Eudialyte stone properties. Description and properties of eudialyte stone Physico-chemical properties of eudialyte

Eudialyte is the most beautiful, compound stone, which is extremely rarely involved in the formation of crystals. more often found as a granular mass. The main properties of the mineral are hidden right in the name - a genuine, easily soluble mineral. This is silicate zirconium, calcium, sodium, enriched with impurities of rare earth metals.

Origin story

The fiery red stone was born millions of years ago at a depth of several kilometers under the influence of molten volcanic magma. The first mention of the stone dates back to the 17th century. They started talking about it as a red leaf pomegranate. And only in the 19th century the mineral was described by the German chemist F. Strohmeier. The name eudialyte emphasizes the easy solubility of the stone in acid.

The mineral is called Lapp blood thanks to a legend that appeared among the indigenous inhabitants of northern Finland and the Kola Peninsula. The Lapps (Sami) tell a legend about the battle that took place between the conquerors and the brave defenders of the people. The battle lasted several days without sleep or rest.

The enemies wavered and retreated. But the victory came at a high price. Most of the Sami warriors shed blood, which froze and turned into an unusual red stone.

Deposits and production

This rare stone of igneous origin is slightly radioactive due to the admixture of rare earth metals. The largest reserves of eudialyte are concentrated in three alkaline massifs - in the Khibinite zone, Lovozersky and Ilimaussak deposits. At the same time, the highest content of the rock is observed on the Kola Peninsula. In the Lovozero massif it is a rock-forming mineral.

Deposits of loparite ore have been discovered in Greenland, Canada, the USA, Norway, and Russia. In deposits in Greenland and Russia, eudialyte is used as a raw material from which zirconium, strontium, and hafnium are obtained. The stone is used for decoration and crafts. In nature it occurs with natrolite, apatites, aegirines, and nephelines.

physical characteristics

  1. The stone is red. It has shades from bright raspberry to thick cherry. The natural color tone is explained by the formula Fe3+ and Mn3+. Violet, brown, yellow, brown, greenish, lilac colors can rarely be found.
  2. The glass sheen is close to greasy. Small fragments are transparent. The crystals are cloudy due to inclusions of various rocks.
  3. It melts very easily when heated. When exposed to a small source of heat (for example, a candle is enough). The mineral turns into a cloudy glass-like mass.
  4. It dissolves in any acid, except one - hydrochloric. As a result of interaction with it, a gelatin-like mass appears.

The gem contains radioactive substances. Very few radioactive compounds are present in small, slightly colored eudialytes. Minerals with intense color and large sizes have a natural increased level radioactivity.

Medicinal properties

The stone is known for its healing properties. Such a feature as a color reminiscent of blood gave the mineral several amazing names: “stone of the heartland”, “Lapp blood”. The first of them is based on the positive effects of eudialyte on the circulatory system, blood composition and heart.

It promotes:

  • cleansing the circulatory system;
  • improving pancreatic functions;
  • prevention of pancreatitis;
  • improving the functioning of the thoracic organs;
  • decreased eye pressure;
  • improved vision (when contemplating a gem).

To enhance the visual activity of the eyes, it is enough to look at the smooth surface of the mineral for several minutes. Healing properties gemstones are actively used in folk medicine against melancholy.

Magic properties

Magicians and psychics noticed the ability of the mineral to enhance energy. Its use has the same effect on white or black magic. It is used for:

  • getting rid of melancholy and mitigating grief;
  • getting out of depression;
  • strengthening will;
  • achieving harmony in the heart;
  • establishing emotional balance;
  • choosing your life path;
  • awakening a new level of consciousness;
  • improving performance;
  • activation of vitality and spiritual capabilities.

The stone can inspire love for people. Helps to gain openness and sensitivity. A person will be able not only to hear his inner self, but also to believe in himself and overcome weakness. With the help of a gem, extrasensory perception is heightened. The mineral is used for magical rituals.

Meaning of Zodiac Signs

According to astrologers, the stone suits almost all signs. It has no negative effects from an astrological point of view. Most signs do not feel its influence. Ideal for Virgo.

For women of this sign, the gem helps overcome melancholy. It protects against any negative influence of evil forces, witchcraft, and the evil eye. The stone can attract good luck. Strengthens abilities and talent in any field of activity. With a talisman made from eudialyte, it is easier for women to cope with depression and life shock.

The gem is recommended for representatives of the stronger sex of the Virgo sign. They will gain confidence in themselves, their strengths, and courage. Their life will be protected from various dangers, protected from all misfortunes. Men wear this mineral as a talisman against wounds and sudden death.

Leos and Sagittarius will find harmony and happiness together with eudialyte. They can also use the mineral as a talisman. The rest of the zodiac signs do not feel the strong influence of the stone and wear it like ordinary jewelry.

Talismans and amulets

The talisman, which is made of stone, will tell its owner what to do in a specific life situation. The answer will come by itself. You need to listen to your own feelings, learn to trust your intuition, and do not be afraid to make fateful decisions.

The belief is passed on from mouth to mouth that the eudialyte amulet turns even a coward into a heroic person. Talismans made from this rare mineral bring victory to its owner.

A stone bracelet set with silver or beads is real magic for women. The mineral reveals their sexual potential and at the same time acts as a talisman against damage and evil intentions. However, a talisman made from Sami blood does not tolerate items made from other stones next to it.

Applications and products

Eudialyte is an ornamental stone due to the fact that it is highly polished. Jewelers are attracted by the color range of the mineral. There was a period when it was used only for finishing buildings. Now it is of interest as the main raw material for creating zirconium.

