Origami stars and paper stars. Volumetric origami stars Fold a star with a wish from a paper strip

Stars have always played an important role in our lives. Stars give light, warmth, show direction. Some are born under a lucky star, some make a wish when the star falls, some worship them, and some simply admire them on dark nights. We are all, in fact, children of the stars, because without them we would not exist... This symbol can be found everywhere on Earth. That is why, and also because it is simply beautiful, we will make stars of happiness out of paper.

For this we need strips of paper and a little time. The size of the strips is 1 cm x 23 cm or other sizes with a similar width to length ratio (1:23). Of course, the width can be greater, for example, if you use A4 paper, then with a strip length of 297 mm, its width can be made 11-12 mm.

To determine the size future star, you need to multiply the width of the strip of paper by 1.67.

Here are some ready-made calculations (width | length | star size):

  • 1,0 | 23,0 | 1,67
  • 1,1 | 25,3 | 1,84
  • 1,2 | 27,6 | 2,00
  • 1,5 | 34,5 | 2,50

Making a star

1-4. Bend a strip of paper around your finger and thread the tip of the paper into the resulting loop. We carefully tighten the resulting knot so that we get a neat pentagon.

5. It is desirable that the tip does not extend beyond the pentagon at all, but if this happens, then simply bend it in the opposite direction (step 5). And it’s even easier - cut off the excess)))

6-8. With the free end of the strip we begin to wrap the pentagon in a circle, in total you should wrap it 10 times in this way.

9-11. If the tip remains, you need to bend it (or cut off the excess) and hide it.

12. Here we have a blank star.

13, 14. Holding the workpiece, press the edge of the star with your fingernail, pressing it inward.

We repeat similarly with the remaining faces. Here you need to act especially carefully so as not to spoil the star.

And now our star of happiness is ready!

In addition, stars of happiness are a very elegant accessory for your home.
Stars are with us everywhere. The star is always relevant: in New Year you can see it at the top of the Christmas tree, you can get a star from the sky for your beloved on the Day
Valentine's Day, stars are strongly associated with Defenders' Day
Fatherland. They also say that when one is born new person, in the sky
a new star is lighting up, why not light a small star in honor
newborn on a card (and give it to the happy parents)? Star
can be a guide, give it to people going on a trip,
a star so that their path will be illuminated and good luck will accompany them.
The stars accompany us throughout our lives. Do you know how to make stars with your own hands?

What will we make it from?

To make such stars you can use special paper:

But my goal was to recycle unnecessary waste paper in the form
old glossy magazines. So I cut the magazines into strips.
The size of the strips is 29x1.1cm. You can cut the strips wider, but then the length
there should be more. I tried to choose pages with brighter
paint and less text, but I think from black and white stripes too
you will get original stars.

Looking ahead a little, I will say that the stage of cutting strips is the most difficult in making stars. If you have a cutter or shredder,
cutting paper into longitudinal strips is simply wonderful.
Then this stage is much simpler and faster. I have it at hand
I didn't have these tools, so I cut strips first
scissors, which is very labor-intensive and not very neat. And then me
It dawned on me that I could simplify the process if I used a ruler and
stationery knife... And things went much faster.

How will we do it?

1) Take a strip of paper and make a loop.
2) Then we wrap the short ponytail, making a knot.
3) Very carefully tighten the knot and press it. You should get an equilateral pentagon.

4) We wrap the tail on reverse side. I did it on purpose
the tail is a little longer so that the photo shows where we wrapped it.
But it’s better to try to make it shorter so that it doesn’t peek out.
limits of the pentagon.

5) Next, turn the product over.
6) If the tip is longer than the resulting pentagon and looks beyond its limits, tuck the tail a little.
7) Hide the tail inside the pentagon.

8-17) And now we begin to wrap a pentagon with a long strip
all sides, trying not to press it too hard. Total should
you will get at least 10 wraps, i.e. each edge needs to be wrapped
twice. This should be taken into account if you change the thickness and length
stripes. With a width of 1.1 cm and a length of 29 cm, the star is 1.5 cm.

18) We hide the tip under the strip. If it peeks out, we tuck it a little and then hide it.

19) Now is the most crucial moment! It is at this stage that I
it turned out to be a marriage. We hold the pentagon with two fingers of one hand, and with the nail
with the other hand we press on one side of the pentagon, trying to get into
the middle of the edge. We do the same with the remaining faces.
20) That's it! Our little star of happiness is ready!

I want to warn you: you may not get a star the first time. I have from
The first ten stars were four defective. But then, when
I got the hang of it, everything went like clockwork. And I was so fascinated by this activity!
I cut the strips in advance and spun the stars anywhere: TV
I look and scroll, I sit at the computer, wait for the page to load and
cool, and even on the playground my daughter plays in the sandbox, and I
I sit on a bench and spin stars.

You can watch the video clip here >>>>> Star of happiness. Origami

So far I have made 250 of them, but I think I won’t stop there.

Application From such stars you can make original gift, for example, for Valentine's Day:
You can decorate the interior of a room by pouring stars into a jar:

And my little daughter really liked these stars. She them
compresses, making it flat. This is great for development fine motor skills hands Yes
and it’s just very interesting to play with them, fingering them. Can
come up with a lot of games with the participation of such stars. For example, teach
colors, placing each color in different jars. Or offer a series
stars are the same color, and one star is of a different color. And offer to find
"white crow" Or make a rainbow out of them... In general, there may be some ideas

What other stars can be made from paper? These little stars are an excellent material for creating gifts and for interior decoration. But there are still many variations of stars that can be made from paper.

