Individual work for the children of the middle group. Perspective plan for individual work with children on visual activities in free time. Types of independent activities in the middle group


1st week - "Winter".
2nd week - "Winter birds".
3rd week - "Houseplants".
4th week - "New Year's holiday".

"Snowball", "Goat", "rings",
"Bunny", "Fingers greet"

2. Secure simple pretexts in speech: on - C, B - from, by.

6. Communicable speech

8. Development of graphic skills:
Snowman painting, Christmas toys

1. Secure the ability to distinguish between words with initial shock sounds [A], [y].
2. Teach children to allocate vowels from a number of sounds | About |, | and |.
1. Articulation gymnastics:
1. Continue the preparation of the articulation apparatus to the formation of the correct articulation of sounds of all groups in the process of performing the overall articulation gymnastics and the articulation massage.
2. To form the correct articulation of whistling sounds and start their automation.

2. Testing a dictionary on topics:
2nd week - "Poultry"
3rd week - "Pets"
4th week - "Wild animals of our forests"
3. Fallen gymnastics (with all children)
"Harms-needles", "Goat", "rings", "Bunny"
4. Taking a grammatical system of speech:
1. Secure the ability to coordinate words in a sentence in kind, the number, the case.
2. Exercise children in the use of nouns with suffixes: -On, -Enok, -am, are, "
5. Phondematic hearing, voice, breathing (with all children):
1. Continue work on the formation of proper physiological and speech breathing.
2. Work on the smoothness of speech and the softness of the voice.

6. Communicable speech
Secure the ability to repeat the story of 2-3 sentences. Exercise children in the preparation of stories and descriptions and descriptions of descriptions of wintering and domestic birds, wild and pets.
7. Development of mental functions: "Fourth extra", "wonderful bag" (with all children).
8. Development of graphic skills: animal painting
9. Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills
Exercise children in analyzing and synthesis on the hearing of the mergers of vowels: [OI], | Io |, | AO], [OA], [OE], [OU], [IU |, [UI].
1. Articulation gymnastics:
1. Continue the preparation of the articulation apparatus to the formation of the correct articulation of sounds of all groups in the process of performing the overall articulation gymnastics and the articulation massage.
2. To form the correct articulation of whistling sounds and start their automation.
3. Secure in speech a net pronunciation of vowels and the easiest consonants: [b], [and], [m], [n], [d], [t], [g]. [K], [x], [in], [f] and their soft options.
2. Testing a dictionary on topics:
1st week - "Professions. SELLER"
2nd week - "Mail. Postman"
3rd week - "Transport"
4th week - "Training professions"
3. Fallen gymnastics (with all children)
"Goat", "rings", "bunny", "fingers greet", by themes
4. Taking a grammatical system of speech:
1. Secure the ability to coordinate words in a sentence in kind, the number, the case.
2. Exercise children in the use of some relative adjectives: glass, paper, rubber.
5. Phondematic hearing, voice, breathing (with all children):
1. Continue work on the formation of proper physiological and speech breathing.
2. Work on the smoothness of speech and the softness of the voice.
3. Continue working on speech temp.
4. Improve the intonation expressiveness of speech.
6. Communicable speech
Engage in the improvement of dialogical speech. Secure the ability to answer questions from 2-3 words. Maintain and develop the active position of the child in the dialogue.
Teach children retells from 2-3 simple proposals.
7. Development of mental functions: "Fourth extra", "wonderful bag" (with all children).
8. Development of graphic skills: hatching by themes
9. Development of sound analysis skills and synthesis: teach children to allocate initial shock sounds | y |, [o] in words and distinguish words with initial shock sounds | a], [y], [and], [o].

Plan of individual development of a child by regions

in the middle group

The plan for individual development of a child in the field of "cognitive development" section "Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Subject and social environment, familiarization with nature "scored low scores based on the results of the diagnosis of assimilation of the educational program of the educational process:

Kind of activity

The content of the work

Calendar dates

Topic: the nearest environment.

Purpose: develop speech and auditory attention, thinking, memory;

stimulate cognitive processes.

D / and "Wonderful Pouch".

Material: 10-15 items, various purposes, signs and shape (vessels of vegetables, toys, tools, building material cubes, etc.).

The task:

1) Choose any object from the bag. What is the subject for which it is designed (where applies).

2) describe it (what item: solid, soft, from which material is made, etc.).


Subject: Vegetables, fruits.

