How to clean jewelry. Clean the gold at home: effective ways and quick recipes. How to clean the dental

Chains and earrings, bracelets and rings - decorations bring a whole sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure. But the glitter of all these "ribbons" can fade very quickly if not to make efforts. Learn how to clean the gold at home, and enjoy his beauty.

For home cleaning gold rings and chains you will probably use these folk recipes!

Powder, ammonia and water

The cleaning of the ammonic alcohol will take several hours, but your accessories will simply blame!

    • Amoymer - 1 tsp;
    • Water - 200 ml;
    • Powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Step 1. Pour the boiled water into the deep plate.
  • Step 2. Pass the washing powder.
  • Step 3. Add the ammonia.
  • Step 4. Mix well.
  • Step 5. Put the rings into the water for about 2 hours.
  • Step 6. Rinse and wipe the soft napkin.

Dishwashing liquid

Another good method that will help to cope even with strong pollution.

Hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap

    • Water - 200 ml;
    • Peroxide - 40 gr.;
    • Liquid soap - 1 tsp;
    • Vasharyar - 1 tsp.

  • Step 1. Heat a little water.
  • Step 2. Add all ingredients.
  • Step 3. Pour the solution into a deep bowl.
  • Step 4. Immerse Gold for about 20 minutes.
  • Step 5. Rinse them and wipe.


Clean the gold jewelry can also be a kitchen salt. Make it very easy!

By the way, salt in this recipe can be replaced with sugar. The effect will be exactly the same.

Foil, soda and water

These simple components that can be found in each kitchen will make gold shine.

Solution Bura

If your gold chain is polluted very much, try cleaning it with this effective means.

  • Step 1. Moisten in a stroke solution a piece of silk fabric.
  • Step 2. Polish movements polish the decorations.
  • Step 3. Rinse them and soda to shine.

Chalk and ammonia alcohol


What to clean gold without harm and without scratch? Take the table vinegar, moisten a clean rag in it, wipe the dirty areas, rinse and dry.


A very unusual way, but rather effective!

  • Step 1. Apply a little bright lipstick on the golden ring.
  • Step 2. Walk it all over the surface.
  • Step 3. Polish the ring to the brilliance of a bark of velvet.


  • Step 1. Singing onion juice.
  • Step 2. Moisten the napkin in it.
  • Step 3. Wipe the decorations, rinse in clean water and dry up with a soft cloth.

Special cleaning pasta

How to clean the decorations with stones?

For gold products with stones, classical methods of cleaning are not suitable. Yes, and in water such products can not be placed. You will use gasoline, cologne or alcohol.

  • Step 1. Moisten a cotton wand in any of these liquids.
  • Step 2. Clean the stones with smooth movements. Do this better rag, as sharp objects can damage the rim.
  • Step 3. Wipe the decoration with a clean cloth and dry.

How to clean gold with a matte surface?

Decorations of this type are becoming more and more popular, but you need to care for them very carefully. For these purposes, powders and hard brushes are not suitable. We advise you to stock lime and ammonia.


  • Lime - 1 tsp;
  • Soda - half of the teaspoon;
  • Water - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - on the tip of the knife.
  • Step 1. Connect the dry ingredients.
  • Step 2. Add warm water.
  • Step 3. Send a mixture for 3-4 days.
  • Step 4. Place gold into this solution for several hours.
  • Step 5. Rinse and dry.

Cleaning jewelry It is obliged to be regular if you wish to keep jewels in perfect condition as long as possible. It is no secret that any gem metal is flashed, fades, clogged with small dust particles, and stones over time lose flickering and shine.

It is often enough when buying jewelry can be heard that cleaning should be carried out only in a specialized salon by professional means. Indeed, a person working in a similar area knows all the technology of processing in the smallest details and makes it virtuoso. But who said that at home categorically forbidden to clean jewels?

The correct approach to each type of material will give the result no worse than in the workshop. The main rule of cleaning decorations is to determine the type of precious metal and the nature of pollution.

Cleaning jewelry with appliant means

We offer several types of cleaning of jewelry with infirred means in which you will find many ways to suit you and your jewels. It is worth mentioning that various types of precious metals must be cleaned in different ways. With prolonged operation of jewelry, there are close contact with skin, dust and other contaminants. In the process of wearing products, the glitter is lost, dull and not so luxurious, as before. If you are going to clean items at home, then the jewelers recommend this at least once every six months.

Gold processing

The processing of almost any kind of gold can be made at home with the help of available materials in the kitchen or in the first-aid kit. The most popular decorations are made of yellow gold. If your jewelry is not equipped with stones, you can safely begin such manipulations.

