Soybean extract in cosmetics. Hair mask Sexy Hair Revitalizing soy. What is hydrolyzed protein

I bought this mask quite by accident - a work colleague asked me to help me choose a shampoo and balm for mom as a gift in a professional store. While choosing, I, of course, wanted to buy something myself, there were so many interesting things there (although the house is full of jars-bottles with this stuff).

The male seller (which is rare for this kind of place) turned out to be a real professional, he told everything in detail about each product. I asked to advise me a mask for long painted damaged hair. To my questions about professional shampoos and balms, L´oreal grimaced and complained that there was a lot of chemistry there. And advised restorative soy mask(Soy Tri -Wheat Treatment) by Healthy Sexy Hair saying she is the best!

Uniqueness of this mask is that it is based on natural natural components. soy proteins penetrate deep into the hair and saturate them with the necessary proteins And amino acids. Also, the composition of the products of this line includes natural natural ingredients: proteins, oils and extracts- they actively moisturize and nourish the structure and roots of the hair, protecting it from the harmful effects of the environment. Designed for strong damaged hair(like mine)

Well, how can you resist after that? And the name is so enticing. Although the price was biting, I took it.

Application: apply to damp hair for 2-5 minutes (I apply longer for a greater effect).
What is useful in the composition of the mask, I already figured out at home, reading the composition and scrolling through the Internet.

Compound: Cocoa extract, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Lauryl Dimonium Hydroxypropyl, Avocado Oil, Jojoba Seed Oil, Tetrasodium EDTA, Cetrimonium Bromide, Carbocysteine, Butylene Glycol.
Let's figure it out, xy from xy and what is what!
Cocoa extract- The strongest natural energy. Cocoa fruits contain a huge amount of valuable trace elements: iron, zinc, vitamins, lipids, proteins. Trace elements contained in the cocoa mask activate the regenerative processes in the hair
Hydrolyzed Soy Protein- Strengthens and moisturizes hair. Protects against heat and environmental influences
Lauryldimonium hydroxypropyl(derivative of hydrolyzed soy protein) - Intense conditioning agent, deep action
Avocado oil- Contains lecithin and has an unusually delicate texture, it penetrates deep into the tissues and gives the hair a pleasant softness, extra shine and elasticity. Air conditioner
Jojoba Seed Oil- natural, vegetable oil rich in vitamins and microelements that can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and hair, deeply moisturizing, nourishing and restoring the damaged structure
Tetrasodium EDTA- Chelating agent Eliminates and neutralizes the effects of color-destroying ions
Cetrimonium bromide- Air conditioner. Has excellent bactericidal and fungicidal properties
Carbocysteine- Air conditioner. Amino acid
Butylene glycol- Humidifier
I love this composition!!
And it is not surprising that after the mask, the hair was easy to comb, did not look dry and lifeless, as usual, shone, the tips almost did not tangle, it really fulfills all its promises - it moisturizes and nourishes the hair!
My hair loved the mask. She is truly one of the best of her kind! But in the first place, nevertheless, I still have

For shine and strength of healthy curls, you should regularly use soybean oil for hair. The main wealth of Asia is widely used in cosmetology, thanks to this component, geisha curls have always been compared with expensive silk. Unrefined oil is the champion in the amount of tocopherol, leaving olive and sunflower behind. It is easy to protect curls from damage and ultraviolet radiation; it is enough to include a magical product in homemade and ready-made cosmetics.

Benefits of soybean oil for hair

Useful Ingredients:

    • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
    • vitamins B4, E, K, choline;
    • mineral complex.

Medicinal properties:

    1. Provides nutrition, hydration;
    2. Solders exfoliated areas;
    3. Gives softness and elasticity;
    4. Cares for the scalp.

Contraindications - individual intolerance. Harm in the form of an untidy greasy shine is possible if the oil composition is not completely removed.