The name of this mineral comes from the ancient Greek word eudiálitos, which translates as “easily soluble.” Eudialyte gained fame at the end of the 17th century, when it was called “red leafy garnet.” By chemical composition this mineral is a silicate of zirconium, calcium and sodium, which has a variable composition and includes rare earth elements. Other names for eudialyte are almandine spar, Sami or Lapp blood.

The name “Sami blood” appeared thanks to an ancient legend. According to legend, when the Swedes attacked the Sami land, the tribe’s warriors repelled the enemy’s attack in a fierce battle. But many of them were killed during the battle, and it was in those places where the brave Sami warriors fell that gems appeared.

This mineral is very well polished, which allows it to be used in jewelry making. Also attracting attention is its color palette, which includes shades from burgundy and dark red to raspberry and cherry. The red color of eudialyte is diluted with black and milky gray inclusions. The gem seems to shimmer inside, this makes it even more mysterious and looks like fresh drops of blood. But there are stones that are brown, yellow, and even purple flowers. These shades are characteristic of 30% of the world's reserves of the mineral.

Depending on the color palette, eudialyte is divided into subspecies:

Mineral deposits

Medicinal properties

Stone price

Decoration or souvenir with eudialyte depends on the characteristics of the stone and setting. The average price of silver jewelry is:

  • $80-100 for rings;
  • $90-120 for a necklace with small stones;
  • $120-150 per bracelet.

Souvenir products can be purchased at the following prices:

  • $100-2000 per box depending on the number and size of stones inserted;
  • $20-200 per polished ball.

Jewelry in the form of cabochon pendants, which can be bought at stone fairs, costs between $5-30.

How to distinguish an original from a craft?

Eudialyte is rarely counterfeited, since the demand for this stone is not so great. Despite this, fakes can still be found on the mineral market. You can distinguish natural eudialyte from it by the main feature - a peculiar glow. If real stone If you look carefully under a bright light, you can discern an unusual red reflection, similar to drops of blood. Eudialyte is also cool to the touch, like all natural minerals.

Stone care

Eudialyte is very sensitive to external influences, so it should be worn and stored with care:

  • do not drop the stone, as it will instantly split;
  • do not expose to high temperatures - eudialyte can melt even from the flame of an ordinary match or candle;
  • do not allow acidic solutions to come into contact with the surface of the gem - some acids (for example, hydrochloric acid) can dissolve the stone;
  • do not allow the stone to come into contact with household cleaning products, cosmetics and perfumes;
  • Eudialyte should be washed with warm running water without any detergents.

Store the stone separately from other jewelry in a box or case with soft filling.

Talismans and amulets

5 / 5 ( 3 voices)

Hematite and its protective properties Sardonyx – stone of luck and longevity
Nepheline - a stone that protects against evil people

Our planet has a huge amount of fascinatingly beautiful minerals. Among them, a special place is occupied by the fantastic mineral eudialyte, created by nature during magmatic reactions. Its magical energy can have a beneficial effect on human channels and restore vital energy.

Our planet has a huge amount of fascinatingly beautiful minerals. Among them, a special place is occupied by the fantastic mineral eudialyte.

The name of the mineral comes from a combination of several Greek words, which have the translation “good”, “genuine”, “real”, “original”.

The stone dissolves well in acids; there are translucent varieties of eudialyte with little radioactivity. The mineral is very fragile, so processing a clean sample takes a significant amount of time. The color palette of the stone covers all shades of red, pink and brown colors. Interestingly, the species with a rich red tint is radioactive and can rarely be found in nature.

Eudialyte, a stone classified as a silicate, was first described in history in 1818 by the German scientist Friedrich Strohmeyer

On the Kola Peninsula, the stone has its own mysterious history. According to local beliefs and legends, during the battle between the Sami tribes and the Swedish wars, the blood of the fallen inhabitants fell in drops to the ground and turned into a mighty fiery stone. To this day, this mineral has several beautiful names- “Lapp blood”, “Sami blood”.

Large deposits of stone have been discovered in Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia. The mineral is used as an additional element for smelting zirconium ores. IN jewelry It is extremely rare because the stone is mined in small quantities.

Gallery: eudialyte (25 photos)

Eudialyte, a stone classified as a silicate, was first described in history in 1818 by the German scientist Friedrich Strohmeyer

Magical and healing properties

The igneous mineral can enhance the esoteric abilities of its owner. It also helps get rid of sadness and boredom, and softens the pain of great losses. Amulets made from this stone allow you to get out of severe depression, begin to enjoy life again and do great things. The magical energy of the mineral can improve relationships with others, make interesting acquaintances and find a new purpose in life. The peculiar motto of this mineral is that hope dies last.

Eudialyte is perfect for people whose main activity is extreme sports; they are under constant stress and cannot sit in one place. Since ancient times, rings and medallions made of eudialyte have been worn by warriors, since this mineral makes its owner strong, brave and invulnerable, and gives the ability to withstand the blows of fate with dignity and move forward. In the books of the light school of magic you can find small notes about eudialyte, the properties of which have not yet been fully studied.

The igneous mineral can enhance the esoteric abilities of its owner

The healing properties of the stone have been recently discovered. A strong influence of the mineral on the human cardiovascular system was noted. An interesting property of eudialyte is the restoration of metabolism and the removal of toxins from the body. In folk practices it is used as a talisman in the treatment of pancreatitis and pancreas. If you look at the stone for a few minutes every day, your vision will improve within a couple of weeks. In addition, there is an assumption that the mineral has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain regions responsible for intelligence and insight.

Eudialyte stone (video)

Unique esoteric effects for zodiac signs

From birth, each person has his own set of stones, which helps to rationally use energy and replenish it at the right time. Horoscope plays a big role when choosing esoteric pendants, rings and amulets. Possessing rare magical properties, eudialyte is perfect for representatives of the elements of air and earth. The stone will carefully “observe” its owner, absorb his character traits and strengthen them.

