Psychic energy what it is capable of. Psychic energy. How to develop psychic energy

Every educated person has heard something about psychic energy, has some idea of ​​it, sometimes even mentions it in conversation and thus acknowledges its existence. But what is the essence of this energy, what is its purpose, how and in what cases does it manifest itself, is it possible and necessary to develop it in oneself, how and for what purposes to use it?

There are no answers to all these questions either in modern science or in philosophy, because, one might say, Western scientists and philosophers have not yet dealt with the resolution of these questions on a large scale.

There is no doubt that such a significant factor in the life of mankind as psychic energy, manifested in every phenomenon and at every step of life, could not but attract the attention of an inquisitive human mind.

At present, in many cultural countries there are already various kinds and types of scientific institutions, and in some countries there are departments at universities that have begun to study this issue (Sweden, England, America). Numerous courses in psychology and psychiatry and institutes - psychic, metapsychic, psychosynthetic, physiological, neurological and various others - are engaged in the study and research of psychic energy according to all the rules of modern science.

But the realm of psychic energy is immense, and these first steps cannot give much. If we add to this that in our time there are many amateur societies for psychic research, this shows that interest in this energy and its manifestations is increasing.

Unfortunately, most societies are engaged almost exclusively in spiritualism, mediumship, without studying the Laws according to which psychic energy manifests and acts. Their activity is limited by the desire to enter into relations with the inhabitants of the Other World: the evocation of the dead, materialization and the so-called phenomena of aports. At best, they are engaged in registering and publishing cases of clairvoyance, clairaudience and other minor manifestations of undisciplined psychism.

Thus, it can be said that the area of ​​psychic energy is still an unknown and little explored area. There are almost no manuals and sources on this issue. Even in the occult literature, little is said about her, and if she is, she often appears under other names.

In the books of the Teaching of Living Ethics (Agni Yoga) for the first time a multilateral coverage of this energy is given and methods of a rational approach to its study are given.

The Teaching says that “the psychodynamics of the spirit is the basis of Being”, that all atoms and cells are not a simple combination of matter, “not just development, but the real psychodynamics of the Cosmos”, that we see psycholife in all manifestations of life in the Cosmos. “Psychic life moves the atom, and atomistic energy is the lever of the life of the atom. The principle of human life flows from the psycho-life of the atom. (...) Psychodynamics connects all disparate atoms, and is the force that vouches for the highest manifestations of the Cosmos in the forms of the elements and in the elemental human spirit. (...) Psychodynamics and psycho-life, truly, are the engines of the energy of the Cosmos” (Infinity, part I, § 65).

Thus, the psycho-life, or the life of the spirit, is the basis of all life, and the spirit is the lever around which the physical life, the manifested form of Existence, manifests itself and revolves. The phenomenon of life can be conditioned only by the psychodynamics of the spirit. Matter devoid of spirit is dead matter, and spirit does not exist outside of matter, being nothing. Therefore, every living organism, which in one form or another manifests its inherent life, is moved by the spirit.

And not only the organism itself is moved by the spirit, but every atom, every cell and every organ of its body manifests the corresponding psycho-life peculiar only to this cell or organ. The basis of sight of the physical eye is the psycho-eye, the basis of hearing is the psychic ear, and so on. Everything in the Cosmos lives and exists in spirit, psychodynamics everywhere and psycholife in everything.

Proceeding from these basic provisions of the psychodynamics of life in Cosmos, we must admit that man, as supreme manifestation of life in the Universe, should have developed the greatest psychodynamics of life, but, alas, this has not yet been observed. The vast majority of modern "crowns of creation" not only do not realize this, but continue to live plant and animal life; not only do they not care about the high dynamics of their spirit, but, identifying their "I" with their body, they make every effort and care to develop the greatest dynamics of their muscles and some other organs of their body.

Despite, however, such a manifestation of ignorance of the basis of one's being, every manifestation of human life, from the satisfaction of the lowest needs of the body to the highest emotions that a person is capable of, is produced by the lever of any life - the spirit, regardless of whether the person knows about it. or does not know whether he cares about the high quality of his thoughts, motives and actions or does not care. But from the foundations of the worldview of the New Epoch outlined earlier, it is known that what human actions, desires and thoughts are, such will be the consequences, such will be its evolution and all the conditions of the future life created by it.

But since every manifestation of the life we ​​see begins in thought, that is, on the Higher Spiritual Plane, and through desire, that is, through the lower Spiritual Plane, is brought into fulfillment and action on the Physical Plane of existence, and since the spirit acts on all these Planes, then, in essence, there is not and cannot be a division into material life and spiritual life, for there are no boundaries in the One Life, and all these three Plans of existence constitute the One Plan of Existence, and the Spirit acts on all of them and reigns.

Thus, only by studying the psychodynamics of the spirit and the psychic energy radiated by it, we can understand all the phenomena of life in all their immensity and complexity, for only then will we approach the very essence and basis of Being, only then will we know ourselves, for our spirit, being part of the One Spirit, possesses all its properties; only then will we understand the wisdom of the Universe, the unity of all that exists, the greatness and infinity of the Universe, in which from beginning to end and from the very top to the very bottom there is a single great force that unites everything, creates everything and destroys everything. This great force is psychic energy.

If we accept that psychic energy really exists, then we can assert the following with all boldness.

The brain is not a means of thinking, but is a biological “computing machine” that controls the behavior of a living organism in its environment and maintains the vital functions of this organism. A person's thinking is carried out through and within the framework of the "directory" allocated for him - a separate part of the Mind, which is at the same time the spiritual body (soul) of a person. A person, being in a spiritual body, continues his self-realization even after physical death.

Such is the view of the Teaching of Living Ethics.

However, this view of the Universe is not currently regarded as scientific. Scientific, by definition, can only be that which is confirmed experimentally. And psychic energy has not yet been recorded in scientific experiments. It is possible that the scientific studies that were carried out were not serious enough. It is also likely that those in power do their best to prevent such experiments from being carried out so as not to disturb the balance of forces of public influence. Rumors about supposedly conducted and ongoing secret research in the field of psychic energy search can be just a "duck" spread by the authorities to lull the public, which is tempted to engage in its self-improvement. Like, serious research was carried out, and nothing could be found. The arrows of the devices did not deviate, the active substances did not stain, the movement of objects at a distance was not recorded. And if anything was fixed, then this is due to ultrasonic waves emitted by the hands of mediums.

Apparently, no one is going to change the scientific canons in the near future. Science, as it should be, is entirely occupied with protecting state borders and increasing the capital of entrepreneurs. Everything that does not fit into the political and financial interests of the elite is swept aside as anti-scientific. Therefore, all those who believe in the presence of psychic energy have to be content with only ancient metaphorical stories and their modern interpretations.

It can be said with all confidence that psychic energy will not receive official recognition in the coming decades, and possibly even centuries. This topic may influence the course of civilization development too much. Established social laws do not provide for the mass emergence of strong personalities whose psyche is able to withstand the massive zombification of public consciousness.

Psychic energy is Great AUM

Since ancient times, people have known about the existence of psychic energy and to some extent were able to use it. In ancient Greece this energy was called Theros, in ancient Egypt - Tum, in the East - AUM.

The great "AUM" is psychic energy nourished by prana.

AUM is prayer. This is an ancient sacred combination of concepts, which is consonant with the music of the spheres, which brings the body of the one pronouncing this prayer into a harmonious sound with the vibrations of the Higher World and contributes to the influx of psychic energy into it. In consonance AUM is a triune combination of higher concepts, in which A is the Thought-Basic, U is the Light-Beginning, and M is the Mystery-Secret. In this combination, the subtlety of vibrations, the wisdom of sound and the beauty of construction. This is a combination of the best vibrations that sound for the mood of psychic energy.

Thus, the concept of AUM is a symbol of the combination of higher energies, and since psychic energy is the highest energy, the AUM prayer combines the highest human energy with the highest Cosmic energy.

The Hindu philosopher Swami Vivekananda in his book Bhakti Yoga says:

“AUM (AOUM, pronounced as OM) is the most sacred of all sacred words, the universe was created by this word, and it is the mother of all names and forms. To create the Universe and bring the chaotic state of matter into a manifested form, two factors are necessary - name and form.

Since the entire Universe is built according to the same Plan, everything that exists in the Universe has a name and a form. The name or Idea is the inner essence, and the form is the visible appearance. The symbol that unites them is AUM. First, it manifests itself in the form of thought and word, and then - speech and action. Thus the Universe is a form behind which is the Idea, the "Word" or Logos. Therefore, AUM is the Symbol not only of the Universe and its Creator, but is the only possible Symbol, embracing the entire field of all possible ideas, and there is no other similar to it.

“Aum is the arrow and Brahma is the target of the arrow. At this goal, try to hit you, ”says one Hindu sacred hymn.
The Christian amen and amen are the same modified AUM.

“The teacher was asked: what is hidden behind the Fire Veil? When He uttered the word Aum, no one felt the significance of the Highest Power. They asked: can this Supernatural Power manifest itself among earthly creatures? It was said maybe. People were again confused, because if this Power is outside the elements, then how can one contain it? The Teacher said: there are no earthly words to express the Higher Lights, but signs of them can sometimes be noticed. Let us learn attentiveness” (The Fiery World, Part III, § 525).

“The Fiery World has its own expression under the name of psychic energy. So people will understand more. It is clear to everyone that something exists in it, for which there is no name in languages. Force, or energy, will be accepted rather than a Fiery spark. Mankind very much opposes itself to Fire. “Fire devours, but does not create,” people think. Therefore, first name psychic energy to them, and only tell the developed consciousness about Fire” (The Fiery World, Part III, § 440).

“Psychic energy is ALL. Psychic energy, as the primary energy, is the energy that lies at the foundation of the manifested World. Psychic energy imprints images on the plastic cosmic substance. Psychic energy is Fohat. Psychic energy is the Holy Spirit. Psychic energy is love and striving. Psychic energy is the synthesis of all nerve radiations. Psychic energy is the Great AUM. Therefore, the development in oneself of a constant, unbreakable aspiration to the Light, in all its manifestations, will be, precisely, the development of this energy. Truly, striving and psychic energy can be said to be synonymous. One does not exist without the other” (“Letters of Helena Roerich”, 08/16/37).

Psychic energy is also what in the usual understanding is called spirituality, and the development of psychic energy is in essence the development of spirituality, but not of the spirituality that is expressed in modern man in the performance of rites and going to temples, but of that true, higher spirituality, which consists in joining the Higher World, in revealing the higher consciousness in oneself, in developing oneself, in mastering and in the conscious use of that huge higher power that is inherent in each of us, for the benefit of evolution and for the benefit of all mankind.

Since our spirit, or monad, is a part of the all-binding, all-penetrating, all-unifying and all-creating Fiery element, the emanation emitted by the spirit and the energy developed by it, or psychic energy, is Fiery energy, which has all the properties inherent in the Fiery element. Psychic energy is the highest manifestation of the highest element in the Cosmos.

This great energy is present everywhere and in everything. There is no such phenomenon in the Universe, such a being and such a thing that could manifest their inherent life, if they were deprived of psychic energy. The deprivation of psychic energy, or its departure, is the cessation of the psychodynamics of the spirit, or, in other words, the cessation of life - either complete or partial, depending on whether the psychodynamics of the spirit has ceased in the whole organism or in one of its organs.

In view of the fact that every atom and every cell of our body, in addition to physical existence, live the life of the spirit, or, as it is said, psycho-create, psychic energy penetrates into all tissues, into all organs of our body, establishing balance throughout the body, contributing to its normal and correct functioning. . Therefore, each of our actions, each desire and each thought is a manifestation of psychic energy. The Teaching says: “What earthly words can express that the subtlest energy is manifested in every movement of a person? How to affirm that the same energy sets the Worlds in motion? How to explain that it is the same in thought and in action? It is both a motivating and a stopping cause. She does not measure the small and the great. Who will understand where the First Cause of everything is? Who can carry the Knowledge of the great energy throughout the World?” (Aum, § 426).

Psychic energy is the energy that moves mountains, as Christ spoke about it, because there are no barriers to it. It operates outside of time and space. Sent to us from the Distant Worlds, it can manifest its effect immediately. Psychic energy creates and destroys the Worlds. It also submerges the decomposed parts of the planet to the bottom of the oceans and raises new continents from the bottom. It is in every manifestation of the life of the planet and everything that lives on it. It is in the small grain of each plant, which gives life to both a mighty tree and a delicate fragrant flower. It is in the seed of every creature that gives life to both man and ant. It is in the life and death of everything that lives and that dies.

About psychic energy in the book “The Cup of the East” it is said: “Yes, there is a force that is as boundless as thought, as powerful as boundless will, as elusive as the essence of life, and so unimaginably terrible in its bursting power, that if it were only used as a lever, it would shake the World to its very foundations; but this Power is not God, since there are people who have mastered the secret of subordinating this power to their will when necessary ”(Letter XXIV).

It was by studying and subordinating this force to one's will that everything that is called miracles was and is being performed. All those great miracles that the Bible tells about are performed by psychic energy. Let us recall the three youths of the Old Testament, who, at the command of Nebuchadnezzar, were thrown into a furnace raging with great fire and did not burn out because psychic energy, or the Fire of the heart, was called into action, that is, the highest aspect of Fire, which can withstand the greatest material fire.

Let us remember the prophet Daniel, who was thrown into the lions' den and not torn to pieces by them because protective psychic energy was called into action, against which not a single animal dares.

Let us remember all the great miracles of Moses, performed by him during the withdrawal of Israel from Egypt and during the forty years of wandering in the wilderness: crossing the divided waters of the Red Sea, extracting water from a stone, manna from the sky and quail from the clouds, and so on.

In the same way, let us not forget everything that Christ did with psychic energy: the return to life of the dead, the healing of the blind-born and the paralyzed, walking on water and calming the storm, turning water into wine, and much more.

But in order to prove the power of psychic energy, we do not need to climb into the distant past, because at every moment of the existence of our planet there have always been, as they are at the present time, High Beings who, having subjugated this great force to their will, direct it for the purposes of evolution and the welfare of humanity on our planet. They pass on this Great Knowledge only to trained and worthy students who do not use it for personal gain and to harm their neighbor.

However, despite such a selection of the worthy, the crumbs of this Knowledge penetrate into the peoples surrounding this Source of Light and Knowledge. Who has not heard of Hindus and Tibetan lamas, who can sit on the water, walk on fire, sleep in the cold, hiding behind one shirt, who can call any object out of space, can kill a tiger or a mad dog with a glance? In all these cases, the same great force, psychic energy, acts.

Properties of psychic energy

Psychic energy is the main energy that vibrates and reacts to all phenomena of life throughout the Universe. Its properties and qualities cannot be taken into account, because each of its manifestations is individual. In the richness of the Universe each expression of energy is individual. The same manifestation of the same energy will not only produce a different impression on two different individuals, but even on the same one, for each case is a complex combination of different conditions of time, place, state, position, and various other conditions.

Each case of manifestation of psychic energy is the resultant of all the forces from which the given case has been formed, the complex of all conditions and the synthesis of all strivings. Therefore, the manifestation of this energy is so diverse and each time individually.

“The variety of psychic energy shows its power. She cannot remain inert. It, like true Fire, vibrates and acts continuously. People may think that their energy is dormant, but, in fact, it cannot remain inactive. Such is its connection with the Higher energy” (Aum, § 268).

“The individual expressions of psychic energy are innumerable. The energy itself is still the same, its basic Law is unshakable, but at the same time there are no two living beings with the same expression of it. From this variety many misconceptions are born. Pedants cannot stand diversity, and therefore, instead of the basic unity, they substitute conditional divisions, calling them by invented names. Over the centuries the most harmful confusions are growing, and few have the determination to turn back to the basics.

(...) Humanity already recognizes subtle energy. They still do not know how to study it and apply it in life, but the concept itself is imperatively revealed in various departments of science. Lots of testimonies coming from everywhere. Not a few skeptics no longer dare to object and mock. The time is not far off when the unity of the primary energy will be recognized. The individuality of energy will not be an obstacle to its study, but will delight inquisitive minds. All epidemics of obsession will be suppressed by doctors. Out of the fragments of observations, conclusions will be drawn, and life will receive many conscious benefits.

(...) Everyone who knows the meaning of psychic energy will forever be a researcher. He will always improve, which means he will get rid of old age.

I affirm that psychic energy will not only allow itself to be explored, but its influx will intensify as soon as thought rushes towards it” (Aum, § 598).

Psychic energy belongs to the number of subtle energies, and of all subtle energies it is the subtlest. A distinctive feature of subtle energies is that the thinner they are, the more powerful, at the same time, their impact on a person is the thinner. The greatest energy is the least tangible.

Since the subtle energies are subtle because they belong to the Higher Worlds, they can produce an impact on the subtle nature of a person, for the physical nature of a person, although imperceptible, but nevertheless very powerful. Only the physical consciousness of a person, not noticing this impact, reduces and moderates the strength of these energies.

It may often seem to a person that he has come to some definite conclusion and made an independent decision, while in reality he was affected by subtle mental energy from space, perceived by his thinking apparatus. This impact could be so significant that it changed the whole life of a person, while his physical consciousness knew nothing about it. This is how subtle energies work.

“Psychic energy is the subtlest, and therefore the handling of it must be sublimely refined. It should be firmly remembered that the force of psychic energy is Fiery power. Near Fire, manifested and unmanifested, one must strive especially carefully. You need to love such an all-saturating energy. You can not treat the experience doubting or hostile.

(...) In order to assimilate the methods of experience with psychic energy, it is necessary to be able to control one's thinking. Not only to be able to direct him, but also to know and keep thoughts from action ”(Aum, § 388).

Psychic energy has the property of a magnet. Psychic energy acts in every attraction and repulsion, and it itself has the property of both attraction and repulsion. Without the assistance of psychic energy it would be impossible to cognize the positive and negative qualities of phenomena and things, for this great energy reacts and resounds to everything, both positive and negative.

“You put a lamp, and immediately a lot of insects rush to it from the darkness. You affirm psychic energy and immediately apply various circumstances to it: small and great, both far and near. Psychic energy is a real magnet. Many will be surprised to learn that the metal magnet and psychic energy are driven by the same energy. This basic energy of consciousness is spread by the element of Fire in everything. Sometimes it is elusive, but often it is either cosmically directed or collected by a developed consciousness, and then even shallow observation can establish obvious consequences. So you can connect the most opposite areas to one source.

How can one fail to understand that, with a vast number of world energies, some of them act on unexpected centers, thereby connecting the various Kingdoms of Nature? Thus the stone approaches the human consciousness.

Of course, modern science evades explaining the essence of the magnet. Waves of consciousness, like a stream of the ocean, trace the images of creation in space. Few observed magnetic currents in the most diverse entities, but the mass thought of mankind is already familiar.

Like an infection from an invisible cause, the same thoughts spread; something collects them, strains and strengthens them. Those who placed a magnet above the crown to deepen their consciousness knew the remnants of the Great Teaching. Collecting magnetic waves from various areas, they increased the supply of their psychic energy. One can really unite several currents and get a renewal of consciousness. To do this, first of all, you need to learn to allow - this is the first condition for the development of consciousness ”(Agni Yoga, § 255).

