How to use wheat germ oil for hair. Hair mask with wheat. For dry and damaged hair

Wheat germ oil has a liquid but at the same time sticky texture, a rich yellow color and a light wheat aroma. Thanks to unique composition and beneficial properties - this is an indispensable natural hair medicine that should be applied at night.

What's special about it

Natural vegetable oils effective in restoring hair, primarily due to the high content of fatty acids in the composition. The latter normalize water balance, secretion of the sebaceous glands, act as antioxidants. In particular, wheat germ extract contains the following beneficial fatty acids:

  • linoleic - stimulates growth and renewal;
  • linolenic - strengthens, prevents hair loss;
  • oleic - normalizes water balance, stimulates collagen production.

In addition, the product contains a “shock” amount of the vitamin of beauty and youth -
E. And also vitamin K, which improves blood circulation. And choline is an “anti-stress” substance that can remove toxins from the body and is a representative of B vitamins, which are essential for healthy hair.

Wheat germ oil contains phytosterols - substances that are used in the production professional cosmetics. They are able to relieve inflammation, itching and irritation, act as a UV filter, and prevent the appearance of gray hair.

How sprouts can help

How to use wheat germ for hair? Thus, wheat germ oil can provide support to our strands on all “fronts” at once. With regular use the product:

  • restores structure;
  • strengthens curls from the inside;
  • stabilizes sebum secretion;
  • eliminates dryness;
  • adds pomp and shine;
  • prevents the development of seborrhea;
  • fights hair loss.


Some girls, in order to enhance the effectiveness of the product, simultaneously take it orally. According to reviews, the benefits of wheat germ oil for hair in this case increase significantly. However, it is better to drink wheat capsules after consulting a doctor.

Yes, hypersensitivity to the components of this product is very rare. And there are no contraindications to the use of the substance, even for pregnant and lactating women. However, the oil is prohibited for people suffering from urinary and gallstone diseases.

If you want to test wheat oil for allergenicity, do it the traditional way: apply a small amount of the substance behind your ear. After half an hour, assess whether there is any redness on the skin.

How to use wheat germ oil for hair: 4 ways

Using wheat germ oil for hair is not difficult at home. There are four options.

  1. Undiluted. Wheat germ extract is a thick substance that is quite difficult to wash off. Therefore, its use in its natural, undiluted form is not so popular, but no less effective. The procedure is simple: warm oil is distributed with a comb from roots to ends. You can keep it for up to three hours. And then you should remove the cosmetic “medicine” with shampoo. You may need to re-soap.
  2. With air conditioning. The main advantage of this method is saving time. And this application does not require rinsing with shampoo - warm water is enough. In this case, you need to apply wheat germ oil to freshly washed hair. Mix a dozen drops of extract into a portion of your favorite balm.
  3. Contains masks. It is absolutely easy to prepare a mask with wheat germ oil for hair: essential oils, dairy products, and fruits are added to the composition. It is important to do the procedures systematically. Optimally - twice every 10-14 days.
  4. In herbal rinses. Numerous reviews of wheat germ oil for hair show that in addition to masks, rinses are very effective. One popular recipe: add five drops of wheat germ extract to a decoction of yarrow (three tablespoons of herb per liter of boiling water).

Using wheat germ oil is said to be especially beneficial for dry hair. But despite its dense texture, it is also recommended for girls who have problems with the functioning of the sebaceous glands on the scalp. In this case, you just need to choose the recipe wisely and combine the main product with “drying” components. For example, with citruses.

Masks: 10 options

A prerequisite is to heat the mixtures to a temperature of 35-40°C before application. And then you need to insulate your head: wrap it in film and wrap it in a towel. A glass or porcelain container is suitable for mixing the components. Do not prepare mixtures for future use.

With castor oil and almonds

Indications. Curls damaged by curling, blow-drying, and ironing.

What to do

  1. Combine three components: wheat, castor and almond oils (a tablespoon of each).
  2. Grease your hair.
  3. Keep for one to three hours.
  4. Rinse off as usual.

With kefir

Indications. Dry scalp, unruly, brittle strands.

