Secrets of a beautiful pedicure at home. Step by step: how to give a quality pedicure at home

All girls and women should take care of the condition of their toenails. Beautiful fingers always look attractive.

That is why every representative of the fair half should learn how to perform a classic pedicure on her own. Moreover, it is not always possible to go to a beauty salon, where they provide a variety of services.

Procedure classic pedicure consists of trimming the excess cuticle that appears at the base of the nail plate. In beauty salons, this service is called a trim pedicure. The master cuts off the rough skin around the nails, and then treats the feet and heels, using exclusively pumice.

During a classic pedicure, the use of a razor or blade is prohibited. The nail plate is processed using tweezers and scissors.

Professional craftsmen often use as auxiliary tools bamboo sticks, skin-soaking foot baths, cleansing scrub and nourishing creams for foot skin care.

Modern beauty salons offer another type of pedicure, in which specialists remove the cuticle without using scissors and tongs, so it is almost impossible to accidentally get hurt. These tools are replaced by cosmetic preparations. All this can be easily done yourself at home.

Pros and cons of performing the procedure at home

Classic pedicure has many advantages. Among them, it is worth noting the purely manual procedure, which is completed quite quickly. During trim pedicure emollients are used that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the feet. The results of a pedicure last for a long period of time.

Carrying out a trim pedicure involves using techniques and tools that are familiar to everyone. This type especially suitable for those who disdain newfangled technologies.

When performing a classic pedicure at home, a woman, first of all, saves money and, more importantly, her own time.

The disadvantages of a trim pedicure include the fact that if the procedure is not performed by a professional, it can lead to inflammation or infection of the skin. All tools for processing cuticles are cutting, which means you can cut yourself or get injured.

We can definitely say that women with problem nails are recommended to trust their feet exclusively to a specialist who can select the necessary type of treatment.

What tools are needed?

The choice of tools for pedicure depends on your preferences in the classic or hardware type of procedure. The easiest way to process nails is the classic cut. To do this you need to purchase the following tools:

The pedicure machine looks like a regular razor, equipped with a comfortable handle, and replacement attachments are often sold in the kit. This tool is usually used when pumice cannot be removed from very rough skin.

In addition, a special razor is used in case of the formation of corns and dry calluses. If a woman regularly keeps her feet in order and looks after them, then she can completely do without a pedicure machine.

In order to do a trim pedicure, you must first steam your feet well. For this you will need a regular basin. If you wish, you can purchase a special bath in the store that will help you relax and enjoy the procedure.

Pedicure baths have a lot of advantages. It’s worth starting with the fact that modern devices a hydromassage function has been added to relieve fatigue and tension.

They also have ultraviolet lamps, which have a detrimental effect on all kinds of fungal pathogens. Magnetic radiation has a beneficial effect on joints, relieving pain.

In addition to all the above tools, you can also purchase nail scissors, files with different levels of hardness, pumice stone for treating heels and feet, a wooden stick or a special cuticle blade, as well as a laser grater.

It is worth noting that you should not save on tools for both manicure and pedicure. Before making a purchase, you should carefully study the assortment in the store and choose the most preferable tool. Nowadays, online shopping is common, which will make it easier for a beginner to choose.

If you treat your feet and toes at home yourself, then each woman will select the most suitable set of tools for her and will use only them.

How to do a pedicure correctly: instructions with step-by-step photos

If a woman cannot entrust her feet to a professional, then a pedicure can be done at home. This procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. To make it easier to work with seals on the heels, they need to be treated with a special cream that exfoliates dead skin particles;
  2. Before steaming your feet, the nails must be carefully filed and given the desired shape;
  3. If you have a special bath, you can add essential oils to the water;
  4. After steaming, it is necessary to treat the heels and feet with pumice, removing dead skin;
  5. Then you should work with each toe, namely, remove the cuticle with tweezers with beveled edges;
  6. At the end of the pedicure, the feet must be thoroughly washed and then applied. nutritious cream, which will make the skin even softer.

