Oh baby. How to take the homeopathic medicine “Job-Baby”: reviews, indications and dosage

Job-baby is a composite drug. This is an anti-inflammatory drug that acts in two directions at once - locally on the nasopharynx and systemically on the entire body as a whole. It effectively copes with the symptoms of inflammation caused by diseases such as ARVI, and is also able to cope with a number of diseases that weaken the child’s body. The drug is sold in pharmacies over the counter in the form of granules. Therefore, the dosage should be carefully observed.

Composition of the drug

Since the product is composite, it includes substances and extracts. Among them:

  • (Iodum);
  • (Thuja occidentalis);
  • (Berberis, fructus);
  • Eupatorium(Eupatorium perfoliatum);
  • Sugar cereal.

Thanks to this composition, the drug has immunostimulating, immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Considering that each body can have its own reaction to a particular substance, you should monitor the child’s health while consuming Job-Baby.

During the intake process, it is better to combine treatment with Job-baby with a complex of vitamins and minerals in order to enhance the effect and compensate for the deficiency of necessary elements. Source: flickr (Manicure ru).


Job-baby is prescribed in cases where:

  • The child's body is weakened by frequent;
  • Adenoids of any severity, even with complications;
  • Weak nasopharynx;
  • Frequent colds;
  • Acute and chronic;
  • If nervous excitability often accompanies adenoids.

In addition, the product helps to significantly strengthen the immune system, which in the future will actively protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms and more.


The dosage must be carefully followed, as well as the application schedule, to avoid complications and side effects. Take 8-10 grains just once a day. It is used according to schedule 4 every 3 days, that is, the medicine is taken for four days, and then a break should be taken for three days.

Important! If there are random and short breaks in the intake, then this will not have much effect on the treatment process.

If there is a reaction to the medicine and the initial worsening of symptoms begins, you should stop using Job-Baby for a couple of weeks.

If the cold is in an acute stage, then you can increase the number of doses of the drug provided that the dosage is reduced: up to 5 times a day, 3 grains at a time. The homeopathic remedy is either absorbed or chewed. You cannot drink it with anything, since food or drink weakens the effect of the components included in the composition. Therefore, the use of the drug is possible only half an hour after a meal or half an hour before it.

For complex treatment of the disease, the homeopathic remedy Job-Baby can be prescribed to children starting from the age of three. Source: flickr (UI Health Photography Library).

Side effects

It is noted in the instructions that allergic reactions were observed among the side effects.

But in practice it is clear that in the process of taking the medicine, existing symptoms may intensify, and primary deterioration is a process characteristic of treatment with homeopathic medicines.

The algorithm of actions is different in each case. If an allergic reaction is observed in the form of itching, rashes, burning, redness of the skin, then use should be stopped completely.

If edema (angioneurotic) develops, spreading to the neck, cheeks, larynx, or eyes, you should immediately contact an ambulance.

If primary deterioration develops during use of the product, you should take a break, which is approximately two weeks. After this, reception can be resumed.

If deterioration is observed again, then perhaps it makes sense to change the dosage by half - that is, instead of 8 grains, dissolve 5-6.


The product is considered to be relatively safe. But in the presence of diseases such as sinusitis or sinusitis, which are in the acute stage, the use of the drug should be discontinued until recovery. Also, it should not be prescribed in cases where the patient has hypersensitivity to any of the components of the composition. You can use the drug in other conditions even when using several drugs of different composition and direction of action in therapy.

Features of the product

The effect of the drug occurs slowly. It is mainly aimed at restructuring the asthenic constitution in a healthy way. At the same time, the effect achieved from taking it remains, that is, the homeopathic medicine does not have the so-called “reverse” when it is discontinued. The remedy makes it possible to get rid of enlarged tonsils, adenoids, and exhaustion of the nervous system.

In the future, the effect of using the drug will continue to affect the body, strengthening the child’s weakened immune system.

It is noted that Job-baby is the drug that helps strengthen the bodily constitution in childhood, when health can still be formed in the right direction.

The first results, as noted by the parents of sick, weakened children, are achieved already by 2-3 weeks, provided that the drug is taken regularly, without interruption.

When taking Job-baby, inflammatory processes in the tonsils and adenoids are relieved, which allows the tissues to return to normal and decrease in size. If a child is diagnosed with adenoiditis, then the product is consumed until the symptoms completely disappear.

Often, in combination with this homeopathic remedy, doctors prescribe Phthision, which is aimed at increasing the body's resistance to colds.

It is also better to supplement the therapy with vitamins and minerals that a weakened body constantly needs.

(Barberry Comp) therapy
adenoids and tonsillitis

Homeopathic medicine "Job-baby" It was not invented theoretically, but was obtained on the basis of the family secrets of the author - a hereditary homeopathic doctor. The experience of 3 generations of doctors is collected in this preparation.

* ADENOIDS OF ANY DEGREE with or without complications;
* FREQUENT COLDS and weak nasopharynx;
* TONSILLITIS, chronic and acute;
* NERVOUS EXCITABILITY, often accompanying adenoids.