  1. The most gentle processing of gold products occurs with a soft dialing material. In such a delicate way, you can rub the jewels regularly. Express light massaging movements each site of the subject before giving the shine. This procedure is suitable for making a gloss decoration, but will not cope with complex pollution.
  2. The gentle cleaning of gold products can be made using a soap solution, a liquid tool for dishes, shampoo or liquid "powder". In a small refractory capacity, prepare a sturdy solution from the funds proposed above. At the bottom of the tank, put velvety flap, and place the jewelry on top. In this position, boil the objects in the liquid about 2-3 minutes, then remove and wash the dry tissue dry.
  3. Through the same detergents described in the previous paragraph, you can make a warm bath for gold products. In such a solution, it is possible to keep items from 15 to 120 minutes depending on the degree of pollution. The bottom also needs to be covered with a soft material. At the end of the procedure, each decoration is processed by a non-rigid dental or special brush, after which it is washed in running water and dried with a porous cloth.
  4. Hot water with food soda contributes to the splitting of difficultly output pollution. For such a procedure, water should be poured into a small refractory capacity, into which then omit on the soft tissue of the product. In a well heated on fire, enter 1 tbsp. l. Soda and hold items a few minutes. After that, the decoration should be carefully obtained, so they will be hot enough, and clean the brush. Then to carefully solve and dry. It is not recommended to process products with dry powder, because abrasive particles are completely scratched with metal!
  5. Powder for washing in combination with ammonic alcohol gives a good result with unclean products. On 1 tbsp. Hot water is necessary for 1 tbsp. l. Powder and alcohol. In this solution, it is desirable to leave decorations for several hours, after which they wash them and dry.
  6. In a concentrated saline, prepared in proportion: 2-3 tbsp. l. Cook salt by 0.5 tbsp. Water, you can leave products all night, then rinse well and dry.
  7. Sweet water acts as well as a saline solution. The proportions are recommended the same, but the waiting time can be reduced to 4 hours.
  8. Many practice cleaning dental decorations. This method is acceptable if the paste is sufficiently tender or without dried grains. A little product should be applied to the treated surface and easy movements to clean the jewelry. Rush toothpaste needed for quite a long time under a good jet of flowing water.
  9. The juice of fresh onions to someone will seem like an unusual means, but quite often the owners of jewelry use precisely such a "grandmother" way. The precious metal can be lowered into the onion juice or simply graze it with a cut of vegetable. After a few hours of jewelry, you can safely wash, not even processing the brush.
  10. The ammonia alcohol in combination with hydrogen peroxide gives an intensive reaction and a good result. In such a liquid, it is extremely recommended to soak products with stones! For the preparation of the solution, it is necessary to mix in 1 tbsp. cool water 2 tbsp. l. 3 percent peroxide, 3 tbsp. l. Vasharya and a couple of drops of detergent. Gold must hold about 2 hours in the liquid, and then wash and dry.
  11. Beer, oddly enough, also cleans gold jewelry. Drink (preferably light) should be applied on a soft cloth and rub the hard-greased products.
  12. Vodka, alcohol and, in extreme cases, spirits can also wipe jewelry dies.
  13. Ketchup is another old non-standard method. It can be used on the principle of toothpaste. And cleanses the surface it due to the high level of acidity.
  14. Liquid for contact lenses is also famous for good exposure to gold jewelry. The charm of such a solution is that it is not necessary to prepare, mix or heat. Just pour the objects purchased in the pharmacy overnight.
  15. A good replacement of Paste Goe will serve lipstick with any color palette. All you need is to put lipstick on the product and lose the product with a cotton disk or a soft cloth until the pasta disappears.
  16. Egg protein in combination with 2 tbsp. l. Beer formed in a homogeneous mass can make gold again brilliant. It is enough to apply a mixture on the fabric and wipe the decoration.
  17. Cutlery 9% vinegar will also give the products shine if you apply it on your cotton disk and carefully process the jewelry.

As you can see, folk remedies for the processing of gold products Great set! Each of the methods can be checked personally and choose for yourself the most suitable.

But cleaning other, rare gold species, such as white, pink, red, black, blue, green and other shades, should be done more carefully and try not to use alcohol cleaners. Depending on the sample and the color of gold, the percentage of alcohol in the processing solution can also change.

If the decoration from a rare kind of gold has a fairly high price or expensive as a memory, then for the first cleaning it can be attributed to the jeweler. Perhaps the master will share with you information about the rules and peculiarities of care for the jewelry.

In rare cases, when it is necessary to urgently treat a rare gold type, you can use a 10 percent ammonia solution. Ammonia needs to be mixed with cool water in proportion 1: 6, after which add liquid soap or detergent to liquid. The decoration should be placed in a solution of no more than 15-20 minutes, and then remove with hand in rubber gloves. The procedure completes the flushing under running water and drying with a soft pile material.

Care for silver correctly

With proper courting for silver, it will not have time to dirty and darken. The fact that silver is not capricious and rather quickly processing, makes it possible to make jewels in perfect condition without much difficulty. Treatment of silver products will be better, if you use the cleansing procedures quite often.