“Nothing can replace the element of Fire. Psychic energy also has no substitute. The most self-sufficing, the most refined, the most ascending energy is the true daughter of Fire! It is not by chance that we call to the Fiery Conqueror” (Agni Yoga, § 546).

“It is correct to believe that psychic energy is inexhaustible. A stock that has been wisely spent is immediately replenished from the treasury of the Cosmos. Thus, it is even useful to release psychic energy; the new stock more easily separates the deposits and then rushes to the world's work. How can one turn the wheel of the Law into action, how easy it is to summon new power from space! Therefore, I speak about the rotation of psychic energy” (Agni Yoga, § 592).

“If inspiration is connected with psychic energy, then Beauty will be at the same Source. That is why I say that psychic energy is Beauty. Thus, one can enumerate all the qualities of the great energy, but since it will be combined with all manifestations of life, it is correct to call it primary. So we will call it.

It is wonderful to feel that each of the people is given such inexhaustible power. We can move physical objects with such force. If the force is inexhaustible, then the volume of objects is relative. Today we can move small things, tomorrow we can move something bigger. In this progression lies the happiness of evolution.

Recently, people did not admit that even physical objects can be moved by the innermost power of man. But now you have seen that it is not an external force that moves objects, but your energy works in the same way as the Cosmic Force” (Aum, § 478).

“Psychic energy is diverse! You can find different vibrations of it with special names. Let us pay attention to one high type of energy, called protectiveness. One should not think that this quality protects the bearer of such energy himself, on the contrary, he protects many, generously devoting his energy. Like the divisibility of the spirit, psychic energy is released where it can be useful. Such a doctor does not know the sufferers he heals. Difficult but rewarding work! (Aum, § 561).

“Psychic energy was sometimes called Theros. In the Hermetic Testaments, one can find the expression: “The warrior Theros raised his shield,” this is how the protective significance of psychic energy was indicated.

Have you heard of a Yogi being torn to pieces by beasts? There has never been such a case, for no animal that has a grain of instinct will dare against the shield of Theros. It's just a matter of calling Theros "chalices" outward to the limbs. The channels of the "bowl" branch out to all limbs, and some may feel the light of the "bowl" with tension in the toes or hands; or to feel the light of the Bell in accordance with the "chalice". All this is not metaphysics, but an indication for application in life. Many need protection, why not use your treasure?

It is not difficult to accumulate the energy of Theros, it is also not difficult to call it out. It is also not necessary to lose consciousness at the decisive hour, then not far from the eye of death. A yogi does not kill an animal of his own free will, but an evil will is smashed against the shield of Theros. One must understand that it is not a violent will, but the accumulation of a “chalice” that gives both protection and influence” (Agni Yoga, § 565).

One of the most amazing properties of psychic energy is that it accumulates in space, settles and deposits itself on all objects surrounding a person. Man is not only a condenser and transmuter of cosmic energies, but he himself is a powerful dynamo that radiates various kinds of energies. Therefore, what is the man himself, the carrier of psychic energy, such are his things. They can be kind, beneficent, and helpful, but they can also be evil, harmful, and even dangerous.

Who has not heard of things that brought either happiness or misfortune? Of course, here the essence is not in things, but in the psychic energy that is layered on them, because, as it is said in the Teaching of Living Ethics, the psychic energy layered on objects lives for thousands of years. It is not destroyed and is not erased either by centuries or by distance.

Ancient peoples - Atlanteans, Egyptians, Chaldeans, Jews and others who knew about this property of psychic energy used it for various purposes. They deliberately layered on objects, sometimes specially made for this purpose, sometimes random, a certain quality of psychic energy, which was supposed to produce the desired effect on others.

Such objects were called teraphs or cursed objects, because when the energy was layered, a certain formula, or spell, was pronounced. Teraphim were used in ancient times in temples during worship, but over time they lost their liturgical purpose and began to be used by egoistic humanity solely for the benefit of themselves and harm to others. The miraculous icons of Christians and the same images of the Buddha among Buddhists have the same teraphim, which in some cases produce healing from diseases and others. useful to people phenomena, for they are overlaid with good psychic energy by those who pray.

The proof of how tenacious the psychic energy layered on teraphim is can be the well-known case with the discovery of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. All the people who took part in the opening of this tomb, one way or another, died a strange, inexplicable death. Dozens of such tombs were opened, and the mummies extracted from them were handed over for storage to museums without any harm to those who committed this sacrilege, but the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, by all accounts, was a teraph. A spell was cast over her, which was supposed to strike with death all those who violated the posthumous peace of this pharaoh.

Therefore, not fantasy and not legends are all stories about cursed objects, about evil and good things. The influence of man and his power - psychic energy - on everything around him is undoubtedly and enormous. Just as a good person cannot do something evil, for it is contrary to his nature, just as it is contrary to the nature of an evil person to think and do good.

The Teaching says: “Good and evil objects are created by man. Good thoughts and good touches will create an object of blessing, and, conversely, evil touches can create a very contagious hearth ”(Aum, § 262). Therefore, the Teaching recommends being careful with the unknown, especially with ancient things, because it is not known what is layered on them and what they can bring. The aura of a person creates the aura of an object.

The settling of psychic energy on objects was used by the ancients to magnetize water, which, as a result, became healing.

“For a long time, people have known about two ways to magnetize water. One - when magnetized by passes, and the other - natural, when water was placed at the head. While the first method was preferred for some ailments, but the second was considered the best for general maintenance of strength. Such water was either drunk or sprinkled with it.

They say that a certain queen of Palmyra ordered her entourage to spend the night near the pool, prepared for ablution. Also, the biblical story about King David shows how healthy human radiations were valued. In a hostel one should very carefully harmonize the emanations of radiations. Psychic energy will help in the selection of employees ”(Aum, § 407).

The study of psychic energy will reveal many amazing properties of this primary energy. As one of these properties, one can also point to the fact that the psychic energy of a person separates itself, arbitrarily leaves the person and, without his knowledge and will, creates what he finds necessary. In such a phenomenon, there is no danger to humans. The higher and rational energy separates from a person not in order to do something negative, but it rushes to help those who are in difficulty. Someone, somewhere, was exhausted in some way and could not find a way out, and now the psychic energy of another person rushed to his aid and helped him out of the difficulty.

The one who sent help might feel some sudden fatigue, and the one who received help a surge of strength, but neither one nor the other will understand what has happened if they do not know anything about it. But what a joy it is for the one who knows to realize that he possesses such a gracious power that at any moment can help the one in need and make him an unknown benefactor of his unknown friends.

“The striving of people does not correspond much to the properties of psychic energy. Some qualities of this energy have lost signs of consciousness. The most difficult thing for mankind is to realize the infinity of energy and its possibility of self-separate action. We easily feel energy in connection with bodily actions, but the most wonderful thing we are little aware of. The most wonderful thing can be considered when psychic energy can act independently at a great distance. Just as a projectile fired from a gun produces a separate effect, so our energy can produce an effect completely separately and for a long time. Of course, the duration depends on the amount of energy.

You can send energy consciously, but there can also be unconscious discharges of it if it tends in the usual direction. When the projectile of energy has gone far, then the depletion of energy will be temporarily felt. But he who knows this property will not be embarrassed, on the contrary, he will support the action of the sending with his consciousness.

You have heard the legend of a rotating cloud over a place of special significance - the same sending of energy lies at the base. The aspiration of energy can be so strong that it can create physical phenomena, because the combination of energy with the elements will give the most unusual combinations. But during the action of self-separated energy, one must be prepared for some fatigue, accepting it as a natural consequence of the emptying of the treasury.

The detached energy is working on conditions that cannot be deposited. The new creation, of course, attracts the nearest consciousnesses. Parcels rush like help, bringing courage, vigor, resourcefulness. And often neither the recipient nor the sender is aware of what is happening. The divisibility of the spirit is the transmission of energy. The energy acts in the transmission, and at the same time the sender, as it were, is resting from fatigue.

How many parcels are carried through space! Some of them will not form the foundations of new planets? (Agni Yoga, § 254).

On the principle of the divisibility of the spirit and the property of psychic energy to separate itself, another miraculous phenomenon occurs. Beings who have reached the highest spiritual development, can appear in many places at once. When the need arises for this, they can, by separating from themselves a part of their higher consciousness, that is, a part of their spirit, with the help of psychic energy, give it such a form and appearance that corresponds to their real, authentic image.

Such duplicates, having fulfilled the task assigned to them, return to the source that sent them. The highest limit of this kind of achievement is when the Supreme Being, “...being in the earthly shell and possessing the property of divisibility of the spirit to perfection, can act consciously both on Earth and in interplanetary space, simultaneously visiting even the nearest planets. Moreover, this divisibility of the spirit does not in the least affect the lowering of the quality of His manifestation or activity in the earthly shell, for the higher energies released by Him do not even have application on our Earth” (“Letters of Helena Roerich”, 14.05.37).

The divisibility of the spirit can be understood by the following example. With one candle, we can light a thousand candles, and neither the integrity of the flame, nor the strength of light from such a borrowing of fire will suffer in the least. The original flame remains the same, no matter how much we divide it. Such is the basic property of the Fiery element, which is the same on all planes of existence. Our spirit, as the highest manifestation of the Fiery element, has this property no less than any fire on the physical plane of existence.

Development and accumulation of psychic energy

Is it necessary to develop and accumulate psychic energy in oneself? To this question we find the following paragraph in the Teaching: “Wide is the realm of humanity, with its pinnacle it touches the Higher World in the person of heroes, ascetics; below, it produces cosmic litter, which fills the stones of neighboring planets. The distance between the ascetic, already overshadowed by the Light of the Higher World, and the weedy scum is unreasonable.

It is hard to imagine that the potential of the main energy was given to each person, but how differently people treated the great gift! Even the imagination itself does not cover such an abyss. People find hard what they don't like and easy what doesn't bother them; out of this conventionality, gaping abysses threaten. People do not get used to keeping the Higher World in their consciousness, but it is not difficult to replace the feeling of emptiness with boundless life. How much more beautiful is the realization of the Higher World than self-casting into stone bonds!

Why start from the beginning when you can ascend without limit?” (Aum, § 92).

In order to fully decipher the deep meaning of these words, it is necessary to explain something in short words to recall that people have reached their human state, having passed through the cycles of development of the Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms, each of which develops for many millions of years. If it is said: “Why start from the beginning, if you can ascend infinitely?”, then this means that those who have reached the top of the great pyramid of humanity will continue to ascend infinitely, and those who find themselves below it, like weedy scum, will go into cosmic processing, will survive the terrible torments of separation. principles, will be cast into “stone bonds” and “fill the stones of neighboring planets”, in other words, they will begin their evolution from the very beginning.

Truly, the mind is troubled and the heart stops, if you think about what abyss, what bottomless abyss people plunge themselves into, who did not use and buried their talent in the ground, who unworthily treated the Great Gift - with the main energy given for the development of life and perfection to everyone.

Those who know themselves and their purpose in life and intelligently use the entire potential of the main energy ascend infinitely, ascend to the state of a manifested god. Those who have known nothing and accepted nothing, like rubbish, go to cosmic processing. This is the secret of life or death. This is the key to salvation or death.

It is necessary to consider what a difference there is in evolution when, out of two people who were on Earth at the same time, one enters the path of the God-man, and the other plunges into “stone bonds”. To get out of them, the latter will need millions of years of suffering, and still he will never catch up with the former. He will always be as far from the first as a stone is from the Star of Heaven. Such a difference in evolution is due only to a difference in consciousness. There is something for everyone to think about! From this it is clear that in response to the question posed: “Is it necessary to develop psychic energy in oneself?” - there can be no two opinions, because this is a cardinal question of the existence of every person.

Here another question naturally arises: how to begin the development of psychic energy in oneself?

It is necessary to start from where all cognition begins, that is, from the recognition of the existence of psychic energy itself and the cognition of the simple but Great Truth that this great power is in ourselves.

But since this great power is in ourselves, it is clear that we must begin with the knowledge of ourselves. But here we are again returning to the starting point from which all higher cognition begins - to cognition of oneself, the necessity of which has been repeated to mankind many times in various Teachings from the most ancient times up to the present day, but which is recognized by some modern "wise men" as self-affirmation and harmful delusion.

The Teaching says: “A person does not reach the understanding of his power without a Guide. Many various tricks lurk on the Path of man. Each sheltered, manifest viper hopes to hide the most precious thing from a person. He, like a lost traveler, does not know in what element to look for success, but the treasure is in himself.

The wisdom of all ages indicates: "Know thyself!" In such advice, attention is drawn to the most intimate, which is destined to become apparent. The fiery power, temporarily called psychic energy, will give a person the Path to the Happiness of the future. Let us not hope that people will easily recognize their property. They will invent all sorts of arguments to defame every finding of energy. They will pass over in silence the predestined quality of their advancement, but, nevertheless, the Way is one!” (Aum, § 371).

The need to develop psychic forces, or, in modern terminology, spirituality, is not alien to many people of our time. Thoughts about the need for such a development fill the space and gradually enter the heads of people who are more or less prepared for this.

Many are tempted by the idea of ​​possessing spiritual powers in order to enjoy influence in society, in order to acquire power and dominance over people, in order to perform "miracles" and all sorts of tricks. Thus, this requirement of the New Epoch and the task of the current moment of human evolution is directed in a negative direction by the efforts of the dark forces. Only a small part of the true seekers escaped the numerous tricks placed by the dark forces on this Path of man.

Precisely, as it is said in the above words of the Teaching, many tricks lurk on the Path of a person, with the aim of hiding from him the most valuable thing and slipping him instead of bread - a stone, instead of the most precious - a worthless surrogate, instead of psychic energy - lower psychism, in order to from the right Path to drag him to the underworld.

The true development of spiritual forces, or psychic energy, cannot be an easy and quickly attainable task, therefore modern man, who is not familiar with the foundations of his existence and the operation of the Cosmic Laws, prefers such methods and such teachers that promise him the quick fulfillment of all his egoistic desires.

But it has long been known that the lightest and most quick ways turn out to be the most difficult and the slowest, because instead of a normal and correct ascent, they turn people into weedy scum that require cosmic processing.

The dangers of lower psychism have already been spoken about more than once, but in connection with the question of the development of psychic energy, we must once again dwell on this negative phenomenon, for it assumes the dimensions of a true calamity. Across the planet, countless different teachers have divorced, who, for a similar price, using mechanical methods and various postures and body positions, up to standing on their heads, prepare space debris from people.

“Much has already been said about psychism, but this scourge of mankind is still insufficiently understood. Psychism dulls every striving, and the highest attainment remains inaccessible. The sphere of activity of such a person, absorbed by psychism, forms an enchanted circle around itself, in which all energies that retard the growth of the spirit find their place.

Psychism contains within itself the manifestation of the lowest energies, and the Fires of the centers are extinguished by these stratifications. With psychism, a disorder of the nervous system is inevitable. In addition, separation from life activities closes the Path to self-improvement. Creativity is blunted, and a passive state is affirmed, making a person an instrument of an influx of various forces. Due to the weakening of the will, control weakens, and this increases the attraction of various lower entities. Whoever wishes to approach the Fiery World must fight these forces of evil” (The Fiery World, Part III, § 309).

“Precisely, psychism and mediumship turn a person away from the Higher Spheres, for the subtle body is so saturated with lower emanations that the whole essence changes. Indeed, the most difficult thing is to purify the consciousness. Precisely, man does not distinguish the Fiery state of spirituality from psychism. Thus we must overcome the horrors of psychism. Precisely, the ranks of these instruments are replenished by servants of darkness” (The Fiery World, Part III, § 365).

The universe is arranged in such a way that a person succeeds in his evolution only by acting in accordance with the Cosmic Laws, because, going against them, he is led to destruction by these same Laws.

Man himself creates both his own destiny and the fate of the planet on which he lives. All the forces and energies of the Cosmos are at the service of man. The greatest of these energies, psychic energy, is no exception in this respect, for the decisive energy that rules over all energies is human thought. The evolution of each person is determined by his striving for good or evil, and the evolution of the entire Universe is subject to the influence of human strivings. Everything is decided by the human will and human thought expressed in this or that striving.

The same energy can serve both constructive and destructive purposes. The Teaching says: “Where can one direct energy if the will and thought are directed towards evil? Naturally, power will flow through the dark channel. Who wants the lowest, he will get it!”

Psychic energy, as the most sensitive apparatus, finds application in all phenomena and situations of life and reacts decisively to everything. In hand good man it is an instrument of good, and in the hands of the evil one is a terrible weapon of destruction and destruction.

According to the basic quality of their spirit and the potential of the main energy, all people are the same, but everyone becomes what he aspires to. It all depends on how people deal with the greatest gift given to everyone. One ascends boundlessly and becomes a collaborator and member of the Hierarchy of the Light Forces of the Cosmos, the other, as a failed creation, goes into cosmic processing.

There are no compromises or middle ways here, and there cannot be. The laws of the development of life require the improvement of everything that exists, and the potential of the spirit and the main energy is given to everyone precisely for this purpose. Whoever treats these great gifts of the Cosmos unworthily and directs them to the detriment of the development of life in the Universe, can expect nothing but destruction.

From this it becomes clear why the Teachers of Wisdom and the Leaders of humanity do not communicate to people all the secrets of mastering psychic energy, for in the present state of human development this would bring innumerable disasters. The Atlanteans partly owned this secret, but this led to the death of Atlantis.

Therefore, before starting to develop psychic energy, it is necessary to free oneself from the hypnosis of the ancient delusion, according to which a person can reach heavenly abodes without striving for perfection, but only by faith in the existence of Good Forces; no, the latter invariably lead to the gates of paradise only those who show good aspirations. In the absence of good aspirations, other leaders lead a person to the gates of hell, for everyone has a leader according to his own consciousness.

From what has been said, it becomes clear that the development of psychic energy without self-improvement, that is, without striving forward, leads a person to self-destruction. This higher energy gives either the highest good, or complete annihilation. It is impossible to develop the highest that we have for the purposes of the lower, egoistic and dark. Such mockery and blasphemy against the highest gifts of the Cosmos is the gravest crime against the Laws of the Universe. Therefore, these Laws mercilessly destroy those who unworthily handle these great gifts.

An unknowing person has the right to say: “If this energy is so dangerous, then it is better to stay away from it. Our grandfathers and fathers did not know any psychic energy, and passed their life path successfully. Let's go the same way."

Of course he will be wrong. Our grandfathers and fathers were told the same thing, but in a different form. Let us remember the parable of Christ about the talents. These talents, about which Christ spoke, are those great gifts of the Cosmos that are given to everyone for the development and improvement of life. But people made silver bars out of them, thus freeing themselves from the need to improve. In the same parable, Christ also speaks of what awaits a person who did not multiply this gift, but buried it in the ground.

In addition, our time is significantly different from the time of our grandfathers and fathers. We live in exceptional times. Our grandfathers and fathers were informed as much as was necessary for that time and their level of consciousness. Much more is communicated to us by our Leaders, and we cannot take as a model the degree of consciousness of our grandfathers and fathers. Our time requires the mastery of the highest element in the Cosmos - the element of Fire. For this, people need to develop in themselves the highest aspect of this Fire - psychic energy; precisely in order not to be destroyed by the Spatial Fire when it approaches the Earth for the transmutation of all that exists and the cleansing of the planet from garbage.

