Therapeutic physical education (kinesiotherapy) in obstetrics and gynecology. Special physical therapy during pregnancy. What is useful and when can you do it? Physical therapy for pregnant women by trimester

Carrying a child is an extraordinary and very important period in a woman’s life, when she is forced to take care not only of her well-being, but also of the health of the baby. However, this does not mean that the expectant mother should remain completely at rest. There are special exercises that strengthen the body during pregnancy from the very first trimester.

What are the benefits of classes

The second trimester is the most favorable for classes. Bookmarking was completed during this period internal organs embryo, the woman’s health is normalized, and the stomach has not yet grown enough to significantly limit motor activity, as happens in the third trimester. Gymnastics in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is aimed at training the muscles of the pelvic floor, hips and back.

The first trimester also has its own characteristics that impose certain restrictions on exercise therapy.

Features and contraindications for exercise during pregnancy, 1st trimester

The exercise therapy complex during the 1st trimester of pregnancy involves light physical activity that strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, gluteal and thigh muscles, diaphragm, and transverse abdominal muscle. If you plan to do exercises at home, then try to follow some rules that will increase the effectiveness of your training:

  • in a well-ventilated area or, if possible, in the fresh air;
  • For classes, you need to choose loose clothes made from natural fabrics that do not restrict movement;
  • It is better to start training 1-2 hours before meals;
  • The duration and intensity of the load depends on how you feel and your initial physical training women.

Perform only those exercises that you can do, and do not overwork yourself.

You need to stop classes in the following cases:

  • Pain appeared in the lower abdomen;
  • Discharge from the genital tract began;
  • My head began to spin, my vision darkened;
  • Significantly increased blood pressure or increased heart rate;
  • Severe shortness of breath appeared;
  • During training, the child began to move too actively or, conversely, froze.

Keep in mind that there are exercises that are strictly contraindicated regardless of the stage of pregnancy:

  • Any abdominal tension;
  • Strength training, weight lifting;
  • Traumatic sports;
  • Jumping, sudden movements, bumps and falls.

There are also relative and absolute contraindications to physical activity during gestation:

  • Low position or placenta previa;
  • Risk of miscarriage, previous miscarriage;
  • Danger of bleeding;
  • Increased tone of the uterine wall;
  • Severe toxicosis and gestosis;
  • Severe and moderate anemia;
  • High or low blood pressure;
  • Acute diseases or exacerbations of chronic pathological processes;
  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • Polyhydramnios.


Even if you feel well and do not see any contraindications to exercise therapy, before starting classes you still need to consult a gynecologist, since many pathological conditions may be asymptomatic and not manifest themselves for some time.

Physical education program for pregnant women in the 1st trimester

It is better to do exercise therapy in the first half of the day, or, in extreme cases, no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, increased physical activity in evening hours may disrupt sleep. On initial stages Charging can be done for no more than a quarter of an hour. Then the duration gradually increases to 45 minutes.

Try to load different muscle groups evenly. It is important not only correct technique performing individual elements, but also measured, deep breathing throughout the entire workout. On average, each element should be repeated 6-10 times. Start doing exercises from simple to more complex. If any movement causes discomfort, then do not try to perform it at all costs - move on to other exercises.

Before starting the main lesson, you need to do a warm-up:

  1. We walk in place for 1 minute. First on the entire surface of the foot, then on the toes.
  2. With your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent, we make circular movements with your pelvis, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  3. Lifting your legs alternately, rotate your feet in different directions. This will help prevent thrombosis and varicose veins veins of the lower extremities.

Workout in the first trimester, basic exercises

Performing the following exercises constitutes the main gymnastic complex for pregnant women:

  1. While sitting or standing, clasp your palms at sternum level and spread your elbows to the sides. Squeeze your palms sharply and forcefully, feeling the chest muscles tense. In the future, this will help maintain beautiful shape breasts after gaining weight and.
  2. To maintain balance while standing, lean on the back of a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart. Walk your right leg crosswise in front of your left, then cross it to the side. Repeat on the other leg.
  3. From the same starting position, perform shallow squats, spreading your knees to the sides. This exercise is necessary to train the muscles of the thighs and perineum.
  4. Maintaining the same position, slowly rise onto your toes and lower onto your full foot.
  5. Standing on all fours, inhale and arch your spine upward, lowering your head and tucking your tailbone inward - imitate the movements of an angry cat. As you exhale, bend your back slightly in the opposite direction. This movement will help you train your back at home.
  6. In a horizontal position, bend your legs slightly and place your arms along your body. Raise your hips and pelvis above the floor. The shoulder blades should remain motionless.

