160 cm what should be the weight. Normal weight and height for women: ideal ratio. Ideal weight and psychological dependence

Body weight directly depends on height, as well as on physical condition, bone structure, age and gender of a person. Let's solve the mystery of ideal weight and tell you how to calculate the ideal weight for your height.

Let's not forget that we are all different. The notorious “broad bone” is not an excuse at all, but quite objective data.

Measure your wrist at the thinnest point, and now compare the resulting value with the Solovyov index:

Asthenic type Normosthenic type Hypersthenic type
Men < 18 см 18-20 cm > 20 cm
Women < 15 см 15-17 cm > 17 cm

To determine your body type, the Pignier method is sometimes used: Index = height – (weight + chest circumference).

Thus, for asthenics the index is above 30, for normosthenics - 10-30, for hypersthenics it is always below 10.

Fragile, thin women and men of the first type rarely gain excess weight, usually expending a lot of energy. It is advisable for normostenics to follow a diet, but without fanaticism. Basically, their weight remains within normal limits. Those with “heavy” bones look larger and have broad shoulders and hips. Hypersthenics tend to be overweight.

Now you know your body type. Focus on it when making calculations.

Brocca's formula

A variable system for calculating ideal weight was developed by Paul Brokk. Don't know what weight is optimal for you? Use this simple method.

Ideal weight= height in cm – 100-110

For height 155-165 cm, you need to subtract 100, 166-175 cm – 105, for women above 176 cm, the value 110 is used.

Don't forget your body type! If you are asthenic or hypersthenic, subtract (add) 10% to the resulting figure, respectively.

Body mass index - Quetelet calculation

You've probably heard of BMI before. The formula is based on your existing weight and helps determine whether you are overweight or underweight.

BMI = weight in kg / (height in m) 2

For example, a woman 160 cm tall weighs 63 kg. We calculate: 63 / 1.6 2 = 24.6.

This figure shows that the weight is within normal limits. If the index is below 19, then this clearly indicates a lack of it; perhaps there are problems with health, nutrition, or excess physical activity.

But you shouldn’t be guided by bare numbers. It is important to remember that the formula is designed for people of average height; the indicators for men and women are also different. But it’s not at all suitable for athletes.

Quetelet index

Here is a slightly different approach, but close to the method described above for estimating the available weight.

Index = weight (g) / height (cm)

Body type, age characteristics and gender are taken into account. First, let's determine your body type. You need to stand in front of a mirror, straighten up, pull in your stomach as much as possible, and apply something straight to your lower ribs to create an angle. More than 90 degrees - the body type is defined as large, less - thin.

Now look at the table. As you can see, there is no calculation for teenagers. But for adults, the data is quite objective.

Lorentz formula

Probably, the nutritionist was inspired only by the fair half of humanity. The method is not suitable for men.

Ideal = (height in cm – 100) – (height in cm – 150) / 2

Let's imagine that a girl 170 cm tall wants to lose weight, but does not know what goal to set. She takes the formula and sees:

(170 – 100) – (170 – 150) / 2 = 70 – 20/2 = 60 kg

Quite objectively, don’t you think? In addition, this method is consistent with BMI, which proves its feasibility.

But for girls taller than 175 cm it is also not useful.

Egorov-Levitsky table

The table below shows the maximum permitted body weight! For men, taking into account muscles and bone structure, it is always higher.

Height, cm 20–29 years old 30–39 years old 40–49 years old 50–59 years old 60–69 years old
husband. wives husband. wives husband. wives husband. wives husband. wives
148 50,8 48,4 55 52,3 56,6 54,7 56 53,2 53,9 52,2
150 51,3 48,9 56,7 53,9 58,1 56,5 58 55,7 57,3 54,8
152 51,3 51 58,7 55 61,5 59,5 61,1 57,6 60,3 55,9
154 55,3 53 61,6 59,1 64,5 62,4 63,8 60,2 61,9 59
156 58,5 55,8 64,4 61,5 67,3 66 65,8 62,4 63,7 60,9
158 61,2 58,1 67,3 64,1 70,4 67,9 68 64,5 67 62,4
160 62,9 59,8 69,2 65,8 72,3 69,9 69,7 65,8 68,2 64,6
162 64,6 61,6 71 68,5 74,4 72,7 72,7 68,7 69,1 66,5
164 67,3 63,6 73,9 70,8 77,2 74 75,6 72 72,2 70
166 68,8 65,2 74,5 71,8 78 76,5 76,3 73,8 74,3 71,3
168 70,8 68,5 76,3 73,7 79,6 78,2 77,9 74,8 76 73,3
170 72,7 69,2 77,7 75,8 81 79,8 79,6 76,8 76,9 75
172 74,1 72,8 79,3 77 82,8 81,7 81,1 77,7 78,3 76,3
174 77,5 74,3 80,8 79 84,4 83,7 83 79,4 79,3 78
176 80,8 76,8 83,3 79,9 86 84,6 84,1 80,5 81,9 79,1
178 83 78,2 85,6 82,4 88 86,1 86,5 82,4 82,8 80,9
180 85,1 80,9 88 83,9 89,9 88,1 87,5 84,1 84,4 81,6
182 87,2 83,3 90,6 87,7 91,4 89,3 89,5 86,5 85,4 82,9
184 89,1 85,5 92 89,4 92,9 90,9 91,6 87,4 88 85,9
186 93,1 89,2 95 91 96,6 92,9 92,8 89,6 89 87,3
188 95,8 91,8 97 94,4 98 95,8 95 91,5 91,5 88,8
190 97,1 92,3 99,5 95,6 100,7 97,4 99,4 95,6 94,8 92,9

The method helps determine the presence of extra pounds in people whose bodies are already fully developed - between the ages of 20 and 69 years.