Purpose:Expand the presentation of children about fruits and vegetables; continue to learn to distinguish them in appearance; To establish causes - investigative links on the example of the formation of the fetus.

Didactic game "Collect the harvest".

Material: baskets of different shapes (colors), subject pictures with a picture of vegetables and fruits (pear, plum, apple, tomato, cucumber, beet).


The educator offers a child to consider baskets and subject pictures. Then he proposes to collect a harvest so that in one basket there were fruit, and in the other - vegetables.


Topic: Family, Family life, traditions.

Purpose:Clarify the knowledge of children about related links; educate love and respect for their loved ones, culture of behavior; Develop speech.

D / and "Family Photography".

Material: Scene picture, where the family is depicted (grandparents, dad, mom, brother, sister), or family photo (family holiday, tourist hike, etc.).

Task: 1) Show children in the picture (give them names).

2) Show parents, how do children call them? (Father and mother.)

3) What do you like to do the whole family?

4) What is your favorite holiday?

5) Why? Etc.


Topic: hometown, village, village.

Purpose:Fasten the knowledge of children about the name of the hometown, village, village, to acquaint with its sights. Find the differences between the city and the village. Relieve a sense of pride in your city.

D / and "City-Village".

Material: Scene pictures with the image of the city and the village.

Task: Questions. Consider pictures.

What is the difference between the city from the village?

What is the name of the city in which we live?

Do you have in the city, a village favorite place where do you like to walk? Tell about him.

Didactic exercise "Hometown, country side, village."

Material: illustration of the sights of the city, villages, villages.

Quests: questions.

Name the city, the village in which you live.

What is the name of the street on which you live?

Consider photos of the sights of our city, villages, villages.

Do you know these places? etc.


Subject: profession.

Purpose: Clarify and expand the ideas of children about the professions of people. Reliable respect for people of any professions.

Didactic game "Who needs?"

Material: Scene pictures with images, people of various professions (teacher, cook, doctor, driver, policeman, fire, tailor, teacher, hairdresser, builder). Pictures depicting professional accessories.

Task: Questions:

Name who are depicted in pictures?

What does the doctor do?

What do you need a doctor for work?

What should a doctor be?

And the policeman?

Who would you like to become when you grow up?



Topic: Wild and Pets.

Purpose:Secure children's knowledge about domestic and wild animals (what they look like they eat). Develop the ability to allocate signs of similarities and differences and express them in speech.

Didactic game "Hunter and shepherd."

Material: images of a shepherd and hunter on flannelhemph. Subject pictures with domestic and wild animals (cow, goat, horse, pig, dog, chicken, cat, rabbit, sheep, hare, bear, wolf, fox, hedgehog, squirrel). Pictures on which are depicted than animals feed (fish, mushrooms, berries, mouse, nuts, etc.).


The tutor on the flannelhemph on the one hand places a picture with the image of the hunter, on the other - the shepherd. Offers the child to call, who is it.

Specifies clarifying questions.

Who is the hunter?

Who is shepherd?

Then he asks the child to consider the subject pictures with the image of animals and place them so that all wild animals are next to the hunter, and near the shepherd - home. After the child does everything, the teacher asks feed animals.


Topic: Trees, Indoor Plants, Flowers.

Purpose:teach children classify: indoor plants, flowers, trees; Discern in appearance.

D / and "Fill cells correctly".

Material: game field (large three squares). Subject pictures with the image of trees (poplar, birch, maple, spruce, rowan); colors (dandelion, chamomile, bell); Houseplants (Aspidistra, Begonia, Primula).

Tasks: The educator offers a child playing field (with symbols: wood, indoor plant, meadow or wildflowers) and asks to decompose - all pictures in squares, respectively, their accessories.


Topic: Humane attitude towards nature.

Purpose: bring up a humane attitude to plants, animals;develop speech and auditory attention, thinking, memory

Conversation via storypit.

Material: Different story pictures: Children cook feeders, the child feeds the dog, the child tears flowers, the halt in the hike, etc.


The educator asks carefully to consider the pictures and tell who comes correctly, who is wrong. Interested, whether the child loves to observe plants and animals. Why? Etc.


Plan of individual development of a child in the field of "Speech Development" section Section Development of speech with children who scored low scores on the results of the diagnosis of assimilation of the program of the educational process:

Fi baby

The content of the work

Calendar dates

Subject: Vocabulary.


Didactic game "Finish Proposal".

The educator offers the child to play the game "Finish Proposal".

I will start a proposal, and you think you can finish it.

