D dimer analysis in pregnant women. Normal D-dimer levels and its effect on pregnancy. How is D-dimer formed?

The identified D dimer during pregnancy helps prevent the formation of blood clots and adjust the activity of the blood coagulation system. There is no need to worry if the D-dimer level is not normal, since this does not always indicate the development of any disorder.

Effect on pregnancy

The appearance of blood clots in the body of the expectant mother occurs due to damage to blood vessels. This can also occur with the development of any inflammatory abnormality. At the site of destruction of the arterial wall, a blood clot forms within 10-15 minutes, which is secured with fibrin threads.

Fibrin is destroyed through the stage of formation of D-dimers. When fibrin dissolves, the resulting D-dimers combine with the vascular walls. Thus, they become clogged. In general, the life of fibrin lasts no more than six hours. more quantity D-dimers, the higher the risk of dangerous blood clots.

When the 3rd trimester begins, the concentration of D-dimers becomes higher.

In the recent past, this symptom indicated an increased tendency of the woman’s body to form blood clots during the period of remission. But recent clinical studies do not see a connection between pregnancy anomalies and the level of the substance.

Every pregnant woman is invited to undergo a D dimer test once during pregnancy. By conducting a D dimer test during pregnancy, doctors can decide on a treatment strategy for detected blood clots. In addition, these values ​​are relevant for coagulation studies.

Normal level indicators

The normal level of D-dimer is low. For representatives of the stronger sex and non-pregnant young ladies, the norm varies from 400 to 500 ng/ml. But after conception, the norm may change. Doctors say the reason for the changes is the restructuring of hemostasis. In addition, blood clotting processes are activated.

The normal D-dimer level varies depending on how far into pregnancy the fetus is. future mom:

  • 1st trimester - the number increases 1.5 times (the norm does not exceed 750 ng/ml);
  • 2nd trimester - the number of D-dimers doubles (the norm is 1000 ng/ml);
  • 3rd trimester - the number of D-dimers triples (the norm is 1500 ng/ml).

Recent studies show that if the indicator increases when the 2nd or 3rd trimester begins, this is the norm. Sometimes the 3rd trimester is marked by a doubling or tripling of the normal level of this substance. In this case, childbirth is carried out normally, and the child is born healthy.

Even if the 3rd trimester is marked by a 10-fold increase in the level of this substance, this does not indicate active blood clotting. If the normal level of D-dimers in mid-pregnancy is 400 ng/ml, then the levels can increase to 3.0 thousand ng/ml. A little later, this level can rise to 5.3 thousand ng/ml.

When is the norm broken?

D dimer during pregnancy can be either increased or decreased. In most cases low level This substance is quite rare. Its increase is more often observed.

A condition where the level of this substance is low rarely attracts the attention of specialists. This is explained by the fact that a decrease in D-dimer does not contribute to the occurrence of dangerous complications. But if the level of this substance is significantly reduced and does not exceed the norm for a non-pregnant young lady, then this indicates a pathology of the coagulation system. This condition is dangerous because during the release of the burden, severe bleeding may occur.

Therefore, if there is a pathological decrease in indicators, the expectant mother should definitely visit a hematologist and be examined.

The condition when D dimer is elevated during pregnancy is not considered a pathology. But an excessively high level of this substance indicates the presence of an anomaly in the coagulation system.

High levels of this substance are observed when:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • untimely detachment of the placenta;
  • liver pathologies;
  • untimely gestosis;
  • infectious abnormalities;
  • renal anomalies.

When D dimer is elevated during pregnancy, there is a risk of spontaneous miscarriage. For this reason, a pregnant woman should be under the constant supervision of medical staff.

An increased level of this substance suggests that the woman should be hospitalized as soon as possible. An elevated D-dimer level is treated with medication. Most often, a pathological increase in the indicator suggests the prescription of Fraxiparine or Reopoliglucin. The drugs are administered intravenously and subcutaneously. The duration of the course is 7 days.

Preventive measures will prevent the consequences caused by increased D dimer during pregnancy. First of all, at the stage of pregnancy planning, you should visit a geneticist. If problems at the genetic level have not been identified, then the expectant mother needs to eat properly and provide herself with physical activity.

If you want to be strong, then go to the gym. If you want to be healthy, then go to the hospital. If you want a healthy child, then come here! Find out how D-dimer will affect the health of mother and child.

D-dimer. Find out now - live in the future!

There is no one more beautiful than a pregnant woman, because her eyes radiate happiness, her heart beats with love, her cheeks fill with blush, and a little life grows inside. But for the birth of this life to be successful, it is important for a woman to monitor her health.

In the 1990s, the concept of a blood test to determine D-dimer entered medicine. This research method greatly contributes to a favorable birth, as well as the well-being of the mother in labor. What is its essence, what do the examination results say, how often to get tested, how to treat detected disorders? It is worth reading to the end of the article and the answer will be obvious.

What is D-dimer?

Such a protective function of the body as blood clotting helps a woman during childbirth to cope with heavy blood loss (about 0.5 l). Fibrin, found in the blood, promotes the rapid tightening and healing of injuries, forming a crust on them. After the wound has stopped bleeding, fibrin breaks down into several components. One of them is D-dimer.

When are tests ordered?

Although this procedure is not mandatory, the doctor usually orders the test at least 3 times during pregnancy. It is especially necessary for women who:

  • the insemination was artificial;
  • during the period of conception there are already diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, circulatory system, frequent bleeding, varicose veins;
  • hormonal disorders or pathologies have been identified;
  • before pregnancy there were problems with blood clotting;
  • there are bad habits.