But what about teenagers? Nowadays girls are very susceptible fashion trends– they go on strict diets and subject themselves to grueling workouts in order to achieve an ideal figure. But they are still growing! And such drastic methods are dangerous for a young body.

The standard method for calculating body mass index will help here. Use an online calculator and explain to your child that health is most important - and with it will come beauty.

Watch your thoughts, nutrition, exercise, enjoy life - this is what the ideal formula looks like. Feel free to correct what you are not happy with!

Nutritionists are interested in numbers, indicators, statistics, and you are interested in happiness and self-love. Live in a way that makes you comfortable – and only you.

At all times, women have paid Special attention their appearance, and the leading position here was occupied by the figure or weight of the representative of the fair half of humanity. And if from century to century ideas about the ideal forms of a girl have changed dramatically, medical concepts of ideal weight have generally remained unchanged for several centuries. Excessive fatness, or, conversely, thinness, which were the standards of beauty in different eras, is not in fashion today. And if we talk about the ideal weight for a girl today, then the most important thing here is moderation in everything.

Is there an ideal height and weight for a girl?

Until recently, the recognized standard of beauty was an almost boyish figure, with no room for anything “extra.” Today you can often come across heated debates about ideal figure and ideal weight, as a rule, these are two opposing camps, the participants of which are ready to debate for a long time about what a modern representative of the fairer sex should look like, what is the ideal weight for a girl. Some argue that it is necessary to “hang out” all day long in gym and carefully count all the calories that enter the body during the day. Others are trying to prove the opposite point of view is correct - that you shouldn’t torture your body with workouts and strict diets, you can calmly eat whatever you want and not abuse your body on the treadmill. As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle; the ideal weight for a woman is her natural weight. And in order to find out the treasured figure, it is important to take into account many other factors, and not just the value touched by the scale arrow. It is necessary to take into account height, age, body type, as well as body volumes and proportions.

Today there is more than one formula by which women in different countries Calculate your ideal weight. But the calculations obtained using these formulas do not mean that this ideal weight for your height for girls should be the only correct one. The information that you will see in the table of ideal weight for girls is more of an informational and advisory nature. Only a personal nutritionist can provide the most complete information, who will know not only your obvious data (height, volume, age, proportions), but also individual characteristics and diseases. After all, a lot depends on them too.


Ideal weight table for girls

The most famous way to calculate ideal weight is the formula of the French anthropologist Broca, which is relevant for people above 155 and below 185 centimeters. This formula for calculating ideal weight and height has been used since the 19th century. You need to find out your height, and then subtract 100 if your height is less than 165 centimeters. If a girl’s height is up to 175 centimeters, then 105 must be subtracted from her height. If a girl is lucky enough to be born tall, and her height exceeds 175 centimeters, 110 must be subtracted from it.

However, this is not the end of the calculations of the ideal weight for your height for a girl. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account your body type. It is calculated by the circumference of the wrist.

If the wrist circumference is less than 15 centimeters, this is an asthenic girl. A hand circumference of 15 to 18 centimeters is usually characteristic of normosthenics. The wrist circumference is from 18 centimeters for hypersthenics. For asthenics, the number obtained from “subtracting” growth should be reduced by 10%. This will be the “ideal” weight. Hypersthenics need to add 10%. And for normosthenics, additional calculations are not required.

To make it clearer, let's look at specific examples. The ideal weight for a height of 165 for a normosthenic girl can be found out by simply subtracting 100 from 165 - in the end we get 65 kilograms.

We can calculate the ideal weight for an asthenic girl who is 170 tall if we subtract 105 from 170 and minus 10%. We get 170-105=65. And another “minus 10%” = 58.5 kg.

We find out the ideal weight at 160 for a hypersthenic girl by making the following calculations: 160-100 = 60 and minus 10%. We get 54 kilograms.

It is important to remember that these calculations do not take into account additional factors: age, volume, body mass index. The last point should also be taken into account, since athletic girl with trained muscles can weigh more women not involved in sports. This happens because fat is lighter than muscle, and in this case, a trained girl with a lot of weight will look more attractive than a lighter sybarite who is not into sports.

To make the information received better remembered and perceived, we present a table of weight and height correspondence.

Ideal weight table for girls
Height, cm Weight, kg Height, kg Weight, kg
Up to 150 46-47,4 171-175 58-63,1
151-155 47,8-49,9 176-181 64-67
156-160 50,5-52,6 181-187 67,4-70,2
161-165 53,2-55,8 187-190 70,9-73,5
166-170 56,6-59,5 Over 191 74,3-77

However, there is an exception to the table. If the girl’s height does not exceed 159 cm, her weight should be 15% less than the given value. And if the girl is under 20 years old, you need to subtract another 3-5 kilograms from the obtained value.

