How to care for the skin of older people? Recommendations and remedies. The smell of old age. Personal hygiene rules should change with age (4 photos) Useful equipment for older people

The grandparents' house is remembered by their grandchildren with the aromas of pies and strawberry jam... But time passes, the grandchildren grow up, and the grandparents grow old. And now there are completely different smells in their house, unpleasant.

Those over sixty need to pay attention to hygiene issues increased attention. Unfortunately, many old people do not really like to wash themselves. And there is an explanation for this. Over the years, the skin becomes thinner, and the secretion of fatty lubricant decreases. Because of this, the skin becomes dry and very sensitive, so washing often brings discomfort. In addition, water and soap wash away the protective lipid film from the skin, so after a bath it becomes tight and painful.

Many older people (especially men) develop ichthyosis - increased peeling of the skin, as well as senile itching, usually in the genitals and anus.

But still, you shouldn’t forget about hygiene. It’s just that water procedures need to be carried out differently than in youth:
It is better to give up the bath and replace it with a shower. It is enough to take a shower every other day, because over the years the sweat glands no longer work as actively. For washing, you should not use soap, but gel creams with a neutral pH - they preserve the lipid layer. Moreover, with these products it is enough to wash only the folds of the arms and legs, folds of the skin and genitals. The rest of the body can simply be washed with water.
After water procedure Be sure to thoroughly dry the skin, blotting it, especially in the bends of the arms and legs. If the skin is too dry, you need to lubricate it with moisturizing cream or body lotion (any cosmetics for dry sensitive skin are suitable).
Bathtubs for older people should be equipped with handrails and a rubber mat placed at the bottom to prevent slipping. A compromise option is a sitz bath or shower.
The water should not be either hot or too cool, so as not to injure the skin of an elderly person.
Washing with warm water should be done daily and after each bowel movement. To avoid itching of the genitals, you should wear only cotton or linen underwear and change it daily, avoid overheating the body during sleep, and exclude spicy foods and smoked foods from food.
If it is difficult to shower, you can wipe your body with sanitary napkins soaked in natural emollient and anti-inflammatory extracts (wipes for babies are suitable). It also doesn’t hurt to use the products intimate hygiene(deodorants, eau de toilette), but they should only be applied to clean and dry skin.
To cope with the problem of increased dry skin, it is important for older people not only to properly care for it, but also to take B vitamins (found in meat and cereals) and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E. However, to select their dose, you need to consult a doctor, because both a deficiency and an excess of these substances are dangerous for the body of an older person.

Taking care of your two

Bad foot odor occurs more often in young people, but if old man neglects hygiene, then his socks, naturally, will not smell like roses. Proper care This part of the body is of particular importance for older people. Neglecting foot hygiene can lead to discomfort and pain, and in more serious cases, the inability to walk without assistance.

The main risk is fungal infections. To prevent them, you need to thoroughly wash and dry your feet every day. It is recommended to use talc or powder to treat the spaces between the toes, as well as foot cream to prevent drying of the skin and the appearance of difficult-to-heal cracks.
People with excessive sweating should avoid synthetics and wear shoes, socks, and tights made from natural materials. To reduce sweating, you should immerse your feet in a warm solution of strong brewed tea or a decoction of oak bark for 15 minutes twice a day. For elimination unpleasant odor You can wash your feet 3-4 times a week in warm water with a weak solution of vinegar (1 teaspoon of 3% vinegar per 2 liters of water).

It is difficult for older people to cut their toenails on their own; family members should help with this. This is very important, because improper trimming of nails can lead to them growing into the skin.

Home, beloved home

Not only the body can smell unpleasant, but also everything that surrounds an elderly person: old trash, things that have not been ventilated for a long time, house dust, which, by the way, is largely formed from dead skin particles. The keratinized scales are torn off and get stuck in the folds of clothes in older people, settle on bedspreads and upholstered furniture, and get stuck in the pile of carpets. Since it is difficult for old people to clean themselves (especially wet cleaning), as well as to often change, wash and iron their clothes and bed sheets, then a stale smell appears in the house. Younger relatives should take on cleaning responsibilities.

