Is topaz suitable? Physical and magical properties of topaz for zodiac signs. The healing properties of topaz

A wonderful representative of elegance and sophistication among the floor precious stones is a topaz stone. This material was used by all prominent royal families of Rus'. And for good reason: it's amazing appearance and known mystical properties.

History and origin

Items containing topaz stone were found during excavations at sites of primitive settlements. As civilization developed, the stone began to be used to decorate the accessories of noble ladies and the hats of kings. For example, one of the famous items in history was the decoration of Ivan the Terrible’s hat.

Stories about the origin of the name of this beautiful stone:

  1. There is an assumption that the name comes from the word “tapaz” (“fire”) in honor of the color of one of the varieties of this stone. There are topazes saturated with multi-colored tints of golden-orange tones. They are usually called fiery for their stunning radiance.
  2. There is also a mention of the golden stone in the ancient treatises of the ancient Roman historian Pliny the Elder. He names the stone topaz after the island of Topazion where the resource was mined. Later, researchers came to the conclusion that at that time in Rome all stones of bright gold color were called topaz.

Now topaz is widely used in jewelry to produce luxurious and quite expensive jewelry.

Physical properties

  • The color of the stones may vary depending on the location of extraction and the proximity of the resource to the sun. In the sun, the jewel loses its rich color, gradually fades and becomes transparent. Because of this property, those stones that are mined closer to the surface and from open areas often have a transparent color. Among other colors you can find shades of gold, blue, and almost all colors of the red range (orange, pink, brown). Some specimens may have a colorful iridescence of several shades. Wine-yellow and blue tints are often combined in one stone. The color of the stones is clean and clear, without hazy or smoky colors.
  • Topazes usually have a large number of edges, thanks to which shades play deeply in the light.
  • Most quarried stones naturally have a flat bottom due to their structure.
  • The stone becomes electrified due to friction and a sharp increase in temperature. The electrification process can cause slight tingling sensations on the owner's skin.

Place of Birth

The most beautiful stones in Russia are mined in the Urals in the Ilmen Mountains. This is where amazing specimens of blue and transparent flowers are hidden. The largest representatives found in Ilmen weighed up to 30 kg. In general, the Urals are saturated with topazes: various stones of this type are found here quite often.

Topaz mining also occurs in India, Japan, Pakistan, Australia and Sri Lanka. Central Europe is not at all rich in topaz, however, these stones are also mined here. A specimen weighing more than 5 tons was found in Brazil. Stone mining is still carried out on a fairly large scale.

The healing properties of topaz

Topaz stone was considered healing back in the Middle Ages: it was widely used as a cure for the plague, and it was also used to treat many simpler diseases, such as low vision. There is no exact scientific confirmation of the healing properties, however, beneficial effects on the body are still attributed to topaz. It is believed that he:

  • Improves the natural organic rhythms of the body, thereby increasing the quality of sleep. It is useful to wear a stone for insomnia and in case of frequent sudden awakenings at night.
  • Improves the condition of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, and relieves headaches.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Improves metabolism, slows down aging, increases cell renewal.
  • Increases resistance to stress.
  • Reduces the risk of epileptic seizures.

Despite the direct lack of scientific evidence, many people buy topazes as a complement to traditional remedies.

The magical properties of topaz

In the Middle Ages, topaz was associated with many beliefs. Some consider them superstitions, and some consider them to be the real qualities of the stone, but most beliefs have persisted for centuries and are still used today. The properties of topaz stones include the following:

  • Powerful protective properties: the topaz stone protected the soul from mobs and evil, making it a popular remedy against the evil eye and damage.
  • Revealing Secrets: The owner of topaz is believed to reveal any conspiracies that are being plotted against him and secrets that pertain to him.
  • Reveals hormonal strength: men increase sexual stamina, women reveal beauty and seductiveness.
  • Strengthens immunity and psychological endurance. The owner becomes more stress-resistant and calm.
  • Gives joy to life, moderates ardor and intemperance, the owner becomes able to easily enjoy what is happening.

