High-quality blades for t-shaped machines. Characteristics of blades for a T-shaped machine or how to choose the most suitable blades for yourself. Characteristics of blades for a T-shaped machine or How to choose the most suitable blades for yourself

The men's T-bar razor is an interchangeable-blade razor that has been used successfully to remove unwanted hair since the late 19th century. It was invented by King Camp Gillette, after whom the famous Gillette brand was named. This inventor developed a technology for creating blades with sharply sharpened edges from a thin steel sheet. The novelty quickly gained popularity, and T-razors for shaving made a worthy competition to straight razors.

They have many advantages:

  • are relatively inexpensive;
  • as they become dull, they are quickly replaced;
  • provide perfect contact with the upper layer of the epidermis, a clean and comfortable shave;
  • rarely cause irritation.

Externally, the blades for T-machines are a flat metal plate with sharply sharpened edges on 2 sides and a hole for installation in the machine. The thickness, depending on the brand of the manufacturer, is different. Each blade is placed in a small paper envelope, with the cutting edge never touching the wrapper. Most often, the package contains 5 or 10 products in separate envelopes.

Types of male shaving blades

Blades for T-razor blades come in many varieties and are judged according to criteria such as:

  • production material - carbon steel or stainless steel;
  • type of coverage;
  • sharpening;
  • sharpness (aggressiveness) or softness;
  • operational resource;
  • price;
  • personalized shaving experience.

Even the same blade behaves differently in different machines, because they also differ in the degree of aggressiveness: some models shave easily and accurately, while others shave harder and faster. The individual characteristics of the skin and bristles are also important, so every man needs to try and select the best options for himself from his own experience.

Blade Rules

The rules for using such shaving accessories are extremely simple. First you need to prepare the skin - wash and steam your face with water or a damp towel. Then it is desirable to rub into the skin. Next, you need to take a shaving brush, hold it for several minutes in hot water and shake. With a softened brush, you need to beat a thick cream foam in a bowl or. Apply the foam evenly to the area to be treated.

Next, you need to install a sharp blade from a trusted brand in the T-shaped razor that suits your degree of softness. The machine should be carried out on the surface of the skin with a slope of about 30 °, several times along the growth of the bristles and 1 time in the opposite direction. More frequent razoring against stubble growth is undesirable as it can cause ingrown hairs.

The movements of the machine should be light, sliding, without strong pressure. After each movement, the tool must be rinsed. Rinse skin after shaving cold water and process . The razor should be thoroughly rinsed after use. hot water best of all - under running water. The cleaned instrument should be dried with a clean towel or napkin. Additionally, you can treat the blade with special oil. They must be stored in a clean and dry place.

How to choose the best T-razor blade

To choose the blade that best suits you, it is advisable to try several options - test all kinds of replacement components and find the most suitable solution for yourself. In this case, it is useless to focus on the reviews of other users, since the end result largely depends on the model of the machine used, the shaving technique, the individual characteristics of the skin and bristles.

But still, it is advisable to give preference to reliable brands with an impeccable reputation, such as Dovo (Merkur), Muehle, Derby. To get an objective opinion on a particular blade, try several products from the package. It's also a good idea to try out each brand's blades with different razors, as changing razors also changes the feel of the blade. Other factors also affect the final result - from the hardness of the water to the composition of the shaving agent used.

Rating of blades for T-shape razors

Despite the huge selection of products on sale, we have identified models with an excellent quality-price ratio, which with a high degree of probability can become the best razor blades. The leaders of our ranking are:

  1. (Germany) - products of excellent quality. For a century, their manufacturer has confidently held the lead in the world market for the production of shaving accessories. These accessories are suitable for T-shaped machines and shavettes. They are made from high quality stainless steel. The aggressiveness of these blades is above average, so they can handle even tough and thick bristles. But you need to use a razor with such accessories carefully, observing standard safety rules. The set is supplied in a plastic box containing 10 pieces individually wrapped in paraffin-impregnated paper.
  2. Blades for safety razor Muehle (Germany) - products made of platinized stainless steel, compatible with all T-shaped machines of this brand. Suitable for both experienced and novice users. Considered one of the best options in terms of price and performance. Demanded by many fans of classic shaving. The aggressiveness of these blades is between soft and medium. The package (plastic dispenser) contains 10 interchangeable products, each of which is placed in an individual paper envelope.
  3. Derby Extra (Turkey) - universal double-sided safety razor blades made of Swedish platinized stainless steel with a 5-layer coating for the longest and most comfortable shave. Mild/medium aggressiveness makes Derby Extra blades comfortable to use, even for people with sensitive skin. Such components are suitable for both beginners and experienced users, provided that their bristles are not too stiff. Otherwise, it is advisable to choose more aggressive models (such as MERKUR SUPER) or give preference. The dispenser pack contains 5 products in individual paper envelopes.