Useful video - Exercises for pregnant women from 1 to 20 weeks

Basic breathing exercises for expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy

During gestation, it puts pressure on the diaphragm from below, limiting the mobility of the lungs during inhalation. Therefore, a woman’s breathing becomes shallow and ineffective: she is forced to inhale more often, but still receives less oxygen than required. Breathing exercises are needed during pregnancy to fully saturate the body of the mother and fetus with oxygen, as well as to learn the correct breathing movements necessary during childbirth.

For pregnant women it is allowed at any stage. It can be done even for pregnant women for whom classical exercise therapy is contraindicated. Classes are recommended to be carried out immediately before or immediately after physical exercise. The duration of breathing exercises should not exceed half an hour, so as not to provoke hyperventilation and dizziness. Here is an example of a basic set of exercises for breathing training:

  1. Make yourself comfortable lying on the floor with your legs slightly bent. Place one palm on your chest, the other on the front abdominal wall. Take a deep breath through your nose, trying to breathe not from your chest, but from your stomach, then exhale. Your hands will help you control this process. Only the hand lying on the stomach should rise and fall.
  2. Leave the body and limbs in the same position. As you inhale, slightly raise your head and shoulders above the floor, but your stomach should not move. As you inhale, lower yourself back down. Then repeat, switching hands.
  3. Sitting in a comfortable position, take frequent, shallow breaths for 60 seconds, like a panting dog. This will help you breathe properly during contractions.
  4. Inhale smoothly for 4 seconds, at the height of inhalation, hold your breath for 4 seconds. Also exhale slowly for a count of four, and again hold your breath for the same period of time.
  5. Sit cross-legged on a horizontal surface, cross-legged, and lower your arms freely downwards. As you inhale, lift your forearms up, bending your arms at the elbow joints so that your hands are at chest level. The body remains motionless. As you exhale, slowly lower your arms.

Health expectant mother depends largely on her mood, vital energy and general physical condition. If everything is fine with a woman, then this has a positive effect on the condition of the baby. Physiotherapy is an integral part of well-being during pregnancy, significantly facilitating the process of bearing a child and subsequent delivery.

Video - Gymnastics for pregnant women 1st trimester

Regular physical activity (including traditional physical education) has always been the key to good health and well-being. But is such activity necessary for pregnant women, given their “special” situation? On this issue, experts are unanimous - YES, IT IS NEEDED! Because physical therapy during pregnancy not only restores decreased muscle tone, but also prepares the expectant mother for childbirth through carefully selected exercises. Moreover, if previously special “schools for pregnant women” functioned mainly in large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv or Minsk - now they can be found in literally any village, and the entire Internet is full of numerous educational videos on this topic.

And yet, why is therapeutic exercises for pregnant women so important and necessary? Because the results of its regular implementation are:

  • already mentioned support muscle tone(primarily muscle groups, the load and pressure on which is maximum during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • elimination of pain in the legs, pelvic region and lower back;
  • improved blood circulation, which prevents swelling and constipation;
  • reducing problems with frequent urination;
  • more restful sleep and regular breathing;
  • significantly less fatigue than women in the same position who do not pay special attention to physical education for pregnant women;
  • and just a good mood.

What are the differences between exercise therapy for pregnant women and regular physical education?

Is exercise therapy for pregnant women different from other types of physical education? Of course - since its task is intensive work with strictly defined muscle groups (and developed according to a method that does not allow even accidental harm to either the developing fetus or the expectant mother).

In addition, exercise therapy complexes for pregnant women differ from each other depending on the period that has passed since conception. Some of them are designed for the 1st trimester of pregnancy, others for the 2nd, and finally for the 3rd. There is also a division of exercises into shorter time periods (for example, 1–16, 17–24, 25–32 and 33–36 weeks). In the last month before giving birth, light cardio exercises begin to predominate - primarily walks in the fresh air and swimming - as well as breathing exercises, which are carried out with equal effectiveness both in the gym and at home.

Length and regularity of classes

How frequent and intense should pregnancy classes be? This is determined by six important rules.

