Congratulations to her husband in prose - in your own words of birthday. Congratulations to her husband in his words the word husband for his birthday

Favorite my man! Happy call you your husband and the father of our children. In your birthday, I want to tell you in Milion times that I love you very much, and the most cherished my desire is life with you, with our family in Lada and prosper. Thanks for the care, reliability, joy and love you fill every day of our life. Happy Birthday honey!

Happy birthday, my dear husband. I have a strong, brave, persistent, cheerful, interesting. It remains to wish you a strong health and great good luck so that you can realize all your plans to bring all your dreams into reality. And I will always be there, I will be your support and your inspiration. Cute, I wish every day to be successful and memorable only with joyful and bright events!

Happy birthday, my sweet. I want to wish today to continue to leave the quarrels and the sorcement, never offended each other and did not get angry on empty. For a long joint life we \u200b\u200bhad any, but let the bad stay beyond, and the most tender and joyful days are waiting for you ahead. After all, you are the only one for whom I am ready to give everything!

My dear! Congratulations on your day. I want to wish all your undertaging to come to the end to always have enough inspiration and strength. I wish you to stay with the same reliable husband and the same wonderful and native man. Happy birthday, honey!

Happy Birthday, my native, only and beloved! I wish you for dreams to be embodied, health did not let down, and luck and success visited every day. I love you and always be there.

I want from all my heart, my dear, congratulate you on your birthday! Together we go along the long road, and I want it never ended. You gave me and joy, and happiness, and an incredible amount of emotions and impressions. I wish you good health, career growth and faithful friends. And we will achieve the rest together. Happy holiday!

Thanks to God for you - the most kind, wise, strong and patient! I wish that all your wonderful good qualities over the years we have shone and warmed me and all of us warmly, caressing, attention and confidence! So that your soul is full of harmony and joy, love and tenderness! So that everything is passing, and our love is like music, - eternal! Good health for 120 years, wisdom and prudence! Admissive by the beauty of this world, cheerfulness of the spirit and power of bodily! So that work brings joy, and the soul rushed home, where love, loyalty and understanding are waiting!

The family you gave me is a big miracle. Thank God for the fact that we met, for our love and our marriage. I adore you and wish you a giant good luck, grand success, tightened health, wealth, well-being and love. Happy Birthday, my most native man in the world!

My favorite, dear husband, you are for me - the most expensive in life. You are my support and support, you are my love, you are all my life. Thank you for always next. Thank you for being my family. I love you!

Let all the ways will always be open before you. You always go straight to your goal, and let him never stand barriers. I wish you always and everything and with a satisfied smile always returned to our house, where you are always waiting and love, where cozy, warm and calmly, where you can always relax, gain strength for the new day. I wish you good health. And in your birthday I want to congratulate you and say that you are the most wonderful husband in the world.


Are more sincere, warm and pleasant congratulations, rather than congratulations on the birthday of her husband in their own words. It often happens that people do not find what to say to an expensive person, and just retells to him other words. Yes, they are beautiful, but they are eloquent, but the main thing is that they are not their own. Therefore, if you want to make your chosen one is really nice, congratulate him on my own words.

We note that a congratulation is, by no means, does not imply improvisation on the go. We need to think over in advance. To do this, it is enough to sit down in the evening at the table, take a pen and leaf paper, and start writing. Couples hours must be enough to create the most original and meaningful congratulations.

If you have difficulty with this, or if you have no time left at all for creativity, then you can easily resort to our help. On this site you will find a variety of essentially and content of the congratulations husband happy birthday in your own words. They can be used as ready-made visiting speech options, or as a basis for writing their own wishes. In any case, we will help you surprise your husband, give him positive emotions and print this day in his memory for life.

On your birthday, my favorite husband, I always tell the fate of "Thank you". After all, if not for you, I would not know what love, children, duties, responsibility, care, problems ... Let's not talk about sad today. I wish you so that you always felt at 25! And I thought with you only about good!