How to do a hardware pedicure at home

Performing a hardware pedicure involves the use of professional instructions. All stages of this procedure require regularity and accuracy, otherwise you can cut yourself or cause various damage.

Lesson step by step:

A hardware pedicure will make your feet soft, free from scratches and rough skin.

Nail designs

Some women do pedicures only in the warm season, when they need to wear open shoes, and some even neglect it altogether. This is understandable, because in a salon such a procedure is quite expensive, and women do not have the time, skills, or special tools to do a pedicure at home with their own hands. Step-by-step instruction will tell you about all the nuances of the procedure and its basic rules.

The most necessary tools for pedicure include:

  • nail clippers;
  • cutters for removing burrs;
  • scissors;
  • cuticle pusher;
  • scraper for cutting dead skin;
  • nail file.

All tools should be small in size and fit comfortably in your hand. They must also be well sharpened. The most the best material for manicure and pedicure instruments is stainless steel.

In addition to the main tools listed, there are also auxiliary ones. These include a bath, pumice stone for treating heels, cotton pads, napkins, and moisturizing cream.

Types of pedicure

Many people do not know that there are several types of pedicure:

  1. Classic is the most popular procedure. It includes treatment of nails, coating them with varnish, as well as massage and moisturizing of the feet.
  2. Hardware pedicure is now becoming very popular in salons. Most often used for problem skin legs
  3. European. Many experts believe that this particular pedicure is most suitable for beginners, since it is almost impossible to injure yourself.
  4. Spa pedicure is an elite treatment for the skin of the feet, with which you can achieve good results even with the most problematic feet.
  5. Combined pedicure combines classic and hardware.

All treatments include nail treatment, dead skin removal and foot moisturizing. The main difference between the methods lies in the tools and cosmetics, which are used. All these procedures can be done either independently at home, if you have all the necessary tools, or in the salon. To avoid unpleasant consequences, before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with each type of procedure, its advantages and disadvantages.

Tools for classic pedicure

Girls who prefer salon services should not bother with this topic. And if the procedure is done at home yourself, then first you need to prepare the tools for the pedicure. The description and purpose of each is given below. So, to make a beautiful pedicure yourself, you will need:

  • if there is polish on the nails, then use nail polish remover;
  • bath with warm water;
  • pusher to push back the cuticle;
  • cuticle tweezers;
  • scissors and a nail file to give them the desired shape.

If you need to cover your nails, you will also need to prepare a nail buffer, colored varnishes and a degreaser (if you don’t have it, you can use alcohol).

When all necessary tools will be prepared, you can get down to business. Classic pedicure step by step:

  1. First, you need to remove old nail polish, if any, from your nails. If not, then you need to immerse your feet in a bath of water and wait a few minutes for the skin on the feet to soften.
  2. When the skin on your feet is soft, you need to move the cuticle away from the nail plate. To do this, you will need a spatula-shaped side of the pusher. The pusher gently lifts the cuticle in the area of ​​the nail hole. After this, the cuticle needs to be trimmed using tweezers.
  3. Next, you need to use a nail file to give your nails the desired shape. If necessary, you can use scissors.
  4. After the cuticles have been removed and the nails have been treated, you can begin to treat the feet. The keratinized areas should be treated with pumice. Then the treated feet should be lubricated with moisturizer.
  5. Thus, a simple pedicure at home is ready, and you can start applying varnish.

For beginners, the process may seem quite complicated, but in fact there is nothing to worry about. On average, a classic pedicure takes about 40 minutes, and to permanently maintain the result, this procedure should be done once a month.

Pros and cons of classic pedicure

The advantages of a trim pedicure include:

  • affordable price;
  • long lasting effect;
  • does not require any special devices;
  • the opportunity to do the procedure yourself.

Despite positive sides, trimmed pedicure has its disadvantages:

  • you can easily cut yourself;
  • there is a high probability of infection through a cut;
  • to get a long lasting effect and avoid negative consequences, you need a good specialist.

