What is the difference between a medical pedicure and a hardware and classic pedicure? What is a medical pedicure and what are its benefits?

Therapeutic pedicure

Medical pedicure is a preventive and therapeutic treatment of the nail plastic skin of the toes with the aim of restoring the beauty of the nails. Special equipment allows you to quickly achieve desired result. If a regular pedicure can be performed by specialists without medical education, then medical pedicure on Profsoyuznaya is carried out by specialists with higher medical education.

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Medical hardware pedicure in Moscow

The main indications for medical pedicure on Profsoyuznaya are the following diseases and defects:

- presence of plantar warts;
— development of “diabetic” foot;
— the appearance of cracks in the skin of the foot, treatment of ingrown toenails;
- fungal diseases of the feet or nails;
- the appearance of “corns” and calluses;
- ingrowth of the nail plate into the soft tissue of the finger;

Medical pedicure at Profsoyuz is also carried out for non-surgical removal of nail plates and nail prosthetics.

- hypersensitivity, allergy to individual components of the drugs used during the procedure.
- neoplasms of unknown etymology, requiring additional examination or consultation with an oncologist.
- skin diseases that are incompatible with the medical pedicure procedure and have an acute form of development.
- presence of open wounds and damage in the treatment area.

Depending on the violation, the doctor prescribes a course of procedures; a medical pedicure on Profsoyuznaya can last from 1 to 1.5 hours in accordance with the prescription. Medical pedicure in Moscow can be supplemented with other procedures: foot massage, paraffin therapy, reflexology.

We invite everyone to undergo a hardware pedicure procedure! Gentle sanding of the feet during a hardware pedicure is a guarantee that the skin will grow slowly and retain its elasticity longer. This effect can never be achieved with a classic pedicure in a salon. As a result of grinding, you get a perfectly flat surface that has a noble and well-groomed appearance for a longer time.

Advantages of a hardware pedicure over a regular one

  • Guaranteed protection against transmission of infections;
  • Thorough treatment of all areas of the foot that are inaccessible with a regular pedicure
  • Gentle treatment of cuticles and correction of nail shape;
  • The ability to completely solve the problems of cracks, calluses and ingrown nails, and not temporarily alleviate them, as with a classic pedicure;
  • The procedure is complemented by massage;
  • The nail plate is covered with medicinal or decorative varnish.

Why should the pedicure procedure be approached responsibly by choosing a trusted cosmetology center?

  • Unfortunately, today there are often cases when such procedures are carried out by an inexperienced amateur who, instead of providing effective help, only aggravates the problems. For example, there are cases when people in cosmetology centers get an infection or a fungus - one is treated, the other is crippled. So, contact only professionals who provide licensed services.
  • To conduct a full-fledged, effective medical pedicure, the master must have a considerable number of different cutters in his inventory; all this is a rather expensive investment. Not all specialists have everything they need in their arsenal, and this affects the result.

Trust the health of your feet to the specialists. The center strictly adheres to all standards of asepsis and antiseptics. Only the latest advanced equipment is used. We use only disposable tips, guaranteeing protection against any infection. Reusable instruments are sterilized both at the beginning and at the end of the session. There is a special license.

Any action of our masters is professional and error-free!

Our doctors perform pedicures with a high level of skill. They will also be able to individually select therapeutic and cosmetical tools.

At the medical cosmetologist center “Zerkalo” in Moscow, specialists with higher medical education will give you a high-quality medical pedicure at an affordable price.

Cost of therapeutic pedicure procedure in Moscow

Name of procedure Duration of the procedure Price, rub.)
Medical pedicure for ladies (treatment of the nail plate, periungual ridges, foot skin, hyperkeratosis, simple cracks, calluses) 90-120 minutes 2500
Medical pedicure for gentlemen (treatment of the nail plate, periungual ridges, foot skin, hyperkeratosis, simple cracks, calluses) 90-120 minutes 2800
Medical pedicure for fungus (treatment of the nail plate, periungual ridges, foot skin, hyperkeratosis, simple cracks, calluses with the antifungal drug Peclavus) During the procedure, disposable files and caps for hardware attachments are used 90-120 minutes 3000
Medical treatment of ingrown toenail: during the procedure separately from the procedure 60-90 minutes 500
Medical treatment of toes 1300
Medical treatment of the foot 1300
Crack Treatment 1 leg 500

The manicure and pedicure room is equipped with the most modern equipment and instruments for performing therapeutic and cosmetic procedures associated with fingernails and toenails. The work uses GENWOL cosmetics. Complete sterility is maintained. Accepted by experienced specialists who have completed training in leading centers in Moscow, as well as internships in Germany.