  1. Regularity of classes(exercising three times a week for 20–30 minutes is quite enough). On other days, it is best to compensate for the lack of certain exercises with longer walks, swimming and/or water aerobics.
  2. Duration of the lesson period(it is highly desirable that they be carried out regularly throughout the entire period of pregnancy).
  3. Composition of classes. At any time, the following sequence of stages should be present:
    • warm-up – mainly devoted to breathing exercises and light stretching (about 10 minutes);
    • the main part is work primarily with muscle groups and joints located in the legs, pelvic floor and lower back (from 5 to 15 minutes);
    • cool down – another group of breathing exercises and light relaxation (about 5 minutes).
  4. Load level. In the initial stages, the main part will take a minimum amount of time (about 5 minutes), increasing to 15 minutes as the muscles get used to the load and the ligaments get used to the stretch.
  5. Well-being control. The importance of this rule is obvious, since every woman’s body is individual, and it is impossible to create an absolutely universal, uniform set of exercises for everyone with the same level of load. As a result, if you experience not only sharply increasing pain, but also increased heartbeat or shortness of breath, you need to stop for a while and then continue exercising at a more moderate pace. If in this case the negative feelings do not go away, it’s time to seek advice from a doctor.
  6. Movement speed. Under no circumstances should it be high. In addition, all types of sudden movements, as well as jumping, lunges and abdominal strength exercises should be excluded, as they can pose a threat of miscarriage.

Partial limitation and complete load shedding

In what cases should the load typical of a particular period of pregnancy still be limited? Such cases may occur in a woman:

  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency (current or in the past);
  • incorrect position of the placenta or fetal presentation;
  • past miscarriages;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • excessively high or too low pressure;
  • significant problems with excess weight (or lack thereof);
  • even minor injuries or diseases of any parts of the musculoskeletal system.

You should stop exercising completely if:

  • dizziness or worsening headache;
  • darkening of the eyes or surrounding objects beginning to visually “blur”;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • increased heart rate (from 145–150 beats per minute and above);
  • uterine contractions.


In some cases, even gentle gymnastics for pregnant women is completely contraindicated (at least for the period determined by the doctor). Such a ban is imposed if a woman has (or suddenly appears):

  • acute or chronic heart failure;
  • cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • certain threats of termination of pregnancy;
  • increased toxicosis, which is accompanied by frequent vomiting, nephropathy, eclampsia, etc.;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system and/or kidneys;
  • rheumatism in the acute stage;
  • increased body temperature;
  • various types of infections of internal organs;
  • a sudden condition requiring immediate surgical and/or obstetric care.

Important! Only a specialized doctor can and should determine whether physical activity is acceptable for you and at what level!

A few important rules

Rule #1. It is necessary to engage in physical therapy either on an empty stomach (in the morning) or in the late afternoon, but not earlier than 3 hours after eating.

Rule #2. Your shoes should be durable, comfortable, have a springy sole and a small heel about 2-2.5 cm high. Your clothes should be absolutely comfortable for any movement, moderately warm, breathable and made only from natural materials (at least from the inside ).

Rule #3. The surface of the floor in the house or the area on the street where you perform exercises should under no circumstances be slippery. It is best to use a special rubberized mat.

1st trimester

Loads during this period are minimal, which is associated with the initial stage of embryo development. Example of a set of exercises (5–8 repetitions for each exercise):

  1. In a standing position, we connect our palms in front of the chest and squeeze them with force.
  2. Holding the back of a chair, we do shallow squats with our knees out to the sides.
  3. Leaning on the same back, we raise one leg, bending it at the knee, then move it as far as possible to the side. We fix it in this position for 2-3 seconds, then return it to the place and repeat the same with the other leg.
  4. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, hands on our waists, and then begin to smoothly rotate our pelvis, first clockwise and then in the opposite direction.
  5. Slowly rise to our toes and return to the starting position.
  6. We sit on a chair, stretch out one leg and begin rotating the foot, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Repeat with the other leg.

2nd trimester

Example of a set of exercises (5–8 repetitions for each exercise):

  1. Standing straight and stretching your arms up, while inhaling, take one leg back, keeping an eye on your balance. As you exhale, we return to the starting position and repeat the movement for the other leg.
  2. We do shallow squats with our arms pulled back.
  3. We clasp our hands, resting them on the lower back. At the same time, we move them down and, while inhaling, bend back, straightening our chest. We return to the starting point.
  4. Sitting on the floor and spreading our legs to the sides, we try to reach the toes of the opposite foot with our fingers. Repeat for the other arm and leg.
  5. Lying on your back and bending your legs, alternately straighten them one after the other. Then we do the same with both legs at once.
  6. Slow walking in place (1–2 minutes).