Therefore, the owner of the amulet should take care in advance to ensure that the mineral directs its power exclusively for the benefit of the owner.

The dominant sign is Virgo. Many people believe that representatives of this zodiac sign only think about material problems and everyday trifles; in fact, they are very deep and attentive natures. They clearly point out the imperfections of the world around them and try in every possible way to correct the shortcomings. They often have their own point of view, but defend it exclusively with an intelligent and interesting interlocutor. Eudialyte gives strength to complete the most difficult tasks, energizes you with vivacity and energy, and helps improve relationships with friends and loved ones. It is recommended to wear a pendant with a stone on silver chain or a ring on your index finger.

Eudialyte (video)

Attention, TODAY only!

The name of this unusual stone comes from the ancient Greek eudiálitos, which in the Hellenic language meant “easily dissolved”. It was no coincidence that he received it. The fact is that the stone easily dissolves in any acid. The main stage in the spread of eudialyte occurred at the end of the 17th century, at that time it was called “red leafy garnet”.

The name “Sami blood” was first mentioned in an ancient legend. According to legend, during the attack on the homeland of the Sami by Swedish invaders, the greatest warriors of the tribe repelled the enemy attack in a difficult battle. However, most of them fell during the skirmish, and at those points where the blood of the great Sami warriors sprinkled the ground, it turned into precious stones.

The mineral with so many names was produced several million years ago during a period of high volcanic activity and is an igneous rock that appeared after eruptions. Most often it takes the form of numerous granular accumulations of indeterminate shape, surrounded by such rare stones as kyanite and amazonite. Eudialyte is quite difficult to detect in crystalline forms, and one of its main uses is the extraction of rare radioactive metals, such as tantalum, hafnium, zirconium, titanium or strontium, for which eudialyte represents a valuable raw material base.

A few accumulations of Sami blood were discovered in the state of Arkansas, USA, in Quebec, one of the provinces of Canada, as well as on the island of Madagascar. The largest deposits of the precious stone are located on the island of Greenland. In addition, the Kola Peninsula in the Russian Federation is recognized as the source of the stone.

It is used for mining for the production of zirconium on an industrial scale, because alloys based on it are used in nuclear energy.

Application in medicine

Eudialyte may cure melancholy, lift a person’s mood, bring clarity to the brain. The happy owner of this stone will change his worldview, the person will be able to calm down and begin to positively perceive the manifestations of the world around him.

The use of eudialyte is widespread and consists of the following:

Use of stone in the magical industry

The magical properties exhibited by eudialyte have not left blank spots in the books of esotericists and sorcerers in modern reality. They found that using the stone protected the wearer from wounds and injury. And this is not surprising if we do not forget the history of the origin of the first eudialyte stones. Magic properties:

It is not allowed to wear eudialyte with other magic stones at the same time.. The point is that it has the ability to increase potential magical properties from nearby artifacts, but not everyone has positive power. If you enhance the negative abilities of minerals, this will lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, you should not combine the properties of eudialyte with stones whose power is not fully revealed.

According to most astrologers, eudialyte has no serious contraindications, if we consider the theory of stars. However, it will be ideal for some, but others will not feel its impact.

Zodiac signs and eudialyte

The properties of the zodiac sign for which the use of eudialyte as a personal talisman will be most relevant are known under the constellation Virgo. The stone will protect them from dark forces, black witchcraft and other negative influences. In addition, he will attract good luck to such people. The jewel will greatly enhance the skills and talents that distinguish this sign from all others.

Eudialyte mineral is extremely Recommended for women to wear who have suffered serious mental trauma or entered into a state of acute depression. The stone will support them and make it easier to survive any shock, as well as relieve a sad mood. Sami blood is also recommended for male representatives of this horoscope symbol. He will instill in them courage and confidence in the successful completion of the actions taken. He will divert the threat from their lives and health in case of unforeseen difficulties, and protect them from all accidents.

Representatives of Leo also have the right to regard eudialyte as their own talisman. The stone will also serve Sagittarius well. Regarding all other zodiac signs, for them the use of the mineral is justified only as an ordinary decoration. None of them, alas, will feel the impact of the stone on their destiny.

Color and appearance of the stone

Eudialyte is included in the category of craft stones. A wide range of colors, supported by the splendor of natural stone carving, makes it possible to use it in creating various jewelry. The amazing properties of the stone lie in the peculiarities of its unstable chemical composition. As a result, the color palette ranges from blood-red shades to rich burgundy and cherry.

The mineral is excellent for polishing, which makes it possible to use it in the creation of jewelry. The red spectrum of eudialyte is overshadowed by black and milky-gray spots. The gem seems to be pulsating inside, which only emphasizes its mystery and similarity to fresh drops of blood. There are minerals in brown, yellow and even purple shades. These colors are found in approximately 30% of the world's mineral deposits.

It is rare to find minerals with an orange, yellow or brown accent, and it is extremely rare to find gems with a pearly gray color. In addition to jewelry, the stone is used to make popular interior items. These include figurines, pyramids, magic balls and souvenir toys. Magic spheres, able to pulsate and flicker thanks to advanced polishing methods and their spherical shape, have the ability to create an atmosphere of mystery, which is a mandatory attribute in the magic of spiritualism, so popular in the first half of the twentieth century.

The chemical composition of this mineral includes zirconium silicate, containing calcium and sodium molecules, the percentage of which varies, as well as inclusions of rare earth elements. It is also known as almandine spar, Sami or Lapp blood.