Summing up

All blades from our rating provide a high quality shave. Their main difference lies in the degree of aggressiveness. Beginners often make the mistake of thinking that the sharper the blade, the better it shaves. Beginning connoisseurs of classic shaving, men with sensitive skin and soft bristles, it is better to choose more gentle blades - such as Muehle or Derby Extra. And for fans of aggressive shaving and owners of hard bristles, the MERKUR SUPER is the best choice.

With aggressive machines it is better to use soft blades, and vice versa. This will allow you to maintain a balance between sharpness, comfort and closeness of the shave. But in the end, the choice of the best blade is a purely individual process. Some people like softer models, while for other men, such blades will cause discomfort, pulling hairs and giving the impression of a dull cutting edge. In addition, sometimes the blades do not show their maximum potential immediately, but at the 2nd or 3rd shave.

If you have not yet found the ideal combination of machine and blade for you, try the models from our rating. They will certainly please you with clean and high-quality work, durability and comfort of use.

Classical edges for "T" - figurative machines Feather Japan. Original.

Packing 20 packs of 5 pieces. There are 5 blades in a pack.

Japanese Blade Feather

Shaving with a T-shaped razor does not lose its positions today: the machine lives longer, consumables are much cheaper than replaceable cassettes. Another indisputable plus is the absence of subsequent irritation after the shaving process: the fact is that when only one blade passes through the skin, even without a moisturizing strip, the irritation is much lower.

But which blades to choose for the cleanest shave possible? It is unlikely that you will find a better shaving cutter than Japanese Feather blades.

Japanese quality is an axiom tested by time and generations, in these blades it fully justifies itself. You will appreciate the unique blade sharpening technology. Unlike many analogues of competitors, this blade is sharpened on both sides. This will make it possible to move the machine at a different angle, cleanly shave off even the thinnest hairs.

At the same time, each blade of the manufacturer has a long service life. The high quality materials and excellent sharpness allow you to get a close shave without irritation in just one shave. The maximum sharpness of the blade is a guarantee that the machine will not injure the skin and pull it during shaving, but will act purely on the hair only.

One pack of blades will last you for sure for a long time. One serves for daily use over two months! Comparing the cost of replacement cartridges that fail in the same period, or even earlier, the cost of a pack of straight razor blades seems ridiculous.

Our shop opposite Chertanovskaya metro station +79261707274

The tradition of shaving goes deep into the past. Even the ancient Neanderthals introduced this rule for themselves, using quartz fragments as a razor. From other fans of shaving, history singles out Alexander the Great and Peter the Great. These great commanders became famous in this field in different ways. It is known that Alexander the Great never entered the battlefield without a shave. He motivated this by the fact that in this way the enemy would not be able to grab his beard, and a smooth face looks much more attractive. Another, no less famous commander - Peter the Great, as you know, starting with himself, forced the whole of Russia to shave.

Prototypes of modern razors appeared in the 18th century. Then, in 1770, Jean-Jacques Perret published a publication that taught how to shave on their own, without resorting to the help of professionals using safety razors. At the beginning of the 20th century, this idea was picked up by King Gillette and released Safety Razors to the buyers. They quickly gained popularity among the population thanks to the new blades. The blades were made of thin steel sheet, the edges of which were sharpened very sharply. Gillette sold them for substantially less than their real value, making up for lost time by selling replacement razor blades. Subsequently, Gillette razors were distributed throughout Europe thanks to the company's contract with the US government. It purchased razors for the country's troops participating in the outbreak of the First World War. Razors with disposable blades have seriously squeezed straight razors on the market.

The history of razors has undergone a massive evolution in the 20th century. Manufacturers began to produce disposable machines, and electric shavers, and plastic machines with replaceable cassettes. But, according to many men, there is nothing better than the good old T-shaped classic machines with replaceable double-sided blades. The secret is simple, the blades of such machines are much better than their counterparts, and their price is much lower.