Sugar sweet, and pepper ... (bitter).

The road is wide, and the path ... (narrow).

Plasticine is soft, and the stone ... (solid).

Step by wonderful, and Cinderella ...

Karabas-Barabas Angry, and Dad Carlo ... etc


Subject: The vocabulary of the child.

Purpose: systematize the idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of words. Intensify the dictionary. To form a grammar system of speech, the ability to select words-names of qualities, actions, parts of items.Understand and use antonym words.

Task "Tell about boys."

Material: Scene picture with the image of two boys: one - clean, neat, cheerful, second - sloppy, sad.


The educator offers the child to consider the picture with the image of two boys.

Then organizes a conversation on questions:

What can you say about boys? They have the same mood?

One boy is cheerful, and what's the other?(Sad.)

To be slightly good?

What should I do in order to be clean and tidy?

What boy do you like? Why? Etc.


Subject: The vocabulary of the child.

Purpose: To form a grammar system of speech, the ability to make different phrases, use pronoun in speech, select definitions for subject, phenomena; Coordinate adjectives with nouns in kind, the number, the case.

The game "Describe the subject".

Material: Various subject pictures.

Content of the diagnostic task:

The tutor shows one picture, for example:bowl, cap, bucket, flowers.

Requests Question:

What is it?(Ball.)

What is he?(Red, large, air.)

What can I do with him?(Play, roll on the floor, throw, kick.)



Purpose: learnalone to form new words (sugar - sugar bowl, bread - breadniest, etc.); Intensify in speech generalizing the word "dishes".

Didactic exercise "We serve the table".

Material: Tea set (for dolls), subject pictures with the image of food (dummy).


The educator proposes to consider the dishes and answer the questions:

How can I call all items? (Draws attention to the tea service.)

Name famous objects of dishes.

What products are needed in order to treat a person of tea?(Sugar, tea, crackers ...)

What kind of dishes put sugar? "(In sugar.)

And crackers?(In Suharnitsa.) Etc.

Praise beautiful dishes.

Where is the teaspoon?(Next to a saucer or a saucer.) Etc.


Subject: The grammatical side of speech.

Purpose: Understands and uses pretexts in speech. Comprehensies causal relations and is comprehensive, complex proposals. Correctly forms the form of a plural number of nouns denoting young animals.

D / and "ending the proposal".


The educator offers a child to come up with the end of the sentence:

"Night came and ..."

"We went with my mother to the store and bought ...".

"I like winter, because."

"We make charging, because" and the like

Didactic game "Hyperships".

Material: Sets of toy animals (bearish, kittens, reading, lousy) or subject pictures with their image.


The tutor puts toys (lays pictures) and asks the child to name groups of animals.

This is licked.

This is a hedgehog.


Then the educator asks to remember all groups of animals and offers a child to close their eyes.

The tutor cleans one toy group. After the child opens his eyes, the teacher asks to call, whom he did not (bear, kittens, etc.).


Subject: Connected speech.

Purpose: learnconsistently, to draw up a descriptive story about the toy on the proposed plan.

Didactic game "Tell a toy".

Material: Set of different toys: machine, ball, doll, bunny, etc.


The tutor shows toys and offers a sample story about one of them. Repeats it again, paying attention to the plan of the descriptive story. Then proposes to describe any of the toys by the same plan.


Subject: Connected speech.

Purpose: forming the skill beat the feedback from a familiar fairy tale using the desktop theater.

Staging the fairy tale "Cockerel and leggings".


The tutor pulls out a fairy tale chicken, a cockerel, bean grains.

What do you think from what fairy tale these characters?

What happened to the rooster?

What do you think, why did the rooster suppressed?

Who first ran the chicken for help?

What was the maslice?

(A brief conversation is held on a fairy tale, in order to recall its content.) Then the educator offers a child to beat a fairy tale using the desktop theater.


Subject: Sound culture of speech

Purpose: teach a child to allocate the first sound in the word.

Didactic exercise "Hold the first sound in the Word."


The educator offers to play words. Requests the child to listen carefully, as he will allocate the first sound voice.

Ltd., aaa-country, Ouu-Tuz, etc.

When you repeat the words, asks to call the first sound.


Plan of individual development of a child in the field of "cognitive development" section "Formation of elementary mathematical representations" with children who scored low scores on the results of the diagnosis of learning the educational program of the educational process

Kind of activity

The content of the work

Calendar dates

Didactic exercise "Cut the cubes".

