Better to treat the tattoo. Tattoo care. Your tattoo should be the best

Many people, having decided to get a tattoo, do not pay due attention to the preparation for the procedure, as well as the healing and recovery period. Meanwhile, caring for a tattoo is as important a task as applying a high-quality design for the artist. Your health will depend, no less, on how conscientiously you take care of your tattoo.

Process Tattoo care begins even before it is applied.. Proper preparation for the procedure will ensure comfortable work for the specialist and good health for the client. Here are a few rules to follow before visiting a tattoo artist:

  • the day before the proposed operation, drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration and keep the skin moisturized;
  • 24 hours before the procedure, do not use blood thinners or alcohol;
  • if a large drawing is to be applied, it is better to eat before the session;
  • choose comfortable clothes;
  • remove hair and moisturize the area of ​​the body where you plan to apply the design.

Following these simple rules will make the procedure itself easier and more enjoyable, and the recovery and healing process will be faster.

IMPORTANT! All drawings on the body must be applied by qualified craftsmen in equipped rooms. It must be clean and the instrument must be sterile. In addition, the tattoo artist must be a professional with . If you decide to save money and do the procedure “at a friend’s apartment,” then neither proper preparation Neither high-quality tattoo care after application will ensure safety for your health.

Rules for caring for a tattoo in the first hours after application

So, you finally decided to get a tattoo and even courageously endured several hours of work by the master in the office. The further development of events depends solely on you, your organization and commitment. Of course, this is only if the master did his job efficiently. To ensure that all the work does not go down the drain, and that the new drawing does not cause discomfort or pain, It is important to know how to care for a tattoo after application.

There are main stages of tattoo healing:

  • tattoo care in the first days – 24-48 hours;
  • treatment of the skin in the first two to three weeks;
  • taking care of the drawing on the body all subsequent time.

Each of these stages has its own tattoo care technique and plays an important role in the complete healing process.

The first stage involves taking care of the damaged area of ​​the body in the first two days. The skin is considered damaged, since the master’s needle has an irritating effect on the top layer of the skin, causing micro-wounds and cuts. Immediately after finishing his work, the master will apply a bandage made of bandages to the place where the drawing was applied. Of course, he will tell you what to do gently at first, so that the feeling of discomfort goes away faster and the place of the drawing heals faster.

Depending on the location of the drawing, its size and the characteristics of your body The bandage will need to be removed after a certain time. Consult with your tattoo artist about when exactly the painful area of ​​skin can be exposed. If the bandage is made of a thick bandage, then it can be left for a day. Thanks to the fact that thick, non-stick bandages allow the area of ​​skin to breathe, its recovery will be much faster.

If the master applied a bandage made of thin bandages, which quickly become soaked, then it must be removed after 2-3 hours. If you delay this time, the wet bandages can dry out and stick to the body, which will make subsequent removal of the bandage painful and traumatic. Therefore, taking care of your tattoo in the first days is very important, since your well-being in the future will depend on it.

Before you begin removing bandages, disinfect your hands:

  • wash your hands well with soap;
  • disinfect them with a special solution or alcohol;
  • dry thoroughly.

If the bandage still sticks to the skin, carefully moisten it with water, let it soak and carefully remove it from the area where the pattern was applied. Of course, it is better if someone else is with you. Ideally, this could be a person who knows a lot about caring for a fresh tattoo, but you can just invite a friend who will support you in difficult times.

  1. Having removed the bandages, let your skin breathe a little. You may experience burning, tingling or other discomfort. This is normal, because an area of ​​your skin underwent real surgery a few hours ago. After this, rinse the tattoo carefully with warm or cool water. Apply a delicate soap, it is better if it is soap with antibacterial effect. Do not use too hot or cold water, as this may increase pain and injure the damaged area. Do not use sponges or fine wipes to avoid injury and open wounds. Be sure to thoroughly rinse off any traces of blood to avoid scarring, and completely remove any soap from the area.
  2. Now you need to dry the skin. Ideally, pat dry with a clean cellulose towel. Textile fabric is not suitable in our case, since the fabric is this moment is a source of bacteria and microbes. Do not rub the skin, care for the tattoo after application should be delicate and careful at all stages. If touching with a soft paper towel is painful for you or you are simply afraid to touch the tattoo site, then you can let it dry on its own.
  3. Next, you need to moisten the area of ​​the drawing. Damaged skin is already beginning to slowly heal, and even after the first wash, you may feel a slight tightness. It will occur even when using a delicate moisturizing soap. Therefore, now the skin needs to be well moisturized. Use lotion or special cream with a healing effect. About the choice the right remedy To care for a tattoo at first, it is better to consult a tattoo artist.