If a product with topaz also contains other stones, its properties are enhanced many times over.

Talismans and amulets

Medicinal and magical properties make topaz one of the most popular gemstones. Useful features are complemented by its natural beauty and high quality cut.

The characteristics of topaz are best revealed when encased in gold and combined with other stones of similar characteristics. The ideal talisman is a gold ring on the index finger of the right hand. Rings on other fingers will also be a good way to convey the properties of the stone. Pendants and bracelets are great pieces for combining stones.

Topaz colors

Among the many colors of topaz are:

This type is a particularly durable stone. Blue topaz has a rich range of shades. Available shades include: London Blue, Sky Blue, Swiss Blue. Each tone emphasizes the skin tone in a special way and is combined with other things. Blue shades can be natural, when the color depends on the structure of the overall structure of the stone, or artificial, when the color is created by firing. Brightly colored topazes are usually the result of artificial processing and are rarely found in nature.

The yellow color is expressed in topaz in a wide range: there are elegant golden specimens, amber shades and even rich brownish colors. The exact shade of the stone depends on the natural structure of the stone. It was this type of color that gave topaz the glory of a “fire” stone. There is a legend that the name “tapaz” meant “fiery” and came precisely from the atmosphere of the yellow variety of stone. Golden topazes were considered gifts for sultans and kings. There are often stones where the yellow color naturally fades into blue. Such specimens are especially valuable due to their rich range.

This rare color of topaz symbolizes the tenderness of relationships, devotion and purity between a man and a woman. The pink variety fades especially badly in the sun: the color may fade within a week, so it is better to wear the stone for evening events. The sun's rays can cause pink topaz to lose its color completely. An even rarer subspecies is red topaz. Intense red stones cannot be faked; no amount of heating will make the stone turn red but remain transparent, which is why they are particularly valuable.

Green topaz usually has a soft, juicy, deep tint. This color does not include bright tones. Thanks to the elegance of the shades, green specimens look sophisticated and are ideal for evening decorations. The naturalness of a stone is determined by the purity of its color: the presence of smoky notes and cloudiness indicates artificial processing. Artificial processing reduces the value of the specimen.

Topazes of this tone are considered a more affordable alternative. It is distinguished by the presence of most of the advantages characteristic of a diamond: a large number of facets, deep tints of color, depth and purity. White topaz is mined in mountainous areas; it is located closer to the surface and, thanks to the sun's rays, is completely cleared of color, becoming transparent.

How to distinguish a fake?

Stones of rich, bright colors are often counterfeited, since they are rarer and more expensive. Stones of light, pale tones are found quite often in nature, which is why they are cheaper and less likely to be counterfeited.

You can distinguish a fake using the following principles:

  • Real specimens are hard. The material can be checked: if topaz scratches quartz, then the stone is real.
  • The material should be easily electrified: rub the product on a woolen fabric, if after this action hair sticks to it, then the product is genuine.
  • Individual copies can be checked with a solution of methylene iodide: counterfeits float in it, but quality goods sink.
  • Real stones take a long time to heat up and are difficult to heat up. Warm the product with the warmth of your palms: if the pebble remains cool for a long time, then most likely it is a real product.

Of course, a perfectly accurate assessment can only be obtained from a specialist, and all of the above methods are more suitable for a preliminary assessment of the product.

Caring for products with topaz

In order for jewelry to remain bright and attractive, it is important to properly care for them, as well as be careful when using the products directly:

  • Remove jewelry when doing household chores: household chemical particles can damage the stone. In addition, the structure of the stone is easily chipped: one unsuccessful but precise blow can break the stone along the cleavage line.
  • Try to put on jewelry after you have chosen an outfit, done your hair and applied makeup: regular contact with cosmetics can cause the item to tarnish.
  • Try to put on and wear jewelry in the evening, and in the daytime, hide it from the sun, otherwise the stones may quickly fade or become completely discolored.