The following procedures are carried out

  • manicure - classic, European, hardware, SPA
  • peelings, hand massage
  • hardware pedicure, choice of pedicure technology
  • treatment of ingrown toenails using a non-surgical method (by installing a nail plate)
  • antifungal programs
  • treatment of core calluses
  • SPA treatments for feet

Ingrown nails

There is hardly a person among our relatives and friends who, at least once in his life, has not experienced unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the nails and periungual ridges, especially on the feet and most often in the area of ​​the big toes. Problems often occur in children and adolescents due to anatomical and age-related predisposition. “It will hurt and it will go away,” most of us think, and, indeed, in most cases this is what happens. But what to do if it doesn’t go away on its own and doesn’t go away? If your toe hurts, swells, and doesn’t allow you to wear your usual shoes? In addition, an ingrown toenail can lead to serious consequences, including amputation. Therefore, you should not let this situation take its course, but it is important, as always, to contact specialists in a timely manner. The earlier the treatment, the higher the chance of solving the problem of an ingrown toenail without the use of surgical removal of the nail plate.

You can remove the nail plate at any time, but will it really be possible? the right decision? After removal, the nail does not always grow beautiful and even as before removal; nail deformations and repeated cases of “ingrowing” are common.

It is necessary not only to cure, but to establish the cause leading to this problem and try, if possible, to eliminate it. A specialist who has undergone special training and education at a podiatry school can help with this. Today there are few specialists with special training, but they exist, including at the ON CLINIC medical center on Novy Arbat. There are many options for painless and conservative care that does not require surgical intervention, in particular, the “ORTHONICSIA” technique.

If you have a problem with an ingrown toenail, it is better to consult with several specialists and find out what treatment methods they can offer, how long it will take, whether this will completely solve the problem or whether some subsequent additional manipulations will be needed.

Depending on each specific situation, solving the problem may require from 1-2 procedures (2-3 months), to 10-12 procedures (1.5-2 years) - this is the time it takes until a healthy nail plate grows completely (in case when it is necessary to change the shape of the nail, for example, curled).

The treatment process can take a lot of time and money, requiring patience from the patient and strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations (quite simple, but necessary). But a long-term result will be achieved.

The clinic on Novy Arbat has opened a mycology room, where a mycologist diagnoses, treats and prevents fungal diseases of the skin and nails.

Your feet deserve special attention!
The best guarantee of beauty and health of feet can be called medical pedicure. Do not forget that every day your legs are subjected to a huge load, which is aggravated tight shoes, poor ventilation, and other factors, so medical hardware pedicure is a real salvation from such problems in our time. Concepts such as beauty and health of feet are inextricably linked and relevant throughout all year round. After all, you want to look perfect on the beach, in the pool, and feel constant comfort in any situation.

is a universal procedure that is also suitable for men, because their legs are subjected to no less stress and testing! Medical hardware pedicure - this is not only a hygienic procedure for caring for the skin and nails of the feet, but also therapeutic techniques used to solve certain medical problems such as fungal diseases of the skin and nails, hyperkeratosis, cracked feet, calluses,. Guaranteed protection against the transmission of infections and excellent results are the main advantages of hardware pedicure. Mills of various modifications are used as tools, which makes the hardware pedicure procedure painless and atraumatic, and also allows you to quickly and more completely remove the hard stratum corneum (corns, calluses, calluses, etc.)

The highly qualified specialist allows you to complement the hardware pedicure procedure with foot massage, paraffin therapy and other types of health-improving activities using special cosmetics. medicinal products German marks: "GEHWOL" And "PECLAVUS", created on the basis of natural and hypoallergenic ingredients. The range of these products allows you to individually approach the problems of your feet.

Mycoses and onychomycosis— fungal diseases of the skin of the feet and nails have become a real “disease of civilization.” Today they affect every fifth inhabitant of the planet and without proper treatment can last for decades! All manifestations of the disease are quite typical: the nail plates are deformed, their color changes, dry skin, peeling, itching, and microcracks appear. As you know, to successfully cure onychomycosis, the nail plate affected by the fungus must be removed.