3rd trimester

  1. We close our hands at the back of our heads and stretch lightly several times (against pain in the neck, back and spine).
  2. Sitting on a chair, we lean on the back and try to “breathe with our belly” (forward as we inhale and back as we exhale).
  3. We sit on the floor, straighten one leg, bend the other and set it aside. We bend forward 2-3 times. Repeat with alternating legs.
  4. Slowly squat, leaning on your full foot and holding the back of the chair with your hands.
  5. Meditation in the butterfly pose (straight back, legs bent and turned to the sides, feet pressed together).
  6. – lie down on the bed and strain your perineum 15–20 times. We repeat the same in the position on all fours.
  7. We just lie relaxed on our back with a cushion under our lower back.
  8. And don't forget about daily walks!

The goal is to promote a favorable course of pregnancy and childbirth and the full development of the fetus.

General tasks:

1) Formation of a conscious attitude towards pregnancy and childbirth in women.

2) Creating confidence in the favorable course and outcome of pregnancy and childbirth.

3) Improving physical development.

4) Strengthening health and hardening the body.

5) Development of motor skills and moral-volitional qualities for enhanced overcoming of known difficulties.

Special tasks:

1) Improvement of general metabolism.

2) Strengthening the muscles of the abdominal press, back, pelvic floor, lower extremities.

3) Maintaining mobility of the hip and other joints.

4) Teaching a pregnant woman proper breathing and voluntary muscle relaxation.

5) Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, vascular system, gastrointestinal tract, activating blood circulation and eliminating congestion in the pelvis and lower extremities.

6) Ensuring sufficient oxygen saturation of the arterial blood of the mother and fetus, psychomotor preparation for childbirth.

Exercise therapy means: everything.

Forms of exercise therapy: UGG (morning hygienic gymnastics), LH (therapeutic gymnastics), aerobics, (metered walking), physical exercises in water, exercises with fit balls, independent exercises.

Particular attention to pregnant women who lead a sedentary lifestyle, are obese, have previously suffered from inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, and primiparous women over 30 years of age.

Physical exercise affects not only the pregnant woman, but also the condition of the fetus. They activate placental blood circulation, increase blood oxygenation, normalize its motor activity to a certain extent, thereby preventing incorrect positions and breech presentations.

Exercise in comfortable clothes from natural materials, after consultation with a doctor, sport shoes, which fixes the ankle (due to weakness of the ligaments), it is better to practice in the morning, 1 hour after eating, a shower is recommended after exercise. At normal course pregnancy group classes for 6-8 people, with approximately the same gestational age and a similar level of physical fitness. Duration 20-30 minutes to 45 minutes, 3 times a week (every other day). A quiet musical accompaniment that sets a certain tempo is desirable. For the effect you need 10-15 sessions. In the presence of complicating factors that are not a contraindication for exercise therapy ( chronic diseases, initial forms of toxicosis, metabolic diseases, pain in the back and lower extremities due to poor posture, individual classes are conducted - in this case, control (measurement of heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate) before and after classes. It is not advisable to increase heart rate above 140 beats/min. Therapeutic gymnastics should begin at no more than 32-34 weeks.

Therapeutic gymnastics consists of three parts:

1) Introductory part – dynamic breathing exercises, relaxation of individual muscle groups.

2) Main part – basic exercises for all muscle groups.

3) The final part – breathing exercises, relaxation.


1) Acute febrile conditions.

2) Purulent processes (in any organs and tissues).

4) Progressive and destructive forms of tuberculosis.

5) Residual effects of recently suffered inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

6) Severe toxicosis of pregnancy (uncontrollable vomiting, edema, nephropathy, preeclampsia, eclampsia).

7) Uterine bleeding during pregnancy.

8) Placenta previa.

9) High water.

10) Habitual miscarriages.


1) Conditions requiring emergency surgical or obstetric care.

2) Acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of any organs and tissues, prolonged low-grade fever of unknown etiology, rheumatism in the active phase, acute and subacute thrombophlebitis, acute diseases of the kidneys and bladder (nephritis, cystitis), residual inflammation in the pelvis.