Ideal weight for your age for girls

A person's weight increases with age, and this is considered normal. Of course, its increase should be “within what is permitted” and not be too sharp, strong and critical for a person’s appearance and lifestyle. A woman may feel that her weight is higher than normal, but at the same time it will be within the normal range for her age. To calculate ideal weight based on age, use the following formula: 50 + 0.75 (P-150) + (B-20) /4

In this formula, P is a person’s height, and B is his age. For example, for a girl 27 years old and 170 cm tall, judging by this formula, the ideal weight would be 66.75 kg. 50 + 0.75 (20) + (7) /4 = 66.75

Also, what is the ideal weight for a girl with a height of 150, 160, 165, 170 cm and above, the corresponding table, which is also focused on the person’s age, will help you find out.

Height, cm Age
20-29 30-39 40-49 50-58 59-75
150 48,9 53,9 58,5 55,7 54,8
152 51 55 59,5 57,6 55,9
154 53 59,1 62,4 60,2 59
156 55,8 62 66 63 59
158 58 64 68 64 62
160 59 66 69 66 65
162 62 69 73 69 66
164 63,7 70,8 74 72 70
166 65,2 71.8 77 74 71,4
168 68,5 74 78,2 74,8 73,3
170 70 75,8 78 76,8 75
172 73 77 81,7 77,7 76,3
174 74,3 79 84 79,4 78
176 77 80 84,7 80,5 79,1
178 78,2 82,4 87 82,4 81
180 81 83,9 88 84,1 81,7
182 83,5 87,7 89,3 86,7 83
184 85,5 89,4 91 87,4 85,8
186 89,2 91 94 89,7 87,4
188 92 94,4 95,8 91,5 88,8
190 92,3 95,8 97,4 95,7 92

Normal human weight– this is a concept that cannot be precise. Its criteria include not only weight and height, but also a person’s physique and even age. Many men and women experience problems with being overweight or underweight. In this article I would like to tell you how to calculate your weight and what, in general, is the norm.

Calculation of weight by height and age

There are many ways to help calculate weight by height and age. But it should be remembered that such schemes may not be entirely perfect, since the weight ratio can be affected by other factors that are often not taken into account.

Method 1

Since ancient times, many people have trusted Broca's method.

A person's height is taken in centimeters, then 100 is subtracted from this.

But after some time the indicators this method slightly changed. This formula is best used to calculate weight by height for females aged between 40 and 50 years. How does it change

Women under 30 years of age need to have a body weight that is 10% less than this result.

Method 2

To calculate weight based on height and age, it is considered more accurate Quetelet's method. This formula calculates the ratio of fat and bone and muscle tissue as a percentage. It allows you to determine whether a person is overweight or underweight. Usually we use this method of calculation for people from 20 to 60 years old.

For men, 10-15% fat of total body weight is considered normal, for women only 12%.

How is it calculated: body weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

Should not be used This calculation method is for pregnant women, women during lactation, adolescents and people involved in sports.

Method 3

There is a formula that helps determine the distribution of fat by measuring the size of the waist and buttocks.

Calculated as follows: The volume of the buttocks should be divided by the volume of the waist.


  • for men – 0.80;
  • for women – 0.60-0.80.

Method 4

In order to determine your body type, you need to measure the circumference of your wrist. right hand, but if the worker is left hand, then you need to measure it. In the normostatic type it is equal to 17-18.5 cm, in the broad-boned type – more than 18.5 and in the thin-boned type – less than 17 cm.

Weight by height and age

Of course, age has a strong influence on body weight. It has been scientifically proven that over the years, body weight in men and women gradually increases with age. Moreover, this may not be extra pounds, but a natural physical process. But height affects people’s weight just as much.

Weight, height, age - table for men

Each person has his own body type. There are 3 of them: thin-boned, normal-boned and broad-boned. Each body type has its own characteristics.

Traits that distinguish one type from another:

This table shows the weight for men that is considered normal, taking into account his body type and height:

Thin-boned build Normal bone build Broad-boned build
155 cm - 49 kg 155 cm - 56 kg 155 cm - 62 kg
160 cm - 53.5 kg 160 cm - 60 kg 160 cm - 66 kg
165 cm - 57 kg 165 cm - 63.5 kg 165 cm - 69.5 kg
170 cm - 60.5 kg 170 cm - 68 kg 170 cm - 74 kg
175 cm - 65 kg 175 cm - 72 kg 175 cm - 78 kg
180 cm – 69 kg 180 cm - 75 kg 180 cm - 81 kg
185 cm - 73.5 kg 185 cm - 79 kg 185 cm - 85 kg

It should be taken into account that with thin-boned addition they sometimes subtract 3-5% from the weight indicated in the table. With big bones - 1-1,5%.

Weight, height, age - table for women

Using this table you can track the average weight for a woman taking into account her height:

Height, cm Normal weight, kg
148 46,3
149 47
150 47,4
151 48
152 48,4
153 48,9
154 49,6
155 50
156 50,7
157 51
158 51,8
159 52
160 52,6
161 53,4
162 54
163 54,5
164 55,3
165 55,8
166 56,6
167 57,6
168 58,2
169 59
170 59,5
171 60
172 61
173 62
174 62,5
175 63,4
176 64
177 64,5
178 65,2
179 65,9
180 66,8
181 67,4
182 68,5
183 68,8
184 69,5
185 70

Weight, height, age - table

In these tables you can see normal body weight for women and men, depending on their age and height.

