Ideal waist to hip ratio for women. A man's waist: what volume norm it should be

A thin wasp waist is the dream of many women. And it’s not just about the aesthetic component, which is undoubtedly important. It turns out that waist circumference is an important indicator that you need to know not only when choosing clothes. It is also an important marker that can communicate health among both women and men. So if, after reading the article and taking measurements, it turns out that the indicators leave much to be desired, this is a reason to think about your health, play sports and reconsider your diet.

How to measure waist circumference?

Taking the necessary measurements is not at all difficult. To do this, you need an ordinary measuring tape, which is found in almost every home where they like to sew or play sports. It is better if the tape is as soft as possible.

The waist circumference should be measured at the narrowest point. Depending on the type, the place can be either closer to the chest (high waist) or closer to the level of the hips (low waist). In most cases, the narrowest part of the torso is at the level of the navel. If the waist is convex rather than concave, for example in pregnant women or overweight women, then the correct result can be obtained by measuring a couple of centimeters above the navel.

The correct position for measuring is to stand straight (preferably near a mirror) and lower your arms down. It is not recommended to measure your waist circumference while sitting. There is no need to strain your body and deceive yourself by sucking in your stomach. Body weight should be evenly distributed. Posture should also be typical for a person. You should not take measurements over clothing - the measurement result may be slightly distorted.

Measuring your waist takes less than a minute! You need to wrap the meter around your waist parallel to the floor and slowly exhale the air. It is important that it does not cut into the skin; do not wrap the waist too tightly. The mark on the tape that coincides with zero is the waist circumference.

It is better to take the measurement twice, and if the data does not match, the average result is taken.

What do the numbers say?

Waist circumference is the basis for calculating indicators such as the waist-hip index or waist-height index. An overestimated indicator indicates an increased risk to human health. If fat accumulates in the waist area, then most likely a person has excess fat that envelops internal organs. Such fat is the cause of inflammatory processes and the development of many diseases (diabetes, coronary heart disease and other diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, cancer).

Generally accepted standards

In men more than 102 cm, waist circumference more than 88 cm in women - a warning about possible health risks (cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes). The norm can be considered for men - up to 94 cm, for women - up to 80 cm.

If we talk about the aesthetic component, then in most countries of the world women are considered attractive if their waist circumference is less than 70 cm. Researchers have found that every extra 5 cm in the waist area increases the likelihood of premature death by 17% in men and 13% in women.

We measure more than just the waist

Having measured your waist, you can also measure your hips. The volume of your hips is measured with a measuring tape according to similar principles for waist measurements (stand straight, do not “tighten” the meter), but along the widest part of the buttocks. The correspondence between waist size and hip size is a popular indicator in the West that helps experts judge a person’s health and, to some extent, speaks about his attractiveness. Thus, studies of twins have shown that this ratio in 22-61% of cases depends on genetic factors, and only then on nutrition and lifestyle.

Waist and hip circumference as an indicator of reproduction

Women with thin waists have better health, they are less likely to suffer from infertility and diseases of the genitourinary system. Waist-to-hip ratio appears to be linked to your ability to conceive and bear children. Men with a score of about 0.9 have best chances to conceive a child, and women with a score of 0.8 and above have a significantly greater chance of becoming pregnant naturally. Research suggests that among girls of the same weight, lower waist and hip measurements result in earlier puberty. This manifests itself in the growth of hormones.

A Dutch study of artificial insemination back in 1993 showed that the chances of getting pregnant are higher in women with a low waist-hip measurement. It is noted that with an increase in the indicator by 0.1 unit, the probability of conception in a cycle decreases by 30% (data obtained taking into account adjustments for age, weight, and the reason for artificial insemination). This can be confirmed by the fact that in African countries, where the canons of beauty are different from European ones, women have fairly full hips (for example, 135 cm), but at the same time their waist is clearly defined and noticeably narrower than their hips (for example, 100 cm). If you divide 100 by 135, you get 0.74 - a good indicator for having children.

Options for calculating normal weight and body volumes for different heights.

