Test with two stripes. There is a faint line on the test - pregnant or not? How home tests work

The pregnancy test is modern and in a simple way find out about the onset of conception. There are many different tests that differ from each other in terms of accuracy and sensitivity. A woman should know what tests there are, how they differ and how to do the test correctly.

Using the test is a convenient way to find out about pregnancy as early as possible. The reliability of the results obtained is approximately 98%. Pregnancy is determined through the interaction of the reagent on the test strip and hormones.

HCG is a hormone that is produced in the body almost immediately after conception. As the fetus grows, its amount in the urine increases.

It is enough to lower the strip into a container with urine, and the area with the reagent substance is colored - stripes appear on the light part.

What does the bar show?

A pregnancy test will show a positive result if 2 stripes appear. One of them always appears and almost immediately after dropping the test into the urine. It is painted in a bright blue-raspberry tone.

The appearance of a second line is possible only if the hormone hCG, which is responsible for pregnancy, is present in the urine. If conception has not occurred, only one line will be visible on the test after a few minutes.

What does a positive pregnancy test look like?

The result should show 2 straight lines. Color intensity may vary significantly. In this case, the control strip responsible for a positive result may be paler.

What does a negative pregnancy test look like?

If 1 single line is visible on the result, this indicates a negative test.. The same result is indicated by the weak color intensity of the second stripe or its strong blurriness. White color stripes mean that a lot of liquid got on it and it did not have time to react.

The pregnancy test has a 98% reliability of the results obtained.

Faint second line on a pregnancy test - what does it mean?

This reaction is possible if the pregnancy is short or if the pregnancy test is negative. If the test is carried out before the delay, too little time has passed since conception. In this case, doctors recommend repeat tests after some time.

What are the types of pregnancy tests?

The tests differ in appearance and degree of sensitivity. Some allow you to find out about pregnancy a very short time after conception.

Test strips

Such tools allow for quick diagnosis. They are very easy to use, decipher, and cost up to 100 rubles. Such tests consist of a strip with a reacting substance; one end of it is placed in a container with urine. After 5 minutes you can already see the result.

The appearance of a second line on a pregnancy test is possible only if the hormone hCG, which is responsible for pregnancy, is present in the urine.

Usually, When determining pregnancy using this method on the first day of delay, the result is 97% accurate. But even he can make mistakes if he does not follow the recommendations for use.

To carry out the test, you need to take a clean container and collect urine in it - it is best to do this in the morning, when the hCG hormone reaches its maximum concentration. You need to lower the strip into it for half a minute.

A control line will immediately appear indicating that the test was carried out correctly. After 5 minutes, a second band may appear, which means a positive result.

Advantages of this type of tests:

  • affordable price;
  • a wide range of.


  • low sensitivity;
  • the need for a separate container for testing;
  • with strong urine concentration it may show erroneous results;
  • if there is insufficient impregnation or, conversely, if the strip is heavily immersed in a container with urine, it may give erroneous readings.

Jet pregnancy test

This type of testing refers to modern way determination of pregnancy and is considered more reliable. The tests are very different from previous generations of similar research methods.

Such tests have a sophisticated design and increased sensitivity. Thanks to this, they can show reliable results even with low hCG levels.

The test has a special layer. In the presence of hCG, the reagent reacts with the hormone and shows an accurate result. Already after 60 seconds the test is ready to show reliable data. The cost of such tests is significantly higher than other, less accurate, analogues.


  • the possibility of using such a pregnancy test under any conditions;
  • no need for a measuring container;
  • applicable at any time of the day.

Inkjet test cassettes have a more complex design. Through their rod, which consists of smaller channels, urine reaches the test area with the reagent. This part contains a latex layer with antibodies that actively react to hCG.

Even at very low concentrations of the hormone, the reagent will show correct results. This way can be used from the first day of delay menstrual cycle.

Electronic (digital) test

This test has a similar mechanism of operation as the others. It actively reacts to the presence of hCG. It can be done at any time of the day, regardless of the degree of urine concentration.

Capable of showing accurate information from the first day of delay. The accuracy of the indicators is within 98%.

Despite the low cost, it is able to show correct indicators within a few days after the expected conception. The closer the day of delay, the higher the percentage of reliability of the results.

