Perspective planning Childhood 2 Junior group. A promising thematic plan in the second youngest group under the program "Childhood. Topic: "Wild Animals"

Irina Kochetkov
Perspective themed Plan in the second junior group According to the program "Childhood"

"A family"

To form the submission of children about the family, about the similarity of relatives, twins; learn to call family members, their actions; expand vocabulary reserve: family tree, cousin, Twins; cause a sense of pride in children with their parents, thanks for their care; Rail a friendly attitude towards loved ones, love for your family.

Gaming exercise: "Find yourself a friend".

Scene-role game: "A family".

Game Situation: "Elder sister".

Speech game: "Name gentle".

The game: "Find out about who I will tell?"

Didactic game: "Get scarf".

The game: "Family of geometric shapes".

Conversation: "What are you called at home? Why are you called that? "

Conversation: "My family"

Titable conversation: "What is the difference (similar) palms? "

Picture viewing: "A family".

Conversation: "Adults and children".

Situational conversation : "Tell me who you live with?" (viewing photos with parents)

Reading poems about family members.

Reading fairy tales: "Chicken and duck" Suteev V., "Chick" K. Chukovsky; "Swan geese", "Cat, cock and fox". Painting: "Portrait of a family"

Applique: "You look, look, look, all the balls flew ..."

Lepak: "Beads for Mom" Phys. minute: "Ladushki-ladies. Where were you? By Grandma….".

Competition game: "Babushkina Assistants".

Movable game: "Mamina Beads".

Horovoic game: "Who is good we have?"

« Kindergarten»

Cause joy in children from being in children's garden; develop the ideas of children about kindergartenas the nearest sociocultural surrounding: About employees kindergarten , subject environment, on the rules of behavior in DOU; form friendly, friendly relations between children, between children and employees kindergarten; To contribute to the establishment of emotional contact, the formation of motivation for interaction by the involvement of children in joint activities. Communicative the game: "Friendly couple".

Developing educational situation on the game based: "Let's show a doll Kate, as we can dress on walk».

Scene-role: « Kindergarten» .

Relaxing conversation: "Let's say goodbye to the parents until the evening".

Game Situation: "How Anya and Ira did not share a toy".

The game: "Wonderful bag"

The game: "Make out the figures of your friends"; "Give a friend as much".

Consider illustration: "Children B. children's garden» .

Conversation: "Our group» .

Titable conversation: "What is in children's garden

Conversation: "Safety in our group» .

Drawing up story: "We are the first day in children's garden»

Drawing up short story: "From pranks to trouble - one step"

Speech game: "You and me".

Riddown toys mysteries.

Reading the story E. Yikikovskaya "I go to kindergarten»

Reading fairy tales: "How a chanterelle with a bull quarreled".

Painting: "Our beautiful group»

Lepak: "Cherry balls"

Applique: "Different toys in which we love to play" Movable the game: "Fathers", "Take care of the pupa"

"We have a garden"

Enrich personal experience children with knowledge, emotions and impressions of autumn; consolidate knowledge about the most typical features of the autumn, on the phenomena of autumn nature, about vegetables, their appearance, form, size, color; involve in elementary research activities to study the qualities and properties of objects of inanimate nature; To acquaint S. different ways Surveys children's perception the game: "Vegetable shop".

Game - Staging: "Swarm from vegetables delicious soup".

Game with pictures: "Pryada vegetables and fruits on their place".

The game: "Pick up vegetables and fruits in color"

Didactic game: "Tips and roots".

The game: "Find out and call vegetables".

Conversation: "Miracle vegetables"

Titable conversation: "How did we get into the kingdom of vegetables?"

Speech game: "What juice"

Reading poem: Yu. Tuvima "Vegetables".

Reading fairy tales: "Tips and roots", "Repka", "POH"

Speech game-joke: "About vegetables"

Magnifying riddles about vegetables. Painting: "Once a hostess from the bazaar came ..."

Applique: "Dad at home, Moms are not

Dad Who will give lunch? " Horovoic the game: "In the garden Zainka"

"Fruit Cart"

Enrich personal experience in children with knowledge, emotions and impressions of autumn; consolidate knowledge of the most typical features of autumn, on the phenomena of autumn nature, about fruits, their appearance, form, size, color; involve in elementary research activities to study the qualities and properties of objects of inanimate nature; acquaint with different ways of examination (stroke, pressed, sniff, bother with a finger circuit); stimulate the development of different species children's perception: visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, taste; Develop responsiveness and interest in nature objects. Scene-role the game: "The grandmother in the village"

Game Situation: "How did Masha collected a harvest from her grandmother?"; "How mom baked pies".

Situational conversation: "How to behave in the store".

Did. the game: "Pick up color"; "Collect the basket"; "What changed?"; "Parcel for two cubs"; "Cook compote" Situational conversation: "What is sold on the market?"

Conversation: "Lee in the garden, in the garden ..."

Descriptions story: "Tell me about fruit"

Riddown mysteries about fruits.

Reading the story: "Sly Apple" T. Ponmaröv

Reading poem: B. Sadders "Apricot and others." Painting: "What kind of apple? It is a ripe juice full ... "

Lepak: "Preserve fruit"

Etude: "In the garden"

Pantomime: "In the garden"

"Journey to the autumn forest" (berries, mushrooms, trees)

Enrich children's knowledge about the autumn phenomena of nature, about the most typical features of autumn. Enrich the presentation of children about autumn gifts in the forest. Develop emotional responsiveness, interest in nature objects. Situational conversation: "We go to the forest for mushrooms"

Scene-dodactic the game: « Walk to the forest»

Did. the game: "From what branch of the baby"; "Gather in the basket"; "Vase-plate-basket".

Conversation: "What is a forest?"; "What grows in the forest?".

Consider illustration: "How can not behave in the forest"

Riddown in autumn mysteries.

