How to recognize your stone. Types, names and colors of gemstones for jewelry and jewelry: a list, a brief description with photos. How to distinguish a natural real stone from a fake, from glass in jewelry

There are so many minerals - perhaps part of the reason why they are so interesting to collect. On this page you will find a description of experiments that can be carried out without special equipment and thus significantly narrow the search area, as well as a description of the most common minerals that can be compared with the results of the experiments. You can even go to the description section right now - maybe you will immediately, without any experience, be able to find the answer to your question. For example, in this section you will learn how to distinguish real gold from other shiny yellow minerals, read about bands of brilliant colored layers in the rock, or learn to identify what kind of strange mineral that flakes into plates when rubbed.


Part 1

Conducting experiments

    First, let's understand the difference between minerals and ordinary stones. A mineral is a natural combination of chemical elements that forms a certain structure. And, despite the fact that you can find the same mineral in different shapes and colors, it will still show the same properties when tested. In contrast, stones can be composed of a combination of minerals and do not have a crystal lattice. It is not always easy to distinguish them, however, if the experiment gives different results from different sides of the object, then the object is most likely a stone.

    • You can try to determine what kind of stone it is, or at least determine which of the three types of rock it belongs to.
  1. Learn to navigate the classification of minerals. Thousands of minerals have found a place on our planet, but many of them are rare or lie too deep underground. Sometimes a couple of experiments are enough, and you are left in no doubt that this is one of the common minerals from the list in the next section. If your mineral does not fit any of the above descriptions, try consulting your region's mineral classifier. If you have done a lot of experiments, but have not been able to reduce the number of options to two or three, look on the Internet. Look at the photos of each mineral that looks like yours and look for all the possible tips on how to distinguish these minerals.

    • It is better to include at least one test that requires exposure to the mineral, such as a hardness test or a stroke test. Experiences that involve only consideration and description may turn out to be biased, since different people describe the same minerals in different ways.
  2. Study the shape and surface of the mineral. The set of forms of each mineral and the characteristic features of a group of minerals are called " general form". Geologists have many technical terms to describe these characteristics, but usually a general description is enough. For example, is your mineral bumpy, rough or smooth? Is it a mixture of rectangular crystals, or is your specimen bristling with sharp crystalline peaks?

    Take a closer look at how your mineral shines. Luster refers to the way a mineral reflects light, and although this is not a scientific test, it may be useful to describe. Most minerals have a "glassy" ("glossy") or metallic sheen. However, you can also describe gloss as "thick", "pearl" (whitish sheen), "matte" (dull, like unglazed ceramic), or any other definition you feel is accurate. .

    Pay attention to the color of the mineral. Most people do not see any difficulty in this, but, meanwhile, this experience may be useless. Small foreign inclusions can cause discoloration, which is why you can meet the same mineral. different colors. However, if the mineral has an unusual color, say purple, this can narrow your search considerably.

    • When describing minerals, avoid fancy color names like "salmon" or "puce". Try to get by with just red, black and green.
  3. Experiment with a stroke. This is a useful and easy test, as long as you have a piece of white unglazed porcelain. Perfect fit back side tiles from the bathroom or kitchen; maybe you can buy something suitable at the repair supply store. Having become the owner of the coveted piece of porcelain, just rub the mineral on the tile and see what color stroke it leaves. Often the color of the stroke will differ from the base color of the mineral.

    • Glaze gives porcelain and other types of ceramics a glassy (glossy) sheen.
    • Be aware that some minerals do not leave a streak, especially hard minerals (as they are harder than a streak plate).
  4. Assess the hardness of the material. To quickly determine the hardness of a material, geologists use the Mohs hardness scale, named after its creator. If the result fits the hardness factor "4", but does not reach "5", then the coefficient of your mineral is between "4" and "5", you can stop the experiment. Try scratching your mineral using the common items listed below (or the minerals from the hardness test kit); start at the bottom and if the test gave positive result, move up the scale to the top:

    • 1 -- Easy to scratch with fingernail, feel oily and soft (corresponds to stearite notch)
    • 2 -- Can be scratched with a fingernail (gypsum)
    • 3 -- Can be easily cut with a knife or nail, scratched with a coin (calcite, calcareous)
    • 4 -- Easy to scratch with a knife (fluorspar)
    • 5 -- Difficult to scratch with a knife, can be scratched with a piece of glass (apatite)
    • 6-- Can be scratched with a file, he, with effort, can scratch glass (orthoclase)
    • 7-- Can scratch file steel, easily scratches glass (quartz)
    • 8 -- Scratches quartz (topaz)
    • 9 -- Scratches almost anything, cuts glass (corundum)
    • 10 -- Scratches or cuts almost anything (diamond)
  5. Break the mineral and study what pieces it breaks into. Due to the fact that each mineral has a certain structure, then it must break up into parts in a certain way. If you observe more flat surfaces in faults of the same rock, then we are dealing with cleave. If there are no flat surfaces, but continuous chaotic bends and bulges are observed, then a fracture is present in the mineral.