When taking the homeopathic composition “Job-Baby”, adenoids, even the most advanced ones, resolve and retract; Of course, there is no need for surgery to remove them. Concomitant inflammatory phenomena in the nasopharynx and throat also cease.
The next main indication is constantly recurrent chronic tonsillitis.

The homeopathic remedy “Job the Baby”, due to its various components, acts both locally on the nasopharynx and generally on the entire body as a whole. Therefore, not only local symptoms (enlarged adenoids, tonsils), but also general ones (for example, increased nervous excitability) are cured. The effect of the drug is slow, but thanks to the restructuring of the child’s asthenic constitution into a healthy way, there is no reversal, i.e., the achieved effect remains for life. This allows you not only to get rid of enlarged adenoids, tonsils, weakness of the nervous system, but also to avoid many other diseases of various kinds, which in the future, already in mature age usually lie in wait for such patients, based on the weakness of their constitution.
The “adenoid” constitution in homeopathy is also called “tuberculous-asthenic”. This is not a disease, but an innate predisposition, fertile ground for the development in adulthood of a number of diseases and conditions, the easiest of which is conflict (“scandalous character”). Adenoid growths as a manifestation of the constitution disappear by themselves at the age of 14, but constitutional irregularity only increases over the years. It is best to correct the bodily constitution in childhood, when the body is soft and flexible.
Treatment should continue until all symptoms disappear completely (usually for a year, sometimes longer). The primary effect is usually noticed much sooner - signs of improvement begin to appear within 2-3 weeks of taking the product.

If during treatment there is an exacerbation of existing symptoms, it is necessary to interrupt it for 5-7 days. If in the future, when taking the drug, a negative reaction appears again, then it is better to change the dosage regimen - take the medicine less often (for example, take 4 days, 3 days off, etc.). This phenomenon is called “primary deterioration”. This is a favorable sign; it indicates an active restructuring of the body in a healthy way. You just need to take the drug less often.
During the treatment period, vaccinations are allowed only in exceptional cases. They remain undesirable even after recovery.
The drug is non-toxic; Accidental overdose is harmless. Side effects, as with any homeopathic treatment, can only be positive.

Admission rules:
8-10 granules 1-2 times a day; 5-6 days a week. Occasional short breaks and missed doses do not really affect general progress treatment. In case of reaction (deterioration) - break for 5-7 days. For an acute cold, you can take it often - 5-6 times a day, 4-5 granules. The drug is dissolved in the mouth (can be chewed) and is not washed down with anything. Food weakens the effect, so take it, if possible, half an hour or more before meals and half an hour or more after meals.
In particularly stubborn cases, you can add a homeopathic drug from the same company to “Job-Baby” - “Phthision” (in addition to its direct effect on tuberculosis, it increases resistance to any infections and colds) - according to the following scheme: 8-10 grains (8- 10 drops) 2-3 times a day; day - “Job the Kid”, day - “Phthision”, etc. Prescribe vitamin restorative therapy, with the prescription of calcium supplements, fish oil

When a doctor diagnoses your child with “inflamed adenoids,” the first reaction is panic and anxiety. We are ready for any treatment methods to alleviate the condition of our child and rid him of this disease forever.

Some information about adenoids (tonsils). This important organ in the human body is responsible for maintaining immune system, it protects against harmful microorganisms that penetrate through the nasopharynx into the lungs and bronchi.

Defective changes in the nasopharyngeal tonsils usually begin after influenza, scarlet fever, diphtheria and against the background of a common ARVI. In this case, a pathological enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsil and tissue proliferation occurs. The appearance of adenoids is indicated by the following signs: copious discharge from the nasal passage and difficulty breathing. The child sleeps poorly, has difficulty breathing, snoring and nasal sound appear.

Children complain of headaches and fatigue. This disease, if left untreated, can lead to deformation chest. Bad influence obviously from an enlarged tonsil. What to do? Treatment methods are therapeutic and surgical. Fortunately, today pharmaceuticals offer an effective homeopathic drug “Job-Baby”. Reviews from people about it are mostly positive.

When is it used?

This drug is prescribed even for complicated adenoids, as well as for acute and chronic tonsillitis, frequent respiratory diseases and nervous excitability, which appears due to frequent colds. The successful biochemical composition of the medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect not only on the pharynx, but also on the general condition of the body.

The therapeutic effect is achieved rather slowly, but remains for a long time after taking the “Job-Baby” medicine. Reviews from users are grateful: you can forever get rid of central nervous system exhaustion, enlarged tonsils, as well as strengthen your immune system and forget about frequent colds. After all, as you know, it is in childhood that it is necessary to strengthen the body in order to remain healthy in the future.

The drug “Job-baby” stops inflammation in adenoids. Reviews from experts indicate that homeopathic medicine in some cases shows good results. The most important thing in treatment is the correct dosage. Therapy should not be interrupted until clinical signs disappear. It was noticed that within a few weeks after use, significant improvements were observed.