Eudialyte is a mineral that requires a special approach. You will have to keep it in a cool room as far as possible from fire and high temperature. In addition, washing should only be done in running cold water without the use of various cleaning or washing resources. If you treat the stone with a warm and caring attitude, it will certainly respond mutual love and warmth.

Eudialyte was discovered in 1801, when Zr was established in the red “foliate garnet” from Greenland by the German chemist F. Strohmeyer (discoverer of Cd). In 1818, he also performed the first complete chemical analysis of the mineral, which, as it seemed then, consisted of 5 components: Na, Ca, Fe, Si and Zr. It was given its name from the Greek for “well decomposed” due to its easy solubility in acids. In 1844, an unusual brown “hyacinth” was found in Norway, which turned out to be a type of eudialyte, which already contained 12 elements. Until the recent past, the two minerals were thought to be identical, and the term "eucolyte" became firmly established in the literature to refer to optically negative eudialytes, typically containing elevated amounts of Ca, Fe, and rare earths. Before World War I, a Danish mining company attempted to use Greenland's eudialyte rocks as a raw material for Zr extraction, but without success.

In Russia, eudialyte was first established by Academician. A.F. Middendorf while traveling through the Kola Peninsula in 1840. He encountered the mineral on the western slopes of the Khibiny and drew an analogy between the rocks of the Khibiny and Greenland. But real fame came to eudialyte in the 1920s after expeditions of the USSR Academy of Sciences to the Kola Peninsula under the leadership of A.E. Fersman.

In his works, eudialyte is often referred to as “Lapp, Sami blood.” “We were interested in the drops of Sami blood scattered in the tundra, that wonderful stone of the Khibiny and Lovozero tundras, whose name is eudialyte.” Then A.E. Fersman, known for his love of stone and Sami legends, came up with a legend that has been retold for many years.

“So, listen. It was a long, long time ago, when I was not yet there, and Vasily Vasilyevich, who grazes the deer on Small Lake, was not there, and old man Arkhipov was not there on Moncheguba; it was a very long time ago. Strangers found our land, they said - shvets, but we were like burdocks - naked, without weapons, not even shotguns, and not everyone had knives. And we didn’t want to fight. But the Shvets began to take away the bulls and females, took our fishing places, built pens and lemmas - there was nowhere for the Lopi to go. And so the old people gathered and began to think about how to drive out the shvet, but he was so strong - big, with firearms. We consulted, argued and decided to go together against him, take away our deer and again sit on Seityavr and Umbozero.

And they went to a real war - some with a shotgun, some just with a knife, they all went against the Shvets, and the Shvet was strong and was not afraid of the burst. First, he lured our lop to Seityavr by cunning and began to chop it there. It will strike to the right - so ten of ours were missing, and all the mountains, tundra and khibiny were splattered with drops of blood; will strike to the left - so again ten of ours were missing, and again drops of Lop’s blood were splashed across the tundra. You know, you yourself showed me, such a red stone in the mountains - this, believe me, is that same Lop blood, the blood of the old Sami.

But our old people became angry when they saw that the shvet began to crumble them, they hid in the talnik, gathered their strength and immediately surrounded everyone on all sides of the shvet; he goes this way, this way - there is no way for him to go anywhere: neither to go down to Seityavr, nor to climb out onto the tundra; So he froze on the rock that hangs over the lake. When you are on Seityavr, you yourself will see the giant Kuyva - this is the shvet that our Sami, our old people, sprawled on the stone when they went to war against him. So he remained there, Kuiva the damned, and our old men again took possession of the bulls and important women, again sat down on the fishing grounds and began to hunt... Only the red drops of Sami blood remained on the tundra, you can’t collect them all, our old men shed a lot of them, until they mastered Kuyva...”

In those days, eudialyte was seriously considered as a source of deficient Zr, and only serious difficulties in beneficiating ores and extracting useful components, as well as the discovery of deposits of more technologically advanced zircon, postponed this problem until our times and, perhaps, even more distant times. And then serious expeditions were organized, mining operations were carried out, and numerous institutes struggled with the “eudialyte problem.” A constant participant in the famous expeditions, E.E., put a lot of effort into studying the mineral, its crystallography, chemical composition and differences depending on rock types. Kostyleva-Labuntsova. A.E. Fersman returned to his favorite mineral more than once. In the book “Precious and Colored Stones of Russia” he writes: “The mineral has a wonderful tone - from brownish-red to cherry, reminiscent of high grades of garnet; takes polish very well and has generally demonstrated high technical qualities... In view of the fact that its reserves in the Khibiny Mountains are quite significant, it seems desirable to pay attention to this new valuable material.” Despite the beginning of the “Khibiny apatite epic,” he returned to this topic in the monograph “Mineral Resources of the Kola Peninsula,” which summarized the results of his work in the 1920s and 1930s. “Despite all attempts to achieve favorable results in the development of technological schemes for eudialyte ores, this situation still remains unchanged... The wealth of the Kola Peninsula in decorative materials has not yet been completely appreciated... Some varieties of khibinite and especially crimson and red eudialyte are beautiful as an ornamental material... The role of Kola minerals as museum material is absolutely exceptional... Given their exceptional scientific value, such collections will have undoubted success in many hundreds of museums, scientific institutions and higher education classrooms in our country and will partially become important for export.”

Eudialyte. Khibiny, Kola Peninsula, Russia. More than 20 cm. Sample: A.N. Korobkov. Exhibition "Amazing in Stone-2011". Photo: © A. Evseev

At the same time, his popular scientific works were published, which became reference books for several generations of geologists and stone lovers: “Memories of a Stone”, “Travels for a Stone”, on the pages of which eudialyte was among the main characters. IN post-war period interest in the mineral decreased, but it remained popular among geologists and stone lovers. This continued until the early 1960s, when the discoverer of Soviet diamonds L.A. Popugaeva, who by that time was dealing with the country’s colored stones, managed to convince the high management, and first of all A.N. Kosygin, pay attention to this area of ​​geological research and the cultural and economic benefits associated with it.