It is important to lightly clean your jewelry regularly. To do this, dilute a little soap in warm water or detergent, the stones are soaked in a soapy solution for about 20 minutes. After this, the jewelry can be easily cleaned with a regular soft toothbrush, dried and put back in place.

Storing jewelry also has its own peculiarities: it is better to place jewelry separately from each other and wrap it in soft cloths to avoid damage.

Topaz and zodiac signs

Jewelry with stones different colors are associated with various beliefs, they are differently combined with certain character qualities, strengthen or weaken certain traits. Based on this, astrologers recommend the following arrangement and combinations:

  • Blue varieties are ideal for Taurus, Libra and Cancer. Cancers are better off choosing models that are more saturated in color. These stones will enhance the mind and the ability to make informed decisions, which is beneficial for these signs.
  • For Sagittarius, the ideal talisman would be a colorful necklace with rich inclusions of blue topaz. It will moderate their natural temper.
  • Reddish-pink stones are perfect for Aquarius and Leo. They will enhance natural sensuality, however, they will remove excessive aggressiveness from it.
  • Any color suits Pisces.
  • Geminis need to choose transparent and yellow specimens. They will clear your mind and unleash your creativity.
  • Aries and Virgo will love gold and lilac colors. They will balance their natural weaknesses and strengthen their strengths.
  • It is appropriate for Capricorns to wear marvelous green and transparent pieces.

Topaz – stone of wisdom and balance

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Topaz is known for its beauty; the name of this stone is familiar to almost every person. What secrets does the mineral hide and why is it considered valuable?

Topaz and its history

The origin of the name of this mineral still remains unclear. According to one version, the stone is named after the Greek island near which it was discovered by shipwrecked sailors. Another theory is that the name comes from a Sanskrit word meaning fire and heat, from this information it can be understood that topazes in the area where they were discovered had a golden-orange color.

Topaz has been valued by people since ancient times. Archaeologists have discovered ritual objects made from topaz, as well as various jewelry. It is known that this stone was highly valued during the Renaissance and was very popular in Rus', where people knew it under the name “heavy weight”, which the mineral received due to its high density.

In addition, some topazes can be found in museums. These are huge crystals that were found in the bowels of the earth. The smallest - 10 kg, is kept in the St. Petersburg Museum, and the largest - 117 kg - was discovered in Ukraine. Stones of unusual size have also been found in Brazil; museums in the country hold samples weighing 31.8 and 50.4 kg.

Types and colors of topaz

Mineral deposits

How to detect a fake?

Topaz is popular and has high cost, therefore, it is not surprising that scammers counterfeit this stone in an effort to make more money. In order not to fall for tricks, you need to be able to distinguish a natural stone from fakes.

  1. A very simple way to help recognize an imitation is to rub a stone on a woolen cloth. If it becomes electrified and paper begins to stick to it, it means that you have real topaz in front of you.
  2. A natural mineral has high hardness and can scratch quartz or crystal, but a fake one does not have such properties.
  3. Natural stones remain cold for a long time, so if the mineral immediately warms up in your hands, then most likely it is a fake.
  4. It is worth noting that topaz light shades They are counterfeited much less often - they are not that rare.
  5. If you have a solution of methylene iodide, you can lower the topaz into it - the real one will end up at the bottom of the vessel, and the artificial one will remain floating on the surface.
  6. Natural samples, as a rule, have minor defects and cracks, while artificial imitation has perfect smoothness.
  7. You should also be wary of the too bright and saturated color of the topaz. There are no poisonous stones in nature; real minerals have calm, gentle tones, so excessive brightness is a sign of a fake.

Topaz stone and its magical properties

Medicinal properties

Topaz is mentioned in ancient medical treatises; it was popular among healers of that time.