The development of psychic energy is necessary in order not to fall into the category of scum, for the Spatial Fire will act upon the consciousness of everyone. He who walks with Fire, that is, he who has developed psychic energy in himself, will succeed with Fire; whoever goes against the Fire will be destroyed by it.

All sacred scriptures speak about this Great Era of Fire, not excluding the Christian one, you just need to read it carefully.

The development of psychic energy has always been necessary, at all times of human existence, for this is the Law of Life. Our time is only a time of synthesis of all the Indications given earlier to mankind and all the required achievements. The Laws of Life demand that the gifts given to mankind be multiplied by them.

By striving for Light and Knowledge, it is necessary to ignite that divine spark that exists in us, otherwise it will go out or, rather, will be shrouded in layers that will not allow it to manifest itself. But, in addition to kindling the Fire of one's spirit, it is necessary to give it combustible material, it is necessary to nourish it. In a word, in order to receive the highest gifts of the Cosmos, which are given by the highest manifestation of Fire - psychic energy - it is necessary to do everything that we do every time at home when we wish to receive those gifts that our physical fire gives us, for the laws for manifestation and the actions of the elemental forces of nature are the same on all planes of existence.

It is said: "The laws of the Great Aum are the same in all states" (Community, § 248).

Psychic or Fiery energy, once put into action, works and grows incessantly. “... The Grace of Agni naturally grows,” says the Teaching (Fiery World, Part I, § 183).

The self-separation of psychic energy, as already mentioned, and its conscious sendings to help others do no harm to the general state of psychic energy. The more the spirit gives its energy, the more it receives. The divisibility of the spirit in this case multiplies the general state of a person's psychic energy, because the separated parts of the spirit return to their grain back.

But here it is necessary to make a reservation.

“When it is said that the more the spirit gives, the more it receives, what is meant is not the simultaneous excessive delivery, but the constant rhythmic use of it; excessive reissue is dangerous. There must be balance in everything. Excessive delivery upsets the balance in the body, and it opens itself to both possible infection and attacks from evil forces” (“Letters of Helena Roerich”, 05/14/37).

But the opposite happens when there is no desire for improvement. “... When darkness covers improvement, then Fire imperceptibly, but chemically proven, leaves the unusable container” (The Fiery World, Part I, § 183).

Then instead of evolution we get involution.

“It is not at all necessary to commit some atrocious crimes while wasting Agni. We know enough from various Teachings about the success even of thieves. Usually the squandering of Agni takes place on weekdays and in the twilight of the spirit. The growth of Agni is stopped by tiny actions,” it says in the same place. “Where there is no correct exchange of psychic energy, there is no divisibility of the spirit. When the Fire is inactive or has begun to leave its unusable container, then, of course, the divisibility of the spirit is inaccessible” (“Letters of Helena Roerich”, 14.05.37).

“The seed of the spirit and the division of the spirit are explained with regard to the monad. The seed of the spirit is necessary for life, but the divisibility of the spirit makes possible both the enrichment and the squandering of the monad. Consciously, for the benefit of the World, one can divide the spirit and send parts of it to a feat; this is just enrichment. But ignorance can squander the treasure and remain with the sleeping grain; this is how madness happens. Of course, the ignorant parts of the spirit can act as possessors, and woe to the sleeping heart!

Thus, in order not to return to the divisibility of the spirit, let us remember that the grain of the spirit can sleep or shine with wakefulness. Only this Light creates a magnet of the heart, which attracts the released parts of the spirit into its bosom. A big difference- let go or lose. Thus, one can remember that the dormant grain of the spirit, even if it conditions life, nevertheless allows all the properties of soullessness” (The Fiery World, Part I, § 375).

Having clarified the question of the need for the development of psychic energy, it is now necessary to clarify the other side of this question: in what way can this higher power be developed and accumulated in oneself? It goes without saying that for the development of the highest power, all the highest, the purest, the most Light must be applied.

The mastery of the highest supra-fire power, through which one can command the forces of Nature, cannot be achieved by mechanical means, such as standing on one's head, taking drugs, applying rubbing or senselessly spinning in one place until one loses consciousness.

A frivolous and careless attitude to this question is a crime against oneself. The desire to possess higher powers for selfish and selfish purposes is blasphemy. Using this higher power to harm others is sacrilege. Therefore, the conscious development and accumulation of psychic energy is admissible, reasonable and expedient only for the benefit of the World, only for the Common Good and helping others. Only such goals justify the accumulation of psychic energy and can be and will be useful for its bearer as well.

“People have completely forgotten how to understand and apply psychic energy. They forgot that every energy put into action generates inertia. It is almost impossible to stop this inertia, therefore each manifestation of psychic energy continues its influence by inertia, sometimes even for a long time. You can already modify the thought, but the consequence of the past sending, nevertheless, will permeate space; this is the strength of psychic energy, but also a quality that deserves special care.

It is only possible to control psychic energy with Light Consciousness so as not to clog your Path with past sendings. Often a random and uncharacteristic thought muddies the surface of the ocean of achievements for a long time. Man has long forgotten about his thought, but it continues to fly before him, illuminating or obscuring the Path. Small lights fall on the radiance of the beam, enriching it. Dark, dusty parts stick to the litter, stopping movement.

When we say: “Fly lightly” or “Do not litter”, we warn about the action.

Everything that has been said about psychic energy applies to every action. There is nothing abstract here, for psychic energy is embedded in all of Nature and is especially expressed in man. No matter how much a person tries to forget about it, psychic energy will remind of itself, and the task of enlightenment is to teach humanity how to handle this treasure.

If the time has come to speak of visible physical deposits of psychic energy, it means that reality has come into evidence, it means that people must urgently strive to master psychic energy. The Fire of Space and psychic energy are interconnected and represent the foundation of Evolution” (Agni Yoga, § 477).

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that psychic energy, being the main factor in the manifestation of life, is released by each living organism in accordance with its consciousness.

The higher the organism in its consciousness, the higher the quality of psychic energy it produces. Not only, as already mentioned above, every atom and every organ of our body creates psycho-creative, but “every release of secretions, every exhalation sends out emanations of psychic energy. Generously each person saturates the space, thereby he is obliged to take care of best quality psychic energy. If people understood that every breath already matters for space, they would take care to purify the breath” (Aum, § 339).

Consequently, in order to improve the quality of your psychic energy, you need to improve the quality of your consciousness. An increase or enrichment of consciousness occurs only when a person accepts the proclaimed truths. Closing his consciousness to the access of certain truths, a person cannot succeed in this direction. Then there is not an increase, but a decrease in consciousness, and at the same time a decrease in the quality of the released psychic energy.

Thus, in the question of the development of psychic energy, as in all questions of human evolution, we see that everything depends on consciousness. Everyone acts according to his own consciousness, and everyone receives according to his own consciousness. The first condition for raising consciousness is the consciousness of labor. “Consciousness of labor is the basis for the disclosure of consciousness, in other words, the beginning of the action of psychic energy,” says the Teaching (Aum, § 477).

Conscious, constant and systematic labor is a powerful means for awakening and accumulating psychic energy. The main quality of this fiery element is eternal action and movement. It cannot be inactive and motionless. Therefore, psychic energy can be awakened to action and accumulated only by constant labor and eternal movement forward. Psychic energy needs constant exercise. Random impulses will not create rhythm. Only constant and hard work creates that rhythm, which is the main condition for any achievement, and especially in the development of psychic energy.

The correct exchange of psychic energy and its constant current is based on rhythm. Rhythm in everything, and in labor in particular, is a necessary condition for the growth of psychic energy. But, in addition to consciousness and rhythm, each work must include the desire to improve the quality of the work itself, otherwise the work may turn into unloved and forced, which will adversely affect the quality of psychic energy. The best method for the growth and accumulation of psychic energy is love for work.

It has long been observed that the busiest people are the most durable. Constant and rhythmic work leads to the accumulation of such a reserve of vitality that protects busy people from many diseases, while at the same time lengthening their existence. And vice versa, people who are motionless, inert and lazy are subject to various kinds of diseases and earlier departure from the Earth Plane of existence.

Laziness is one of the most destructive human properties. It stops the action of psychic energy in us and thereby destroys our entire evolution, ultimately leading to the complete decomposition of man. And folk wisdom noted laziness as "the mother of all vices." The idle mind of a lazy person is affected by the scum of the Subtle World, instilling in him the basest thoughts, indulging the strivings of his lower nature, which ultimately result in various kinds of vices.

A lazy person is a living corpse, a decomposing dead man, a failed creation, subject to cosmic processing.

If a conscious attitude to work is the beginning of the action of psychic energy, then the continuation of its action, and in particular the improvement in the quality of psychic energy, depends on the same single lever of all phenomena of life - human consciousness. The panacea for improving life and eliminating all human shortcomings and vices is an increase in the quality of consciousness. Only an increase in the quality of one's consciousness will reveal to people the possibility of mastering psychic energy.

If we imagine that the use of this great power would be given to people with low level consciousness, it is difficult even to imagine how much people would harm themselves and others. The Teaching says: “Of course, many, fortunately, do not know the approach to power. Only with the improvement of consciousness can psychic energy be entrusted for wide use. May this good time come soon! (Aum, § 375).

Therefore, whoever wants to partake of this higher power, who wants this good time to come soon, must first of all take care of improving and raising his consciousness. The highest power is attained and the highest quality of psychic energy is worked out not by mechanical means, but by spiritual striving. One must aspire to the Higher World and Higher Forces with an open soul and a pure heart. Stubborn, unbreakable desire for Higher Light and Higher Knowledge, reverence for the Hierarchy of Light and constant spiritual connection with It, striving for the Beautiful, love and compassion for everything living, conscious work for the Common Good – these are the ways to improve one’s consciousness and the means of mastering the highest Cosmic power – psychic energy.

No concentrations, no meditations, no Hatha Yoga techniques and no pranayamas are needed. Light pranayama, no more than five minutes, is always useful for maintaining health, but pranayama with the aim of pumping energy into a specific center is already one of the methods for developing lower psychism. You need to wake up your consciousness and kindle the Fire of your heart. You need to turn your whole life into a single, uninterrupted impulse to Truth, Light and Knowledge.

That's all you need in a nutshell. Whoever understands this and puts it into practice is on the right Path, he will avoid many dangers and achieve a lot.

“Aspiration is the boat of the Arhat. Aspiration is a manifested unicorn. Aspiration is the key to all caves. Aspiration is the wing of an eagle. Aspiration is a ray of the Sun. Aspiration is the chain mail of the heart. Aspiration is a lotus flower. Aspiration is the book of the future. Aspiration - the World manifested. Aspiration is the number of Stars” (Community, § 55).

“You just need to observe different manifestations of psychic energy. It can be a liberator or an enslaver - as it will be directed. No special formulas are needed to direct it, only sincere striving is necessary. But this sincerity is also not easy, because by sincerity people understand completely different things. They can justify any evil deed with sincerity, but where is the selflessness that purifies the action? Evil is associated with hypocrisy and personality.

No spells are needed, only the purification of consciousness will send psychic energy in the right direction” (Agni Yoga, § 483).

“Methods of intensifying psychic energy are very diverse. An exalted thought or striving joy, impulses of the spirit and each inner saturation with power can multiply the manifestations of psychic energy. It is from within that this sacred source can be replenished. During great shocks or great illnesses, the crystal of psychic energy can be filled with new power, with those energies that are nourished by higher centers and elevated feelings. Therefore, faith, striving towards the Source of Light, truly works miracles” (The Fiery World, Part III, § 402).

“The striving psychic energy is intensified especially by the Fire of the spirit. Tension of the will multiplies the supply and strength of psychic energy. One can be convinced in life how the manifestation of intense psychic energy opposes and counteracts various dams. The currents of psychic energy can magnetize the surrounding atmosphere to such an extent that a kind of Fiery stream is established around, which breaks all the advancing evil energies. The conscious tension of the psychic energy of fearlessness is a great shell. The conscious application of these infusions causes a wall of fire that guards the affirmed position. The creativeness of psychic energy is boundless” (The Fiery World, Part III, § 408).

“Gusts of the spirit or sudden misfortune can equally intensify the influx of psychic energy. This phenomenon is understandable in impulses of the spirit, but in misfortune one can discern many subtle definitions. With confusion, of course, psychic energy cannot concentrate and begin to act. But with the daring of the spirit, psychic energy can flare up like a powerful flame, forming, as it were, a defense against impending evil.

One can exercise in these concentrations of psychic energy, and a strained will can build up a store of psychic energy. Cowardice, of course, can only extinguish the store of psychic energy. Therefore, develop the reserve of psychic energy and intensify your daring, for this source contains so much power!” (The Fiery World, part III, § 413).

“The striving for the highest achievements inspires the spirit and inflates the supply of psychic energy. After all, the Fire-likeness of psychic energy needs a manifest application, therefore the Fiery striving is such a powerful intensification of psychic energy” (The Fiery World, Part III, § 411).

“The heart especially intensifies psychic energy, and each experience of the heart is reflected in the store of psychic energy. One can speak of the chemical death of a person when the supply of psychic energy is depleted. One can speak of resurrection when psychic energy begins to be replenished.

By a subtle study of techniques, one could find a way to intensify psychic energy, but for this one needs to know the spiritual state. But the fiery composition of psychic energy can be pumped up only by a fiery stimulus. In the fight against diseases, psychic energy can be pumped up as a powerful factor. With a purified consciousness, one can intensify the forces of the spirit, which are the engines of space. In the heart one can find the levers for the fiery resurrection of psychic energy” (The Fiery World, Part III, § 414).

“Don't be late with the study of psychic energy. Don't be late in applying it. Otherwise, the ocean of waves will wash away all the dams, turning the flow of thinking into chaos. Adopt the motto: "He who is not late will not be late."

(...) Tell your friends how close time is, how lost time does not return. (...) During the acceleration of evolution, is it conceivable to remain in seclusion? Is it possible to oversleep the phenomenon of lightning? Fearlessly and without self-pity, one must accept the burden of vigilance. There is no fatigue when there is desolation at the gate, when the might of psychic energy can gush forth in an unstoppable stream. Compare yourself to Holland, where sea levels are often above ground. What vigilance of vigilance must be in guarding canals and dams!

Accept the influx of psychic energy as a fruitful wave. The loss of those opportunities represents irreparable harm to communities. Let the old world fear the study of psychic energy. But you, young, strong and open-minded, explore by all means and accept the gift that lies at your gates.

Look with an eagle's eye, and with a lion's leap master the predestined power. Don't be late! Show an inclination towards the Teaching of reality” (Community, § 249).

These excerpts show how much effort has been and is being made by the Elder Brothers of humanity to move the human consciousness stuck in one place off the dead center. Different ways and different words suggest to humanity the idea of ​​the uniqueness of the present moment of evolution, that what has been lost will not return, that the latecomer will have to start his evolution from the very beginning.

But the consciousness of the majority of modern people sleeps. Just as it is difficult for a person born blind to explain what light is, so it is difficult to wake up a sleeping consciousness.

The miserable doctrine of the one-time nature of human existence and the possibility of attaining heavenly abodes through the remission of sins has lulled the human consciousness and keeps it firmly in a sleepy state.

Those who have buried their talents in the ground and have multiplied these gifts will receive according to their consciousness, as Christ spoke about this in the parable of the talents. Those who buried their talents in the earth will have to free the planet from their presence, so as not to interfere with the free development of the higher consciousness of those who have multiplied these gifts. The backward and dormant consciousnesses drop out of evolution in order to start it again. That is why it is said that what was lost will not return.

Meanwhile, those who prosper, according to Christ, "will enter into the joy of their Lord." This is the uniqueness and menacingness of the present moment of Evolution, which everyone will receive according to their own consciousness.

Research and study of psychic energy

In view of the exceptional position that this basic energy occupies in the Universe, and also in view of the fact that this most important factor of life has not yet been studied at all, the study of psychic energy should occupy the exclusive attention of not only scientists, but of any educated person, because, without knowing the basic properties of this energy, it is impossible to master and consciously use it.

The difficulty in studying psychic energy lies in the fact that its manifestation is always individual. Just as the sea does not repeat a single of its waves, so psychic energy does not repeat a single of its manifestations, and each of them is completely individual and, as already mentioned above, is the resultant of the forces from which the given case has been formed, the complex of all conditions and the synthesis of all aspirations. Just as all these conditions are never identical, so the phenomena of psychic energy are never similar.

Psychic energy is a synthetic energy that brings everything to its synthesis.

“Everyone who wishes to investigate psychic energy must first of all engage in the testing of his psychic energy. In various experiments, one can notice how one's own energy works. Each energy has special properties. It is a mistake to think that if the Law is one, then all partial manifestations will be exactly the same.

The finer the energy, the more its qualities will be indistinguishable to gross vision. Thus, it is necessary first of all to establish firmly the basic quality, which will be the touchstone. This quality will be the purity of thoughts in the desire to bring selfless benefit. The rays of achievement will be the best lights in the study of psychic energy. Mindfulness will also be a friend of such experiences. Any prejudice will be harmful.

Psychic energy settles on all objects. Its sediments will be referred to as spatial deposits, therefore it is possible to study not only the state of personal energy, but also the collective energy. To do this, you need to observe snow or rainwater. In general, the development of observations will give many new combinations” (Aum, § 269).

“Everyone can observe the manifestations of psychic energy at any place and at any time. It is necessary to focus attention and at least briefly note the observed manifestations. Probably, among such notes there will be unnecessary ones, but this should not be embarrassed. Recordings are of great importance, because manifestations of psychic energy are unusually quickly forgotten.

Every day something extraordinary happens. It is not necessary to assume that only some amazing phenomena matter, sometimes the capture of a thought or the finding of the necessary pages can give a very revealing example of the work of psychic energy. In addition, the path of attention will also develop patience - a quality necessary for the researcher ”(Aum, § 314).

“Observations should be made not only on concordant incidents, but also on disjunctive appearances. The experience is valuable. It is impossible to predetermine, at the beginning of the study, which ingredients will be required to strengthen the investigation.

One can invoke the cooperation of the most unexpected objects, for the properties of the subtlest energies cannot be limited. Such an infinity of possibilities in no way violates the scientific nature of the study. You can apply individual methods and courageously accept such new manifestations.

No one can point out where the power of man ends. At the same time, it is not a superman, but it is the most healthy person who can be inspired by a happy achievement. In every everyday life, psychic energy can be studied.

No special expensive laboratories are needed to cultivate consciousness.

Every age brings its message to mankind. Psychic energy is intended to help humanity amid insoluble problems for it” (Aum, § 381).

“Experiments on psychic energy can be carried out in different rooms and in different time. Dim light sometimes even contributes to the manifestation of energy. But harsh sunlight can complicate the experience with its strong chemistry.

The conditions of the premises are also varied. Best of all is a room saturated with the researcher's radiations. But each random object can make its impact. The objects of observation themselves should not be kept together, especially during observation. Also, you do not need to have sounding objects and stringed instruments around that can vibrate to extraneous influences. The very mood of the observer is of great importance. Irritation and restlessness cannot help useful research.

When you feel tired, you should not force the energy. The same strength must be preserved in all circumstances. It is necessary not to squander, but to preserve the power that so wonderfully expands the field of knowledge ”(Aum, § 342).

