Silver wedding what to give parents. Wedding again, but silver. We observe the customs, give gifts. Status expensive gifts for the wedding anniversary of friends

Twenty-five years - a solid term. And those who lived them in a happy marriage deserve a truly royal gift. Gifts for a silver wedding cannot be cheap, banal or purchased by passing. Their choice should be taken seriously.

Silver wedding is customary to celebrate, because it is the first "precious-dollar" date of living together. On the celebration about the twenty-seater of living together, as a rule, only close relatives and sincere friends who know the desires and habits of the spouses and can easily choose a suitable gift. The most symbolic gift for a silver wedding, of course, silver. But what exactly is the product from this noble metal to give - it is worth thinking.

Silver plate

The most "speaking" gift to parents on the anniversary of the wedding is a silver tray or a bowl as a symbol that family, a house - full bowl. Presented as a gift tray or a bowl means the wish of wealth and wealth, as well as respect and love.

A tray or a bowl can be given as an independent gift or as part of a set of cutlery silver. These can be sets from individual items, such as tea spoons. Or complete sets of cutlery in gift suitcases. Or even whole services. Silver selection is huge. A table silver donated on the anniversary of the wedding can put the beginning of the tradition to transmit it by inheritance. It is not necessary only to give a set of table knives separately from other devices. Such a gift means a breaking of strong family relationships.

Silver jewelry

Silver - noble metal, widely used for the manufacture of jewelry. Silver rings - the perfect gift on the anniversary of the wedding for spouses. This is a very intimate gift, and he must give each other the culprits of the celebration. After all, a marriage in a quarter of a century in itself jewel.

Silver rings put on along with wedding on the ring finger. This suggests that in the family, after twenty-five, love, understanding, respect and harmony reigns.

There is even a rite of re-exchange rings, which is appropriate to spend the wedding anniversary day. Such a rite can also be conducted in the registry office, and at home. When re-exchanging rings, gold wedding rings can be removed and put in a special box where they will wait for the Golden Wedding to take places on the nameless fingers of newlyweds.

But the other jewelry will be appropriate to handle as a gift. For example, a chain and a single-style bracelet will become a wonderful gift of a pair. They are a symbol of inseparable marriages. A pendant can be attached to the chain. The choice is truly unreasonable. Heart pendant speaks of love. In the form of a drop - that twenty-five years is just a drop in the sea of \u200b\u200blife. The pendant can be in the form of a sign of a zodiac or another talisman that has a value for belonging.

Original silver gifts

Sewing pin

A close-up pin - walked from the evil, envy and black thoughts. The silver pin can be in the form of a clamp or jewelry for a tie. She symbolizes respect for the chapter of the family and the fortress of family bonds. Pins-decoration for pillow tie also means joy for a beautiful couple.

The classic English silver pin is an excellent gift to parents on the anniversary of the wedding, because it means the attachment of children to the household house and the heat reigning in the family.

Sereblis hours

They symbolize the eternity of the time that has yet to live together with spouses. It is very important that the clock mechanism is working, and the clock arrows moved. However, the clock is a very delicate gift, which can be handed only very close people. We must certainly be sure that the culprits of the celebration will appreciate such a gift. Supervice people can "pay" for presented hours a few symbolic coins, because the folk sign says that the clock as a gift lead to separation. The "redeemed" gift does not have such a force, but simply pleases with its beauty.

silver medal

For manifested persistence for twenty-five years, spouses with a healthy sense of humor can be handed a silver medal or a cup with engraving, speaking about the will to victory.

Figurines of silver

Wireless gift will be paired silver figurines. They will decorate the interior and I will remind spouses about the celebration.

Silver coin

For narrow family-friendly use, you can exhaust the anniversary silver coin.

Silver handle

From colleagues or business partners with a suitable gift will be a silver handle. Such a gift and the holiday stylist will support, and the necessary rigor will be preserved.

If not silver, then what?

A gift for a silver wedding to parents or friends can be not only silver.

A very beautiful and soul gift will be a portrait of spouses. The portrait can be ordered by an artist by photography or print on canvas especially successful photograph. Written by oil or watercolor portrait of spouses or the whole family - a solemn, unique and very beautiful gift.

For people who do not accept pomp, you can prepare a photo album with memorable pictures. Such a gift will remain in the family, it will be demonstrated only to the closest people.

If a video came in the family, you can mount a film about the memorable moments of the family's life.