Reading poem: V. Volodina "Flowers"

Speech game: "Echo"

Reading fairy tales: V. SUTEEVA "Under the mushroom" Painting: "Autumn tree" (Stamping -Gribe)

Lepak: "In the forest for mushrooms"

Movable game: "Sun and rain", "They walked, went and found ..."

"Autumn time - eyes charming"

Find out children with seasonal phenomenon « Golden autumn» , with phenomena of vibrant and inanimate nature; to contribute to the accumulation of vivid impressions of nature, the establishment of the first natural relationships of children with the world of nature, the appearance of curiosity and curiosity, manifestation of experiences related to the beauty of nature; Awaken in children emotional responsiveness to the sounds and paints of nature. Scene-game situation: "Misha knocked her legs".

Assistance situation: "Mushrooms crumbled".

Game Situation: "Leafs in the saddle".

Scene-role game: "Doll on walk»

Did. the game: "Gather beautiful bouquet from leaves ", "Lesson Leaf", "Decorate an umbrella".

Conversation: "Autumn Golden"

Did. the exercise: "Disclosure of the leaves like a similarity"

Consider herbarium.

Reading poems: "Bunny" A. Bloka., V. World "List Fall"

Riddown of mysteries on the autumn and signs of autumn.

Descriptions story: "We admire the beauty of the autumn"

Painting: "Fall"

Collective applique: "Fall, fall leaves, in our garden Falls" Movable the game: "We are autumn leaves", "List Fall", "Once, two, three to the tree run."


1. Together With a doll, I rarest: informative-game classes with children 2-7 years / Avt.-Cost. O. R. Mermeyanin. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. - 221 p.

2. Volchkova, V.N. Labor abstracts in the second youngest group of kindergarten: Pratte. Manual for educators and methodologists Dow / V. N. Volchkova, N. V. Stepanova. - Voronezh: ChP Lakozennik S. S., 2007.

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5. Gubanova, N. F. Development gaming activities. System of work in the second youngest group of kindergarten / N. F. Gubanova. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009. - 144 p.

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8. Dybina, O. V. What was before ...: travel games to the past items. - M.: TC Sphere, 2004. - 160 p. : Col. incl. - (Series "Together with Children").

9. Fine Activities and artistic work. The second junior group: abstracts of classes / Avt.-Cost. O. V. Pavlova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - 154 p.

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11. Kaplunova, I. M. Holiday every day. Junior group. Abstract musical training with audiooduction (2 CD): a manual for musical leaders of kindergartens / I. M. Kaplunova, I. A. Novoskoltseva. - St. Petersburg. : Composer· St. Petersburg, 2009.

12. Karpukhina, N. A. Abstract classes in the second youngest group of kindergarten. Acquaintance of preschoolers with the outside world. Physical education. Morning gymnastics: Pratte. Manual for educators and methodologists Dow / N. A. Karpukhin. - Voronezh: IP Lapopennik S. S., 2009.

13. Karpukhina, N. A. Abstract classes in the second youngest group of kindergarten. Speech development and acquaintance with artistic literature: Pratte. Manual for educators and methodologists Dow / N. A. Karpukhin. - Voronezh: ChP Lakozennik S. S., 2007.

14. Kartushina, M. Yu. Fun for kids. Theatrical entertainment for children is 2-3 years old / M. Yu. Kartushina. - M.: TC Sphere, 2009. - (Early age).

15. Kozlova, S. A. My world: the acquisition of the child to the Social Mire / S. A. Kozlov. - M.: Link-Press, 2000. - 224 p.

16. Komarova, T. S. Classes for fine activities In kindergarten: kN. For educators children. Garden / T. S. Komarova. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

17. Complex Classes with children 3-7 years: Formation small Motoriki, Speech / Avt.-Cost. N. L. Stefanova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. - 261 p.

18. Abstract Integrated classes in the second youngest group of kindergarten. Familiarization with fiction. Speech development. Literacy learning: Pratte. allowance for educators DOU / Avt.-Cost. A. V. Aji. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2006. - 170 p.

19. Luchich, M. V. Children about Nature: KN. For the tutor's children. Garden / M. V. Luchich. - 2nd ed., Doraby. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

20. Mathematics. The second younger group: planning, abstracts of game occupations / Avt.-Cost. E. S. Maklakova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. - 119 p.

21. Musical Children's development 2-7 years: deployed perspective planning According to the program "Childhood" / Avt.-Cost. I. M. Suchkova, G. V. Golovneva, E. A. Lysova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - 47 s.

22. Novikovskaya, O. A. Collection of educational games with water and sand for preschoolers / O. A. Novikovskaya. - St. Petersburg. : LLC Publishing House "Childhood-Press", 2006. - 64 p. : IL.

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25. Basics safe behavior of preschoolers: classes, planning, recommendations / Avt.-Cost. O. V. Chermashentseva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. - 207 p.

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Complexes of Morning Gymnastics

Complexes of Morning Gymnastics

September, 1-2 days

Complex "We are big"

I. Introductory part.

Walking in a circle. Runround.

II. Main part.


1. I. p. - The legs are slightly placed, 1-2 - raise the hands forward, turn the palms, 3-4 - and. P.(4 times.)

2. I. p. - about. from. 1-2 - climb to socks, hands up, 3-4 - and. P.(4 times.)

3. I. p. - about. from. 1-4 - jumps on two legs, 5-8 - walking in place.(4 times.)

4. Exercise For breathing "Let's drink on the leaflet".(2 times.)

III. Final part.

1. Movable game "Bird and chicks" - Running.(4 times.)

2. Calm walking.

Changes and additions to the 2nd week: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

September, 3-4th weeks

Complex "Balls"

I. Introductory part.

Walking in a circle. Runround.

II. Main part.


1. "Show the ball."