The breakdown of fibrin is a beneficial process for the body. However, if there is little fibrin in the blood, then during childbirth it will not be easy for a woman to cope with blood loss and recover. And if there is a lot, blood clots may form or veins may become clogged, which affects the child’s development and breathing.

Taking a D-dimer test will help as early as early stage pregnancy to detect abnormalities or disruptions in the functioning of the woman’s body. Once they are identified, appropriate treatment will be prescribed to reduce the risk of miscarriage or postpartum complications by the time of birth.

Due dates

The test is taken on an empty stomach (last meal 10-12 hours before the procedure, and drinking liquid 2-3 hours before). You should not eat fried or fatty foods during the day. Do not drink alcohol or smoke at least one hour before the test. Blood is taken from a vein and collected in a special tube with sodium citrate. The answer to the analysis will be given as soon as possible - 15-20 minutes.

You need to warn the doctor about what medications you are currently using, and he will decide whether to continue using them. This is important to do, since some of them have a bad effect on the body, preventing you from getting an accurate analysis answer.

D-dimer norms during pregnancy

Testing your D-dimer level may seem like a minor and unimportant procedure to some, compared to a blood test for HIV or hepatitis. If in the second case the patient, who did not recognize the diagnosis in time and did not start treatment, may die, then in the first case, he will remain alive. However, the results of this analysis will help alleviate the unpleasant consequences of childbirth. A woman will enjoy motherhood and not suffer from pain.

What indicator is considered normal?

For a healthy person, the norm for D-dimer is considered to be no more than 400-500 ng/ml.

Deviations to increase

When the analysis response indicates increased rate D-dimer, then this is not always scary. Below is a table showing the indicators acceptable for certain period pregnancy. If the level of the breakdown product is much higher than the accepted norm for the current trimester, then this is a signal that there may be a miscarriage, early abruption of the placenta, or premature birth.

The indicators will also be overestimated if a woman is expecting twins or more.

Downward deviations

This result is extremely rare (only 2-3% of patients). Therefore, doctors usually do not attach serious importance to such indicators. Only if they are really too low will the pregnant woman be referred for examination to a hematologist. Downward deviations indicate that the blood cannot clot quickly. This leads to prolonged bleeding before, during and after childbirth.

D-dimer norm by week of pregnancy: table

There are no precisely defined indicators. The level of D-dimer directly depends on the health, age of the woman, and in what trimester of pregnancy she is.

The table below will help you roughly navigate between the finished result and the woman’s health condition.

Causes of low D-dimer: what does it mean?

A reduced D-dimer (up to 500 ng/ml) does not pose any threat to a child. But this is dangerous for the woman herself, since the risk of severe bleeding during pregnancy and childbirth is very high.

If treatment is not started, the outcome can be fatal. Therefore, the struggle should be not only with the consequences, but also with the root causes of such an analysis result.

Causes of low D-dimer:

  1. Poor blood clotting.
  2. Preeclampsia.
  3. Allergy.
  4. Infections.
  5. Surgeries are a thing of the past.
  6. Injuries.
  7. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  8. Diabetes.
  9. Kidney or liver problems.
  10. Thrombophlebitis.
  11. Pathology or abnormalities in fetal development.
  12. Multiple pregnancy.

How dangerous is increased analysis for the fetus?

High levels of fibrin breakdown product can have a bad effect not only on the mother (blockage of veins and thrombosis of blood vessels), but also on the fetus. The fetal lungs do not yet function independently, as they contain fluid. The baby receives oxygen through the placenta. With a high content of D-dimer, blood circulation inside the mother’s body is impaired, and the child begins to experience hypoxia ( oxygen starvation).

Common reasons for high scores:

  1. Increased concentration of blood clots in the vessels.
  2. Disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome.
  3. Problems with the kidneys, liver and urinary system.
  4. Inflammatory processes, infections.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Preeclampsia.
  7. Oncology.
  8. Placental abruption prematurely.
  9. Multiple pregnancy.
  10. Fetal pathologies.
  11. Previous injuries or surgeries.
  12. Elevated bilirubin or lipid levels.
  13. Severe toxicosis.
  14. Rheumatism or pre-stroke situation.

How to treat

It is usually impossible to normalize D-dimer levels at home. Medical care is required on an inpatient basis, both in case of increased and decreased levels.


Doctors often prescribe medications (to prevent the development of blood clots), such as:

  • reopolyglucin (intravenous drips). The medicine is administered over 40 minutes a day. It has an anticoagulant property (dissolves blood clots) and a detoxification effect (removes toxins from the blood and eliminates the causes of oxygen starvation). The substance circulates throughout the body for 2 days;
  • fraxiparine (injections in the navel or thigh area). The course lasts a maximum of 7 days, with mandatory blood tests throughout the entire medication intake. The drug supplies the blood with oxygen and thins it. Harmful toxins are removed from the blood;
  • actovegin (injections or tablets). Increases blood flow in vessels and capillaries, promotes better utilization and absorption of oxygen;
  • Chimes (tablets). Dilates the blood vessels of the heart, prolongs the life of platelets. Absorbed very quickly - maximum 1 hour.

In addition to medications, the pregnant woman is prescribed a special diet (rich in iron, zinc), moderate physical activity (gymnastics, swimming) and drinking plenty of water (more than 1 liter).


