes Manufacturers, especially cheap paracetamols, for some reason underestimate the doses, and focusing on the recommendation - "from 6 months to 3 years" is also not reasonable, since one cannot the dose of the drug is suitable for a child weighing from 8 to 18 kg.

How to take antipyretics correctly? (We calculate the dose of the drug)

Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan, Cefekon D) single dose of the drug - 15 mg / kg. That is, for a child weighing 10 kg, a single dose will be 10 kg x 15 = 150 mg. For a child weighing 15 kg - 15 x 15 = 225 mg. This dose can be given up to 4 times a day if needed.

Ibuprofen (nurofen, ibufen) Single dose of the drug 10 mg/kg. That is, a child weighing 8 kg needs 80 mg, and weighing 20 kg - 200 mg. The drug can be given no more than 3 times a day.

The drugs reduce the temperature within an hour and a half, by about 1-1.5 degrees, one should not expect a decrease in temperature to the "normal" 36.6.


The child has a high temperature ... what should I do?

When such a situation arises in the family, panic often occurs, especially if the child is very small. It is important to know the rules for lowering the temperature and learn to understand when emergency medical intervention is needed.

In the first few days of life, the body temperature of a newborn may be slightly elevated (37.0-37.4 C in the armpit). By the year it is set within the normal range: 36.0-37.0 degrees C (usually 36.6 degrees C).

Increased body temperature (fever) is a general defensive reaction of the body in response to a disease or injury. In modern medicine, there is a distinction between fever caused by infectious diseases and non-infectious causes (damage to the central nervous system, neuroses, mental disorders, hormonal diseases, burns, injuries, allergic diseases, etc.).

The most common is infectious fever. It develops in response to the action of pyrogens (from the Greek pyros - fire, pyretos - heat) - substances that increase body temperature. Pyrogens are divided into exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal). Bacteria, entering the body, actively multiply and in the process of their vital activity, various toxic substances are released. Some of them, which are external pyrogens (introduced into the body from outside), are able to increase the temperature of the human body. Internal pyrogens are synthesized directly by the human body itself (leukocytes - blood cells, liver cells) in response to the introduction of foreign agents (bacteria, etc.).

In the brain, along with the centers of salivation, respiratory, etc. there is a thermoregulation center, "tuned" to a constant temperature of the internal organs. During illness, under the influence of internal and external pyrogens, thermoregulation "switches" to a new, higher temperature level.

Elevated temperature in infectious diseases is a protective reaction of the body. Against its background, interferons, antibodies are synthesized, the ability of leukocytes to absorb and destroy foreign cells is stimulated, and the protective properties of the liver are activated. In most infections, the maximum temperature is set within 39.0-39.5 C. Due to the high temperature, microorganisms reduce their reproduction rate and lose their ability to cause diseases.

How to measure temperature correctly?

It is advisable that the baby has his own personal thermometer. Before each use, do not forget to wipe it with alcohol or warm water and soap.

To find out what indicators are normal for your baby, measure his temperature when he is healthy and calm. It is advisable to measure it under the armpit and in the rectum. Do this in the morning, afternoon and evening.

If the baby is sick, measure the temperature three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening. Every day at about the same time throughout the illness, this is especially important for children at risk. Record the measurement results. According to the temperature diary, the doctor can judge the course of the disease.

Do not take the temperature under the covers (if the newborn is tightly wrapped, his temperature may rise very much). Do not measure the temperature if the baby is scared, crying, overly excited, let him calm down.

What areas of the body can be measured?

Temperature can be measured in the armpit, groin, and rectum, but not in the mouth. The exception is temperature measurement with a dummy thermometer. Rectal temperature (measured in the rectum) is approximately 0.5 degrees C above oral (measured in the mouth) and a degree above axillary or inguinal. In the same child, this variation can be quite large. For example: the normal temperature in the armpit or inguinal fold is 36.6 degrees C; normal temperature measured in the mouth, 37.1 degrees C; the normal temperature measured in the rectum is 37.6 degrees C.

A temperature slightly above the generally accepted norm can be an individual feature of the baby. Evening readings are usually several hundredths of a degree higher than morning readings. The temperature may rise due to overheating, emotional arousal, increased physical activity.

Measuring the temperature in the rectum is convenient only for small children. A five-six-month-old baby will deftly turn out and will not let you do this. In addition, this method can be unpleasant for the child.

An electronic thermometer is most suitable for measuring rectal temperature, which allows you to do this very quickly: you will get the result in just one minute.

