How to do a root perm. Root chemistry for hair volume: before and after photos. In what cases is root chemical treatment done for hair volume?

Lush, shiny, elastic hair is not without reason considered the standard female beauty and attractiveness. Thick, voluminous curls literally transform the face, making its features more delicate, feminine and soft. And psychologists say that most men prefer women with thick and voluminous hair, since voluminous hair is considered an indicator of health, and therefore full-fledged offspring can be born from such a wife.

In order to make their hair voluminous, the fair sex resorts to various tricks: they use curlers, curling irons, curling irons, and style their strands every morning using a round comb and a hairdryer; They use a variety of cosmetics that help make their curls visually thicker - shampoos, gels, mousses, foams, etc.

One of the most popular “quick” methods to achieve volume is the so-called root chemistry. Let's find out what the essence of this procedure is, how it differs from a regular perm, and also consider all the pros and cons of root chemistry.

In what cases is root chemical treatment done for hair volume?

Unlike conventional chemistry, during root perm, strands in the root zone are exposed to chemical treatment, and not along their entire length.

That is why it would be more correct to call this type a corrective procedure, and not the main method of curling.

Root chemistry is most often done in the following cases:

However, if you just want to make your hair look voluminous, create additional volume and elasticity in the root zone, you can also do this perm.

Also, sometimes women who suffer from increased oiliness in the root zone resort to this procedure, so that it is in this area that the curls become drier and more voluminous.

When is it not worth doing root chemicals for volume?

Well planned is half done. That is why, in order not to harm your hair or your health in general, you need to know in what situations this procedure should not be done.

Quite often, women are faced with the following problem: after curling, their curls become dry, brittle, quickly split and fall out a lot.

To prevent this, it is important to know in what situations perm should be abandoned, namely:

Note! Root perm is suitable for almost all hair types. However, it should still be remembered that root chemicals are not recommended if the hair is damaged and dry (regardless of whether it is long or short).

What should you pay attention to before the procedure?

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that perm cannot be performed if the hair has recently been bleached or dyed. Remember that the curls and scalp must be absolutely healthy before the procedure.

The air temperature in the room where the perm is done should not be lower than 20 °C.

It is also worth noting that after prolonged use cosmetics(2 in 1 shampoos, balms, masks) containing high-polymer silicones, an invisible film remains on the strands, thanks to which they become obedient and combable well. This film prevents the chemical reaction during the perm procedure, so in this case the result is not at all what is expected.

That is why, before applying root chemicals to your hair, you must use it for at least 20 days. regular shampoo, does not contain silicone and silicone oils and limit the use of any other hair cosmetics. Also during this period, it is not recommended to use hair dryers, curling irons, straighteners and other electrical appliances that make curls weaker and dryer.

Particular attention should be paid to ladies with gray hair. The fact is that gray strands have a stratum corneum, which the hairdresser first softens with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, as a result of which the curls become weaker and more vulnerable, and therefore may suffer even more from aggressive influences chemicals.

It would be a good idea to take a vitamin-mineral complex for hair and nails a few weeks before the intended perm (it can be purchased at any pharmacy). But be sure to consult a therapist about this first.

How is root chemistry done?

Only a professional hairdresser can do a quality perm. You should not save money and try to do it yourself, at home, especially if you do not have the appropriate skills and knowledge.

Root chemistry is done as follows:

After the procedure, it is necessary to help the strands “rest” from the resulting stress. To do this, protect them from cold and overheating, in particular, from exposure to ultraviolet rays (wear a hat in winter and summer); When styling your hair, do not dry your curls under a hot stream of air, choose a soft hairdryer mode.

Do not forget also about delicate care - use a special series of cosmetics designed for hair after perm. Special masks based on vegetable oils(avocado oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, burdock oil, argan oil, hemp oil).

They can be purchased at a pharmacy or salon, or you can make them yourself. But remember that for these purposes you cannot use products that contain natural dyes(such as henna and basma).

Be always beautiful and healthy!

It's no secret that a hairstyle without the usual volume looks poor. In order to create the effect of voluminous curls, representatives of the fair sex are ready to waste a lot of time and effort. A root curl for volume at the roots allows girls to spend less time on styling and enjoy a perfect hairstyle for a long period of time.