  1. A strong soap solution will eliminate silver products from a fatty tank, and added to 1 tbsp. soap liquid 1 tbsp. l. Ammonic alcohol will increase the cleaning efficiency several times. In such a solution, it is necessary to dunk items for 2-5 minutes, then rinse under water with a brush and grasp the soft cloth.
  2. Remove the blackens from the precious metal will help the same soap fluid, in which the products should be soaked at least 2 hours. After that, silver is carefully rinsed, dried and treated with a mixture of dental powder and ammonia alcohol. Cashitz should rub with a soft cloth, and then wash off with steep boiling water. Complete the rinse and drying procedure.
  3. Juicy potato juice can also serve as a good cleansing agent. Potato juice must be moistened with a cloth, grate it with it and leave in this state for an hour. After time, once again, carefully rub items and rinse.
  4. The usual table of 9% vinegar perfectly corrupts not only fat, but also black. In 0.5 tbsp. vinegar need to add 2-3 tbsp. l. Water and pour the silver metals obtained by the liquid. After 2-3 hours of soching, you can get items, rinse and rub to shine.
  5. Aluminum foil gives a good chemical reaction. A small bowl must be closed with a piece of foil, fill it enough hot water and add 1 tbsp. l. Dry bleach or washing powder. One minute will be enough for a positive result. Instead of cleaning powders, a mustache salt is sometimes added in the same volume.
  6. Ammonia in combination with water should be applied using rubber gloves. This method will require mixing 1 tbsp. Water from 0.5 tbsp. Ammonia. Silver is placed in this fluid for no more than 10 minutes, after which it is to get, rinse under running water and grasp the fabric.
  7. Toothpaste is the most common way to clean silver jewelry. With the help of a non-rigid toothbrush, the paste simply come around all the details of the product. Upon completion of the process, with the help of the same brush, silver is thoroughly washed away from the remains of pasta under running water.
  8. Soda - enough abrasive material. Powder is slightly diluted with water until the casket is obtained and rub the silver to this mixture to the brilliance. To the grains of the food product are not stuck in the recesses of the decoration, the jewelry is thoroughly washed immediately after cleansing procedures. However, it is worth considering that new or gentle products of the soda can scratch.
  9. You can process silver hydrogen peroxide only if you know exactly that there are no other impurities in your product. The peroxide is wetted a piece of soft cloth and rub the decorations before the appearance of shine.

Recall that almost all of the above methods do not allow the presence of stones in the precious metal. Cleaning silver jewelry It is advisable to start with the most gentle methods, and only if necessary, move to more cardinal methods.

Purification platinum

Purification of platinum is perhaps the most rare process. Platinum decorations are superior to resistance and quality Previous metals. Such products are practically no oxidized and in rare cases darken. But, like all the jewels, platinum products are scratched with sock. After a long operation, platinum jewelry acquire an easy flight. But it may be due to the presence of a multitude of small scratches.

Since platinum has high strength and density, it practically does not need radical processing methods. To maintain cleanliness, such jewelry is fairly brightly soak in soap fluid, shampoo or other detergent. In rare cases, you can use a soft toothbrush when pollution has eaten the objects. After careful washing, platinum products are polished with a soft suede cloth.

Professional care

Without professional care and specialized funds, it is simply not to do in cases where folk methods for cleaning jewelry do not give the desired result. Yes, and experts strongly recommend visiting the jewelry workshop at least once a year for high-quality cleaning of your jewels.

One of the latest and efficient technologies is polished and washing in an ultrasonic bath. Initially, only qualified specialists who are familiar with all kinds of precious metals and stones were carried out by such a procedure. But with the advent of miniature miniature apparatuses on the processing of jewelry and jewelry, each jewel owner got the opportunity to clean products at home.

The device is a small bath in which products and ordinary water or special fluid are placed. Next, the machine should work according to the instructions and the composition of your jewelry. Frequently often, acquiring such devices at a democratic price, owners of jewelry are dissatisfied with the quality of the device. In the workshop, the objects treated with the same way are shining purity. Often, the answers lie as devices and professionalism of specialists.

If you are not ready for the acquisition of an ultrasound instrument or doubt its performance, attend several times a year of the jewelry master. He actually owns all methods of processing and will be able to warn the possible breakdown in time, the reliability of the scope or loss of stones.

In jewelry salons, repair studios and even online stores, you can also purchase specialized means for high-quality cleaning your jewelry. Such devices first-class remove pollution by returning the original appearance. It can be a aseptic liquid for cleaning your products, which should be used according to the instructions, and napkins dry or with impregnation, and even whole sets for courtship for jewels.

With the mass promotion of highly professional cleansing means for maintaining jewelry, the owners of products are increasingly preferred by such processing items.

Erections of recovery of jewels with stones

Options for restoring jewelry with pebbles imply fine work with one or another type of material. Although, in principle, the treatment of precious metals is simple, but sometimes there are difficulties with jewels, inlaid with a variety of stones. We should talk about products with inserts separately, because there are certain types of jewelry to which the stones are fastened with glue. Encouragement with water or more aggressive liquid, the gluing substance may lose its properties. Everything else, there are many types of stones that require special care.

Organic materials

Organic materials are fossils of organic origin, which over time acquired the structure of the stone. These include: corals, ammolit, pearls, gagat, amber and mother of pearl. Filigue decorations with similar inserts are poorly tolerated acidic or alkaline solutions, as well as interaction with the ammonia:

  • the decorations with the listed stones advise to process in a 50% alcohol solution;
  • special careful cleaning requires pearls. Cleaning the decoration is needed by a soft brush, impregnated with soapy water. After that, the products are washed and neatly dried;
  • amber and mineral Coral are processed only by a dry method with a cotton, woolen or velor cloth.