Now many girls are passionate about their figure, this is due to the fashion for fit skinny. The saddest thing is that weight increases with age and there is nothing wrong with that. Despite this, many representatives of the fair sex react very sharply to the kilograms they have gained. In this article we will tell you how to determine the ideal weight and volume parameters for your height and weight.

To determine the Quetelet index, you need to raise your height in centimeters to the second power, that is, square it. Just multiply your height by the same number. Now divide the weight by the resulting amount and multiply by 100. The optimal figure for women is 19-24, and for men 19-25. The table shows BMI norms and the risk of developing serious illnesses.

Another definition ideal weight is Broca's formula. Many people believe that it is enough to subtract 110 from height, and this will be the ideal body weight. This is actually a very simplified formula. It is correct to subtract 100 from the length in centimeters, if your height is up to 165 cm. If your height is in the range of 165-175 cm, then you need to subtract 105. If your height is more than 175 cm, subtract 110.

But these are not final calculations. Body type is also of great importance. The fact is that people with the same height and weight look completely different. This is due to the different ratio of fat and muscle mass of the body, as well as bone thickness. If you have wide bones, then add 10% to the weight obtained by the formula; if you have thin wrists and ankles, then, on the contrary, subtract 10%.

For example, two and a girl with a height of 168 cm should weigh 63 kg. But if the lady has thin bones and little muscle mass, you need to subtract 63-6.3 = 56.7 kg from this figure. If the girl is large in herself, that is, with a wide bone, then her ideal weight with a height of 168 cm will be 63 + 6.3 = 69.3 kg. However, if you compare the external data of these girls, you won’t see much of a difference.

There are 3 main body types:

  • thin-boned(asthenic) body type. Such women are quite thin, but they also gain weight very quickly. Their amount of body weight is very dependent on nutrition. They are active and energetic, their metabolism is good. But the muscles are weak and the bone is thin.
  • Normal(normosthenic) body type. Women of this physique are lucky. As a rule, they have a beautiful, proportionally built figure. The main body dimensions are distinguished by the correct ratio.
  • Broad-boned(hypersthenic). Such women themselves are quite large, while the amount of fat they have is relatively small. The muscle mass is decent and the bones are wide. They differ short stature and short legs.

To determine your body type, it is enough to measure the circumference of the wrist of your working hand: for asthenics it is less than 16 cm, for normosthenics it is from 16 to 18.5 cm, for hypersthenics it is more than 18.5 cm.

There are many formulas for calculating waist size:

  • The simplest method can be considered calculating waist size based on height. To do this, you need to subtract 100 from your body height. That is, with a height of 169 cm, your waist should be 69 cm. But this applies to women with normal bone thickness. If the girl is thin-boned with undeveloped muscles, then the value here may decrease by 4-6 cm. And vice versa, if the lady is broad-boned, then 4-6 cm can be added to the resulting value. The figure will be 75 cm.
  • This is not the only way to calculate waist size. Psychology professor Singh found that the most correct and attractive women are those whose waist is equal to 60-70% of their hip circumference. For example, if your hip volume is 100 cm, then a waist of 60-70 cm can be considered ideal.
  • Many professors believe that to get an ideal waist, you need to subtract 30 cm from the hip circumference. In principle, with a hip circumference of 100 cm, the waist should be 70 cm. Doctors and endocrinologists believe that a person is absolutely healthy if the waist circumference does not exceed 85% of the hip circumference . This means that the person does not have obesity or problems with the thyroid gland.

There is an ideal ratio between the weight and height of women, and each specialist suggests calculating the value using his own formula. The easiest way is to subtract 100 from your height, but if you are under 30 years old, then calculate another 10-12% from the resulting mass. This will be the ideal weight. But if you are over 50 years old, then on the contrary, add 5-7% to the resulting figure.

There are several common methods for calculating your ideal weight. For example, the Lorentz formula:

Weight = (height – 100) – (height – 150)/2

That is, for a girl with a height of 169 cm we get:

(169 – 100) – (169 – 150)/2 = 59.5 kg

But many doctors note that this weight is more suitable for women under 35 years of age with a normal build. With wide bones, you can safely add 5-6 kg to the resulting mass. The same needs to be done if you are over 50 years old.

