Yellow opal stone. Opal - properties and meaning of the gemstone. Opal Stone for Sagittarius

The opal stone has an amazing, almost mystical beauty. He tirelessly attracts glances, captivating those watching. The unique color gives this marvelous mineral its uniqueness. It seems that millions of multi-colored rainbow sparks seem to flash and go out on its surface. This unusual ability of opal is due to its high water content. In other words, the mineral is a kind of gel. Tiny balls of rock are constantly moving inside him. This allows the marvelous stone to bestow its colorful tints on those around it.

Short description

According to its physical properties, opal is a solid hydrogel of silicon oxide. It is similar in quality to quartz, but differs from the latter in its variable moisture content. The amount of water in the rock ranges from 0.4 to 32%. The properties of stones, as well as their jewelry value, largely depend on the concentration of the liquid. Noble opal should contain from 6 to 10% water. Such specimens are especially prized by jewelers. The more moisture a mineral contains, the more transparent it is. A stone that dries completely becomes completely opaque. At the same time, it loses its properties, may crack and even crumble.

Golden ring ESTHET with peridot, opals and diamonds (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

The name of the minerals is translated from the Saxon language as “gems”. Indeed, for their stunning beauty they have gained immense popularity in jewelry. Opals are often used to make earrings, brooches, bracelets, and pendants. Framed by precious metal, the mineral looks simply magnificent.

Opals: facts from history and events of our days

The love for precious stones opals was passed on modern people from our distant ancestors. The ancient Roman writer Pliny called the mineral “the love of a youth.” And the Roman senator Nonnius, who had real wealth - a magnificent ring with a large opal, ended his life in poverty and exile. He never agreed to exchange his beloved item for the untold riches that Mark Antony promised him.

An insert of a luxurious gem was present in the crown of Emperor Constantine, who ruled the Holy Roman Empire. The noble person firmly believed in magical properties disgraced Constantine believed that the mineral protected the power, life and honor of its owner. He also had no doubt that the gem was capable of making its owner invisible in case of special need. This belief was the reason that in medieval times opal gained fame as a talisman for robbers and thieves. Aristocrats turned their backs on the noble stone for a long time, which had a bad reputation. He was considered the main attribute of black magicians and alchemists, the “eye of evil.”

A few decades later, the precious stone opal came back into fashion. He was especially popular with blondes. Blonde ladies believed that jewelry from an unusual stone could be made blonde hair even more beautiful. The reigning people could not remain indifferent to the beautiful mineral.

Silver SOKOLOV earrings with cubic zirconia and opals (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

Different kinds opals were especially revered by the Italian Medici family, the English Queen Victoria, the Frenchwoman Josephine Bonaparte and the Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

Gems gained particular popularity throughout the world after rich Australian deposits were discovered. To this day, about 90% of specimens are mined in this country. It was here that the largest representatives of the species were found - black Australian opals. But this discovery was not the most unusual. In 1909, experts discovered in one of the opal mines the skeleton of a reptile resembling a snake. Its length was about 15 cm. But the most unusual thing was that the skeleton was completely opalized, all its parts were replaced by pebbles. The original find was sold to a private collection.

Types and colors of opals

Various varieties of the mineral are found in nature. There are more than 130 of them in total. One of the most expensive, beautiful and rare is the magnificent milky opal with vague opalescence. Black specimens look no less beautiful. As a rule, they amaze with an extravaganza of glare in green, red, purple, blue, orange and other shades. The color of minerals depends on the type chemical elements, included in the composition.

Minerals are classified not only by color, but also by structure. This criterion allows us to identify more than 40 varieties. Only a few types are the most popular. For example:

  1. Fire opal is a yellow opal with a bizarre play of color. This group also includes samples of the closest shades: red, orange, wine yellow.
  2. Girazole is a colorless, almost transparent mineral. Some representatives of the species have a milky white or pale blue tint.
  3. Cacholong in appearance resembles shimmering pearls. This white opal captivates and enchants with its luxurious silvery-milky tints.
  4. Royal stones are those with truly amazing contrasting colors: red opals with a rich green border.
  5. Hydrophanes are opals appearance which varies depending on the environment. If such stones fall into water, they become translucent and acquire an amazing shine.
  6. Harlequin opals have an amazing variegated surface. They combine all the colors of the rainbow.
  7. Hyalite stone, which is another type of opal, is completely transparent. Visually it is difficult to distinguish it from ordinary glass.
  8. Wax opal looks exactly like its name. The pebble has a waxy surface of a dim yellow hue.

silver ring SOKOLOV with opals (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Minerals of milky, orange-red and blue shades are most often used in jewelry. The latter are called black because of the color saturation. A gem is assessed by its level of opalescence—the play of color.