Perhaps the biggest drawback here is that not all salons sterilize instruments according to all the rules, so you can easily get infected.

Do-it-yourself hardware pedicure at home: step-by-step instructions. Advantages and disadvantages of the method

This variety appeared in Russia recently. For such a procedure, you need a special machine for hardware pedicure, which has grinding attachments and various cutters. The feet are softened with the help of a special preparation, and not soaked in a bath, as is done with a classic pedicure.

Several steps of a hardware pedicure:

  1. The first step is to disinfect the feet.
  2. Next, a special preparation is applied to them for a few minutes, softening the keratinized skin.
  3. The next step is to proceed directly to the procedure. The device has various attachments that can be used to perform pedicures of any complexity: the device can remove calluses, warts, cracks on the feet, and ingrown toenails.
  4. After completing the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer or paraffin mask to your feet.

Usually, after such treatment, the result is noticeable immediately, but in advanced cases, several sessions may be required. The procedure takes approximately an hour.

The advantages of hardware pedicure include:

  • you can treat hard-to-reach places;
  • saving time by quickly cleaning the foot;
  • minimal risk of injury;
  • painless.

The disadvantages include:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • a small number of truly experienced and qualified craftsmen. For home use experience required.

How to choose a machine for hardware pedicure

As already mentioned, a pedicure machine is quite expensive. Now there are many models, different in price, configuration and quality. For beginners who want to purchase a device, experts advise buying an inexpensive model first to try their hand at it. Before getting a pedicure, it is advisable for beginners to take several lessons from specialists or at least familiarize themselves with the technique of performing the procedure on their own.

When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to the material of the nozzles and the quality of the device itself. For professional pedicure the most the best option are devices with a vacuum cleaner. For home use, you can choose a simpler option. In a high-quality device there should be no vibration of the handle, it should be forcedly cooled and generally durable.

European pedicure: pros and cons

Advantages of the method:

  • saves time compared to other procedures;
  • there is no risk of injury or infection;
  • the end result is long lasting.

The disadvantages of this procedure include:

  • the procedure is not suitable for unkempt feet;
  • To obtain good result, you need many sessions of the procedure.

European pedicure is performed without the use of tweezers or scissors. Cuticle removal occurs by applying a special cream that dissolves it. Then the skin is peeled off with a special wooden stick. With each such procedure, the cuticle becomes thinner and thinner. The skin of the feet is polished with pumice. A noticeable result from this procedure will appear after about seven procedures.

Combined and spa pedicure

Combined pedicure is a combination of hardware and classic. With this procedure, some areas are treated with a tool, and others with a device. For a comfortable feeling, the feet are first lowered into the bath, and then wiped dry, and the next stage of the procedure begins - hardware treatment of the feet and cuticles.

Experts believe that spa pedicure is the simplest method. Every girl can do it at home. Many preparations have been created specifically for spa pedicures containing natural ingredients to moisturize the skin of the feet. Such products allow you to remove dry skin without any discomfort. They usually contain essential oils and medicinal plants.

The main disadvantage of spa pedicure is its high price. Also, now there are very few salons and masters involved in this procedure.

In conclusion, it must be said that pedicure is of interest not only to women; men should also take care of the skin of their feet. People who for some reason do not want to visit a salon can do a pedicure at home with their own hands. The step-by-step instructions will be an excellent assistant and will familiarize you with all the nuances of the procedure.

Regular pedicures will give you smooth heels and neat toenails. There are two types of such procedures in salons: hardware and classic. You can do a pedicure yourself at home. To do this, you should purchase the necessary tools and understand their purpose.


Professional masters have a fairly wide arsenal of pedicure tools. People come to the salon with varying degrees of neglect of their legs. This is why professionals must be prepared for anything. List of basic equipment and accessories for the work of a pedicurist in a salon:

  • Tweezers, scissors and nippers.
  • Files with different abrasiveness.
  • Tripod (footrest) for pedicure.
  • Pusher (spatula) for cuticles.
  • Tools for removing rough skin (graters, pumice stones and brushes).
  • Curette for ingrown toenails.
  • A razor to combat dead skin.
  • Pedicure bath.
  • Router and attachments for it.