If the result is low, injections based on vitamin K are prescribed, as well as tablets that increase the ability of the blood to clot in case of damage or bleeding. In extremely rare cases, a blood transfusion is required (if there is a real threat of miscarriage).

Moderate physical activity and healthy eating. For the sake of her health, a woman needs to give up smoking and alcohol. Instead of alcohol, it will be healthier to drink a large number of water to thin the blood.

How often is D-dimer prescribed during pregnancy?

Doctors recommend taking tests when registering and every trimester. If the first two analyzes gave good results, then the next two are not particularly necessary. If the indicators are normal, but the woman suffers from pain in the legs, migraines, swelling of the veins, pain in the abdomen and changes in skin color, then this is a reason to continue to get tested regularly. The situation can change in any trimester, so you should not rely only on the first data.

There is no need to take medications to reduce or increase D-dimer unless absolutely necessary. Otherwise, the woman runs the risk of severe bleeding and abruption of the placenta ahead of schedule. Only the doctor determines the amount of medications and the duration of their use.

Is it necessary to take it in the third trimester and before giving birth?

If the tests in the previous trimesters were bad, then there is no need to refuse examination in the third trimester and before childbirth. The life of the mother and the health of the child depend on this.

If the first two tests were positive and the expectant mother is not at risk, then she may not undergo the examination. But consulting a doctor on this matter will not hurt.

The D-dimer test is a useful procedure. The health of the mother and her unborn baby is in the hands of the woman herself. Being a mother is not only pleasant, but also responsible! You shouldn’t hope for a miracle; it’s better to trust progress in medicine.

Useful video

When bleeding occurs, the body's defense processes are activated. Fibrin interacts with thrombin, clots appear, which leads to blood clotting.

D-dimer is a protein fragment that is formed when blood clots dissolve. The proteins of damaged vessels gradually begin to enter the active phase, binding to fibrin, which breaks down their particles to form a marker.

What is D-dimer and why is it important for pregnant women

The presence of high levels of the substance indicates that there is an overly active process of fibrinolysis, which appeared due to blood clotting and excessive accumulation of insoluble fibrin in previous stages.

During pregnancy, you will definitely have to take a test to identify deviations from the norm and monitor the condition of the body. Most often, in expectant mothers, the level of protein fragments increases, but it does not exceed permissible values. Examining the patient's plasma, the doctor, detecting an increased concentration of D-dimer, makes a conclusion about a violation of the hemostatic system. A significant increase in the marker affects the risk of blood clots.

Doctors believe that the main reasons for the increase in D-dimer content in the expectant mother during pregnancy are:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • the appearance of late gestosis;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • premature placental abruption;
  • injuries or surgical interventions.

In what cases is a study prescribed?

Why do doctors refer a pregnant woman to determine the marker and is it necessary?

Let's look at the evidence in order:

  1. The occurrence of deep vein thrombosis of the legs. It manifests itself as sharp, severe pain in the lower extremities, intensified when walking, and the inability to move normally. Swelling and blanching of the skin on the legs appears.
  2. Pulmonary vascular pathology. Pain in chest, accompanied by a sharp, frequent bloody cough and shortness of breath, may be signs of pulmonary diseases.
  3. Multiple vascular thrombosis. Symptoms of a dangerous condition include bleeding gums, a bluish tint to the skin, scanty urination, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath and pain in the abdomen and heart.
  4. Late gestosis. It is characterized by the occurrence of edema, severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure and the detection of protein in the urine during pregnancy.
  5. Placental abruption. A pregnant woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding from the genital tract, and a “hard” abdomen. At the same time, symptoms of hypoxia appear in the child.

Important periods for controlling dedimer are 12, 22, 32 weeks. The price for identifying the marker is about 1200 rubles.

How to test for D-dimer

Venous blood is taken for the test. The test is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, and the last meal should not be later than 8 hours before the expected test. Try to refrain from eating fatty, fried, spicy foods, carbonated or alcoholic drinks.

Smoking is not recommended or at least you should abstain from bad habit 60 minutes before the test. You should not take medications the night before the test: this may affect blood clotting. Before taking the D-dimer test, try not to be nervous and eliminate physical stress.

What indicators are considered normal?

During pregnancy, an increased level of the marker is responsible for the expectant mother's predisposition to blood clotting pathology - thrombophilia. Low values ​​of D-dimer are rare, but with a pronounced decrease in protein fractions, the coagulological properties of the blood are disrupted, and there is a threat of massive bleeding during or after childbirth.

Depending on the laboratory where the test is performed, the units of measurement may be presented as μg/ml, mg/l, ng/l. Most often, preference is given to the latter designation.

To control the marker readings, the expectant mother can use a special table:

Please note that in twins, the concentration of the marker is increased compared to a singleton pregnancy.

First trimester

In the early stages, the expectant mother is tested for D-dimer along with a hemostasiogram - a comprehensive blood test for coagulation, so that the doctor can make a pregnancy prognosis.

In pregnant women, the level of the substance increases in the first weeks of gestation. There are no clear boundaries of the norm, since the concentration varies among different pregnant women. Low D-dimer levels are quite rare in expectant mothers. If its value has dropped, you should consult a hematologist. The doctor is much more attracted to d-dimer levels that are higher than normal.

If the indicators are significantly exceeded, the specialist conducts a thorough examination, since most pregnancies occur with a pathological course. Normal values ​​of protein fragments are considered to be values ​​increased by 1.5 times compared to their concentration outside of gestation. The D-dimer level should not exceed 750 ng/ml.