Medication "Job-baby": how to take, dosage rules

For acute acute respiratory infections, 3-4 granules are prescribed at least five times a day. Since the grains have a sweet taste, they can be dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved without drinking water. It is advisable to take 30-40 minutes before meals (after meals).

For adenoids - 10 granules, four days in a row, once a day. Then you should take a three-day break and carry out a similar course again. If during therapy the patient’s condition worsens, it is necessary to take a week off and consult a doctor.

Side effects and contraindications

The drug “Baby Job” is absolutely safe, people’s reviews confirm this. In practice, no negative impact has been identified and allergic reactions. There have also been no recorded cases of overdose. But since it contains iodine, it is not recommended for people with pathological processes thyroid glands

Let’s just say that the drug “Job the Baby” is a means of individual action. Reviews characterize it as a safe and effective medicine that really helps improve health, especially in combination with other treatment methods. Cost 20 gr. granules - within 100-150 rubles.

All parents are well aware of one simple truth: healthy child - a happy family. Nothing is more worrying than a baby’s illness. A child's body, which is not resistant to colds, easily succumbs to complications after infections. One of them is adenoiditis. It may appear suddenly, in

under 14 years of age. This is the proliferation of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx, otherwise - enlargement of the tonsils. As a rule, adenoiditis is removed surgically, but parents often object to surgery. They immediately sound the alarm and start looking for all sorts of other treatments. Today, many drugs are offered on pharmacy shelves to combat adenoiditis. One of them, and a very effective one, according to numerous reviews, is “Little Job.” Its composition is extremely simple: iodine, thuja occidentalis, barberry berries and pierced-leaved sapling.

Origin of the drug

This drug was developed by a hereditary homeopathic doctor based on the practical experience of three generations of doctors. “Job the Baby” is recommended by him for the treatment of adenoiditis of any degree, chronic and acute tonsillitis, as well as nervous excitability, which often accompanies these diseases. As a prophylactic, it can be used for frequent colds and weak nasopharynx. During the course of taking the drug, the tonsils dissolve and acquire normal size. Inflammatory phenomena accompanying diseases of the nasopharynx cease. “Job-baby” must be taken until the symptoms of adenoiditis completely disappear.

Reception drug

The first signs of improvement in the child’s condition are noticeable already in the second week of treatment. It is recommended to take the drug according to the following regimen: up to 10 granules, 1 or 2 times a day, up to 5 days a week. Only the child’s attending physician can calculate the exact doses. For acute colds, you can take up to 5 granules 5 times a day. “Job-baby” balls dissolve in the mouth. No need to drink. The drug is prescribed to be taken half an hour before or half an hour after meals, since food weakens its effect. As a rule, homeopathic doctors add Phthision to “Job the Baby,” which increases the body’s resistance to colds. Don't forget about vitamins for babies.

If something's wrong

Now let's consider another situation. If, while taking the homeopathic drug “Job-Baby”, the opposite effect suddenly begins - an exacerbation of symptoms, then it is necessary to interrupt the course for 5-7 weeks. This predicted “primary deterioration” is characteristic of a certain stage of development of the disease, and parents should not be upset, since this process indicates that your baby is undergoing an active restructuring of the body. Next, you should resume taking the homeopathic drug “Job-Baby” according to the above-described scheme. If a negative reaction appears again, it is necessary to change the treatment schedule, for example: 4 days - treatment, 3 days - break. You should not get vaccinated while taking the drug. They will be undesirable even after the child has fully recovered. "Job-little" is non-poisonous and non-toxic. An overdose will not cause harm to the developing organism. And, according to homeopaths, side effects can only be positive.

When treating children under 7 years of age, taking strong medications is not always possible due to their side effects and negative impact on the health and development of the child. In such cases, homeopathic preparations based on herbal natural ingredients help. These include Job-baby, which contains extracts of barberry and thuja; it is prescribed for inflammation of the tonsils (adenoids) and other inflammatory diseases of the nose and pharynx.

Job-baby - instructions for use

The homeopathic anti-inflammatory drug Job-baby Barberry Comp is prescribed to children as part of the complex therapy of respiratory diseases. Its herbal composition not only stops inflammatory processes in the throat and nasopharynx, but also has an immunomodulatory and immunostimulating effect. Due to unconfirmed official medicine Due to the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies, it is not a medicine and can only be used as an auxiliary treatment.

Composition of Baby Job

The composition of Job-baby consists of plant extracts diluted in solvents (sugar, water), therefore the drug is classified as a phyto-homeopathic remedy (the proportions are 1:10,000). Produced in granular form, each white or cream-colored granule contains the following substances:

Effect of the drug

Job-baby granules are prescribed to children over two years of age as an auxiliary immuno-strengthening agent for exacerbation of symptoms of acute respiratory diseases and for their prevention. The components of the composition are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and distributed in the tissues and fluids of the body. The active ingredients of the drug do not form toxic metabolites and do not accumulate in internal organs and systems. Pharmacokinetic studies are not possible since all components of the composition are of plant origin.