3) Severe toxicoses of pregnancy: uncontrollable vomiting, nephropathy, preeclamptic state and eclampsia), bleeding from the genitals of various origins (placenta previa, premature abruption normal location placenta). Threats of abortion, damage to amniotic membranes, ectopic pregnancy, habitual abortions, severe polyhydramnios, history of stillbirths in mothers with Rh-negative factor, discrepancies of the symphysis pubis, cramping abdominal pain.

4) Acute and progressive chronic CV failure, decompensated CV diseases, especially in the progression stage, abdominal aortic aneurysm, active liver and kidney diseases, pronounced prolapse of internal organs with pain during physical effort, blood diseases, epilepsy, threat of retinal detachment.

Physical exercise should be stopped if cramping pain systematically appears after exercise.

Limit the load or perform it carefully when:

1) Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

2) Tendency to increase or decrease blood pressure.

3) Diseases of muscles and joints.

4) Very low weight or obesity.

5) Previously premature birth, expecting twins (triplets).

6) Isthmic-cervical insufficiency (dilation of the cervix during pregnancy).

7) The position of the placenta does not correspond to the norm (low position, presentation, etc.) or other factors that pose a risk of miscarriage.

1) At least 3 times a week for 15-20 minutes to 45 minutes. 1-2 classes can be replaced with water aerobics - in the pool.

2) Choose a system of exercises that meets the level of physical fitness of the pregnant woman.

3) Perform exercises throughout pregnancy.

4) Monitor your health, measure your pulse. Heart rate above 140 beats is not recommended. You should stop exercising.

First trimester of pregnancy 1-16 weeks.

The fundus of the uterus is two fingers above the symphysis pubis by 16 weeks. There is a weak connection ovum with the uterus, because the placenta is not formed, the myometrium and uterine ligaments are loosened, the excitability of the uterus is increased. The uterus is especially sensitive to any physical stress. Ailments in the first trimester of pregnancy are associated with changes in the activity of the vital veins, the tone of the autonomic nervous system is disturbed, which is accompanied by nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, peculiar taste preferences, hypersalivation, emotional lability, and increased anxiety. Due to the increased excitability of the cardiovascular system, fatigue occurs faster during physical activity, which is especially dangerous during the first three menstruation.

Objectives of LH in the first trimester of pregnancy:

1) Activation of the cardiovascular system and bronchopulmonary system (to improve general metabolism and increase adaptive capabilities).

2) Improvement psycho-emotional state pregnant.

3) Improving blood circulation in the pelvis and lower extremities, to prevent venous stagnation.

4) Strengthening the muscles of the back, abdominals and lower extremities to prevent pain syndrome of the musculoskeletal system.

5) Training in volitional tension and relaxation of muscles and proper breathing.

6) Increased mobility of the spinal column and other joints.

Features of the exercise therapy technique in the first trimester of pregnancy:

Use minimal load if the woman has not exercised before exercise. At active image life before pregnancy, you can continue classes, but with a decrease in the rhythm of classes, eliminate the typical “abs pumping” exercises, eliminate jumping and jerking. Include dynamic exercises for the muscles of the trunk, limbs, and relaxation exercises. The exercises are simple, covering large muscle groups. Movements are performed in full. Teach abdominal and chest breathing. All I.p. are used. (starting positions), carefully perform exercises on the days preceding menstruation.

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st trimester: Kegel exercises One of the most recommended complexes during pregnancy is Kegel exercises. They are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum and increasing their tone, which, in turn, can significantly ease the course of labor and avoid ruptures. During the period of bearing a child, the body of the expectant mother experiences a double load, so all muscle groups urgently need help and training. And intimate muscles are no exception. Kegel exercises are good because you can perform them practically without interrupting your daily routine and literally from the first days of pregnancy. Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st trimester involves the inclusion of the following exercises in the complex: Squeezing the muscles, as if in an attempt to stop the process of urination; Pushing exercise (muscles tense as if at the moment of defecation); “Elevator” - intimate muscles tense gradually with added tension “as you climb to the next floor.” When the tension reaches its peak, a period of the same gradual relaxation begins, which seems to resemble moving down an elevator (this exercise is the most difficult, and you should start it only when the first two have been mastered). You can start doing Kegel exercises during pregnancy at home, lying on your back or side, and, once you get used to them, even in the office, on a walk or in a cafe.

Second trimester of pregnancy 17-32 weeks.