Solution to the problem. Removal nail plates using the hardware method, it occurs absolutely painlessly, bloodlessly, in just one session. The hardware method allows you to prepare the nail plates (and, if necessary, the skin of the feet) for the start of therapy with antifungal external agents. An integrated approach to treatment makes it possible to reduce the dose and duration of use of antifungal drugs. As a healthy nail plate grows, the doctor carries out preventive cosmetic treatment.

When performing medical hardware pedicure procedures, the requirements for disinfection increase. Otherwise, the risk of spreading the infection increases many times over. Our center maintains real operational cleanliness and strictly adheres to the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

Until recently, removal was carried out in two ways: surgical, which involves the use of anesthetics, limits the ability to work and is fraught with postoperative dystrophy, or conservatively- with the help of keratolics, the composition of which is applied overnight, which also causes inconvenience and does not go away without consequences if used incorrectly.

You can get a fungal infection in saunas and swimming pools, as well as in hotel rooms with carpeted floors. In the family - through the patient’s personal belongings. When buying shoes - if you try them on on bare feet - the risk of infection, especially in summer, is very high.

Of course, hardware medical pedicure for onychomycosis places very high demands on disinfection. In our center, the cleanliness is truly operating room, and the rules of asepsis and antiseptics are followed impeccably! We know that otherwise the risk of spreading infections increases many times over.

Hyperkeratosis- hard stratum corneum (HSC), the emergence and development of which is caused by excessive and prolonged pressure on certain areas of the foot. High blood pressure on the feet usually occurs when overweight And tall, often when the feet are deformed, when using the wrong shoes, as well as when metabolism and skin nutrition are impaired, which leads to thickening of the stratum corneum and dry skin.

Solution. Iron ore raw materials can be treated with disposable ceramic caps, and instead of a foot bath, special gel-like or liquid formulations. It is convenient, does not require significant time, and is hygienic compared to classical techniques. However, even regular, high-quality pedicures do not cancel out home care for the skin of the feet.

Cracked feet is a linear-shaped skin defect that occurs as a result of excessive dryness, the formation of fatty acids and/or loss of elasticity, often accompanied by inflammation. They arise as a result of various internal changes in organs and their functions. These changes can be hereditary, endocrine, musculoskeletal, and also infectious-allergic.

Solution to the problem.
It is necessary to treat the edges of the cracks so that they heal faster. To do this, a special metal cutter is used, which acts as a blade, after which the crack is ground with a ceramic cap. At the end of the treatment, a healing ointment is applied, which should also be used at home. As a result, the wound heals. In order for healing to occur faster, it is advisable, if possible, to exclude the action of external irritating factors (wearing synthetic socks, uncomfortable shoes, as well as prolonged physical activity).

Callus- a rough, rounded formation limited in area with a deep root in the center. Usually found between the fingers (in the 4th or 3rd interdigital space) singly or in pairs, as well as on the dorsum of the interphalangeal joints of 2-5 fingers or on the sole. We are talking about calluses of “mechanical origin”, when the “trigger” can be a small pebble caught in shoes or other irregularities. As a result of such mechanical action, the growth and division of epidermal cells sharply accelerates, which leads to a thickening of the stratum corneum at the site of irritation.

But there are calluses of viral pathology. In this case, their initial growth is caused by a dermatotropic virus.

Solution to the problem. To remove a callus, a hardware pedicure uses a special set of cutters and a drilling method, which can be used to remove the callus as completely as possible. After drilling, an anti-inflammatory agent is injected into the hole. To completely smooth out the skin at the site of the callus, 3-6 procedures are enough. Full recovery and protection from viruses is achieved with home use special means and protective correctors.

Plantar warts- these are viral infectious benign neoplasms appearing on the skin of the feet. They are caused by the HPV virus, the human papillomavirus, which has about a hundred varieties. The incubation period of this virus ranges from 6 weeks to 20 months, making it quite difficult to determine when and where the infection occurred. A distinctive feature is that there is no skin pattern at the site of the wart. The greatest danger of transmission of the papilloma virus occurs under the following conditions:

  • constant skin moisture;
  • weakened immunity;
  • damage to the skin;
  • there are other skin infections (including foot fungus);
  • disruption of venous and arterial blood flow in the extremities;
  • failure to comply with hygiene standards in public places;
  • infection due to self-intervention.