Poems written in honor of the anniversaries or even the ode on their address will be remembered to all invited to the celebration. The work can be issued on a gift scroll or in a baguette. And you can release a special anniversary newspaper with photos and congratulations. It is possible to attract children and grandchildren to the manufacture of such a gift.

By the way, if there are many heirs in the family, you can order or explore the genealogical tree themselves. This is an incredibly symbolic and interesting gift that is pleasant to get as a gift on the anniversary of the wedding. After all, a strong marriage, giving life to children and grandchildren, is the thick branch of the genealogic tree that feeds it with new forces.

As an addition to a gift for a celebration about a silver wedding, you must bring flowers. A bouquet of 25 colors gives the spouses to each other, and guests. It is appropriate on this day to give roses, white lilies or exotic flowers.

Also, in addition to a silver wedding gift, you can present a personal bottle of wine with the image of spouses on the label and congratulations.

Well, of course, the best gift for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the wedding will be love and warmth of loved ones. Warm and sincere words, spouses tested on this day, should be appreciated for their place in your life. The best thing you can wish is to maintain the love and respect in the family, harmony and mutual understanding. After all, the marriage of twenty-five years is similar to silver - it, like this noble metal, is capable of returning his original shine after cleaning. People who lived in the marriage alliance twenty-five years will no longer part, their relationships are tested for years and adversity, they respect and appreciate each other. And so to the golden wedding is not far away!


The twenty-fifth anniversary of the wedding is a quarter of a century since the marriage of marriage. This means that the guest person cannot be a stranger, is called such an event to truly close people. What to give to a silver wedding to friends, think invited by preparing for this event, trying to acquire what will delight a couple.

A gift to the anniversary of the wedding to friends can be traditional. It should be considered how much symbolism is important for the pair, because for them some attributes can be in priority. What to give an anniversary to friends:

  1. Bouquet of flowers . It is preferable to present it in a vase, observing the canon in 25 roses. There is a tradition when her husband presents his wife just the same number of roses.
  2. Cutlery. However, there is a belief, according to which it is impossible to give these measures to such an event, because it can bring in the family of trouble. It is worth considering if the pair is prone to superstitions.
  3. Give friends on the 25th anniversary silver tea set. This option is not at all the budget presentation, so there is always the opportunity together with other invited to throw onto the full set.
  4. Other kitchen items. Sugarcanitsa, candlers, for example.
  5. Silver cup holders. It is customary to give one - a woman, another - a man.
  6. Silver Kuvshin. If you refer to superstition, then with this option they say that the husband and wife should wash each other, because it can help in eliminating vitality.
  7. Cup or tray. It is believed that these items attract an increase in wealth.
  8. Silver statuette. You can make any form. For example, in the form of 2 hearts.
  9. You can give a wedding silver jewelry
  10. Silver frame icon. Suitable if the pair is religious.
  11. Lingerie with silver patterns. Any textile for home with similar patterns is also suitable.
  12. Tablecloth The farm will not be superfluous; Preferably with canonical color.
  13. Appliances . You can observe what things from this category lacks a pair.
  14. Clock . Serve the symbol of the time that husband and his wife spent together.
  15. Medal with custom engraving It is capable of resolving the question of how to give friends to the anniversary. May turn into a family relic.
  16. Ashtray. It will be to the place if someone in a pair loves to smoke.
  17. Casket. In such cases, the joint photo of the spouses is inserted inside.
  18. Glasses. It is advisable not just glass. It is worth only to remember how spouses are related to the use of alcohol.
  19. Wall keys. At the same time, the imitation of precious metal is underway.
  20. Stands under hot.

Table silver - 7 interesting gift ideas

Gifts in the form of table silver are a traditional solution, and I want it original. Riding ideas that give, you do not need to rush with the exception of table silver, because There is a non-standard presentation of such things.

A married couple can get a silver surprise from a friend, for example:

  1. Ikorni. Not often such a thing is considered as a gift for the wedding, so it may look original. In this case, there is a reference to the idea that the caviar is expensive delicacy, it means that there should be welfare when using Ichinnishes in the family.
  2. Clumps for napkins.
  3. Present on the silver wedding anniversary you can handle devices. That is, any forms are poured on the handles, be it hearts or branches with oak sheets.
  4. Couplings with individual engraving.
  5. There are unexpected ideas, for example, silver Box. Under the order can be made so that when the spouses will open their service, music will be played, and on the inner wall of the lid - their joint photo.
  6. Utensils with glaze. It is necessary that it looked harmoniously.
  7. At the working end of the instruments, you can cut patterns.