Equipment for manicure and pedicure has many common tools. The difference is that for working with legs, as a rule, grainier files and more powerful devices are used. The above list contains only types of tools, which, in turn, have their own varieties. Professional craftsmen try to expand their arsenal as much as possible for more successful work.

To perform the trim pedicure procedure at home, you need to have the following tools:

  • Toenail clippers. Used to work with a free edge. It is worth purchasing small and large.
  • Wire cutters. Cuticles and hangnails are removed using tweezers with triangular ends and beveled edges. This design ensures a tight fit of the tool to the surface of the finger.
  • Brush. Used to gently remove skin after a bath. Moreover, the brush will help maintain cleanliness during the procedure, sweep away cuticles, etc., from your fingers.
  • Razor. A special pedicure razor is used to treat areas with rough skin. It is used as a last resort if other tools are unable to cope with the problem.
  • Bath. Bathtubs are sold in a wide range and have various additional functions. Their main purpose is to soften rough skin.

Additional tools:

  • Scissors.
  • Files.
  • Pumice.
  • Laser grater.

You need this entire list for a classic pedicure. The hardware procedure also requires a milling cutter with attachments.

The tools themselves from the list are selected based on the individual characteristics of the knives. Some items may not be needed at all.

Features and Benefits

For the manufacture of high-quality pedicure devices, durable and reliable medical steel is used.

This material lasts for many years, especially for personal use at home. Quality instruments are sharpened by hand under a microscope. This eliminates the chance of a manufacturing defect. Special heat treatment during manufacturing ensures that the instruments will not require sharpening during the first years of use.

For pedicures, rougher files are used than for manicures. This is due to the fact that the toenails are thicker. Moreover, you will need quality tools to remove rough skin. The most common one is pumice, it helps in most cases. If this is not enough, use a razor.

A pedicure razor has its own characteristics and cannot be replaced with a regular razor. Its use is necessary for quickly removing corns and calluses. Please note that with regular foot care there is no need to use a razor.

How to choose? Pedicure accessories must be of high quality, durable and as safe as possible. Professional craftsmen can easily distinguish high-quality items from unusable ones, but beginners should approach their choice especially carefully.

  • Basic rules when choosing:
  • Tools should fit comfortably in your hand. This criterion is the easiest to check, just pick up the object.
  • High-quality sharpening is the key to success. Experts recommend giving preference to hand-sharpened tools. Manufacturing defects can cause serious injury.
  • Remember that the right tool trims the cuticle, not tears it. The latter can cause serious damage. The blade of a pedicure razor should not interfere with your skin treatment. If it doesn't give good review
  • , it is better not to purchase a tool. Quality blades
  • Solid stainless steel is an important criterion. Soft material will quickly become dull and dull. It is simply impossible to perform a pedicure with such tools.
  • The cutters should have blade lengths between 5-9 mm. This is the size recommended by professional craftsmen.
  • The size of the clippers directly depends on the thickness of the toenails. Choose large tools for thick nails and small ones for thin ones.
  • A grater with laser notches will be an excellent alternative to regular pumice. The latter requires frequent replacement due to the fact that the pores of the stone become clogged. Experts recommend a grater as a more durable tool.

Many people think about the advisability of buying a set of tools. For home pedicures, you can purchase items separately. But still, professionals recommend buying a set of basic tools. High Quality, but buy additional items as needed.

Specialized stores provide you with all the necessary pedicure tools from various manufacturers. When choosing tools, you should not chase a high price; it does not always guarantee quality. Professional pedicurists recommend paying attention to the products Zinger And "Staleks".

These manufacturers have long specialized in the production of sets and tools for manicure and pedicure.