As a result, the All-Union Trust “Colored Stones” was organized, then transformed into the All-Union Industrial Association “Soyuzkvartssamotsvety” with numerous territorial divisions. In the territory of North-West Russia, work was carried out by expeditions of the Northern Production Association “Severkvartssamotsvety”. Naturally, interest in the Kola minerals arose. Since 1969, the study of the Khibiny and Lovozero massifs for semi-precious stones, and then for collection raw materials, began. The work was carried out under the scientific guidance of a great lover of stone, currently famous writer Yu.O. Lipovsky. From 1970 to 1981 prospecting work was carried out for eudialyte and other minerals, as well as mining work at the identified occurrences. In the northern part of the Khibiny, pegmatite bodies with eudialyte were identified, mainly at the contacts of lyavochorrites with foyaites. Here they form a series of differently oriented veins with bulges and constrictions. Their thickness ranges from a few centimeters to several meters, and their length ranges from a few to hundreds of meters. Eudialyte occurs in them in granular aggregates and well-formed crystals. Contents range from 15 to 50%.

Searches were also carried out in the area of ​​the city of Kuelporr and the northern spurs of the city of Kukisvumchorr (Zircon and Eudialyte bridges, Marchenko peak). More than 50 bodies were identified in the zone of mica and aegirine rischorrites. Schlieren-like and vein pegmatites are noted. The distribution of eudialyte in them is uneven, and the content does not exceed 15%. It was concluded that given the complexity of mining conditions, inaccessibility and low content of eudialyte, these manifestations are not of practical interest.

In 1976-77. Several areas with eudialyte mineralization have been identified on the southwestern slope of Njorpahk. They are localized in albitized foyaites; the foyaites themselves and the pegmatites in them are enriched in eudialyte. The “Sami” zone is an area of ​​eudialyte-enriched foyaites and albitites with a thickness of 2-4 m, traced along the strike for 50 m. Eudialyte forms impregnations and veinlets 3-15 mm in size. The content varies from 20 to 50%. The occurrence is characterized by good blockiness - from 20 × 20 × 10 to 50 × 40 × 20 cm. Schlieren-like areas of monomineral eudialyte are also noted here, in which well-formed crystals are found. Expected reserves are estimated at 72 tons.

The Ramzai vein, about 200 m long, is located higher up the slope. It occurs in albitized aegirine foyaites and has a complex branching shape. The eudialyte content in it increases towards the central part. Well-formed crystals up to several cm in size and equally good crystals of lorenzenite are found here. The eudialyte content does not exceed 30%. The Udachnaya vein is located lower down the slope and is confined to a narrow strip of albitized foyaites. It is composed of aegirine-feldspathic pegmatite interspersed with eudialyte. The content does not exceed 10%. In the central part there is an area enriched in eudialyte (up to 40%) in large (up to 4 cm) phenocrysts and crystals. No material was mined during development.

The only site where eudialyte raw materials were mined was the Small Canyon occurrence. It was discovered by geologists of the Khibinogorsk hydraulic fracturing site in the mid-1960s. It is a zone enriched in eudialyte in trachytoid urtites exposed on the left side of the river. Vuonnemyok is 4 m from the water's edge. In plan, it can be traced in the sublatitudinal direction for a distance of over 25 m, the thickness does not exceed 2-2.5 m. The eudialyte content is uneven, increasing towards the central part, where the content reaches 50-70%. The rock is characterized by increased fracturing associated with platy units, and therefore the block size does not exceed 20 × 10 × 10 cm. Eudialyte forms small disseminations and massive (3-5 cm) segregations. Reserves are estimated at 15 tons. In 1980, 3245 kg were mined, the yield of block stone 20 × 20 × 10 cm was 1.5-4%. In 1981, 4052 kg with a yield of 3.5%. Subsequently, production was not resumed.

In those years, the Khibiny Mountains were not as accessible as they are today. In addition, departmental barriers interfered with the extraction of stone at the quarries of the Apatit association. Although, even at the beginning of the work, it was noted that “eudialyte from the quarries of the association is associated with schlieren-like pegmatites in apatitized urtites. The mineral forms porphyritic segregations and crystals different sizes, various shades from red to crimson. Due to translucency and pseudo-cleavage, a sparkling effect occurs. Effective in flat polished products. A sample of 200 kg was taken, a test batch of cabochons was made, the yield of the products was satisfactory. It is recommended to periodically select batches of raw materials from the rock mass."

At that time, the industry standard prevailed (reserves, block size of the stone, % content, etc.) and the uniqueness of the material was not taken into account at all. “The collection material is large, well-formed crystals, as well as polygonal crystalline masses, distributed extremely unevenly in pegmatites and confined to the marginal parts of veins enriched with fibrous aegirine.” It should also be taken into account that in those years few people had heard of eudialyte as a stone-colored, especially gemological, raw material. And persecution of stone lovers and the lack of a market did not allow the material to be appreciated (crystalline forms are rare to this day). Stone processing was complicated by antediluvian technologies, given that eudialyte is a capricious material.

When entering the foreign market, the market situation was not taken into account at all, and the emerging interest was offset by irregular deliveries and low purchase prices. The customer and the contractor were separated, and prices were set fixed, not reflecting the quality of the material. The association needed the extraction of eudialyte only for its exchange for other, including foreign, material. Even master stone-cutters were reserved about the new material.