There are several tables of the ratio of normal height and weight by age. With age, metabolism deteriorates, and body weight increases accordingly. To determine your ideal weight, use the table.

The most interesting thing is that slender women not only look better, they are healthier than their plump friends.

Advantages of being slim over being overweight:

  • The risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced. Typically, overweight women overeat, which increases cholesterol in the blood, which can lead to heart disease.
  • The likelihood of getting cancer decreases. The amount of cholesterol is lower, weight is less, immunity is better. Accordingly, the whole body is stronger.
  • Normal pressure. Women's body pressure constantly fluctuates, but thin women do not have this problem.
  • The risk of developing arthrosis is reduced. The greater the weight, the greater the pressure on the joints. That is, the cartilage and lubricant between the bones quickly wears out.
  • Physical activity is easier. The lighter the weight, the easier it is to run up steps and behind vehicles.

If your parameters do not fit into the ideal parameters at all, do not be discouraged. This means you have something to strive for and not relax.

VIDEO: Weight and height standards for women

    Anna 25.04.2017 15:37

    It’s a strange thing: my parameters are 83-58-60-83-84. If you subtract 30 from 83, we get 55. In general, you know a lot of women with such a waist. Looking at me, people look in bewilderment, many say that I have such a thin waist haven’t seen anyone yet, but 50-55... My mother had one, but she is only 150 cm tall. There are, of course, unique ones with a waist of 20 cm. But, firstly, this is artificially achieved, and secondly, it looks terrible: a huge head, seemingly wide shoulders against the background of such and such a waist and wide hips in comparison with the waist. Some kind of dinosaur or fat, excuse me. Complete disproportion of the body. Where is the harmony... This is not aesthetic. Maybe , of course, it’s also a matter of constitution. I have a sharp transition from the chest, which is somewhat expanded, to the waist. And before I was 11 kg fuller, my waist was filled with fat, its girth was about 70 cm and it was still noticeable. Before In weight, I should have been considered a bun with legs, but this was not at all the case, although my problem is that I am not thin, not wiry, moreover, I have too thick a fat layer and my skin is naturally loose. No elasticity. It’s a shame. So I have to lose weight and lose weight. With my very narrow bones, I become like a schoolgirl, but there is no way to play sports (I am the mother of two children and the breadwinner of the family. Everything is on me alone). With my disgusting metabolism, losing weight is extremely difficult for me hard and with great sacrifices. If I had known what I would sacrifice, I would not have started losing weight for the last time. My sister is thin, although now she weighs more than me, but she does not look so soft and feminine, however, she has almost no waist. Just a long thin body, without the curves characteristic of a female figure. I also like these types. Despite the lack of a thin waist, they are not susceptible to obesity, even with age. Even if they gain kg, the weight practically does not change their appearance. Lucky. They always look fit and athletic. Neither the hips nor the waist are filled with fat. I don’t even know where it is deposited at all. Asthenics are asthenics. I improve my health, lose my shape (fat), but I look sickly, not athletic and thin. Well, what what to do, no luck...

The great Leonardo da Vinci was one of the first to study and define the ideal parameters of the human body. The anatomical proportions he presented are still studied in art schools all over the world. From Leonardo da Vinci’s theory of ideal proportions it follows that the volumes of the chest, waist and hips, taken separately, do not solve anything, it’s all about their ratio.

IN modern society changes in the parameters of the human body (anthropometric data) are revised every 15 years, since during this period, as a result of the acceleration process, changes in size, proportions and shapes occur figures person. The well-known 90 – 60 – 90, of course, are not the standard of ideal women's proportions for everyone. Body proportions generally cannot be the same for all women, since there are Various types physiques given to us genetically.

Main body types

The main body types include asthenic (thin-boned), normosthenic (normal-boned) and hypersthenic (broad-boned).