Solution to the problem. Plantar wart can be removed various methods depending on its size, depth and pain. These are physical, chemical methods and general supportive treatment methods. Our center uses modern techniques with targeted impact, thanks to which the likelihood of relapse is significantly reduced. If the wart is old and very deep, the hardware pedicurist first delicately removes the wart tissue using a disposable ceramic cap, after which a dermatologist works with the patient, using the technique necessary in this case. For optimal results, several medications will be prescribed that will need to be used at home. The patient should return for a follow-up appointment after approximately two weeks.

Hyperhidrosis– increased sweating, which must be regulated medically, since it undermines the body’s defenses. With hyperhidrosis, a moist and warm environment is formed on the feet, favorable for the growth of fungi and bacteria. Hyperhidrosis occurs due to heat, stress, wearing poor quality shoes or after taking certain medications. Suddenly increasing sweating of the feet may indicate the following diseases:

  • liver diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • circulatory disorders.

Solution to the problem. For hyperhidrosis, a safe form of therapy is used, such as reflexology. Its goal is to improve the functions of the circulatory and nervous systems. Stress and tension are factors that weaken the immune system, and poor circulation leads to tissue and cellular growth disorders, which is a prerequisite for malfunctions of the autonomic nervous system. Sweating is a vital function of the human body, as toxins are released along with sweat. Withdrawal harmful substances and preventing their accumulation in the intestines, liver, and kidneys is facilitated by reflexology, which increases blood circulation. A pedicure specialist will determine the possible causes of the problem, help you completely relax, and truly enjoy the massage. Reflexology uses pleasantly cooling agents containing camphor and menthol, which will relieve swelling and fatigue in the legs. essential oils. By using special, recommended home care products, you can protect your feet from fungal infections and unpleasant odors.

Thickened nails. The normal thickness of toenail plates is 1mm. Often, the nail thickens when its root and nail bed are affected by eczema and psoriasis, as well as due to poor nutrition, poor circulation and various finger deformities. Thus, the mechanism for controlling length growth in the nail matrix is ​​disrupted. The nails thicken and take on a spherical shape. As a rule, the damaged growth zone of a thickened nail plate cannot be treated. This means that the nail will only thicken further over time. However, thanks to professional care, good results can be achieved within six months.

Solution to the problem. Surgical removal of the nail is usually accompanied by negative consequences, such an operation rarely ends successfully. That is why today the use of a hardware method of removing nails is the most effective and safe. A qualified specialist using this method and special means, can stop the process of nail thickening.

Ingrown nail. Today there are a lot of different methods for correcting ingrown nails. But, unfortunately, few people know about them. One of the methods is “goldspang” - correction of ingrown nails using a gold plate. There are many benefits to gradually straightening ingrown toenails before surgery. The thin plate is hypoallergenic, adheres well to the nail and does not injure the nail fold. This universal method was originally developed for the correction of very thin nails, but further development of technology and daily practice have shown that it can be used in many other cases, especially with increased sensitivity of the lateral nail fold.

Solution to the problem. There are five options for applying a gold plate depending on the indication:

  • ingrown nail on one side - a plate with one bend;
  • ingrown nails on both sides - a plate with two bends;
  • inflamed periungual fold - a plate without bends, glued;
  • asymmetrical nail - two half-plates are used;
  • thin small nail- a narrow gold plate.

Relative contraindications include suppuration and granulation of tissue of the periungual fold.

We pay special attention to patients with diabetes mellitus - a hereditary or acquired metabolic disease caused by a lack of insulin in the blood. Diabetic foot syndrome- one of the most common complications of diabetes mellitus, which is characterized by damage to nerves, blood vessels, osteoarticular apparatus and skin. Therefore, sensitivity and blood supply to the feet suffer. In this case, there is numbness of the lower extremities, a decrease in the pain and temperature threshold, and poor healing of microtraumas. Dry skin, deformation and thickening of nails, muscle atrophy become visually noticeable, and in the later stages possible trophic ulcers. A moist, warm environment enriched with sugar creates ideal conditions for the propagation of pathogens of various infections.