Second trimester

The marker levels continue to increase, exceeding the pre-gestation norm by 2 times. Its upper threshold should not be more than 1000 ng/ml. Then the doctor boldly concludes that the expectant mother has no risk of thrombosis.

If the D-dimer is significantly elevated, beyond the specified level, the doctor prescribes the woman anticoagulation therapy.

Third trimester

With the onset of the 3rd trimester, the concentration of D-dimer should gradually increase, but the levels do not exceed 1500 ng/ml. Don't worry: this is completely normal. Sometimes in expectant mothers the marker rises to 2000-2500 ng/ml or even reaches 6000 ng/ml.

If the level of protein fractions significantly exceeds the specified values, an analysis is performed for RFMK - a coagulogram parameter that reflects the appearance of an excess amount of blood clots in the circulating blood. The indicator indicates the development of DIC syndrome, which is a very dangerous condition for the life of the child and the expectant mother.

It happens that at the beginning of gestation the marker values ​​were within the normal range, but at the end they begin to increase. Every organism of a future mother is individual; biochemical processes occur according to their own schedule. The blood coagulation system is activated during any period of gestation. How dangerous this is can only be judged by a specialist.

What to do if your D-dimer is high or low - your doctor advises

When a doctor diagnoses a woman with an excess of normal d-dimer values, but her overall health does not suffer at all, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis with a visit to a day hospital. If the expectant mother complains of swelling, pain in the legs, or is diagnosed with high blood pressure, protein in the urine, therapy is prescribed in a hospital setting.

Drugs used to control blood clots:

  1. Low molecular weight heparin– Fraxiparine, Clexane. The anticoagulant is available in the form of an injection solution and has the property of thinning the blood. The injection is placed in the umbilical area without causing severe pain: there may be a slight burning or tingling sensation at the injection site, which goes away 10-20 minutes after the procedure.
  2. Medicines to increase blood volume- Reopoliglyukin. The doctor prescribes the drug for manifestations of thrombosis or a tendency to thromboembolism. It helps dissolve blood clots, promoting free blood circulation through the vessels. A pregnant woman is given droppers with a solution.
  3. Medicines that improve uterine blood flow – Actovegin, Kurantil.

In addition to drug therapy, you will have to drink a lot of fluids to naturally thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. Concerning traditional methods, doctors recommend using them together with drug treatment and only after consulting a doctor.

If D-dimer levels have decreased, specialists may not pay much attention to this value. A slight decrease in the marker during pregnancy does not require additional examination and treatment. If the expectant mother has protein fractions below 500 ng/ml, there is a risk of problems during childbirth or the postpartum period. Then the specialist prescribes a consultation with a hematologist and carries out a thorough examination and treatment.

Prevention measures

The rules are simple but effective:

  1. Drinking large amounts of fluid: to naturally thin the blood and prevent blood clots.
  2. Performance physical therapy designed specifically for pregnant women, or yoga or water aerobics.
  3. Walks in the open air.
  4. Proper distribution of work and rest.
  5. Reducing the consumption of fatty foods, baked goods and sweets.
  6. Adding the required amount of vegetables and fruits to the diet.
  7. Get a healthy night's sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  8. Regular visits to your doctor with necessary tests and examinations.

At the stage of pregnancy planning, a consultation with a geneticist will be required if the woman has close relatives with abnormalities in the functioning of the hemostatic system or had previous frozen pregnancies at an early stage (8-9 weeks of gestation). These expectant mothers have an increased risk of thrombosis. Early diagnosis high marker values ​​will eliminate the threat of complications during or after childbirth.

Experts say that the best prevention of problems during pregnancy is proper planning. Doctors recommend drinking a herbal complex based on Altai herbs in advance for easy conception and successful pregnancy - Seraphim's Gathering. The product has a minimum of contraindications, gently prepares the body for changes in status, and cures old chronic infections.

Dr. Berezovskaya talks about tests during pregnancy:


The main function of blood is to carry oxygen, nutrients and hormones to the organs, so in case of any abnormalities it should be examined, especially during gestation.

One of the most important indicators is D-dimer, which may not correspond to normal values ​​during gestation. Don’t panic: this happens and is not always a threat to the baby’s health or the course of pregnancy. With a pronounced increase in the marker, an excessive tendency to thrombus formation appears, which forces the doctor to prescribe drugs that reduce blood clotting activity.

Many women learn that such an analysis as D-dimer exists only during pregnancy. The time of bearing a baby is a very important period for the whole organism; the load increases by internal organs, on all systems, including blood circulation. It is to diagnose blood quality that this test is prescribed. Why D-dimer is elevated and what to do in this case, we will tell you in our article.

What it is

Different laboratories and medical institutions may use different units of measurement - micrograms, nonagrams, μg FEU/ml (micrograms fibrinogen equivalent units per milliliter). It is clear that the numbers will also be different. To avoid confusion, it is worth checking with your doctor in what measurements this marker of hemostasis is calculated and what its norms are for a particular laboratory.

Reasons for the increase


The increase in protein formation of D-dimer in the blood of a pregnant woman is easily explained by natural, physiological processes. The expectant mother’s body begins to prepare for childbirth as soon as pregnancy occurs. Childbirth is a traumatic process associated with blood loss. According to some reports, a woman loses half a liter of blood during childbirth.