New times have come. “Eudialyte fever” began in the mid-1990s, and the author took an active part in it. In those years, a zone with high eudialyte contents was discovered in the Northern open pit of the Kirov mine. It was located along a hanging contact with apatite-nepheline rocks. The following were observed in it: lujavrites enriched in eudialyte; schlieren-like pegmatites with segregations of crystalline and massive eudialyte in apatitized ijolite-urtites; aegirine – eudialyte veins and streaks; Schlieren and eudialyte crystals in apatite. The dimensions of the zone reached several hundred meters with a width of a few meters. Eudialyte segregations reached 0.5 m3, and the size of the blocks was 50 × 50 × 30 cm and even more. The color varied from bright red in luavrites and ijolitic pegmatites to crimson with varying shades in urtite and feldspathic pegmatites, apatite-nepheline rocks and apatite. Sometimes iridescence was observed in eudialyte. In one of the areas, a large number of eudialyte crystals were found. They were located in fibrous aegirine and sugar-like apatite. In the first case, the crystals were poorly cut, in the second they were perfect.

The large volume of material, lack of experience, funds and knowledge in stone processing led to the fact that the bulk of the material was sold abroad. According to the author’s calculations, from 1996 to 2007. About 30 tons of eudialyte were mined here. But as a result, its “Kirov” variety appeared, thanks to which it was possible to build a price scale for all eudialyte material. Later, the author found that such areas are not uncommon. In 2007, they were encountered in the Yukspor section of the Kirov mine (western slope of Yuksporr) - a steeply dipping zone hundreds of meters long within three mining horizons. It was also located in the hanging wall of an apatite deposit, and the fragments of massive eudialyte reached 50 × 50 × 30 cm or more. Unfortunately, this wealth was irretrievably lost during mining.

When examining the remains of the Apatite Circus quarry, western spur of Rasvumchorr, horizon +350 m, remains of a similar zone were found. Here, eudialyte-containing bodies are also found in the hanging side, associated with rischrorrites and urtites. The differences in the morphology of the bodies are clearly visible - in the first case, steeply dipping veins, in the second, schlieren formations and pegmatoid rocks. In rischorrites, eudialyte is red in color, while urtites are characterized by crimson shades.

Later, similar sites were established in the Nyorpakhk and Koashvinsky quarries. In the first, a zone of eudialyte-bearing rocks was located in the hanging wall of an apatite deposit. Its length reached several hundred meters. It was characterized by areas with “Kirov” eudialyte in ijolite-urthite pegmatites and lujavrite veins.

In 2009-2010 a similar zone was discovered at the Koashvinsky quarry. Here, hanging-wall urtites and schlieren-like pegmatites in them are enriched with eudialyte. The length of the zone is tens of meters. Eudialyte is characterized by red colors and a unique block size up to 1 × 1 × 1 m or more. Such blocks can be seen in the exhibition of the Museum of Geology and Mineralogy named after. I.V. Belkov" Geological Institute of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Apatity) and the Mining Museum of St. Petersburg.

This may be due to changes in the technology of mass explosions (increasing the distance between wells). A similar zone in aegirinized ijolites was discovered in the Oleniy Ruchey quarry in 2013.

The geological position of faults along the hanging wall of apatite deposits and the intensive development of similar mineralization here were noted by Khibiny geologists in connection with the study of deep horizons of deposits for the presence of dropped blocks of ore bodies. Of the manifestations within the massif, the most interesting was the area of ​​​​the northern spurs of the Kukisvumchorr mountain (Eudialite jumper - Marchenko peak). Here, eudialyte accumulations are confined to veins in rischorrites and heterogranular nepheline syenites.

Note that the amount of material does not exceed hundreds of kg, and the size of the blocks depends on the patience of the miner. In addition, these veins are characterized by well-formed and large crystals.

Due to the rarity and difficulty of obtaining (by chance or the skill of the preparer), crystals are “coveted” for an army of stone lovers, collectors and museum workers. General disadvantages of eudialyte raw materials are fracturing due to blasting and the presence of soda-containing minerals in the rock, which is especially typical for material from the Koashvinsky quarry.

Processing the material is not difficult. Sizing of blocks, use of diamond tools and polarites, as well as high tool rotation speeds are required. Possible products are varied: pebbles, cabochons, eggs, balls; stone cutting products different forms: clocks, writing instruments, tabletops, and stone carvings. There have been attempts to produce stone tiles. Stopped them high price final products due to irregular supply of raw materials.

Eudialyte, titanite, astrophyllite, etc. Marchenko Peak, Khibiny, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Sample: Miner. RGGRU Museum (R-742. Gift: A.A. Evseev). Photo 1-2: © A.A. Evseev.

Today, prohibitive measures serve as obstacles to the widespread extraction of eudialyte. OJSC Apatit is not interested in this type of product due to the small volume of bodies, the lack of advanced forecast, the impossibility and unwillingness of selective selection. The recent closure of the gift shop illustrates the lack of interest in the best possible way. All this hinders the development of the “stone” market in the region. In addition, let us remember the problems with licensing, the sale of raw materials and products, and the lack of assistance in the development of the souvenir business. And all this - with wide popularity, great need, and sometimes rush demand!

But let's return to the mineralogy of eudialyte. This is a characteristic mineral of the Khibiny. It is found in rocks and pegmatites of almost all complexes, but its distribution is extremely uneven. A significant part of the occurrences is confined to trachytoid khibinites, uneven-grained nepheline syenites (“lyavochorrites”) and trachytoid (gneiss-like) foyaites, i.e., to rocks of the interior of the massif in contact with the rocks of the Central Arc. It is much less common in coarse-grained khibinites and massive pyroxene foyaites that make up the peripheral and central parts of the massif, and pegmatites in them. In the named rocks, eudialyte is an accessory mineral and forms accumulations in pegmatites.