    • The cleavage is described in more detail by the number of planes produced by the fracture (usually one to four); also takes into account the concept perfect(smooth) or imperfect(rough) surface.
    • Breaks are of several types. They are described as splintery ( fibrous), sharp and serrated ( hooked), bowl-shaped ( shelly, cochlear) or none of the above ( uneven).
  6. If you still have not identified your mineral, you can conduct additional experiments. There are many other tests available to geologists for classifying minerals. However, many are simply not useful for identifying the most common species, many requiring special equipment or hazardous materials. Here is a summary of a few experiences that may be necessary:

    Part 2

    Determination of the main minerals
    1. If you do not understand any of the following descriptions, please refer to the previous section. The descriptions below contain terms and figures from the traditional classification of minerals, such as shape, hardness, appearance scrapped, or other definitions. If you don't know exactly what they mean, refer to the previous section on experimenting.

      Crystalline minerals are most often represented by quartz. Quartz is extremely widespread. The bright brilliance and beautiful appearance of the crystal attract many collectors. On the Mohs scale, quartz has a hardness factor of 7, and if it is broken, you can see any kind of fracture, but never the flat surface characteristic of cleavage. It leaves no mark on white porcelain. Its luster is characterized as glassy.

      • '''Milky quartz is a translucent mineral, rose quartz is pink, and amethyst is purple.
    2. A solid glassy mineral without crystals can be another kind of quartz, flint or hornfels. Absolutely all quartz has a crystalline structure, however, some varieties, called "cryptocrystalline", consist of microscopic crystals that are not visible to the eye. If you have a mineral with a hardness factor of 7, with a fracture and with a glassy luster, then it is quite possible that this is a variety of quartz called flint. The most common flint is brown or gray.

      Banded minerals are usually chalcedony. Chalcedony is a mixture of quartz and another mineral, morganite. There are many beautiful varieties with stripes of different colors. Here are the two most common:

      • Onyx is a type of chalcedony with parallel stripes. Most often it is black or white color, but there are onyxes and other colors.
      • Agate has bands that are more curved or swirling, and agates come in all sorts of colors. Agate is formed from quartz, chalcedony or similar minerals.
    3. Check if your mineral matches the characteristics of feldspar. Feldspar is the second most widely distributed after all varieties of quartz. The hardness factor of this mineral is 6, it leaves a white streak; you can find feldspar of various colors and with different brilliance. When broken, it forms two flat cleavages, the smooth surfaces of which are almost at right angles to each other.

Jewelry with stones is very beautiful and, of course, expensive. But, unfortunately, many minerals used to decorate products have learned how to do it. How do you define original?

So how do you find out real stone or not? There are a great many minerals, and each of them has its own characteristic features by which the original can be distinguished. Each stone is worth dwelling on in more detail.


Because best friends girls are these stones, then most often they are in doubt. How to identify a diamond at home?

  • Diamonds are very hard. And to reveal such a sign, you can try to scratch the surface, for example, sandpaper. Not a single trace will remain on natural stone.
  • Drop the stone into the water. It will continue to shine if it is natural. But the fake will become almost invisible.
  • Examine the stone in the light, turning its face to you. If it is natural, then the back faces will reflect light like mirrors, so you will see only one luminous dot. A fake will transmit light well.
  • Try to breathe on the mineral. If this is the original, then there will be no perspiration.
  • A real diamond does not attract dust, unlike fakes.


Real rubies are very beautiful and have a number of specific properties that can be used to determine authenticity.

Methods for determining the naturalness of a ruby:

  • First of all, it is worth evaluating the color. It should not be too bright and saturated.
  • Due to the low thermal conductivity and heat capacity, the stone will seem cold, even if you hold it in the palm of your hand.
  • Examine the mineral through a magnifying glass. You may find microscopic bubbles and inclusions. But in color they should not differ from the stone itself. In fakes, they can be lighter or hollow.
  • Place the stone in a glass container. If the mineral is real, then it will become reddish.
  • If you put a ruby ​​in milk, it will acquire a pinkish tint.


Gemstones such as emeralds are considered among the rarest, so they are very expensive. And, of course, they are actively faked. But you can protect yourself from deception. Take a good look at the mineral, preferably through a magnifying glass. If you see parallel lines, then this indicates that the stone was created by nature itself and grew without human intervention. But the craft may have spirals or twisted veils.