Some people consider dendroopal to be a separate species. Such a stone really exists, but it is a type of agate. It is classified as opal by unscrupulous sellers and jewelers who want to increase the price of their products. Therefore, if you are offered to buy dendritic opal, be more careful.

Where are beautiful stones mined?

Opals are classified according to their method of origin. There are 2 possible types of genesis:

  1. Sedimentary stones are formed during physical and chemical processes occurring in the earth's crust. Australian opal belongs to this variety.
  2. Hydrothermal rocks form when magma cools and crystallizes. This group includes the beautiful Ethiopian opal.

ALORIS gold ring with peridot, cubic zirconia and opals (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

The most beautiful gems can be found all over the world. IN different times they were mined in various parts of the world. Deposits were found in the Czech Republic, India, and Hungary. Today, pebbles are mined in Mongolia, Indonesia, the USA, Brazil, and Turkey. And the most popular are gems mined in two countries:

  1. Australian opal has a unique, simply enchanting beauty. The largest deposits are located on the continent; approximately 95% of the world's mineral reserves are concentrated there. The Aborigines believe that generous gift presented to them by the Creator himself. One day he descended from heaven to bestow the highest knowledge on humanity. Where the Creator stepped, beautiful shining stones immediately appeared. They were opals. The scientific version of the origin of gems is less prosaic. According to it, millions of years ago, when the territory of the continent was covered by numerous sea lagoons, sedimentary rocks, remains of animals and water enriched with silicon accumulated in their voids. It was they who contributed to the birth of minerals.
  2. Ethiopian stones are formed in basalt and rhyolite rocks. The stones fill numerous cracks and veins. Most of the crystals have light shades: yellowish, gray, white, light orange. Much less common are saturated fiery, orange, golden-red colors. The real highlight of the species is the chocolate mineral. As the name suggests, it has a deep brown tint. And the most valuable are the noble species, which are distinguished by high transparency and rich play of light.

Japanese gems are especially original. Their peculiarity is that such samples are not obtained in the natural environment, but are grown in laboratories. Artificial and natural minerals practically no different from each other. In any case, a non-professional will definitely not detect the difference. However, man-made opalite has brighter, more saturated shades. The variety of stone colors is amazing.

What magical properties does a magic stone have?

Magic properties opals have been known since ancient times. Our distant ancestors believed that a magical gem was capable of accumulating human emotions. That is why it is recommended to wear it during successful periods of life. The properties of minerals largely depend on their shade, so you need to be extremely careful with your choice. The following must be remembered:

  1. A black gem can harm those with a weak character. Its peculiarity is that the stone increases the craving for vicious and forbidden pleasures. In addition, the mineral is able to “reward” the owner with fear of the dark.
  2. White and pink opal are more benevolent. It is recommended to wear them creative individuals, since stones contribute to the development of artistry. In eastern countries, opals of these shades were common in the world of magic and were considered powerful amulets that reliably preserve family happiness and love. In addition, people believed that they were able to protect against dangerous diseases, theft and the elements.
  3. Fire and Moon opal are ideal for entrepreneurs. The stone helps develop business. You don't have to carry it with you. You can put the talisman at work, for example on a shelf in a store. In this case, the influx of buyers is guaranteed.
  4. Green opal helps healers and doctors make correct diagnoses. It speeds up the patient’s recovery even with severe illnesses.

In order for a stone to perform its functions well, it is important not only to choose it wisely, but also to wear it correctly. If the bracelet or ring is constantly on one hand, the effect is reduced. It is better if the owner periodically moves the jewelry from one limb to another.

The magical properties of the stone will be enhanced if it is set in silver. White noble metal has a beneficial effect on the abilities of the mineral. A black or dark blue stone set in gold is traditionally considered a talisman for magicians. He empowers people with strong energy the gift of foresight. For some, it even helps to sense danger.