Love that has come to the life of a woman can be compared with the long-awaited shower over the desert. Water awakens to life, flowers bloom with her arrival, and the sun does not palette, but cares. I want to tell you, my husband, that you saved me from the gray days and loneliness, gave me a new life! I congratulate you on your birthday and I wish you to be happier all in the world!

My dear, my most important person in life. With you, I'm so cozy and good. You are my hope, my support, my hope, my most important person in life. All sorrow and joy we divide in half, we are with you one whole. Today is your birthday. Let me congratulate you on your personal holiday from all my heart, my favorite spouse. I wish you good health, great happiness and good luck in everything. Be always gentle, beloved and most desirable. Let a kind angel always protects you, my only one.

To carry love through the years, without incurring boring, but strengthened and enhancement - it is only if the feelings of both spouses are sincere and come from the heart. And then the award will be real happiness, the quiet and calm, with which many years will not get bored together, but will bring warmth and confidence in the future. I am happy that my spouse is a man with whom you can live all my life, and every year you find more and more good in my spouse! At his birthday, I cordially congratulate him and wish you a limitless, cloudless and comprehensive happiness!

Beloved husband! On this festive day, I wish you to have fun, as you should! I also wish you not to forget about the sense of measure, because the fancy after the holiday will not bring you a lot of joy, I know. Tomorrow, the post-festive menu should also please a little: brine, aspirin and cherished beer bottle in the refrigerator.

My closest and native man, my second half. Every year our ride life. I love you all stronger and stronger. We are alone with you. I am so grateful to the fate for the fact that we are with you now together. On your birthday, I wish you great happiness, good health, reliable and faithful friends. Let you always accompany luck, albeit only a good mood will always be with you. Let your life flow the full river among the solid banks. I love you, my cute husband, and I wish long life.

Today, in a solemn day, on the day of birth, your loved one, I wish you and live, not old, more than you joys, less sadness, and troubles, to you, never knew. Be healthy always, do not be sad, and with such a mood to live up to one hundred!

Congratulations on your birthday, my happiness! Let all the best songs sing only for you, poems and poems are composed for you! Flowers bloom for you, the sun shines! I wish you to overcome your thrust to the beautiful and tear away, finally, from the TV! I wish to remember that the Christmas tree on the balcony has already launched the roots, because the summer is already. And however, damn it, let him grow, because I love you!

My husband, my handsome, with a birthday!
Let the holiday cheerful passes with a light,
So that you smile, hugged me
And the happiest today would be!

I wish you health, success, forces,
So that you wore me more often,
I wish everything that the soul wants!
Let your life always be good!

Let life send good luck and happiness
And gives luck by generous hand
Takes anxiety, wind and bad weather,
So that you were happy, my husband is dear!

I wish you in your birthday birthday
Calm in the heart, in the soul - light,
So that we shared with you all the instant
And our love would have lived the century!

Husband, beloved, dear!
In the anniversary of the next
I wish to be healthy
Prospects I wish new!

So that your pocket was not empty
To forget about pain and sadness,
Ros and gained weight,
To life was interest.

You are my tender and gentle, cute, dear, successful,
Congratulations take, Birthday notic.
I wish you earthly paradise
Peace, happiness and good, so that the satisfying life was.
So that all the tasks were solved, and you were luck with you,
Bogatlish Health, to live a hundred years old with love,
Be loved and love, the best husband to be.

Medium cold winter strumbs
My love let hees, husband!
I wish you a birthday
Friends, health, inspiration,

Ideas. projects promising
Solutions only effective
And the taste of life so that it is not dried!
Let our marriage and our marriage over the years!

You need to know how I love you!
My tender and gentle, happy birthday.
Managed to make me happy
I'm talking about it without constraint.

I want to wish you today
Good luck in affairs, always in all success,
Let the dreams always come true,
Gardens in the soul bloom in winter and summer.

Precious my spouse
Congratulations to the whole soul!
I do not consider your merit
Previous me and family!

Birthday let
Dreams are fulfilled.
Be healthy and flourish,
After all, the best worthy you!

My husband is kind, congratulations!
Good luck, joy multiplied
I wish with me happily
In love and to the world to stay!