Sapphire is incredibly beautiful, especially if it is natural. And how to distinguish the original from a fake? It is very difficult. hardness can be assessed. Scratches on such a mineral should not remain. When immersed in water, it will sink, as it is quite heavy.

In addition, the original may have intricate inclusions of irregular shapes. And yet fakes can have the same properties, so it is better to seek help from an experienced jeweler.


Pearls are also one of the most beloved stones of all women, so they are counterfeited very often and quite skillfully. But how not to let yourself be deceived?

  • Try to scratch the bead. If you see a clear scratch or, moreover, peeling paint, then you definitely have a fake in front of you. If the pearl is real, then the scratch will also remain. But swipe the surface with your finger and it will miraculously disappear.
  • You can try the stone on the tooth. If the pearl is real, it will creak a little, which is due to the fact that it consists of the smallest mother-of-pearl flakes.
  • If you put a bead in your mouth, you can taste the sea sand.


How to determine if a real topaz is in front of you?

  • If the stone is in the ring, then actively rub it with a woolen cloth. Put the pieces on the table paper napkin. Bring the product to them. If the stone is natural, then it will attract particles.
  • Feel the mineral. It is cool and also very smooth, one might say slippery.
  • Natural topaz cannot be perfectly pure, inclusions can be found in it.


Although such a stone is not considered very expensive, it is still very popular. And you can determine its authenticity in the following ways:

  • Try to set fire to the amber. If it is natural, then you will smell resin, but not melting plastic. If the mineral is immature, then on its surface will appear dark spot. If the stone is compressed, then it can become sticky.
  • Rub the mineral with wool. He must be electrified.
  • Amber will not sink in salt solution. To test this, dissolve 10 teaspoons of salt in a glass of water and dip the mineral into the mixture. If it floats on the surface, it is most likely natural.


Natural pomegranate cannot be too large; it does not exceed the size of the grains of the pomegranate fruit of the same name.

This mineral is magnetic. And to reveal it, use a cork, scales and a magnet. Put the cork on the bowl first, then the pomegranate. Bring a magnet to the stone. If the scale needle begins to fluctuate, then the mineral is real.


Real alexandrite has pleochroism, that is, it can change its color under different lighting conditions. A fake will have one permanent shade.


Real turquoise may have bumps, inclusions and pores. But there are no bubbles in it.


If you look at real aquamarine in the light, you can find blotches that resemble white chrysanthemums. In addition, this mineral can change color when viewed from different angles.

Moon rock

Although Moonstone considered semi-precious, it is also forged. You can identify the original by the play of thousands of colors in the light, as well as by the sparkles shimmering inside.

Be careful!

Gemstones play a big role in people's lives.

Sometimes it is not at all easy to figure out which of them are considered precious and which are semi-precious. Moreover, in different historical eras, different stones were evaluated differently and the evaluation criteria are also very different. Sometimes it refers to the hardness or rarity of the stone, sometimes its beauty.

Precious natural stones

Beryl variety. The name itself is translated as sea water, and was given for its blue color. The color depends on the amount of iron ions (there are green, blue, yellow, golden and even pink). From bright sunlight they lose their color, which is best seen under artificial lighting.

One of the hardest minerals (Ural chrysoberyl) has an amazing ability to change color under different lighting conditions. Color - from dark blue to emerald, which becomes red and purple under artificial lighting.

The king of stones, the diamond is the most expensive gemstone. It has a very high strength and refractive index of light. It can be both colorless and other colors. In jewelry, usually transparent is used (about 20% of the total, the remaining 80% - in industry). It becomes a diamond after cutting. His most spectacular ability is the crushing of light into bright sparks, scattering like a fan around the faceted middle.

Beryls are a huge class different stones, some of which have a separate name. In composition, it is a silicate of beryllium and aluminum, has completely different colors. The color depends on the impurities of magnesium, iron, manganese, etc. Varieties of beryl: emerald, aquamarine, heliodor, goshenite and many others. The most expensive variety in the world is the red biscuit.

The most ancient jewelry stone, known for more than 5 thousand years. The name comes from the Persian "firuza" (stone of happiness). Has a fickle chemical composition, the color depends on the amount of copper contained. In the process of aging, it has the ability to change color. The most valuable is blue turquoise, other shades (yellow-green or blue, but with black and brown streaks) are of lower gem quality.

This is a green variety of tourmaline, only green in color, which is determined by impurities of chromium and iron compounds. Due to the uneven distribution of impurities over the stone, a play of light is created. It is also called the "Brazilian emerald", because. mined in Brazil.

It is called "golden beryl". The most valuable are yellow-green, lemon, golden-yellow heliodors, as well as white and gray beryl. Sometimes they have an admixture of uranium and have weak radioactivity, therefore they cannot be worn on the body or kept in the house.