The first table will tell you what weight should be for men and women aged 20 to 29 years:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 52 48,9
152 53,5 51
154 55,3 53
156 58,5 56
158 61 58
160 63 59,8
162 64,6 61,6
164 67,3 63,6
166 68,8 65
168 71 68
170 72,7 69,2
172 74,1 72,8
174 77,5 74,3
176 81 77
178 83 78,2
180 85,1 80,8

The second table will tell you about the normal weight of the stronger and weaker sex between the ages of 30 and 39:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 57 54
152 59 55
154 61,5 60
156 64,5 61,5
158 67,3 64,1
160 70 65,8
162 71 68,5
164 74 70,8
166 74,5 71,8
168 76,2 73,7
170 77,7 75,8
172 79,3 77
174 81 79
176 83,3 80
178 87 82,5
180 88 84

In the third table you can see the normal weight of people from 40 to 49 years old:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 58,1 58,5
152 61,5 59,5
154 64,5 62,4
156 67,3 66
158 70,4 67,9
160 72,3 69,9
162 74,4 72,2
164 77,2 74
166 78 76,6
168 79,6 78,2
170 81 79,8
172 82,8 81,7
174 84,4 83,7
176 86 84,6
178 88 86,1
180 89,9 88,1

The fourth table will tell us about normal weight between the ages of 50 and 60:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 58 55,7
152 61 57,6
154 63,8 60,2
156 65,8 62,4
158 68 64,5
160 69,7 65,8
162 72,7 68,7
164 75,6 72
166 76,3 73,8
168 79,5 74,8
170 79,9 76,8
172 81,1 77,7
174 82,5 79,4
176 84,1 80,5
178 86,5 82,4
180 87,5 84,1

And finally, the fifth table will talk about the normal weight of men and women in old age, that is, from 60 to 70 years:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 57,3 54,8
152 60,3 55,9
154 61,9 59
156 63,7 60,9
158 67 62,4
160 68,2 64,6
162 69,1 66,5
164 72,2 70,7
166 74,3 71,4
168 76 73,7
170 76,9 75
172 78,3 76,3
174 79,3 78
176 81,9 79,1
178 82,8 80,9
180 84,4 81,6

It is known that in old age the physical activity and, metabolism in the body decreases. But some habits of older people regarding proper nutrition and an active lifestyle remain unchanged even after many years. Therefore, despite the decrease in muscle tissue, many people do not stop gaining weight over the years.

Bottom line

Summarizing the above formulas for calculating weight and tables that indicate weight standards for men and women, we can conclude that a person’s weight is directly related to many other criteria.

These criteria are:

  • person's age;
  • height;
  • body type.

Heredity is also an important factor. If a person has a genetic predisposition to be overweight, then getting rid of extra pounds will be much more difficult.

In conclusion, I would like to say that knowing whether your weight corresponds to normal body weight helps to eliminate a lot of problems, and sometimes identify the presence of a disease.

Controlling your weight is the prevention of many serious diseases. Hypertension and diabetes are usually accompanied by obesity. At the same time, cancer and diseases of the digestive tract can lead to sudden weight loss.

In order to maintain normal body weight you need to:

  • proper and healthy nutrition;
  • You need to eat breakfast every day, as this helps to avoid snacking at a later time;
  • conducting active image life;
  • regularly weighing your body weight;
  • consultations with a specialist if you are overweight or, on the contrary, underweight;
  • for supporting normal weight A man needs 2,500 calories a day, and a woman needs 2,000.

Watch your weight and nutrition, be healthy!

Everyone who is losing weight is interested in the question of normalcy. What weight is considered normal for yourself? There are a number of formulas that you can use to determine the extent to which your body weight corresponds to one or another statistical average. After all, all these formulas are based on the average person. Therefore, when resorting to them, one must clearly realize that any formula for normal weight is conditional.

In reality, each of us has our own individual genetically predetermined value of optimal body weight, which depends on the totality of innate structural features of tissues and organs of the body as a whole.

For example, there are three body types - asthenic (thin-boned/ectomorph), normosthenic (normal/mesomorph) and hypersthenic (broad-boned/endomorph).

To determine your type, you need to measure your wrist circumference.

  • Less than 16 cm - asthenic;
  • 16-18.5 cm - normosthenic;
  • More than 18.5 cm - hypersthenic.
  • Less than 17 cm - asthenic;
  • 17-20 cm - normosthenic;
  • More than 20 cm - hypersthenic.

In addition to body types, the body of each of us is programmed to certain weight. This program is activated by the mother during pregnancy. It is believed that if she gained excess weight during pregnancy, then the child may have difficulty controlling body weight in the future. Over the course of our lives, we also lay down a different program with our wrong ones. When losing weight, many are faced with the so-called balance point or set point, when they use healthy methods, and if they succeed, they cannot maintain it.

For example, you weighed 90 kg, lost weight to 55 kg, want to lose another 5 kg, but no matter what you do, it doesn’t work. At the same time, even taking a break from the diet and small holidays, you do not gain more than 3-5 kg, which you then easily lose. You may have reached your point of balance, and overcoming it may cost you dearly. When the body is under constant stress, and dieting, training and high demands on oneself are constant stress, the risk increases. It is important to listen to yourself and your body's needs.

If you do not take into account the individuality of the body and physique, then in approximate calculations you can use the following simple formulas (author P.P. Broca, 1871):

For men

(Height in cm - 100) x 0.9 = ideal weight.

For women

(Height in cm - 100) x 0.85 = ideal weight.

There is another formula that can be used for both men and women:

(Height in cm - 100) = ideal weight.

Example: If your height is 152 cm, your weight should be 152 - 100 = 52 kg.

There is another formula:

Height in cm x Bust volume in cm / 240 = ideal weight.

