15 dpo test negative is there any chance. Why is it better not to test before the delay? When to take a pregnancy test

Post date: 20.03.2017 22:16

Post date: 26.04.2017 08:18


Good afternoon, Gary Zelimkhonovich!
After Clostilbegit 5-9 days at 50mg, an injection of hcg 5000, there was no difference, as usual one follicle grew and there was ovulation (usually it is), after inserting utrogestan 200. As a result, at 12 dpo, the hCG analysis was 7, at 15dpo the test was negative, Utrozhestan canceled, monthly with a delay of 4-5 days. Tests were done later, also purely negative.
I am worried about the scarcity of menstruation, and this is not the first month, only this time it is even worse. 1 pad would be enough for everything. There are clots. The endometrium is normal by ultrasound, about 10 per 10-11 dts, estradiol 92 (30-120), progesterone in the last cycle 36.5 (10-86). FSH 16.4 (1.8-11.3). Is it possible that something will rise from clostilbegit?
What could be the reasons for the scarcity? How can this affect?
Should I continue Clostilbegit in this cycle?
Thank you!

Post date: 26.04.2017 08:41

Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich

Hello Nina.
After clistilbegit, menstruation may be more meager than usual.
It is worth continuing the treatment or not, it is not for me to decide, but for you and your doctor.

Post date: 05.05.2017 15:51


In the last cycle, there was stimulation with clostilbegid, in this cycle two follicles grow, by 10 dc in LA 17-18 mm, but the shape is elongated, slightly flattened, not inflated, and in the AP there is a beautiful 14 mm round. Usually my ovulation is on 12-13 dts, now 12 dts.
If I give an hCG injection, will it help the smaller follicle to ripen? If the larger covules before the injection, then you can not count on the second? PA is possible tomorrow evening, not earlier.
Thank you!

Post date: 06.05.2017 05:49

Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich

Hello Nina. Don't you have an attending physician and are forced to make your own decisions? All the more not correct!?
HCG does not simulate the growth of the follicle, but causes ovulation.
14 mm, no matter what day of the cycle, this is not a mature follicle!
A mature follicle measures 18-20 mm.

Post date: 06.05.2017 13:15


Of course, I did not plan to inject when the size is 14, the doctor said to inject on Sunday. But having come today on Saturday for ultrasound, I found that it had already burst. Behind the uterus fluid on the 3rd day after it was 14mm.
Isn't it too late now to hope for conception if the PA will only be in the evening?

Post date: 07.05.2017 21:52

Post date: 08.05.2017 12:56

Post date: 08.05.2017 14:14

Post date: 15.05.2017 18:23


Gary Zelimkhanovich, good afternoon!
Now I'm 9 dpo, I had an injection of hCG 5000, but with PA I couldn't make it before and during ovulation. I used to focus on body temperature, it falls on the last day of the cycle. And now a strange phenomenon, the temperature is 36.7, and the chest does not show any signs of swelling or soreness, although the cycle is nearing the end and ovulation by ultrasound was.
Is it possible to have a normal cycle without a rise in temperature, if there is usually one?
And the second question torments me, why drink duphaston after an hCG injection? I didn’t drink, because I was late with conception, and the cycle was normal without extraneous hormones before.
Thank you!

Post date: 15.05.2017 22:11

Post date: 23.05.2017 10:00


Good afternoon, Gary Zelimkhanovich!
Each cycle, my follicles burst quite early, the maximum size that was caught on ultrasound was 22mm in the cycle with clostilbegit.
1) Can they burst themselves if the egg is not yet ripe? FSH and LH are elevated. Plus a lot of stress.
2) Does the hCG injection help to ripen the egg, and does it affect its quality if it is given at a size of 18-19mm?
Thank you!

Post date: 23.05.2017 11:14

Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich

Hello Nina.
1. They can.
2. It helps, but when stimulated with clostilbegit, hCG should be done with a dominant follicle diameter of 20mm or more, 18mm - early.

Why not test before delay? yes, at least out of economy, and if your chickens don’t peck money, out of common sense. I'll explain why. The test reacts to the beta subunit of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which begins to be produced only after implantation of such a still tiny fetus of your love into the endometrium, and this happens 3-12 days after conception. Of course, if this fruit belongs to sprinters, then the chance to see the coveted second stripe is greater than ever. But I will immediately cool your possible ardor: the value of this chance is 0.68%.

3-5 dpo - 0.68%

6 dpo - 1.39%

7 dpo - 5.56%

8 dpo - 18.06%

9 dpo - 36.81%

10 dpo - 27.78%

11 dpo - 6.94%

12 dpo - 2.78%

Table original: http://www.babyplan.ru/biblioteka/populjarnye_temy/preg_test#ixzz1ibDyUsr1

And if the fruit of love is slow? why get upset ahead of time? after all, it is enough to wait only a few days to know for sure. ABOUT! I can directly see the indignant faces of those who are especially suffering (I myself was in their place!), because in these few days you can die of impatience! they will say so and they will be right, of course, but for me it is much more terrible to die of disappointment. Yes and good tests- pleasure is not cheap. It's better to buy once again kilogram of apples, the right word!

I mentioned GOOD tests for a reason. Let's talk about this in more detail. The famous "ghosts" that the suffering are so glad to believe .... Oh, these ghosts that make you sob into the pillow! In bad, cheap tests, the reagent can also be bad. And it reacts to everything...