One of the most beautiful precious stones. A transparent red stone, the name of which comes from the fruit of the same name, the grains of which resemble dark red pomegranate crystals. The name was first used by the alchemist A. Magnus (13th century). This stone also includes many red stones: almandine (red and purple, crimson), andradite (yellow, green, red and brown), pyrope (dark red) and others.

Ural variety of chrysolite (grassy bright green, sparkling), one of the rare varieties of garnets. considered the most valuable jewelry stone in a row of garnets of different colors. The play of light on faceted specimens is not inferior to diamond, therefore it is also called "diamond-like".

The product of the vital activity of mollusks is of two types: sea and river. Natural pearls take 12 years to mature in a shell. One of the important properties is luster with a mother-of-pearl tint, one of the most popular jewelry stones.

Pearl colors: white, yellow, gold, pink, reddish brown, cream, silver, lead grey, blue and black. Pearls have a lifespan, fade over time and dry out, so its proper storage, or rather wearing, is of great importance. he has the ability to "get better" from contact with the human body.

A variety of beryl with a dense green transparent color (chromium color), a very rare and expensive stone. Known since the time ancient egypt and Babylon. It got its name from the Persian "zumrundi" (green). In jewelry, colors from light green to juicy emerald are used. The largest emerald found in Brazil weighed 7.5 kg.

Coral is an organogenic stone, the result of the vital activity of marine polyps.(live in colonies on coral reefs), consisting of calcite and aragonite, mined in large quantities. Jewelers usually use 2 types: red and black (akabar), the rarest type is blue (akori). It has been used for decoration since ancient times by the Sumerians, Greeks, and Egyptians.

Golden yellow with a blue tint, cloudy stone has the effect of "cat's eye", which is obtained by processing a cabochon - a silvery stripe of light appears, cutting the stone in half.

A variety of spodumene, lithium amethyst, owes its name to the mineralogist J. Kunz. The color is transparent, yellow, pink with purple hues. The disadvantage of it is the possibility of loss of color when worn and exposed to sunlight.

Opaque mountain mineral thick of blue color(sulfur anions). Soft and easy to handle. Natural is opaque and translucent (unlike its fakes). In ancient times, it was called sapphire, and the name "lapis lazuli" appeared only in the 18th century.

A variety of quartz, its main advantage is the emission of various rays under the influence of sunlight, causing a play of colors (opalescence). The most expensive are black opals, and unusual "harlequins" have a colorful mosaic pattern, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow.

Rauchquartz (smoky quartz)

A variety of crystalline quartz, the colors are gray, honey-brown, almost black, but always transparent. It is also called smoky rock crystal for its beauty and value. The most beautiful stones are golden brown with the effect of diverging star rays. Found crystals can weigh up to several tons.

Ruby (corundum)

The red stone, second in hardness after diamond, is why it is now more valued. It has many names (carbuncle, yahont, corundum). The value of the stones is expressed even in the fact that each stone has its own name, but after the discovery and production of artificial rubies (which almost do not differ in appearance), it lost its fame.

Corundum, which in Rus' was called "azure yakhont", is a transparent saturated blue color. Quite an expensive gem, the most famous and valuable specimens are mined in India (Kashmir sapphires). Sometimes they have an optical effect of asterism.

Topaz (imperial)

There are many colors and shades, the most valuable are yellow, pink, cherry, blue, on a bright sunlight burn out. There are colorless and multicolor topazes, with transitions between several colors, unevenly colored.

This is a green pomegranate. In translation, it means “golden stone” (Greek), earlier they called iberyls, and tourmalines, and some garnets. The color is golden green or golden yellow, rarely olive or pistachio.

Zirconium silicate, a mineral that has a variety of colors: brown shades, white, red, green, etc., which are determined by impurities. It has a strong luster, like diamonds, and several names: hyacinth, jargon, stalite, etc. The disadvantage is that it may have radioactive impurities.

"Stone of the Sun", although it can only be called a stone conditionally, because. is the resin of coniferous trees, frozen in prehistoric times. The age of the Baltic amber is 35 million years. Jewelers value, first of all, transparent specimens without bubbles and water. Color range from white to black, all shades of yellow-red (350 shades in total).

Semi-precious natural stones

A variety of chalcedony and quartz, it has an original patterned or layered color: transitions from yellow, orange to red, brown and black, as well as green shades. The pattern of stripes and layers often creates original paintings: patterns with forest plants are valued by the inhabitants of the East, they were given the name "moss agate"; with a tree-like pattern - dendrites, as well as cloudy, landscape, iridescent and fiery, frosty and black.

Variety of quartz, color - from lilac to dark purple shades, colorless specimens are also found in nature. Coloring is always uneven and can change from lighting or heating.