Technique for moisturizing the damaged area:

  • Apply a moderate amount of product onto the tattoo with gentle movements, do not overdo it, too much lotion is not very good;
  • wait until the product is completely absorbed;
  • do not use ointments and lotions containing alcohol, cortisone and aloe vera, they will only irritate the affected area;
  • do not apply a bandage to the moistened area; from this point on, the patterned skin should be exposed.

Try to carefully care for your tattoo both in the first hours and throughout the subsequent time. A responsible approach to the recovery process will help make this period less painful and longer in time.

How and with what should I treat a tattoo in the first 2-3 weeks after application?

The next stage will be a period of time length 2-3 weeks after drawing. It is longer, but easier than the previous one, because by this time the skin will have had time to recover a little, and the painful sensations will dull and will no longer cause noticeable discomfort.

Daily hygiene procedures for the area of ​​the body with a pattern are now your basic rule. Wash your tattoo twice a day for at least two weeks. The technique for hygienic care of your body pattern is no different from the procedure you performed in the first 24 hours.

Painful sensations will eventually be replaced by annoying itching, as the skin heals, and now you can notice a thin crust on it. Use moisturizer, lotion, or ointment several times a day on the damaged area. Thorough hydration will relieve itching and speed up recovery.

If your tattoo is in a place that is hidden under clothing, then during the healing period It’s better to choose free things from natural materials. Thick synthetic clothing can not only damage the still too delicate skin, but also cause inflammation or infection. The rules for caring for a tattoo after application include: mandatory protection from aggressive ultraviolet radiation

If itching occurs, try not to scratch the tattoo so as not to injure the body. Among other things, do not forget to constantly monitor the tattoo: its color, the presence of redness, inflammation or rash. A timely response to the problem will help quickly prevent adverse consequences. Drinking water is good for your body as a whole, and also saturates the skin with moisture, which makes the recovery process less painful.

How to properly care for your tattoo in the long term

Taking care of a tattoo is an ongoing task. We offer some useful tips about leaving for the rest of the time:

  • sun tattoo needs to be treated protective cream with a high SPF;
  • It is better to refuse artificial tanning procedures;
  • make sure that the tattoo does not sweat, prefer natural light clothes in hot weather;
  • moisturize your skin with lotions or creams;
  • If a rash or other kind of discomfort appears, consult a dermatologist;
  • Constantly monitor the condition of the tattoo.

Following all the rules described above will help you quickly restore your skin and minimize pain. The main thing is to take care of your tattoo as responsibly as you do when choosing its design. Be healthy and don’t let your tattoo cause any trouble!

A tattoo made with meaning and by the hands of a true master will decorate your body for many years and become a unique touch to your image. But in order for the design to turn out truly bright and beautiful, the tattoo must be properly cared for.

Why is it so important to pay maximum attention to the tattoo in the first three days?

One way or another, you will have to take care of your tattoo for the rest of your life. For example, it is not recommended to expose the drawing to too much sunlight - this will cause it to fade faster. In addition, the tattoo needs to be renewed periodically - since it tends to fade simply with the passage of time.

But especially careful attention should be paid to the drawing in the first three days after visiting the tattoo parlor.

  • Firstly, a fresh tattoo is a wound surface - an open damage to the skin. If there is a lack of care, an infection can get into the tissue - and then the healing process will slow down, bring a lot of unpleasant sensations, and the beauty of the tattoo will be in question.
  • Secondly, in the first three days, the dye applied under the skin only “sets”, and the epithelium injured during the tattooing process heals and is restored. Both lack and excess of hygiene during this period will lead to the fact that the clear contours of the picture will blur, the pigment will lose most of its brightness, the picture will be deformed and become ugly. To avoid such troubles, you must carefully follow all recommendations for proper tattoo care.

In the normal course of healing, exactly three days are enough for the initial mild inflammation in the tissues to go away. After this time, the pronounced redness of the skin and severe pain should disappear.

Of course, you will have to wait at least two weeks until complete healing - and it is quite possible that then you will still need a slight correction of the pattern. This is completely normal, and most tattoo artists will perform re-treatments for free. And so that the correction does not turn into a global redoing of the entire work, we will tell you in more detail about how to care for your tattoo at first.