What to do

  1. Mix a couple of tablespoons of wheat germ extract and pulp from half a banana.
  2. Dilute the mixture with kefir (four tablespoons).
  3. Distribute the composition throughout the hair.
  4. Leave for half an hour.
  5. Rinse with water.

With jojoba

Indications. Weak, faded, lifeless curls.

What to do

  1. Take equal proportions of wheat germ and jojoba oils.
  2. Mix in two drops of ether: orange, ginger, cedar, eucalyptus or fir.
  3. Massage the oil mixture into the skin.
  4. You need to apply the mask half an hour before washing your hair.

With honey

Indications. Split ends, “torn” ends, brittle hair.

What to do

  1. Combine six teaspoons of wheat germ extract with three teaspoons of honey in a container.
  2. Lubricate the strands.
  3. Leave for about an hour and a half.
  4. Wash off with shampoo.

With coconut oil

Indications. Dull, sickly appearance of hair, loss of shine.

What to do

  1. Beat one egg.
  2. Add a couple of tablespoons coconut oil and wheat germ extract.
  3. Lubricate pre-moistened curls with the nutrient mixture.
  4. Wash off after an hour.

With ethers

Indications. Intense hair loss.

What to do

  1. Enrich a tablespoon of wheat germ extract with eucalyptus, orange and cedar esters (no more than two drops of each).
  2. Leave for a maximum of half an hour.
  3. Wash off with shampoo.

Remember that essential oils are highly concentrated and may cause burns. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage.

With mustard

Indications. Slow growth, dullness, as a result of poor blood circulation.

What to do

  1. You will need olive, wheat and castor oils - a teaspoon each.
  2. Stir in the yolk, melted honey and mustard powder (a teaspoon each).
  3. Rub the mixture in and wrap for exactly 40 minutes.
  4. Rinse off as usual.

With olive oil

Indications. Weak, unhealthy hair, as a result of vitamin deficiency.

What to do

  1. Take a tablespoon each of wheat and olive oils.
  2. Stir in a teaspoon of honey.
  3. Pour in seven to eight drops of liquid vitamin A or a couple of tablespoons of carrot juice.
  4. Leave the mixture for 40 minutes.
  5. Rinse off as usual.

With burdock oil

Indications. Weak growth, dandruff.

What to do

  1. Take the same volume of burdock and wheat oils.
  2. Rub thoroughly into skin.
  3. After 30 minutes, wash off.

With lemon

Indications. Strands are shiny, there is dandruff

What to do

  1. Beat: kefir (four large spoons), lemon juice and wheat germ extract (a teaspoon).
  2. Massage the composition.
  3. Wash off after 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse with chamomile infusion.

Using wheat germ oil for oily hair, do not add to mixtures Burr oil. With this combination, the strands will become even more shiny.

How to enhance the effect

Do not expect instant results after the first use of the product. Except cosmetic procedures To cure your hair, you need to follow a number of rules and reconsider your lifestyle and habits.

  • "Stress-free". Try to avoid stressful situations or learn to get out of them quickly and without negative consequences.
  • UV protection. Sunbathing harms your curls, dries them out and weakens them, so don’t neglect hats in the summer.
  • Purity . The head is washed as the hair gets dirty. Don't partake unnecessarily.
  • Thermal impact. Use a hot hair dryer, straightening irons, curling irons, hot rollers, and washing with hot water as little as possible.
  • Coloring. Do it no more than once a month. This rule also applies to paints with organic ingredients. On colored hair, always use balms and treatment masks with the most natural composition possible.
  • Proper combing. Comb at least in the morning and evening, massage your head to improve blood supply (less often if there is increased sebum secretion). Avoid combing wet hair or tightly tied hairstyles. The “correct” comb for long and thick curls should have sparse teeth.
  • Regular haircut. Visit your hairdresser monthly to remove untidy, split ends. It is recommended to get a haircut during the waxing moon.

A mask with wheat germ oil for hair is especially effective if you combine the procedures with proper diet. A balanced diet with a high content of potassium, calcium, iron, and B vitamins can improve the condition of strands. Fruits, vegetables, grains, plus one and a half liters of water per day are useful.