The healing properties of an amazing stone

The ornamental stone is valued not only for its magical, but also for its amazing healing properties. An amazing gem is able to have a positive effect on almost all systems and organs. Our distant ancestors used it to treat a variety of ailments. It was believed that:

  1. Semiprecious stone contributes to the normalization of work immune system person. It activates protective properties, allowing you to quickly recover from flu and colds.
  2. The mineral has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. He literally absorbs negative energy. The person gradually calms down and relaxes. On initial stages psycho-emotional, and then sexual tension goes away.
  3. Ancient healers recommended wearing blue opal for people suffering from thyroid diseases. They believed that the magic mineral had a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and also contributed to the normalization of the excretory system.
  4. Another ability of the amazing smoky stone is to increase appetite. It helps you feel the true taste of food and enjoy it. For this reason, the mineral was often used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and for serious digestive problems.
  5. Rainbow opal often used in the treatment of arthritis and other bone diseases. Its ability to eliminate inflammatory processes and stimulate cellular regeneration is used here.

Of course, the healing properties that the opal mineral has are impressive. However, you should not rely only on his help. If you experience any ailments, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Which zodiac signs does opal suit?

This amazing stone is considered the patron of two zodiac signs:

  1. Capricorns are recommended to wear a beautiful gem in order to soften certain character traits: uncertainty, tediousness, selfishness, increased anxiety. The magic mineral can relieve the owner from frequent stress and depression. By nature, Capricorn is a zodiac sign characterized by calmness and equanimity. According to these characteristics, it is very similar to opal. However, the peaceful calm of the mineral is strikingly different from the fears of a person hiding behind a mask of equanimity. A suitable opal will help Capricorns compensate for their lack of self-confidence and teach them to open up to loved ones.
  2. Libras, like opals, are friendly. They do not recognize negativity in relationships between people. But at the same time, the stone, like the representatives of these zodiac signs, symbolizes impermanence. People often suffer from a lack of harmony, the deficiency of which can be compensated by the gem. Libras are characterized by frequent mood swings and an unbalanced character. And opal helps soften these sharp edges and achieve balance. The gem perfectly protects representatives of the sign from going to extremes. It helps to apply mood swings in the creative field.

Of course, the significance of opal stones in astrology is enormous. Any sign can wear these beautiful minerals. In each case, gems will help and protect.

ALORIS gold earrings with cubic zirconia and opals (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

What care does opal jewelry need?

Part natural minerals includes from 6 to 10% water. Such a high liquid content is due to the fact that the noble opal stone has a very porous structure. In this regard, gems perfectly absorb not only moisture, but also other substances: cosmetics, perfume, hairspray. Of course, all these means cause serious damage to the stone. In addition, opal cannot boast of great hardness, like, for example, diamond. This means that the stones are easily exposed to external influences and can be scratched.

To ensure that jewelry with marvelous minerals lasts as long as possible, owners should follow a few simple rules:

  1. Jewelry with opal inserts should not be worn at the same time as other jewelry. Otherwise, there is a risk of damage to the stones due to friction.
  2. It is recommended to store opals and jewelry with them in separate boxes with a soft finish or in small bags. The gems should first be wrapped in soft cloth. In this case, they will definitely not be harmed.
  3. Before using deodorant, perfume, or hairspray jewelry It is recommended to remove it. You should not wear them when applying makeup either.
  4. It is necessary to carefully wash your jewelry periodically. Warm water in which a non-aggressive agent is dissolved is perfect for this procedure. detergent. It is best to clean with a soft toothbrush or cloth. You need to be extremely careful not to harm the stone.
  5. Jewelry should be removed when washing hands and face. Excess moisture can negatively affect the shade of the mineral.
  6. From time to time it is necessary to lubricate the pebbles with a soft cloth slightly moistened with glycerin. This procedure helps to maintain the necessary moisture content of the opal and prevent dehydration and prevent the formation of cracks.

Opal is one of the ancient stones. The name itself is literally translated from ancient Sanskrit into Russian as.

Shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, and sparkling under the influence sunlight, opal creates unusual pearlescent highlights and unique reflections of white shades. The play of light creates new shades for the human eye, invisible at first glance.

Meaning for humans and photo of the stone

This mineral does not have a crystalline structure; compared to other stones, its hardness is much lower. However, we can say with confidence that external qualities do not suffer from these properties. The value of opal, however, does not become lower.

In ancient times, it was believed that opal is a panacea for heart disease, protects the owner from infections, protects against plague, calms the nervous system, helps people who are deeply depressed, and saves them from suicide.

Residents of that era were sure that opal helps restore a person’s previous visual acuity.

In lithotherapy, a mineral such as opal is called a healer. The stone has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the human body, improves the functioning of the endocrine, nervous and musculoskeletal systems, improves the functioning of blood vessels and the heart.