Interior solutions - 20 useful gifts for home decoration

To give friends on the 25th anniversary you can not alone table objects and symbolic presents. It can be done so that gifts will always remind of themselves, and not only with a solemn feast or targeted viewing of things. For this gift should be interior. In addition to silver, you can:

  1. Hammock If the family has a cottage.
  2. Thematic picture. It will always be in sight, reminding the anniversary.
  3. Kitchen box.
  4. Silver-rims mirror.
  5. Friends for a wedding can be presented mailbox box, with special engraving. Refers to the exterior, however, it will be no less remind of yourself. Suitable for dacities and residents of apartment buildings.
  6. Inlet rug.
  7. Furniture that is stylized under heart pattern. It can be a sofa or bed.
  8. LinensDecorated in the style of the event. It can complement the interior if it keeps in sight, it does not close anything.
  9. A gift for a wedding can be like thematic wallpaper. They should hint at the love of a couple, their idyll.
  10. Table lampwhich can be issued in the color of the precious metal.
  11. Hearts Pillows.
  12. Decorative tree.
  13. Give friends on the 25th anniversary, you can curtains with suitable color and pattern. Sliding them in the morning, the spouses will remember the celebration.
  14. Stylized hanging light bulbs.
  15. Coffee table .
  16. Aroma candles. With the right placement, they can fit well in the interior.
  17. Decorative bouquet of flowers.
  18. Puffy. Depends on the preferences and style of the life of the owners.
  19. Carpet.
  20. Chandelier . The thing is expensive, so it will remind about the importance of the event.

Romantic Means-Measures - Top 10 Ideas

A gift for a wedding is 25 years old can be based on the romantic memories of a married couple. If a person is familiar with the history of the relationship of spouses, he will be easy for him to choose a thing that would like an important event in the life of a couple. However, if not recalling, the list of ideas can help in choosing a presentation of such a focus that you can give friends, except for silver:

  1. Home Planetarium. It is a ball of 20 cm, which reflects in the dark room of the constellation and planets. Includes multiple disks to choose from.
  2. Movie tickets . There are cinemas that broadcast movies for long-lasting years. If at the stage of the formation of relationships campaign on the film was important, it will be symbolic to remind spouses about it.
  3. Licensed Disc with Favorite Film Couple. Can be handed if there is no such movie in cinemas.
  4. Tickets to Amusement Park. For many couples, such leisure serves pleasant memories.
  5. Pourevka to the resort.
  6. Musical disk. There is always music that is important in memories.
  7. Romantic Dinner Certificate.
  8. air balloon. You should think if someone had such a dream from my spouses. If so, thanks to the invitation to fly about it will be remembered.
  9. Music concert tickets favorite artist.
  10. Invitations in the theater..

15 status expensive gifts to the wedding anniversary of friends

Given the importance of an event invited to have a financial opportunity, you don't want to smash friends on a silver wedding. Such people give:

  1. Car. Depending on the need. If, for example, someone from the pair does not have a means of movement, and there is a need for it. You can prevent it in the appropriate color.
  2. Personal Computer. The site will apple technician, because it has a high-cost and silver color.
  3. Feather handles.
  4. Portrait. The present can come up for both spouses. It is possible to find cigarettes from expensive materials, so it may look quite status.
  5. Perfume expensive brands.
  6. You can give friends for a wedding chess with figures Of the precious metal. It will be to the place not only to lovers of this game.
  7. Collection of expensive wine. We will have to taste connoisseurs of high-quality alcohol.
  8. Antiques paintings. For lovers of fine art.
  9. A gift to friends on the anniversary is such as antiques book.
  10. Vintage decorations.
  11. Antique car. For people who love and disassemble the technique.
  12. Antique weapons. It is suitable for those who are fond of this. It is worth considering whether a person has a license for such things. When buying cold weapons, it is not needed, only on firearms.
  13. Mobile phone. There are brands that make models of their phones from expensive materials.
  14. Exotic animals.
  15. Unusual plants.