Material : Cubes (6-7 pieces) of different types and colors. Content of the diagnostic task:


What do you see on the table?

How many cubes on the table just?

What are the difference between cubes from each other?

Calculate cubes in order.

Which is a yellow cube? (Red, etc.)

What color is a cube that is in fifth place? (Second, third.)

Show 3 red and 3 green cubes.

What can you say about them?


Topic: number, account within 5.

Didactic exercise "Butterfly flew".

Material: The child has a two-strip card, in the upper row at a certain distance, butterflies (5 pieces) are pasted. Near the tray lie butterflies (more than 5).


How many butterflies in the top row?

Take from the tray as many butterflies and spread them in the bottom row so that it is clear that they are as much as buttons in the upper row (less than in the top row, more than in the top row).


Subject: Standards of magnitude.

Objective: to develop the ability of children to compare three or more items in magnitude, to intensify in the speech of children's words "above, below."

Didactic exercise "put the Christmas tree".

Material: Plane chips, different heights (2 pcs.).


Look, do all the Christmas tree are the same in height?

"Posady" Christmas trees in descending order (increasing) using the words "above", "below."


Subject: value.

Purpose: to develop the ability of children to compare three or more items in size, intensify in the speech of children's words "narrow, wide, long, short."

Didactic exercise "Compare Tracks".

Material: Two tracks of different lengths and widths, tennis ball.


The educator proposes to compare paths in length and width.

Show a long track (short).

What can be said about the width of the tracks?

Show a wide track (narrow).

Rolling the ball on a narrow (wide) track; Long (short) track.


Topic: Geometric shapes.

Objective: learning to distinguish and call geometric shapes;comparison forms of items with geometric samples.

The didactic game "Find the same figures."

Material: Two sets (at the educator and in a child) figures (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, ball, cube) of different sizes are large and small.


The educator shows a child any shape and asks to find the same and call it.

The didactic game of the "cootion shape with a geometric figure".

Material: Side pictures (plate, scarf, ball, glass, window, door) and geometric shapes (circle, square, ball, cylinder, rectangle, etc.).


The educator asks to correlate the shape of the objects with famous geometric shapes: a plate - a circle, a scarf - a square, a ball - a ball, a glass - a cylinder, a window, the door is a rectangle, etc.


Topic: Orientation in space.

Purpose:learning to determine the position of items in space in relation to yourself, distinguish between the right and left hand.

Didactic game "Order".

Material: Set of toys: Matryoshka, Machine, Ball, Pyramid.


The child sits on the carpet face to the tutor.

Run toys as follows: Matryoshka - Ahead (relatively yourself), Machine - Rear, Ball - Left, Pyramid on the right.

Didactic game "Name what you see"


On the instructions of the teacher, the child gets up in a certain place of the group. Then the educator asks the child to name the items that are in front of (right, on the left, behind) from it. Requests the child to show the right, left hands.


Subject: time orientation.

Purpose:teach to determine parts of the day; Word meaning: yesterday, today, tomorrow; Name correct days of the week.

Game exercise "When it happens?".

Material: Pictures depicting parts of day, sweatshirts, poems about different parts of the day.

Content of the diagnostic task:


Carefully listen to the speech, we define the time of day and find the appropriate picture.


Plan of individual development of a child in the field of "Artistic and aesthetic development" Sections: modeling, drawing, applique, design with children who scored low scores according to the results of diagnostics of the learning program of the educational process:

Kind of activity

The content of the work

Calendar dates

Topic: Scenery.

Purpose: the ability to correctly transmit in the figure form, the structure of objects, the location of parts, the ratio of magnitude; bind objects with a single content; independently determine the content of the drawing on the specified topic

Independent drawing based on the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Materials: sheets of paper, brushes, paints, illustrations to the fairy tale "Kolobok". The child is proposed to see the illustrations for the fairy tale "Kolobok".


What heroes are in the fairy tale "Kolobok"?

Who met the first kobokok (last)?

What hero do you like most?

Task: Draw a drawing to the tale "Kolobok"


Topic: Drawing based on the Dymkov toys.

Purpose: the ability of children to create patterns based on decorative and applied art.

Materials: Paper Silhouette of Barynie Figures, Gouache, Brush

The task: The child is invited to decorate the launch figurine with a pattern of elements of the Dymkovsky painting (Filimonian horse based on Filimonovsky painting)


Topic: Level of the development of sensory standards (colors)


Didactic game "Call color."