Homemade Soybean Oil Hair Mask Recipes

Due to its nutritional properties, soybean oil allows you to restore dry and damaged strands. The high content of vitamins and minerals helps protect the trunks from the damaging effects of temperatures and mechanical damage. At home, it will not be difficult to strengthen the root system, restore shine and radiance to the very tips.

growth mask

To grow shining thick strands, it is enough to regularly apply the recipes of nature. To accelerate growth, improve the supply of vitamins and minerals, normalize oxygen, you should use natural ingredients. Volume is also given, the styling shape lasts longer.


    • 15 ml soybean oil;
    • 10 gr. horseradish root;
    • 5 drops of ginger essential oil.

Combine all components and mix thoroughly. Distribute the finished mass on unwashed, dry roots, put on a plastic cap and warm hat. Keep for about ten/fifteen minutes, then rinse with shampoo. Repeat the mask two/three times a month.

Anti-fallout mask

For the treatment of hair, weakened, prone to loss, it is worth using complex measures. Oil products fill the gap important elements, thicken the trunks along the entire length. Healing procedures also activate dormant follicles, allowing you to grow thick braids.


    • 10-15 ml of soybean and burdock oil;
    • 1 ampoule of vitamin B12.

In a water bath, heat the nutritious oils, removing from the fire, add the vitamin solution. Using a brush, distribute on dry roots, then walk along the entire length. Secure well with a film and a towel, leave the oil wrap for the duration of sleep. After waking up, wash off in the usual way.

Strengthening mask

It is easy to restore the root system, make curls healthy and strong with your own hands. Proven recipes will help everyone cope with thin and dry curls. For the reconstruction of the cuticle, it is worth using soybean oil.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


    • 10 ml soybean oil;
    • 25 gr. henna;
    • 1 ampoule of vitamin B2.

Lavsonia powder pour warm broth, stir thoroughly until smooth. Enter the heated oil and the contents of the ampoule. Distribute on the strands immediately after washing, leave under the film for two / three hours. Finish hair care with the usual rinse.

Mask for repairing damaged hair

After lightening, curling and removing the extended strands, it is useful to use natural products to strengthen and restore the cuticle, root system, and nutrients inside the trunks. It is necessary to carry out resuscitation procedures in courses of fifteen / twenty sessions.


    • 10 ml soybean oil;
    • 3 yolks;
    • 5 gr. coconut oil;
    • 20 drops of retinol.

Pour brewer's yeast with herbal decoction, add oils heated in a water bath, whipped yolks and vitamin into the resulting slurry. Distribute the nutrient mass on washed curls, retreating four / five centimeters from the roots. Wrap with a film for five minutes, warm up with a hairdryer, then wrap it with a towel. Leave the composition to act for forty minutes, then rinse.

Mask for dry and brittle hair with castor oil

It is useful to use soybean oil for hair in combination with castor oil to nourish and give elasticity to dry trunks. home procedure provides maximum hydration and protection of the cuticle from adverse environmental factors. An excellent composition to ensure the softness and obedience of curls, a healthy glow to the very tips. It is recommended to apply once/twice a week, for recovery after blonding - to conduct a course of seven sessions.


    • 10 ml of soybean and castor oil;
    • 2 drops of myrrh ether.

Separately, heat the oils, pour the gelatin powder with water, when lumps form, combine with the oils, stir intensively without removing from the stove. Introduce essential drops into the finished composition, distribute on wet, clean strands, stepping back a few centimeters from the root area. After warming, keep for about an hour, then it will not be difficult to wash off home remedy leave to dry on its own.

Mask for oily hair with lemon

The cleansing composition will reduce the oiliness of the scalp, relieve dandruff and irritation. Due to the presence of oil in the composition, the roots do not dry out, the trunks remain strong, elastic. With regular use, a healthy glow and volume appears, which is so lacking in thin, sparse strands.


    • 5 ml soybean oil;
    • 10 ml of lemon juice;
    • 10 gr. clay;
    • 10 gr. starch.

Combine potato starch with clay, dilute with mineral water. Add to porridge lemon juice and bean oil, mix well. Spread evenly with a brush on dry root area, leave for twenty / thirty minutes. Wash off in the usual way.