Vintage jewelry, decorated with stones, or those on which stones are attached with the help of glue, better trust to clean professionals.

Semi-precious products

semi-precious products are considered fossils with a density percentage below five. Lunar stone, garnet, turquoise, quartz, opal, tourmaline, malachite and others can be attributed to such stones. Items with similar inserts are quite sensitive to long-term interaction with liquids. Also, the stones are afraid of an acidic medium and alkalis, so the optimal option is short-term treatment of soap fluids. Purified decoration is rinsed in running water and polished with soft tissues.


Gemstones contain very greater hardness. They are pretty resistant to the formation of chips and scratches:

  • decorations with expensive masters of the masters advise cleaning with denaturated on a cotton disk, a wand with a rat or a piece of soft matter. It is necessary to wipe all hard-to-reach openings with a moistened object, and then rinse and polish with a dry velvet cloth;
  • for highly polluted items, treatment for hair shampoos, liquid soap or diluted detergent powder is recommended. In cleansing fluid, it is required to moisten a cloth and grasp all the details;
  • products with inserts from diamonds are advised to handle a delicate brush impregnated with soap liquid;
  • more diamond decorations are soaked in non-confidential diluted by ammonic alcohol (on 1 tbsp. water 2-3 drops of ammonia). Half an hour will be enough for good cleaning;
  • fatty, formed on your products with stones, it is allowed to remove with a soft brush, painted in gasoline. After such an event, the decoration must be carefully rinsed to remove an unnecessary smell.

Almost all stones are poorly tolerated hot water, so clean the jewelry with inserts should be in warm or cold water.

Precious Metal Storage Rules

Suitable storage rules and timely concern for precious metals will help preserve the original shine and a quality view. Do not be lazy to regularly process jewelry, and they will serve you for a lot of years.

  1. Store jewelry follows in a special case (casket), crumpled soft material.
  2. Products with various types of metals must be stored away from each other or placing in separate tissue handbags.
  3. Semi-precious stones are poorly tolerated with the sun, so they should be kept in a closed container.
  4. The suitcase with jewels is desirable to keep away from heating devices and other sources that exude warm.
  5. Try to always remove the decorations before bedtime, while cleaning, taking a bath or sports.
  6. When using various perfumes, try to avoid areas with jewelry, because the contents of spirits can affect the appearance of metals and stones.
  7. For each precious metal or stone, select the appropriate cleaning agent.
  8. At least once or two a year, arrange a comprehensive check of objects for jewelry masters. Professionals will produce not only good processing, but also inspection to identify other defects.

In order for precious alloys and inserts to always please you, take the superficial cleaning of the jewels at least once a month. In addition, adhere to the care recommendations for various types of decorations. And when using professional cleaning products, read the instructions carefully.

The timely procedure for processing jewelry from dust or dirt will allow you to enjoy the beauty and glitter of your favorite jewelry!

Over time, gold products lose shine and acquire a dark shade: it means that the decoration is time to clean. You can contact the jewelry workshop or return the product initial at home. If you decide to cope with your own, tell me how to act and what nuances take into account.

Golden Ring Sokolov 017269_s

Weak degree of pollution

(loss of shine, uniform metal darkening)

For daily care of decorations, giving the products of the mirroring and cleansing from small contaminants, polishing is suitable. It eliminates a lightweight raid, consisting of dust, skin and cosmetics. The polishing method is also shown if the darkening product needs to return the initial shade.

Polish jewelry with a soft cloth from microfiber, flannels or suede neat, unidirectional movements, only slightly pressed on the metal. To enhance the effect together with a soft cloth, use the following techniques:

1. Lipstick

Apply lipstick on the fabric or directly on the metal, polish. After the procedure, wash the decoration is not needed.

2. Table vinegar 9%

Sattail the product with vinegar, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse the decoration with water and dry.

Golden Ring of Crown Sokolov 017416_s with fianits

3. Low Sk.

Sutitate the product with juice, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse the decoration with water and dry.

4. Solution from egg protein and beer

For a solution, a protein of one eggs and two teaspoons of beer will be needed. Sut the product with the prepared composition, then rinse the decoration with water and dry.

5. Magnesia, glycerin, ammonia alcohol.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, soda the product with the prepared composition, then rinse the decoration with water and dry.

Golden Long Earrings with Vesna Jewelry 2342-151-01-00 Pendants with Diamonds

The average degree of pollution

(raid and solar pollution)

To clean the jewelry with an average (thunder plaque) and a strong (uneven metal hint), soaking in the solution is used for pollution.

The method is also ideal for cleaning decorations with a weak degree of pollution, but a complex design, when there is a need to get rid of the places in hard-to-reach places.