15 funny gifts for a silver wedding

There are couples that most in communion appreciate Humor and Creative. Funny wedding gifts can come to them in the shower:

  1. Paired bathrobes with personal embroidery names.
  2. Nominal glasses.
  3. Family guest book. This thing will allow to transfer memorable entries from generation to generation.
  4. Breakfast table in bed.
  5. Souvenir rags. In the set - 3 pieces that differ in size. On a small written "10 minutes", and on the big - "30 minutes". On the frame in which they are located, there is a signboard with the inscription "Fines for Fine".
  6. Driving Relief Pram. For those couples who have a small child.
  7. Tableware with unwanted inscriptions. Then this dishes can be symbolic to break.
  8. Silver Oscar. - complements the list of funny gifts.
  9. Book of future desires.
  10. You can give a wedding 2 pairs of boxing gloves. Application - In the event of a solution to disagreements.
  11. Yellow mittens. In the form of heroes, to hold your chosen or chosen one.
  12. Horseback riding.
  13. Joint swimming with dolphins.
  14. All Inclusive Hotel, Romantic Evening.
  15. Firework .

Inexpensive and original gift to friends on a silver wedding - 15 good ideas

The original gift for the 25th anniversary of the wedding can be inexpensive. The main thing is to reflect, apply the smell. Gifts for a silver wedding inexpensively and original:

  1. Steam plaid with sleeves.
  2. Bed linen with dividing stripes that determine the place of his wife and husband on the bed.
  3. 3 mittens. The third must accommodate woven hands of spouses.
  4. A pair of orthopedic pillows.
  5. Congratulatory film.
  6. Picnic set.
  7. Handmade soap with congratulations.
  8. You can give stylized champagne bottles at the wedding. Attached photos or congratulations.
  9. Digid for strong and prolonged relationships.
  10. Bowl of fate.
  11. Plates that are not fighting. They are written "to clarify relationships."
  12. Custom song.
  13. The box in which there are tropical butterflies.
  14. Blanket for two heated.
  15. A manual that will help to raise her husband, as well as a leadership guidelines.

Silver Wedding Gift Friends with your own hands - Top 15 Cool Ideas

There may be an idea of \u200b\u200ban inexpensive gift with your own hands, and it will not be in vain. Surprise friends can be made by this method.

Examples of ideas:

  1. Home cake.
  2. Cookies.
  3. Frame.
  4. Key chains.
  5. Paired bracelets.
  6. Cretaceous frames so that the spouses can leave each other messages.
  7. Own song.
  8. Family coat of arms.
  9. You can give friends on a silver wedding to a tree with attributed dates.
  10. Dance.
  11. Dolls similar to spouses.
  12. Own picture.
  13. Photocollage.
  14. Still life of candy
  15. Paper bouquet of flowers.

Originality primarily - 15 non-standard and creative presents

Give the original on a silver wedding, creative people consider. It is so, and if everything is in order with a fantasy and creative, then it is worth an effort, because the wedding is 25 years old only once. Options for the most creative and non-standard presents:

  1. Faturins of spouses made by photographs.
  2. Plates with the surname or the same coat of arms.
  3. Congratulations on TV or radio.
  4. Name lamps.
  5. Joint portrait of pop art.
  6. Honey set, name.
  7. Land ownership on the moon. Such a certificate will cost 3000 rubles.
  8. Famous thermos.
  9. Friends inexpensive and original can be given a certificate of buying a star.
  10. Skydiving.

Together lived a quarter of a century - an important and unforgettable life event of any couple, requiring an advance decision regarding the organization of this celebration. The 25th anniversary of the marriage alliance, lived in love and harmony, is the topic that affects the children of the anniversaries who want to express their feels and attention to their gift. Therefore, the question is that to give parents to a silver wedding, implies the search for an unusual answer - a symbol meaning a new one The period of the life of jubilee-spouses.

The traditional gift for spouses in such a day - white metal rings, the size of which should be coordinated in advance. We carry such presents together with the wedding rings of gold to the golden wedding. Value to such gifts will give engraving names of spouses, and it is possible to present the ring to the ring with the name of the spouse who will have a ring named His second half. These interesting things will serve as a faith that will protect and strengthen certain character qualities. This is the integrated energy of the 2nd childbirth to ensure the protection of the family. You can buy rings with a stone corresponding to the signs of the zodiac of their future media.

White Metal Rings

Silver chain - simple wonderful gift. This is a unique gift that is suitable to both spouses. In addition, you can pick up a beautiful pendant with meaning. On such decorations that can be in the form of a heart, engraving is made - a small poem, congratulation or wishes of a happy pair. The decorations are necessarily acquired both for her husband and for his wife. Cylind can be replaced by suspension signs of silver newlyweds for making happiness and peace.

A presented bracelet will symbolize the tenderness of married feelings, their attachment to each other and the inviolability of their union.