The increased activity of the placenta ensures hormonal balance, which is manifested by a decrease in autonomic disorders and an increase in mental stability. The resulting placenta promotes good fixation of the fetus, and the contractility of the uterine muscles decreases. The uterus emerges from the pelvic cavity, the fundus of the uterus reaches the level of the navel. Changes in the musculoskeletal system create favorable conditions for childbirth: the ligaments of the pubic and sacroiliac joints and the intervertebral cartilages of the lumbar spine soften. Due to the loosening of the pelvic ligaments, their ability to maintain normal body posture decreases. The role of the ligaments is taken over by the muscles, which leads to their constant tension and increased fatigue. Changes in the statics of a pregnant woman’s body: body weight increases, the center of gravity moves forward, which is compensated by the backward deviation of the upper body. This increases the lumbar lordosis of the spine and the angle of the pelvis. At the same time, the muscles of the back and abdomen are under constant increased static tension and bear a heavy load. Pregnant women may feel pain in the sacrum and back, in the lower leg, due to a decrease in the concentration of calcium in the blood. The loosening effect of hormones on the ligamentous apparatus, as well as increasing body weight, lead to the development of flat feet, which increases pain syndromes of the musculoskeletal system.

Incorrectly chosen shoes further worsen posture and increase pain. In the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy, the loosening effect of hormones increases again, leading to tissue stretching, especially the abdominal wall. This process affects both muscles and connective tissue. The rectus abdominis muscles lengthen significantly, the divergence of these muscles by 10 cm or more is possible; significant tension of the skin in the lower abdomen, on the thighs, buttocks is possible; bluish-pink stripes - striae - may form. The fundus of the uterus is between the navel and the xiphoid process. Compression of the pelvic vessels impedes the outflow of blood and lymph from the lower half of the body, which is accompanied by congestion in the legs.

Objectives of LH in the second trimester of pregnancy:

1) Adaptation of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system.

2) Improving blood circulation in the pelvis and lower extremities.

3) Activation of the muscles of the pelvic floor, hips, buttocks, legs.

4) Strengthening the muscles of the back, abdominals, and feet.

5) Increased elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles and adductor muscles of the thigh.

6) Improving the ability to volitionally tense and relax the abdominal muscles in combination with chest breathing.

7) Preservation and development of mobility of the spine and pelvic joints, hip joints.

Features of the exercise therapy technique in the second trimester of pregnancy:

Reduce the number of exercises in a standing position (prevention of varicose veins), exercises lying on your back, because organs are compressed abdominal cavity, a tendency to constipation develops, and large blood vessels are compressed, which impairs blood circulation. Limited mobility of the diaphragm makes breathing difficult, which is compensated by rapid breathing. The main IPs are standing with support, on all fours, sitting, lying on your side. LH is carried out at a moderate pace, simple ORU is prescribed for all muscle groups. The main part includes relaxation and stretching exercises more than in the first trimester. The remaining exercises are performed effortlessly, not quickly. Movements for the lower extremities are performed with a large amplitude in the form of static stretches to increase the mobility of the hip and sacroiliac joints of the pelvis. Use breathing exercises. From week 28, the overall load is reduced, reducing the number of repetitions, and introducing breathing exercises that improve volitional muscle relaxation. Duration up to 30 minutes. In the final part, walking, dynamic breathing exercises, and relaxation exercises are used. Monitor proper rhythmic, deep breathing. It is not recommended to perform exercises with holding your breath or sharp muscle stretching.

To improve the functional state of a pregnant woman’s body, it is necessary physical activity. It is very important to systematically practice physical education (walking, skiing, etc.), exercise therapy and hardening procedures, both in throughout the entire period of pregnancy and after childbirth.

Fitness for pregnant women: benefits

  • Pregnant women have a high position of the diaphragm and, as a result, reduced chest excursion, which reduces pulmonary ventilation. Physical education enhances oxidative processes and increases oxygen consumption. Walking in the forest, in the park, along the river (or seashore), doing exercises in the fresh air increases pulmonary ventilation, reduces hypoxia and enhances metabolic processes, which has a positive effect on the general condition of a pregnant woman.
  • Performing breathing exercises makes labor easier. Diaphragmatic breathing increases venous blood flow in the vessels of the abdominal cavity and thereby eliminates congestion in the organs.
  • LH and walking help normalize peripheral blood flow and ease the work of the heart. LH strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, and during childbirth the risk of perineal ruptures is reduced. Strong perineal muscles prevent prolapse of the pelvic floor in the postpartum period, as well as vaginal prolapse, functional urinary incontinence, etc. Intestinal functions are also normalized.