  • Topaz was believed to help cope with poisoning.
  • The stone can heal nervous system disorders, help cope with psychological problems, relieve insomnia, fears, worries and depression.
  • The effect of the stone has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and spleen.
  • Topaz helps strengthen the immune system during periods of exacerbation of colds.
  • Wearing topaz restores lost appetite, so the stone is recommended for those who want to gain weight, but for those losing weight, on the contrary, it is better to use topaz with caution.
  • Blue topazes help avoid the possibility of Graves' disease.
  • Yellow stones can help cope with respiratory diseases, asthma and bronchitis. Also, the yellow mineral has a good effect on women's health, helping to restore erratic cycles, get rid of problems with the uterus and conceive a child. A transparent stone can help for the same purposes.
  • In India, topaz is one of the 12 main stones with the strongest medicinal properties and is used in Ayurvedic practices.

Talismans and amulets

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Sapphire - properties of the stone

In ancient times, it was believed that topaz stones could not be found during the daytime. And only when day gave way to night, the reflections of topazes were visible from afar. Stone seekers marked “shining places” with cobblestones or tree branches, and when dawn came, they went in search of valuable prey. These minerals have long been known to people; they are even mentioned in the Bible, when the breastplate of the High Priest Aaron was decorated with this stone. They have a number of properties and are endowed with magical power. The variety of topaz is also large. Let's find out more about all this.

Description of the stone

What didn't we know about minerals? These minerals are fluorinated aluminum silicates (simple formula), if you look at the stones through the eyes of chemists. Some believe that the topaz stone acquired its name in honor of the Red Sea island - Topozos, now St. John's. And some argue that the name, description and meaning of the topaz stone comes from “the topas” - heat, fire (translated from Sanskrit). And in ancient India, all yellow rocks were called “ta grooves”. The Swiss attribute the following words to marvelous stones: swiss, payx.

To find and clean a nugget, a number of technologies are used in special conditions. The hydrothermal sluice makes it possible to obtain and test unique types of nuggets with beautiful transparent colors. There is also a synthetic mineral. It is not easy for the average person to distinguish the latter from the former. This stone is often called a powerful technique that is capable of processing hard rocks, for example Topaz variety 103m1. The most famous plant for the production of topaz is considered to be KYuF (Factory in Kostroma, founded in 1992 by two jewelers). There are factories for the production of artificial mineral, the names of which may be different, but in essence they are all fakes.

What properties does topaz have, who is the magic topaz stone suitable for, what types there are and how to use it - we will see further.


What shade is relevant for the mineral and what could be its cut? Topaz nuggets are mostly characterized by a bluish color. However, stones often have pink, yellow and even golden hues. Minerals come in a rainbow of color tones. White topaz (colorless) is as rare as red topaz. But there are stone colors that cover almost the entire standard color spectrum. These minerals also exist in nature.” cat eye” - yellow or colorless rocks with opalescence. These polychrome minerals look impressive, in which the first half of the stone is cherry (wine) color, and the second is dark blue. Impurities of chromium, iron and titanium determine the color of topaz, semi-precious stone. They have a very high density, which is why stone cutters often call the minerals heavyweights. Topaz or heavyweight, is a precious topaz stone that is always in demand and looks unbeatable.

Due to high-temperature work on the mineral, the brown topaz stone acquires pink color. It is worth saying that processing a stone to obtain saturated topazes dark blue with green, saturated or transparent color (colorless), it is not so simple. The most unique remains the orange-red stone specimen. These blue minerals are not that expensive. Colorless, these minerals, like any other, (they cannot be compared with transparent diamonds) do not have much value. Green topaz is quite rare and is called a collection stone.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

What stone does not have its own energetic force? The magical properties of the topaz stone can help some people in something, but on the contrary, hinder others. The same goes for topaz. If you decide to wear this magical stone (green, blue, pink, golden and any other), then you should know its energy characteristics and compatibility with different signs zodiac