According to survey results, even if before the day of the delay it showed a negative result, then on the first day of the delay it could already show the onset of pregnancy.

It is recommended to repeat this test several times to be more confident in the results.. As soon as urine is absorbed into the reagent strip, a clock image appears on the screen. This indicates the functionality of the device. After 3-4 minutes, the results with a plus or minus sign are displayed on the screen.

Tablet tests

Similar meters are also are quite sensitive and are able to detect the onset of conception already at early stages. To obtain the result, a drop of urine is applied to a special window with a reagent strip.

This type of test is more modern and more expensive than conventional strips. It is often used for testing in medical clinics.

The kit includes a special pipette. After the urine reacts with the reagent, the result is displayed in the window. When conception occurs, the reagent becomes colored. This type of determination of conception is the most reliable among analogues.


  • no need for a special container;
  • presence of a pipette for analysis.


  • difficulties in collecting the required amount of urine;
  • high cost compared to analogues.

Tank test

This test is equipped with a urine reservoir. There is a window on the front side of the device, and the area with the reagent is built into the reservoir. In this case, the accuracy of the result is independent of the volume of urine. The reagent is able to absorb only the required amount to determine the likelihood of conception.

How many days after a missed period or conception can a test be taken?

Pregnancy test can be used from the first day of the delay. But many women have an irregular menstrual cycle and cannot correctly calculate the onset of this period. After conception occurs, the woman’s body begins to prepare for the upcoming process of pregnancy.

The restructuring of the entire hormonal system immediately begins, the level of hCG increases many times. It is to this that all systems for determining pregnancy react.

To confirm the result, it is necessary to do at least 4 tests, preferably with an interval of several hours at different concentrations of urine.

Pregnancy can occur after the egg is released from the ovary - this period is called ovulation and occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Thus, when calculating the probability of fertilization, 2 weeks after the last cycle and the release of the egg, conception is possible.

Implantation takes a few more days. The hCG hormone begins to be produced after the fetus attaches to the uterine wall. And every day its level increases.

Within a week, hCG reaches a level that can be determined by tests. This allows testing to be done after the expected delay has begun.

A delay does not always indicate pregnancy; it can be caused by stress, hormonal imbalance and the presence of chronic diseases.

Will the test show pregnancy before the delay?

Tests with good sensitivity are able to show results even before the expected date of the next cycle. This is approximately 3 weeks after the previous last day of menstruation.

By that time, fertilization has already occurred and the level of the hormone produced can already be displayed on ultra-sensitive tests.

When will a pregnancy test show an accurate result - from when?

Approximately 13 days after the end of menstruation, the egg can be released and fertilized. Another 3-4 days are given for the embryo to attach and the hormone production to begin.

Thus, already 3 weeks after the last menstruation it is possible to determine pregnancy in the early stages, about a week after conception.

Sensitivity of pregnancy tests

All tests to determine pregnancy indicate the minimum level of the hormone to which it is capable of responding. It usually varies from 10 to 30. The lower the value, the more sensitivity it has, which allows you to do tests within a week after the expected date of conception.

Which pregnancy test to choose

When choosing a test, many women rely on the factors of affordability, price range and ease of use. Test strips require a special container, but this is not necessary for the tablet version.

Pregnancy test Evitest (Evitest)


  1. It is considered one of the most accurate methods.
  2. Allows you to use it from the beginning of the delay.
  3. In a few minutes you can already get the result.
  4. Use at any time of the day.

According to reviews, shows accurate results ranging from 94 to 99%. It is recommended to maintain sterility. Prices start from 80 rubles.

Pregnancy test Frautest (Frautest)


  1. Affordable price.
  2. Possibility of obtaining results from the beginning of the delay.
  3. A quick way to determine.

According to reviews, it is considered a quality product and allows you to get results just a few minutes after the procedure. Prices start from 75 rubles.

Pregnancy test “I was born”


  1. Low cost.
  2. A quick way to determine.

Considered a test of medium sensitivity and not always able to detect pregnancy in the early stages. Prices for the test start from 95 rubles.

Clearblue (Clear Blue) - reusable test


  1. Hypersensitive.
  2. Determination of pregnancy before delay.
  3. Several types.
  4. Highly accurate.

Determination accuracy reaches 99%.
Convenience in different forms release. Prices start from 95 rubles.