Such serious changes require a special delicate, highly professional approach to the medical pedicure procedure. Of great importance here is the role of the pedicure specialist as a link between the doctor and the diabetic patient.

A diabetic patient cannot afford to have problems with his legs; it is vital for him to prevent their occurrence. Therefore, examining a diabetic foot and preventing its problems is a very real service in a medical pedicure office.

In this case there is only hardware method removal of corns and hyperkeratosis. No steaming at all hot water and cutting off hardened skin is out of the question. The rough skin is sanded off using diamond bits with a very fine abrasive. A massage with a special massage product after a pedicure will improve blood circulation and “revitalize” your feet.

Our capabilities in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the nails and skin of the feet are almost limitless, we use modern technologies for achievement best result. And, of course, the experience and skill of our medical pedicure professionals always comes first!

When the opportunity to take timely care of your feet and nails has been missed, you will come to the rescue medical pedicure, which will bring the feet and nail plates to ideal condition. With this service you can forget about calluses and corns that have been bothering you for a long time.

Many ladies are mistaken in believing that a pedicure is just coating the nail plates with varnish. In fact, a full-fledged procedure for any pedicure involves proper care of the skin of the feet and the condition of the nails. In Japanese pedicure, the procedure is also complemented by foot massage using herbal bags.

Medical pedicure not only improves appearance nails and feet, but also prevents various diseases associated with the nail plates and skin of the feet. Diseases such as diabetes mellitus, as well as wearing tight and poor-quality shoes and hosiery, can also worsen the well-being of the feet. Fungal diseases bad smell

feet also affect the feet, toes and nails.

A medical pedicure allows you to completely forget about problems such as calluses, corns, and ingrown nails. A medical pedicure will help get rid of such problems without surgery.

The human body begins to age from the feet up. They lack sebaceous glands, which is why the skin often becomes hard and rough. It is important to note that there are energy points on a person’s feet, which affect the entire body. For this reason, it is important to monitor the health of your feet and take care of them constantly. Speaking about medical pedicure, we should talk about hardware pedicure.

  • Hardware pedicure can be described as a pleasant and safe procedure that involves:
  • Softening feet and removing rough skin using special products
  • Gentle and gentle removal of upper epithelial cells
  • Treatment of hard heels and feet
  • Nail polishing

Cuticle treatment.

Medical pedicure is nothing more than a “dry” type of hardware pedicure, which is also recommended for diabetic feet, clients with heel cracks, corns, calluses, and ingrown toenails. Beauty salons use disposable materials, which is why pedicures can be considered safe and recommended to all women and men. With a medical pedicure, there is no need to steam your feet in water. Foot treatment is carried out using disinfectant compounds. A special preparation softens the skin. The compositions used have an effect only on rough skin and dead cells, that is, living

soft fabric

is not damaged. The softened skin is removed with a special nozzle, and the cuticles are processed with a finer nozzle. Most often, beauty salons and medical centers use cosmetics from Gevol and Peklavus for medical pedicures. The cost of the procedure in the salon is 2000-3000 rubles.

  • A medical pedicure procedure can be performed by a specialist with a medical education. The master uses exclusively safe techniques and uses only sterile equipment.
  • Varicose veins on the legs
  • The presence of corns, calluses that cause pain when walking or create discomfort
  • Having ingrown toenails
  • Pathology of nail growth
  • The presence of fungal diseases of the nails and skin of the feet
  • The need for prosthetic nails
  • Rough skin on the feet, cracked heels and feet
  • Unpleasant foot odor and increased sweating
  • Tired legs
  • Circulatory disorders
  • Burning and cold foot syndromes
  • Brittle and brittle nails.

When using a service such as a medical pedicure, you will be asked to go through the following steps:

  • Immersion of feet in a special composition that will soften rough skin. These can be flavored salt compositions from the German company Gewohl. To take a bath, disposable bags are used, which allow you to avoid contamination and infections.
  • Treatment of feet with surgical medical instruments. Various cutters are also used, which can be ceramic, diamond or made from another material.
  • Applying a nourishing healing cream to the skin of the feet. As an alternative, Gewol's medicinal ointment can be used to get rid of cracks.
  • Softening cuticles with a special composition.
  • Removing cuticles using sterile instruments.
  • Treatment of nail plates with cutters. At this stage, the nails are given the desired shape.
  • Applying a medicinal cream or nutritional composition.
  • Coating the nail plates with a base for varnish. This drug has a high calcium content, which allows it to have a healing effect on the nails.
  • Massage of feet and toes. The specialist uses a massage cream that has a therapeutic effect.
  • Covering the nail plates with a layer of varnish. This procedure is carried out at the request of the client.
  • The duration of the medical pedicure procedure is 1-1.5 hours.