Astrology believes that the mystical topaz is the November birthstone. That's why it suits Scorpios most of all. Who else can appreciate the magic of a stone better than this sign. Modern psychics think so, and ancient oracles believed so. Moreover, wearing natural topaz for Scorpio is an important necessity, the main thing is to avoid fakes. This sign is a follower of extremes and therefore often needs to restore energy balance. And the mystical topaz (November stone) is Scorpio’s first assistant in this. This is especially true for young Scorpios, who often lack prudence and life experience, and who want to cleanse their soul and body. The miraculous power of the gem helps such individuals gain wisdom. At this time given natural mineral can help make peace with people, establish useful contacts for Scorpio and be calmer and more balanced. In stressful situations, the magical topaz stone helps almost all zodiac signs to pull themselves together. The influence of topaz on other zodiac signs is easy to notice. The mineral guides Sagittarius or Leo on the right path. Virgos will gain new knowledge using varieties and stones, and will understand what the depth of being means. But all this magic does not apply to artificial minerals, the names of which may be different.

Who is blue topaz suitable for?

All zodiac signs perceive in their own way mystical stone. Who is suitable for a valuable natural mineral? Let’s find out.

When choosing natural topaz according to your zodiac sign, you must also take into account the color of the stone. The shade should suit you externally and please your soul. As for Scorpios, lilac and blue rare gems are more suitable for them. They will teach you not only to calm your emotions, but also to understand the world and people around you. This is important for young and middle-aged Scorpios. The November zodiac sign and the magical properties of topaz are very interconnected. Scorpio women get irresistibility from the mineral. Men receive strength and prudence from the stone.

The strangest thing is that topaz stone gets along with absolutely all zodiac signs whose names you know and helps everyone who uses topaz. Libra and Pisces also receive maximum knowledge and energy from topaz. The mineral will help you believe in yourself. This is especially true for scales, the forces of which need to be balanced and directed in the right direction. But it is worth noting Taurus as a sign completely opposite to Scorpio. Taurus is not recommended to wear jewelry made from these gems (except white topaz), it will not protect them. Opal or corundum is more suitable for them, as it is similar in color to the blue mineral. The blue natural mineral looks spectacular in silver or white gold.

Horoscope colors

Yellow and golden rocks will harmoniously fit into the rhythm of Gemini. These yellow minerals are great for Leos and Virgos. For cancer, blue topaz (jewelry) and greenish shades of gems will be more harmonious. Blue topaz and white products will increase the luck of Cancers. These rich dark blue and green minerals will come in handy for Gemini.

Red, purple or golden topaz suits Aries well. Capricorns and Virgos - brown, lilac or greenish shades of transparent topaz.

But no matter what the color of the decoration, by its nature topaz is still a very hard stone. It forces its owner to look at things realistically and carefully evaluate people, which can have a bad effect on people with large families. Therefore, family Pisces, Taurus and Libra can use these minerals in rare cases and only as decoration, and not a talisman.

Talismans and amulets

How to wear topaz amulet? Magic stone topaz - not only specialists, but also ordinary people should know its properties. It is best to wear jewelry with a stone on right hand. Topaz is a stone whose magical properties have no limits. A ring with a gem on your index finger will always show you the right path through life. More than one mystic who believes in parallel worlds, and perhaps communicates with its inhabitants, uses these minerals as their guides. It’s better if the metal looks like stone yellow color, then the rainbow mineral works better. Topaz and American gold go well together. You can also wear pendants on your chest or bracelets on your right wrist. Such an amulet, especially the rauch, even protects against the evil eye, if chosen correctly.

Topaz is able to live peacefully with other stones, with its relatives. While many gems lose their properties next to their own kind. Topaz, on the contrary, increases strength and saturates its owner to the maximum positive energy. Using amulets with an insert made of semi-precious stone means achieving success in your work and overcoming troubles in your team. If you use a pendant or brooch as daily jewelry, you will gain vitality, emphasizing it with your own hands, and overcome difficulties. Topaz amulets help women open the female chakra of love and get rid of infertility. And it has no analogues. A man should look at a photo of smoky topaz jewelry, which, after purchase, will give him full masculine strength. Golden topaz is usually worn in the form of a small ring or earrings. One trinket with a stone will be enough to multiply vital energy, even if you keep it within your home walls.