Types of double-sided shaving blades different types of this product, differing in the material of manufacture, different options for coating the blades, types of sharpening, subtleties of quality control. But one of the main criteria by which bilateral blades are distinguished is the degree of their sharpness.

Naturally, sharpness is a rather relative concept, since it depends primarily on the degree of severity of the bristles and the vulnerability of the skin. The blade can pull hair if the bristles are thick and the blade itself is medium sharp. It may be the other way around, when a too sharp blade provokes irritation and even cuts off a layer of skin.

The most sparing blades are the products of Derby (Turkey), Merkur (Germany), Shark (Egypt), Sharp (Bangladesh). On a five-point scale, the degree of their severity can be assessed from 1 (Derby) to 2.5 (Bangladesh). Turkish blades are made from Swedish steel and are valued for their gentle edge. The German version is one of the most popular, as it is suitable for people with normal skin and not thick bristles.

Blades of medium sharpness Wilkinson Sword (Germany), Sputnik (Russia), Red Personna (Israel), Crystal (Israel). The German version has a special synthetic polymer coating that provides a soft glide that does not provoke irritation. Russian analogue not inferior to their foreign counterparts. The blades are Teflon coated for greater durability and optimal glide.

The sharpest blades designed for tough and stubborn bristles are produced under the brands BIC (France), Feather (Japan), Kai (Japan), Voskhod (Russia). Japanese blades are considered by many to be the benchmark for the sharpest blades. The Russian brand has a Teflon coating and is slightly less sharp than the Japanese ones, but their shaving is less aggressive, which means it is softer and more comfortable, therefore it is quite a serious competitor.

How to choose blades for yourself A blade that is really suitable for you is a rather subjective question, since the skin of the face has its own characteristics and what suits the rest may not fit categorically. In order to find your ideal blade, you will have to try many options, so until you find the one thing, it is advised not to buy blades in large quantities, but to stop at a few test samples. You can get such samples in online stores or specialized outlets. Having tried the blade and having passed an unfavorable judgment about it, you need to give it a second chance, in case you get a defective copy. If there is such an opportunity, a test drive of the blade should be carried out on several different machines, since the razor design itself also affects the quality of the shave. The effectiveness of shaving with certain blades also depends on the length of time they have been used. Those blades that are suitable for beginners may not be suitable for aces and do not give a calculated result. So try other blades as you get better.

To shorten the time of finding your ideal blade, you can focus on some criteria that many blade users consider essential. In addition to the sharpness and softness already discussed, service life and price are considered important criteria when choosing suitable blades. The average "survivability" of the blades is 3-6 uses. There are such razors as, for example, the Russian Rapier, which begin to show an excellent class after 1-2 uses, as users say about them. Users also note that German Merkur Super Platinum blades can be considered the most “survivable” blades, which are enough for 6 shaving procedures, but their cost, of course, is much higher than the average among analogues. Of the domestic options, Rapira, Sputnik and Astra are also characterized as quite durable, 5-6 shaving procedures are provided with them. And their price is quite democratic.

Strictly speaking, the recommendations described are very subjective, these are not the opinions of professionals, but of ordinary people with more experience in using a double-edged blade than those who take up a classic T-shaped razor for the first time. To find suitable option you will have to try a lot of blades, but perhaps the tips given will help someone and they will be able to pick up their blade the first time.

Where to buy quality blades Fans of certain brands of blades are definitely wondering where to buy them at the best price for themselves with quality assurance. Our answer is the "Everything for Shaving" store opposite the Chertanovskaya metro station (30 meters). It presents customers with about eight hundred different shaving products, including a wide range of reversible blades for the classic T-shaped razor. We stock a wide variety of shaving blades at affordable prices. We have the most even price for original shaving blades. Our store works with both retail and wholesale customers. We can organize the shipment of the goods you like by parcel across Russia, subject to 100% prepayment of the goods.

In our store "Everything for shaving" opposite the Chertanovskaya metro station

(30 meters) over 800 original shaving products in stock

from the best European manufacturers. We work daily until 21-00. Our website

In the reversible safety razor blade market, FEATHER blades are the benchmark for sharpness and durability. These sharp Japanese blades are known to men all over the world, every experienced safety razor user has bought FEATHER brand blades at least once.

By choosing a FEATHER product, you get:

Japanese quality.