Early pregnancy tests

To determine pregnancy In the early stages, tablet, inkjet and reusable tests are used.

What is the most accurate highly sensitive test

According to research, the most accurate tests turned out to be:

  • clearblue;
  • Frautest;
  • Evitest.

How much does a pregnancy test cost in pharmacies?

Depending on the degree of sensitivity the cost of tests in pharmacies starts from 25 rubles (disposable test strip).

How to take a pregnancy test correctly - features and rules

When carrying out the determination method using tests, it is recommended to maintain sterile conditions. It is not recommended to keep the strip in urine for less or longer than the prescribed period..

Tests show any pregnancy, including ectopic.

Is it possible to take a pregnancy test in the evening?

The test can be carried out in the evening if it has highly sensitive reagents. Other tests require a high concentration of urine (morning) to ensure reliable results.

Can a pregnancy test show a negative result?

The test does not show pregnancy, but there is a delay

It is recommended to repeat the test after a few days. It should be borne in mind that the delay may be caused by anxiety conditions or concomitant diseases.

Ectopic pregnancy: the test will tell or not

Tests show any pregnancy, including ectopic. This is because they only respond directly to hormone levels.

Can an ovulation test show pregnancy?

No, because such tests are focused on determining the presence of another type of hormone, and not hCG.

Pregnancy test at home - how to check pregnancy without a purchased test

There are several ways to determine pregnancy at home.

Pregnancy test with iodine and paper

A small sheet of paper is dipped into morning urine. Next, apply a few drops of iodine to the moistened edge. A violet-blue tint indicates a positive result, a brownish tint indicates a negative result.

Pregnancy test with soda

To do this, you need to collect about 200 ml of urine in a container (it is advisable to perform the procedure in the morning) and put a teaspoon of soda in it. Hissing indicates a negative result.

How to take a pregnancy test:

Pregnancy test with baking soda at home:

Nowadays, almost every woman took a pregnancy test. Most women are waiting for the result with joyful hope and, at the sight of the treasured two stripes, many of them want to save photos of pregnancy tests in their family album.

Due to various circumstances, there are women who, on the contrary, are waiting for an answer to their doubts in an anxious mood. But be that as it may, the reliability of the pregnancy test result is very important for any woman, because a lot depends on this.

Photos of negative pregnancy tests

How to determine the reliability of tests? According to medical research, the greatest reliability is for tests that were carried out after a delay of about a week. The probability of the result being correct in such cases is 90%. Get it at an earlier date reliable result It does not always work. You can often see a barely noticeable pinkish stripe, similar to what appears on tests with weakly positive results. But it also happens that if the test is carried out before a certain time, the test will be false negative.

Some women refuse to believe that the second stripe never appeared. There may be another situation when young girl for the first time in her life she takes her first pregnancy test, and has absolutely no idea how to correctly evaluate the results of such a test. In any case, many inexperienced girls and women would like to see photos with negative pregnancy tests in order to be able to compare their results with what is in the photo.

This requires care and correct execution. If a girl takes a pregnancy test for the first time, then you need to pay attention to which end of the test will be lowered into the urine. Often, many inexperienced girls make mistakes when the test is done incorrectly, and as a result, the stripes do not appear at all, and such a result is falsely considered negative. If the test was carried out correctly, then such a test must show at least one line, and only then such a test will be assessed as negative. If you have photos of negative pregnancy tests, this will help you compare your results and draw the right conclusions.

Photos of positive pregnancy tests

But when it comes to a positive result, there may be doubts, especially when the second stripe is barely visible and almost invisible. If desired, you can find photos of weakly positive pregnancy tests. You can see that the second stripe always looks much weaker and is not as clear and bright as the first control stripe.

Photos of positive pregnancy tests show two clearly visible stripes, identical or almost identical in color with clear, even borders. On our website there is a publication of photos with pregnancy tests with two stripes, which makes it possible to understand whether there is a pregnancy or not. By comparing photos of stripes on existing photos and on your own, you can easily get an answer and dispel all your doubts.

Five minutes and a faint line on the pregnancy test appeared next to the bright control line. A natural bewilderment arises: is this a yes or no?
The method of early diagnosis using urine analysis is convenient, accessible and easy to use. If only one stripe is visible, then the answer is no. The test showed two clear lines, as in the photo - positive. How to evaluate the intermediate case, when one and a half stripes are noticeable, and the second one resembles the shadow of the first?