I. p. - legs together, hands with a ball down. 1-2 - raise your hands with the ball forward, 3-4 - and. P.(4 times.)

2. "The ball stretches to the sun."

I. p. - legs together, hands with a ball down. 1-2 - raise hands with a ball up, climb on socks, look at the ball; 3-4 - and. P.(4 times.)

3. "The ball looks around."

I.p. - legs on the width of the shoulders, hands with the ball down. 1-2 - pull hands with a ball forward, turning to the right; 3-4 - and. P.; 5-6 - pull hands with a ball forward, turn left; 7-8 - and. P.(4 times.)

4. "Balls jump."

I.p. - legs together, hands with a ball to pride to the chest. 1-4 - jumps on two legs; 5-8 - walking in place.(4 times.)

5. "Ball is hot" - breathing exercise.

I. p. - legs together, hands with a ball down. 1-2 - raise hands with a ball - inhale; 3-4 - Lower hands with a ball to the chest level and pour on the ball.(4 times.)

III. Final part.

Instructor .

And now the balls are invited to play with them -

Jump, rush, throw high.

1. Game "Name your name."

Children in turn throw the ball standing in the center of the circle to the instructor and call their name.(2 times.)

2. Game "Boots".

Children sit in two ranks opposite each other and widely spread their legs (they make "progress"); Run each other in turns of the ball in the "Boots".(2 times.)

3. Calm walking.

Changes and additions to the 4th week: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

October, 1-2 days

Complex "Pilots"

I. Introductory part.

Walking on each other (20 s); Running each other (15-20 s); walking. Children take hoops.

II. Main part.


Instructor . Check your readiness for the flight.

1. "We train your hands."

I. p. - Feet on the width of the feet, hoop in both hands on the shoulders - "like a collar". 1-2 - lift the hoop up, the hands are straight, look in the hoop, 3-4 - to lower the hoop, and. P.(4 times.)

2. "Training your legs."



The manual presents daily planning educational work In the second youngest group, reflecting the main content of the "Childhood" programT. I. Babayeva, A. Gogoberidze, O. V. Soltsema et al. (SPB: LLC "Publishing House" Childhood-Press ", 2016) and involving the implementation of GEF to.

The content of the "Childhood" program is built in accordance with the current interests of modern preschoolers and is aimed at their interaction with different areas of culture: with visual art and music, children's literature and native language, the world of nature, the subject and social world, the game, hygienic, household and motor Culture. Such a wide cultural and educational content becomes the basis for the development of cognitive and creative abilities, to meet individual inclinations.
and the interests of children at different stages of preschool childhood. The activity nature of the preschooler is underlined in the motto of the program "Feel-to-know-create". These words define the three interrelated lines of the development of the child, which permeate all sections of the program, giving it integrity and a single orientation, manifest itself in the integration of the socio-emotional, cognitive and creative and creative attitude of the preschooler to the world.

Planning is based on the following principles of the program "Childhood":

- full-fledged accommodation by the child of all stages of childhood, enrichment (amplification) children's Development;

- Building educational activities Based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which he himself becomes active in the choice of its formation, becomes a subject of pre-school education;

- promotion and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of a child with a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

- support for children's initiative in various activities;

- cooperation with family;

- the acquisition of children to sociocultural standards, traditions of family, society and state;

- the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in different activities;

- age-related adequacy of preschool education (compliance of the conditions, requirements, agents and development peculiarities);

- Accounting for the ethnocultural situation of children's development* .

In the planning planning of the task of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children, integrated during the development of educational areas "Socio-Communicative Development", "Cognitive development", " Speech development"," Artistic and aesthetic development "," physical development ".

In accordance with GEF, the planning is built on adequate age forms of working with children, the main of which (and the leading activity) is a game for them. Therefore, the development of the content of all educational areas is provided for in gaming activities, as well as in communicative, motor, musical, visual, educational and research activities, perception of artistic culture and folklore. There is such an organization of the educational process so that every child can show its qualities, abilities, preference and enjoy the joint cognitive, creative, gaming activities with children and teachers.

The "Childhood" program offers a saturated educational content corresponding to the cognitive interests of the modern child. The main educational unit of the pedagogical process iseducational game situationthat is, such a form of joint activities of the teacher and children, which is planned and is organized by the teacher in order to solve certain development and education tasks.** . Mostly educational situations are worncomprehensive nature and includes tasks implemented in different types of activities on one thematic content*** .

The planning of the educational process is divided:

- on the joint activities of adult and children carried out in the organization's process different species childhood activities;

- joint activities of adult and children carried out during the regime moments;

- independent activities of children;

- Interaction with the families of children in the implementation of the main educational program of pre-school education.

The model of expanded table form planning includes the content of education, development and upbringing (based on the integration of educational areas), carried out during the educational work during the day (organization of morning reception, nutrition, sleep, walks, independent activities of children, interactions with parents and society ).

Topic: "Hello, kindergarten!"

Forms of organization: Gaming exercises, moments of joy, theatricalization, reading fiction, games-classes, viewing illustrations. Excursion for d / garden, titable conversation "What do we see in D / Garden?"

Game - fun "tea drinking";

Subject: "We are friends do not quarrel!"

The content of the work: To form in children the concepts of "me and friends", "friendship", to teach children to see, understand, evaluate the feelings and acts of others, motivate, explain their judgments. Promoting the formation of the ability to distinguish between "Friends", "Friendship". Apply the acquisitions of communication skills in gaming and life situations, to educate the need for communicating with peers. Teach the rules of behavior in D / s. Develop the ability to relate their interests with the desires and interests of other children. Rise a friendly friend to a friend. Acquaintance of children with each other during the Games.