High quality platinum plated stainless steel base. Such blades retain their strength and sharpness longer than others. Lesser quality steel competitors can't stand up to the FEATHER brand.

Special sharpening angle that provides the reference sharpness. For many years of production of these blades, the optimal sharpening angle for shaving has been selected. Angle - allows the blade to easily cut hairs instead of pulling them out, thus providing excellent cleanliness and no irritation.

Strong but soft metal. Such blades are suitable for both experienced users safety razors, and for the beginner. A beginner, despite the high sharpness, will be comfortable using these blades, due to the softness of the alloy.

A huge plus is the durability of FEATHER brand blades. For a man with rather stiff bristles, these blades will last about 2-3 times longer the usual topics, who shave quite rarely or have soft bristles, it will be possible to change the blade 5-7 times less often than usual. Such results are achieved by high-quality materials, as well as titanium sputtering.

The cost of such blades is slightly higher than other analogues on the market, but the price pays off with quality, sharpness and durability.

Feather blades are made by Japanese specialists. The company has been specializing in the manufacture of cutting objects for many years. Feather specialists combine Japanese traditions and modern technologies, which together form incredibly sharp and high-quality products.
Feather blades are no exception in this case. They are incredibly sharp, reliable and innovative. Produced according to the age-old technology of manufacturing samurai swords. Japanese experts do not forget their traditions, applying them to get the perfect result.
Feather blades are made from stainless steel. Many models are platinum plated. Japan is known as the country that produces the sharpest cutting products. This feature also applies to Japanese shaving blades.
In addition to their sharpness, Feather blades boast a high level of reliability. High-quality materials combined with Japanese technology allow the blades not to become dull for a long time. One blade is enough for 6-7 shaves. If necessary, the blade can be used more, because it becomes dull very slowly.
If you're looking for quality, sharp and durable blades, Feather blades are the way to go. They have all the characteristics for the most efficient shave.
In our store you can buy Feather blades at a bargain price. Our catalog contains only original products, accompanied by certificates. For getting additional information contact our operators.

Japanese blades Feather.Feather are durable and ultra-sharp blades made in Japan! Feather products are the best in shaving products and are renowned for their excellent long lasting sharpening. Super-sharp blades from samurai will not leave anyone indifferent, they leave behind only clean-shaven paths. The blades of the presented model guarantee the smoothest and most accurate shaving of hairs. Buy Feather steel blades and you will be stunned by the excellent result and speed of shaving hairs. skillful use able to create miracles in just a few minutes. Enjoy the ease of the process, even if you have thick and coarse bristles. The blades are platinum coated for long life. The correct angle of sharpening contributes to a clear and gentle shave. Feather Japanese steel blades provide a comfortable shave and a completely smooth skin surface. One blade is several times more durable than competitors' blades! You can buy unique steel plates from the Japanese company Feather in our store. Blades shave painlessly while providing a smooth shave and comfort. Feather's ultra-thin steel blades are sharp and durable, ideal for those who use T-shaped classic razors. Buy quality products from us and this choice will never disappoint you. Feather blades are worthy of your attention. If you are buying blades for the first time, but can't decide which one to choose? Japanese Feather blades will become best solution among the possible. Enjoy the shopping!

The T-bar razor is the classic version of the safety razor. used by most men these days. Invented by the manufacturer Gillette back in 1901, this remarkable tool has gone through many modifications, while remaining virtually unchanged in form, function and ease of use.


The name of this razor speaks for itself - it has a T-shape with a long handle and a head on which the blade is located. This design provides maximum convenience and safety of shaving - this is the main difference between such machines and the "dangerous" razors that existed before them. There are many design options - from the classic with two or three removable parts to "butterfly" systems for the most comfortable replacement of blades, so that everyone can choose the most suitable for themselves.

Such a razor usually consists of several parts:

  • handle - plastic or metal, often grooved to make the tool easier to hold in your hand;
  • comb - lower base, a universal blade is placed on it;
  • head - the upper part of the machine that covers the blade.

Men's T-shaped machines are appreciated due to the following advantages:

  • comfort of using tools with a comfortable handle;
  • shaving quality and smooth skin after him;
  • profitability - after the failure of the old blade, it is enough just to buy a new one without replacing the machine itself;
  • versatility - replacement blades of the "Satellite" type are identical and are cheap.

The classic version of the T-Bar uses standard blades, which are usually sold in sets of several. They are much cheaper than removable cartridges, which may not be the same for different types of razors.