  • Women with an asthenic (thin-boned) body type have thin bones, long limbs, a thin neck, and muscles are relatively poorly developed. Representatives of this type are usually light in weight, they are energetic and active. Eating plenty of food for quite a long time does not lead them to gain weight, since they spend energy faster than they accumulate. If a woman of this type is not very thin waist and normal, non-narrow hips all seem miniature because of the thin bone.
  • The physique of normosthenic women (normal bone type) is distinguished by the proportionality of the main body dimensions, the correct ratio. Most beautiful female figures are found precisely with this body type.
  • In representatives of a hypersthenic (big-boned) physique, the transverse dimensions of the body predominate. Their bones are thick and heavy, their shoulders, chest and hips are wide, and their legs are sometimes somewhat short. Women of this type need to remember that they tend to be overweight.

You can determine your approximate body type by measuring the circumference of the wrist of your working hand. For normosthenics it is 16-18.5 cm, for asthenics - 16 cm, and for hypersthenics - 18.5 cm.

Quite often there are mixed body types with a predominance of the parameters of the above types.

If we talk about gradations female height, then they are as follows: low height - 150 cm and below, below average height - 151-156 cm, average height - 157-167 cm, high - 168-175 cm, very tall - 176 cm and above.

True, in recent years this gradation needs to be changed taking into account the acceleration of modern youth, therefore normal height can be considered for normal and large-boned people from 166 to 170 cm, and for thin-boned people from 168 to 172 cm.

Correct legs

There are certain proportions between height and leg length. Legs can be considered short if their length is less than half the height. Can be considered proportional figure when the length of the legs is more than half the height. Forfor broad-boned people, preferably by 2-4 cm, for normal-boned people - 4-6 cm, for thin-boned people - 6-9 cm. For example, ifIf you have a normal bone body type with a height of 168 cm, the leg length is 90 cm, then this is ideal.

Leg length should be measured from the protrusion femur, to the floor. In cases where the legs are somewhat shorter than the accepted norm, shoes with heels will help change this ratio, since visually they eliminate the existing imbalance.

The diameter of the leg at the calf, depending on the body type, ranges from 36 to 40 centimeters, at the ankle from 16 to 20 cm. Experts even tried to compile a table of the ideal leg shape depending on the body type.
Here are the approximate parameters: with a height of 156 and a weight of 50 - 55 kg - leg circumference at the hip from 48 to 54 cm, in the calf 31-32 cm, in the ankle 18-20 cm; with a height of 160 and a weight of 55–58 kg, the leg circumference at the thigh is from 50 to 56 cm, in the calf 32–35 cm, in the ankle 19–22 cm; with a height of 167 and a weight of 56-65 kg, the leg circumference at the hip is from 52 to 58 cm, at the calf 33-36 cm, at the ankle 22-23 cm.

And above all, ideal legs should have three gaps between them. To do this, you need to stand in front of a large mirror and put your feet in the position - heels together, toes apart. You should see the first gap under the knees, the second at the ankles, and the third at the top closer to the hips. In other places the legs should converge.

Correct weight

Body weight depends on the body type, height and, very importantly, the age of the person. One option for calculating weight is the Quetelet index. According to this index, for women with a thin-boned body type, it is enough to have 325 g for every centimeter of height, for normal-boned women - 350 and for large-boned ones - 375 g. Then the index is multiplied by height, and the weight corresponding to your parameters is obtained.
It must be emphasized that the ideal weight of women, especially those whose height is below 160 cm, should be 10-15% less than normal. For short women, at least under 20 years of age, it is advisable to weigh 3-5 kg ​​less than normal, i.e. calculated using the Quetelet index.

As mentioned above, body weight also depends on age. The table shows the weight-to-height ratio (weight in g divided by height in cm) for women aged 15 to 40 years.


Body types








To determine your normal weight, you need to multiply your height in cm by the weight-height coefficient corresponding to your age and body type.

Excess weight can be tracked by measuring the fat fold on the abdominal wall, above the navel, 3 cm from the midline. Its thickness should normally be from 1 to 2 cm.

Hips, waist and chest

Knowing your body circumferences - chest, waist and hips - also helps determine your body type. Suchthe indicator is called "whites".