Curling your hair at the roots allows you to achieve excellent volume

Root perm is used by hairdressers in the following cases:

  1. If you need to make adjustments to a previously permed hair perm. Curls made using chemicals hold better at the ends, but evenly growing strands at the roots can not only reduce the volume of the hairstyle, but also spoil its appearance. Thanks to this procedure, you can return your hairstyle to a nice look at the roots, without exposing the entire length of the strands to the brutal effects of chemicals.
  2. If a woman has a narrow and short hairstyle, wants to give her pomp and femininity without everyday styling.
  3. If a lady has naturally curly hair. Often natural curls have the least amount of curl at the roots and require additional volume.

Pros and cons of root perm

Like no matter what cosmetic procedure, root perm has its positive and negative features

Advantages of curling your hair at the roots

Curling at the roots or carving does not lose its popularity due to the following advantages:

  1. The effect lasts for a long time, therefore it is possible to significantly save on money and time.
  2. A noticeable increase in hair volume in the root zone.
  3. Not bad hairstyle resistance to styling products, moisture and temperature.
  4. Reducing the frequency of hair washing due to the drying effect of chemical compounds.

Root chemistry can cope even with thick and languid curls that are difficult to style and curl

It's time to discuss the shortcomings

Girls, having experienced all the beauties of carving, can identify several negative aspects of the procedure that oppose its advantages:

  1. The cost of the procedure is not the lowest and ranges from 3 to 6 thousand rubles.
  2. Not every hairdresser can perfectly perform hair styling, much less carving.

Pay attention! The effect of the carving procedure lasts up to 6 months and there is a small risk of being dissatisfied with the result. If the hairdresser does a bad perm, it will be possible to correct the consequences only when the effect of the composition weakens. That’s why choose a great specialist if you want to get positive emotions after the procedure.

Root biowave also helps to achieve hair volume, but will be more gentle on the strands

  1. Carving takes a lot of time to complete. The time in which a master can invest and perfectly curl the roots of the strands is from 2 to 4 hours.

Contraindications for curling the roots of strands

Carving has contraindications, which make the procedure unsafe and unnecessary.

You should give up curling:

  • during lactation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • for dandruff and seborrhea;
  • if you are taking medications or any hormonal drugs;
  • if there is any damage to the scalp (scratches, wounds).

Dandruff is a signal that you should avoid the procedure until the problem is completely resolved.

In addition, it is better for ladies with weak curls that are prone to falling out to refrain from the procedure. Curls that have often been dyed or have recently been bleached may also not tolerate curling well. It is best if the procedure is carried out on healthy strands that have not been affected by chemical substances.

Advice! If you are planning a trip to a beauty salon to have your roots permed, prepare in advance for the procedure. If you have difficulties with your scalp, take measures to heal it, and also do not forget to prevent hair loss by strengthening the roots in advance. If this is not done, then the procedure can only worsen the condition of the scalp and hair.

Root curling technique

You can curl the root part of your hair with your own hands, but it is better to entrust it to a specialist

It is not difficult to create a perm that will last for a long time without the help of others, but it is much more difficult not to make mistakes. That’s why it’s best to trust a specialist and get carving done in a beauty salon. There are two types of root perms in the salon and at home.

Steps annotation
Full curling of strands on curlers
Step 1 The hairstyle is prepared for the procedure.
Step 2 Separate a small strand, moisten the root zone with the composition, and wrap the rest of the hair in polyethylene.
Step 3 The entire strand is wound on curlers.
Step 4 Steps 2 and 3 are repeated with each new strand until they are all wrapped in curlers.
Step 5 The head is covered with a plastic cap.
Step 6 After half an hour, fixer is applied to the treated areas of the hairstyle and washed off after 10-15 minutes.
Partial curling of curls with curlers
Step 1 The hairstyle is being prepared.
Step 2 Separate the strand and apply the composition to the root zone.
Step 3 Only the treated part of the curl is wound on curlers.
Step 4 Repeat steps 4,5,6 from the full-winding technology.