It is also useful and unique - a silver pin. The variety of her species will bear its different interpretation:

  • the clamp for a tie symbolizes respect for the spouses to each other and the fortress of their family;
  • for pillow, a tie is a symbol of joy for anniversaries;
  • the English model is a symbol of heat and attachment to parents.

It is interesting and wonderful to give a cup of children or a tray of silver -Simvivol wealth, respect and love. A huge range and a table silver association with welfare, sophistication and aristocraticity allows you to make such a gift in a complete set of cutlery or settings, or limited to some of them, stacks, spoons, forks, soup, soup, coffee pots, samovars and kettles.

Silver set

Anniversary is a symbolic date, as well as a gift for 25 years of weddings of parents in the form of a set of 2 glasses on a silver or silver tray, consecrated image and horseshoe for happiness. The healing properties of utensils from silver are known to everyone. Therefore, the silver can become hereditary.

Together for 25 years - a long time, so any married couple deserves such a gift for a silver wedding to parents from children, as a medal for mutual understanding, love, tenderness, caress and good. The silver thing can have a high price, so this present can be made together with the rest of the guests. In addition, good and pleasant wishes can be sounded.

Ideas of gifts for a silver wedding for the anniversaries - parents:

Best Silver Wedding Gift

  • Photobook with joint photos made in honor of some memorable events. To create such a present, you will need successful marital photos that are printed on digital matte paper. In the absence of a photounty slide show in the city.
  • The song performed by children to the text composed by them or performed by the ordered professional singer.
  • Picture with the image of the anniversaries.
  • Practical gifts-beautiful pillows, tablecloths, cozy and warm clients, bed linen, household appliances, vases, wrapped foil and decorated with silver bow. Knowing the hobbies and hobbies of the jubilees can be given other things that will be useful to them in the farm - for example, brass, sleeping bags, tents.
  • Video clip with congratulations and wishes in silver newlyweds of all guests of the holiday.
  • Sweets in the form of chocolate, sweets, on the wraps of which can be images of anniversaries. The fact that the symbolism is, it is also what can be given to parents on a silver wedding. It is interesting and unusual.
  • Such an event is an excellent opportunity for the culprits of the celebration to pay time to themselves. Soul gifts will be appreciated and gifts: tickets to the theater, a registered table in a restaurant, a certificate in a massage room or a spa, a ticket to rest.

What to give parents for 25 years of wedding is undesirable:

Mirror - bad sign for gift

  • Mirrors are accomplices of communication with otherworldly forces who are able to bring trouble in the housing of people.
  • Watch-Westness of the ambulance, grief and possible death.
  • Old things that have come from other people, antique things -Productors of the history of the former owners.
  • Natural pearls - a symbol of upcoming tears and grief. This does not concern the present on the pearl wedding, which in this case will be appropriate.
  • Acute and cutting things, such as knives, is a symbol of married quarrels.

Such superstitions can negatively affect the mood of the anniversaries while presenting these gifts. If the culprits of the celebration are not superstitious, and such a gift has already been purchased, you can take a symbolic fee for it so that the thing becomes sold.

What gives a silver wedding to parents - unusual gifts performed by personnel:

  • Original statuette in Papier Masha technique. The preparation of the material will require the presence of napkins, water and adhesive composition. Napkins are broken into small pieces, poured with water and adhesive substance, and the finished mixture is left for swelling for several hours. After the formation of figures, for example, pigeons, rings, angels, from the resulting mass is carried out. After drying, statuettes for several days they are painted.
  • Card Corrugated or Conventional Cardboard. You can decorate it with beads, beads, ribbons, drawings.
  • In addition, flowers should go - white, cream and pink roses, white lilies or chrysanthemums. Stylish and practical compositions of candies or bouquets from balloons will look. An add-on can serve as a namable bottle of wine, on the label of which the spouses are depicted.

Accessories as a gift are selected by pair: 2 -AC Single Rings, Pendants, Charma, Cool. Perhaps the presentation of 2 silver coins. An unusual gift will serve as a pretended of the eight-pointed silver star Alatyr - a symbol of movement and the center of the Universe. Souvenirs who will attract attention can be:

Crystal basket

  • Metal Fernal Flower -Simal Wishes and Observing of Spiritual Force. Waisted from diseases and for cleansing the soul - lean-grass.
  • Family coat of arms - suits symbol of the genus.
  • A book with a pedigree family, made by hand master in a luxurious binding. The genealogical tree can be filled using application programs and ready-made templates in 3D format.
  • Family grade to familiarize yourself with the onomastic study of the origin and designation of the name.
  • Crystal basket or bouquet of flowers on gold-made gold, made in the shape of a heart;
  • You can order photos of silver jubilees on tin gold;
  • A picture embroidered with silk;
  • E-book, complemented by protective binding of leather with original embossed. The respectability of the appearance will give such a gift brass fittings and gold-plated metal case.