How does it work

Information about the principles of operation of a simple device will shed light on the reasons for the appearance of a barely visible feature and the peculiarities of the interpretation of this option.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that even those who are far from chemistry know about. It is called the pregnancy hormone. HCG is secreted by the placenta starting from the first hours after fertilization and grows very quickly. If we take the average values ​​of hCG concentration in the blood as a basis, then in the third week they increase 13 times, and after another seven days - 10 times. The peak of growth occurs at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, then the process becomes less intense, and the total concentration of the substance gradually decreases.

A week after conception in urine expectant mother hCG appears at a rate of 10 mIU/ml or more - strip tests react to it. The level of the hormone in urine is almost two times lower than in the blood, so there is a more accurate way to determine pregnancy - a blood test. It will give more accurate results and allow you to determine the approximate period. This is the solution if you need a quick response. In other cases, you can be patient and repeat the procedure in a few days without contacting a doctor for now.

What does accuracy depend on?

Doctors believe that one should not expect much reliability from the rapid test. The reasons for technical errors leading to inaccuracy are very different:

  • manufacturing technology and storage conditions are not maintained;
  • during the procedure: the test is kept in liquid, immersed to excessive or insufficient depth, and a non-sterile container is used;
  • testing was completed ahead of schedule. Errors are allowed when calculating the cycle. They do not take into account the influence of such significant factors as stressful situations, the effects of diet, quality and duration of sleep.

Although all tests work on the same principle, in reality they differ in the quality of execution. To avoid worrying about false results, choose products manufactured by reliable companies.

Pay attention to the degree of sensitivity: the lower the number, the earlier the diagnosis can be made. If the package indicates a threshold of 10 mIU/ml, home tests can be carried out on the seventh day after the expected conception, and the 25 mIU/ml option begins to work only with morning urine on the first day of a missed period.

Question of color

The strip strip is lowered into collected urine for a few seconds. Liquid is dripped from a pipette into the tablet test window. Inkjet and electronic options do not require special preparation: they are capable of taking readings if you place the receiver under the stream.

As a result simple manipulations regulated by the instructions, a strip must appear on the control field indicating that the test is not expired and is suitable for use. If the control mark is barely visible, the study is considered uninformative.

The second part of the field reacts to the presence of hCG. It is with her that numerous women’s doubts and anxieties are associated. Did your pregnancy test show a second faint line? It is worth paying attention to the color shade:

  • white or barely noticeable grayish, similar to the one in the photo - the answer is rather negative. These are the remains of a dried reagent or a consequence of the fact that an excess amount of liquid was used;

  • barely noticeable pinkish-red, as in the photo. It is impossible to judge unambiguously. To confirm the result, the procedure must be repeated. Pregnancy is likely, but the concentration of hCG is not so high as to exceed the sensitivity threshold and reliably color the second stripe in a bright color.

When making repeated attempts, take into account the nature of the changes. For ease of observation, the date of the manipulation is indicated on each specimen. If after a couple of days the line, which was barely visible earlier, became clearer, there is reason to think about a positive result. Judging by the reviews, noticeable dynamics are observed a week after the first attempt. The picture has not changed - this is a serious reason for an urgent visit to the gynecologist.

The test is considered confirmed if two lines are displayed on it, identical in length, intensity and clarity of the contour. But only a doctor has the right to diagnose pregnancy.

The home procedure has already acquired its own signs. As successful mothers assure, if the line is barely visible, a boy will be born. A bright version predicts the appearance of a girl. It's funny, but you can hardly count on any scientific basis for these statements.

False plus or minus

The faint second line of the pregnancy test is barely visible, blurred - see photo. It may indicate the reasons for the increase in hCG associated with various pathologies and conditions:

  • in the postpartum period;
  • after abortion and miscarriage;
  • as a result of long-term use of medications for infertility;
  • the presence of tumors that produce the hormone.

False negative results are more common. Testing may not show the second trait if:

  • use of diuretics and large quantities water;
  • miscarriage, ectopic forms;
  • the threat of spontaneous interruption;
  • the presence of certain kidney and vascular diseases.