What to do immediately after getting a tattoo

So, you visited the tattoo parlor, chose the design you liked, and experienced master applied it to your body. Let us note right away that, of course, different tattooists have different levels of skill. But as a rule, this is expressed in the complexity of the drawings that the master is ready to undertake, in the harmony of proportions and other aesthetic parameters. But the appearance of the tattoo after it has healed is the responsibility of the client himself. In other words, if a bright and colorful design has faded, blurred and rubbed off in places two weeks after application, most likely the reason lies precisely in improper care, and not in the poor quality of the dye or the inexperience of the artist.

Immediately after finishing the work, the artist will temporarily cover the fresh tattoo - as a rule, with ordinary cling film, sometimes with an absorbent bandage made of elastic bandage. In the first case, the film will need to be removed no later than after four hours - otherwise the tattoo will begin to “reproach”, since the film does not allow air to pass through.

The cloth bandage can be worn for up to twelve hours at a time. But here it should be especially emphasized that we are talking about a special absorbent surface that does not stick or dry to wounds. If the master used a regular gauze bandage - which happens quite rarely - then it must be removed immediately upon returning home.

After you remove the bandage or film, the tattoo will need to be carefully washed. Don't be alarmed if you find some blood and lymph - as we already mentioned, a fresh tattoo is a wound, and these phenomena are quite normal. You need to rinse the drawing with clean warm (or even slightly cool) water; you can also use baby soap or chlorhexidine solution.

It is strictly forbidden to treat fresh drawings with substances containing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. In addition, a wet tattoo should be carefully blotted with a sterile towel - without rubbing movements.

Finally, after you have washed the skin and allowed it to dry completely, the tattooed area will need to be treated with ointment. Usually, for this purpose, it is recommended to buy special formulations designed specifically for caring for tattoos. If such a remedy is not at hand, you can use Panthenol, Bepanten or baby cream for delicate skin. Do not forget that you also need to apply the ointment very carefully - do not rub it into the skin or press it, just spread the composition over the tattoo and remove the excess with a cotton pad or napkin.

Caring for the drawing in the first three days

Basic care in the first few days is approximately the same as in the first hours. The tattoo is in the active healing phase - therefore it must be regularly washed and treated with healing compounds.

How often should a fresh tattoo be washed? This depends on the speed of healing and how intensely the damaged skin secretes blood and lymph. Hygiene procedures should be carried out at least three times a day - but not more often than once every four hours. When washing, you must adhere to the same rules:

  • The tattoo is washed with clean warm water without the use of alcohol-containing substances;
  • Blotting is carried out very carefully and accurately, without rubbing the skin with a towel.

After each wash, the same healing ointment is applied to the drawing, the excess amount of which is simply removed - there is still no need to rub it in.

In the first two to three days, a thin crust will certainly form on the surface of the healing skin, which will cover the tattoo. What should you do with it? Almost nothing. It is strictly forbidden to tear it off, rub it or scratch it - this will not only increase the risk of infection, but also ruin the tattoo.

After some time, the crust will fall off by itself. During hygiene procedures, its small particles will lag behind the fresh skin spontaneously - so you can simply wash off the peeling crust naturally. if a small area of ​​the crust has nevertheless been torn off, treat the micro-abrasion in the usual way, and if this affects the final appearance drawing, agree with the tattoo artist about making a correction.

How to behave until complete healing

The first few days are considered the most critical and difficult - however, the process of complete healing lasts much longer, about two weeks. Mandatory correction of the final drawing is carried out only after a month or a month and a half.

Throughout this time, the tattoo also requires careful care. What rules must be followed to ensure that the drawing remains bright, clear and beautiful?

  • As already mentioned, direct exposure to sunlight is very harmful for tattoos. Excess ultraviolet radiation negatively affects even old drawings - and can have a devastating effect on a fresh tattoo. Therefore, for the first few weeks, the design must be “hidden” from the sun, choosing clothes that completely cover the tattooed area.
  • The drawing needs good ventilation. Therefore, even closed clothing should be quite loose - do not wear lightweight clothes with a high synthetic content, give preference to spacious clothes made from natural fabrics.
  • Of course, while your tattoo is healing, you can and should wash yourself - but for a while, avoid the pool, long baths, and especially swimming in salty sea water. Limit hygiene procedures to showering- Moreover, it is advisable to cover the tattoo site with a film during washing or at least lubricate it with a thick protective cream. Of course, it is not recommended to rub the skin with a washcloth.

In addition, until complete healing, it is recommended to avoid going to the gym - or at least minimize sports activities. The point is that during physical exercise You sweat - and even with good hygiene, this can lead to irritation of the skin at the tattoo site.