Medical pedicure: clinic or beauty salon?

The range of services provided by modern beauty salons is colossal. However, it is necessary to indicate the following reasons that motivate to carry out a medical pedicure service in a medical clinic or center, and not in a beauty salon.

  • Virus infection. You can also catch hepatitis C, B and HIV in a beauty salon. The reason is insufficient or incorrect processing of the instruments. Often, pedicurists simply forget to disinfect, trying to serve more clients. Medical clinics have a specially equipped sterilization department, where autoclaves, packaging machines and sterilizers are located, which help maintain the sterility of pedicure instruments.
  • Master's qualification. The medical clinic employs exclusively specialists with medical education, which cannot always be said about the professionals working in beauty salons.

Medical pedicure has a healing and fairly quick effect that lasts for a long time. But you shouldn’t assume that the problems will disappear forever if you forget about the usual pedicure procedure, which must be done once every 2-3 weeks. A medical pedicurist can recommend highly effective and high-quality products from Gevol, which you can purchase directly in the salon or at other points of sale.

  • Softeners. These compounds act on rough areas of the skin without affecting healthy areas. With their help, you can forget about corns and calluses.
  • Baths. They can be cleansing, warming or fragrant, depending on the problems that were noticed by the specialist during the examination and during the pedicure procedure. Foot baths allow you to relax and enjoy.
  • Balms. They have the effect of a therapeutic mask and can also be used as a massage product.
  • Emollients and oils for nails. They will help give your nails shine and strength.
  • Lotions. Allows you to protect the skin of your feet from harmful effects. Can complete the procedure home pedicure.

Pedicure products from the German company Gewohl have been used in the beauty industry for more than 140 years. During this time, the company presented a whole series of products to solve problems with feet and nails. The preparations are created on the basis of natural plant and animal materials and are recommended for both professional and home pedicures. The compositions are completely painless and safe.

Health problems are much easier to prevent than to get rid of them. That is why we advise you to regularly care for your feet in order to use the medical pedicure procedure as little as possible, which will improve the skin of your feet and improve the health of your nail plates.

It is not a pedicurist who takes care of your feet, but a specialist podiatrist who has medical education. Proficient in various techniques for treating feet and nails. Also a specialist in this field, he systematically improves the level and qualifications of his work in European podiatry clinics and schools with leading specialists in Germany and Spain.
Hardware pedicure is designed to guarantee good view your feet, and prevent certain diseases, such as ingrown nails, calluses, fungi and cracks on the foot. A regular hardware pedicure, probably like “morning and evening” teeth cleaning, is often needed, but to solve emerging diseases, we are increasingly turning to dentists.

A honey pedicure is probably like going to the dentist. Only the most professional specialist will indicate the presence of certain diseases or carry out a preventive procedure.
Honey pedicure takes the best from hardware, adding medicinal properties. Like hardware pedicure, honey pedicure is not contraindicated for patients with diabetes and healthy tissue is not disturbed in any way. However, unlike medical pedicure, special medicinal and wound-healing agents are not used in ordinary pedicure. Therefore, for example, removal of callus is possible only in medical pedicure
Hardware pedicure can be done at home and even in shopping centers. A specialized pedicure at a podiatry clinic will help get rid of pressing podiatric diseases.

A medical pedicure is performed only by a podiatrist; hardware pedicures can be performed by ordinary professionals in beauty salons and beauty spots.

First of all

  1. The reason for the patient’s arrival and contacting the podiatrist is determined.
  2. A plan and method of treating the disease, which is convenient (materially and physically), and a solution to the problem associated with the foot and nails are discussed with the patient.
  3. : Ingrown nails, correction techniques (staples, plates). Solution to an orthopedic problem (unloading, and production of insoles or individual orthoses, for deformation of the foot and toes, protruding bones).