Compose full list items you need and feel free to look for them among the products. Select the tools based on your own characteristics and preferences.

How to use it correctly?

To carry out the procedure at home, it is necessary to accurately understand the purpose of each instrument. Only under such conditions you will not injure yourself. Pedicure set and its purpose:

  • Double sided curette.

The working plane is a sharp hook. This surface is thin, it does not scratch the nail plate and makes it possible to get into the most inaccessible places. To work on an ingrown toenail, press the sharp edge against the plate and carefully move along it.

  • Wire cutters.

The cutting edge of the tool has a small radius, the inner side is smooth and carefully polished. Hold the cutters at a slight angle and carefully cut the cuticle or hangnail. Avoid sudden movements and do not tear the skin. This is the only way you can avoid injury during the procedure.

  • Forceps.

Designed to shorten the free edge of the nail plate. You need to hold the tool with your fingers under the lower lever. Thumb With reverse side provides stability.

  • Scissors.

Scissors should be used carefully. Don't forget to sterilize them and sharpen them on time.

  • Grater.

Used to remove dead skin. These could be corns, calluses, or rough skin on your heels. This often occurs in older people. The double-sided surface makes it possible to sand and polish the leather. The handles of such products are coated with a special anti-slip material. Thanks to it, the instrument fits well in the hand. A laser-coated grater is used on steamed skin.

  • Pusher.

Needed to push back and remove cuticles. The pusher has a paddle on one side and a pointed end on the other. The device is made in such a way that it does not pose a danger to the nail plate.

  • Bath.

The device is needed for steaming the skin of the feet. This is a mandatory stage of preparation for the pedicure procedure. You can buy a hot tub. It can not only prepare the skin, but also improve blood circulation in the legs.

For a hardware pedicure you will need a milling cutter. It can be used to remove cuticles and dead skin.

The device will also help with nail treatment and pedicure correction. Learn how to use professional equipment correctly, and then you can perform a first-class pedicure with your own hands.

Secrets of specialists

Choosing the right pedicure tools is only half the battle. Experts say it is very important to pay attention Special attention storage of items. Knowing some secrets guarantees a painless and high-quality procedure.

  • Keep tools clean and dry. It is recommended to use a special case. This will serve as a good preventative against product breakage or rust.
  • It is necessary to sterilize instruments after each pedicure procedure. This can be done using a special apparatus, medical alcohol or acetone.
  • Be careful not to drop tools. Moreover, placing tools with the blades down is strictly prohibited. This may cause the blades to lose their sharpness or become deformed. The devices will quickly lose their properties.
  • Check the sharpness of the blades on scissors, pliers and similar tools after each use. If you notice that the blades have become dull, contact a specialist for sharpening. You should not do this yourself; you risk disturbing the angle of the blades. Such an oversight will lead to damage to the tool or injury after use.
  • The cutting edges of objects should not touch during storage.
  • All tools that have springs must be stored uncompressed. This way you will extend their service life.

Pedicure experts say that toe separation correctors can be replaced cotton balls. Do a pedicure once a week and you will forever forget about the difficulties with your feet and toenails. Using a pedicure machine is too difficult for beginners, so start your journey with the classic trimming procedure.

An indispensable attribute female beauty are well-groomed hands. Manicure plays one of the leading roles in the image, and the abundance of designs and techniques does not fit into any framework. In the context of hand care, pedicure fades into the background, and many girls undeservedly forget that their feet need no less care.

How to properly do a pedicure at home? Step by step about caring for the skin of your feet and what you can’t do without when creating neat feet. nail plates.

Care to the tips of your nails

The word pedicure came into use from French(pédicure), although in fact it has Greek roots. It can be literally translated as “foot and cut/scissors.” Pedicure is a care procedure for the feet, similar to manicure, which is responsible for the hands. Attention is paid to toes, skin, nails, feet. You can get the service at a beauty salon or do it yourself. How to properly do a pedicure at home, and step by step photo Further.