Material: Set of 11 colors cards (white, black, red, yellow, blue, green, pink, blue, orange, brown, purple) in front of a child lays out a set of cards of different colors.

The task: Call the color of each card. Show a card blue (white, brown ...) colors


Subject: modeling of objects consisting of several parts.

Purpose:The ability to sculpt objects consisting of several parts using taking off, smoothing, indulging, pressing and confusion; use in the work stack

Material: Plasticine, stack, molding board

The task: The child is proposed to cut out the subject consisting of several parts. Note. Pre-suggest to consider samples of flattened products


Topic: Application "Pattern of vegetable and geometric shapes".

Purpose:The ability to draw up patterns from plant and geometric shapes in a circle

Materials: 6 green leaves, 6 yellow circles with a diameter of 3 cm, 6 red circles with a diameter of 1.5 cm, template of plates, glue

The task: The child is proposed to lay out and paste the pattern on the "plate" using vegetable and geometric shapes.


Subject: Designing construction according to the scheme.

Purpose: ability to build on the scheme

Material: Construction scheme, designer.


What part is on the basis of construction?

What item is put on the basis?

What is on top of construction?

The task: The child is invited to consider the construction scheme. To build on this scheme


Topic: Designing houses for fabulous heroes.

Purpose: the ability to build different designs of the same object

Materials : Small designer

The task: The child is invited to build houses for fabulous heroes: one house for a kolobka, a different house for a bear (it lives on the first floor) and for chanterelle-sister (she lives on the second floor of this house)


Topic: folding square and rectangular sheets in different ways (diagonally, in half, along, across).

Purpose: ability to fold square and rectangular sheets in different ways

Materials: 2 squares, 2 rectangles

The task: The child is offered:

Sing the square sheet from the corner to the corner;

Some square sheet in half;

Speak rectangular sheet in half along;

Speak rectangular sheet in half and across


Crafts of children "New Year's Miracles do it yourself" here and came to us winter. Wonderful time! Snow-white bedspreads enveloped the earth. Clean and beauty! White snow decorated the city, the new year is here - it will come, and in the Christmas tree very soon every will find each surprise! In each kindergarten with the arrival ...

In our kindergarten passed the action "Take care of the Christmas tree". Volunteers of the preparatory group did not bypass it! They actively accepted in organizational work. On his site, educators and volunteers organized a flash mob called "Tregesting the Christmas tree", where they invited children of the older group for ...

Form of holding: meeting in a cafe. Participants: Parents, educators. Purpose: Development of interest in the knowledge of your child, the emotional convergence of all participants in the educational process, the organization of their communication in an informal setting. Preliminary work: - production of booklets for parents; - Questioning of parents on the topic of the meeting. Registration: The hall is decorated in the style of the cafe (on the tables - tea, sweets, sounds calm ...

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten combined species №246" of the factory district of Saratov Abstract Node in the second youngest group using the game technology "Birthday Chicken" Educator: Gerasimenko E.S. Saratov 2019 Main Educational Program "Municipal Preschool Educational Institution" Kindergarten Combined Type No. 246 "...

Individual workin kindergarten With the children of the middle group.

The process of psychophysical development for each child has its own characteristics. It affects the assimilation of skills and skills, on the attitude of the child to the world around the world. That is why training and education of children are based on the principle of an individual approach that ensures the maximum development of all abilities.

Individual work with children is planned according to the results of the observation of the teacher behind the child in everyday life, analyzing his behavior and activities, on the recommendation of narrow specialists (musical leader, teacher from, educator FIZO).

The attention is particularly paid to children who irregularly attend kindergarten because of illness or other reasons, new, shy, slow, hyperactive, pedagogically launched guys.

Individual work with middle-aged children is carried out throughout the day in the free time in the premises and in the fresh air, according to the cyclogram.

Days of the week



The second half of the day



Speech development (games for word formation).


Speech Development (Dictionary)

On the development of basic movements.

World of nature.


World of nature.

Mathematical development.

Speech development.


Speech development (connected speech)

On the development of basic movements.

Mathematical development.



Mathematical development.

Usage and repetition of poems.

It is also planned for individual work with children during regime processes to educate cultural and hygienic skills and is maintained throughout the day, in all the mode of time, in any form of activity. Individual work on musical activity, physical development, visual activity is carried out in the second half of the day as an educator or specialists.

The form of work organization is individual, however, in some cases work is carried out by organizing children to small groups.