According to the way the ridge is located, there are 4 options for T-shaped machines:

  • Closed comb or "Closed comb". In such systems, the blades are the safest, they practically cannot be cut. This option is recommended for young men who are just starting to shave, but they are also great for men with soft stubble who need to shave 2-3 times a week. The disadvantage is that for very coarse hair they are hardly acceptable, and they may not produce the most thorough cleaning of the face.
  • Open comb or Open comb option best suited for experienced men with coarse stubble. These razors provide the cleanest and most efficient shave.
  • Open/Closed comb machines Can adjust open or closed comb. Such a combined option will be useful to many, but the design itself is more complex, it can quickly fail, and the machine itself becomes clogged faster, it will need to be cleaned.
  • Machine model "Slant bar" or "Kosorez" has a sloping ridge. The bristles are cut at an angle according to the guillotine principle, shaving is very effective. But this option is suitable for men with shaving experience, as it is not entirely safe.

Except classic options T-shaped razors, in which the upper part is completely removed, there are also “Butterfly” or “butterfly” models that have a special lock for fastening. The blade is easily installed and removed on a special non-removable mechanism. Its design is more complex than that of 3-piece machines, but if such a razor is treated with care, it will last comfortably for a long time.

All of these options are double sided for even more convenience, meaning they last up to 2x longer than single sided machines with blades in cassettes.

Brand overview

Of the T-shaped machines of Russian production, it can be noted " Marshal", "Ruby", "Rapier". The classic Marshal Maxi double-edged razors are made with a durable metal head and an elongated plastic handle for a comfortable shave. The manufacturer Rubin has been famous for its high-quality razors since Soviet times. Today there are many modifications with different comb arrangements, metal and plastic handles of various lengths. Razor with a double-edged blade "Rapier Platinum Lux" has a simple classic design and a long plastic handle.

Brand Gillette is perhaps the most famous manufacturer of such goods in the world. The most popular today are the Fusion, Mach 3 and Venus N-shaped machines.

Safety shaver Moreville Solingen made from high quality stainless steel. The metal weighty handle is slightly thickened and comfortably held in the hands. This is an expensive, but very popular branded product.

Chinese razors from the manufacturer Weishi not cheap, but they have high quality and durability. Model 9306-F T-looms are made with a knurled metal handle. They are sold complete with a plastic box with a mirror, shaving brush and five removable blades.

Machine Parker 24C suitable for both experienced and beginners. Removable open-comb head is easy to remove and holds the shaver securely. The handle is made of metal, has a complex corrugation for a secure fit.

From Japanese goods, one can note the machine model Feather Popular butterfly type. Equipped with a knurled plastic handle, it is very light and comfortable to use.

How to choose?

When choosing, you should pay attention to the material of the handle. Metal, especially stainless steel, is the strongest and most durable. Sometimes some cheap razor makers paint their plastic handles metallic, but this is easy to tell: they will be significantly lighter than heavy stainless steel razors. Plastic is cheaper, but immune to moisture and easy to clean.

The handle of the machine should be ergonomic with corrugations on the metal surface or rubber inserts so that the razor does not slip in your hand. Its comfortable shape can also add comfort when shaving.

Before buying, it will be useful to check how conveniently the lid, blade and comb are removed. They should not get stuck and at the same time, when fully fixed, sit securely on the handle and do not slip - this also affects safety. If a "butterfly" is chosen, it is also worth checking how securely its lock opens and closes.

The manufacturer also plays an important role. It is better to choose a quality razor from famous brand, albeit expensive, but which will last for several years, providing comfort, safety and smooth clean skin after shaving.

Which option is better depending on the comb - closed, open or inclined, it is worth determining for yourself, depending on the frequency of your shaving and the nature of the bristles. If there is any doubt about the choice, then it is worth experimenting first with the cheapest single-use machine or the combined model "Open / Closed comb".

How to shave?

The technique of shaving with a T-bar is not much different from the option with a cheap disposable or expensive cartridge razor. The main condition is clean, fat-free skin and hard, inelastic hair on the bristles. Before using a razor, be sure to wash your face with soap, this will relieve the appearance of irritation or abrasions after shaving. It is optimal to do this with warm, but not too hot water, the skin should be softened and slightly steamed.