Photo of a chic root curl to add volume

Nothing can guarantee perfect styling more than strict adherence to the rules when performing it.

But there are several secrets that affect the quality of the result of the procedure:

  1. Avoid long-term styling during critical periods. The fact is that during this period the body is undergoing hormonal changes and as a result the curling effect may not be stable.

If you don’t wash your strands for a day before the procedure, your scalp will not suffer as much from the effects of chemicals.

  1. Before long-term styling, do not wash your hair for 24 hours. Chemical compositions dry out the scalp very much, so it is best if there is little natural protective membrane on it.

Save curls in in good health and you can extend the life of the volume produced by proper care for hairstyle. In the first place for curls is constant hydration and nutrition, so you need to make masks at least once a week.

To wash your hair, you should use a mild shampoo, preferably a special one, which is designed to restore strands after exposure to chemical compounds. Don't forget to protect your hair from the sun during the hot season. To do this, you can purchase a special spray with filters that do not allow ultraviolet rays to pass through.

Big hairstyles are highly valued by the fair sex.


Carving helps to create a chic root volume even on a narrow and sparse hairstyle, therefore it is truly an amazing procedure. Long-term curling of the strands at the roots allows even long straight hair to look thicker and prevents it from losing its volume even under its own weight.

The video presented in this article will take you into the world of chic big curls. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments, we are ready to answer any of them!

Karina Ulnitskaya

Stylist-makeup artist

Articles written

Many women dream of curvy and luxurious curls and every morning they spend a lot of time in front of the mirror with a brush and a hairdryer or straightener in their hands to give their hair the desired volume. The modern beauty industry can offer them an excellent alternative - root chemistry. Thanks to it, the hair is transformed: the hair is raised, the hairstyle acquires lightness, dynamism and a spectacular look for a long period of time. In the future, you can forget about hours of daily styling for a long time.

Root perm is a unique technique, which consists in the fact that the strands near the roots are treated with a special compound and curled, everything is done to give the hairstyle amazing volume. As the name suggests, this procedure cannot be done without the use of chemicals. But this impact is minimal, and, according to many experts, it is much better to do root chemicals than to injure your hair every day with dry air from a hair dryer or hot tongs.

If the procedure is performed according to all the rules and the master strictly follows the technology, then there is nothing to fear. The main component that affects hair is cystiamine, which is also included in the composition of the products used for bio-curling.

It is worth remembering that as a result of performing such a curl, the main length of the curls is not subject to any impact - the strands remain straight. But the volume of the hairstyle increases several times, and this effect will be visible with the right further care within six months.

Is it worth doing?

Root chemistry will not only not spoil your hair, but will also become an excellent assistant in the following situations:

  • the procedure will perfectly help to correct appearance hairstyles in the case where the strands of the hair have been previously permed, the roots will rise again and the hair will receive the required volume;
  • if the curls are naturally curly, then they usually have tight curls at the ends, and near the roots they are completely straight and lack volume; a root curl will help correct this disproportion and will look absolutely natural;
  • For those with short and sparse curls, root chemicals will help you achieve a voluminous and voluminous hairstyle;
  • Women with long, un-frizzable locks will also see amazing results.

When is the procedure contraindicated?

Root chemistry is a special technology and it is not suitable for all women. Experts advise those wishing to have such a perm to pay attention to the fact that there are still situations in which it is better to refuse to perform this procedure:

  • the presence of open wounds, scratches, irritations and ulcers on the surface of the head
  • flaking, dandruff, too dry scalp
  • Breastfeeding period and pregnancy
  • tendency of strands to fall out
  • recent hair bleaching or dyeing procedure
  • taking some medicines(antibiotics, hormones)
  • increased body temperature and pressure changes

Execution technology

There are two main methods that hairdressers use to create root volume.