Beneficial features sprouted grains have been known for quite a long time. The entire range of unique components, vitamins and beneficial substances contained in it is also present in cosmetic wheat germ oil, obtained by cold pressing. It has a wide range of applications, in particular, it is effective in caring for dry and brittle hair, in treatment and restoration, and as a prevention of hair loss.

Composition and benefits of wheat germ oil for hair.
Wheat germ oil (this is another name) combines the most important vitamins for hair health (PP, A, D, group B, E) and microelements (zinc, sulfur, copper), antioxidants. Its regular use in hair care as a prophylactic will help prevent the occurrence of such unpleasant problems as dryness, seborrhea, fragility, split ends and hair loss. The effectiveness of wheat germ oil is due to its ability to penetrate the hair follicles and increase blood flow to them, saturate cells with oxygen, and restore damage at deeper levels.

Wheat germ oil for hair controls the secretion of the sebaceous glands, maintaining a healthy scalp and preventing the development of diseases (oilyness, seborrhea, dandruff, etc.). It is enough to use it once a week in winter and two weeks in summer as a mask or wrap to make your curls shiny, healthy, silky and manageable. Wheat germ oil affects the processes of growth and strengthening, gives volume, which makes hair appear thicker.

Wheat germ oil is not only an excellent remedy prevention of diseases of the scalp and hair, it effectively treats the main ones (dandruff and seborrhea). You can buy it at any pharmacy; today it can also be found in the form of a dietary supplement (capsule) for oral administration for the purpose of general strengthening of the body.

Using wheat germ oil for hair.
For use in hair care as a restorative agent, wheat germ oil is recommended to be combined with other oils (in equal proportions), due to its very thick and viscous consistency. Jojoba oil is most suitable for this purpose. The procedure of warm wrapping with this oil will enhance its effect. To do this, distribute the oil composition over the scalp and ends of the hair, wrap the head with cling film on top, and you can put on a rubber cap. Wrap a thick towel on top and hold for about forty minutes, while from time to time warming your head through the towel with a hairdryer. After the procedure, rinse your hair with shampoo. It is difficult to wash off the oil; you will have to use shampoo several times. Wrapping your hair up, be it a mask or wrap, is a must!

Such preventive hair wraps can be effectively combined with taking wheat germ oil internally. In this case, the positive and strengthening effect will extend to the skin, nails and the entire body as a whole. Just before taking the oil internally, it is advisable to consult a doctor. In case of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, taking the oil is contraindicated.

Recipes for hair masks with wheat germ oil.
So, the easiest way to use it for strengthening is to mix it in equal proportions with jojoba oil. This mixture can be enriched with essential oil (three to four drops), which is relevant for your problem. Essential oils of lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, peach, ginger, eucalyptus, pine, fir, cedar, and thyme are perfect for hair. You can get by with one essential oil, or you can add several types to the mixture, then you will need to take them one drop at a time. Keep the mixture on your hair for no more than twenty minutes, then wash your hair as usual.

For overdried curls damaged by daily styling using hot tools, this mask is ideal: combine one tablespoon of almond, castor oil and wheat sprouts. Heat the mixture a little in a water bath, then lubricate the roots and dry ends with it. The head should be wrapped in foil paper and left for 1-3 hours. Wash your hair in the usual way.

An excellent moisturizer for dry hair would be a mask made from wheat germ oil (two tablespoons) and low-fat yogurt (four tablespoons) with the addition of banana pulp (from half a fruit). Distribute the finished homogeneous mass over the roots and entire length, leave for half an hour and rinse in the usual way.

The following recipe will help oily hair: add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and the same amount of wheat germ oil to three tablespoons of kefir. Apply the mixture for twenty minutes and rinse with shampoo. For greater effect, you can rinse your hair with chamomile decoction (the recipe is indicated on the back of the package).