Healing properties of the stone

In ancient times, topaz m (mineral) was considered a gem with medicinal properties. In Indian ancient writings, this mineral is mentioned many times as a treatment for diseases (for example, in the texts of Ayurveda).

Modern yogis and healers believe that anyone, even a black gem, has projective Yang energy. This force, like immunity, protects the body from viral infections and colds.

The digestive system is well treated with minerals. They also treat the gallbladder, relieve stress and insomnia. These minerals can treat mental illness, neuroses and cardiac rhythm. And for gourmets it will be interesting to know that semi-precious rocks can sharpen the sense of taste with their properties.

People who are prone to stress and irritability, prone to sudden mood swings, are recommended to carry these minerals with them to calm the nervous system.

Magic force

In the middle of the 10th century, topazes were credited with the role of saving people from poisoning. The stone was a kind of indicator of food or drink. It was believed that topaz could instantly change its color if there was poison near it. That is why these minerals often decorated royal cups and dishes. If the stone becomes cloudy, it means the food or wine is poisoned.

It is believed that a person who wears a mystical stone daily can rarely be thrown off balance. He is always cheerful and optimistic, he enjoys the peace of his soul and a sense of serenity. The magic of the stone and its color, with its mystical actions, gives women youth and beauty, and men - strength and self-confidence. The mineral eradicates anger and hatred in a person. Another important fact that our ancient ancestors noticed is that topaz is capable of attracting wealth. The highest Sahasrara chakra, stimulated by this stone, blossoms. Through it, during meditation, people are revealed to the knowledge of higher powers.

Prices for these minerals

Topaz is a semi-precious stone. The color of topaz determines its final cost. In terms of price, topaz is relatively inexpensive. The highest quality and most expensive are these yellow-pink minerals. These are Brazilian minerals from the Minas Noeas region. That's why they are also called imperials.

How much does a valuable magical mineral cost? For one carat of such minerals you can pay from 100 to 300 dollars. The price for purple or red these minerals exceeds $700 per carat. And this is not the limit!

In Russia, the most common blue minerals are these, starting from 10 thousand rubles per carat. Topaz - a photo of jewelry that is usually available on any jewelry website, you should choose by color and description of it. For example, pink topaz - the photo of the stone and the color are simply mesmerizing and delightful, making it clear to the visitor that this is a valuable stone in front of him and any kuf will confirm this.


To summarize, we can confidently conclude that topaz:

  • semi-precious rare stone (royal);
  • has a wide variety of color shades;
  • judging by the horoscope, the mineral suits almost all zodiac signs, especially Scorpio. He will balance such a person;
  • smoky, it has a range of useful properties(relieves stress, strengthens immune system And so on);
  • valued almost the same as precious stones.

When ordering topaz, you need to view all photos of jewelry. For example, about pink topaz – photos of jewelry will speak louder than words. The characteristics of the mineral also do not go unnoticed.

Topaz is a must have for people striving for success. Faith, desire, and the help of the valuable topaz stone will help you reach unprecedented heights with your own hands!

Among all precious stones, topazes are distinguished by their species diversity. It is noteworthy that the origin of the word “topaz” is not fully understood, since some believe that this word is directly related to Sanskrit and means “flame”, while others are sure that the island of Topazios, located in the Red Sea, gave name of an outstanding mineral. Today, a sufficient number of topaz deposits have been discovered, but the bulk of them are concentrated in Brazil, where almost all minerals are mined famous flowers.

Description of the stone

Topaz is valued not only for its external beauty, but also for its pronounced magical and healing properties. Essentially, this mineral is aluminum fluorosilicate. It is endowed with a high degree of transparency, and its hardness is akin to diamond and corundum. All topazes have a glassy luster and can be found in a variety of colors.

At the time of buying jewelry It is worth taking into account the fact that topazes are very sensitive to sunlight, which does not affect their structure in any way, but can cause fading. If the stone does fade while being worn, the color can be restored by keeping the jewelry in complete darkness for several days.