Indications for use

The product has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used to treat patients childhood. Homeopathy is not recognized by official medicine, so Job-baby granules are prescribed along with other medicines for the following diseases and conditions:

  • acute cold;
  • treatment of adenoids;
  • angina;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • ENT diseases (rhinitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the tonsils).

Directions for use and dosage

The drug is taken orally, given half an hour before or half an hour after meals. The granules are placed under the tongue and dissolved until completely dissolved. The dosage depends on the purpose of use, the age of the patient, and his diagnosis. A possible treatment regimen is recommended by your doctor. According to the instructions, Job-baby is taken:

  • during the acute stage of the disease: children over 12 years old – 10 capsules once a day, 5 days on/2 days off; children from 2 to 6 years old – 6 capsules (according to the same scheme); children from 6 to 12 – 8 capsules (according to the same scheme). Course duration – 7-10 days
  • for prevention – once a day (according to the same schemes) 3 days a week. Course duration is 6-8 weeks.

Job-baby with adenoids

Pathological enlargement of the nasopharyngeal tonsils due to previous diseases or injuries is medically called adenoid hypertrophy. The inflammatory process that accompanies the pathology is called adenoiditis. The disease mainly affects children aged 3 to 8 years. The disease is accompanied by respiratory failure, the development of chronic sinusitis, and in case of complications - purulent and mucous discharge.

In the first two stages of the development of the disease, drug and physiotherapy are carried out, within the framework of which some specialists practice prescribing Job-baby. At the third stage, surgery is required to remove the adenoids. The use of homeopathic remedies makes it possible to reduce the burden on the child’s body due to the use of strong medical drugs.

Job-baby is taken to alleviate the child’s condition, relieve acute inflammation, and strengthen the immune system. At the first stage, in some cases, therapy with this drug alone is possible, without the use of other drugs. If the patient's condition is severe, complex therapy together with chemical medications is necessary. The dosage regimen and duration of the course are developed by the attending physician, the treatment is carried out under his supervision.

Drug interactions

The practice of co-prescribing Job-baby with medicinal and homeopathic anti-inflammatory drugs, according to reviews from doctors and instructions for use, is positive. The main components of the composition - barberry and thuja extract - do not affect the effectiveness of medical treatments, so taking a homeopathic drug cannot negatively affect the results of general therapy. If the symptoms of the disease worsen, drug therapy is discontinued.

Side effects and overdose

No cases of overdose or negative side effects have been registered. Thanks to plant composition the product is safe for child's body with strict adherence to treatment regimens described in the instructions or recommended by a specialist. According to reviews from doctors and parents, the drug has a beneficial effect on the child’s health. Taking it does not cause side effects.


The instructions for use do not describe any contraindications for taking Job-baby. The drug is not recommended for children under two years of age. Therapy should be carried out with caution in diseases of the thyroid gland and diabetes mellitus. Doctors do not prescribe the drug in cases where the load on the systems and organs of the child’s body needs to be reduced as much as possible. These conditions include:

  • period of complications after surgery (for example, in cases where the child was treated with the drug before removal of the adenoids, after the operation the use is temporarily stopped);
  • after and during vaccination.

Terms of sale and storage

The product is available without a prescription and is on public sale. The drug must be stored in a dry, dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Shelf life – 3 years from the date of issue. After the expiration date, use is not recommended.

Job-baby is not the only homeopathic remedy for the treatment of childhood respiratory diseases. Among the analogues there are products based on other plant components, which also strengthen the immune system and resist the development of inflammatory processes. Such means include:

  • Lymphomyosot;
  • Eophorbium;
  • Angin-Heel;
  • Immunokind.

Price Baby Job

You can buy Job Baby at any pharmacy; you don’t need a doctor’s prescription. Due to the free sale, you can place and pay for your purchase online, with home delivery. The price range for the drug is presented in the table below:

Nadezhda, 27 years old

My son was prescribed Job-little during a severe sore throat. I doubted whether to give it or not - I don’t trust homeopathic remedies. I decided to take a risk. In the second week, sinusitis worsened, although this effect is not described in the contraindications. The temperature rose, which had previously been brought down without effort. They stopped drinking the granules and continued treatment with traditional remedies.

Maria, 32 years old

My daughter is 4 years old, her adenoids became inflamed after sinusitis. In addition to the usual remedies, the doctor prescribed Baby Job. We were treated successfully, complications and removal were avoided, for two years without relapse. They drank according to the standard regimen - 5 days, 8 granules each, two days off, and so on for four cycles. There were no side effects.

Oksana, 23 years old

We were treated for inflammation of the adenoids with the help of Job-baby. In addition to this, they took several other drugs, so it’s difficult to say that this drug helped. We were lucky that everything went well and we didn’t have to delete anything. I don’t particularly believe in homeopathy, but in this case I am grateful to the doctor for the prescription and competent treatment in general.

Anna, 33 years old

Little Job didn't help us. My son is 4 years old; we have been treating adenoiditis for six months now, with no results. We have not tried homeopathy before, this experience was unsuccessful - no positive changes. Taken according to the prescribed regimen. The doctor says that surgery will most likely be required, but the verdict is not final, so we hope that we will be able to do without it.