You will also need to stop drinking alcohol - it has a destructive effect on the dye injected under the skin by increasing blood pressure. It is good if during the healing period of the tattoo you do not take any medications - some of them, when coming into contact with the pigment, can cause allergies.

A matching tattoo is a great option for self-expression. After a session in the salon, you should take measures that will help preserve the color of the design and protect the skin from permanent damage. Proper care is especially important both in the first few weeks and the rest of the time. If you recently got a new tattoo, be sure to regularly wash and moisturize the area with the design, and also protect it from overexposure sunlight until the skin heals.


Part 1

How to care for your tattoo in the first few days
  1. Discuss care with the specialist. When the tattoo is ready, do not rush to leave the salon to discuss care tips with the artist. The general instructions will be quite general, but you may be given specific recommendations for a specific skin area and pattern type. The specialist can also recommend soaps or lotions from specific manufacturers.

    • Some salons even sell special kits. Find out about this from the master.
    • As a rule, a respected artist will initiate a conversation about tattoo care. Otherwise, don't be afraid to ask, “How should I care for my tattoo?”
  2. Do not remove the bandage for at least 5 hours. Good master will tie up the drawing when it is ready. There is no consensus on how long the brace should be worn, but it is generally accepted that five hours is a safe minimum.

    • Ask this question to the artist who tattooed you.
    • A tight, absorbent, non-adhesive dressing can usually be left overnight or for 24 hours. It's always better to wear a bandage for longer than to wash your tattoo in inappropriate conditions, so don't be afraid to walk around with a bandage for a while.
    • The thin bandage made of gauze and polyethylene should be removed after a few hours. Gauze can become too saturated, and polyethylene does not allow the skin to breathe. Leave this bandage on for a couple of hours so that the wound heals at least a little, then remove and continue care.
  3. Remove the bandage with clean hands. Wash your hands in warm water and germicidal soap to remove the bandage and touch the tattoo for the first time. Be very careful not to accidentally damage the skin.

    • There is no need to re-bandage the tattoo once you remove the first bandage. In the first few days, small droplets of blood and discharge may be observed. A new bandage is not needed.
  4. Gently rinse the tattoo with your fingers. Remove the bandage and immediately wash the tattoo and surrounding skin with warm water and mild, unscented soap. First, rinse off the soap suds and then gently dry the tattoo with a clean paper towel.

    • The water should not be hot or cold. Water at room temperature is best.
    • Use only mild soap. Soap without fragrance, dyes and aggressive components is perfect.
    • Do not use a tissue, washcloth, or sponge to clean your tattoo. Such materials will easily scratch delicate skin and may also contain bacteria that can cause infection.
    • Thoroughly wash off any drops of blood. If dried blood is left, it may crust over over time.
  5. Apply a thin layer of mild moisturizer. Using your fingers, apply a thin layer of lotion or ointment to dry tattooed skin. After this, do not wipe the skin area so that the product is absorbed and dried, and the skin does not become irritated.

    • Ointment and lotion without odor, which does not cause allergies, are excellent as a moisturizer. Lotions dry out faster, but some people may experience some crusty skin from the ointment as it heals.
    • Apply enough moisturizer to cover the entire tattoo with a clear layer. The skin should not look dirty or damp.
  6. Do not cover your tattoo or wear loose-fitting clothing. When you remove the bandage, the skin on the tattoo will begin to dry out and heal. It is very important that the tattoo remains uncovered during this time. As a last resort, wear loose clothing made of lightweight, breathable fabric.

    • For the first couple of days, the tattoo will bleed clear plasma and excess ink. At this time, it is better to choose clothes and bedding that you don’t mind getting dirty.
  7. Do not scratch the tattoo or remove the scab. After a couple of days, scales or a hard crust will begin to appear on the tattoo, which may itch or tighten. Do not scratch your skin, no matter how itchy, until the tattoo is completely healed.

    • For uncontrollable itching, gently pat the skin with an open palm. Imagine that you want to kill an annoying mosquito. This will help relieve the itching a little.
    • Do not peel off the crust to avoid infection and damage to the design. You can also damage the design if you scratch the skin while it is peeling.
  8. Limit exposure to sunlight until the skin heals. It is best that the drawing is always protected from the sun and does not fade. This is especially important for new tattoos. Wearing loose-fitting clothing or a non-allergenic, fragrance-free sunscreen (SPF 50 or more) will help protect your new tattoo.