So, take a thermometer (previously shake off the mercury to a mark below 36 degrees C), lubricate its tip with baby cream. Put the baby on the back, raise his legs (as if you were washing him), with the other hand, carefully insert the thermometer into the anus by about 2 cm. Fix the thermometer between two fingers (like a cigarette), and squeeze the baby's buttocks with your other fingers.

In the groin and in the armpit, the temperature is measured with a glass mercury thermometer. You will receive the result in 10 minutes.

Shake the thermometer down to below 36.0 degrees C. Dry the skin in the folds, as the moisture cools the mercury. To measure the temperature in the groin, lay the baby on the barrel. If you are taking underarm measurements, sit him on your lap or pick him up and walk around the room with him. Place the thermometer so that the tip is entirely in the skin fold, then with your hand press the baby's handle (leg) to the body.

What temperature should be lowered?

If your child is sick and has a fever, be sure to call a doctor who will diagnose, prescribe treatment and explain how to carry it out.

The exception is children at risk who previously had convulsions against a background of elevated temperature, children in the first two months of life (at this age, all diseases are dangerous due to their rapid development and a sharp deterioration in their general condition), children with neurological diseases, chronic diseases circulatory, respiratory organs, with hereditary metabolic diseases. Such babies, already at a temperature of 37.1 degrees C, should immediately be given antipyretic drugs. medications.

In addition, if a child’s condition worsens against a background of a temperature that has not reached 39.0 degrees C, chills, muscle pain, and pallor of the skin are noted, then antipyretic drugs should be taken immediately.

In addition, fever exhausts and depletes the body's capabilities and can be complicated by hyperthermic syndrome (a variant of fever, in which there is a violation of the functions of all organs and systems - convulsions, loss of consciousness, respiratory and cardiac disorders, etc.). This condition requires urgent medical attention.

How to lower the temperature?

The child should be kept cool. Warming a child with a high temperature with blankets, warm clothes, a heater installed in the room is dangerous. These measures can lead to heat stroke if the temperature rises to dangerous levels. Dress a sick child lightly so that excess heat leaves without hindrance and maintain the temperature in the room at 20-21 degrees C (if necessary, you can use an air conditioner or fan without directing a stream of air at the child).

Since high temperatures increase the loss of fluid through the skin, the child must be given plenty of water. Older children should be offered diluted fruit juices and juicy fruits, water as often as possible. Babies should be breastfed or given water more often. Encourage small amounts (from a teaspoon) to drink frequently, but don't force the child. If the child refuses to take liquid for several hours a day, inform the doctor.


It is used as an adjuvant in combination with other measures to reduce temperature or in cases where antipyretic drugs are not available. Sponging is indicated only for those children who have not previously had seizures, especially against the background of fever, or there are no neurological diseases.

For rubbing, use warm water, the temperature of which is close to body temperature. Cool or cold water or alcohol (once used for fever-reducing rubdowns) can cause not a decrease, but an increase in temperature and provoke trembling, which tells the "confused" body that it is necessary not to reduce, but to increase the release of heat. In addition, inhaling alcohol vapors is harmful. Usage hot water also raises body temperature and, like wrapping up, can cause heat stroke.

Before starting the procedure, dip three rags into a bowl or basin of water. Put an oilcloth on the bed or on your knees, on top of it terry towel, and on him - a child. Undress the child and cover him with a sheet or diaper. Wring out one of the cloths so that water does not drip from it, fold it and place it on the child's forehead. When the cloth dries, it should be wetted again.

Take the second cloth and start gently wiping the baby's skin, moving from the periphery to the center. Special attention give to the feet, shins, popliteal folds, inguinal folds, hands, elbows, armpits, neck, face. Blood rushed to the surface of the skin with light friction will be cooled by the evaporation of water from the surface of the body. Continue wiping the baby, changing cloths as needed, for at least twenty to thirty minutes (this is how long it takes to lower body temperature). If the water in the basin cools during the wiping process, add some warm water to it.

You can freeze water in small vials in advance and, after wrapping them in a diaper, apply to areas where large vessels are located: inguinal, axillary areas.

The use of antipyretics.

The drugs of choice for fever in children are PARACETAMOL and IBUPROFEN (trade names for these drugs can be very diverse). Ibuprofen is recommended in cases where paracetamol is contraindicated or ineffective. A longer and more pronounced decrease in temperature was noted after the use of IBUPROFEN than after PARACETAMOL.

AMIDOPIRINE, ANTIPIRINE, PHENACETINE are excluded from the list of antipyretics due to their toxicity.

Acetylsalicylic acid (ASPIRIN) is prohibited for use in children under 15 years of age.