Option 1:

  • hair is separated into separate strands
  • the part of the curl that will not be curled is wrapped in waterproof fabric
  • starting from the tip, this strand is wound onto a bobbin of suitable diameter
  • after all the hair is wrapped in curlers, it is treated with a special chemical composition
  • put a cap on your head and wait 10-20 minutes
  • remove all curlers, wash the curls well, apply a fixing balm and dry them

Option 2:

  • curls are divided into several strands
  • each strand is twisted onto a bobbin, but only in the part that will be curled
  • the curled part of the curl is treated with a chemical composition, but the free part is not affected
  • otherwise the procedure continues according to the same scheme as in the first option

Main advantages and disadvantages

Root perm has many advantages and helps a large number of women cope with the problem of curls lacking volume. Just keep in mind that to perform this procedure you should contact trusted salons with a good reputation and an experienced specialist, in this case all possible Negative consequences They won’t make themselves known, but the result will please the owner of the new hairstyle for a long time.

"Pros" of root perm:

  • the hairstyle becomes noticeably fuller at the roots;
  • the resulting volume effect on the hair lasts for several months, it does not subside from the use of styling products, as a result of exposure to weather conditions or when wearing hats;
  • the hairstyle looks very natural, and others will not even be able to guess about the procedure performed;
  • root chemicals have a drying effect on the curls, making them less dirty at the roots and remaining fresh longer;
  • After the procedure, you no longer need to use a hairdryer or curling iron for styling or backcombing.

“Disadvantages” of root chemistry:

  • enough high price procedures;
  • duration of the procedure (in general it will take about 3 hours);
  • If the result of a root perm does not suit its owner in some way, she will have to wait six months until the composition is washed off from the curls and the resulting effect disappears by itself; no means can eliminate it.

Aftercare for curls

Despite the fact that root chemistry is a fairly gentle and harmless procedure, after it is performed it is necessary to provide your hair with proper care. By following simple recommendations, you can maintain the results obtained for a long period of time, and also help your curls look perfect.

  1. For a while, you should stop using a hair dryer to dry your strands, and also not treat them with styling products - let your hair rest a little.
  2. After the procedure, you should protect your curls from exposure to sunlight for some time; you should sunbathe in a hat and use special cosmetics with UV protection.
  3. It is advisable to avoid using shampoos containing sulfates; it is better to give preference to gentle and mild hair washes.
  4. It is necessary to additionally moisturize and nourish the hair with useful, preferably natural, balms and masks.

Root perm is a fairly new procedure within hairdressing, but it has already managed to win many loyal fans. It allows you to style any curls of varying lengths into the perfect hairstyle, adding fullness and volume to them. Don’t be afraid of such an experiment; an experienced master and high-quality products will give you amazing results.

In an attempt to change their hairstyle and bring changes to their image, representatives of the fair sex use a variety of services from specialists in beauty salons. Today, you can transform your appearance with the help of a root perm, which has recently enjoyed well-deserved popularity among women of all ages and is suitable for any length and type of hair.

What it is?

In the desire to create the perfect styling for hair of any length, it often becomes difficult to question about additional volume, which can transform a haircut and hair different color and structures. To achieve their goal, women put a lot of effort, using devices and devices for styling, which, unfortunately, lasts only a few days. With the advent of root perm, this process has become less burdensome for the fair sex, working to create long-term and beautiful volume in their hair.

A special feature of the procedure is the ability to lift the hair shafts at the very base, which is why root chemistry got its name.

After the master performs all the necessary manipulations with the curls, the woman will have more no need to resort to daily backcombing or harmful blow-drying. The haircut looks well-groomed, and the hair looks natural, with beautiful fullness, which is inherent in healthy curls. In essence, the procedure is a regular perm, but in this case only part of the hair at the roots is wound onto bobbins. To add volume to hair, apply special drugs, which provide long-lasting results.

If all the features of the root chemical process are observed, an attractive and most natural volume will please a girl for about six months while providing proper hair care.

By using this hairdressing service, you can decide common problems that concern women.

  • You will be able to achieve a beautiful result even on sparse and straight curls. The structure of the hair is not a contraindication, and the effect will be no less expressive than on thick curls.
  • Root chemistry is of a universal nature. Therefore, it can act as an independent element in the hairstyle or help tidy up curly locks after a perm has been done and grown out to its full length.
  • For curly hair root chemistry will act as an assistant, allowing you to create hair with a beautiful wave in the area near the roots, which is often present only along the length of the strands and at the ends.