The following remedy will help improve the condition of dry ends: take a tablespoon of honey for two tablespoons of wheat germ oil, hold the mixture for a while in a water bath so that the honey dissolves, and then distribute it over the entire length. After an hour, wash off the mask with shampoo.

To restore the lost shine to your curls, make the following mask: beat a chicken egg, add two tablespoons of milk powder and a tablespoon of wheat germ oil. Apply the mask to slightly damp hair, and after an hour, rinse off the composition with shampoo.

Universal mask: melt two tablespoons of refined coconut oil in a water bath, then add the same amount of wheat germ oil to it. If your hair is not long, you can take smaller proportions. Leave the composition for forty minutes, rinse with shampoo.

To restore damaged hair structure, this recipe is good: take a tablespoon of wheat germ oil, add the same amount of cranberry juice and olive oil. Stir everything and add a beaten chicken egg and five drops of frankincense oil. Leave the mixture on your hair for an hour and a half, then rinse off as usual.

For growth, it is good to use this mask: combine a teaspoon of olive oil, castor oil and sprouted wheat grains, heat a little in a water bath, add whipped egg yolk, a teaspoon of liquid honey and two teaspoons of dry mustard. Apply the mask to the scalp and rub into the roots. Wrap the top with cling film, you can put on a shower cap, and insulate it with a towel. Leave for forty minutes, periodically heating with a warm hairdryer. Wash off with shampoo.

A mask made from a tablespoon of wheat germ oil, enriched with essential oils of eucalyptus, orange and cedar, taken one drop at a time, will help stop hair loss. Apply the composition for twenty minutes and rinse with shampoo.

It is better to prepare all compositions for masks in porcelain or glass containers.

Video: Recipe for a hair growth mask with wheat germ oil.

By using these simple recipes at least once a week or two, depending on the time of year, you will maintain the health and beauty of your hair, and also prevent problems with your hair and scalp. Successful results to you!

Wheat is one of the healthiest grains, which is used as a raw material for various food products, and also as a base for herbal oil. The healing properties of wheat shoots have been known for a very long time. Oil from young wheat sprouts is a real natural treasure, filled with priceless vitamins. At all times, women at any age would like to have healthy and luxurious hair. For this purpose, various masks and wraps were invented, which often included natural oils and ethers. Wheat germ oil is one of the few used as a base for numerous beauty products. Nowadays, the benefits of this herbal oil in caring for weakened hair are appreciated by cosmetologists. It has a special place in the treatment of dry and brittle hair.

Features, composition and benefits of wheat germ oil

Small wheat sprouts, when properly processed, produce an oil that is especially useful for maintaining the beauty of curls. Phyto-oil is usually yellow color, is thick and smells like fresh wheat. It is almost not subject to oxidation and retains its beneficial properties for a long time. Thanks to this feature, it is often used as a base oil to consolidate the properties of other cosmetic oils.

Wheat germ oil is excellent as a base for mixing with almost all esters used in cosmetology.

Wheat germ oil can be used as a base oil for any ester

Chemical composition

Wheat germ oil contains a large number of vitamins:

  • PP is a natural antioxidant that helps fight early aging;
  • A - improves hair condition;
  • F - known as a regulator of hormone activity;
  • E is a leader in slowing down the aging process and normalizing fat metabolism. There is more of it in the product.

The oil also contains amino acids and microelements necessary for the human body.

Home Recipes for Hair Health and Beauty

This oil can be used to care for any type of hair. But its beneficial effect on depleted and dry hair is especially noticeable. Using this herbal oil will also help prevent the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as split ends, dandruff, and excessive hair loss.

Wheat germ oil is beneficial for maintaining healthy hair throughout the year

Hair growth mask

To prepare a mask for hair growth you will need:

  • castor oil - 20 ml;
  • olive oil - 15 ml;
  • wheat germ oil - 10 drops;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • pharmaceutical mustard powder - 25 g;
  • honey - 25 g.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix warm castor oil and olive oil with wheat germ oil.
  2. Beat the egg yolk, add mustard powder and liquid honey.
  3. Mix everything well and apply the paste, slowly rubbing into the base of the hair.
  4. Wrap in a warm scarf.
  5. After half an hour, rinse with any shampoo.