The widespread use of METAMIZOL (ANALGIN) as an antipyretic is not recommended by WHO, because it inhibits hematopoiesis, can cause serious allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock). A prolonged loss of consciousness is possible with a decrease in temperature to 35.0-34.5 degrees C. The appointment of METAMIZOL (ANALGIN) is possible only in cases of intolerance to the drugs of choice or if intramuscular administration is necessary, which should only be carried out by a doctor.

When choosing the form of the drug (liquid medicine, syrup, chewable tablets, suppositories), it should be borne in mind that drugs in solution or syrup act after 20-30 minutes, in suppositories - after 30-45 minutes, but their effect is longer. Candles can be used in a situation where the child vomits when taking liquid or refuses to drink medicine. Candles are best used after a child's bowel movements, they are convenient to enter at night.

Medicines in the form of sweet syrups or chewable tablets can be allergic due to flavorings and other additives. The active substances themselves can also cause allergic reaction, so you have to be especially careful when you first take it.

If you are giving your child medications, especially those related to dosages for certain ages, you should carefully read the instructions so as not to exceed the recommended dose. Keep in mind that the doctor may change the dosage for your child.

When applied sequentially different forms the same medicine (suppositories, syrups, chewable tablets) must be summed up all the doses received by the child in order to avoid an overdose. Re-use of the drug is possible no earlier than 4-5 hours after the first dose and only if the temperature rises to high rates.

The effectiveness of a particular antipyretic is individual and depends on the individual child.

What not to do if your child has a fever

Do not force the baby to lie down. A truly sick child will be in his own crib. If your baby wants to get out of it, it is quite possible to allow him to do something calm. Try not to allow excessive activity: this can lead to an increase in temperature.

Don't give your child an enema unless a doctor has specifically ordered one.

Do not dress or cover your child too warmly.

Do not cover the baby with a wet towel or wet sheet: this may interfere with heat transfer through the skin.

When is it necessary to call the doctor again for the baby?

The measured temperature in the armpit was 39.0-39.5 degrees C, the rectal temperature exceeded 40.0 degrees C.

The child has had convulsions for the first time (the body is tense, the eyes roll back, the limbs twitch).

The child cries inconsolably, cries out in pain when touched or moved, groans, does not respond to external stimuli, or his body goes limp.

The child has purple spots on the skin.

The child has difficulty breathing even after you have cleared his nasal passages.

The child's neck seems tense, and he does not allow him to bend his chin to his chest.

The onset of a fever follows exposure to an external source of heat, such as being in the sun on a hot day or inside a car on a hot day. Heat stroke is possible and requires immediate medical attention.

A sudden rise in temperature occurred in a child with a slight fever, but too warmly dressed or wrapped in blankets. It should be treated like heatstroke.

The doctor told you to report immediately if the child develops a fever.

It seems to you that the child has something serious, although you find it difficult to say why you decided so.

The child has exacerbated chronic diseases (diseases of the heart, kidneys, neurological disease, etc.).

The child is dehydrated, which can be seen by such signs as: rare urination, dark yellow urine, a small amount of saliva, tears, sunken eyes.

The child's behavior seems atypical: he is unusually moody, lethargic or excessively sleepy, cannot sleep, is sensitive to light, cries more than usual, refuses to eat, pulls his ears.

A child has a low temperature for several days and then suddenly rises sharply, or a child with a cold that started a few days ago suddenly develops a fever. Such fever may indicate a secondary infection, such as otitis media or strep throat.

Fever does not decrease with medication.

The temperature of 37.0-38.0 degrees C persists for a long time (more than a week).

The fever lasts for more than a day without any other signs of illness.

In all these cases, you must contact the doctor even in the middle of the night or go to the "Ambulance" point.

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However, there is no need to panic. Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid such a situation, and every parent has encountered this at least once during the growth and development of the child.

It is very important to identify the cause of this, because a high temperature can signal various serious illnesses. It is believed that temperatures below 38.5 degrees should not go astray, as this most often indicates that the body's immune system is fighting the virus. As soon as possible, be sure to apply for medical care, especially if up to a year, because many diseases in babies develop much faster, and they can react differently even to a "common" cold.

In order for small patients it is better to use not mercury, but electronic, or which significantly reduce the measurement time, and are also much safer.

Often, if a child has a fever, pediatricians prescribe drugs based on paracetamol. Popular not so long ago, aspirin is not recommended for children under 12 years of age, as it has many undesirable side effects. In the case when paracetamol is not effective, you can use drugs, the active ingredient in which is ibuprofen. The dosage should be prescribed in consultation with your doctor.