What is the secret of the popularity of topazes of all types and why are they not cheap? These stones are completely devoid of internal defects, they are durable, elegant and amazing in their variety. color range. Their high density is the reason for their incredible strength, and it’s not for nothing that the Ural miners nicknamed them “heavyweights.”

If suddenly someone gets the bad idea of ​​scratching this mineral, then they will have to use a diamond for this, since any metal is powerless here. By the way, the giant diamond, which was considered the pride of the crown of the Portuguese monarch, actually turned out to be colorless topaz.

In nature, the most common topazes are yellow; in addition, there are red, purple, blue, golden-yellow, colorless and even rainbow gems, but pink minerals are of particular value, the extraction of which is mainly concentrated in Pakistan. But a real rarity, one might even say a true rarity, is a pebble in a “shirt,” that is, covered with a smoky film. It is noteworthy that the color of a mineral determines the presence and amount of impurities, as well as natural defects in the structure of the crystal lattice.

Areas of use

Smoky topaz. In fact, this gem has nothing to do with topaz, since it is rauchtopaz; however, it is valued by adherents of lithotherapy for its ability to influence mental condition person. And jewelry lovers like it for its unusual color - from gray to brown.

Mystic topaz. This is the one rainbow stone, which becomes such after human intervention. Polychrome is achieved using special processing, the technology of which was patented less than a quarter of a century ago. The process goes like this: colorless topaz is irradiated with radioactive rays, then a thin layer of gold or titanium is applied to its surface. As a result of such manipulations, rainbow tints appear on the surface, which can be observed in both natural and artificial lighting.

Yellow topaz. This group of minerals includes all stones that have not only yellow shades, but also brown and even green. Such gems are relatively inexpensive, and they are in demand among astrologers and lithotherapists, as they are endowed with truly outstanding properties. For example, yellow topazes are indicated for wearing by people with suicidal tendencies.

Pink topaz. This is a fairly rare type of mineral. And even though it belongs to the second price category, giving way to recognized leaders, it is nevertheless valued among jewelers. The cost of one carat of pink topaz reaches $500, which means that not everyone can afford such luxury. Of course, the color can be reproduced artificially, but the authenticity of the stone is easily verified. To do this, it is enough to leave it in direct sunlight for several days, and if after that it becomes completely transparent or dirty blue, then this indicates that it was artificially given an exclusive color.

Transparent (white or silver) topaz. Along with yellow, white topaz is quite widespread in nature, and is the starting material through which stones of various shades can be obtained. Sometimes it is confused with a diamond, which is very beneficial for not entirely honest jewelers, although such a deception is easily revealed, because the hardness of a diamond is much higher, and the optical characteristics of these two stones differ significantly.

Green topaz. It owes its color, atypical for these gems, to aluminum silicate. The stone is so rare that the most prominent autocrats did not hesitate to wear it in their crowns. It remains to add that the natural mineral is not particularly bright, which cannot be said about its artificially recreated analogues.

Healing properties of the stone

The color of a gem affects its medicinal properties. Since the vast majority of stones sold on the jewelry market are essentially derivatives of transparent topaz, it is its healing properties that should be considered first of all. According to lithotherapists, long-term wearing of jewelry containing transparent topaz helps strengthen the immune system and improves metabolism. Hormonal disorders and colds are also included in this list, along with insomnia, anemia and especially female diseases.

Yellow stones of natural origin are quite common and accessible, and they are very helpful in the treatment of diseases of the lungs and throat. To do this, you just need to buy a necklace with a yellow gem and wear it constantly, especially for those who suffer from asthma. The same stone perfectly fights diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. But the rarer blue topaz has the most positive effect on the thyroid gland, thereby reducing the risk of Graves' disease.

Topazes of other colors have a complex effect on the body, and they can be recommended for wearing for a variety of ailments, from diseases of the female reproductive system to mental disorders. Previously, this stone was very widely used in medicine: it was used to stop bleeding and treat the gallbladder, it was indicated for poisoning and could be used as an appetite stimulant. Unfortunately, some of these practices have been forgotten, but many are still used by lithotherapists to this day.