Opal improves kidney function, cleanses the stomach and intestines from harmful substances, helps improve metabolism and solve digestive problems.

This stone is irreplaceable in the postoperative period, during periods of exacerbation of epidemics, with decreased immunity and during illness.

Opal helps with migraines, oh relieves toothache and even makes childbirth less painful. Comes to the aid of various forms of depression and sleep disorders. Has a preventive effect against infections and colds.

Magic properties

The magical properties of this stone were discovered by ancient magicians. First of all, the properties of this magic stone apply to its owner.

Opal has such magical properties as:

  1. Protecting the owner from the evil eye, negative magical influences.
  2. Anti-theft protection property of the owner of the stone.
  3. Rescue from accidents, injuries.
  4. Home protection owner from fires.
  5. Attracting love into the life of the owner.
  6. Maintaining an atmosphere of happiness in family.
  7. Preventing failure h in travel.
  8. Attracting good luck at work, especially in business.

Who does it suit according to their zodiac sign?

The opal stone is advised to be chosen by enthusiastic, versatile, slightly frivolous people. The talisman will bring good luck, will allow those people whose thoughts are kind and pure, and whose intentions are devoid of evil intent, to live in harmony with themselves and with loved ones.

Greedy and evil people are contraindicated from wearing amulets and jewelry with a stone such as opal.

It is permissible for representatives of absolutely all signs and elements to use it as a talisman or talisman.. It is important to choose the right color of the stone, which will be correctly combined with the individual characteristics of each zodiac sign.

Opal is a mineraloid that is very close to quartz. However, unlike quartz, opal has a variable water content. Each opal contains at least 13% water, so this mineral loses its properties in low humidity. Unlike other minerals, opal does not have a crystalline structure and has a low hardness index, but this does not in any way affect its value or external qualities. Due to its incredible mystical radiance and variety of shades, opal is often identified with the rainbow and is quite rightly called the king of precious stones.

The color palette of opals, which is a type of quartz, is extremely diverse - it includes more than a hundred shades. The most popular stones are blue, black, yellowish and whitish tones. The stone is characterized by such a property as opalescence - stones, at a certain angle, shimmer in different colors.

Types of opals and colors

The inclusion of oxides of various chemical elements leads to the appearance of color in the opal. When classifying opals in terms of structure, more than forty varieties have been identified. These include, among others, the following types:

White opal (hydrophane) is a “water” opal, the “eye of the world” is a milky white stone, cloudy when dry and completely transparent in water. As a result of contact with dirt, the stone can acquire completely unpredictable colors.

Hyalite is colorless, like glass. There are all shades from white to yellow-green. There are milky and variegated stones. Hyalites with yellowish and blue shades, but can be red and yellow and are popularly called “fire opals”.

Blue opal (jirasol) is a bluish-white stone with yellow-golden and reddish reflections on a pale milky background. Beauty is not the only advantage of blue opal, because this stone, in addition to attractiveness, also has powerful energy and healing properties.

Green opal (chrysopal) is a magical gem that has a pale green or grassy color. Chrysopal, unlike other varieties of opal, is a completely opaque stone that can only be translucent around the edges. Chrysopal is used as a jewelry and ornamental stone.

Cacholong is a bluish-white, porcelain-like, porous and tongue-stick base opal, highly prized in the East. Sometimes dark and black inclusions are observed in cacholong, resembling plant branches - these are dendrites of manganese hydroxides.

Fire opal (boulder), in which the opalescent areas have a fiery orange hue. Its value lies in its bright, desaturated color, as well as in such an unusual quality as opalescence, namely, the radiance of fire opal.

Black opal (matrix) is a noble black opal with small areas of shimmering other colors. Despite the name, the stone, in addition to black, can be dark purple, blue, green, burgundy with splashes of red.

Magical properties of Opal

Opal is a stone of inspiration and has the ability to enhance imagination and creativity. Wearing jewelry and talismans with these magnificent gems helps unleash creativity. Since ancient times, opal has been considered a stone of love. It brings inspiration to lovers and devotion to married couples. Under its influence, love can take different forms - from fiery passion to soft unconditional love.

Connoisseurs rank opal among the most powerful minerals in nature because of its cosmic pattern. Since ancient times, the attitude towards the stone has been ambiguous - it was considered the stone of thieves, since it was credited with the ability to make a person invisible, it was believed that it brings troubles and misfortunes and, at the same time, it was actively used to make jewelry and was used to get rid of diseases. Opal is used as an assistant against the evil eye, blows of fate and the intervention of black magic. The main quality is the ability to organize the life of its owner. With such an assistant, cleanliness and order reign at work and at home.