Usually accompanied by general weakness. In this situation, it is recommended to put the baby to bed. It is not worth wrapping and dressing a child in warm clothes. On the contrary, it is necessary to leave a minimum of clothing, which will contribute to better heat dissipation.

The most effective will be wiping with water cooled to room temperature, or compresses with vinegar mixed with boiled water in a one to one ratio. Modern pediatricians do not recommend vodka rubdowns, especially for children under one year old, since alcohol is well absorbed into the bloodstream through the pores of the skin, which can lead to intoxication. In addition to the forehead, it is good to apply compresses to the armpits, groin, collarbone, where the main vessels of the body pass.

Also, if the child has a temperature, it is recommended to drink plenty of water so that it does not happen. It is better to give juices, water or fruit tea. If signs such as dryness of mucous membranes and skin, disappearance of urine, tears, apathy, refusal to drink liquids appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It must be said that fever can indicate various diseases or health problems. The reasons for it must be clarified by consulting with a pediatrician. This can be either a reaction to teething or cooling of the body, or a signal of the onset of a viral or intestinal infection. The latter is usually accompanied by diarrhea, this disease is very dangerous for babies who are under one year old.

The room where the patient is located should be regularly ventilated, optimum temperature it should be no more than 20 degrees. It is better to feed the child at this time with food that is easily digestible, if the baby refuses to eat, you should not insist, it is better to pay attention to drinking more liquid.

It should be noted that if a child's temperature above 38.5-39 degrees does not go astray with the help of medicines containing paracetamol or ibuprofen, or goes astray for a short time, this will be a signal for an urgent appeal to the pediatrician, as it can lead to life-threatening condition. And in any other case, a doctor's consultation is necessary when using any drugs, especially in babies under one year old. If the temperature rises to 40 degrees and (or) is accompanied by convulsions, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

An increase in body temperature is possible with various diseases in childhood. At the same time, the question of whether to shoot it down causes a lot of conflicting opinions.

Some of the parents have heard that with a fever, the body fights the disease more actively, and if the temperature is brought down, the duration of the disease will increase. Others have heard that her elevated values, and drugs against it are very dangerous and threaten serious health problems.

As a result, some parents are afraid to bring down the temperature even in cases where this is required, while others give medicine to the crumbs even with a slight increase. Let's see what really needs to be done in these cases, and whether this symptom is a sign of the disease.

How to measure the temperature correctly?

Measurement in the armpit area is the most accessible and simple, therefore it is the most common.

However, there are other ways to measure:

  1. In the mouth (oral temperature is determined). For measurement, a special thermometer in the form of a dummy is usually used.
  2. In the rectum (rectal temperature is determined). This method is used when the child is less than 5 months old, since children older than six months will resist the procedure. A thermometer (necessarily electronic) is treated with cream and inserted into the baby's anus by about two centimeters.
  3. In the inguinal fold. The baby is laid on its side, the tip of the thermometer is placed in a fold of skin, after which the child's leg is held in a position pressed against the body.

It is important that the child has a separate thermometer, and before use it should be treated with alcohol or washed with soapy water.

Also, when measuring, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • In a sick child, measurements should be taken at least three times a day.
  • Do not take the temperature if the baby is very active, crying, has taken a bath, is warmly wrapped up, and also if the air temperature in the room is high.
  • If you take oral temperature, it should be done 1 hour before eating and drinking, or 1 hour after, as drinks and food tend to raise oral temperatures.

Normal values

Features of temperature in infants are inconstancy and a rapid increase in any disease. In addition, in infants under one year old, it is normally slightly higher than in older children.

The normal temperature for a child younger than 12 months is considered to be less than +37.4°C, and for a child older than 12 months - less than +37°C. These are indicators of temperature measurement in the axillary region, as well as in the inguinal fold. For rectal measurements, less than +38°С is considered the norm, and less than +37.6°С for oral measurements.

The most reliable indicators are given by the use of a mercury thermometer, and electronic thermometers have a significant error. To find out how different the indicator of an electronic and mercury thermometer is, measure the temperature with two thermometers at once from any healthy family member.


Depending on the indicators, the temperature is called:

  • Subfebrile. The indicator is up to +38 degrees. Usually, this temperature is not brought down, allowing the body to produce substances that protect it from viruses.
  • Febrile. The increase is more than +38°С, but less than +39°С. Such a fever indicates the active struggle of the child's body with the infection, so the tactics of parents should take into account the condition of the child. If it is greatly worsened, antipyretic drugs are indicated, and vigorous and calm child medication may not be given.
  • Pyretic. Indicators on the thermometer from + 39 ° С to + 41 ° С. This temperature is certainly recommended to be reduced with medications, since the risk of seizures increases.
  • Hyperpyretic. The most dangerous temperature is over +41°С. Seeing such an indicator on the thermometer, you should immediately call an ambulance.