Gymnastics technique for pregnant women

To the methodology therapeutic exercises for pregnant women general developmental exercises, breathing exercises, relaxation exercises are included, exercises in static tension, with straining, holding your breath and exercises with dumbbells (weights) are excluded.

It is preferable to perform the exercises in a lying position, on all fours.

The emotional factor is of great importance, so it is advisable to perform exercises to music.

What exercises can pregnant women do?

Special exercises from physical therapy are a general strengthening, preventive remedy during pregnancy and the postpartum period. This article presents the most safe and at the same time effective exercises that a woman can and should do during pregnancy.

Each trimester of pregnancy has its own characteristics (dangers of the course, characteristic changes in the woman’s body, etc.), therefore exercises at different times"interesting" positions also change.

Exercises in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

^ First half of pregnancy (up to 16 weeks) characterized by complex restructuring of the body, in particular the autonomic nervous system. At this time, there is a danger of miscarriage, so you need to conduct physical education classes carefully, dose the load, and select exercises individually.

Classes gymnastics in the 1st trimester of pregnancy are carried out in the initial position lying, standing, sitting and in the knee-elbow position. The main section includes exercises for training abdominal and thoracic breathing, pelvic floor muscles, abdominal muscles, etc. The loads increase gradually as you master the movements and proper breathing. LH can be performed several times a day in combination with walks in the forest, park, etc.

Exercises in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

^ In the second half of pregnancy (17 31 weeks) tachycardia increases, the need for oxygen increases. Due to the increase in the size of the uterus, lordosis and the angle of the pelvis change, and the woman begins to experience significant static tension in the back muscles in a standing position.

Should be given Special attention training the abdominal muscles, pelvic floor, mobility of the pelvic joints, developing flexibility of the spine, etc. It is necessary to include breathing exercises and relaxation exercises. A woman is taught to relax her pelvic floor muscles when her abdominal muscles are tense.

During this period, venous pressure in the vessels of the lower extremities increases, which is facilitated by more high pressure in the veins of the uterus compared to the veins of the legs and gradual compression of the pelvic veins by the growing uterus, which also impedes the outflow of blood from the lower extremities. Difficulty in outflow is associated with the appearance of swelling in the legs in more late dates pregnancy. Some women experience varicose veins during this period.

To the medical complex gymnastics 2nd trimester of pregnancy include exercises in the starting position lying on your back on a couch with the foot raised, diploid (suction) massage, moderate walks, after which you need to lie down for 10-15 minutes with your legs elevated, then move your feet. They also include a contrast shower and a cool shower for the lower extremities at night. Limit fluid intake, follow a stricter diet (spicy and salty foods are excluded).

Exercises in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

^ Third period of pregnancy (32-40 weeks) characterized by rapid growth and development of the fetus. The diaphragm is pushed upward as much as possible, the spleen and liver are pressed against the diaphragm. The cardiovascular and respiratory systems are under great stress, and tidal volume decreases.

During this period, the range of motion in the joints of the lower extremities and the possibility of bending the body are limited. Starting positions are used that do not cause discomfort in the pregnant woman.

Great attention when gymnastics in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy focuses on breathing with tense abdominals, relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles with tense abdominals, exercises to relax the abdominal wall, etc.

Therapeutic gymnastics for pregnant women includes various exercises, the main purpose of which is to improve the woman’s condition. In this material, we will tell you in detail about the benefits of exercise therapy during pregnancy and teach you how to perform the most effective exercises.

The benefits of exercise therapy for pregnant women

During pregnancy, therapeutic exercises are useful both for the woman herself and for the baby she is carrying. Classes make the process easier and help the expectant mother prepare for childbirth. Due to exercise therapy for pregnant women, the child will experience some physical activity while in the uterus, so the birth process will be more comfortable for him.

Insufficient activity of the mother during pregnancy can provoke consequences such as:

  • constipation and other digestive disorders;
  • obesity;
  • insufficient labor activity, etc.

A special complex of gymnastics for pregnant women helps a woman in labor prepare her body for the big day, and she will endure childbirth much easier. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs and the nervous system.

It is important to note that those women who engage in therapeutic exercises during pregnancy are able to quickly and easily return to their previous shape.