Individual work with children on duty is planned in the morning. Work is carried out by the ability to cover on the table with a full service. In the corner of nature: under the guidance of the teacher, children learn to water the plants, fill with water tanks for sludge, spray small and fragile leaves from the spray gun. When preparing for the lesson: children learn to lay out the necessary materials and equipment on the tables.

Individual work with speech development in the morning period of time is carried out: in the form of short conversations (about close and accessible subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world: toys, books, mom, dad and many other things), game and educational situations with didactic doll ( "The items that are made by people", "my favorite toys", "Why do we need furniture?", So). Conversations may be accompanied by reviews available to children illustrations.

In the afternoon, work is carried out: on correction and education in children of proper sound; on the development of speech respiration ("Side on the dandelion", "Snowflakes flew", "ships float", etc.); on the development of phonderatic hearing ("Who called?", What does it sound? "); Usage and repetition of poems.

In the field of cognitive activity, individual work is carried out in the morning and in the afternoon of familiarization with the world of nature. Knowledge of the objects of nature, the vegetation and animal world through the verbal, desktop and didactic games are enshrined.

According to the consolidation of knowledge elementary mathematical representations Work is carried out in the afternoon in the group: to consolidate knowledge of the grouping of objects on various features (color, shape, quantity), work with accounts, working with logical thinking cards. For a walk, the knowledge of children of quantitative account, solving mathematical problems, fixing the properties of objects (large - small, wide - narrow, high - low, etc.), orientation in space.

Walk, while you can organize individual work with children and physical development. Individual work takes place in entertaining gaming form. Types of main movements such as jumping, throwing, exercises with a ball and equilibrium are being implemented.

For a walk, along with the common work, individual work with various purposes is carried out: overcoming shyness; development of observation; Education of hard work, labor skills.

Individual work brings the most positive results when it is carried out not only in special occupations, but also in everyday activity: during plot playing games, walks, duty, moving games, work activities.

And properly organized individual work allows children to fully master the software material, has a large positive effect on the behavior of children.

Children's garden of the general and aesthetic development of children number 000. Astrakhan is the priority implementation of activities on the artistic and aesthetic development of children.

Perspective plan

individual work with children

on visual activity

(middle group).


September. 1 Week. The modeling "Magic lump".

Purpose: Develop a small motorcycle hand, fantasy, enrich the inner world of the child.

The teacher together with the children considers the picture "on the bird's courtyard". Then he suggests one of the heroes of the picture: rabbit, dust, chicken. Indicates the characteristic signs of each. After evaluating work and play a bird courtyard.

2 weeks. Appliqué "We collect ripe apples in a basket."

Purpose: learn to keep scissors correctly, act with them, cut the circle of a quadril. The teacher says that apples are kept in the garden in the fall. And he suggests them to gather in a large basket. Children cut round apples, stick on a sheet with a drawing basket. Rejoice in a large harvest.

3 weeks. Drawing "Beautiful flowers as a gift Mouse".

Objective: Learn to transmit in the figure of a part of the plant. Fasten the skill to draw with a brush and paints using the adamination of the brush end. A mouse appears in the group - a toy, children play with him, and then the teacher offers the guys to draw him as a gift flowers. Children remember how to draw petals: all brush, end, adjusting. Children draw flowers who want.

4 weeks. Applique. "Carrot for Bunny"

Objective: Learning to cut carrots from a quadrilateral cutting angles.

After the game in the store, children hear crying in the corner. It cries the bunny, in the store, the guys sold carrots, which he loved so much. The educator suggests to make a delicious carrot.

1 Week. The model "Let's help hedgehog to prepare for winter."

Purpose: Continue to teach children to roll plasticine lumps between the palms of circular and straight movements, flatten them between the palms, encourage them to scree on the presentation. After the conversation, about how moms harvest for the winter of origin and fruits on the winter, the educator asks: "Does the animals get acquainted to yourself? How is it preparing for winter hedgehog? " The educator invites him to help: make the hedgehog mushrooms, berries. Remember the form, composite parts, techniques of modeling. Believe the hedgehog in the "Forest".

2 weeks. Drawing "joyful autumn".

Purpose: Learn to transfer the mood in the drawing, depict autumn. The educator asks - what is the mood? What paints can you pass in the picture? What can be drawn - when autumn rejoices? It suggests drawing your mood on paper.

3 weeks. Applique "Using the Earth Lessons".

Objective: Learning to stick multicolored leaves. Fasten the welding and sticking the shapes, their combination of color. The educator reads verse: "The yellow leaflets are circling in the air, and fall quietly to the ground, fall". Then suggests "autumn leaves to cover the Earth. Children stick to Watman multicolored leaves, admire.