Mustard increases blood supply to the scalp, thereby accelerating hair growth

Mask to prevent early gray hair

To prepare a mask that prevents gray hair, you will need:

  • one part wheat germ oil;
  • one part jojoba oil;
  • 2 drops each of eucalyptus and orange phytooil.

Distribute the resulting mixture over your hair and wrap your head in a warm scarf. After 20 minutes, rinse twice with water using your favorite shampoo.

Wrap for oily hair

For oily hair you can prepare a mixture:

  • 75 g kefir of any fat content;
  • 25 g fresh lemon juice;
  • 25 drops of wheat germ herbal oil.

Mix the ingredients until smooth and apply the mask to your hair. Rinse off with water and shampoo no earlier than after twenty minutes.

Wrap for dry hair

To prepare a wrap for dry hair, you will need a mixture of one egg, 50 g of milk powder and 25 drops of wheat germ herbal oil. Apply the paste lightly wet hair. Rinse after 60 minutes with your favorite shampoo.

Sprouted grain oil is an ideal treatment for dry hair.

The use of wheat oil in the care of hair ends

To improve the condition of the hair ends, you need to mix 50 g of wheat herbal oil with 15 g of liquid bee honey. Mix thoroughly and heat for 5–10 minutes in a water bath until the honey is completely dissolved. Distribute the resulting mask from roots to ends of hair. Wrap your head in a towel. After 40 minutes, rinse with water and shampoo.

Mask against severe hair loss

Take 25 drops of wheat seed oil, add one drop each of orange, eucalyptus and cedar oil. Heat gently and rub into hair roots. Wash off with shampoo after 25 minutes.

Orange essential oil prevents hair loss

To improve the condition of the scalp

  1. Fill a cup or bowl with the required amount of oil and heat it in a water bath.
  2. Wet your fingertips in warm oil and massage the hair roots for 10-15 minutes using slow circular movements, applying slight pressure.
  3. After finishing, you need to cover your hair with a warm cloth or towel.
  4. After 10 minutes, rinse your hair with your favorite shampoo.

This rubbing will eliminate peeling, itching and irritation of the skin.

Benefits for eyelashes and eyebrows

To fulfill your dream of thick eyelashes, you don’t have to resort to artificial extensions. Wheat phytooil is ideally suited for this purpose. If you often use mascara, it is recommended to strengthen your eyelashes with this product. To do this, it is enough to use undiluted wheat oil every day to remove makeup, and also gently rub it into the base of the eyelashes. It is good to carry out this procedure at night, leaving the oil until the morning for better absorption. You will notice the first results within a few days, and after a few weeks the eyelashes will amaze you with their healthy looking and seductive length.

To strengthen your eyebrows, just apply a couple of drops of wheat oil to a brush every evening and comb your eyebrows with gentle movements in the direction of hair growth.

For healthy eyelashes, replace your makeup remover with wheat germ oil

Directions for use and precautions

To extract maximum benefits from wheat germ oil, you must follow the rules for preparing and using homemade cosmetics with it:

  • It is better to mix ingredients for masks in a glass or porcelain container;
  • To care for curls, as a rule, wheat germ oil is mixed with other natural esters and oils. This is necessary for ease of application to the hair, since in its natural form wheat phytooil is very thick and viscous;
  • For preventive measures To maintain healthy hair, it is enough to include oil in masks or wraps 4 times a month in winter, and 8 times a month in summer. But you need to remember that the use of such procedures in the presence of any type of hair should not exceed 2 months. Next, you should take a break for at least one month;
  • It is not advisable to use a hair dryer or hair straightener after applying oils to your hair;
  • When mixing the components of masks, you should take into account the length of the curls: long hair the number of these components should be doubled.

When using wheat germ oil, it is not recommended to use a hair dryer, curling iron or straightener.

Restriction on use

It is prohibited to use wheat germ oil if you are allergic to this product. Before use, it is advisable to test for the presence of individual intolerance. To do this, apply a few drops of oil to the inside of your elbow, rub gently and observe for 3-5 minutes. If after this time there is no itching, burning or redness appears on the skin, then the oil can be used without fear.