By the way, the same good tests can falsely show the second strip, and in vain many sin on tests, they themselves are "guilty". Wikipedia kindly shared with me the following information: human chorionic gonadotropin has the biological properties of both LH and FSH, and binds to both types of gonadotropin receptors, but the luteinizing activity in CG significantly predominates over the follicle-stimulating one. CG in luteinizing activity significantly exceeds the "normal" LH produced by the anterior pituitary gland.

Next, turn on the logic. And if LG, so to speak, is not ordinary? Well, that is, its level goes off scale for the normal for the second phase of LH or what kind of cyst? or some other bug? this is a test for a healthy woman just like that, the "ghost" will not show! and how many of those who have been waiting for a stork for years are really healthy? hmmm .... here are the tears in the pillow. But the fact is that the test reagent reacts (sorry for the tautology) to abnormal LH and instead of pregnancy shows hope for her, which is immediately and ruthlessly taken away by the menstruation that has come. And the waiting stork thinks, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! It broke! I was pregnant! It's just an early miscarriage, because there are a lot of them! but I felt, I knew, I felt! I've been pulling / stabbing / chest / shooting for 7 days already! and in general I the fish have already dreamed twice!" It's not that I don't believe in omens or reject unconventional ways. No! what do you! I was screaming myself. I just want to give food for thought. And finally, there really are early miscarriages. Yes, they are. But what's the point of shedding tears? it is much easier to go to the laboratory and find out your level of hormones, so that you can sleep peacefully in a pillow, and not sob into it, exclaiming “Why do I need this, Lord! gives birth to a third healthy child after six abortions, ahhh!"

Okay, let's move on. There are no problems with hormones, we have already figured it out. And there is impatience. Moreover, there are some insidious tests, expensive and good, which promise to show the result even 4 days before the delay, if there is one. Is it necessary?

Remember about hCG during implantation? Take, for example, the sprinter. Well, yes, the same sprinter, who screwed into mommy with all the dope at 3 DPO and let's produce hCG. So, for the first 2-3 weeks, the value of hCG in the blood doubles every 24-48 hours. Well, if our baby is a sprinter, let's take it as a truth that his hCG doubles every 24 hours. Wow!

At 4 DPO, the hCG value is 2, at 5 DPO - 4, at 6 DPO - 8, at 7 DPO - 16, at 8 DPO - 32 - oops! at 8 dpo, a test with a sensitivity of 25 will show clear two stripes. But this is only if the woman clearly knows the day of ovulation (not according to the schedule, but according to the ultrasound!), Her baby is a sprinter - 0.68% probability, and even hCG produces at a breakneck pace. The probability of such a scenario is less than 1%.

Now consider the average scenario. Implantation at 8 DPO and doubling hCG every 48 hours. At 9 DPO - 2, at 11 DPO - 4, at 13 DPO - 8, at 15 DPO - 16, i.e. on the first day of the delay, the test will show faint stripe! and on the third it is already clear and bright.

Well, if the baby was delayed with attachment? At 10 DPO, as many as 27% of cases occur. We count!

11 DPO - 2, 13 DPO - 4, 15 DPO (first day of delay) - 8 in total, 17 DPO (3rd day of delay) - 16, i.e. a weak strip can be seen only on the 2-3 day delay, but not before it. And is it worth it to cry?

Say it's hard not to cry, not to worry, not to count? Yes, it is difficult. I know. She cried, she worried. Yes, just to pull myself together and get distracted (it helped me), it's enough to know the following: "British scientists have conducted studies on the effect of stress on the ability of women to conceive. Studies have shown that in women experiencing the most stress, the ability to conceive is reduced by 12%. The study involved 274 women aged 18 to 40. Moreover, there is the fact that after several unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, a woman begins to experience even more stress and the chances of conception from this fall even more.

Why reduce the chances of becoming a mother with tears and hassle? this is the answer to the question, why do alcoholics give birth easily, and we, who want and wait so much, cry into the pillow? because alcoholics don’t sweat, they don’t have stress. Therefore, it is necessary, if not to completely "uncycle", then at least not to do tests before the delay. Since disappointment is very likely, which is oh so undesirable for those planning a pregnancy!

I'm not talking about those who are in the IVF protocol, who have serious problems that require the most early definition pregnancy. But as a rule, in these cases, a woman is under the supervision of a doctor and donates blood for the determination of hCG, and does not look out for ghosts on tests.

It's a long article. Thanks to those who have read to the end! maybe someone will help. At least this knowledge helped me a lot. And I'm plushkin, I like to save money. A pregnancy test costs at least 50 rubles. If you do not do tests after 10 DPO, in total it is at least 5-6 tests = 250-300 rubles, with a year of planning experience, you can save 3000-3600 rubles and a lot of nerves to boot. For 3000 rubles it will be possible for the baby to buy new sliders!

And pregnancy comes when you least expect it. This is no longer from the Internet, but word of mouth has worked. Of all my acquaintances concerned about the problem (I'm not talking about those who simply said "let's try" and scored, living on and rejoicing), only one couple managed to get pregnant according to the plan the first time, and then in the IVF protocol. The rest went through all the circles of hell until they learned to live without thoughts of pregnancy. And then it worked!