To scent a room, it is better to use aromatic essences rather than air fresheners. essential oils, oriental incense. In the cabinets you can place sachets with herbs, pieces of aromatic soap, and cut citrus peels.

Wash the aging and sick loved one- This is often a problem faced by those who care for elderly relatives. Dementia further complicates matters. Simple bathing tips and techniques will help caregivers better navigate this complex task and keep grandma or grandpa as clean and healthy as possible.

How often should older people wash?

If an elderly person does not wash every day, his health is unlikely to suffer. This may seem wrong to younger generations who are used to showering frequently, but a daily change of clothes and a weekly bath are usually sufficient. Older people don't get dirty as quickly because they are less active.

However, if they have skin problems or incontinence, then more frequent washing is critical to preventing dangerous infections.

You need to find the frequency of bathing that will be convenient for the caregiver and will help the elderly person maintain health.

Memory loss, confusion and fear

Setting a bathing schedule is the easiest task in trying to overcome older adults' reluctance to shower or bathe. Symptoms of dementia can seriously disrupt previously established self-care habits and make it difficult for family members to help them.

For example, the condition causes an older person to believe that he has just taken a shower when in fact he has not showered for several weeks. Or he may get confused in the multi-step bathing process. Instead of asking for help, many grandparents simply start avoiding washing.

Fear of bathing is even more common in older people with dementia. They are afraid of showers or baths because they feel unsteady on smooth surfaces and are afraid of falling and getting hurt. In later stages of the disease, a person with dementia may not understand the task at all. Confusion and discomfort inevitably lead to fear and resistance.

  • An older person should feel safe and comfortable in the bathroom throughout the entire washing process. If the room is cool, try to warm it up first. Even a small heater will greatly affect the room temperature.
  • If a shower is used, be sure to install grab bars for added stability. A special bathing chair will allow the elderly to not have to make much effort when washing. A handheld shower head will prevent water from constantly splashing onto your head, minimizing discomfort and fear.
  • If an older person's dementia is so advanced that they are adamant about not washing, try a different tactic. Bathing does not have to be a bath or shower. Purchase special sponges, dry shampoos and personal care products that do not require rinsing with water.
  • A full bath or shower is not needed every day, but there are certain areas of the body that require more frequent attention. Wiping with a damp cloth every day and after using the toilet will help older adults stay clean between full baths.
  • Socialize while helping your grandparent bathe. It is important to announce every action before you do it. This will help the senior remain calm and involved in the process. Surprises can lead to worry, anger and confusion. Describe each step in a quiet, soothing voice.
  • Many older people don't like the idea of ​​having a family member help them wash. They often find it easier to accept help from a professional caregiver, especially if she is dressed like a hospital nurse. Another advantage of professional help is that workers in elderly care organizations are able to do their work more thoroughly and quickly, while observing safety regulations.

If you can't get an older person to adhere to good personal hygiene, it's important to evaluate how much of the fuss is justified. Yes, cleanliness is important good health. If showering or bathing every day feels like torture for a person with dementia, try to find a middle ground to maintain a minimum level of hygiene.

During the aging process, the human body inevitably changes. These changes affect the speed of metabolic processes, cell regeneration, reactions, etc. And, of course, age-related changes are noticeable externally. We can easily see that our skin, teeth and hair change as we age. Proper daily skin care is essential to maintaining health and well-being as you age.

Aging skin is drier and more sensitive. She is susceptible more problems than in my youth. The skin of older people becomes thinner, loses moisture and elasticity. The healing rate is noticeably reduced.

This means that the risk of developing inflammatory processes, infections, fungal diseases, etc. increases. Without proper care, these conditions significantly worsen the well-being of older people.

Although each of us has different skin, there are some common age problems, which you need to know about.