Example: (155 x 96) / 240 = 62 kg.

Do not forget that it is still necessary to take into account your body type; women naturally have more fat than men.

Therefore, you can use the following data to determine your ideal weight:

For men

Height, cm Body type
Thin (asthenic)
155 49 kg 56 kg 62 kg
160 53.5 kg 60 kg 66 kg
165 57 kg 63.5 kg 69.5 kg
170 60.5 kg 68 kg 74 kg
175 65 kg 72 kg 78 kg
180 69 kg 75 kg 81 kg
185 73.5 kg 79 kg 85 kg

For women

Height, cm Body type
Thin (asthenic) Normal (normosthenic) Wide bone (hypersthenic)
150 47 kg 52 kg 56.5 kg
155 49 kg 55 kg 62 kg
160 52 kg 58.5 kg 65 kg
165 55 kg 62 kg 68 kg
170 58 kg 64 kg 70 kg
175 60 kg 66 kg 72.5 kg
180 63 kg 69 kg 75 kg

Ideal weight formulas help you figure out how long you can lose weight. However, it is important to understand that two people with exactly the same weight can look completely different. The point here is not about height or body type, but about body composition - the ratio of muscle to fat. Look at the photo.

Adipose tissue is more voluminous than muscle tissue. That's why the girl on the left looks curvier than the girl on the right, even though they have the same weight. And that’s why it’s so important to strive not so much to lose weight, but to strengthen muscles through strength training and.

What should a woman's weight be if she is 160 cm tall?

    The ideal weight of a woman with this height should be 55 kilograms. This is my ideal. Maybe someone has 40 kilograms. There are men who love bones. I do not belong to them.

    To find your ideal weight, we need to take into account: height, age, and physique. For example, if you are a woman of fragile build, under 35 years of age, your weight should be 48 kg. Further in the table, you can see all the examples.

    Minus 110, that is, 50 kg, this is normal.

    But again, it is very difficult to accept the word should, if a woman weighing 50 kg is tormented by strong gusts of wind, or she is starving in order to maintain such weight, then there is no need to do this, there are beautiful looking women who are slightly overweight.

    160 minus 109, this would be the ideal weight for this height.

    From any height minus 109.

    I love my bones))) I have 42 kg and I carefully maintain my weight, I feel very comfortable in it - it’s easy to run, easy to work and in general everything in life comes together easily))) I think for such a height the weight is good within the range 50 kg.

    According to the French formula for the ratio of height and weight of women, you need to subtract 111 from the weight figure and this will be the ideal weight for any height. In this case: 160-111=49 kg.

    However, it must be taken into account that this formula was developed by the French and, therefore, takes into account the structure of the average French woman, and they are mostly thin-boned. Therefore, when calculating the ideal weight, you need to be guided by other characteristics of a person. If a woman, according to her constitution, has a wide bone, then the ideal weight for her will be slightly higher and at the same time she will look great. As they say, neither add nor subtract.

    There are many different ways to calculate ideal weight, and the concept of ideal weight is a flexible concept, it’s a matter of taste.

    You can clear your ideal weight using Brock's formula, which looks like this:

    • with a height of up to 165 cm, the ideal weight will be
    • with height 165-175
    • with a height of 175 cm

    That is, with a height of 160 cm, the ideal weight would be 60 kg (160-100 = 60)

    When using this formula, you need to take into account your body type, so this formula is designed for normosthetics. For asthenic women, you need to subtract 10%, for hypersthenic women, add 10%. So an asthenic woman with a height of 160 cm should weigh (160-100)-10% = 54 kg, a hypersthenic woman should weigh (160-100)+10% = 66 kg, a normosthenic woman 160-100 = 60 kg

    In order to determine what type of body type you have, you need to measure your wrist:

    • asthenic up to 15 cm
    • normosthenic 15-17 cm
    • hypersthenic from 18 cm

    And finally, I would like to note that the weight of fat and muscle is different, fat weighs less, but its volume is greater.

    According to the growth rate, the calculation goes like this. 164 minus 100 and minus 10% = 57 kg. This is for men.

    The same calculation, only minus 15% for women. But again, do not forget about age and the degree of body construction. Large-boned people, their norm will deviate upward, but only slightly by 2-4 kg.

Everyone who is losing weight is interested in the question of normalcy. What weight is considered normal for yourself? There are a number of formulas that you can use to determine the extent to which your body weight corresponds to one or another statistical average. After all, all these formulas are based on the average person. Therefore, when resorting to them, one must clearly realize that any formula for normal weight is conditional.

In reality, each of us has our own individual genetically predetermined value of optimal body weight, which depends on the totality of innate structural features of tissues and organs of the body as a whole.

For example, there are three body types – asthenic (small-boned/ectomorph), normosthenic (normal/mesomorph) and hypersthenic (broad-boned/endomorph).

To determine your type, you need to measure your wrist circumference.

  • Less than 16 cm – asthenic;
  • 16-18.5 cm – normosthenic;
  • More than 18.5 cm – hypersthenic.
  • Less than 17 cm – asthenic;
  • 17-20 cm – normosthenic;
  • More than 20 cm – hypersthenic.

In addition to body types, each of us is programmed to have a certain weight. This program is activated by the mother during pregnancy. It is believed that if she gained excess weight during pregnancy, then the child may have difficulty controlling body weight in the future. Throughout our lives, with both wrong and right habits, we lay down a different program. When losing weight, many are faced with the so-called balance point or set point, when they cannot lose weight using healthy methods, and if they succeed, they cannot keep it off.