1. Water, liquid soap, ammonia alcohol (10% ammonia solution)

For cooking: Glass Capacity, Measuring Glass, Pipette, Paper Napkin, Soft Fabric

Mix in 200 ml of water temperature 10-15 drops of liquid soap and 5-10 drops of ammonia alcohol. Immerse decorations into a solution for 8-10 hours. After the allotted time, remove the products, rinse with clean water, dry and polish the cloth.

2. Water, salt or sugar

For cooking:

Pour 150 ml hot water into the container, dissolve 50 g of salt or sugar in it and immerse the gold jewelry. After 8-10 hours, rinse the products with clean water and dried.

3. Water and Food Soda

For cooking: Glass Capacity, Measuring Glass, Measuring Spoon, Paper Napkin, Soft Fabric

Mix the water with food soda in equal proportions to the state of the casis. Gently apply the composition on the product and leave for 2-3 hours. After the allotted time, rinse the decoration with clean water and wipe with a soft cloth. Rub the surface of the product of pasta is not worth - abrasive particles of soda can damage it.

Sokolov 1011116_S Sokolov 1011116_S Sailing Ring with Diamonds

Strong degree of pollution

(uneven shade due to influence of chemicals: cosmetic, perfume and detergents)

1. Water, hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap

For cooking: Glass Capacity, Measuring Glass, Tea Spoon, Paper Napkin, Soft Fabric

Mix in 200 ml of water two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide (concentration of 3%) and a teaspoon of liquid soap. Immerse the golden decoration in the prepared composition for 20 minutes, then rinse and dry.

2. Summer alcohol (10% ammonia solution) and washing powder

For cooking: Glass Capacity, Measuring Glass, Tea and Table Spoon, Paper Napkin, Soft Fabric

The ammonia alcohol can be used in two ways: apply on a cotton disk and wipe it the product or prepare a solution based on it.

To prepare a cleaning solution, it will take 200 ml of hot water, a teaspoon of ammonia alcohol and a dining room washing powder (use children's). Immerse the decorations and leave for 2-3 hours, then rinse them with water and wipe with a cloth.

The ammonia alcohol is also suitable for matte gold products, which are contraindicated by any, including soft abrasives.

Golden pendant Sokolov 035395_s with fianits

How to clean white gold?

White gold has a silver, manganese, palladium and nickel and to get a beautiful shine often covered by Rhodium. Only gentle agents are suitable for cleaning decorations from this metal.

1. The flare is removed by soaking in gentle solutions (soap, salt, sugar, soda).

2. Spots of different shades on the surface of the decoration can not always be whiten at home, to remove them will have to contact the jewelry workshop.

  • - The stains of yellowish colors are formed due to the destruction of the rhodium coating and are eliminated by galvanizing.
  • - Spots of the dark shade are formed under the influence of acids and their vapors. Even neat polishing of white gold ornaments can damage the rhodium coating, and it will have to restore it.

Gold Wedding Pair Ring Yaselisa V-1009d with Diamonds

How to clean gold with stones?

Decorations decorated with inserts, capricious. Minerals differ from each other by physical and chemical properties and require an individual approach. Therefore, for example, brush gold with diamonds or pearls should be different: the choice of an inappropriate way can provoke a change in the shade of the stone, its dullness and destruction.

A rock What can be What to exclude
Brilliant, sapphire rinse in soap solution of room temperature, wipe the ammonic alcohol, soft cloth avoid heating jewelry with sapphire
Emerald, Ruby, Topaz stroks and other mechanical impacts (including abrasives), heating
Pomegranate, amethyst
Aquamarine, Chrysolit rinse in solution based on ammonic alcohol or washing powder stroks and other mechanical exposures (including abrasives), heating, chemicals (acids, alkali)
Tourmaline rinse in a soap solution of room temperature, wipe the soft cloth stroks and other mechanical exposures (including abrasives), heating, chemicals (acids, alkali)
Turquoise, opal only dry cleaning with soft fabric or suede any contact with water, blows and other mechanical exposures (including abrasives), heating, chemicals (acids, alkali)
Pearl rinse in clean water, wipe the soft cloth stroks and other mechanical effects (including abrasives), chemicals (acids, alkali), heating

There are several methods for cleaning gold jewelry at home:

  1. Soak. Decorations should be placed in a special fluid that can be made from what you have in the kitchen in the bathroom or a first-aid kit. After a certain time, the tax can be removed by a simple soft cloth.
  2. Polishing with appliant materials. It will be suitable if you need to return the product a breathtaking shine.
  3. Mechanical cleaning. Applicable if contamination did not succumb to previous methods. Use with caution so as not to damage the surface of the dear heart decoration.

  1. Salt. Dissolve in a glass of hot water 3 tablespoons of a cook salt. Put the jewelry on the night there, and rinse in the morning in running water.
  2. Dishwashing liquid. In the glass of water, stir a teaspoon of a liquid detergent, add gold and put on a water bath. Boil the decorations for a few minutes, and after rinse the remnants of the soap with water and wipe with a soft cloth dry.
  3. Summer alcohol + washing powder. Inject a teaspoon of ammonia and a tablespoon of powder in a glass of water and boil. In a hot solution, place decorations for 2 hours, and after wipe them with a cloth.
  4. Liquid soap + hydrogen peroxide. A teaspoon of soap and 2 tablespoons of peroxide mix with a glass of warm water. Put gold into a solution for 20 minutes.
  5. Soda + Foil.. Dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of food soda in a glass of hot water and pour into the tank, at the bottom of which is a sheet of foil. Place the jewelry on the night there, and in the morning rinse them under the crane and wipe the towel.