What to give to a silver wedding

Things that are supposed to give a silver wedding should be made of noble metal. A wide bowl can be used for joint overexposition of spouses. According to ancient tradition, it should be done on the 25th anniversary of the marriage. The traditional gift of anniversaries will be a set of cutlery. Spoons, forks, knives have long been valued for their disinfectant properties. Parents will be happy to take advantage of them.

Decent offers are in the list of universal options. For 25 years of collaboration, give your parents:

  • Flowers, composition of hearts, balloons, monetary signs.
  • Large name cake, personal set of sweets.
  • Box of beloved wine or champagne.
  • Silver jewelry.
  • A set for alcohol decorated with silver spraying.
  • Tea or coffee service with silver decor.
  • Portrait on canvas, friendly cartoon, mosaic in the photo.
  • Frame with silver elements made, album for family photos.
  • A commemorative medal of silver, which can be supplemented with the names and the wedding date.
  • Silver or decorated with spraying zodiac sign.
  • Gospel, icon in silver salary.
  • Book of a writer or poet of the Silver Century.
  • Paired Items (Covers for Smartphones, Rings, Key Rings).
  • Electronic device, accessories for him.
  • Consumers for the car, cottages, collaboration.
  • Intangible gifts in the form of vouchers to the sea, invitations to professional courses.
  • Certificate for the purchase in the clothing store, shoes, perfumery.
  • Subscription Billiard Club, Swimming pool, Sports Center.
  • Tickets for the Premiere in the theater, concert of the favorite group, in Opera.

What to give parents to the Silver Wedding from Son

Representatives of strong sex are trying to improve life and simplify the life of parents. For this purpose, you can give anything from household appliances. The appropriate gift will be washing or dishwasher, refrigerator or vacuum cleaner, microwave or TV. An excellent gift will be satellite TV. Of course, the plate must be installed, and the receiver is configured.

Give me a silver wedding appropriate medical equipment. Here you can push off from the needs of each parent. If the dad is required to measure pressure often, an automatic tonometer is required. Control the level of blood sugar mom will help the glucometer. Practical gifts with therapeutic bias are orthopedic mattresses, capes and massagers.

Massage chair "EGO BALANCE EG-2003". The task of the parents is only one - choose which impact mode is needed at the moment. The rest will do automation.

Split system. Installing such a gift will require a specialist call. We'll have to suffer noise, but then the room will be a comfortable microclimate.

Astroplanetubarium "inreser National Geographic". Night light, thanks to which you can admire the stars. Supplement to a gift serve projection discs with constellation cards.

Basket refrigerator for Picnic "MARGO". Give lovers to relax in the forest or in the country. The compact size assumes that the city holders will go together.

Casket for money "Ruble euro". At the wedding, they gave money to the anniversary, present a different presentation. A box with thematic design is designed specifically for banknotes.

That you can give parents to the silver wedding from the daughter

Daughter evaluates the life of the parents with a look of the hostess. Consequently, the culprits of the celebration should be a bedside table, a beautiful floor lamp or a lamp, a mirror that can be looked in the morning and in the evening. A fine sex representative will preferably prefer to gift linen and curtains, wool blankets, down pillows as a gift. The only question is which coloring to choose.

If the holiday wants to adhere to traditions, the silver dishes should be given on the 25th anniversary of the marriage. You can buy cups, kettle, jug, cup, tray. Separately or in the set - decide on the situation. All items can be decorated with monograms or names. Parents will like this decision.

Set of wine glasses for wine "With a silver anniversary". 2 classic wide glasses with thin legs. You can decorate laser engraving in the form of paired hearts.

A set of aprons "Happy couple". Such gifts are charged with positive owners every day. Let the parents smile more often and live happily the next quarter of a century.

Aromatic oil "Magic". 10 milliliters of Essence in a beautifully decorated bottle. Wooden case also hints that the present is not quite ordinary.

Porcelain figurine "Jubilee". At first glance, it is clear - this is a gift associated with the wedding. It is possible to attach at the base plate with names.

Japanese garde "Minutes of Bliss". The contemplation of the miniature landscape soothes the nerves, helps to forget about problems. No wonder in the east relaxation so popular.