“The objects surrounding the experiments more than once aroused surprise among beginners to study. Sometimes the most everyday object contributed to the experience, but another, very deliberately introduced, only hindered the flow of energy. From this we can conclude how difficult the Law of subtle energies is to grasp. So, the fur of animals does not contribute to the experience, due to a peculiar electrical effect ”(Aum, § 343).

“Experiments on psychic energy are always tiring. Such tension should not be caused for more than half an hour, otherwise health may suffer. But a short exercise, accompanied by marks, is useful, for each discipline only strengthens ”(Aum, § 350).

“The tester of psychic energy finds himself in completely different conditions than other investigators. They can devote a certain amount of time to their studies, while the tester of psychic energy devotes all his time to observation. He never knows how a wonderful phenomenon is formed. He cannot ignore the mental currents that can arise every minute. He must be able to wake up fully conscious. He must pay attention to the auras of people and objects. He must be patient and kind. He cannot complain and become discouraged. So many conditions, like imagination and straight-knowledge, are necessary for the observer” (Aum, § 577).

“Notice how before the action of psychic energy it is necessary to give it a free moment. It is necessary, as it were, to let go of earthly occasions in order to allow her to join the Primary Source. It is a mistake to immediately force energy with earthly sendings. It should be given a way through strengthening the connection with the Higher World. Such a connection cannot be ordered. You can't tell a carrier pigeon to fly, you can only set it free. He knows where to fly. In the same way, psychic energy must be released from the flesh cell; the magnetic link will immediately close.

Many will talk about concentration, but such a state already implies tension. Meanwhile, only the release of energy is required, and it will begin to act. It does not take much time for such a release, the slightest second is enough to release the energy. So let us, first of all, free our prisoner. Fairy tales have said enough about the powerful invisible person” (Aum, § 462).

“The whole field of psychic energy must be explored experimentally. It is impossible to allow personal assumptions.

It is necessary to use the sources of ancient literature with the greatest caution. It should be borne in mind that many definitives at one time were understood differently than in the modern interpretation.

Much of the so-called metaphysical was in its time a complete reality. Many ancient philosophers left behind only symbolic definitions. They either deliberately concealed the real names, or in the everyday life of the teachings they used abbreviated signs.

Deepening into different Epochs of the cognition of psychic energy will prove the most contradictory judgments. Don't get lost in such labyrinths of human thinking! These apparent errors arose only from insufficiently scientific experiments.

Tales about psychic energy are not needed, but humanity will advance through severe experiments, verified at different ends of the World. For such a reliable verification, unity is needed ”(Aum, § 551).

“Mother will lay the first foundations for the study of psychic energy; even before the birth of a child, he will notice the whole daily routine of life and nutrition. The character of the future man is already marked in the womb. It is already possible to observe some features that predetermine the character manifested in the desires of the mother herself. Only in this case it is necessary to observe honestly. But the very possibility of observation must be cultivated.

Thus, we again pay attention not to theories and dogmas, but to experiments and observations ”(Aum, § 552).

“Among the experiments of psychic energy there are quite accessible and useful ones. To exercise energy on people and animals is fraught with danger, because it is not easy to avoid a backlash. If the object turns out to be weak, then it is harmful to enslave it. But a third group of beings remains. Plants are especially instructive for experiment. Of course, this experiment will take several months, but it will give the best indications for the organization of psychic energy.

Take several plants of the same species and approximately the same time. The breed depends on taste. Place them in the same room and observe them in person without any advantage. After two months, divide the plants into three groups and place them in separate rooms.

Treat the first group with indifference, send the best will to the second, and send the will of destruction to the third. Of course send at close range and use the rhythm of Mahavan.

It is very useful that the parcels be increasing and decreasing for seven days. Three times a day is enough - at sunset, at noon and in the morning. In the morning, you can water the plants by adding a pinch of soda to the water. At sunset, you need to water with a solution of valerian. One can continue in this way not only by testing the plants, but by imputing rhythmic actions to oneself. Poisonous plants and families of lilies and ferns should not be taken for experience. In this way, the release of psychic energy can be increased.

Of course, one can later indicate by curious consequences the effect of psychic energy on water and air currents. But this will require the next degree of tension. Thus, in everyday life, without leaving life, it is possible to produce much that is useful” (Agni Yoga, § 387).

“We very carefully give instructions on the study of psychic energy. First, some people may use information for evil; secondly, some may abuse the experience in relation to their health; thirdly, some, not having the ability for this experience, may slander about the impracticability of what has been said.

Let only those devoted to Knowledge join in serious study. Everyone had to meet many who made a laughing stock out of the most important things. Mockery is not only ignorance, it proves the baseness of consciousness.

I affirm that psychic energy must be studied with all attention. When discussing psychic energy, there should be no bickering. Each experience can be repeated in understanding the individuality of individual cases. Namely, each experiment takes place in special conditions. This circumstance should be remembered, for there are people who demand mechanical repetition even from the finest energy.

The containment of individuality and legitimacy is often especially difficult” (Aum, § 390).

“The supply of psychic energy is inexhaustible, and with spiritual striving its strength multiplies. With spiritual striving, this energy is a building impulse for new reserves. The properties of this Fiery energy are so diverse and its potential surpasses every energy, for the life contained in it can transmute all other energies. Psychic energy in its activity can overcome every resistance if it is consciously directed. A manifest source dries up only when it is not supported by a conscious striving.

Upon reaching the spirit, upon Fiery saturation, this sacred Fiery source of life intensifies all vital functions” (The Fiery World, Part III, § 400).

The rise and fall of psychic energy are due to various causes. It is necessary to understand the most basic difference—namely, the quality of the spirit of the bearer of psychic energy. Even with the greatest decline of psychic energy, the Fiery Spirit never runs out of energy. But the earthly spirit is affirmed only by the lowest energies, which very easily absorb small reserves of psychic energy, for this Higher Fire is produced by the intensification of higher centers, higher aspirations, and higher feelings.

The manifestation of psychic energy, as it were, crystallizes during its decline, but the Fiery Spirit can ignite these crystals with heart tension. The ecstasy of the spirit can even reveal the potential of the store of psychic energy. Therefore, the Fiery spirit cannot exhaust its reserve of psychic energy. This stock may burn out in the fire of the centers. It can be consumed when used up in Battles and when sent over long distances, but this sacred crystal cannot disappear. Only its action changes its rhythm and properties, as well as its tension” (The Fiery World, Part III, § 399).

It is impossible to give in a short chapter all the Instructions concerning the organization of experiments with psychic energy. We can only remind once again that in the Epoch we are living through, this is a matter of paramount importance and a cardinal condition for the further evolution of everyone.

There is no doubt that the average layman, overwhelmed by the complex everyday life of modern life, will not be able to organize experiments in the literal sense of the word, but simple observation over all the phenomena of life surrounding everyone is available to everyone.

Setting up experiments in the broad sense of the word is the business of the state, public organizations and scientific societies, but every layman can and must help in the common task of studying this most important factor of life with his observations in his own sphere of life. Since this great energy acts always, everywhere and in everything, then observation of all the phenomena of life and registration of facts that are considered unusual from an ordinary point of view will be the first step in the study of this primary energy.

Here, naturally, a fear of the following kind arises: there will be people who will assert that the indications of the Teaching regarding experiments on psychic energy are insufficient, that they are too abstract and do not provide concrete data for organizing the necessary experiments. Such people need to be reminded of the wise saying that says: "You can see better from above."

The Elder Brothers of humanity give people as much as they need, as much as they can accommodate, as much as the Laws of Evolution allow. The Laws of Evolution require that everything be done not only with hands and feet, but also with human brains. A person must think about everything and reach everything himself. The leaders of humanity indicate the direction and the Path, give advice and indications, but you need to achieve and master yourself.

The Elder Brothers of humanity know their younger brothers very well. If they were always given ready-made formulas for everything, then evolution would stop and younger brothers humanity would become so lazy that they would turn into animals. Much has been given in the books of the Teaching for the study of psychic energy. Not only are practical Advice given for all occasions, not only Warnings and Cautions are given, but examples of the organization of experiments are given.

It must be firmly remembered that he who wants to reach will reach, which only the aspirant reaches, and the door opens only to the one who knocks. Whoever has firmly decided to master this great energy for the benefit of the World and the good of mankind will not be left without Help and further Instructions. How and in what form Help will come - you don't need to think about it, but it will come.

The central concept of Agni Yoga medicine is the idea of ​​psychic energy. This is a term that is difficult to define; in modern science, it is most consistent with the idea of ​​the "information-energy field of a living organism", or the concept of "phoron", which was introduced into the scientific vocabulary by Zbigniew Wolkowski to explain a number of parapsychic phenomena of the human psyche.

The Living Ethics Teaching claims that the human body, in accordance with its physiological and mental state, is capable of radiating outwards and receiving from the environment a special kind of information-energy flows that carry information and transmit force impacts to another person or surrounding objects.

Without dwelling on the theoretical substantiation of the phenomenon called "psychic energy" in the books of the Teaching of Living Ethics, let's move on to the presentation of the very doctrine of psychic energy, the most important factor in healing a person and the doctor's main tool in influencing the patient's body.

“A person knows perfectly well internally about the energy inherent in him. When hurt, he rubs the affected place with his hand. Wanting to pay attention, he stamps his foot, he knows that it is the limbs that emit energy. feet. But it is difficult for a person to recognize his own power in everyday life "(Aum, 571). Ancient sources gave different names to that inner force that is in each of us in a bound, as if sleeping state. But all the ancient manuscripts, whether Indian, Chinese or ancient Egyptian, unanimously admitted the fact that that the inner power of a person is the energy of a cosmic scale. And the unity of the energies of the human body with cosmic energies convincingly, in their opinion, proves infinity and inexhaustibility of the phenomenon, whose name is Man. In Ancient India this high energy was called "Prana", in Ancient Persia - "Invisible Fire", and in Ancient China - "Qi". It is curious that in all the ancient medical treatises, one way or another, psychic energy was associated precisely with the concepts of "fire" and "warmth". The Living Ethics Teaching has a second name - Yoga of the Flame of the Spirit, or Agni Yoga. It is no coincidence that the ideas about the psychic energy of the human body are laid at the foundation of Agni Yoga!

The difference between the ideas of the Living Ethics Teaching about psychic energy and the above is that in the medicine of ancient peoples, the internal energies of the human body were considered as passive agents of communication between various organs and systems of the body with each other and with phenomena unfolding outside the body in the external environment. Psychic energy, as it is understood in Agni Yoga, is something that can be under the complete control of a person's consciousness. This is the active-conscious energy of the body, corresponding to all the movements of thoughts, emotions and will of a particular person. "Qi" in China was more understood by physicians as a passive circulating through the channels of the subtle body " Vital energy". In ancient Chinese gymnastics Qi-gong, as in ancient Indian Yoga, a person, through long and regular conscious-volitional efforts, associated with special exercise and breathing exercises, he could produce a set of energy from the environment and actively direct it to the desired object - both within his own body and outside it.

"Psychic energy", "Qi", "Prana", "invisible fire" are synonyms a single reality - the control energy of the human body, responsible both for the relationship of processes in the organism itself, and for the connection of the organism with the processes of the environment. And that is why the role of psychic energy in the treatment-diagnostic process is so great! Therefore, each doctor must have mastered the techniques and skills of perception, analysis and transmission psychic energy - its main tool and instrument.

“Often, doctors notice that the most dangerous illness suddenly disappears almost without a trace. Probably, guesses will be prefaced that the treatment or some external circumstances have had a beneficial effect. But the main cause will always be forgotten, which can produce the most unexpected consequences - psychic energy; she alone can change the course of the disease" (Aum, 354).

Scientists argue about the physical nature and mathematical models of paranormal perception and psychoenergetic impact on the environment.

The nature of various psi-phenomena is studied by parapsychology - the science of the superpowers of a person who has developed in himself the natural gift of conscious control of psycho-energy. One of the most frequently encountered hypotheses is the hypothesis about the existence of a special kind of reality of the Universe - psychic energy. The same energy that healers of all times and peoples unanimously spoke about, which they consciously used when helping their patients, which academicians and professors still do not recognize just because psychic energy is difficult to "feel" with a device if you cannot perceive it yourself. One can only develop in oneself the ability to perceive and generate it, and only in personal experience can one be convinced of the existence of this reality.

Here is what is said on this issue in one of the books that complete the Agni Yoga series: “...A lot of misunderstandings occur around this concept (psychic energy - S.K.). it is healing in all respects, still others believe that psychic energy exists only for a few. Of course, psychic energy exists in everything that exists, but as energy it has all the qualities of such. As energy, it is a stimulus and strains the centers (we are talking about Centers of the subtle body of a person - S.K.). If there is a disease in the body, then it can be strained by the same energy (and manifest itself in aggravated signs of the disease - S.K.). It is possible to regulate the aspiration of psychic energy to some extent. Sublime thought or a concentrated one may draw the energy along another channel and may evoke a healing quality of the energy, but each blasphemy or destructive thought will only increase the tension of the energy in the direction of the affected organ. The doctor will be wise who will say to the patient - "do not blaspheme, do not curse." Many times we pointed out the healing properties of a good thought, it will be the gatekeeper of the primary energy (synonymous with psychic energy - S.K.) ... It can be unmistakably said that the course of each illness depends on the state of psychic energy. But people do not want to understand that their free will will be a strong impulse in the use of psychic energy. The more clearly a person imagines this process, the more he will help himself ... "(Supermundane, 275).

In the books of the Living Ethics Teaching, the development of knowledge about psychic energy and the mastery of it by doctors who consciously improve their abilities are associated with the future development of all medicine as a whole: "... Many medical improvements are coming. First of all, psychic energy will be evaluated. It will be possible to enhance the treatment through the use of appropriate energy It will be possible to surround the patient with special ozone (we are talking about some kind of gas composition that actively influences the energy dynamics of the human subtle body; and "Qi" were obtained by a person during breathing training - S.K.), which will reinforce the state of energy. It can even be influenced through human energy, which is transmitted through a close partner. The sources of various diseases that lie in some people will also be studied. now they pay attention to such carriers of diseases, but there are incomparably more of them than it seems. With such research, one can come to the conclusion that special settlements can be arranged from such carriers of diseases and they will not harm each other. Many new useful measures can be applied when people pay sufficient attention to the energies they carry..." (Elevated, 423).

What is meant by "disease carriers" in the above example is difficult to interpret unambiguously. In any case, it is unlikely that we are talking about ordinary carriers of pathogenic microorganisms. However, considering the integrity of the entire system of Agni Yoga Medicine, it would be reckless, in our opinion, to immediately reject the idea of ​​the fundamental contagiousness of some people who have a special kind of negative, "pathogenic" psychoenergetics of an apparently healthy organism. Perhaps it was with such people in the past that popular beliefs associated ideas about the "evil eye" or something like that. Most likely, this problem of human community medicine is still waiting for its researchers.

Considering the importance of the regulating and controlling functions of psychic energy in the life processes of the human organism, experts in Eastern Medicine believed that "... a treasure of psychic energy can create a powerful panacea" (Fiery World, III, 406). We are talking about creating a powerful internal potential of energy and forces of the body, providing in any, even the most extreme conditions, flexible and at the same time extremely stable regulation of body functions.

But what is it - the accumulation of psychic energy and the creation of a powerful internal protective potential? The book "Aum" gives the following answer to this question: "The tension of psychic energy increases vitality. It can be verified that during periods of mental stress people live longer. This cannot be explained either by food or sanitary conditions, because during periods of turmoil the living conditions are difficult, and the only reason must lie in the increased activity of psychic energy. But one should fully understand what the tension of psychic energy consists in. If a weak person overloads himself with physical work, then such tension will not lead to a better result. The tension of energy, first of all, is understood with of the psychic side. One must not forget what the impulse of each action lies in. Thus, one can see that the effort of energy will give rise to a physical reflex, but each reflex is only a reflection of the true cause "(Aum, 481).

In this case, we are talking about the internal, mental nature of the accumulation and tension of mental energy. They are connected in a certain way with external physiological reactions and active behavior, but still the thoughts and emotions of a person remain the leading link in the chain of reactions and processes associated with the dynamics of psychoenergy. Subjectively, the accumulation of subtle psycho-energy in the energy structures (channels and centers) of the body is experienced in the form of special sensations of peace, joy and sublime mood, all these experiences at the physical (physiological) level, of course, correspond to certain real processes of harmonization and amplification. However, without such subjective experiences, the accumulation of psychic energy does not occur! That is why this energy is called "psychic" by the ancients, because it was associated with the mental activity of a person, although its action extended to the control of physiological processes in the body.

For a detailed study of psychic energy, it was suggested that doctors pay attention primarily to healthy people who have all the richness of the diversity of individual characteristics and the originality of a holistic appearance: “Of course, doctors avoid studying healthy people, thus they lose sight of a valuable page leading to the future. Usually all miracles and visions are classified as hysteria, but no one will explain what hysteria is? .. "(Heart, 318). And about the same thing: “Again, repeat to doctors that they observe people during the so-called healthy state. The most interesting phenomena for doctors will not be traced during contagious diseases ... "Meanwhile, this circumstance is never taken into account. How can we expect rapid discoveries when the most important manifestation of psychic energy is simply not noticed, not even contested, not even denied, but not noticed along with the most insignificant manifestations. The most successful method will be someone, having locked the room with all the locks, will slowly read about psychic energy and, without confessing to anyone, will still think about it" (Heart, 147).

For some reason, it is commonly believed - due to the inattentiveness and inattention of a superficial look at the phenomena of the surrounding life! - that there is an abundant variety of diseases. But healthy people are always the same and similar to each other. This is an extremely superficial view of reality. Any psychiatrist knows that people with a decaying, degraded psyche are very similar to each other. Still - reactions and behavior are extremely simplified, reduced to single stereotypes. People with borderline psychopathology already exhibit a wide variety of forms and types of impairment. Healthy people can be distinguished by a good hundred psychotypological classifications. And every person - if you carefully consider and carefully study! - will be a completely unique phenomenon, mysterious and curious to those who seriously turn to its study.

Approximately the same picture is observed in the case of bodily diseases. A diseased organism always becomes simpler, always eliminates in some way the spectrum of the diversity of its individual manifestations, always limits itself in some way in order to preserve its strength to fight the disease with the help of stereotypical defensive reactions inherent in it by nature, which are quite common for all living organisms. . A healthy organism, on the other hand, has a sufficient supply of energy in order to strive to realize itself in the entire scope of the available possibilities for self-manifestation. Therefore, the phenomena of psychoenergetic interaction can be more vividly and clearly illustrated precisely by experiments with healthy and joyful people.

It is necessary to investigate the psycho-energetic manifestations of the vital activity of a healthy person, because in a diseased state all the forces of the body are directed only to the battle, to protection from the destructive action of environmental factors or to eliminate "malfunctions" in their own system of regulation of functions. In a state of practical health, the mental energy of a person manifests its features in full. And an attentive observer will undoubtedly learn a lot of interesting things in studying the perceptions, reactions and experiences of a healthy person, taking into account his unique individuality.

It is here, in our opinion, that the true criterion for the presence of genuine health in a person is hidden. The richer, brighter and more diverse a person manifests himself, the more fully (both by external results of activity and by subjective experiences) he realizes his capabilities and develops his abilities, the more actively and harmoniously he “fits” into his environment and adapts to any changes in the environment. , the more healthy, viable and "normal" it should be considered.