Forms of organization: : Conversations: "We will be together together." "What games can you play together?". "Boys and girls." A situational conversation "How can I rice dolls?". "How to find a friend?" Observation of other children d / and "Find friends" M / and "Acquaintance with oval" d / and "Where is the boy, where is the girl?" V. Oseev "Why?" Reading the fairy tale "Two Bear". Bondul "Girlfriend Masha". V. Kondratenko "I have a lot of friends" with / R games: "What is friendship" conversations "," Who can be called a friend "Lit-Ra (L.M. Shipitsina, O.V. Festorrel, A.P. Voronova, T .A. Nilova "ABC of Communication"); Drawing on the topic "My best friend»

Options for final events: Entertainment "Let's live together!".

Topic: "My family. I am human"

The content of the work: Give children an idea that the family is all who live with the child. Give initial ideas about family relationships. Consolidate the ideas about health and healthy education Life. Formation of positive self-esteem, image Y. Development of children's ideas about their appearance. Educating emotional responsiveness to the condition of loved ones, the formation of a respectful, caring attitude towards older relatives.

Forms of organization: Game: D / and: "My portrait", "What do you look like", "Make a family" game situations: "Hello, this is me," I give you a smile, "" find out and call your friends, " "My feelings", "name", "We will not quarrel", "What I am surprised and what I love," conversation: "What does your friend feel", "Our friendly family"," Familiarity "," What do you know about yourself "," Take care of your teeth "," You are a man, "" What I see "," kindness "," My orders "," Family Photography "," What I hear What I see "," friendship "," greed "," What is in you and in me in common? " Didactic game "Who will call more affectionate words for their relatives"?

Options for final events:

Subject: Week of the educator and all preschool workers

Forms of organization: Viewing the premises of the group room (which are corners that you can do who organized them, etc.), group pictures (recognition of children, teachers); Observations for the difficulty of the younger educator (covered on the table, washes dishes, etc.), individual parties to the labor career (for example, preparation for a walk); "Review" excursion in kindergarten; Reading fiction on the topic; learning poems on the topic; situational conversations and conversations on the topic; Hearing and performance of songs "About kindergarten"; Workshop (discussion, choice and manufacture together with parents of children "Gifts" for the staff of kindergarten - greeting card, bookmarks, educational games "Professions", "What a cook", etc.; organization of the assistance of the educator and assistant to the educator;

Options for final events: Exhibition of drawings "My favorite teacher." "My favorite kindergarten", etc.

Topic: "Autumn, autumn, we ask"

Forms of organization: Moving games for the season, reading fiction; Consider photographs of nature. Conversations: "What is autumn?", "Autumn gifts". A situational conversation "Why leaves leaves?", "Objects of autumn", "What color is autumn?" "Seasons" observation of trees, grass, weather. D / and "Find a leaf on the tree", d / and "when it happens?" M / game "List Falls". S / R game "On an excursion to the autumn forest", "Decorate the doll room autumn leaves"," Toys visiting Hedgehog "," dolls are hiding from the autumn rain under the umbrella. "

Options for final events: Exhibition children's creativity.

Subject: "Lie in the garden, in the garden"

Forms of organization: Conversations: a situational conversation "What you need to eat to be healthy", "What has grown in beds?". The conversation on the picture "Collect the harvest", "how I helped dig potatoes." D / Game "Collect the harvest" d / game "Where does it grow up?" M / game "Find Square". Account up to 5 s / r games "Vegetable store"; "Preserving vegetables and fruits", "in the garden". Treat dolls with delicious compote

Options for final events: Exhibition: "Daras of Autumn".

Topic: "Forest and his gifts." "Berries, Mushrooms"

Forms of organization: Spen looking for illustrations with the image of various trees. To acquaint them with the names of the trees. Mark which they are all different. Creative workshop: drawing by stamps "Latest leaflets". Introduce new technician drawing, offer to apply a drawing with stamps on the billets. Thematic pictures "Trees". Fingering gymnastics "A big fir grows in the forest."

Options for final events: Entertainment with elements of quiz "Trees of our forests".

Topic: "My Security"

The content of the work: Expand the ideas of children that the pleasant appearance of an unfamiliar person does not always mean his good intentions. Consider and discuss typical dangerous situations of possible contacts with unfamiliar people, to learn how to behave in such situations. Continue to acquaint with the culture of behavior on the street and in transport. Expand the ideas about objects that can serve as sources of danger in the house; To form a concept that it is impossible to open windows and look out of them unattended.

Forms of organization: Conversation "Why do we get sick?" "Our towel", the problem situation "What to wipe the wet dog's head?", Game Situation "Teach the dog to wipe with a towel", D \\ and "Find a mistake", "What happened?" The conversation "Metchka is not toys", a fairy tale "How the fire didn't get off the water" The problem situation "Bunny took a match", the game situation "We will tell the bunny that the matches cannot be taken", d \\ and "danger sources", "not mistaken", " What is superfluous? " Manual "Caution, Fire!" . stuffed Toys animals. Folder - Movement "Scissors, coils are not toys"

Options for final events: View the presentation "History of a small umbrella" (form the concepts of children about safe behavior with strangers) .

Topic: "Wild Animals"

The content of the work: Expand the presentations of children about the conditions necessary for the life of animals (air, water, power, etc.). Talk about the protection of wild animals. Continue to form in children the ability to coordinate words in the proposal, to properly use prepositions in speech; Form the form of a plural number of nouns denoting the young animals (by analogy), to use these nouns in the nomadent and vinegenial cases (Lisata - Lisyat). Use nouns with a generalizing value (wild animals).

Forms of organization: Conversations: "Forest residents". "Fox and hare." "Where does the Bear live?". "Who lives in Duples." "How do animals prepare for winter?" "Where is the protein to hide nuts?". "Who has what house?" "Who is afraid of the hare?" "What is the Bear Bear?" A situational conversation: "Why is the hedgehog prickly?". "How to help a bunny overreiming winter?" . D / and "When it happens?". "Seasons". "How wild animals are preparing for winter." M / and "We will help hedgehog to collect mushrooms" .d / and "who eats what". S / R games: "In the forest". "Calling animals to visit." "On a visit to chanterelle." "We will lay a bear to sleep." "Zaikina Hut".