  1. Velvet or felt cloth. Old, proven way. Just take a piece of suitable matter and arrange it ... Polishing can take quite a long time.
  2. Eraser. The soft white eraser will not only give the glitter of gold, but also removes the lungs.
  3. Vinegar. Moisten a tissue napkin in a table vinegar and carefully treat decorations.
  4. Lipstick. An interesting way for girls. Apply lipstick (preferably colorless) on a piece of matter and pass them on the sweat gold.
  5. Beer and egg squirrel. And it will suit the brutal men more. Stir a little foam with a squirrel, moisten a rag in a solution and wipe the decorations.
  6. Onion. The principle is the same: moisten the juice of matter and polish your favorite gold products. Do not forget at the end of the procedure thoroughly rinse and dried decorations.

Mechanical cleaning

Of course, you can buy a special paste in a jewelry store. But if you want to effectively clean the gold without leaving the house, prepare such easily from the girlfriend.

Remember: Use aggressive abrasives for cleaning decorations, such as soda or sandpaper, it is not worth it, a great risk of damaging the surface of the precious metal. Therefore, we will use softer and delicate mixtures.

  1. Dentifrice. A little powder, the old toothbrush and the patience tolly will be removed from gold.
  2. Toothpaste + Vaseline. It works as well as a tooth powder, but more neat and gently.
  3. Chalk + household soap. Estimated chalk (it will suit the usual white from a set for children's creativity) to powder and mix in equal proportions with a squeezed soap. Mix before receiving a homogeneous paste, and then spend the decorations with a piece of fabric. To avoid divorces, be sure to flush the gold with running water.
  4. Chalk + ammonia alcohol. Grind the chalk and mix with the ammonia to get a thick mass. Clearly clean the gold with a toothbrush or tissue napkin, and after rinse and dry.

How to clean gold jewelry with stones

Be especially careful with such jewelry. Remember that some precious stones require special care. For example, opal, turquoise or malachite can be scratched with abrasives, so forget about dental powder, soda or salt. Ruby, pomegranate and topaz are sensitive to high temperatures, they can not be washed with hot water. And amber, pearls, coral or ivory are not very fond of acid, lumps and solvents - cleaning better entrust to specialists.

If you are confident in your abilities, use the following methods for cleaning gold jewelry with stones:

  1. Alcohol. Moisten a cotton stick with alcohol-containing liquid (good alcohol, cologne or alcohol lotion). Gently wipe the decorations to remove fathers and other contaminants.
  2. Petrol. Moisten them an unnecessary soft toothbrush and treat the golden product. Thin bristles are perfect for removing dirt from hard-to-reach places.

White gold differs from the usual so that silver, palladium or nickel is added to it for obtaining a light shade, and from above are often covered with rhodium. He protects the decoration and gives it a white shine.

For such products, harsh methods will not be suitable, but the following will be useful:

  1. Summer alcohol + hydrogen peroxide. Mix in the capacity of both liquids in the proportion of 1: 2. Put gold into the resulting solution for half an hour, and after rinse in running water and wipe dry with a towel.
  2. Sugar. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar in a glass of water. Soak the decorations in a sweet solution for 10-12 hours: it will return to them by the brilliance.

How to clean the matte gold

Decorations make matte with a special polishing method. But for cleaning such products, polishing materials do not use, but only remove the visible tax. To clean the matte gold, enough for a couple of hours to soak it in a 25-percent solution of ammonia, and after washing in running water and wipe the cloth dry.

What to do that gold does not get dark

  1. Keep decorations away from sunlight.
  2. Remove rings and bracelets before cleaning, hike in a bath or sauna, and when we erase a varnish with nails.
  3. Wipe gold products dryly if they are exposed to moisture.

Did these advice helped you? Talk in the comments about your experience in the cleaning of gold at home.

Features of cleaning various types of products made of gold. A description of popular funds that are used as part of this procedure. Walking methods of cleaning and the rules of operation of gold jewelry are considered.

Cleaning different types of gold products

The means and methods of cleaning are selected depending on the composition of the metal and the presence of stones jewels. The easiest thing to clean smooth rings without stones. Particularly carefully need to wear decorations with a matte surface.

White gold cleaning

White gold is an alloy of base metal with platinum, silver and palladium. It is these additives that give the jewels of a silver shade. Such products also need regular cleaning.

Consider, white gold products are often covered with rhodium, this metal with improper care can weave from the surface. Accordingly, no pastes with chalk or chromium oxide for cleaning cannot be used. Goe paste is also not suitable.