Eudialyte associates with feldspars, nepheline, aegirine, arfvedsonite, enigmatite, rinkite, lamprophyllite, titanite and other minerals. The connection between eudialytes and aegirine, enigmatite and astrophyllite is especially close. Eudialyte schlierens are common; in pegmatite veins, individual sections are composed of aggregates of these minerals.

In zones of poikilitic nepheline syenites (“rischorrites”), eudialyte accumulations are confined to rock contacts and numerous pegmatite and vein formations.

In ijolite-urtites it rarely forms significant accumulations, with the exception of some feldspathic varieties - lujavrites. But it is common for pegmatites in them. In apatite-nepheline rocks, eudialyte is rare, mainly in relict pegmatites of ijolite-urtites and veins cutting them.

The author has identified several types of eudialyte manifestations in the Khibiny massif, in which it serves as a source of semiprecious stones and collection material. These are: pegmatites of khibinites, rischorrites and ijolite-urtites; “replaced” pegmatites of yiolite-urtites in apatite-nepheline rocks; “stockwork” zones in apatitized and feldspathic urtites; eudialyte-feldspathic and eudialyte-aegirine veins in various complexes; various eudialyte-bearing metasomatites (mainly albitites). The main source of eudialyte raw materials is “stockwork” zones in apatitized and feldspathic urtites, where pegmatite and vein bodies of various mineral compositions are present. They are distinguished by their large length and significant volumes of eudialyte raw materials (up to several tens of tons), as well as their high quality. The rest serve as a source of material that adds variety to the palette of eudialyte raw materials and, most importantly, a source of scarce eudialyte crystals.

As a result of a long search in the Lovozero massif, we found two sites from which eudialyte can be taken as an ornamental raw material. This is the “Northern” quarry on the city of Alluyav. Eudialyte and its manganese-rare earth analogue kentbruxite are found here. Minerals are visually almost indistinguishable. And yet the second darkens faster with the appearance of manganese oxides along the cracks. But this can only be understood by repeatedly visiting the quarry.

The quarry exposed numerous veins of arfvedsonite-feldspar-eudialyte pegmatites cutting across the foyaites. They are weakly zoned; eudialyte segregations are always located in the center of the veins and represent intergrowths of poorly formed crystals of various sizes. Sometimes the nuclear parts are completely transparent. They managed to make several small cuts from them. The stone material from this quarry is very interesting for collections. Eudialyte often contains good crystals of microcline, arfvedsonite, nepheline, and sometimes loparite.

Another interesting place is located on the southeastern edge of the massif. Here is the Mecca of collectors of rare minerals in the city of Mal. Punkaruive. Since the 1930s, it has been known to anyone interested in mineralogy. Numerous pegmatite veins here contain many rare minerals. Their findings are far from over; the latest discoveries were made quite recently.

On the eastern slope of the mountain, at the very beginning of studying the geology and mineralogy of the massif, Leningrad geologists discovered numerous eudialyte veins. They are quite extensive (several tens of meters), but have a thickness of only a few tens of cm. Eudialyte and kentbruxite are also found here, but the former predominates. Both occur in individual crystals and as “buckwheat” – aggregates of poorly formed crystals of varying sizes. Of primary interest are schlierens composed of massive eudialyte, often with enigmatite crystals. In them, eudialyte is similar to “Kirov”, with the difference that its color is red-brown, but with the same sparks (iridization).

Eudialyte has long attracted attention due to its bright color, which in a certain sense should be considered paradoxical. Indeed, the content of d-elements in minerals of this group (primarily Mn and Fe) usually exceeds 5%, sometimes approaching 10%. With such contents of chromophores in amphiboles (for example, in arfvedsonite), their color is exclusively black due to the charge transfer Fe2+ → Fe3+. In eudialytes it occurs between four pairs of ions: Mn2+ → Mn3+, Mn2+ → Fe3+, Fe2+ → Mn3+, Fe2+ → Fe3+. The absorption bands of these transfers, taking into account the vacant sublevels, cover almost the entire part of the spectrum visible to the human eye. Taking this into account, the intrinsic color of eudialytes should be black. At the same time, the spectra indicate that it has an exclusively chromophore character. The lack of effect of charge transfer on the color of eudialyte is probably explained by the structural features of the group.

An analogy is known in the group of amphiboles. High-iron alkaline amphiboles of the riebeckite series are colored grayish-blue due to the shift of the Fe2+ → Fe3+ charge transfer absorption bands to the red region. This feature of riebeckite is explained by the fact that charge transfer occurs between noticeably deformed Fe octahedra. The deformation of coordination polyhedra allows electron transfer along the least energy-intensive trajectory, which is the reason for the shift of absorption bands. In some cases, effects arising from weak charge transfer influences play a role. The dense colors of the Lovozero eudialyte are apparently also explained by this mechanism. It follows from this that the red color of eudialytes is due to chromophores (Mn and Fe), and its shade depends on the coefficient of distortion of coordination polyhedra and the ratio of chromophore contents.

Today, more than 20 elements have been identified in eudialyte. And in the eudialyte group, a large number of mineral species have been identified. Data on the chemical composition show that the vast majority of gemologically interesting samples from the Khibiny are Mn-Fe eudialytes. The compositions of the Lovozero samples, with the exception of those from eudialyte lujavrites, correspond to eudialytes and kenbrooksites - their analogs enriched in Mn and rare earths. Lujavrites contain eudialyte of the Ca-Fe series.