As for those who quietly "read about psychic energy" in the room, it is appropriate here to cite in this connection the testimony of the American psychiatrist Shafiqa Karagula, who studied gifted psychics for a long time. In the course of many years of experiments, it turned out that many American doctors have extraordinary abilities for extrasensory perception, and sometimes for therapeutic effects through personal psychic energy set in motion by thought, imagination and volitional impulse. However, in order not to discredit themselves and not fall into the category of "half-magicians-half-charlatans", they carefully conceal the fact that they have such abilities, actively using them in their daily medical practice - both when making a diagnosis, and for a therapeutic effect on the patient's body.

Who knows if among the most talented and successful surgeons and dermatologists there are no gifted people who hide the very fact of their abilities only for fear of appearing unrespectable in the eyes of their colleagues, usually extremely skeptical about all sorts of innovations and discoveries.

When people interact, their psychic energies come into contact - and an interchange of energies takes place, which in one way or another is reflected in the well-being and mood of each of the participants in the contact. Usually, such mutual influences are almost not realized, since in general the level of the potential of psychic energy in people is approximately the same and significant movements of energy (by analogy with the law of "communicating vessels" in hydraulics) are not observed in everyday life. However, if a healthy person meets a dying person, exhausted by illness, the effect of energy exchange can be quite significant.

There are people who use the phenomenon of psychoenergetic - natural - exchange between people in the process of communication in order to improve the state of their body, and in most cases unconsciously and without fail due to the deterioration of the state of those with whom they directly contact. Here is what is written about this in the book "Agni Yoga": "You think correctly about the various effects of human radiation on the environment. A convincing example can be seen in the impact of man on animals and plants. Give an animal or plant into the hands of a person and you can notice the difference in the state of objects and types of destruction of life energy. Like a vampire, a horse rider sucks, or a hunter a dog, or a gardener a plant. Look for the cause in the radiation of a person" (Agni Yoga, 61).

In the 70s. Japanese physicians carried out a curious experiment. They decided to check how true the statement of many treatises of Eastern Medicine about energy exchange as the most important factor in the influence of a physician on a patient. There is evidence that by means of "healing needles" inserted into the patient's skin, the "health energy" directly "flows" from the acupuncturist into the patient, thus facilitating the patient's condition.

During an acupuncture session, scientists recorded electrophysiological indicators of the state of the most informative biologically active points both in the doctor and in the patient. It turned out that the sooner the state of the patient's BAP returned to normal during the session, the deeper the state of similar points in the doctor was disturbed, and in proportion to the change in the electrical characteristics of the patient's points. There was an impression that, in fact, some kind of invisible energy "flows" into the patient's body, nourishing and maintaining his defenses, while the donor doctor's body was losing strength and moving into a less energetically saturated state.

Not less than Interesting Facts observations of energy exchange between people are given in her book "Breakthrough to Creativity" by the aforementioned Shafika Karagula. With a group of psychics, she observed some people, later called them "sappers" because when communicating with people, "sappers", most often without realizing it, literally "suck" the life force from their interlocutors and guests.

Let us give two examples of such "communication" to illustrate the fact of energy exchange during the interaction of people (in fact, there are more than 20 types of such interactions, and according to some sources - about 100): "You can give an example of" pumping out "energy from the interlocutor with the help of a calm, determined look. One of our patients often complained about her loneliness and lack of communication, however, when she invited people to her house, they tried to refuse visits under any pretext. visits. Kerry complained to us about her friends and acquaintances, often asked a counseling psychologist - how could she offend people? She really was polite, well-mannered, well-read, but extremely self-centered. small company We were able to watch her. The wife of an acquaintance of mine who was invited to visit by Kerry recently recovered from a serious illness, and at the time of the visit she looked simply charming. In the presence of the hostess, she became more and more exhausted and tired before her eyes. The same thing happened with me, and with my two psychic friends, and with the unfortunate husband, who also began to feel unwell. Everyone felt extreme fatigue, deepening every minute. The hostess, on the contrary, completely unaware of the fact of "pumping out" of energy, felt great, cheered up and was in a great mood from good evening".

The same "sapper" woman is described in another observation: "An interesting observation of Kerry was carried out by us in the homes of other people at family celebrations. At a party, she did not try to walk and talk with other people. Instead of socializing, she sat down in a comfortable chair, from where she could see the whole company, she sat quietly, with a pleasant drowsy expression on her face, her eyes fixed with calm intentness first at one, then at the other, with time a blush appeared on her cheeks, while she herself became more and more animated and contented. she became an attractive middle-aged person, full of life. She could remain in her chair for long hours without making any attempts to establish verbal contact with the guests. She always very emotionally thanked everyone for a wonderful evening, but all the hosts subsequently diligently deleted her from guest lists.

Let us return to the presentation of the main provisions of the concept of psychic energy in the medicine of Agni Yoga: "... Reveal the memory of the impact of psychic energy. It can be manifested in three ways - either self-hypnosis, or physical inaction (meaning deep relaxation and peace - S.K. ), or the highest influence at a distance. But often doctors forget that it is not the medicine, but some external condition that helps. We remember the case when the doctor possessed psychic energy, but stubbornly attributed its effects to the action of the medicine. One can easily imagine how much the it would be useful if the doctor understood what his strength is ... If both the doctor and the patient, before all physical influences, simultaneously remembered the energy of the heart (a synonym for psychic energy - S.K.), then in many cases the effect could immediately be useful and healing" (Fiery World, I, 53).

It is the conscious use of psychic energy during the development of the ability to clearly imagine the desired result and the ability to concentrate attention to the maximum that greatly increases the effectiveness of both impact and perception. However, before this it is necessary to realize the very fact of the real existence of psychic energy, its objective nature, the possibility of its application in life. Then mastering it will not keep you waiting. At the same time, it must be remembered that psychic energy develops and accumulates precisely with intense mental activity of a person: “When a doctor forbids a person who has lost balance (a synonym for a disease as a result of an imbalance in the body’s energies - S.K.), mental work, he does not act wisely. There are known examples experienced doctors, who, on the contrary, strained the activity of psychic energy.Of course, such healers had to have a significant supply of psychic energy in order to recognize to which area of ​​knowledge to direct the patient (we are talking about choosing an individual application of the forces of the patient’s soul, in full accordance with his inclinations , the current state and tasks of treatment - S.K.). Fatigue is not useful, but tension is life-giving. But the border between these states is very complex. An experienced doctor, having specified his mental energy, can indicate where the measure of useful tension is "(Aum, 482).

As you can see, once again we are talking about the need for the doctor to develop in himself the ability to consciously control personal psychic energy - both as a therapeutic tool and as a diagnostic tool, and diagnostics are not only physiological, but also deeply psychological. In this regard, the following lines are interesting: "Psychic energy can indicate both the quality of food and the harm of poison. Verily, a person himself carries a touchstone. Successfully you can apply the same energy to determine diseases, especially you can monitor fluctuations in conditions" (Aum , 353).

To conclude our excursion into the concept of psychic energy, we present a number of statements about practical magnetization, which for centuries has been used as a healing technique by all peoples. One can consider psychic energy as a theoretical construct, as a model of the processes of regulation of body functions, behind which there is no reality of the really existing world. But numerous testimonies and experimental data testify, for example, that psychic energy can be layered on a material-molecular carrier, which can be any object: metal, fabric, wax, water, and others.

Through the magnetization of the carrier, psychic energy can be indirectly transferred to another person when it is impossible for the patient to communicate directly with the healer. Here is what can be read on this subject in the Agni Yoga books: “The magnetization of water is now almost completely abandoned, but until recently it was widely used both for light and for dark purposes. The meaning of this magnetization is clear and once again indicates fiery ( a synonym for psychic energy - S.K.) of such a process. To neutralize unknown drinks, they covered the goblet with their hand, believing that the skin would give signs of harmful substances. Also, ferrous and lithium waters were used for magnetization, but any sulfurous impurities were avoided. Statement about the transmission of thought through water and oil have already been mentioned in ancient writings.Milk, due to its organic particles, was not used for magnetization.This was a mistake, because milk from healthy cows very good for magnetization. But in ancient times they feared rabies, and therefore preferred to avoid milk "(Fiery World, I, 406). "Let me drink living water from your head," - this was said in one ancient manuscript. Later interpreters explained the symbolic meaning of the saying - living water means an ocean of wisdom, the headboard means the pinnacle of knowledge.Meanwhile, as the inscription had medical significance.The student asked the Master to let him drink the magnetized water that stood near his headboard.Many sayings can be found about the magnetization of water.In ancient images you can see how they drink water from a vessel or a sacred spring. For a long time people have known about two ways to magnetize water. One way, when magnetized by passes, and the other is natural, when water is placed at the head of the head. The first method was preferred for some ailments, but the second was considered the best for general maintenance of strength. Such water was either drunk or sprinkled with it. They say that a certain queen of Palmyra ordered her attendants to spend the night near the pool prepared for ablution ... "(Aum, 407).

It is possible that in the near future, researchers will study the phenomenon of layering of human psychic emanations on water and other material carriers. So far, only healers and healers use this technique. The main thing is to take into account the existence of the very concept of psychic energy, the origins of which are lost in the darkness of centuries. These ideas were absolutely necessary for ancient physicians for practical work and organization of hygienic and preventive activities. That is why this concept has been preserved to the present time both in theoretical positions and in many methods of healing. In vain, ideas do not come to mind, techniques are not developed from scratch. The concept of psychic energy is also necessary for modern physicians. Attention should be paid to this central the concept of Eastern Medicine, in order to find out in the course of research - what kind of objective reality is behind it? Further on, we will try to expound the provisions of the medicine of Agni Yoga, based on the ideas of its adherents about psychic energy. And in the next section, it is necessary to single out the doctrine of the significance of the heart and heart forces in the practice of healing.

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Energy (from the Greek "activity") is a powerful force that induces visible and invisible changes that can occur both with living organisms and with inanimate objects. A person can experience the reality of his own existence when his own life energy is spent and restored. All living beings have a special psychic energy inherent in it, and it is about it that this article will be discussed.

Psychic energy: how it is formed.

Its formation occurs as a result of human activity in direct interaction with other types of energy: thermal, chemical and electromagnetic. The presence of a biofield in a person is a proven scientific fact that has not been refuted for a long time. There is no doubt about the presence of an aura as part of the human biofield. Psychic energy is an integral part of the biofield. Its origin occurs in the human brain, and is reflected with the help of various analyzers. Each analyzer contributes to the reflection of a specific energy type. Auditory and visual analyzer reflect electromagnetic waves. Olfactory and gustatory receptors provide chemical energy. Skin - kinetic, mechanical and thermal. Vestibular - gravitational.

Having perceived the influence from the outside, the brain processes the information. Information processing occurs with the involvement of the components of the psyche. The generalization of information occurs on the basis of existing experience and knowledge, includes thinking, attention, memory, ideas about the surrounding reality. Such manifestations of the psyche are of an intangible nature, but give rise to actions. These actions provoke the release of other energies, and have a material nature.

Thus, it is clear that the manifestations of the psyche have a certain energy. It is endowed with thoughts, images, emotions, knowledge, feelings, abilities, needs, moods, motives, desires and habits. All this is a source of information, which is the source of energy. Information fills not only the consciousness, but also the subconscious of a person.

Psychic energy: where does it come from

Wants and Needs

Deficiency or discomfort felt by the body generates a mental reaction. At the same time, psychic energy tries to restore its own functionality. This is the nature of needs. Needs are accompanied by emotions. A need arose - emotions of discomfort, a need is satisfied - an emotion of pleasure. Accordingly, needs and desires encourage their satisfaction. The stronger the need, the more powerful its psycho-emotional component. Needs can be: physiological, spiritual and material. Experiencing certain needs, a person arranges them in order of importance. Against this background, another source of psychic energy arises - preferences. The energy of emotion when satisfying preferences is different. The person becomes active, assertive, hasty, and even aggressive and ruthless. A conscious action aimed at satisfying needs is a desire; it is energetically more saturated. The exorbitance of competing preferences and desires can react to the nervous system, which cannot withstand such tension. As a result, breakdowns are observed. As well as signs of mental maladaptation: stress, anxiety, psychopathology, neurosis. In this case, protective psycho-emotional mechanisms may be activated - depression, aggression, apathy, self-deception, avoidance.

It is not surprising that the energy of an unsatisfied person, when interacting with others, gives bursts. A person who is satisfied or deprived of needs behaves differently. His energy is static, so there is no psycho-emotional exchange of energies when interacting with other people.

The subjective reality of the individual associated with his feelings about his own place in the world around him has a powerful motivating force. The subjective reality of a person is embodied in the following needs: self-realization, self-esteem, self-expression, self-affirmation, self-respect, self-actualization, self-improvement. These needs form self-consciousness, which represents the information-analytical subsystem of the psyche. The more active self-consciousness, the more powerful the psychic energy message. If one’s own self-esteem does not satisfy a person, then he needs self-improvement . A person striving to change his own life is characterized by such a quality as passionarity, that is, the performance of a volitional action aimed at changing the status quo.

The mental response combines the rational and the emotional, giving rise to self-regulation. Self-regulation determines the volitional qualities of the individual.

Factors contributing to the accumulation of mental energy.

1. Labor.

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At all times, people have shown great interest in the hidden powers of man. In our time, this interest is becoming more and more aggravated. The Living Ethics says that psychic energy underlies the manifestation of a person's phenomenal abilities. The action of psychic energy is associated with such phenomena as the transmission of thought at a distance, reading thoughts, clairvoyance, foresight of the future, etc. All cases of the so-called "miraculous healing" are also associated with the action of psychic energy. Living Ethics tells us that in the coming New Epoch, psychic energy will finally receive the rights of citizenship. The scientific recognition and study of psychic energy will mark the entry of mankind into a new era of great discoveries that will establish a much-needed reassessment of values. In the books of Living Ethics, for the first time, a multilateral coverage of this energy is given and methods of a rational approach to its study are given.

What is psychic energy? The Living Ethics says that psychic energy is the primary energy. All other types of energy are its differentiations. This energy lies at the foundation of the World. It lies both at the basis of the movement of the worlds in the Cosmos and at the basis of the higher nervous activity of man. All the success of a person depends on the presence of psychic energy in him and increases in direct proportion to its growth. In everyday life it is even more necessary than food and warmth, because the presence of active psychic energy makes it possible to go without food for a long time and not to freeze at a very low temperature.

Since ancient times, people have known about the existence of psychic energy and to some extent knew how to use it. In ancient Greece this energy was called Theros. ancient egypt- Tum, in the East - Aum. To one degree or another, sorcerers and shamans of all continents were able to use this energy, but only now the possibilities of scientific knowledge and application of this energy for the benefit of mankind are opening up. But even what we know today from the books of the Living Ethics about this energy allows us to successfully apply this knowledge to maintain and strengthen human health.

Mental energy, or rather, the presence of its reserve in the body, is most directly related to human health. Firstly, psychic energy is involved in all vital functions of the body, it is also the basis of immunity. Therefore, the correct and full development of the human body depends on its presence. Secondly, it should be borne in mind that around a person there is an energy field called an aura. The outer part of the aura, the so-called protective net, serves to protect a person from all harmful influences, from microbes and viruses to the poisoned psychic radiation of other people. The protective net normally performs its functions only if there is a reserve of psychic energy in the body. With a temporary loss of psychic energy, the protective network of the aura weakens, and through the gaps formed in it, the body can be exposed to various harmful influences.

That is why in the Teaching of Living Ethics there are so many indications of keeping a protective net. It is known that many diseases, cancer in particular, are associated with depletion of psychic energy in the body. So, it is very important to be able to maintain this reserve in it. Let us now consider the factors that contribute to the accumulation of psychic energy in order to be able to create its reserves in the body.

The general condition for the successful application of psychic energy is its acceptance into consciousness. The first thing we must do is realize that such energy exists in nature as an objective reality and can be quite consciously and successfully used by us for our benefit. Such consciousness will already be the key to its successful application. So, the accumulation factors:

Work. Labor is a very important factor in human life. It is impossible to build up energy in inaction and immobility. Only movement, only action generates energies. The most basic condition for attracting energy and "will be labor, both mental and physical. In this movement, energies from space are collected." “Even with the lowest labor, a person creates a manifestation of fiery energy. Take labor away from him, and he will inevitably fall into insanity, in other words, he will lose the fire of life,” says the book “The Fiery World.” In order for labor to truly be the accumulation of a treasure of psychic energy, it must possess certain qualities. Labor should be constant, rhythmic, conscious and joyful. "They ask - what to do with the everyday routine. They are very afraid of it, consider it the death of creativity, think about the humiliation of dignity. But let's say - recognize pranayama in everyday work, elevating consciousness. Prana descends from higher spheres, but each work gives rise to energy, which in its essence similar to spatial energy. Thus, he who knows the essence of energy can sew boots or beat the rhythm of a drum or collect fruits. In everything, the highest energy will be born, for it is born from the rhythm of the Cosmos. Only the low consciousness is afraid of the rhythm of labor and thereby creates its prison" /. Joyful labor is especially important for intensifying psychic energy. "I affirm that the joy of work is the best flame of the spirit." /A.J., 459/. "Work is the crown of Light" /Obshchina, 117/.

Art. People have known about the meaning of art for a long time. It has long been known that art elevates and ennobles a person, decorates his life, refines his feelings, brings joy to life. But art and beauty are needed not only for the refinement and beautification of life, but also for the accumulation of psychic energy. The highest fire is the highest beauty, and therefore earthly beauty is its conductor, and art is the instrument of its manifestation.

"Through art you have Light" /Call/. “The vitality of art, which is kept by the divine fire, gives a person saturation with that fire that ignites the spirit and saturates all worlds ... We have seen how the creations of art transformed a person, and no bookishness of the world can do this” / Hierarchy, 366 /.

"Beauty is the guarantee of the happiness of mankind, therefore We place art as the highest stimulus for the rebirth of the spirit" /Hierarchy, 358/. But works of art can give a surge of psychic energy only when the eye is open to beauty and the consciousness allows acceptance of the emanation of creativity.

“It is known that works of art have a healing gift, and we have had many cases to verify this. But, of course, for such influences, you need to have your heart and eyes open, because, as it is said: “You can stand in complete darkness in front of the most beautiful works of art , for the darkness is in us" /Letters of H.I.

Joy. In the East there is an expression - "Joy is a special wisdom." How to understand it? Helena Roerich has a letter to the youth, and entitled "On Joy." In it, she writes that it is "not about that senseless calf joy that makes you jump and jump and unconsciously kick your legs, but about wise Joy, about Joy from the consciousness of the Beauty of Being."

"They will say - is it possible to talk about joy now, when there is so much grief, horror and blood around, and such tension reigns in the world? Yes, not only is it possible, but it should be ... Joy creates a special atmosphere around us that attracts hearts to us ... Joy drives every shadow of despondency away from us ... Bright joy, like a lamp in the darkness ... Joy can be compared with a strong magnet, because it, just like a magnet, attracts hearts to itself and gives its owner an impulse of life and resistance to all sorts of troubles and obstacles, while despondency gives rise to lack of will and plunges a person into the abyss... Joy gives a person some special powers, the causes of which have not yet been established by science. It fills a person with some special light..." The books of Living Ethics speak of that such feelings as joy, delight, admiration attract the fire of space / that is, psychic energy / and imbue a person with it. And the more sublime and refined these feelings are, the more high quality fire will be drawn from space.