The procedure includes the following components of healthy and beautiful legs:

  • Steam bath.
  • Removal of rough skin on the feet.
  • Cuticle treatment.
  • Shaping the nail plates.
  • Massage.
  • Decorative nail coating.

For those who want to perform a pedicure at home, which would not be inferior in quality to a professional one, we will step by step tell you about the nuances of each of the above points.

Preliminary preparation

Before you begin the main manipulations, you must definitely get rid of the previous nail polish. Give preference to liquids that do not contain acetone. Gentle removers will protect the nail plates from harmful effects.

Also at this stage, all instruments involved in the process are thoroughly disinfected: files, scissors, pumice stone, tweezers, etc.

Purity and softness

Softening the skin of the feet is an important point. Make a bath of warm water, using a container large enough for you to soak both feet at the same time. Enter a foaming ingredient (shampoo, shower gel, bubble bath). It would not be superfluous to add sea ​​salt or herbs, some prefer essential oils. The feet are immersed in the water for literally 10 minutes, after which they are wiped dry with a towel. This time is enough for dry, dead skin cells to soften and become pliable for removal.

Shape and surface

It is believed that the square shape of nails is ideal. It's not just about aesthetics, but also about comfort. By cutting the protruding part of the plate in a straight line, you prevent such a common problem as ingrowth. The cut is carefully trimmed using a file, and the ends are slightly rounded, moving from the edges to the center.

There are several ways to rid your nails of overgrown skin (cuticles). As a rule, there are classic edged and unedged European pedicure, which is more preferable for a number of good reasons (the risk of injury to the skin and the possibility of infection is minimized). With a special tool lubricate the cuticle area and wait the required time.

After stick out orange tree or use a pusher to push away the softened area of ​​the overgrown skin.

Use a spatula to clean the area under your nails. Use a nail file to treat rough fingertips and calluses. Use a double-sided file to polish the surface of your nails until they are smooth, even and shiny. In addition, after this simple technique, the coating will last significantly longer.

"Stop!" foot problems

The feet often have excessively rough skin. Your faithful allies in the fight against such troubles are pumice stones, scrubs, peelings, masks.

Usually that ten-minute bath is enough to soften, but if you think that this is not enough, repeat the procedure again. Treat your steamed feet with pumice stone, especially the heel area.

For those who are familiar with corns and cracked heels, we advise you to resort to traditional methods recovery. For example, nutritional masks are effective. Before going to bed, the heels are covered with a medicinal mass, wrapped in cellophane film on top and socks are put on. In the morning, the mask is washed off and moisturizer is applied.

Home SPA resort

All the pleasures of professional care are available within the walls of your own home. For SPA care, prepare a bath of water and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, be it citrus, woody or floral. Enjoy warm water and a pleasant aroma for about half an hour essential oils, tuning in to a wave of relaxation. Using the scrub, start massaging your feet. This product effectively gets rid of rough skin, giving your legs softness and smoothness. Any cream will do for the mask, the only thing is that it must be applied in a thick layer. Next, as you already know, the feet are wrapped in plastic film, and socks are put on top. The desired duration is from a couple of hours to the whole night.

Design and decor

Decorating the legs is the last stage of the pedicure. Decorative coatings are presented in a wide range, so you can easily find the desired colors and shades, textures and effects. Toenails are traditionally painted more neutral tones so that the pedicure can be combined with any clothes, shoes and accessories. However, this principle does not impose restrictions on you. You can afford absolutely any technique and design. We recommend paying attention to classic or colored French, plain red, ombre.

Here are the main secrets of how to properly do a pedicure at home to achieve smooth and soft heels, shiny and even nail plates. Pamper your feet once every 7-10 days, and then you will not encounter cracks, corns, ingrown nails and other eternal problems. A beautiful pedicure is the key to attractiveness. And it doesn't matter whether your feet are visible to the public or hidden under your shoes. Knowing that you are impeccable, you will radiate optimism and confidence, and a smile will certainly reign on your face.