For example, you weighed 90 kg, lost weight to 55 kg, want to lose another 5 kg, but no matter what you do, it doesn’t work. At the same time, even taking a break from the diet and small holidays, you do not gain more than 3-5 kg, which you then easily lose. You may have reached your point of balance, and overcoming it may cost you dearly. When the body is under constant stress, and dieting, training and high demands on oneself mean constant stress, the risk of hormonal disorders increases. It is important to listen to yourself and your body's needs.

If you do not take into account the individuality of the body and physique, then in approximate calculations you can use the following simple formulas (author P.P. Broca, 1871):

For men

(Height in cm - 100) x 0.9 = ideal weight.

For women

(Height in cm - 100) x 0.85 = ideal weight.

There is another formula that can be used for both men and women:

(Height in cm - 100) = ideal weight.

Example: If your height is 152 cm, your weight should be 152 - 100 = 52 kg.

There is another formula:

Height in cm x Bust volume in cm / 240 = ideal weight.

Example: (155 x 96) / 240 = 62 kg.

Do not forget that it is still necessary to take into account your body type; women naturally have more fat than men.

Therefore, you can use the following data to determine your ideal weight:

For men

Height, cm Body type
Thin (asthenic)
155 49 kg 56 kg 62 kg
160 53.5 kg 60 kg 66 kg
165 57 kg 63.5 kg 69.5 kg
170 60.5 kg 68 kg 74 kg
175 65 kg 72 kg 78 kg
180 69 kg 75 kg 81 kg
185 73.5 kg 79 kg 85 kg

For women

Height, cm Body type
Thin (asthenic) Normal (normosthenic) Wide bone (hypersthenic)
150 47 kg 52 kg 56.5 kg
155 49 kg 55 kg 62 kg
160 52 kg 58.5 kg 65 kg
165 55 kg 62 kg 68 kg
170 58 kg 64 kg 70 kg
175 60 kg 66 kg 72.5 kg
180 63 kg 69 kg 75 kg

You can also use our Body Parameter Analyzer.

Ideal weight formulas help you figure out how long you can lose weight. However, it is important to understand that two people with exactly the same weight can look completely different. The point here is not about height or body type, but about body composition - the ratio of muscle to fat. Look at the photo.

Adipose tissue is more voluminous than muscle tissue. That's why the girl on the left looks curvier than the girl on the right, even though they have the same weight. And that’s why it’s so important to strive not so much to lose weight, but to strengthen muscles through strength training and reduce the percentage of fat.

Normal human weight– this is a concept that cannot be precise. Its criteria include not only weight and height, but also a person’s physique and even age. Many men and women experience problems with being overweight or underweight. In this article I would like to tell you how to calculate your weight and what, in general, is the norm.

There are many ways to help calculate weight by height and age. But it should be remembered that such schemes may not be entirely perfect, since the weight ratio can be affected by other factors that are often not taken into account.

Since ancient times, many people have trusted Broca's method.

A person's height is taken in centimeters, then 100 is subtracted from this.

But after some time, the performance of this method changed slightly. This formula is best used to calculate weight by height for females aged between 40 and 50 years. You can read how heart rate changes with age here.

Women under 30 years of age need to have a body weight that is 10% less than this result.

To calculate weight based on height and age, it is considered more accurate Quetelet's method. This formula calculates the ratio of fat and bone and muscle tissue as a percentage. It allows you to determine whether a person is overweight or underweight. Usually we use this method of calculation for people from 20 to 60 years old.

For men, 10-15% fat of total body weight is considered normal, for women only 12%.

How is it calculated: body weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

Should not be used This calculation method is for pregnant women, women during lactation, adolescents and people involved in sports.

There is a formula that helps determine the distribution of fat by measuring the size of the waist and buttocks.

Calculated as follows: The volume of the buttocks should be divided by the volume of the waist.


  • for men – 0.80;
  • for women – 0.60-0.80.

In order to determine your body type, you need to measure the circumference of the wrist of your right hand, but if your left hand is your working hand, then you need to measure it. In the normostatic type it is equal to 17-18.5 cm, in the broad-boned type – more than 18.5 and in the thin-boned type – less than 17 cm.

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  • so that the pain stops
  • normalize urination
  • to create sexual desire and the ability to have sexual intercourse

Weight by height and age

Of course, age has a strong influence on body weight. It has been scientifically proven that over the years, body weight in men and women gradually increases with age. Moreover, this may not be extra pounds, but a natural physical process. But height affects people’s weight just as much.

Each person has his own body type. There are 3 of them: thin-boned, normal-boned and broad-boned. Each body type has its own characteristics.

Traits that distinguish one type from another:

This table shows the weight for men that is considered normal, taking into account his body type and height:

Thin-boned build Normal bone build Broad-boned build
155 cm - 49 kg 155 cm - 56 kg 155 cm - 62 kg
160 cm - 53.5 kg 160 cm - 60 kg 160 cm - 66 kg
165 cm - 57 kg 165 cm - 63.5 kg 165 cm - 69.5 kg
170 cm - 60.5 kg 170 cm - 68 kg 170 cm - 74 kg
175 cm - 65 kg 175 cm - 72 kg 175 cm - 78 kg
180 cm – 69 kg 180 cm - 75 kg 180 cm - 81 kg
185 cm - 73.5 kg 185 cm - 79 kg 185 cm - 85 kg

It should be taken into account that with thin-boned addition they sometimes subtract 3-5% from the weight indicated in the table. With big bones - 1-1,5%.