Mask for split ends

It is easy to solder the exfoliated cuticle, restore porous areas using proven natural remedies. Thanks to regular use, you can forget about the constant shearing of destroyed sections. It is also useful to conduct caring sessions with frequent staining.


    • 5 ml soybean oil;
    • 5 ml of aloe juice;
    • 1-2 drops of rosewood essential oil.

Mix the squeezed juice of the plant with oils. Spread the prepared mass on the tips after washing, after waiting fifteen / twenty minutes, blot with a napkin.

Interesting video: Beneficial features and use of soybean oil

Hydrolyzed proteins have long been used in cosmetics. These substances are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and hair, retaining moisture and protecting them from overdrying. You have most likely heard about silk and wheat proteins more than once. But what are hydrolyzed soy proteins and why are they so good for curl health? You will learn about this in this article.

What are hydrolyzed soy proteins

Soya is an extremely nutritious product that our distant ancestors from China brought to Russia many years ago. Due to its composition, soy is often used as an analogue of meat or dairy products, and is also actively used as a supplement for sports nutrition. In the cosmetic industry, it began to be used relatively recently.

Soy is 40% protein and also contains a large number of vitamin E, calcium, potassium and iron. But the greatest value of this product for cosmetology is its embryonic tissues, which in their composition resemble an extract of an animal placenta. As a result of chemical processing, hydrolyzed proteins are obtained from them - split protein compounds, which, due to their fine structure, fill the voids in the hairs and restore damaged curls.

Benefits of hydrolyzed soy proteins

Proteins penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and hair, providing a conditioning effect. They retain moisture, protecting the strands from overdrying and the negative effects of environmental factors. Soy proteins also restore the structure of split and brittle hair, making them stronger and more elastic, giving them a healthy shine. At the same time, the curls do not become heavier, and a greasy film is not created on them. On the contrary, regular use of products containing soy proteins allows you to restore the regulation of the hair follicles of the scalp and get rid of seborrhea.

Hydrolyzed soy proteins are often used in hair curling formulations. Due to the small size of the molecules, these substances are qualitatively fixed in the voids of the hair and allow you to get a restoring effect close to the use of wheat proteins or keratin.

Recent scientific studies have shown that soy proteins can fight hair loss. Japanese scientists split soy protein into peptides and one of them, soymetide-4, was injected into bald rats. After some time, the skin of the animals at the injection site became covered with hair. This ability of soy proteins is actively used today in the industry of shampoos and anti-baldness serums.

These substances are also indispensable for the production of preparations for facial skin care. Penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis, soy protein molecules smooth wrinkles, moisturize the skin, protect it from ultraviolet rays and slow down the aging process.

How safe are hydrolyzed soy proteins?

The Commission on the Safety of Cosmetic Ingredients (CIR) has recognized hydrolyzed soy proteins as safe for use in cosmetics and personal care products in the European Union. True, in rare cases, this substance can cause an allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes. It is also worth saying that soy proteins give a short-term effect and are easily washed off with shampoo, so use them as remedy for the health of the hair does not make sense. After stopping the use of cosmetics, which include soy proteins, the condition of the hair and skin quickly returns to its original state.

About the founder of the natural cosmetics brand Natureal, BeautyHack columnist Vita Lasota, told what hydrolyzed protein is and why it should be in masks for severely damaged hair.

What is hydrolyzed protein?

Hydrolyzed protein - a substance consisting of amino acids, peptides, obtained by acidic or enzymatic hydrolysis from the germs of wheat, silk, almonds, lupine, soybeans and other plant crops. On the etiquette it is referred to as Hydrolyzed protein - nothing else. Also, hydrolyzed proteins can be part of the Sodium PCA complex.

To date, about 50 types of proteins are used in cosmeceuticals, they are valuable for their nutritional properties.

Why is it needed in cosmetics?