"Joy is the health of the spirit," says the book "The Fiery World."

Thought. There are unconscious accumulations of psychic energy during selfless outbursts of spirit, exploits of heroism, good deeds; but there can be a conscious gathering of psychic energy when its meaning is meaningful. Thought is a magnet. At the heart of all events, from cosmic to personal, is thought. Therefore, to attract psychic energy, the most natural and shortest way will be, first of all, thoughts about it. The first step will be the assumption of the existence of psychic energy, then its realization, understanding of its qualities and features, and, finally, the conscious striving of thinking to accumulate this power.

The primary energy is the stronger, the more consciously it is perceived.

To master psychic energy through thinking, you need to control your thought. Disorderly, weak, fragmentary thought does not reach the goal. Also, it will not bring benefit, but only harm, the thought is selfish and rude. Thought aimed at mastering psychic energy must be pure and sublime. Thoughts about the Common Good are especially effective. Not individual exceptional people, but the majority will be able to feel the subtlest energies if they think about them. Psychic energy will not only allow itself to be explored, but its influx will intensify as soon as thought rushes towards it. The manifestation of energy depends on many conditions, but the main condition will be the purity of thought. "Like wings carry pure thoughts, like flocks of black crows cover the horizon with dark thoughts" /Infinity, 749/.

"A beautiful thought is a treasury of health" /Fiery World, I, 177/.

Love. Certain feelings contribute to the kindling and intensification of psychic energy. Among them, love will be the strongest. But love doesn't have to be selfish. True love is one that seeks to give rather than take. A person whose heart is filled with love is an accumulator and a source of psychic energy. He gives without counting, but he also receives without measure. It is psychic energy that gives strength to ascetics and all great figures to work tirelessly for good all their lives, overcoming superhuman difficulties and tensions. That is why the commandment of love is the basis in all religions: "Love one another", "Love your neighbor", etc.

People willingly talk about ebb and flow, about light and sound waves, about magnetic currents, but psychic energy remains forgotten. Meanwhile, psychic waves are much stronger than all other spatial threads. Quite scientifically, like astrochemical rays, waves of psychic energy operate.
One can think what power sweeps over the world if legions of smiles or horrors are born behind it.
Why do we measure the pressure of the atmosphere, but do not use the data that make up people's moods? Life is built by these moods. It is time to understand where the collective aspirations come from, where the majority will draw decline and prosperity.
Other races paid attention to the impact of psychic energy, but our passing race does not want to leave a beneficent legacy to successors.

They already notice the appearance of strange diseases, when vital energy flows away for no apparent reason. But this cause and effect are not compared.
A wave of psychic energy would restore vitality and give a new joy of being. But for this it is necessary to realize psychic energy. Instead, the sick are stuffed with potions. Where it is easy to help, they begin to dutifully prepare for death.
Many diseases are prevented by psychic energy.

Scientists who talk about the subconscious, about brain and nerve reflexes, about animal magnetism, about telepathy, of course, are talking about the same thing - about psychic energy, but for some reason these words are not pronounced. Fragments of knowledge themselves ask for one direction, but superstition prevents us from generalizing the facts. Pure science is not afraid of lanes.

Psychic energy, in other words, fiery energy or Agni, is manifested in every living being..
Psychic energy - subtle, fiery, divine - AUM. So they call the same basis, but believing that they introduce a better definition.
Why call fiery energy psychic? Only for better assimilation by most people. The layering of names does not interfere with the essence of cognition. People are afraid of what they have been shown to be formidable since childhood.

Nothing can replace the element of fire. Psychic energy also has no substitute. The most self-sufficing, the most refined, the most ascending energy is the true daughter of fire!
Each delight already lays a grain of treasure. Each admiration before the beautiful gathers grains of light. Each admiration of nature creates a ray of victory. I said a long time ago – through beauty you have Light. So admiration will be the shortest way to the accumulation of psychic energy.
More than once you They will ask: “Where is the seedbed of the beautiful garden of fiery energy?” Say: "In joy about the beautiful". But learn to contain this joy of light. Learn to rejoice at every leaf that has woken up to life. Learn to understand that such joy is not idleness, but the harvest of treasure. Learn to accumulate energy with joy!
Not in chagrin, not in madness, not in stupefaction, but in the joy of consciousness let us be happy owners of the treasure. Rejoice!

Do not be late with the study of psychic energy. Don't be late in applying it. Otherwise, the ocean of waves will wash away all the dams, turning the flow of thinking into chaos.
Tell your friends how close time is, how lost time does not return.
There is no fatigue when there is desolation at the gate; when the power of psychic energy can rush in an unstoppable stream.
Accept the influx of psychic energy as a fruitful wave. The loss of those opportunities represents irreparable harm.
It cannot be thought that the plight of humanity can improve if people do not remember the formidable volcano and do not turn to psychic energy. The displacement of the Gulf Stream is only one of many threatening concepts, and many more can be found closer.
Master the predestined power. Don't be late!

Much should be written about the significance of the basic energy, otherwise inaccurate, unenlightened thinking will again forget the source of prosperity.
I affirm that the manifestation of psychic energy can overcome all obstacles. There is no force that could block the path of psychic energy.

Psychic energy was sometimes called Theros. In the hermetic covenants one can find the expression: “The Warrior Theros raised his shield”, this is how the protective significance of psychic energy was indicated.
Have you heard of a yogi being torn to pieces by beasts? There has never been such a case, for no animal that has a grain of instinct will dare against the shield of Theros.

I am not talking about yogis, but everyone who has developed psychic energy will be protected by it. People are afraid to touch a person with special powers. Wisdom remembers how the reverse kick works when it hits Theros' armor. Also remembers the wisdom that some people leave their impact on things. This is true, for psychic energy is deposited on all things by touch. Thus one can follow the power of thought and the emanations of psychic energy.
Animals, especially dogs, sense the emanations of psychic energy. After all, they do not find the house and the owner by smell, but by something more significant.

Objects good and evil are created by man. Good thoughts and good touches will create an object of blessing, and vice versa, evil touches can create a very contagious hearth.
Psychic energy layered on an object is indelible either by distance or by any other conditions. But the greater responsibility lies on the person as the bearer of power. What right does a person have to stain the surrounding space with impure thoughts!
Let us not treat lightly the essence of psychic energy.

Ask - how to start approaching psychic energy? To begin with, you will remember that this energy exists.
We must begin with the awareness of her presence.. For this realization it is necessary to touch one of the most basic concepts. Sometimes it was called unfortunate by faith, but it's better to call trust. Faith responds to self-hypnosis. Trust corresponds to introspection.

First of all, simple respect for psychic energy is needed. You need respect for the energy that, like fire, saturates the entire space and condenses in the nerve centers. Let even the children remember that in any handshake, in any look, this binding energy radiates.

It is correct to think to what extent the psychic energy manifested by man will enhance human dignity. The mere striving of thought in this direction is already a boon.

Quite a fair question - how is psychic energy accumulated?
The methods of intensifying psychic energy are manifold. An exalted thought and striving joy, impulses of the spirit can multiply the manifestations of psychic energy.. It is from within that this sacred source can be replenished.

Psychomechanics will be the correct definition of the application of psychic energy. One can notice interesting experiments in factory work. Every experienced worker knows that machines require rest.
We had to do experiments in weaving factories, where there are hundreds of machines and up to a hundred fairly experienced workers. Subjecting the weavers to a psychic test, one could clearly see that in hands possessing psychic energy, the loom needed less rest; as if a living current was communicated to the machine and lengthened its viability.
You can also notice how things wear out around some people, while others just protect them with something. Sometimes they mistakenly say: "Everything is on fire on it." In fact, just the opposite. It is the fiery principle that preserves the duration of the existence of things.

Everyone who wishes to investigate psychic energy must first of all take up the test of his psychic energy.
Individual expressions of psychic energy are innumerable. The energy itself is still the same, its basic law is unshakable, but at the same time there are no two living beings with the same expression of it.
Thus, first of all, one must firmly establish the basic quality, which will be the touchstone. This quality will be the purity of thoughts in the desire to bring selfless benefit. The rays of achievement will be the best lights in the study of psychic energy. Mindfulness will also be a friend of such experiences. Any prejudice will be harmful.

Experiments on psychic energy can be carried out in different rooms and at different times. Dim light sometimes even contributes to the manifestation of energy. But harsh sunlight can complicate the experience with its strong chemistry.
The conditions of the premises are also varied. Best of all is a room saturated with the researcher's radiations. But each random object can make its impact. The objects of observation themselves should not be kept together, especially during observation. Also, you do not need to have sounding objects and stringed instruments around that can vibrate to extraneous influences.
The objects surrounding the experiments more than once aroused surprise among beginners to study. Sometimes the most everyday object contributed to the experience, but another, very deliberately introduced, only hindered the flow of energy. From this we can conclude how difficult it is to grasp the law of subtle energies. Thus, animal fur does not contribute to the experiment due to a peculiar electrical effect.
The very mood of the observer is of great importance. Irritation and restlessness cannot help useful research.

Experiments with psychic energy are always tiresome. Such tension should not be caused for more than half an hour, otherwise health may suffer. Energy should not be abused. Any violence against psychic energy is contrary to nature. The same strength must be preserved in all circumstances. It is necessary not to squander, but to preserve the power that so wonderfully expands the field of knowledge.

One should not see a contradiction in the fact that experiments with psychic energy cause fatigue. The ignorant may say - if this energy is the main one, then why should communication with it cause fatigue? Such objectors do not want to understand that during experiments, energy is, as it were, condensed and, moreover, environmental conditions are the main cause of the possibility of fatigue. The abnormality of the surrounding conditions damages many already possible achievements. Therefore, I advise you to make experiments outside the city. Already such a condition will help a lot.
You should also avoid the saturated consequences of quarrels and all kinds of irritations. Imperial(*) will be the main enemy of the development of psychic energy. Also, an atmosphere saturated with food fumes is not useful. Also, the presence of animals is not useful - so each, in his abilities, will eliminate the unprofitable.

All experiments with psychic energy help discipline. It is necessary to recognize discipline as a saving rhythm. But in the order of disappointment, no experiments are possible. Many conditions can interfere with the first attempts. Cowardice will tell you that you should not continue research. Fear of being ridiculous can interfere with the most useful observations.

Let us once again encourage all who are grieved at the first failure in the experiment with psychic energy. Have them remember how many conditions can influence and hinder the experience. Surrounding people and objects, spatial currents and the state of health, and finally, thoughts received from afar, everything can either increase or decrease the consequences. Many attempts were stopped at the very beginning, because an absurd remark or a hostile thought paralyzed psychic energy.
It is sad if a person falls into despair from the first failure. By this, he only proves that his psychic energy is in complete licentiousness. Then the tester must think sensibly how to form psychic energy. Indeed, in addition to experiments, a person has no right to keep the primary energy in an ugly state.
Let them arm themselves with patience and devotion to observation. You should not indulge in vacillation and impulses, which so often lead to irritation.

For experimentation with psychic energy, doubt is the greatest obstacle. Free, bold assumption will be the wings of experience.
Notice how before the action of psychic energy it is necessary to give it a free moment. It is necessary, as it were, to let go of earthly occasions in order to let her join the Primary Source. It is a mistake to immediately force energy with earthly sendings. It should be given a way through the strengthening of the connection with the Higher World. Such a connection cannot be ordered. You can't tell a carrier pigeon to fly, you can only set it free. He knows where to fly. It is also precisely necessary to release psychic energy from the flesh cell; the magnetic link will immediately close.
Many will talk about concentration, but such a state already implies tension. Meanwhile, only the release of energy is required, and it will begin to act. It does not take long for such a release. The slightest second is enough to release energy. So let us, first of all, free our prisoner. Fairy tales have said enough about the powerful invisible man.

It is useful to observe how our palm or forehead feels human warmth at a distance. This sensitivity is different and the heat emission is different. You can gradually, closing your eyes and ears, feel the warmth of a person at a considerable distance.

The magnetization of water placed near a sleeping person will already be an indicator of the release of his radiations and the deposition of force on objects.
It is right to keep calm before going to bed, but people make this time a place of quarrels and bewilderment. They do not realize how harmful they are in relation to health and appearance in the Subtle World. Everyone will come to a sphere similar to his mental state. In addition, a person, even if he falls asleep in a quarrel and irritation, cannot receive the beneficial effect of sleep.
Each dream is not only a science for the subtle body, but also a hotbed of mental deposits.

One can observe the deposits of energy on the snows of heights and dew. For a long time, people have noticed the healing quality of dew. This was reminded in legends when, in order to become prophetic, it was required to walk on the dew for seventy days.
Snow full of meteoric dust contains the same healing properties.

Every physical touch contains an act of great tension. Every animal tamer knows the power of touch. Even a gardener understands the importance of the physical care of plants, but people among themselves do not want to recognize caution in communication.
If a person with his energy can influence the next floor through beams and carpets, then what conclusions can be drawn for human hostels! People do not want to accept the dormitory law.

The interchange of energies is a natural phenomenon, but drinking someone else's energy without transferring one's own is already unacceptable. This phenomenon is as common as contagious diseases. But to a certain extent it is possible to struggle with such an ardent egoism. If from infancy people inspire themselves about exchange and cooperation, then they will also handle energy wisely.
Many types of vampirism are nothing more than ignorant debauchery.
It can be understood that human communication is possible under the condition of complete benevolence.

In every everyday life, psychic energy can be studied. No special expensive laboratories are needed to cultivate consciousness. Every age brings its message to mankind. Psychic energy is intended to help humanity in the midst of problems that are unsolvable for it. Its development is the most urgent task of mankind.

Psychic energy can indicate both the quality of food and the harm of poison.. Verily, man himself bears within himself the touchstone. You can successfully apply the same energy to identify diseases.
Psychic energy will show good signs over substances that are useful to people. If a substance is not pleasant to a person, then usually it turns out to be unhealthy.
It can be seen that we know much more than we imagine. The process of obtaining direct knowledge from the depths of consciousness will be the help of psychic energy.
Thus, one can recognize psychic energy as a guide to all areas of knowledge.

It is striking that people of developed consciousness often get sick. Headache, diseases of the eyes, teeth and limbs are psychic areas. Cancer, consumption, diseases of the liver and spleen, as well as enlargement of the heart - all this depends on the imbalance of the mental centers. Only the application of psychic energy can protect the best people. Otherwise they, like sponges, absorb the excesses of mankind. It is not in vain that we insist on the realization of psychic energy—the time has come!

It must be taken literally when I say that the manifestation of a significant number of illnesses must be treated with psychic energy. Infection of the nervous substance will always be the first cause of various diseases. In the infection of the nervous substance, the Higher World unites with the lower; any alien pushes through the gap in the substance of the nerves, ranging from possession to cancer. But the nervous substance can be protected only by psychic energy. This education of psychic energy will be the true prophylaxis of humanity.
It is possible to apply at least pure thought, protecting with it the entrances to the nervous sphere. Even this simple measure will be useful. Also, psychic energy will be the best purification during the period of latent illness. But terrible is the decomposition of the nervous substance under the influence of drunkenness and all sorts of vices.
Think of the state in which the subtle body will find itself, where the subtlest nerves take on the significance of a skeleton! For the Earth it is a bone, for the Subtle World it is nerves, for the Spirit it is Light.

Psychic energy penetrates into all tissues, establishing balance throughout the body. In illnesses, psychic energy emanates from a certain center. Weakening the work of the tonsils. It then rushes to those centers that can maintain balance. The tonsils are very dependent on psychic energy. The swelling of the tonsils can be explained as an outflow of psychic energy. The weaker the influx of psychic energy, the more the tonsils swell, for physical development is affirmed without control. Therefore, all growths, up to cancer, can be counted as an outflow of psychic energy. Spiritual balance can help eradicate many diseases. The longer such an outflow of psychic energy, the more malignant the diseases will be.

Often, doctors notice that the most dangerous disease suddenly disappears almost without a trace. Probably, there will be guesses that the treatment or some external circumstances had a beneficial effect. But the main cause will always be forgotten, which can produce the most unexpected consequences - psychic energy; only she alone can change the course of the disease.

Origen had the reasoning: "Does Grace flow or send?" Knowing that Grace is a very real substance of the highest psychic energy, one can understand that this reasoning had a basis. Thus, heat flows from Light, but an incendiary glass is needed to obtain the manifestation of fire. Thus, psychic energy, of course, flows from every organism that has it, but in order to obtain a direct effect, it must be collected and focused consciously. One must very much distinguish between the unconscious outflow of psychic energy and the sharpened arrow of clear consciousness. If even the highest energy does not hit the target with an unconscious sending, then how much does human energy need a focus! Break the focus - and the fire will not appear. Without fire, darkness and cold await us. Let us remember how life-giving warmth and Light reach us!

Psychic energy in ancient times was sometimes called the air of the heart. By this they wanted to say that the heart lives by psychic energy. Indeed, just as a person cannot live long without air, so the heart departs from life without psychic energy.
One can speak of the chemical death of a person when the supply of psychic energy is depleted. One can speak of resurrection when psychic energy begins to be replenished.
In the fight against diseases, psychic energy can be pumped up as a powerful factor. With a purified consciousness, one can intensify the forces of the spirit, which are the movers of space. In the heart, one can find the levers for the fiery resurrection of psychic energy.

It will be asked: how much psychic energy can be given out when aiming? Not a small question, for the deprivation of energy is like an unarmed warrior. You can give out half of the supply, even two-thirds, but three-quarters will already put the doctor in a dangerous position. In such exposure, the doctor will take on the disease and may lose his life. Therefore, it is so firmly said about the golden path, everything is in moderation, everything is in harmony - let's remember.

Psychic energy is a real magnet. Many will be surprised to learn that the metal magnet and psychic energy are driven by the same energy. This basic energy of consciousness is spread by the element of fire in everything. Those who placed a magnet above the crown of the head to deepen their consciousness knew the remnants of the Great Teaching. Collecting magnetic waves from various areas, they increased the supply of their psychic energy.

Only when energy is fully realized can its action be called forth. And only with a good desire, she will serve.

Before realizing psychic energy, one must learn attentiveness.
Note that a deep breath accompanies the action of psychic energy.
You just need to observe different manifestations of psychic energy. It can be a liberator or an enslaver - as it will be directed. No special formulas are needed to direct it, only sincere striving is necessary.

The manifestation of joy in labor is also the manifestation of a special form of psychic energy. Joyful labor is successful several times over.
The manifestation of eclipsed labor is a terrible sight! It is possible to compare the results of luminiferous work and darkened work, when a person has robbed himself.
Hated labor is not only a disaster for the unsuccessful worker, but it poisons the entire surrounding atmosphere. In addition, imperil, generated by irritation, aggravates gloomy thoughts, killing creativity.

But a certain question may arise - what to do if not everyone can find work according to their vocation? Undoubtedly, many people cannot apply themselves as they would like to.
There is a remedy to uplift such fading. Scientific advances show that above everyday life there is a wonderful area accessible to everyone - the knowledge of psychic energy. Therefore, among the most varied work one can find uplifting power.
Everything is possible, only despondency can whisper about the impossibility.

There can be no doubt that the expenditure of internal energy is much greater in mental labor than in physical labor.