I wish you joyful moments
Good luck frequent and big!
Wonderful birthday
And pleased my gift!

My husband is beloved, from birth during the day!
Let our love behave in life,
Flames careless with radiant fire
And penetrate the sadness does not give!

Be gentle, caring, as always,
The successes of yours Let noticeably grow
And every moment, all the days and years
Let the good, good luck and joy are carrying!

My husband, happy birthday! You my hero,
Thoughtful, smart and kind.
Non-delicious feature there is no one,
Truly you are dislike!

Always be happy, my nice, with me
Under the sun and a bright moon,
Let them remain the most cheerful mood,
Success will be next to you!

Beautiful wishes happy birthday husband from wife in your own words

Let your health distinguishes the same power as the branch of the oak, the character remains sunny, victories in affairs will be as frequent as snow in winter, and failures as far as rare, as if flowering in summer! Happy Birthday, infinitely beloved, sincerely adored husband!

With a birthday! Bright, clear days! Become a year from year, wise and stronger! Take care that you have and multiply! All problems with the mind, do not rush you decide! Whether you example are you for children, be a loving husband, know and remember that we are very important and needed!

Dear husband, on the rights of his beloved and loving wife, congratulate you on your birthday. I wish never discouraged, be careful and fair, decisive and indulgent at the same time. Sometimes I am amazed by how incomprehensible ways are combined in you the ability to be a secular lion and an excellent family man. Happiness to you, all the benefits, only devotees and all that you yourself consider it necessary and important.

My nice and insanely beloved hubby! From a happy second half take congratulations on a personal holiday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I wish to see you always, and not just for the holiday, in the beautiful mood and arrangement of the Spirit, in the health, with a wide smile and soul, and fresh flowers!

My dear, infinitely adored husband! Let your strength have enough for many cases, invariably leading to great success. Let the soul sings from careless happiness, and joyful harmony reigns on the heart. Let a bigger will be aging and pleasant moments that we split in half! Happy Birthday!

Poems happy birthday husband from wife touching to tears short (for SMS)

I wish my spouse today,
Health, good luck and fun
More victories, and no concerns,
I kiss for a birthday!

From the birthday of you, my spouse!
Happy let the circle
Around you, family, children,
Be every year only stronger! / Wise!

Husband Favorite, Happy Birthday and From the Women's Hello.
I wish you happiness and health for a hundred years.
Know, to good luck, I love very sincerely.
And at the meeting certainly a kiss I will give.

Years do not know my spouse, the score,
Live a hundred years and - happy birthday!
Let the holiday person bring
Only shine in the eyes and lunizing!

My husband, half my afternoon,
I wish good luck, for the success of the space!
In the birthday of the goal of arms, loving,
You, my hero and the whole life of the support!

You can infinitely talk about how I love you, but it will still not express my love to you fully. Happy Birthday! You can't imagine how much you take in my life! I wish you to take place in this life as you want!

Happy Birthday! To be married to such a person, like you, is great happiness! And do not even think to relieve me! I do not hesitate that I love you infinitely, and on this day I want to wish you to be a caring and devoted husband! Smile more often, and I will try to make it all that will only be in my power!

Dear and most beloved husband in the world, I congratulate you on your birthday! You are the reason why I wake up in the morning and I can not remove a smile from my face, you are the reason why I run home from work and look forward to you! I wish you to achieve everything, what you just dreamed about. You are strong, I believe in you, you will get everything!

You know that I am not a master to speak beautiful words, so I will try simply not to spoil my happy birthday to you! I speak fate every day. Thank you for introducing me to you and allowed to become your wife! Thank you for you, I wish you never lose faith and hope!

Congratulations on your birthday such a wonderful husband - one pleasure! I wish you not to get back from the selected path, on which I and our whole family will support you at any time when it will only be necessary! I wish you to find my happiness if you have not yet found it, I wish to admire everyone in the afternoon!