Common skin problems in old age


Dermatitis is a skin disease that occurs in people of all ages. But it can become especially dangerous for older people. A feature of dermatitis is excessive dryness and itching of the skin. In milder cases, the symptoms are limited to this.
To relieve unpleasant sensations, cream with Tamanu oil is well suited. It has a healing, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. And can be used to prevent skin abrasions and diaper rash.

If skin irritation does not go away, peeling and the formation of painful ulcers occur, you need to take action as soon as possible. Consult a dermatologist, as an infectious complication of dermatitis can compromise the overall well-being and health of an older person.

Senile purpura.

An elderly person, for no apparent reason, may develop purple spots (bruises) on the skin of the forearms, in the area of ​​the elbow and knee joints. After a few days, the spots darken and become brownish. The skin in these places becomes thin and atrophied. The cause is age-related fragility of blood vessels. Additionally, certain medications prescribed by your doctor may trigger this skin condition. However, senile purpura does not require special treatment and does not threaten health.


Hyperkeratosis is the growth of the surface layer of the skin (epidermis). The reasons for its occurrence may be:

  • diabetes;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • avitaminosis;
  • circulatory disorders (for example, in the case of varicose veins);
  • uncomfortable shoes and clothes.

In old age, hyperkeratosis can be complicated by the appearance of painful cracks in the skin and infection.

Proper skin care will help prevent these problems.

In old age, it is recommended to give preference medical pedicure, which is carried out in the podiatry office of a clinic or skin dispensary.
Ideal for routine skin care of feet, knees and elbows, it contains urea, which helps soften and exfoliate dead skin particles.

Remember that in case diabetes mellitus foot skin care should be carried out with extreme caution. Since the slightest wound, abrasion or trauma to the skin threatens a diabetic with the development of a severe complication - diabetic foot syndrome.

  1. Reduce the time of water procedures. Water causes dry skin.
  2. Use fat-based cleansers instead of soap. For example Hydrophilic oil Tamu-Tamu for bath and shower. It allows the skin to maintain its natural level of hydration.
  3. Apply a gentle moisturizer to your skin after every shower. Give preference to creams with natural ingredients that have a moisturizing, soothing and healing effect. For example, cream with Tamanu oil.
  4. Change your underwear and bed linen regularly. Especially if the person is bedridden. Spend it daily!
  5. Always use sunscreen when going outside. Even if it's cloudy outside.
  6. Stop smoking. Tobacco negatively affects the condition of blood vessels and skin.
  7. Maintain drinking regime. Keep a bottle of still drinking water handy and take a few sips every 30 minutes.
  8. It is advisable to use a household humidifier.
  9. Visit your doctor regularly, including a dermatologist, and get preventive physical examinations.

Our expert is Professor of the Department of Therapy, Geriatrics and Apitherapy of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education of Moscow State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences Yuri Konev.

Soul in the soul

Those over sixty need to pay increased attention to hygiene issues. Unfortunately, many old people do not really like to wash themselves. And there is an explanation for this. Over the years, the skin becomes thinner, and the secretion of fatty lubricant decreases. Because of this, the skin becomes dry and very sensitive, so washing often brings discomfort. In addition, water and soap wash away the protective lipid film from the skin, so after a bath it becomes tight and painful. Many older people (especially men) develop ichthyosis - increased peeling of the skin, as well as senile itching, usually in the genitals and anus.

But still, you shouldn’t forget about hygiene. It’s just that water procedures need to be carried out differently than in youth:

  • It is better to give up the bath and replace it with a shower. It is enough to take a shower every other day, because over the years the sweat glands no longer work as actively. For washing, you should not use soap, but gel creams with a neutral pH - they preserve the lipid layer. Moreover, with these products it is enough to wash only the folds of the arms and legs, folds of the skin and genitals. The rest of the body can simply be washed with water.
  • After the water procedure, be sure to thoroughly dry the skin, blotting it, especially in the bends of the arms and legs. If the skin is too dry, you need to lubricate it with a moisturizer or body lotion (any one will do).
  • Bathtubs for older people should be equipped with handrails and a rubber mat placed at the bottom to prevent slipping. A compromise option is a sitz bath or shower.
  • The water should not be either hot or too cool, so as not to injure the skin of an elderly person.
  • Washing with warm water should be done daily and after each bowel movement. To avoid itching of the genitals, you should wear only cotton or linen underwear and change it daily, avoid overheating the body during sleep, and exclude spicy foods and smoked foods from food.
  • If it is difficult to shower, you can wipe your body with sanitary napkins soaked in natural emollient and anti-inflammatory extracts (wipes for babies are suitable). It also doesn’t hurt to use intimate hygiene products (deodorants, eau de toilette), but they should only be applied to clean and dry skin.
  • To cope with the problem of increased dry skin, it is important for older people not only to properly care for it, but also to take B vitamins (found in meat and cereals) and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E. However, to select their dose, you need to consult a doctor, because both a deficiency and an excess of these substances are dangerous for the body of an older person.

Taking care of your two

Bad foot odor often occurs in young people, but if an older person neglects hygiene, then his socks, naturally, will not smell like roses. Proper care of this part of the body is of particular importance for older people. Neglecting foot hygiene can lead to discomfort and pain, and in more serious cases, the inability to walk without assistance.

The main risk is fungal infections. To prevent them, you need to thoroughly wash and dry your feet every day. It is recommended to use talc or powder to treat the spaces between the toes, as well as foot cream to prevent drying of the skin and the appearance of difficult-to-heal cracks.

People with excessive sweating should avoid synthetics and wear shoes, socks, and tights made from natural materials. To reduce sweating, you should immerse your feet in a warm solution of strong brewed tea or a decoction of oak bark for 15 minutes twice a day. To eliminate unpleasant odor, you can wash your feet 3-4 times a week in warm water with a weak solution of vinegar (1 teaspoon of 3% vinegar per 2 liters of water).

It is difficult for older people to cut their toenails on their own; family members should help with this. This is very important, because improper trimming of nails can lead to them growing into the skin.

Home, beloved home

Not only the body can smell unpleasant, but also everything that surrounds an elderly person: old trash, things that have not been ventilated for a long time, house dust, which, by the way, is largely formed from dead skin particles. The keratinized scales are torn off and get stuck in the folds of clothes in older people, settle on bedspreads and upholstered furniture, and get stuck in the pile of carpets. Since it is difficult for old people to clean themselves (especially to carry out wet cleaning), as well as to often change, wash and iron their clothes and bed linen, a stagnant smell appears in the house. Younger relatives should take on cleaning responsibilities.

To scent a room, it is better to use aromatic essences of essential oils and oriental incense rather than air fresheners. In the cabinets you can place sachets with herbs, pieces of aromatic soap, and cut citrus peels.

Older people are quite conservative when it comes to purchasing kitchen appliances and go to the store only when the old model is broken and cannot be repaired. They often don’t even think about pleasing themselves and buying some newfangled device. That’s why we, their young relatives, come to the rescue. What needs to be taken into account when choosing and what technology will make life easier rather than more difficult for the objects of our care - in this review!
We have already touched on this topic in a previous article, but let us recall the main points. In order for older people to use kitchen appliances, they must meet several requirements:

1) Necessity
We often buy gadgets and devices because everyone knows them or because our favorite coffee machine has a new interesting function. In the case of older people, technology should not be advanced, it should make life easier and help with routine tasks.

2) Maximum device independence
Here we are talking not only about the user’s peace of mind (remember less and do less), but also about safety - older people often forget about their devices being turned on.

3) Easy to control
It is advisable to set all the necessary settings in advance and show only one or two buttons that you will need to press in the future. If necessary, write down the procedure on a sticky note and attach it in a visible place.

4) Large inscriptions and
And loud sounds, which should accompany the selection or termination of programs. When using the device, it should be immediately clear that it has started or finished working.