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"IOV-Malysh" is a homeopathic drug that has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antiseptic, antipyretic and choleretic effects.


Indications for the use of the drug "IOV-baby" are: adenoids (with and without complications), acute and chronic tonsillitis, frequent colds, increased nervous excitability, which is often observed

for adenoids

The product is produced in the form of homeopathic granules, 1 granule contains: iodine (Iodum), Thuja occidentalis, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Berberis fructus.

Children from 2 to 7 years old are given 8-10 granules once a day for 30 minutes. before meals or after 30 minutes. after meal. The granules must be dissolved; there is no need to wash them down with water. It is allowed to dissolve the drug in a small volume of water. The child should take “JOB-Malysh” for 5 days, then a break for 2 days, etc. The course of taking the drug is at least 2 months. Repeated courses are carried out in agreement with the doctor.

To treat adenoids, a child is given 8-10 granules 1-2 times a day, 5-6 days a week. Random missed doses and short breaks do not greatly affect the overall course of therapy. Treatment is continued until symptoms disappear completely (usually for 1 year or longer). Primary improvements appear within 2-3 weeks of taking the drug. For acute


the child is given the drug 4-5 granules 5-6 times a day.

If the disease persists, you can additionally give the child the homeopathic drug “Phthision” (in addition to its direct effect on tuberculosis, it helps increase the body’s resistance to infections and colds). The treatment regimen is as follows: 8-10 granules (8-10 drops) 2-3 times a day, on the 1st day they give “IOV-Malysh”, on the 2nd day - “Phthision”, etc. If during treatment with IOV-Malysh an exacerbation of symptoms is observed, it is necessary to interrupt the course for 5-7 days. This phenomenon is called “primary deterioration”, it indicates an active restructuring of the body.

If the child continues to have negative reactions when taking the medication, it is recommended to change the treatment regimen and take the drug less often. It is possible to use the following scheme: 4 days - admission, 3 days - break, etc. During the period of treatment with “IOV-Baby”, vaccinations are allowed only in exceptional cases. It is not advisable to vaccinate after recovery. "IOV-Malysh" does not contain toxic components. Accidental overdose is harmless. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components or diseases of the thyroid gland.

How to give your child “JOB-baby”

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Reviews of medications, descriptions, medications, ratings of medications, instructions for use, user reviews, special instructions, side effects, overdose, application, indications

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IOV-Baby for adenoids: method of application

Treatment of influenza and ARVI with complex homeopathic medicines

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pharmachologic effect
Job-baby Barberry Comp- homeopathic anti-inflammatory composition preparation. Homeopathic composition ‘ Job the baby' due to its various components, it acts both locally on the nasopharynx and on the entire body as a whole. Therefore, not only local symptoms (enlarged adenoids, tonsils), but also general ones (for example, increased excitability of the nervous system) are cured. The effect of the drug is slow, but, thanks to the restructuring of the patient’s asthenic constitution in a healthy way, there is no reversal, i.e. the achieved effect remains for life. This allows not only to get rid of enlarged adenoids, tonsils, exhaustion of the nervous system, etc., but also to avoid many others diseases of various kinds, which in the future, in adulthood, usually lie in wait for such patients, based on the weakness of their constitution. The bodily constitution is best treated in childhood, when the body is soft and plastic. Treatment should continue until all symptoms disappear completely (usually in within a year, rarely longer). The primary effect is noticed, as a rule, much sooner - signs of improvement begin to appear already in 2-3 weeks of taking the product. Indications for use
The drug Job-baby prescribed for adenoids of any degree with or without complications; frequent colds and weak nasopharynx; chronic and acute tonsillitis; nervous excitability, often accompanying adenoids. Dosage 8 - 10 grains Job the baby 1 per day; Take 4 days, break for 3 days, etc. Random short breaks and missed doses do not really affect the overall course of treatment. In case of a reaction (deterioration) - a break of 1 - 2 weeks. For acute colds, you can take often - 5-6 once a day, 3 to 4 grains. The drug is dissolved in the mouth (can be chewed) and not washed down with anything. Food weakens the effect of the drug, so take it half an hour or more before meals and half an hour or more after meals. Side effects: Allergic reactions are possible. Contraindications: acute sinusitis, sinusitis Interaction with other drugs: Combination with other drugs is possible. Storage conditions Store at room temperature in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children. Form of release: Homeopathic granules; in dark glass bottles of 20 g; in a cardboard pack 1 bottle. Ingredients: Homeopathic granules 1 fl. iodine (Iodum) D6 western thuja (Thuja occidentalis) D12 barberry berries (Berberis, fructus) D4 sable leaf (Eupatorium perfoliatum) D6 excipients: granulated sugar

Homeopathic remediesAdenoidsAnti-inflammatoryChildren's medicinesMedicines


in Yalta which pharmacy can I find

Let's start accepting. It seems to help

The drug is effective. Children often get sick, so we have used this drug more than once and it has always been effective for us.