My dear, I congratulate you on the holiday! You have a real man, so I wish you not to forget what courage is. Be brave and brave. I wish you a good earnings, so that when you hurt, I could treat you with Malina and Mid. In general, do not pain! After all, if you won't be sick, then these money can go to something useful, and not for medicines. For example, on a fur coat or new shoes. Stay as generous, funny and interesting. Despite the age, I love you anyway! Happy birthday, honey!

My joy! I wish you constantly go ahead, never stopping up, up your stairs of life. You have a very purposeful and dubbed, so I am sure that you are all difficulties and barriers. And even if you can't get something, remember that you have me. I always support you and will respect your choice, whatever it is.

I wish you that your desires always coincide with the possibilities, so that you always deal with just what you like, what you have to do with the soul and received this pleasure from this. Let your work and your business brings not just income, but the most real happiness.

Let them always be accompanied by success in any case! Let in our house there will always be only positive emotions, warmth, comfort and good mood. Let your very cherished goal come true, despite the fact that the path to it will be truly long and difficult.

My Zaya! I madly lucky that already so many years next to me are you: the one who will always raise, will trigger, kisses who will always help and support! Thank you for your real and sincere love. You are for me the embodiment of the real ideal. Stay always! I love you very much!

I wish you to get from this life to the maximum! If you want something, do it, and you will definitely work out! Do not be afraid to risk, go ahead, do not be afraid of change. After all, we have each other, and we will remain unchanged.

Ahead of us with you is waiting for a long time and happy life, I'm sure of this one hundred percent. I want it to be filled with bright moments, emotions, memories, because only we are the creators of our life.

I wish you new ideas, eternal inspiration and desire, only in this case you will have everything. And I will always believe in you and support! Stay as strong and persistent, always go to your goal and never take a step back.

Stay as wise, resourceful, insightful. These qualities will help you in life. Successes in all endeavors, let the inspiration never leave you, and difficulties only temper your spirit.

You are my most real support and support, which you can dream of. I wish your desires were performed not only today, on your birthday, but also. So that our children brought moral satisfaction, work is a cash, and the hobby is spiritual.

Cute, congratulations on you! I wish love to always reign in your soul. Let the idea of \u200b\u200bour marriage, he warms you about our union and brings good luck to you. Remember that I love you and ready for all for you not only on your birthday, but also in any other. I'm sure you! You are the best! Thank you for it.

I wish you learn to properly distribute your precious time and express priorities in life. After all, it is priorities and create your life path, they make your fate. We will always respect your decisions, your choice, will always be on your side. After all, you are our most beloved husband and daddy!

Dear, I wish you health, material well-being, inspiration, harmony, success in everything. I wish you to become truly those whom you want: hereby, successful. But with all this does not forget about your family, which loves you and waits!

I wish you fun, joy more, good and honest friends, fart, new achievements and everything! Let every new day brings you new ideas and new successes. I will always be glad to your achievements. Always go to your goal.

I wish your work to be not just work, and if your hobby, which brings not just income and profit, but pleasure and good mood.

I wish you more optimism and dedication! Do not be afraid of change, do not be afraid of change! And remember: everything is done, all for the better! I wish you health, luck, harmony and determination. And do not forget that my love for you will definitely help you in any business.

I wish the elite house, the wife-beauty lived so that in him, in the garage stood by Maybach, the cottage to be on the islands. Lying let in the bank millions, and only grow your income.

  • Touching congratulations niece happy birthday

    My favorite niece, I wish you to meet in my path of such a person with whom he wants to go close to the end of his life. I wish you to have only close and loving people in your surroundings, things at work went only to the mountain.

  • I'm so glad that this wonderful festive day came, because it is he who will help us perfectly spend time together. My relative, my coolest and positive husband, I want to say that I just don't understand how you manage to stay so energetic and active. In fact, at times I even envy you, because I really want to go to the adventure. You truly enjoy every moment of your life, and you still teach me it. It is worth a confess that now I'm already more active, but I definitely have, where to strive. I want to congratulate you and say that the most important thing for a person is good health. Of course, I try to keep track of your health, but you yourself must take care of yourself, and not just about me. If you are healthy, everything else will be the same. And I will be near to help.