Normal indicators whites for young women (18 – 28 years old) of a normosthenic body type can be considered if the circumference chest equal to half the height plus 2-5 cm, for the bust - chest circumference plus 8-10 cm, for the waist - standing height, minus 100, hips should be greater than the waist circumference by about 25-30 cm. For thin-boned women, it can be considered normal if their chest circumference is in the range of 84-86 cm, and their bust is plus 4-6 cm to the indicated figures.
Their waist is usually thin, ranging from 60-64 cm, and their hip circumference is approximately 25-30 cm larger. In women with a broad-boned body type, the chest circumference exceeds half the height by 8-10 cm, chest - by another 8-10 cm. The waist circumference with a height of 166-168 cm is within 70-76 cm, and the hip circumference is larger by the same 25-30 cm.

Devendra Singh, a professor of psychology at the University of Texas, came to approximately the same conclusion in the early nineties. Only he calculated the proportion between the hips and waist as a percentage. According to his theory, the ideal proportions are those in which the waist volume is from 60 to 70% of the hip volume.

To do this, you need to divide the waist volume by the hip volume, the resulting coefficient should be from 0.6 to 0.7. By the way, the ideal beauties according to this ratio are the Venus de Milo - 70% and the Nude by Rubens, the same 70%. But among real women, the waist-to-hip ratio is ideal: Marilyn Monroe 0.61 (56/91.5), Brigitte Bardot 0.66 (58.5/89), Demi Moore 0.72 (66/91), Claudia Schiffer 0.67 (62/92), Cindy Crawford 0.69 (58/84), Gisele Bundchen 0.70 (61/86), Kylie Minogue 0.70 (63/89).

Doctors believe that the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference should not exceed the endocrine balance coefficient, which is 0.85. If your waist does not exceed 85% of your hips, then your figure in perfect order both from an aesthetic and medical point of view.

Time moves forward, new criteria for assessing the beauty of a female figure appear. The latest analysis of the results of an anthropometric examination of women, carried out in our country at the beginning of 2000, showed significant changes in body proportions. Young women have become more Long hands, legs, higher waistline, wider shoulders with the same body size, improved posture. So we can conclude that the young and middle generations of women have become taller and slimmer than the previous generation. Well, if your parameters do not match the ideal ones, don’t be upset! Still, the most important thing in a woman is her individuality and, of course, her well-groomed appearance.

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website I found 5 ways to calculate the optimal weight that fitness professionals use.

Method 1. Quetelet index

If you know your body mass index, you can judge whether you are obese or underweight. The index is calculated for adult men and women from 20 to 65 years old. Results may be false for pregnant and breastfeeding women, athletes, the elderly and adolescents (under 18 years of age).

The resulting number will be your index. The norm for men is 19-25. For women - 19-24.

Method 2. Volumes

The Quetelet index shows the amount of fat in the body quite well, but does not indicate how the fat is distributed, in other words, it does not give a visual picture. But you can check your body for ideality using another formula.

The distribution of body fat is determined by the ratio: waist circumference (at the level of the navel) divided by the volume of the buttocks. The norm for men is 0.85; for women - 0.65 - 0.85.

Method 3. Taking into account age

It has been proven that the weight of men and women should gradually increase with age - this is a normal physiological process. The kilograms that some people consider “extra” may not actually be so. You can use a formula based on age to determine your optimal weight.

P is height in this case, and B is age in years. Body weight = 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20) : 4

Method 4. Broca's formula

One of the most popular methods for calculating ideal weight is Brock's formula. It takes into account the ratio of height, weight, body type and age of a person.

Broca's formula for people under 40 years of age: height (in cm) minus 110, after 40 years - height (in cm) minus 100.

In this case, people who have an asthenic (thin-boned) body type must subtract 10% from the result, and people who have a hypersthenic (broad-boned) body type must add 10% to the result.

How to determine your body type? It is enough to measure the circumference of the thinnest place on the wrist with a centimeter.

Method 5. Nagler's formula

There is a Nagler formula that allows you to calculate the ideal ratio of weight and height. For 152.4 cm of height there should be 45 kg of weight. For every inch (that is, 2.54 cm) over 152.4 cm there should be another 900 g. Plus another 10% of the resulting weight.