Shaving creams were not invented by chance, it is recommended to apply them before the process. Firstly, only they most effectively reduce the elasticity of the bristles due to the presence of alkali, so the hairs are better cut. Secondly, they moisturize the skin and provide better blade glide. For application, it is worth using a shaving brush, it beats the foam well, and when it is brushed across the face, it lifts the hairs and massages the skin.

The razor must be clean and adjusted before shaving. Shaving movements should be carried out over the applied foam at an angle of approximately 30 degrees. You should not press hard, high-quality sharp blades cope with removal without pressure. Before each pass, the old place must be reapplied with foam. As for the direction and sequence of shaving areas of the face, it depends on personal preference. You can, for example, shave from the bottom up, starting from the cheeks and cheekbones and ending with the chin.

When the process is finished, it is necessary to completely wash off the cream and carefully check the thoroughness of the shave in front of the mirror. If some areas remain unshaven, then you should immediately correct them. Then the face is wiped with a clean towel, and it is best not to rub, but to blot the skin. After shaving, various gels, lotions or balms are used for the appropriate purpose, but without alcohol. They well restore the fragile skin of the face after the procedure, relieve irritation and refresh.

It is also worth being careful with shaving accessories: after each procedure, wash and dry the brush hairs, disassemble, wash and dry the machine.

In this review, I will combine several blades at once + a bonus in the form of a Weishi 9306E razor.
I recently decided to try my luck and ordered several different razor blades. What came of it?

First Lot: .

Ordered for $2.50 (3 packs of 5 blades). The blades arrived quickly (less than 3 weeks) in a small pimply envelope, were additionally wrapped in one layer of pimples. In general, it was very lucky that everything arrived in perfect condition.
The blades themselves are in packs of 5, each blade in a separate double wrap.


It is noteworthy that Google Translate did not recognize Korean in the text on the packaging, but it translated perfectly when switching to Chinese.

Automatic translation

Manufacturer: Korea Dole Corporation
Origin: Hanguo Bo Friends of the brand
<далее телефон горячей линии и предупреждение о том что лезвия острые и их нужно прятать от детей>

The blades turned out to be very successful, especially considering their price. Not too sharp, slightly tugging on the bristles. But for my skin, this is not the worst option.
Here it is worth explaining a little. For example, Feather blades shave well due to their sharpness, the movement over the skin is generally imperceptible during shaving, but you need to be careful. After shaving, an unpleasant sensation can occur if you overdo it with pressure or the machine is very aggressive. Korean blades pull the bristles a little, but injure the skin less. As a result, after shaving, the sensations are very pleasant. There is no irritation, everything is shaved smoothly. Subjective rating - 4. I will shave with them a few more times, and I think to repeat the order.

Second lot: two packs of Yingjili blades

The orange ones were $1.56 at the time of purchase, the blue ones were $1.88. Now the price of orange has increased.
Blades in packs of 5 pieces, each blade in a separate double wrap + the pack itself is separately packed, which is very good when transported by mail.


The orange blades were disgusting. The sharpening is bad, the bristles are pulled, the sensations are unpleasant. He made a couple of strokes with a razor and stopped.
Finished with a blade from a blue pack. There are no serious complaints about him. The quality + is the same as that of Korean blades, but they are more expensive.
The orange ones go to the trash (actually I’ll leave them, but obviously not for shaving), the blue ones deserve a second chance, but I definitely won’t buy again.

Third lot:
I ordered 4 packs for GBP 2.90 (256.78 rubles at the time of order). Arrived in an envelope thick paper without any kind of shock-absorbing padding, because of this, two packs were slightly shabby, but the blades themselves were not damaged.

The packaging of the blades surprised me a little, it looks like a fake, but looking ahead, the blades themselves turned out to be very good.
The blades are wrapped in paper, 5 pieces per pack, but the pack itself is in a sealed plastic case that looks very similar to the usual blade case, but with strange flaws.


First - why solder the plastic if the paper pack still needs to be opened somehow?
Two, where's my used blade drawer, dude?
The blades are sharp, shave smoothly, no complaints. They deserve an excellent rating, despite the dubious packaging and the suspicion of a fake. If anyone ordered Astra blades, write, maybe they all have such a strange package?

Well, the fourth lot:
Bought for $9.49 at auction. Surely you can find it cheaper, I didn’t look carefully, I just wanted to buy it. If the rate was interrupted, he would not raise the price.
Arrived in a pimply envelope, blades separately, razor in cardboard box. If no one jumps on it, then there is no problem.
Double wrapped blades, 10 pieces in one pack.