Joint gift for parents on a silver wedding

A quarter of a century of living life is taken to celebrate with a scope. Well, and the culprits of the celebration can and should be pleased with valuable gifts. Joint efforts to make them much easier. For example, buying silver wristwatches to your parents will fly into a penny. Divide the amount among themselves, and it will not seem so big.

Valuable things can also be given personally. A variant of a valuable gift to a man - a silver cigarette, a tie clamp, cufflinks with inserts. The choice of female presents made of noble metal is not less large. Brooch, suspension, bracelet, earrings - a surprise that is not ashamed to make a mother who lived with the father of 25 years.

Las Torsher. Dear exquisite present. Designers made a lamp similar to a television tower or lighthouse. The design has to be assembled independently.

Samovar with artistic painting "Winter Evening". It should be given at least in order to drink with parents in a cup of tea. The vessel holds 3 liters of fluid.

Outdoor biocamine "REGTIME". One of the most memorable gifts. Gorgeous and, most importantly, a safe alternative to a classic hearth with firewood.

Pedigree book "Elite". Wedding - what it all started. For a quarter of a century, so much material typed that with the filling of the gift problems there will be no problems.

Key Test "Money Tree". Useful thing and talisman at the same time. The housing is covered with three layers of varnish. A copper plate with a pattern is fixed on the lid.

Original gift for 25 years wedding parents

You want to congratulate the anniversaries not only beautiful, but also original. Make it is not easy, because parents have seen a lot in life. You can call for the rescue. Book a video clip in the style of the information program on the silver wedding. Ideas of gift in the form of photographs, statuettes in the photo, handling in direct radio stations - will also be met with enthusiasm.

Original gifts are intangible. Why don't you ride with your parents on the yacht. On board you can have fun to celebrate the anniversary of living together. A professional photo session presented to loved ones will also be an unforgettable surprise. High-quality pictures will decorate the family archive.

Country rest. A cozy house should be removed to the cherished date. Weekends in the forest, away from the city bustle, will become an exclusive gift.

Dinner on the roof of a skyscraper. Independent night species, light music, excellent kitchen. This should be noted anniversary of marriage.

Photo on the cover of the magazine. Unexpected gifts do not leave people indifferent. Agree, the culprits of the celebration look no worse than the movie stars.

Exclusive poem to order. Tell the poet about your loved ones, and after a couple of days the author will present a ready-made work. Not Pushkin, of course, but it is interesting to read.

Family couples who lived together a quarter of a century, deserve respect and admiration. Over the years, harmony and stability appeared in the relationship. No wonder 25 years of married life is called a silver wedding. Silver, which is a symbol of the holiday, indicates the strength, value of the long relationship. On the eve of the solemn date, children begin to think about the fact that to give parents for 25 years weddings.

Pair of mug in the memory of the event

Usually, on this day, it is customary to give spouses with silver objects and products. It can be dishes, decorations, various souvenirs. Accepted on a silver wedding husband and wife share silver rings. If you think that to give parents to a silver wedding, the rings will become excellent with the soul.

Rings and generally silver jewelry wear not everyone, especially a man. You can make a gift for two, which will decorate any interior - symbolic silver tree

Traditional Gifts for Silver Wedding

The twenty-fifth anniversary of the wedding should be remembered forever. Gifts must open a new stage of strong family relationships, make a novelty to the established life of spouses, well, and please. When choosing a suitable gift, it is necessary to take into account the preferences and wishes of the parents. Not every day celebrate the family anniversary - 25 years, what is the wedding, what to give in this holiday a strong married couple? Silver items and products will become an excellent and original presentation of loving children.

Over the years, the feelings have gained a new fragrance and charm

Silver plate

Luxurious set of cutlery or dishes Of the noble metal, presented to parents in love and respect, will make the culprits of the celebration. These can be small sets from individual products, for example, only spoons or chic sets including many different items. Such a gift for 25 years of wedding will forever become a family relic, which can be inherited. Wonderful presentation will be tray or silver dish With engraving from children. On this day it is not recommended to give knives sets. It is believed that this can lead to a rupture of relationships.

Tray or silver dish can become a family religion and transmitted subsequently from generation to generation

Equally as a table silver, which over the years only acquires greater beauty

Silver decorations

There is a great many jewelry made of noble metal. Rings parents are better to purchase independently, and give each other as a symbol of love, loyalty that passed with spouses after a year. Children thinking that to give for 25 years weddings, can stop the choice on original decorations. It can be paired bangles , chains , or for mom - suspension , and for dad - cocks or tie clamp . You can make commemorative engraving on products, which will emphasize respect and reading parents.