As a rule, using this type of local chemistry, you can achieve an increase in volume up to 4 times. However, the curls do not lose their natural attractiveness, but only acquire the desired splendor at the base. Perms can be successfully performed on short and long hair. The procedure involves a certain algorithm of actions with curls.

  • Master in the Root Chemistry Process works with fixing compounds, treating only the upper part of the hair with them. Bottom part curls remain uninvolved in the process.
  • Raise the rods at the roots using smooth hairpins and curlers. The master selects their size and quantity for each client individually. For short haircuts, as a rule, small or medium devices are chosen. Reach good results It will be possible when using curling devices made of polymers or wood. Metal curlers are not recommended for use in this case.
  • To protect the rest of the curls, they are usually protected from reagents using food foil or film.

Root chemistry looks more expressive on short and medium length haircuts. However long hair can be transformed using local chemistry. In the process of creating volume, the master uses cysteamine-based products. A large share in the composition of the preparations still falls on nutrients that are necessary to improve the condition of the skin and hair follicles.

Today, many world-famous manufacturers are engaged in the production of products for local curling. The range of products presented includes formulations that can be used in a beauty salon, as well as products for home use.

As a rule, the selection of a product for fixing curls from the variety presented is carried out by a master or consultant in the sales department. The choice is made based on the condition of the hair and its structure. This type of perm can be classified as a gentle procedure due to the fact that only part of the hair is exposed to chemicals. However, it has a number of contraindications:

  • hormonal changes caused by menstrual cycle or taking medications;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diseases of the skin on the head, dandruff;
  • the presence of cuts or abrasions on the scalp;
  • gray hair, which may become too brittle after chemotherapy;
  • individual intolerance to any component of the drugs used.

Hairdressers also recommend temporarily refraining from root curling for girls with damaged and weakened curls, since neutralizing and fixing compounds can aggravate the situation. As a result, the hair will become dry and brittle, and may also actively fall out. Before local perming, it would be correct to perform a health-improving and restorative set of hair procedures that will smooth out the negative effects of chemicals.

It is worth taking into account that simultaneously with hair growth, the effect of root curling will decrease.

As for colored hair, the interval between dyeing and root curling should be from several weeks to a month, since On recently dyed hair, you may not get the long-awaited voluminous hairstyle. And also the reagents used for curling can simply “eat” the color from freshly dyed hair.

Immediately before the procedure, you should refrain from using styling products that contain silicone.

Advantages and disadvantages

To correctly decide on the chemistry option, you should consider the strengths and weaknesses of each method. Root perm has the following set of advantages:

  • the main advantage of the procedure is a fairly long-lasting effect that lasts on the hair for up to six months;
  • the main task of curling and a positive feature of the service is to obtain volume near the roots;
  • after curling, time for styling your hair is significantly saved;
  • saving Money, which were previously spent on styling products;
  • after contact with chemical fixatives, the skin on the head becomes drier, which will benefit girls suffering from too oily hair;
  • to create volume, gentle compounds are used that cause only minimal damage to the hair;
  • contact with reagents occurs locally, which also has a positive effect on hair health;
  • after root curling, the curls retain their natural appearance;
  • perm, unlike conventional styling or backcombing, will not be damaged by hats, high humidity or other weather conditions;
  • the preparations are washed out of the hair evenly and gradually, which eliminates the appearance of sudden transitions in the hairstyle.

However, this procedure is not without some disadvantages:

  • as a rule, in salons the cost of perm will be quite high;
  • Only a professional can create a beautiful effect for a long time;
  • the result lasts a long time, so it will be quite difficult to correct it in case of errors;
  • The procedure itself takes several hours.

Execution technology

After assessing the condition of the curls and conducting an allergy test, the master begins curling. The work consists of several stages.

  • Hair is washed special composition for deep cleaning of curls and skin. After which the strands are dried a little and divided into partings.
  • Next they wind up on bobbins or curlers with freely hanging tips, which are covered with foil.
  • Then to the root zone hair is applied chemical composition, and the hair in this area is covered with a plastic cap for a better reaction.
  • After the required time has passed the composition is washed off and the foil is removed. A fixative and balm are applied to all curls to moisturize for a quarter of an hour.