This stone is very similar to jade(previously they were even called by the same name "jade"). It has a green color, but there are also white, pink, blue and purple stones. It is very popular in China, where vases, jewelry, amulets, etc. have been made from it for many centuries.

One of the most common minerals, very hard. Varieties of quartz are divided into: rock crystal, smoky quartz, amethyst, chalcedony, citrine, rose quartz, carnelian, heliotrope, agate, onyx, cat eye, tiger eye, hairy and many others.

A mineral from the group of spars. Jewelry uses transparent blue and yellow stones, the most valuable - adularia - transparent white with a silver-blue mother-of-pearl overflow. A characteristic sign of naturalness is the phenomenon of adularization (during rotation, sparkle, flash, when light is reflected in the inner layers). Spars with a star pattern are rare.

A hard stone of dark green color, sometimes grassy green with an oily and waxy sheen, the color is very persistent. Since ancient times it has been used (especially in the East) for the manufacture of religious jewelry and household items. Varieties: red (very rare and expensive), gray-blue, rich green, dark green, etc. In China, it is called the "stone of tranquility."

Extracted from the inner layer of pearl shells of tropical seas(Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Pacific Islands). Colors - from white to black, iridescent tint is characteristic. It has long been used as an inexpensive material for inlaid jewelry, buttons and cufflinks.

Translucent chalcedony of green colors and shades, the deeper the color and the greater the transparency, the more expensive. It is a close relative of agate and carnelian. In bright light it can fade, then it is wrapped in a wet cloth for a while, and the color is restored.

Colorless, highly transparent quartz in the form of crystals, after polishing it shines beautifully, because of which it was previously believed that it radiated cosmic energy. Not only jewelry was made, but also dishes and goblets.

Citrine (golden topaz)

The original variety of transparent quartz yellow-lemon color(citrine is Latin for "lemon").

Ornamental natural stones

Belongs to the group of feldspars, it necessarily has inclusions of mica flakes, hematite, goethite, native copper. Therefore, it has a golden tint with sparks and brilliance.

Black stone of organic origin, it is sometimes called "black amber", because. its appearance is also associated with coniferous trees. It has long been used for making rosaries, beads and amulets (among Buddhists and Muslims).

Dark green opaque chalcedony. Formerly called "blood jasper" due to inclusions and red spots. According to some beliefs, this is the “blood of Christ”, now amulets and charms are made from it.

One of the most beautiful minerals in Russia was mined in the Urals and was previously considered a precious stone. However, now its deposits are almost exhausted. Shades range from turquoise, emerald green to black-green. Many myths and legends are associated with it. It has a different texture: ribbon, concentric, radiant.

Glass of volcanic origin in various shades, usually dark colors (black, gray, green with tints). Also called bottle stone or snow (gray-white color with black patches).

A semi-transparent cryptocrystalline variety of gray quartz, characterized by secretions (veinlets, crusts, different shapes and etc.). By color, chalcedony was divided into groups: ordinary (gray, bluish-gray); carnelian (yellow, red-orange); sardines (red to brown); agates; onyxes; jasper, etc.

It is called the "Lilac Miracle of Siberia" - a unique stone, mined only in Siberia, has a unique color - overflows from lilac to purple hues on black. For its original beauty, it is called the twin of amethyst.

This is chalcedony with impurities, forming whole class stones, each with its own name. There is agate jasper, black, prase (green), bloody (heliotrope), etc.

Magical talismans and amulets were used in antiquity, and their relevance remains in our time, many stones can not only decorate the owner’s necklace or ring, but also become for him a faithful companion and a talisman that protects from diseases or the evil eye.

But there are several rules, thanks to which you can choose exactly your stone, because when choosing the “wrong” Magic force may simply not work. For example, the most reliable is a talisman given to a person from pure heart. If you entered the shop with natural stones and bought the one that you liked only outwardly, then it is unlikely that it will be useful, because the stone must be chosen intuitively, without using visual evaluation. The easiest method is to hold the mineral in the palm of your hand and just listen to your inner voice, which will give you right advice. In order for the stone to become truly “yours”, you need to accept it only with positive emotions.

You can also choose a stone according to the time of birth, for example, stones of warm and red shades are suitable for summer people, while cold tones should be paid attention to winter people. But it is believed that the most effective way it is considered a comparison of one or another stone with the sign of the zodiac.

How to recognize your stone - Aries

Aries is the most fire sign. People born in March-April are endowed with activity and determination to make even difficult decisions. They are also complex in character and like to argue even when they are wrong.
Rubies, sapphires, amethysts and diamonds are perfect for Aries. Ruby will help you become respected person in society, and a diamond will help smooth out harsh character traits. Sapphire should be chosen by Aries, who work in the intellectual field, and amethyst will help win any business.