Healing properties of Opal

Opal has medicinal properties, so it is very popular in folk medicine. It is recommended for use in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The gem can also be used to treat eye diseases (cataracts, glaucoma and others). It is useful for migraines and mental disorders. Opal relieves depression, irritability, nervousness and helps to more easily survive the effects of stress. It clears consciousness, helps cope with phobias, insomnia and anxiety. The stone generally has a positive effect on human health. Women can use the gem to combat infertility because it improves the functioning of the reproductive system. Opal is recommended to be worn for preventive purposes against the occurrence of colds.

Talismans and amulets

Opal has the extraordinary ability to very subtly convey the state of mind of its owner, his mood, thoughts, feelings. It begins to glow brighter than usual, shine, emit fiery tongues of flame, as if from its inner center. It has long been believed that the properties of opals are as contradictory and changeable as its color. It can keep even the same person from base passions and whims, or it can push him onto the path of forbidden pleasures. Among some peoples, opal is considered a stone of false hopes. As a talisman, it ensures success in business, but only if it is worn by a decent, noble, non-greedy person. It is not recommended to wear opal for people with unstable character. It gives rise to suspicion among evil people.

Opal in astrology

The stone is simply ideal - it enhances the natural intuition of its owners, gives them energy and calmness. The Opal gemstone is favorable for people born under zodiac signs. The illusory perception of the world, the almost complete isolation from reality of Pisces and the gloomy magnetic attraction of Scorpio fit perfectly with the character of Opal. The gem is contraindicated fire signs Aries and Leo, the zodiac sign Sagittarius is an exception, and its representatives can wear opal.

Compatibility of opal with zodiac signs

Opal for

Aries opal protects from all otherworldly forces. But skeptics should not grin either; opal keeps away from bad influences, wrong actions, as well as risk and danger. In addition, Aries with opal will be under a reliable “wing” from thefts and fires. Also promises Aries family well-being and peace in their home. is able to strengthen the internal energy of Aries and help him achieve his goals. Such a talisman will help impulsive men free themselves from overwhelming emotions. It is not advisable for Aries to wear the black variety of this stone.

Opal for

Taurus with opal will finally be able to experience family happiness. This means that very soon in the life of Taurus there will appear the very only person with whom Taurus, without a shadow of a doubt, wants to tie their bonds. And if Taurus already has a partner, their feelings will sparkle in a new way, love will suddenly again “shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.” Milky white opal will help Taurus accept changes in life more easily, become more tolerant, and tame the manifestation of negative emotions.

Opal for

In Gemini, the opal will suddenly reveal some new abilities. Or opal will once again “revive” old, long unused talents. For example, if Gemini is school years If you were passionate about something (a musical instrument, sports, handicrafts, etc.), then perhaps the opal will remind you of this and provide an opportunity to return to your former interests. For Gemini, wearing an opal will allow them to stabilize their own condition and overcome the variability inherent in this sign. Opal will enhance their insight and luck in business. Gemini will be more consistent in their actions and will be able to more easily complete what they start.

Opal for

Opal will tell Cancer how to “hide” from unacceptable consequences and factors. Opal can also sometimes indicate what should be done to prevent a particular situation. With opal, Cancer is more careful, prudent and attentive - these qualities will help you not make a mistake or quickly correct a mistake that has already been made. For Cancer, opal will be a good helper to cope with fears, resentments and melancholy. In addition, this mineral is able to strengthen his already developed intuition, while stabilizing energy levels and helping to “let go” of negative emotions.

Opal for

Leo with the acquisition of opal will simply bathe in love and adoration. Opal will give Leo all the strength to protect the person he loves, give goodness and create home comfort together. Opal will protect this couple in love from all adversity: separation, money problems, misunderstanding towards each other, betrayal, and most importantly, from separation and breaking of the family unit. Also suitable for Leos fire type of opal. This stone will help compensate for the lack of flexibility, help you look at things more broadly and free yourself from emotional stress.

Opal for

The opal will endow the Virgo with some new qualities. New people and new activities will appear in Virgo's life. Virgo learns quickly and, in the process, becomes more and more interested. Her hobby (or it could be her main job) gives her incentive. With her passion, Virgo also intrigues others, thereby somehow quickly and quietly creating her own team, a company of people with common views. A suitable talisman for Virgo would be milky opal or fiery color. The first will contribute to a more loyal attitude towards the surrounding world and people, and will eliminate excessive criticality in judgment.