It is better to do root perm in a salon, since errors made in determining the concentration of the composition used can lead to a negative result.


Despite the gentle composition chemicals for curling, as well as their local effect, after the procedure, the hair will still need special intensive care. It includes the following mandatory procedures:

  • You should wash your hair with shampoo for curly hair only when the strands become dirty;
  • at least 2 times a week it is necessary to do restorative and nourishing masks based on natural ingredients;
  • do not wash your hair with hot water;
  • Rinsing with herbal decoctions after washing your hair will be useful;
  • Avoid using skincare products containing sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • from use natural oils After chemotherapy, you should temporarily abstain, as they have a smoothing effect;
  • it is necessary to protect hair from ultraviolet radiation, additionally using protective sprays and hats;
  • style your hair without using products containing silicone.


To make your hair beautiful and neat after a root perm, you will need a minimum of funds. As a rule, you can style your hair with a hair dryer and an ordinary brush: the strands will no longer need additional backcombing.

For a beautiful and voluminous hairstyle, it will be enough to dry your hair, preferably naturally or using a hair dryer with cold air blowing mode. Next, you need to tilt your head, throw your hair forward and beat the strands at the base with your fingers, then dry it or simply fix it with hairspray.

One of the main indicators of a well-groomed and successful woman is her hair. One who does not pay enough attention to her hair cannot be considered a real beauty. It is desirable that the hair looks thick and sleek, and the styling can remain voluminous for a long time. But, alas, not all representatives of the fair sex are naturally lucky to have a luxurious head of silk hair. For those born with fluid and thin hair, you have to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror to give your image a presentable look. And with the rather dynamic rhythm of modern life, it can be quite difficult for a woman to find even an hour to create beautiful volume on her head. In addition, it is rarely possible to achieve perfect styling that would last long on your hair.

But the beauty industry is not asleep, and new progressive ways of improving appearance are being created. One of these steps is root perm hair. Having made such a magical perm, you can forget about the problems of unruly and lifeless hair for a long time.

What is root perm?

The name itself does not hide the fact that this procedure uses special chemical compounds that are aimed at creating root volume for up to several months. Many people are initially scared by the word “chemical”. But in fact, the drug can be called harmless. Causes much more damage to hair daily use a hot hair dryer, a styler and many different products to achieve long-lasting styling.

Perm hair roots can be performed some time after perming the entire length of the hair, when the curls have already grown enough for straight roots to become noticeable and the hair to lose volume. The advantage of this procedure is that the ends of the hair are not subjected to unnecessary processing. This type of perm can also be useful for those who want to keep their hair smooth and flowy, but have life and volume at the roots.

Pros and cons of perming for hair volume

Once upon a time there were terrible rumors about hair perm. But time goes by, and the ways to improve your appearance are becoming more effective and less harmful. More and more women are undoubtedly resorting to the creation procedure. root volume of hair with perm and subsequently they don’t regret it at all. Those who have experienced this procedure describe the following benefits:

  1. Spectacular voluminous hair.
  2. With proper care, the volume at the roots is maintained for several months, which saves time and money that could be spent on expensive hairstyle products.
  3. Resistance of styling to wet or, conversely, too dry weather.
  4. Long-haired beauties do not have to sacrifice the ends of their hair, since the volume holds well even on long hairstyles.
  5. The chemical composition dries the scalp slightly, which reduces the need for frequent washing hair, this is especially convenient for those with oily hair.
  6. Hair retains its natural shine and is healthy and not weighed down big amount varnishes and mousses.

As for the negative aspects perm procedures, then this is, first of all, quite expensive. Also, women have to spend more than 3 hours of precious time in the salon, because... The process is quite long and labor-intensive. The effect of the procedure is long-lasting, and if a salon client suddenly changes her mind about wearing volume or she doesn’t like something about the hairdresser’s work, then the hairstyle cannot be changed until the effect of the drug wears off.

Who should do a root perm?