  • Allows you to quickly diagnose many diseases in early period and start timely treatment.
  • With the influenza virus, high temperature is important for high levels of interferon, which allows you to successfully overcome the infection.
  • At elevated body temperature, microorganisms stop multiplying and become less resistant to antibacterial agents.
  • Fever activates immune system baby, enhancing phagocytosis and antibody production.
  • A child with a fever stays in bed, due to which his forces are fully directed to fight the disease.


  • One of the complications is the appearance of seizures.
  • With a fever, the load on the child's heart increases, which is especially dangerous if the crumbs have rhythm disturbances or heart defects.
  • With an increase in temperature, the work of the brain, as well as the liver, stomach, kidneys and other internal organs, suffers.


To start the mechanism for raising body temperature, foreign substances that enter the child's body - pyrogens - are usually needed. They can be various infectious agents, represented by unicellular, viruses, protozoa, fungi, bacteria. When ingested, pathogens are absorbed by white blood cells (leukocytes). At the same time, these cells begin to produce interleukins that enter the brain with blood.

Once they reach the center of body temperature regulation, located in the hypothalamus, these compounds change the perception of normal temperature. The baby's brain begins to define a temperature of 36.6-37 degrees as too low. It instructs the body to produce more heat and at the same time spasm the blood vessels to reduce heat transfer.

In this process, the following stages are distinguished:

  1. Heat is produced in the baby's body in more, but the heat transfer is not increased. Body temperature rises.
  2. Heat output increases and a balance is established between heat production and its removal from the body. The temperature is decreasing, but not to the norm.
  3. Heat production is reduced due to the death of infectious agents and a decrease in the production of interleukins. The heat output remains high, the child sweats and the temperature returns to normal.

It should be noted that the temperature can decrease lytically (gradually) or critically (dramatically). The second option is very dangerous with vasodilatation and a decrease in blood pressure.

Is immunity really developed?

Numerous studies have confirmed that in some infections, elevated temperature contributes to a faster recovery. It was also found that the use of antipyretics for some time prolongs both the time of the disease itself and the period of contagiousness. But, since these effects do not apply to all infections that occur with high fever, it is impossible to talk about the unambiguous benefits of fever.

Scientific studies have shown that active compounds produced at high temperature (among them interferon) in some cases help to recover faster, and in some diseases they have a negative effect on their course. In addition, for many children this is a very dangerous condition.

What will happen if you do not bring down the heat?

For a long time, high temperature was considered a factor that could disrupt blood clotting and cause overheating of the brain. Therefore, they were afraid of it and tried to reduce it in every possible way. However, modern scientific research has shown that it is not the high temperature itself that leads to health problems, but the disease that manifests itself as such a symptom.

At the same time, doctors note that fever is dangerous for children with chronic pathologies of internal organs, symptoms of dehydration, disorders physical development or diseases of the nervous system.

The danger of hyperthermia lies in the large expenditure of energy and nutrients to maintain a high temperature. Because of this internal organs overheat and their function is impaired.

Maximum allowable values

It is determined primarily by the age of the baby:

If you see numbers on the thermometer above those indicated in the table, this indicates a high probability of a serious illness, therefore it is extremely important to urgently call a doctor with such temperature measurement results.

When are antipyretics needed?

It is usually recommended to bring down the febrile temperature if the child does not tolerate this condition, however, there are situations when it is worth giving an antipyretic agent even with subfebrile indicators:

  • If the child is less than 2 months old.
  • When the baby has diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • In the past, the child had convulsions at a high temperature.
  • If the child has diseases of the nervous system.
  • When a child has hyperthermia caused by overheating.

Additional symptoms

Heat is rarely the only manifestation of a child's health problems. Other signs of disease join it.

red throat

Redness of the throat against the background of fever is characteristic of viral and bacterial infections affecting the nasopharynx. Such symptoms often appear with tonsillitis, scarlet fever and other childhood infections. The child complains of pain when swallowing, begins to cough, refuses food.

Runny nose

The combination of high fever and runny nose most often occurs with viral infections when viruses infect the nasal mucosa. The child may also have symptoms such as weakness, refusal to eat, difficulty breathing through the nose, lethargy, sore throat, cough.