Using this table you can track the average weight for a woman taking into account her height:

Height, cm Normal weight, kg
148 46,3
149 47
150 47,4
151 48
152 48,4
153 48,9
154 49,6
155 50
156 50,7
157 51
158 51,8
159 52
160 52,6
161 53,4
162 54
163 54,5
164 55,3
165 55,8
166 56,6
167 57,6
168 58,2
169 59
170 59,5
171 60
172 61
173 62
174 62,5
175 63,4
176 64
177 64,5
178 65,2
179 65,9
180 66,8
181 67,4
182 68,5
183 68,8
184 69,5
185 70

In these tables you can see normal body weight for women and men, depending on their age and height.

The first table will tell you what weight should be for men and women aged 20 to 29 years:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 52 48,9
152 53,5 51
154 55,3 53
156 58,5 56
158 61 58
160 63 59,8
162 64,6 61,6
164 67,3 63,6
166 68,8 65
168 71 68
170 72,7 69,2
172 74,1 72,8
174 77,5 74,3
176 81 77
178 83 78,2
180 85,1 80,8

The second table will tell you about the normal weight of the stronger and weaker sex between the ages of 30 and 39:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 57 54
152 59 55
154 61,5 60
156 64,5 61,5
158 67,3 64,1
160 70 65,8
162 71 68,5
164 74 70,8
166 74,5 71,8
168 76,2 73,7
170 77,7 75,8
172 79,3 77
174 81 79
176 83,3 80
178 87 82,5
180 88 84

In the third table you can see the normal weight of people from 40 to 49 years old:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 58,1 58,5
152 61,5 59,5
154 64,5 62,4
156 67,3 66
158 70,4 67,9
160 72,3 69,9
162 74,4 72,2
164 77,2 74
166 78 76,6
168 79,6 78,2
170 81 79,8
172 82,8 81,7
174 84,4 83,7
176 86 84,6
178 88 86,1
180 89,9 88,1

The fourth table will tell us about normal weight between the ages of 50 and 60:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 58 55,7
152 61 57,6
154 63,8 60,2
156 65,8 62,4
158 68 64,5
160 69,7 65,8
162 72,7 68,7
164 75,6 72
166 76,3 73,8
168 79,5 74,8
170 79,9 76,8
172 81,1 77,7
174 82,5 79,4
176 84,1 80,5
178 86,5 82,4
180 87,5 84,1

And finally, the fifth table will talk about the normal weight of men and women in old age, that is, from 60 to 70 years:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 57,3 54,8
152 60,3 55,9
154 61,9 59
156 63,7 60,9
158 67 62,4
160 68,2 64,6
162 69,1 66,5
164 72,2 70,7
166 74,3 71,4
168 76 73,7
170 76,9 75
172 78,3 76,3
174 79,3 78
176 81,9 79,1
178 82,8 80,9
180 84,4 81,6

It is known that in old age physical activity decreases significantly and metabolism in the body decreases. But some habits of older people regarding proper nutrition and an active lifestyle remain unchanged even after many years. Therefore, despite the decrease in muscle tissue, many people do not stop gaining weight over the years.

Summarizing the above formulas for calculating weight and tables that indicate weight standards for men and women, we can conclude that a person’s weight is directly related to many other criteria.

These criteria are:

  • person's age;
  • height;
  • body type.

Heredity is also an important factor. If a person has a genetic predisposition to be overweight, then getting rid of extra pounds will be much more difficult.

In conclusion, I would like to say that knowing whether your weight corresponds to normal body weight helps to eliminate a lot of problems, and sometimes identify the presence of a disease.

Controlling your weight is the prevention of many serious diseases. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are usually accompanied by obesity. At the same time, cancer and diseases of the digestive tract can lead to sudden weight loss.

In order to maintain normal body weight you need to:

  • proper and healthy nutrition;
  • You need to eat breakfast every day, as this helps to avoid snacking at a later time;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • regularly weighing your body weight;
  • consultations with a specialist if you are overweight or, on the contrary, underweight;
  • To maintain a normal weight, a man needs 2,500 calories a day, and a woman needs 2,000.

Watch your weight and nutrition, be healthy!

ratings, average:

As we know, there is no limit to perfection. This is especially true for standards female beauty. Especially many young ladies are concerned about the question of what it should be like perfect ratio height and weight. To get closer to the ideal, girls torture themselves with various diets and spend many hours in gyms.

However, not every young lady is able to immediately answer the question of what weight should be if she is 170 or 158 centimeters tall. Here you will have to do some calculations. There are different methods.

Honestly, the norm of weight and height for women is a very individual indicator, because there are many additional parameters. For example, some people have a so-called wide bone, while others have highly developed muscle mass. To find out your ideal weight for height, all this data must be taken into account. Also, measurements will be quite approximate for those who have not yet finished growing (teenagers), as well as for women who are in an “interesting position.” In these cases there is no need to talk about ideals at all.

The first step is to correctly measure your own height. To do this, you need to stand with your back to a sheer wall and lean against it. You must have at least five touch points:

  • back of the head;
  • protruding parts of the blades;
  • buttocks;
  • calf muscles;
  • heels.

If at least one of these points does not touch the wall, then you are standing incorrectly. In this case, the measurements cannot be considered completely correct.