Kusudama is not exactly a star, but still...

How to make kusudama.

Big star

Master Class.

tea star

Master Class.

Paper New Year's star

Master class.

Braided star

Stars have always been considered something magical, mysterious and beautiful. They light the way and point the direction. Someone is lucky to be born under a lucky star. Some people rush to make a wish when they see a shooting star, others like to just look at them at night in clear weather. All people on Earth are familiar with this symbol. Maybe that’s why many people want to make their own little star of happiness, because it’s so beautiful. Now we will try to make a happy star from plain paper.

To work, we need a strip of paper and a little time. In our case, the size will be 1x23 cm. Of course, you can take a strip of any size, but the ratio of length to width should remain the same 1:23 each time. To find out what size star you can get from any strip of paper, you need to multiply its width by 1.67. For example, from a sheet of A4 paper, taking into account the ratio 1x23, it is convenient to cut strips measuring 1.2x27.6 cm. From such strips you can make a star measuring 2 cm.

And so, we begin to fold the star. Rounding the end paper strip around the index finger, tie a knot. You need to tighten it and press it so that you get a small figure of an equilateral pentagon.

You need to try to ensure that after tying the knot there is a very small end of the strip left. If this cannot be done, it is better to cut it off or bend it back.

Next, we begin to wrap our pentagonal star in a circle long end strips, bending it each time along the line of the edge of the figure. With each fold, the strip itself will lie on the next edge on which it needs to be folded.

After 10 similar folds, a short piece of strip should remain. It can be hidden in a nearby “pocket”. The result should be a pentagonal flat figure.

Now you need to try to make the figure three-dimensional. To do this, each edge needs to be slightly pressed inward with your fingers, while simultaneously pulling out the corners. Since the star is very small, you need to be especially careful so as not to accidentally damage it.

If you did everything correctly, then your lucky star should look like this.

Don't be upset if something went wrong and the star didn't work out the first time. Try to start again and for sure this time you will succeed! And when you learn how to do them, it will seem to you that nothing could be simpler.

When making origami stars Special attention look at the photo. They will help you better understand the process of creating a star.

Required tools: bilateral colored paper or gift wrapping paper (not too thick), scissors and a good mood.

1. Cut out strips of paper length 26 cm and width 1 cm.

2. Tie a knot from a paper strip: first make a loop, and then pass the short tip of the paper down through it (small 1-2).

Make sure that the knot is not too tight and not too loose.

3. Bend the tail of the strip back so that it is not visible from the front side (Fig. 3).

4. Now turn the star over to the other side (Fig. 4) and wind the long tip of the strip around the star, as shown in Fig. 5. The strip itself should lie in the right direction.

Do not bend or squeeze it. You should end up with a pentagon with the sides wrapped several times. Bend the tail and hide it between the bindings of paper (Fig. 6).

5. Give the star some volume. Make a star in the middle of each face small depressions using your fingernail or the blunt side of scissors. Do not press on the star so that it does not lose volume. The size of one star is about 1.5 cm.

Paper stars are very popular around Christmas. They are often cut out according to a template and glued together. But making a star from a paper strip is much faster and easier, which is clearly visible from our photo of MK.

Paper stars are used in different ways - they are strung on a thread into a garland, placed in transparent containers, scattered on festive table or near the fireplace. They can be hung on a small tabletop tree as a New Year's toy.

To work you will need:

  • office colored paper or thin cardboard (ordinary thin colored paper will not work);
  • scissors;
  • a board, a long iron ruler and a stationery knife (for cutting strips of paper);
  • pencil - make marks.

How to make a star from a strip of paper:

  1. We mark the paper lengthwise into strips 15 mm wide and cut them. I immediately cut a stack of 7 sheets of thin glossy cardboard from Olli. She marked two points, applied a ruler to them, pressed them tightly and ran the blade of a stationery knife several times until the strips of paper were completely cut off. Small unevenness in width will not spoil the craft, but burrs should be avoided.
  2. First of all, you need to tie a knot at the end of the strip. To do this, place the tip of the strip in an X shape on the same strip a little further from the edge. The front side should be facing you.
  3. We insert the tip into the formed loop.
  4. Carefully tighten the knot so that a pentagon is formed and the strip of paper at both ends is not deformed.

  5. We cut off the excess tip of the paper along the edge of the pentagon.
  6. We begin to wrap the pentagon with a strip of paper - we make a fold exactly along the side of the pentagon. Try not to smooth the folds, otherwise it will be difficult for you to give the star volume later.
  7. When folded carefully, the strip of paper will always run exactly along one side of the pentagon.
  8. From which side the paper begins to stick out, we make the next fold, again aligning it along the side of the pentagon.

  9. Continue wrapping until the strip becomes too short.
  10. The remaining tip should be hidden in a pocket.
  11. We push it so that the last fold lies exactly along the side of the pentagon.
  12. If the edge of the strip comes out on the other side of the pocket, it must be carefully cut off.

  13. This is what the correct preparation looks like. Now it just needs to be given volume.
  14. Using the nails of two fingers, we squeeze the middles of two adjacent sides of the pentagon. The first ray of a star is formed.
  15. We repeat the action for all pairs of sides, trying to make the indentations the same. It turns out to be a plump and beautiful star.

Not only the child, but also our cat really liked this craft - he enthusiastically chased them across the floor or deliberately threw them off all surfaces, even tried to get them out of a glass aquarium-goblet!

Enjoy your preparations for the holidays!

Shared master class

Anastasia Kononenko