Cold feet and hands

The condition when, at an elevated temperature, the child has pale skin and its vessels are spasmodic, is called white fever. To the touch, the limbs of the baby with such a fever will be cold. The child usually has chills. This condition requires immediate medical attention. The child's body should be rubbed with the hands, but rubbing with water and other methods of physical cooling are prohibited. To relieve spasm of skin vessels, the doctor will recommend taking an antispasmodic, for example, No-shpu.


Increased body temperature can cause seizures. For their association with fever, such convulsions are called febrile. They are diagnosed in children under 6 years of age with indicators above + 38 ° C, as well as in children with pathologies of the nervous system at any numbers.

During febrile convulsions, the child's muscles begin to twitch, the legs can straighten and the arms bend, the baby turns pale, does not react to the environment, it is possible to hold the breath and turn blue of the skin. It is important to immediately lay the baby on a flat surface with his head turned to the side, call an ambulance and not leave the baby for a minute.

Vomiting and diarrhea

Such symptoms on the background of fever usually indicate the development of an intestinal infection, but they can also be caused by the consumption of certain foods by a small child. In babies younger than 3 years old, the intestines have not yet fully matured, so those foods that are normally tolerated by older children can cause dyspepsia and fever.

In addition, the combination of fever with vomiting can signal not only the gastrointestinal tract. Such symptoms are characteristic of meningitis and acetonemic syndrome. In children younger than 7 years of age, vomiting may occur at elevated body temperature and without brain damage or digestive system. It happens at the peak of the temperature increase, usually once.

Abdominal pain

The appearance of complaints of pain in the abdomen against the background of fever should alert parents and cause an ambulance call. Serious diseases requiring surgery (for example, appendicitis), kidney disease, and diseases of the digestive tract can also manifest themselves in this way. To clarify the cause, the child will be prescribed tests and additional examinations.

No additional symptoms

The absence of other signs of the disease often occurs during teething, as well as in situations where the disease is just beginning (other symptoms appear later). High fever, as the only symptom, is often noted with kidney infections. You can confirm the disease with urine tests and ultrasound examination.


Elevated temperature acts as a protective reaction of the child's body to the ingress of infectious agents into it, but can also be due to non-infectious causes.


Infectious diseases are a very common cause of fever:


How does it manifest itself besides high temperature?

What to do?

The appearance of a runny nose, dry cough, complaints of sore throat, body aches, muscle pain, nasal congestion, sneezing.

Call a pediatrician, give plenty of fluids, if necessary, give an antipyretic.

Chickenpox or other childhood infection

The appearance of pain in the ear, as well as discharge from the ear, cough, runny nose.

Contact a pediatrician to examine the child and prescribe the appropriate treatment for the situation.

When to call a doctor?

The doctor should be called in each case of fever, since only a specialist can determine what caused and how to treat the baby.

Indications for an immediate call to the doctor are the following situations:

  • The temperature rose above the indicators considered maximum for a certain age of the child.
  • The fever provoked the appearance of convulsions.
  • The kid is disoriented, he has hallucinations.
  • If there are others dangerous symptoms- vomiting, abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, ear pain, rash, diarrhea and others.
  • The child's temperature is elevated for more than 24 hours and during this time the condition has not improved.
  • The baby has serious chronic diseases.
  • You doubt that you are able to correctly assess the condition of the baby and help him.
  • The child got better, but the temperature rose again.
  • The baby refuses to drink and the parents report symptoms of dehydration.

What to do?

Often, not only adults, but also children suffer from colds and flu. However, not all cold medicines are approved for use in children. Fortunately, there is a children's form of AntiGrippin from Natur Product, which is approved for use in children from 3 years old. Like the adult form of AntiGrippin, it consists of three components - paracetamol, which has an antipyretic effect, chlorphenamine, which facilitates breathing through the nose, reduces the feeling of nasal congestion, sneezing, watery eyes, itching and redness of the eyes, and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which is involved in regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, increases the body's resistance.


In most cases, such medicines allow, albeit for a short time, to improve the condition of the child, allow him to sleep and eat. With sore throat, otitis, teething, stomatitis, these drugs reduce pain.

Will rubdowns help?

Used in the past, rubbing with vinegar, alcohol, or vodka is now considered harmful by pediatricians. Doctors do not advise wiping the child even with a cool towel, because such actions provoke vasospasm in the child's skin, and this, in turn, will reduce heat transfer. In addition, alcohol-containing liquids, when rubbed, will actively enter the child's body, which is fraught with poisoning of the baby.