    His former husband I cordially congratulate on your birthday! You never asked yourself a question - why the wedding day is celebrated with Pompei, and the day of the divorce - never who? It would seem that people were freed from being attacked by both life and finally get freedom. But the invisible thread that once tied both, still remains between them. So I, in addition to the banal words of congratulations, I wish you never to break this thread that binds us.

    Beloved husband! On this festive day, I wish you to have fun, as you should! I also wish you not to forget about the sense of measure, because the fancy after the holiday will not bring you a lot of joy, I know. Tomorrow, the post-festive menu should also please a little: brine, aspirin and cherished beer bottle in the refrigerator.

    Today is your birthday, my dear spouse! Our children grow up quickly, and I wish you to notice what it happens! Let your important things are met sometimes to the background. I wish life to not fly so fast, and you had the opportunity to extend the happy moments. I wish more often to learn from other people's mistakes and portraying on your own!

    My husband is my favorite! Happy Birthday to you! I have lived a lot with you together and not one snout the salt. I wish you from all my heart to save salt only as water procedures on the seashore or in beautiful delicacies, feeding in the most expensive restaurants. So that there is no salt depositing, I prescribe you jokes, fun and 500 grams of good luck every day!

    Congratulations to your favorite husband happy birthday in your own words

    Today is the birthday of our big families. Happy Birthday, my dear husband, my favorite man. We all want to wish you all the most necessary - health, good luck and luck. Of course, happiness, but we can give you it yourself, but we wish you health and luck right in full. We are madly lucky with you. You are so attentive and loving husband, a wonderful caring father, a wonderful son and a devotee friend. Your family loves you very much and will do everything so that you feel the strongest, ready to conquer any vertices. Thank you for giving us happiness every day every day, please yourself and instill confidence in everything. Your attitude towards children is a special topic. Never seen a man so dissolve in his kids. I'm proud of you!

    Golden my man! Happy Birthday to you! I wish you to become Lvom for all and show your oskal to those who consider you soft and kind! I wish you feel in any company like fish in the water! I wish that sometimes you have grown wings, and you could, like a bird, fly away from problems and offended!

    I wish you my fabulous prince, grow as soon as possible and become king, and then I was already waiting. I wish the royal to be reasonable, the royal solve problems and be generous as Sultan! Let all your enemies perish from your sword! Your friends do not fly insidious goats behind his back, and children do not arrange the struggle for power!

    The most gentle and the most good man on Earth, the hubby of my dear, I wish you a wonderful mood and good meetings on your birthday, delicious treats and a pleasant stay, many sincere wishes of good and happy state of soul for long and wonderful years. I am grateful to you for our feelings and want them to live forever.

    I feel yours delicate care every day, and constantly thank God for the expensive gift, without which I can not imagine my life - you, cute. And today I wish that your dreams come true, so that your incredible power of the Spirit will never leave you, be happy, my spouse, and I will try to help you with you, with all my forces.

    My favorite husband, we are together for a very long time, but I still can not understand how I correctly express what I feel about you. But know that this is the cleanest and sincere love, which I have never felt before. You turned my life in a fairy tale, showed how to love. My day is always filled with happiness, joy and love. I congratulate you from all my heart, my good, happy birthday! I wish you to achieve everything you dream about. We have so many plans and ideas with you, we have to start exercising them. Maybe let's start with the journey? I think we both need to relax a little. I love you, my best! Thank you for being there, for the fact that you are near. We and you are still ahead.

    I never thought in my life that someone could love like that, as I love my unique husband. Why is it unique? He has managed everything in the world: work, sports activities, family, parents, friends, fishing, rest and so on. This list can be continued to infinity. But I understood what's wrong - you just don't love to sit without a case. Even when we go to rest, we have no right to just lie on the beach. But I like such a lifestyle. We and I visited so many places, saw so many attractions. In different countries, we met interesting people with whom we still communicate. I congratulate you on your birthday! Stay always in the same active, sociable, caring and attentive. And I promise you to make you the happiest!