Photos of blades

I was especially pleased with the inscription on the pack “Government property - not for sale”. Perhaps they are issued to soldiers ...
I won’t describe for a long time, the blades are rare. I don’t even want to sharpen pencils like that.
But the razor pleased. The design is time-tested, made with high quality, weighty, fits well in the hand. Notches on the handle are comfortable, do not allow slipping, even if you smear your entire hand with soap. Personally, I really liked the matte finish, it looks nicer than cheap chrome plating.

Photos razors

The razor shaves very gently, maybe even too much. The blade seems to have too little overhang. It is quite suitable for a beginner, for a test, if there is a desire to try the T-razor. But I would say that this razor will good option only if there is no money for something better. I can compare with a very good disposable machine. Due to the fact that it is very soft, it takes more effort to get a close shave. Perhaps the experience of shaving with a more aggressive razor is affecting, perhaps it's just not my option. Hard to tell. However, now I even more wanted to buy a quality machine with a long handle.
- well made
- fits well in the hand and does not slip
- soft, the chance of accidental cuts is close to zero
- shaves too soft

Grand total: I was very pleased with the Korean Boyou blades, Astra blades. I will continue to experiment with existing blades and a new razor.

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Despite many different commercials showing the benefits of cartridge razors, the T-bar razor is rapidly gaining popularity. After all, an irreplaceable classic fits any consumer requirements, but modern cassette novelties often do not meet the requirements and desires of ordinary people.


A Russian-made T-shaped shaving machine is not inferior to foreign leaders in quality, therefore, the reasons for their popularity are the same:

  1. Profitability. The operation of the goods, as well as its cost, is an order of magnitude lower if we compare these indicators with cassette machines. After all, not every buyer is ready to overpay a considerable amount, and in the end get the same result.
  2. Regular improvements. Blades tend to become dull with prolonged use. In this case, you do not need to immediately go to purchase a new T-shaped shaving machine, you just need to replace the blades themselves.

Another important feature and reason for popularity is the fact that classic T-shaped razors symbolize brutality and masculinity, and cassette razors are used not only by the stronger sex, but also by delicate female natures.

Differences from the cassette machine

In addition to the shape and cost, there are a number of features that distinguish shaving with a T-shaped classic machine and a cassette version. First of all, it should be noted that the first machine has only one blade, but this does not reduce the quality of shaving, but cartridge razors, as a rule, have from 3 to 5 blades. The T-shaped machine does not harm the skin and does not scrape it several times, as the cassette machine does all the time. In addition, an equally important distinguishing feature is the fact that the blade of the T-shaped razor is easily removed and cleaned of excess dirt, while the cassette machine does not allow you to do the same procedure with you.


It seems to an ignorant person that all T-shaped machines of modern production are very similar to each other, but in fact this is not so. There are three main types:

  1. T-shaped razor "Butterfly", which is an almost instantaneous loading of the blade without any extra effort. The only drawback is the lack of the possibility of combining different heads.
  2. A razor consisting of a handle and a top cover. The main advantages include maximum precision in blade calibration as well as durability. The disadvantages here are quite difficult to find.
  3. Razor, which consists of a handle, top cover and guard. If used carelessly, the blade can be slightly warped, which will lead to minor injuries in the form of cuts, although this happens quite rarely.

How to use

T-shaped shaving machine of Russian or foreign production requires special attention towards you while shaving. This process involves the use of several important attributes (shaving brush, foam, and so on). Many people do not like this waste of time, so they prefer electric shavers. But it is worth noting that no other razor can compare with a T-shape and will not make a shave closer. In addition, a classic shave leaves behind a feeling of freshness and freedom that cannot be replaced by anything.

Young men who are just learning the basics of this procedure are advised by professionals to use models with a closed comb, and when choosing a shaving brush, it is better to pay attention to the option with badger hair. Together with these accessories, you need to prepare ordinary soap or a special cream and a container where the foam will be whipped.

Soap should be put in a pre-prepared container, and then beat the foam with a shaving brush. The finished foam must be carefully applied to moistened skin, and then you can start shaving. The machine is required to be held at the very bottom of the handle, squeezing it with your thumb and forefinger.

Trying to remove all the vegetation at once should not be, as this must be done in several stages. If the bristles are strongly branched, then you need to shave with minimal overlaps.