    • Don't stay in the sun for too long, even with clothes or sunscreen on, if you have a new tattoo. The best way prevent drying and fading - reduce exposure to sunlight as much as possible until the skin heals.
  9. Try to get your tattoo wet as little as possible. A quick shower of no more than 15 minutes once a day is fine, but make sure that the tattoo is not constantly wet. Do not swim in a pool, take a bath, or take long showers until the scab comes off and the skin is completely healed.

    • With prolonged exposure to water, the skin tissue can gain moisture. As a result, the ink may wash out or fade.
    • Temporarily do not swim in the pool and sea, do not take a jacuzzi or sauna. Chlorine water, like salt water, is especially dangerous for tattoos.
  10. Watch for signs of infections. With proper care, infections are rare, but they are still a possibility. At the first suspicion, consult a doctor immediately. Signs of infections:

    • prolonged redness, pain and inflammation of the tattooed skin area;
    • wounds that ooze a thick yellow or white liquid;
    • muscle pain;
    • dense, high, red blisters and wounds;
    • fever;
    • nausea and vomiting.

A freshly tattooed tattoo requires special care. After all, you have just literally had a coloring pigment driven into your skin. Because of this, you won’t be able to enjoy the aesthetics of a fresh tattoo in the first days, because essentially there is one continuous wound. Which, in fact, is what all the delicacy of care in the first week after getting a tattoo is connected with.

Therefore, in order to avoid infection and spoil the drawing, caring for it must be quite meticulous. If you approach rehabilitation correctly, it will pass without harm or complications, and the tattoo will please the eye for a long time.

So, you just got the tattoo of your dreams, let's figure out what actions you need to do when you get home.

  • Immediately after application, the tattoo artist should wrap the freshly applied design with cling film. This is very important for healing, since the damaged area of ​​the skin must be protected from exposure to the external environment. As a rule, it is recommended to change the film after 2.5-4 hours, but it is better to discuss this point with the technician.
  • And here we smoothly move on to how exactly the film should be changed. Carefully remove it, then rinse the tattoo under a slightly warm, but not cold water using children's liquid soap. To avoid injuring the already damaged area, lightly walk over it with your palm, without using sponges.
  • Now it needs to be wiped off. No, not your loved ones terry towel. Prepare a couple of pieces in advance paper towel, napkins or cotton pads. The movements should be blotting, but you yourself won’t really want to try too hard - it will hurt. After removing most of the moisture, you need to let the skin dry at room temperature for 15-20 minutes before doing the following manipulations.
  • After drying, you must carefully apply a healing ointment to the tattoo (not a cream (!), but an ointment; it is also better not to use Vaseline for this - they do not absorb well into the skin).
  • And only after all this, you can wrap your fresh tattoo again in cling film.
  • All of the above should be repeated before bed and twice the next day.

Proper care in the first days after getting a tattoo is indeed a very important point. For this reason, it is usually observed strictly, but many people neglect to take precautions. But in vain.

Cleanliness is paramount

As we mentioned earlier, a freshly applied tattoo of any size is an open wound. Take care of it as described above to avoid infection and damage to the design. After the first two days, an evening “cleansing ritual” is sufficient. Separately, we note that it is better to refrain from taking baths, visiting a bathhouse or sauna, swimming in a pool, sea, river, or any other body of water.

Don't forget to moisturize the tattoo area

It is very important to use moisturizer promptly. Apply it to the tattoo in the first days 1-2 times a day or when you feel tightness of the skin in this place. The frequency is affected by the type of skin, as well as the area of ​​application and the size of the tattoo. It is not recommended to use products with fragrances.

Avoid the sun

While you are taking care of your tattoo in the first days and doing everything to ensure that it heals without consequences, you also need to spend less time in the sun. Solarium is also contraindicated. Ultraviolet radiation is, in principle, destructive to the skin, and poses an even greater danger to tattoos. Under the sun's rays, it will lose all its colors and become dull and inconspicuous. To prevent this from happening, avoid ultraviolet radiation until the tattoo is completely healed. And afterwards, do not forget to use sunscreen with a high degree of SPF protection.

Colored tattoos take longer to heal

When getting multi-colored tattoos, the skin is damaged significantly more, so caring for them in the first and subsequent days requires more scrupulous care. Under no circumstances should you pick at the tattooed area, much less peel off any peeling skin. This will ruin the whole drawing. In addition, such rash actions can lead to scars, which makes it much more difficult to damage or correct.

How long does a tattoo take to heal?