As in all times associated with change, since the 1990s, occult hobbies have been actively developing in our country. And minerals are an indispensable attribute of a true clairvoyant. Once I was asked to watch the “Astromineralogy” course, in which, in addition to a lot of absurdities, I discovered the absence of a number of well-known domestic minerals, including eudialyte. This needed to be fixed urgently. And so, within the walls of the basement in the courtyard of the MGRI, enthusiasts gathered. As a result of many days of debate, it was decided not to invent anything, to write as it is. The result was the following description of the mineral.

Eudialyte. Lephe-Nelm city, Lovozero, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Sample: Min. Museum named after A.E. Fersman RAS (Museum collection. Kobyashev Yu.S.). Photo: © A.A. Evseev

“The magical properties of eudialyte are similar to those of ruby, but stronger. The first thing he is associated with, especially Lovozersky, is blood. When you touch the stone, you feel the pulsation of heated blood from the awareness of your own strength, power and invulnerability. A feeling of peace comes; you are able to respond to any adversity and adversity. Eudialyte is a stone of great strength, determination, determination, pride and self-sacrifice. This applies to any area of ​​human life and activity, to any situation. Gives a feeling of inviolability and stability in the face of life's troubles. This is your island of calm in a rapidly changing world. Helps to preserve the principles and beliefs that form the basis of the personality, reveals its capabilities. This is a mineral of passion, associated with ideas of eternal movement, emancipation, vibrant sensuality and attractiveness. Eudialyte is inspiration, enthusiasm and openness, spontaneity in expressing emotions, impulsiveness, assertiveness, directness and nobility. It is home to ancient Lapp legends and beliefs, high mountains, swift rivers, polar night and northern lights, icy sea and endless tundra. Patronizes everyone who loves nature and travel: hunters, fishermen, geologists. It has a reviving, tonic effect, fills with energy, and inspires the will to live. Brings you out of depression, kills melancholy, grief, despair, apathy, gives hope. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood circulation, helps with anemia and low blood pressure, exhaustion and weakening of the body, improves immunity and metabolism. Counts good remedy against hallucinations and melancholy, helps with insomnia, gives sound, healthy sleep."

Great! And in my opinion, the whole healing secret is as follows. You fill a backpack with eudialyte samples and drag it for several kilometers along a wet ridge or swampy slope! If you're lucky, in the rain or shower. And there is nowhere to wait - the terrain is not the same, the forest is sparse. And there’s no time, I have to go, my comrades are waiting and worried. And when you come, you will find the warmth of the hearth, a good dinner and a leisurely conversation, inspection of the finds, and at the end - a heroic sleep. And the next morning you are a superman again! And everything is within your reach! Of course, this could not have happened without the magical effect of minerals! In those years with our light hand Eudialyte was very popular.

This is what V.N., the popularizer of the Kola minerals and the creator of the “Museum of Colored Stones” in Monchegorsk, writes. Dove. “Once I decided to deal with the widely held opinion about the unsuitability of eudialyte as a material for making jewelry due to its allegedly inherent radioactivity. Having selected a batch, I sent it to one of the Leningrad institutes dealing with industrial hygiene problems, with the question: can jewelry be made from this raw material or not? The response received stated that the stones sent were suitable for laying in concrete products in quantities not exceeding one-quarter of the material used. Immediately followed by a request to send the next batch. Apparently, the aesthetics are stuck.”

Nevertheless, despite all sorts of superstitions, eudialyte organically joined the ranks of the “new” gems and is very popular. The great rarity and legendary places of discovery give it mystery and majesty. In each sample it is accompanied by all the known elements: sky – nepheline, whose name means “cloudy”; sea ​​- aegirine, whose secretions are so similar to seaweed, is named after the god of the seas Eger; earth - feldspars, which contain the main chemical elements of our planet; fire - it is clearly symbolized by the color and iridescence of the mineral. Let us conclude the article with the words of the great singer of stone, Academician. A.E. Fersman: “And he has no equal in the whole world, just as there is nothing more valuable than human blood shed for freedom and life.”


1. Globa P.P. Astromineralogy. Kyiv: Logos Publishing House, 2003. 247 p.

2. Dove V.N. Stones of joy. Murmansk: Book. publishing house, 1988. 272 ​​p.

3. Lipovsky Yu.O. and others. Report on search work for collection materials in the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and Murmansk region. for 1976-77 St. Petersburg: Funds of North-West State University, 1978. 136 p.

4. Lipovsky Yu.O. and others. Report on the results of prospecting work for cutting corundum and collection raw materials in the alkaline massifs of the Kola Peninsula, carried out in 1980-82. L.: Funds of North-West State University, 1983. 195 p.

5. Likhanova O.E. Master's thesis "Composition and properties of eudialyte group minerals from alkaline massifs of the Kola Peninsula." Hand. M.D. Evdokimova, N.I. Frishman. St. Petersburg State University, 2007. 60 p.

6. Minerals of the Khibiny and Lovozero tundras. M.-L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1932. 563 p.

7. Mineralogy of the Khibiny massif. M.: Nauka, 1978. T. 1. 227 p. T. 2. 585 p.

8. Platonov A.N. The nature of the color of minerals. K.: Science. Dumka, 1978. 264 p.

9. Fersman A.E. Memories of a stone. M.-L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1960. 167 p.

10. Fersman A.E. Mineral resources of the Kola Peninsula. M.-L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1941. 345 p.

11. Khibiny apatite deposits. M.: Nedra, 1965. 112 p.

12. Schaeffer I. Lapponia 1673, or a new and truest description of the Sami country and the Sami people themselves, which sets out much that is still unknown to anyone about its origin, superstitions, witchcraft, way of life, customs, as well as about nature, animals and metals , found in Lapland, with detailed drawings attached. Apatity, 2008. 132 p. 13.