Home gymnastics for pregnant women has certain contraindications that should never be neglected:

  1. Conditions that require immediate obstetric or surgical care.
  2. Acute inflammations and infections affecting different fabrics and internal organs.
  3. Long-lasting low-grade fever with unknown causes.
  4. Active form rheumatism.
  5. Acute kidney diseases and disorders of the urinary system.
  6. Severe forms of toxicosis, accompanied by nephropathy, constant vomiting, eclampsia and preeclamptic condition.
  7. Threat of abortion.
  8. Cramping pain in the abdominal area.
  9. Cardiovascular failure in acute and chronic forms.

There are other diseases and abnormalities that may be contraindications to gymnastics. Before starting classes, be sure to consult with the doctor you are seeing, and then you won’t have to worry about anything.

Exercises for the first trimester

The first trimester is the most dangerous during the entire period of embryo development, so physical activity should be as simple as possible. Do not strain your abdominal muscles so as not to cause a miscarriage, but you can train your hips and do breathing exercises. Exercise therapy for pregnant women in the 1st trimester may be as follows:

  1. The first exercise requires the use of a chair. Rest your hands on your back and begin to squat shallowly, spreading your knees to the sides.
  2. To strengthen the pectoral muscles and tighten the chest, a simple exercise is intended: bring the upper limbs together opposite the chest, clasping your palms. Squeeze them as hard as you can to feel the tension in your pectoral muscles.
  3. Lean on the back of the chair, and then cross your lower limb forward, then sideways and back. This exercise develops the oblique abdominal muscles and prevents the appearance of stretch marks after childbirth. Removing stretch marks after childbirth, if they appear, will be more difficult.
  4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bending them, and begin to rotate your pelvis in both directions alternately.
  5. Make rotational movements with your feet and rise onto your toes. This exercise prevents varicose veins and calf muscle cramps. It is indispensable for those women who spend a lot of time sitting.

Exercises for the second trimester

The second trimester is the period when the condition begins to stabilize. You can start increasing the load and performing exercise therapy for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester with more complex exercises:

  1. Walk slowly in place for a few minutes.
  2. Stand up straight and extend your arm up and the other to the side. Take a deep breath and lift your straightened lower limb back. Exhale and return to the starting position. Do several repetitions on each leg.
  3. First, stand up straight, and then squat down a little and move your arms back, and then return to the starting position.
  4. While standing, move your arms back, keeping them together. Lower them and spread them out chest, and then return to the starting position. Perform up to 6 repetitions.
  5. Sit on the floor with your legs spread and your hands resting on your waist. Exhale and try to reach right hand to the toe of your left foot, and then inhale and return your hand to your belt. Do 4-6 repetitions for each arm.
  6. Kneel down and sit on your heels with your palms on the floor. Make the movement as you exhale, and then, as you inhale, put your hands behind your back and rise from your heels, helping yourself with your hands. Return to the starting position. Do several approaches.
  7. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms extended along your body. Inhale and lift your legs apart, and as you exhale, return them back.
  8. Finish your workout by walking in place for a few minutes.

Exercises for the third trimester

For many women, this exercise for pregnant women helps a lot with back pain. If you are interested in exercise therapy for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester, remember the following exercises:

  1. Place your hands behind your neck, raising your elbows higher, and hold the position for about a minute. This simple exercise relieves stress on the spine and relieves pain in the back and neck.
  2. Concentrate for 10 minutes on proper breathing: just sit straight on a chair and breathe as if your lungs are in your lower abdomen. Push your stomach forward as you inhale and pull it in as you exhale.
  3. Sit on the floor and straighten one lower limb and bend the other. Bend your body forward five times. The movement stretches and makes the joints of the knees and pelvis more mobile.
  4. Lean on a chair and start doing squats, keeping your heels straight and your back straight.
  5. Sit in the so-called “butterfly” pose (feet together, knees apart) and stay there for 10-15 minutes. In general, it is recommended to take this position at any opportunity: when reading, working with a laptop, etc.
  6. Rest your back against the wall and bend your lower limbs slightly. Exhale and press your pelvis to the surface, lifting it slightly higher. Do 10-15 reps.
  7. For several minutes, actively tense and relax the muscles of the perineum. This so-called Kegel exercise can be done anywhere and anytime.
  8. Lie on the floor with a cushion under your lower back and completely relax for 10-15 minutes.

In addition to exercise therapy for pregnant women, fresh air and regular walks also affect the health of the expectant mother. You can alternate between slow and fast walking to achieve the greatest effect.