4 weeks. Drawing "Once upon a time the hostess from the bazaar came ..."

Objective: learning to draw vegetables of different shapes. Develop a small muscles of hands, fantasy. After reading the poem, Y. Tuvim "Vegetables" The educator proposes to draw "vegetables on a plate." (Tomato, cucumber).

1 Week. Impress "Gifts for Bunny."

Purpose: Secure skills to sculpt a round and elongated shape. Children listen to speck about the hare: "Bunny - a panty on the field ran, I ran into the garden, I found the carrot, I found a cabbage. Sits, gnawing. Go away - the owner goes! " Then make gifts for bunny: carrots, cabbage. Specify the form, adults.

2 weeks. Applique "Teremok".

Purpose: Learning to cut strips, make up the image of the teremka from the strips. The teacher resembles children, as in a fairy tale, the bear broke the teremok and offers to make a new for animals. Children are cut in half the strip - the walls, the other - the ceiling and the floor, from the triangle - the roof. Cuns are satisfied.

3 weeks. Imprette "funny matryoshki".

Purpose: Learning to sculpt the figure from nature, using familiar techniques (pulling out, smoothing). Encourage children to manifest independence and creativity in the use of decorative elements. Matrius appears in the group and tells familiar fun. Then offers children to cut out of plasticine funny girlfriends for her. The teacher examines the Matrius with children, talks like, decorated with a mattless dress. It offers to cut out motherrs using familiar methods of modeling, decorate the outfit, using floating or painting with a stack.

4 weeks. Drawing "Beautiful umbrella".

Purpose: Fix the reception of painting with a brush, the ability to keep the brush correctly. The educator offers to decorate an umbrella and take a walk with him. "In the fall come rain, get the umbrella soon. Umbrellas are beautiful beautiful such! In the hands of the umbrellas, take a walk in the rain! Children decorate umbrellas with circles, flowers. (You can use finching painting).

1 Week. Imprette "funny animals". (by illustrations of E. Charushin).

Purpose: Call the desire for children to sculpt familiar animals, develop independence. Exercise in the modeling of items from several parts, observing the proportion. After viewing the illustrations of E. Charushina "Funny animals", the educator asks children who want to sculpt. In the process of modeling the teacher helps children with advice, resembles images of images.

2 weeks. Applique. "We will help protein to prepare mushrooms for the winter."

Purpose: Teach children to cut the corners with scissors, spinning them. Fasten the ability to keep scissors correctly. After reading the story of V. Zotov "Proteins" Pedagogue proposes to help protein harvesting mushrooms for the winter. Children cut out and glue herbs and several mushrooms. Show receptions cutting the corners, wrapping them so that they disappear. Then children give squirrel their mushrooms.

3 weeks. Drawing "Who is Emelya caught in the hole?".

Purpose: Learn to draw oval shape with paints.

The tutor shows illustrations to a fairy tale "by whining kettle". Children call the fish that Emely caught (pike). The educator highlights the peculiarity of the pike structure (elongated torso), proposes to draw a magic fish, depicting the body with arcs (from above and below).

4 weeks. "What animals were on the feast of the tree?".

Purpose: Call the desire to sculpt animal familiar to them: hare, bird, fox. Develop creativity, fantasy. The educator proposes to remember what little animals were on the New Year's Christmas tree and think about what can be loosened. After the modeling, the children put their work on one big cleaner, where there is a Christmas tree.

2 weeks. "Forty-Beloboka."

Purpose: learning to draw round and oval shape. After considering the picture of the Veretennikov "Soroki", the teacher reads the "Forty-Beloboka forty" sweat. Children draw so that it looks like Soroki - Beloboku.

3 weeks. Improke "Poor birds."

Objective: Learning to sculpt a bird with a plastic way, transmitting its characteristic features. After a walk, the teacher proposes to cut out the birdfield. Children make out of a whole piece using the reception of the tail, head and beak.

4 weeks. Applique "Pattern on the cup".

Purpose: develop a feeling of color, desire to decorate the pattern with a pattern, be able to gently stick on the finished shape of the circles.

The tutor shows 2 - 3 cups with peas pattern. Includes to take different decorations on the decoration of the cup and paste a colorful peas. Then children admire their work.