The most dangerous moment is the birth of the placenta; its departure from the uterine wall causes bleeding. If the body is not ready for it, if there are too few platelets, then it will not be possible to quickly “close” the blood path with blood clots, and the woman will lose a lot of blood, which can be fatal for her.

To prevent this from happening, the body begins to “thicken” the blood and reduce clotting time. In laboratory tests, this process is reflected as an increase in the amount of D-dimer, an increase in platelet concentration, and a decrease in the time required to form a blood clot.

Physiological “thickening” of the blood should not cause serious concern; treatment in this case is not required. The fact that elevated values ​​are not a sign of a disease is indicated by the woman’s general condition and the results of other tests.

If a pregnant woman does not have visible disorders, complaints of poor health, pain in the limbs, swelling and changes in blood pressure, cyanosis of the skin, vomiting and nausea, then an increased level of D-dimer is not considered dangerous and pathological.


If the level of D-dimer density in the blood is significantly increased, there is a sharp rise in its density, if the level is too high for given period(for example, in the early stages), then no one will make a diagnosis on this basis. The woman will only be assigned additional examinations and consultations that will help find the true cause of the deviation in the tests.

Most often, significant exceeding permissible values ​​are observed in diseases such as thromboembolism, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. In thromboembolism, an existing blood clot breaks off and clogs the vessel, preventing blood from circulating normally. The consequences can be very sad: if a vital vessel, for example, the pulmonary artery, is blocked, death occurs in a matter of minutes.

DIC syndrome is a syndrome of disseminated intravascular coagulation. When it occurs, the process of blood clot formation is disrupted, and large numbers of small vessels may become clogged. The damage is widespread, the condition sharply worsens, the skin turns pale, cyanosis, vomiting, pain in the sternum and abdominal cavity. Blood is found in the urine.

Deep thrombosis (deep vein thrombosis), in addition to higher level D-dimer, is accompanied by severe pain in the legs, especially when standing for a long time, as well as a change in skin color in the sore spot, swelling, and changes in blood pressure.

Sometimes an increase in this marker indicates not only problems with the cardiovascular system. Moderate excess of D-dimer density may lead to a false positive result. This happens when:

  • liver diseases in the expectant mother;
  • with severe inflammatory processes;
  • with excessive mobilization of the coagulation system after surgery or injury;
  • for oncological and other tumors.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, a significant increase in this marker in the blood can be a sign of placental abruption, a sign of bearing two or three fetuses, as well as a symptom of severe toxicosis or diabetes mellitus (even in its initial stages).

Increased rate after IVF

After IVF, elevated D-dimer levels are a common occurrence. It is believed that in this way the body reacts to outside interference. They try to measure the marker level twice - before transfer and after embryo transfer on the fifth day.

The protein fragment may be elevated due to the implantation process itself, because the fertilized egg penetrates the wall of the uterus and violates its integrity. Hormonal levels can also affect D-dimer levels. Any ultrasound protocol is accompanied by powerful hormonal support with progesterone and estradiol.

For pregnant women who decide to become mothers through IVF, after embryo transfer, blood clotting parameters are monitored several more times; this analysis will be done 2 or 3 times during the 1st trimester, and then the same number of times in the second and third trimester.


Before prescribing treatment, if the doctor sees a need for it, the woman is sent for a consultation with a cardiologist, nephrologist and therapist. A detailed analysis is done for all indicators of blood clotting - coagulogram. If necessary, a woman is recommended to consult a hematologist. After which the question of the presence of a specific pathology is resolved, and ways are sought to provide assistance to the pregnant woman.

To normalize blood clotting, special drugs are prescribed - anticoagulants. Most often these are “Nadroparin calcium” (“Fraxiparin”) and “Reopoliglyukin”. “Nadroparin calcium” in the form of injections is placed in the stomach, in the area of ​​the umbilical ring. There is no need to be afraid of the procedure; thin and small needles, also called insulin needles, are used for injections. The expectant mother will not feel severe pain during the injection. After the injection, a slight burning and tingling sensation may be observed at the injection site.

"Reopoliglyukin" is administered as part of droppers in a day hospital or in a hospital inpatient setting. The drug helps the process of resorption of blood clots, cleanses blood vessels, and restores normal blood circulation in them. A course of treatment usually helps lower D-dimer levels to normal levels for pregnancy.

To reduce the level of this indicator, a woman is recommended to change her lifestyle. “Thick” blood is an indication for plenty of drinking; if a woman drinks more clean drinking water, the blood will become thinner. Walking in the fresh air and minimizing salty foods are helpful, as they will help retain water in the tissues and cause swelling.

Typically, women are prescribed B vitamins, as well as vitamin K. If the disorder is detected in the early stages, Special attention pay attention to taking folic acid, a deficiency of which can also become one of the reasons for an increase in D-dimer in the blood.

Strictly for the woman contraindicated excessive physical activity, insufficient sleep, emotional distress and stress. Moderate physical activity is encouraged - exercise and walking will be beneficial good remedy prevention of thrombosis.

Don’t be afraid if your obstetrician-gynecologist advises visit a geneticist. Typically, such advice can be heard by pregnant women whose close relatives have problems with blood vessels, if they have been diagnosed with strokes or heart attacks. A consultation with such a specialist is needed to more carefully calculate the likelihood of hereditary pathology in a woman and her child, this will allow doctors to choose the right tactics for managing pregnancy and delivery.

To learn about the dangers of D-dimer during pregnancy, watch the following video.