Instructions for cleaning white gold:

  • Pour 500 ml of water into a saucepan and add a couple of spoons of washing powder or detergent.
  • Immerse decorations into the solution and put on the stove.
  • Boil for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse the jewel with cool water and wipe with a soft cloth. Flange or velvet is suitable.
You can clean the jewel of white gold toothpaste. Select funds without abrasives on gel based. Just Moisten the brush and apply a paste on it. Carefully spend the product. In this way, it is better to clean smooth rings. Chains and bracelets are poorly cleaned with this method, because the brush does not penetrate between the links.

For cleaning white gold, you can use an interesting recipe. Mix the egg yolk into the mind and 50 ml of beer. Imprete a knitting mixture tissue and thoroughly wipe gold jewelry.

Gold cleaning with stones

The method of cleaning depends on the hardness of the stones. If in your favorite ring - fianits or zirkons, then you need to care for jewels using cotton sticks and soft tissue. Clean the brush such pebbles can not, from this they can scatter.

Instructions for cleaning gold products with solid stones:

  1. Pour into the container 200 ml of water.
  2. Add 20 drops of liquid soap. It is impossible to use it.
  3. Hold in a solution of 30 minutes.
  4. Watch up a soft brush.
  5. To impart brilliance with zirconams, immerse the jewels with stones into the solution of ammonic alcohol. After cleaning, wash in ordinary water is not needed.
  6. For cleaning diamonds and rubies, use special pastes that are sold in the jewelry store.
  7. It is impossible to boil with glued stones.
  8. To eliminate a bold laid with stones, spend their cotton swab, moistened in purified gasoline.

Cleaning gold chains and bracelets

The difficulty of cleaning is the presence of dirt between the chain or bracelet links. With the help of brush, these sediments are difficult to remove. It is best to use aggressive chemicals.

Instructions for cleaning the chain and bracelet from gold:

  • Pour into a saucepan 200 ml of hot water.
  • Pour 50 ml of vinegar into the liquid and pour 30 g of food soda.
  • Immediately immerse in the decoration solution.
  • Keep 3 hours.
  • Solve the weak solution of ammonic alcohol and wipe with a soft cloth.
If the decorations are very dirty, and between the links there are deposits of fat and dust, try to prepare cleansing pasta. To do this, give the rolling pin with a piece of chalk and add vaseline to it. Stir until homogeneous ointment. Add a spoonful of water and a little liquid soap. Apply a paste on the fabric and spend the chain. Solitude with water.

Cleaning matte products from gold

The peculiarity of the jewelry of the matte precious metal is that the surface cannot be polished, respectively, it is worth not allowing the appearance of scratches. Brushing with abrasives, toothpaste and powder is impossible. Do not use a rigid toothbrush.

Instructions for cleaning matte gold at home:

  1. Dissolve in 100 ml of water 10 g of lime (use non-hawed).
  2. Press into a solution of 10 g of salt and add as much soda.
  3. Leave the solution for 3 days.
  4. After that, lower the jewelry into the solution for 2 hours.
You can remove contamination from matte surfaces with ammonia. Purchase 25% solution.

Application of special gold cleaning agents

In order to bring jewelry in order, you can use liquids and pastes. Typically, pasty formulations are used to remove severe contaminants and soft surface polishing. As part of pasta, soft abrasives are often present.

How to use gold cleaning solution

In order to bring jewelry, an aggressive liquid based on acids and alkalisms are used.

Types of gold cleaning solutions:

  • Soap mortar. Pour into the container 220 ml of water and add a spoonful of soap chips and decorations into it. Put a saucepan on fire and boil for 5 minutes. Do not forget about the product, otherwise you risk getting a burnt decoration, which is unlikely to clean even a specialist. This solution is not suitable for cleaning very dirty products.
  • Sugar solution. Dissolve in 200 ml of boiling water 50 g of sugar. Immerse decorations into a solution for 2 days. Rinse in a weak solution of ammonic alcohol.
  • Solution from peroxide and ammonia. To do this, you need to prepare a solution from hydrogen peroxide, ammonia alcohol and water. Fold the jewelry into the solution and boil 10 minutes. Note, you should use the most concentrated solution of peroxide, which you can find in the pharmacy.

Cleaning gold alcohol

For cleaning is usually not a medical, but ammonia alcohol. This is an aqueous solution of ammonia with a characteristic sharp odor.

Methods of using the ammonia for the care of gold jewelry:

  1. An aqueous solution of ammonia. For cleaning, ammonia is used 25%, it can be purchased at the pharmacy. Just put the decoration into the liquid and hold 1 hour in it. Wash the decoration with water and wipe dry.
  2. Ammonia alcohol with soap. Pour 100 ml of water into a saucepan and add a spoonful of a children's shampoo. Pour 30 ml of ammonia alcohol (10% solution). Immerse the products into the liquid and keep 2 hours in it.
  3. Ammonia alcohol with peroxide. Put the gold in the container and pour 150 ml of hot water into it. Add the ampoule of the ampoule, 35 ml of hydrogen peroxide (30% solution) and 10 g of washing powder. Close the capacitance with a lid and scold thoroughly 3-5 minutes. Rinse decorations and wipe dry.
  4. Magnesia and ammonia alcohol. Mix in Avudine in equal amounts of magnesia, glycerin and an aqueous solution of ammonia. Soak the composition of cotton and spend the jewel. Do not use for cleaning decorations with stones.