Opal for

Libra with opal becomes calmer. Opal for those born according to the Libra horoscope is such a talisman that it protects the mind and psyche in stressful situations. Libra, as if under a bulletproof dome, is reliably protected from all the nasty things from the outside world. The joy in opal is that the mineral gives Libra many kind and tender moments. For Libra, opal helps to establish peace and harmony in communication, helps smooth out rough edges and contradictions, and finds the “golden mean” in everything - and this is exactly what representatives of this sign strive for. Opal helps Libra avoid extremes and use mood swings to achieve creative heights. For Libra women milky opal will help you find your love and find the joy of life.

Opal for

In the character of Scorpio, opal will strengthen an already active life position, develop already strong brain activity and “generate” an endless flow of energy. Simply put, opal will only enhance any already strong and frequently used qualities of Scorpio, giving them slightly different, more so to speak, attractive shades. Scorpio is one of the few zodiac signs that black opal will do. This stone will help its owner free himself from negative emotions and excessive aggressiveness. Opal will help its owner concentrate on achieving truly big and important goals, rather than wasting energy on satisfying momentary desires and whims. Suitable for this sign and fire red opal, but from wearing milky white varieties of this stone he should refuse.

Opal for

Opal makes Sagittarius stronger and more stable in spirit. The stone, in this case, must be quite large. Sagittarius with opal is able to do large-scale work, thanks to the fact that opal instilled in Sagittarius the ability to work. Sagittarius is very active and ubiquitous in Everyday life. Sagittarius is welcome in every home; Sagittarius has the gift of charming from the first minutes of communication. Sagittarius can also benefit from wearing a fire opal. Given the love of this sign for extreme situations, a penchant for excitement and extravagance, this mineral will serve as a good talisman in dangerous situations. is able to help Sagittarius strengthen their own energy and direct it in the right direction. But from wearing black opal Sagittarius is better off refusing. This stone can cause harm.

Opal for

Opal holds Capricorns tightly and does not allow them to fall under the weight of constant pressure from external problems. Soon the fall will make it clear to Capricorn that many things in life urgently need to be changed. Capricorn will be able to decide on drastic changes, again not without the help of opal. And after such a decision they will be able to be happy and free to some extent. Opal will allow Capricorns to avoid spontaneous anxiety, give them self-confidence, and also get rid of such negative manifestations as a tendency to selfishness and some tediousness. Opal will help Capricorn find peace, calm self-confidence and the ability to be more open in communication. Use as a talisman is most favorable for Capricorns fire opal.

Opal for

Aquarians will stop being dissatisfied with certain aspects of their lives. Opal will present every thing that has not satisfied Aquarius for a long time in a new light. Aquarius himself will be surprised why he didn’t notice this before. And so in many ways - opal will show in all corners, dark and unsightly, as it seemed, light and bright sides.

Opal for

Opal will reward Pisces with freedom of imagination. Dreamy Pisces will come up with a lot of fairy tales, but opal will not be stingy and will help to realize them, no matter how stupid this idea may seem. Pisces will be very lucky, they will meet love and find spiritual harmony. The health of Pisces will remain under the supervision of the opal; no sore will stick. But it should be used with caution: fascinated by the secrets of other worlds and the supernatural, Pisces can completely lose touch with reality. For this sign it is most favorable to wear milky white opal: it enhances qualities such as calmness, tolerance, and helps to cope with grievances. But Pisces with a strong character may well choose as their talisman stone and fire opal : it enhances their energy, helps to achieve the respect of others. Gives Pisces a powerful energy boost black opal.

Opal - magical properties of the stone

Opal is an incredibly beautiful stone that can have different colors. Its magical properties also depend on the shade. The mineral suits many Zodiac Signs.

Opal helps get rid of fatigue and apathy. In symbiosis with effective meditation, this stone will be an indispensable assistant in attracting good luck every day.

Energy properties of opal

The strongest opals are black and white. Any stone of this type primarily affects a person’s spiritual state and mental abilities. Black mineral is the patron saint of those people who cannot find a source of motivation and spiritual enrichment for themselves. For everyone who already has clear goals in life, this talisman gives them the opportunity to achieve them faster.

White opal- a talisman of love. It is more suitable for family people, as it makes the owner’s energy more creative and flexible. For anyone who is in search of a soul mate, white opal can also suggest the path to happiness.