Storage rules

Wheat phyto-oil can be stored for 10–12 months, but it must be stored in a hermetically sealed dark glass bottle at temperatures up to +15 0 C. After opening, it is better to store the container with oil in a cool, dry place.

Wheat germ oil must be stored in dark glass containers

Wheat has long been the basis for the nutrition of most peoples of the world. They bake bread and cook porridge from it, and we can talk endlessly about the benefits of wheat sprouts (germs) for skin and hair.

The fact is that small grains contain a lot of macroelements, vitamins and amino acids, which are necessary for the beauty and health of our curls, therefore wheat for hair is an almost irreplaceable product. Well maintained and beautiful hair- This is a sign of the health of every person. Many people strive to make them thick, long and healthy, because as a result of poor ecology, frequent chemical dyeing, curling, drying or other damage, they begin to break, split and lose their appearance.

To restore their strength and shine to hair, they resort to various products made from wheat, because it contains so many proteins, whose composition is similar to the biological properties of proteins in human skin and hair. It is wheat sprouts for hair in various manifestations that are one of these remedies.

Wheat oil and its beneficial properties for hair

Since ancient times, people have received valuable oil from wheat grains, which has truly magical properties. Nowadays this oil is also very popular and in demand. Wheat germ oil is considered a real healing substance, which when correct use can produce an unprecedented effect. It can be used on hair during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This product is recognized as one of the best and most effective in the fight against dry and brittle hair. It is used to treat damaged curls, to restore them and prevent hair loss.

What else is wheat oil good for our hair?

    It restores the structure of the hair along the entire length.

    Enhances hair growth so that it reaches the desired length. Beautiful long hair is considered the pride of every girl.

    Sufficiently moisturizes and strengthens hair from the inside.

    Normalizes the amount of sebum, the excess of which is sometimes a problem for many people.

    Eliminates split ends in hair, making it strong and strong.

    Adds shine and thickness, and also nourishes the scalp and the hair itself.

    Helps remove toxins, cleansing skin and hair.

    Used as a prophylactic against seborrhea, dryness and hair loss.

    Saturates hair cells with oxygen, restoring damage in the deepest layers.

    Makes them manageable, silky and prevents tangling.

Wheat germ oil supports and strengthens hair, treats many scalp diseases, and to achieve best result It should also be taken orally in capsule form.

Composition of wheat oil

The oil has a very high biological and nutritional value, since it is unique in its composition. It contains essential amino acids that the human body does not produce:

  • tryptophan;
  • methionine;
  • leucine and isoleucine;
  • valine and others.

In addition, wheat germ oil contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, for example), water- and fat-soluble vitamins of groups B, E, A and D, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and have high antioxidant activity. It is the B vitamins that are needed for effective brain activity, nervous, digestive, cardiovascular and muscular systems. They are responsible for skin, hair, nails and vision. The oil contains potassium, copper, iodine, sulfur, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, selenium, iron and other useful micro- and macroelements.

Very an important component This product contains tocopherol, which is considered an extremely powerful antioxidant. By the way, Wheat germ oil is simply irreplaceable in cosmetology and medicine. It contains vitamins D and A: the body needs the first to maintain immunity and absorb calcium, and vitamin A has a positive effect on vision and skin, improving its appearance. The antioxidant squalene, which is part of the oil, has immunostimulating, bactericidal and antifungal properties.

Where can you buy wheat oil?

One of the important advantages of this oil is its general availability. It can be bought at every pharmacy, and it is not in short supply. However, the cost of such oil is very high, since if it is produced by cold pressing, then, for example, it takes only 250 grams to produce. More than 1 ton of wheat needs to be processed.

You can buy wheat oil in pharmacies or online stores; now it is in great demand. Its price can also vary, it all depends on the manufacturer and the place where you purchase it. 100 ml of this most valuable product cannot cost less than 90 - 100 rubles. Wheat germ oil in capsules will cost 130 rubles. In some stores, the cost of 50 ml of such oil will be 300 Russian rubles.