    Congratulations to my husband happy birthday in your own words from my wife

    My cute husband, I want to congratulate you on the holiday! And at the world's time, I adore you, my most beloved and wonderful person! Sometimes you ask me - for what I love you. How can I answer this question? After all, even if you had no advantage, I would love your shortcomings ...

    As you know, the older man, the better they become. Dear husband, it seems that in your case, this phrase is erroneous ... where else?! After all, you are the best: the kindest, beautiful and strong! I wish you all the appropriate: kind health, beautiful life and strong feelings!

    The ray is my favorite, hubby female! Happy Birthday to you! On this day, I want to wish you great happiness, good health and a lot of joy! You are the best for me in the world! I love you! Happy Birthday!

    Life flew unnoticed, because when you are happy, and love years do not need to be considered. Thank you for your loyalty and negascia of any trouble and love love. Be so faithful and devoted husband. I wish you good health, clear mind and a funny character.

    Cute, on this day I wish you so that in your life it was smaller urgent affairs, many hours of traffic jams and all that prevents you early come home. Every day I have a deficit of you - my vital medication from everything. From our most dating, I "hooked", "pulled", "got into dependence" from you, because you are the best man in the world, seeing which one once is already impossible to tear the look.

    Poems for the birthday of her husband in his own words

    Favorite, today is your birthday. I congratulate you my good. And I want to wish you the most important health. If you have health and strength, you will cope with any difficulties and affairs, and I will always be helping you. I will create you comfort in our family nest, where you will always be waiting for peace and my tender love, satisfying dinner and good mood.

    Cute husband, happy birthday you. Let this year of your life make you even stronger and stronger. Let new opportunities and horizons will open before you. Let any luck and happiness come from you. Let your healthy body be in your healthy body. I love you and ready to support you.

    I want to congratulate you on this wonderful day, my favorite and desired husband! Live, not knowing sadness and failures, get in the supply of money and respect, and love and happy family life I guarantee you personally! The embodiment in reality all your bold dreams, and I promise to help you and maintain you! I love you very much…

    Dear and my favorite husband! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you to always be so beautiful, responsive, kind, gentle and gentle! To help you do not leave, friends faithfully beside! Happy Birthday!

    Thank you for the warmth and peace that you radiate with your kindness and love. All is good that there is in my fate it's all thanks to you. I wish you happiness big, the sky of the pure and cloudless success of creative. Live long, long and never pain, I love you.

    Looking through the prism of the years lived together, so I want to admit that the divorce is not a reason not to greet with each other. And therefore, looking to you in the next, I want to say to my friends: "Here is the best of men, a caring father, an indigestion owner, and the fact that I did not have grown ... Well, we all burn out in relationships, And in love, but this is not a reason to pass down from each other. And on the birthday of yours, to say the current spouse: "We are valued, lades and not losing patience. And on this day - more praising and wishes of love, good luck and luck in your warm holiday - Birthday! "

    Cute husband, happy birthday you. Let this year of your life make you even stronger and stronger, let the new opportunities and horizons open in front of you, let the luck and happiness and happiness leave you, let your body be a healthy free spirit in a healthy body. I love you and ready to support you.

    Happy birthday to your husband in prose

    It's nice to see you at a festive table - a fun and cute man, closest and native man - a loved one! We have a common fate and one life path that we will pass hand in hand and will always be happy together! Take care of me and me, dear!

    I know that fate made me a gift generous! She sent me the best thing for me the best man on Earth, I thank her every day and I ask only one thing that she gave my spouse to happiness, of course, with me, good luck, after all, without it, to achieve all the goals. Happy Birthday!

    My reliable and beloved husband, let all your desires always be executed, colleagues always appreciate and equal to you, the bosses praise and encourages, and parents respect your choice and support in everything.

    Happy birthday, my sweet! You are my main ally in all life wars. I hope that in the future of all the troubles, we will go out together and carry our love through them as it was born in our youth. I wish you excellent health, the permanent presence of the spirit, more inadvertent joys and luck. I love you stronger than all.

    Let everything argue today. My husband, you are a real treasure! Congratulations on the next date, but do not look at the calendar, you remain the same gambling boy. In your honor, let them live today and applause!