Options for final events: Exhibition of drawings "Forest residents".

Topic: "Pets"

The content of the work: Secure the idea of \u200b\u200bdomestic animals, their voices, habits. Learning to call parts of the animal body. Expand the presentations of children about the conditions necessary for the life of animals (air, water, power, etc.). Talk about the protection of animals. Continue to form in children the ability to coordinate words in the proposal, to properly use prepositions in speech; Form the form of a plural number of nouns denoting the young animals (by analogy), to use these nouns in the nominal and vinegenic cases (kittens - kittens). Use nouns with a generalizing value (pets). Rail a desire to take care of pets.

Forms of organization: Conversations: "Who lives in the house?" "Who lives in the yard?" "Who lives in Saraj?" "How do people care about domestic animals?" "My favorites." Watching a cat, dog. D / and: "Who looks like?" "Who lives where?" "Who is eating?" "Name the cubs" "Who will serve as a voice." "Lochmatic dog", s / r games: "Bottom" "homemade pets" "Goat". "Dog Barbos", "Cat Murka", "Pigs in Klelev". "Feed a cat, a dog", "we will wash in the group", "help nyan to cover on the table." Heading songs "Cat-Murlyka".

Options for final events: Creating an album "Our Pets".

Topic: "Our feathery friends."

The content of the work: Teach children to recognize birds on the sobs and appearance. Secure knowledge of the sequence in the development of birds (egg-chick-bird). Educating in children a caring attitude towards feather friends. Organize bird observations flying to a plot (crow, dove, tit, sparrow, bullfinch), feed birds in winter. To form a good attitude towards birds, the desire to take care of them, cause the desire to take care of them, help the wintering birds in difficult times.

Forms of organization: Conversation: "Games players". "Pigeons", "Soroka-Beloboka". "Who hangs out from the egg." "Migratory birds". "Who remains for them to winter?" Watching birds. D / and "Slug the picture." "What why". "What is superfluous?" T. Evdoshenko "Take care of birds!" S. Yesenin "Practice" N.G. Prokhorov "Forty" "Migratory birds". P / and: "Crows", "Practice". "Chirik-Pyzhik." Fizminutka "Stork" "finger gymnastics. "Migratory birds". S / r. Games: "Birds in the yard." "Dolls feed birds." Drawing birds, appliqué, modeling. Reading artistic literature M. Gorky "Vorobyashko", S. Marshak "Where to lunch Sparrow", the story of M.Soshchenko "Smart Bird", the story of E. Starushin "Sparrow." Discussion of the story of I.Sokolov-Mikitov "Winter in the forest". Drawing up mini-stories about birds.

Options for final events: Collective work "Bird feeders".

Forms of organization: Scene-role-playing game "Mother's daughter"; Gaming situations, situational conversations with children ("affectionate words", "What a gift for mom is better", etc.); reading fiction on the topic of the holiday; Hearing and music execution (songs) about mom; learning dancing for moms. The problem of "Mom fell ill" The game "Help Mom"

Options for final events: Registration of the wall newspaper "Mom"

Forms of organization: Moving games for the season, reading fiction; viewing images of domestic and wild animals, illustrations with the image of animal and bird characters; Educational games "Wonderful snowflakes", "Who is supplied in winter?", "confusion", etc.; observations of animals (while walking); Stories and poems about winter, buildings from snow. Games experiments.

Options for final events: Competition of snowy buildings

Topic: "Winter fun".

Forms of organization: Moving games: With run: "Beware - Corrosion" with jumps: "Through a roving track" with throwing and fishing: "Who will throw on the bag on orientation in space:" Find your place "dance games:" Bunny Sitting ". Situation: "Bear dinner" reading: Moydodyr K.I. Chukovsky, "Five Snowflakes outside the window" G.Slaev. Didactic game: "Who is the most loud exercise:" Visiting Moidodyra "" Towel Fluffy "work in the corner physical education: Acquaintance with a manual massager. Story teacher about health. Reading G.Shalayeva "Christmas Sleep" E. Yankovskaya "I go to kindergarten" didactic game: "Cohables of the tea doll", "call correctly"

Options for final events: Sports entertainment "Visiting Zimushki - Winter"

Subject: "If you want to be healthy ..."

The content of the work:

Forms of organization: Experimental games (with water, soap, toothbrush and paste, paper napkins and etc.); reading on the topic of the holiday (on literary and folk material); outdoor games; Gaming situations on the topic of the holiday (as a person feels when he is sick; what is better - to hurt or be healthy; what to do, so as not to get sick and when a person is sick; signs of a sick and healthy person, etc.); Educational games "Pyramid of Health", "Ascorbinka and her friends" and others.

Options for final events: Photo contest "We will be healthy and stronger."

Subject: " New Year At the gate "

The content of the work: To form ideas about the new year as a cheerful and good holiday (matinee; New Year's performances; fairy tales; vacation; joint with family new Year's entertainment and trips; wishes of happiness, health, good; Congratulations and gifts). The formation of the ability to deliver the joy to close and thank for the New Year surprises and gifts. Acquisition of children to Russian festive culture, promoting the creation of a general joy, have a good mood.

Forms of organization: New Year is the traditional and most beloved holiday of children. In Russian preschool education, sufficient experience has been accumulated on the preparation and holding of New Year's matinee (other forms of the holiday). In the process of preparing for festive events special attention It is necessary to refer to the solution of psychological and pedagogical problems of the educational field "Safety".