How to recognize your stone - Taurus

Taurus is a leisurely and able-bodied sign. An emerald will be an ideal amulet for Taurus, this stone will dilute everyday life and bring a feeling of happiness and joy. Turquoise and sapphire are also suitable as a talisman.

How to recognize your stone - Gemini

Gemini is inquisitive and witty, agate is perfect for this zodiac sign, which will give the owner good intuition and help convince people. Chrysoprase will get rid of a bad mood, and beryl will help you find true love.

How to recognize your stone - Cancer

Cancer is a mysterious and sensitive sign, which is suitable for such stones as the moon and emerald. The moonstone will be an excellent ally to the sign, which is patronized by the moon and will help to avoid adversity and difficulties, and the emerald will relieve depression.

How to recognize your stone - Leo

Leo is a bright and independent sign of the zodiac, which suits amber, alexandrite, ruby, topaz, and also chrysolite. Chrysolite will help restore peace of mind, and the ruby ​​will help people in power.

How to recognize your stone Virgo

Virgo is a picky and hardworking sign. For Virgo, carnelian, jasper, olivine, jade will be excellent companions. The last stone is recommended for people involved in sports - it will help to avoid injuries, and carnelian will help to avoid betrayal by loved ones. Jasper will help to attract health and money.

How to recognize your stone - Libra

Libra is a harmonious and artistic sign. People born between September 24th and October 23rd are best suited for stones such as diamond, lapis lazuli, aquamarine and opal. Beryl and diamond will bring success in business and work, while lapis lazuli will make the owner more harmonious and calmer, and opal will make the owner lucky.

How to recognize your stone - Scorpio

Scorpio is a mysterious and emotional sign. For Scorpios, amulets with the following stones will become excellent allies: corals, topazes, aquamarines and garnets. Coral will protect against bad mood and negative impact. Aquamarine will help you become luckier, and you can raise capital with the help of a pomegranate.

How to recognize your stone - Sagittarius

Sagittarius is optimistic and freedom-loving, the best stones for this zodiac sign will be sapphire, turquoise, amethyst and chrysolite. Turquoise will help to find family happiness, as well as provide career growth, and chrysolite will help strengthen immunity and protect against nightmares in a dream.

How to recognize your stone - Capricorn

Capricorn is a reliable and patient zodiac sign. Capricorn stones are ruby, garnet, onyx, malachite, opal. If Capricorn is not enough vital energy, then opal will come to the rescue, while onyx will endow the owner with excellent insight and wisdom in all matters.

How to recognize your stone - Aquarius

Aquarius is friendly and outgoing. The following stones are suitable for Aquarius: garnet, amethyst, zircon and sapphire. Pomegranate will help restore harmony in the family and in relationships with a loved one, as well as help restore health. Zircon will help improve memory, and sapphire will help attract money.

How to recognize your stone - Pisces

Pisces is an impressionable and changeable sign. For fish, stones such as amethyst, pearls, chrysolite and jasper will be excellent helpers. Pearls will bring stability in love to fish, and amethyst will protect them from bad habits. Jasper will become a guardian from poverty, shame and depression.

Choosing your stone is not difficult, the main thing is to follow your heart, listen to your inner voice. If you think that without this or that stone you simply cannot imagine your life - then it is truly yours!

Classification of gems. Varieties of gemstones by color. How to identify a real stone among the many fakes, imitations and hacks?

Today, jewelry professionals have a much harder time than their predecessors. If a few decades ago a genuine gem could be easily distinguished from a fake even visually, then in the world modern technologies and progress to make it by eye is almost impossible.

In addition to the well-known hacks made of glass, imitators of expensive stones from cheaper minerals, on the market jewelry today a new product has appeared - a stone grown in laboratory conditions. Such a creation of human hands visually looks no worse than a mineral created by nature for many decades, but it costs several times cheaper. How to distinguish a genuine natural stone from a fake or fake stone? Which precious minerals exist at all?

What stones, gems and minerals are precious precious stones: classification of precious stones

  • It will be quite difficult for a beginner to understand the complex classifications of precious stones. The fact is that today there are quite a lot of them: Sobolevsky, Kluge, Kievlenko, Gyurich, Bauer-Fersman, etc.
  • In order not to dwell specifically on each of the classifications, we will try to make one, generalizing, excluding facing stones from it:
  • The first category of stones is gems (the most expensive, valuable stones). This category of minerals includes diamond (brilliant), ruby, emerald, sapphire, alexandrite, etc.
  • The second category of stones is semi-precious stones (more common, but no less valuable). A similar category of minerals is made up of: amethyst, aquamarine, almadine, apatite, garnet, rock crystal, opal, quartz, topaz, tourmaline, zircon, chrysolite, etc.
  • The third category is jewelry and ornamental stones. These include: agate, turquoise, amber, cat's eye, moonstone, lapis lazuli, malachite, jasper, tiger's eye.
  • Some classifications group stones into similar categories, however, they also subdivide minerals into classes. The class testifies to the strength of the stone, its high cost and beauty.