Rubbing is permissible only after using drugs prescribed by a doctor that relieve spasm of peripheral vessels. For the procedure, only water at room temperature is used. In addition, you can wipe the child, provided that the baby does not mind, since with resistance and screams, the temperature will increase even more. After rubbing the child should not be wrapped up, otherwise his condition will worsen.

Food and liquid

A child with a fever should drink often and a lot. Give the baby tea, compote, water, fruit drink or any other liquid that he agrees to drink. This is essential for heat dissipation through greater evaporation of sweat from the skin, as well as faster elimination of toxins in the urine.

Feed the baby should be given in small quantities. Let the child eat according to his appetite, but not much, because when digesting food, the body temperature will increase. Both dishes and drinks offered to the child should have a temperature of about 37-38 degrees.

Folk remedies

It is recommended to drink tea with the addition of cranberries: it stimulates active sweating. At the same time, such a drink should be given carefully - in babies up to a year old, it can cause allergies, and older children should not use cranberries for any stomach diseases.

Another wonderful folk remedy with an antiseptic and antipyretic effect is raspberries, which can be given to a child in the form of jam, juice or tea. But in cases where there is a risk of allergies, the use of raspberries is best avoided.

How safe is the treatment?

How many days does the child have a high temperature?

It is not the fever itself that is dangerous for the baby, but the cause of the appearance of this symptom. If the parents do not know what provoked the temperature rise in the baby and the next day after the increase in the condition did not improve, and additional alarming symptoms appeared, you should immediately seek medical help. In this way, you will establish the cause of the child's illness and be able to act on it, and not just on a symptom.

If the parents know the cause of hyperthermia, and it is not dangerous, the child was examined by a doctor and prescribed therapy, then the temperature can be brought down within a few (3-5) days, observing the child. If there are no positive changes in the course of the disease over the past three days, despite treatment, you should call the doctor again and undergo an additional examination.


  • After choosing a specific drug to reduce the temperature, determine the desired single dose according to the instructions.
  • Antipyretics should be taken only when necessary.
  • The next dose must be at least 4 hours after the previous dose for paracetamol or 6 hours for ibuprofen.
  • A maximum of 4 doses of the drug can be taken per day.
  • The medicine taken by mouth is washed down with water or milk. It can also be drunk during a meal - so the irritating effect of medicines on the gastric mucosa will be reduced.

What medicines to choose?

Paracetamol and ibuprofen are the drugs that are recommended in childhood with a high temperature. Both drugs equally reduce pain, but ibuprofen has a more pronounced and prolonged antipyretic effect. At the same time, paracetamol is called safer and is recommended as the drug of choice for infants in the first months of their life.

Infants are often given such drugs in the form of rectal suppositories or syrups. This is due to the convenience of using these forms - they are easy to dose and give to the child. In older children, preference should be given to tablets, syrups and soluble powders.

The action of drugs taken by mouth begins within 20-30 minutes after their use, and rectal suppositories - 30-40 minutes after administration. Suppositories will also be the most preferred option in the presence of bouts of vomiting in a child. In addition, syrups, powders, and tablets often contain additives for taste and smell, which can cause allergies.

You may hear recommendations to take paracetamol and ibuprofen together or in alternation of these drugs. Doctors believe that it is safe, but not necessary. The combination of these drugs works with the same effectiveness as taking ibuprofen alone. And if you gave this medicine, and the temperature does not decrease, you should not give paracetamol additionally, it is better to immediately call an ambulance.

Why shouldn't aspirin be given to children?

Even in adulthood, it is advised to avoid the use of aspirin at a temperature if possible, and for children under 18 it is completely contraindicated.

In childhood, aspirin has a pronounced toxic effect on the liver and is the cause of the development serious complications which doctors call "Reye's syndrome". With this syndrome, internal organs are affected, in particular the liver and brain. Also, taking aspirin can affect platelets, cause bleeding and allergies.

  • In the room, lower the air temperature to 18-20 degrees to increase heat transfer (if the baby does not have a chill). You should also take care of sufficient humidity (60% is considered the optimal level), since dry air will contribute to the loss of fluid by the child's body and the drying of the mucous membranes.
  • When choosing clothes for a child, make sure that the baby is not cold, but you should not overheat the baby with excessively warm clothes either. Dress your baby in the same way as you are dressed or a little lighter, and when the baby starts to sweat and wants to undress, let him give off more heat in this way.
  • Limit the activity of the child, because some children run and jump even at temperatures above 39 degrees. Since movement increases the production of heat in the body, distract the child from active play. However, do it in such a way that the baby does not cry, because due to tantrums and crying, it will also rise. Encourage your child to read books, watch cartoons, or do some other quiet activity. It is not necessary to force the child to lie down all the time.