Place a flat plank, ruler or book on the top of your head and ask someone to draw a line where the object touches the wall. Now, using a measuring tape, measure the distance from the floor to the mark. The result can be assessed as follows:

  • 150 cm or less – short stature;
  • 151-156 cm – below average;
  • 157-167 cm – average height;
  • 168-175 cm – tall;
  • 176 cm – very high growth for woman.

Special tables will help you find out what your weight should be for your measured height. However, this result cannot be considered completely correct. The fact is that not every table takes into account all the necessary parameters.

The proportions of weight and height in women depend on many parameters, for example, on body type. There are three types:

  • Asthenic. Another name is thin-boned. People of this type have very thin, long and fragile limbs. Their height is usually above average. They also have a rather long neck, narrow hips and shoulders, and a small volume rib cage. Asthenics most often have an accelerated metabolism, so they are quite thin. If people of this type begin to eat a lot, then the weight will increase very slowly. They say about such people: “a boyish figure.”
  • Normosthenic – normal. Such young ladies are the luckiest, since everything in their body is proportional: the bones are of medium thickness, the shoulders and hips are quite wide, and the waist is much narrower in comparison. The metabolism of this type of woman is moderate. With a normal diet, all kilocalories are completely consumed, but you should not overeat, as there is a risk of quickly ruining your figure.
  • Hypersthenic – wide bone. This type of person has rather wide and massive bones. Outwardly it is clearly visible: wide hips and shoulders, short neck and legs, massive chest. This guy had the worst luck. The metabolism of such people is slow, and with incorrect nutrition, weight will be gained at lightning speed.

Since the normal weight and height for women depends primarily on their body type, it is necessary to determine it correctly. This is quite easy to do. To do this, you just need to measure the circumference of your wrist. Since this is the only part of the body on which fat is practically not deposited, such measurements can be trusted. So:

  • 16 cm or less - you are asthenic;
  • 16-18.5 cm – you have a completely normal build;
  • 18.5 cm or more - you have a wide bone.

In addition to the correct ratio of weight and height, for a beautiful figure it is also important to have good proportions. Since height mainly depends on the length of the legs, this parameter is also important. Of course, the length of the legs is quite difficult to correct; you will have to be content with what nature gave.

Asthenic young ladies or women usually have long legs normal type. Legs should be measured from the floor to the protruding mound femur(if there are no problems with weight, then it is clearly visible).

For a figure to be considered proportional, the length of a girl’s legs must be at least half her height. It is customary to consider the parameters at which the length of the legs is more than 1/2 of the height by several centimeters:

  • 2-4 cm – for hypersthenics;
  • 4-6 cm – for a normal build;
  • 6-9 cm – for asthenics.

If nature does not spoil you with long legs, then this deficiency can be corrected by wearing high heels.

In addition to these factors, it is also necessary to take into account the woman’s age. The fact is that the weight norm for a height of 175 will be different for women who have celebrated their fiftieth birthday and for twenty-year-old girls. This is due to the level of metabolism. The younger the girl, the taller he is. Accordingly, the standards vary.

For this, there are many different formulas and tables that take into account different factors. Which one to choose is up to you. To determine your ideal weight for height yourself, you can use, for example, Brock’s formula. The calculation will be quick, but quite approximate. To do this, you just need to correctly measure your own height and subtract 100 cm from the result obtained in centimeters. This will be the desired weight.

As you understand, the norm of weight and height for women calculated in this way is very approximate, because the calculation does not take into account either the body type or, in fact, the age of the person. Therefore, to correct the result, you can safely subtract another 7–10%.

Those who are interested in the norms of weight and height for women of a certain age can use, for example, Quetelet’s formula, which takes into account all the necessary parameters. The formula is not too complicated, anyone can apply it:

  • M = 0.75 x (P – 150) + 50 + (B – 20) : 4.

All the letters here are intuitively clear: M – body mass; B – age; R – human height.

To do an additional check, you can also calculate BMI (in the English version BMI), which stands for body mass index, or otherwise Quetelet index. It's very easy to do this:

The letters, of course, indicate weight and height, respectively, only in this case height must be measured in meters. Depending on what number you received, we evaluate the results:

  • 18.5 or less - you are clearly underweight, you urgently need to gain a few kilograms;
  • 18.6-24.9 – your weight can be considered normal, there are no medical indications for losing weight;
  • 25-29.9 - sad, but your weight cannot be called normal, so to feel good and have a beautiful figure, you still need to lose a couple of kilograms;
  • 30–34.9 – you have clear signs of first-degree obesity; if you do not want to have many health problems, then immediately go to the gym;
  • above 35 – second degree obesity; Most likely, in the near future you will need the help of a doctor, since at this weight your health deteriorates significantly;
  • above 40 - you simply need the help of a nutritionist; you are unlikely to be able to lose weight on your own.

Since all the ratios of the parameters of the human body have long been calculated by nutritionists and simply caring enthusiasts, you can determine your personal ideal weight using one of the many ready-made tables. To get the most accurate results, choose tables that take into account greatest number parameters. When using them, it is worth remembering that the data for men and women is most often different, so be careful.

There is another very simple and affordable way to determine whether it’s time for you to lose weight. You need to divide your waist size, measured in centimeters, by your hip size. If the result obtained is less than 0.8, everything is in order, you do not need a diet. Those with readings ranging from 0.81 to 0.84 should think about their diet. Well, for those who have this figure greater than or equal to 0.85, it’s time to see a nutritionist - you are obese.