When a hemorrhage occurs in the human body, a substance such as fibrin actively begins to “work.” It thickens the blood, forming a clot, and stops bleeding. After this, the clot must disintegrate so that blood can circulate freely through the vessels.

d dimer analysis during pregnancy photo During the process of its resorption, d dimer, a component of fibrin fibers, enters the blood. And then there is a possibility of increased thrombus formation in the body.

That this substance is in the blood of every person, just when hormonal changes or adverse effects, the level increases significantly.

During pregnancy, under the influence of estrogen hormones, the activity of fibrin and, as a result, d dimer increases.

This can lead to the risk of blood clots forming in the uterus, which means the fetus will experience oxygen starvation, diabetes mellitus and varicose veins veins

To protect yourself and your baby from these diseases, you need to control d dimer during pregnancy. To do this, you should take special blood tests that show the level of the substance.

The d dimer test during pregnancy is taken on an empty stomach. The expectant mother should not eat for 12 hours before donating blood, and she is only allowed to drink clean water. Blood for analysis is taken from a vein. The results are usually ready within a day.

d dimer during pregnancy and its norm

If test results indicate that d dimer is elevated during pregnancy, then you should not worry too much. An increase in the level of this substance in the blood is the norm for pregnant women.

d dimer test during pregnancy photo To protect the baby and the expectant mother’s body from danger, the blood coagulation system is “stocked up” with dimers to quickly stop possible bleeding.

However, you need to understand the numbers.

So, during the first trimester, the d dimer during pregnancy should be 1.5 times higher than before conception; in the second 13 weeks – 2 times higher; and in the last three months it will increase 3 times.

Speaking in numbers, the d dimer norm during pregnancy is: 1st trimester - 500 ng/ml, 2nd trimester - 900 ng/ml, 3rd trimester -1500 ng/ml.

Based on this, it is clear that the numbers increase as the gestational age increases. So there is no need to be afraid of the test results. Let us note right away that the dimer level does not have clear standards; experts take into account not only the indicators, but also the general well-being of the woman in labor.

High d dimer during pregnancy

A slight increase in dimer while expecting a child is normal, however, if the levels go off scale, then this signals certain problems in the woman’s body.

A high d dimer during pregnancy indicates excessive blood clotting and the likelihood of blood clots and blood clots. In addition, changes in indicators may indicate premature placental abruption.

d dimer analysis during pregnancy photo When d dimer is elevated during pregnancy, you need to undergo an individual examination to determine the cause of this phenomenon. After this, drug treatment is started.

It is still better for a pregnant woman to undergo inpatient treatment, so she can be constantly under the supervision of a doctor.

Medications - aticoagulants - are intended to reduce the level of dimer in the blood. They are most often used in hospitals, in the form of injections and droppers. It will take about 7-10 days to reduce the dimer levels to normal.

You should not delay treatment, as high d dimer during pregnancy can affect physical development fetus, and it is also fraught with the threat of miscarriage.

  1. Premature placental abruption.


The scope of the examination is determined individually for each patient. In some cases, regular monitoring of coagulogram parameters and D-dimers is sufficient. In severe cases, the examination is carried out jointly with a hematologist.


important Elevated D-dimer during pregnancy can lead to serious complications: premature detachment of a normally located placenta, spontaneous miscarriages and premature birth, so the woman should be under constant supervision of medical personnel.


A high D-dimer is a dangerous condition, so a pregnant woman must be hospitalized in a hospital for a course of therapy.

The following drugs are used for treatment:

  1. (direct acting anticoagulant). The drug is administered only subcutaneously in the abdomen or thigh area for 7 days under the control of tests;
  2. . The drug is administered intravenously in the form of droppers. Additionally, to improve blood flow in the placenta, a solution of Actovegin or Curantil can be administered.

Low D-dimer

It is quite difficult to talk about low D-dimer in pregnant women, because during pregnancy the indicator, on the contrary, increases, which is a physiological phenomenon. In addition, there are still no generally accepted standards for pregnancy: the above standards for indicators are essentially relative.

additionally A reduced indicator attracts the attention of specialists to a much lesser extent than a significant increase, because is not capable of leading to such serious complications, so its reduction in small quantities does not require further examination and treatment.

If during pregnancy the D-dimer is significantly reduced (for example, it does not exceed the norms for non-pregnant women), then this condition may indicate a severe violation of the coagulation system in the blood. In this case, the pregnant woman must be sent to a hematologist for a full examination and, if necessary, treatment.

Consequences of a pronounced decrease in D-dimers

When carrying a child, it is not the fact that the indicators are decreasing that is dangerous, but the fact that this indicates a violation of the blood’s ability to quickly clot. In this case, the woman’s risk of massive bleeding during childbirth increases significantly, which can even lead to death.

D-dimer during pregnancy

For the normal functioning of our body, the state of the hemostatic system is of great importance. This circumstance takes on even greater importance when it comes to a pregnant woman. Any disturbances in the blood coagulation system can lead to undesirable consequences for the mother and child, including termination of pregnancy. Therefore, doctors closely monitor the condition of a woman’s blood throughout the entire period of gestation. One of the methods of such monitoring is a hemostasiogram, which, among other markers, determines the amount of D-dimer in the blood.

What is D-dimer

In order for the blood to circulate freely through the vessels, it is forced to constantly remain in a moderately liquid state. But in some situations it needs to thicken intensively: this happens, for example, when a vessel is damaged. In order to prevent bleeding, a blood clot appears in this place, which contains the protein fibrin. Later, the resulting blood clot unnecessarily dissolves, and fibrin breakdown products are released, one of which is D-dimer.