5) No need to maintain the device
Elderly people sometimes try too zealously to keep equipment in its original form, but this is not always to its benefit: remember Teflon cleaned with metal or plastic levers touched and broken during the washing process... Immediately clarify the rules of care and preferably write them down in a visible place.

Now let’s go through the most necessary devices for older people and discuss what to look for when purchasing.


Tea and coffee ceremonies, as a rule, accompany retired people from morning until late evening. Therefore, high-quality Electric kettle– the main must-have in their kitchen. The main selection criteria are strength and safety.Tefal Express II KI170D30with a volume of 1.7 liters it corresponds well to them. It is made of stainless steel, resistant to mechanical damage, falls and corrosion, and also automatically turns off in three cases: when boiling, removing or lack of water. The tall flask with a pronounced wide spout and a large, comfortable handle is reminiscent of models from the last century, and the matte shine of the metal surface of the body and the deep black color of the parts enhance the vintage effect, which will definitely appeal to older users. High power consumption (2,400 W) guarantees the fastest possible boiling of water.

Meat grinder

Convincing older people to buy ready-made minced meat and semi-finished products is almost impossible, and probably not necessary. Therefore, it makes sense to replace the old manual meat grinder, which requires impressive physical dexterity, with a modern electric version. We pay attention to its simplicity and functionality, as is the case withMoulinex ME458139. This modern, compact and productive device with only one speed leaves no room for making mistakes during use. A powerful motor and a self-sharpening knife allow you to effectively grind meat even for a long time, without forcing owners to think about additional care for the device. Well, where the creative soul can run wild is when choosing attachments - the set includes three stainless steel grates with holes of different diameters for ideally sized minced meat, attachments for sausage, kebbe, dicing and even a grater with a shredder. Let's return to the issue of safety: the meat grinder turns itself off if it overheats.


The older we get, the more time and effort required from us by everyday activities such as washing dishes. Dishes brokenIt gets dirty, can’t be washed, gets lost... Perhaps the only salvation in this case may be a reliable dishwasher. It should not have any special bells and whistles: by pressing just a couple of buttons, the process should be started, as, for example, in a compact dishwasherMidea MCFD55200W. The model perfectly washes up to 6 sets of dishes in one load. Various automatic programs allow owners not to think about setting the time, water temperature and other parameters. There are modes for washing lightly, moderately and heavily soiled dishes, as well as for delicately cleaning glassware. In principle, it is enough to set the machine once (for the accelerated washing program), and the owner will only need to load the dishes and cleaning product, turn it on and wait for the result. What is important for older users is that the energy efficiency of the device complies with the A+ standard, which means that the model will consume electricity as economically as possible.

Double boiler

A person's relationship with stoves in old age even becomes dangerous - from burnt dishes to left-on gas. But the need for healthy eating only growing. A modern and easy-to-use steamer will help you forget about old methods of steaming food (like a colander in a pan).Tefal VC3008. On three tiers, placed one above the other, you can cook (and even defrost) different foods - vegetables, fish, rice, for which a special container is supplied, without the smells mixing. When guests arrive, the steamer can handle baking cupcakes or muffins. The user only needs to add water, load food, select one of the automatic programs and wait for the sound signal.

Bread maker

Probably one of the most pleasant purchases for an elderly person can be a bread machine. The smell of homemade bread will create a feeling of comfort and will definitely lift your spirits. The model has an electronic control panel with a large display and sound signals reminding you to add ingredients - this is the minimum required for older users.Moulinex OW312E32will delight them with both this and a removable baking dish with a non-stick coating, which is easy to clean without the use of abrasive tools and expensive detergents. The model prepares bread and muffins according to 12 recipes (including gluten-free), kneads dough, makes jam and yoghurt. All that remains is to help the owner of the miracle device master it all.

So that an elderly person can enjoy using modern technology, it is not at all necessary to reveal to him the full range of its capabilities. Try to demonstrate the basic functions and work with the new product a couple of times in the kitchen. By going through the process together from start to finish, you are sure to achieve success!