Cleaning gold peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a substance that exhibits alkaline and acidic properties. That is why the reagent is used to clean the gold jewelry. Usually the peroxide is mixed with the ammonia or soap solution.

Non-standard methods for cleaning gold peroxide:

  • Peroxide + Bura. Pour into the capacity of 150 ml of hot water and add 15 g of borants. This is a sodium borate, which is a weak salt with an alkaline medium. In the same vessel, pour 30 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide. Leave for 3 hours. Rinse in cold water.
  • Peroxide + soda. In a plate, mix 100 ml of water, 20 g of soda and 30 ml of peroxide. Fold in the jewelry and leave for 2 hours. Rinse with water and wipe.

Cleaning gold soda

In no case do not use the abrasive properties of soda, because of this, the ring or chain will lose its shine. Soda - abrasive with large particles that scratch soft gold. Usually soda when cleaning gold is used as a chemical element.

Instructions for the use of soda for cleaning decorations:

  1. Soda + Foil.. This is a rather interesting way to clean the jewelry. Pour into a plate 200 ml of hot water. Put on the bottom of the sudine foil and pour 30 g of food soda. Fold the jewels and leave for the night. In the morning, rinse under the jet of water and dry.
  2. Aqueous solution of soda. This is the easiest way. For cleaning you need to prepare a 10% solution of soda. Practice in 150 ml of warm water 15 g soda. Mix thoroughly and lower the decoration into the liquid. Boil for 5 minutes.

Gold cleaning fluid

Non-standard methods for cleaning gold at home are very effective. If you want to clean very dirty decorations, use one of the methods.

Cleaning of very dirty gold jewelry liquids:

  • Photo character. Pour into the capacity of 50 ml of water and the same amount of solution to secure images in the photo. Keep 20 minutes. Rinse in water and dry. This method will help remove dark spots from decorations.
  • Onion. You can use natural liquid to clean decorations - onion juice. Stit on the grater of 2 bulbs and with the help of gauze, squeeze juice. Immerse the rings for 30 minutes into the liquid. After that, rinse with cold water and dry.
  • Special cleaning fluid. It can be purchased in jewelry stores. As part of the funds there are aggressive chemical components that bind dirt and dark spots.

Cleaning precious metals salt

Salt crystals are not used for cleaning jewelry. It is necessary to prepare a solution. To do this, heat 100 ml of water almost to a boil. Throw into the liquid 60 g of the cooking salt. Lower into the jewel solution and leave all night. In the morning, rinse the decorations with cold water and dried.

Folk Methods for Cleaning Gold

Our grandmothers used non-standard, but efficient gold cleaning methods:
  1. Sattail the ring lipstick and thoroughly wipe with a soft cloth. Fat and beeswax in lipstick perfectly removes the dirt and greasy stains.
  2. To remove iodine stains with gold jewelry, a solution of hyposphate is used. It can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  3. Dark spots are easily removed using wool tissue, moistened in the breas solution.
  4. Clean the ring with stones can be used with soda. In this case, the solution is not necessary. Moisten the ring with water and cut it in food soda. Singing lemon juice on the decoration. During the chemical reaction, the dirt from the recesses and the fifth will go away.
  5. For a glossy wedding ring, you can use the lemon lolk. Wipe the ring with a crust, squeezing a little juice.

Rules of operation of gold jewelry

Of course, if your ring will darken, it will not be difficult to clean it using folk methods or purchased in jewelry stores of fluid. But if you stick to the basic rules, you can enjoy the cleanliness and glitter of jewels longer.

Rules of wearing decorations of gold:

  • When applied for hands, you must remove the gold.
  • When seawater enters the chain, the clasp can be broken due to corrosion of the metal spring inside. So swim in the sea without jewelry.
  • Cleaning at home and washing dishes spend, removing the decorations.
  • Water does not harm gold, but dirty water can leave stains that will not succeed.
  • Clean the gold jewelry once a month. In this case, you will sufficiently hold the row and bracelets in soapy water.
  • Coca-Cola contains phosphoric acid. Therefore, it is enough to lower the ring to drink for 30 minutes, and then wash it cold water.
  • If the decoration is not very dirty, you can wipe it with a cotton swab, moistened in vodka or medical alcohol.
  • Do not use to clean the tooth powder and paste with abrasives.
  • To remove severe pollution, contact the jewelry workshop.
  • When applying creams or decorative cosmetics, too, remove the decorations.
  • Take a shower and bathroom without rings and chains.
  • For storage, use figurines or mini-dressers.
  • Try so that the chains are not climbed. It is impossible that the links are tangled, they scratch from it. In case of incorrect storage, the appearance of nodes.
How to clean Gold - Watch the video:

You can order a special locker for storing jewelry in the workshop. Try not to put together jewelry and gold. From such a neighborhood, the jewelry will darken, spots on gold may appear. Take care of decorations of gold, and they will delight you for a long time!