1 Instructions for medical use of the drug AntiGrippin

There are contraindications. Need to consult a specialist


Body elevation is a normal defensive reaction of the body. This is not a separate disease, but only indicates the presence of an infectious or inflammatory process. Fighting a high temperature, you must understand that you are acting on the effect, and not on the cause.

How and where to measure body temperature correctly?

Mercury thermometers are still the most accurate and affordable in everyday life. Household electronic thermometers are less accurate than modern precision monitors, but the latter are available only in medical institutions.

There are three zones for measurement, but you need to remember that even normally the temperature in them is different:

1.Axillary area.

Temperatures up to 37.5 C are considered normal here. Do not measure the temperature in the mouth of children younger age! A young child can chew on a thermometer, and you will get additional problems: glass and mercury in the mouth and esophagus.

3. In the rectum.

May cause fear and discomfort in the child. This technique is more suitable for electronic sensors that are used in hospitals. Household sensors are less accurate. The temperature inside the body is always higher than the axillary

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The duration of a correct temperature measurement is at least ten minutes. Determine the temperature three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening.

What temperature should be reduced

According to the current recommendations of the World Health Organization, the temperature should be reduced if it is above 38.5-39.0 C, and also if the child has seizures, the child is pale, lethargic, there is vomiting or diarrhea. There is no need to fight the temperature if it is below 38.0 C and the baby’s well-being does not suffer, because. This is a normal defensive reaction of the body.

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TWO drugs are currently recommended for children: paracetamol and ibuprofen. There are quite a few commercial names, the most common being Panadol, Cefecon (paracetamol) and Nurofen (ibuprofen). Always look at the composition of the medicine, the active substance must be indicated on the package.
Until now, the popular "Aspirin" and "Analgin" cannot be used in a child, because. against the background of infection, they can cause serious complications! "Analgin" (metamizole sodium) is still a widely used medicine in the territory former USSR, although in many countries of the world it is either banned or significantly restricted for use. In Russia, it was recently excluded from the "List of Essential Drugs" by the Government of the Russian Federation, but remained on free sale.

How to use drugs to reduce high fever in a child

1. Orally (through the mouth).

In a pharmacy, you can buy both a suspension (syrup) and tablets. In babies, it is easier to apply the suspension. The suspension package always has a measuring spoon or cup to facilitate dosing of the drug.

2. Rectal suppositories.

Pretty comfortable fit. Available in different dosages for children of different ages.

3. Intravenous forms.

It is used only in stationary conditions.
Do not use intramuscular injections of all kinds of "lytic mixtures" such as "Analgin" and "Dimedrol" on your own! They have not been in any modern clinical guidelines for a long time, but even doctors often prescribe them.

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Doses of paracetamol and ibuprofen to reduce high fever in a child

Paracetamol suspension:
- up to 1 month: 5-10 mg / kg every 8 hours;
- up to 3 months: 10 mg / kg every 6 hours;
- older than 3 months: the first dose of 20 mg / kg, then 10 mg / kg every 6 hours.

Paracetamol in rectal suppositories(for example, "Cefekon") is available in dosages of 50 mg, 100 mg and 250 mg, which is very convenient.
- children from 1 to 3 months: 1 suppository 50 mg;
- from 3 to 12 months: 1 candle 100 mg;
- from 1 year to 3 years: 1-2 suppositories of 100 mg;
- from 3 to 10 years: 1 suppository of 250 mg;
- over 10 years old: 1-2 suppositories of 250 mg.
As with suspension, rectal suppositories apply no more than once every 6 hours!

Suspension is allowed from 3 months, in children over 6 years old - tablet forms. A single dosage is the same: 5-10 mg / kg no more than once every 6-8 hours.
Remember! These drugs have a "ceiling effect": exceeding the dosage or frequency of administration does not reduce the temperature "more", but leads to a risk side effects. There is no point in giving medicine for fever every hour, by doing this you will only achieve drug poisoning!

What not to do when a child has a high temperature

1. Wipe the child with vinegar, and even more so with alcohol, as grandmothers and even some doctors still advise. The baby's skin is delicate and perfectly absorbs everything that is applied to it. Therefore, these rubdowns are equivalent to how if you gave your child vinegar or vodka to drink with all the ensuing consequences!
2. Sponging with cold water or bathing in cold water (this happens too!). Cold water leads to vasoconstriction of the skin and makes it difficult to transfer heat! The child can be wiped only with warm water!