Wheat germ essential oil is often used as a base in soap making or aromatherapy., therefore often has more high price when sold in specialized stores and not in pharmacies. Each box always contains instructions for use; you should not drink wheat oil.

How to use wheat oil for hair at home?

This oil is almost always used at home, since various healing hair masks are made from it. It must be said that this oil is rarely used in its pure form due to its thickness. The oil is not only a component for masks; it is also used to make various cosmetic applications for the skin.

Besides this, this cosmetic oil considered indispensable for massage and care of any part of the body. Spa salons and beauty studios rarely use natural oils; they mainly offer high-quality products, which may include various oils and plant extracts. It is best to use this oil at home to make your own masks for treating hair and scalp.


Before use, apply a little oil to the inside of your wrist and check for possible allergic reactions. If after a couple of hours there is no reaction, then you can safely use it.

Hair masks based on wheat oil

Honey mask

To eliminate split ends of hair, you need to use a mask based on honey and oil.

To make it we will need:

  • 6 small spoons of wheat germ oil;
  • 3 spoons of honey.

Everything needs to be mixed well and applied to the ends of the hair for an hour and a half. After the mask expires, wash your hair using your shampoo. This procedure must be repeated every day for several weeks, and the benefits will become obvious.

Mask for damaged and brittle hair

Our hair is usually damaged as a result of frequent use of hair dryers, straighteners and stylers. To restore their strength and shine, you need to do the following:

    Take a tablespoon each of castor oil, almond oil and wheat oil.

    Mix them and pour into a small container.

    Heat for several minutes in a water bath and apply the composition to the roots and ends of the hair.

    Wrap your heads in foil paper and leave the mask for at least several hours (no more than 3).

    Then just wash your hair.

Mask for enhanced hair growth

To prepare you will need:

  • mix a teaspoon of wheat germ oil, castor oil, olive oil;
  • warm up a little in a water bath;
  • take a chicken egg, separate the yolk and beat it;
  • add the yolk to the oils;
  • put a spoonful of honey there, preferably liquid, and a couple of teaspoons of mustard powder.

You need to mix everything and then apply the resulting mask to your head, rubbing it into the roots of your hair. Cover the top with oilcloth or cling film and a towel. This mask lasts for at least 40 minutes. Then remove it with water and shampoo.

Hair shine mask

To make this recipe, we need:

  • beat the yolk and white of the egg;
  • add a couple of tablespoons of refined coconut oil to it;
  • mix in 2 tablespoons of wheat oil.

Before applying, lightly dampen hair to keep it damp. The mask is applied for an hour, and then the hair is washed with shampoo.

This is how masks made from wheat germ oil will become a real miracle cure for your hair.

Hello, dear readers! Today is an article about another very useful product for hair – wheat germ oil.

If you have very dry, lifeless, weakened, damaged, brittle curls, then try making masks with this product. It is inexpensive and accessible to everyone.

This valuable product is obtained from wheat sprouts by pressing. It is very rich in tocopherol (vitamin E). The oil is also quickly absorbed into the scalp and hair and has anti-inflammatory, nourishing, wound-healing, and moisturizing properties.

In addition to hair in cosmetology, it is also used in the fight against cellulite, to soften the skin of the body, treat cracks on the lips, eliminate flaking on the skin, treat some forms of eczema and other purposes.

Chemical composition

All oils (both vegetable and essential) have many useful substances, but wheat germ oil is one of the record holders for the content of vitamins, minerals and other healing substances. This:

  • vitamins: (A, group B (B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, B12), C, F, E, D, K, PP)
  • minerals (magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium, copper)
  • antioxidants
  • fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, myristic, oleic, linoleic and others)
  • carotenoids
  • phospholipids
  • triglycerides

All healthy vitamins, minerals and other substances contained in the product help strengthen the roots, accelerate growth, get rid of hair loss, moisturize the curls, give them a beautiful shine, neutralize the increased secretion of sebum, nourish the hair with vitamins, and prevent split ends.