Give it more often to parents impressions, use a wonderful reason and send them on a trip ...

Add to parents even joyful emotions and experiences for two from brilliant games and execution in your favorite genre - Cinema, Theater, Exhibition, Show, Concert, ...

A strong healthy sleep is a daily pledge of cheerfulness and a great mood for the whole day, affordable with an orthopedic mattress ...


A remarkable gift will be a statuette of a noble metal or a jewelry box with silver inserts. If you perform engraving on the lid, it will forever leave the memory of sincerely with children to parents, which will be transmitted from generation to generation. Silver horseshoe will definitely bring good luck in the marriage union, and the pair statues of pigeons or swans symbolize eternal love and loyalty.

Original Gifts for Silver Anniversary

Sometimes the positive emotions and the happiness of close people are much more important than ordinary classic gifts. It is nice to see the joy of mom and the sincere surprise of the Father, when children arrange unusual and unforgettable greetings.

Stunning handmade, reproduction, wildlife, icon, symbols, abstraction or family portrait by photo from ordinary threads ...

Any physical activity is only in favor of everyone. Choose what is certainly suitable for your parents: Dancing, Fitness, Gym, Yoga, Pilates, Pool and Give a subscription to visit ...

All that makes the lives of those who presented it to you, pleasant and relaxed, give without restrictions, send parents to the spa salon for the portion of bliss ...

Options are possible ! When the family celebration of 25 years of wedding can be strengthened by the presentation of the professional activity of one of the parents, for example, if he is a railwayman :.


Great gift for a silver wedding parents - romantic relaxation To the place where the spouses have long dreamed of visiting. Such a surprise from children will greatly please a married couple. On vacation, their relationship will be released on a new level of love and happiness. A remarkable joint pastime was away from home wake a little cooled feeling, will allow you to remember love again.

Romantic evening

Order a table in a prestigious road restaurant With exotic dishes, sophisticated drinks for candles - what could be better for loving spouses! Parents will be happy to return again at the time of their youth, and have a great time. Children can find out in advance how their parents met or met, and recreate a similar situation.

History of the family in photos and comments collected in a unique pedigree book ...

The little things that matter and change the attitude ... in a particular case to the rain with a revolutionary umbrella ...

Decorations, watches, accessories, technical devices, dishes, home objects, cottages and other material things can always be given and for any reason, but a special news release on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the wedding with video spending from popular TV presenters is a creative approach to a solemn event Parents ...

Visiting the beauty salon

Surely your parents devoted a lot of time to the house and your well-being, forgetting about themselves. Tickets to SPA The salon will help them take care of themselves, having received the sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure and positive. In modern salons, there are programs for young and elderly couples, so you will always pick up the appropriate option.

If parents are active people who adore extreme types of recreation, you can give them a parachute jump, vouchers to the ski resort or a balloon flying. Intellectually developed personalities will be delighted with a rare exclusive publication of a book or from a subscription to a visit to the Philharmonic or theater.

Practical gifts

Thinking to give parents on the anniversary of the wedding of 25 years, it is not necessary to consider only silver products and souvenirs or original surprises. Practical gifts for home, personal use and farms are always relevant and no less valuable.

Humanity is full of talents of the literary genre, both classics and authors of modernity. Give each of the parents a real publication on good paper and in hardcover ...

Warm and touching moments, captured in photographs, will become a source of joy and gentle memories every time shelting or throwing a look at a cozy fleece photople ...


A great presentation can be high-quality bed linen in silver tones . In order for the present to be original, you can order to make embroidery With the wishes of your favorite parents. Modern technologies allow you to apply any images to the material. If your parents see their photos on bedside underwear, as well as your happy children's faces, there will be no limit delight.

Bed linen "Silver"

Gifts for a private house

If the spouses live in the private sector, you can choose a good gift for finding the local area or to facilitate physical work. No longer young people will appreciate your concern about their well-being, health. You can buy good mangal for future family holidays, or hammock For rest after work.

One or double, sedentary or in full growth, frame on the stand and many more varieties - choose the one in which your parents will be best


By choosing the subject of household appliances for spouses, you need to pay attention to the fact that there is not enough in their life, and what you want to replace the new model. It can be new television , a computer , microwave or a vacuum cleaner . A good alternative will be the presentation of a gift certificate For a certain amount in one of the household appliances stores, where parents can choose their own gift.