Black gems: name, description, photo

In nature, there are so many minerals that stand out for their black color. Some of them are so rare that it is almost impossible to find any information about them. In many cases, the name "black" stone can be considered relative, since in fact the mineral has a lighter or non-uniform color. Here are the most common black stones in the jewelry industry:


Black diamond or carbonado

Black Diamond is the greatest rarity and value in jewelry. However, it is worth noting that it never reaches jewelry, since its cutting and processing is very difficult - it can only be done using the same stone. Only a handful of such stones appear in the jewelry annals, the most expensive of which was estimated at 1.7 million dollars. The other two became known as the "Black Star of Africa" ​​and "Korloff Noir".

True black sapphire does not exist in nature. Almost all black sapphires are the work of scientists. They are obtained by processing blue sapphires. Those few black sapphires that are of natural origin can hardly be called black, since their color is closer to the color of the sky at night. The most famous black sapphire is the Black Star of Queensland, worth $100 million.

It is also difficult to consider this kind of pearl as truly black, since its darkness is softened by the nacre of the pearl. However, the cost of such a curiosity to this day remains quite high. The rarest specimens of black pearls are collected in Tahiti in the corresponding museum.

This variety of opal is considered one of the most expensive and valuable breeds. Most often, this mineral is found in deposits located in the least developed countries of the world, which causes numerous human losses during its extraction.

Black spinel is one of the most inexpensive types of black gemstones. Its cheapness is easily explained by the fragility of the stone and the complexity of its processing. Most often, spinel is used in needlework or jewelry in the form of cabochons.

Semiprecious stones

Black quartz or morion is the only representative of black semi-precious stones. This mineral is most often used in jewelry today. Externally, it has an opaque or barely transparent surface.

Jewelry and ornamental stones

In fact, black agate does not exist in nature. You can find only minerals of a dark coal color. Saturated black color can be achieved only with the help of technological processing of this stone.

Other representatives of black jewelry and ornamental stones are: black onyx, obsidian, black jasper or jet, hematite, argillite and hypersthene.

White gems: name, description, photo

White or naturally transparent minerals are considered the most expensive and valuable stones in jewelry. White gemstones include:

Diamond or diamond

It is a transparent diamond or its already faceted part (brilliant) that first comes to mind to any person (especially women) at the mention of white gems. Indeed, this mineral is considered one of the most sought after. His high price is easily explained by the few deposits of this mineral in the earth. At the same time, only a small fraction of all mined diamonds is suitable for cutting.

transparent spinel

Unlike its black counterpart, white spinel is a rather expensive stone, characterized by high strength. Impeccable purity and the absence of any impurities in this mineral makes it even more valuable. White spinel is most often used in luxury jewelry.

colorless topaz

With the naked eye, this mineral is easily confused with diamond. However, upon closer inspection, differences can be found. In jewelry, it is customary to frame colorless topaz in noble white metals - gold, platinum.

Goshenite or colorless beryl

Goshenite is also very similar in appearance to diamond, but its radiance can rather be called more chilling, restrained.


White pearls have always managed to captivate the fair sex with their warmth and tenderness. Oddly enough, but in nature, pearls rarely have a round shape (such representatives are highly valued) - more often they are oblong, uneven. Pearls have one more feature - the lifespan. If ordinary minerals delight the eye with their beauty forever, then the pearl can “go out” at any moment. The life expectancy of this mineral does not exceed 300 years.

Achroite or white tourmaline

Such a breed is very rare, since its deposits are located only at one point on the map. In the form of jewelry, achroite is quite rare. Such a pleasure can be ordered only in a few jewelry workshops in the world.

Semi-precious white stones include: white agate, rock crystal and white opal.

Jewelry and ornamental stones can boast of the presence in their list of such white minerals as milk coral, white jasper, moonstone, white-green jade.

Blue gems: name, description, photo

Blue or cornflower blue sapphire

Only an experienced specialist will be able to distinguish these two types of mineral by eye. Blue sapphire is valued slightly lower than cornflower blue, but it is still considered a precious stone. As for the cornflower blue sapphire, in ancient times it was used only for inlaid royal outfits and jewelry.


Topaz is most often found in blue, but in nature it can also be found in other colors - yellow, green, orange, etc. Topaz is not a very expensive mineral. Most often it is framed in white precious metals - platinum, White gold. Such metals, as it were, emphasize its gentle radiance.