Useful properties for curls

With regular use of masks, you can easily tidy up your hair, improve its external condition and achieve the following changes:

  • strengthen the roots
  • will awaken the “sleeping bulbs”, after which the curls will begin to grow faster
  • make them soft and silky
  • heal brittle and damaged strands
  • moisturize dry hair
  • overcome severe hair loss
  • give your hair a beautiful natural shine
  • restore curl structure
  • will make hair thicker
  • nourish scalp cells with oxygen
  • after the masks, the curls will be combed better
  • the product also has anti-inflammatory properties

Indications for use

A hair mask with wheat germ oil relieves our hair of various hair problems, namely it treats:

  • dry hair
  • damaged, brittle
  • dull
  • slow growth
  • dropping out
  • split ends


The product does not have many contraindications. Unless there may be an individual intolerance or allergy. Therefore, before using it, it is better to check whether you have an intolerance. To do this, you need to apply a little product on your wrist and wait 15-25 minutes. If you don't have side effects such as redness on the skin, itching, burning or others, then you can use this product.

When preparing a mask with wheat oil, you need to consider the following rules of use:

  1. Buy a quality product, preferably from a pharmacy.
  2. Heat the product in the microwave or in a water bath.
  3. Rub the mixture into the roots, distribute along the lengths and do not forget to moisten the ends generously.
  4. Keep the mask on your head for 30-60 minutes.
  5. After rinsing, rinse your hair with a homemade rinse.
  6. Make masks once a week.
  7. Course – 1-2 months.

Effective recipes for masks for curls

For oily hair

  1. Mix lemon juice, kefir and wheat oil in equal proportions (depending on hair length). Apply the mask over the entire length for 30 minutes.
  2. Take a banana, mash it thoroughly with a fork, add 1 tablespoon to it. spoon of avocado oil and wheat germ.

For dry, brittle, damaged curls

To restore your weakened, brittle, dry, damaged strands, prepare one of the masks:

  1. Mix castor, almond and wheat germ oil. Warm them up and rub them into your scalp, then apply along the lengths of your hair and ends. Warm your head and curls thoroughly. Keep the mask on for 1 to 3 hours.
  2. Take the yolks, table. a spoonful of honey and 3 table. l. oils Apply to curls for 1 hour.
  3. We need 3 tables. l. sour cream (you can take kefir or yogurt), 2 tables. l. wheat oils and banana. Mash the banana thoroughly with a fork and mix with the remaining ingredients. Distribute the mixture throughout your hair and rinse after 40 minutes.
  4. Mix 1 table at a time. l. wheat and olive oils from the tables. spoon of chamomile infusion. Add the yolk (beaten with a fork) and a couple of drops essential oil(take your favorite). Apply the mask for 1 hour.

For shine

To give your curls a natural shine, prepare the following recipe: take the yolks, beat them with a fork and add 2 tablespoons to them. spoons of coconut and wheat oil. Apply the prepared mixture to your strands for 60 minutes.

To stimulate growth

  1. To enhance hair growth, mix three oils: castor, olive and wheat germ. Add to them the yolk (beat it with a fork first), a spoonful of honey and 1 tablespoon. spoon of dry mustard. Mix everything thoroughly and rub into the roots for 60 minutes. Be sure to insulate your scalp with a plastic bag and a towel.
  2. Mix wheat oil (2-3 tablespoons) with a few drops of bey oil. Rub into the roots and wash off after 60 minutes.


To stop hair loss, mix wheat oil with a few drops of essential oil. Take a choice of, for example, 2 ethers and add to the mask (ylang-ylang, bay, eucalyptus, rosemary, cedar, orange, pine). Rub into skin and leave the mask on for an hour.

To nourish the ends

To make your ends look healthy, “alive” and less split, prepare this mask: mix 2-3 tablespoons. l. wheat germ oil (warm it up a little) and 1 tablespoon of honey. Wet the ends generously and rinse off after 1-1.5 hours.

You can also mix wheat oil with olive oil or, for example, jojoba. Heat in a water bath and dip the ends.

Best regards, Irina Pelekh!