My son was 1 year old and his adenoids were removed. Nothing has improved. Then I found out about JOB Malysh, a superrrrr remedy, the child stopped getting sick. Stopped snoring, catching colds, etc. We drank these delicious tablets for about 2-3 years. I recommend it, you won't regret it. Every day 5 pieces, Saturday-Sunday closed.

Please tell me how many days one bottle lasts?

Enough for 7 years

We had bronchial asthma in question. Due to frequent colds, adenoids of the 3rd degree. The child is now 6 years old. He began to breathe through his mouth. It was a nightmare. The nose did not breathe at all. He sprayed in his nose even in the kindergarten for an hour before bed. We started treatment for Job baby ( 8 granules in the morning on an empty stomach (Sat and Sun break)) and drops of thuja oil (GF) 2 drops in the morning and evening. After diligent treatment, my son began to breathe freely. Previously, there was such despair that he already had circles under his eyes from constant debt. a month of treatment, and the difference is huge. Immunity has also improved greatly. We also bought an air humidifier. It’s easier to breathe, especially in winter (batteries make the air dry)

How did you use thuja oil?

The child is almost 3 years old. First they diagnosed grade 1-2 adenoids. After a while it’s already 2-3. Diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, adenoiditis. I was treated with Nosonex spray. The doctor also prescribed Lymphomyosot and Zyrtec drops (to drink diluted in water), but my child spat them out, which is what I didn’t do. Treatment with Nasonex did not help. The child snored at night like a tractor. Sometimes he would hold his breath for a few seconds, then he would sigh with difficulty and continue to snore. We excluded hypothetical allergens - cocoa, sweets, juices, etc., and kept flour/pasta to a minimum. I started giving IOV Baby 4 granules in the morning and evening (since the baby is tall and large) 5 days a week and spraying Euphorbium compositum nazentropfen C spray three times a day. I don’t know which of these drugs helped the child, but within the first day after use, snoring almost disappeared. A week later, my breathing became quiet and clear. Now a little more than a month has passed since the start of treatment. I was surprised that when...

Thank you for your feedback. Now we are suffering so much

When the pediatrician told us that the child had adenoiditis, I was honestly scared. The thought immediately came to mind that the child might have his adenoids removed. But fortunately, we were lucky. We were lucky that the child had only the first stage and very lucky that we had very good doctor - pediatric ENT. To treat adenoiditis, we were prescribed drug treatment, which included the drug Job-Baby. The doctor placed special emphasis on this drug. Job-Baby is a homeopathic remedy with an anti-inflammatory effect, and the drug also helps to increase the child’s immunity. As the doctor told us, the drug is really very effective in treating adenoids. Although, as he himself said, he is not a “fan” of homeopathy, Job-Baby is the homeopathic drug that really works. Of course, with stage 3 - 4 adenoids, the drug is unlikely to help, but for stages 1 - 2 - out of 10 cases, Job-Baby...

My daughter treated her grandson with Job Baby, a very good remedy, we recommend it.

Which pharmacy did you buy this drug from?

Job-Baby should be in any pharmacy now.

Now Job-Baby is already in new packaging. Previously, this drug was produced in Russia, but now its production has been officially established in Ukraine. I am very pleased, it was painless to go to the garden in the fall.

Hello! My son is 4 years old. They diagnosed adenoiditis as grade 2-3, the doctor said it would be better to remove it. But tomorrow I will go to another doctor. I wouldn't want to remove them for my son. I myself had some that were removed, but they didn’t seem to grow any more, and they were removed for me under general anesthesia. But what really scares me is that he began to hear rather poorly, since he hears normally and he didn’t hear anything. So I don’t know what to do. We drank Job Baby about 1.5 years ago, but unfortunately we didn’t drink it for a year, but only for a month. And that’s why I didn’t see any improvement then, and at that time we had grade 1-2. But the doctor, in my opinion, only prescribed it for a month, or I didn’t hear her correctly. But from today I started giving it as written in the instructions. I want to know public opinion on my problem?

We have grade 2 adenoids

Hello! Please tell me how your treatment is going... I would like to ask about hearing... we have the same situation all the time... a... a... cries... now we are being examined by an audiologist.... please write... your treatment... have you been examined?

But if the baby chews them and does not dissolve them, as written in the instructions, will there be an effect?

My eldest daughter was treated for adenoids with the help of Job-baby, there was an excellent result, although the treatment took a long time, but it was worth it. When I was a child, I had my adenoids removed, nothing pleasant, as I remember now, local anesthesia and blood gushing into my mouth. Ugh! and after a couple of years they grew again, and what was it for? Now my youngest daughter has also begun to be treated with Job-baby granules.

on medical use of the drug



Composition of the drug:

active ingredients: 100 g of the drug contains alcoholic homeopathic dilutions: Jodum D6 0.1 mg, Thuja occidentalis D12 - 3 x 10 mg, Berberis, Fructus D4 - 20 mg, Eupatorium perfoliatum D6 - 0.3 mg (according to the German homeopathic pharmacopoeia);

1 g of the drug contains from 41 to 55 granules;

excipient: granulated sugar.