Hydrolyzed proteins contain cysteine, thanks to which they are easily embedded under the hair scales, filling empty spaces. Due to this, the hair becomes denser and less porous. Read more hair myths. Most often, hydrolyzed proteins are used in masks for bleached and severely damaged hair. They restore well and prevent dehydration of the hair and excessive evaporation of moisture.

Protein molecules are processed by hydrolysis. Due to this, it is easy for them to “reach” to point “B”. In addition to cysteine, the protein contains proline, serine and glycine. This provides a lasting moisturizing effect to the products in which they are in the composition.

What cosmetic effect does hydrolyzed protein have?

I want to warn you right away, hydrolyzed protein works on the principle: medicine in a spoon, poison in a cup. For healthy hair it is an optional element in the composition. Proteins can "stick" to the surface of the hair, weighing them down. But for damaged hair, this is a real salvation. Helps to maintain length, moisture, gives elasticity and flexibility, strengthens and thickens.

In creams, hydrolyzed protein is added to maintain acid-base balance epidermis, maintaining moisture in the stratum corneum.

It can be found on labels, as part of baby products, eye creams, shower gels.

Hydrolyzed protein also found its place in organic detergent- dishwashing detergents and washing powders.

Why you need to read the composition?

Hydrolyzed protein is a relatively inexpensive and effective component in cosmetics. It is absolutely contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance to the component (may cause allergic reactions). But it's still worth reading the label.

Many manufacturers, in order to increase sales, come up with not entirely honest moves. For example, pearl proteins have nothing to do with the proteins that hair needs along its entire length. This is a mineral formation that has a surface effect.

Read this post and find out how you can get healthy and shiny hair using soy seeds.

Soy has long been recognized as a healthy and nutritious food rich in protein and vitamins.

But soy is not only an excellent food, but can also be used effectively for hair growth and treatment. If you suffer from dry hair or are facing hair loss problems, soy can be a helpful remedy.

Hydrolyzed Soy Protein for Hair

While we get protein from a wide variety of foods, soy protein has a nutritional effect that can do wonders for our hair.

But soy protein is not only good for us as a food product, but also great as a hair care product! We often see it in cosmetics as "hydrolysed soy protein", which is a type of protein that has been broken down into smaller amino acid chains. This facilitates the absorption and use of soy protein for cosmetic purposes.

Hydrolyzed soy protein is used in hair care products to improve texture, strengthen and repair damaged hair. It is also great for moisturizing and gives your hair a beautiful glossy, shiny look.

Benefits of Soy for Better Hair Growth

  • Suitable for aromatic hair treatment: soybean seeds and extracts are widely used in various types aromatherapy for hair. The oil accumulated from soybean seeds can be used as a hair treatment that helps to strengthen the scalp and hair follicles, thus promoting the successful growth of new hair. It is sometimes recommended to mix rosemary oil with soybean oil as it improves blood flow and circulation in the head. You can even make a mixture of soybean oil and various aromatics. essential oils as part of a hair treatment.
  • Helps to add nourishment to your hair: soybean oil is also extremely beneficial for nourishing hair. There are many herbal shampoos and conditioners available on the market that contain soy seed extract. You can make your own homemade soy seed conditioner. Regular use of it will make your hair healthy, shiny and soft without special efforts. In addition, soybean oil is also non-greasy and non-oily, making it a preferred choice over other natural oils.
  • Gives hair proper moisture: Soybeans are popular for their high protein and oil content, which are extremely beneficial for hair care. If your hair suffers from dryness, this oil will quickly hydrate your scalp. Moisturizing the roots of the hair, soybean oil is considered a miracle for restoring the elasticity and silkiness of the hair.
  • Helps stop hair loss: For those who suffer from hair loss problems such as alopecia areata, soybean oil is once again the perfect helper. This is your chance to say goodbye to hair loss. Soybean oil not only strengthens immune system but also stimulates new growth of hair follicles and reduces cellular damage.

While soy has been proven to be extremely beneficial for hair growth and nutrition, it is always a good idea to seek the advice and help of a professional before choosing any natural product for hair treatment.