The rhythm of labor is the adornment of the world. Labor can be considered a victory over everyday life. Every worker is a benefactor of mankind. Let us imagine the earth without workers and see a return to chaos. Invincible perseverance is forged by labor, it is daily labor that is the accumulation of treasure.

Work, prayer, beauty - all the facets of the greatness of the crystal of Genesis. The delight of the spirit is a fiery creative energy. The ecstasy of the spirit saturates each manifestation with the best strivings.

Will is a converted, sharpened psychic energy. In ancient times, the symbol of the will was an arrow. Now much is said about the development of the will and artificial methods are proposed to strengthen the will, but it must be developed by ardent activity.
When you meet so-called weak-willed people, be sure that they are first of all lazy. It can be established that lack of will is accompanied by fear, despondency, ingratitude and other horrors of ignorance.
Let us not pity those who deprive themselves of the possibility of success. Out of compassion, let us point out to such people how much they are losing.
Only a working life will teach them to appreciate the quality of production, and in this way they will put on the armor of will. In the midst of everyday life one can find wonderful exercises of the will, and may such natural ways be blessed.

Gratitude is a great motivator. No one asks for gratitude, but the quality of this power is great. Gratitude acts like a purifier, but everything purified is already easier to move. Thus, gratitude is a means of accelerating the path.

Let us agree on the meaning of the concept of rest. A lot of wrong and harmful interpretations have accumulated around him. People are accustomed to consider peace as inactivity, in this way it turns into mental relaxation. The most disintegrating thing for psychic energy will be inaction. Any spiritual immobility will tire, but not revive.
Doctors prescribe rest, calmness, the phenomenon of inactivity and believe that in a dead state one can restore strength. But the same doctors understand that the decline in strength comes from imbalance. So peace is nothing but balance. But equilibrium is a uniform tension of energy. Only in this way can the forces be revived and strengthened.
It is not that the balance will be acquired in the desert or the city, the main thing is constant tension. The path of tension is the path of striving, in other words, the path of life.
The imperfection of doctors warns of the expenditure of forces, but they are expended in case of imbalance. On the contrary, balance will be one and the best panacea.
Let the concept of peace be rightly realized. Anxiety breeds vanity.

Psychic energy is a quality of the spirit, just as will is a quality of psychic energy. Spirit is fire. Fire is the basis.
It is possible in the midst of life to purify the sharpness of understanding subtle energies, for the future is in them.

Indeed, the quality of psychic energy is significant. It is correct to assume that the potential of psychic energy is diffused even in the lower organisms. It gives instinct, but not consciousness. It corresponds to the lower layers of the atmosphere and rotates in them. It will affect the centers of the lower half of the body. Therefore, one must be able to control psychic energy.
Psychic energy is refined by the way of thinking. Aspiration upward is the best task for the center of the "bell" (**). Of course, one cannot force oneself to think upwards; this line of thinking becomes natural after long experience.
We must rejoice at every refinement of psychic energy. After all, here, in incarnation, we crystallize psychic energy.
When we pass over into the astral, we must bring not only the consciousness of the future, but also kindle the striving with a crystal of psychic energy, otherwise those who pass over plunge themselves into a twilight of remnants. Therefore, the accumulation of psychic energy is valuable.

Crystals of psychic energy grow in their intensity with each elevated striving. Each tension of the power of the spirit multiplies crystals of psychic energy.
The deposits of approved crystals consist of subtle energies that are chemically processed in the body, nourishing those organs that are especially in need of energy. Crystals of psychic energy melt substances that are harmful to the body.
Conscious sendings of psychic energy to infected or damaged organs can be healing. Thus, thoughts about psychic crystals can bring the necessary help. It is necessary to realize those fiery batteries which are contained in man.

Lithium is especially needed for deposits of psychic energy, for these crystals can be stored in the essence of lithium. Also, a lithium preparation can cover the nerve centers where psychic energy is deposited. The priestesses wore a plate of lithium, covered with wax, against the center of the "chalice" (***). These records will be a panacea for mankind. I've been talking about lithium for a long time.
Lithium salts are useful not only for gout, but also for all sorts of abnormal deposits. The leaching of alluvial litter clears the way for psychic energy.
You can see how certain elements come into life at the right time.

The tension of psychic energy increases vitality. One can ascertain that during periods of mental stress people live longer. This cannot be explained either by food or sanitary conditions, for in periods of confusion the conditions of life are very difficult, and the only reason must lie in the increased activity of psychic energy.
But one should fully understand what the tension of psychic energy consists in. If a weak person overloads himself with physical work, then such tension will not lead to a better result. The tension of energy, first of all, is understood from the psychic side.

Understand the importance of vitamins but at the same time it is necessary to make an experiment on the influence of psychic energy. It can be seen that taking vitamins consciously increases their usefulness many times over. It can also be seen that vitamins taken during anger can strengthen imperil, just as unconscious energy strengthens the point where consciousness is assembled.
Vitamins themselves belong to the realm of psychic energy, in other words, they belong to the fiery realm. This means that their union with the fiery thought will give the most powerful combination.
One can understand why eating was considered sacred by the ancients. One can understand how much awareness multiplies all energies.

One must carefully observe to what extent a person himself transforms even very strong substances. Let us compare how the effects of medicines taken with hope and disgust differ. We have seen many times how, under the influence of suggestion, the remedy produced the opposite effect; how water acquired the most powerful properties of medicinal compounds. But it was not someone else's will that produced these transformations, the will merely directed the fiery energy, and this transformation took place in the crucible of Fire.
It must be understood that we ourselves affirm our power by understanding the fiery energy. It is impossible to say more strongly that man was created according to the Highest Prototype - this is how the presence of higher energies is indicated. But it is not said that a person can use these energies only through artificial exercises. Energies are inherent in human nature. This means that they must act under natural conditions of existence. So we come back to the construction of life.
If magic means the artificiality of conditions, then, of course, it is inappropriate for the renewal of life. The natural perception of the spirit and the cognition of the Fiery World through it will be the simplest solution to the striving of mankind.
It is also correctly said that luxury is the antipode of beauty. Luxury is a kind of magic, but where beauty lives, no magic is needed.

Energy exercise is helpful. Each test of her awakens a new quality of her. She, like everything else, needs exercise. It is especially necessary to remember this, because recently I spoke about fatigue during the intensification of energy. Through intelligent exercise, fatigue will be reduced.
Each energy must be tested in action. Even the muscles must be exercised so that people can constantly awaken the forces dormant in them. There are many reasons why energies can remain dormant. You can enumerate, starting with the karmic consequences. But quite usually the human consciousness sleeps out of laziness. This property is called the down jacket of evil. The best possibilities are not realized when the veil of laziness weighs down the eyes. No need to look for excuses when the body and spirit fall from laziness.
It was once commanded that laziness is worse than mistakes.

Doubt and self-pity stick to laziness. No energy will come into action with such a poisonous load. Doubt consumes everything. Attempts and self-pity relax even the strong in spirit.
It should be said to a person - do not weaken yourself; discontent, doubt, self-pity eat up psychic energy.

Doubt is the death of quality. Doubt is the grave of the heart. Doubt is the beginning of ugliness. Let us turn to the quality of the pulse of a doubting person, and of him, in the hour of true striving. If doubt can change the pulse and emanations, then how physically corrupting it will be on the nervous system. Psychic energy is directly devoured by doubt.
After doubt, let us recall betrayal itself, for who is closer to doubt than a traitor?

Among mental illnesses, the most terrible, almost incurable, are betrayal and blasphemy. Once a traitor, always a traitor. Only the strongest fire blow can cleanse such an infected brain. If such a criminal condition results from obsession, then such a cause is equally not comforting. Is it possible to imagine cooperation with a traitor or blasphemer? They are like an infection in the house. They are like a stinking corpse. Thus, the Fiery World has no consolation for traitors and blasphemers.

Of course, irritation is the main harm to fires. It can be advised for signs of irritation to inhale deeply ten times. The phenomenon of inhalation of Prana has not only psychic, but also chemical significance, for Prana is beneficial for the fires and extinguishes irritation.
Certainly, imperil is the main destroyer of psychic energy. But also should not be forgotten three violators: fear, doubt and self-pity. When the measurement of psychic energy is mechanically established, then it will be instructive to see how the defilers interrupt the flow of energy. That chain of flow will be supported by such efforts as selflessness and achievement.
Fear is incompatible with achievement. Again, it must be pointed out that fear is not caution.

What is fear, this gloomy enslaver of mankind? The scientist will say: "Fear is a spasm of vibrations resulting from an unharmonized approach." The thinker will remind you that fear is ignorance. There are many definitions of fear. They confirm that fear deprives a person of will and thus makes him defenseless. But the most necessary definition will be that a person invites fear on himself, because he has not realized the Supermundane World.
Can a person succumb to fear knowing the law Overground? Such a brave researcher knows that the human being is indestructible and the strongest spasm of vibrations can be overcome by the will. But even such tension must be brought up. No one will be immune from fear unless he is willing to conquer it.
Let a person always remember that inharmonious combinations can weaken him and that he must consciously hide behind the shield of will. We have already reminded of the education of the will. One should not think that disharmony can be overcome only by ordinary calmness. Impact implies resistance. Let the evil return to the one who sent it. We won't need a sword if we can deflect an enemy arrow with sheer force of will.
“Verily, he who overcomes must be on constant watch,” the Thinker commanded.

Excessive thinness, as well as thickness, are equally harmful to climbing. They equally destroy psychic energy. The middle path provides Better conditions. Also, instead of natural aspirations, people prefer inappropriate extremes.

The creativeness of the Cosmos does not tolerate disequilibrium. It knows that chaos yields to the onslaught of the forces of balance, but the same law must be applied to all life. We are microcosms and must be subject to all the conditions of the Macrocosm. But few people will even talk about such a condition of Existence. Therefore, such a discrepancy shakes the Earth.

We have often warned of the possibility of a fiery epidemic, it's already starting. Of course, doctors do not notice it, because it manifests itself in various types. The change in many symptoms of the disease does not stop attention. Human judgment is too attached to ghostly forms that were accidentally perceived by someone.
Changing one's outlook is the most difficult thing, but one must still be reminded, for one must fulfill one's duty.

Crime is on the rise; cruelty and ferocity increase. It is necessary to look into the root of such shameful phenomena. Humanity could not become worse without reasons. One cannot endlessly deny psychic energy. It is not only not recognized, but even trampled upon, causing physical and mental illnesses.
It has long been established that crime is a mental illness. Sadism, cruelty, and ferocity, too, remain the consequences of the same psychic epidemic.
It is impossible to rid humanity of such scourges if one does not pay attention to the state of psychic energy. It grows into pressure. It, like explosive gas, poses a danger of explosion. It remains to direct it into a powerful destined channel, otherwise it will end the evolution.

The world is immersed in the consequences created by human deeds. Is it possible to be surprised by what is happening on the planet? The gases formed by the spiritual suffocation of human constructions dammed space and shrouded the planet in darkness. Human aspirations correspond to what is happening.

Everywhere it is pointed out that suffering is the best purifier and shortening of the path. Undoubtedly, this is so in the existing conditions of the Earth.
But could Creation take place with the indispensable condition of suffering? No, of course, great creativity will not provide for the necessity of suffering. People themselves with terrifying diligence led themselves into the circle of suffering. For thousands of years people have been trying to turn into bipeds. They are trying to oppress the Earth's atmosphere with anger. Truly, every doctor will confirm that without evil there will be no suffering.

Each release of secretions, each exhalation sends out emanations of psychic energy. Each person generously saturates the space, thereby he is obliged to take care of the best quality of psychic energy. If people understood that each breath already matters for space, they would take care to purify the breath.
Stupid ignorance contributes to the poisoning of the atmosphere. It must be understood in the most precise sense. Clean breathing is not achieved with medicines. Psychic energy is the basis of breath purification.

Tension of the will multiplies the supply and strength of psychic energy. One can be convinced in life how the manifestation of intense psychic energy opposes and counteracts various dams.
The currents of psychic energy will magnetize the surrounding atmosphere to such an extent that a kind of fiery stream will be established around, which will break all advancing evil energies. The conscious tension of the psychic energy of fearlessness is the great shell. The conscious application of these saturations causes a wall of fire that guards the affirmed position.
The creativity of psychic energy is boundless.

The store of psychic energy is inexhaustible, and with spiritual striving its strength multiplies. The properties of this fiery energy are so diverse, and its potential surpasses every energy, because the life contained in it can transmute all other energies.
Psychic energy in its activity can overcome every resistance if it is consciously directed. A manifest source dries up only when it is not supported by a conscious striving.

The economy of forces will be the difference between those who have entered the stream. No insane waste is possible, where the value of energy is understood. If we have a precious medicine that cannot be replenished, shall we destroy it recklessly?
It is necessary to accept Agni precisely as the most priceless substance. One must imagine how difficult it is to produce this energy, and it is impossible to compensate for its excessive expenditure. You just need to take special care of the Divine Fire. It is necessary, even in moments of great confusion, to maintain self-control.

A careful attitude to all phenomena is a difficult step. A lot of advice can be found towards such a path. Love, kindness, mercy and many other qualities are indicated, but they must be affirmed by the realization of great energy. It is not easy to remember this in the waves of life!

Let us firmly remember the qualities of psychic energy. Not infrequently, when people begin to observe psychic energy, they forget its basic properties. Even the simplest studies are complicated by people's habits.

Instantaneity will be the main quality of psychic energy, but people are accustomed to believing that a long thought will be the strongest. Thus they lose sight of the fact that thought does not take time.
Also, it is not taken into account that during a long thought there are many mental sendings of different degrees. In the midst of such prolonged thinking, the center of the message is lost. The manifestation of instantaneity should teach that a brief stroke of thought will correspond to the essence of psychic energy.
But the ability to think briefly needs education. Not only brevity, but also the power of thought must be generalized with the sending of psychic energy.

Just like the heart, psychic energy knows no rest. There can be no long interruption in the activity of the heart, just as the expenditure of psychic energy is invariable. Psychic energy can never interrupt its current.

Constancy will also be the main quality of energy. The striving of energy is the movement of the spiral lines of the entire Universe.

We call psychic energy ever growing. From Infinity, she can draw her strength. Only the condition of realizing it and the direction to goodness is necessary. Without awareness, energy will remain a prisoner.
They will ask - can such a valuable energy be directed to evil? Any abuse will lead to destruction.

Also we call psychic energy a stronghold of self-denial, from this power feats are born. The feeling of ecstasy is impossible without psychic energy.

Psychic energy is also called a magnet., and there is much truth in such a definition. It is impossible to note positive and negative properties without the assistance of energy. Therefore, a reminder of a magnet will be very useful when one wants to note the attraction of psychic energy.

Also call the same energy justice. If, under the influence of energy, it is possible to determine various properties people, then, of course, this will be the way of justice. During experiments with psychic energy, one can be convinced how much the external impression does not correspond to the internal state.
The ability to call upon psychic energy for help will be a true adornment of a judge.

Also we call psychic energy tireless. True, the human body can get tired of the tension of energy, but the energy itself will be inexhaustible. This quality of energy indicates a cosmic source. Energy cannot be exhausted either by age or illness. It may fall silent if it is not called to action.
But what capacity should be in the mind of a person, so as not to restrict the size of the power entrusted to a person?!

We call energy and labor. In constant conscious striving the energy is disciplined. Consciousness of labor is the basis for the disclosure of consciousness, in other words, the beginning of the action of psychic energy. It is a mistake to think that tension alone will already set energy in motion.
When I speak of the consciousness of labor, I have in mind the insight that comes with conscious labor.

If inspiration is associated with psychic energy, then beauty will be at the same source. That's why I say that psychic energy is beauty.

Thus, one can enumerate all the qualities of the great energy, but since it will be combined with all manifestations of life, then correctly call it primary. So we will call it.

It is wonderful to feel that each of the people is given such inexhaustible power.
True, one must understand the unity of energy, otherwise the ignorant can relate it only to man. Again, reduction may occur.
It is necessary to strain the containment to such an extent that one can feel the cosmic breath both below and above.

Care must be taken with psychic energy. Many do not understand that the primary inexhaustible energy also needs to be taken care of.
It would seem, how can a person measure his attitude to the primary, all-filling energy? Wouldn't it be pride to consider yourself the custodian of such immeasurable, boundless power? But nevertheless, man stands guard over the ultimate power. Measures have been entrusted to him, and he knows perfectly well when he violates the grace bestowed from above. Someone compared the abuse of primary energy with the powers of alcohol, which is beneficial in small doses in case of illness and destructive in abuse. Similarly, psychic energy can be blessing, but also destruction.
People believe that they can use the beautiful energy indefinitely, but they forget about the building laws that make it possible, but at the same time limit.
Let people learn to protect all the treasures entrusted to them, among them, first of all, psychic energy. It cannot be thought that if it is primary, then it does not require protection. Every cosmic substance needs harmony, which is the economy of the Universe.

Every doer recognizes that energy can be so tense that it may seem exhausted. We advise you to be especially careful at this time. There can be many reasons, ranging from cosmic to personal health.
We have a judgment prohibiting the overexpenditure of energy. You can imagine how difficult it is to return to balance again.
When the state of the planet becomes even more complicated, many will remember Our advice about taking care of psychic energy.

Psychic energy is the most subtle, and therefore the handling of it must be sublimely refined. It should be firmly remembered that the strength of psychic energy is fiery power. Near the fire of the manifested and unmanifested, one must strive especially cautiously. You need to love such an all-saturating energy. You can not treat the experience doubting or hostile. I've been talking about kindness for a long time.

In order to assimilate the techniques of experience with psychic energy, it is necessary to be able to control one's thinking. Not only to be able to direct it, but also to know and keep thoughts from action.
Sometimes it's not easy to force yourself to think, but it's even harder to tell yourself not to think.
The ability to control thinking depends on constant exercise; for experience, such an exercise is necessary. Every day you can force yourself not to think about something specific. But one should not deceive oneself that the command not to think may no longer contain thought.
The complete rejection of thought and presupposition is already a great mental discipline.

Thought is the finest of all energies. It can truly be said that thought survives everything. Thought is immortal and lives, creating new combinations.

It is not without reason that pregnant women are advised to think about the beautiful and have beautiful images around them, the same should be advised to those who go to bed. It is not difficult to spend the last minutes thinking about something sublime. Don't think it will be hypocrisy. A person must be able to control his thoughts; even, burdened with adversity, he can give himself a moment's rest and strive for a beautiful dream. The same applies to conversations over meals. Experienced people know how harmful it is to eat food during unpleasant conversations. Every doctor will attest to this. So in everything you can introduce mental prophylaxis, it will be more useful than many vitamins.
A person who has fallen into anxiety loses healing vibrations and falls into destructive vibrations. Not only does he himself suffer torment, but he becomes a hotbed of infection.
It is wise to ask friends not to enter into despair, for in such a state they open the entrance to all disasters. There are special kinds of sickness that spring from grief and despair. It is difficult to treat these diseases, for the affected nerves do not give a definite picture, and physical remedies can only worsen the situation.

If only people were aware of the sequence of their thoughts! It would not be an exaggeration to say that even the greatest crimes were engendered by the smallest thoughts. You can show people how material thought is.
It is difficult for people to imagine that each manifestation of a thought already leaves a physically noticeable trace. The atmosphere, saturated with deposits of psychic energy, manifests itself in the form of conspicuous crystals. There will be a time when the weightiness of thought will be revealed.