Using a special analysis, you can determine the concentration of D-dimer in the blood and draw certain conclusions:

  • a reduced D-dimer indicates a reduced ability of blood to clot, that is, a predisposition to bleeding;
  • a high D-dimer indirectly indicates active blood clot formation, which usually occurs in some diseases.

Both conditions are abnormal and pose some risk during pregnancy. However, D-dimer in pregnant women may normally differ from generally accepted indicators. Therefore, you should not draw premature conclusions after receiving the analysis in your hands. Only a doctor has the right to make a conclusion about the state of health of a pregnant woman and the presence of risks and pathologies, and only on the basis of a comprehensive study of the expectant mother, assessing all the hemostasiogram indicators as a whole.

A D-dimer test is taken on an empty stomach and blood is taken from a vein. No food or drinks should be consumed 12 hours before. The use of fatty foods the day before, smoking, nervous stress and physical activity immediately before blood sampling.

D-dimer norm during pregnancy

A blood condition in which the concentration of D-dimer in it is considered normal is considered to be does not exceed 500 ng/ml. Elevated D-dimer accompanies such painful conditions as disseminated intravascular coagulation, atrial fibrillation, pulmonary embolism, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and others, and is also normally observed in older people and pregnant women.

A moderately elevated D-dimer during pregnancy should not cause any concern, since it is physiological, that is, a non-dangerous condition that does not require treatment. However, there is a limit to such a safe increase:

  • D-dimer in the first trimester of pregnancy can increase to 750 ng/ml.
  • D-dimer in the second trimester of pregnancy can double compared to the norm accepted for non-pregnant women, that is, reach 1000 ng/ml.
  • D-dimer in the third trimester of pregnancy “has the right” to increase to 1500 ng/ml.

The increase in D-dimer during the period of bearing a child occurs gradually (this is facilitated by the activity of estrogen during this period), and at the end of the term this indicator can exceed its usual norm by almost 3 times.

High D-dimer during pregnancy

The reason for conducting a wider examination of a pregnant woman should be a significant increase in the amount of D-dimer in the blood, significantly exceeding the norm for pregnant women. A high D-dimer may be evidence of pathological thrombus formation in the bloodstream, and also indicate the presence of certain pathologies in the mother’s body. Among them:

  • deep vein thrombosis;
D-dimer during pregnancy.
16.02.2015 08:00

Many incredibly complex processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman gradually prepare her for the approaching birth. The changes concern not only the figure and behavior of the expectant mother; a real revolution takes place in every cell under the influence of hormones. All processes occurring during pregnancy are aimed at creating favorable conditions for childbirth with minimal losses to the body.

Childbirth is always accompanied by bleeding, the volume of which depends not only on the contractility of the uterus, but also on the functioning of the blood coagulation system. Have you heard anything about d-dimer? Few people know, but determining the level of d-dimer in the blood of a pregnant woman makes it possible to assess the risk of increased thrombosis during childbirth, which can result in life-threatening conditions.

D-dimer during pregnancy: what kind of “beast”?

The situation when a mother of two children, having registered with the antenatal clinic for the third time, learns for the first time about such a study as the determination of d-dimer during pregnancy is far from uncommon. The d-dimer test was discovered not so long ago - in the 90s, so for many women this examination remains a mystery. In addition, the determination of d-dimer during pregnancy is not included in the list of mandatory examinations in the antenatal clinic.

D-dimer during pregnancy is...

D-dimer is a breakdown product of fibrin, a protein that helps form a blood clot (thrombus).

When a vessel is damaged, the coagulation protein fibrinogen, circulating in the blood, goes into its active form– fibrin, connecting the formed elements together to form a clot. After the integrity of the vessel is restored and the bleeding is stopped, the mechanism of clot destruction is launched, in which plasminogen takes part. This protein of the hemostasis system breaks down fibrin into particles, resulting in the formation of so-called d-dimers.

How is d-dimer determined during pregnancy?

To assess the hemostatic system in a medical institution, venous blood is taken, in which the level of d-dimer is determined. As a rule, this analysis is used only in cases where there is a likelihood of complications or there is a need to monitor thrombosis after anticoagulant treatment.

To increase the reliability of the results, the day before the examination you should refrain from eating fatty foods, and before the blood draw itself, you should limit yourself from exposure to physical and psychological factors.

Along with d-dimer, other indicators of hemostasis are also examined during pregnancy: fibrinogen level, prothrombin time, aPTT, etc. In this way, it is possible to create a complete picture of the functioning of the blood coagulation system at this stage of gestation.

D-dimer levels during pregnancy.

A diagnostically valuable criterion is the increase in d-dimer during pregnancy, since a decrease in its level or compliance with the normal value indicates a low risk of clot formation.

Due to the increased risk of bleeding during pregnancy, the blood coagulation system is activated. This means that pregnancy itself is a state of pathological thrombus formation, therefore, the level of D-dimer during gestation will always be elevated.

There are other conditions in which the coagulation process is activated.

D-dimer may be elevated during pregnancy in combination with:

One of the most pleasant events in a woman’s life is pregnancy. She is looking forward to the birth of the baby and is trying to do everything possible to ensure that he appears healthy. One of the important indicators is the blood of his mother. To ensure that the veins do not become clogged, doctors perform a large number of tests. One of the most common is "D-dimer". The norm always increases during pregnancy. These are fibrin fibers, with the help of which it becomes possible to determine whether there is a risk of blood clots. During pregnancy, many changes occur in the hemostatic system. Physiological activation is especially noticeable at this time.