Release form. Homeopathic granules. The granules are homogeneous, regular spherical in shape, white with a gray or cream tint, odorless, sweet in taste.

Manufacturer's name and location.

Talion-A LLC. Russian Federation, 107370, Moscow, Otkrytoe shosse, 12, Budiv.35.

Pharmacotherapeutic group.

Complex homeopathic medicine. Medicines used for throat diseases.

Pharmacological properties. The effect of the drug is due to its active components. When taking the homeopathic composition Job-baby, the accompanying inflammatory phenomena in the nasopharynx and oropharynx cease.

The drug is quickly and almost completely absorbed, mainly in the oral cavity and further in the gastrointestinal tract, distributed in the tissues and fluids of the body.

Does not form toxic metabolites. Not deposited in body tissues.

Indications. As part of complex treatment for adenoids, chronic tonsillitis, respiratory diseases, frequent colds in children.

Contraindications. Not identified.

Special precautions. During the treatment period, vaccinations are not recommended.

Children. The drug is not used in children under 2 years of age.

Method of administration and dose.

Children from 2 to 7 years old take 8-10 granules 1 time per day half an hour before meals or half an hour after meals. The drug is absorbed and not washed down. Take it for 5 days, then take a break for 2 days. The course of treatment is at least 2 months. Repeated courses - after consultation with a doctor.

Overdose. Not described.

Side effects. Not registered.

Interaction with other drugs and other types of interactions.

No incompatibility phenomena were identified.

Best before date. 3 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Storage conditions.

Store in a place protected from light at a temperature of no more than 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Package. 20 g in light-protective glass bottles. 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.

Vacation conditions. Over the counter.

Adenoiditis is very common in children two years of age and older. This is explained, first of all, by the fragile immune system, which is not yet able to ward off viral and bacterial infections, which is why acute respiratory illnesses often develop. And the parents of a sick child, sooner or later, will have to choose which treatment to use - conservative (including homeopathy, physiological procedures) or surgical. The second type of treatment is associated with risks, which is why many people prefer the first.


One of the most popular medications prescribed in such cases is Job-Baby. This remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect and an extremely simple composition, but certain questions still remain.

Job the Kid

What is this drug? At what age can it be used? Is it effective, what do other parents think about it?

Homeopathic remedy "Job the Baby"

Job-Baby is a complex homeopathic medicine with anti-inflammatory action. The drug is distinguished by the fact that it acts on the body extremely slowly (the course of treatment should last several months), but the effect from taking it remains until the end of life. The first improvements can be noticed within two to three weeks after the start of treatment. Moreover, Job-Baby not only fights adenoids, but also has a beneficial effect on overall health.

The product consists of the following ingredients:

  • pierced-leaved sapling, D6*;
  • iodine, D6;
  • barberry, D4;
  • thuja occidentalis, D12;
  • granulated sugar (additional component).

* - the letter D is used in homeopathy to indicate a decimal dilution (i.e. 1:10).

The number after the letter indicates the number of repetitions or, so to speak, the number of zeros in the proportion. Example: the marking “barberry, D4” means that the substance was diluted in a ratio of 1:10000, where 1 is barberry, and 10000 is the substance that was used as a solvent (this can be sugar, water or ethyl alcohol).

The drug is produced in bottles in the form of small light granules. The cost of one bottle is from 192 rubles. We must not forget that Job-Baby is a phyto-homeopathic remedy (that is, plant ingredients are diluted a thousand times), and not phytotherapeutic. It begins to be absorbed in the oral cavity, and then in the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, no toxic substances are formed.

Packaging of the drug Job-Baby

The official website of the manufacturer, the Talion-A company, reports that the drug was not developed theoretically, but was simply obtained thanks to the medical secrets of a hereditary homeopath. The product contains the experience of three generations of doctors. Job-Baby, by the way, is officially approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

On a note! Homeopathy is an alternative direction in medicine, the effectiveness of which most modern doctors do not recognize. Treatment is carried out using drugs that provoke the same symptoms in healthy people as in patients. Simply put, the principle of “like with like” applies.

Each of the active components contained in the drug is highly diluted, which means that, according to Avogadro’s number (the number of atoms, molecules and other constituent particles in one mole of the substance), they may not be present at all in the finished drug.

Product packaging

The described drug is prescribed to young children for many ENT diseases. More precisely, it is prescribed by otolaryngologists as an addition to the main drug therapy, or by homeopaths as the main treatment.

In addition, the drug is prescribed not only for adenoids, but also for:

  • frequent colds;
  • sensitivity of the nasopharynx to diseases;
  • tonsillitis (both acute and chronic);
  • nervous excitability.

The drug is also used to prevent all the diseases mentioned above.

Conservative treatment of adenoids in traditional medicine is carried out only in the first and second degrees of the disease, after which parents are offered to undergo surgery to avoid possible consequences(such as constant ARVI and colds, hearing loss, etc.). In this regard, homeopathic medicines are used only at these stages and only as a component of complex treatment.