There is no specific answer to the question of how long it takes for a tattoo to heal, because it depends on many factors. Among them:

  • Skin type;
  • The rate of tissue regeneration of an individual person;
  • Place of tattooing. For example, in areas with more delicate skin (ankle), healing will take longer than in an area accustomed to the effects external factors(hand). However, care for the tattoo in the first days should be done in any case.

About two days after getting a tattoo, a crust forms due to periodically protruding ichor. As mentioned earlier, it cannot be ripped off. Yes, damaged skin itches and flakes, which is why caring for a fresh tattoo is so important, not only in the first days, but throughout the entire healing period. And if the recovery process goes well, the crust will disappear without outside help. According to statistics, complete healing of a tattoo takes from one to two weeks.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


You leave the tattoo artist with a bright, beautiful design on the body. If you want to keep it that way for as long as possible and at the same time prevent inflammation during healing, you need to properly care for your tattoo. This is the only way you will be satisfied with the result both in a year and in 10 years.

Need for care

A tattoo without proper attention during healing can not only deteriorate, but also increase the risk of infection. This can only be avoided by avoiding contact with possible sources of infection and regularly using cleansing soap and healing ointment.

Healing process

With proper care, a tattoo will heal in about 1-2 weeks. If the pattern often rubs against clothing or is in a moving place, recovery may take a long time. After getting a tattoo, there will still be some ichor on the skin that needs to be washed off after removing the bandage.

Inflamed areas are treated with healing ointments.

Afterwards, until the end of recovery, peeling of the skin will continue.

Rules of care

Each artist’s techniques for restoring a tattoo may differ, but the general principles are as follows:

  1. Keep the film on a fresh tattoo exactly as long as the artist says.
  2. Rinse the design area thoroughly when you remove the bandage. Dry the tattoo without cloth or terry towels.
  3. Use moisturizers for the first few days. Thick products like Vaseline are not suitable, they prevent the skin from breathing.
  4. Wash your skin regularly with products without fragrances or fragrances.
  5. Do not touch flaky skin.
  6. Do not be in the sun without a covered tattoo and apply a sunscreen to your skin.
  7. Avoid swimming in public waters during healing.
  8. Continue to care for your tattoo throughout your life.

The first hours after the procedure

The first care steps are performed by the master in the salon. He should wipe the tattoo, apply an antibacterial healing ointment, and wrap the area with the design in a film or cloth bandage.

After removing the bandage

Remove it carefully without smearing the tattoo. If you feel that the bandage is stuck and may tear off the scabs and paint when removed, soak well with warm water. There may be blood, ink, or plasma on top of the tattoo. All this needs to be cleaned well:

  1. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap.
  2. Gently pour warm water over the tattoo with your fingers (hot water is not suitable, as the steam opens the pores of the skin, releasing the ink).
  3. Rub the wet area with a mild, antibacterial, fragrance-free soap. Make sure it doesn't contain fragrances or alcohol, which can burn inflamed skin.
  4. Don't be alarmed if the ink comes off from the tattoo - this is normal, it contains more ink than required.
  5. If the ink crusts cannot be removed from the skin on their own, leave them. Later they will come off on their own.
  6. Air dry the tattoo or pat (do not rub) with a paper towel.
  7. Apply a thin layer of healing ointment to moisturize the skin area.

First week

For the first 2-3 days, the tattoo remains inflamed, so it will be painful for you to touch it. At this time, it is recommended to wear loose ones. Bed sheets It’s better to change it to an old or cheap one for the first week, because paint and blood may bleed out of the design.

Treat the tattoo every 3-4 hours with ointment. Remedies for wounds and bruises are best suited. They heal the skin well, but do not spoil the pattern.

If desired, you can additionally apply moisturizing creams, but without fragrances.

Second week

This time is considered the most difficult, because by day 6 scabs appear and the skin begins to itch. Ignore the itching because your nails may peel off crusts along with the paint. It is most difficult to control yourself in your sleep, so some even use soft gloves. To reduce itching:

  • apply moisturizers;
  • cool the tattoo with cold water or ice;
  • Instead of scratching, touch the design with your fingertips using point-to-point movements;
  • Take a shower, soaking your skin with water.

After complete healing

  • use sunscreens to protect the tattoo from fading;
  • continue to moisturize your skin if you feel dryness and tightness in the area of ​​the pattern;
  • do not forget to drink water, it helps remove toxins from the body;
  • lead healthy image life - this will ensure good blood flow.

Prohibited actions

Proper tattoo care also includes the fact that some things should not be done.