The value of analysis for a woman

The norms of “D-dimers” in this period are not precisely known. What we can say with confidence is that they are growing all the time. Very high results can provoke quite dangerous complications. In this case, special treatment is prescribed, during which the patient must be under the strict supervision of a doctor. In women who have a pathological pregnancy, exceeding the norm of “D-dimers” happens very often. This can lead to miscarriage. Typically, such patients are treated with medicines. They are admitted to the hospital and given appropriate treatment. It usually lasts about a week. A pregnant woman must undergo a large number of tests in order to stop a possible threat to the baby’s health in time. She has to have her blood tested more than ten times. A coagulogram is considered especially important. This is a type of laboratory diagnosis that can identify the risk of blood clots and bleeding. And “D-dimer” is its main indicator. This is why its meaning is so important.

Understanding the concepts

When the wall of a blood vessel is damaged, a signal is generated that indicates that bleeding is possible. Fibrinogen in the blood begins to change to fibrin. This form is insoluble. It begins to settle on the damaged area and forms a mesh. Red blood cells and platelets settle in it and form a clot. This creates a blood clot that stops bleeding. The damage begins to heal, and the blood clot breaks up into separate fragments. This is how the “D-dimer” appears. The norm in women is usually no more than 500ng/ml. Doctors measure its amount to rule out pathological processes in the human body. If it is higher than the established value, then a condition begins that is accompanied by thrombosis.

Diagnosis of pregnant women

During the period of bearing a baby, estrogens affect the circulatory system of the expectant mother. This can be clearly observed during various examinations. Thus, fibrinogen, prothrombin and D-dimer increase. The norm for IVF is the same as for conventional fertilization. At this time, the blood clotting period increases significantly. Therefore, women need to be extremely careful.

Norm of indications

The first trimester of pregnancy is different in that this indicator increases slightly. Doctors are sure that at this time it should be no more than 750ng/ml. Usually in a woman it is about 1.5 times less. Characterized by an increase in “D-dimer” in the 2nd trimester. Its norm is still growing, but not more than 2 times. The 3rd trimester is different in that this figure increases 3 times from the original. Such changes are considered normal and do not require constant monitoring and correction.


Although an increase in the values ​​of this indicator is considered within normal limits, a strong jump may indicate some serious problems. This indicates that the coagulation system is impaired. This usually occurs in patients diabetes mellitus. This is also often evidence of kidney problems, infectious diseases and some other ailments. D-dimer levels may be increased if there is a threat of placental abruption ahead of schedule. Once this problem is discovered, appropriate treatment should be prescribed immediately. It is also necessary to carefully monitor the coagulogram and consult a hematologist. A pregnant woman should take this very seriously, as the situation can even lead to the loss of the baby. That is why she needs constant medical supervision. It is better to admit the patient to the hospital in order to be able to correct the “D-dimer” with the help of anticoagulants. For this purpose, Fraxiparin injections are used, which are injected subcutaneously into the thigh or abdomen for 7 days. The drug "Reopoliglykin" is also prescribed. It is administered via intravenous drips. Solutions of "Curantil" and "Actovegin" also help improve blood flow.

Reduced result

It is important to note that D-dimer levels below normal are a very complex and rare occurrence during pregnancy. However, it is very difficult to talk about standards, since all indicators are considered relative. This phenomenon is not considered as dangerous as its opposite. However, it is still worth noting that there are still disturbances in the coagulation system. The expectant mother should still contact a hematologist to undergo an examination and determine the need for treatment. If the indicator decreases noticeably, then the coagulation processes are obviously disrupted. A pregnant woman is at risk of significant blood loss, which can even lead to death.

Thus, it is worth noting that the level of “D-dimer” value is very important for every person, and especially for a pregnant woman. Any changes in it may indicate any serious disorders that can lead to various diseases. It is absolutely obvious that the expectant mother should be especially attentive to her own health during this period. She needs to take the appropriate tests on time in order to promptly respond to the slightest violations. This attitude will make it possible to adjust the level of this indicator and avoid serious problems.

D-dimer during pregnancy

Please tell me what is the norm for D-dimer during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. If during the first pregnancy there was placental abruption and premature birth, and during the second pregnancy this indicator is increased, is it necessary to do something? For example, should I inject Clexane to reduce it?

Hello! D-dimers are fragments of fibrin fibers and their level indicates the risk of thrombosis. During pregnancy, there is a marked increase in D-dimer levels. This is due to the fact that significant changes occur in the hemostatic system, because pregnancy causes physiological activation in the coagulation system. During pregnancy, D-dimer usually tends to increase, so if its levels increase in parallel with increasing gestational age. Reference range of normal d -dimer for normal course Pregnancies are as follows: First trimester:< 500 нг/млII триместр: < 900 нг/млIII триместр: < 1500 нг/мл.Разумеется следует учесть, что референтные нормы не являются идеалом показателей, и при таком значении D-димера как правило назначают дополнительную коррекцию. Однако, лечение назначается не по цифрам в анализе, а по всему комплексу данных беременной пациентки. Ваши анализы должен оценить лечащий доктор, при необходимости и гематолог и при необходимости назначить соответствующую терапию. с уважением, врач акушер-гинеколог Хохуля Ж.С.