Method 6. John McCallum formula

One of the best formulas was created by expert methodologist John McCallum. Its formula is based on measuring the circumference of the wrist.

  1. Wrist circumference multiplied by 6.5 is equal to chest circumference.
  2. 85% of the chest circumference is equal to the hip circumference.
  3. To get your waist circumference, you need to take 70% of your chest circumference.
  4. 53% of the chest circumference is equal to the hip circumference.
  5. For the neck circumference you need to take 37% of the chest circumference.
  6. The biceps circumference is about 36% of the chest circumference.
  7. The girth for the lower leg is slightly less than 34%.
  8. The circumference of the forearm should be equal to 29% of the circumference of the chest.

But not everyone’s physical data will exactly correspond to these ratios; the numbers have an average, statistical average value.

A few more options for height and weight ratios:

  1. The physique is considered ideal if the waist circumference is 25 cm less than the hip circumference, and the hip circumference is approximately equal to the chest circumference.
  2. The waist circumference should be equal to: height in centimeters - 100. That is, a woman 172 cm tall will be built proportionally if the waist circumference is 72 cm, the hip and chest circumference is about 97 cm, that is, if she wears clothing size 48.
  3. If the hip circumference is less than the chest circumference, and the waist circumference is 20 cm less than the hip circumference, then this figure is called an “apple”. If the chest circumference is less than the hip circumference, and the waist circumference is 30 cm or more less than the hip circumference, this is a pear-shaped figure.
  4. For women and girls of average height - from 165 to 175 cm - this observation turned out to be fair. Their waist circumference in centimeters is approximately equal to their weight in kilograms. One kilogram of weight loss results in a decrease in waist size of one centimeter.

Men with a waist circumference of more than 100 cm relieve themselves more often, say experts from Weill Cornell Medical College (USA).

The study included 409 men aged 40 to 91 years with moderate to severe lower urinary tract symptoms who had been patients at the Bladder and Prostate Health Institute in the past two and a half years. 37.5% of the subjects had a waist circumference of less than 90 cm, 33.5% - from 90 to 99 cm, 29% - 100 cm or more. By age, participants were evenly distributed between groups; The only exception was 70–79 year olds, who turned out to be more obese than others.

It turned out that men with a wide waist urinated more often: 39% of participants from the fattest group, 27% of the “average” and 16% of those with a normal waist relieved themselves more than eight times in 24 hours. A larger waist circumference was also associated with visiting the toilet more than twice a night: 44% of obese men experienced this, 29% of middle group and 15% are relatively slim. Those with a wide waist were more likely to complain of problems with erection (74.5%, 50% and 32%, respectively) and ejaculation (65%, 40% and 21%, respectively).

The same trend was observed for high blood pressure (33.5, 22 and 14.5%), coronary heart disease (29, 17 and 8%), type 2 diabetes (33, 16 and 11%) and cholesterol (254. 176 and 148 mg/dl).

With these findings, the researchers analyzed the relationship between waist size and an increased risk of a variety of urological, sexual, metabolic and cardiovascular problems. It turned out that the most obese were 39% more likely than others to encounter a problem prostate, and the likelihood of increased levels of prostate-specific antigen was 111% higher in this group than in others.

What is the normal waist size for men and women?

For adult Caucasian women, the maximum waist size is considered to be 80 cm. Figures in the range of 80-87 cm indicate a health risk. Anything above 88 cm is a reason to seriously think about losing weight. For men, these limits look like this: up to 94 cm is normal, 94-101 cm is a risk, more than 102 cm is a high risk.

There is, however, another way to determine how much your figure fits into a healthy framework. Moreover, compared to the “centimeter” one, it is considered more reliable - after all, what is the norm for a tall person may be too much for someone shorter. And, by the way, you don’t need any improvised means. Just stand up straight and pinch the fat fold on your stomach with two fingers. If its thickness is 2 cm or less, there is nothing to worry about. If more, start preparing for a diet.