Multi-colored opals. Opals of all other colors or colorful stones, combining many shades, is a source of physical, creative and emotional strength. They should be used by those who constantly work tirelessly.

Site experts note that this stone does not start working immediately. It often takes up to several weeks for it to become active. Some stones can start working almost immediately, after a few days. It is impossible to speed up this process, since the energy of the talisman needs to merge with the energy of the person.

Opal is a spiritual and intellectual stone, but not material. It gives people the opportunity to become happier, and how you use these opportunities is your choice. The stone also helps strengthen the immune system, activates protection against energy vampires, and protects against curses and the evil eye. All this is included in the list of his main qualities.

Opal combines with any other stones and does not conflict with their energy.

Who is opal suitable for according to their Zodiac Sign?

Black opal increases self-confidence and gives strength and motivation to move forward. These properties of the stone are useful for Virgo, Pisces, Libra, Gemini,Capricorn, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Black opal will suit all these Signs very well.

Multi-colored opal- mineral creative people, as well as everyone who needs additional source strength This Capricorns, Cancers, Taurus, Scorpios, Aquarius.

White opal works equally well any Zodiac Sign. It will help you establish contact with any person, improve love, friendship, family relationships, attract love.

Experts say that these stones infect everyone around with positivity, but cannot act in full force at the same time. If you carry all three varieties with you at once, the power of the stones will decrease.

To become happier, sometimes using talisman stones alone is not enough. You need to follow the laws of the Universe, because everything is governed by the energy of the cosmos. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.03.2019 09:26

Each Zodiac Sign has its own strengths and weaknesses. Talisman stones will help you become better and...

Each Zodiac Sign has its own talisman stones that affect them special effect. Every person...

Opal is a high quality form of hydrated amorphous silica. Its name comes from the Sanskrit word for stone. The stone is gemologically classified as a mineraloid rather than a mineral due to its amorphous shape. Opal is considered the national gemstone of Australia, due to the fact that the country produces approximately 97% of the world's supply of opal gemstones.

Opal is famous for its ability to diffuse light. Exact reason unique properties The mineral was recently discovered by Australian scientists in the 1960s after analysis by electron microscopes. It was discovered that small inclusions of silica gel caused interference, refraction and diffraction of light, resulting in the opal's unusual optical properties.

When light enters an opal, it refracts around tiny particles or “spheres” of hydrated silica, as well as silica particles and air bubbles trapped within the stone. Light is made up of everything visible colors and can produce a range of hues when it is diffracted.

Types of stone

Precious opal known for its remarkable ability to diffract (refract) light, resulting in rainbow-like effects. The refractive power depends on the viewing angle - this phenomenon is known as the "play of light".

Fire opal may occasionally exhibit slight play of light, but is better known for its rich hue. Regular opal is often opaque and lacks the color of the “fire” mineral.

Common opal exhibits opalescence. The term "opalescence" is often mistaken for "play of light". Opalescence should technically only be used to describe the optical effects observed in ordinary opal. Opalescence is caused by the reflection of light and appears as a reflection, usually of a milky bluish hue.

Physical properties of opal

Opal by definition is hydrated silica, always containing between three and thirty percent water. This characteristic and the mineral's relative softness, rating between 5.5 and 6.5 on the Mohs scale, make opal easily distinguishable from other gemstones.

Unlike other gemstones that refract light with a rainbow effect, opal also exhibits "opalescence." Other minerals in this group do not reflect the pearly bluish highlight, which seems to be characteristic only of opal. This stone will reflect a glare that will suddenly appear, disappear, and then appear again, depending on the viewing angle. In most cases, observing similar color and optical phenomena helps distinguish the original from similar gemstones.

Stone deposits

The main deposits are located in Australia. About 95% of the world's supply of white precious opals comes from underground. Famous deposits in New South Wales are called Lightning Ridge and White Cliffs; in South Australia, the mineral is mined in the underground city of Coober Pedy and in Andamook. Various deposits are also found in Queensland.

Other deposits are located in Brazil, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Russia and the USA (Idaho and Nevada).

Color spectrum

Opal can be found in many colors including white, colorless, pale yellow, pale red, grey, brown and black. Diffraction can cause flashes of any color of the rainbow that can be seen in the play of color.