1 Week. Drawing "Napkin for Mom".

Purpose: develop in children a sense of color, the ability to compare patterns in color, choose the most beautiful. Decorate a napkin with a pattern using the elements of the Dimkovsky painting. The educator explains to children: "To be beautiful, nice to drink tea, the cups with saucers put on the napkins." Shows 2 - 3 napkins decorated with a Dymkov pattern. Children draw a pattern of intersecting lines, smears, dots.

2 weeks. Lrack "We are driving a dance."

Purpose: Consolidate the ability to depict a person's figure, correctly transmit the ratio of parts. The teacher recalls children as they had fun near the tree, drove dance. Children get up in a circle, take hands. Then the teacher asks children to blind dolls for the dance, reminding how to make a girl in a long fur coat, clarifies the sequence of actions. Then the winged dolls put in the dance, connecting their hands.

3 weeks. Drawing "Little Ballerina".

Purpose: Learn to draw a person's figure, to portray simple movements, fix the taking pictures in paints. The educator offers 2 -3 children show a few dance movements: hands on the side, one holds a skirt. In the process of work resembles the acts of the painting.

4 weeks. Application "Dwarfs".

Purpose: Learn to draw along the drawn contour. After reading the fairy tale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the teacher offers to make small men (dwarves). For this, the kids cut out a colorful paper gnome, turn it out and glue on paper.

1 Week. The modeling "helicopter will build themselves ...".

Objective: Learn to transfer the form of a helicopter. The educator invites children to cut the helicopter using the reception: rolling, flattening, failing. Then children collect all helicopters on a military airfield.

2 weeks. Applique "Guess who is it?".

Objective: Develop the plan, imagination, the ability to independently cut out of parts of the characters, draw them to the felt-tip pen (facial features, clothing decoration).

The teacher offers children to cut something out of paper, and then everyone guess what happened.

3 weeks. Imprette "Two greedy bear."

Purpose: Secure technical techniques: Rolling, connection, rolling, pinching. Learning to sculpt a bear. After reading the fairy tale "Two greedy bear" tutor with children considers the toy - a bear: the shape of his head, torso. Children pose observing the proportion.

4 weeks. Drawing "Spring Red".

Purpose: to bring up in children aesthetic perception, love for nature, the desire to transmit it in the picture. The teacher sings with the children of the Song "Wereznanka", examines illustrations with an early spring image (streams, bright sun, young grass). Remember how drawing trees in winter. Offers depiction trees in spring. In the end make up a picture of spring nature.

1 Week. Applique "The wind on the sea walks and the ship cares cares ..." (by poem.)

Purpose: Learn to teach carefully cut and stick a boat. The teacher reads the poem of Pushkin "Wind", distributes children a rectangle and a wavy line, shows how to cut a ship.

2 weeks. The modeling "sails, sails a boat ..."

Purpose: Develop an emotional attitude to the image, the ability to transmit characteristic features. The teacher reads the poem, shows the illustrations, then proposes to cut out the boat with two veins: roll out the oval, flatten it, press the middle and fingers to pull and attach the edges.

3 weeks. Impress "Instead of a tail hook, instead of the nose - Piglet."

Objective: Teach children to transmit a figure piglets in an easy position, use the techniques of modeling, to connect parts, adjust. The teacher makes a riddle about piglets, sculpts mom - a pig, invites children to cut a lot of piglets and put them on the lawn.

4 weeks. Appliqué "The birds flew to us - small".

Purpose: develop creativity, learning to perform appliques carefully, continue to learn to work with scissors. The teacher examines the album "Birds on our site" with children. It offers to cut the items and stick the bird you like, as well as small details (beak, legs) at your discretion. At the end of the work, the child talks about his bird.

1 Week. Imprette "Beautiful flowers". (bas-relief).

Purpose: Learning to transmit a plastic image of a flower, position it on the plate. Children perform work on the appearance of the teacher. (Separate parts of the flower are applied to the surface of the plate)

2 weeks. Drawing "Wear a dandelion Yellow Sarafanchik."

Objective: Learn to transmit seen on paper with paints. After viewing on a dandelion walk, children depict paints seen on paper.

3 weeks. Applique. "Magic garden with gold apples" on the fairy tale "Tiny - Havroshchka".

Objective: Learning to create a collective composition, cut with scissors in a straight screening of the square angles, develop a figurative perception, imagination. After telling the fairy tale, the educator proposes to make a magic garden

(2 classes). .....................................................................................................................

Used Books:

one. . "Comprehensive classes in the middle group."

2.,. "Teach playing."

3. "Designing and artistic labor in kindergarten."