Already from the very name of the mineral, its origin and associations associated with it become clear. The marine color of this stone helps jewelers create masterpiece blue jewelry. Aquamarine lovers should pay attention to the fact that this mineral is quite fragile - the impact chemicals, mechanical damage and heat treatment adversely affect its condition.

This color of the stone is extremely rare, which causes quite high price on him. In a framed form, it can only be found in the exclusive creations of jewelers, which are often kept in private collections and cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Blue semi-precious stones include: zircon, chalcedony.
ornamental blue stones turquoise, apatite, bezoar, amazonite are considered.

Blue gems: name, description, photo



Lapis lazuli is a gemstone that is most commonly set in yellow gold. It is believed that this mineral has strong healing and protective properties.

Turquoise can be attributed to semi-precious stones of blue color, the color scheme of which has dozens of shades of blue, green and blue.

Red gems: name, description, photo

Perhaps, at the mention of red gems, a ruby ​​immediately comes to mind for every person. This stunningly beautiful mineral is widely used in jewelry. It is framed in various kinds of precious metals - gold, platinum, silver. A gem encrusted with ruby ​​can be quite expensive - everything will depend on the metal, as well as the amount and size of the minerals. The ruby ​​has long been credited with many magical and healing qualities. This stone has always been associated with love, passion and desire.

Semi-precious red stones include garnet, zircon, carnelian, coral.

Pomegranate, carbuncle or pyrope

In the myths of various ancient states, mentions of this mineral were very common. It was believed that the pomegranate was able to heal many ailments, block the action of poison and poison.

As for ornamental stones, the most famous representative of them in red colors is jasper.

Pink gems: name, description, photo

Until recently, this pale pink gemstone was not singled out as a separate subgroup - it was simply considered one of the varieties of amethyst. However, thanks to the work of the American Kunz (whose name it was named), this mineral, based on its composition, which is different from amethyst, was nevertheless recognized as a completely different stone.

In the early 90s, the attention of the entire public was riveted to kunzite. He owed such popularity to the Kennedy family. The fact is that on the eve of his tragic death, the American president bought Jacqueline a ring encrusted with kunzite. But John was never destined to give a present to his beloved wife - a month before the celebration he was shot dead.

Morganite or pink beryl

Morganite (in Russia, vorobevite) is a rather rare mineral. Most often, they are decorated with products in a company with diamonds.

Rubellite or pink tourmaline

Rubellite is a fairly inexpensive, but no less beautiful gemstone. Its resemblance to a ruby ​​in ancient times played into the hands of scammers. It was with this mineral that more expensive rubies were faked.

Pink semi-precious stones include quartz, agate, corundum.
As for ornamental stones, pink color nature often colors jasper, coral, rhodochrosite and rhodonite.

Green gems: name, description, photo

Naturally, the most famous green gemstone is the emerald. Few people know that in its original appearance this mineral can hardly be called beautiful - only after high-quality cutting can one recognize the king of green stones in it. Emeralds are most often framed in yellow metals. In white version, they can only be found in the company with white gold and platinum. The price of emeralds is sometimes simply fabulous - from $ 300 per carat.

Demantoid or green garnet

The high refractive index of the sun's rays of the demantoid raises it to the level of the most regal stone - diamond. Most often, green garnet is confused with emerald, although its color, unlike the latter, is closer to the color of grass. For one carat of this gemstone, you will have to pay from $100 to $1000.

Burgundy gems How to distinguish a real gem from a fake?

It will not be difficult for a jeweler or a high-class appraiser to identify the authenticity of a stone with the help of special tools and instruments. As for the inexperienced layman, it will be very difficult for him to distinguish a real stone from a fake. In such cases, professionals recommend using the following techniques:

  1. Natural stone is usually much stronger than a glass or plastic fake. If you run a sharp object over it, then there should not be a trace on it. In this case, a scratch may form on a fake. But this method is relevant only when it is necessary to distinguish a hack from a real stone - if a natural, but less expensive mineral is involved in a product instead of a top-level gem, then there is no point in conducting such an experiment.
  2. Natural stones have a cold touch. If you put a stone on your tongue or put it on your cheek, then it will remain cold for a long time. If glass or plastic is used in the product, the stone will heat up quickly enough.
  3. Natural stones grown in the bowels of the earth are rarely large, but artificial minerals created in laboratories can reach more impressive sizes.
  4. The color of natural stone is rarely very rich, bright. At the same time, creating a hack of any color and shade is quite simple.
  5. You should not count on the fact that a natural stone will cost a penny - the price per carat of a precious mineral can reach thousands and hundreds of dollars.
  6. When buying a product with natural stones, you can ask the seller to provide a certificate of authenticity of the stones.

In fact, all precious minerals have completely different chemical and physical properties. Therefore, the identification of each of them must be approached individually.

Gems: Video

How to distinguish a gem from a natural one: Video