Speaking of psychic energy, we first of all remember the causes and consequences of our small everyday thoughts. After all, these worms weaken the higher energy. A disorderly pile of garbage will pollute any structure.
When we point to the formation of psychic energy, we shall say the same about the transformation of small thoughts.

It is instructive to compose a book on the harm done by evil thoughts, both for oneself and for others. These thoughts are the source of many diseases. Previously, only mental illnesses were associated with bad thoughts, but it is time to look at the multitude of the most diverse physical illnesses generated by thoughts.
Not only heart disease, but most stomach and skin diseases are the result of destructive thoughts. Also, contagious diseases can be transmitted not only by predisposition, but also through thinking.
This will not only be self-hypnosis, but one can see cases where the infection was spread by one person to many. It can be seen how the physical effects proceed in exactly the same way as the spiritual phenomena. At the same time, it is noticed how involuntarily some organisms spread a certain infection without succumbing to it themselves. Already in ancient times, such carriers of infection were known, but after that they forgot about scientific knowledge, they transferred everything to the so-called "evil eye!"

People have completely forgotten how to understand and apply psychic energy. They forgot that every energy put into action generates inertia. It is almost impossible to stop this inertia; therefore, each manifestation of psychic energy continues its influence by inertia, sometimes even for a long time. One can already modify the thought, but the consequence of the previous sending will nevertheless permeate space; this is the strength of psychic energy, but also a quality that deserves special care.
It is only possible to control psychic energy with a clear consciousness so as not to litter your path with past sendings. Often a random and uncharacteristic thought muddies the surface of the ocean of achievements for a long time. A person has long forgotten about his thought, but it continues to fly in front of him, illuminating or darkening the path. Small lights fall on the radiance of the beam, enriching it. Dark, dusty parts stick to the litter, stopping movement.
When we say: “Fly lightly” or “Do not litter”, we warn about the action.

If a thought contains creative energy, then how useful it is to direct a good thought into space. When humanity agrees to send a good thought at the same time, then the contaminated atmosphere of the lower spheres will immediately clear up. Thus, one must take care at least several times every day to send a thought not about oneself, but about the world. As the Savior of mankind thinks only about the whole world, so, following Him, we can apply our thoughts to create creative energy.
No need for tiresome meditations: the thought of the world is brief, and the renunciation of oneself is reflected in it so simply.
May the world be well!

Tell your friends about the thought of the world, about the thought of all the worlds! Let not the harmful thought of the hypocrite come to them: “What does my thought mean for the world?” Of course, each warrior will shoot only one arrow, but if each regrets his arrow, then the whole army will remain unprotected.

People, often slyly, say that many conditions prevent them from doing good. Meanwhile, in every state a person can do good. This is the advantage of the human condition.

The creation of good should be such a natural state of a person that it is not even necessary to talk about such an appointment. A man cannot point to his good deeds as something special; otherwise, it can be assumed that the usual state of a person is in evil, and only as an exception, he sometimes admits something good.
Many misconceptions have accumulated over the millennia. People began to consider good for gold. People brought gold to the temple and gems, assuring themselves that they represent the best achievements in the world. People inspired false notions about treasures - they remembered the legend about gold as a source of evil, but they hurried to make a fairy tale out of the legend. You can find repeated rebellions against gold in the history of mankind. Every great Teacher was a rebel against gold, and people were in a hurry to kill anyone who dared to rebel against their beloved idol. Of course, I'm not talking about the piece of gold itself, but about all the horror that surrounds it.

With the new race, changes occur in all areas of nature. Usually people do not notice these changes. Even clear hints about new types of diseases do not deepen the study. But you should look closely at everything around you.
Many unusual things can be found among the animal world, and the plant world also gives a lot of evidence. Diseases of animals and plants will remind of unusual epidemics of people.
These illnesses can be called sufferings of psychic energy, and in this case, manifestations of infection may occur. You can call them fiery fever, but the name is not the point, it is much more important to understand the cause.
Let us not reassure ourselves that the change of race inevitably brings many confusions. Anyone who has thought about psychic energy will understand that it must be kept pure. It can be understood that polluted energy also gives terrible spatial manifestations.

Psychic energy is present in everything that exists, but as energy it has all the qualities of such. As energy, it is a stimulus and strains all centers. If there is a disease in the body, then it can be strained by the same energy..
It is possible to some extent to regulate the striving of psychic energy. Thought, elevated or concentrated, can draw the energy into another channel and can bring about the healing quality of the energy. But each blasphemy or destructive thought will only intensify the tension of energy in the direction of the affected organ. The doctor who says to the patient will be wise - do not blaspheme, do not curse. Many times We have pointed out the healing property of a good thought; it will be the gatekeeper of the primary energy.
But people do not want to understand that their free will will be a strong impulse in the use of psychic energy. The more clearly a person imagines this process, the more he will help himself.

We cannot imagine the advancement of a person without conscious familiarization with the psychic world. Moreover, it should be remembered that We have repeatedly warned against psychism and mediumship. Let people understand that such unhealthy artificial deviations will not be a healthy expansion of consciousness.

Any discrepancy and imbalance is a sign of chaos. When these signs are noticed among the lower nature, it can be hoped that in the transition to higher states they can be transformed. But what to do with the highest earthly creations - people, if they turn out to be full of the most chaotic imbalance? Meanwhile, over the course of many centuries, among the various achievements, one should be amazed at the growth of imbalance.
The teachings of all nations speak of the Golden Way; that's what people think about him the least. In imbalance, in chaos, mankind has lived to the approach of the uprising of Fire. But even at the very edge of danger, people will resist everyone good advice about self-preservation.
How to say that Agni Yoga is neither old nor new. The element, always and everywhere existing, is not subject to the definition of time. Fire at the door! One must remind one of its meeting and understand that only Agni, psychic energy, can be the only interpreter when Fire approaches.

If we look at our planet from above, then besides the manifested volcanoes, our attention will be attracted by special tornadoes of Light and darkness. The human spirit can create powerful manifestations of energy. It can be argued that Light whirlwinds are the saviors of the balance of the planet. It will also not be far from the truth that dark whirlwinds contain a destructive gas, which not only mortifies the planet's crust, but can contribute to climate shift and even play a role in the movement of the poles. The significance of the human spirit is so great, therefore We value the Ashrams where purified Agni gathers.
In many Teachings, the importance of pure places where psychic energy can be affirmed was pointed out. We read the mention of the meaning of clean places in the Scriptures, in the Bible and in the Rig Veda, and Tao also knows these treasures of the Earth. We rejoice when they notice New Ashrams emerging, but people rarely think about the power of their spirit.

Each time chooses the appropriate Teaching. By such an hour, all the former Teachings have taken on a completely perverted appearance. Humanity itself is trying to accept the most absurd belittling of the veneration of the fathers. But each phase of the Teaching does not exclude the previous one. Little attention is paid to this circumstance, because the servants of each Teaching build their well-being on the denial of the previous Teachings. But it is easy to prove the continuity of what people call religion. In this continuity, one stream of the same energy is felt. Calling it psychic energy, we are talking about the same Sophia of the world of the Hellenes or Sarasvati of the Hindus. The Holy Spirit of Christians shows signs of psychic energy, just like the creative Adonai of Israel and Mitra, full of solar power. Of course, no one doubts that the Fire of Zoroaster is the Fire of Space.
The teaching of Agni Yoga is nothing but the revelation of the modern application of energy, the flow of which is approaching along with Satya Yuga. That is why I say: the Teaching is not given for money, it is not imposed, it marks the New Epoch. And rejection or denial is your business, but notification is inevitable.
One can understand this Epoch justly or ugly, but its approach is undoubted. It is possible to destroy instantly what has been composed for centuries, but from madness only madness is born. And aren't those who try to exist without a mind insane, for what mind does not feed on psychic energy? Why look for the source in the darkness of unconsciousness, if it is easy to kindle an unquenchable fire and start in full consciousness?

Agni Yoga is not only another expansion of the possibilities of mankind, but it should lead to a combination of cosmic energies, reaching our planet by the time. This circumstance must be firmly realized, otherwise a series of diseases will spread, as it were, and their external treatment will lead to the most pernicious consequences.
How can the appearance of fires be cured? They can only be directed as a useful psycholabor force. How can back pain be treated if it is related to the awakening of the kundalini? The one who knows will only welcome and promote by rubbing with mint. Is it possible to stop the burning of the third eye if it has started to work? Wouldn't it be wiser to let it develop, protecting it from the sun? For a long time they collected hair on the crown of the head in order to protect this channel. Is it possible to stop the movement of the solar plexus if it starts to rotate? Violence against the solar serpent can result in brain damage. It is also dangerous to stop the work of the Chasha center. Of course, poisoning with opium stops the movement of the centers, but then it is even easier to cut off the head.
One can imagine what confusion these incomprehensible movements will cause if one does not approach them by means of psychic energy. Oddly enough, but the study of the physical traces of imperil can lead to an understanding of the deposits of psychic energy. Traces of imperil can be observed in any nerve canal, but it can be seen that some substance gathers around the granulations of the poison, which absorbs this harmful echidna. Deposits of psychic energy will be found, for each energy has a physical crystal.

How to start Agni Yoga? First of all, one should realize the presence of psychic energy, then one should realize that fire is the essence of the spirit. Of course, it is useful to abstain from meat; vegetables are good, except for a few, like asparagus, celery, and garlic, which are medicines.
Waste of psychic energy is treated with valerian, musk and milk with soda.
It is also necessary to take precautions against the fiery disease. The first remedy against it will be awareness and control of psychic energy. Valerian can be a powerful guardian among the flames. Think of psychic energy as simply as possible. After all, subtle energies are not manifested by thunder. They penetrate the distant layers of the atmosphere, and therefore their signs are especially exquisite.

In what house will psychic energy grow? Of course, in a house that looks to the future. It's not simple and it's not easy. People are too focused on the present. When one speaks against retribution, one striving for the present will not even understand the vitality of this covenant. But he who aspires to the future will not even discuss the conditions of retribution, and each reward will be for him only shoes for the next path. Then the waylights are lit and psychic energy grows. After all, everything develops by experience. Experience is comprehended by immersion in the future and is repugnant to senseless vegetation.
The highest experience is experience on oneself.
No need to complicate the path of psychic energy! She herself will prompt in a sensitive ear when sleep is reduced, as unnecessary; when food is reduced, as unnecessary; when drinking is reduced, as unnecessary. After all, each energy nourishes, and psychic in particular.

The illumination of joy and love is stronger than the insight that comes from suffering, but they constantly point out that it is suffering that purifies a person.
How can it happen that a person does not know how to use the strongest insight? The answer is simple - suffering is sown by man in the dense world, and it partially penetrates into the Subtle World. But pure joy and love live in the Fiery World and are rarely understood by man. But with the next evolution, people will realize where their treasure is, and will turn to a bright panacea.
Among the new achievements of science, powerful emotions of joy and love will be indicated. Let humanity gradually approach the bright movers and understand that every thought of joy is already a healing principle. Even among sorrows one can find the manifestation of love and compassion. May these milestones help the weary traveler. Let scientists show how much the rhythm of joy gives a burst of psychic energy. Let science explain how healing the power of joy is.
Yaro needs to strive for the renewal of life. Everyone can think of heroism, joy, sublime love. Everyone can think about the beautiful Aboveground Life. Everyone can acquire the power to reach a healing medicine and spread such emanations to everything around.
The Thinker said: “Sorrow is transient, joy is imperishable. Love the Light and love the Beautiful." Thus the Thinker directed his disciples to the simplest solution.

The manifestation of a thought about the significance of psychic energy will already be, as it were, pumping it out of space..
The magnet of thought will bring the most valuable parts of psychic energy. You need to love her. Its constant presence must be acknowledged. This kind of thinking is not easy at all. One must find much patience in order to keep it under the onslaught of all unbridled spatial currents.
Patience, patience, patience - so let it not be an empty phrase, let it protect in all ways. When it seems that the forces have already dried up - such an illusion is the most dangerous. Forces are inexhaustible, but people themselves are trying to interrupt their flow.

Everything that has been said about psychic energy applies to every action. There is nothing abstract here, for psychic energy is embedded in all nature and is especially expressed in man. No matter how much a person tries to forget about it, psychic energy will remind of itself, and the task of enlightenment is to teach humanity how to handle this treasure.
For the development of energy - it is precisely the psychophysical series of actions on oneself, like patience, containment, awareness of Fire and the tension of space.
The fire of space and psychic energy are interconnected and represent the basis of evolution.

Many thousands of years ago it was said: "There will be a time when people will open their hearts and lift up the cup to the Highest."
The time has come when humanity is approaching the sixth perfection and fire will begin to burn over the Chalice. How many images and predictions are stacked in space! As the pitch burned in ancient cups, and the woman raised the cup, leaning on the sword of achievement.

"Love one another" - this commandment is given wisely. Nothing can better than love harmonize mental energy. All High Conversations are based on the same feeling and are just as beneficial for psychic energy. And light pranayama also strengthens the base of energy. Thus, people must collect and affirm everything useful for psychic energy. Everyone should keep an eye on the supply of psychic energy. After all, even a single breath already brings renewal of strength.
It is very significant that psychic energy is renewed, first of all, by feeling, but not by physical rest. That is why it is said: "Load Me harder when I go to a beautiful garden." It is loading and pressure - the birthplace strong feelings. If a person knows how to judge his feelings, he will choose the most worthy among them, and it will be Love.
It was also said long ago: "He who knows how to love has a fiery heart." A fiery impulse is needed to strengthen the energy. No reasoning gives that Fire which is ignited by the spark of the feeling of love.
So without love there is no progress.

So, humanity is an accumulator and a transmuter of high energy, which we have agreed to call psychic. The significance of mankind is to transmute this energy in the consciousness and to direct it to the Higher Spheres through the Hierarchy. The loss of understanding of one's purpose threw people away from the knowledge of responsibility. So now again we remind you of the basis of Being. One must again draw the great wire closer to oneself and realize the beginnings of the renewal of life.

The wisdom of all ages indicates: "Know thyself!" In such advice, attention is drawn to the most intimate, which is destined to become apparent. The fiery power, temporarily called psychic energy, will give a person the path to the happiness of the future.

The entire text is taken from the books of H.I. Roerich "Agni Yoga. The Teaching of Living Ethics"

* Imperil is one of the important concepts of Agni Yoga, which is the name of a subtle poison released in the human body in a state of irritation. The teaching claims that imperil is deposited on the walls of the nerve channels during emotional outbursts of anger and irritation. To date, imperil is still unknown to modern science, but the Teaching says that its discovery is not far off, and therefore gives hints that tell scientists what scientific and experimental research and experiments will lead to the discovery of imperil. Moreover, Agni Yoga claims that the discovery of the imperil will inevitably become a prologue to even more grandiose scientific revolutions associated with the discovery of psychic energy as a subtle reality, diffused in nature and condensed in the human body at all its levels and planes. H.I. Roerich emphasizes the “non-Eastern” origin of the very term “imperil”:
“Imperil is the definition given to this poison by the Great Teachers, but in Eastern languages ​​this poison, of course, is called differently. After all, the sacred Senzar language consists of the best definitives, borrowed from all existing languages. It includes many words that have a Latin root. So imperil has a definite Latin root” (Letters to Europe, 10/11/35).
Aeroperil is a spatial poison associated with the “irritation” of the elements and harmful both to the subtle world and cosmic planes of being, and to humans. The doctrine speaks of the interconnectedness of the imperil and the aeroperil.

** "The name 'Bells' is given to a tiny piece of iron in the form of a wart, placed in the immediate vicinity, but slightly below the center of the Brahmarandra. This wart also serves as a megaphone, and every whisper received under the influence of the Cosmic Ray by the center of Brahmarandra turns into a thunderous Voice.
You will be interested to know that this wart is a lunar feature, but this feature will soon be removed from the structure of the new earthly man, for it is no longer needed. Lunar life is over for earth dwellers. The wart itself cannot receive words and sounds, but only enhances the volume of their range. Remember how in the Biblical stories the Prophets and clairvoyants described their visions in the most grandiose and thunderous phenomena. The voice of God, the Commands of Jehovah and Trumpets of Angels shook the lands and waters, but now the Cosmic Ray does not need such loud manifestations. The greatest is created in the Silence of Silence.
“The ancients drank from the skull of the enemy; bowls of sacred rites were prepared from the parietal bone. Those who knew about the center of the bell understood that magnetic pressure transforms the bone substance.
"The center of Brahmarandra is also called the 'Well', for it receives the cosmic Rays."
“The center of Brahmarandra is called the “well”, but not the “bell”. It is called a "well", because it perceives the rays coming from outside, which it transforms into the Source of "Living Water". But such a transformation takes place only with a strong rotation of this center, which occurs during yoga, during ascent and ecstasy. Of course, this rotation cannot take place overnight, but only with a constancy of striving and a certain discipline of life.
<...>The fusion of the Fire of Brahmarandra, or the pineal gland, with the secretion of the pituitary gland gives man Life in the Subtle World, which is manifested as a state of immortality. The fire of the pineal gland merges with the secretions of the pituitary gland upon reaching Arhatship on the earthly plane. But such a merging should not happen once, but should be renewed, and not in one life, but in several lives of the walking Arhat. He continues to appear on such an achievement until "Full Circle" is revealed to him. The latter state puts him beyond the necessity of being born, and he becomes immortal in the full sense on the earthly plane as well; can live for many centuries without changing its youthful appearance” (Letters to A.M. Aseev, 12.1.49, 18.IV.49).
The teaching speaks of the need to take care of the center of the well, which needs protection from the sun's rays.

*** Center "Bowl" - according to Agni Yoga, the subtlest psycho-spiritual center of a person, containing all the karmic experience accumulated in previous lives. The Chalice is the center of all radiations. This is the focus where the radiations of the seeds of the spirit are refracted and through which they propagate. The "chalice" belongs to those ganglions that have not yet been explored.
The description of the "Bowl" is contained in the letters of Helena Roerich. In particular, in a letter to A.M. Aseev, she says the following: “You, of course, know that the “Cup” corresponds to the heart in the subtle body of a person. Therefore, the heart is revealed as a vessel called the "Cup". The "chalice" is placed in a triangle, designated by the heart, spleen and the nerve of Cosmic Consciousness (in anatomy this nerve is called Vagus). "The tissue of the Mother of the World" (solar plexus) is the base of the triangle. The "Nerve of Cosmic Consciousness" has many branches and is connected with the heart, with the spinal cord and, above all, with the solar plexus. It receives the currents coming from the solar plexus."
The Book of Brotherhood also contains information about the accumulation of experience in the center of the Chalice: the Chalice is very rarely overflowing. The Chalice, as a synthetic center, stores the most unspeakable accumulations. The "chalice" is the repository of everything loved and precious. Sometimes much that is collected is hidden in the Chalice, but if the concept of Brotherhood is imprinted in the Chalice, then it will sound both joy and longing in all lives” (Brotherhood, §464).
In the most ancient Scriptures, the center of the "Cup" was sometimes called the "Heavenly Axis". (Letters, 1.10.35, 15.10.35, 2.4.36, 22.2.36.)

Agni Yoga. Symphony. S. Klyuchnikov - M .: Belovodie, 1997.