Magical properties of topaz

And here the color of the stone is important:

Information for your information: the power of all topazes is directly dependent on the phase of the moon. On a full moon, all the stones begin to glow even brighter, and their healing and magical properties increase several times.

Who is suitable according to Zodiac Sign

In general, these stones can be used as a talisman by all signs of the Zodiac, with the exception of Aquarius. But most of all they are suitable for Gemini, Scorpio and Capricorn. Thus, to a person born under the sign of Gemini, topaz will give peace and tranquility, and will also help to extinguish inappropriately raging passions. If the energy field has received a gap, then the stone will take part in its restoration. In addition, it will help cope with insomnia and reduce the risk of mental illness. A yellow gem is more suitable for representatives of this zodiac constellation.

Topaz will give wisdom to a Capricorn man, and beauty to a woman. According to astrologers, this mineral is suitable for people who value friendship and value family ties. At the same time, if Capricorn has big family, then the stone can do him more harm than good, and when choosing an amulet, you should pay close attention to its color, because in order for it to “work”, you need to give preference to transparent, pink or brown gems.

Scorpio is a zodiac sign for which blue topaz is especially recommended as a personal talisman. This is the best stone for meditation, capable of providing reliable protection from all the negativity that literally hovers in the atmosphere. A person staying in mature age, born under the sign of Scorpio, must certainly acquire such an amulet that will help him build relationships with people and contribute to the restoration of old ties.

Topaz treats all other representatives of the zodiac constellations very favorably, except for Aquarius, and perhaps Taurus, because Taurus is the antagonist of Scorpio, and fundamental differences in psychotypes and characters can play a cruel joke here. Therefore, Aquarius and Taurus are advised to avoid this stone, especially since they have very effective protectors. It is worth taking into account that any crystal is a mirror that reflects thoughts. And it is for this reason that thoughts should always be bright and thoughts good.

In the hierarchy of semi-precious stones, topaz does not occupy the highest place. Its light play is inferior to diamond flashes. Its color range is not as striking as that of prestigious emeralds and rubies. In addition, topaz is found frequently and everywhere, and this cannot but affect the price of the stone.

However, the sum of all factors makes topaz one of the leaders in the consumer market! First of all, because the discreet beauty of faceted topaz crystals harmonizes perfectly with any skin color, with any – including not too formal – clothes.

A diamond tiara needs to be framed with silver brocade and the sparkle of the ballroom! A huge emerald set in a massive red gold ring can only adorn a South American nouveau riche or a gypsy baron. Bright rubies, whose light has illuminated the crowns of autocrats for the past five thousand years, are available only to a select few. Topazes, meanwhile, became the object of the efforts of the best jewelry artists.

More often used in designer jewelry. The artistic level of products with topaz is usually higher than that of crafts with stones of the highest price category.

There is, however, a subtlety. Not every inhabitant of the planet can decorate himself blue topaz, unless they are recommended to him by his horoscope...

Who is blue topaz suitable for?

Blue topaz looks natural on people with light skin. The blue glow of the stone is especially expressive on red-haired girls. Earrings with blue topaz transform beauties with copper in their hair like real magic!

Who else suits blue topaz? A positive person, determined to succeed, who believes in the good and bright - and at the same time timid, timid. Blue topaz charges its owner with energy and strength!

Who is topaz suitable for according to the horoscope?

When trying to determine whose horoscope stone is topaz, do not rack your brains over tables of the movements of the luminaries. It’s easy with topaz! This stone can become an assistant to any zodiac sign that matches the color.

Some - Libra, Gemini, Taurus - can afford to wear topaz of various shades. But for Scorpio the choice is not so wide: either he acquires rich yellow topaz and gets along well with it; or tries to decorate himself with pale topazes of a cold tone, and as a result experiences mental discomfort.

For Pisces and Cancers, bluish-green topazes are good, but Cancers, as a summer sign, feel no worse with topazes of rich warm tones.