Options for final events: New Year's matinee. "Ice bell all calls on the Christmas tree"; Exhibition creative work "Winter Fantasy"

The content of the work: Develop the ability to care for their toys with the participation of an adult, reflect the cultural and hygienic skills in the game (we dress a doll for a walk, Kupa doll, prepare lunch, etc.). Develop the gaming experience of each child. Help children, open up new features of the game reflection of the world. Bring up a friendly relationship between children, enrich the ways of their gaming interaction. Brigade careful attitude to toys.

Forms of organization: Reading fiction literature (fairy tales, sweatshirts, booms, etc.); viewing toys, viewing illustrations; Didactic games "Cutting pictures", "Find the same", "Help the doll find your toys"; Drawing up stories about their beloved toy. Conversation: "How do we play with toys?" Reading A. Barto "Toys". Developing situation: "Who will rather collect toys."

Options for final events: Project "My favorite toy"

Topic: "Visiting a fairy tale"

The content of the work: Rail in children interest in folklore and literary fairy tales, the desire to listen to them carefully. Enrich personal experience of children with knowledge, emotions, impressions of the surrounding, necessary for the correct understanding of the content of literary text. To promote the perception and understanding of the text to children, help mentally represent events and heroes, to identify the bright deeds of the hero, to try to evaluate, to establish the simplest communication of the sequence of events in the text. To draw the attention of children to simple traditional means of language expressiveness (primarily of texts folk fairy tales and additives), on the intonational expressiveness of the narrator-adult.

Forms of organization:Plot role-playing games ("Library", according to the plots of favorite children's books); Excursion to the library, bookstore; Acquaintance with books, alphabets; Conversations, solving problem situations, game situations on the topic ("Guess, who am I?", "Pick correctly attributes of your favorite heroes", etc.); Project activity (organization of a corner of the book, children's library in the group; Organization of the exhibition of children's works on the topic of creating collections (favorite heroes of children's books); work in the corner of the book ("repair" of books); listening to music based on literary plots; literary quiz.

Options for final events: Showing the cartoon "Red Cap"

Subject: "Tableware. Food"

Forms of organization: Conversation "What kind of dishes we need?" Game Situation: "We serve the table." Riddles about the dishes. Pick up riddles. Dolls, dishes. Reading the story story "Where did the dishes come from?" Didactic game "For what and why." Game "We serve the table": Tea Cookware. D / and "treat dolls of tea." "Collect a tea couple." "Pick up a couple." Constructive activity from plasticine "Bed, Table, Chair" Consider subject images on the topic: "Dishes". D / Games: "Having treated our Tanya" (the transition to the C / R game using the toy kits "Kitchen", "Dining room", "Washing room"); D / and "Secret". Organization of games in the corner

Options for final events: Competition with tea drinking "Whose pie is tastier."

Forms of organization: Situation "Brave Tailors", "Atelier on tailoring" drawing color. Pencils "Speed \u200b\u200bboots". Laces - development of skills. "Pick up the items of similar color.", "Repair of shoes". Game-fun "treat., Didactic" mittens "Exercise game with soap bubbles. Board games "Domino", "Lotto", d / game "Learn a fairy tale in the illustrations" viewing ready-made forms, pictures of clothes. "Display the confused mittens." Game "Find a mistake of the artist"

Options for final events: Entertainment "Evening Show Fashion".

Forms of organization: Games with building material for choosing children. Conversation "For what is needed furniture." Thematic pictures "Furniture" with / r Game "Furniture Store" Conversation "Who makes Furniture" Large Builder Puppet Tableware Items - Deputy Pies / R game "Family", the plot "We meet guests". Consider with furniture children intended for bedroom, dining room, kitchen. A situational conversation that furniture makes the wood.

Options for final events: Dramatic of the Russian folk fairy tale (in the arr. K. Ushinsky) "Three Bear"

Forms of organization: Conversations: "What are we traveling", "For what we need transport," "When we are passengers" Lit-Ra: O.F. Gorbatenko "Social World". Consider illustrations of different types of transport. Reading the poem "Shofira". View cartoons. Drawing of transport. Walking using moving games "Sparobushki and car", "Furnits - catch-up", "get into the circle". Evening mysteries on the topic. D / and "rides, floats, flies", "Find too much", "what is missing", "what's the purpose of what" purpose: to develop curiosity, thinking, phonetic hearing, small motorcycle. P / and "reanged the wind - flew", "Who we blow on the car?" "Cars", "Airplanes" Purpose: move in accordance with the text, quickly change - coordinate your actions with actions direction of movement of comrades. Scene-role "We are chauffeys", "Bus" Goal: Learning to play together.

Options for final events: Safety on the road (together parents and children)

Subject: "Pope congratulations to kids"

The content of the work: Form ideas about moral values \u200b\u200band family traditions. To raise the desire to delight others, to provide them with all the way. Rise love for your family, respectful attitude towards dad, a sense of empathy. Exercise patriotic education. Acquaintance with the "military" profession. Education of love for homeland. The formation of primary gender representations (upbringing in the boys aspirations to be strong, bold, become the defenders of the Motherland).

Forms of organization: Conversation: "Congratulations to our boys," "Holiday of Pap and Grandparents." Consider illustrations and photos on the topic. Reading fiction. Productive activities "Gifts to our dads". D / and "Guess the description" "Draw" - draw a plane on the snow. Suggest to consider the album "Our Army". D / and "call it" (tank, ship, plane). Creative workshop: "Circle and flood" - work with a stencil. P / and "Airplanes", exercise in running, learn "start" motor

Options for final events: The developing situation "I and my dad" Thematic occupation "Defender of the Fatherland Day". Gifts dads do it yourself.