If the woman has previously done hair perm, over time, her hair gradually grows. Luxurious voluminous strands remain only along the length of the hair, and the root part gradually loses its original charm. In this case, the method of creating a root chemical perm will come in handy. The composition is distributed only to regrown roots, ignoring the length, thereby once again The influence of a rather aggressive chemical composition on the ends of the hair is eliminated.

In addition, many ladies are aware of the problem of lack of volume in long hair. Having grown to a certain length, the hair begins to weigh down the hairstyle, and the volume disappears. Often, in order to achieve the desired effect again, women have to cut off hair that has been grown for a long time and carefully. Root perm to create volume This will come in handy here. The volume will be stable and long-lasting, the hair length will not need to be changed. In addition, this curl looks much more natural.

Are there any contraindications for root perm?

Like all salon procedures, perming for hair volume has a number of its own contraindications, which must be familiarized with for everyone who is planning this method of creating the perfect hairstyle for themselves:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Taking hormonal and antibacterial drugs.
  • Dandruff, dry scalp.
  • Wounds or scratches on the head.
  • Body temperature is higher than normal.
  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Increased shedding.
  • Excessive fragility.
  • Manifestation of allergies to the components of the curling product.
  • It is not advisable to do a root perm on short haircuts, because the result may not turn out as desired.

Root hair perm technology

This is a fairly difficult process that should ideally be carried out by a qualified craftsman. It is possible to do it at home, but you may not get the expected effect and even ruin your hair. Moreover, without help good master It is difficult to choose the right chemical composition, because each client has a different hair type. Of course, a woman will face additional costs at the salon. But, if you consider that the result of the work experienced craftsman If you have a gorgeous hairstyle that will last about six months, then it’s better not to waste money and make a choice in favor salon procedure, rather than at home.

For perm for hair volume the specialist will need smooth hairpins or bobbins, regular curlers, foil, waterproof fabric or polyethylene to protect the strands that will not be treated with the drug, and, of course, the product itself. Modern beauty salons have big choice preparations for perm, all of them are based on cysteamine, which is similar in nature to the amino acid that is part of human hair. Therefore, the procedure practically does not harm the hair. The following stages of perm are distinguished:

  1. First, the master assesses the condition of the hair and scalp and performs a test for an allergic reaction.
  2. Next, the hairdresser washes the client’s hair with a special sulfate-free shampoo for deep cleaning.
  3. The hair is divided into strands, onto each of which the composition is applied at the roots. The remaining curls are covered with protective material.
  4. The strands coated with the composition are wound onto curlers or bobbins.
  5. Put a cap on your head and leave it on for half an hour.
  6. One of the finishing touches is processing the base of the hair. special means for fixation, which you need to hold on your head for another 15 minutes.
  7. The last stage is the final shampooing to wash off the drug.
  8. If the client’s goal is partial root volume, then the master processes only the necessary curls.

Preparation for the procedure of creating root volume of hair with a perm

A few weeks before the planned creation root perm hair The following actions should be excluded:
Perform hair coloring. If little time has passed after painting, the product may not adhere correctly and will not be achieved. desired effect from the procedure.

Use hair products containing silicone, because... Long-term use of silicone guarantees its absorption into the hair, which will also lead to an undesirable effect. When washing your hair, do not massage the skin too much.

What should you do to achieve a long-lasting styling effect after perming your hair roots?

To achieve lasting results from root perm hair, you need to follow the following tips:

  • Use hair care products designed to create curls.
  • Do not use shampoos or products containing silicone or sulfate.
  • Do not use formulations designed to produce smooth hair.
  • When washing your hair, you need to monitor the water temperature. It can't be too warm.
  • Try to protect your head from the sun, because... it dries out the hair very much. You can use a protective spray.
  • Use restorative oils and nourishing masks.

Of course, each woman decides for herself whether she should take the risk and resort to root perm or not. But the conclusion is still obvious. Such a procedure can significantly make life easier for the beautiful half of humanity, already drowned in worries. Under any circumstances and weather conditions, it will help complement the image of a chic and well-groomed lady and add confidence to her in her irresistibility.