Yellow, blue and green are the most common hues, while violet, red and orange are the rarest colors observed as a result of the play of light. Opalescence is usually milky blue in tone, but it appears relatively rarely. The color intensity of the opal, the play of light and transparency are determined by chemical properties stone

Mineral structure

Opal gemstones can be either completely opaque or partially translucent. Transparent and translucent specimens are generally more valuable than opaque materials. Almost all opal will have some visible internal fractures or inclusions. It tends to exhibit a waxy or resinous sheen that helps accentuate the play of color and opalescence. Smaller stones often have a glassy luster.

Titles and descriptions

Opal is hydrated silica, which means it has an extremely high water content and an amorphous crystal structure. There are many different varieties of opal, and some are extremely rare and valuable. In addition, there are also several unofficial "marketing" names used for opals based on specific mining locations, inclusions, and other properties of the stone.

Some of the official and most famous opal varieties include: rare black, chocolate, fire, boulder, common and precious opal.

Listed below are some of the most famous opal trade names with a brief description:

Black crystalline - can be transparent or translucent, with dark color bodies and the play of light.

Black is a gemstone with a rich black color. The rarest and most valuable of all varieties.

Boulder - characterized by the presence of inclusions that have a bright tint.

Chocolate - gem Brown. Also known as one of the rarest and most valuable varieties.

Regular - opaque, rarely transparent and does not show any play of light. A wide range of trade names are used to identify common opals.

Crystal is a transparent, colorless mineral that can refract light.

Fiery - transparent, with a yellow, orange or red tint. Has or does not have refractive power. Also called Mexican or sunflower.

Girasol is an almost colorless transparent stone with a bluish opalescence.

Harlequin is a clear gemstone with mosaic color patterns. It is in great demand among jewelry connoisseurs.

Honey - honey-yellow translucent stone.

Hyalite is a glass opal or water stone, colorless, transparent, with a strong shine.

Hydrophane is a milky gem that becomes shiny in water, but loses its shine if it dries out.

Precious - Displays iridescent hues that change with viewing angle, especially in rounded cuts.

Semi black or gray is a gemstone with a dark body color.

Waxy - a yellow-brown mineral with a waxy sheen.

White - a gemstone with white or very light color bodies.

Woody - a yellowish or brownish mineral in the form of petrified wood.

Magical properties of opal

The mineral's name was probably derived from the Sanskrit उपलः, meaning "valuable stone" or the Greek word opal, meaning "to see a change in color". Later, the Latin word “oralus” appeared, which can be translated as “precious stone”.

During the times of Ancient Rome, there was a so-called “stone of several elements.” Pliny the Elder, a famous Roman author, called opal an ornament that combines best characteristics the most beautiful precious stones; the beautiful shine of almandine, the shine of purple amethyst, the golden yellow shine of topaz and.

According to an old Australian Aboriginal legend, the Creator descended from heaven onto a rainbow and gave a message of peace to all mankind. The stones that were near the place where His feet touched the ground suddenly came to life and began to sparkle. This is how the first opal deposit appeared.

For centuries, people have believed in the healing power of the mineral. It is reported that it is able to eliminate depression, that it helps its owner find true love. Opal is also said to stimulate originality and creativity. This stone is porous and because of this it has absorbent properties. Due to its ability to absorb, it is believed that it can absorb people's negative thoughts and feelings and relieve negative emotions. Opal is the best talisman for those born in October - for and.

Opal Jewelry

These stones are best suited for making earrings, brooches and pendants. Due to the delicate nature of the stone, they are not recommended for daily wear as rings or other types of jewelry. Opal rings should be worn with extreme care to prevent damage to the stone while being worn.

Opals are machineable and can be drilled to make attractive pendants for necklaces or earrings. They can also be set into bezels or other cuts for bracelets, necklaces and pendants. Flawed gems are used to make attractive beads. Opals can also often be found in ornamental designs and frescoes.

Opal care, storage

These are delicate gemstones. They contain a large number of water, which makes them fragile. If the opal is allowed to dry completely, it will crack and disintegrate. If you live in a very dry climate or store stones in a dry environment, some precautions are necessary. Store jewelry in a tight plastic bag with a damp cloth.

Jewelry is also very sensitive to sudden changes in temperature. The stone has a soft structure, so it is easy to scratch. Even ordinary dust can harm it and reduce its shine. Accordingly, to clean the stone, use a soft cloth and only liquid soap or non-abrasive detergent (if necessary). Do not use harsh chemicals or cleaners, or use ultrasonic cleaners. Always remove opal jewelry before engaging in vigorous physical activity.