A popular home diagnostic tool, a pregnancy test, does not provide a 100% guarantee of accuracy, but is often confirmed in practice. To be firmly confident in your assumptions and make sure that the first trimester is going well, you need to visit a gynecologist.

They are happy: she is pregnant!

There are a wide variety of pregnancy tests. However, all these measuring instruments have one thing in common. They measure the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in a woman's body. Promotion hCG level can be tracked in several ways: donate blood for a test or use a pregnancy test. The only difference is that the express test will notice changes in hormonal levels only on the tenth day after fertilization of the egg; in the blood, these changes occur a little faster. But this is not so important. A pregnancy test is a great way to find out the good news without fuss.

Why do we need photographs of pregnancy tests?

This question can be asked by the mothers of the second, third, and so on, child. Young mothers, as a rule, doubt the results obtained. On the one hand, all the signs of pregnancy are obvious, but on the other, the test strip gives conflicting results. Most often, questions arise when there is a second line, but it appears very, very unclear. Unique photo of a positive pregnancy test, which we have collected will dispel all doubts regarding your situation.

Types of pregnancy tests

We have already mentioned that there are a wide variety of pregnancy tests on the market. From simple test strips to advanced digital devices. Considering the fact that we cannot know which test we used, the most popular options today were selected for demonstration:

  • Test strips
  • Tablet tests
  • Inkjet tests
  • Digital test

Photo selection of positive pregnancy tests

Photos of tablet tests

If pregnancy was not planned in advance, a missed period becomes a cause for joyful excitement or anxiety.

You can confirm or refute the fact of conception using a pregnancy test, modern method diagnostics available at home. In most cases, the test shows an accurate result.

After the release of the egg from the follicle, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin begins to increase steadily.

During fertilization, the hormone concentration increases twice as much every 2 days. Detected in the urine and blood of women.

  • Test strips.

This is the cheapest th option. However, the sensitivity of this test is low compared to analogues.

Most often, the cause of the error is insufficient saturation of the indicator window with liquid.

The tests look like paper strips, which should be placed in a container filled with urine. Positive result– appearance of 2 colored stripes.

  • Tablet tests.

The device has 2 windows. When urine hits the first “window”, the result appears in the second.

The cost of a tablet test is higher, as is the guarantee of an accurate result.

  • Jet test.

The highest quality and most expensive test.

The principle of operation is based on the interaction of particles of a special substance with hCG, which allows you to find out the result after a minute. To diagnose pregnancy using a jet test, it is not necessary to collect biological material in a separate container.

  • Electronic.

You can dip it in a glass of urine or use it according to the principle of jet tests.

Such a gadget will write “+” on the electronic display if pregnancy is confirmed and “–” if there is no pregnancy.

Some electronic pregnancy tests may have advanced features. For example, the Clearblue test also shows the gestational age from conception.

The Clearblue electronic test is used only once. The device is not a reusable pregnancy test.

Advantages modern techniques undeniable. There is no need to interpret the clarity and color of the stripes; you can find out the result at any time, since it is preserved and does not change under the influence of external factors.

Reliability of results

The likelihood of an error when using test strips depends on the expiration date, correct execution of the procedure, and the individuality of the course of physiological processes in the body. It is advisable to purchase tests from reliable manufacturers.

Often, a weak test is a direct consequence of a violation of the instructions.

The most reliable is the analysis of morning urine, which should be collected immediately after waking up.

If this is not possible, you can store the urine in the refrigerator for several hours.

Ultra-sensitive tests

Ultra-sensitive tests allow you to accurately determine pregnancy in the early stages before your period is missed:

  • The leader is the FRAUTEST line.

Human Gesellschaft once again confirms German quality. Almost all types of tests are presented on the modern market of pharmacological products. Moreover, even cheap options are highly accurate and sometimes allow you to diagnose pregnancy several days before the delay.

Frautest DOUBLE CONTROL strips, 15 mIU/ml, are highly sensitive.

  • The BB test strip with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml, as well as BB-lux, are produced by the French company Innotech International.
  • The Swiss company SENSITIVE ECONOM supplies TEST for BEST No. 10 to Russia, also intended for diagnosing pregnancy before miscarriage.
  • Highly sensitive tests include the latest generation Home Test Express test strips, USA, which allow you to determine the level of hCG starting from 10 mIU/ml.