But in the case of homeopathic therapy, Job-Baby can be prescribed regardless of the stage of development of the disease. Moreover, homeopaths consider surgical removal to be an outdated therapeutic method.

Mode of application

There are several schemes for taking the described remedy, let’s get acquainted with them.

Table. Job-Baby - dosage regimens

On a note! The exact dosage of the drug, as well as the duration of administration, should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Now we will give some tips and explanations regarding treatment.

  1. If your condition worsens or if you have a negative reaction to taking it, you should take a short break (five to seven days).
  2. The drug can only be prescribed to children over two years of age, because it is available in small granules. Although homeopaths often prescribe Job-Baby in more early age, advising you to grind it into particles.
  3. If the child has an acute cold, the dosage may be increased.
  4. It is recommended to combine the drug with traditional treatment(medicines, physiological procedures).
  5. Short breaks in taking will not affect the effectiveness of the entire course of therapy.
  6. The product granules need to be dissolved or chewed (you don’t need to drink it).
  7. Vaccinations during treatment are given only in emergency situations.
  8. If during treatment the patient's condition steadily worsens, then the course should be stopped or, alternatively, the pauses between doses should be increased.

Dragee drug

The manufacturer's instructions indicate a number of contraindications:

  • diseases and inflammations of the thyroid gland, as well as congenital anomalies (Job-Baby contains iodine, so treatment can begin after consulting an endocrinologist);
  • acute sinusitis (in such cases, antibacterial drugs are prescribed);
  • hypersensitivity to ingredients;
  • sinusitis (needs appropriate treatment, since adenoids are just a factor that provokes the development of this disease).

As for accidental overdoses, they are absolutely harmless.

Dragee on the palm

On a note! Due to thousand-fold dilutions, homeopathic medicines are often neutral alcohol, water, etc., so it is difficult to talk about the consequences of an overdose. Many doctors, speaking about the effectiveness of these drugs, compare them with placebo, which is based on self-hypnosis.

Job the Kid

Homeopathy has become increasingly popular recently. Parents prefer this method due to its numerous advantages.

These benefits include:

  • natural composition;
  • Possibility of use from infancy;
  • lack of addiction;
  • minimal risk of allergies;
  • Possibility of use as an adjunct to medical treatment;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • gentle effect.

But doctors have different assessments of the effectiveness of homeopathy, in particular the drug Job-Baby. For example, A. A. Voronkov, a leading Moscow homeopath, assures that in his thirty years of practice he has not met a single child who was not cured after competent homeopathic treatment. Voronkov adds that parents often try various methods of treatment - from powerful antimicrobial drugs to humidifiers, which ultimately affects the health of the fragile body. But homeopathic remedies, according to the doctor, not only dissolve adenoids, but also cure other diseases and restore strength.

Leading homeopathic doctor of the Akonit-Gomeomed center Voronkov A. A.

The opposite opinion is shared by I.V. Leskov, an experienced otolaryngologist who is developing new methods of treating ENT diseases. Leskov claims that the effectiveness of Job-Baby is only 5 percent, since it is, first of all, a choleretic agent, and the adenoids are resorbed due to a side effect - an increase in the intensity of lymph outflow. Doctors who prescribe Job-Baby pin their hopes on just this side effect. But with bacterial inflammation of the adenoids, the otolaryngologist says, due to the choleretic effect of the drug, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (including vomiting) may occur.

Ivan Leskov, pediatrician-otolaryngologist

Other homeopathic medicines created by the respiratory system (for example, Lymphomyosot) are rated higher by Leskov than Job-Kid (their effectiveness, in his opinion, reaches 10-15 percent).


And E. O. Komarovsky, another famous doctor, is skeptical about homeopathy in general. He is confident that there is not a single piece of evidence that these drugs are more effective than plain water. Moreover, to prescribe homeopathic treatment, a person must be a certified doctor, that is, graduate from one of the universities in which homeopathy is not known to be taught.

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky - pediatric doctor of the highest category

As for parents, their reviews are mostly positive. Judge for yourself.

Tatiana K.

They drank Job-Little for six months, but there was no result. Several times I suffered from otitis media caused by adenoids. But after another two months, my daughter’s condition suddenly improved. She sniffles, but when she sleeps, she breathes through her nose.

Valeria S.

We took the drug strictly according to the regimen for one or two months, and for 9 months the adenoids did not bother us. Used to be a child grunted constantly.

There are many similar reviews on thematic forums, but there are also those parents who have a negative attitude towards the drug.

Valentina J.

They drank Job both separately and in combination with other drugs. Now the baby is three and a half, but breathes mainly through his mouth. About some positive result It’s hard to say, but we’re afraid to have surgery, so we’re delaying it. There is an opinion that the drug causes a purulent runny nose, and they even stopped treatment twice because they could not cope with it. When we stop taking it, the runny nose goes away.

Job-Baby gives good results in treatment

Job-Baby is widely used in the treatment of adenoids, it is absolutely safe and does not contain harmful or artificial additives. But the opinions of both parents and doctors regarding its effectiveness are very contradictory, so it is advisable to take the drug only after preliminary consultation with a specialist.