Forms of organization: View the cartoon "Luntik", Spring series. View Drops video clips on the song "Drops" MUZ. Filatova, Sl.V. Alexeva. The conversation "First Flowers" came Spring "," Reading the fun about the spring, about the sun, about the birds. "Our squabbles" From where puddles are formed "viewing video presentations" Time of year - Spring ". Viewing videos: "Iceshop", "Spring in the forest", "Awakening of Nature". Fasten the skills of a quantitative and sequence account within 5. Exercise in the ability to set a sequence of parts of the day

Options for final events: Holiday "Western". Exhibition of children's creativity

Topic: "Mom congratulates kids"

Forms of organization: Conversation: "Congratulations to our girls," "Holiday Mom and Grandmothers." Consider illustrations and photos on the topic. Reading fiction. Productive activities. "Gifts to our mothers." To acquaint children with proverbs about mom. "When sun, warm, with the mother of good. ; The conversation "Moms are different, Moms are important," "No one is more related to the mother in the whole world." fingering game "Flower", "Our Assistants" game-situation "Letter Mom"; "I have a lot of trouble," "I know how to manage"

Options for final events: The developing situation "I and My Mom". Photo exhibition "I will call you mute, Itemant, very beautiful"

Topic: "Houseplants"

The content of the work: Fixing elementary representations About indoor plants: the plant has a stem, leaves; green leaves; The plant is planted in a pot with land and drainage; fasten the knowledge of the names of indoor plants; Be able to distinguish indoor plants from garden. Fastening the ability to care for indoor plants: Water, loosen the land in a pot, wipe the leaves; do everything as needed; Show children algorithm planting a houseplant. Educating independence, goodwill, desire to assist.

Forms of organization: D / and "show a sheet" (stem, flower) game - fun "multicolored balloons"Reading the poem of S. Mikhalkov" About a girl who is badly kushal "conversation about the rules of behavior during meals, the importance to eat the whole portion. D / and "Guess what happened" - to develop memory and attention. Games of children with a large builder of the game "Family" game, the plot "Mom collects daughter in d / s". Cards - Tips "Pour the Plants", pictures with a picture of houseplants, a set of geometric figures. Experimentation: The experience "sink is not sinking" - the properties of wood.

Options for final events: Photo exhibition "Our indoor plants"

The content of the work: Continue to expand the ideas of children about adult labor, about different professions. Continue to acquaint with professions (chauffeur, postman, seller, doctor), personal and business qualities of people of different professions. Relieve a sense of appreciation and respect for the person of this profession, to his work. To form interest in the professions of parents.

Forms of organization: The conversation "All professions is needed, all professions are important"; "If you have a hurt, Aibolit will help you; "Rules for the transition of the roadway"; Scene - role-playing games: "Builder"; "Seller in the toy store", "Polyclinic", "Baker". Viewing encyclopedia " The big Book professions. " "Read your children ..." S. Mikhalkov "What do you have? »Guessing riddles on the topic:" professions ". Didactic games "Name profession", "Who needs? ", "Superfluous word".

Options for final events: Game Situation "Hairstyle for the Holiday"

Subject: "Rules road»

Contents of work: expanding ideas about the rules of behavior in the city, elementary rules of road traffic, titled and the value of the traffic light on the road. Secure the shaped knowledge, skills and skills. Rise a future competent citizen who knows and complying with the rules of the road. Continue to acquaint S. road signs. Improve the culture of the behavior of children on the street and in transport. Relieve a sense of responsibility.

Forms of organization: Conversation "Angry Rubber". The game situation "Bear has fallen into an accident - medical care", D \\ and" pick up tools "," What is more superfluous? "," Help Snebory "conversation on the topic:" All the guys need to know how to walk on the street. " "If I got into trouble" the game situation "How two cars did not want to give way to each other. Consider and discuss illustrations. D \\ and "Collect Lightforwards", "Find a mistake" conversation "We drivers". My family "Playing Situation" Maker Station ", the problem situation" The stepashka broke the car "," The Elephant accident ", the game" Good-bad, if there is no traffic light on the road "the stopping of the" Stop "situations

Options for final events: Entertainment "Kolobok to a new way."

The content of the work: Introduce children S. public holiday "During the Cosmonautics" to introduce children with the name of our planet Earth, its features. To form in children the initial ideas about outer space, " Solar system"And its planets, about the role of space development in modern world. Expand the ideas about the professions of the astronaut and rocket constructor. Educate love for native land and a sense of pride for the successes of their homeland in the field of space of space

Forms of organization: D / and: "Leugs a rocket", "Plane's", "pick a couple". Scene-didactic game "Polyclinic", "Space Zoo"; s / r. the game. "Flying to the moon and a walk through the lunar surface" (Skilupova O.A. "Big space trip", Games:" What is needed for flight "," pick up the cosmonaut's clothes "," flies does not fly, "" on earth, at sea, in space, "" name of similarities and differences "of items with geometric figures: ball and cube. Develop the ability to compare items in color, form, value to consolidate the idea that the result of the account does not depend on the qualitative signs of the subject. Improve the ability to navigate in space spatial relations Relative to itself

Options for final events: Entertainment "I love my planet."

Forms of organization: Set of pictures with an image of insects. The story of the teacher about the fly. Reading the poem "Uninvited guest" KN. T. A. Shuragin "Insects. What are they? " Consider books with butterflies, shape analysis and colors of wings. Fasten knowledge about butterflies and beetles (there are wings, fly). Cap - Mask for the Bear. S / R Game "Store", plot "Pozwood". Help to choose attributes to the game, show gaming actions in accordance with the plot. Reading flops about the bee. The story of the teacher about the bee. Why can not catch bees? What benefits do they bring? Consider illustrations with the image of the bee. To tell about the rainwill, the characteristics of the structure of his body. To tell what benefits are the rainworms. Pictures depicting the rainworms

Options for final events: Staging a fairy tale K. Chukovsky "Fly - Codochoha"