A range of tests designed for early diagnosis pregnancy is quite wide.

Unfortunately, other Russian-made equipment often fails. Therefore, the most accurate result is obtained using products from a foreign manufacturer.

The reason for the appearance of a faintly colored second line on a pregnancy test

Sometimes a woman doubts conception, since the line on the test is faintly visible. However, with a normally developing pregnancy, inexpressive coloration is possible for several reasons.

  • The test was carried out before the missed period.

In this case, increasing the hCG level is not enough to precise definition conception. Therefore, the strip turns out to be slightly colored.

To ensure the reliability of the result, re-diagnosis should be carried out after 2-3 days.

  • If ovulation is delayed.

In this case, the production of hCG begins later. The causes of late ovulation are premenopause, gynecological diseases, imbalance of pituitary hormones, and frequent stress.

Late ovulation can occur within 3 months after abortion or 1 year after childbirth.

  • If hormonal therapy is carried out.

Against the background of using hormonal drugs, the increase in hCG may appear weak. In this case, the second stripe on the test will be paler. In addition, a false-positive test is present if it is performed earlier than 2 weeks after embryo transfer into the uterine cavity.

  • If the embryo stops developing.

There is a slow decrease in the concentration of hCG in the woman’s body. Therefore, if the test shows a weak second line, this may indicate. As a rule, the suspicion of a frozen pregnancy is confirmed if, 3 weeks after ovulation, a clear color of the strip is not observed.

  • If it develops.

In fact, the pathology can also be accompanied by normal production of hCG.

It is impossible to determine using human chorionic gonadotropin concentration alone.

It is necessary to take into account the characteristic symptoms and results of examination using hardware methods.

And, accordingly, a weak test is possible in case of ectopic pregnancy with arrest of fetal development.

Sometimes, during an ectopic pregnancy, the production of hCG is disrupted, since there are no optimal conditions for the development of the embryo membrane. In this case, the test may be false negative.

  • The test itself is faulty.

When purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to the indicated expiration date and the integrity of the packaging. Much also depends on the conditions in which the test was stored.

For example, the test should be stored at temperature conditions 2-28°C, and use after warming the product to room temperature. When left in the refrigerator, the test loses its quality.

  • Some types of oncology.

Thus, chorionic carcinoma or hydatidiform mole, oncology of the intestine, as well as the organs of the genitourinary system are accompanied by an increase in the concentration of hCG.

Normally, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin does not exceed 5 mIU/ml. When identifying increased value and absence of pregnancy, a thorough examination should be performed.

  • Spontaneous abortion or artificial termination of pregnancy.

If there are parts left in the uterine cavity ovum. The decrease in hCG levels occurs gradually, and the test may show a false positive result.

Personal experience

In total, I had 7 pregnancies - two of them ended in miscarriages, one was ectopic. After conception, in all seven cases I took a pregnancy test. Some occurred at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, others after a delay.

In those cases when the test was done before the delay, the indicator showed a weak strip. After menstruation, sometimes there was a faint stripe, in other cases it was bright and clear. But I will make a reservation that the test showed pale pink color after menstruation only when confirmed ectopic pregnancy. During a normal pregnancy, the second line on the test turned a bright, rich color.

For all four “normal” pregnancies (I am now pregnant with my fourth), the test can show the intensity of the color due to the period itself. If you suspect pregnancy, but have not yet had an ultrasound, and the test shows a pale pink line, it is better to be safe. In my case, this is how I discovered the ectopic.

It is better, of course, to do a repeat test in two weeks, if you are scheduled for an ultrasound in a month. The more weeks you are, the brighter the indicator should be. If he still remains pale, you need to sound the alarm. Most likely, pregnancy has occurred, but the fetus has either died or there is an ectopic pregnancy.

The main thing is that if there is a suspicion of a delay, if there is no pain, a pale line on the test indicates only a short period. Either you are not pregnant, and the test is defective (which still needs to be confirmed by ultrasound and tests).

Tatiana, 30.

Even if a pale strip appears, the pregnancy test should be regarded as positive. This is a reason to visit a gynecologist. Further diagnosis using a blood sample and ultrasound will help confirm pregnancy.