Blunt blades must not be used. There are situations when, when shaving, the skin tightens a little, which indicates the need to replace the blade. In addition, even if the razor is new and the blade is sharp, you should not touch areas of the skin where there is no foam. Otherwise, microtrauma or unpleasant irritation may appear.

Machine maintenance

Regular care of the razor guarantees a long service life, so you should not neglect the basic principles of care, which are not so many. Among them:

  • if the blades for shaving with a T-shaped machine have not been used for a long time, then before shaving it is necessary to remove them from the machine, and then rinse and dry thoroughly;
  • after each shaving procedure, it is necessary to rinse the machine;
  • the razor itself and the blades should be stored separately in order to avoid the appearance of rust;
  • plaque on the surface of the machine can be easily removed with a weak solution of vinegar;
  • Alcohol is great for disinfection.

Undoubtedly, a good machine guarantees a beautiful appearance and the absence of cuts and small scratches on the skin, so you should not save on it. Now on the market you can find both a Russian-made T-shaped shaving machine and foreign models, but it can be very difficult to choose from them. As a rule, beginners who have not tried a single machine yet need help. A few tips will help you make the right choice and get the desired result:

  1. Be sure to secure it is necessary to have a package of disposable machines that will come in handy in the event of a breakdown of the main razor.
  2. Aggressiveness is determined by the size of the open part of the blade, as well as the angle of its location
  3. For beginners, less aggressive models are most suitable - with a closed comb.
  4. For more experienced men, it is better to choose aggressive machines, but use them very carefully.
  5. Models with grooved handles are much more comfortable to hold.
  6. It is best to purchase a machine not on the Internet, but in a real store, where you can come in person and hold it in your hand, choosing the most suitable one.

Popular productions

As you know, T-shaped shaving machines (male and female) are produced by many industries, but their quality and cost, of course, differ. The most popular and sought after this moment are the following firms:

  1. Muehle. A permanent leader that has been producing hygiene products and shaving accessories on the world market for many years.
  2. Weishi. A well-known production, the strategy of which is aimed at the quality of products, as well as the regular introduction of innovative technologies.

leading model

Quite often, this or that rating of T-shaped shaving machines demonstrates one interesting model that has been popular for quite a long time - WEISHI 9306-B. For beginners, it is not very suitable, because before acquiring it, you already need to master at least a little the technique of shaving with this type of machine. This machine has a "Butterfly" mount, and its cost is about 1000 rubles, so this model will be affordable for everyone.


The machine goes on sale in a beautiful plastic box where it can be stored. In addition, this box contains blades, as well as special brushes for cleaning the razor. Another no less pleasant addition is a mirror built into the box lid from the inside. This helps a lot when traveling when there is no way to use a large mirror.

general information

The machine itself is made of metal, its weight is approximately 55 grams, and its length is 88 millimeters. The razor also features a top chrome finish that takes a long time to peel off.

The blunt edge of the blade, which is not intended for shaving, protrudes slightly on one side. Some people don't like it appearance, although this protrusion does not affect the shaving process and does not harm the skin.

Shaving and blades

Despite all the other parameters and features of the machine, it is imperative to figure out how it works and how to shave so as not to get microtrauma.

To begin with, it is worth saying that the main blade is clamped into the machine by twisting the end of the handle. The petals are closed. The shaving process itself is quite similar to shaving with plastic razors, but the difference is that the T-shaped razor is lighter in weight, and its blade protrudes a little more.

As mentioned above, it is forbidden to drive the machine on dry skin. To begin with, you should thoroughly lather the area where there is a bristle, and then start shaving. It is not worth pressing hard with the machine and trying to complete the procedure as soon as possible.

This machine is not too aggressive and shaves very well. In addition, despite the small length of the handle, it is comfortable to hold in your hand.

Many people also like the ability to adjust the angle of attack of the blade. That is, the handle can be twisted either to the stop, or not to tighten the last couple of turns, which will contribute to changing the angle of the blade. It seems to many that if you do not tighten the handle to the end, then the machine will not do its job properly. In fact, this is a wrong opinion. On the contrary, the machine will work much better if the knob is not screwed all the way.

Dorco blades are ideal for this razor. They are not aggressive, but they keep sharpening much longer than products of this type from other popular manufacturers. After 3 or 5 shaves, the blade will still not feel dull, so you can leave it on for a long time.