Forms of organization: Conversations: "Spring" goal: to understand and evaluate the beauty of nature in the spring. "What has changed in a person's life with the arrival of spring?", "What is good and bad in the spring" Lit-Ra: Vorontkevich O.A. "Welcome to the ecology." Dynamic walks using game exercises and rolling games, landing flowers on a kindergarten. Evening of riddles and proverbs on the topic. Drawing on the topic "Spring came, joy brought" Objective: Teach children to transfer the joyful mood of the spring of the day in the drawing. Gaming situations: "The inch introduces the guys with primroses", "Mystery of the Forest Polyana" Lit-Ra: Nikolaev S.N. Scene Games B. environmental education. P / g "Fingers walk", "Flowers", "Clouds" Goal: Development of shallow motility of hands, speech, memory. D / and "What has changed?", "Collect a bouquet", "What is first, what then?", "Third Lithium" Lit-Ra Voronkevich O. A. "Welcome to the ecology." P / and "Gusi -lebedi", "Paints", "Pilot-flying", "Empty place", "Mousetrap", "Cat and Mouse".

Options for final events: Reclamation of the photo album "Spring Flowers"

Topic: Acquaintance with Folk Culture and Traditions

Forms of organization: Reading fiction literature (fairy tales, sweatshirts, booms, etc.); viewing folk toys, viewing illustrations; Didactic games "Cutting pictures", "Find the same"; Teamwork and drafting of Russian folk fairy tales "Wolf and Kozdy", "Kolobok", "Teremok".

Options for final events: Games are fun. Exhibition of folk toys.

Topic: "This day of victory ..."

Forms of organization: Free communication: "Who is the hero?", "What is the holiday of Victory Day?". The story of the teacher "Victory Day," How the War began. " Explore the poems: S. Marshak "February", A.jarov "Star", T. Belozerov "May holiday - Victory Day." Game - Satellite "Hospital". Manufacturing attributes for plot-role games. Stories: L. Cissile "Monument to the Soviet Soldier", E. Blaginina "Shinel", S. Mikhalkov "Sail soviet Union", O. Vysotskaya" Glory of the Army of Soviet ", V. Eorlov" Parade ", A.Mityaev" Why is a native army to everyone. "

Options for final events: Registration of a group thematic exhibition (together with parents). Exhibition of children's work

Topic: "My Selo, My Country"

The content of the work: To acquaint with your hometown (village). To form initial ideas about the native land, its history and culture. Educate love k native edge. Expand the views on modes of transport and its appointment. Expand the ideas about the rules of behavior in the city, elementary rules to the horn movement. Expand ideas about professions. Introduce some outstanding people who have glorified Russia

Forms of organization: The composition of the stories "The city in which children live" with a support for a collage, mnemotable conversations: "How is the city breathe?" "Why is the city always beautiful?" Conversation: "City Transport Services" Presentation Multimedia "Traveling around the city" conversation "What is the street, and by what rules does she live?" Conversation: "The house in which we live" Volchkov "Abstracts of classes in the second ml.Gr.Baby" p.299 Didactic exercise "I know my home address"

Options for final events: Physical leisure in the younger group "Spring-Red".

Subject: "We celebrate the summer"

Forms of organization: Consider illustrations, observation of seasonal changes in nature. View illustrations on the holiday; The story of the teacher: "What flowers grow on our plot"; Didactic games "Who screams", "Moms and Baby", "Whose Mom"; Target walks in the territory of the Dow; Scene-role-playing games "Transport", "Polyclinic". Reading fiction.

Options for final events: Exhibition of children's creativity. Holiday "Summer"


1. Childhood. Approximate general education program for preschool education / edited by T. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva et al., 2014.

2. V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova. Abstracts of classes in the second youngest group of kindergarten. " Practical manual for educators and methodists DOU.- Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2004.-392c. ISBN 5-98225-014-7

3. Didactic games in the second youngest group. O.M. Shushakova.

4. Didactic games in kindergarten. / A.K. Bondarenko, M., Enlightenment, 1985.

5. Artistic creativity N.N. Leonova-Volgograd: Teacher, 2014.-177c. ISBN 978-5-7057-3870-0.

6. Mathematics, the second younger group. E.S. Maclakova-ed.2-E, - Volgograd: Teacher, 2015, -119c. ISBN 978-5-7057-3101-5

7. Obzh for preschoolers. Planning work, abstracts of classes, games. - SPB. : LLC "Publishing House" Childhood_Press ", 2012.-128С. ISBN 978-5-89814-576-7

8. Development of preschoolers. The second younger group. Methodological manual: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2015.-144C. ., ISBN 978-5-91382-100-3

9. Vorontkevich O.A. Welcome to the ecology! Perspective plan Work on the formation of environmental culture in children preschool age [Text] - SPb.: "Childhood-Presss", 2011.- 496s., Il.- Application: І electron. IUIT. disk (CD-ROM) SV; 12cm- (library of the program "Childhood"

10. O.V. Dybina. Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. Junior group. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2014.- 80c. ISBN 978-5-4315-0476-1

11. Avdeeva N.N., Security; Tutorial According to the basics of the safety of children's life. St. Petersburg; "Childhood-Press", 2002.-144С. ISBN 5-89814-121-9

12. Penzalaeva L.I. Physical classes in kindergarten. The second younger group. Abstract classes. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009.- 80c. ISBN 978-5-86775-653-6

13. Kutsakova L.V. Designing and artistic labor in kindergarten: program and abstracts of classes. - M.: TC Sphere, 2010. - 240 s. - (Development Program) ISBN 5-898144-859-9

14. Speech development classes for children 3-5 years / Ed. O.S. Shushakova. - M.: TC Sphere, 2010. -192c- (develop speech). ISBN 978-5-9949-0233-2

15. N.A. Karpukhina. Abstract classes in the second youngest group of kindergarten. Development of speech and familiarization with artistic literature. Practical manual for educators and methodists DOU. - Voronezh: ChP Lacinalm S.S.- 240s. ISBN 5-98225- 047- 3